[15] Fergie - I was right about it being toughtest game
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We think that was the toughest game, and that proved it. It was a disappointing 
finish - it's hard to believe. We were careless with our possession in the second half 
at times, I thought we could have done better with that. But we had one or two chances 
to finish the game when Ryan Giggs went through and Veron went through, you need a bit 
of composure at that point. You have to do it in all games, when 1-0 up - it only 
takes a second to score a goal. They fought hard, threw all their players on and kept 
it at a high tempo. It was a good game actually, but I am just disappointed that we 
lost it."

[14] Irwin on Greek test
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think it's all in the melting pot now. Olympiakos have played two away games and 
will be desperate to take something out of that game, while we also need something."

[13] Irwin on last night
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We're all deeply disappointed. We defended very comfortably and although they came at 
us in the second half, as you would expect, we had a couple of chances ourselves. On 
other days we would have taken them and if we had got that second goal, it would all 
have been over. It's heartbreaking to see them score two goals in the last few 
minutes. The last few minutes were destroying after playing so well and creating a few 
chances when we hit them on the break. We might have been happy with a draw 
beforehand, but after being 1-0 up we are all deeply disappointed."

[12] More on the uneasy and unhappy ship at Anfield
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
Houllahoop on Fowlup

"We are all aware that he needs to play much better than that and it is down to the 
boy himself to do something about it. I have spoken to him about it and he knows that 
every single member of staff is ready to help him out, whether it is to do with 
physical matters or improving his mental edge. We will do all we can, but the bottom 
line is that he has to help himself. He is not as fit as he should be and not as 
sharp, and he is going to have to address that. He simply has to do better than of 
late and it is not about anyone but himself. I don't think Robbie lacks confidence, 
and I happen to believe he will respond positively when his chance comes. I am 
optimistic that he will come back to his best sooner rather than later, but, for now, 
it is evident that he is below his best."

[11] One stat we will have to work on
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
We have won just four Euro aways out of 15 since May 26th 1999 and only one in the 
last eight away matches.

[10] More from Fergie
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We were doing our job very well until the last few minutes. But Deportivo never 
stopped and for that reason they deserved to get something from the game. But we've 
got to take something from tonight and I would expect us to maintain that good 
standard. It was a very good match, very exciting and had you on the edge of your 

[9] Fergie thought we were careless
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think we had done almost 100 per cent of the job — but we got careless in the 
second half. That bit of carelessness in trying to go for the throat is just a 
reminder of what European football is all about. What we will take from tonight is the 
fact that losing concentration costs you games. The first goal was certainly down to a 
loss of concentration."

[8] Scousers get caught
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Liverpool have been charged by the Premier League with making an illegal approach for 
former player Christian Ziege while he was at Middlesbrough. Ziege, the German 
international defender now at Tottenham, has also been charged in connection with the 
transfer. Both the Anfield club and Ziege have been given 14 days to respond to the 
charges, and are likely to face a Premier League disciplinary commission. The charges 
follow a complaint from Middlesbrough over the transfer of Ziege to Liverpool for 
£5.5million at the start of last season.'

[7] A perfect match
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Charlie Ince is linked with a move to city.

[6] More on the loss of Big Lily
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Manchester United are appealing to their millions of worldwide fans to find Big Lily, 
a famous flag which has mysteriously disappeared. The club has put up a small, but 
meaningful reward and has asked supporters for information about Big Lily's 
whereabouts. Big Lily, owned by Man Utd fanatic Keith Norris, is 100ft by 60ft in red, 
black and white, and disappeared after being stored at Old Trafford after last 
season's last home game. Keith, 34, an auto-parts sales manager from Carrickfergus, 
Northern Ireland, is devastated by the loss.

Keith told Ananova, "The hurt of losing Lily doesn't go away. But now with the help of 
the club Lily and I may yet be re-united. I am ever hopeful."

He hopes the club's official appeal carried in the club programme at the last home 
game, will prompt fresh leads from the public. Big Lily, which Keith says is the size 
of a 'young goat' when folded-up has been unfurled all over the globe wherever Man Utd 
has played. Lily was also a 'bridesmaid' at Keith's wedding.

He spent £3,500 to have the flag made because he thought home games lacked atmosphere. 
But the first time it was unveiled on the famous Stretford End at Old Trafford, it 
disappeared without a trace after being stored at the ground after the game. He 
suspects Man City supporters or fans from Merseyside for Lily's disappearance. Anyone 
with information on Lily can phone Man Utd on 0161 8688000 or by contacting Keith 
through Big Lily's website.'

[5] More from Fergie
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It was a disappointing finish - it's hard to believe. We were careless with our 
possession in the second half at times, I thought we could have done better with that. 
But we had one or two chances to finish the game when Ryan Giggs went through and 
Veron went through, you need a bit of composure at that point. You have to do it in 
all games, when 1-0 up - it only takes a second to score a goal. They fought hard, 
threw all their players on and kept it at a high tempo, it was a good game actually, 
but I am just disappointed that we lost it. We think that was the toughest game, and 
that proved it"

Fergie thinks 10 points will do it for us and said that pre-match as well as this 
would be our toughest game. But again we reiterate, a defeat is a NO CAN DO in Greece.

[4] Coruna perspective
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
And perspective we should put it in. We had several chances to finish the game - and a 
2-0 win would have had the rest of Europe taking notice. Look at how well Coruna did 
last season - they are a class outfit. Our system finally looked like taking shape. 
But...that isn't hiding the fact that once again the back four looked highly shaky at 
times, saved repeatedly by Barthez. Unless we get that right this won't be our last 
Euro depression.

Coruna manager Javier Irureta:

"Our win was not down to luck, but our positive attitude. We just never give games up. 
We just don't accept we are going to lose a game. That belief helps us carry on 
getting late equalisers, like we did last week against Olympiakos, or winners like we 
did tonight. We just won't accept bad results. I think they are certainly the toughest 
opponents we have had in Europe and the biggest success I have enjoyed."

[3] Fergie on missed chances
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thought Giggsy had his one.

"We scored our goal at a good time, but in the second half we had opportunities to 
kill the match. That's the one regret we have and if we had taken one of them we would 
have won it. I thought it was a good game of football. It was exciting and both sides 
played their part."

[2] Fergie reflects
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Deportivo are a good side, but we knew that and we were doing our jobs well until the 
last four minutes. It was disappointing because we worked so hard and had chances to 
score, but Deportivo kept going and they deserved to get something out of the game. We 
did almost 100% of our job and then we were careless in possession after showing great 
precision earlier. It was a reminder of what European football is all about and the 
team with the ball controls the game. We got a reminder of what happens if you lose 

And considering how often Gary Nev has his hands in the air these days, disappointing 
to see him the one that was offside.

[1] One silver lining
Posted Wednesday, September 26, 2001 by bar-knee:
Not really I suppose but in a sea of ABU commentary from Alan Green - and how 
different to see what he was describing on actual TV - he compared us and city. "Light 
years ahead". And he wasn't referring to them.

[33] Full-time. Shit. Coruna 2 United 1
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Two goals in the last 4 minutes for the home side after it looked like we'd weathered 
their storm and would calmly take all 3 points. They however always kept at it - when 
if United did do well in shutting the game off at times during the second half should 
perhaps have changed things around with 10 minutes or so to go. Ole and Cole only came 
on with seconds to go. Whatever, this now makes the next two games crucial - make no 
mistake, Olympiakos away and Coruna home are now must not lose matches. And yet 
another bloody defeat in Spain.

Lille 3 Olympiakos 1

Coruna 4
United 3
Lille 3
Olympiakos 1

[32] Half-time Coruna 0 United 1
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Scholes goal at the end of the half. All going well, so much so that Emerson has been 
taken off at half-time.

Barthez, Gary Nev, Irwin, Blanc, Johnsen, Becks, Giggs, Keane, Veron, Scholes, Ruud.

[31] if you are going to have a bet on the game tonight
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Then use the Sporting Odds link below - not only do you help the web site, hopefully 
win some money but also get two free bets if you open an account.

Our tip (so ignore!)

Half-time Draw
Full-time United

[30] If this Barthez story continues to grow
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Over the coming months, then expect lots of mentions of Utd interest in Sunderland's 
keeper Sorensen - he is admired at United, particularly by Tony Coton, our goalkeeping 

[29] But let's have a laugh
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ok, we'll get our coats (courtesy of the Birdman)

I saw this bloke chatting up a cheetah, I thought "he's trying to pull a fast one".

So I said to this train driver "I want to go to Paris". He said "Eurostar?". I said 
"I've been on telly but I'm no Dean Martin".

So I said to the Gym instructor "Can you teach me to do the splits?". He said "How 
flexible are you?". I said "I can't make Tuesdays".

But I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack
myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself.

[28] Do the powers that be read Red News
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Obviously but rumours going round some sections of Utd support in Coruna suggest that 
our earlier story about Barthez hasn't seen it all 'put to bed' until the end of the 

We're trying to find out what the score is from our well informed sources but two 
reports come in of sightings of an unhappy looking Barthez in the team hotel after a 
meeting this morning with cuddly Peter and the Gaffer. Hopefully they said 'you're 
staying put, that's that'. But considering that we've already seen some criticism by 
Fergie of Barthez this season (about coming out with the ball) when previously the 
Porn Star had labelled Fabien as the new 'golden boy' in the Gaffer's eyes, we do hope 
that things will return to last season normality soon.

[27] United acknowledge loss of Big lily
Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
from Paddy Harverson's page of Saturday's programme

Changing subjects entirely, I would like to ask if anyone out there knows the  
whereabouts of Big Lily. For those who don't know, Big Lily is a huge red  white and 
black flag that makes regular appearances on the big occasions. It  is owned by Keith 
Norris of Carrickfergus, and after it was unfurled at the  final game last season it 
was temporarily stored in the old players' tunnel  in the South Stand. It has not been 
seen since, and we are very keen to track  Big Lily down and return her to Keith. If 
anyone has any information, please  contact me at the club. A small but meaningful 
reward is on offer.

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