[24] Superstar!
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
As Fergie says:

"It was a good opportunity to rest players and a great day for someone like David May, 
who is a good professional and who has had so many injuries over the last two years." 

[23] Emerson on Tuesday night
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"Beating Manchester will put us top of the group. 

"United have great pace up front and they're extremely difficult to beat. 

"But Deportivo is a fantastic side as well. We are steadily becoming a major European 

[22] Emerson on Veron
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"Juan Sebastian Veron is a truly great player".

"He's already demonstrated he's a fantastic player both in Italy and England and with 
the Argentina national side. He's class." 

[21] Emerson on Keano
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
As the ex smog monster tries to stoke the fires.

"We are going out JUST to play football. If Keane loses his temper it's his problem. 
He has to deal with it. 

"It will be a great battle and I hope it's only a battle between the two teams because 
we have a very strong midfield too." 

[20] Veron on the weather
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"In an ideal world, United would be based in Rome,". "Now that would be perfect, 
wouldn't it? Seriously, though, I'm not interested in the weather. I came to 
Manchester to play football, not to get a tan." 

[19] Jaun on the passport enquiry
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"I knew I had done nothing wrong," Veron says, "but in the last few weeks before the 
enquiry cleared me, my football was suffering. The United deal was happening and I 
worried it might not go ahead, but the show of strength I received from people like 
Sir Alex and Peter Kenyon helped me greatly. It made me want to move to the club even 

[18] JSv on Sven & Fergie
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"They are so alike," he says. "Both Sven and Alex communicate a lot with the players 
and, perhaps most importantly, treat them as adults. They're very aware of players' 
needs and show great compassion. That for me is vital in a manager-player 
relationship. It's much better to be friends working together than employees in a 
hierarchy. It's no wonder they get the results, and I'm sure Sven will take England on 
to challenge all the best teams in the world, including my country, Argentina."

[17] JSV disagrees with Mancini and Jaap
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"The simple fact is that Manchester United is bigger than most Italian clubs. People 
around Europe don't really understand the sheer dimension of this place. Sure, 
everyone knows it's a big club with a big following, but no one quite realises the 
true scale of it. Those who see England as a place to finish their careers are 

[16] Italians think the The PL is a pension plan
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
Veron on the Italian view of the PL according to Roberto Mancini

"He told me, 'England's a place to go to have some fun when you're coming to the end 
of your playing days. It's the hobby time at the end of your serious years – it 
doesn't have the same variety as Italian football'. Well, I think I know both games 
quite well and I'd say the quality of football in England is good. It's different, but 
that does not make it worse or better. I wouldn't have come here if I thought I was 
taking a step backwards."

[15] Sabre: Utd can make me better
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"I'm trying to be a more all-rounded player, There is still plenty for me to improve 
on. It isn't any one particular thing, but I do need to add a little something to 
every aspect of my game. That's why I'm here, because I feel Manchester can make me a 
better player."

[14] Juan: What is failure?
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
>From an Interview in the Indy.

"Yes, I was born with a talent". "Otherwise I'd be doing something else. But I don't 
just sit back on my laurels. I know that I have a lot of work to do to justify my 
transfer fee. I don't really have a choice, do I? I either succeed or get sent back to 
Argentina in a neat little package. I can't even think of failure."

[13] Jaap: Utd are small
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"Some of the players have called me but nobody from the management or the board of 
directors has made a single phone call.

"And that's how I now know that even a big club like Manchester United can be very 

[12] Jaap has another pop at Fergie
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"The fact is he sold me behind my back. I didn't know anything about it. He fired me 
because he had problems about his own reputation.

"He shouted at me 'What must the people think when they read your book and they read I 
told players they had to dive and that I flatten tables in the dressing room?'

"I didn't understand his argument at all because I only told the truth. And remember 
Ferguson had his own book and wrote similar stories about Gordon Strachan and Brian 

There's a clue in that last sentence Jaap

[11] Jaap available in McDonalds
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"Everyone says the power is with the players but that is not true.

"As a player you are nothing more than a piece of meat, we're nothing more than cattle.

"I had a conversation with Roy Keane about it and he agreed, saying 'They sold you 
like a cow'.

[10] Robbo back helping Choccy
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
Since last week:

'Yes, I do want to get back into football'. 'I haven't lost the faith. Alex wants to 
help with my fitness, keeping my edge and maintaining the focus. If he didn't think I 
had something to offer, he wouldn't allow me to work alongside Brian McClair in 
coaching the United youngsters. 

'I'm open-minded about being a manager or No.2. The only requirement is that I'm 
allowed to work with top players. We'll see.'

[9] Robbo: Media out to get me
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
'They wanted to jump on their own bandwagon. Bobby Charlton had never made it as a 
manager. Bobby Moore hadn't either. I think they never stopped trying to put me in the 
same category. That was the road they went down with me. 

'In the end, a small section of the crowd, maybe 2,000 to 3,000, turned against me. 
And that was it. Inside the club they know your best intentions, but the minority 
shout louder than the rest. 

'That's what gets a manager the sack. The pressure comes and individuals of importance 
start thinking, "We need to do something about this". And they did. But never at any 
point did I consider walking out on the job. I'd never have walked, no chance.' 

[8] Robbo wanted RVN at Boro
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
'They banged on about how he was the best kid they had ever seen and said we had to go 
for him. So I made the necessary calls. It turned out that Heerenveen, his club, had 
promised him to PSV Eindhoven. It was Ruud, of course. So I got close to him once, but 
not close enough.' 

[7] Clueless FL flunky 
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
John Nagle:

'It's quite wrong for players who are earning big money to consider industrial action 
on this basis. We have made a reasonable offer and want to move things forward.' 

As per usual, they haven't a clue. It's not about the big earners

[6] Gary Nev supports Players strike
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
Along with Le Saux, Zola and Di Canio, according to Soccernet.

Gordon Taylor says in the article.

'If it is a fight they (the  PL) want it is a fight they are going to get. We will see 
them in court.' 

'This is nothing to do with stars wanting more money for themselves. It is about 
players and ex-players who have to rely on the PFA for their welfare. 

'We had an agreement with the Premier League that our fund would go up if the TV deal 
went up and down if it was decreased. We have never had a players' strike but I cannot 
see any other solution.' 

Le Saux says:

'All players must now support the union to ensure the services they and thousands of 
players before them have benefited from can continue.' 

[5] Fergie: Good to Freshen things up
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"I thought it was a good scoreline although I don't think it was a 4-0 scoreline," he 

"It was good that I could freshen up today and rest a few players and it's worked 
today. We have to give them games. I think the important thing about today was that 
some of them needed a game.

"Nicky Butt, the two strikers and Ronny Johnsen needed that game and they've done 

[4] Fergie on Ole
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"You always feel if he gets a chance that he has an 80% chance of scoring. He's a 
terrific striker and a good finisher."

[3] Keano: Look out for the Red mist
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
Well The Greedy One ceratinly looked woried last weekend - mard arse.

"It is something I have been working on, as difficult as some may find that to believe.

"I try to maintain control, try to stay calm. But the red mist sometimes descends - 
and once that happens 50,000 people would not be able to stop me bursting into a fit 
of rage."

[2] Roy: The penny is still stuck
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"What matters is how I deal with defeat, and at the moment it would seem I suffer from 
a lack of discipline that affects not just me but my Manchester United team-mates.

"I rather hoped the penny would have dropped by now, but it seems that is not yet the 

[1] Keano - no excuses
Posted Sunday, September 23, 2001 by tb:
"Nobody needs to tell me how foolishly I behaved at Newcastle last weekend. Thee is no 
defence. There are no excuses."

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