[23] You couldn't make it up
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Don't know if you saw the Big Breakfast this morning but there was some kind of UK 
soap awards last night and one of the winners was our Curley, what did he say?

".. after twenty five years it's a great pleasure to win something."


[22] Money men on United
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nigel Hawkins, football analyst at Williams de Broe: 

"As far as the Premier League is concerned, it is getting more and more unbalanced. 
There's going to be tremendous pressure on whoever takes over at United to keep up 
standards on the field."

[21] Gill on players wages
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I don't see there being a formal cap as such. We spend a lot of time in negotiating 
our players' wages and ensuring exactly where they sit. A cap sounds good in theory, 
and has been introduced by some US clubs but, for us, the issue is that we are more 
than just a UK club - we are in competition with other European clubs, so any cap 
would really have to be Europe-wide."

[20] I know, I know, fat chance
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
But if you don't ask. A number of the RN team - like everyone else - is still short of 
a Sunderland ticket. This includes some of the lads (Nige, Phil) who haven't missed a 
game in years. If anyone did come across a spare Utd end ticket let us know at the 
usual. Thanks!

[19] More from Keano
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am happier than I was but still not completely happy that we are playing as we 
should be. There is no doubt that we still have a lot of work to do before we get up 
to the standard people expect of us. I said we needed some big signings and the 
manager delivered. But you can't expect two or three new faces to sort everything out 
overnight."You cannot go 3-0 down in the Champions League and expect to get anything 
out of it. We should know, because we were 2-0 adrift against Bayern Munich last 
season and could not salvage it, and 3-0 behind to Real Madrid and on our way out the 
season before. The foundation for any good team has to be keeping clean sheets. But 
you attack as a team and defend in the same way. It is a shared responsibility and we 
gave the ball away far too easily against Deportivo last week."

[18] Culkin on the move?
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Livingston interested in him according to the Daily Record.

[17] For a future issue of Red News
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
We're looking for your memories of great Utd come-backs from the past. 

Not just the obvious big games but ones from yesteryear that stand out and that you 
were at - anyone who can send us their own short personal memory of the game, 
atmosphere, your feelings, etc, the time please send to


The more the better, so send them in!

[16] Veron, Veron
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Is Carling Opta Player of the Month.

[16] Keane on Manchester
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
He was speaking at the launch of the tickets for the Commonwealth games.

"Living in Manchester and playing for United, this is a really exciting time. It is 
great news for the city."

[15] Keane - must improve
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I don't think you are ever entirely satisfied. Even when we won the Treble we were 
looking to improve. We are trying to win the league for the fourth year on the run, 
which has never been done before. I certainly think we have the squad capable of 
winning trophies but we cannot keep climbing mountains all the time. We have Liverpool 
during the 80s as our example. Look at them, winning  seven or eight championships and 
four European Cups. That's what we have to aspire to and that's what we have to go out 
and do. We know we have a lot of work to do."

[14] More from Keano
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Everyone would love to watch 5-3 games each week but against the top teams you will 
come unstuck. We have many talented players going forward. But you defend as a team as 
well as attacking as one — and last week against La Coruna we gave it away too easily. 
It's great to  talk about the game at the weekend but you wouldn't want to put 
yourselves through that every week. We did that too many times in Europe last year and 
gave ourselves too many mountains to climb. You can get away with it in the 
Premiership now and then but against the best sides in Europe you can't do it. When 
you are 3-0 down you have to be gung-ho — but you have to be more cautious in the 
first place, especially against the decent sides. I know we played like that when we 
won the Treble but that was a crazy season — it will never happen again and we had a 
lot of luck."

[13] Phil Nev on Captain Becks
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"David has taken his game to a new level since being made captain and has thrived on 
the responsibility that comes with it. When Peter Taylor gave him the captaincy for 
the Italy game last year, I know how much of an honour it was for David. He was never 
talked about as captaincy material before then, but has proved everyone wrong since 
being given the role. He has matured both on and off the pitch and the responsibility 
has brought out the best in his game. He's scored more goals for England and commands 
the respect of the players."

[12] Keane on next week
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Next week when we go to Olympiakos I don't think we'd like to be three down at 
half-time. We simply can't do it."

[11] Keane still not happy
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
"After what was said last season we have brought in new players, and that is good, but 
I am still not happy - I don't think we can be yet. I would say it has not happened 
for us yet. When I said things needed to change, I meant new faces, and we have 
brought in a couple. But you can't expect two or three new players to sort things out 
overnight. They have done their bit, but the players already at the club have to work 
every bit as hard as before, if not harder, because we are trying to win the league 
for a fourth successive time as well as the Champions League"

[10] Stam to sue?
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror. Come on Jaap, leave it out.

'JAAP STAM is ready to take legal action against Manchester United  following his 
astonishing exit from Old Trafford.  The Dutch defender has contacted a London 
solicitor because he is growing increasingly bitter about his £16.6million sale to 
Lazio. Stam, 29, signed a five-year contract worth £35,000 a week with United in 

The new deal would have brought him more than £9m over the course of the contract and 
it is believed Stam wants a substantial settlement from United. Stam is also furious 
at the way the club sold him just weeks after The Mirror serialised his explosive 
autobiography, Head To Head. He has told friends he believes he was unfairly "fired" 
by United boss Sir Alex Ferguson and it is understood he is exploring legal ways of 
gaining revenge. This could see the player suing United for breach of contract or 
constructive dismissal.'

[9] Red News public information service
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
You can still obtain remaining copies of Red News' Fergie Special for just £2.50 
including postage and packing from Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG. A 
tribute for his last year in charge - this is simply our memories, thoughts, magic 
moments, photos, to the great man and what we consider a must have.

You can also obtain copies in Sportspages brances in Manchester and London and both 
shops now have stock of our unique Che Govanor t-shirt.

[8] Compare and contrast
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to the Birdman for locating the city annual figures - and David Bernstein's 
statement for the audit. Slightly different to our own...

"Following two excellent seasons and back-to-back promotions it is
extremely disappointing to have to report and reflect on a poor season and relegation 
to the First Division of the Football League. Last year I stated that "the prospects 
ahead are enticing" and "of the need to build a long term future in the Premier 
League." We now face a different prospect. We will need to recreate momentum and 
confidence to mount an immediate challenge. It is obviously of the greatest importance 
to the Club and our supporters that our Premier League status is regained with minimum 
delay. We believed that our strengthened squad would compete at the top level and the 
first ten matches (14 points) seemed to bear this out. However six straight defeats 
followed and we never recovered. We spent GBP16 million on
new players all with Premier League experience. The squad did not integrate as well as 
we hoped and this, combined with very poor home form, inability to defend a lead and a 
series of individual errors cost us dearly. Eventually we were relegated by 8 points. 
After considerable internal debate and analysis we decided to part
company with our Manager, Joe Royle. There is no need for me to add to my statement at 
the time of Joe's departure. I would only like to thank him for his excellent work 
over the previous two seasons. He left the Club in much better shape than he found it. 
 Looking for a new Manager proved to be surprisingly simple. Although we were 
inundated with applicants, we were totally focussed on one
possibility, Kevin Keegan. His enthusiasm for Manchester City and his recognition of 
our potential greatly encouraged us. His record as a club manager, player and 
personality is outstanding.  Kevin has impressed not only with his enthusiasm and 
motivational ability but with his professionalism and eye for detail. He clearly needs 
time to assess our squad and see them in action but I know he will not settle for 
second best...

This season will be something of a watershed for our Club. If we can
make an immediate return to the Premier League then last season's relegation will be 
seen as a short term set back against a background of real and long term progress. If 
we are not successful then the pressures, particularly financial, will steadily mount. 
The Club has made immense progress. Our infrastructure, quality of
management (both football and general), new stadium, training facilities and Academy 
are all of Premiership quality. Our support is unique. We have a strong squad and 
therefore a great opportunity. We need to deliver."

[7] United confirm shortlist for the next boss
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
David Gill, again: "We have a shortlist and it's not that long. The critical process 
of appointing a new manager will begin early next year but I'm not going to go into 

[6] Butt fit
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
and ready to join the England sqaud for Saturday's game at OT.

[5] Vieira on him and Keano
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Exclusive Red News translation by Marc

speaking on french TV :

- the journo : where could you have gone in the summer? Juventus? 
- PV : Juventus was possible, Manchester was another possibility. It would  have been 
hard to some to come to Manchester with the Arsenal supporters, but with time people 
- the journo : Keane-Vieira in midfield...
- PV : yeah, that would have been been something...when we play against each  others, 
it's hot!

[4] Gill has pop at MUTV co-owners?
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
MUTV posted a loss of £700,000

"It's more of a concern on Sky and Granda's part than Manchester United. We are not 
ashamed or afraid of them."

[3] Gill thinks Utd can grow and grow
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
David Gill, Utd's money, money, money man

"Has the club reached the summit of its success? We hope not and we don't believe so. 
We have the 13-year, £303 million alliance with Nike, and our new rage of financial 
services products under the MU Finance brand. I believe there are still many 
opportunities left for us to explore over the coming years. We don't think we have 
reached our peak, there is an ongoing vision which we still strive for."

And strikes fear into the hardcore...

[2] Ruud speaks
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Exclusive from our Dutch correspondent, Jan

'A dutch tv station (RTL 5) shows the highlights on Saturday evening (and live 
coverages on Sunday and Monday) and after the United game they had an interview with 

This is what he said about it with a big smile:

"It's amazing, at half time in the dressing room they were relaxed and said if we can 
score an early goal we can beat them. Well you have seen what happened. And the noise 
the away supporters make, brilliant. Every week something special happens here, I'm 
enjoying every minute of it."

[1] A sign of the times
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
That Utd fans were greeted on arrival at the lower Tier of the away end at Spurs by 
police with sniffer dogs.

[41] Money, money, money
Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
Extract from article on how badly clubs - Utd apart - are doing on the stock market. 
From Soccernet

*The average market value of a quoted Premiership football club, excluding Manchester 
United, has dropped to £28.5m, or the same as the cost to the champions of buying Juan 
Sebastian Veron.

*Indeed, were anyone crazy enough to do so, they could buy both Southampton and 
Leicester City for the same cost as the Argentine midfielder.

[40] More on Becks deal
Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
David Gill said: 

"We are in discussions with David's advisers and they're going well, but there's no 
rush and we are hopeful that we're going to reach agreement with him."

He also said that we have a list of possible candidates for the job of manager and 
that the search will begin early in 2002.

[39] Old firm trouble
Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'An international footballer has spoken of his disgust after an opposition fan was 
caught on camera apparently mimicking an aeroplane. Glasgow Rangers midfielder Claudio 
Reyna, who is from New Jersey, says he was sickened by the Celtic supporter's actions 
which came less than three weeks after the terrorist attacks on New York and 

Celtic are investigating the incident, which happened during Sunday's tie at Ibrox, as 
Reyna prepared to take a corner. Reyna told STV's Scotland Today programme how he saw 
the fan apparently making the gesture.

The US international said: "It's disgusting to think about it because of how horrible 
the tragedy was and how someone could stoop that low. I did honestly think about it 
afterwards and I was surprised. I thought that if anything it (the tragedy) would 
teach people to unite and not to act like that." I wouldn't care even if he had a lot 
to drink, you wouldn't think that something as sick as that would come into someone's 
mind. If they can punish the person they should because that's pretty awful or they 
should at least point it out to the fans because it's just uncalled for."

A spokeswoman for Celtic says the club is trying to find the fan. She said: "It is 
absolutely intolerable and unacceptable behaviour and we will investigate to find the 
individual concerned." The spokeswoman added that the club would seek the help of the 
police and seek to ban the supporter from attending matches.'

It would also be nice to think the same would happen to the endless ABUs who still do 
their sick gestures at United.

[38] A life in tannoys
Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
Courtesy of the old fart..... 

Small time award of the week goes to (quelle surprise) the announcer at the Reebock 
stadium on Saturday - only ONE half time was read out - the only surprise was that he 
repeated the (Spurs 3 - Utd 0)  4 times and not 5. 

He apparently also re-read the score as a reminder just as the players were kicking 
off for the start of the 2nd half. 

Note that no other scores were read out.....  

Simply small time. Wanky Wanderers you have a serious obsession...

Note that the system was bust by all accounts come full time as no scores were read 

And this from Jonah

At shite fart lane the tannoy announcer "AND THE THIRD TOTTENHAM GOOOAAAALLL 

60mins later...

mumble mumble fifth Manchester United goal mumble mumble david beckham

another priceless moment.

[37] Utd ticket latest
Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
It does look likely that 2,000 will be out lot for Lille but we hear that Utd 
officials are in Lille this week - and top of the agenda is a plea for more tickets.

[36] Star struck
Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by bar-knee:
Boylie managed to sort out him and his mate Cerys from Catatonia with players lounge 
tickets for Saturday. Cerys was starstruck at meeting Irwin, Butt, Scholes and Teddy. 
Her mate Boylie clearly wasn't!

What a game to blag that one for!

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