[29] Its Cubic Expression again
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by redend:
RED NEWS - first with this story - again - 

RN's very own "City" snout (Red Braces) reported unusual dealing activity in United 
shares earlier today with a big trade done today of 4.1m shares but this was cancelled 
shortly afterwards. This would equate to 1.5% of the company - which could only be 1 
of 14 shareholders.

Then, later, almost 5 million shares were traded - and the buyer was Cubic Expression 
again. If you've forgotten - thats the company set up by "Irish horse racing magnates" 
J.P. McManus and John Magnier.

The company is now the club's second largest shareholder, behind Rupert Murdoch's 
BSkyB which owns 9.9 percent.

Cubic Expression only bought in with 6.8 percent in July.and have now raised their 
holding to 8.65 per cent with a holding of 22,470,519 shares.

>From a value of £1 billion in March 2000, the total value of United has dropped 
>steadily and is now down to £318 million. Anyone who has been reading this site over 
>the past year will know that this is exactly as predicted by RED NEWS's "Red Braces" 
>on these pages on numerous occasions.

Lets just hope they don't want to take over the whole club and thus deprive ordinary 
fans of the opportunity to own a share in their own club.

If you're interested in buying United shares - not for profit - but to keep hold them 
and increase the holding in fans hands then the Shareholders United Share Scheme is a 
great mechanism - especially for those who want to invest small amounts on a regular 
basis. More info here:
( http://www.shareholdersunited.org ) http://www.shareholdersunited.org

[28] Remember Utd AGM is
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
on Thursday November 15th

prawn sandwiches not on the menu

[27] It's all in a name
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A new born baby in Norfolk shares his name with Sir Alex Ferguson and 19 Manchester 
United players.

His full name is Alex Ferguson Barthez Silvestre Neville Johnsen Irwin Stam Brown May 
Beckham Keane Scholes Butt Veron Giggs Chadwick Cole Yorke Nistelrooy Solskjaer.

Alex's father named his first son Trafford Matt Busby.

Jode Glover-Manguzi's wife Mandy says: "I was against Trafford's name for ages, but it 
grew on me. I'm fine about calling our new baby Alex because that's what Jode really 
wanted. People will probably say we're mad."

Speaking from the family home in Gorlestone, Mr Glover-Manguzi says: "I expected a lot 
of grief but my wife and family have been quite all right about it. He's my son and I 
can call him what I like. It's hard to explain. It's a passion."

A Manchester United spokesman told the Eastern Daily Press it's not the first time a 
baby has been named after team members, but he thinks Alex has the most players' 

Not many Ralphie's then?

[26] Lille latest
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
We have it from a good source that news is reaching them that on 15th October there 
are tickets going on sale in France for the Lille game - worth investigating and we'll 
have more details asap.

[25] Sven on the Nevs
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:

"I have selected Gary in every match since becoming the England  coach quite simply 
because he is the best right-back in the country  and one of the best in Europe. His 
level of consistency has been excellent in all our matches. You  know exactly what to 
expect from Gary and he never lets you down. I have every confidence in the Neville 
brothers. Both of them are very hard working and very professional. They are also very 
strong both physically and mentally and those  are important attributes at 
international level. It is essential for a coach to be able to trust his players. To  
know what sort of performance you are going to get from them. And I know that in Gary 
and Phil Neville I have two players who I  can trust implicitly. They never disappoint 

[24] Sensible chap
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
This is the Bloke who scored that blinder for Holland against Ingerlund at WHL

PSV Eindhoven midfielder Mark Van Bommel: 

"I have heard about Leeds but if I move to England, I want to go to Old Trafford."

[23] Strike latest
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Indy

'The Professional Footballers' Association is targeting the Charlton against West Ham 
game on 19 November for the start of its strike in search of more television money. 
The players' union is planning to ask its members at the two clubs to refuse to play 
unless Sky's cameras are turned off.

Union representatives have been touring clubs over the past few days to inform them of 
their strategy. The PFA intends to single out the Monday night game because it will 
have maximum impact on the television companies without harming too many fans.

To threaten to shut down a whole weekend programme could have put public opinion 
against the players, and it was therefore felt that it would be better to target a 
single game.'

[22] Leicester tickets go on sale
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Leicester City (Home)
Sat 17 November, 3pm

Postal applications are now being accepted from Members only. Applications  should 
include a completed match ticket order form, relevant payment and  sae. Alternatively, 
members can make an online application by using the  clubs official website. However, 
please note these applications will be  given the same consideration as postal 

JUNIOR TICKET SCHEME - From the start of Season 2001/2002 we are pleased to  announce 
that we will be operating a junior ticket scheme for 11 to 16 year  olds only. A set 
number of seats (strictly for junior members only) will be  allocated for every home 
game in the East Lower section of the stadium.  Junior members wishing to take up the 
offer must complete the appropriate  section on the match ticket order form.

Seat Prices are as follows (subject to availability):

North and South Stands Upper and Lower £26
North Stand 2nd Tier £24
North East / West Quadrants Upper and Lower £22
East and West Stand Upper £22
East and West Stand 2nd Tier £22
Family Stand £22
North Stand 3rd Tier £20
East and West Lower £18

A half price facility is available to under 16s and over 65s.

Please note, in the event of being oversubscribed a postal ballot will be  held to 
determine the successful applicants.

[21] Depor update no.37
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Villarreal 1 Depor 1 (Donato min. 63)

Molina; Hector, Naybet, Donato, Capdevila; Scaloni (Tristan m.45),
Emerson, Mauro Silva (Sergio m.72), Amavisca; Valeron , Makaay (victor

this is getting as tedious for me as it is for you. - another Depor
draw, in which they came form behind. This time they seemed to have
learnt something from us and conceded a goal after just 2 minutes to
give them loads of time to equalise, which they did with the blistering sight of a 
beautiful Donato free kick. Mauro Silva picked up a muscle strain and will miss a 
couple of games, but should be back for Old Trafford and anyway they have plenty of 
cover in cental midfield and Naybet made lots of rampaging surges into the box in 
search of a winner. They also seem to have found a couple of new fullbacks Capdevila 
who used to be at Espanyol (so?) and Hector who I have never heard of before.

Much more fun can be had watching the wheels come off  Real Madrid. A 4-2 defeat 
against struggling Las Palmas on Wednesday night, Munitis sent off for a spiteful 
kick, and Campo and Hierro looking dreadful at the back. They find the Champions 
League much easier than the Spanish League at the moment, and are already 9 points 
behind a Barcelona side who aren´t even playing very well, and have injury problems. 
Teams in Europe tend to show them a lot more respect than more limited teams in the 
Spanish League who have realised that, in the immortal words of Sergeant Jones, 'they 
don't like it up 'em'. This is all the more ironic given that Zidane, who is scoring 
goals in the domestic league, is still banned from Europe following last years double 
sending off. They seem to have much better balance without him.

Basque dave

[20] Italian gossip
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
calciomercato speculates that AC Milan are in for Becks and Barthez.

[19] Celtic fan banned
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A football fan accused of taunting an American soccer player has been banned by his 
club. David Munro, 32, mimiced an aeroplane, as Glasgow Rangers midfielder Claudio 
Reyna prepared to take a corner kick in the Old Firm match at Ibrox stadium on Sunday.

He denied he was making a reference to the US terror attacks and said he was sorry for 
the incident. But Celtic have decided to ban him following an investigation by the 
club which included an interview with Mr Munro who lives in Johnstone, Renfrewshire.

Chief executive Ian McLeod said: "The club has considered all aspects of the incident 
and taken evidence from both the individual in question and a number of others who 
attended the match. "It is clear that Mr Munro was responsible for highly 
inappropriate conduct which has in turn brought Celtic Football Club into disrepute."

Mr McLeod said Celtic would not tolerate such behaviour among fans. He said: "At every 
opportunity we will strive to ensure that the proud name and traditions of Celtic 
Football Club are upheld." Mr Munro today refused to comment on the ban. Reyna, from 
New Jersey, was sickened by Mr Munro's actions which came less than three weeks after 
the terrorist attacks.'

[18] Butt pulls out
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Rib injury has meant he has pulled out of the game on Saturday. He is expected to rest 
and be fit for Sunderland.

[17] Betting offer for RN readers
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From our betting partners, Sporting Odds


SportingOdds are trying their best to blow their marketing budget again, this time on 
England's final World Cup qualifier!

For all new registrations they are offering you THREE chances to make money:

1) England v Greece - 5,509 drachma (ie. £10) for EVERY Greek goal scored!
2) England v Greece - Free £10 Bet on who will score the first goal
3) AND a further free £10 bet on the FA CUP!

All you have to do is register and place a £5 bet on the game before kick off and you 
will qualify for the promotion.

( http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 ) 

[16] Sounds familiar?
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Merseyside is being hit by a spate of spider attacks. The six-eyed spider normally 
eats woodlouse but now has a taste for human flesh. Experts say the pain from its 
double-pricked sting can last for 24 hours. Paul Rowley, of Liverpool's School of 
Tropical Medicine, said: "There have been a number of cases of spiders biting people 
in Merseyside." The attacks have centered on Liverpool and the Wirral, reports The 
Guardian. The spider, dysdera crocata, normally lives under stones or in rotting wood, 
but they sometimes venture into homes - especially those with damp problems.'

". . . normally lives under stones or in rotting wood, but they sometimes venture into 

Tell us something we didn't know...

[15] More from Becks
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"What has happened has had a huge impact around the world. It may be unfair for me to 
comment on it but it has affected everyone. We can only help those who need our 
support as much as we can. This is a depressing period for the country but it has to 
be lifted and there is a great opportunity for us to do that if we can get through to 
the World Cup Finals. We know the whole nation is behind us and, just like at 
Manchester United, this England team never give in. We showed that against Finland at 
Anfield and hopefully we'll show it in every game we play."

[14] Keano by John Giles
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
'How is it that in the football age of 'rotation' Keane's commitment is so relentless 
as he drives the Republic of Ireland, against the heaviest odds, towards the World Cup 
Finals and Manchester United towards another European Cup triumph? 

One persuasive theory is that, at 30, he has never heard the clock tick so loudly, 
that he knows this could be his last tilt at the great stage of the World Cup and that 
United might, with the departure of Sir Alex Ferguson at the end of the season, be 
entering years of flux. 

I'm not so sure. My instinct is that Keane is merely fulfilling a destiny he chose for 
himself many years ago. He is simply being true to himself as arguably one of the 
greatest professional footballers ever bred in these islands. 

He has never had the natural gifts so copiously bestowed upon George Best. He has 
never had the grace of Bobby Charlton. He has never, heaven knows, had a temperament 
free from flaws. But when you accept all that, when you note his most recent eruption, 
the ugly confrontation with Alan Shearer last month, you are still left with a bulging 
portfolio of football achievement. 

Ireland coach Mick McCarthy, who after an uncertain start has done brilliantly to 
split Portugal and Holland and guarantee at least a World Cup qualifying playoff, is 
the first to say Keane's contribution has been mountainous. 

Ferguson's tribute is implicit in his willingness to accept Keane as the most 
legitimate spokesman of the Old Trafford dressing room - and to tolerate more or less 
any criticism he offers. 

When Keane takes the field for Ireland against Cyprus on Saturday he will do so as so 
much more than a key element in an unlikely World Cup brigade. He will go in as a 
force of football nature, an implacable figure who stands head and shoulders above his 
contemporaries at a time when so many question the right of superstar players to their 
lavish rewards. 

Who could question Keane's value to the richest sports franchise in the world over the 
last six or seven years? When he played his game of brinkmanship with the United 
board, when he knew that so many top European clubs were anxious to make him an offer, 
his case was unanswerable and passionately endorsed by Ferguson. 

But that was inevitable. Who knew better than Ferguson that without Keane, without his 
passion and tireless energy and hatred of defeat, United were scarcely half the team? 

When David Beckham was voted the world's third best player, Keane scarcely figured. We 
all know Beckham's gifts - and we are bound to applaud the commitment he has made to 
England since his appointment as captain - but when those votes were cast it was, at 
least in terms of measuring a player's influence on his team, his effect rather than 
his aura, an outright travesty. 

When Keane was voted England's Footballer of the Year in 2000 it was very much a 
belated honour for a quite awesome body of work. Indeed, over the last few years, I 
would have to have looked very hard indeed to find a more compelling candidate than 

However, I'm sure Keane's greatest satisfaction will not come from the plaudits of 
others. His strength is to understand fully the ultimate achievement of any 
professional sportsman. It is to know, when the time comes to put away the game, that 
you have done all you could on behalf of your team - and yourself. 

At a time when Paul Gascoigne finds it so hard to hold back his tears - and Best 
recounts the stepping stones of his professional self-destruction in a new best-seller 
- Keane's dedication shines particularly brightly. The fact is that only the barest 
knowledge of his life tells you that Keane could so easily have gone the way of Best 
and Gazza. 

His youth was scarcely unmarked by the effects of drink. Indeed, until the last couple 
of years, his liking for a pint had led him into bouts of harmful publicity. But, of 
all his achievements, Keane's greatest is the one that so sadly eluded Best and 
Gascoigne. In all the blaze of celebrity, and the pace of the fast life, Keane grasped 
that which was most vital to him 

He realised that the best thing he would ever do would be to play football, honestly, 
passionately, and with a success for which so many professionals would give so much. 

Does Keane hear the tick of the clock? Of course, but the reason why he is so prized 
by McCarthy and Ferguson is that he has been hearing it for some time. Not as poor 
Gazza does now in the desperate knowledge that his physical fit-ness is probably shot, 
that no longer can he begin to produce the best of himself on a football field. 

No, Keane hears it ticking away in his prime, when he can still take a game, if not an 
opponent or a referee, by the throat. His strength is that he has discovered, as all 
the greats do, that a footballer's life is over in a flash. The trick is to hoard 
every second of pleasure and reward. Keane is doing it so well I wouldn't be surprised 
to see him snapping and snarling at the gates of another World Cup in four years' 

But that is the future and, as always, Keane is locked into the moment. It is the way 
of a real pro.'

[13] Fergie on Scholes
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The lad has a great awareness and a passing delicacy  in the final third of the 
field. He was a little bit behind the other  lads as a kid for several reasons.  He 
had problems suffering with Osgood-Schlatter's disease, which  affects the knees of 
growing youngsters, and also had to see special- ists about an asthma problem. But I 
always knew he would overcome his  setbacks because of his determination.  He's a 
man's man. You look at him and you know that he'll never let  you down. He's from the 
old school of professional players."

[12] Becks on the United-Scouse 'love in'
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Don't believe the hype

"We respect each other as players. We might not show it when  we play against each 
other in the Premiership but when we come  together for England it's different.  You 
get ups and downs but you work through it as a team. The unity  is amazing, the 
players bond and will always stick together whether anyone is right or wrong." 

[11] Becks on being Captain
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"If any of the players in the squad are feeling down, it is my responsibility to pick 
them up.  Obviously, the manager and the staff can do it to a certain point. But there 
is a special bond between players and sometimes it takes  some lads talking to each 
other to get the confidence up."

[10] All Scousers turning to drink?
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Sven-Goran Eriksson is to speak to Robbie Fowler and Steve McManaman to ask them 
whether claims they have been the latest England players to test his disciplinary 
patience are true. Eriksson omitted Frank Lampard from his original squad to face 
Greece in the wake of his drunken antics on the day after the terrorist attacks on the 
United States.

Steven Gerrard still went out to a vodka bar until 2am on Tuesday morning before he 
joined up with the England squad. Gerrard apologised to Eriksson and emphasised he was 
not drunk. While reprimanding the midfielder, the England coach will still include him 
in his team to face the Greeks.

Now, however, it has been reported that Fowler and McManaman were also out - 
separately to Gerrard - that night, with the Express claiming they were both seen at 
the Living Room bar in Liverpool.

The Football Association made no comment about the claims, with Eriksson set to 
address the issue when he gives his scheduled pre-match Press conference. However, it 
is understood that the England coach will first pull Fowler and McManaman aside to ask 
whether the claims are true, giving them the chance to give their version of events. 
He will want to know not only whether they were in the bar, but - if so - whether they 
were drinking alcohol and how late they stayed there.'

[9] Becks confident
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Yes, you miss big-game players - and they are three big-game players. It is upsetting 
for the team and the fans that Michael is not there because he has been on fire and he 
will be missed. But you've got to overcome these things. The French team do it. When 
they have injuries, they have players who can come in. We have got a squad with 
top-class players who can come in. In major tournaments, everybody doesn't stay fit 
all the time. If we do reach the World Cup, we have got to overcome that if people are 
injured. We have got to have the squad to do that - and I feel that we have."

[8] More from Becks
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"But now we have put ourselves in a position where we can win the group on Saturday. 
It is a massive game and we know that. We know that the pressure will be enormous. But 
we have world-class players and it is up to us to play and perform and score some 
goals. We have worked hard to turn it all around. But all the good performances we 
have put in this year mean nothing if we don't win on Saturday. We have always been on 
the verge as a country of doing something in big games and championships, but it 
hasn't happened. It should be happening. We have got the players and the team to do 
it. And now we are starting to show people we can do that."

[7] Becks on Old Trafford game
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
"This is definitely a childhood dream. I might not have dreamt it would happen this 
quickly - to be leading the team out at Old Trafford at 26 with the chance of going to 
the World Cup. But I have supported United all my life so this will be so special. To 
captain England into the World Cup finals at Old Trafford would be the greatest moment 
of my career. We still dreamed about doing it, even though we knew it would be hard. 
The big thing is that we have nearly made that dream into reality. The confidence and 
the togetherness of this team at this moment is amazing. We are so close together as 
players and a squad and that it is the way it is always going to be. There is a 
special bond. It is an attitude that we all know we have got. And now the only people 
who can make or break it all are ourselves."

[6] United keeper does move on loan
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nick Culkin has completed his loan move to Livingston.

Livy General manager Jim Leishman: 

"He was the fourth keeper down, behind Fabien Barthez and Raimond van der Gouw - two 
quality goalkeepers - plus, they have brought Roy Carroll for £3 million."

[5] One 2 One Fans event is today
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
One 2 One, the UK mobile communications network chosen by the F.A. and England Team, 
has teamed up with the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) and the Football 
Supportersí Association (FSA) to help create a unique ëfootball roadshowí in 
Manchester. Set against the dramatic backdrop of Englandís must-win World Cup 
qualifier with Greece, fans of both teams can enjoy the roadshow on Friday 5th October.

One 2 One will be setting up a purpose built inflatable football pitch, outside the 
G-Mex Manchester I.C.C. On Friday afternoon the festival will begin with disabled 
teams representing Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside competing in a disability 
football tournament. 

One 2 One Ability Counts is a national football programme for disabled people and aims 
to increase local football opportunities for disabled people throughout England and 
Wales.  Steve Johnson, the England Amputee Captain says  'This will be a fantastic 
opportunity for everyone to see the skills involved in disabled football.  The players 
are as passionate about football as anyone else and deserve the same opportunities to 
enjoy the nationís favourite game.'

Taking place between 6.00pm and 9.00pm will be the first ever ëfan friendlyí between 
English and Greek fans will take place.  Various teams of English and Greek fans will 
compete in a fast-paced but fun and friendly tournament and ex-England and Manchester 
United captain Bryan Robson will be on hand to present the prizes and sign autographs. 
Fan friendly matches provide a vital part of the continuing support provided by One 2 
One to the FSA, promoting goodwill among all supporters and giving fans an opportunity 
to voice their opinion. 

Commenting on the success of the fan friendly initiative Toby Hester, Sponsorship 
Manager at One 2 One said, 'Whether we are discussing team tactics with a friend, 
cheering on our favourite team from the stands or watching our favourite players on 
television, we all share a common bond in our love of football. One 2 One aims to 
enhance the fanís overall experience by working closely with the FSA and promoting 
initiatives such as fan friendlies and the England Fanzine, Free Lions. We believe 
that this commitment to working with the fans makes a positive difference to our 
national game.'

[4] Anyone fancy sending a small piece into RN?
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
You'll have seen by the Fergie Special how great contributions from readers of Red 
News and the web site can be so if you have a spare bit of time (you must be to be 
reading this in the first place) feel free to let the creative juices spurt out.

We're looking for your memories of great Utd come-backs from the past.

Anyone care to let us know their memories from comebacks from the 50s, 60s and 70s as 
well as the 80s and 90s? 

Not just the obvious big games but ones from yesteryear that stand out and that you 
were at - anyone who can send us their own short personal memory of the game, 
atmosphere, your feelings, etc, please send to


The more the better, so send them in!

We're also preparing an article on Utd fads - be they songs, fashions, etc - that were 
hot for a time amongst Utd fans, at Old Trafford but now looking back look pretty 
embarrassing. If you have any thoughts, random memories of woeful songs we used to 
sing, bad fashions or anything else, send us just a list, a paragraph or any thoughts 


they can be recent or old, anything goes!

[3] Posh finally tops a chart by herself
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Victoria Beckham has taken over from Robbie Williams at the top of the book sales 
charts. Her autobiography Learning To Fly is number one in the best sellers. Robbie's 
book Somebody Someday is now in second place. Last week Robbie was number one, with 
Posh Spice lagging behind at number four. Book Track says Posh was probably boosted by 
her appearance on Parkinson. Her sales went up by more than 4,000 while Robbie's 
dropped by more than 3,000.'

[2] Players may pull out as well
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
Unsure if any strengh in these rumours but if Eire do qualify for the WC play-offs and 
as seems likely face one of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia or Uzbekistan, we hear there is 
concern within Old Trafford about Keano going and that the lawyers may get involved.

Mick McCarthy said: "You cannot help it intrude into your thoughts even though there 
is little point in worrying about what the play-offs might present at the moment. But 
if Fifa tell us we have to play in Iran or anywhere else then as far as I'm concerned 
that's what we'll have to do. If there is going to be any danger to me, the squad or 
anybody I obviously wouldn't want to do it. In any case there would major 
complications with, for instance, getting the players insured. Surely, you would 
think, Fifa have some sort of contingency plan but if they have they haven't told us 
what it is. We've heard nothing. At the moment we are fumbling about in the dark. 
We've just got to wait until somebody tells us the answer."

[1] FIFA call off Israel game
Posted Friday, October 5, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Fifa has postponed Sunday's World Cup qualifier between Israel and Austria. The 
sport's body cited security concerns following the in-flight explosion and crash of a 
Russian chartered airliner heading from Tel Aviv to Siberia.

A statement read: "Following the tragic event that occurred today when a flight from 
Tel Aviv crashed into the Black Sea, Fifa President Joseph Blatter, mandated by the 
Emergency Committee of the world football body, has decided that the European Group 7 
qualifying match ... should be postponed."

The match had been placed in doubt due to the ongoing violence and suicide bombings 
against Israeli targets. Nine Austrian team players - including almost the entire 
defence - pulled out of the trip to Israel because of their fears about security. Fifa 
had earlier ordered the match to go ahead, saying Israeli soccer authorities had given 
additional security guarantees.'

[28] Veron quotes in Metro Manchester
Posted Thursday, October 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Manchester United's Juan Sebastian Veron has admitted he's treated like royalty at 
Old Trafford. the £28.1million Argentina midfielder, a summer signing from Lazio, told 
Italian newspaper Corriere dello sport yesteday: 'I have rediscovered the pleasure of 
football. United found me a nice house, a school for my daughter and I have recieved 
total support, something Lazio did not guarantee me last season. In Manchester I am 
treated like a king!'


[27] Betting - United players - England Match
Posted Thursday, October 4, 2001 by redend:
Any United player to score a hat-trick  8/1 
(Becks, Coley or Scholes - maybe)

Posh Spice to be spotted in the crowd 5/2 
(You what?)

D. Beckham to score direct from a free kick  5/1 
(I'll have a punt on that) 

First Goalscorer
 Andrew Cole    4/1        
 P.Scholes    6/1      
 D.Beckham    8/1        
 G.Neville    40/1 (hmmm - he's been getting closer)       
 For all new registrations they are offering THREE chances to make money:
 1) England v Greece - 5,509 drachma (ie. £10) for EVERY Greek goal scored!
 2) England v Greece - Free £10 Bet on who will score the first goal
 3) AND a further free £10 bet on the FA CUP!
 All you have to do is register and place a £5 bet on the game before kick off and you 
will qualify for the promotion.
If you want more info click ( 
http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 ) here.

[26] Latest Euro home ticket details
Posted Thursday, October 4, 2001 by bar-knee:
Deportivo La Coruna (Home)
Wednesday 17 October, 7.45pm

Approximately 2000 tickets remain for Deportivo. Sales will continue to the  General 
public, who can purchase a seat on a best available basis on  Wednesday 3 October and 
weekdays from 09:00 until 17:00 (subject to  availability), alternatively by 
telephoning the MUFC Ticket line on 0161  868 8010 at the same times, giving their 
credit/debit card details (please  note an administration fee of 3% per transaction is 

Non Members prices are as follows subject to availability:

East Stand Tier 1 and 2 £24
North Stand Tier 3 £22

A half price facility is available to under 16s and over 65s.

We regret that due to the small number available no further postal  applications can 

Olympiakos (Home)
Tuesday 23 October, kick off 7.45pm

Approximately 5,000 tickets for Olympiakos. Sales will continue to the General public, 
who can purchase a seat on a best available basis on Wednesday 3 October and weekdays 
from 09:00 until 17:00 (subject to availability), alternatively by telephoning the 
MUFC Ticket line on (0044) 161 868 8010 at the same times, giving their credit/debit 
card details  (please note an administration fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Non Members prices are as follows subject to availability:

North Stand Tier 1 Upper and Lower £28
East and West Stand Tier 2 £24
North Stand Tier 3 £22

A half price facility is available to under 16s and over 65s.

We regret that due to the small number available no further postal applications can be 

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