[17] Shareholders United statement
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"SU benefits from the lower price as it enables fans to buy a greater stake through 
our collective monthly share-buying scheme. The flipside is that the low price may 
attract unwanted investors and potential takeover bids. SU believe that United should 
be owned by the fans, rather than those whose sole interest is profit - and the best 
way to safeguard the future of the club is for supporters to build a larger collective 

"It makes good business sense for the Board to help us do this, as having a large 
block of shares in the hands of those who are going to be loyal to the company helps 
provide stability. And through the SU scheme, run in conjunction with the Co-op bank, 
fans are going to be buying more shares each month, which again should help to bolster 
the plc."

[16] SU in the MEN
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
'MANCHESTER United fans are being urged to increase their stake in the club to 
safeguard it from hostile takeover. Supporter-shareholder group Shareholders United 
wants fans to pool shares to have a greater say in the running of the club following 
the recent dip in share prices from more than 300p last year to 133.5p.

Spokesman Oliver Houston says the low price may attract predators - unless the fans 
can group together. 'We need 10 per cent plus one share to become the largest 
shareholder and block any bids,' he says.

'The fans simply would not sell shares because we are in it for sentiment not money.' 
He says SU has been in discussion with members of the Manchester United board, 
including chief executive Peter Kenyon and group managing director David Gill, since 
the club's year-end results on Monday.

The group wants more help from the board in promoting its latest collective 
share-buying scheme, run in conjunction with the Co-op Bank. Through it, the thousands 
of fans buying shares are counted as one shareholder, with a greater impact on the 
running of the club.

'We have put it to them several times that there may be a hostile takeover and, of 
course, there are rumours all the time about who may want to get their hands on the 
club. The best way to safeguard the future of Manchester United is for supporters to 
build a larger collective holding. It makes good business sense for the board to help 
us do this, as having a large block of shares in the hands of those who are going to 
be loyal to the company helps provide stability.'

The group also wants existing supporter-shareholders to transfer more of their private 
shares into the scheme.

(Anyone can join SU  - you don't have to already be a shareholder. Get an application 
form now at www.ShareholdersUnited.org )

[15] Leeds trial starts again
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'The trial of two Leeds United footballers accused of assaulting an Asian student is 
due to start today. Lee Bowyer and Jonathan Woodgate are charged with causing grievous 
bodily harm with intent to Sarfraz Najeib. They are also accused of affray. The pair 
deny the charges. Legal argument at Hull Crown Court is expected to last up to two 
weeks before the prosecution opens its case.

Two other men, Paul Clifford, 22, and Neale Caveney, 22, both of Middlesbrough, have 
also pleaded not guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Mr Najeib and 
affray. Mr Najeib, 21, of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, suffered serious injuries in an 
alleged attack in Mill Hill, Leeds, in January last year.'

[14] Keith gets the mention in
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Keith Norris on Big breakfast today.

The bitter blue squeaky something blue presenter asked about his missing flag

`so Keith, you are a Manchester (spits) united fan?`

`And you are a BITTER`

`It is a huge huge flag isn't it?'

'It is a MASSIVE flag'

[13] Keane responds to SUN story
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Roy Keane's solicitor, Mike Kennedy: 

"It's completely untrue. Roy's got two more years to go on his contract and there are 
no negotiations."

[12] Is this down to you United as well
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
The allocation at Arse for the Worthington Cup is only 2600. It may be Worthless but 
if you remember how many we took to Ipswich and Watford think we should have asked for 
more as is surely our right for Cup games.

Arsenal (Away)
Highbury, Wednesday 7 November, 7.45pm

We will receive an allocation of 2600 tickets for this Worthington Cup 
third round tie. The majority of tickets are priced £19.00 adults and £8.00 under 16s 
/over  65s, while others are priced £20.00 adults and £10.00 under 16s/over 65s.

Postal applications only are now being accepted from Season Ticket Holders  only, 
enclosing voucher 56 (duly completed), relevant payment, sae and the  following 1 
match voucher properly affixed to this season's official  voucher sheet (2001/2002): 
31 (Lille OSC).

Private Box/Exec Suite and Club Class Members can also apply in the usual  manner 
quoting their facilities held.

All applications need to be received in the Ticket Office no later than 5pm  on 
Wednesday 10 October. Please note, in the event of being oversubscribed  a postal 
ballot will be held to determine the successful applicants.

[11] Stam confirmation
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Legal action has never crossed my mind. There is still a lot of speculation about why 
Ferguson decided to sell me. And I am still in the dark myself. But it is ridiculous 
to suggest I could sue for breach of contract or unfair dismissal. Players move clubs, 
sometimes amicably, sometimes less so, but they don't go to lawyers."

[10] Blomqvist to return this week
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Due to play for the reserves tonight.

[9] Keane contract speculation continues
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the SUN

'ROY KEANE will stall on signing a new contract with Manchester United until David 
Beckham's future is resolved. Keane wants parity with the top-paid player at Old 
Trafford and knows that will be Beckham when the England captain's new deal is 
finalised. Keane, 30, earns around £70,000 a week but knows Beckham could get nearer 

The United and Republic of Ireland skipper said: "I've only got this season and next 
season at Old Trafford and I wouldn't beat around the bush if I think the time is 
right to leave United or football. Next year there's going to be a new manager, I'll 
be 31 and and maybe the time will be right to say 'It's not quite happening at 

Take the quotes with a pinch of salt though - they are from an old interview.

[8] More from Scholes
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm going to need time to get used to the new role. I've been playing in midfield for 
a few years now and it's very different playing with your back to goal. When I first 
came to the club as a youngster I was an out-and-out striker. That's a few years ago 
now though and I've got to remember how to play the role because I've got used to 
playing in midfield. It's slightly different in that I'm the one who should be up 
there most of the time with Ruud van Nistelrooy but I'm also expected to drop back and 
help the midfield. The formation allows us to interchange positions quite a lot, which 
should give us more options. But I've got to learn how to play it."

[7] Scholes on Veron's arrival
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I thought there was every chance I might lose my place. Juan more or less played in 
my position so when the manager said he wanted me to try and play further upfield I 
was happy to. It's nice he wants me in the team but I've got to play well and it's up 
to me to prove I can play the position - scoring and making goals. If I can't do that 
then I won't be in the team."

[6] Sven gives Cole hope for Saturday
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He played extremely well against Spurs on Saturday"

[6] One for the anti-Ingerlunders?
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by redend:
Sporting Odds have got this offer on which may appeal to some more than others - 
although it doesn't look a bad deal anyway, to a sharp eyed punter like what I am - oh 

Their spiel:

Register and place a £5 bet on Saturday's game between England and Greece and for 
every Greek goal scored, you will be considerably richer...!

For EVERY Greek goal scored in the game, 5509 drachmas (which equates to £10, 
regardless of the current exchange rate) will be credited to your account. The offer 
is open to NEW clients ONLY who, to qualify, must register and place a £5 bet on the 
England/Greece game at anytime from Wednesday 3rd October up until kick-off on 
Saturday. Own goals DO count. Any winning accounts will be credited within forty-eight 
hours. SportingOdds are the sole arbiters of this offer.

If you're interested in this, click on banner or ( 
http://www.sportingodds.co.uk/adserver/scripts/ict.dll?click?rnews0 ) this link

[5] Fergie Tribute Banner
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Charlie

I hope to keep this post going till the end of the season. So people can donate when 
they can afford it. The banner is to go across the whole length of wt2. Not sure what 
it is going to say yet so if you have any ideas let me know.

It will be in the region of 1000 pounds for the banner so will need to collect all 
season.  If you can donate let me know at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on here


[4] PFA statement to fans
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Television Monies Dispute

The PFA is grateful for the overwhelming support which it is receiving from the 
football fans both here and abroad.   There are however some people who seem to think 
that this dispute is about getting more for rich players.  It is not.  The PFA 
provides help for current and former players who for one reason or another are in 
difficulties; it provides education and training for young  hopeful players and for 
older ones at the end of their careers who need to start a new job.  It provides 
benevolent and medical care for the players of years gone by who are in difficult 
financial circumstances or need operations such as new hips and new knees.

This is not about providing more money to wealthy players.   Cash is not distributed 
to footballers out of the PFA share of television income.

When matches were first televised in the mid 50ís negotiation took place to provide a 
share of television income to the PFA and this has been supported by players ever 
since.   There are no individual payments to players for the televising of games, nor 
any royalties when they are shown and re-shown across the world.  The TV companies pay 
the most money for Premier League matches and it is therefore the Premier League 
players who give up the most to support those less fortunate than themselves.

The PFA uses most of its TV income through its Benevolent Fund and Educational Fund, 
both of which are registered charities, and its Accident Fund which is a provident 
fund.  No one makes a profit.  No one gets a dividend.  The PFA is not like football 
clubs who have shareholders and want a return on their money.  It is all about the 
provision of help for those who need help and a whole range of social welfare benefits 
which in most walks of life would be provided by employers.  The following is a 
selection of areas within which money is spent:-

benevolent grants to former players who have never benefited from big wages and are in 
severe financial difficulties;
medical treatment for former players who are now suffering greatly from such things as 
old injuries and incorrect use of cortisone;
funding of places at rehabilitation centres for players and former players suffering 
from injuries;
education and training as part of a programme for school boys coming into football, 
young hopefuls who play for a few years but never make it  and older players in the 
lower leagues who earn modest wages and are having to retrain for other work as they 
leave football;
a community programme associated with virtually every professional club which helps 
under privileged inner city children and provides something like 500 full time and 
2000 part time jobs largely for former players;
an anti racism programme;
a drug awareness programme;
medical research beneficial to sportsmen and sportswomen.

The list is endless.  These benefits are all achieved because players give up any 
individual rights in exchange for a payment to the PFA.  We do not expect money if it 
is not there.    We look to simply get a percentage of the television income which the 
Premier League and the Football League receive.  Traditionally this has been between 
5% and 10% of their income.  We are now being offered 1% and are being told that we do 
not even have an entitlement to that.   The rich and powerful clubs want to weaken the 
Union.  They want us to go with a begging bowl.  There are of course clubs in the 
lower leagues who struggle by from month to month who appreciate only too well the 
work of the PFA and the direct and indirect help that we give to those clubs and their 
players in difficult times.

This is about the rich giving to the poor.  The wealthy players are very happy to give 
their support for the benefit of their less fortunate colleagues and of former players 
in need.  That is what we are fighting for.

[3] As we said
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Complete rubbish the story of Stam to sue. Jaap's agent was interviewed on Talk Sport 
and completely rubbished the story.

[2] Look out for Channel 4 tonight
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
Third part of a series called Lost where three groups of 2 people are dropped off in 
the middle of nowhere and have to travel through various countries with little or no 
money and make it back quickest to England. Why our interest? Well three of the 
participents are very well known Reds - notably Barmy Charlie and Melissa.

The highlight of last night bar spotting how many articles of Utd clothing Charlie 
wore to wind up the ABUs was the description of him from his fellow traveller.

"He's not from this planet"

Reds are here, Reds are there...

[1] Get writing for a future article in Red News
Posted Wednesday, October 3, 2001 by bar-knee:
You'll have seen by the Fergie Special how great contributions from readers of Red 
News and the web site can be so if you have a spare bit of time (you must be to be 
reading this in the first place) feel free to let the creative juices spurt out.

We're looking for your memories of great Utd come-backs from the past.

Anyone care to let us know their memories from comebacks from the 50s, 60s and 70s as 
well as the 80s and 90s? 

Not just the obvious big games but ones from yesteryear that stand out and that you 
were at - anyone who can send us their own short personal memory of the game, 
atmosphere, your feelings, etc, please send to


The more the better, so send them in!

We're also preparing an article on Utd fads - be they songs, fashions, etc - that were 
hot for a time amongst Utd fans, at Old Trafford but now looking back look pretty 
embarrassing. If you have any thoughts, random memories of woeful songs we used to 
sing, bad fashions or anything else, send us just a list, a paragraph or any thoughts 


they can be recent or old, anything goes!

[31] Livy confirm Culkin bid
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Livingston manager Jim Leishman:

"We are negotiating and trying to get the young lad up here. We are speaking to 
Manchester United regarding the goalkeeping situation and Nick Culkin is the one we 
are targeting. He did very well on loan with Bristol Rovers, but we already knew how 
good he was. He played here at Livingston a couple of seasons ago - the first time 
United came up - and I thought he was very good that night. He caught my eye and I've 
kept tabs on him ever since. I've watched him a few times since then and I know Sir 
Alex rates him very highly so he must be a good goalkeeper."

[30] Article for RN by Sarah
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Only here to see United'

The Internet is a great thing if you're a Manchester United fan. You can find out all 
the latest news, chat to fellow reds and take advantage of Ticketmaster online when 
small-time clubs put their tickets on general sale. There are loads of good United 
where fans from all over the world can discuss what's going on at our club (many 
foreign reds knowing far more about our 'B' team than most season ticket holders). 
However, Liverpool FC, a club of such great stature (so they tell us) should certainly 
have many great sites for their fans to converge in right? Er. No, and there lies the 
problem, and their strange appearance on Manchester United forums. 

You have two types of Liverpool fan here, firstly, mindless morons, who spam forums 
with millions of pathetic repetitive messages, seemingly unable to get beyond '4 
European cups'. The fact that these cups were won in the dark ages, long before these 
sad individuals had 'discovered' they liked football is obviously lost on them and 
they should be treated accordingly (the words 'Bolton' and 'Villa' come to
mind). Then, perhaps more worryingly, are the other types of Liverpool fan. The types 
that wish to, and believe they have the right to, spend 24/7 on a United website. Now, 
while I agree that talking on a LFC forum must be tedious in the extreme, what would 
possess a LFC fan to wish to talk all day with the sworn enemy? It's something that's 
always confused me, and yet, there are some reds who seem to welcome their involvement 
and can converge sensibly with them? Just
what are they on? Of course, they say that it's great to have differing football 
opinions on a forum (a MUFC forum?) but the arrogance and inaccuracy of the stuff 
these LFC fans come out with just astounds me. Every year without fear at the start of 
the season, it's the same tired old lines 'Liverpool for the league, all the cups, 
golden boot, most loyal fans award', etc. etc. etc, and every year it's the same, egg 
on the collective part-time faces. Apart from last season it seems, because LFC won 
the best and most important three trophies that the world has ever seen apparently and 
are 'back' so they say and are going to be taking the league by storm this season. 
Hence the problem. Every game so far LFC fans have predicted an 'easy
win' for those loveable Mickeys. Yeah, the team who can't fill their ground were 
'gonna thrash Bolton' and 'hammer Villa', both games predicted as a complete walk 
over. If their team think the same as their support, its no surprise they've been 
humiliated on the pitch recently. Have the Mickey mouse trophies gone to their heads?

Now, it is plain to all that LFC are still nowhere close to winning the PL. It's a 
situation not unlike our predicament in the 80s. We won some cups, wanted the league 
but were man enough to admit that we were
pretty crap and unlikely to win it. LFC fans beg to differ. They look over their squad 
and, in all positions, believe they have the superior team to ours, hence the 
hilarious quote (and he was serious) 'Schmicer is the equal of Veron'. They pick on 
our defence 'the worse in the league', when a glance at the league table (before 
Everton) shows that they have a goal difference of -2, hey that must be some mistake 
surely, we are continually told their defence is the best in the league. Pointing this 
out is lost on them, they are so convinced that these great LFC myths are true that no 
manner of pointing out the truth can make them think otherwise.

Then come the typical ABU comments that prove the half-wits are no different to the 
small time supporters of Villa (despite Villa supporters having a better team 
apparently). 'Eric should have been banned for life', 'Blanc is a has been that never 
was', 'Fergie has lost it', 'Cole is useless', 'Ruud's knee will snap at any minute', 
'Beckham is a paceless half-a-trick pony', and the absolute classic 'we're not 
panicking yet' showing the legendary LFC support for what is really is - fickle and 
new to the game. Not that they would ever admit it of course.

Show me a LFC fan on a forum who is actually from Liverpool and I'll be amazed. More 
amusingly, they never seem to go to games as they 'can't get through on Ticketmaster', 
there must be quite a few not being able to get through though, judging by their 
recent attendances. In fact, the LFC fans are like a parody of all the half-wits who 
ring on phone ins such as 606, remaining blissfully ignorant but claiming to know it 
all (strangely, often knowing more about MUFC
 han their own team).

These people claim to support LFC, but their appearance 24/7 on United forums shows 
that really matters to them, and it isn't 'their' team. Watching, waiting, for the 
latest MUFC 'scandal' to get them ranting and raving. Lectures on Roy Keane's tacking 
and Fergie refusing to condemn them being a favourite, (of course, do not mention 
Steven Gerrard, 'Boatang over-reacted and dived' apparently'). 

Every day our name is eating away at them as they hope and pray that this year will be 
their year. The question is though, do they want LFC
to win the league for themselves and fellow LFC fans, or do they want to win the 
league because they want to post a 'we're better than you post' on a MUFC website. I 

By Sarah

[29] AEK finally act
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'AEK says the club will sign a book of condolences at the US Embassy in Athens. The 
move follows criticism of the Greek club after fans burned the American flag during a 
minute's silence. Several hundred AEK fans jeered during the minute's silence for the 
victims of the US terror attacks held before a Uefa cup match against Hibernian. While 
chanting "Americans, killers," some attempted to burn the American flag.

A minute's silence for the victims of the attacks in New York and Washington was held 
before all 77 European games played that week following a decision from UEFA, the 
governing European soccer body. The coach of Hibernian, Alex McLeish, strongly 
criticised the Greek club, saying he was "disgusted by the behaviour of the AEK fans 
and disappointed that people do not have respect for human life."

The club did not react to the incident until Tuesday, when it said it would sign the 
condolence book at the embassy. "AEK will express its condolences to the American 
government for the loss of thousands of citizens in the terrorist attacks," the club 
said in an announcement, which made no mention of the flag-burning incident.'

[28] The Gallegan Derby - Red match report
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Deportivo 2 - Celta Vigo 2

Depor line-up 4-2-3-1: Molina; Manuel Pablo (Scaloni m.54), Naybet, Djorovic, Romero 
(Amavisca m.75); Sergio, Mauro Silva; Makaay, Valeron, Fran; Diego Tristan (Pandiani)

Depor did it again. They came from behind, their preferred position these days, in 
front of an over-excited and nearly full Riazor, this time against local rivals Celta 
Vigo. The match was intense and representative of the high quality of Galician 
football these days, as a win for either side would have put them top of the table. As 
they had against us, Depor found themselves behind without really having been 
dominated, but this time their comeback owed as much to an adrenaline rush as to any 
real improvement in their play or tactical switches. It was all rather overshadowed 
though by the horrific injury to the Depor full-back Manuel Pablo, who broke his leg 
in two places, in an incident similar to the David Busst (Coventry) injury at Old 
Trafford a few years ago. Fortunately ManuelPablo is only expected to be out for a few 

Basque Dave

[27] Tabloid tosh
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
We have it on very good authority that the story in the Mirror today 
is  bollocks. Not only did Stam get a pay-off from United but also a nice signing-on 
fee from Lazio. So what claim can he make?

[26] Surely nobody will fork out this much
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
So we presume the unsold club tickets will be put to a ballot, but how many are still 
left for club trips?

>From official site


Lille (Away)
Wednesday 31 October.

All match tickets that were available for members who wished to make their  own travel 
arrangements have now been sold. It should also be noted that  Lille have sold all of 
their tickets.

Application forms are still available from the Membership Office for two of  the 
club's flight packages, the one-day trip and the two-day VIP trip. All  coach trips 
have sold out.

The following packages are being sold to all club members on a first come,  first 
serve basis (Season Ticket and LMTB holders should also produce  voucher 69 duly 

OPTION 1: Day Trip from Manchester, price £230.00 (Includes match ticket)

OPTION 2: 2 Day VIP Trip from Manchester, £375.00 plus match ticket

This package includes one night's hotel accommodation in Lille city centre.  Price 
based on 2 people sharing.'

[25] But Royle is to sue
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'JOE ROYLE is suing Manchester City. He has issued a writ claiming 
unfair dismissal - and contesting the level of compensation he was 
paid. Royle, whose pay-off was around £200,000, claims in his action that  he should 
not have been fired after relegation from the Premiership -  and believes he is owed 
£500,000 more than he has already received...

He confirmed today that a writ has been issued and said: 'The matter is in the hands 
of my solicitors and that is all I can say. The issues at stake are the level of 
settlement and unfair dismissal.'

Mr Bernstein said: 'This is not a matter I wish to comment on, but  clearly the club 
will strongly defend this unnecessary action.'

[24] Giggs couldn't believe Saturday
Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by bar-knee:
Add another one to the few thousand.

"I wasn't at the game, but I had a mate in the ground who texted me  every time a goal 
went in. I was convinced he was winding me up, even  though I thought we could still 
get something out of the game if we  scored early after the break, which we did 
through Andy Cole. But  that said, to run out 5-3 winners was simply amazing."

Why weren't you in a dodgy pub watching it on some foreign channel Ryan! 

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