>On 01/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Solaris is Solaris; OpenSolaris is a separate thing. To imply
>> >OpenSolaris is Solaris is a mistake no matter which distribution
>> >represents it. You also shouldn't make implications without claims. So
>> >far, Indiana has done nothing permanent that causes deviation from
>> >Solaris or OpenSolaris origins (unless stagnation matches your
>> >definition).
>> Shawn, offending Solaris developers and OpenSolaris developers in a single
>> sentence will not help you get your point across.
>I can't help it if folks are easily offended. I'm just stating things
>as I see them. If that's offensive, it's the choice of the person
>seeing it to be offended.
>I'm human, I can obviously be wrong. However, I don't see anything
>incorrect about what I stated.

Really, you say that "Solaris" and "OpenSolaris"  are stagnant and
somehow Indiana is not.

I find the changes in Indiana rather cosmetic and small compared
(and pretty much also-ran/copy-cat) when compared to innovations in

I think you're being offensive and I don't think I'm easily offended.

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