On 01/11/2007, Keith M Wesolowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 03:14:15PM -0500, Shawn Walker wrote:
> > Solaris is Solaris; OpenSolaris is a separate thing. To imply
> > OpenSolaris is Solaris is a mistake no matter which distribution
> > represents it. You also shouldn't make implications without claims. So
> > far, Indiana has done nothing permanent that causes deviation from
> > Solaris or OpenSolaris origins (unless stagnation matches your
> > definition).
> In thinking about the use of trademarks and how we express ourselves
> as a community, it's important to remember that Solaris shaped, and
> was shaped by, the professional values of a large number of engineers
> who are now Members of our community.  It's worth trying to
> distinguish the values we hold from the expression of those values in
> the form of Solaris; they're deeply related but not exactly the same.
> It is for us to decide how we express our values; it is up to Sun to
> manage the image of Solaris.  That OpenSolaris (the word) is
> considered a derivative of Solaris and therefore under Sun's control
> is a potential sticking point, but it shouldn't distract us from
> figuring out how we wish to present our own values as an engineering
> community.

That was exactly my point, and I thank you for wording it far better
than I could.

Sun is responsible for defining and managing Solaris. If people hold
onto the idea that OpenSolaris == Solaris, then Sun will always be in
control of defining it.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

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