On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Richard L. Hamilton <rlha...@smart.net> wrote:

> Until Indiana was self-hosting, they built on SXCE.
> AFAIK, once Indiana was self-hosting, they built on it.
> Some (no doubt not all) would like to stay in sync with what they're
> building on, as much as possible.
> How well will a community distro be able to do that?

Either we heave-ho and try to chase IPS, wherever that leads us, and
try to stay as much as possible in lock step with where their
installation/BE/build architecture takes us; or we realize that we
DON'T have to play the NIH game that started IPS and we fill in the
gaps with some  other enviroment/packaging.  Chris B. and the OSUnix
gang made a heck of a run getting things to build with another system
and packaging.  Is it critical that we try to create an upgrade path
from 2009.11?

Look, there's source for several consolidations.  It'll build on at
least some version of a recent build for the moment -- or at least
some version of it does.  Nexenta used a completely different
packaging system and they managed to track and incorporate changes
until recently.  I know you've been running down the information gap
and reverse engineering things -- imagine if you actually had help
with that aspect.

There's one edge that we have that Oracle does not, by the way.
Consider for a moment the /contrib repository.  Ask yourself if Oracle
has the resources to maintain a large port tree.  Sun had ramped up
resources and infrastructure for enabling the growth of such a tree --
including internally managing many ports in house -- and Oracle seems
to have taken a 180 on this approach.  That's, to me, a significant

I have not doubt that the "community" can do it -- it's gonna be a
question of generating enough momentum and consensus on an approach.
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