Shawn, Joerg, Richard,,

IMO this is not the time or place to argue about this level of detail - like
it or not, IPS is part of what we have and isn't going to magically go away
anytime soon.  Neither are SVr4 packages.

What we don't have is an up to date buildable, downloadable, installable
*community distro* that uses EITHER of those two technologies.  It seems to
me that our energies are better spent getting to the point where we have the
above before we balkanize and fragment over whether or not it should have
some particular feature :-)

Crawl before we walk and Walk before we run.  It seems rather pointless if
we don't even try crawling or walking, but instead sit in front of our
computers and bash each other about how things would be better if only we
could run in different directions...


On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Shawn Walker <>wrote:

> On 07/19/10 02:50 AM, wrote:
>> "Richard L. Hamilton"<>  wrote:
>> > ...
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