Hi Jan,

Well, I don't want to sound too harsh, but if *you* don't have time to
actually read the documentation and go through the tutorials, why do you
think people on the list should have time to support you? Especially as the
question above is really a FAQ issue that was addressed on the list in the
past. Also basic things like actually checking why it crashed in the log
and finding the stack trace are well documented in the Android SDK/NDK
documentation. We have our own jobs to do as well, you know.

Good question. That is the purpose of the community I guess. While back
when while I was more active with this list I used to support people just
because. Also, I work as freelance so I know that all the knowledge gained
here or there is valuable and is worth of money. It is based on the
supportive attitude I believe people from this list have.

So far you get me by only two emails insights into area which is new to me
and I am thankful. And I am willing to share it with all the new comers
since there are some undocumented stuff or it is not clear where the specs
and docs are located and this knowledge is spread among the highlanders
from the community who have spent the time ( which I don't have at the
moment and that was the reason for me to address the community ) and money
and again, it has some commercal value as well. I think as a freelance
contractor I have the understanding for all you wanned to address.

Thanks again for the time you spent and the know how you shared with me -
actually you helped me a lot. And I promise I will read the specs ;-)



On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Jan Ciger <jan.ci...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK <
> trajce.nikolov.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jan, Jorge,
>> ...
>> Jan, here are more questions:
>> ...Either compile for the version 5 ABI ("armeabi" - which doesn't use
>> Neon) or disable the Neon instruction set according to the instructions in
>> the doc.
>> how? Do you have the link from the documentation handy? I tried to google
>> it for some short time and no luck.
> http://www.openscenegraph.com/index.php/documentation/platform-specifics/android/43-building-openscenegraph-for-android-3-0-2
>  (the
> doc you are using already)
> in -DANDROID_ABI select only "armeabi" (remove the other ABI)
> Make sure to disable the optimizations:
> These things are an optional part of the ARM spec and not every chip
> manufacturer decides to include them in their CPUs. If you try to run code
> using these instructions on a CPU that doesn't support it, Linux kernel
> will kill your process with an invalid instruction signal - typically
> either SIGBUS or SIGILL => app crashes without any messages. You should
> check the log viewer in Eclipse (don't forget to disable any filters!) and
> look for a crash there.
>> Starting mobile app development with OSG as your first project is a
>> really terrible idea due to the complexity - try some of the SDK examples
>> first, then the examples from the NDK so that you understand how things fit
>> together.
>> I know. This is really good advice but no time frame for it since my
>> focus in osg on android, I do not care about the other ( I should not
>> actually, at least at the moment based on the spec ). So I really rely on
>> available documentation and support from the community which is great btw,
>> having people like you :).
> Well, I don't want to sound too harsh, but if *you* don't have time to
> actually read the documentation and go through the tutorials, why do you
> think people on the list should have time to support you? Especially as the
> question above is really a FAQ issue that was addressed on the list in the
> past. Also basic things like actually checking why it crashed in the log
> and finding the stack trace are well documented in the Android SDK/NDK
> documentation. We have our own jobs to do as well, you know.
> Best regards,
> Jan
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