
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK <
trajce.nikolov.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good question. That is the purpose of the community I guess. While back
> when while I was more active with this list I used to support people just
> because. Also, I work as freelance so I know that all the knowledge gained
> here or there is valuable and is worth of money. It is based on the
> supportive attitude I believe people from this list have.

I have no problem helping people out neither - others have helped me too
when I had some issues with OSG in the past. That isn't the issue.

However, I think it is at least courteous to first actually "do the
homework" first, be it reading the available documentation, searching list
archives, etc.). The main reason is that then you can ask the right
questions - saving time for everyone, because the person trying to help you
doesn't need to guide you through the basics first (and have to do it all
over again in a week or two when someone else asks the same question).

It is a simple matter of respecting the time of others.
Saying, paraphrasing, "I don't have time to read the docs, just help me
out" is not very respectful in that regard.

> Thanks again for the time you spent and the know how you shared with me -
> actually you helped me a lot. And I promise I will read the specs ;-)

Welcome :) Keep us posted how the debugging goes.


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