Edwina, List:

ET:  This is what is logically called a circular argument and thus, is

No, a *circular argument* is one in which the conclusion is already *assumed
*in at least one of the premisses.  That is certainly not the case here.
Instead, the claim appears to be that my Semeiotic Argumentation sets
up an *infinite
regress*.  However, as I already explained, Peirce does not require the
external Object of every Sign to *be *a Sign, but rather that the Sign
can *only
*represent its Object *to the extent* that the latter is *of the nature* of

ET:  I suggest we allow each other the 'grace' to do this - rather than
insisting that one or the other is 'right' - and the other is a

That is fine, as long as it goes both ways.  What we *cannot *do is
attribute something to Peirce that he *did not* actually say, or ignore
something that he *explicitly *said; and what we *should not* do is accuse
him of self-contradiction, unless it is completely unavoidable.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 10:47 AM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> JAS,  list
> This is what is logically called a circular argument and thus, is invalid.
> That is, consider the debate:
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> JFS:  But the existence of quasi-minds at the level of bacteria is
> sufficient for the universe to perceive and interpret itself.
> JAS: Sure, but it is not sufficient for the Universe to determine itself;
> an external Object is necessary to determine it.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> ET:  What JAS is doing, I suggest, is setting up a circular argument,
> where he has the Universe as a separate entity, a Sign, in interaction
> with  an External Object. Now - this External Object MUST, according to
> Peirce, also be a Sign...and so...logically, it too must require its own
> External Object...which is also a Sign...which also requires its own
> External Object...and so on.
> -----------------
> My view is that Peirce has at no time set up the Universe as a separate,
> bounded entity - i.e., with spatial and/or temporal horizons. Therefore -
> there is NO external Object.
> Furthermore,  his outline of the necessary function of the
> three categories of 1ns, 2ns, 3ns, provides ALL the generative actions
> required for the full semiosic functioning of this universe. That is, as
> John Sowa points out," the existence of quasi-minds at the level of
> bacteria is sufficient for the universe to perceive and interpret itself."
> Again, these quasi-minds function within the three categories - nothing
> else is needed for the semiosic functioning of the universe.
> And again - all we are doing is quoting the same passages to each other,
> and interpreting them in different ways. I suggest we allow each other the
> 'grace' to do this - rather than insisting that one or the other is 'right'
> - and the other is a 'misinterpretation.
> Edwina
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