> Writers, editors, and librarians -- we're picky sorts.  I guess because there
> are standard and accepted style manuals that are followed in writing when a
> song or any copyrighted work is mentioned.  I think you find the lack of
> information on CD liner notes varies due to a lack of  an accepted standard.

I'm sure that's all true. But I was thinking, too, that it was more than just the
pickiness and accepted standards of writers and editors at play here. I was
thinking it was, you know, like, the law. I can't imagine that it's just because
every single print publishing house out there is picky, and so many music labels
aren't, that copyrights are always given in books and not uncommonly not given on
CD labels. (Even when so many print publishing houses and music labels share
coprorate ownership.) I'm guessing there's a difference in copyright
law/requirents, although I don't think that makes much sense.


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