At 01:01 PM 4/10/1999 Terry Smith wrote:

>So how's that new Wilco record?
>Couldn't resist. Anyhow, I haven't heard it, but there's a formula that I
>understand applies to this record, and establishes, in my mind, whether
>it's any damn good. It goes like this: "Summerteeth" = ELO. 

and I replied with, among other smart-assed things:

>It doesn't sound anything much like ELO to me Terry, a good thing.

David Cantwell also replied to Terry:

>the ELO period
>that Summerteeth is inarguably borowing from, and borrowing heavily--I say
>inarguably, because you only have to listen to A New World Record to hear
>the obvious similarities (see my ND review to get specifics) but also
>because Tweedy, as I've said before, has confirmed that ELO was one of the
>bubblegum sources Wilco itself heard in the record...

So Terry, I apologize.

And from my perspective it's definitely inarguable, since you'd have to put
a gun to my head to get me to listen to A NEW WORLD RECORD. If I never hear
"Telephone Line" (cringe) or "Livin' Thing" (wince) again, it'll be too soon.

Matters of taste and all, and I sure don't want to tangle with the imposing
Cantwell-Curry tag team. 
And thoughts of further discussion of the pop merits of ELO/Jeff Lynne give
me a headache. <g>

Amy, Stevie,, all of a sudden I'm having second thoughts about
SUMMERTEETH. Can I maybe come crawling over to your team? <g>



"Time begins on Opening Day" -Thomas Boswell 

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