> Terry, your ELO premise is wrong. While the band's original records were
> equal, more or less, to crappy, pretentious, classical rock, the ELO period
> that Summerteeth is inarguably borowing from, and borrowing heavily--I say
> inarguably, because you only have to listen to A New World Record to hear
> the obvious similarities (see my ND review to get specifics) but also
> because Tweedy, as I've said before, has confirmed that ELO was one of the
> bubblegum sources Wilco itself heard in the record--is the late 70s period
> when the crappy and pretentious aspect gave way completely to a pure-pop
> approach.  Perhaps that sound would be similarly dissed as slight and

> But while ELO is clearly a major source here, the disc is not an ELO clone
> record--there's a lot of ELO contemporaneous stuff in there too (ABBA,
> Raspberries, Babys, etc etc etc) as well as more certain to be approved

Sigh... I was hunting for a good excuse not to go out and buy another
record, and David had to go and spoil it. I'd gone all these years without
realizing that ELO had more than one period. Though, I'll confess, those
1970s years were a bit bleary-eyed, and given over to outright rejection
of whatever genre I wasn't thrilled about at the time. Sure glad I've
learned my lesson! -- Terry Smith

ps Ed Norton fans, see "Rounders." It's on video now.

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