ObWilco:  I'm quite taken with Via Chicago.  Yet to pass judgement on
the rest of the record -- some nice sounds, though no songs have grabbed

ObNorton, Amy sez:
> Primal Fear is
> the first and most striking example of that: a mediocre thriller with a
> more-than-usually smug and simpering performance by (ugh) Richard Gere, but
> I nonetheless taped it and have watched it repeatedly because Norton's
> performance is so breathtaking. I just wish he'd do some more good movies.

I agree with this assessment for the most part, though I'd substitute
the words "atrocious thriller" for "mediocre thriller".  Rarerly have I
seen so much acting talent (Norton, Francis McDormand, Alfrie Woodard
and John Mahoney ) work with such a poor script.  I'm astounded that it
was based on a book -- it's one of the worst courthouse movies I've ever
seen.  Norton somehow pulled off an astonishing performance with a
character that should have been laughable.  

Carl Z. 

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