In a PS at 1:38 PM -0400  on 4/10/99, Amy Haugesag wrote:

>>ps just saw "American History X" last night. Great film -- does anyone
>>else think Edward Norton's the best young actor today?
>Yes, in a word. And not merely because he's such a complete and utter babe.
>I haven't seen American History X yet, but from what I hear, it's another
>case of Ed's performance being vastly better than the movie. Primal Fear is
>the first and most striking example of that: a mediocre thriller with a
>more-than-usually smug and simpering performance by (ugh) Richard Gere, but
>I nonetheless taped it and have watched it repeatedly because Norton's
>performance is so breathtaking. I just wish he'd do some more good movies.

Trace and I saw the movie last week and I (and, I think, she) would go
along with that. (Also, Norton should wish he were as buff as me.) The
movie was fine while it was playing, too; it's just that afterward, all
of these little problems quickly become obvious. But it's well-acted
and well-paced, so during the movie, you just go along for the ride,
for the most part.


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