On Sat, 10 Apr 1999, Terry A. Smith wrote:

>ELO = Crappy, pretentious, classical rock, therego "Summerteeth" =
> pretentious classical rock. Or maybe it's called art rock. I forget. And
> Jerry, I will be checking my mailbox for letter bombs, so don't try
> anything! -- Terry Smith

Smith, your ass is mine.  Oh that's right, you are ducking out on
Twangfest this year.  Better check those plane fares to Athens.  Now, was
it Athens, georgia, Athens, Greece....which Athens again?

> ps just saw "American History X" last night. Great film -- does anyone
> else think Edward Norton's the best young actor today? You can answer this
> question in a p.s. attached to a twang-oriented post, just so we don't get

PS: Yes, Edward Norton is perhaps, the most exciting and interesting male
actor going today. I thought he really invorgorated People vs. Larry Flynt
as well.  What I wonder is, where can I get ahold of some of those 70's
costumes they employed in that movie?  Way cool.  Oh, he also saved that
Richard Gere movie where he played the insane priest killer fellow.

NP: Gerald Collier's - 1st solo LP....name is escaping me and the case is
way across the room.  By the way, I find Gerald Collier to be one of the
most interesting artists going today.

Happy weekend to you all.  It just so happens to rain on the weekends here
in Oregon.  But, of course, it's clear & sunny during the work week.


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