Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Andrew McIntyre

On 6/22/06, Daniel John Debrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Isn't an implementation of JSR221 writing (clean room) classes in the
java.sql and javax.sql name spaces. (e.g. java.sql.Driver &

Derby is not doing that, Derby is providing an implementation of a JDBC
driver, not an implementation of JSR221 itself. Implementing JSR221 is
something that Harmony would (might) do.

My point is that the JCP rules for implementation of the spec itself do
not apply here.


I agree, on rereading the JSPA agreement, the text I quoted in my
previous email refers to independent implementations of the core
classes covered by JSR-221. i.e. the java.sql.* classes, etc.
Applications which happen to implement interfaces in those packages in
their own namespace don't seem to be covered by anything in the JSPA.

But, looking at the evaluation license you need to agree to download
the spec, it contains this:

Subject to the terms and conditions of this license,
Sun hereby grants you a fully-paid, non-exclusive,
non-transferable, limited license (without the right
to sublicense) under Sun's intellectual property
rights to review the Specification only for the
purposes of evaluation. This license includes the
right to discuss the Specification (including the
right to provide limited excerpts of text to the
extent relevant to the point[s] under discussion) with
other licensees (under this or a substantially similar
version of this Agreement) of the Specification. *Other
than this limited license, you acquire no right, title
or interest in or to the Specification or any other
Sun intellectual property*, and the Specification may
only be used in accordance with the license terms set
forth herein. This license will expire on the earlier
of: ... (ii) the date on which the final version of the
Specification is publicly released;

Presumably this is where the idea that you can't ship something that
implements an interface in a JSR comes from, because you would have
needed to copy material which is copyrighted by Sun, and to which
you've agreed to this license to have knowledge of. Let's assume that
the people who implemented the Derby implementations of the JDBC 4
interfaces are subject to this agreement. And, that this means that
the method signatures described in the spec and any javadoc comments
in the JDBC 4.0 spec are the IP in question here that we have
'acquired no right' to use. The method signatures in the Derby classes
were clearly copied from the spec, and I believe perhaps some javadoc
comments as well, although I would need to check that.

Now, there are two things involved in our catch-22:

* Mustang wants to ship a GA Derby 10.2, which supports JDBC 4.0.

Sun wants to release a version of Derby with the JDK that (I would
assume) includes javadoc for Derby that includes material copied from
the JDBC 4 spec. But if Sun shipping the JDK is the event which
satisifes ' (ii) the date on which the final version of the
Specification is publicly released' then the license above expires and
the people who were reading the spec and copied parts of it into Derby
are no longer bound by this agreement either. It's not clear what
license is then in effect, but I would like to think that by virtue of
the contributors in question, the ASL is the license in effect on that
code, since it was contributed to Derby by employees of Sun under its
CCLA and the various ICLAS in effect for the individual contributors.
But then, IANAL.

As far as the Derby bits that Sun ships in the JDK, well, it's not
really Derby they've committed to shipping but JavaDB. So they can
twiddle the bits as they see fit I suppose, as long as they don't call
it an official Derby release anywhere in the JDK. I could imagine a
situation where they simply flip the beta flag and update the version
so that Derby reports itself as a database at whatever
revision it happens to be the day the JDK ships, along with the
modified 'M' flag in the version string. If Sun says that all that did
was ship the Derby code at that revision level with the necessary
version bits modified, then anyone using the Derby bundled with the
JDK will just have to believe them.

If, say, that version happens to not upgrade to official Derby
releases for some bizarre reason, then suddenly there are lots of new,
irate users complaining that Derby is broken. This would make the
Derby community look bad through no fault of its own (and Sun has a
sticky problem to boot). Hopefully this won't be an issue, though.

* Derby can't ship a GA 10.2 until JDBC 4.0 is GA, which is with Mustang.

One modification here: Derby could ship a GA 10.2 any time it likes.
Just not with the JDBC 4 bits. Nor would it want to, anyway, since
besides the evaluation license probably covering material that Derby
would be releaseing, Derby could possibly ship incorrect
implementations of interfaces defined in the spec, and nobody in the
community is interested in that. :-)

But, once the spec i

Re: MySQL to Derby Migration Tool

2006-06-22 Thread Ramin Moazeni

Thanks for your comments, Jean. I would like to add that using
DatabaseMetaData, I am able to find primary keys and foreign keys
using the methods getPrimaryKeys and getImportedKeys, but have not
been able to find a way to find out other details of a table specified
in the original create statement such as CHECK constraint.

Comments are appreciated...

Thanks much,
Ramin Moazeni

On 6/22/06, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ramin Moazeni wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a Google Summer of code participant working on the Derby
> Migration tool project. The High level design document is posted at

It's great to see you doing this!

> There are 2 approaches described in the document -- one based on the use
> DatabaseMetaData class and the other is based on the use ddlUtils tool
> ( which is also an apache project.

In the "Approach 2: Using DdlUtils" section of ,
there is this description:

  In order to use DdlUtils component to migrate the source database
  to the target database, following steps are suggested:

   * Capture DDL file from DdlUtils.
   * Modify the source DDL to the target DDL using Serialization and
Deserialization of XML.
   * Fed in the new DDL file to the DdlUtils.

If the intent is to use the XML DDL file generated by DdlUtils,
technically there should be no need to modify it for the target database
-- except that there are a few issues that would need to be watched for,
such as Derby doesn't support a boolean type. At any rate, the Java app
can read the database model from the XML file, or even from the "live
database" (see
), then write that database model to the target. The DdlUtils code takes
care of producing the SQL required to create the tables in the new database.

> Please note that the DdlUtils doesn't support non-table entities, 
constraints, triggers, stored procedures, etc.

DdlUtils supports primary and foreign key constraints, but not check

Given its limitations, your DatabaseMetaData approach might be more
complete. But if you can use any pieces from DdlUtils, you should feel
free to do so (with all the correct attributions, of course) since it is
under the ASL 2.0.


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Brian McCallister wrote:

> On Jun 22, 2006, at 7:09 PM, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
>> "You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes 
>> final."
>> Where does this restriction come from?
> Until a spec is final I don't see how you can have a certified compliant
> implementation of that spec. 

Agreed, and I'm not sure that there is any requirement for Derby to have
a certified compliant JDBC driver. Sure it would be great to have a
certified driver, but it's not a requirement for a Derby release.

> It might be as easy as not claiming JDBC  4.0
> compliance until *after* JSR-221 is final, than saying, "huh, gee whiz,
> we pass the TCK!" 

Except there is no TCK for compliance of a JDBC 4.0 driver. I believe
the compliance for a driver is only described by text in the JDBC 4.0
spec. The JSR221 TCK is for compliance of the JDBC 4.0 apis.

> If the interfaces happen to exist in a release before the spec is final,
> well, cool. Folks using them are at risk of the spec changing at the  last
> minute, so I would put bright red warnings around them if they are event
> documented before the official release of the spec (not of Derby).



Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
>>Jean T. Anderson wrote:
>>>David posted a good summary of the legal catch-22 at [1]. But the
>>>shortest story is:
>>> + Mustang wants to ship a GA Derby 10.2, which supports JDBC 4.0.
>>> + Derby can't ship a GA 10.2 until JDBC 4.0 is GA, which is with Mustang.
>>>Let's keep this thread confined to the JCP issue Andrew raised that to
>>>roll a release candidate qualifies as "creation".[2] And those release
>>>candidates will be generally available.
>>I don't think the JCP rules apply since we are not creating an
>>implementation of JSR221.
> How could that be?  Where did the information for the APIs come from?

Isn't an implementation of JSR221 writing (clean room) classes in the
java.sql and javax.sql name spaces. (e.g. java.sql.Driver &

Derby is not doing that, Derby is providing an implementation of a JDBC
driver, not an implementation of JSR221 itself. Implementing JSR221 is
something that Harmony would (might) do.

My point is that the JCP rules for implementation of the spec itself do
not apply here.

>>I'm sure other rules apply that say one cannot ship a JDBC 4.0 driver
>>until Mustang goes GA, but that's not the JCP rules that Andrew provided
>>references to. It would be good to get Lance to expand on what he meant
>>when he said:
>>"You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes final."
>>Where does this restriction come from?
> I'm not sure.  The license on the public review draft gives no rights to
> distribute an implementation under *any* label (more recent public
> review draft licenses  do now after the whole EJB3 brouhaha)

My point is "implementation" of what exactly. I think Lance (JSR221 spec
lead) has already said that the TCK for JSR221 just checks the the
classes (java.sql etc.) exist and have the correct methods & signatures,
that implies to me that implementing JSR221 means providing those classes.


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr

Kathey Marsden wrote:
> Brian McCallister wrote:
>> If the interfaces happen to exist in a release before the spec is final,
>> well, cool. Folks using them are at risk of the spec changing at the 
>> last
>> minute, so I would put bright red warnings around them if they are event
>> documented before the official release of the spec (not of Derby).
> +1
> - We have a Derby 10.2 GA release with any JDBC 4.0 functionality marked
> as USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, just part of incremental devlopment and totally
> subject to change if the spec does.
> - Mustang takes that and runs with it.
> - Then we have a follow up release, yes even two months later where we
> are certified compliant.
> A nice clean 2 phase commit.  I haven't read the legal stuff, but does
> this not work?

It works, but if you want to be technical about it, not really.  Because
of the license Sun chose for the public draft for JDBC4, you can't
actually implement and distribute it.

Of course, as the licensor, Sun could offer a 'clarification' of that
license and allow implementations of the public draft, and that would at
least let us legally ship it.

The cleanest way seem to just remove the JDBC4 stuff from the upcoming
GA release, and then release a JDBC4 driver as fast as you can once you
have the final spec and a TCK.


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden

Brian McCallister wrote:

If the interfaces happen to exist in a release before the spec is final,
well, cool. Folks using them are at risk of the spec changing at the  

minute, so I would put bright red warnings around them if they are event
documented before the official release of the spec (not of Derby).

- We have a Derby 10.2 GA release with any JDBC 4.0 functionality marked 
as USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, just part of incremental devlopment and totally 
subject to change if the spec does.

- Mustang takes that and runs with it.
- Then we have a follow up release, yes even two months later where we 
are certified compliant.

A nice clean 2 phase commit.  I haven't read the legal stuff, but does 
this not work?


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr

Brian McCallister wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2006, at 7:09 PM, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
>> "You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes
>> final."
>> Where does this restriction come from?
> Until a spec is final I don't see how you can have a certified compliant
> implementation of that spec. It might be as easy as not claiming JDBC 4.0
> compliance until *after* JSR-221 is final, than saying, "huh, gee whiz,
> we pass the TCK!"

The only problem I see is that by the letter of the law, there is no
right to implement and distribute JDBC4's public draft.

I guess the first thing to figure out is what from the JDBC4 expert
group has actually been implemented.

> If the interfaces happen to exist in a release before the spec is final,
> well, cool.

Sun used to have some strange arguments about spec API copyrights which
made that uncool unless you passed the TCK (which implied completion of
the JSR)

> Folks using them are at risk of the spec changing at the last
> minute, so I would put bright red warnings around them if they are event
> documented before the official release of the spec (not of Derby).

Or just leave JDBC4 out of the GA release, and given it's only a
database driver, just offer it as a second jar when it's possible to do so.

Why tie the DB release cycle to an updated driver?  Won't a JDBC3 driver
work well too?


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
> Jean T. Anderson wrote:
>> David posted a good summary of the legal catch-22 at [1]. But the
>> shortest story is:
>>  + Mustang wants to ship a GA Derby 10.2, which supports JDBC 4.0.
>>  + Derby can't ship a GA 10.2 until JDBC 4.0 is GA, which is with Mustang.
>> Let's keep this thread confined to the JCP issue Andrew raised that to
>> roll a release candidate qualifies as "creation".[2] And those release
>> candidates will be generally available.
> I don't think the JCP rules apply since we are not creating an
> implementation of JSR221.

How could that be?  Where did the information for the APIs come from?

> I'm sure other rules apply that say one cannot ship a JDBC 4.0 driver
> until Mustang goes GA, but that's not the JCP rules that Andrew provided
> references to. It would be good to get Lance to expand on what he meant
> when he said:
> "You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes final."
> Where does this restriction come from?

I'm not sure.  The license on the public review draft gives no rights to
distribute an implementation under *any* label (more recent public
review draft licenses  do now after the whole EJB3 brouhaha)

> Dan.
>> How do we handle this cleanly?

I would assume that you just don't ship a JDBC 4 driver with the release
of Derby, and do a release when the spec is final and a TCK can be
obtained from the spec lead to ensure that the implementation is
compatible with the spec.

It's just a driver.  The database is fully functional w/o it, right?

Seems to be fairly simple.


>> -jean
>> [1]
>> [2]

Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
Jean T. Anderson wrote:
> David posted a good summary of the legal catch-22 at [1]. But the
> shortest story is:
>  + Mustang wants to ship a GA Derby 10.2, which supports JDBC 4.0.
>  + Derby can't ship a GA 10.2 until JDBC 4.0 is GA, which is with Mustang.
> Let's keep this thread confined to the JCP issue Andrew raised that to
> roll a release candidate qualifies as "creation".[2] And those release
> candidates will be generally available.
> How do we handle this cleanly?
> -jean
> [1]
> [2]

I goofed up these URLs and both point to the start of the thread. I
meant to point to these:


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Brian McCallister

On Jun 22, 2006, at 7:09 PM, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

"You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes  

Where does this restriction come from?

Until a spec is final I don't see how you can have a certified compliant
implementation of that spec. It might be as easy as not claiming JDBC  

compliance until *after* JSR-221 is final, than saying, "huh, gee whiz,
we pass the TCK!"

If the interfaces happen to exist in a release before the spec is final,
well, cool. Folks using them are at risk of the spec changing at the  

minute, so I would put bright red warnings around them if they are event
documented before the official release of the spec (not of Derby).


Re: catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Jean T. Anderson wrote:

> David posted a good summary of the legal catch-22 at [1]. But the
> shortest story is:
>  + Mustang wants to ship a GA Derby 10.2, which supports JDBC 4.0.
>  + Derby can't ship a GA 10.2 until JDBC 4.0 is GA, which is with Mustang.
> Let's keep this thread confined to the JCP issue Andrew raised that to
> roll a release candidate qualifies as "creation".[2] And those release
> candidates will be generally available.

I don't think the JCP rules apply since we are not creating an
implementation of JSR221.

I'm sure other rules apply that say one cannot ship a JDBC 4.0 driver
until Mustang goes GA, but that's not the JCP rules that Andrew provided
references to. It would be good to get Lance to expand on what he meant
when he said:

"You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes final."

Where does this restriction come from?


> How do we handle this cleanly?
> -jean
> [1]
> [2]

catch-22: Derby, Mustang, and JCP issue

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
David posted a good summary of the legal catch-22 at [1]. But the
shortest story is:

 + Mustang wants to ship a GA Derby 10.2, which supports JDBC 4.0.
 + Derby can't ship a GA 10.2 until JDBC 4.0 is GA, which is with Mustang.

Let's keep this thread confined to the JCP issue Andrew raised that to
roll a release candidate qualifies as "creation".[2] And those release
candidates will be generally available.

How do we handle this cleanly?



Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Craig L Russell
Hi,Jean commented on David's post:... In order for this to work, we need Java DB to be based on an official,"GA-ready" release of Derby to be what Sun redistributes in Mustang.Otherwise databases created in Mustang will be "locked in" to Java DB.The problem is that it can't *actually* be GA until after JCP approvesJSR 221, JDBC 4.0, which will happen in tandem with the GA release ofthe JDK, around 5 weeks after the JDK team needs their final integrationbits from all the pieces going into it. in other words, we have a classic catch-22. :-)No, not at all. What happens right now is that we publish a release candidate that is available for the Derby community to test and vote on. Once the vote is complete, the release manager ties up some of the loose ends (records the vote results, pushes the bits around) and publishes the release on the Apache mirrors. Subsequently, other loose ends are tied (official announcement on Apache general email alias).What Rick is proposing to happen is for the community to vote and subsequently tie up some loose ends (record the vote results, send the bits to the Mustang folks instead of to the Apache mirrors). Once the Mustang release is official, continue tying up loose ends (publish the release on the Apache mirrors). And more loose ends (official announcement on Apache general email alias). So the only thing that changes compared to today is the delay that Rick mentioned between community approval of the bits and posting the bits to the Apache mirrors. I think what Rick is asking for is a release that is voted as"GA-ready", has the GA-bit turned on, but because of JCP rules is notactually *made* generally available until JSR 220 becomes final.  Sincewe all need to vet this release and approve it, it would be available tothe Derby community, but not *generally* available by distributing it onall the Apache mirrors. It would still be easily available. And once downloaded, and probablyredistributed further, downstream users would have no idea that theyaren't working with an official Apache release.As I understand it, this is what happens today. Once the release candidate is announced, anyone can theoretically grab the bits and distribute them before the release is voted on and available from the mirrors. Is this considered a problem today?What is the specific legal verbiage we're working with here?IANAL, but the only license available right now (the license under which the community is using the bits) is an evaluation license for JSR 221, which reads, in part:Subject to the terms and conditions of this license, Sun hereby grants you a fully-paid, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license (without the right to sublicense) under Sun's intellectual property rights to review the Specification only for the purposes of evaluation.Until Mustang goes GA, there is no redistribution license available.Craig -jean I know this seems like a fine hair to split, but it's the only way wecan be successful without Sun having to do a non-upgradable fork ofDerby, which I don't think any of us want.I hope this helps to clear things up, even if it doesn't make thingssimpler :)David  Craig Russell Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System 408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!  

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Lance J. Andersen

David Van Couvering wrote:

Lance J. Andersen wrote:
You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes 

Are you *sure* you can't *have* a GA version, e.g the bits can't exist 
somewhere, as long as they're not officially declared generally 
available?  If we can't even create the bits, then it is physically 
and logically impossible for us to give anything to the JDK team for 
I think we are talking different things here as you are talking about 
getting your final version of your product ready to be released based on 
a JSR which is getting ready to go final , which is fine, which is 
different from what i was trying to say.  gives you an overview of how a 
JSR goes final.

Personally, I think we need to get clarification from the JCP folks on 
this before we make any final conclusions about this.



Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering
That said, it's probably also good to hear from the JCP as well.  It 
would probably help the ASF gauge what their exposure is and what 
approaches they feel comfortable with.


David Van Couvering wrote:

OK, good point, thanks.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Andrew McIntyre wrote:

Or maybe ask Geir, since he's VP of Java Community Process for the
Apache Software Foundation, since similar instances may have come up
fairly recently. [3]

Even if we did ask Geir, he's not the last word on it. I'd rather hear
it from the horse's mouth.  I or someone else will get back to you.

From the ASF point of view, which is what we are discussing here, I
rather think Geir is the "horse's mouth". It's the ASF's interpretation
of the licence the ASF signed and the risks the ASF is willing to take
that matter with a Apache Derby release.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering

Hi, Lance.  Sorry I had to challenge you publicly on the list, but
I'm really worried that if we're not very careful we are going to paint 
ourselves into a corner and we are going to have to fork Derby in order 
to do a Java DB release.

I think we need the JCP lawyers (and it sounds like the ASF lawyers) to 
weigh in on this question before we make any conclusions that could 
cause us real trouble.



David Van Couvering wrote:

Lance J. Andersen wrote:

You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes final.

Are you *sure* you can't *have* a GA version, e.g the bits can't exist 
somewhere, as long as they're not officially declared generally 
available?  If we can't even create the bits, then it is physically and 
logically impossible for us to give anything to the JDK team for 

Personally, I think we need to get clarification from the JCP folks on 
this before we make any final conclusions about this.



Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering

OK, good point, thanks.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Andrew McIntyre wrote:

Or maybe ask Geir, since he's VP of Java Community Process for the
Apache Software Foundation, since similar instances may have come up
fairly recently. [3]

Even if we did ask Geir, he's not the last word on it. I'd rather hear
it from the horse's mouth.  I or someone else will get back to you.

From the ASF point of view, which is what we are discussing here, I
rather think Geir is the "horse's mouth". It's the ASF's interpretation
of the licence the ASF signed and the risks the ASF is willing to take
that matter with a Apache Derby release.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering

Lance J. Andersen wrote:

You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes final.

Are you *sure* you can't *have* a GA version, e.g the bits can't exist 
somewhere, as long as they're not officially declared generally 
available?  If we can't even create the bits, then it is physically and 
logically impossible for us to give anything to the JDK team for 

Personally, I think we need to get clarification from the JCP folks on 
this before we make any final conclusions about this.



Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
David Van Couvering wrote:

> Andrew McIntyre wrote:

>> Or maybe ask Geir, since he's VP of Java Community Process for the
>> Apache Software Foundation, since similar instances may have come up
>> fairly recently. [3]
> Even if we did ask Geir, he's not the last word on it. I'd rather hear
> it from the horse's mouth.  I or someone else will get back to you.

>From the ASF point of view, which is what we are discussing here, I
rather think Geir is the "horse's mouth". It's the ASF's interpretation
of the licence the ASF signed and the risks the ASF is willing to take
that matter with a Apache Derby release.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Rob Stephens

that was MUCH clearer than what rick wrote.. thanks

David Van Couvering wrote:
Ok, this is
very tricky.  First, I'd like to make sure we're on the same page here
about Java DB going into the JDK.  I think in general the community
thinks it's a good thing for Derby for Java DB to be in the JDK.  It
gives us great exposure and distribution.  I also think the community
would probably like it if databases created by the version of Java DB
to be upgradable to a subsequent release of Derby, so that users can
get the latest and greatest functionality of Derby directly from the
Apache web site, or even upgrade to a future release of Cloudscape if
they decide to get support from IBM.
In order for this to work, we need Java DB to be based on an official,
"GA-ready" release of Derby to be what Sun redistributes in Mustang.
Otherwise databases created in Mustang will be "locked in" to Java DB.
The problem is that it can't *actually* be GA until after JCP approves
JSR 221, JDBC 4.0, which will happen in tandem with the GA release of
the JDK, around 5 weeks after the JDK team needs their final
integration bits from all the pieces going into it.
I think what Rick is asking for is a release that is voted as
"GA-ready", has the GA-bit turned on, but because of JCP rules is not
actually *made* generally available until JSR 220 becomes final.  Since
we all need to vet this release and approve it, it would be available
to the Derby community, but not *generally* available by distributing
it on all the Apache mirrors.
I know this seems like a fine hair to split, but it's the only way we
can be successful without Sun having to do a non-upgradable fork of
Derby, which I don't think any of us want.
I hope this helps to clear things up, even if it doesn't make things
simpler :)
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
  Rick Hillegas wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

  The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will
be marked alpha or beta (JCP

rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.


I apologize for creating confusion here. We'd like Mustang to ship with
a fully functional Derby, which creates upgradeable databases. So I'm
assuming that we turn off the beta marker on the vetted candidate
handing the candidate to Mustang for QA bake-in.

Sorry, I don't understand, I thought Derby 10.2 cannot be marked GA

until Mustang ships. How can it be marked GA without violating the JCP


Sorry if I'm being dense.





Rob Stephens 
Chief of Staff, Database Technology Group
  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Bay Area, California US
Phone 1-877-244-4740 or x51734
Mobile 1-510-928-2996
Fax 1-877-244-4740




Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Lance J. Andersen

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

  Andrew McIntyre wrote:

Call in the lawyers:

  From JSPA - 2.0.1 10 January 2005 [1], which presumably the ASF board

has executed, being a JCP Member (they've even got quotes from Geir
prominently featured on their "about JCP 2.6 page" [2]):

5.B. License to Create Independent Implementations.

Dumb question, is Derby:

 - creating an independent implementation of JSR221
 - or is it implementing a driver that adheres to JSR221?

I would say Apache Harmony (when/if they tackle Jave SE 6) would be
creating an independent implementation of JSR221 and that Derby is not.

You cannot have a GA version of a JDBC 4 driver until JSR 221 goes

The Derby Embedded and Network Client drivers provide implementations
of the  JDBC drivers based on JSR 221.

A Java SE implementation provides the interfaces and concrete classes
that are used by a JDBC driver for the given Java SE implementation.

JSR 221 falls under the umbrella spec for Java SE 6.  They all go final



Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering

Andrew McIntyre wrote:

Anyway, what's the trigger for breaching the contract here? If it's
'creation' alone, then rolling that release candidate surely qualifies
as as creation. If it's 'creation and distribution,' well, is posting
the release candidate in a public forum and on a public website (like
one would have to do to vote on it) considered distribution in this
case? I have no idea, because i'm not a lawyer.

I don't either.  I will try and get someone here to discuss this with 
the JCP lawyers and try and get some clarification about 'creation' vs. 
'creation and distribution'.  I can't see how you can be in trouble for 
creating a set of bits that nobody has access to, but IANAL.

I guess you have somewhat answered my question from my other email: you 
must, even temporarily, make the official GA bits available for 
download, just so we can vote on the release.

Could we remove the download once it's voted on, at least to keep the 
window of vulnerability to a minimum?  I'm not saying that would satisfy 
the lawyers, but I'd like to know what is possible before we talk to them.

How do we handle this normally, if you create a release candidate with 
the GA bit set, and then we reject the release.  Don't we have the same 
problem already, with people getting access to a release that looks and 
smells like an official Apache release but actually isn't?

Or maybe ask Geir, since he's VP of Java Community Process for the
Apache Software Foundation, since similar instances may have come up
fairly recently. [3]

Even if we did ask Geir, he's not the last word on it. I'd rather hear 
it from the horse's mouth.  I or someone else will get back to you.

Thanks for all your input, and your research!


p.s. I'm assuming there's no TCK for JSR-221.

P.S. I am pretty sure there is, but as I understand it, it just 
validates the interfaces are there.  It's part of the overall TCK for 
Java SE 6, is my understanding.  I am sure Lance will be happy to clarify.


(search for "SUN ISSUES")

[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1434) Client can send incorrect database name to server after having made multiple connections to different databases.

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden (JIRA)
[ ] 

Kathey Marsden commented on DERBY-1434:

Wish I could delete the comment but the early closed result set with is issue 
is not a valid symptom.  This wrong line caused the test to fail.  Should have 
been ps2.

ResultSet rs2 = ps.executeQuery(); 

> Client can send incorrect database name to server after having made multiple 
> connections to different databases.
>  Key: DERBY-1434
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Network Client
> Versions:,,
> Reporter: A B
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: Server2.trace, _driver_1,
> I have a simple program that connects to a database using the Derby Client, 
> executes a simple query, then connects to a different database using a 
> different Connection object and executes another simple query on that second 
> connection.  The queries both execute without error, so it appears that the 
> connections are correct--i.e. each query will only work on one of the 
> databases, and both queries work, therefore each must be getting executed 
> against the correct database.
> But in looking at the client and server traces, I noticed that for the query 
> on the second database, the client is actually sending the name of the 
> *first* database as RDBNAM, which (I think?) is wrong--it should be sending 
> the name of the second database, since the query is being executed on the 
> second Connection object.
> This behavior does not appear to occur for JCC.

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Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering

Jean and Dan, you raise good points

(a) what happens if someone downloads this "GA-ready but not GA" release 
of Derby.  If for some reason we have to do a respin of the release (see 
(b)), how will they later know that it's not actually an official 
release of Apache?

(b) is there a possibility, however, slight, that the JDBC spec could 
change after we have marked a release "GA-ready"

I think these are great points for discussion.

I get the sense that we all want to make this work, but are not sure how 
just yet.

I have a suggestion, and I'm sure I'm missing something, but here goes. 
 Is there a way we can vote on the release, and if it passes, Rick can 
flip the GA bit, sign it and put it on the shelf, but not make it 
available for download, even from the Derby site?  This would allow us 
to re-spin if necessary (although I don't think it's likely) due to a 
last-minute change to JDBC, and would prevent a user from ending up with 
a release that looks and smells like it's an official Apache release but 
actually isn't.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Jean T. Anderson wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

In order for this to work, we need Java DB to be based on an official,
"GA-ready" release of Derby to be what Sun redistributes in Mustang.
Otherwise databases created in Mustang will be "locked in" to Java DB.

The problem is that it can't *actually* be GA until after JCP approves
JSR 221, JDBC 4.0, which will happen in tandem with the GA release of
the JDK, around 5 weeks after the JDK team needs their final integration
bits from all the pieces going into it.

in other words, we have a classic catch-22. :-)

Are there any dates around JDBC 4.0/JSR221 that need to be factored in?

I'm curious as to how we can vote on the release that's supporting JDBC
4.0 if the spec isn't final and/or generally available for people to
read. Maybe we would be just voting on the current functionality of
*Derby* and if it happens to match JDBC 4.0 that's a bonus.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Andrew McIntyre wrote:

> Call in the lawyers:
>> From JSPA - 2.0.1 10 January 2005 [1], which presumably the ASF board
> has executed, being a JCP Member (they've even got quotes from Geir
> prominently featured on their "about JCP 2.6 page" [2]):
> 5.B. License to Create Independent Implementations.

Dumb question, is Derby:

 - creating an independent implementation of JSR221
 - or is it implementing a driver that adheres to JSR221?

I would say Apache Harmony (when/if they tackle Jave SE 6) would be
creating an independent implementation of JSR221 and that Derby is not.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Andrew McIntyre

On 6/22/06, Rick Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I think we want that database to play well with the approved
>> release candidate which goes GA.
>The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will be marked alpha or beta (JCP
>rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.
I apologize for creating confusion here. We'd like Mustang to ship with
a fully functional Derby, which creates upgradeable databases. So I'm
assuming that we turn off the beta marker on the vetted candidate before
handing the candidate to Mustang for QA bake-in.

A release candidate that the Derby community votes on would not be
marked alpha/beta by necessity. A vote on a release candidate is for
that set of bits to become the release. If the release candidate is
marked alpha/beta, and that's what people had voted on, and then the
RM rebuilds the distributions to change the version string and
publishes that, then the RM would be publishing something that the
community had not vetted. Not a good idea.

Elsewhere, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Sorry, I don't understand, I thought Derby 10.2 cannot be marked GA
until Mustang ships. How can it be marked GA without violating the JCP

Call in the lawyers:

From JSPA - 2.0.1 10 January 2005 [1], which presumably the ASF board

has executed, being a JCP Member (they've even got quotes from Geir
prominently featured on their "about JCP 2.6 page" [2]):

5.B. License to Create Independent Implementations.

For any Specification produced under a new JSR, the Spec Lead for such
JSR shall offer to grant a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully
paid-up, royalty free, irrevocable license under its licensable
copyrights in and patent claims covering the Specification (including
rights licensed to the Spec Lead pursuant to Section 4.A and 4.C) to
anyone who wishes to create and/or distribute an Independent
Implementation of the Spec. Such license will authorize the creation
and distribution of Independent Implementations provided such
Independent Implementations:

(a) fully implement the Spec(s) including all its required interfaces
and functionality;
(b) do not modify, subset, superset or otherwise extend the Licensor
Name Space, or
include any public or protected packages, classes, Java interfaces,
fields or methods within the Licensor Name Space other than those
required/authorized by the Spec or Specs being implemented; and
(c) pass the TCK for such Spec.

So, all we really need is for Lance, as Spec Lead, to indemnify the
ASF from any legal action regarding Derby's implementation of the JDBC
4 spec. Hey Lance, just send a note to the ASF Board that Sun's not
going to sue the ASF. Thanks! ;o)

Anyway, what's the trigger for breaching the contract here? If it's
'creation' alone, then rolling that release candidate surely qualifies
as as creation. If it's 'creation and distribution,' well, is posting
the release candidate in a public forum and on a public website (like
one would have to do to vote on it) considered distribution in this
case? I have no idea, because i'm not a lawyer.

Or maybe ask Geir, since he's VP of Java Community Process for the
Apache Software Foundation, since similar instances may have come up
fairly recently. [3]


p.s. I'm assuming there's no TCK for JSR-221.

(search for "SUN ISSUES")

Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Jean T. Anderson wrote:

> David Van Couvering wrote:
> ...
>>In order for this to work, we need Java DB to be based on an official,
>>"GA-ready" release of Derby to be what Sun redistributes in Mustang.
>>Otherwise databases created in Mustang will be "locked in" to Java DB.
>>The problem is that it can't *actually* be GA until after JCP approves
>>JSR 221, JDBC 4.0, which will happen in tandem with the GA release of
>>the JDK, around 5 weeks after the JDK team needs their final integration
>>bits from all the pieces going into it.
> in other words, we have a classic catch-22. :-)

Are there any dates around JDBC 4.0/JSR221 that need to be factored in?

I'm curious as to how we can vote on the release that's supporting JDBC
4.0 if the spec isn't final and/or generally available for people to
read. Maybe we would be just voting on the current functionality of
*Derby* and if it happens to match JDBC 4.0 that's a bonus.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
David Van Couvering wrote:
> In order for this to work, we need Java DB to be based on an official,
> "GA-ready" release of Derby to be what Sun redistributes in Mustang.
> Otherwise databases created in Mustang will be "locked in" to Java DB.
> The problem is that it can't *actually* be GA until after JCP approves
> JSR 221, JDBC 4.0, which will happen in tandem with the GA release of
> the JDK, around 5 weeks after the JDK team needs their final integration
> bits from all the pieces going into it.

in other words, we have a classic catch-22. :-)

> I think what Rick is asking for is a release that is voted as
> "GA-ready", has the GA-bit turned on, but because of JCP rules is not
> actually *made* generally available until JSR 220 becomes final.  Since
> we all need to vet this release and approve it, it would be available to
> the Derby community, but not *generally* available by distributing it on
> all the Apache mirrors.

It would still be easily available. And once downloaded, and probably
redistributed further, downstream users would have no idea that they
aren't working with an official Apache release.

What is the specific legal verbiage we're working with here?


> I know this seems like a fine hair to split, but it's the only way we
> can be successful without Sun having to do a non-upgradable fork of
> Derby, which I don't think any of us want.
> I hope this helps to clear things up, even if it doesn't make things
> simpler :)
> David

[jira] Created: (DERBY-1443) DataTypeDescriptor.isBinaryType() return false for Types.BLOB

2006-06-22 Thread Steve Taylor (JIRA)
DataTypeDescriptor.isBinaryType() return false for Types.BLOB

 Key: DERBY-1443
 Project: Derby
Type: Bug

  Components: SQL  
Reporter: Steve Taylor

DataTypeDescriptor.isBinaryType() return false for Types.BLOB.
Surely BLOB is a binary type and so method should return true?

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Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering
Ok, this is very tricky.  First, I'd like to make sure we're on the same 
page here about Java DB going into the JDK.  I think in general the 
community thinks it's a good thing for Derby for Java DB to be in the 
JDK.  It gives us great exposure and distribution.  I also think the 
community would probably like it if databases created by the version of 
Java DB to be upgradable to a subsequent release of Derby, so that users 
can get the latest and greatest functionality of Derby directly from the 
Apache web site, or even upgrade to a future release of Cloudscape if 
they decide to get support from IBM.

In order for this to work, we need Java DB to be based on an official, 
"GA-ready" release of Derby to be what Sun redistributes in Mustang. 
Otherwise databases created in Mustang will be "locked in" to Java DB.

The problem is that it can't *actually* be GA until after JCP approves 
JSR 221, JDBC 4.0, which will happen in tandem with the GA release of 
the JDK, around 5 weeks after the JDK team needs their final integration 
bits from all the pieces going into it.

I think what Rick is asking for is a release that is voted as 
"GA-ready", has the GA-bit turned on, but because of JCP rules is not 
actually *made* generally available until JSR 220 becomes final.  Since 
we all need to vet this release and approve it, it would be available to 
the Derby community, but not *generally* available by distributing it on 
all the Apache mirrors.

I know this seems like a fine hair to split, but it's the only way we 
can be successful without Sun having to do a non-upgradable fork of 
Derby, which I don't think any of us want.

I hope this helps to clear things up, even if it doesn't make things 
simpler :)


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will be marked alpha or beta (JCP
rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.

I apologize for creating confusion here. We'd like Mustang to ship with
a fully functional Derby, which creates upgradeable databases. So I'm
assuming that we turn off the beta marker on the vetted candidate before
handing the candidate to Mustang for QA bake-in.

Sorry, I don't understand, I thought Derby 10.2 cannot be marked GA
until Mustang ships. How can it be marked GA without violating the JCP

Sorry if I'm being dense.

[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1320) Test lang/ fails with ibm1.5 jvm

2006-06-22 Thread Manjula Kutty (JIRA)
 [ ]

Manjula Kutty updated DERBY-1320:


> Test lang/ fails with ibm1.5 jvm
> --
>  Key: DERBY-1320
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Unknown, Regression Test Failure
> Versions:
>  Environment: IBM 1.5 JVM /linux 
> Reporter: Sunitha Kambhampati
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: procedure.diff,
> lang/ fails on IBM1.5 jvm on linux machine.I spoke to 
> Manjula who filed DERBY-1108 that this is related to that issue and is a JVM 
> bug. The JVM team has been notified.Please note: I have marked this as a 
> Regression Test Failure although this test has not passed with IBM 1.5 JVM 
> atleast in our nightly regression test runs,  so it is not a regression of 
> the product. 
> diff:
> * Diff file derbyall/derbylang/procedure.diff
> *** Start: procedure jdk1.5.0 derbyall:derbylang 2006-05-10 22:17:16 ***
> 1018 del
> < testImplicitClose(): PASSED
> 1018 add
> > testImplicitClose(): FAILED (no exception thrown)
> Test Failed.
> *** End:   procedure jdk1.5.0 derbyall:derbylang 2006-05-10 22:17:31 ***
> here is machine info.
> -- Java Information --
> Java Version:1.5.0
> Java Vendor: IBM Corporation
> Java home:   /local1/cloudtst/dev/src/ibm15/jre
> Java classpath:  
> /local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derby.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbytools.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbynet.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyclient.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyTesting.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc_license_c.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyTesting.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/tools/java/jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/tools/java/junit.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_de_DE.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_es.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_fr.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_it.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_ja_JP.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_ko_KR.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_pt_BR.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_zh_CN.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_zh_TW.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyrun.jar:
> OS name: Linux
> OS architecture: x86
> OS version:  2.6.5-7.252-bigsmp
> Java user name:  cloudtst
> Java user home:  /u/cloudtst
> Java user dir:   
> /local1/cloudtst/dev/src/NightlyBuildResults.2006-05-10/ibm15_derbyall
> Java Platform API Specification
> java.specification.version: 1.5
> - Derby Information 
> JRE - JDBC: J2SE 5.0 - JDBC 3.0
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derby.jar] alpha - (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbytools.jar] alpha - 
> (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbynet.jar] alpha - (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyclient.jar] alpha - 
> (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc.jar] 2.6 - (90)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc_license_c.jar] 2.6 - (90)
> --

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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1320) Test lang/ fails with ibm1.5 jvm

2006-06-22 Thread Manjula Kutty (JIRA)
 [ ]

Manjula Kutty updated DERBY-1320:

Attachment: procedure.diff

I thought the same fix for setTransactionIsolation will work for this test too. 
But no..When I apply the same change here I'm getting a different diff. I'm 
attaching the diff and also the test code

> Test lang/ fails with ibm1.5 jvm
> --
>  Key: DERBY-1320
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Unknown, Regression Test Failure
> Versions:
>  Environment: IBM 1.5 JVM /linux 
> Reporter: Sunitha Kambhampati
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: procedure.diff,
> lang/ fails on IBM1.5 jvm on linux machine.I spoke to 
> Manjula who filed DERBY-1108 that this is related to that issue and is a JVM 
> bug. The JVM team has been notified.Please note: I have marked this as a 
> Regression Test Failure although this test has not passed with IBM 1.5 JVM 
> atleast in our nightly regression test runs,  so it is not a regression of 
> the product. 
> diff:
> * Diff file derbyall/derbylang/procedure.diff
> *** Start: procedure jdk1.5.0 derbyall:derbylang 2006-05-10 22:17:16 ***
> 1018 del
> < testImplicitClose(): PASSED
> 1018 add
> > testImplicitClose(): FAILED (no exception thrown)
> Test Failed.
> *** End:   procedure jdk1.5.0 derbyall:derbylang 2006-05-10 22:17:31 ***
> here is machine info.
> -- Java Information --
> Java Version:1.5.0
> Java Vendor: IBM Corporation
> Java home:   /local1/cloudtst/dev/src/ibm15/jre
> Java classpath:  
> /local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derby.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbytools.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbynet.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyclient.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyTesting.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc_license_c.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyTesting.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/tools/java/jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/tools/java/junit.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_de_DE.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_es.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_fr.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_it.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_ja_JP.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_ko_KR.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_pt_BR.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_zh_CN.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyLocale_zh_TW.jar:/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyrun.jar:
> OS name: Linux
> OS architecture: x86
> OS version:  2.6.5-7.252-bigsmp
> Java user name:  cloudtst
> Java user home:  /u/cloudtst
> Java user dir:   
> /local1/cloudtst/dev/src/NightlyBuildResults.2006-05-10/ibm15_derbyall
> Java Platform API Specification
> java.specification.version: 1.5
> - Derby Information 
> JRE - JDBC: J2SE 5.0 - JDBC 3.0
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derby.jar] alpha - (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbytools.jar] alpha - 
> (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbynet.jar] alpha - (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jars/insane/derbyclient.jar] alpha - 
> (405653)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc.jar] 2.6 - (90)
> [/local1/cloudtst/dev/src/jcc/db2jcc_license_c.jar] 2.6 - (90)
> --

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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-959) Allow use of DRDA QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32K

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali (JIRA)
 [ ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-959:

I missed one file new file in previous commit, here is the svn commit for it:

m1_142:155>svn commit

Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 416486.

> Allow use of DRDA QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32K
> -
>  Key: DERBY-959
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Network Client, Performance, Network Server
> Versions:,,,
> Reporter: Bryan Pendleton
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: 959Notes_v1.html, SmallRows_32kBlkSz.trace, 
> SmallRows_64kBlkSz.trace,,, 
> odbc_rowgreaterthan64k.trace
> Currently, the Network Server and Network Client use a 32K blocksize when
> returning database data in QRYDTA blocks.
> I came across the following statement in the DRDA spec (Volume 1, page 12):
> Blocking applies only to the QRYDTA reply objects. Each
> query block is a QRYDTA DSS. The maximum query block size
> value allowed in the qryblksz parameter is increased from
> 32K to 10M, thus accomodating the larger data volumes
> required by modern, more data-intensive applications.
> The importance of larger block sizes depends strong on the application
> profile.. For example, many applications perform single-record selects, 
> and they are not influenced by the block size.
> But for some applications, it seems like the ability to use a larger block
> size could be quite valuable.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-959) Allow use of DRDA QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32K

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali (JIRA)
 [ ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-959:

Fix Version:

I committed the xxx patch to the trunk:
m1_142:151>svn commit

Transmitting file data 
Committed revision 416485.

> Allow use of DRDA QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32K
> -
>  Key: DERBY-959
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Network Client, Performance, Network Server
> Versions:,,,
> Reporter: Bryan Pendleton
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: 959Notes_v1.html, SmallRows_32kBlkSz.trace, 
> SmallRows_64kBlkSz.trace,,, 
> odbc_rowgreaterthan64k.trace
> Currently, the Network Server and Network Client use a 32K blocksize when
> returning database data in QRYDTA blocks.
> I came across the following statement in the DRDA spec (Volume 1, page 12):
> Blocking applies only to the QRYDTA reply objects. Each
> query block is a QRYDTA DSS. The maximum query block size
> value allowed in the qryblksz parameter is increased from
> 32K to 10M, thus accomodating the larger data volumes
> required by modern, more data-intensive applications.
> The importance of larger block sizes depends strong on the application
> profile.. For example, many applications perform single-record selects, 
> and they are not influenced by the block size.
> But for some applications, it seems like the ability to use a larger block
> size could be quite valuable.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Rick Hillegas wrote:

> Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

>> The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will be marked alpha or beta (JCP
>> rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.
> I apologize for creating confusion here. We'd like Mustang to ship with
> a fully functional Derby, which creates upgradeable databases. So I'm
> assuming that we turn off the beta marker on the vetted candidate before
> handing the candidate to Mustang for QA bake-in.

Sorry, I don't understand, I thought Derby 10.2 cannot be marked GA
until Mustang ships. How can it be marked GA without violating the JCP

Sorry if I'm being dense.

Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:


Hi Dan,

Thanks for your comments. Some further remarks follow.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


Rick Hillegas wrote:

Kathey Marsden wrote:



Rick Hillegas wrote:


What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2

If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't 

go into the release end of October?

They should be able to. Since we won't have had a GA release (JCP 

until Mustang ships, it seems any critical bug that we find and fix
between Sep 15th and Mustang shipping has the potential to require 
a new
release candidate and new vote. Could even be a database format 

Let me work out the implications of this.

o Mustang would ship with a release candidate which the community 

o The community would approve a later release candidate and promote it
to GA status.
o Bug reports would come in against both the rejected candidate bundled
into Mustang and the approved candidate which was promoted to GA 

A couple issues come to mind:

o In those bug reports, how would we disambiguate the release
candidates? We could bump the last digit of the release identifier 

producing the first candidate. Or we could rely on the full version id
produced by sysinfo, which contains the subversion revision number.

I think we have bumped the fourth version ("point") digit after
producing a release candidate. That can be done pretty much at any time,
so no issues disambiguating release candidates.


o The database format change troubles me. What happens if someone
creates a database with the rejected release candidate bundled with
Mustang? I think we want that database to play well with the approved
release candidate which goes GA.

The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will be marked alpha or beta (JCP
rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.

I apologize for creating confusion here. We'd like Mustang to ship 
with a fully functional Derby, which creates upgradeable databases. So 
I'm assuming that we turn off the beta marker on the vetted candidate 
before handing the candidate to Mustang for QA bake-in.

Re-reading your comment, I see another issue which I need to clarify. 
The release candidate is not a GA implementation under the JCP as I 
understand this process. The candidate does not become GA until we post 
it on the Apache mirrors and announce, via the Derby website, that it is 
the latest Derby release.

Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Andrew McIntyre

On 6/22/06, Daniel John Debrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andrew McIntyre wrote:

>> Is this a serious enough issue to warrant another release candidate?
>> Tests that exercise the issue were not contributed along with the fix,
>> and it would be nice to know that this is an issue that is likely to
>> be hit in known circumstances. If so, a release note is probably in
>> order since it supposedly can cause corruption to a database.

H, what would the release note say?

"In some situations you can end up with a corrupted database and there's
nothing you can do about it. However the problem is fixed and it's in
the 10.1 branch, so best you ignore this release and build your own

Well, if no one really knows how to exercise it, but it is in fact
suspected to cause problems then, sure, I'll roll another release
candidate with the fix. It would be nice if we knew what circumstances
would hit that code path, so we could warn users of previous versions
what to do to prevent corrupting their databases.

I'll have a new release candidate posted by tomorrow.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:


Hi Dan,

Thanks for your comments. Some further remarks follow.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:


Rick Hillegas wrote:


Kathey Marsden wrote:



Rick Hillegas wrote:



What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2


If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't they
go into the release end of October?

They should be able to. Since we won't have had a GA release (JCP rules)
until Mustang ships, it seems any critical bug that we find and fix
between Sep 15th and Mustang shipping has the potential to require a new
release candidate and new vote. Could even be a database format change.


Let me work out the implications of this.

o Mustang would ship with a release candidate which the community rejected.
o The community would approve a later release candidate and promote it
to GA status.
o Bug reports would come in against both the rejected candidate bundled
into Mustang and the approved candidate which was promoted to GA status.

A couple issues come to mind:

o In those bug reports, how would we disambiguate the release
candidates? We could bump the last digit of the release identifier after
producing the first candidate. Or we could rely on the full version id
produced by sysinfo, which contains the subversion revision number.

I think we have bumped the fourth version ("point") digit after
producing a release candidate. That can be done pretty much at any time,
so no issues disambiguating release candidates.


o The database format change troubles me. What happens if someone
creates a database with the rejected release candidate bundled with
Mustang? I think we want that database to play well with the approved
release candidate which goes GA.

The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will be marked alpha or beta (JCP
rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.

I apologize for creating confusion here. We'd like Mustang to ship with 
a fully functional Derby, which creates upgradeable databases. So I'm 
assuming that we turn off the beta marker on the vetted candidate before 
handing the candidate to Mustang for QA bake-in.



Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Rick Hillegas wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> Thanks for your comments. Some further remarks follow.
> Regards,
> -Rick
> Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
>> Rick Hillegas wrote:
>>> Kathey Marsden wrote:
 Rick Hillegas wrote:

 What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2
 If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't they
 go into the release end of October?
>> They should be able to. Since we won't have had a GA release (JCP rules)
>> until Mustang ships, it seems any critical bug that we find and fix
>> between Sep 15th and Mustang shipping has the potential to require a new
>> release candidate and new vote. Could even be a database format change.
> Let me work out the implications of this.
> o Mustang would ship with a release candidate which the community rejected.
> o The community would approve a later release candidate and promote it
> to GA status.
> o Bug reports would come in against both the rejected candidate bundled
> into Mustang and the approved candidate which was promoted to GA status.
> A couple issues come to mind:
> o In those bug reports, how would we disambiguate the release
> candidates? We could bump the last digit of the release identifier after
> producing the first candidate. Or we could rely on the full version id
> produced by sysinfo, which contains the subversion revision number.

I think we have bumped the fourth version ("point") digit after
producing a release candidate. That can be done pretty much at any time,
so no issues disambiguating release candidates.

> o The database format change troubles me. What happens if someone
> creates a database with the rejected release candidate bundled with
> Mustang? I think we want that database to play well with the approved
> release candidate which goes GA.

The mid-Sep Derby release candidate will be marked alpha or beta (JCP
rules) so the databases won't upgrade anyway.


Re: MySQL to Derby Migration Tool

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
Ramin Moazeni wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a Google Summer of code participant working on the Derby
> Migration tool project. The High level design document is posted at

It's great to see you doing this!

> There are 2 approaches described in the document -- one based on the use
> DatabaseMetaData class and the other is based on the use ddlUtils tool
> ( which is also an apache project.

In the "Approach 2: Using DdlUtils" section of ,
there is this description:

   In order to use DdlUtils component to migrate the source database
   to the target database, following steps are suggested:

* Capture DDL file from DdlUtils.
* Modify the source DDL to the target DDL using Serialization and
Deserialization of XML.
* Fed in the new DDL file to the DdlUtils.

If the intent is to use the XML DDL file generated by DdlUtils,
technically there should be no need to modify it for the target database
-- except that there are a few issues that would need to be watched for,
such as Derby doesn't support a boolean type. At any rate, the Java app
can read the database model from the XML file, or even from the "live
database" (see
), then write that database model to the target. The DdlUtils code takes
care of producing the SQL required to create the tables in the new database.

> Please note that the DdlUtils doesn’t support non-table entities, 
> constraints, triggers, stored procedures, etc. 

DdlUtils supports primary and foreign key constraints, but not check

Given its limitations, your DatabaseMetaData approach might be more
complete. But if you can use any pieces from DdlUtils, you should feel
free to do so (with all the correct attributions, of course) since it is
under the ASL 2.0.


Re: [PRE-VOTE DISCUSSION] Compatibility rules and interface table

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Under Deprecated there is:

"A deprecated interface may be removed from the project after four minor
and/or major releases."

Not sure that really works. With an open source project there could be
four releases in a couple of months, would allow features to be
deprecated very quickly.

Not sure of any better wording.


[jira] Commented: (DERBY-959) Allow use of DRDA QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32K

2006-06-22 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati (JIRA)
[ ] 

Sunitha Kambhampati commented on DERBY-959:

Discussion happened on this issue on derby-dev.  Here is the link to the 
discussion that happened on derby-dev

I have opened two other jira issues for the  tasks related to this issue. .
DERBY-1441 - client side changes to support query block size greater than 32k
DERBY-1442- to do performance analysis and come up with a 'good'  query block 
size value for the client to send to the server. 

> Allow use of DRDA QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32K
> -
>  Key: DERBY-959
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Network Client, Performance, Network Server
> Versions:,,,
> Reporter: Bryan Pendleton
> Priority: Minor
>  Attachments: 959Notes_v1.html, SmallRows_32kBlkSz.trace, 
> SmallRows_64kBlkSz.trace,,, 
> odbc_rowgreaterthan64k.trace
> Currently, the Network Server and Network Client use a 32K blocksize when
> returning database data in QRYDTA blocks.
> I came across the following statement in the DRDA spec (Volume 1, page 12):
> Blocking applies only to the QRYDTA reply objects. Each
> query block is a QRYDTA DSS. The maximum query block size
> value allowed in the qryblksz parameter is increased from
> 32K to 10M, thus accomodating the larger data volumes
> required by modern, more data-intensive applications.
> The importance of larger block sizes depends strong on the application
> profile.. For example, many applications perform single-record selects, 
> and they are not influenced by the block size.
> But for some applications, it seems like the ability to use a larger block
> size could be quite valuable.

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Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your comments. Some further remarks follow.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:


Kathey Marsden wrote:


Rick Hillegas wrote:



What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2 branch?


If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't they
go into the release end of October?

They should be able to. Since we won't have had a GA release (JCP rules)
until Mustang ships, it seems any critical bug that we find and fix
between Sep 15th and Mustang shipping has the potential to require a new
release candidate and new vote. Could even be a database format change.

Let me work out the implications of this.

o Mustang would ship with a release candidate which the community rejected.
o The community would approve a later release candidate and promote it 
to GA status.
o Bug reports would come in against both the rejected candidate bundled 
into Mustang and the approved candidate which was promoted to GA status.

A couple issues come to mind:

o In those bug reports, how would we disambiguate the release 
candidates? We could bump the last digit of the release identifier after 
producing the first candidate. Or we could rely on the full version id 
produced by sysinfo, which contains the subversion revision number.

o The database format change troubles me. What happens if someone 
creates a database with the rejected release candidate bundled with 
Mustang? I think we want that database to play well with the approved 
release candidate which goes GA.

Suppose we were able to publish the 10.2 release candidate (make it GA)
right after we vetted it in mid-September. When would you want to
produce the follow-on bug fix release? At the end of October? A couple
months later? We could do either. The community may want to defer the
follow-on bug fix release for a couple months. That would give us time
to collect more feedback from users of the published, GA release.
However, we could "release early, release often" and produce another
release from the 10.2 branch at the end of October.

Not sure I understand the point of this paragraph. I thought the JCP
rules mean we can't make 10.2 GA in mid-Sep, thus it seems to be a
hypothetical impossible situation.



That's right. This is an impossible, hypothetical situation. I was 
trying to compare Kathey's scenario to a scenario which could arise if 
we didn't have the JCP restrictions: Suppose we produce a GA feature 
release and a week later we discover that the release has a horrendous, 
data-corrupting bug. We might produce a bug fix release a couple weeks 
after the bad release.

[jira] Created: (DERBY-1442) Do performance analysis and come up with a good query block size value for the client to send to the server

2006-06-22 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati (JIRA)
Do performance analysis and come up with a good query block size value for the 
client to send to the server

 Key: DERBY-1442
 Project: Derby
Type: Improvement

  Components: Network Server, Test, Network Client, Performance  
Reporter: Sunitha Kambhampati
Priority: Minor
 Fix For:

Do performance analysis, and find a good query block size value for the client 
to send to the server . Need to understand the memory usage also for greater 
query block size values. 

This issue is related  to DERBY-959 and DERBY-1441.

DERBY-959 has server side changes
DERBY-1441 issue talks about client side changes

DERBY-959  talks about 'Allowing use of QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32k'.  
As part of discussion on that jira, it was suggested that the performance 
analysis to decide a good query block size value for the client to send to the 
server be a separate task.  

Here is the link to the discussion that happened for DERBY-959.

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[jira] Created: (DERBY-1441) Allow client to be able to send greater than 32k query block size.

2006-06-22 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati (JIRA)
Allow client to be able to send greater than 32k query block size. 

 Key: DERBY-1441
 Project: Derby
Type: Improvement

  Components: Network Client  
Reporter: Sunitha Kambhampati
Priority: Minor

DERBY-959  talks about 'Allowing use of QRYDTA block sizes greater than 32k'.   
I am opening two tasks after the discussion on DERBY-959. 

As part of this issue:
- add support in client to be able to send query block size of greater than 

After that, some benchmarking needs to be done to choose a good query block 
size for the client to send to the server. I'll open another jira for the 
performance analysis task. 

Here is the link to the discussion that happened for DERBY-959.

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Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Rick Hillegas wrote:

> Kathey Marsden wrote:
>> Rick Hillegas wrote:

>> What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2 branch?

>> If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't they
>> go into the release end of October?

They should be able to. Since we won't have had a GA release (JCP rules)
until Mustang ships, it seems any critical bug that we find and fix
between Sep 15th and Mustang shipping has the potential to require a new
release candidate and new vote. Could even be a database format change.

> Suppose we were able to publish the 10.2 release candidate (make it GA)
> right after we vetted it in mid-September. When would you want to
> produce the follow-on bug fix release? At the end of October? A couple
> months later? We could do either. The community may want to defer the
> follow-on bug fix release for a couple months. That would give us time
> to collect more feedback from users of the published, GA release.
> However, we could "release early, release often" and produce another
> release from the 10.2 branch at the end of October.

Not sure I understand the point of this paragraph. I thought the JCP
rules mean we can't make 10.2 GA in mid-Sep, thus it seems to be a
hypothetical impossible situation.


[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas (JIRA)
 [ ]

Rick Hillegas updated DERBY-1271:

Attachment: derby-1271_copyrights_v02.diff

Attaching derby-1271_copyrights_v02.diff. Same files as previous patch. This 
patch removes the "Edition" lines, which no-one understands. This patch also 
corrects the copyright notices as Jean recommended today.

> Release documentation for JDBC4 release
> ---
>  Key: DERBY-1271
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Documentation, JDBC
> Versions:
> Reporter: Rick Hillegas
> Assignee: Rick Hillegas
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: derby-1271_copyrights.diff, derby-1271_copyrights_v02.diff
> We can't check in any of this work until we understand how our release trains 
> line up. However, the JDBC4-bearing release will need the following 
> documentation:
> 1) Changes to the user guides. These need to be understood. We can analyze 
> the scope of these changes without checking anything in yet.
> 2) Summary page which explains what pieces of JDBC4 we tackled and what we 
> passed over.
> 3) Verbiage for the Release Notes.
> Admin Guide
>   Part One...How to start an embedded server from an application
> For JDBC4, we can omit the Class.forName() line because
> of Driver autoloading.
>   Part One...Embedded server example
> For JDBC4, we can omit the Class.forName() line because
> of Driver autoloading.
>   Part One...Network client driver examples
> For JDBC4, we can omit the Class.forName() line because
> of Driver autoloading.
>   Part One...Accessing the Network Server by using a DataSource
> For JDBC4, we have different DataSources: ClientDateSource40
> and ClientConnectionPoolDataSource40.
>   Part One...Using the Derby ij tool with the Network Server
> In case the DRIVER command ends up being needed pre-JDBC4,
>   we should note that you don't need it under JDBC4 because
>   of Driver autoloading.
>   Part One...The NsSample sample program
> Change NsSample to demonstrate driver autoloading under JDBC4.
>   Part One...Overview of the SimpleNetworkServerSample program
> Change SimpleNetworkServerSample to demonstrate driver autoloading under 
> JDBC4.
>   Part One...Connecting a client to the Network Server with the 
> SimpleNetworkClientSample program
> Change SimpleNetworkClientSample to demonstrate driver autoloading under 
> JDBC4.
> Developer's Guide
>   JDBC applications and Derby basics
> Derby embedded basics
>   Derby JDBC driver
> Note that you don't need Class.forName() in JDBC4.
>   Derby embedded basics
> Embedded Derby JDBC driver
> Note that you don't need Class.forName() in JDBC4.
> Starting Derby as an embedded database
> Note that you don't need Class.forName() or the jdbc.drivers property 
> in JDBC4.
>   Controlling Derby application behavior
> Working with Derby SQLExceptions in an application
>   Note that with JDBC4, these are refined subclasses
>   Example of processing SQLExceptions
> Say something about SQLException.getCause()
>   Using Derby as a J2EE resource manager
> Classes that pertain to resource managers
>   Mention the JDBC4 variants of these classes.
> Getting a DataSource
>   Include example using JDBC4 variants of these classes.
> Shutting down or creating a database
>   Include example using JDBC4 variants of these classes.
> Getting Started Guide
>   No changes necessary.
> Reference Guide
>   Derby exception messages and SQL states
> Describe SQLFeatureNotSupportedException and its SQLStates.
> SQLState and error message reference
>   Mention new unimplementedFeature exceptions.
>   What to do about new SQLStates.
>   JDBC Reference
> "conforms to the JDBC 2.0 and 3.0 APIs"
> ->
> "conforms to the JDBC 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 APIs"
> java.sql.Driver
>   Amend this to note driver autoloading for JDBC4.
> java.sql.Connection
>   Connection functionality not supported
> List unsupported Connection methods.
> java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
>   Columns in the ResultSet returned by getProcedureColumns
> Add new columns added by JDBC4
> java.sql.Statement
> Note that Derby does not support the execute() and
> executeQuery() overloads which return autogenerated keys.
> Prepared statements and streaming columns
> Note that with JDBC4, you can specify length as a long
> or even omit the length when setting LOB streams.
> java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
> Waiting for feedback from Dag on whether we still don't
> support isDefinitelyWritable(), isReadOnly(), and
> isWritable().
> java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob
> Right now this section says that

Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Rick Hillegas wrote:

> Last week, Sun Microsystems announced that it will bundle Derby with the
> next major release of the reference jdk, Java SE 6, also known as
> Mustang or jdk1.6. 

To be precise, Sun Microsystems announced that it will bundle "Java DB"
with Mustang.


Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Hi Kathey,

Thanks for raising these issues. Here are some clarifications.


Kathey Marsden wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

The JCP requires that our JDBC4-exposing release can not be generally 
available until the JDBC4 specification is finalized.

Is this something that the Derby community is bound to?

The JCP rules are the license you accept when you publish a GA 
implementation of a JSR. In our case this is JSR 221, which governs 
JDBC4. The Derby community accepts this license by exposing a GA 
implementation of JDBC4 in release 10.2.

Here are proposed dates for 10.2 milestones:

August 10 - Feature work committed. 10.2 branch created.
August 24 - Last day to commit changes for 10.2
August 25 - Begin vetting 10.2 release candidate
September 15 - Target date for finishing the voting on Derby 10.2

What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2 branch?

Between September 15 and the end of October, the vetted 10.2 release 
candidate is still available to anyone who needs it, just as the 10.1.3 
release candidate is available right now.

Does bug fixing and work on 10.2.1 begin?

Forgive me for being pedantic about release numbers. I think that the 
first release cut off the 10.2 branch will be called I think 
that you are asking about bug fixing for the second release cut off the 
10.2 branch, which would be

I think that we can begin putting more bug fixes into the 10.2 branch as 
soon as we produce the first 10.2 release candidate. So that would be 

If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't they 
go into the release end of October?

Suppose we were able to publish the 10.2 release candidate (make it GA) 
right after we vetted it in mid-September. When would you want to 
produce the follow-on bug fix release? At the end of October? A couple 
months later? We could do either. The community may want to defer the 
follow-on bug fix release for a couple months. That would give us time 
to collect more feedback from users of the published, GA release. 
However, we could "release early, release often" and produce another 
release from the 10.2 branch at the end of October.

End of October - Expected GA of JDBC4 with Mustang
End of October - GA of Derby 10.2. Release promoted to Apache mirrors.

Re: [PRE-VOTE DISCUSSION] Compatibility rules and interface table

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden

David Van Couvering wrote:

Hi, Kathey, my silence (and I'm guessing the silence of others) was 
general approval of your comments.  Did you update the page?  I didn't 
see any change notifications fly by.

Finally did it.

What kind of clarification are you looking for?  I'm afraid I'm 
missing your point :(

nevermind.   Probably not important.  No time to pursue now.

Re: Tuncation of trailing blanks and lengthless streaming overloads

2006-06-22 Thread Kristian Waagan

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Kristian Waagan wrote:



I'm working on DERBY-1417; adding new lengthless overloads to the
streaming API.  So far, I have only been looking at implementing this in
the embedded driver. Based on some comments in the code, I have a few
questions and observations regarding truncation of trailing blanks in
the various character data types.

TypeTrail. blank trunc. Where

CHARallowed SQLChar.normalize
VARCHAR allowed SQLVarchar.normalize
LONG VARCHAR   disallowed   SQLLongVarchar.normalize
CLOBallowed streaming or
SQLVarchar.normalize, depending
on source.

As can be seen, only data for CLOB is truncated for trailing blanks in
the streaming class. We must still read all the data, or so much as we
need to know the insertion will fail, but we don't have to store it all
in memory.

Truncation of trailing blanks is not allowed at all for LONG VARCHAR
(according to code comments and bug 5592 - haven't found the place this
is stated in the specs).

My question is, should we do the truncate check for CHAR and VARCHAR on
the streaming level as well?
If we don't add this feature, inserting a
10GB file into a VARCHAR field by mistake will cause 10GB to be loaded
into memory even though the max size allowed is ~32K, possibly causing
out-of-memory errors. The error could be generated at an earlier stage
(possibly after reading ~32K +1 bytes).

I would say its a separate issue to the one you are addressing.
Applications most likely won't be inserting 10Gb values into
CHAR/VARCHAR columns using streams as it's not going to work.
Maybe enter a bug, but doesn't seem it has to be fixed as part of this

Handling this as a separate issue is better. The code changes would most 
likely go into the same class as my changes for DERBY-1417. It seems 
like a simple enough change, so I will enter a Jira improvement issue. I 
don't like getting an out-of-memory exception (heap).


As far as I can tell, adding this feature is a matter of modifying the
'ReaderToUTF8' class and the
'EmbedPrearedStatement.setCharacterStreamInternal' method.
One could also optimize the reading of data into LONG VARCHAR, where one
would abort the reading as soon as you can instead of taking it all into
memory first. This would require some special case handling in the
mentioned locations.

Another matter is that streams will not be checked for exact length
match when using the lengthless overloads, as we don't have a specified
length to compare against.
I have a preliminary implementation for setAsciiStream,
setCharacterStream  and setClob (all without length specifications) in

What's the issue with setClob()? The current method doesn't take a
length. Has java.sql.Clob been changed to not always have a length?

There are/will be 3 setClob methods in PreparedStatement:
 1) setClob(int,Clob)
 2) setClob(int,Reader,long)
 3) setClob(int,Reader)

1) and 2) are already implemented, 3) is a new method added to JDBC. The 
same story goes for the other setXXXStream methods and updateXXXStream 
methods. These are located in PreparedStatement, CallableStatement and 




Re: Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden

Rick Hillegas wrote:

The JCP requires that our JDBC4-exposing release can not be generally 
available until the JDBC4 specification is finalized.

Is this something that the Derby community is bound to?

Here are proposed dates for 10.2 milestones:

August 10 - Feature work committed. 10.2 branch created.
August 24 - Last day to commit changes for 10.2
August 25 - Begin vetting 10.2 release candidate
September 15 - Target date for finishing the voting on Derby 10.2

What happens between September 15 and End of October on the 10.2 branch?
Does bug fixing and work on 10.2.1 begin?
If we fix critical bugs during that time in the 10.2 branch can't they 
go into the release end of October?

End of October - Expected GA of JDBC4 with Mustang
End of October - GA of Derby 10.2. Release promoted to Apache mirrors.

[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1434) Client can send incorrect database name to server after having made multiple connections to different databases.

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden (JIRA)
[ ] 

Kathey Marsden commented on DERBY-1434:

Well, I guess I have a little to say about the client code.
It looks like our client SectionManager logic is fatally flawed when it comes 
to two databases. It has these two static variables  for hold and non-hold  
package names and consistency tokens.  

// noHoldPKGNAMCBytes stores PKGNAMCBytes when holdability is no hold
public static byte[] holdPKGNAMCBytes = null;
public static byte[] noHoldPKGNAMCBytes = null;

There seems to be a databaseName parameter for each SectionManager, so I don't 
understand why these  are static.

> Client can send incorrect database name to server after having made multiple 
> connections to different databases.
>  Key: DERBY-1434
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Network Client
> Versions:,,
> Reporter: A B
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: Server2.trace, _driver_1,
> I have a simple program that connects to a database using the Derby Client, 
> executes a simple query, then connects to a different database using a 
> different Connection object and executes another simple query on that second 
> connection.  The queries both execute without error, so it appears that the 
> connections are correct--i.e. each query will only work on one of the 
> databases, and both queries work, therefore each must be getting executed 
> against the correct database.
> But in looking at the client and server traces, I noticed that for the query 
> on the second database, the client is actually sending the name of the 
> *first* database as RDBNAM, which (I think?) is wrong--it should be sending 
> the name of the second database, since the query is being executed on the 
> second Connection object.
> This behavior does not appear to occur for JCC.

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Copyright format (was Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release)

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
Rick Hillegas (JIRA) wrote:
>  [ ]
> Rick Hillegas updated DERBY-1271:
> -
> Attachment: derby-1271_copyrights.diff
> Attaching derby-1271_copyrights.diff. This adjusts dates in the visible 
> copyright notices in the user guides. Touches the following files:

regarding the format of the copyright, Rick did what I originally suggested:

> Copyright 1997, 2005-2006 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as 
> applicable.

Looking at this more closely, all that is needed is the origin year and
the year of the most recent update:

   Copyright 1997, 2006 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
as applicable.


Proposal for 10.2 release schedule

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas
Last week, Sun Microsystems announced that it will bundle Derby with the 
next major release of the reference jdk, Java SE 6, also known as 
Mustang or jdk1.6. If you download the latest Mustang build, you will 
see that it contains our Derby snapshot in the "db" directory 
parallel to "lib" and "bin".

This is big news. It means that over the course of the next year, Derby 
will turn up on the desktops of millions of developers. Hopefully, 
Derby's user and developer communities will both grow dramatically.

I would like to support this bundling. Note that Mustang will need our 
vetted 10.2 release candidate by September 15 so that they can QA it. 
This is expected to take about 5 weeks, after which Mustang should go GA 
in late October.

The JCP requires that our JDBC4-exposing release can not be generally 
available until the JDBC4 specification is finalized, which happens when 
Mustang is generally available. Until that date, this means that our 
final, vetted release candidate can not be officially stamped as "GA"  
and we can not promote it to the various Apache mirrors.

Here are proposed dates for 10.2 milestones:

August 10 - Feature work committed. 10.2 branch created.
August 24 - Last day to commit changes for 10.2
August 25 - Begin vetting 10.2 release candidate
September 15 - Target date for finishing the voting on Derby 10.2
End of October - Expected GA of JDBC4 with Mustang
End of October - GA of Derby 10.2. Release promoted to Apache mirrors.

Are this proposal and its dates reasonable?

[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1275) Provide a way to enable client tracing without changing the application

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden (JIRA)
[ ] 

Kathey Marsden commented on DERBY-1275:

 I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on how to implement this 
improvement to
provide a way to enable client tracing without changing the application

Not being able to turn on tracing in a deployed application without application 
code changes is a serious supportability issue because unless the application 
has a mechanism to configure settings like traceDirectory and traceLevel,  the 
application itself my have to be rebuilt to enable client tracing. Even when 
such a mechanism is provided it takes someone with knowledge of the application 
to turn it on, again a supportability issue. 

All I can think of is supporting System properties like 
derby.client.traceLevel.  We also could  mimic our server side mechanism and 
have a System property derby.client.home that points to a directory where  a 
file can live and the trace files can go by default.  
The System property mechanism  raises a red flag for me because of class loader 
issues like we have for derby.system.home.  But maybe it is ok because of the 
diagnostic nature.

I ask this question because I find myself in need to put this into a debug 
build to send to a user and figure I might as well head down the correct path 
toward an ultimate solution.


> Provide a way to enable client tracing without changing the application
> ---
>  Key: DERBY-1275
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Network Client
> Versions:,
> Reporter: Kathey Marsden
> Priority: Minor

> Currently  the client tracing can be enabled by  setting attributes on the 
> client url, setXXX methods on the DataSource or calling 
> DriverManager.setLogWriter(), but it often cannot be enabled in a deployed 
> client application  because all of these API's require modification of the 
> application or its configuration files.
> It would be good to have a global way to turn on client tracing.  A system 
> property pointing to a property file is  one possibility but probably not 
> ideal because of the impact in class loader contexts.I am not sure what 
> the other possiblities are,

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Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas



Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Jeff Levitt wrote:


As the person who contributed the DITA-converted
documentation, I can tell you I didn't bump the
edition up based on that.  I believe the pre-DITA
documentation already said Second Edition.  

The pre-DITA (10.0) doc source says First Edition:


The thought is that major releases (10.0, 10.1, 10.2)
are First Editions, and subsequent fixpaks are Second,
Third, Fourth editions etc., like 10.1.3 would be.  In
any case, we haven't adhered to any kind of
consistency on this with the guides, so I agree that
we need to define what we feel is an "edition" and
stick with it or remove it alltogether (although
perhaps there's a legal reason to keep it?)

If we don't have a specific use for it, I recommend removing it. I don't
know of any legal reason to have it.


Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
Jeff Levitt wrote:

> As the person who contributed the DITA-converted
> documentation, I can tell you I didn't bump the
> edition up based on that.  I believe the pre-DITA
> documentation already said Second Edition.  

The pre-DITA (10.0) doc source says First Edition:

> The thought is that major releases (10.0, 10.1, 10.2)
> are First Editions, and subsequent fixpaks are Second,
> Third, Fourth editions etc., like 10.1.3 would be.  In
> any case, we haven't adhered to any kind of
> consistency on this with the guides, so I agree that
> we need to define what we feel is an "edition" and
> stick with it or remove it alltogether (although
> perhaps there's a legal reason to keep it?)

If we don't have a specific use for it, I recommend removing it. I don't
know of any legal reason to have it.


Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner

> Andrew McIntyre wrote: 

>> Is this a serious enough issue to warrant another release candidate?
>> Tests that exercise the issue were not contributed along with the fix,
>> and it would be nice to know that this is an issue that is likely to
>> be hit in known circumstances. If so, a release note is probably in
>> order since it supposedly can cause corruption to a database.

H, what would the release note say?

"In some situations you can end up with a corrupted database and there's
nothing you can do about it. However the problem is fixed and it's in
the 10.1 branch, so best you ignore this release and build your own


Seems like a new release candidate is in order.


Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Andreas Korneliussen


Based on test results:


Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Kathey Marsden

Andrew McIntyre wrote:

If we have another release candidate, and assuming that the relevant
fixes for it can be committed by Friday, are those testing the release
candidate comfortable with a 72-hour turnaround on the vote for the
new release candidate or will we need another two weeks?

I think for DERBY-1392 72 hours is just fine because.
1) Nobody has a test that goes through that code path anyway.
2) If anybody does go through that code path as it stands they get a 
corrupt db.

So it sounds like whatever the fix for DERBY-1392 holds it is only going 
to be better for users.

What else has gone into 10.1.3 since the release candidate?   I think it 
would be the other fixes that would dictate how much additional testing 
is required.


Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1156) allow the encrypting of an existing unencrypted db and allow the re-encrypting of an existing encrypted db

2006-06-22 Thread Suresh Thalamati

Mike Matrigali (JIRA) wrote:

 [ ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-1156:

i reviewed and tested reencrypt_3.diff patch.  it looks fine, i will let you commit.  Still would like to see more testing, 
especially exercising the abort paths when failure happens while reencrypting.

Thanks Mike. I will add the tests for abort paths.


[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1156) allow the encrypting of an existing unencrypted db and allow the re-encrypting of an existing encrypted db

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali (JIRA)
 [ ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-1156:

i reviewed and tested reencrypt_3.diff patch.  it looks fine, i will let you 
commit.  Still would like to see more testing, especially exercising the abort 
paths when failure happens while reencrypting.

> allow the encrypting of an existing unencrypted db and allow the 
> re-encrypting of an existing encrypted db
> --
>  Key: DERBY-1156
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Store
> Versions:
> Reporter: Mike Matrigali
> Assignee: Suresh Thalamati
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: encryptspec.html, reencrypt_1.diff, reencrypt_2.diff, 
> reencrypt_3.diff
> encrypted database to be re-encrypted with a new password.
> Here are some ideas for an initial implementation.
> The easiest way to do this is to make sure we have exclusive access to the
> data and that no log is required in the new copy of the db.  I want to avoid
> the log as it also is encrypted.  Here is my VERY high level plan:
> 1) Force exclusive access by putting all the work in the low level store,
>offline boot method.  We will do redo recovery as usual, but at the end
>there will be an entry point to do the copy/encrypt operation.
> copy/encrypt process:
> 0) The request to encrypt/re-encrypt the db will be handled with a new set
>of url flags passed into store at boot time.  The new flags will provide
>the same inputs as the current encrypt flags.  So at high level the
>request will be "connect db old_encrypt_url_flags; new_encrypt_url_flags".
>TODO - provide exact new flag syntax.
> 1) Open a transaction do all logged work to do the encryption.  All logging
>will be done with existing encryption.
> 2) Copy and encrypt every db file in the database.  The target files will
>be in the data directory.  There will be a new suffix to track the new
>files, similar to the current process used for handling drop table in
>a transaction consistent manner without logging the entire table to the 
> log.
>Entire encrypted destination file is guaranteed synced to disk before
>transaction commits.  I don't think this part needs to be logged.
>Files will be read from the cache using existing mechanism and written
>directly into new encrypted files (new encrypted data does not end up in
>the cache).
> 3) Switch encrypted files for old files.  Do this under a new log operation
>so the process can be correctly rolled back if the encrypt db operation
>transaction fails.  Rollback will do file at a time switches, no reading
>of encrypted data is necessary.
> 4) log a "change encryption of db" log record, but do not update
> with the change.
> 5) commit transaction.
> 6) update and sync changes.
> 7) TODO - need someway to handle crash between steps 5 and 6.
> 6) checkpoint all data, at this point guaranteed that there is no outstanding
>transaction, so after checkpoint is done there is no need for the log.
> o there probably should be something that catches a request to encrypt to
>   whatever db was already encrypted with.

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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1343) It is possible to have duplicate entries in conglomerateId of sysconglomerates before DERBY-655 was fixed in 10.0 or 10.1 databases. It is desirable to patch these databas

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali (JIRA)
 [ ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-1343:

Component: (was: Store)

this is an issue with the system catalogs, from discussions on list it looks 
like not a store issue.

> It is possible to have duplicate entries in conglomerateId of 
> sysconglomerates before DERBY-655 was fixed in 10.0 or 10.1 databases. It is 
> desirable to patch these databases on upgrade to 10.2 so conglomerateId 
> becomes unique again.
>  Key: DERBY-1343
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: SQL
> Versions:
> Reporter: Mamta A. Satoor

> Because of an optimization implemented in before Derby 10.0 release, it is 
> possible to have duplicate entries in conglomerateId column. It would be good 
> to patch these entries during upgrade to 10.2 or later so that 
> conglomerateIds become unique again. See the discussion and proposed 
> solutions at:
> When a user defines a constraint, Derby checks to see if it's backing index 
> is a duplicate of an existing index and if yes, then it shares the same 
> conglomerates for both such indexes. Code for this is in 
> org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.CreateIndexConstantAction.executeConstantAction.
>  This causes Derby to have duplicate rows in sysconglomerates with same 
> conglomerateid. (More information on this can be found in thread 
>  titled "[DERBY-655] : getImportedKeys returns duplicate rows in some cases".
> During drop constraint, it looks like Derby is not able to identify the 
> correct row in SYSCONGLOMERATES, if there are duplicate rows with same 
> conglomerateid and as a consequence, wrong row gets dropped in 
> SYSCONGLOMERATES. More information with an example on this can be found in 
> thread 
>  titled "When foreign key is dropped, is Derby dropping the wrong row from 

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Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Jeff Levitt

--- Rick Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
> >Rick Hillegas wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Jean T. Anderson wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Rick Hillegas wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> Thanks, Jean. The Edition line turns up in the
> visible text which
> appears in the printed document. That makes me
> think that it applies to
> something that the customer, the reader, cares
> about. I don't think the
> reader is particularly concerned about our
> transition to dita. If that
> is what Edition is supposed to capture, perhaps
> the Edition lines should
> be moved to a comments section so that they will
> not be
> visible/confusing to customers.
> >>>The Developers Guide has a "first edition" for
> both 10.0 and 10.1:
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>I don't know why the Edition was bumped for the
> others. :-)
> >>>
> >>>If there isn't a major change to the content of
> the book, I don't think
> >>>the edition should be bumped.
> >>>
> >>>"Working With Derby" should definitely not be
> bumped from First to
> >>>Second edition since 10.2 will be its first
> release.
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>I could just bump the edition for the Reference
> Guide, which will carry
> >>a lot of edits to reflect JDBC4. Would that be
> acceptable?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >What does the "edition" represent? Would this mean
> the first release of
> >the 10.2 documentation set would be partially at
> the "second edition",
> >doesn't seem to make sense to me.
> >
> >Dan.
> >  
> >
> This is what's troubling me too. From Jean's
> investigations it seems 
> that "edition" doesn't have a consistent meaning
> across our user guides 
> and releases. We could just remove the "edition"
> lines. If we leave them 
> in, then it would be good to agree on their meaning.
> Maybe one of the 
> following:
> 1) The Edition number is bumped whenever we create a
> release branch. We 
> don't bump Edition for point or patch releases.
> 2) The Edition number is bumped whenever reviewers
> agree that a user 
> guide has changed significantly.
> 3) The Edition number is the same as the release
> number. All user guides 
> in a given release have identical Edition numbers.

As the person who contributed the DITA-converted
documentation, I can tell you I didn't bump the
edition up based on that.  I believe the pre-DITA
documentation already said Second Edition.  

The thought is that major releases (10.0, 10.1, 10.2)
are First Editions, and subsequent fixpaks are Second,
Third, Fourth editions etc., like 10.1.3 would be.  In
any case, we haven't adhered to any kind of
consistency on this with the guides, so I agree that
we need to define what we feel is an "edition" and
stick with it or remove it alltogether (although
perhaps there's a legal reason to keep it?)

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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1429) Additional vulnerability to non-deterministic startup behavior when applications generate derby properties on the fly

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali (JIRA)
 [ ]

Mike Matrigali updated DERBY-1429:

Component: Services
   (was: Store)

This issue  should be handled by the monitor, not the store.  

> Additional vulnerability to non-deterministic startup behavior when 
> applications generate derby properties on the fly
> -
>  Key: DERBY-1429
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Services
> Versions:
> Reporter: Rick Hillegas

> JDBC4 driver-autoloading, introduced by DERBY-930, increases the exposure to 
> non-deterministic startup behavior described in DERBY-1428. With the 
> introduction of driver-autloading, DERBY-1428 can be triggered if OtherApp is 
> any application which uses a JDBC driver. That is, OtherApp could use a Derby 
> client driver, the DB2JCC driver, the Oracle client driver, etc.. The extra 
> exposure arises because, with driver auto-loading, all JDBC drivers are 
> registered and the Derby engine boots the first time some application asks 
> for a Connection.
> The issues are summarized in an email thread 
> and 
> bug report DERBY-1399.
> Workarounds are similar to those for DERBY-1428:
> 1) Determine the derby properties BEFORE the VM starts.
> 2) If that is not possible, then force the self-configuring embedded 
> application to run first.

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Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Matrigali

Andrew McIntyre wrote:

On 6/20/06, Kathey Marsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:

> I would like to see the fix for DERBY-1392 included in the 10.1.3
> release if there is a second release candidate.  While the bug
> is an edge error case, the result is a corrupt db.  I believe
> there is little risk as again the path is not one usually taken.
> The change has already been fixed in the trunk and the 10.1 branch.

+1 to including DERBY-1392  and thanks so much to Anders for finding and
fixing this issue!

Is this a serious enough issue to warrant another release candidate?
Tests that exercise the issue were not contributed along with the fix,
and it would be nice to know that this is an issue that is likely to
be hit in known circumstances. If so, a release note is probably in
order since it supposedly can cause corruption to a database.

I believe this is serious enough to warrent another RC.  By code 
inspection as Anders points out it is clear there is a path that

could corrupt the db.

Another reason I would like to get this in is that in the past there
has been a non reproducible case of an unencrypted string getting
into a page of an encrypted db with one of our customers on the
original cloudscape pre-derby product.  We have
never been able to reproduce this, but the code for this path is
has the same problem in the pre-derby code as the code Anders fixed.
Since we never had a reproducible case I can't say this is the fix,
but it seems likely.

Because the code path depends on a timing I/O exception it is a 
particularly hard test to write.  For this reason I spent extra

time reviewing the code and why I felt it was ok to go in without
a test.

Since 10.2 is around the corner, I am worried that this might be the 
last official 10.1 release for a long time so would like to see this

fix make it.

Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Suresh Thalamati

Mike Matrigali wrote:

I would like to see the fix for DERBY-1392 included in the 10.1.3
release if there is a second release candidate.  While the bug
is an edge error case, the result is a corrupt db.  I believe
there is little risk as again the path is not one usually taken.
The change has already been fixed in the trunk and the 10.1 branch.


I agree with Mike, DERBY-1392 fix  should be included in the second 
release candidate. Although it happens only on error case; it is good 
to fix this issue;  I think error path mentioned also can be hit when 
users interrupt thread when derby is writing pages with an 
InterrupedIOException. Fix  is simple, it should not cause any 


Re: [VOTE] release

2006-06-22 Thread Rajesh Kartha

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:

I would like to see the fix for DERBY-1392 included in the 10.1.3
release if there is a second release candidate.  While the bug
is an edge error case, the result is a corrupt db.  I believe
there is little risk as again the path is not one usually taken.
The change has already been fixed in the trunk and the 10.1 branch.

+1 to including DERBY-1392  and thanks so much to Anders for finding 
and fixing this issue!


On the similar lines I would also wish to see DERBY-959 available in 
10.1.3, if there is an RC2. The fix looks  straight forward and at the 
same time will allow the Network server to match the newer DRDA spec and 
work with newer C clients.


[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1438) Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded driver

2006-06-22 Thread Olav Sandstaa (JIRA)
[ ] 

Olav Sandstaa commented on DERBY-1438:

Personally, I prefer the text written by the embedded driver ("SQL Exception:") 
over the text written by the client driver ("java.sql.Exception:"), but with 
the introduction of the SQL exception hierarchy in Java SE 6 it might be better 
to use the exact exception name (e.g. 
"java.sql.IamSorryThisShouldNotHappenTodayException") which is what I think you 
get if you call SQLException.toString() and running with jdk 1.6.

> Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded 
> driver
>  Key: DERBY-1438
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: JDBC, Newcomer
> Versions:
>  Environment: Sun JDK 1.5
> Reporter: Olav Sandstaa
> Assignee: David Van Couvering
> Priority: Trivial

> The first part of the string written by SQLExeption.toString() differs
> between the Derby client driver and the embedded driver. The embedded
> driver writes:
>SQL Exception: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.
> while the client driver writes:
>java.sql.SQLException: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.
> It would be good if we changed this so the same text is written by
> both drivers. This reduces the difference seen when changing between
> client and embedded Derby and it make it possible to reduce the amount
> of sed-ing or the number of master file variants for some tests.

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Re: [PRE-VOTE DISCUSSION] Compatibility rules and interface table

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
David Van Couvering wrote:

> Rick Hillegas wrote:

>> I can see that Private Stable applies to the client/server api. These
>> apis should remain forward/backward compatible within a release
>> family. Do Private Stable interfaces turn up in other situations?
> Yes, that's right.  I wonder if the database file format is also Private
> Stable.  I am still looking for some guidance in that area in terms of
> what are incompatible changes...

What guidance do you need above: ?

(note there is a type in that document, at one point it has 'EM <= 10',
I think that should be 'EM >= 10'.)

I think that's the policy for on-disk format and did undergo a vote (I


Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:


Jean T. Anderson wrote:


Rick Hillegas wrote:


Thanks, Jean. The Edition line turns up in the visible text which
appears in the printed document. That makes me think that it applies to
something that the customer, the reader, cares about. I don't think the
reader is particularly concerned about our transition to dita. If that
is what Edition is supposed to capture, perhaps the Edition lines should
be moved to a comments section so that they will not be
visible/confusing to customers.

The Developers Guide has a "first edition" for both 10.0 and 10.1:

I don't know why the Edition was bumped for the others. :-)

If there isn't a major change to the content of the book, I don't think
the edition should be bumped.

"Working With Derby" should definitely not be bumped from First to
Second edition since 10.2 will be its first release.


I could just bump the edition for the Reference Guide, which will carry
a lot of edits to reflect JDBC4. Would that be acceptable?

What does the "edition" represent? Would this mean the first release of
the 10.2 documentation set would be partially at the "second edition",
doesn't seem to make sense to me.


This is what's troubling me too. From Jean's investigations it seems 
that "edition" doesn't have a consistent meaning across our user guides 
and releases. We could just remove the "edition" lines. If we leave them 
in, then it would be good to agree on their meaning. Maybe one of the 

1) The Edition number is bumped whenever we create a release branch. We 
don't bump Edition for point or patch releases.

2) The Edition number is bumped whenever reviewers agree that a user 
guide has changed significantly.

3) The Edition number is the same as the release number. All user guides 
in a given release have identical Edition numbers.

[jira] Created: (DERBY-1440) ij running with client driver and jdk 1.6 omits chained exceptions in error messages

2006-06-22 Thread Olav Sandstaa (JIRA)
ij running with client driver and jdk 1.6 omits chained exceptions in error 

 Key: DERBY-1440
 Project: Derby
Type: Bug

  Components: Tools, JDBC, Network Client  
 Environment: Sun JDK 1.6
Reporter: Olav Sandstaa
Priority: Minor

When running some SQL queries through ij that fails it seems like some
information about chained exceptions is not presented to the user when
running with the client driver and jdk 1.6.

One example SQL that fails (taken from the ieptests.sql):

'extinout/order.dat', null, null, null) ;

When running this in ij the following error message is produced:

Java 1.6 Embedded driver:

ERROR 38000: The exception 'java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Schema
'inventory' does not exist' was thrown while evaluating an expression.
ERROR 42Y07: Schema 'inventory' does not exist

Java 1.5 Client driver:

ERROR 38000: The exception 'SQL Exception: Schema 'inventory' does not
exist' was thrown while evaluating an expression. SQLSTATE: 42Y07:
Schema 'inventory' does not exist

Java 1.6 Client driver:

ERROR 38000: The exception 'java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Schema
'inventory' does not exist' was thrown while evaluating an expression.

The bug (or difference) here is that the client driver when running
with jdk 1.6 does not print the chained exception and SQL state.
It would be nice to have the same information in the output as what is
written by the embedded driver (or client driver running with jdk

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[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1438) Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded driver

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering (JIRA)
[ ] 

David Van Couvering commented on DERBY-1438:

I'll take a look at this and see what I can do.  Thanks, Olav.

> Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded 
> driver
>  Key: DERBY-1438
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: JDBC, Newcomer
> Versions:
>  Environment: Sun JDK 1.5
> Reporter: Olav Sandstaa
> Assignee: David Van Couvering
> Priority: Trivial

> The first part of the string written by SQLExeption.toString() differs
> between the Derby client driver and the embedded driver. The embedded
> driver writes:
>SQL Exception: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.
> while the client driver writes:
>java.sql.SQLException: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.
> It would be good if we changed this so the same text is written by
> both drivers. This reduces the difference seen when changing between
> client and embedded Derby and it make it possible to reduce the amount
> of sed-ing or the number of master file variants for some tests.

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[jira] Assigned: (DERBY-1438) Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded driver

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering (JIRA)
 [ ]

David Van Couvering reassigned DERBY-1438:

Assign To: David Van Couvering

> Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded 
> driver
>  Key: DERBY-1438
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: JDBC, Newcomer
> Versions:
>  Environment: Sun JDK 1.5
> Reporter: Olav Sandstaa
> Assignee: David Van Couvering
> Priority: Trivial

> The first part of the string written by SQLExeption.toString() differs
> between the Derby client driver and the embedded driver. The embedded
> driver writes:
>SQL Exception: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.
> while the client driver writes:
>java.sql.SQLException: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.
> It would be good if we changed this so the same text is written by
> both drivers. This reduces the difference seen when changing between
> client and embedded Derby and it make it possible to reduce the amount
> of sed-ing or the number of master file variants for some tests.

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Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Rick Hillegas wrote:

> Jean T. Anderson wrote:
>> Rick Hillegas wrote:
>>> Thanks, Jean. The Edition line turns up in the visible text which
>>> appears in the printed document. That makes me think that it applies to
>>> something that the customer, the reader, cares about. I don't think the
>>> reader is particularly concerned about our transition to dita. If that
>>> is what Edition is supposed to capture, perhaps the Edition lines should
>>> be moved to a comments section so that they will not be
>>> visible/confusing to customers.
>> The Developers Guide has a "first edition" for both 10.0 and 10.1:
>> I don't know why the Edition was bumped for the others. :-)
>> If there isn't a major change to the content of the book, I don't think
>> the edition should be bumped.
>> "Working With Derby" should definitely not be bumped from First to
>> Second edition since 10.2 will be its first release.
> I could just bump the edition for the Reference Guide, which will carry
> a lot of edits to reflect JDBC4. Would that be acceptable?

What does the "edition" represent? Would this mean the first release of
the 10.2 documentation set would be partially at the "second edition",
doesn't seem to make sense to me.


[jira] Created: (DERBY-1439) Investigate removing the antiGC thread in embedded Derby

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner (JIRA)
Investigate removing the antiGC thread in embedded Derby

 Key: DERBY-1439
 Project: Derby
Type: Improvement

  Components: Services  
Reporter: Daniel John Debrunner
Priority: Minor

The antiGC thread was originally created to avoid the DriverManager class being 
garbage collected when no refrences existed to it and it had loaded the 
embedded JDBC driver (and hence shutting down the engine). This was an issue 
with JDK 1.1. Since Derby does not support jdk1.1 and garbage collection of 
classes is clearly defined, it is possible the thread serves no useful purpose.

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Re: [PRE-VOTE DISCUSSION] Compatibility rules and interface table

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:

> Daniel John Debrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>David Van Couvering wrote:
>>>Good news Lance, thanks, I was getting worried if we were going to have
>>>to regularly change column order and break existing applications/IDEs/etc.
>>Hopefully we don't have any documented Derby specific additional columns
>>in the metadata, that would be non-standard.
> The only non-standard columns we have are METHOD_ID and PARAMETER_ID
> in getProcedureColumns and getFunctionParameters. For
> getProcedureColumns, they are documented in the reference manual.

Yes they are documented, but not in any useful way. There is no
description of what they represent, only the text:

   "a Derby-specific column".

I think METHOD_ID could be removed, it's an artifact of the old way
Cloudscape used to support non-standard method aliases.


Re: [PRE-VOTE DISCUSSION] Compatibility rules and interface table

2006-06-22 Thread David Van Couvering

Rick Hillegas wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi David,

I had a couple more comments on the compatibility commitments. 

 - Changes to stored procedures: We will have to change column order if
  we add Derby-specific columns to a metadata ResultSet and then a later
  JDBC also adds more columns.

See Lance's email; OK to leave as is?

I thought the gist of Lance's response was this: It's ok to add 
vendor-specific columns to metadata ResultSets. However, the leading 
columns of the ResultSet must be the columns described in the JDBC spec 
and those columns must appear in the specified order. After that the 
order of vendor-specific columns doesn't matter. However, the names of 
those vendor-specific columns do matter; those names are the stable 
interface. I don't think the existing text on the compatibility webpage 
captures this.

OK, I'll work on that

 - Changes to Database Tables: We should be allowed to drop indexes
  on System tables.


 - Changes to Command Line Interfaces. I don't understand why error
   message text can't be changed. This contradicts what is said
   in the Interface Table below.

Hm, good point.  I suppose changing the error message text *is* an 
incompatible change, but given that the interface is private, it's OK 
to do it.  But it is a confusing message.  Any suggestions?  I can

(a) remove error message text from the list of incompatible changes
(b) keep it, but clarify that this is a private interface
(c) make error message text a public interface

My vote is for (a).  Anyone disagree?

That's my vote too, thanks.


 - Other miscellaneous formats. I'm not clear on what these miscellaneou
  files and strings are. For example, I'd like to make sure that 
we're not enshrining

  the current RUNTIMESTATISTICS output.

Again, I think this goes back to the same point.  It's not clear what 
the relationship is to the classification of an interface in the 
interfaces table and what it means to make an incompatible change.

I think you're assuming incompatible changes can only apply to public 
interfaces, because it's really kind of moot/inapplicable for private 

I think there's value in describing what it means to make an 
incompatible interface change, but I think the ultimate "truth" in 
terms of what we actually support in terms of interface stability 
across releases is described in the interfaces table.   I think some 
text in the "incompatible changes" section clarifying this would be 

Any thoughts?

I can see that Private Stable applies to the client/server api. These 
apis should remain forward/backward compatible within a release family. 
Do Private Stable interfaces turn up in other situations?

Yes, that's right.  I wonder if the database file format is also Private 
Stable.  I am still looking for some guidance in that area in terms of 
what are incompatible changes...


 - Interface table:

   o Shouldn't the public client api be stable like the embedded api?


   o What is meant by "Defaults returned by DatabaseMetadata

I don't know, I think I put this in as feedback from someone else.  
Can anyone clarify?

   o I think that the format of RUNTIMESTATISTICS output is unstable.

OK, anyone disagree?

Thanks for your review, Rick!


David Van Couvering wrote:

Hi, all.  I am thinking of setting up two separate votes based on 
the Wiki page at

The first one would be on our overall model/approach to making 
compatibility commitments, as described in the Wiki page.

The second would be specifically for the interface table, targetted 
at the 10.2 release.

The reason for separating these out is because, for each release, we 
should update the interface table and have a new vote; the overall 
model/approach does not need to be updated or voted on for each 

I would copy the appropriate text directly into the email for the 
vote, so that the thing we're voting on is a frozen snapshot, not a 
live document like the Wiki page.

I'd like your feedback on this approach.  I'd also like to make sure 
there aren't any lingering issues with the Wiki page as it stands, 
before I go through the process of running a vote.



[jira] Created: (DERBY-1438) Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded driver

2006-06-22 Thread Olav Sandstaa (JIRA)
Text written by SQLException.toString differs between client and embedded driver

 Key: DERBY-1438
 Project: Derby
Type: Improvement

  Components: JDBC, Newcomer  
 Environment: Sun JDK 1.5
Reporter: Olav Sandstaa
Priority: Trivial

The first part of the string written by SQLExeption.toString() differs
between the Derby client driver and the embedded driver. The embedded
driver writes:

   SQL Exception: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.

while the client driver writes:

   java.sql.SQLException: Table/View 'DERBYDB' does not exist.

It would be good if we changed this so the same text is written by
both drivers. This reduces the difference seen when changing between
client and embedded Derby and it make it possible to reduce the amount
of sed-ing or the number of master file variants for some tests.

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Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Thanks, Jean. The Edition line turns up in the visible text which
appears in the printed document. That makes me think that it applies to
something that the customer, the reader, cares about. I don't think the
reader is particularly concerned about our transition to dita. If that
is what Edition is supposed to capture, perhaps the Edition lines should
be moved to a comments section so that they will not be
visible/confusing to customers.

The Developers Guide has a "first edition" for both 10.0 and 10.1:

I don't know why the Edition was bumped for the others. :-)

If there isn't a major change to the content of the book, I don't think
the edition should be bumped.

"Working With Derby" should definitely not be bumped from First to
Second edition since 10.2 will be its first release.

I could just bump the edition for the Reference Guide, which will carry 
a lot of edits to reflect JDBC4. Would that be acceptable?



Re: [jira] Commented: (DERBY-1435) Conglomerate does not exist occurs in a specific case after dropping a table referenced by a trigger

2006-06-22 Thread Deepa Remesh

On 6/22/06, Øystein Grøvlen (JIRA)  wrote:

I have sometimes seen the same error message in another context.  See 
DERBY-637. No triggers involved in my case and not easily reproduced (but I 
have seen it several times).  I had to shutdown and restart the database to 
make the error disappers.

I took a quick look at DERBY-637 to see if there is anything similar
to the scenario in DERBY-1435. I am new to these areas but I think it
will be good if we have a repro. Someone more familiar may be able to
deduct something. If you still have the repro, it would be helpful if
you can post it.


[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1435) Conglomerate does not exist occurs in a specific case after dropping a table referenced by a trigger

2006-06-22 Thread Deepa Remesh (JIRA)
[ ] 

Deepa Remesh commented on DERBY-1435:

Thanks for looking into this Suresh. Now, I can see this from the traces too. 
We are re-using the prepared statement after table t1 is dropped. Here are the 
stack traces from ij for execution of a new statement (insert into t2 
values(2)) and a previously executed statement (insert into t2 values(1)) after 
table t1 is dropped:

ij> --- these inserts should not work, but the second insert gives XSAI2
insert into t2 values(2);
ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'T1' does not exist.
ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'T1' does not exist.
ij> insert into t2 values(1);
ERROR XSAI2: The conglomerate (896) requested does not exist.
ERROR XSAI2: The conglomerate (896) requested does not exist.

Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Jean T. Anderson
Rick Hillegas wrote:
> Thanks, Jean. The Edition line turns up in the visible text which
> appears in the printed document. That makes me think that it applies to
> something that the customer, the reader, cares about. I don't think the
> reader is particularly concerned about our transition to dita. If that
> is what Edition is supposed to capture, perhaps the Edition lines should
> be moved to a comments section so that they will not be
> visible/confusing to customers.

The Developers Guide has a "first edition" for both 10.0 and 10.1:

I don't know why the Edition was bumped for the others. :-)

If there isn't a major change to the content of the book, I don't think
the edition should be bumped.

"Working With Derby" should definitely not be bumped from First to
Second edition since 10.2 will be its first release.


[jira] Updated: (DERBY-955) Get derbyall on jdk1.6

2006-06-22 Thread Olav Sandstaa (JIRA)
 [ ]

Olav Sandstaa updated DERBY-955:

Derby Info: [Patch Available]

> Get derbyall on jdk1.6
> --
>  Key: DERBY-955
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Test
> Versions:
> Reporter: Rick Hillegas
> Assignee: Anurag Shekhar
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: bug955_blobclob4BLOB.diff, bug955_derbyall.diff, 
> bug955_sed2.diff, bug955_sed_SQLException.diff, bug955_sysinfo.diff, 
> bug955_wireUpJDBC4ClientSuite.diff, bug955_wireUpJDBC4Suite.diff
> This bug is a placeholder for patches which enable derbyall to run on jdk1.6.

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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-955) Get derbyall on jdk1.6

2006-06-22 Thread Olav Sandstaa (JIRA)
 [ ]

Olav Sandstaa updated DERBY-955:

Attachment: bug955_derbyall.diff

This patch contains fixes to the following tests that are failing when
running derbyall with jdk 1.6:

* derbynetclientmats: tools/ieptests.sql 

  -updated master file for jdk16

* derbynetclientmats: jdbcapi/

  -REMOVED jdk16 specific master file

* derbynetclientmats: jdbcapi/

  -updated and to produce
   output that is the same when running with jdk15 and jdk16
  -updated master files to reflect changes in output

* derbynetmats: tools/ieptests.sql

  -updated master file for jdk16

svn status reports:


Note: one master file has been removed.

I have run derbyall with jdk 1.5 and 1.6.

The patch is ready for review and commit.

> Get derbyall on jdk1.6
> --
>  Key: DERBY-955
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: Test
> Versions:
> Reporter: Rick Hillegas
> Assignee: Anurag Shekhar
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: bug955_blobclob4BLOB.diff, bug955_derbyall.diff, 
> bug955_sed2.diff, bug955_sed_SQLException.diff, bug955_sysinfo.diff, 
> bug955_wireUpJDBC4ClientSuite.diff, bug955_wireUpJDBC4Suite.diff
> This bug is a placeholder for patches which enable derbyall to run on jdk1.6.

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[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1395) Change the client SQLState to match that of embedded for the exception thrown on a closed statement whose connection is also closed

2006-06-22 Thread Deepa Remesh (JIRA)
[ ] 

Deepa Remesh commented on DERBY-1395:

I had seen the first scenario (both connection and statement closed) in 
jdbcapi/ is in the checkConnection method. The 
scenario Knut mentions is covered in

> Change the client SQLState to match that of embedded for the exception thrown 
> on a closed statement whose connection is also closed
> ---
>  Key: DERBY-1395
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Improvement

>   Components: Network Client
> Versions:,
> Reporter: Deepa Remesh
> Assignee: David Van Couvering
> Priority: Trivial

> Scenario: Both connection and statement are closed and an operation is 
> performed on a closed statement. SQLStates are as follows:
> Embedded: SQLSTATE: XJ012, Message: Statement Closed
> Client before DERBY-843 fix: SQLSTATE = null, message = Statement closed
> Client after DERBY-843 fix: SQLSTATE: 08003, Message: connection closed
> This issue is related to the effort started in DERBY-254.

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[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1313) SUR: Use DRDA's extended diagnostic to send ROW_UPDATED and ROW_DELETED warnings.

2006-06-22 Thread Fernanda Pizzorno (JIRA)
 [ ]

Fernanda Pizzorno updated DERBY-1313:

Attachment: derby-1313v1.pdf

The attached document (derby-1313v1.pdf) contains a short description of the 
work done in DERBY-1313 and DERBY-1374, and some thoughts of what is needed in 
order to extend this work to cover other warnings and exception.

> SUR: Use DRDA's extended diagnostic to send ROW_UPDATED and ROW_DELETED 
> warnings.
> -
>  Key: DERBY-1313
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: JDBC
> Reporter: Fernanda Pizzorno
> Assignee: Fernanda Pizzorno
>  Attachments: derby-1313.diff, derby-1313.stat, derby-1313v1.pdf, 
> derby-1313v2.diff, derby-1313v2.stat, derby-1313v3.diff, derby-1313v3.stat
> Detectability of own changes is implemented in the client using warnings cf 
> the write-up for DERBY-775. When a row has been deleted and/or updated, a 
> warning will be sent to the client to indicate that fact. Presently, only one 
> warning can be sent each time a data row is sent from to the client, that 
> means that some warnings may be lost. Using extended diagnostic allows us to 
> send several warnings for each data row.
> I propose to use extended diagnostics to send ROW_UPDATED and ROW_DELETED 
> warnings when necessary. This may later be extended for other warnings, but I 
> do not plan to do it as a part of the work in this issue.

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Re: ADVICE REQUESTED: Fixing MessageBundleTest

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

Hi David,

You might want to wrap the test in a custom Ant Task. These are 
described in the Ant manual: "Developing with Ant"->"Writing Your Own 
Task". You can then check the return status of the task and fail the 
build if appropriate.


David Van Couvering wrote:

Hm, a build-time check.  I guess in a way it is a build-time issue.  
Let me think about how I might do that, thanks for the idea.


Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

So, as Andrew very astutely pointed out, i18n/
will not succeed when running against the jar files because it tries to
load shared/common/reference/SQLState, which is not included in the jar
files.  This problem also exists for, which this test
also refers to and which also is not included in the jar files.

Does this need to be a test, could it be converted into a build time
check? Then there are no requirements for these classes to be in
derbytesting.jar. Also there is probably no requirement to run this test
on different platforms.

I used to have something similar (pre-open source), that found messages
that existed but were never used.


Re: Tuncation of trailing blanks and lengthless streaming overloads

2006-06-22 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Kristian Waagan wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm working on DERBY-1417; adding new lengthless overloads to the
> streaming API.  So far, I have only been looking at implementing this in
> the embedded driver. Based on some comments in the code, I have a few
> questions and observations regarding truncation of trailing blanks in
> the various character data types.
> TypeTrail. blank trunc. Where
> CHARallowed SQLChar.normalize
> VARCHAR allowed SQLVarchar.normalize
> LONG VARCHAR   disallowed   SQLLongVarchar.normalize
> CLOBallowed streaming or
> SQLVarchar.normalize, depending
> on source.
> As can be seen, only data for CLOB is truncated for trailing blanks in
> the streaming class. We must still read all the data, or so much as we
> need to know the insertion will fail, but we don't have to store it all
> in memory.
> Truncation of trailing blanks is not allowed at all for LONG VARCHAR
> (according to code comments and bug 5592 - haven't found the place this
> is stated in the specs).
> My question is, should we do the truncate check for CHAR and VARCHAR on
> the streaming level as well?
> If we don't add this feature, inserting a
> 10GB file into a VARCHAR field by mistake will cause 10GB to be loaded
> into memory even though the max size allowed is ~32K, possibly causing
> out-of-memory errors. The error could be generated at an earlier stage
> (possibly after reading ~32K +1 bytes).

I would say its a separate issue to the one you are addressing.
Applications most likely won't be inserting 10Gb values into
CHAR/VARCHAR columns using streams as it's not going to work.
Maybe enter a bug, but doesn't seem it has to be fixed as part of this

> As far as I can tell, adding this feature is a matter of modifying the
> 'ReaderToUTF8' class and the
> 'EmbedPrearedStatement.setCharacterStreamInternal' method.
> One could also optimize the reading of data into LONG VARCHAR, where one
> would abort the reading as soon as you can instead of taking it all into
> memory first. This would require some special case handling in the
> mentioned locations.
> Another matter is that streams will not be checked for exact length
> match when using the lengthless overloads, as we don't have a specified
> length to compare against.
> I have a preliminary implementation for setAsciiStream,
> setCharacterStream  and setClob (all without length specifications) in
> EmbedPreparedStatement.

What's the issue with setClob()? The current method doesn't take a
length. Has java.sql.Clob been changed to not always have a length?


[jira] Updated: (DERBY-1361) positioned updates and deletes allowed after a commit without repositioning the cursor - if the table is indexed on the columns selected

2006-06-22 Thread Andreas Korneliussen (JIRA)
 [ ]

Andreas Korneliussen updated DERBY-1361:

Attachment: DERBY-1361v2.diff

Attaching an updated patch. Two more master files had to be updated because of 
the error code change. With this latest patch, I have run derbyall with no 
I will until next week days before I commit this patch, in case anyone would 
like to give some review comments.

> positioned updates and deletes allowed after a commit without repositioning 
> the cursor - if the table is indexed on the columns selected
>  Key: DERBY-1361
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: JDBC
> Versions:
>  Environment: Java 1.4
> Reporter: Andreas Korneliussen
> Assignee: Andreas Korneliussen
>  Attachments: DERBY-1361.diff, DERBY-1361.stat, DERBY-1361v2.diff, 
> DERBY-1361v2.stat
> After a commit, the cursor should be positioned before the next row (not on a 
> row). However in Derby 10.2, I now see the following behavior if the table 
> has an index on the selected columns:
> ij> create table t (id int primary key);
> ij> commit;
> ij> insert into t values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
> 9 rows inserted/updated/deleted
> ij> commit;
> ij> get cursor c1 as 'select * from t for update';
> ij> next c1;
> ID 
> ---
> 1  
> ij> commit;
> ij> update t set id=id+1000 where current of c1;
> 1 row inserted/updated/deleted
> ij> commit;
> ij> update t set id=id+1000 where current of c1;
> 1 row inserted/updated/deleted
> ij> 
> The expected behavior is  that the UPDATE .. WHERE CURRENT OF fails with:
> ERROR 24000: Invalid cursor state - no current row.
> The problem applies to both scrollable and forward-only updatable cursors.
> Note: If the table is created *without* the index, I do see the expected 
> behavior.
> I am marking this as a regression, since this issue is not reproducible on 
> older, released versions of derby (I have tested with

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Re: [jira] Updated: (DERBY-1271) Release documentation for JDBC4 release

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas
Thanks, Jean. The Edition line turns up in the visible text which 
appears in the printed document. That makes me think that it applies to 
something that the customer, the reader, cares about. I don't think the 
reader is particularly concerned about our transition to dita. If that 
is what Edition is supposed to capture, perhaps the Edition lines should 
be moved to a comments section so that they will not be 
visible/confusing to customers.


Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Rick Hillegas (JIRA) wrote:

[ ]

Rick Hillegas updated DERBY-1271:

   Attachment: derby-1271_copyrights.diff

Attaching derby-1271_copyrights.diff. This adjusts dates in the visible 
copyright notices in the user guides. Touches the following files:


The update of the copyright line looks fine to me, but I'm not so sure
about the change of the "Second Edition (July 2005)" line to "Third
Edition (July 2006)".

I don't know the "Edition" history -- suspect it maps to the conversion
of the source docs to DITA. Does anyone know for sure?



Re: [PRE-VOTE DISCUSSION] Compatibility rules and interface table

2006-06-22 Thread Rick Hillegas

David Van Couvering wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:

Hi David,

I had a couple more comments on the compatibility commitments. 

 - Changes to stored procedures: We will have to change column order if
  we add Derby-specific columns to a metadata ResultSet and then a later
  JDBC also adds more columns.

See Lance's email; OK to leave as is?

I thought the gist of Lance's response was this: It's ok to add 
vendor-specific columns to metadata ResultSets. However, the leading 
columns of the ResultSet must be the columns described in the JDBC spec 
and those columns must appear in the specified order. After that the 
order of vendor-specific columns doesn't matter. However, the names of 
those vendor-specific columns do matter; those names are the stable 
interface. I don't think the existing text on the compatibility webpage 
captures this.

 - Changes to Database Tables: We should be allowed to drop indexes
  on System tables.


 - Changes to Command Line Interfaces. I don't understand why error
   message text can't be changed. This contradicts what is said
   in the Interface Table below.

Hm, good point.  I suppose changing the error message text *is* an 
incompatible change, but given that the interface is private, it's OK 
to do it.  But it is a confusing message.  Any suggestions?  I can

(a) remove error message text from the list of incompatible changes
(b) keep it, but clarify that this is a private interface
(c) make error message text a public interface

My vote is for (a).  Anyone disagree?

That's my vote too, thanks.

 - Other miscellaneous formats. I'm not clear on what these miscellaneou
  files and strings are. For example, I'd like to make sure that 
we're not enshrining

  the current RUNTIMESTATISTICS output.

Again, I think this goes back to the same point.  It's not clear what 
the relationship is to the classification of an interface in the 
interfaces table and what it means to make an incompatible change.

I think you're assuming incompatible changes can only apply to public 
interfaces, because it's really kind of moot/inapplicable for private 

I think there's value in describing what it means to make an 
incompatible interface change, but I think the ultimate "truth" in 
terms of what we actually support in terms of interface stability 
across releases is described in the interfaces table.   I think some 
text in the "incompatible changes" section clarifying this would be 

Any thoughts?

I can see that Private Stable applies to the client/server api. These 
apis should remain forward/backward compatible within a release family. 
Do Private Stable interfaces turn up in other situations?

 - Interface table:

   o Shouldn't the public client api be stable like the embedded api?


   o What is meant by "Defaults returned by DatabaseMetadata

I don't know, I think I put this in as feedback from someone else.  
Can anyone clarify?

   o I think that the format of RUNTIMESTATISTICS output is unstable.

OK, anyone disagree?

Thanks for your review, Rick!


David Van Couvering wrote:

Hi, all.  I am thinking of setting up two separate votes based on 
the Wiki page at

The first one would be on our overall model/approach to making 
compatibility commitments, as described in the Wiki page.

The second would be specifically for the interface table, targetted 
at the 10.2 release.

The reason for separating these out is because, for each release, we 
should update the interface table and have a new vote; the overall 
model/approach does not need to be updated or voted on for each 

I would copy the appropriate text directly into the email for the 
vote, so that the thing we're voting on is a frozen snapshot, not a 
live document like the Wiki page.

I'd like your feedback on this approach.  I'd also like to make sure 
there aren't any lingering issues with the Wiki page as it stands, 
before I go through the process of running a vote.



[jira] Created: (DERBY-1437) Add new LRU Cache Manager

2006-06-22 Thread Gokul Soundararajan (JIRA)
Add new LRU Cache Manager

 Key: DERBY-1437
 Project: Derby
Type: Improvement

  Components: Services  
Reporter: Gokul Soundararajan
 Assigned to: Gokul Soundararajan 

In databases, caching plays an important role in performance. To obtain high 
performance, we need to cache pages from disk in memory to reduce access time. 
The problem stated is that the existing replacement algorithm performs poorly 
so we need to research new algorithms for page replacement and implement it in 
Apache Derby. The benefit of a better algorithm is improved performance.

In this project, I first have to look at existing work to quantify the 
different replacement algorithms used in databases. I have run simulation 
experiments on several cache replacement algorithms from FIFO, Clock, 
Clock-Pro, TwoQueue, CAR, and CART. CAR/CART are patented by IBM so we cannot 
implement them in Derby. Two Queue has a large synchronization overhead (seen 
by Postgres community). Clock-Pro performs well and is being implemented in 
Linux. Oystein and I have agreed to implement Clock-Pro inside Derby. See the 
wiki for more details and simulation results:

I will implement it in Derby. In addition, I will implement unit tests. 
Finally, I will perform experiments showing the benefit of the new algorithm 
over the existing algorithm. 

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Tuncation of trailing blanks and lengthless streaming overloads

2006-06-22 Thread Kristian Waagan


I'm working on DERBY-1417; adding new lengthless overloads to the
streaming API.  So far, I have only been looking at implementing this in
the embedded driver.  Based on some comments in the code, I have a few
questions and observations regarding truncation of trailing blanks in
the various character data types.

TypeTrail. blank trunc. Where

CHARallowed SQLChar.normalize
VARCHAR allowed SQLVarchar.normalize
LONG VARCHAR   disallowed   SQLLongVarchar.normalize
CLOBallowed streaming or
SQLVarchar.normalize, depending
on source.

As can be seen, only data for CLOB is truncated for trailing blanks in
the streaming class. We must still read all the data, or so much as we
need to know the insertion will fail, but we don't have to store it all
in memory.

Truncation of trailing blanks is not allowed at all for LONG VARCHAR
(according to code comments and bug 5592 - haven't found the place this
is stated in the specs).

My question is, should we do the truncate check for CHAR and VARCHAR on
the streaming level as well?
If we don't add this feature, inserting a
10GB file into a VARCHAR field by mistake will cause 10GB to be loaded
into memory even though the max size allowed is ~32K, possibly causing
out-of-memory errors. The error could be generated at an earlier stage
(possibly after reading ~32K +1 bytes).

As far as I can tell, adding this feature is a matter of modifying the
'ReaderToUTF8' class and the
'EmbedPrearedStatement.setCharacterStreamInternal' method.
One could also optimize the reading of data into LONG VARCHAR, where one
would abort the reading as soon as you can instead of taking it all into
memory first. This would require some special case handling in the
mentioned locations.

Another matter is that streams will not be checked for exact length
match when using the lengthless overloads, as we don't have a specified
length to compare against.
I have a preliminary implementation for setAsciiStream,
setCharacterStream  and setClob (all without length specifications) in
I will continue my work by adding methods throwing
not-implemented-exceptions and implement the methods where appropriate.

Thoughts and feedback appreciated :)


[jira] Assigned: (DERBY-1393) PreparedStatement.setObject(Object,int,int) should throw for unsupported types

2006-06-22 Thread Knut Anders Hatlen (JIRA)
 [ ]

Knut Anders Hatlen reassigned DERBY-1393:

Assign To: Knut Anders Hatlen

> PreparedStatement.setObject(Object,int,int) should throw for unsupported types
> --
>  Key: DERBY-1393
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: JDBC, SQL
> Versions:
>  Environment: JDBC 4, jdk 1.6
> Reporter: Dyre Tjeldvoll
> Assignee: Knut Anders Hatlen
> Priority: Minor
>  Fix For:

> From the javadoc:
> Throws:
>  ...
> SQLFeatureNotSupportedException - if targetSqlType is a ARRAY, BLOB, 
> ROWID, SQLXML or STRUCT data type and the JDBC driver does not support this 
> data type
> Since Derby doesn't support ARRAY, DATALINK, NCHAR, NCLOB, NVARCHAR, 
> LONGNVARCHAR, REF, ROWID, SQLXML or STRUCT the method should throw 
> SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if used with any of these types. Currently a 
> general type conversion exception is thrown:
> >>1) 
> >>testSetObjectNotImplementedARRAY(org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4.PreparedStatementTest)SQL
> >> Exception: An attempt was made to get a data value of type 'CLOB' from a 
> >>data value of type '2003'.
> >>Caused by: SQL Exception: An attempt was made to get a data value of type 
> >>'CLOB' from a data value of type '2003'.

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[jira] Commented: (DERBY-1435) Conglomerate does not exist occurs in a specific case after dropping a table referenced by a trigger

2006-06-22 Thread JIRA
[ ] 

Øystein Grøvlen commented on DERBY-1435:

I have sometimes seen the same error message in another context.  See 
DERBY-637. No triggers involved in my case and not easily reproduced (but I 
have seen it several times).  I had to shutdown and restart the database to 
make the error disappers.

> Conglomerate does not exist occurs in a specific case after dropping a table 
> referenced by a trigger
>  Key: DERBY-1435
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: Bug

>   Components: SQL
> Versions:
> Reporter: Deepa Remesh
>  Attachments: repro1435.sql
> This exception occurs in the following case:
> 1. Create tables t1 and t2. Create a trigger on t2 whose triggering action is 
> to insert a row into t1
> 2. Insert a value v1 into t2. Verify the trigger was fired by looking at 
> contents of t1.
> 3. Drop table t1. 
> 4. Insert a value v2 into t2. This will give an exception to indicate that 
> table t1 does not exist.
> 5. Insert the same value v1 into t2. Instead of the exception in Step 4, this 
> gives "ERROR XSAI2: The conglomerate (896) requested does not exist."
> 6. Re-create table t1.
> 7. Insert  v2 into t2. This succeeds.
> 8. Try to insert the problem value v1 into t2. This still gives "ERROR XSAI2: 
> The conglomerate (896) requested does not exist."
> 9. Shutdown and reconnect to the database. Try to insert the problem value v1 
> into t2. Now this succeeds.
> So the exception occurs only in the specific case where we try to insert the 
> same value that we had inserted before dropping the table referenced by the 
> trigger. I'll attach a sql script to repro this.

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[jira] Assigned: (DERBY-1417) Add new, lengthless overloads to the streaming api

2006-06-22 Thread Kristian Waagan (JIRA)
 [ ]

Kristian Waagan reassigned DERBY-1417:

Assign To: Kristian Waagan

> Add new, lengthless overloads to the streaming api
> --
>  Key: DERBY-1417
>  URL:
>  Project: Derby
> Type: New Feature

>   Components: JDBC
> Versions:
> Reporter: Rick Hillegas
> Assignee: Kristian Waagan
>  Fix For:
>  Attachments: derby-1417-01-castsInTests.diff
> The JDBC4 Expert Group has approved a new set of overloads for the streaming 
> methods. These overloads do not take a length argument. Here are the new 
> overloads:
> PreparedStatement.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, x)
> PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, x)
> PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, 
> reader)
> PreparedStatement.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, 
> reader)
> PreparedStatement.setBlob(int parameterIndex, inputStream)
> PreparedStatement.setClob(int parameterIndex, reader)
> PreparedStatement.setNClob(int parameterIndex, reader)
> CallableStatement.setAsciiStream(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> x)
> CallableStatement.setBinaryStream(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> x)
> CallableStatement.setCharacterStream(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> reader)
> CallableStatement.setNCharacterStream(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> reader)
> CallableStatement.setBlob(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> inputStream)
> CallableStatement.setClob(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> reader)
> CallableStatement.setNClob(java.lang.String parameterName, 
> reader)
> ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex, x)
> ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(java.lang.String columnLabel, 
> x)
> ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex, x)
> ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(java.lang.String columnLabel, 
> x, int length)
> ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex, x)
> ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(java.lang.String columnLabel, 
> x)
> ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex, x)
> ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(java.lang.String columnLabel, 
> x)  
> ResultSet.updateBlob(int columnIndex, inputStream)
> ResultSet.updateBlob(java.lang.String columnLabel, 
> inputStream)
> ResultSet.updateClob(int columnIndex, reader)
> ResultSet.updateClob(java.lang.String columnLabel, reader)
> ResultSet.updateNClob(int columnIndex, reader)
> ResultSet.updateNClob(java.lang.String columnLabel, reader)
> We should add these new overloads soon so that the build will not break when 
> this methods turn up in a published Mustang build.

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Regression Test Failure! - Derby 416051 - Sun DBTG

2006-06-22 Thread Ole . Solberg
[Auto-generated mail]

*Derby* 416051/2006-06-21 19:46:07 CEST

Failed  TestsOK  Skip  Duration   Platform
*Jvm: 1.6*
15715700 0   106.56% SunOS-5.10_i86pc-i386
  Details in
  Attempted failure analysis in
*Jvm: 1.5*
3675672 2   109.05% CYGWIN_NT-5.1_i686-unknown
2675673 2   115.78% CYGWIN_NT-5.2_i686-unknown
0675675 2   120.56% Linux-2.6.14-1.1644_FC4_i686-i686
0675675 2   105.59% Linux-2.6.9-34.ELsmp_x86_64-x86_64
1675674 2   176.96% SunOS-5.10_i86pc-i386
0675675 2   137.18% SunOS-5.10_sun4u-sparc
0675675 2   108.09% SunOS-5.11_i86pc-i386
0675675 2   113.59% SunOS-5.9_sun4u-sparc
  Details in
  Attempted failure analysis in 
*Jvm: 1.4*
2669667 4   105.30% CYGWIN_NT-5.1_i686-unknown
3669666 4   144.69% Linux-2.6.14-1.1644_FC4_i686-i686
0669669 4   105.85% Linux-2.6.9-34.ELsmp_x86_64-x86_64
2669667 4   209.67% SunOS-5.10_i86pc-i386
  Details in
  Attempted failure analysis in 

Changes in 

( All results in ) 

[jira] Created: (DERBY-1436) setEmbeddedCP.ksh and setNetworkCleitn.ksh does not work or gives wrong error message

2006-06-22 Thread Bernt M. Johnsen (JIRA)
setEmbeddedCP.ksh and setNetworkCleitn.ksh does not work or gives wrong error 

 Key: DERBY-1436
 Project: Derby
Type: Bug

  Components: Demos/Scripts  
 Environment: Linux atum01 2.6.16-1.2096_FC4
Reporter: Bernt M. Johnsen

setEmbeddedCP.ksh (and setNetworkClient.ksh) gives the following message if 
neither DERBY_HOME nor DERBY_INSTALL is set:

  echo "\$DERBY_HOME or \$DERBY_INSTALL not set. Please set one of these 
  echo "to the location of your Derby installation."

but the scripts do not work if only DERBY_HOME is set

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