Re: Exceptional coding style

2013-01-15 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 16:51:34 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I really cannot understand the obsession computing people have 
using monospace fonts, I just assume it is a hang over from the 
printer era which created a mindset that most people do not 
As soon as computers moved from 80x24 terminals to editors with 
based accuracy and nice fonts I ditched all use of monospace 

It's not strictly a computing thing; I've known a few editors who 
won't work on manuscripts with a proportional font either. 
(Though I suspect you're familiar with the classic manuscript 
style guidelines.)  Personally, I find monospace makes it much 
easier to make glyph distinctions and spot errors.

Re: Exceptional coding style

2013-01-15 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 18:10:00 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

I shall start a new trend of ultra-high monitors!

About time more people showed up to this party... ;)

Make sure you're getting a panel with VESA mount; many monitors 
even at the fairly-high end of the spectrum have cheap stands 
that don't give rotation and height adjustment. My current layout 
is with the vertical monitor on the left, but I think I prefer it 
on the right, more.

Re: PDF spec

2013-01-24 Thread Wyatt
On Thursday, 24 January 2013 at 06:26:13 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
There's quite a bit of work left to do, but the PDF spec 
already has 386 pages of goodness and starts to look seriously 
cool. Take a peek!

This may just be me, but those margins seem just a _little_ bit 
excessive.  Can we maybe add something like
\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} % ...or 2 or 3.5 or whatever 
looks good
to the top matter? (Though I suppose I can also see the argument 
for keeping it at around 75-80cpl for readability.)

Re: Do we want functions to act as properties, or merely omit parens for ufcs/chaining?

2013-01-29 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 00:56:41 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
Would everyone be able to agree to only use @property functions 
as properties?  This would still allow omittable parens as a 
way to make call-chaining and ufcs nicer.

I've been thinking and, while it may just be a side effect of my 
code style or my own inexperience, I honestly can't think of a 
situation where I'd want I'd want to use a non-@property function 
as an lvalue as described here.

The limitation this imposes is that
  void foo(int a) {...}
  void bar(int a, int b) {...}
cannot be called in this way:
  foo = 2; = 3;

As a consequence, everyone's favorite
  writeln = "lolwut";
does not compile.

Do people really do this with any degree of frequency?  None of 
the examples I've seen read well to me, and readability of code 
is an important consideration when we need to represent semantic 
meaning with syntactic saccharides.

Re: Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

2013-08-16 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 15 August 2013 at 18:35:22 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I've only done X11 forwarding over ssh, both WAN and LAN, it 
was incredibly laggy in both cases.

As Andrei and I have pointed out, NX does a much better job of 
things.  If nothing else, read the explanation of how it works-- 
there are perceptual subtleties to this that aren't apparent at 
first glance:

What is the latency or bandwidth threshold that X11 needs?

They talk a bit about this in the above link, too.


Re: Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

2013-08-16 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 15 August 2013 at 18:52:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

You need to run ssh -C, otherwise it just goes uncompressed 
plus the

overhead of encrypting/decrypting each packet.

SSH compression is something of a worst-case scenario for 
compressing remote X traffic.  As a fun aside, for X forwarding 
on LAN I find -c arcfour offers better performance. -C just slows 
things down.

But yeah, it's not exactly fast. Definitely can't play FPS's 
over it. :)

This...  I was going to say it's pretty much impossible, but 
thinking about it, I'm not so sure.  X forwarding uses indirect 
rendering, which has never given me good performance, but it MAY 
be possible on modern hardware with good bandwidth, clever 
compression, and client-side prediction (Something like 
Frankensteining NX, GGPO, VirtualGL, and ICER together?).

Probably not for FPS, so much, but a lot of other semi-realtime 
applications. Fundamentally, you have to deal with getting a 
frame up inside of 33 milliseconds, however you do it, and input 
latency somewhere in the same apartment block as 50ms (else 
people hem and haw like you wouldn't believe).  OnLive, for how 
they hilariously over-promised on infrastructural matters, looked 
to have some pretty interesting tech underneath; but they claim 
to have relied heavily on custom ASICs to pull it off.


Re: Can we get a forum section devoted to documentation?

2013-08-16 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 16:53:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:



s/\+1/\+2/ to everything.  Might encourage me to get back to my 
own doc stuff.


Re: Tuple/TypeTuple etc.

2013-08-16 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 16:19:51 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Add the built-in t{} syntax to denote all kind of tuples.

This. With an exception of "I don't care what syntax is".


What was the general attitude to ?

I don't like the "t".  I'd prefer just using parentheses, but I 
think there were readability problems that caused the DIP to end 
up with:

"Basic () syntax, perhaps the cleanest, but can't be used:"

Though there's nothing else written about that.

The DIP itself, though, looks pretty good.


Re: Can we get a forum section devoted to documentation? [dox]

2013-08-16 Thread Wyatt

On 8/16/13 10:56 AM, Dicebot wrote:
it. I'd probably favor deleting such obsolete groups (dtl, 
dwt, debugger?) but it is a different topic.

Archive, don't delete.

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 18:25:02 UTC, Andre Artus wrote:
I understand were you are coming from. And, while I currently 
feel that it's a bit of a catch-22 situation, I think it is 
worth at least trying out your suggestion of marking document 
related threads with "[dox]".

For the future, the convention of most mailing lists I've seen is 
to put the braced tag at the front so you know what it's about 
immediately. :)


Re: A Discussion of Tuple Syntax

2013-08-19 Thread Wyatt
 The pattern #(1, ?, ...) 
would match the two nested sub-tuples. Or, say, #(1, 2, 3) 
could be matched by #(1, 2, 3), #(1, ?, 3), #(1, ...), etc. You 
obviously can't refer to "..." as a variable, so it also 
becomes a useful way of saying "don't care" for multiple items, 
e.g., #(a, ...) -> only bind the first item in the tuple. We

#(a, ...) looks like to me like it would make a 2-tuple 
containing a and a tuple of "everything else", because of the 
ellipsis' use in templated code.  I think this is a little 
unclear, so instead I'd prefer #(a, ? ...) (or whatever ends up 
used for the discard character) to make it explicit.

Assuming the "..." syntax for unpacking, it would be useful to 
name the captured tail. For example, you could unpack #(1, 3, 
#(4, 6)) into #(a, b, x...), where a = 1, b = 3, x = #(4, 6). 
Similarly, #(head, rest...) results in head = 1, rest = #(2, 
#(4, 6)). I think this would be very useful.

As a bonus, explicit discard means a simple comma omission is 
less likely to completely change the meaning of the statement.  

#(a, b, ...)   //bind the first two elements, discard the rest.
#(a, b ...)//bind the first element to a and everything else 
to b

#(a, b, ? ...) //same as the first
#(a, b ? ...)  //syntax error

Granted, there's this case:
#(a, ?, ...)
...but that seems like it would be less common just based on how 
people conventionally order their data structures.

Thought: Is there sufficient worth in having different tokens for 
discarding a single element vs. a range? e.g.
#(a, ?, c, * ...) //bind first and third elements; discard the 

// I'm not attached to the asterisk there.
// +, #, or @ would also make some amount of sense to me.

- Concatenating tuples with ~. This is nice to have, but not 
particularly important.

What does concatenating a tuple actually do?  That is:
auto a = #(1,2) ~ 3; //Result: a == #(1,2,3), right?
auto b = a ~ #(4,5); //Is  b == #(1,2,3,#(4,5)) or is b == 

This is the third or fourth time that I know of that tuple 
syntax has come up, and as of yet, nothing has been done about 
it. I'd really like to get the ball rolling on this, as I think 
a good syntax for these tuple operations would do D a world of 
good. I'm not a compiler hacker, unfortunately, so I can't 
implement it myself as proof of concept... However, I hope that 
discussing it and working out all the kinks will help pave the 
way for an actual implementation.

Great! After this, let's fix properties. ;)


Re: A Discussion of Tuple Syntax

2013-08-19 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 19 August 2013 at 16:57:35 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Check "Token Strings" in

Didn't make it to the end of the paragraph? ;)

Re: A Discussion of Tuple Syntax

2013-08-19 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 19 August 2013 at 18:19:11 UTC, bearophile wrote:

The ? of regexes is inside strings, so I think it causes no 
problems. And I think it doesn't clash with the ternary 
operator because before the ? wildcard you put a comma, a 
semicolon or a #(.

I was primarily addressing the fact that there aren't many 
_meanings_ attached to the same character.  This was brought up 
before when someone talked about using an asterisk, but it was 
pointed out that it would be a bad choice because it's already 
commonly seen in multiplication, pointers, and exponentiation 

If anything, I'm inclined to think the regex heritage of the 
question mark improves its case.


Re: A Discussion of Tuple Syntax

2013-08-20 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 09:02:29 UTC, Mr. Anonymous wrote:

Why not just leave an empty space, like php does:

$info = array('coffee', 'brown', 'caffeine');
// let's skip to only the third one
list( , , $power) = $info;
echo "I need $power!\n";

Bad idea.  It's a visual thing--  quick! How wide is this tuple!?:

How long did it take you to be SURE that it's a seven-tuple?  You 
probably aren't even equipped to measure that so don't worry 
about answering, but I'm guessing you start to appreciate why 
it's a fairly inhumane solution (how drearily typical for PHP).

Ah, but what if it was supposed to be #(,front,var,)?  Does 
that change your result, now that you're taking the sixth element 
rather than the seventh?  All you did was forget a comma!  By 
#(?,front,?,?,?,var,?,?) //at least gives us a better chance of 
parsing it correctly.

My point here is we are human and we are fallible.  The sooner we 
acknowledge and internalise that, the better equipped we are to 
make systems that don't suck for humans to use.

In that sense, I don't even really like this format because it's 
still not especially resilient.  Walter's talk about design that 
eliminates patterns of human error resonated with me quite 
strongly, you see.  But in terms of language consistency it's not 
much different from array literals, so I could accept it as a 


Re: Why I chose D over Ada and Eiffel

2013-08-20 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 19 August 2013 at 21:19:05 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

scope guards. If I were granted a wish for how to lessen the 
pain of

coding in C, one of the first things I'd ask for is scope.

A little OT at this point, but C Survival Kit might have you 
sufficiently covered:
(Been considering pulling this in at work, too.)


Re: [dox] C++ Interfaces

2013-08-20 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 08:00:56 UTC, Atash wrote:

This link:

Is made on this page:

And I *think* (not sure) that since whatever it was originally 
pointing to has disappeared, it should probably end up pointing 

That looks right.

Maybe add an anchor to about halfway down the page, so it'd 
look more like:

Not quite sure why you'd do this.  The cpp_interface.html gets to 
the example meat fairly quickly.  Unless you're talking about 
turning the "Calling Global D Functions From C++" heading into an 

In general, you'll find the docs could stand to have a lot more 
anchors in general.

vast wilds of newbie-dom... "What do?"

For the time being, I'd make a pull request that changes the link 
on the interface page to the correct URI.  That's the bare 


Re: Download page needs a tidy up

2013-08-22 Thread Wyatt
On Thursday, 22 August 2013 at 03:38:26 UTC, Tyler Jameson Little 

Do we really want D1 compilers that easily accessable?

Considering D1 has an entire site of its own[0], why are they 
even there?  Move them to where they belong with a BIG RED BANNER 
saying they're EOL and an "are you sure you want this?" 
confirmation to download them.



Re: Benchmarking a SIMD implementation of dot product

2013-08-22 Thread Wyatt
On Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at 21:11:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Loosely related question I've always been curious about: are 
there people who follow this newsgroup but not the announce 

Hi there. I assumed "announce" was for...well, announcements.  
Like official releases and such.  Looking, I'm even sort of 

Incidentally, it may be kind of cool to aggregate release 
announcements of various D-related tools into a sidebar of the 
"Downloads & Tools" page or similar.


Re: DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

2013-08-30 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 30 August 2013 at 06:23:02 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 29.08.2013 21:09, Martin Nowak wrote:

References from the data segment use absolute relocations.
References from PIC code use the GOT.

So an indirection through the GOT is added to every access to a 
non-static global if you compile with -fPIC?

My understanding was references using the GOT have the same 
number of indirections as in the PLT -- that is, a one-time cost 
for the dynamic linker to dereference and replace an entry with 
the absolute address -- and the major difference is PLT is done 
lazily, while GOT is fixed up in its entirety at runtime.

Having said that, now I wonder if I'm misunderstanding the 


Re: obsolete D libraries/modules

2013-08-30 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 29 August 2013 at 19:18:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Right now, having no way to actually update that site to add a
notice to this effect

On this point, when's the last time someone tried pinging him via 
email?  Is the whois for the domain not current?


Re: Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...

2013-09-03 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 2 September 2013 at 03:47:56 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

My guess is that gdb actually uses a superset of Dwarf, with 
its own

idiosyncratic extensions that only gcc knows about.

This isn't terribly surprising, though ostensibly it shouldn't be 
doing that unless you use the -ggdb switches[0] (For C, I do 
actually use -ggdb3 for the macro expansion).



Re: Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...

2013-09-03 Thread Wyatt

On Sunday, 1 September 2013 at 13:26:32 UTC, Manu wrote:

The part that irks me most is that I have to have
yet-another-account-on-the-internet... Does bugzilla support 

Haven't seen one for OAuth, but there's a plugin for OpenID:


Re: [OT]: Memory & Performance

2013-09-03 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 3 September 2013 at 16:15:51 UTC, Chris wrote:

If you had the choice between:

- 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM at 1600MHz - 1 X 4 GB
- 8 GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1600MHz - 2 X 4GB ( + $49.00 )

Is it worth the extra money or is the increase in performance 
not worth mentioning? Any experience with that.

The processor

4th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-4700MQ Processor ( 2.4 GHz 6MB 
L3 Cache - 4 Cores plus Hyperthreading )


That's a little pricey for a 4GB DIMM, but the prospect of living 
with less than 8GB is unfathomable with my usage habits.  Do you 
run a lot of things?  Do you use browser tabs?  Do you compile 
code?  If the answer to any of these is "yes", more memory will 
probably help.  If nothing else, you benefit from OS caching to 
memory and not swapping.  That's a nice thing to have.


Re: [OT]: Memory & Performance

2013-09-04 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 4 September 2013 at 08:48:52 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Wednesday, 4 September 2013 at 06:47:15 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2013-09-03 23:10, Chris wrote:

The machine I was looking at is this one:

A laptop! Buy parts a build your own desktop :)

You are actually right. I should look into that possibility 
too, given the pricing policy most companies have. Thanks for 
the comment. Do you have any tips or useful links?

Yeah, if you don't need portability AND lots of power, I still 
think a desktop is the way to go.  For a laptop, I prioritise 
battery life and weight above all else, these days; if I need 
heavy lifting, I'll just SSH into my desktop.  Best part is, that 
portable unit only sets you back about the difference between a 
high-end laptop and its desktop equivalent.

If this isn't an urgent purchase, definitely watch for sales and 
discounts; play your cards right, and you should be able to get a 
nice Haswell box for about $600 with a display.

You've more-or-less missed the US Labour Day sales, so the next 
big "events" will probably be Halloween, and then Black Friday 
(which is completely bonkers).  Outside of that, weekly specials 
are...well, weekly (though usually weak).

Outside of the big names, pricewatch [0] and slickdeals [1] are 
probably still useful for finding low prices, though you'll end 
up chasing across a bunch of different retailers on that path.  
Another useful tool is the "Camelizer" [2], to see price history 
for a potential buy.

If you let up know roughly where in the world you are, someone 
else may have some idea of what retailers will let you dodge 
overseas shipping costs if it's a pressing concern.

On to matters of part selection, since it sounds like your first 
build, some general tips:
- As a rule of thumb, if it's a "generic" brand part, avoid it 
like the plague.  If there's one lesson I've learned, you tend to 
get what you pay for with computer parts (...up to a point.  
Those 6-core Xeons aren't really priced to move).  If you're 
unsure, look up reviews on Newegg and Amazon.
- Don't get _too_ caught up in the numbers. A couple hundred MHz 
one way or another on a part won't be world-changing.  On the 
other hand you're probably not going to buy a new machine for a 
few years and my experience is you won't bother upgrading 
anything but RAM and maybe GPU.
- Do make sure to get a decent power supply.  A crappy PSU will 
cause headaches and instability.  Pay special attention to the 
PFC rating: efficient power delivery is good unless you live in a 
state where electricity is dirt cheap.  Also keep an eye out for 
"Modular" PSUs, which is a nice perk for keeping internal cable 
clutter low.
- Get a decent power supply even if one comes with whatever case 
you buy (some people don't like their machines to be a pile of 
parts on the desk.  I call them "uninspired" ;) ). The pack-in 
PSU tends to be awful (as a rule of thumb, if it's not heavier 
than it looks, it's rubbish).
- I'd avoid motherboards from Foxconn, Biostar, and ECS.  Budget 
manufacturers, and I've had poor reliability from them in the 
- For Linux, particularly pay attention to the network hardware 
on the motherboard.  Buying something with Broadcom is playing 
with fire.  Atheros and Intel are your friends.
- If you don't need high-end graphics, the on-die Intel or AMD 
solution should serve well. (It's too bad the Iris Pro trim isn't 
available on the Haswell desktop parts; that even stacks up 
favourably against low-mid tier GPUs).
- The stock cooler that comes with a modern CPU is actually 
fairly decent.  No need to get an aftermarket version.
- A basic cheapo case is plenty for probably 95% of builds.  If 
you can get one with a removable motherboard tray, that's a nice 
feature, but not essential.
- If you need a discrete GPU and you're using Linux, I'd 
personally look for some kind of fanless Radeon. I find the 
general driver situation is just better for AMD cards.
- There's a lot of fluctuation in display prices right now, but 
getting one for under a hundred bucks is probably doable.
- You probably don't even need an optical device these days.  
Just boot from a USB stick.

Hope that helps!



Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-16 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 13 September 2013 at 22:11:52 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 09:48:05PM +, Justin Whear wrote:
I've introduced a few young developers to Vim and the major 
hole that

they tend to fall into is printing out a list of vim "keyboard
shortcuts", because that's how other editors work: you 
memorize a
bunch of arbitrary key combinations.  So the thing that I 
emphasize is

learning Vim's *language*.

Mmm, I like that description! You're right, it's actually a 
not just a bunch of shortcuts. That's why is far more 
expressive than a
shortcut-based editor. You'd need an exponential number of 
just to keep up with all the possibilities -- clearly 

I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet:

Probably one of the more famous SO answers ever.

Also, this cheat sheet is pretty much the best:


Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-16 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 13 September 2013 at 19:48:18 UTC, Namespace wrote:

Just out of interest.

vim.  Not vi.  Not gvim.  vim.  With TERM=xterm-256color and a 
small set of plugins.  Sometimes in screen.


Re: Improved Phobos dox

2013-09-16 Thread Wyatt
On Sunday, 15 September 2013 at 18:02:10 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Sure. My goal with this upgrade is to get rid of the unsightly 
bag of words at the top of most pages.

A few months ago, I made a prototype that turned the "bag of 
words" into a boxed out vertical list floating at the left.  It 
worked fairly well at all sorts of browser sizes and required 
zero Javascript.  (It will work even better when all the modules 
have introductory text as mentioned in another thread.)

I wonder if I should resurrect that branch?


Re: Improved Phobos dox

2013-09-16 Thread Wyatt
On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 13:33:55 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Probably not. The consensus is to got the ddox way, and Walter 
and myself are on board with it. We're a bit concerned about 
switching to new tooling (dependencies, bus factor etc) but we 
think it's worth it.

Well, as long as it works (and works WELL) without Javascript, I 
guess that's a fine start.  Though I have to admit the example 
linked above hurts my eyes. :(  (So. Much. White.)


Re: Improved Phobos dox

2013-09-16 Thread Wyatt
On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 14:38:25 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Which example? Are you referring to the extra spacing I added 
between symbols?

Turns out I was looking at the wrong version.  The current 
version here looks all right:

Though I have numerous concerns with having comments on the doc 
pages, and ESPECIALLY using an external service for them.


Re: Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...

2013-09-18 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 11:45:55 UTC, Manu wrote:
The problem I've always had with make-based build systems is 
dependencies... how do any of those build systems go performing 
a minimal rebuild,

As in "only rebuild the files that changed"?  In my experience, 
that comes with using make.  Even really ancient versions.

or incremental linking?

This is a bit harder.  If you're using the Gold linker, 
-Wl,--incremental sounds like your medicine, though I'm not sure 
if Gold is ready for primetime, yet.


Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-19 Thread Wyatt
On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 18:20:42 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

Dolphin seems to have fixed it's Vista-like goofiness with the
folder view's horizontal scrolling, and it really is pretty 
good for the most part.

Dolphin is pretty nice, though there are cases where Konqueror 
still runs circles around it. For example, if you want a 
horizontal split or more than one split.  Also, I don't think 
Dolphin has the file size view plugin, which is nice for finding 
hidden monsters in your ~.

The terminal panel is a brilliant idea (never noticed
before - maybe it's new since about 4.5ish?).

Hehe, this has been around least KDE 3.4 (Before 
Dolphin was written). The shortcut is F4. :)

As of the latest version, Xfce seems to be about the only DE 
that can

handle my side-mounted taskbar worth a darn.

Really?  I figured Plasma would probably be able to do a decent 
job.  :/  I guess they still haven't gotten it into shape.  Have 
you tried the 4.11 versions?

Mint seems to be the best Debian for a desktop

I've been hearing good things about aptosid and Mepis lately, too.

Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-19 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 19 September 2013 at 14:27:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 03:04:44PM +0200, Wyatt wrote:
Dolphin is pretty nice, though there are cases where Konqueror 
runs circles around it. For example, if you want a horizontal 
or more than one split.  Also, I don't think Dolphin has the 
size view plugin, which is nice for finding hidden monsters in 


du ~ | sort -r -n | less

That's nice if you want the size of _every_ individual file in 
your home. In kilobytes.  It's much less so for visualising where 
hotspot directories are, let alone seeing the large divisions 
within them or getting a sense of their relative magnitude.  It's 
accurate, but data that doesn't end with presentation useful for 
humans is next to worthless.

shopt -s dotglob; du -sm ~/* | sort -rn | less a bit closer, but there's a lot of room for improvement.  
Even the KDE part isn't really optimal (for example, I think 
reducing the recursion one level would be a better default), but 
it plays to the strengths of the human visual system markedly 


Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-19 Thread Wyatt
On Thursday, 19 September 2013 at 14:49:35 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

actually, I do want some way to transfer files easily. Using 
scp and so on is kinda a pain, I would like to just


and be done with it. scp is ok if you have keys set up on both 
sides and they are unix, but when you're on putty and just want 
to dump a file over to the Windows side, what I'd love is to 
hit a command and then get a save as prompt on the receiving 
end. Or, better yet, run a program right on it too.

At the lowest level, you could use netcat for this (and like a 
million other awesome/silly things).  An rsync daemon might also 
pinch hit here.  But it sounds like what you really want is a 
writable CIFS mount.  Or sshfs.


Re: Qt Creator and D

2013-09-20 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 07:16:09 UTC, Manu wrote:

It needs a reasonable amount of support from the compiler and 
presumably cooperation from the debugger too. If people have

never heard of it, chances are, it doesn't exist :(

Google has been hitting close to this: (slides:
Lot of potential here, even for a die-hard Vim user like myself.

Mmmm, a concept that I've always found completely amazing 
actually. How is it that Linux - truly an OS for developers

(certainly not for end-users) - can consistently be plagued by
the worst dev tools out there? Surely someone in the past 30-40
years get's frustrated at some stage, looks at what MS have
been doing for over a decade, and think "shit, that's awesome,
I'd like that too!". I'm actually amazed that MS managed to
invent it in the first place. You'd think that Linux should have
gotten to it first...

Part of this would seem to be the simple fact that the GNU
toolchain is the de facto standard for working in Linux and other
Unixen.  If you've ever encountered a GNU project's general
attitude toward patches and ideas from "outsiders", the concerns
presented in this SO answer might offer some clarity as to why
it's taken so long:
In short: getting all the people involved to agree on answers to
all these questions is sort of a hard problem.
(Though it looks like "Fix-and-continue" was added to the GDB
roadmap about a year ago:

I agree, I'm really looking forward to what they bring to the 
table. I expect it's a lot of work though... they have over a

decade of catching up to do.

Per the links above, they might be closer than it initially
appears.  Of course, it's also a matter of integration and
coordination across multiple projects.  There are, occasionally,
advantages to monolithic vertically-integrated dictatorships.


Re: Bartosz Milewski seems to like D more than C++ now :)

2013-09-20 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 13:00:49 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

It's unfortunate that due to C++ basically giving you a gun 
that can
shoot you in the foot backwards while you're aiming at 
something else
(all convniently abstracted away behind wrappers so you won't 

notice the bleeding)

This seems apt:
"C lets you shoot yourself in the foot.
C++ lets you std::anatomy(std::dim::Directions.DOWN, 
std::anatomy::digits<5>).shoot(this)" --@eevee


Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-20 Thread Wyatt
On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 03:47:57 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

I got a good way into the first (before I got distracted and 
and I find it very impressive considering it's on a system that 

with the NES.

That's some classic 6502 vs. Z80 right there.  Master System 
especially set itself apart by having way more memory and better 
video hardware.  In general, Nintendo won by simply having better 
games (also, I prefer 2A03 sound to SN76489, though the YM2413 on 
the Mark III smokes both of them on the games that actually use 

But the real kicker with Phantasy Star in particular, is it came 
out three days _before_ Final Fantasy, yet if you compare them 
side-by-side it's not even a fair contest.


Re: [OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

2013-09-20 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 14:05:20 UTC, JN wrote:

On Linux? hah, bad driver will lock you out of the system, 
installations regularly break. Closing the system? Oh let me 
just flash random gibberish that looks like memory corruption, 
then some log messages where it's "FATAL ERROR" every third 
line. No thanks, I prefer my stable system.

You sound like a Fedora user (in which case, you have my 

Re: Debugging support for D - wiki

2013-09-24 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 23 September 2013 at 22:57:27 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

GDB doesn't understand D mangling.  We currently leverage the 
use of
setting pretty-print names for debugging purposes, but you 
require to
put the names in 'quotation.marks' - I will fix this sometime 
this year... maybe. :)

Ah, is THAT what was wrong when I fired up my debugger?  It would 
be super awesome if that were documented...somewhere. :/


Re: Move VisualD to github/d-programming-language ?

2013-09-25 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 25 September 2013 at 11:54:22 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Given the way they break API it will make sense to stick to 
current major branch once it gets relatively stable and just 
ignore newer releases. Bleeding edge distros will be 
dissapointed but MonoDevelop guys push it far out of the limits 
of reasonable bleeding edge.

For what it's worth, even our Gentoo maintainers have apparently 
gotten fed up with their crap.  There are two versions in the 
main Portage tree right now: and 3.0.2-r1. Both are 
marked stable.  Make of that what you will.


Re: D2 is really that stable as it is claimed to be?

2013-09-25 Thread Wyatt
On Wednesday, 25 September 2013 at 03:10:20 UTC, Walter Bright 

And, dmd users are often dmc users.

Are they, still?  I can't speak for everyone, but I know I've 
never used it.  I wish I had had it for precisely the feature in 
question when I was first learning C, even though it would have 
spoiled me on other compilers until...2013, apparently. :/

Since dmd never had it, and dmc did, wouldn't anyone have 
suggested "hey, I like this dmc feature, why not put it in 
dmd?" But nope.

In the few compilers I've used that had it, I've never begrudged 
its existence; it's usually been helpful, and never harmful.  You 
could say I like it because it offers proper visualisation of the 
data.  I didn't realise it was moving from "rare, nice perk" to 
"in-demand standard feature" until this thread.


Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-09-27 Thread Wyatt
On Thursday, 26 September 2013 at 14:20:53 UTC, Bruno Medeiros 

To be fair, I don't entirely agree with this. End user 
distribution/installation doesn't have to be system-specific. I 
can see many interesting and useful use-cases for a 
cross-platform user application package manager. It might be a 
real cool project if done properly.

That's CPAN.  You just described CPAN.  It supports both system 
and user level package installing, bails properly when build deps 
are missing, and has enough metadata that we can support it from 
the system package manager for proper system-level depgraph and 
file tracking.  If there's a wheel we want to steal or reinvent, 
this is THE one.

But I think it's important to remember it would be complete cat 
puke like ruby packaging if they didn't have PAUSE [0]; clear, 
moderately-strict submission guidelines [1] (especially for 
newcomers); and PrePAN, for feedback and discussion BEFORE it 
goes up.

The latter, and community involvement in general, is possibly the 
most important aspect of this process because the community is 
ultimately your userbase. (It's not so knock-down/drag-out as 
Phobos module reviews, but it's a great source of sanity 


[0] Recommend reading 
the whole thing.

[2] A good recent example

Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-09-27 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 27 September 2013 at 13:03:20 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Friday, 27 September 2013 at 13:00:58 UTC, Wyatt wrote:


afaik CPAN mixes development packages and distribution packages 
too, which I doubt is desired.

It may be unfortunate consequence of Perl interpreted nature 

Unless we're talking about different things, that's denoted in 
the META.json (I don't recall if the distinction existed in the 
META.yaml era) with e.g.

"release_status" : "stable",
"release_status" : "testing",

A proper tool can (and will) filter for this by default.

And to be explicitly clear, I'm not saying it's perfect for us 
as-is (or even perfect in general).  They're just the model 
citizen to take after.


Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-09-27 Thread Wyatt
Funny, I started this with a clear mindset, but it ended up more 
nuanced than I expected.

On Friday, 27 September 2013 at 13:43:59 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

No, I mean that it does not make any difference between 
"programs written in perl to be widely used" and "libraries / 
tools for development in perl". For interpreted languages this 
distinction hardly makes sense, but for natively compiled ones 
it is pretty important.

That's true, though at some level I wonder if its continued 
prevalence more comes back to CPAN supporting system and 
local-to-user installation simultaneously.  Users have been 
adding ~/bin to their $PATH since $EPOCH.

And that was kind of the core point of the argument - can 
language-specific package manager be allowed to manage the 

Not at the system level, it probably shouldn't.  Ideally, binary 
executables and libraries are the exclusive demesne of the system 
package manager.

As a historical footnote, I suspect part of why CPAN works the 
way it does is it was designed and (I think) released before RPM 
was even written. (It may even predate the original dpkg.)  More 
important than long precedent, though: Perl is largely 
self-contained by default, and can be made completely so [0].

In some sense, I _like_ the idea of installing module source to 
e.g. /usr/lib64/d2/site_d/2.63/ as long as dub is built into a 
normal install (control env with a config file in ~) and let it 
update the user's dmd.conf as a value-add [1].

I stand by the point that is a bad practice to provide any 
functionality that allows it, Jacob has opposite point of view 

I... turns out I have mixed feelings on this.  In the general 
sense, I'm strongly inclined to agree with you.  External package 
management undermines the sysadmin's ability to make good package 
installation decisions, splits the system dependency graph, and 
can create file conflicts.

But on the other hand, as long as there are sufficient options 
(preferable), a utility, or an API to interrogate dub for 
complete useful metadata; I'll refrain from getting too vehement 
about it.  This is only because that means system package 
managers _can_ properly integrate it, should they choose to do 
so. (cf. g-cpan [2])

See, I have my standards as a sysadmin, but don't forget policy 
victims, either: many others are stuck dealing with a CErtaiN 
Terrible Old diStribution and would probably appreciate a tool 
that isn't stuck mired in Really HorriblE poLicy when they're 
trying to get work done. [3]

My breaking point is actually the idea of using dub to call the 
system package manager, which I still think is a Really Bad Idea. 


[0] Consider the output of perl '-V:.*site.*' and the existence 
of Perlbrew (
[1] As a tangent, a nice separate utility to have might be 
something like a "dub-config" to help with module paths and maybe 
linkage (In the vein of all those /usr/bin/*-config things).  
Like so: dmd `dub-config --moddir vibed` thisLinksVibe.d.

[3] Yes, juvenile RHELL potshots make me feel a little better 
about my situation.


Re: Can we please kill the hyphenator already?

2013-10-01 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 1 October 2013 at 11:58:35 UTC, w0rp wrote:

PHP-style documentation in general I look forward to, but I 
won't push for that. I know Andrei is a busy guy.

PHP, the bad language with good documentation.

PHP?  The language that has a comment peanut gallery on every 
page?  Oh god, no. Please don't tell me people actually want that.

Re: Can we please kill the hyphenator already?

2013-10-02 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 1 October 2013 at 20:52:22 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Heh, yea. But OTOH, it can be a good way for community members 
to easily

point out any errors/omissions/gotchas in the docs.

I wish I were as optimistic, but unless the comment system ends 
up sticking its stuff in some section of the NG it's just going 
to become a burden (and even then I think it'd be suboptimal).  
Laundry list of misgivings:
- Every doc page will need moderated against spammers and 
unsavory folk (and they're getting really clever these days).
- It fragments the quality help people get from e.g. D.learn, 
instead placing questions in out-of-the way places where they'll 
languish for months or years (cf.
- It makes it harder to notice trends in the problems people have 
that hint at language flaws we can address (like TypeTuple).
- The questions that do get answered have a decent chance of 
being answered by someone with an incomplete understanding of the 
problem space, which will accrete a bunch of non-functioning 
- The responses become stale over time as the docs change, so you 
end up with comments that don't mesh with reality fairly easily 
(we're not stable by a long shot, even semantically).

There's the argument that there might be some "really good" 
comments made, but to me that situation is more of a _bug_ 
reflecting a deficiency in our docs (a good example:


PS: And if it wasn't clear, the idea of using Disqus or some 
other external thing should be right out.

Re: Can we please kill the hyphenator already?

2013-10-02 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 2 October 2013 at 17:48:13 UTC, Tourist wrote:

I don't agree - I often find comments in the PHP documentation 
helpful, both for clarifying things and for useful snippets.

We have D.learn for clarification.  Comments clarifying the docs 
are a bug.

You could say snippets go in comments, but in the first place 
people WILL misuse and abuse them for other things.  What are you 
going to do?  Delete the questions?  Tell them to go to D.learn?  
Heaven forbid you ANSWER it!  That just encourages them.  And 
what if it goes off-topic?  Is there ever a "right time" to 
discuss array semantics in the std.string.chomp docs?  Doesn't 
matter; it'll happen.

But even presuming we keep this a utopian column of code spew... 
well, take a stroll through stackoverflow.  You know what you 
find? A lot of commenters who don't have much clue on the quality 
of their snippets.  Alas, "Thanks, this worked" and up the vote 
goes, regardless of whether or not it's incredibly fragile.  It's 
a "blind leading the blind" scenario. 

And again: if it's a solid, clean, idiomatic use case scenario, 
it should probably be canonised in the docs.  That's one big 
advantage TO switching to a page-per-function model: we can do 
that and not end up with million-line pages.

As for moderation, disqus has a voting system, and displays 
most voted comments on top by default, which is IMO good enough.

Disqus is the worst idea of all because Disqus is external 
infrastructure under someone else's control.  When -- not "if" -- 
Disqus dies (goes belly-up, or gets acquired, or otherwise fails 
critically at existence), what do you suppose happens to the 
people who used it everywhere?  Sure, they have an XML export 
format.  I couldn't find their DTD posted anywhere, so have fun 
making heads or tails of it.  Presuming you have the time for 
exporting.  If you don't, well... you're boned, good game, peace 
out?  Not acceptable.  Not even remotely.

Also, a Javascript monstrosity.

Also, voting does not preclude the need for moderation.


Re: dub: should we make it the de jure package manager for D?

2013-10-08 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 10:18:03 UTC, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

I would only consider a cross-platform user application package 
manager to be interesting (that is, useful to a significant 
level) if it's not tied to any particular language (or 

...Oh, you're looking for Gentoo Prefix.  Got it.  Here you go: :)


Re: Fastest way to learn D?

2013-10-15 Thread Wyatt
On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 18:29:21 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

The is also an under construction tutorial:

which looks promising, but is far from complete.

As an addendum, this one is a neat example of how things can come 
together in real code:

Shows off ranges and some other nifty features.


Re: Safe mode in D?

2013-10-18 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 18 October 2013 at 10:03:03 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:

portable), but you can enable treating nulls as exception in 
linux if you use etc.linux.memoryerrors.

Oh.  This exists.  Don't suppose there were any plans to document 


Re: Should we distribute a Dutmite binary in the zipped package?

2013-10-21 Thread Wyatt

On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 12:16:14 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:'s strange how many people don't even know it exists...

No it isn't.

Look a this page:

Now, look at all the pages under "Compilers & Tools" here:

How do you expect people to find out about tools if they're not 
even so much as mentioned in the places you'd go to find tools?  
People don't know about things that aren't documented.  Full stop.


Re: Should we distribute a Dutmite binary in the zipped package?

2013-10-21 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 08:17:49 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 10/21/13, Wyatt  wrote:
On Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 12:16:14 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 
wrote:'s strange how many people don't even know it exists...

No it isn't.

What isn't? I'm just reporting on user experience here.

John Colvin got it, but I'll confirm: It's not at all strange or 
unusual that an undocumented tool isn't well-known.

It doesn't matter that it's in the tools repository or tucked 
away on some non-obvious page of the wiki.  If people don't see 
it in the first two places we expect them to look, then it may as 
well not exist to a lot of them.

I agree it should be added to the release tarball, but even that 
won't necessarily improve its visibility.  How often do you look 
for new things with strange names added to /usr/bin alongside the 
binaries you're actually using?

So I'll go a little further: not only should it be on the 
tooling-related pages, it should also be mentioned and linked in 
any place where we talk about reporting bugs, including the 
homepage of the bug tracker.


Re: More on C++ stack arrays

2013-10-21 Thread Wyatt
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 15:26:33 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij 

So I'd prefer to change default stack allocation size if needed 
and not confuse user with manual choice.

Wouldn't it work to make it optional then?  Something like this, 
I think:
auto tempCString(To = char, From, Length = 1024)(in From[] str) 
if (isSomeChar!To && isSomeChar!From);

Choosing a sane default but allowing specialist users an easy way 
to fine-tune it for their needs while keeping the basic usage 
simple is something I'd advocate for.  (Personally, I think 1K 
sounds quite high; I'd probably make it 256 (one less than the 
max length of filenames on a whole bunch of filesystems)).


[dox] What should we do with dsource?

2013-10-22 Thread Wyatt
I remember it came up a couple times last month as a point of 
contention, so I got in touch with Brad about dsource.  
Graciously, he says he's willing to "entertain just about 
anything", and left it to the community to decide its fate.  This 
is up to and including passing it off to someone else.  It's 
still very high in D language search results (e.g. there are 
disadvantages to simply canning it), and it still hosts planet 
and a lot of other stuff.

So, as the topic asks: what should be done with it?


Re: [dox] What should we do with dsource?

2013-10-24 Thread Wyatt
On Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 05:13:55 UTC, Jesse Phillips 

I'd rather start with more permissions to update the homepage.

So for the time being shall we do just that?  Something along the 
lines of Dicebot's suggestion is good as at least a temporary 
solution (not permanent or comprehensive unless it's on EVERY 

If you're willing, I'll tell Brad to get in touch with you and 
Mike Parker, and let things proceed from there.


Re: [dox] What should we do with dsource?

2013-10-24 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 05:21:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

My thinking of what this should entail:

1) take over the domain and point it to a new server
2) the new site should provide free forums just as the current 
one does, but nothing more.
3) existing projects still using the forums at the current site 
should be migrated.
4) existing projects still actively maintaining a subversion 
repository at the current site should be encouraged to move to 
another scc hosting solution of their choice (github, 
bitbucket, whatever).
5) the new site should maintain a searchable registry of all 
known open source D projects (just a link and a blurb), 
regardless of whether or not the project uses the forum.

Good medium/long-term plan.  For the moment, let's see about 
cleaning up what we've already got, but I like a lot of this.

In other words, a complete overhaul. Of course, the few people 
still using dsource would need to agree to this. Even if they 
don't, I think this sort of site should exist. It would be a 
centralized location for all D projects. I would much prefer it 
to be under the domain, since then all of the dead 
projects there will eventually fall off of the search engines.

This is good, with the caveat that we should avoid 
inconveniencing the people already there within reason. So in 
that direction, I'd advocate for Cool URIs [0]-- as few page 
addresses should change as possible. (Some things are more sacred 
than others.  Hosted project landing pages are very important, 
but the stuff in the robots.txt is much less likely to be 
externally linked.)

Per a suggestion above, I think it'd be fine to link them from an 
"archive" or "mothballed" page or something (for things that are 
no longer active).  Of course,

I'd be willing to pay for a basic Linode instance, or pitch-in 
for a more expensive one.

Appreciated, but hold that thought for now; it may be unnecessary.

I'd also be willing to donate a few hours a week to maintenance 
in whatever capacity I could.

This, on the other hand, will probably be very welcome.



Re: [dox] What should we do with dsource?

2013-10-24 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 13:16:15 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 at 12:56:53 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
Good medium/long-term plan.  For the moment, let's see about 
cleaning up what we've already got, but I like a lot of this.

I also wanted to mention that this is long-term development 
plan for dub registry too (at least Sonke has expressed certain 
interest in it in private mail discussion), so lets try to 
avoid effort duplication :)

Which points does that cover?  And how does that even work?  
Unless I've missed something, the registry is the package 


Re: Empty VS null array?

2013-10-25 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 11:41:38 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
That's an implementation detail which has no meaning for 
business logic.

I've no real truck in this, but I do find it pretty bizarre to 
see _anyone_ using "business logic" as justification for anything 
here when D's own documentation is pretty explicit about not 
catering exclusively to that domain.


Re: Everyone who writes safety critical software should read this

2013-10-31 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 03:27:23 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Wow. No bug tracker?? That's just insane. How do they keep 
track of anything??

That describes my day job.  To answer: we kind of...don't. ¬_¬ 
I'm in legacy maintenance too, so the lack of documentation of 
even known issues is incredibly frustrating.  I'm trying to 
change that, but there's a lot of inertia from the people who've 
been around for 20+ years.

Forget testing; just figuring out the maintainer for a tree is an 


Re: ctrl+c and destructors

2013-11-01 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 22:20:23 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

I'm not sure. Excerpt from the iTunes EULA:

"You also agree that you will not use these products for any 
purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without 
limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production 
of nuclear, missiles, or chemical or biological weapons."

I would classify forcing someone to use iTunes as "psychological 
warfare".  Unfortunately, that's not covered by the EULA. ;)


Re: Expanding the horizons of D purity

2013-11-01 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 1 November 2013 at 11:45:23 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

return (y)pure=x=y;

Drifting off topic a little, but how does this expression work?  
I can't recall having seen the (y)pure thing before.


Re: Everyone who writes safety critical software should read this

2013-11-04 Thread Wyatt

On Saturday, 2 November 2013 at 04:06:46 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/1/2013 6:52 AM, Wyatt wrote:
"We could, for instance, begin with cleaning up our language 
by no longer
calling a bug a bug but by calling it an error. It is much 
more honest because
it squarely puts the blame where it belongs, viz. with the 
programmer who made

the error.

Although it is tempting to do so, creating a culture of "blame 
the programmer" for the mistakes he's made also creates a 
culture of denial of problems.

If you want to create quality of software, a far better culture 
is one that recognizes that people are imperfect, and looks for 
collaborative ways to engineer the possibility of errors out of 
the system. That doesn't work if you're trying to pin the blame 
on somebody.

My reading was less that an error should be hauled out as an 
indictment of the individual who made it and more that we should 
collectively be more cognizant of our own fallible nature and 
accept that that affects the work we do.  In that vein the _who_ 
is less important than the explicit understanding that some human 
(probably me) mucked up.  Of course, I tend to read EWD with a 
fair bit of fabric softener- he was a grumpy old man on a mission.

Though even with the more literal interpretation, I'm not sure I 
agree that necessarily has to be negative.  If I'm in error, I 
honestly _want_ to know.  How it's conveyed is a function of the 
culture that can make it a positive (learning) experience or a 
negative one.


Maintain notes for D's successor? [Was: Re: Why the @ in @safe? & UDAs]

2013-11-08 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 22:16:43 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Of course, good stuff is still worth discussing - language 
design moves forward and D3 is inevitable, whatever Walter 
intention here is. There are already D derivatives that do 
experiment in that domain trying to build on D experience 
foundation in the very same way as D did on top of C/C++.

This raises a question for me: should we perhaps take a page from [0] and document all the niggling finer points of what the 
"next D" should be or not be?  It's not gospel (and in the case 
of X12, may never actually happen), but it's still a useful 
reflection point and consolidation of the various disparate 
"should have done" things.  Like pure/safe/immutable holes, 
virtual/final, what the various forks [1] and experiments [2] are 
and why they exist, etc.

These points come up in conversations, but as we eschew breaking 
changes with ever-greater fervour, we should still make note of 
them.  They don't need to be DIPs (though some of the ones in 
limbo would be valuable additions [3]), or even extensively 
described.  If nothing else, it'd be a list of issues we're aware 
of that could be "better" (like the one in the parent thread) to 
direct people toward.  A succinct history "why this one part 


[3] No, I won't ever give up. This is 
important. :<

Re: Maintain notes for D's successor? [Was: Re: Why the @ in @safe? & UDAs]

2013-11-08 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 8 November 2013 at 14:12:04 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

See (TLDR: The full proposal makes 
@properties behave like ordinary variables except that their 
address cannot be taken and there could be more 
postblit/destructor invocations in a given expression. There is 
a __traits to get the underlying getter/setter function symbols 
for properties.)

Oh, right, that one.  Whoops.  DIP23 was just the flashpoint for 
the most recent braw^w discussion.  There were like four, but I 
just grabbed the link for the one that "looked sorta right" 
without rereading.  My bad. :V  The point is properties are a 
furball and need to be fixed, so I'll keep making noise about it 
from time to time.


Re: Maintain notes for D's successor? [Was: Re: Why the @ in @safe? & UDAs]

2013-11-08 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 8 November 2013 at 14:21:45 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

"Thread hijacking" achievement unlocked ;)

Now, now, I changed the title.  If this were a proper hijack, I'd 
be trying to extract a ransom (like fixed AAs). ;)

On topic of such wiki page - it is kind of nice to have but lot 
of potential entries are controversial and need some serious 
discussion (for example, I'd place optional parens there as 
damaging mistake but reasonable people will disagree :P) before 
being documented. It risks being biased to preferences of view 
editors or turn into edit wards :) I don't know what is a good 
way to do this without devoting too much efforts.

I don't think it needs to be that strict.  Optional parentheses 
are something that there are mixed opinions on, so that should be 
noted.  It may be better to think of it as "things to reconsider 
in the next version"-- discuss later, once we have a lot more 
time with the current stuff and it's actually TIME to hash out 
the future.

"Not gospel" means it's okay for things like that to be in there. 
 Heck, compare the vision for X12 with what Wayland [0] is 
actually shaping up to be: they're...rather different. ;)  (I'm 
aware that being "the next X11" wasn't Kristian's goal and it was 
originally an experiment to be folded into, but reality is 



Re: Applications that created on D Programming

2013-11-08 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 8 November 2013 at 06:17:09 UTC, Marcin Mstowski wrote:
Torus Trooper, but it is very, very old (D ver. 0.110).

I was recently thinking about trying to get that to build in 
modern D.  Might poke at it this weekend if the person I've 
assigned to remind me about it remembers to remind me. ;)


Re: Thoughts about D package management on Gentoo

2013-11-08 Thread Wyatt

I'm falling asleep here, but before I go...

On Saturday, 9 November 2013 at 00:38:16 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

"dub" which don't integrate with the official package

With the right functionality, we could do this similarly to how 
we hook for g-cpan.  If nothing else, it could be done a 
damn sight more reliably than Diego's gem eclass if we get this 
squared away sooner than later.  (This is a weird space, though.)

When I decide to install a D application on Gentoo, I want it
to just work. For Gentoo that includes the choice of compiler
to build it and the used compilation flags.

The package manager should handle installing LLVM, the latest
stable LDC and required libraries on top of that and finally
the application.

For a long time, GDC was just a USE flag on GCC.  Not sure what 
the current state is because I've been trying to ignore the sad 
state of our D packaging in hopes that it would go away.  (How 
many D overlays have we killed at this point anyway?)

- Compiler and library are closely coupled and depend on each

So we'll need a virtual for "the D implementation"?  cf. 
virtual/package-manager and dozens of others.

- Each new D point release brings a new, generally
  incompatible standard library.

Unless I've misunderstood completely, the compiler, runtime, and 
standard library are ostensibly separable, but for the 
foreseeable future they need to be revbumped in lockstep for this 
reason.  No biggie.  cf. kde-base/*

- All three major compiler backends are in good shape and use.
  But their generated code is not exchangeable (as far as
  I've heard due to ABI differences).

Do they? I thought this had been worked out.

- Tools tend to expect that "dmd" is available as a command.

Which tools?  Quantify the problem, and we may be able to fix it. 
(We have like all of upstream right here...;)

To deal with the complexity of package dependency management
in this scenario, we need to be able to install multiple
versions of D compilers in parallel (similar to what dvm does).

Do we really?  Not necessarily disagreeing, but I think this 
needs substantiation.

This can be accomplished by so called "slots" for each point
release. We can do this for all three compilers and will end
up with binaries like "dmd2.064" and "gdc2.063".

See, I'd like to avoid the awful version creep we see with GCC-- 
that only exists because we're trying to provide an upgrade path 
for lazy people who never upgrade (never mind that it's never 
really worked well).  Thankfully RAP may finally be fixing that, 
now that Benda is joining the toolchain herd.

Next a symlink should be established to the current
implementation of dmd, e.g.: /bin/dmd -> /bin/ldmd2.
This symlink could be managed with an eselect plugin as it is
already done for other languages like Python or the Java

I'm so not fond of those, but it looks like we may not have a 
choice.  Do we have any use for an env.d entry here?

Since libraries for D depend not only on druntime/Phobos, but
also on the compiler the Gentoo user should be able to setup
globally and for each library which compilers it should work

It's way too early for this shade of bikeshedding.  Let's see 
about actually getting packages in the tree, first.  (The 
approach may or may not be a good fit.  I think we should give it 
some time to settle first, though.)


Re: Thoughts about D package management on Gentoo

2013-11-11 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 11 November 2013 at 05:21:22 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Does anyone have an idea how to go about GDC, especially once
the D front-end is integrated? Since GCC installations are
configured with gcc-config, there is a conflict for "eselect
dlang". To clarify, gcc-config copies the executables from


I guess I should just stick to DMD and LDC for it then?
By the way "dc" is already the name of an arbitrary precision
expression evaluator and cannot be used for a symlink to the D
compiler of choice. :p

On this point, it may be time to get on Freenode and hit up 
#gentoo-dev-help and see what they say.  Off the top of my head, 
EAPI 2 introduced USE deps, so you may be able to get away with 
specifying sys-devel/gcc[d] as fulfilling your virtual.

As far as eselect goes, I would use that only for fixing up the 
environment and the paths in sc.ini (and the primary compiler 
symlink, if you choose to go that route). I'm not familiar with 
the guts of it, but from what I've been told, an eselect module 
for gcc has been tried several times, but has always met 
unfortunate circumstances.


Re: Thoughts about D package management on Gentoo

2013-11-11 Thread Wyatt

On Sunday, 10 November 2013 at 18:14:25 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Yeah, and they hopefully don't use Gentoo... maybe it is time
to drop that version if it causes trouble. I'll try to have
at least an dmd-1.076 ebuild though. It is also a good test
for the whole multiple versions at once idea.

See, this is one of those times where it might have been nice if 
D2 had gone with dmd2 for its binary name.  Regardless, if you 
want to support D1, make it a slot, and mask it for all arches-- 
we don't exactly want to encourage its use at this point, IMO.  
This would be in the same general vein as dev-lang/dmd-bin (in 
the main tree, but terribly out-of-date).

Now, if it does get idea, though not a great one: 
If you look at mplayer and mplayer2, they both install roughly 
the same stuff to the same locations in their default 
distribution.  i.e. the binary is called mplayer in both the 
original and the fork.  So what happens in 
media-video/mplayer{,2} is mplayer2's stuff is renamed to match 
the $PN and there's an IUSE+=" symlink".  The symlink flag causes 
portage to install symlinks to the original mplayer stuff for 
transparent compatibility with various frontends and other stuff.

Too many smilies, hehe. Well, it should be possible to have at
least one installable version of every package at any time.
Unless that package hasn't been updated for 10 months or so.
I don't want to run into a situation where you can't update
dmd because some application isn't updated or where I do
update dmd early and D programs can't be installed any longer
until they work with that latest version of D.

My understanding was we were fixing the soname versioning for 
phobos, so this should theoretically be caught by 
@preserved-rebuild or revdep-rebuild.  Was I incorrect?

Yep. I thought of it as an opt-in symlink in case dmd isn't
installed, so it could be emulated with gdmd or ldmd2.
/bin/dmd -> /usr/bin/dmd might also be an option for that...
Nah, I'll see what might be required by some tools.

I wonder at what point a d.eclass needs to be made to negotiate 
all of this; I'm really not sure.  On that note, you may want to 
watch out for degenerate cases like packages trying to select a 
preferred compiler, just in case.


Re: Bug in DMD 2.064 RC1. Issue tracking system not very intuitive.

2013-11-11 Thread Wyatt
On Monday, 11 November 2013 at 16:47:25 UTC, Tor Einar Tønnessen 

Maybe I used a wrong system? I used 

Right site, wrong area. :)  Up in the top bar, there's a link 
called "New" (second from the left) that takes you here:

On the bug tracker home page (, 
there's also a big green button titled "File an Issue" that goes 
to the same.


Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-12 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 09:20:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

5. We've said "no" in the past to things like user-defined 
tokens, which are closely related.

Regarding this point, I get that arbitrary expansion is out, but 
would you be amenable to adding a small, _strictly-defined_ set 
of operators that are compile-time errors unless overloaded?

#define BEGIN {
#define END }

macros used in old C code to make it look like Pascal.

A plague o' their houses!


Re: Build Master: Scheduling

2013-11-14 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 05:05:39 UTC, Tyro[17] wrote:
It's been approximately six months since the release of 2.063 
(alright five+: May 28 to Nov 5). I don't think too many of us 
lost sleep over that. There is nothing ridiculously long about 
six months.

I'm not using HEAD either and its annoying having to wait for 
updates with useful fixes and changes.  Also, longer cycles means 
more breakage for people who run the "stable" release.

What I am proposing is that you get a package every month. That 
should be enough time to ferry out any regression that may crop 
up. Use the betas on a monthly basis and you get to ride the 
bullet train.

The problem here is the beta becomes the de facto stable because 
people want to be able to use the new things that the 
documentation says they can and the breakage is amortised over 
months, rather than coming in a huge spike every half year.  This 
really needs to be avoided.  If you look at the movement of 
active projects in the past few years, most seem to be settling 
on shorter release cycles for similar reasons.


Re: Why UTF-8/16 character encodings?

2013-05-26 Thread Wyatt

On Sunday, 26 May 2013 at 21:23:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I have been thinking about this idea of a "reprogrammable 
keyboard", in
that the keys are either a fixed layout with LCD labels on each 
key, or
perhaps the whole thing is a long touchscreen, that allows 

relabelling of keys (or, in the latter case, complete dynamic
reconfiguration of layout). There would be some convenient way 
to switch
between layouts, say a scrolling sidebar or roller dial of some 
sort, so

you could, in theory, type Unicode directly.

I haven't been able to refine this into an actual, 
implementable idea,


I've given this domain a fair bit of thought, and from my 
perspective you want to throw hardware at a software problem.  
Have you ever used a Japanese input method?  They're sort of a 
good exemplar here, wherein you type a sequence and then hit 
space to cycle through possible ways of writing it.  So "ame" can 
become, あめ, 雨, 飴, etc.  Right now, in addition to my learning, I 
also use it for things like α (アルファ) and Δ (デルタ).  It's limited, 
but...usable, I guess.  Sort of.

The other end of this is TeX, which was designed around the idea 
of composing scientific texts with a high degree of control and 
flexibility.  Specialty characters are inserted with 
backslash-escapes, like \alpha, \beta, etc.

Now combine the two:  An input method that outputs as usual, 
until you enter a character code which is substituted in real 
time to what you actually want.

"values of \beta will give rise to dom!" composes as
"values of β will give rise to dom!"

No hardware required; just a smarter IME.  Like maybe this one: (I'm honestly not 
yet sure how mature or usable that one is as I'm a UIM user, but 
it does serve as a proof of concept).

Re: minifying the website

2013-05-31 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 31 May 2013 at 17:12:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


I've been looking through the logs and it looks like the top 
files in bytes transferred yesterday (even with the deluge of 
downloads) were a number of Javascript, HTML, and CSS files.

There are programs to reduce the size of such files called 
"minifiers". Should we use some? If so, what would the experts 
recommend? We'd need ideally some command line utility that we 
can deploy easily and integrate with the build process. 
Alternatively, an online service could fit the bill, too.

I may be in the minority in this, but I would prefer if some of 
that were just removed entirely.

In particular, the code-running doohickey that doesn't even work 
needs to die for the pathological behaviour it gives on Firefox.  
For example hung my 
browser for almost twenty seconds with a blank coloured 
background.  This is on an i5 at work and my i7 at home, with or 
without extensions.  I can't even imagine how my old laptop would 
cope.  To add insult to injury, it displayed the page without the 
JS for almost a second before disappearing.

I'm fine with some light JS that makes the documentation more 
usable or useful; this makes it practically unusable unless I 
have access to NoScript.

Re: OT: CS education gone wrong (Was: Re: TDD is BS?)

2013-06-21 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 21 June 2013 at 05:59:00 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
In spite of it all, though, we still sometimes end up hiring 
people who,
6 months down the road, write code that makes you scratch your 
going "huh?! that genius coder we hired wrote *this* junk?!". 
But maybe

some hiring managers are less discerning than others. *shrug*

In my (admittedly U.S.-centric) experience: if you're getting 
people who know how to use external libraries, what a debugger 
is, more than one programming language (or, indeed, any language 
other than Java), and any form of source control at all, I'm 
afraid you're hitting among the cream of the crop as far as CS 
baccalaureates go.  And if you want them to admin a box at the 
same time, good luck with that.  You're often better off with a 
passionate dropout if you're interested in hiring someone to 
write code.

My hypothesis is this happens because the curricula are heavily 
skewed toward theoretical aspects of computer science. (In my 
view, the exemplar for this was OSU before they axed the 
mandatory RESOLVE/C++ series.)


Re: Time to split up std.datetime into a package?

2013-06-21 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 20 June 2013 at 18:54:20 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
IMHO, the obvious split (and what I've wanted to do for some 
time) is


common would primarily have the free functions; interval would 
have the three
interval types and their related range stuff; timepoint would 
have all four of
the time point types (SysTime, DateTime, Date, and TimeOfDay); 
and timezone

would have the time zone types.

If possible, I'd like to have a separate submodule for the 
StopWatch/Benchmarking stuff; that's probably more than 90% of 
what I use std.datetime for. Even if importing 
std.datetime.stopwatch ends up pulling most of the rest 
implicitly, I think the improvement to the documentation alone 
would be worthwhile.


Re: top time wasters in DMD, as reported by gprof

2013-06-25 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 06:46:54 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:01:36 +0200
schrieb Martin Nowak :

On 06/24/2013 08:43 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:
> I can try to install kernel debuginfo that 12% might contain 
> some useful

> information.

Interesting. So to troll a bit, do I see it right, that dmd is
mostly a Unicode conversion and memory allocation tool ?

Maybe not DMD, so much as GNU ld?  Whatever the case, I'm not 
surprised to see their iconv that high up in the list; in my 
experience, it's horrifically slow.

Ah, and a fun question: does that number change significantly 
when you modify your locale variables? (I think it should be 
enough to just export LC_CTYPE="C".)


Re: Feature request: Path append operators for strings

2013-07-03 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 2 July 2013 at 22:28:24 UTC, TommiT wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 July 2013 at 21:48:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/2/2013 1:47 PM, TommiT wrote:

Division operator for strings doesn't make any sense,

That's why overloading / to do something completely unrelated 
to division is anti-ethical to writing understandable code. 
The classic example of this is the overloading of << and >> 
for stream operations in C++.

I've never thought of it like that. At some point I remember 
writing a vector type which overloaded its binary * operator to 
mean dot product (or cross product, I can't remember). So, you 
can overload an operator, but you can't overload the meaning of 
an operator.

This is something I was discussing with a friend recently, and we 
agreed it would be cool if there were set of operators with no 
definition until overloaded, so you could use e.g. (.) for dot 
product, (*) for cross product, (+) (or maybe [+]?) for matrix 
add, etc. instead of overloading things that already have 
specific, well-understood meaning.


Re: Feature request: Path append operators for strings

2013-07-03 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at 12:45:53 UTC, TommiT wrote:
I don't see why we couldn't add the actual unicode ∙ and × 
characters to the language, make them operators and give them 
the fixed meaning of dot product and cross product respectively.

Wouldn't + be the correct operator to use for matrix addition. 
What happens when matrices are added is quite different from 
when real values are added, but the meaning of + is still 
addition for the both of them.

That's also a possibility, I suppose, but the real thrust is it 
would allow you to have very clear (as in, visually offset by 
some sort of brace, in this example) operators that handle 
whatever weird transform you want for any convoluted data 
structure you care to define one for.

That they can be entered with a standard 104-key keyboard without 
groping about for however people prefer to enter unicode 
characters is just icing.


Re: UDP enhancement

2013-07-05 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 1 July 2013 at 01:35:40 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
I believe that the way that this sort of enhancement has 
typically been suggested

Oh hey, I remember the DIP23 madness.  Is it that time again 

is to do something like

public @property int value;

Yes.  Please, yes.  This kills so much boilerplate.

(In fairness, DIP23 was pretty good, aside from the address-of 
shenanigans and lack of low-hanging operator rewrites.)


Re: Feature request: Path append operators for strings

2013-07-05 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 5 July 2013 at 18:18:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
It doesn't necessarily have to be ~, as long as it's something 
than + (or any other numerical binary operator). Perl uses '.', 
but in
D's case, that would be a bad idea, since you'd have ambiguity 

Perl is my day job and I've come to strongly dislike the period 
for concatenation.  IMO, that the tilde is nice and visible is a 
strong UX argument in its favour.  Periods get used at the end of 
every sentence.

Full stop.  :P


Re: Feature request: Path append operators for strings

2013-07-08 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at 12:24:33 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
This is something I was discussing with a friend recently, and 
we agreed it would be cool if there were set of operators with 
no definition until overloaded, so you could use e.g. (.) for 
dot product, (*) for cross product, (+) (or maybe [+]?) for 
matrix add, etc. instead of overloading things that already 
have specific, well-understood meaning.

I'd like to clarify this a little with a concrete example I hit 
late yesterday.  I have a sparse tree-like recursive struct with 
an array of children and a single leaf value.  I thought it was 
fairly simple, but I quickly found the range of common operations 
I want to support exceeds the limits of orthogonal operations.

Like my opOpAssign!("~") adds the children of the RHS as children 
of LHS, while the opIndexAssign assigns a leaf value to a child 
of LHS, and the opIndexOpAssign!("~") makes the entire RHS tree a 
child of the LHS.  And I'm sure I'm not "done"; but I'm also VERY 
reluctant to go any further because it's getting ugly fast. (I 
think I may be able to _somewhat_ work around this with multiple 
overloads for different types. I haven't tried it, but I think 
that works?)

Having some way of differentiating the different semantic 
concepts (i.e. operating on trees vs. operating on leaf values) 
would be hugely useful for my ability to reason about the code 
easily.  Not just that, having a way of offsetting them 
_visually_ would be useful for me to keep track of them and know, 
at-a-glance, that I'm doing something different; something that's 
not QUITE like e.g. a concatenation. (As I think I mentioned, I 
see this as a major factor in favour of some kind of bracing, if 
not parentheses.)

IMO, it's the sort of thing where almost any non-trivial data 
structure you manipulate frequently could stand to benefit.  
Unfortunately; conversely, I _also_ completely understand that 
adding more features to the language at this point is a fairly 
tall order.  Worse, I think this would require some compiler/spec 
changes.  Or maybe there's a third path I'm not seeing-- I don't 

All that said, does anyone aside from myself and a few others 
have strong opinions on this?


Re: Interesting Research Paper on Constructors in OO Languages

2013-07-16 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 13:35:00 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
How do you envision this working where Name or Age must be set 

a value not known at compile time?

I'm not sure if it's practical or covers all the bases, but it 
sounds like you would need to keep track of member initialisation 
during compilation, and abort if the code attempts to use the 
object or one of its members as an AssignExpression without 
initialising the whole thing.

Setting aside the fact that there's compiler work mentioned at 
all, have I missed some nuance of this pattern?  I guess there's 
the situation where you conditionally may or may not assign, or 
pass it around and accrete mutations, so it might be best to only 
do it for some properly-annotated (how?) subset of the whole?  
Not sure.


Re: Deimos need some works

2013-07-18 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 at 09:47:27 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:
problem here that is dub is showed to be the universal D way to 
build and manage packaging. that is really a problem to 
continue to support D project into offcial linux repository.

It really isn't.  It may become that if the community decides to 
adopt it officially, but for the time being, it's third-party 
code maintained as part of vibe.d.

I can package dub and user use it for any reason but i need to 
be able to build and install a project by following FHS and 
other linux rules

Your job as a distro package maintainer is to package software 
for your distro; make sure the package interacts well with the 
system, such as by making sure it builds with the proper CFLAGS, 
works with --as-needed, installs files to the proper place, etc.; 
and, within a reasonable degree of certainty, ensure it won't 
break users' systems.

If it's not installing files in the right places, patch it.  
Then, contact the maintainers to see if you can have that patch 
upstreamed.  It's not a project's job to package software-- those 
that manage to do it and do it well are fortunate; in my 
experience, many of them are awful at it (especially LSI).  
Sometimes you'll need to help them understand what distros need 
so they can keep distro needs in mind going forward.  It's a 
two-way street.


Re: Proof that D sucks!

2013-07-23 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 23 July 2013 at 16:20:46 UTC, Jonathan A Dunlap wrote:

O rly?? OMG D sux @ GC!

Are you mocking me?

Complaining about the GC in any discussion thread where D comes 
up anywhere has been a thing for years, so probably not.

Re: Article

2013-07-25 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 25 July 2013 at 15:20:03 UTC, Chris wrote:

I don't know where to put it online. Any advice?

Well, you could post it here-- we're not strangers to enormous 
walls of text. ;)  Where it goes from there is a community 
effort.  Or if you think there are irreconcilable formatting 
needs, maybe make a wik page on and link it 


Re: working on the website

2013-07-30 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 30 July 2013 at 16:18:38 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Anybody gets a timeout in hyphenate.js on ?

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped 
responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to 
see if the script will complete.


Yeah.  I've seen it.  Even though it's supposed to be disabled 
for Firefox.  I'm waiting eagerly for this pull request to get 
merged so we can end this farce:


Re: Article on programming language adoption (x-post from /r/programming)

2013-08-01 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 1 August 2013 at 16:55:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Y'know, one feature I've always wanted is the equivalent of 
C code -- with all mixins expanded, aliases substituted with 
their final
target, templates fully expanded, all syntactic sugar lowered, 
with the
original code lines in comments, so that you can see exactly 
how your
code was translated, and whether it matches what you *think* it 
This would also be invaluable for debugging, as then it will 
map to the
assembly code much better, which will help you trace where 
things went


Considering how useful that sounds, I'm a little surprised this 
only has three votes in three years:


Re: Future of string lambda functions/string predicate functions

2013-08-06 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 09:51:07 UTC, bearophile wrote:

So my vote is -0.

Curse you, flush-to-zero denormal mode! ;)

@OP: To be honest, I didn't even know about string lambdas.  They 
don't seem to be a well-advertised, hot-button feature.  Just 
looking at the examples, I rather think they're hard for humans 
to parse, and wouldn't even notice if they were quietly dragged 
out back and exorcised.


Re: Evangelizing Your Cool Product

2013-08-07 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 23:28:44 UTC, MattCoder wrote:

I don't think you should just compare programmers/developers 
with entrepreneurs like you did. Of course there are 
programmers who market/promote their own software, but most 
don't or at least not like an entrepreneur would do.

Maybe those weren't great examples, but the underlying message is 
definitely true.  It's pretty clear at this point that promotion 
is an important part of going indie with games; look at 
Introversion, Dejobaan, Gaslamp, Positech, Wolfire, and whatever 
Jon Blow calls his outfit.  And how many years was Phil Fish 
writing about Fez?  For the tools side, Adam Saltsman with flixel 
and Nicolas Cannasse with Haxe are decent examples.

Or Mozilla.  Ooh man, Mozilla is a good one.  How popular do you 
think Firefox would be without the concentrated campaign to "take 
back the web" and all that?

Writing about your stuff and telling people about your stuff is 
just super important (even if doing it kind of sucks).


Re: parseJSON bug

2013-08-08 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 13:56:15 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 13:49:22 UTC, bearophile wrote:

In my opinion we should follow the formal JSON grammar.

This. Anyone who wants JavaScript behavior can use own 
third-party library bust standard library must behave according 
to published standards and specifications.

Then my reading says this really _is_ a bug. At least, according 
to, which states and shows 
only that:
"Insignificant whitespace is allowed before or after any of the 
six structural characters."

..unless there's a different version that supersedes that one?


Re: parseJSON bug

2013-08-08 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 15:17:40 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:
A formal grammar can be found here starting on page 202 but I 
don't know enough about grammars to be able to interpret it.

Im starting to become less sure if its a bug or not...

I don't recogise that exact BNF notation (single colon? New to 
me.), but unless it's fairly...unique, it's still a bug according 
to a strict reading.  (I feel the RFC version is somewhat more 
clear, honestly.)


Re: parseJSON bug

2013-08-08 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 17:37:37 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

Just out of curiosity what is this sort of grammar format 
called or what would one want to try to look up to understand 
it? I just have seen it around a few times and never really 
knew what it was about other than some how it describes a 

That'd be some flavour of BNF:

Very handy thing to know how to read (though I prefer PEGs).


Re: UFCS for templates

2013-08-09 Thread Wyatt

On Friday, 9 August 2013 at 03:29:20 UTC, JS wrote:
Um, not really... Do you think that god made some law that 
requires me to?

There's nothing supernatural involved, but there is basic 
scientific method and engineering rigour.  Anyone can throw out 
ideas about how they think things "ought to be", but if you can't 
even provide a shred of evidence in your favour, it's not 
convincing.  Specifically, it makes it look like either a) your 
suggestion doesn't effect any real, tangible change or b) you 
haven't seriously considered your own proposal or addressed 
possible shortcomings.  Moreover, it shows a lack of respect for 
the time of others (which is just as finite as your own).  In 
short: the "shotgun" approach you've been taking with your 
feature requests is not working.

It' not my problem is you want the D language to suffer.

I would think that if you really cared about the D lang

sit here and type up use cases because you are too lazy, don't 
have the foresight, or don't care to think about the issue. The

Fallacy doesn't help anything. Please stop that. I sincerely hope 
you don't believe belittling and insulting the community you want 
support from is an endearing trait.

At some point something better will come with better features
and D will succumb and all the time you invested will be a

Sorry, I don't understand this point at all.  A waste?  Science 
is the incremental march of progress; each advancement building 
on the last. How is being one of those stepping stones a waste?  
I hope we eventually DO have something even better than D2.  Like 
D3 or something. ;)


Re: Is D the Answer to the One vs. Two Language High ,Performance Computing Dilemma?

2013-08-12 Thread Wyatt

On Sunday, 11 August 2013 at 17:20:37 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

rare few who have a monitor that swivels vertically or some

Once you go vertical, you never go back!

No, really, considering how much nicer it is for _every kind of 
documentation_ (and most code), it's sad that this standard 
feature of good Dell monitors for at least five years is rare.


Re: Have Win DMD use gmake instead of a separate DMMake makefile?

2013-08-12 Thread Wyatt

On Monday, 12 August 2013 at 16:29:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
What do you say? Let's throw together an SConstruct for DMD, 
druntime,and phobos, and submit a pull for it?

I don't care as long as you're willing to maintain whatever you 
choose.  But SCons?  Granted it's been a few years since I 
deigned to look at it, but it's historically caused a lot of 
packaging headaches.

The only downside is that I can predict people will start 
about the Python dependency. (Which is why I proposed writing a 
system in D -- it will be superior to make (anything would 
be!), and

people will have no excuse about what language it's written in.)

Do you plan on bundling it or are you expecting people to install 
it?  Does it properly handle library search yet or is it still 
using naive name-only lookup? How about environment variables 
like CC and PATH?  Has it become resilient against python version 
changes completely breaking it?  etc.

Despite how onerous they are, Autotools and CMake have a better 
track record that I've seen.


Re: Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

2013-08-13 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 13:23:07 UTC, Paul Z. Barsan wrote:

Think of this topic as writing letters to Santa, so: what say 
you ?

Aww, you've gone and reminded me of Hybrid [1] again.  D1/Tango 
IIRC, but I think it had good potential.  No lazy updates, 
though, so probably not as useful for ordinary desktop 

...I wonder if Tomasz will ever come back?



Re: Have Win DMD use gmake instead of a separate DMMake makefile?

2013-08-13 Thread Wyatt

On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 at 16:11:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

There's no need to maintain any makefiles once the D build tool 
is usable.

On this note, I've often wondered why D compilers (or dmd, at 
least) don't just try to infer the necessary files to 
compile/link for a project based on the modules it imports.  
Obviously this breaks down once you need to express linkage with 
external libraries; but figuring out as much as possible 
automatically would be neat.

Say the top of smallProj.d has:
import common.func;

...and you have a common/ directory with func.d and data.d, it 
seems the compiler could accept:

dmd smallProj.d a shorthand for:
dmd common/func.d common/data.d smallProj.d

Given that it doesn't work this way, I'm guessing there's some 
aspect I've missed that throws it into the same sort of hellscape 
of agony as every other build system in the world, but I can't 
figure out what it might be...


Re: Future of string lambda functions/string predicate functions

2013-08-14 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 at 14:36:25 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

more// a > b
more!(5)// a > 5
moreEq  // a >= b
moreEq!(5)  // a >= 5

Nitpick, but I'd personally prefer "greater" rather than "more".


Re: Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

2013-08-14 Thread Wyatt

On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 at 14:26:12 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Of course, you do want just "blit this image" as a generic 
fallback, and we can do better than X too, by just making it 
use png+jpg or something. Boom, transparency (yes, X has this 
in the render extension) and some big compression boosts.

I recall NX does something like this, plus a number of other neat 


Re: Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

2013-08-15 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 15 August 2013 at 14:50:43 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Sure, but X forwarding is still laggy, as you pointed out.

I think that's only because it's a naive, uncompressed 
implementation.  Proper protocol compression pretty much removes 
that for most use cases.


Re: @property (again)

2013-11-21 Thread Wyatt

On Thursday, 21 November 2013 at 13:04:21 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
3) properties decay to normal functions when they have their 
address taken

Is there some reason why we _need_ to be able to take the address 
of properties?  I've yet to see a good argument in favour of it, 
and I've seen several against.  I think that whole idea is a 
misfeature that won't be missed.


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