Re: [Emc-users] Machine For Conversion?

2019-11-06 Thread TERRY Christophersen
BT 35 holders are more than 40taper. 
Just something to think about
I have a Kitamura with 35 taper.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 6, 2019, at 11:40 AM, andy pugh  wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 at 17:06, Todd Zuercher  wrote:
>> How good of a candidate for conversion would an old YCI SuperMax 60A be.
>> We are considering buying this.
> I think it would depend on the condition of the ways. It is nice that it
> has a toolchanger.
> Make sure that it has one motor per axis, and isn't one of those that
> shares one motor and clutches the axes in and out.
> -- 
> atp
> "A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is designed
> for the especial use of mechanical geniuses, daredevils and lunatics."
> — George Fitch, Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, 1916
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

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Re: [Emc-users] Home switches.

2018-05-25 Thread TERRY Christophersen
Table toward you and to the left is machine home.
4th axis on the right hand side of the table.
This is how most machines are.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 25, 2018, at 1:26 AM, Marcus Bowman 
>  wrote:
>> And that brings up the third question about a 4th axis.  If you have one, do
>> you tend to put it on the left just like a lathe spindle or on the right?
>> Any reason for the preference?  Often there are tool changers on the left so
>> it makes more sense to have the 4th on the right.
> My mill is a benchtop-style arrangement, rather than a Bridgeport-style knee 
> mill.
> My 4th Axis is based on a large diameter rotary table, mounted on its side.
> I always put my 4th axis on the left, because if I put it on the right, it 
> would foul the quill handle, if I used it. Separate quill feed is manual, and 
> although I can't recall the last time I used that handle in conjunction with 
> the 4th axis, it's always a possibility. 
> That position means feeds along the work at -ve X, which is not intuitively 
> convenient, but I live with it.
> Marcus
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
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Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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Re: [Emc-users] Poor CV

2014-03-03 Thread TERRY Christophersen
Sorry I changed from the 65ipm to 100 before I sent it
I usually run that operation at 65 to get the surface finish
I may need more spindle speed with the new tp :)


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 10:20 PM, TERRY Christophersen

> I had a copy on an old stick.
> T4  dia is .05 in the tool table
> This is the 45deg tool to break the edge but
> still roughly the same code as the end mill code.
> You will have to change the feedrate to really test
> the speed as this feedrate works fine with old tp(at least on my VMC it
> does.
> I use v 2.5.0
> %
> T4 M6
> G0 G90 G54 X-2.2343 Y2.1193 S6000 M3
> G43 H4 Z.25 M8
> Z.1
> G1 Z-.045 F100.
> G41 D4 X-2.1989 Y2.084
> G3 X-2.1636 Y2.0694 I.0353 J.0353
> X-2.1282 Y2.084 J.0499
> G1 X-2.0686 Y2.1436
> G2 X-2.0509 Y2.1509 I.0177 J-.0177
> G1 X-2.0505
> G2 X-1.2341 Y1.8359 I-.024 J-1.2776
> G3 X-1.1338 Y1.8012 I.1003 J.1278
> X-.9713 Y1.9637 J.1625
> X-.9729 Y1.9867 I-.1625
> G2 X-.9969 Y2.2332 I1.2538 J.2465
> X-.8375 Y2.8512 I1.2778
> X-.8221 Y2.8633 I.0219 J-.0121
> G1 X-.7197 Y2.8907
> G2 X-.7132 Y2.8916 I.0065 J-.0242
> X-.7003 Y2.888 J-.0251
> X-.1508 Y2.2069 I-.6596 J-1.0945
> G3 X0. Y2.105 I.1508 J.0606
> X.1508 Y2.2069 J.1625
> G2 X.7003 Y2.888 I1.2091 J-.4134
> X.7132 Y2.8916 I.0129 J-.0215
> X.7197 Y2.8907 J-.0251
> G1 X.8221 Y2.8633
> G2 X.8375 Y2.8512 I-.0065 J-.0242
> X.9969 Y2.2332 I-1.1184 J-.618
> X.9729 Y1.9867 I-1.2778
> G3 X.9713 Y1.9637 I.1609 J-.023
> X1.1338 Y1.8012 I.1625
> X1.2341 Y1.8359 J.1625
> G2 X2.0505 Y2.1509 I.8404 J-.9626
> G1 X2.0509
> G2 X2.0686 Y2.1436 J-.025
> G1 X2.1436 Y2.0686
> G2 X2.1509 Y2.0509 I-.0177 J-.0177
> G1 Y2.0505
> G2 X1.8359 Y1.2341 I-1.2776 J.024
> G3 X1.8012 Y1.1338 I.1278 J-.1003
> X1.9637 Y.9713 I.1625
> X1.9867 Y.9729 J.1625
> G2 X2.2332 Y.9969 I.2465 J-1.2538
> X2.8512 Y.8375 J-1.2778
> X2.8633 Y.8221 I-.0121 J-.0219
> G1 X2.8907 Y.7197
> G2 X2.8916 Y.7132 I-.0242 J-.0065
> X2.888 Y.7003 I-.0251
> X2.2069 Y.1508 I-1.0945 J.6596
> G3 X2.105 Y0. I.0606 J-.1508
> X2.2069 Y-.1508 I.1625
> G2 X2.888 Y-.7003 I-.4134 J-1.2091
> X2.8916 Y-.7132 I-.0215 J-.0129
> X2.8907 Y-.7197 I-.0251
> G1 X2.8633 Y-.8221
> G2 X2.8512 Y-.8375 I-.0242 J.0065
> X2.2332 Y-.9969 I-.618 J1.1184
> X1.9867 Y-.9729 J1.2778
> G3 X1.9637 Y-.9713 I-.023 J-.1609
> X1.8012 Y-1.1338 J-.1625
> X1.8359 Y-1.2341 I.1625
> G2 X2.1509 Y-2.0505 I-.9626 J-.8404
> G1 Y-2.0509
> G2 X2.1436 Y-2.0686 I-.025
> G1 X2.0686 Y-2.1436
> G2 X2.0509 Y-2.1509 I-.0177 J.0177
> G1 X2.0505
> G2 X1.2341 Y-1.8359 I.024 J1.2776
> G3 X1.1338 Y-1.8012 I-.1003 J-.1278
> X.9713 Y-1.9637 J-.1625
> X.9729 Y-1.9867 I.1625
> G2 X.9969 Y-2.2332 I-1.2538 J-.2465
> X.8375 Y-2.8512 I-1.2778
> X.8221 Y-2.8633 I-.0219 J.0121
> G1 X.7197 Y-2.8907
> G2 X.7132 Y-2.8916 I-.0065 J.0242
> X.7003 Y-2.888 J.0251
> X.1508 Y-2.2069 I.6596 J1.0945
> G3 X0. Y-2.105 I-.1508 J-.0606
> X-.1508 Y-2.2069 J-.1625
> G2 X-.7003 Y-2.888 I-1.2091 J.4134
> X-.7132 Y-2.8916 I-.0129 J.0215
> X-.7197 Y-2.8907 J.0251
> G1 X-.8221 Y-2.8633
> G2 X-.8375 Y-2.8512 I.0065 J.0242
> X-.9969 Y-2.2332 I1.1184 J.618
> X-.9729 Y-1.9867 I1.2778
> G3 X-.9713 Y-1.9637 I-.1609 J.023
> X-1.1338 Y-1.8012 I-.1625
> X-1.2341 Y-1.8359 J-.1625
> G2 X-2.0505 Y-2.1509 I-.8404 J.9626
> G1 X-2.0509
> G2 X-2.0686 Y-2.1436 J.025
> G1 X-2.1436 Y-2.0686
> G2 X-2.1509 Y-2.0509 I.0177 J.0177
> G1 Y-2.0505
> G2 X-1.8359 Y-1.2341 I1.2776 J-.024
> G3 X-1.8012 Y-1.1338 I-.1278 J.1003
> X-1.9637 Y-.9713 I-.1625
> X-1.9867 Y-.9729 J-.1625
> G2 X-2.2332 Y-.9969 I-.2465 J1.2538
> X-2.8512 Y-.8375 J1.2778
> X-2.8633 Y-.8221 I.0121 J.0219
> G1 X-2.8907 Y-.7197
> G2 X-2.8916 Y-.7132 I.0242 J.0065
> X-2.888 Y-.7003 I.0251
> X-2.2069 Y-.1508 I1.0945 J-.6596
> G3 X-2.105 Y0. I-.0606 J.1508
> X-2.2069 Y.1508 I-.1625
> G2 X-2.888 Y.7003 I.4134 J1.2091
> X-2.8916 Y.7132 I.0215 J.0129
> X-2.8907 Y.7197 I.0251
> G1 X-2.8633 Y.8221
> G2 X-2.8512 Y.8375 I.0242 J-.0065
> X-2.2332 Y.9969 I.618 J-1.1184
> X-1.9867 Y.9729 J-1.2778
> G3 X-1.9637 Y.9713 I.023 J.1609
> X-1.8012 Y1.1338 J.1625
> X-1.8359 Y1.2341 I-.1625
> G2 X-2.1509 Y2.0505 I.9626 J.8404
> G1 Y2.0509
> G2 X-2.1436 Y2.0686 I.025
> G1 X-2.1282 Y2.084
> G3 X-2.1136 Y2.1193 I-.0354 J.0353
> X-2.1282 Y2.1547 I-.05
> G1 G40 X-2.1636 Y2.19
> Z.055 F20.
> G0 Z.25
> M5
> G91 G28 Z0. M9
> M30
> %
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Robert Ellenberg  wrote:
>> Terry, that's a good idea. I suspect G41/G42 won't affect much since the
>> offsets are applied before the path is sent to the motion module, but it
>> would be nice to be sure.  

Re: [Emc-users] Poor CV

2014-03-03 Thread TERRY Christophersen
I had a copy on an old stick.
T4  dia is .05 in the tool table
This is the 45deg tool to break the edge but
still roughly the same code as the end mill code.
You will have to change the feedrate to really test
the speed as this feedrate works fine with old tp(at least on my VMC it
I use v 2.5.0

T4 M6
G0 G90 G54 X-2.2343 Y2.1193 S6000 M3
G43 H4 Z.25 M8
G1 Z-.045 F100.
G41 D4 X-2.1989 Y2.084
G3 X-2.1636 Y2.0694 I.0353 J.0353
X-2.1282 Y2.084 J.0499
G1 X-2.0686 Y2.1436
G2 X-2.0509 Y2.1509 I.0177 J-.0177
G1 X-2.0505
G2 X-1.2341 Y1.8359 I-.024 J-1.2776
G3 X-1.1338 Y1.8012 I.1003 J.1278
X-.9713 Y1.9637 J.1625
X-.9729 Y1.9867 I-.1625
G2 X-.9969 Y2.2332 I1.2538 J.2465
X-.8375 Y2.8512 I1.2778
X-.8221 Y2.8633 I.0219 J-.0121
G1 X-.7197 Y2.8907
G2 X-.7132 Y2.8916 I.0065 J-.0242
X-.7003 Y2.888 J-.0251
X-.1508 Y2.2069 I-.6596 J-1.0945
G3 X0. Y2.105 I.1508 J.0606
X.1508 Y2.2069 J.1625
G2 X.7003 Y2.888 I1.2091 J-.4134
X.7132 Y2.8916 I.0129 J-.0215
X.7197 Y2.8907 J-.0251
G1 X.8221 Y2.8633
G2 X.8375 Y2.8512 I-.0065 J-.0242
X.9969 Y2.2332 I-1.1184 J-.618
X.9729 Y1.9867 I-1.2778
G3 X.9713 Y1.9637 I.1609 J-.023
X1.1338 Y1.8012 I.1625
X1.2341 Y1.8359 J.1625
G2 X2.0505 Y2.1509 I.8404 J-.9626
G1 X2.0509
G2 X2.0686 Y2.1436 J-.025
G1 X2.1436 Y2.0686
G2 X2.1509 Y2.0509 I-.0177 J-.0177
G1 Y2.0505
G2 X1.8359 Y1.2341 I-1.2776 J.024
G3 X1.8012 Y1.1338 I.1278 J-.1003
X1.9637 Y.9713 I.1625
X1.9867 Y.9729 J.1625
G2 X2.2332 Y.9969 I.2465 J-1.2538
X2.8512 Y.8375 J-1.2778
X2.8633 Y.8221 I-.0121 J-.0219
G1 X2.8907 Y.7197
G2 X2.8916 Y.7132 I-.0242 J-.0065
X2.888 Y.7003 I-.0251
X2.2069 Y.1508 I-1.0945 J.6596
G3 X2.105 Y0. I.0606 J-.1508
X2.2069 Y-.1508 I.1625
G2 X2.888 Y-.7003 I-.4134 J-1.2091
X2.8916 Y-.7132 I-.0215 J-.0129
X2.8907 Y-.7197 I-.0251
G1 X2.8633 Y-.8221
G2 X2.8512 Y-.8375 I-.0242 J.0065
X2.2332 Y-.9969 I-.618 J1.1184
X1.9867 Y-.9729 J1.2778
G3 X1.9637 Y-.9713 I-.023 J-.1609
X1.8012 Y-1.1338 J-.1625
X1.8359 Y-1.2341 I.1625
G2 X2.1509 Y-2.0505 I-.9626 J-.8404
G1 Y-2.0509
G2 X2.1436 Y-2.0686 I-.025
G1 X2.0686 Y-2.1436
G2 X2.0509 Y-2.1509 I-.0177 J.0177
G1 X2.0505
G2 X1.2341 Y-1.8359 I.024 J1.2776
G3 X1.1338 Y-1.8012 I-.1003 J-.1278
X.9713 Y-1.9637 J-.1625
X.9729 Y-1.9867 I.1625
G2 X.9969 Y-2.2332 I-1.2538 J-.2465
X.8375 Y-2.8512 I-1.2778
X.8221 Y-2.8633 I-.0219 J.0121
G1 X.7197 Y-2.8907
G2 X.7132 Y-2.8916 I-.0065 J.0242
X.7003 Y-2.888 J.0251
X.1508 Y-2.2069 I.6596 J1.0945
G3 X0. Y-2.105 I-.1508 J-.0606
X-.1508 Y-2.2069 J-.1625
G2 X-.7003 Y-2.888 I-1.2091 J.4134
X-.7132 Y-2.8916 I-.0129 J.0215
X-.7197 Y-2.8907 J.0251
G1 X-.8221 Y-2.8633
G2 X-.8375 Y-2.8512 I.0065 J.0242
X-.9969 Y-2.2332 I1.1184 J.618
X-.9729 Y-1.9867 I1.2778
G3 X-.9713 Y-1.9637 I-.1609 J.023
X-1.1338 Y-1.8012 I-.1625
X-1.2341 Y-1.8359 J-.1625
G2 X-2.0505 Y-2.1509 I-.8404 J.9626
G1 X-2.0509
G2 X-2.0686 Y-2.1436 J.025
G1 X-2.1436 Y-2.0686
G2 X-2.1509 Y-2.0509 I.0177 J.0177
G1 Y-2.0505
G2 X-1.8359 Y-1.2341 I1.2776 J-.024
G3 X-1.8012 Y-1.1338 I-.1278 J.1003
X-1.9637 Y-.9713 I-.1625
X-1.9867 Y-.9729 J-.1625
G2 X-2.2332 Y-.9969 I-.2465 J1.2538
X-2.8512 Y-.8375 J1.2778
X-2.8633 Y-.8221 I.0121 J.0219
G1 X-2.8907 Y-.7197
G2 X-2.8916 Y-.7132 I.0242 J.0065
X-2.888 Y-.7003 I.0251
X-2.2069 Y-.1508 I1.0945 J-.6596
G3 X-2.105 Y0. I-.0606 J.1508
X-2.2069 Y.1508 I-.1625
G2 X-2.888 Y.7003 I.4134 J1.2091
X-2.8916 Y.7132 I.0215 J.0129
X-2.8907 Y.7197 I.0251
G1 X-2.8633 Y.8221
G2 X-2.8512 Y.8375 I.0242 J-.0065
X-2.2332 Y.9969 I.618 J-1.1184
X-1.9867 Y.9729 J-1.2778
G3 X-1.9637 Y.9713 I.023 J.1609
X-1.8012 Y1.1338 J.1625
X-1.8359 Y1.2341 I-.1625
G2 X-2.1509 Y2.0505 I.9626 J.8404
G1 Y2.0509
G2 X-2.1436 Y2.0686 I.025
G1 X-2.1282 Y2.084
G3 X-2.1136 Y2.1193 I-.0354 J.0353
X-2.1282 Y2.1547 I-.05
G1 G40 X-2.1636 Y2.19
Z.055 F20.
G0 Z.25
G91 G28 Z0. M9

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Robert Ellenberg  wrote:

> Terry, that's a good idea. I suspect G41/G42 won't affect much since the
> offsets are applied before the path is sent to the motion module, but it
> would be nice to be sure.  Do you have a program handy that use G41/42
> extensively? If so, I'd be happy to add it to the tests I run.
> -Rob
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:54 PM, TERRY Christophersen  >wrote:
> > Have you tried the new tp with g41/g42? Im sure it wont matter but just
> in
> > case...
> >
> > Terry
> > One thing I have noticed - with the new TP - the path reaches commanded
> > speed.  mach gets close but is usually a few percent under.
> >
> > Take this program steve posted a while back.  (
> > )
> >
> > New TP
> >
> > If you calculate it out - it is about 3600mm/min.  that is the commanded
> > velocity  (following path within .1mm aprox .004")   it actually
> > finishes a whole .5 seconds faster ;)
> >
> > With Mach
> >

Re: [Emc-users] Poor CV

2014-03-03 Thread TERRY Christophersen
I can send one but will be tomorrow.I have one that cuts the
outside of a 6in gear it has many transitions between G2-G3 so
should be a good test.

 On Mar 3, 2014 8:34 PM, "Robert Ellenberg"  wrote:

> Terry, that's a good idea. I suspect G41/G42 won't affect much since the
> offsets are applied before the path is sent to the motion module, but it
> would be nice to be sure.  Do you have a program handy that use G41/42
> extensively? If so, I'd be happy to add it to the tests I run.
> -Rob
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:54 PM, TERRY Christophersen  >wrote:
> > Have you tried the new tp with g41/g42? Im sure it wont matter but just
> in
> > case...
> >
> > Terry
> > One thing I have noticed - with the new TP - the path reaches commanded
> > speed.  mach gets close but is usually a few percent under.
> >
> > Take this program steve posted a while back.  (
> > )
> >
> > New TP
> >
> > If you calculate it out - it is about 3600mm/min.  that is the commanded
> > velocity  (following path within .1mm aprox .004")   it actually
> > finishes a whole .5 seconds faster ;)
> >
> > With Mach
> >
> > it peaks at about 3300mm/min.
> >
> > sam  (having too much fun...)
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/20/2014 10:37 AM, sam sokolik wrote:
> > > Steve!
> > >
> > > Here is your sample of gcode running the newest TP
> > >
> > > Original TP
> > >  (limit of the 1 segment look-ahead)
> > >
> > > New TP (which does arc-arc , Line-arc and line-line look-ahead.)
> > >
> > >
> > > Robs hard work is awesome! (and it keeps improving)
> > >
> > > sam
> > >
> > >
> > > On 04/07/2013 05:28 PM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
> > >> On Sun, 7 Apr 2013 10:21:11 -0500, you wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> On Sun, Apr 07, 2013 at 10:13:11AM +0100, Steve Blackmore wrote:
> > >>>> CV in LinuxCNC still does not work well. Have a look at this
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>> Please share your gcode and your full config directory.
> > >> Hi Chris - Here's part of the code - it's obvious early on without all
> > >> of it. I'll post the config tomorrow - machine is at work.
> > >>
> > >> BTW - Changing N190 to
> > >>
> > >> N190 G64 P0.5
> > >>
> > >> and it runs better, but that's far too much deviation.
> > >>
> > >> This was first reported on 26th July 2011 in a post
> > >> "trying to understand EMC's operation"
> > >> Have a read of that thread for way more information. Daniel Rogge
> > >> concurs in his tests posted on 29th.
> > >>
> > >> I've re posted as this is still occurring since V2.4 !
> > >>
> > >> N100 G0 G21 G17 G90 G40 G49 G80
> > >> N110 G91.1
> > >> N120 G1 Z20.000 F3600.0
> > >> N130 T1 M06
> > >> N140 (End Mill {6 mm})
> > >> N150 G43H1 Z20.000
> > >> N160 S12000 M03
> > >> N170(Toolpath:- Profile 1)
> > >> N180()
> > >> N190 G64
> > >> N200 G1 X0.000 Y0.000 F3600
> > >> N210 G0 X-1.974 Y8.147 Z6.000
> > >> N220 G1 X-1.974 Y8.147 Z-1.000 F1200.0
> > >> N230 G2 X-1.346 Y40.813 I1274.739 J-8.173 F3600.0
> > >> N240 G1 X-1.246 Y43.543 Z-1.000
> > >> N250 G1 X-1.175 Y44.975 Z-1.000
> > >> N260 G2 X0.630 Y65.631 I357.751 J-20.852
> > >> N270 G2 X3.629 Y86.169 I356.674 J-41.593
> > >> N280 G1 X3.738 Y86.813 Z-1.000
> > >> N290 G1 X3.885 Y87.608 Z-1.000
> > >> N300 G1 X4.121 Y88.649 Z-1.000
> > >> N310 G1 X4.891 Y91.654 Z-1.000
> > >> N320 G2 X8.045 Y101.818 I125.643 J-33.412
> > >> N330 G2 X12.017 Y111.685 I122.371 J-43.533
> > >> N340 G1 X12.167 Y112.021 Z-1.000
> > >> N350 G1 X12.392 Y112.507 Z-1.000
> > >> N360 G1 X12.836 Y113.360 Z-1.000
> > >> N370 G1 X14.404 Y116.145 Z-1.000
> > >> N380 G2 X48.101 Y150.602 I84.920 J-49.341
> > >> N390 G2 X94.143 Y164.886 I51.247 J-83.839
> > >> N400 G1 X98.585 Y165.027 Z-1.000
> > >> N410 G2 X107.856 Y164.832 I1.550 J-146.800
> > >> N420 G1 X114.

Re: [Emc-users] Poor CV

2014-03-03 Thread TERRY Christophersen
Have you tried the new tp with g41/g42? Im sure it wont matter but just in

One thing I have noticed - with the new TP - the path reaches commanded
speed.  mach gets close but is usually a few percent under.

Take this program steve posted a while back.  ( )

New TP
If you calculate it out - it is about 3600mm/min.  that is the commanded
velocity  (following path within .1mm aprox .004")   it actually
finishes a whole .5 seconds faster ;)

With Mach
it peaks at about 3300mm/min.

sam  (having too much fun...)

On 2/20/2014 10:37 AM, sam sokolik wrote:
> Steve!
> Here is your sample of gcode running the newest TP
> Original TP
>  (limit of the 1 segment look-ahead)
> New TP (which does arc-arc , Line-arc and line-line look-ahead.)
> Robs hard work is awesome! (and it keeps improving)
> sam
> On 04/07/2013 05:28 PM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
>> On Sun, 7 Apr 2013 10:21:11 -0500, you wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 07, 2013 at 10:13:11AM +0100, Steve Blackmore wrote:
 CV in LinuxCNC still does not work well. Have a look at this
>>> Please share your gcode and your full config directory.
>> Hi Chris - Here's part of the code - it's obvious early on without all
>> of it. I'll post the config tomorrow - machine is at work.
>> BTW - Changing N190 to
>> N190 G64 P0.5
>> and it runs better, but that's far too much deviation.
>> This was first reported on 26th July 2011 in a post
>> "trying to understand EMC's operation"
>> Have a read of that thread for way more information. Daniel Rogge
>> concurs in his tests posted on 29th.
>> I've re posted as this is still occurring since V2.4 !
>> N100 G0 G21 G17 G90 G40 G49 G80
>> N110 G91.1
>> N120 G1 Z20.000 F3600.0
>> N130 T1 M06
>> N140 (End Mill {6 mm})
>> N150 G43H1 Z20.000
>> N160 S12000 M03
>> N170(Toolpath:- Profile 1)
>> N180()
>> N190 G64
>> N200 G1 X0.000 Y0.000 F3600
>> N210 G0 X-1.974 Y8.147 Z6.000
>> N220 G1 X-1.974 Y8.147 Z-1.000 F1200.0
>> N230 G2 X-1.346 Y40.813 I1274.739 J-8.173 F3600.0
>> N240 G1 X-1.246 Y43.543 Z-1.000
>> N250 G1 X-1.175 Y44.975 Z-1.000
>> N260 G2 X0.630 Y65.631 I357.751 J-20.852
>> N270 G2 X3.629 Y86.169 I356.674 J-41.593
>> N280 G1 X3.738 Y86.813 Z-1.000
>> N290 G1 X3.885 Y87.608 Z-1.000
>> N300 G1 X4.121 Y88.649 Z-1.000
>> N310 G1 X4.891 Y91.654 Z-1.000
>> N320 G2 X8.045 Y101.818 I125.643 J-33.412
>> N330 G2 X12.017 Y111.685 I122.371 J-43.533
>> N340 G1 X12.167 Y112.021 Z-1.000
>> N350 G1 X12.392 Y112.507 Z-1.000
>> N360 G1 X12.836 Y113.360 Z-1.000
>> N370 G1 X14.404 Y116.145 Z-1.000
>> N380 G2 X48.101 Y150.602 I84.920 J-49.341
>> N390 G2 X94.143 Y164.886 I51.247 J-83.839
>> N400 G1 X98.585 Y165.027 Z-1.000
>> N410 G2 X107.856 Y164.832 I1.550 J-146.800
>> N420 G1 X114.650 Y164.312 Z-1.000
>> N430 G1 X121.416 Y163.467 Z-1.000
>> N440 G1 X124.191 Y163.060 Z-1.000
>> N450 G1 X127.048 Y162.615 Z-1.000
>> N460 G2 X139.931 Y159.885 I-25.733 J-153.243
>> N470 G2 X152.544 Y156.073 I-38.655 J-150.662
>> N480 G1 X157.534 Y154.334 Z-1.000
>> N490 G1 X161.108 Y153.062 Z-1.000
>> N500 G2 X183.667 Y143.969 I-122.738 J-337.027
>> N510 G2 X205.551 Y133.371 I-145.209 J-327.734
>> N520 G1 X207.732 Y132.276 Z-1.000
>> N530 G1 X215.815 Y128.556 Z-1.000
>> N540 G1 X219.037 Y127.150 Z-1.000
>> N550 G1 X222.272 Y125.782 Z-1.000
>> N560 G1 X223.416 Y125.300 Z-1.000
>> N570 G1 X223.904 Y125.085 Z-1.000
>> N580 G3 X237.774 Y120.073 I38.168 J83.912
>> N590 G3 X252.272 Y117.334 I24.318 J88.999
>> N600 G1 X253.479 Y117.248 Z-1.000
>> Steve Blackmore
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Re: [Emc-users] CNC a Hardinge TM or UM mill?

2014-02-19 Thread TERRY Christophersen
I have always wanted one but usually they go for more money than
what I think they should . I think one would make a good choice.

On Feb 19, 2014 5:56 PM, "Gregg Eshelman"  wrote:

> Has anyone done a CNC conversion on a Hardinge TM or UM?
> --
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[Emc-users] 3d Printer question

2013-11-23 Thread Terry Christophersen

Hi all

My son wants to build a 3d printer for school.
Can someone point me in the direction of hardware
(motors,drivers heater controls)

that works with LinuxCNC? Also he needs to learn
a slicing software.I have plenty of 3d models.



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Re: [Emc-users] Linux question

2013-10-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
So this wont hurt anything?It doesn't bother me I just didnt want to 
damage anything.


On Saturday, October 19, 2013 7:34 PM, Kirk Wallace 
On 10/19/2013 03:48 PM, Kenneth Lerman wrote:
> That may depends on the computer configuration. I believe that my Intel
> board has a jumper to enable that. In some environments, you want the
> computer to come back online after a power failure.
> Ken
> On 10/19/2013 6:38 PM, Terry Christophersen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> When I turn on the main power  switch my computer will come on for
>> a couple of seconds then shut off.I wait for this to happen then push the
>> computer on switch.This is how it been since I switched to a 525.
>> Why does the computer come on without me hitting the computer on switch?
>> Thanks
>> Terry

One of my Dell computers does that. I power up the strip it is plugged 
into and the fans and lights come on, then back off after a couple of 
seconds. I assumed it doesn't really try to power up but needs to wake 
up enough to get into "power off" mode. After I push the PC power 
button, it comes up normally.

Kirk Wallace

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[Emc-users] Linux question

2013-10-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi all,
When I turn on the main power  switch my computer will come on for
a couple of seconds then shut off.I wait for this to happen then push the
computer on switch.This is how it been since I switched to a 525.
Why does the computer come on without me hitting the computer on switch?


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Re: [Emc-users] sem motors

2013-08-12 Thread Terry Christophersen
Thanks Dave,
300 for xyz is much better than 300 for just the x


- Original Message -
From: dave 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] sem motors

On Mon, 2013-08-12 at 19:14 -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I am reretrofitting a bridgeport that I use for second operations.It has 250 
>line encoders now.
> I would like to upgrade these encoders to say 500 or 1000 line(I am getting 
> rid of the 2:1
> ratio pulleys and going for 1:1 so I have lost 1/2 of my resolution)
>  I dont need heidenhains or super expensive ones as this machine is not used 
> a daily basis.
> Motor:
> SEM MT30-R4   31lb/in
> I dont care if it mounts under the cover like the old one or is outside on 
> the end of the shaft.
> The orginals were 3 piece(light,wheel,pcb with sensors all open)
> Any sources? 
> Thanks
> Terry
I've had good luck with these:

Automation Direct  Koyo 

Use them on the cinci and the Mazak. 

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[Emc-users] sem motors

2013-08-12 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi all,
 I am reretrofitting a bridgeport that I use for second operations.It has 250 
line encoders now.
I would like to upgrade these encoders to say 500 or 1000 line(I am getting rid 
of the 2:1
ratio pulleys and going for 1:1 so I have lost 1/2 of my resolution)
 I dont need heidenhains or super expensive ones as this machine is not used on
a daily basis.

SEM MT30-R4   31lb/in

I dont care if it mounts under the cover like the old one or is outside on the 
end of the shaft.
The orginals were 3 piece(light,wheel,pcb with sensors all open)

Any sources? 



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[Emc-users] Servo Bearing

2013-07-13 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi all,
  I removed the encoder and brushes then mounted a old lathe chuck on the bed
of my VMC(I needed 20+inches of Z) put the shaft in a collet and clamped the
chuck on the motor can. Worked like a champ. Thanks to all for the help.
Maybe I should go into the servo repair business.:)


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Re: [Emc-users] Servo bearing

2013-07-13 Thread Terry Christophersen
Thanks Andy. I will give that mill method a try.
I will bet that the rumor was started by a motor repair shop.:)


- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Servo bearing

On 14 July 2013 01:00, Terry Christophersen  wrote:

> Someone told me that when you dissassemble/assemble you cant let the arm
> touch the magnets.Is that true?

I have also heard that removing the rotor from the stator will
demagnetise it, but I have allowed both to happen replacing the
bearings on my servos and they still work.

You might find that the mill itself makes a good jig for removing the
rotor without touching the stator. Hold the shaft in a collet, clamp
the body to the table, and raise the head...

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[Emc-users] Servo bearing

2013-07-13 Thread Terry Christophersen

  I have a SEM servo motor that has a bad bearing(pulley side). I usually send
in all motor problems to a motor repair shop and $500.00 later Im back in 
This is a spare so Im not going to have any machine down time but I cant
see paying 500 for a 10.00 dollar bearing.
Someone told me that when you dissassemble/assemble you cant let the arm
touch the magnets.Is that true? If that is true then motor shops must have
some kind of fixture. Anybody have replaced a bearing themselves?


Terry Christophersen

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Re: [Emc-users] LinuxCNC Week in Wichita

2012-10-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
Count me in

- Original Message -
From: Stuart Stevenson 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] LinuxCNC Week in Wichita


I have more than one project to do.


dos centavos
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Re: [Emc-users] Mach on Linux

2012-10-09 Thread Terry Christophersen
>I always surf the net while the CNC programs are running, I see nothing
>wrong with that.

>I play music and watch youtube videos also.

What is the hourly rate for watching ytube?
 I need to know so I can tell my customers.This sounds like more
fun than running another machine.

Just kidding


- Original Message -
From: Igor Chudov 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mach on Linux

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Roland Jollivet

> On 7 October 2012 19:11, Len Shelton  wrote:
> >
> > Most people choose Mach3 because they want to have a single box to run
> > their CAD, CAM, & control software on, or they are just afraid of Linux.
> > What is not obvious is that to get it to even be half-way reliable - you
> > have to strip down Windows to bare bones operation and never run any
> > other software on that machine - which completely defeats the purpose.
> >
> > snip..
> Why is that Lcnc users insist on doing everything on one machine? Like
> surfing the net while the machine is running.

I always surf the net while the CNC programs are running, I see nothing
wrong with that.

I play music and watch youtube videos also.


> I still don't get it. I
> imagine most Mach users do strip the junk out and use their box for what
> it's supposed to be: a machine controller. Do users of industrial Fanuc
> machines complain there is no game port on the side of the box?
> I think the biggest problem with the acceptance on Lcnc to newbies is
> trying to get a system up and working. Surely if Lcnc developers took a
> single (older) Ubuntu version, or whatever package, and kept upgrading Lcnc
> to that only, then there would be no problem of the latest 2GHz machines
> and up, not meeting the latency requirements. The latest version of Lcnc
> should be able to run?? on almost any hardware because the basic
> requiements have not changed since the first stepper systems came out.
> Admittedly, this does come from personal frustration, because I've gone
> through the schlep of converting at least 6  W$ PC's to Linux and running
> EMC, but none of them every had good enough latency. So I (more schlep)
> convert back to XP and run Mach with no problems.
> My firm belief is that Lcnc, Mach, and whoever else, should be aiming for
> headless systems. Stick the control box in the cabinet, and it's just.. a
> machine controller. Just.. like every industrial system. Then you play
> games and surf and run cad programs on the linked, desk PC.
> Regards
> Roland
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Re: [Emc-users] Helical interpolation not quite round, WTF?

2012-09-25 Thread Terry Christophersen
Sometimes milling in the opposite direction will help.Rough one direction then
put in a finish pass in the other.
Looking at your code I see you have a G2.Unless this is plastic or something 
really gummy you should be using G3 for ID work.Or you are using left handed 
Climb milling is the way to do most everything.


- Original Message -
From: dave 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Helical interpolation not quite round, WTF?

On Tue, 2012-09-25 at 15:13 -0400, Stephen Dubovsky wrote:
> How big are the "humps"?  How many are there?
> Are you in exact stop mode?  If motion stops at the beginning/end of
> each semicircle then you will get a little hump from springback during
> the pause.  Lead-in & out are typ used when cutting IDs to prevent
> that.
> Stephen
Ah! Both good questions I should have been smart enough to ask. Since my
mill is not as stiff as would be ideal I tend to take small Z
increments/360 degrees and work my way down taking at least an extra
pass or two at the max depth as spring passes. 

To extend Stephen's question: where are the humps, exactly at 0, 90, 180
& 270 or offset some. Are they deep enough to not be backlash anomalies?

> --
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Re: [Emc-users] G71 lathe roughing cycle

2012-08-26 Thread Terry Christophersen
I am really glad someone is working on G71/G70
To me G71 is as important on a lathe as G83 is to a mill

Thanks guys


- Original Message -
From: Dave Caroline 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] G71 lathe roughing cycle

> Okuma's Method to work around this used G13 & G14 to define what the
> program code would apply to. G13 was for the upper turret, G14 for the lower. 
> By adding P000xx codes ( "Priority code" )

I suppose we should think of the sliding head lathes that will be
looked at in the future

I have one "resting" in the garage that needs a large round tuit applying

Currently it is a cam auto but would be a nice cnc retrofit project
it has 4 tool slides one being a back and forward tool by rocking
it has facilities for tooling to be mounted on the front too
(I have a screw head slotting attachment)

Dave Caroline

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Re: [Emc-users] seiberco stepper drive

2012-08-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
I cant tell but some past(2004)discussions on leads me to
think it is a smartdrive with some terminal type communication 
Ive got the guy talked into Geckos anyway
Thanks anyway

- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] seiberco stepper drive

On 16 August 2012 03:35, Terry Christophersen  wrote:
> They are model  AIMAX 260-70-X.

Google is coming up very blank on that. Can you tell if they are
step/dir drives, or if they use a proprietary protocol?

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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[Emc-users] seiberco stepper drive

2012-08-15 Thread Terry Christophersen
A friend of mine is having trouble with his OMAX waterjet.I looked at the drives
and can find no infromation on them.They are model  AIMAX 260-70-X.
This is a mid 90s machine and the computer has failed.He asked me if LinuxCNC
would run it,and I told him I was pretty sure it would.
OMAX wants $5000 for a new computer and if you want tech help with putting
it in that will be an extra 5000. They must only want to sell new waterjets not
have anybody fix old ones.
Anyway has anybody ever used these drives?

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Re: [Emc-users] MSL Landing: Success!

2012-08-06 Thread Terry Christophersen
I didnt realize how large the rover was,it is pretty big.
Thanks for the links


- Original Message -
From: Kirk Wallace 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] MSL Landing: Success!

Related links I found: 

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] STOP RIGHT NOW...

2012-08-04 Thread Terry Christophersen
Last I checked when I post to this list it says EMC at the top.
So we cant toot our own horns on our own list?
I was already going to IMTS and now I am going to go out of
my way to stop and heckel MACH people.

- Original Message -
From: Stuart Stevenson 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] STOP RIGHT NOW...

HEH - yes Jeremy - just wondering :)

On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 8:31 PM, jeremy youngs  wrote:

> stuart we may have been infiltrated!!! :)  wow we must make such a
> difference in mach sales that our "little non market group" should be
> under someones watchful eye and then corrected at the first sign of
> tension. how insignificant we must be. So if they dont set around on
> lists because they have something to do how come this thread in our
> group has become so "entertaining" Really this is funny!
> And the recent number is 48.8% lcnc and 39.4 mach all on a website
> whose obviously biased very amusing to be such a small fish
> --
> jeremy youngs
> --
> Live Security Virtual Conference
> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
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dos centavos
Live Security Virtual Conference
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Re: [Emc-users] [OT] I wonder what lathe this is modelled on?

2012-07-25 Thread Terry Christophersen
I have been just staring at these pics all this time.
The 30s machine shop is pretty neat too.

- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] [OT] I wonder what lathe this is modelled on?

On 26 July 2012 00:35, Terry Christophersen  wrote:

> I mean a scale impact wrench!...That looks used!

I think my favourite detail is that one window pane has unpainted
putty, presumably because it has been replaced since the frames were
last painted.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] [OT] I wonder what lathe this is modelled on?

2012-07-25 Thread Terry Christophersen
I dont know what to say here,I am in awe of these models. I have built
scale RC planes and have a pretty good sized model railroad,but this 
persons weathering and aging of things is outstanding.
He must be single as no wife I know would allow the time for this.
I mean a scale impact wrench!...That looks used!
The barrels outside look like they actually are rusty.
I will stop now.Thanks for the link


- Original Message -
From: mark center 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] [OT] I wonder what lathe this is modelled on?

My guess would be a Colchester, fine old British iron. I have a
Monarch 18-CBB that looks similar without a tray top.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Gene Heskett  wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 July 2012 15:53:49 andy pugh did opine:
>> Looks like a nice 0.07" centre-height lathe.
>> The full set is at :
> All I can say is WOW!  The detail is great.  I'll have to admit that
> amongst all the old Triumphs & Harley's & Beemer's, I half expected to see
> a prewar Indian Chief with its 4 cylinder inline engine, and possibly even
> an Ariel Square 4.  But even in our world of today, Jay Leno probably owns
> 50% of the survivors in 2012.  Very few left IOW.  I rode a borrowed Chief
> in a veterans day parade once, with a square 4 in front of me.  I have
> never again seen both in the same year.  The Chief had a suicide clutch and
> was hell to control at sub idling speeds, but was also very quiet.  You
> could hear the Ariels mechanical noises a block away.  I was a bit green at
> biking then, back in the middle 50's, and didn't realize till 25 years
> later that that ride could and should have been in the history books, but
> it was just part of the glitz for a veterans day parade then.
> Cheers, Gene
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> My web page:  is up!
> ... I want to perform cranial activities with Tuesday Weld!!
> --
> Live Security Virtual Conference
> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
> threats.
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

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Re: [Emc-users] A axis and spindle

2012-07-04 Thread Terry Christophersen
I dont know how this is done on newer lathes but Ive seen
older ones with an electric clutch on the spindle that engages
and a seperate servo motor that does the milling or positioning moves
then disenguages for normal lathe turing.
Could an encoder be put on a the servo(except for the index pulse)
this way the servo encoder would not have the wrap up from turning
operations as it would be disengaged most of the time?
I am sorry that this is probably not helping this person but I am
thinking about doing this to a lathe of mine and this
topic reminded me of my question


- Original Message -
From: Jon Elson 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] A axis and spindle

andy pugh wrote:
> The behaviour would then be that the axis would move in A-word control
> until an M3 or M4, at which point the mux would direct the speed PID
> to the PWM generator. On M5 the mux would switch to the old A-axis
> position control, the oneshot would trigger, loading a "true" to the
> encoder.N.index-enable pin. Because the spindle is many turns away
> from it's required position the A-axis PID controller will be maxed
> out, so the spindle will do at least one turn past the index. When it
> passes the index the encoder counts will go to zero, the PID will no
> longer be saturated, and the spindle should return to the last
> commanded angular position.
And, how to do this without causing a momentary huge following error 
that either
causes a following error abort or a servo amp trip is not clear.  I 
think it needs
some kind of gradual gain change to allow the servo to catch up 
gradually before
going to full gain.


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Re: [Emc-users] quick boot

2012-06-13 Thread Terry Christophersen
This got me wondering how fast my new 525 and sata HD is .
So I got the stopwatch out:

8 sec to the main screen(about time to turn on the air, check
the oil level and walk around to the front to the front of my machine.

not too shabby, but not near 3 sec.


- Original Message -
From: Eric H. Johnson 
To: 'Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)' 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] quick boot

On 6/12/2012 12:16 PM, Stuart Stevenson wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
>>    What would it take to headless boot LinuxCNC in 3 seconds?
>> thanks
>> Stuart
> This article is almost 4 years old but it's got some good hints about fast

>It points out a cool tool name BootChart that helps identify the

I still don't know about getting down to 3 seconds, but in addition to what
that article says, you can also try:

1> Set BIOS to quick boot, bypass POST, etc.
2> In BIOS set boot drive as first device in boot order.
3> Use a SATA SSD.
4> Use as much memory as the mother board will accommodate.
5> Use Xubuntu instead of ubuntu (Use Linuxcnc install script).
6> Play with grub boot parameters (i.e. remove "quiet splash"). 
7> Map log files to null or RAM (see:
8> Uninstall any unnecessary applications.
9> Use "bum" (boot-up manager) to remove unnecessary services. 


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Re: [Emc-users] Question about steels?

2012-06-11 Thread Terry Christophersen
12L14 is better for finishes if the same part could be made with 1018
1144 (Stressproof) is even better for finishes and cuts like butter
will crack when welded without preheating
I see according to the chart 12L is supposed to be easier to
machine than 1144 but the thing I like about 1144 is that the 
chips always come out small and easy to remove

From: John Thornton 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)  
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Question about steels?


I use 4140 or 41L40 for parts that need a good finish or have some 
toughness. 1018 is softer so you get a poor finish with light cuts.

Here is a nice chart about different carbon steels, alloy steels and 
tool steels that we have on this side of the pond.


On 6/10/2012 1:52 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> Hi everybody;
> Basic beginners question:
> When I needed to make a new locking pin last week, I considered the
> relatively poor finish I was able to achieve using TSC's cold rolled stock,
> and walked 100 feet on by and picked up a grade 8 bolt big enough that I
> could find that pin inside it if I carved it right.
> Imagine my surprise when that grade 8 bolt carved like butter, both with
> carbide inserts and with HSS tool steel, leaving a mirror-like finish.  For
> a change I was proud of something I made.
> If I wanted to buy some stock steel that carved just as well, or perhaps
> even better, what alloy should I be ordering from one of these online metal
> peddlers?
> Thanks all.
> Cheers, Gene

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Re: [Emc-users] Tool Offsets

2012-05-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
>I never use the H-number, it is only useful for applying the offset of

It may be not useful in LinuxCNC but I guarentee you 90% + of the mill
programs in the world use it (Fanuc has to have it) also the Dxx
If you omit the D on Fanuc no offset will be applied to G41,G42


- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Tool Offsets

On 21 May 2012 20:51, Eric H. Johnson  wrote:

> T3 M6
> G43 H3

I never use the H-number, it is only useful for applying the offset of
a non-loaded tool to the loaded tool.
Though I doubt that is your problem.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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Re: [Emc-users] Tool Offsets

2012-05-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
G49 cancels G43 
Send the machine home at the end of the prog using:
G28G91Z0.0  Y0.0  X0.0
 You should not need to use G49
You must be doing something else wrong

Start of every one of my  progs look like this:

G43H1Z.1M8   moves the tool down to .1 above the workpiece
blah blah

ends look like this:

G28G91 Z0.0   send the Z home
G28G91Y0.0   send the y home to put in a new part

- Original Message -
From: Eric H. Johnson 
To: 'Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)' 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 2:51 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Tool Offsets

Hi all,

Per the "Setting Coordinate Systems" thread, I converted from using
coordinate systems (G54-G59.3) and setting the offsets with G10 L2, to using
the offsets specified in the tool table. Mostly it worked without a problem.
The exception is when re-running a program without reloading it. The
beginning of the program will have two lines similar to the following:

T3 M6
G43 H3

If I just rerun, the tool offsets seem to be ignored, but if I do a reload
of the same program it runs fine.

Do I need to add a G43 H0 to the end of the program, is there another
explanation for why the offsets are ignored when rerunning?


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Re: [Emc-users] A rose by any name? [Was: Not so custom]

2012-05-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
LMC or LNC sounds good to me

- Original Message -
From: charles green 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] A rose by any name? [Was: Not so custom]


--- On Sat, 5/19/12, Przemek Klosowski  wrote:

> From: Przemek Klosowski 
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] A rose by any name? [Was: Not so custom]
> To:
> Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012, 11:08 AM
> On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 5:24 AM, Erik
> Christiansen
> wrote:
> >> On 5/18/2012 4:28 PM, Przemek Klosowski wrote:
> >> > BTW, now that we can't use EMC2 any more, and
> LinuxCNC seems longish
> >> > and awkward to type, I am tempted to start
> using LCNC.
> > Err, are we to be the group with no name? We didn't
> defend the one we
> > had, and now we seek to discard our new common banner.
> You're quite right, I wasn't suggesting this as an official
> name but
> more in the context of informal communications related to
> LinuxCNC,
> where we mention LinuxCNC often and seeing the LinuxCNC term
> multiple
> times next to other mentions of LinuxCNC might just seem
> visually
> crowded because LinuxCNC 'glyph' is fairly long and busy
> graphically.
> For instance, in the source code, there are 55246 instances
> of the
> trigraph EMC, and replacing all of them by LinuxCNC might
> make the
> code slightly less readable, so something like 'lcnc' might
> be a
> reasonable compromise.
> Anyway, I start to feel like I'm  bikeshedding so I
> will stop now.
> --
> Live Security Virtual Conference
> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's
> security and 
> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can
> respond. Discussions 
> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the
> latest in malware 
> threats.
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

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Re: [Emc-users] Subroutines

2012-05-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
Thanks Dave taat worked,
So it did change sort of because I have 2.3 on a desktop and it worked at the 
end of the program

Thanks again


- Original Message -
From: Dave Caroline 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Subroutines

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 8:27 PM, Terry Christophersen
> Did how subroutines work change from 2.3 to 2.5?
> I had a file I ran 6 months ago on 2.3 and with no changes just

I am not aware of any changes but the subroutines should be defined before use

o100 sub
  G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0 (rapid move to machine home)
o100 endsub
o100 call (call the subroutine here)

Dave Caroline

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[Emc-users] Subroutines

2012-05-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
Did how subroutines work change from 2.3 to 2.5?
I had a file I ran 6 months ago on 2.3 and with no changes just
moved it to the new computer w/2.5 and I get an error :
unable to open file
The sub is in the same program just at the bottom 
some code
o31 call    (is the line where the error is)
some other code
(one line space here)
o31 sub
some code here
o31 endsub

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Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
Thanks to all for the advice.The Hurco VMC that that board went into is now 
making chips.
I used to get a little hiccup when the machine was idle and I switched screens 
or opened
a file,now it is smooth as can be.It is a pretty quick machine for its size AC 
Fanuc servos 450ipm  35 on the acceleration so
I noticed when it did this little hiccup.
AC Fanuc servos.

Old MSI board latency 25000
New Intel  6500

Old board latency was 9500 till you moved stuff on the screen then the jump 

Thanks again

- Original Message -
From: Viesturs Lācis 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012/5/16 Terry Christophersen :
> Latest update:
> Took the ssd and put it in a Windose comuter and formatted it(I know you are 
> rolling your eyes at me now)
> But it seems to be installing from the new CD ok now.
> I have no reason for that to work,but I really want to try that machine today.

Mysterious problems have mysterious solutions :)
Glad that it works now.


If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
Latest update:

Took the ssd and put it in a Windose comuter and formatted it(I know you are 
rolling your eyes at me now)
But it seems to be installing from the new CD ok now.

I have no reason for that to work,but I really want to try that machine today.



- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

On 16 May 2012 20:58, Terry Christophersen  wrote:

> Burned a new LinuxCNC disc
> unhooked my solid state hd

I was wondering if the SSD was the unsupported HD.

I know for a fact that these work: (and 8GB is plenty to _develop_ LinuxCNC in)

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
I wish I had a regular hard drive to put in for now
I ran the latency test and by far this is the fastest board I have had.
Im just glad the board works


- Original Message -
From: Terry Christophersen 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

This what I just did:

Burned a new LinuxCNC disc
unhooked my solid state hd 
went to the try without installing option
seems to work ok

I might need a hard drive at some point in time.

Solidstate hd specs:

Transcend TS32GSSD25S-M
32g 2.5 sata interface   MLC


- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

On 16 May 2012 20:28, Terry Christophersen  wrote:
> I will try the linux only method

Can you boot from the LiveCD, or do both boot and install fail?

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
This what I just did:

Burned a new LinuxCNC disc
unhooked my solid state hd 
went to the try without installing option
seems to work ok

I might need a hard drive at some point in time.

Solidstate hd specs:

Transcend TS32GSSD25S-M
32g 2.5 sata interface   MLC


- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

On 16 May 2012 20:28, Terry Christophersen  wrote:
> I will try the linux only method

Can you boot from the LiveCD, or do both boot and install fail?

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
I will try the linux only method 

- Original Message -
From: Viesturs Lācis 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Cc: Terry Christophersen 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

Terry, is there a chance for You to try clean Lucid LiveCD (without
LinuxCNC) from USB drive?
You can then easily install LinuxCNC with all the dependencies with a
script, available here:

Since the cause of the problem seems to be mysterious, solution to it
could also be mysterious and weird.


If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

2012/5/16 Daniel Rogge :
> Terry,
> That means it's version 0083.
> Rogge
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Christophersen []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:57 PM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues
> BIOS version:
> MWPNT10N.86A.0083.2001.0524.1600
> Does that mean version 86?
> Terry
> - Original Message -
> From: Kent A. Reed 
> To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
> (EMC) 
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues
> On 5/16/2012 1:41 PM, Terry Christophersen wrote:
>> Yes it was me.
>> A new version of BIOS on this board must be the problem?
> And what version is it?
> Scanning the BIOS Update release notes 
> ( I see back at 
> version 0078 "Fixed issue where system will not boot from a Linux partition 
> on USB flash drive." There are other interesting fixes at different versions 
> but I see nothing about the plug-n-play capability.
> According to this document, the initial production BIOS release was version 
> 0049 and according to the Intel website. the current BIOS update is version 
> 0122. [As an aside, judging from the number of versions and fixes, Intel is 
> continuing its tradition of paying scant attention to details of the ATOM 
> BIOS. Who gets this programming job anyway?]
> Still, there seem to be lots of folks who had no problem with this board so 
> it's hard to figure. Have you changed any of the default BIOS settings? Do 
> you have any unusual devices connected? Have you tried booting a different 
> system?
> Regards,
> Kent
> --
> Live Security Virtual Conference
> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
> threats.
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list
> --
> Live Security Virtual Conference
> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
> threats.
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
I just updated to the 122 version and same results 

I dont know what to do now

- Original Message -
From: gene heskett 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 03:00:49 PM Terry Christophersen did opine:

> Yes it was me.
> A new version of BIOS on this board must be the problem?
> I am not a computer person but if you want servos tuned or something Im
> ok.
> Should I try to burn a new cd or what?
> I have tried my old standby 2.3 cd that always works, also no go.
>  Terry

What is the version # of this new bios, Terry.  I see there is a 122 
version I downloaded, but if it breaks things for us, I'll leave it on my 

> - Original Message -
> From: andy pugh 
> To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine
> Controller (EMC)  Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues
> On 16 May 2012 02:40, Terry Christophersen  wrote:
> > I forgot that it says  [] pnpbios: dev_node_info function
> > not supported [] pnpbios: unable to get node info
> Is this you:
> inux10-pnpbios-dev-node-info.html
> The advice there seems slightly flawed, the standard LiveCD
> installation runs perfectly on hundreds of D525MW boards.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: <>
Good-bye.  I am leaving because I am bored.
        -- George Saunders' dying words

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Emc-users mailing list

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
BIOS version:


Does that mean version 86?


- Original Message -
From: Kent A. Reed 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

On 5/16/2012 1:41 PM, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> Yes it was me.
> A new version of BIOS on this board must be the problem?

And what version is it?

Scanning the BIOS Update release notes 
( I see back at 
version 0078 "Fixed issue where system will not boot from a Linux partition on 
USB flash drive." There are other interesting fixes at different versions but I 
see nothing about the plug-n-play capability.

According to this document, the initial production BIOS release was version 
0049 and according to the Intel website. the current BIOS update is version 
0122. [As an aside, judging from the number of versions and fixes, Intel is 
continuing its tradition of paying scant attention to details of the ATOM BIOS. 
Who gets this programming job anyway?]

Still, there seem to be lots of folks who had no problem with this board so 
it's hard to figure. Have you changed any of the default BIOS settings? Do you 
have any unusual devices connected? Have you tried booting a different system?


Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
Yes it was me.

A new version of BIOS on this board must be the problem?
I am not a computer person but if you want servos tuned or something Im ok.

Should I try to burn a new cd or what?

I have tried my old standby 2.3 cd that always works, also no go.


- Original Message -
From: andy pugh 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

On 16 May 2012 02:40, Terry Christophersen  wrote:
> I forgot that it says  [] pnpbios: dev_node_info function not 
> supported
>     [] pnpbios: unable to get node 
> info

Is this you:

The advice there seems slightly flawed, the standard LiveCD
installation runs perfectly on hundreds of D525MW boards.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-15 Thread Terry Christophersen
I forgot that it says  [] pnpbios: dev_node_info function not 
    [] pnpbios: unable to get node 


- Original Message -
From: Terry Christophersen 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller ( EMC) 
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 8:20 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Intel Board issues

Hi all
I am upgrading a motherboard to a Intel D525MW 
I am using a Live CD and I got these issues:
63.608618  dev_node_info function not supported
63.608666 unable to get node info
I am using a 32g solid state disc
I usually dont have any problems when I use the Live CD
Im sure you will need moer info but I will wait for someone
to tell me what to look for in the BIOS

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[Emc-users] Intel Board issues

2012-05-15 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi all
I am upgrading a motherboard to a Intel D525MW 
I am using a Live CD and I got these issues:
63.608618  dev_node_info function not supported
63.608666 unable to get node info
I am using a 32g solid state disc
I usually dont have any problems when I use the Live CD
Im sure you will need moer info but I will wait for someone
to tell me what to look for in the BIOS

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Re: [Emc-users] MPG question

2012-04-28 Thread Terry Christophersen
Thanks,those  pins are just what I was looking for.
With the flexibility of Axis/LinuxCNC why would anybody
use anything else?


- Original Message -
From: Chris Radek 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] MPG question

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 03:46:40PM -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> Hi all.
> ? I was wondering if it is possible to select the x,y,z axis from the keyboard
> just like jogging using the keyboard instead of a seperate switch for
> axis selection when using the MPG.
> I do not want to use a pendant and am running out of room on the panel
> of my control.
> What I was hopinng for was to jog with the direction buttons till I got close
> then hit the "I" key and use the MPG for the final touch off.


I'm assuming you're using AXIS...

The AXIS interface has some hal pins that output the active axis and
jog increment, see axisui.* 

Those will let you do exactly what you want and it works very
smoothly - just hook 'em up.

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[Emc-users] MPG question

2012-04-27 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi all.
  I was wondering if it is possible to select the x,y,z axis from the keyboard
just like jogging using the keyboard instead of a seperate switch for
axis selection when using the MPG.
I do not want to use a pendant and am running out of room on the panel
of my control.
What I was hopinng for was to jog with the direction buttons till I got close
then hit the "I" key and use the MPG for the final touch off.
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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
All these tests are how I did things with the origional control
I dont know how many people on this list ran these with the old GEs, 
but I used to say a little prayer when I turned mine on,
sometimes he would listen sometimes not.
So whatever problem you have with a retrofitted one will pale
in compairison to what it used to be like. 
We used to keep whole turrets set up for a job because setting 
up 8 tools on the GE would bring tears to your eyes.
I think mine was $22,000 in 1979 ...about what a house would be around here
Not too many machines from 79 run as good.
Sorry this got a little long


- Original Message -
From: Kirk Wallace 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 10:55 -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> It would be interesting for someone to use HalScope and start rotating the 
> turret
> and graph the magnetic sensor outputs.I think that they wont be perfectly 
> spaced,
> it will be close but once I had all stations to work but one.(That was 
> without the stop)
> That is why it is important to fire the stop before the motor stops that way 
> it wont matter
> if the sensor is a little off on one station.
> Terry

I recall my turret.comp doesn't turn the air motor off until the table
parks or rather the parking or settle time runs out. I need to get
around to adding the park Hall sensor in the loop somewhere.

    if (position_change) {
        switch (state_turret) {
        case 0:
            if (position_requested != position_current && position_requested>0 
&& position_requested<9) {
            } else {
        case 1:
            if (position_requested == position_current) {
        case 2:
            if (settle<=0) {
        case 3:
            if (settle<=0) {
    } else {

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
Another way to tell if your stop is doing the job is turn down the pressure of 
air supply and spin the turret at a different speed.this will tell if
you are just timing the turret with the sensor and getting lucky or if you are
using the stop correctly.slowing down the speed of the turret should not make 
miss stations,( I mean a little slower not 20 psi or something crazy.just till 
you notice
it is turning a little slower


- Original Message -
From: Kirk Wallace 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 13:26 -0400, Ian McMahon wrote:
> I have somewhat unreliable tool changes as well.  Sometimes it'll miss
> the change entirely and spin two or three revolutions before the
> ladder times out.  Sometimes it seems like it pops the stop too early,
> and catches the turret in the wrong position.  Often I'll hear what
> sounds like the stop popping early and it'll make the correct change,
> but I'll hear it whack past the previous station.
> I'm going to try adjusting the magnet and see if that helps.

Mine works pretty well so far: 

You might try looking at the turret signals with HALscope to make sure
the encoder values and control signals are stable.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
It would be interesting for someone to use HalScope and start rotating the 
and graph the magnetic sensor outputs.I think that they wont be perfectly 
it will be close but once I had all stations to work but one.(That was without 
the stop)
That is why it is important to fire the stop before the motor stops that way it 
wont matter
if the sensor is a little off on one station.


- Original Message -
From: Ian McMahon 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

I have somewhat unreliable tool changes as well.  Sometimes it'll miss the 
change entirely and spin two or three revolutions before the ladder times out.  
Sometimes it seems like it pops the stop too early, and catches the turret in 
the wrong position.  Often I'll hear what sounds like the stop popping early 
and it'll make the correct change, but I'll hear it whack past the previous 

I'm going to try adjusting the magnet and see if that helps.

On Apr 21, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Kirk Wallace wrote:

> On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 09:17 -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
>> With dependable tool changes on a HNC. the stop latch (under the cover on 
>> the operator side of the carrage)
>> is usually the thing to get right.Adjustments are made by removing the long 
>> black cover on the right
>> side of the carrage.Under here there is a round plug with a hex socket,BUT 
>> remember to loosen the 
>> lock set screw that comes down from the top.
>> If the turret works once or twice correctly then your problem is more than 
>> likely mechanical rather than
>> computer related.
>> A combination of the magnetic sensor and the stop cushion is more than 
>> likely the issue.
>> What I do if I had to remove the sensor for some reason is try to get the 
>> turret to work as 
>> best as you can without the stop cushion(just to make sure the sensor is 
>> very close to working)
>> then fine tune with the stop cushion.
>> It takes a little while but once you get the stop working correctly the 
>> turret will be 100 percent reliable
>> Terry
> On mine, I loosen the screw for the magnet then note the actual tool
> position. I rotate the magnet forward (I forget which way) until the
> tool number matches the actual position and continue until the number
> changes to 0 or the next tool number. I back off a little to get the
> proper tool number back again. This way the logic can make a match early
> enough to activate the stop pawl in time. If the match isn't done in
> time, the table continues to rotate.
> See here for the lock screw location:
> In case you haven't heard me say it before, if your seals are over three
> years old they should be replaced (or at least checked that they are
> still soft and without cracks). It made a big difference on my lathe.
> -- 
> Kirk Wallace
> California, USA
> --
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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
Kirk is 100% correct, the o-rings need to be replaced once and a while.I would 
most didnt until something wouldnt work.It is a pain but if you only have to do 
every 10 years or so it doesnt seem too bad.
Like Kirk said make sure the stop prawl is what is stopping the turret it 
should fire
before the motor stops trying to turn.
Watch the turret come down.It should be perfectly smooth without any movement of
rotation as it engages the locks at the seated position.This movement will be 
subtle and kind of
hard to watch but if the locks are moving the turret when it comes down then 
you are not lined up 
and are putting undue wear on them.

From: Kirk Wallace 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 09:17 -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> With dependable tool changes on a HNC. the stop latch (under the cover on the 
> operator side of the carrage)
> is usually the thing to get right.Adjustments are made by removing the long 
> black cover on the right
> side of the carrage.Under here there is a round plug with a hex socket,BUT 
> remember to loosen the 
> lock set screw that comes down from the top.
> If the turret works once or twice correctly then your problem is more than 
> likely mechanical rather than
> computer related.
> A combination of the magnetic sensor and the stop cushion is more than likely 
> the issue.
> What I do if I had to remove the sensor for some reason is try to get the 
> turret to work as 
> best as you can without the stop cushion(just to make sure the sensor is very 
> close to working)
> then fine tune with the stop cushion.
> It takes a little while but once you get the stop working correctly the 
> turret will be 100 percent reliable
> Terry

On mine, I loosen the screw for the magnet then note the actual tool
position. I rotate the magnet forward (I forget which way) until the
tool number matches the actual position and continue until the number
changes to 0 or the next tool number. I back off a little to get the
proper tool number back again. This way the logic can make a match early
enough to activate the stop pawl in time. If the match isn't done in
time, the table continues to rotate.

See here for the lock screw location:

In case you haven't heard me say it before, if your seals are over three
years old they should be replaced (or at least checked that they are
still soft and without cracks). It made a big difference on my lathe.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
With dependable tool changes on a HNC. the stop latch (under the cover on the 
operator side of the carrage)
is usually the thing to get right.Adjustments are made by removing the long 
black cover on the right
side of the carrage.Under here there is a round plug with a hex socket,BUT 
remember to loosen the 
lock set screw that comes down from the top.
If the turret works once or twice correctly then your problem is more than 
likely mechanical rather than
computer related.
A combination of the magnetic sensor and the stop cushion is more than likely 
the issue.
What I do if I had to remove the sensor for some reason is try to get the 
turret to work as 
best as you can without the stop cushion(just to make sure the sensor is very 
close to working)
then fine tune with the stop cushion.
It takes a little while but once you get the stop working correctly the turret 
will be 100 percent reliable

From: Matthew Ireland 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) ; Terry 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

Terry, you sound very knowledgeable on the workings of the turret. I have an 
HNC that I successfully retrofitted. All works fabulously, except for a running 
fight with the turret. It will work perfectly one day, and fail to latch 
repeatedly the next. If it were reliable, this could be a production machine. 
Any advice?
If I were a bit more clever, I could rewrite the ladder to fail more gracefully 
and mitigate this problem. Perhaps I should be asking for ladder configs to 
study. Currently I am using one that Radek was kind enough to copy for me, but 
in all my fooling with it I may have made changes. Any thoughts?
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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-21 Thread Terry Christophersen
If you need any help I can try.I have 3 Hardinges with one that I am 
Hardinge website has most of the old prints 
Good Luck


- Original Message -
From: Mike Cinquino 
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

>The cuttoff slide was air over hydrolic to make it move smoother, just?get
rid of it
>and use a cut off for a lathe that way you can put a little chamfer on the
>OD before you part off.

I will do that.

>Collet closer is air.Hope you have the solenoids for it because they keep
>the collet closed after the air is released.There is alot of o-rings
inside the
>closer so if the machine has been sitting for a while start putting a few
>of air tool oil down the tubes on the closer every day till you are done
>the rest of the machine.

Also good advice. I have not tested the closer yet so I will start getting
oil in it today.

>My spindle motor is 5 hp but 3 would be ok if your diameters dont get too
>and feedrates stay conservative.

I don't have a motor yet so I will go with a 5HP... definitely rules out my

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Re: [Emc-users] Nonplanar arcs

2012-04-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
I know this is a serious topic but this happened to me on my 15m:
G68 axis rotation
M68 turns on the comveyor on this machine.
Yeah you know what I did 
Some sadistic machine tool builder did that on purpose


- Original Message -
From: Stuart Stevenson 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Nonplanar arcs

I don't remember the complete syntax and symbols used but on my fanuc 15m
control G68 sets the rotation angle of one rotary axis. You can use two G68
lines to rotate two rotary axes. The regular 2D code then works at the
angle described by the G68 definitions. It takes some thought to get the
rotations correct. It takes some thought and attention to follow the xyz
zero position. G69 cancels the rotations.
On Apr 19, 2012 10:58 PM, "charles green"  wrote:

> ..suppose you had a five axis millimg setup with the normal xyz plus
> alpha-beta rotation of the cutter rotation axis about a shperical center.
>  then suppose that to take advantage of these spindle axes, you wanted to
> mill a planar facet on a part that was tipped at say five degrees to the x
> and five degrees to the y.  the facet contains pockets with circular
> features that run normal to the tipped face, or circular bosses with tap
> bores running along their axis.
> it would be nice to rotate the entire coordinate system to align with some
> of the features of interest on a part that is otherwise already set up and
> positioned in the machine.
> another solution would be to accurately rotate the part about a and b and
> c axes, and just keep track of what that does to the xyz zero on the part,
> and then all the 2d gcode still applies.  this is probably the more common
> of the five axis styles.
> maybe g16 a b c is an arbitrary interpolation plane for arcs, where abc
> are rotations relative to the abc origin (= the usual xyz directions)?
>  xyzijk would have the usual meanings.
> maybe g15 p q r is an arbitrary x'y'z' coordinate system, where pqr is a
> unit vector relative to the usual xyz unit vector?  xyzijk would be in the
> sense of the rotated x'y'z' coordinate system, and g16 would act on top of
> this new coordinate system.
> maybe g14 selects no preferred plane, and disallows g2/3 until g16-19 are
> set.  maybe it also sets x'y'z' = xyz coordinates?
> --- On Thu, 4/19/12, Chris Radek  wrote:
> > From: Chris Radek 
> > Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Nonplanar arcs
> > To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"  >
> > Date: Thursday, April 19, 2012, 11:57 AM
> > On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 09:45:42PM
> > +0300, Viesturs L??cis wrote:
> > >
> > > Uhhh, You are right, halfcircles. All three points are
> > on a straight
> > > line, around which the arc can freely rotate. I guess
> > that this is
> > > special case (is there any other?),
> >
> > That is just the worst problem.  Your system doesn't
> > uniquely identify
> > any arc.  For every start, center, end points there are
> > a pair of arcs
> > that share the points.  This is why we have
> > G2/G3.  If you don't have
> > a normal vector you can't say which way is clockwise, so
> > G2/G3 don't
> > make sense.
> >
> > This is also a problem you get when you specify the
> > arbitrary plane
> > with three points, as was proposed by Ian M.
> >
> > The correct solution is probably to specify the plane's
> > normal vector.
> >
> > While it's entirely possible to do, I doubt anyone would
> > ever use this
> > feature if someone did the work to implement it.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> --
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> >
> >
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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
The cuttoff slide was air over hydrolic to make it move smoother, just get rid 
of it
and use a cut off for a lathe that way you can put a little chamfer on the
OD before you part off.
Collet closer is air.Hope you have the solenoids for it because they keep
the collet closed after the air is released.There is alot of o-rings inside the
closer so if the machine has been sitting for a while start putting a few drops
of air tool oil down the tubes on the closer every day till you are done with
the rest of the machine.

My spindle motor is 5 hp but 3 would be ok if your diameters dont get too big
and feedrates stay conservative.


- Original Message -
From: Mike Cinquino 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:23 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild


If anyone is interested I posted some picture of my HCNC project machine. I
have started the retro rebuild process.

Warning: the pictures my be disturbing to some machine lovers because of
all the missing parts...:)

Because of the parts I am missing I am going to try to use a DC motor (as
suggest by someone on the IRC) or a stepper motor in place of the missing
air motor on the tool changer.

I am going to start there. I have the axis motors but not sure if I will
use them yet. I can just as easily replace them. I am leaning toward Gecko
servo drives so if I go that way I will probably replace them because of
the voltage limit on those drives.

I need a spindle motor. I have a PacSci AC servo motor (1.35KW) and drive.
I have not run the numbers to see if it would be a good choice. My gut
feeling is that it might be on the small side. If it is I will probably go
to a 3phase 3HP with VFD? Not sure what HP it came with.

Will build a custom enclosure similar to the mill enclosures I make.

I also have the coolant tank and pump and one of the pictures shows a
hydraulic panel? I have the over spindle mounted cut off slide? Was that
hydraulic? It looks like the collet closer was pneumatic?

I will update the blog as I make progress.

I appreciate the feedback and help I have gotten so far and hopefully
something from this project will benefit others in the future.

Oh and of course it will be controlled by LinuxCNC...

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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild

2012-04-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi Mike,

Looks like a fun project. 
I dont want to discourage you too much but if you use a  Stepper or something 
to turn
the turret you will have to address some issues.
The turret has to have air to hold it down while machining. this air is
part of a pretty complicated system involving the turret motor,the turret stop
it also lifts the turret .also the whole thing has a small amount of  regulated 
pressure to
keep the oil and chips out of the carrage.
Do you have a set of prints?
Not saying it cant be done Im just saying by the time you address all these 
it might be easier to replace the air motor.


- Original Message -
From: Mike Cinquino 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:23 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Hardinge HCNC Retrofit/Rebuild


If anyone is interested I posted some picture of my HCNC project machine. I
have started the retro rebuild process.

Warning: the pictures my be disturbing to some machine lovers because of
all the missing parts...:)

Because of the parts I am missing I am going to try to use a DC motor (as
suggest by someone on the IRC) or a stepper motor in place of the missing
air motor on the tool changer.

I am going to start there. I have the axis motors but not sure if I will
use them yet. I can just as easily replace them. I am leaning toward Gecko
servo drives so if I go that way I will probably replace them because of
the voltage limit on those drives.

I need a spindle motor. I have a PacSci AC servo motor (1.35KW) and drive.
I have not run the numbers to see if it would be a good choice. My gut
feeling is that it might be on the small side. If it is I will probably go
to a 3phase 3HP with VFD? Not sure what HP it came with.

Will build a custom enclosure similar to the mill enclosures I make.

I also have the coolant tank and pump and one of the pictures shows a
hydraulic panel? I have the over spindle mounted cut off slide? Was that
hydraulic? It looks like the collet closer was pneumatic?

I will update the blog as I make progress.

I appreciate the feedback and help I have gotten so far and hopefully
something from this project will benefit others in the future.

Oh and of course it will be controlled by LinuxCNC...

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Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HNC

2012-04-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
That answers my question.
That looks like a lot of files to get your turret to work.
What is the board next to the DAC ?
I was under the understanding that the PWM main board read the encoders



- Original Message -
From: Kirk Wallace 
To: Terry Christophersen ; Enhanced Machine Controller 
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hardinge HNC

On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 17:17 -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a Hardinge HNC that I am toying with the idea of retrofitting.I know 
> there is 
> a few on this list that have done so,I would like to know the amp/motor 
> combos that are
> in use.
... snip

In case you haven't seen my lathe yet: 

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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[Emc-users] Hardinge HNC

2012-04-16 Thread Terry Christophersen
Hi all,
I have a Hardinge HNC that I am toying with the idea of retrofitting.I know 
there is 
a few on this list that have done so,I would like to know the amp/motor combos 
that are
in use.I have one that I put a Centroid on a few years ago but I dont have the 
for another 10K kit for this one.I would just use it for a rush job so I dont 
have to tear down the 
other HNC.
I would assume that the origional axis motors would be usable as they were 
working when I
shut it off 5yrs ago.Maybe Jon Elsons amps would be a good choice?

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Re: [Emc-users] Tool change question

2012-03-20 Thread Terry Christophersen
You could just do this:
Put a M00 on the line right before the TxM6 line.
When the machine stops at the M00 hit the esc key
Now jog around,change tools and touch off.  reload the tool table.
I will assume that you are using AXIS so now right click on the
TxM6 line and it will start from there.

I dont think all that other stuff of windows popping up and answering
questions would be easier than what I just described.


- Original Message -
From: Kirk Wallace 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Tool change question

On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 14:04 -0700, Ray Mitchell wrote:
> I always thought that the small tools used for PCB work (the ones with the
> colored beads on the shaft) were made so that the back of the bead is a
> reference distance to the tip of the tool.  Then you could change the tool,
> push the bead up against the collett, tighten to a specific torque, and go.
> Ray M.

For me, there are too many moving parts with an ER type tool holder, so
the bit's collar doesn't have a predictable surface to register to. I
haven't used the collared bits without touching off first, so I can't
say for sure how well the collars and ER collets work, but my guess is,
it would be better to touch off.

I've been playing with the jogable manualtoolchange today: 

and can't get it to load on LinuxCNC 2.4.6 (RIP). I can load the normal
manualtoolchange component with "halrun", "loadusr manualtoolchange",
but get an error "manualtoolchange directory or file does not exist"

I also noticed,
gettext.install("axis", localedir=os.path.join(BASE, "share", "locale"),

gettext.install("emc2", localedir=os.path.join(BASE, "share", "locale"),

in the normal file. I changed the jogable file to have "emc2", plus
other edits, but no joy. I'm still working on this, but I can see where
this and the tool change documentation could really put someone off.
This is not meant to be judgment, just an observation.

It seems to me it would be good to have a manual tool change go like
Running LinuxCNC comes up on TxM6

Pause, and Display "Press button if clear to go to tool change position
or jog to safe position to start motion to tool position."

Click button, axes move to tool change position.

Pause, and Display "Replace current tool with tool number x, and click
button when done to start touch off"

Replace tool and click button

Pause and Display "Click button and jog to touch off X now..., (with
Touch Off pop-up), Y now..., Z now... Click button if clear to move to
Resume Program position"


or something like this. I know there may be valid arguments why this
can't be done, but it seems like a worthy goal. So far, I've only used
repeatable tool holders and the tool table, so I may be off base here. I
do hope to have something to etch PC boards in the future. That machine
will most likely not use repeatable position tool holders, so it will
most likely be an issue for me soon.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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Re: [Emc-users] Tool change question

2012-03-19 Thread Terry Christophersen
It is funny what people think should be a standard feature
because it is what their machine needs.
What you really need is an automatic tool changer.
I can jog,ride a bike,have a cup of coffee,or do most anything during my tool
changes.(I am sorry I could not resist.)

From: gene heskett 
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Tool change question

On Sunday, March 18, 2012 09:10:26 PM gene heskett did opine:

> On Sunday, March 18, 2012 10:56:07 AM Michael Haberler did opine:
> > Am 18.03.2012 um 13:36 schrieb Tony Zampini:
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > > On a more general note, being able to "touch off after a tool
> > > change" seems to me to be a necessary function for any and every
> > > milling operation. Why doesn't EMC2 have this feature built-in? Or,
> > > to put it another way, how are users of EMC2 currently determining
> > > the new z offset after changing tools, assuming they don't use a
> > > probing feature? Just curious.
> See below.
> > please see the example in
> >;a=tree;f=configs/sim/remap/m
> > an
> > ual-toolchange-with-tool-length-switch;h=8c716f10d20a9f0722de83dda3fb
> > 393 087d94270;hb=10d8caf753ab0269f882d83b59a6c76e2e3ae28d
> > 
> > this can easily be adapted to other forms of touchoff
> > 
> > -m
> I am not aware to a method that doesn't at some point make use of the
> G38.2 function, which means there MUST be a probe of the tool.  In my
> case, doing pcb work using eagle & pcb2gcode, I wrote some routines
> that assume the probing pin is connected to the pcb itself.  In my
> case, the use of the routines requires that calls to the probe function
> be manually edited into the pcb-gcode output to command a move to a
> location that clears the work space for the tool change, and after each
> tool change call the subroutine to establish the offset.
> As I tend to run with rather leasurely accelerations, my probes are done
> relatively slowly so the tool doesn't overshoot and mark up the
> workpiece, so each probe adds about a minute to the production time.
> I also added a bit of a fudge factor so the 'etching' depth can be
> controlled without having to rerun pcb-gcode and then reinstall this
> stuff by editing in everything all over again.
> At my web page in the sig, add /Genes-os9-stf/eagle to the path and you
> can download the 3 files I use.
> tedautoz.ngc  (tOPeTCHdRILL.ngc)
> bedautoz.ngc  (bOTTOMeTCHdRILL.ngc)
> tholefinder.ngc
> PCB-Pallat.JPG
> tholefnder.ngc is written to use a short piece of tubing let into the
> pallet that holds the pcb for etching, and the offsets it develops as it
> runs set the left-right offsets in G55 and G56 modes so the top etch,
> top drill, matches up with the bottom etch and bottom drill files. PCB-
> Pallat.JPG shows fuzzily, what my pallet for that first board looks
> like. The grayer area in the center has been relieved another 25 thou
> so any machining burrs left from the etching  and drilling of the first
> side do not prop the board up and mess up the bottom side by etching
> too deeply.
> tholefinder.ngc will of course need editing so that what it discovers
> will work for the pcb carrying pallet you'll need to make.  I made mine
> from some 1/2" micarta I bought a couple slabs of from Highland
> Hardware in Hotlanta, intending to make zero clearance inserts for my
> BT-3000 Ryobi table saw, something that saw is very badly in need of
> since the plastic casting they sell comes out of the box sitting 50
> thou too low all over, and over .1" low at the top center of the blade.
>  I made 2 zero clearance inserts, and haven't damaged the first one
> yet. Piece of crap factory plastic I won't every buy again.  The
> micarta works great.
> Cheers, Gene

I forgot to mention that the pix of the pcb pallet doesn't show the 
machined fin on the bottom that fits the T nut slots of my mills table in 
order to maintain x alignment when its removed & remounted on the mills 

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Re: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?

2011-12-31 Thread Terry Christophersen
Your New Years eve sounds as exciting as mine
I am running some small parts on my Hardinge--its
not so bad though 1 bar of material runs for a hour or so.

Dont have too much fun with the Jack

Have a safe and Happy New Year


Have a safe an
- Original Message -
From: gene heskett 
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?

On Saturday, December 31, 2011 01:48:48 PM Terry Christophersen did opine:

>  .125dia tool cutting a .230dia ID will leave you .0525 move  
> if you are starting in the center of the hole and moving to the edge

This is I believe the crux of the problem.  This code generator does not 
start at the center, but pre-places the bit at the +x starting position, 
then issues about 15 to 20 lines of code to cut short segments of the 
circle, using g2 moves.  So, according to the backtrace anyway, I see a 
slight 'hook' in the trace (when it actually gets that far) as it starts 
the cut, then errors because its gouging.

> I dont know if you are saying that cuttercomp is  not working correctly
> but I have used it for this application and it works as I think it
> should.

So have I Terry, but this is a fresh emc release as I'm on 10.04 and 
synaptic is setup to keep me up to the latest release, 2.4.7-11-g7a74494 as 
of a couple days ago.  So I am wondering if I've found a regression.

My point is, that there are moves ahead of the g2 moves that it could use 
to apply this cutter compensation, but it apparently waits until a g2 move 
is commanded before it gets applied.  And IMO that is WRONG.

It isn't helped a bit (in my ancient mind) that the descriptions for the 
G41-G42 commands make no mention of "dig cut" or "climb cut", just left or 
right.  I could understand the concept a lot easier if it were to deal with 
it in dig or climb terms.  Here, its all dig, it drops the bit in, and the 
end result is a full clockwise circle move with the bit, starting and 
ending at the 3 oclock position.  So if I want to use this code to just 
isolate the screws, I'll have to forget G41 entirely, and put in the 
engraving bit & just dig the line a thou or so deep.  That will work to 
isolate the mounting screws, but I had visions of setting the area inside 
the circle down 15 thou or so because 1/4" screws are not quite as long as 
need be for the end of the screw to come flush with the nut.  So I may as 
well take the code that bored the dozen holes and write a new subroutine to 
do this.

Its amazing the stuff we put up with at the feet of the "do it with a 
computer" god.  Anyway, its new years eve and I intend to have this stage 
done by the time we grab some snack stuff out of the fridge & go down the 
street to the neighbors for watching the ball fall or whatever.  And 
debating on whether I take a half gallon of black label Jack D. that's 
about 10 yo now & still has a seal on it along.  I like it, but being 
diabetic, it isn't good for me, so its definitely just a sip now and then.  
So I'll settle for my daily ration of a couple of ultra-lites I guess.

I see your other 2 replies, they may not need an answer but I didn't check 
to the bottom of them.  This list seems to be gradually becoming a top 
posting list, yeeuuch.

Thanks Terry.

Cheers, Gene
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Re: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?

2011-12-31 Thread Terry Christophersen
Sorry ,  ignore my reply I didnt read far enough

Sorry Everybody

- Original Message -
From: gene heskett 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 11:55 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?


Lots of editing to no avail, but I believe I have a clue to the G41-42 
problem.  The preset radius is for a .230" diameter circle, but if I use a 
.125 mill, it errors out and will not load the code.

So, switching to the G41.1 Dnn.nn mode, the error is triggered even by a 
g41.1 D0.001.  My machine, I don't think, can even make that small a 

Now, the code output by gcode-tools places the bit into cutting position to 
actually start cutting the circle, so it looks as if I need to first place 
the cutter at dead center, then move to the starting offset, which with a 
.230 OD to the cut, and a .125 OD to the mill, should leave it .115" to 
move from the center to the y=0 relative, x=compensated relative offset.

Am I making any sense here?  It isn't to me.  I think it should take place 
at any point in the motions where it can detect left or right edge, 
positioning to do dig cuts, or climb cuts.  Waiting to apply the correction 
as a circular cut actually starts sure is a PIMA, and wrong to me.  Can 
anyone explain why, and then how to fix it, since without the comp, a .230 
diameter cut turns into a .345" diameter cut because the radii of the tool 
gets added all the way around.

Thanks guys.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Re: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?

2011-12-31 Thread Terry Christophersen
I am sorry.I didnt read far enough in your post.
Ignore my previous reply.

- Original Message -
From: Terry Christophersen 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?

 .125dia tool cutting a .230dia ID will leave you .0525 move  
if you are starting in the center of the hole and moving to the edge
I dont know if you are saying that cuttercomp is  not working correctly
but I have used it for this application and it works as I think it should.

From: gene heskett 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 11:55 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?


Lots of editing to no avail, but I believe I have a clue to the G41-42 
problem.  The preset radius is for a .230" diameter circle, but if I use a 
.125 mill, it errors out and will not load the code.

So, switching to the G41.1 Dnn.nn mode, the error is triggered even by a 
g41.1 D0.001.  My machine, I don't think, can even make that small a 

Now, the code output by gcode-tools places the bit into cutting position to 
actually start cutting the circle, so it looks as if I need to first place 
the cutter at dead center, then move to the starting offset, which with a 
.230 OD to the cut, and a .125 OD to the mill, should leave it .115" to 
move from the center to the y=0 relative, x=compensated relative offset.

Am I making any sense here?  It isn't to me.  I think it should take place 
at any point in the motions where it can detect left or right edge, 
positioning to do dig cuts, or climb cuts.  Waiting to apply the correction 
as a circular cut actually starts sure is a PIMA, and wrong to me.  Can 
anyone explain why, and then how to fix it, since without the comp, a .230 
diameter cut turns into a .345" diameter cut because the radii of the tool 
gets added all the way around.

Thanks guys.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: <>
"The vast majority of successful major crimes against property are
perpetrated by individuals abusing positions of trust."
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Re: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?

2011-12-31 Thread Terry Christophersen
 .125dia tool cutting a .230dia ID will leave you .0525 move  
if you are starting in the center of the hole and moving to the edge
I dont know if you are saying that cuttercomp is  not working correctly
but I have used it for this application and it works as I think it should.

From: gene heskett 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 11:55 PM
Subject: [Emc-users] Possible bug in G41-42 stuffs?


Lots of editing to no avail, but I believe I have a clue to the G41-42 
problem.  The preset radius is for a .230" diameter circle, but if I use a 
.125 mill, it errors out and will not load the code.

So, switching to the G41.1 Dnn.nn mode, the error is triggered even by a 
g41.1 D0.001.  My machine, I don't think, can even make that small a 

Now, the code output by gcode-tools places the bit into cutting position to 
actually start cutting the circle, so it looks as if I need to first place 
the cutter at dead center, then move to the starting offset, which with a 
.230 OD to the cut, and a .125 OD to the mill, should leave it .115" to 
move from the center to the y=0 relative, x=compensated relative offset.

Am I making any sense here?  It isn't to me.  I think it should take place 
at any point in the motions where it can detect left or right edge, 
positioning to do dig cuts, or climb cuts.  Waiting to apply the correction 
as a circular cut actually starts sure is a PIMA, and wrong to me.  Can 
anyone explain why, and then how to fix it, since without the comp, a .230 
diameter cut turns into a .345" diameter cut because the radii of the tool 
gets added all the way around.

Thanks guys.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: 
"The vast majority of successful major crimes against property are
perpetrated by individuals abusing positions of trust."
-- Lawrence Dalzell

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Re: [Emc-users] 3 phase power

2011-11-10 Thread Terry Christophersen
You need a transformer to step it down,that is how most machines do it.
this will be a cleaner set up rather than 3ph and a 1ph line coming in.

From: Brian May 
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) 
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] 3 phase power

Ok that makes sense. 

Just out of curiosity, How do other machines do it. Our other cnc machines only 
have the 3 lines and earth ground running into them...

Sent from my iPod

On Nov 10, 2011, at 9:01 PM, Brian Mihulka  wrote:

> On 11/10/2011 08:50 PM, Brian May wrote:
>> This is probably an easy question for alot af the people on the list.
>> I have 3 phase power going to my vfd on my machine.  I want to the use that 
>> same power to power all the 120 single phase components. (the dc power 
>> supply for the steppers and varios other motors. ).  This way i only need 1 
>> plug
>> I have been reading and people say i can go from 1 leg to a nuetral or leg 
>> to leg. I do not have a nuetral line so my question is will it be ok to go 
>> from leg to leg for the 120 single phase?  Or is there some other component 
>> i need?
>> Thanks
>> Brian
>> Sent from my iPod
>> --
>> RSA(R) Conference 2012
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> If its 3 phase 208, one leg to any other leg will give you 208.  You 
> have to have the neutral to get 120 from any leg.  You should get 120 
> from any leg to ground but it wouldn't be up to code.
> Brian
> --
> RSA(R) Conference 2012
> Save $700 by Nov 18
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> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

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