[expert] Is the expert list dead?

2001-04-07 Thread tommiy

I've been subscribed to the expert list for a number of years but as of
March 22 haven't received any mail at all from the list. I've tried
unsubscribing and resubscribing with no results. Hence this message just
to see if its still alive.

[expert] Mozilla 0.8.1 for LM72 error messages

2001-04-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

As I reported earlier, you can get Mozilla 0.8.1 (the latest March 26, 2001) 
version for LM72 (not for Cooker or LM8.0 directly from Texstar at:


I had no problem installing the Mozilla file itself. It installed with 50 
perfect hashes. But I did get two error messages:

1) runtime mismatch

2) leaking context

Could one of the gurus on our list please explain to us newbies what this is 
all about and whether it would be safe to use this version of Mozilla or 
whether it would be safer to use Mozilla 0.8 (from Feb. 17, 2001), also 
available, by the way, from the same site for LM72.

Thank you so very much.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[expert] KDE 2.1.1 for LM72 -- Success After All!

2001-04-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Well, looks like I was wrong again. But this time it's a pleasant surprise.

Let's go back to the KDE 2.1.1 upgrade for LM72 site from Texstar at:


This site has i586 rpms for  LM72 that will allow you to upgrade your current 
KDE to the final version 2.1.1

I just sucessfully upgraded my KDE 2.1 to KDE 2.1.1 using the instructions 
and files at Texstar. See my instructions and explanation below.

All of these i586 rpms (just issued on April 7)  have been built from the 
Cooker site and made available on LM72 (i.e. using our version 3.0 rpm 
instead of the version 4 rpm required for Cooker's i586 rpms.

Another big news item: The new Mozilla 0.8.1 files have also just been made 
available as i586 rpms for LM72.

But please remember: these are UNsupported rpms. They are NOT officially 
supported by Mandrake.


I'll take the blame for my share of the responsiblity for misleading 
everybody earlier (not once but twice) but the author of Texstar should take 
his share of the blame, too.

When you arrive at Texstar, AVOID any links on the main screen (FTP or HTTP 
links, etc.). That was my mistake earlier. This is NOT the entrance to the 
KDE 2.1.1 files. 

Instead, look at the top left corner of the screen. You will see a penguin 
(that is NOT a link but should be one). Right below it you will find the link 
you want: Pclinuxonline. As you can see, it is underlined. Click on it.

Now look for the section pertaining to KDE 2.1.1 for LM72.

First, download the two freetype2 files

freetype2-2.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm  freetype2-devel-2.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm   

 and install them first. Then create a KDE-2.1.1 directory and download all 
the files INDIVIDUALLY. I don't think there is any other way. Here is what my 
directory looks like. I call it KDE-FINAL:

[sher@sher07 sher]$ cd KDE-FINAL
[sher@sher07 KDE-FINAL]$ ls
[sher@sher07 KDE-FINAL]$

Now, after installing the 2freetype2 files, install the KDE files (all 53 of 
them, 120.1 meg) as follows:

#rpm -Uvh --nodeps --replacefiles *.rpm

When I first did an rpm -Uvh *.rpm I got an error message telling me that 
there was one failed dependency, namely, that kdesu was not installed. That's 
not true because kdesu is included in kde-base (and is not available 
separately in LM72). So, there are NO failed dependencies. But some files in 
KDE2.1.1 must replace certain files in earlier versions of KDE 2 (you must 
first install KDE 2.0 or KDE 2.01 in order to upgrade to KDE 2.1.1.

Installation was a success. All 53 files returned 50 hashes each. There was 
one error message about a certain font but it said: "skipping." so I am sure 
everything installed OK.

After installation, exit KDE,  then in the console do a:

#rpm --rebuilddb  (rebuilding the database)


#update-menus -v

Then reboot and you've got KDE 2.1.1. You can check the Control Center to see 
the new version number.

My thanks to everyone who helped. Hope I have been of help to others, 
especially to other newbies like myself.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[expert] help: ext2 superblock disk problems

2001-04-07 Thread Daniel Woods

It appears I screwed up a LM7.1 campus production server
by trying to add a windows partition for backup purposes
with PowerQuest Drive Image 3.  At first I created ok at
the end of the disk, and DI3 saw that but would not write
the image file (of Linux partitions) to that C: drive.

I copied the contents of /dev/hda6 (/var) and /dev/hda7
(var/lib) to a scratch partition (/dev/hda10). Then
I used a win98 bootup disk, and Partition Magic 5 to
delete those partitions as a merged FAT32 partition.
When I tried to reboot, it complained about a kernel panic
with no init= set, and suggested passing it to Grub/Lilo.

I am able to win98 boot into it, however even the LM7.1
bootup disk did not work (same error as regular bootup).
I booted up with Tom's Root Boot disk, and I can mount
the windows partition, but none of the Linux ones.
I tried to mount the /boot partition with...
  # mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt
  EXT2-fs: 03:0a:  couldn't mount because of unsupported
  optional features.
  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
  /dev/hda1 or too many mounted filesystems.

I then tried...
  # e2fsck /dev/hda1
  Filesystem has unsupported features.
  The superblock could not be read or does not describe
  a correct superblock. Try using a different superblock
  size such as:[-b 8193]

Still no luck.

Ok, so using PM5 after I initially created the partitions
with 'fdisk' was not a smart move (in hindsight), but
how do I fix that now ?
Is there another utility that could help ?
Other suggestions ?

Thanks... Dan.

Re: [expert] Network hassle

2001-04-07 Thread Ken Thompson

On Saturday 07 April 2001 11:24 am, you wrote:
> I'm trying to network 2 linux pcs here and have run into a spot of
> bother. One seems fine. The other will ping OK, but sees the
> network as unreachable. That little HOWTO mentioned here recently on
> networking is great - but I find one imperfection; It says  "You'll need
> everything for networking, and NFS except the stuff beginning with YP ...
> and NIS"  A list of what everything is would be useful here.
> Anyhow, my problem:
> eth0 throws up an error and can't be initialised on bootup
> [root@workhorse /etc]#ifconfig eth0
> returns an unreachable message, but the hardware will transmit & receive
> with that little test program on the driver disk under Dos. It is an NE2000
> compatible card. This is what insmod throws up.

It's going to be a guessing game cuz I don't know what you already have 
What I'll do is list what I *Think* you'll need. I was never successfull in 
getting LM 7.0 to network for some reason so I may not be much help.

Any way, here goes (from a 7.0 CD RPM List):
You'll need kdenetwork for starters (KDE 1.1.2)
netkit (description)
The netkit-base package contains the basic networking tools ping and inetd. 
The ping command sends a series of ICMP protocol ECHO_REQUEST packets to a 
specified network host and can tell you if that machine is alive and 
receiving network traffic. Inetd listens on certain Internet sockets for 
connection requests, decides what program should receive each request, and 
starts up that program. The netkit-base package should be installed on any 
machine that is on a network.
nettools (description)
The net-tools package contains the basic tools needed for setting up 
networking: ethers, route and others
nfs-utils (server)
The nfs-utils package provides the utilities for Linux NFS server. This 
package replace the old knfsd package.
nfs-utils (client)
The nfs-utils package provides the utilities for Linux NFS client. This 
package replace the old knfsd-clients + part of knfsd package.
The portmapper program is a security tool which prevents theft of NIS (YP), 
NFS and other sensitive information via the portmapper. A portmapper manages 
RPC connections, which are used by protocols like NFS and NIS. The portmap 
package should be installed on any machine which acts as a server for 
protocols using RPC.
ppp (for TCP connections including Internet) 
NOTE: If you are able to use the Internet now you most likely won't need this!
The ppp package contains the PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon and 
documentation for PPP support. The PPP protocol provides a method for 
transmitting datagrams over serial point-to-point links. The ppp package 
should be installed if your machine need to support the PPP protocol.   

I'm sure I missed something and maybe one of the GURU's on the list will come 
to the rescue (for both of us )
NOW, Looking at yer post I am thinking you may have an IRQ conflict.
I have had luck removing all reference to a module in conf.modules and 
re-doing the setup from linux conf again. Also looking at your IRQ and IO 
ports may help here. As I stated in my HOWTO, the most common cause of a 
network setup failing is the NIC is not working, this seems to be your most 
immidiate problem. Another thing ya might try is look at the first boot 
screen and see where the NIC is assigned, try to set the linux settings the 
same. If that fails, try using the utility that came with the card to 
re-configure the settings to an unused IRQ or IO.
As a last resort, try another card and see if it will set up correctly.
OH, one more thing, try pinging the TCP address you gave your machine,
EXAMPLE: ping -c5,
and see what the results are. Also, as root, issue the command ifconfig (no 
switches or arguments) and see if the card is recognised.
Hope this helped,

Ken Thompson
Electrocom Computer Services
Payette, Idaho 83661
(208) 642-11701
Web: http://www.nwaa.com

Re: [expert] new install

2001-04-07 Thread Todd Lyons

ken bonner wrote:

>  128 megs ram,rage fury pro video, on an Asus A7V133 motherboard with onboard 
>promise ATA 100 controller.  (I think that's the trouble)

Found in a Mandrake forum once upon a time (can't find it now though).

  User's Day II: LM 7.2 And Asus A7V With ATA 100 Hard Disk

  Contributed by Tom on Friday December 01, @ 07:59AM
  from the bleeding-edge dept. 
  chri writes "Hi, I've finally found a way to install (and use) LM 7.2
  with my A7V and an ATA 100 hard disk." 
  "First, you need to have the Promise driver loaded in Windows. Then,
  in the devices manager, find the Promise Ultra 100 IDE controler. In
  the last tab of the properties ("ressources" in french), make a note 
  of the four first I/O addresses (for  example, i have 9000,8800,8400 
  and 8000).

Note: you can use lspci to get this io information.

  Then, you can boot with the LM 7.2 CD.
  At boot, press F1, and choose the "expert" mode with parameters. With
  my I/O addresses, I used:
  "expert ide2=0x9000,0x8802 ide3=0x8400,0x8002"
  (you add 2 for the 2nd and 4th i/o adress).
  Now your hd is detected, and you can install Linux.
  The last thing to do is to put these parameters in the "append" line
  of the lilo configuration (or GRUB's 'menu.lst')
  It worked fine for me and I really hope it'll be the same for
  everybody ! " 
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [expert] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

2001-04-07 Thread Chris Spackman

On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 07:28:01PM +, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> That's why I didn't even bother to test their KDE 2.1.1 before making my 
> announcement. Furthermore, while their Mozilla 0.8 (based on the Feb. 17, 
> 2001 version) installs and works perfectly (except for Mozilla's fonts bug in 
> Preferences), their Mozilla 0.8.1 installs with two major error messages,
> neither of which I understand:
> 1) runtime mismatch
> 2) leaking context

Actually, I am using the .8.1 binaries from mozilla.org and i get the
"leaking context" message everytime i close mozilla. So far, no harm, .8.1
seems to be working just fine. So maybe it isn't a problem with those
particular rpms?

Are these serious problems?

Chris and Yoshiko Spackman

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Japanese)

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or
numbered. My life is my own."
-The Prisoner

 PGP signature

[expert] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

2001-04-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

My deep apologies. I assumed that the KDE 2.1.1 files (and the Mozilla 0.8.1 
files)  at Texstar (http://texstar.dyn.dhs.org), which claims be an 
exclusively LM72 rpm site, would have produced rpms that work with LM72's rpm 
version 3.0 and that they would also supply rpms for all dependencies.

That's why I didn't even bother to test their KDE 2.1.1 before making my 
announcement. Furthermore, while their Mozilla 0.8 (based on the Feb. 17, 
2001 version) installs and works perfectly (except for Mozilla's fonts bug in 
Preferences), their Mozilla 0.8.1 installs with two major error messages,
neither of which I understand:

1) runtime mismatch
2) leaking context

I've therefore aborted installation of both KDE 2.1.1 and Mozilla 0.8.1.

Perhaps Texstar is not aware of the rpm incompatibility issue (LM72 uses rpm 
version 3, LM-8, i.e. Cooker, uses rpm version 4).

My apologies again.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[expert] gnome-control center and pilot-link information

2001-04-07 Thread Josh

Dear Experts,

I have a Handspring Visor Deluxe with the USB cradle that I use in
Windows.  To configure this device for linux, I was told to go into
gnomecc and set it up. If I go in as a user, the device can't tell that
it is connected to the computer when it is prompted for me to push the
hotsync button.  However, I figured that this was due to permissions and
decided to try using gnomecc as root.

When I click on the Pilot Link capplet, it launches another copy of the
control-center and does not add the device as it did when using this as
a user.  I noticed that it is looking for /dev/pilot, however, I do not
have this entry in my /dev directory.  How do I add this, and if it is
symply a symlink what do I link it to?

I am running beta 3 of mandrake 8.0 with no updates (clean install) so

Thank you,


[expert] KDE 2.1.1 + Mozilla 0.8.1 for LM72

2001-04-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Just wanted to pass on the good news that KDE 2.1.1 (the upgrade from KDE 
2.1)  is now available in i586 rpm format from:


All of these i586 rpms (just issued on April 7)  have been built from the 
Cooker site and made available on LM72 (i.e. using our version 3.0 rpm 
instead of the version 4 rpm required for Cooker's i586 rpms.

Another big news item: The new Mozilla 0.8.1 files have also just been made 
available as i586 rpms for LM72.

But please remember: these are UNsupported rpms. They are NOT supported 
officially by Mandrake.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[expert] MDK 8b3 & su pwd

2001-04-07 Thread Joan Tur


I've installed MDK 8 beta 3 and i've got a problem:  running "su" in a
user terminal is not recognizing the root's password.  I can log in as
root in either a console (CTRL+ALT+1) and under XFree  8-?


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [expert] renaming multiple files

2001-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 13:45 -0600, Dan Woods wrote:
> Kelley Terry wrote:
> > 
> > Is there a way to rename multiple files all of the format
> > q_tif.bz2  to  q.tif.bz2  where the # represent digits.  In other
> --
> For your needs, you would want something like...
> for NAME in `find www_root -name "q*tif.bz2" -type f` ; do
> mv $NAME `echo $NAME | tr '_' '.'
> done
> Only problem might be that *all* underscores will get changed.
so would it work with
  mv $NAME 'echo $NAME | tr '_tif' '.tif'
or not?

GPG-Fingerprint: FE5A 0891 7027 8D1B 4E3F  73C1 AD9B D732 A698 82EE
For Public Key mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject: GPG-Request
ISDN4LINUX-FAQ -- Deutsch: http://www.wolf-b.de/i4l/i4lfaq-de.html

Re: [expert] renaming multiple files

2001-04-07 Thread Kelley Terry

On Saturday 07 April 2001 12:45 pm, Kelley Terry wrote:
> Is there a way to rename multiple files all of the format
> q_tif.bz2  to  q.tif.bz2  where the # represent digits.  In other
> words I need to change the underscore "_" character to a dot "." for all
> the file names in a directory.  If there is a way to do this w/o a shell
> script it would be great but I can't find one.

I 'm sorry about this post.  I've only used cp or mv for renaming files and 
just found rename.  Again my apologies for putting this on the list.
"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"
Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [expert] renaming multiple files

2001-04-07 Thread Dan Woods

Kelley Terry wrote:
> Is there a way to rename multiple files all of the format
> q_tif.bz2  to  q.tif.bz2  where the # represent digits.  In other
> words I need to change the underscore "_" character to a dot "." for all the
> file names in a directory.  If there is a way to do this w/o a shell script
> it would be great but I can't find one.
> --
> "It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"
> "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"
> Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's one post from the past...
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 11:51:04 +0200
From: Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [expert] Scripting- Uppercase to lowercase

for NAME in `find www_root -type f` ; do
mv $NAME `echo $NAME | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

For your needs, you would want something like...
for NAME in `find www_root -name "q*tif.bz2" -type f` ; do
mv $NAME `echo $NAME | tr '_' '.'

Only problem might be that *all* underscores will get changed.

Thanks... Dan.

Re: [expert] Network hassle

2001-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 17:24 +, Declan Moriarty wrote:
> [root@workhorse /etc]#ifconfig eth0 
> returns an unreachable message, but the hardware will transmit & receive with
> that little test program on the driver disk under Dos. It is an NE2000
> compatible card. This is what insmod throws up.
>  [root@workhorse /etc]# insmod ne2k-pci
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_open
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init
> /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_close
> [root@workhorse /etc]#

1. Do you have your /etc/modules.conf shaped to desire?
I mean: did you clear out the unnecessary stuff?
Concerning nic I only have one line "alias eth0 ne2k-pci"

2. There is one more modul to load for the nic which depends on the
nic model. I have a NE2K compatible card (Realtek) so it needs the
ne2k-pci.o and besides that (in
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/modules.dep) it needs the 8390.o

I guess you better do a clean kernel config and compile with make
modules and all.
GPG-Fingerprint: FE5A 0891 7027 8D1B 4E3F  73C1 AD9B D732 A698 82EE
For Public Key mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject: GPG-Request
ISDN4LINUX-FAQ -- Deutsch: http://www.wolf-b.de/i4l/i4lfaq-de.html

[expert] renaming multiple files

2001-04-07 Thread Kelley Terry

Is there a way to rename multiple files all of the format 
q_tif.bz2  to  q.tif.bz2  where the # represent digits.  In other 
words I need to change the underscore "_" character to a dot "." for all the 
file names in a directory.  If there is a way to do this w/o a shell script 
it would be great but I can't find one.
"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"
Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [expert] Notebook install via ftp [2. edition]

2001-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 12:10 -0400, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Glad we could help; but you found the real problem, so pat yourself on the back!
> :>

Sorry to say that: Seems that I was glad too early. The connections
lasted for a while. I even transferred some files via ftp from molch
to lapmolch. Large files (>2M). Then all of a sudden the connection
became shaky. A ping showed 90% packet loss. The screen on lapmolch
showed "eth0 time out waiting..." every 3 or 4 seconds.

Now sensing that it may be a heat problem in the notebook I switched
it off for a couple of hours. Switching it on again I get no
connection between the 2 machines.
Then I start my dial-up on molch to my isp. After that my internal
connection worked again!
So it seems to be pure coincidence with that loose screw! Something
with the routing on molch doesn't work.
OK, so I have to fire up my isdn first and then everything works.
That doesn't explain the shaky connection before, though.
> > Now to something totally different

> Do you have enough memory on lapmolch?  I never traced the ftp install; but mine
> would bomb because ftp requires more than my laptop's 32MB to install.  NFS on
> the other hand does not need to buffer the files during transfer.  Check the
> virtual consoles for error messages...

Hmm, I tried to make a ftp-install with the SuSE system but it told
me my memory is too small (well, my notebook's, that is!). I have 64M
in there.
The Mandrake system doesn't complain about memory and all I read
about ftp-install never says anything about memory. Although there is
not much written about that topic anyway.
> Send the trace file created with:  tcpdump -w tracefile

I read a bit about NFS and it seems to be a lot of work to configure!

Now having the mini-net working again, I tried the installation
again. Everything works until it tries to load the 1. file from the
"Unable to retrieve the second stage ramdisk: File not found on
And console 3 tells me:
to a fd" and sits there.
/misc2 is the directory I get in when doing anonymous ftp with molch.
This works. The files are there too. But the install program doesn't
see them.

I guess I have to live with that now. I installed a X system and now
I'm looking for an Emacs package to install on the Slackware system.
Pity I can't get Mandrake to run, though!

GPG-Fingerprint: FE5A 0891 7027 8D1B 4E3F  73C1 AD9B D732 A698 82EE
For Public Key mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject: GPG-Request
ISDN4LINUX-FAQ -- Deutsch: http://www.wolf-b.de/i4l/i4lfaq-de.html

[expert] Network hassle

2001-04-07 Thread Declan Moriarty

I'm trying to network 2 linux pcs here and have run into a spot of
bother. One seems fine. The other will ping OK, but sees the network
as unreachable. That little HOWTO mentioned here recently on networking is
great - but I find one imperfection; It says  "You'll need everything for
networking, and NFS except the stuff beginning with YP ... and NIS"  A list
of what everything is would be useful here. 

Anyhow, my problem:
eth0 throws up an error and can't be initialised on bootup

[root@workhorse /etc]#ifconfig eth0 
returns an unreachable message, but the hardware will transmit & receive with
that little test program on the driver disk under Dos. It is an NE2000
compatible card. This is what insmod throws up.

 [root@workhorse /etc]# insmod ne2k-pci
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_open
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init
/lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk/net/ne2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_close
[root@workhorse /etc]#

I have a working /etc/HOSTNAME, resolv.conf, hosts, etc. etc to compare to and
they all seem reasonable.

Can anyone spot the obvious blunder? I didn't install on it, and have found
some essentials not present, and weird things like RAID arrays enabled :-/.
There must be a way of killing that, but it doesn't show in ntsysv
Somebody who wasn't an expert did an 'expert' install, and the cd was playing
games. I did set up the last kernel rebuild, so I think the kernel will cope
with the card.

One oddity which might be connected is that on starting X I get the error

NAME: command not found
The machine is: K6/2-350,  w/64 MB ram, and 4.3Gig hd for linux. SiS chipset
(5513?) with an SiS 6326 video card + 8MB onboard. (M$ stuff has a separate hd)
The installation is 7.0 (Air), kernel 2.2.14-15. Curiously, the graphical "What
have we got here?" programs say it's a 586 cpu, correctly identify it as a k6,
and give it the generation number 6 (=i686). Clear as mud, isn't it?


Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Good judgement comes from experience;   experience comes from bad judgement.

[expert] Mozilla .8 -- search & fonts

2001-04-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have started using Mozilla 0.8 as my default browser (and am looking 
forward to 0.8.1). I am especially pleased with the control over the size of 
the fonts.

However, I have two questions:

1) The much vaunted Search function of Mozilla seems to have turned to ashes: 
Clicking on Search does NOT bring up the Google search engine, as it clearly
should according to my Preferences, Navigator, Internet Search, selection 
(just checked again to be sure: it says: Google). Instead, I am presented 
with Netscape.com's portal. Same things happens in Netscape 4.76. But in the 
old 4.76 if you click on Edit, Find on the Internet often enough, you WILL 
get the Google box. But in Mozilla 0.8, you won't see it at all. So, who 
needs the toolbar, then. Instead, I recommend doing what I have done: uncheck 
the toolbar altogether (including My Sidebar), everything except the menu, go 
to http://www.google.com, then make a bookmark, in Edit Bookmarks, if 
necessary, move your Google bookmark way up to the top of the bookmark list,  
and now, if you want to REALLY search the Internet, just open your Bookmarks 
(thank God it is listed as a menu itself, and click on Google and there you 
are in an instant. Of course, you could select any search engine you wish.

What a great waste of resources. A great Search feature with My Sidebar 
really being useful for this purpose,-- and all ruined by a mercenary, 
self-destructive shoot-oneself-in-the-foot corporate reptile, i.e. 
AOL/Netscape. If I am wrong, if I have missed something, my apologies to 
Mozilla and AOL/Netscape. Please correct me if I am wrong. But if I am right, 
then it's all very sad. 

2) No less sad is the buggy Preferences box (Edit, Preferences). Ever since 
Mozilla .7, I have found it impossible to replace the default adobe fonts 
(which are, admittedly very good) with my Windows True Type fonts (I have a 
dual-boot system). I had NO problem with this in Netscape, and I have been 
able, albeit with some effort, to configure the Preferences in Mozilla .8 
(you have to do it one option at a time), i.e. everything EXCEPT the fonts. 
Every single time that I have tried to do this, Mozilla crashes. And I have 
tried every version of Mozilla available, rpm, tarball, Full Install, etc. 
etc., every build available on the Mozilla download page. Has anyone else had 
this problem? If so, how can this be solved? Is there a workaround, perhaps a 
manual workaround. If so, please share this secret with me, and, please be 
easy on me, I am just an ordinary user and need precise instructions. Yet, 
the preferences file in ~/.mozilla clearly says: "Do not edit this generated 
file!" So what is a Mozilla user to do?

Thank you very kindly.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [expert] Netscape Locking Up

2001-04-07 Thread Mark Weaver

That's the easy part. click on File->SaveAs->Draft.


"Stephen Lawrence Jr." wrote:
> Benjamin Sher wrote:
> > Dear Craig:
> >
> >  I can write a letter in Netscape for two
> > hours with the security that it won't be wiped out by a crash.
> > Still,
> > just to be sure, I save it as a draft every few paragraphs.
> Hmmm, how are you writing paragraphs and saving them in Netscape?
> --
> Stephen Lawrence Jr. - Programmer
> California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System, UC Davis
> (530)-752-4614

Re: [expert] Notebook install via ftp [2. edition]

2001-04-07 Thread Pierre Fortin

Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 18:30 -0400, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > Did you make any changes to molch recently?
> After that I had a close look at my desktop and discovered that the
> nic was just plugged in but not the screw to hold it. I did that and
> now the connection works on both systems!
> Thanks to all who helped me and shared their ideas!

Glad we could help; but you found the real problem, so pat yourself on the back!

> Now to something totally different
> As you may remember I tried to install Mandrake through eth0 from the
> desktop to the notebook (i.e. from molch to lapmolch).
> I put the pcmcia bootdisk into lapmolch and it boots. It recognizes
> the pcmcia-card and configures eth0.
> Connection is established and I put in the IP, the IP of molch (the
> server) and now it asks for the path to the installation files. These
> files are in /misc2/Mandrake/
> When I put that in lapmolch and hit ok it says:Bad server response
> At the same time tcpdump on molch tells me that the connection is ok
> but something else is wrong:

[...] Seems to be starting fine, though the packet contents are not included. 
For tracing, tcpdump is showing its age.  Better info can be obtained from Spy
(not open source; but free for up to 10 machines) or better: ethereal which can
sometimes be a pain to install; but worth it...

Machines seem to be OK so far...

> lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: F 29:29(0) ack 181 win 16060
> (DF)

> molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: . ack 30 win 32120 (DF)
> [tos 0x10]

> molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: P 181:218(37) ack 30 win 32120
> (DF) [tos 0x10]

until lapmolch decides to slam the tcp window shut here:

> lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: R 3528238393:3528238393(0) win
> 0 [tos 0x10]
Do you have enough memory on lapmolch?  I never traced the ftp install; but mine
would bomb because ftp requires more than my laptop's 32MB to install.  NFS on
the other hand does not need to buffer the files during transfer.  Check the
virtual consoles for error messages...

Send the trace file created with:  tcpdump -w tracefile



Re: [expert] snag in pine

2001-04-07 Thread Pierre Fortin

Robert Boggs wrote:
> I have muy fetchmail working fine. I have porblems sending mail in pine. It
> says error 501. It says something about [EMAIL PROTECTED] being wrong.
> Help! Robert

You're running PostFix too... right?  Sounds like the problem I had where the
system would send mail to root@; fixed it IIRC, with:

  root   pfortin@localhost

  virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual   


[expert] Promise FastTrack 100

2001-04-07 Thread Kang-Ling Weng


Can somebody tell how I have to configure my mandrake to be able to
get access my 4.3 GB Harddrive, which is connected to my IDE RAID
Controller Promise FastTrack 100

The 4.3 GB HDD is the only drive which is connected to the controller.
On it are only files stored no OSs.

please help


Best regards,
 Kang-Ling  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[expert] Can't write windows partitions

2001-04-07 Thread falcaraz

After the first failled install of Beta 1, I had to reinstall MDK 7.2; 
after that I installed beta 2 and later beta 3 (MDK 8.0), now my box 
has windows98, MDK 7.2 and MDK 8 beta 2. 
Before the dissatre, I could acced from 7.2 to win98 partitions copying 
and deleting files without problems; but now I just can copy files from 
windoze partitions to linux partitions, but it is impossible write from 
linux (7.2 and 8) to windows partitions.
In my laptop, with 7.2 this runs fine.

fstab has the same structure to the windows partitions access

I don't know what could be the problem. Any help will be welcome

Thanks folk

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

Re: [expert] Java Development Environment

2001-04-07 Thread Tobias Marx

Al Baker schrieb:
> Hi All,
> I seem to remember something along these lines on the
> list a number of months back, but I can't seem to find
> it...
> I'd like to get JDK/JRE installed on one of my
> Mandrake system (either 7.1, 7.2, or 8.0beta2).  I was
> able to download the tar files from Sun.com, but many
> applications don't seem to recognize that they're
> installed.

both forte and jbuilder need the new jdk 1.3 installed. if programms
don't find your jdk installation, the java executable is probably not in
your path. to test it, type java in a console and hit return. if it
returns something like that: "bash: java: command not found", its not in
your path. to add it to your path type something like that in your
console: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.3/bin/ (of course you have to
use the path where your jdk install resides). now you should be able to
use java from this console. to make it a persistant change edit (as
root) /etc/profile and add the previous export line at the end of this
> Furthermore,  I'd like to get a nice visual IDE up and
> working as well for Java (and possibly other
> languages).  Forte for Java (from Sun) doesn't
> recognize the jdk/jre installation.  Any
> recommendations?

to start forte use this: /usr/local/forte4j/bin/runide -jdkhome
/usr/java/jdk1.3/ (again use the right path to the forte and jdk install
on your system)

take a look at jbuilder from borland, too. http://www.borland.com

have fun


[expert] gtm in 8.0 beta 3

2001-04-07 Thread Robert Kroiss

The gtm (gnome transfer manager) in this distro is broken for any locale
other an english. GTM cannot interpret the (e.g.) german output of wget.

I added a few lines of code in src/file-data.c. Here is the diff (for
< putenv ("LC_COLLATE=en_US");
< putenv ("LC_LANG=en_US");
< putenv ("LANGUAGE=en_US");
< putenv ("LANG=en_US");

With this applied everything works great.


[expert] Problems running KMail

2001-04-07 Thread Carlo Vinante

Hello to everybody in the ML

I'm writing this mail due to a strange problem I've encountered using KMail 
on Mandrake 7.2. 
Here is the problem:

I have configured two users on my system, user_1 used just for fun and 
running KDE, and the other one called user_2 used for programming running 

I started to use Kmail on user_1 and user_2 without any problem. Suddenly I 
am not anymore able to send any mail from user_1 while I am able to do this 
in user_2. So I tried to remove anu rc files from user_1 and start again 
Kmail; I configured it, BUT it send not any mail, even it still can receive.

Then I tried to "copy" all the configuration files (rc) from user_2 to 
user_1, changing all the files attributes and home directories, so using the 
same mail client attributes (I mean e-mail addresses, POP clients and so on).

The problem still remain.

Could someone tell me where is my mistake ?


Carlo Vinante

University of Padua

Re: [expert] Notebook install via ftp [2. edition]

2001-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 18:30 -0400, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Did you make any changes to molch recently?  

Now this is really interesting:
Did I make a change? Yes I did. I once again compared the SuSE files
and the Mandrake aquivilents and wiped out that route entry on molch.

After that I had a close look at my desktop and discovered that the
nic was just plugged in but not the screw to hold it. I did that and
now the connection works on both systems!

route -n now shows:
[root@molch wobo]# route -n
Kernel IP Routentabelle
Ziel  RouterGenmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface   U 0  0   0   eth0   U 0  0   0   ippp0   U 0  0   0   lo   

Yes, I have a working ISDN dial-up also on molch.

Thanks to all who helped me and shared their ideas!

Now to something totally different

As you may remember I tried to install Mandrake through eth0 from the
desktop to the notebook (i.e. from molch to lapmolch).

I put the pcmcia bootdisk into lapmolch and it boots. It recognizes
the pcmcia-card and configures eth0.
Connection is established and I put in the IP, the IP of molch (the
server) and now it asks for the path to the installation files. These
files are in /misc2/Mandrake/
When I put that in lapmolch and hit ok it says:Bad server response

At the same time tcpdump on molch tells me that the connection is ok
but something else is wrong:

lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: S 3528238363:3528238363(0)
win 16060  (DF)
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: S 126001041:126001041(0)
ack 3528238364 win 32120 (DF)
lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: . ack 1 win 16060 (DF)
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: P1:91(90) ack 1 win 32120
(DF) [tos 0x10]
lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: . ack 91 win 16060 (DF)
lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: P 1:17(16) ack 91 win
16060 (DF)
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: . ack 17 win 32120 (DF)
[tos 0x10]
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: P 91:159(68) ack 17 win 32120
(DF) [tos 0x10]
lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: P 17:29(12) ack 159 win 16060
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: P 159:181(22) ack 29 win 32120
(DF) [tos 0x10]
lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: F 29:29(0) ack 181 win 16060
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: . ack 30 win 32120 (DF)
[tos 0x10]
molch.wolf-b.de.ftp > lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026: P 181:218(37) ack 30 win 32120
(DF) [tos 0x10]
lapmolch.wolf-b.de.1026 > molch.wolf-b.de.ftp: R 3528238393:3528238393(0) win
0 [tos 0x10] 

I don't understand any of this but I think I'll have to RTFM about
ftp. On molch I have wu-ftp.

I wonder though that nowhere on Mandrake website or MUO or in the
manuals there is a HOWTO for net-install!

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Re: [expert] Notebook install via ftp [2. edition]

2001-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 17:31 +, Declan Moriarty wrote:
>   I had a laptop  and got stuck doing an install. There is a document on
> the Red Hat site indicating how, step by step, to do a PLIP install. The single
> noticable omission is to warn you about plip mode 1 & mode 2. One uses the
> standard parallel port, and the other uses a bidirectional port. I found it by
> putting "linux plip install" into HotBot and searching. It's a work around for
> a problem that obviously isn't going away.

I'll have a look at that. Not for the connection prob (seems to be
solved) but maybe it tells me where exactly to put the Mandrake files
so I can get them from the client.
GPG-Fingerprint: FE5A 0891 7027 8D1B 4E3F  73C1 AD9B D732 A698 82EE
For Public Key mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject: GPG-Request
ISDN4LINUX-FAQ -- Deutsch: http://www.wolf-b.de/i4l/i4lfaq-de.html

[expert] new install

2001-04-07 Thread ken bonner


 recently decided to get back into linux,work supplied system was ONLY w98, but 
slapped together a new system for home, and pulled out the old mandrake 7.0, (have 7.2 
here, but like 7.0 better for some reason) and started the install, but ran into a 
problem, that I was hoping someone would be able to help me out with, or point me in 
the right direction to start digging.

 My system:
 AMd 9000 tbird,
 128 megs ram,rage fury pro video, on an Asus A7V133 motherboard with onboard promise 
ATA 100 controller.  (I think that's the trouble)
 Both hard drives are on the ATA, a cd rom, and ls120 are on the standard IDE 
controller, haven't realy had a chance to reconfigure to see if it will install when 
the drives are on the normal controller, and I traded off the scuzzy drives a short 
while ago so that's out, and the only thing on the 2930 is a cdr. 
  Should the drives  be run ON the standard on-board controller? and if so what mods 
would I have to make (kernel or system) to make it be able to access the drives on the 
ata100? ,surprisingly windows has no trouble with it)
  I am comfortable with linux, as far as operating and setting it up, I grew up on the 
command line, so I'd be able to handle any configuration that needed done, but I don't 
realy feel comfortable messing with the kernel, I've never had reason to do it before, 
as the 'stock' kernels have always performed flawlessly for me.
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [expert] snag in pine

2001-04-07 Thread Declan Moriarty

On Sat, 07 Apr 2001, Robert Boggs wrote:
> I have muy fetchmail working fine. I have porblems sending mail in pine. It
> says error 501. It says something about [EMAIL PROTECTED] being wrong.
> Help! Robert

If you get to send anything as 'root' it's interesting. I thought root wasn't
allowed say much to the Internet, because too many people might think he's
important ;-). Have you tried not being root?


Declan Moriarty

Re: [expert] Netscape Locking Up

2001-04-07 Thread Declan Moriarty

On Fri, 06 Apr 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Most assuredly yes.  About half the time I start the bastard up, it locks and 
> I have to do the kill -9 thing and try again.
> On Friday 06 April 2001 09:20, Stephen Lawrence Jr. wrote:
> > Is anyone else having problems with Netscape Communicator 4.76 locking
> > up and taking %99 CPU time? I have to do a 'kill -9' on it all the time.

I have gone to Netscape 6.01, and the problem is the same. My kids fixed it for
me by downloading the 'flash' plugin, which I haven't heard mentioned. Now 6.01
is still acting as beta quality software, with a lot of crap you don't want,
and I can still get hangups. Try hunting around this site, for instance. 


6.01 has this little wizard that sends off bug reports fairly regularly to the
software guys in Netscape :-/


Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Good judgement comes from experience;   experience comes from bad judgement.

Re: [expert] Notebook install via ftp [2. edition]

2001-04-07 Thread Declan Moriarty

I had a laptop  and got stuck doing an install. There is a document on
the Red Hat site indicating how, step by step, to do a PLIP install. The single
noticable omission is to warn you about plip mode 1 & mode 2. One uses the
standard parallel port, and the other uses a bidirectional port. I found it by
putting "linux plip install" into HotBot and searching. It's a work around for
a problem that obviously isn't going away.


Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Good judgement comes from experience;   experience comes from bad judgement.