[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

       The South-American natives are Dark-Brown in colour.  It gives them sufficient protection from UV.  Secondly, they are decendents of the second migration into Americas ie; the Mongoloid Migration from the Cold Siberia 8000 years ago.      They completely replaced the original Aborginee-Negroid population that entered America 25,000 years ago by boats.  Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 03:10:47 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history 
      +++ On further contemplation, I wonder why this black-whiteprogression wouldn't have worked in reverse in south America and sofind a lot of black people there now.  N.   
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[FairfieldLife] Vyaasa and Sun!

2006-05-01 Thread cardemaister

The comment on Sun  seems to be one of the longest
in Krishna Dvaipaayana's Yoga-suutra-bhaashya. In
a PDF it's some 30 lines in DN, when e.g. Moon 
has barely one whole line! Here's a random sample:

tatra paataale parvateSvetuSu devanikaayaa
kuuSmaaNDavinaayakaaH prativasanti.

I'm not at all sure what that means, but perhaps
something like that in /paataala/ live all those
"creatures"(?) (asuras, gandharvas, pretas, pishaacas, and stuff).

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[FairfieldLife] Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

Movie Critics Aghast at Andy Garcia's The Lost City
by Humberto Fontova

Andy Garcia blew it big-time with his movie The Lost City. He blew 
it with the mainstream critics that is. Almost unanimously, they're 
ripping a movie 16 years in the making. In this engaging drama of a 
middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free Havana's last days, 
in which he both directs and stars, Garcia insisted on depicting 
some historical truth about Cuba – a grotesque and unforgivable 
blunder in his industry. He's now paying the price.

Earlier, many film festivals refused to screen it. Now many Latin 
American countries refuse to show it. The film's offenses are many 
and varied. Most unforgivable of all, Che Guevara is shown killing 
people in cold blood. Who ever heard of such nonsense? And just 
where does this uppity Andy Garcia get the effrontery to portray 
such things? The man obviously doesn't know his place.

And just where did Garcia get this preposterous notion of pre-Castro 
Cuba as a relatively prosperous but politically troubled place, they 
ask? All the Cubans he portrays seem middle class? Where in his 
movie is the tsunami of stooped and starving peasants that carried 
Fidel and Che into Havana on it's crest, they ask? Where's all those 
diseased and illiterate laborers and peasants my professors, Dan 
Rather, CNN and Oliver Stone told me about, ask the critics?

Garcia – that cinematic bomb-thrower – has seriously jolted the 
Mainstream Media's fantasies and hallucinations of pre-Castro Cuba, 
of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general. In consequence, the 
critics are unnerved and disoriented. Their annoyance and scorn is 
spewing forth in review after review. 

Garcia blew it. If only his characters had spoken with accents like 
John Belushi's as a Saturday Night Live Killer Bee! If only they'd 
dressed like The Three Amigos! If only they'd behaved like Cheech 
and Chong! If only they'd mimicked the mannerisms and gait of 
Freddie Prinze in Chico and the Man! If only the women had piled a 
roadside fruit stand on their head like Carmen Miranda in Road to 
Rio! If only the cast had looked like the little guy who handles my 
luggage when I visit Cancun! Or the guys who do my lawn! Everybody 
knows that's what Hispanics look like! 

If only masses of Cubans had been shown toiling in salt mines like 
Spartacus, or picking crops like Tom Joad or getting lashed by a 
vicious landlord like Kunta Kinte, or hustling for a living like 
Ratso Rizzo! 

"In a movie about the Cuban revolution, we almost never see any of 
the working poor for whom the revolution was supposedly 
fought,"sniffs Peter Reiner in The Christian Science Monitor. The 
Lost City misses historical complexity." 

Actually what's missing is Mr. Reiner's historical knowledge. Andy 
Garcia and screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera Infante knew full well 
that "the working poor" had no role in the stage of the Cuban 
Revolution shown in the movie. The Anti-Batista rebellion was led 
and staffed overwhelmingly by Cuba's middle – and especially, upper –
 class. To wit: in August of 1957 Castro's rebel movement called for 
a "National Strike" against the Batista dictatorship – and 
threatened to shoot workers who reported to work. The "National 
Strike" was completely ignored. 

Another was called for April 9, 1958. And again Cuban workers blew a 
loud and collective raspberry at their "liberators," reporting to 
work en masse. 

"Garcia's tale bemoans the loss of easy wealth for a precious few," 
harrumphs Michael Atkinson in The Village Voice. "Poor people are 
absolutely absent; Garcia and Infante seem to have thought that 
peasant revolutions happen for no particular reason—or at least no 
reason the moneyed 1 percent should have to worry about."

What's "absolutely absent" is Mr Atkinson's knowledge about the Cuba 
Garcia depicts in his movie. His crack about that "moneyed 1 per 
cent," and especially his "peasant revolution" epitomize the clichéd 
idiocies still parroted by the chattering classes about Cuba. 

"The impoverished masses of Cubans who embraced Castro as a 
liberator appear only in grainy, black-and-white news clips," snorts 
Stephen Holden in The New York Times. "Political dialogue in the 
film is strictly of the junior high school variety." 

It's Holden's education on the Cuban Revolution that's of 
the "junior high school variety." Actually it's Harvard Graduate 
School variety. Many more imbecilities about Cuba are heard in Ivy 
league classrooms than in any rural junior high school. 

"It fails to focus on the poverty-stricken workers whose plight lit 
the fires of revolution," complains Rex Reed in the New York 

You're better off attempting rational discourse with the Flat-Earth 
Society but nonetheless I'll try to dispel the fantasies of pre-
Castro Cuba still cherished by America's most prestigious academics 
and its most learned film critics. I'll even stay away from 
those "crackpots" and "hotheads"

[FairfieldLife] 'Yes...but'

2006-05-01 Thread Robert Gimbel


There in that cafe in Sommières yesterday, I managed
> to get beyond "Yes, but..."
> I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the
> day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I
> caught myself doing it.  The moment I did, I was
> able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter,
> I found my body saying "Yes."  Out loud.  Weirdest
> damned thing.
> Everything changed. Background flipflopped into
> foreground and the witnessing, a moment before
> unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted
> its Self again.  And all it took was getting to
> "Yes."

Had an experience this weekend, which I can relate to this feeling.
Had to do with sitting with someone who was 'reading' my energy, and 
noticed how much my energy itself seems to go 'back and forth'. Next, 
as I sat with her, I began to notice, how when I acknowledged the 
truth of how I felt, the energy in my head settled, thoughts 
subsided, a peaceful feeling; 
Then she asked me to bring this peaceful feeling in my head, down to 
my heart, and feel the energy there...and it seems that's possible, 
when you just simply acknowledge the truth of feeling;
Without the feeling of 'but', 
Instead, a technique that can be used with eyes open, just feeling 
whatever truth you feel, that quiets the brain, and then bring that 
feeling of quietness, down into the heart, and just let it sit there;
And feel how this could be the seat of the soul, within the quiet 
heart, which is quiet, because it knows the 'Truth', without 
the 'but', or activity of searching for something...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-01 Thread authfriend

--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis" 
> Judy Stein writes: snipped
> My very strong suspicion is that the "Yes" can never
> be intentional--contrary to what the above suggests--
> but is arrived at via the *cessation* of intention
> (which cessation can't be intentional either, by
> definition).
> It's something that *happens to you*, not something
> you *do*.  To suggest that it's something you *do*
> enables you (a) to take credit for it when it happens
> to you and (b) subtly (or not-so-subtly) demean those
> to whom it hasn't happened yet.
> That's what I found "off" about it.
> Tom T;
> You are very right Judy in that Yes can not be intentional. But of 
> Yes, but, we can just give it up and stop worrying, pursuing, 
> figuring and see what happens. It is not out here any where to be
> found. It is inside waiting for us to give in and be OK with however
> it manifests in our life. That we can say yes to, giving it all up 
> just waiting to see what happens. Tom

Yes, I think that's pretty much what I said in the
first part of my post.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > From a friend:
> > > 
> > > How about this message that someone sent to me:
> > > 
> > > I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life. 
> >  There is a new 
> > 3000
> > > square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom
> > floor in the mall 
> > in downtown
> > > Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There
> > are 2 large 
> > plasma flat
> > > screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and
> > the Hindu boys 
> > chanting on
> > > the other screen.  The 2 ladies working at the
> > store never heard 
> > of TM and
> > > do not know what it is.  But it does not matter
> > because I was the 
> > only
> > > customer.  I bought a Guru Dev card for 12
> > bucks.    The store 
> > is done
> > > in very top quality signs and display cases.   
> > Yes 3000 square 
> > feet!
> > > Complete insanity and non rational cognition.    
> > Then I walked 2 
> > short
> > > blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in
> > charge there said 
> > they have
> > > never had a customer! Also very nice
> > PK tables and 
> > equipment and
> > > 6 rooms or more.    And another good enough size
> > store with half 
> > of the same
> > > products.   Hey complete insanity!  It
> > makes me doubt if 
> > MMY is
> > > real.
> > >
> > 
> > I weep.
> Or let it strip away all your concepts, Grasshopper.
> Both good and bad.

If my concepts get stripped away naturally, fine.  But I'm not going 
to mood-make any concepts I may have into being stripped away.

> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anonyff"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > >  In NYC you can get an unlimited monthly transit pass, good in 
> all 
> > five
> > > boroughs, for $76. I found it be extremely easy to get around 
> > with
> > > no car. Between walking, buses, subways, you can get absolutely
> > > anywhere. It takes a while to get the routes down but then you 
> click
> > > into gear.
> > 
> > Wherebouts do you go, and for what?  I'm a midwesterner who 
> recently 
> > visited NYC, but I'm just curious how someone in heavy urban 
> setting 
> > does errands, etc, as opposed to someone in less urban setting.
> There are supermarkets within a few blocks wherever you
> live, at least in Manhattan.  The clerks are trained in
> packing your goods into bags so they're well balanced
> and compact.  Most people bring shopping carts, or have
> their stuff delivered for a few bucks.
> There are pharmacies and banks and dry cleaners and so
> on on almost every block.  The main streets--the avenues--
> are crammed solid with stores and shops of all kinds, so
> most of what you need is likely to be within easy walking
> distance.

As I understand it, NYC doesn't have any Wal-Marts so, sadly, New 
Yorkers are paying way more for all of the above items.

> If not, you take a bus or subway, or a taxi if it's not
> rush hour.  Or you ride a bicycle if you don't mind the
> fumes.
> New Yorkers walk a lot more than folks in rural areas.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-05-01 Thread Nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Genetists say, a single mutation in a single gene can change
> colour and characteristics.  Evolution does not take place slowly and
> gradually, but in fits and bursts.
> >    
> >   There is a lot of genetic evidence for this.  Genetic testing
> shows that there is very little genetic variations in Humans.  On the
> contrary, there are huge genetic variations in other animals and
> plants even in a small locality.  Take elephants for instance, even in
> a small locality there are wide range of genetic variations.
> >    
> >   These variations are completely missing only in humans. 
> Genetic Scientists like Dr. Spencer Wells traced it back to a point
> 70,000 years ago when population dwindled down to a few hundreds. 
> This was somewhere in South-Africa.
> >    
> >   Pigment was one of the major mysteries untill a Lady scientist
> finally cracked it.  In the tropics where there is abundance of UV
> radiation, one needed black pigments to protect the skin.  But as
> humans started coming out of Africa and started moving north Sunlight
> became scarce in higher latitudes.  Vitamin-D also became scarce.  The
> skin became white so that whatever little Vitamin-D that could be
> squeezed out of the sunlight enabled them to survive.  Those who had
> dark skins could not manufacture enough Vitamin-D in Sun-starved
> latitudes and died of rickets.  Having a white skin bacame essential
> for survival in Cold-Latitudes.  This change happened around 40,000
> years ago when the first humans entered Europe when the world was in
> the thick of an ice-age.
> >    
> >   Hitler's Aryan myth has been shattered by a simple Scientific
> fact - Vitamin-D..!!
> >    
> >   By the way, who said we didn't originate on this planet.?? 
> There is a 99% similarity between the Humans and their closest
> relative the Chimp..!!
> >    
> +++ That does sound logical for the black and white people but what
> sort of situation would explain the yellow and red ones?
> It is not an altogether black and white issue you could say.
> I will see if I can find some titles by authors of "off world
> origins" in my collection here.   thanks,  N.
+++ On further contemplation, I wonder why this black-white
progression wouldn't have worked in reverse in south America and so
find a lot of black people there now.  N.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-01 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis

Judy Stein writes: snipped
My very strong suspicion is that the "Yes" can never
be intentional--contrary to what the above suggests--
but is arrived at via the *cessation* of intention
(which cessation can't be intentional either, by

It's something that *happens to you*, not something
you *do*.  To suggest that it's something you *do*
enables you (a) to take credit for it when it happens
to you and (b) subtly (or not-so-subtly) demean those
to whom it hasn't happened yet.

That's what I found "off" about it.

Tom T;
You are very right Judy in that Yes can not be intentional. But of the
Yes, but, we can just give it up and stop worrying, pursuing, seeking,
figuring and see what happens. It is not out here any where to be
found. It is inside waiting for us to give in and be OK with however
it manifests in our life. That we can say yes to, giving it all up and
just waiting to see what happens. Tom

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-01 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis

TorguoiseB writes: snipped
I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the 
day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I 
caught myself doing it.  The moment I did, I was 
able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter, 
I found my body saying "Yes."  Out loud.  Weirdest
damned thing.
Everything changed. Background flipflopped into 
foreground and the witnessing, a moment before 
unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted 
its Self again.  And all it took was getting to 
I'm sure it'll pass...all things do...but it's
neat while it lasts. Life's cool sometimes, yes?

Tom T:
Very astute observations. Reminds me of Patanjali Chapter 3 
Vs 54: Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to the
farthest shore.
It is intuitive, omniscient and beyond all divisions of time and space.
Vs 55: And when the translucent intellect is as pure as the Self,
there is Enlightenment.

It is the Self knowing the Self but there is the working of the
intellect that makes the final and finest discrimination. As to the
cool stuff passing it is sometimes easier to think of it as
aclimination to what is going on. If we aclimate then we have
virtually no contrast and then the coolness is the ongoing day to day
reality. It is my experience that all this cool stuff just gets more
and more aclimated too and then we know it as our day to day everyday
life. Enjoy. Tom 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread Peter

--- shempmcgurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > From a friend:
> > 
> > How about this message that someone sent to me:
> > 
> > I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life. 
>  There is a new 
> 3000
> > square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom
> floor in the mall 
> in downtown
> > Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There
> are 2 large 
> plasma flat
> > screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and
> the Hindu boys 
> chanting on
> > the other screen.  The 2 ladies working at the
> store never heard 
> of TM and
> > do not know what it is.  But it does not matter
> because I was the 
> only
> > customer.  I bought a Guru Dev card for 12
> bucks.    The store 
> is done
> > in very top quality signs and display cases.   
> Yes 3000 square 
> feet!
> > Complete insanity and non rational cognition.    
> Then I walked 2 
> short
> > blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in
> charge there said 
> they have
> > never had a customer! Also very nice
> PK tables and 
> equipment and
> > 6 rooms or more.    And another good enough size
> store with half 
> of the same
> > products.   Hey complete insanity!  It
> makes me doubt if 
> MMY is
> > real.
> >
> I weep.

Or let it strip away all your concepts, Grasshopper.
Both good and bad.

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> ~--> 
> Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and
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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anonyff"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> >  In NYC you can get an unlimited monthly transit pass, good in 
> five
> > boroughs, for $76. I found it be extremely easy to get around NYC 
> with
> > no car. Between walking, buses, subways, you can get absolutely
> > anywhere. It takes a while to get the routes down but then you 
> > into gear.
> Wherebouts do you go, and for what?  I'm a midwesterner who 
> visited NYC, but I'm just curious how someone in heavy urban 
> does errands, etc, as opposed to someone in less urban setting.

There are supermarkets within a few blocks wherever you
live, at least in Manhattan.  The clerks are trained in
packing your goods into bags so they're well balanced
and compact.  Most people bring shopping carts, or have
their stuff delivered for a few bucks.

There are pharmacies and banks and dry cleaners and so
on on almost every block.  The main streets--the avenues--
are crammed solid with stores and shops of all kinds, so
most of what you need is likely to be within easy walking

If not, you take a bus or subway, or a taxi if it's not
rush hour.  Or you ride a bicycle if you don't mind the

New Yorkers walk a lot more than folks in rural areas.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anonyff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> > 
> > The next time I live in a big city I think I'd like to try it 
> > without a car.  I don't mind mass transit and, if need be, I'll 
> > take a taxi.  Even taking taxis regularly won't be as expensive 
> > as owning a car, I imagine.
> In NYC you can get an unlimited monthly transit pass, good in all
> five boroughs, for $76. I found it be extremely easy to get around 
> NYC with no car. Between walking, buses, subways, you can get 
> absolutely anywhere. It takes a while to get the routes down but 
> then you click into gear.

I grew up in New York City, moved away only a few years
ago.  My family never had a car, I never had one when I
was living on my own.  I didn't *know* anybody who had
a car.

Commuting on bus or subway in rush hour can be a pain in
the neck, but driving or even taking a cab would be sheer

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Store in Iowa City

on 5/1/06 7:30 PM, Sal Sunshine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On May 1, 2006, at 7:04 PM, Rick Archer wrote: 

At first I laughed when I read  the part below: 

 I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life.   There is a new 3000 
 square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom floor in the mall in downtown 
 Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There are 2 large plasma flat 
 screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and the Hindu boys chanting on 
 the other screen.  
And then I read this: 

 Yes 3000 square feet! 
 Complete insanity and non rational cognition. Then I walked 2 short 
 blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in charge there said they have 
 never had a customer!  
And I thought, how sad, how really sad.  It was such a great movement at one time. 

Is this in the indoor mall, Rick? 

I think it’s in the one in the center of town that took a major hit when Coralville Mall opened.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread anonyff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anonyff"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> >  In NYC you can get an unlimited monthly transit pass, good in all 
> five
> > boroughs, for $76. I found it be extremely easy to get around NYC 
> with
> > no car. Between walking, buses, subways, you can get absolutely
> > anywhere. It takes a while to get the routes down but then you click
> > into gear.
> Wherebouts do you go, and for what?  I'm a midwesterner who recently 
> visited NYC, but I'm just curious how someone in heavy urban setting 
> does errands, etc, as opposed to someone in less urban setting.
> lurk
> >


A lot of planning goes into shopping in the city. You have to do it in
*layers" so to speak. You know which places you want to shop for
different things. So you plan your week based on which neighborhoods
you're going to. For example, you live lower east side and were
traveling to upper west side to go to Fairway Market
(http://www.fairwaymarket.com/index.cfm?Area=Locations) or Zabar's
just a couple of blocks further north on Broadway. Perhaps you just
need some gourmet cheese and you're also meeting Lauren (Bacall) for a
cup of coffee. You wait until you are done with all your hobnobbing
(Lauren likes to talk). You grab your groceries, make certain you have
your canvas shopping bag, go shopping, and work your way back
southeast via 3 different subways. If it's early enough in the day and
the weather is nice enough, you may walk a station stop or two above
ground. The 1/2/3 subway station is about 2 blocks away. You can also
head to 72nd and take a cross-town bus and then a number of different
subways. I've made it back with four full shopping bags with no
problems. It's a hassle, to be sure, but if you get in the groove of
city life it is enjoyable (in better weather of course!).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anonyff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  In NYC you can get an unlimited monthly transit pass, good in all 
> boroughs, for $76. I found it be extremely easy to get around NYC 
> no car. Between walking, buses, subways, you can get absolutely
> anywhere. It takes a while to get the routes down but then you click
> into gear.

Wherebouts do you go, and for what?  I'm a midwesterner who recently 
visited NYC, but I'm just curious how someone in heavy urban setting 
does errands, etc, as opposed to someone in less urban setting.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread anonyff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The next time I live in a big city I think I'd like to try it 
> without a car.  I don't mind mass transit and, if need be, I'll take 
> a taxi.  Even taking taxis regularly won't be as expensive as owning 
> a car, I imagine.

In NYC you can get an unlimited monthly transit pass, good in all five
boroughs, for $76. I found it be extremely easy to get around NYC with
no car. Between walking, buses, subways, you can get absolutely
anywhere. It takes a while to get the routes down but then you click
into gear. 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread Patrick Gillam

> From a friend:
> I bought a Guru Dev card for 12 bucks. 

Guru Dev birthday card:

  Now another year is gone
  You're that much closer to your finish
  Let us pause and think upon
  Whether you're trading your life for spinach

Guru Dev anniversary card:

  My love for you
  Is infinite
  But please, no sex
  I'm celibate

Guru Dev Mother's Day card:

  For nine years, mother
  I was your devoted son
  So please don't take it personally
  That I ran away from home

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
> From a friend:
> How about this message that someone sent to me:
> I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life.   There is a new 
> square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom floor in the mall 
in downtown
> Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There are 2 large 
plasma flat
> screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and the Hindu boys 
chanting on
> the other screen.  The 2 ladies working at the store never heard 
of TM and
> do not know what it is.  But it does not matter because I was the 
> customer.  I bought a Guru Dev card for 12 bucks.    The store 
is done
> in very top quality signs and display cases.    Yes 3000 square 
> Complete insanity and non rational cognition. Then I walked 2 
> blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in charge there said 
they have
> never had a customer! Also very nice PK tables and 
equipment and
> 6 rooms or more.    And another good enough size store with half 
of the same
> products.   Hey complete insanity!  It makes me doubt if 
MMY is
> real.

I weep.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >  
> > >   Many experts say that Japan and South-Korea which are 
> > heavy research on  Fuel-Super-Effecient cars will take away a 
lot of 
> > business away from American Car-companies and literaly drive 
> > out of business.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Good!
> > 
> > They will deserve the business...and Detroit will deserve to go 
> > of business.
> > 
> > You would have thought that Detroit would have learned its 
> > back in the '70s when we had the first oil crisis.  But, no.  25 
> > years later, Detroit was pushing out the SUVs and Americans were 
> > buying 'em.
> Yes, its pretty funny -- though sad.
> > I like small cars because I enjoy saving money.  My best car for 
> > that was an '83 Volkswagen Jetta Diesel in which I got about 60 
> > miles to the Imperial Gallon on the highway (that's about 48 
> > American).  I put on 350,000 kilometers on that car.
> Fuel economy is only one part of the equation. Driving half as 
much is
> equivalent to doubling fuel efficiency. 
> I experiemented for several years of not owning a car. Not in NYC -
> where thats common, but in california. Took bus to work. Lived at
> beach "why leave paradise" was my motto on weekends. Rode bike a 
> Even for shopping. Rented a car on weekends occaisionally when it 
> really needed. 
> The ethos has carried over. I have averaged 4,000 miles a year over
> the past 25 years or so. 
> With telecommuting opportunities, and digital entertainment /
> books,internet etc, the need for a car diminishes. Consistent with 
> theme that happiness is not "out there" --not where a car can take
> you. If gas hits $10/gal, many will discover the joys of such.

It will be interesting to see how a high cost of gas will change the 

The next time I live in a big city I think I'd like to try it 
without a car.  I don't mind mass transit and, if need be, I'll take 
a taxi.  Even taking taxis regularly won't be as expensive as owning 
a car, I imagine.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
> From a friend:
> How about this message that someone sent to me:
> I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life.   There is a new 
> square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom floor in the mall 
in downtown
> Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There are 2 large 
plasma flat
> screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and the Hindu boys 
chanting on
> the other screen.  The 2 ladies working at the store never heard 
of TM and
> do not know what it is.  But it does not matter because I was the 
> customer.  I bought a Guru Dev card for 12 bucks.    The store 
is done
> in very top quality signs and display cases.    Yes 3000 square 
> Complete insanity and non rational cognition. Then I walked 2 
> blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in charge there said 
they have
> never had a customer! Also very nice PK tables and 
equipment and
> 6 rooms or more.    And another good enough size store with half 
of the same
> products.   Hey complete insanity!  It makes me doubt if 
MMY is
> real.


Iowa City is only about 6 times as big as Fairfield (FF ~10K), so 
it's not surprising they are not getting much action (a small MAPI 
store in Fairfield is all that is needed for the 1800 Siddhas 
there). Maybe a spa in a big city would do enough business to cover 
costs, but a MAPI store in a mall is going nowhere even in a big 
city -- MAPI can't be anything but an online operation outside of 
Fairfield. there's just not much of a market. They'll probably throw 
in the towel in a couple months and sublease to somebody else, and 
the mall owners will go along because an unsuccessful operation is 
no good for anybody.

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 1, 2006, at 7:04 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

At first I laughed when I read  the part below:

I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life.   There is a new 3000
square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom floor in the mall in downtown
Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There are 2 large plasma flat
screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and the Hindu boys chanting on
the other screen. 

And then I read this:

Yes 3000 square feet!
Complete insanity and non rational cognition. Then I walked 2 short
blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in charge there said they have
never had a customer! 

And I thought, how sad, how really sad.  It was such a great movement at one time.

Is this in the indoor mall, Rick?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 7:06:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I just 
  saw one of the wierdest things in my life.   There is a new 
  3000square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom floor in the mall in 
  downtownIowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There are 2 
  large plasma flatscreens with the Hindu Gods floating around and the Hindu 
  boys chanting onthe other screen.  The 2 ladies working at the store 
  never heard of TM anddo not know what it is.  But it does not matter 
  because I was the onlycustomer.      I bought a Guru Dev 
  card for 12 bucks.    The store is donein very top quality signs 
  and display cases.    Yes 3000 square feet!Complete insanity and 
  non rational cognition.     Then I walked 2 shortblocks 
  away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in charge there said they havenever had 
  a customer!     Also very nice PK tables and equipment 
  and6 rooms or more.    And another good enough size store with 
  half of the sameproducts.   Hey complete insanity!  
      It makes me doubt if MMY isreal. 

Hey I'm just disappointed somebody paid twelve bucks for the 
Guru Dev card! Did anybody ask the ladies if they had ever been 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Store in Iowa City

2006-05-01 Thread Rick Archer

>From a friend:

How about this message that someone sent to me:

I just saw one of the wierdest things in my life.   There is a new 3000
square foot Maharishi store on the main bottom floor in the mall in downtown
Iowa City next to the University of Iowa.   There are 2 large plasma flat
screens with the Hindu Gods floating around and the Hindu boys chanting on
the other screen.  The 2 ladies working at the store never heard of TM and
do not know what it is.  But it does not matter because I was the only
customer.  I bought a Guru Dev card for 12 bucks.    The store is done
in very top quality signs and display cases.    Yes 3000 square feet!
Complete insanity and non rational cognition. Then I walked 2 short
blocks away to the MMY Spa and the fellow in charge there said they have
never had a customer! Also very nice PK tables and equipment and
6 rooms or more.    And another good enough size store with half of the same
products.   Hey complete insanity!  It makes me doubt if MMY is

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 2:14:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Many experts say that Japan and 
  South-Korea which are into heavy research on  Fuel-Super-Effecient cars 
  will take away a lot of business away from American Car-companies and literaly 
  drive them out of business.
      At the way 
  things are going on, in another 20 years, there will virtualy be no American 
  car industry..!!   Imagine that for a country that invented the 

If the US beats everybody to developing the Cars run on 
Hydrogen fuel cells all this will be a mute point. It's not that far 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 5:19:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  economy is only one part of the equation. Driving half as much 
  isequivalent to doubling fuel efficiency. I experiemented for 
  several years of not owning a car. Not in NYC --where thats common, but in 
  california. Took bus to work. Lived atbeach "why leave paradise" was my 
  motto on weekends. Rode bike a lot.Even for shopping. Rented a car on 
  weekends occaisionally when it wasreally needed. The ethos has 
  carried over. I have averaged 4,000 miles a year overthe past 25 years or 
  so. With telecommuting opportunities, and digital entertainment 
  /books,internet etc, the need for a car diminishes. Consistent with 
  thetheme that happiness is not "out there" --not where a car can 
  takeyou. If gas hits $10/gal, many will discover the joys of such. 

Now this person is serious!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 4:58:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I drive 
  a 2006 Toyota Corolla CE, rated at 39 mpg (usually gets about30 mpg). I 
  got it because it had the highest gas mileage rating ofthe non-hybrid 
  cars. I also drive as little as possible.  Before thatI had a Civic 
  rated at 39 mpg. And before that a Datsun rated at 35. Itry to buy the 
  highest mpg cars with good driving records.

You mean you don't hitch hike or use public transportation? 
What kind of inconsiderate, greedy, fool are 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Light up the Senate switchboard now!
> Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,
> Please drop what you're doing because here we go again. Senate  
> leaders are
> again exploiting rising gas prices to rush a bill to the floor that  
> would
> destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and boost oil industry  
> profits. 


Rationale for excess-profit oil tax:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

    I heard that Frozen Tundra, ie PermaFrost, contains SuperGreen-House Gases like methane in a dormant from.  A rise in Temperatures due to Global-Warming will melt the PermaFrost and release those Gases into the Atmosphere.           It'll make the Global-Warming worse.     ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 21:32:13 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!     And how have you been
 getting on with your horse and buggy, anonyff?Oh, you mean you use gas?  And what vehicle do YOU drive?   
		New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>   Many experts say that Japan and South-Korea which are into 
heavy research on  Fuel-Super-Effecient cars will take away a lot of 
business away from American Car-companies and literaly drive them 
out of business.


They will deserve the business...and Detroit will deserve to go OUT 
of business.

You would have thought that Detroit would have learned its lesson 
back in the '70s when we had the first oil crisis.  But, no.  25 
years later, Detroit was pushing out the SUVs and Americans were 
buying 'em.

I've always had small cars that consumed little gas...not because 
I'm some sort of environmentalist...I'm not and don't believe for a 
minute in global warming.

I like small cars because I enjoy saving money.  My best car for 
that was an '83 Volkswagen Jetta Diesel in which I got about 60 
miles to the Imperial Gallon on the highway (that's about 48 MPG, 
American).  I put on 350,000 kilometers on that car.

>   At the way things are going on, in another 20 years, there 
will virtualy be no American car industry..!!   Imagine that for a 
country that invented the Automobile..!!
> Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 14:55:01 -0400
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard now!
> Subject: Light up the Senate switchboard now!
>   Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,
>   Please drop what you're doing because here we go again. Senate 
leaders are again exploiting rising gas prices to rush a bill to the 
floor that would destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and 
boost oil industry profits. The vote could come as early as Tuesday.
>   The Senate front men for Big Oil are doing their damnedest to 
convince Americans that sacrificing the Arctic and sending each of 
us a $100 rebate check will solve all our problems at the pump.
>   There's only one way to expose these lies and prevent the 
sacrifice of 
>   America's greatest wildlife refuge: Help light up the Senate 
switchboard today!
>   Please call your Senators right now.
>   Tell them to vote NO on the Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act. 
Tell them you will not trade the Arctic Refuge for $100 or be fooled 
by policies that do nothing to solve the real problem of America's 
dangerous dependence on oil. Urge them to get to work on cutting oil 
consumption by improving the mileage of our cars and promoting clean 
and renewable energy.
>   Here are the facts: the Energy Department says that drilling in 
the Arctic Refuge would save consumers only one penny per gallon at 
the pump in 20 years! Meanwhile, anyone who drives will be forced to 
take the Senate's $100 rebate check -- paid for with our tax 
dollars -- and sign it over to ExxonMobil for their next two tanks 
of gas.
>   Only an oil company could love a bill that picks the taxpayers' 
wallets for $12 billion in gas money. The Gas Price Relief and 
Rebate Act should really be called the "Guaranteed Profits for Big 
Oil Act!"
>   Remember: these are the same Senators who passed a pro-polluter 
energy bill last summer that refused to make America's gas-guzzlers 
more fuel-efficient, but instead doled out billions of tax dollars 
to oil and coal companies. This latest bill is just more of the same 
corporate welfare.
>   Call your Senators right now and tell them you will not 
surrender the Arctic Refuge or line the pockets of the oil companies 
with your tax dollars.
>   And if you want to do even more to expose and defeat this 
shameless bill, go to 
>   https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arctic/donate.asp
>   right now and make a donation so we can escalate this campaign 
in defense of the Arctic Refuge over the next critical days. Thank 
>   Sincerely,
>   Robert Redford
>   NRDC Action Fund
>   . . .
>   The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural 
Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
>   2369500
> -
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC 
and save big.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread anonyff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 5/1/06 3:20:06 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> I'd
> hate to see the ANWR  destruction.
> I'm just curious , what would be destroyed in ANWAR? Remember  how the 
> Alaskan pipeline was going to interfere with the migration of the 
Caribou and they 
> wouldn't cross it and freeze to death or some such nonsense.  Turns
out the 
> Caribou love the pipeline and they gather near it because it gives 
off heat and 
> they are proliferating. And the area that oil companies want to 
drill in 
> ANWAR is a tiny fraction of the whole refuge and is nothing but
frozen  Tundra in 
> the Winter and a marsh in the short summer. Very little if any 
> would be displaced from the area of oil  exploration.

I love frozen tundras. They reminds me of some of the totally
depressing winters/years I spent in FF. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Happiness Formula

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

       This reminds me of an old Joke,         What is the difference between Recession and Depression.?         When you neighbour loses his job, it's Recession,         When you lose your job, it's Depression.!  claudiouk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 21:12:57 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Happiness Formula     http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/happiness_formula/4783836.stmThe science of happiness  By Mike Rudin Series producer, The Happiness Formula  A new six-part BBC series, starting this week, looks at the newest research from around the world to find out what could it be that makes us happy. We all want to be happy but the problem has always been that you can't measure happiness. Happiness has always been seen
 as too vague a concept, as Lord Layard, Professor of Economics at the LSE and author of "Happiness - lessons from a new science" points out. "There is a problem with the word happiness. "When you use the word happy, it often has the sort of context of balloons floating up into the sky or something frivolous." Now scientists say they can actually measure happiness. Neuroscientists are measuring pleasure. They suggest that happiness is more than a vague concept or mood; it is real. Measuring happiness Social scientists measure happiness simply by asking people how happy they are. It is argued that what a person says about their own happiness tends to tally with what friends or even strangers might say about them if asked the same question. Most people say they are fairly happy. The leading American psychologist Professor Ed Diener from the University of Illinois, told The
 Happiness Formula that the science of happiness is based on one straightforward idea: "It may sound silly but we ask people 'How happy are you 1-7, 1-10? "And the interesting thing is that produces real answers that are valid, they're not perfect but they're valid and they predict all sorts of real things in their lives." One type of measurement even tries to record people's levels of happiness throughout the day wherever they are. Ecological momentary assessment uses hand held computers. The person being quizzed is bleeped and then taken through a questionnaire. "The measures are not perfect yet I think they are in many ways as good as the measures economists use," said Professor Diener. It is a remarkable claim. Simply by asking people, we have a measure of happiness that is as good as the economists' measure of poverty or growth. And if true, governments could be judged by
 how happy they make us. An adviser to the Prime Minister, David Halpern, told us that within the next 10 years the government would be measured against how happy it made everybody. Power of happiness Happiness seems to have almost magical properties. We have not got proof, but the science suggests it leads to long life, health, resilience and good performance. Scientists work by comparing people's reported happiness and a host of other factors such as age, sex, marital status, religion, health, income, unemployment and so on. In survey after survey involving huge groups of people, significant correlations between happiness and some other factors are repeated. At the moment scientists cannot prove causation, whether for example people are healthy because they are happy, or whether people are happy because they are healthy. However, psychologists have been able to identify some
 very strong links. According to Professor Diener the evidence suggests that happy people live longer than depressed people. "In one study, the difference was nine years between the happiest group and the unhappiest group, so that's a huge effect. "Cigarette smoking can knock a few years off your life, three years, if you really smoke a lot, six years. "So nine years for happiness is a huge effect." Richer but no happier Happiness researchers have been monitoring people's life satisfaction for decades. Yet despite all the massive increase in our wealth in the last 50 years our levels of happiness have not increased. "Standard of living has increased dramatically and happiness has increased not at all, and in some cases has diminished slightly," said Professor Daniel Kahneman of the University of Princeton. "There is a lot of evidence that being richer... isn't making us
 happier" The research suggests that richer countries do tend to be happier than poor ones, but once you have a home, food and clothes, then extra money does not seem to make people much happier. It seems that that level is after average incomes in a country top about £10,000 a year. Scientists think they know the reason why we do not feel happier despite all the extra money and material things we can buy. First, it is thought we adapt to pleasure. We go for things which give us short bursts of pleasure whether it is a chocolate bar or buying a new car. But it quickly wears off. Second, its thought that we tend to see our life as judged against other people. We compare our lot against

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Huge Opium Crop- Headed This Way?'

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 4:13:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

    It affects your country 
  in many ways.
      First, it 
  creates flight of Dollars to outside your country.  It will make your 
  trade deficit worse.
      It will lead 
  to health complications, which will lead to additional medicial expenditure, 
  which in turn will drain your economy.  
  problems also lowers the productivity of the workforce which again is a drag 
  on the economy.

It also finances terrorism

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[FairfieldLife] The Happiness Formula

2006-05-01 Thread claudiouk


The science of happiness  
By Mike Rudin 
Series producer, The Happiness Formula  

A new six-part BBC series, starting this week, looks at the newest 
research from around the world to find out what could it be that 
makes us happy. 

We all want to be happy but the problem has always been that you 
can't measure happiness. 

Happiness has always been seen as too vague a concept, as Lord 
Layard, Professor of Economics at the LSE and author of "Happiness - 
lessons from a new science" points out. 

"There is a problem with the word happiness. 

"When you use the word happy, it often has the sort of context of 
balloons floating up into the sky or something frivolous." 

Now scientists say they can actually measure happiness. 

Neuroscientists are measuring pleasure. They suggest that happiness 
is more than a vague concept or mood; it is real. 

Measuring happiness 

Social scientists measure happiness simply by asking people how 
happy they are. 

It is argued that what a person says about their own happiness tends 
to tally with what friends or even strangers might say about them if 
asked the same question. 

Most people say they are fairly happy. 

The leading American psychologist Professor Ed Diener from the 
University of Illinois, told The Happiness Formula that the science 
of happiness is based on one straightforward idea: 

"It may sound silly but we ask people 'How happy are you 1-7, 1-10? 

"And the interesting thing is that produces real answers that are 
valid, they're not perfect but they're valid and they predict all 
sorts of real things in their lives." 

One type of measurement even tries to record people's levels of 
happiness throughout the day wherever they are. 

Ecological momentary assessment uses hand held computers. 

The person being quizzed is bleeped and then taken through a 

"The measures are not perfect yet I think they are in many ways as 
good as the measures economists use," said Professor Diener. 

It is a remarkable claim. Simply by asking people, we have a measure 
of happiness that is as good as the economists' measure of poverty 
or growth. 

And if true, governments could be judged by how happy they make us. 

An adviser to the Prime Minister, David Halpern, told us that within 
the next 10 years the government would be measured against how happy 
it made everybody. 

Power of happiness 

Happiness seems to have almost magical properties. 

We have not got proof, but the science suggests it leads to long 
life, health, resilience and good performance. 

Scientists work by comparing people's reported happiness and a host 
of other factors such as age, sex, marital status, religion, health, 
income, unemployment and so on. 

In survey after survey involving huge groups of people, significant 
correlations between happiness and some other factors are repeated. 

At the moment scientists cannot prove causation, whether for example 
people are healthy because they are happy, or whether people are 
happy because they are healthy. 

However, psychologists have been able to identify some very strong 

According to Professor Diener the evidence suggests that happy 
people live longer than depressed people. 

"In one study, the difference was nine years between the happiest 
group and the unhappiest group, so that's a huge effect. 

"Cigarette smoking can knock a few years off your life, three years, 
if you really smoke a lot, six years. 

"So nine years for happiness is a huge effect." 

Richer but no happier 

Happiness researchers have been monitoring people's life 
satisfaction for decades. 

Yet despite all the massive increase in our wealth in the last 50 
years our levels of happiness have not increased. 

"Standard of living has increased dramatically and happiness has 
increased not at all, and in some cases has diminished slightly," 
said Professor Daniel Kahneman of the University of Princeton. 

"There is a lot of evidence that being richer... isn't making us 

The research suggests that richer countries do tend to be happier 
than poor ones, but once you have a home, food and clothes, then 
extra money does not seem to make people much happier. 

It seems that that level is after average incomes in a country top 
about £10,000 a year. 

Scientists think they know the reason why we do not feel happier 
despite all the extra money and material things we can buy. 

First, it is thought we adapt to pleasure. We go for things which 
give us short bursts of pleasure whether it is a chocolate bar or 
buying a new car. 

But it quickly wears off. 

Second, its thought that we tend to see our life as judged against 
other people. 

We compare our lot against others. Richer people do get happier when 
they compare themselves against poorer people, but poorer people are 
less happy if they compare up. 

The good news is that we can choose how much and who we compare

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Huge Opium Crop- Headed This Way?'

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

    It affects your country in many ways.         First, it creates flight of Dollars to outside your country.  It will make your trade deficit worse.         It will lead to health complications, which will lead to additional medicial expenditure, which in turn will drain your economy.           Health problems also lowers the productivity of the workforce which again is a drag on the economy.    
 Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 13:58:04 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Huge Opium Crop- Headed This Way?'     It may be no accident that the huge opium crop in Afghanistan;  Is suddenly inspiring a change in U.S. and Mexican drug policy;  With regard to legalizing heroin.  The U.S. is considering replacing methadone with heroin in clinics;  And the Mexicans are considering legalizing it altogether.  How will flooding the U.S. and Mexican markets, with heroin;  Affect the security of our country?     R.Gimbel Seattle, WA.   
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 3:29:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
A diverse Energy base and a Clean Green Energy base will 
  give more stability to the world economy and make it more immune to Shocks and 

Oil will always be in demand and we aren't going to switch 
from Oil to alternatives over night. The oil from ANWAR and any other places we 
find it in North American can help ease that transition while new technologies 
are being developed. Or we could go from one or two dollar a gallon gas to  
ten or fifteen dollar a gallon in a few short years by depending on foreign 

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[FairfieldLife] 'Huge Opium Crop- Headed This Way?'

2006-05-01 Thread Robert Gimbel

  It may be no accident that the huge opium crop in Afghanistan;  Is suddenly inspiring a change in U.S. and Mexican drug policy;  With regard to legalizing heroin.  The U.S. is considering replacing methadone with heroin in clinics;  And the Mexicans are considering legalizing it altogether.  How will flooding the U.S. and Mexican markets, with heroin;  Affect the security of our country?     R.Gimbel Seattle, WA.   
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 3:20:06 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
I'dhate to see the ANWR 

I'm just curious , what would be destroyed in ANWAR? Remember 
how the Alaskan pipeline was going to interfere with the migration of the 
Caribou and they wouldn't cross it and freeze to death or some such nonsense. 
Turns out the Caribou love the pipeline and they gather near it because it gives 
off heat and they are proliferating. And the area that oil companies want to 
drill in ANWAR is a tiny fraction of the whole refuge and is nothing but frozen 
Tundra in the Winter and a marsh in the short summer. Very little if any 
wildlife would be displaced from the area of oil 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I don't think there is much oil in Arctic.  

When this debate first began a couple of years ago, I heard several 
Republicans say there was enough estimated oil in ANWAR to meet the US 
energy needs for 30 days! No kidding.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread anony_sleuth_ff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
> > > was laughing. 
> > 
> > Perhaps an indication of the degree that humor (and truth) are
> > social contsructs. We find something more funny if others are 
> > laughing, less funny if they are not.
> Don't know if this was the case with Patrick, but I
> find it horrendously uncomfortable to watch a comic
> who is bombing with his live audience, even if I
> find him hilarious myself.  I squirm in empathetic
> embarrassment, thinking how the comic must feel.

Yes. I felt the empathetic embarrasment, and some sympathy for those I
felt in the crowd who knew it was funny but thought it inappropriate
to laugh -- in front of the prez and bosses -- while I laughing out
loud at Colbert's jabs. The combinatation was a heightened and
exquisite "tension" (perhaps like an action film) -- keeping me glued
to the screen and on the edge of my chair, while laughing. 

> > I wonder for those that did not find him funny, are you familiar 
> with
> > his work? Or was this a (near) first time view? I think he may be an
> > aquired taste. The first few times I watched him, I thought he was a
> > bit of a smartalec. Now I get more of what he is doing and more
> > appreciate his subtle but biting satire.
> I've never been taken with his show, but the format
> is very different, much looser, and not as coherent
> or pointed for that reason.  

OTOH, in his interviews on the show, he is often quite focussed, and
is the interviewer with the quickest wits and response time I have
ever seen. 

>The dinner routine was
> more like standup, extremely tight and finely honed.

If he had been able to do the routine live for various audiences, I
think he would have honed it to a devestating level of finese, timeing
and polish. 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

    I don't think there is much oil in Arctic.  There is an urgent necessity to bring in Clean Green Technologies.  There is also an urgent necessity to diversify the energy sources so that we are not dependent on just one type of source.         A diverse Energy base and a Clean Green Energy base will give more stability to the world economy and make it more immune to Shocks and manipulations.         President Bush.jr  himself recently mentioned that we have to shift to new energy
 technologies.  The Administration's plan to return to the Moon is mainly to mine the Moon for Energy sources.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 16:02:34 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard now!      We've been lighting up the switchboards for weeks now demanding that drilling be allowed where ever oil is suspected of being found, ANWAR West Coast, East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, Cornfields of Jefferson County Iowa! Go for it EXXON!  
		Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one click on Yahoo! FareChase 

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 1:56:22 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Subject: Light up the Senate 
  switchboard now!

We've been lighting up the switchboards for weeks now 
demanding that drilling be allowed where ever oil is suspected of being 
found, ANWAR West Coast, East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, Cornfields of Jefferson 
County Iowa! Go for it EXXON!

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
> > was laughing. 
> Perhaps an indication of the degree that humor (and truth) are
> social contsructs. We find something more funny if others are 
> laughing, less funny if they are not.

Don't know if this was the case with Patrick, but I
find it horrendously uncomfortable to watch a comic
who is bombing with his live audience, even if I
find him hilarious myself.  I squirm in empathetic
embarrassment, thinking how the comic must feel.

In Colbert's case, though, it didn't bother me because
I had the distinct sense it didn't bother *him* in the
least.  (Maybe it did, but he didn't show it that I
could see; it didn't seem to throw off his timing at

> I found the lack of audience laughter (more an artifact of camera
> angles than actual audience reactions -- those attending said there
> was laughter)

Actually most of the reports I've read from folks who
were there confirm that the laughter and applause were
quite sparse, especially compared to the reaction to
Bush's bit with the impersonator, which engendered
great hilarity.

 discomforting from the apparent tension in the room, but
> that did not take away from Colbert's biting humor. I thought for 
> most part he was quite funny -- excepting the skit -- which may have
> been a longer, deeper rip that may hold up with later viewings. 
> Reading the transcript reinforces that he was funny, IMO. 
> I wonder for those that did not find him funny, are you familiar 
> his work? Or was this a (near) first time view? I think he may be an
> aquired taste. The first few times I watched him, I thought he was a
> bit of a smartalec. Now I get more of what he is doing and more
> appreciate his subtle but biting satire.

I've never been taken with his show, but the format
is very different, much looser, and not as coherent
or pointed for that reason.  The dinner routine was
more like standup, extremely tight and finely honed.
For me, he's funnier that way.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread anony_sleuth_ff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
> was laughing. 

Perhaps an indication of the degree that humor (and truth) are social
contsructs. We find something more funny if others are laughing, less
funny if they are not.

I found the lack of audience laughter (more an artifact of camera
angles than actual audience reactions -- those attending said there
was laughter) discomforting from the apparent tension in the room, but
that did not take away from Colbert's biting humor. I thought for the
most part he was quite funny -- excepting the skit -- which may have
been a longer, deeper rip that may hold up with later viewings. 
Reading the transcript reinforces that he was funny, IMO. 

I wonder for those that did not find him funny, are you familiar with
his work? Or was this a (near) first time view? I think he may be an
aquired taste. The first few times I watched him, I thought he was a
bit of a smartalec. Now I get more of what he is doing and more
appreciate his subtle but biting satire.

>Reading it here was much easier.
> Upon reading it, I see its purpose was not to amuse people. It 
> was to speak truth to power. Colbert may have flopped as a 
> humorist, but he soared as a citizen.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" 
> --- Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> > STEPHEN COLBERT:  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. ...
> > 
> > But, listen, let's review the rules. Here's how it works: the 
> > makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces 
> > decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions 
down. Make,
> > announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. 
Get to
> > know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel 
> > got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the 
> > Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the 
> > You know - fiction!
> I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
> was laughing. Reading it here was much easier.
> Upon reading it, I see its purpose was not to amuse people. It 
> was to speak truth to power. Colbert may have flopped as a 
> humorist, but he soared as a citizen.
His finest moment. Never 'got' the guy the couple of times I tried 
to watch him on John Stewart's show- Now I'll be watching much more 
carefully. Good for him!!!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

       Many experts say that Japan and South-Korea which are into heavy research on  Fuel-Super-Effecient cars will take away a lot of business away from American Car-companies and literaly drive them out of business.         At the way things are going on, in another 20 years, there will virtualy be no American car industry..!!   Imagine that for a country that invented the Automobile..!!  Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 14:55:01 -0400Subject: [FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard
 now!   Subject: Light up the Senate switchboard now!     Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,Please drop what you're doing because here we go again. Senate leaders are again
 exploiting rising gas prices to rush a bill to the floor that would destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and boost oil industry profits. The vote could come as early as Tuesday.The Senate front men for Big Oil are doing their damnedest to convince Americans that sacrificing the Arctic and sending each of us a $100 rebate check will solve all our problems at the pump.There's only one way to expose these lies and prevent the sacrifice of   America's greatest wildlife refuge: Help light up the Senate switchboard today!Please call your Senators right now.Tell them to vote NO on the Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act. Tell them you will not trade the Arctic Refuge for $100 or be fooled by policies that do nothing to solve the real problem of America's dangerous dependence on oil. Urge them to get to work on cutting oil consumption by improving the mileage of our cars and promoting clean and renewable energy.Here are the facts: the Energy Department says that drilling in the Arctic Refuge would save consumers only one penny per gallon at the pump in 20 years! Meanwhile, anyone who drives will be forced to take the Senate's $100 rebate check -- paid for with our tax dollars -- and sign it over to ExxonMobil for their next two tanks of gas.Only an oil company could love a bill that picks the taxpayers' wallets for $12 billion in gas money. The Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act should really be called the "Guaranteed Profits for Big Oil Act!"Remember: these are the same Senators who passed a pro-polluter energy bill last summer that refused to make America's gas-guzzlers more fuel-efficient, but instead doled out billions of tax dollars to oil and coal companies. This latest bill is just more of the same corporate welfare.Call your Senators right now and tell them you will not surrender the Arctic Refuge or line the pockets of the oil companies with your tax dollars.And if you want to do even more to expose and defeat this shameless bill, go to   https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arctic/donate.asp  right now and make a donation so we can escalate this campaign in defense of the Arctic Refuge over the next critical days. Thank you!Sincerely,Robert Redford  NRDC Action Fund. . .The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the
 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).2369500   
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[FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Vaj

Subject: Light up the Senate switchboard now! Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,Please drop what you're doing because here we go again. Senate leaders are again exploiting rising gas prices to rush a bill to the floor that would destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and boost oil industry profits. The vote could come as early as Tuesday.The Senate front men for Big Oil are doing their damnedest to convince Americans that sacrificing the Arctic and sending each of us a $100 rebate check will solve all our problems at the pump.There's only one way to expose these lies and prevent the sacrifice of America's greatest wildlife refuge: Help light up the Senate switchboard today!Please call your Senators right now.Tell them to vote NO on the Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act. Tell them you will not trade the Arctic Refuge for $100 or be fooled by policies that do nothing to solve the real problem of America's dangerous dependence on oil. Urge them to get to work on cutting oil consumption by improving the mileage of our cars and promoting clean and renewable energy.Here are the facts: the Energy Department says that drilling in the Arctic Refuge would save consumers only one penny per gallon at the pump in 20 years! Meanwhile, anyone who drives will be forced to take the Senate's $100 rebate check -- paid for with our tax dollars -- and sign it over to ExxonMobil for their next two tanks of gas.Only an oil company could love a bill that picks the taxpayers' wallets for $12 billion in gas money. The Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act should really be called the "Guaranteed Profits for Big Oil Act!"Remember: these are the same Senators who passed a pro-polluter energy bill last summer that refused to make America's gas-guzzlers more fuel-efficient, but instead doled out billions of tax dollars to oil and coal companies. This latest bill is just more of the same corporate welfare.Call your Senators right now and tell them you will not surrender the Arctic Refuge or line the pockets of the oil companies with your tax dollars.And if you want to do even more to expose and defeat this shameless bill, go to https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arctic/donate.aspright now and make a donation so we can escalate this campaign in defense of the Arctic Refuge over the next critical days. Thank you!Sincerely,Robert RedfordNRDC Action Fund. . .The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).2369500 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anonyff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You would think that Colbert's script/dialogue (whatever you wnat to
> call it) would have been previewed before he was allowed to speak.
> I can't help but think that somehow, Bush used this as an
> opportunity to show what a stand-up guy he is-that he knows he is 
> in trouble and is willing to let himself be taken to task in some 
> kind of public fashion of his own choosing-knowing the media would 
> play this up, giving Colbert a lot of credit for telling the truth.

LOL.  Except that the media have NOT played it up.
To the contrary, the so-called liberal media have,
in fact, almost completely ignored it.  Stories about
the correspondents' dinner have focused nearly
exclusively on Bush's turn with the impersonator.

So far, the sole exception has been USA Today,
which quoted Colbert extensively and with relish.

As to Bush being willing to let himself be taken
to task, apparently he was not at all happy with
Colbert.  He glowered through most of the routine,
and he and Laura barely acknowledged Colbert
afterwards, leaving almost immediately with grim

> And Bush ends up getting credit-raising his esteem in the eyes of
> all-because he was willing to listen, even put his arm around this 
> guy.

Sadly, no.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
> was laughing. Reading it here was much easier.
> Upon reading it, I see its purpose was not to amuse people. It 
> was to speak truth to power. Colbert may have flopped as a 
> humorist, but he soared as a citizen.

Oh, Patrick, that's *very* well put.  That's it
exactly.  You nailed it.

Somebody put up a Web site last night for people
to leave thanks for Colbert:


I just checked, and already it has almost 10,000

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread anonyff

You would think that Colbert's script/dialogue (whatever you wnat to
call it) would have been previewed before he was allowed to speak.

I can't help but think that somehow, Bush used this as an opportunity
to show what a stand-up guy he is-that he knows he is in trouble and
is willing to let himself be taken to task in some kind of public
fashion of his own choosing-knowing the media would play this up,
giving Colbert a lot of credit for telling the truth.

And Bush ends up getting credit-raising his esteem in the eyes of
all-because he was willing to listen, even put his arm around this guy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> > STEPHEN COLBERT:  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. ...
> > 
> > But, listen, let's review the rules. Here's how it works: the
> > makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces those
> > decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down.
> > announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to
> > know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you
> > got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid
> > Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the
> > You know - fiction!
> I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
> was laughing. Reading it here was much easier.
> Upon reading it, I see its purpose was not to amuse people. It 
> was to speak truth to power. Colbert may have flopped as a 
> humorist, but he soared as a citizen.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Colbert @ W.H. Correspondent's Dinner

2006-05-01 Thread Patrick Gillam

--- Rick Archer wrote:
> STEPHEN COLBERT:  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. ...
> But, listen, let's review the rules. Here's how it works: the president
> makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces those
> decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make,
> announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to
> know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you
> got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid
> Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration.
> You know - fiction!

I couldn't watch Colbert's presentation because nobody 
was laughing. Reading it here was much easier.

Upon reading it, I see its purpose was not to amuse people. It 
was to speak truth to power. Colbert may have flopped as a 
humorist, but he soared as a citizen.

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[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Guidelines.txt

2006-05-01 Thread FairfieldLife

Guidelines File 12/22/05

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sudan: to send troops in?

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

       Please note,  The United-Nations itself, is the Brain-Child of America.  Only because of America's efforts we have a international Law body called UN today.         The world has become so complex a place that No single nation can handle world problems.         The UN needs structural reforms and Administrative reforms.      The French-Legion can get the approval from UN and go in wearing the
 Blue-Helmets.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 12:39:47 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sudan: to send troops in?      I still say the French could easily send in the French Foreign Legion. They are trained for this type of action and in this type of climate and isn't it about time they did something. Lets face it the United Nations is a failure. It is an organization for the insane run by the insane.      
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sudan: to send troops in?

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 11:31:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

    The United-Nations should 
  send in Blue-Helmet troops in to Sudan.
      The problem 
  is Kofi Annan is a corrupt and inefficient buggar.
      For Jim 
  Flanegin aka the pal,
    "All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is 
  for good men to do 

I still say the French could easily send in the French Foreign 
Legion. They are trained for this type of action and in this type of climate and 
isn't it about time they did something. Lets face it the United Nations is a 
failure. It is an organization for the insane run by the 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Sudan: to send troops in?

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

       The United-Nations should send in Blue-Helmet troops in to Sudan.         The problem is Kofi Annan is a corrupt and inefficient buggar.         For Jim Flanegin aka the pal,       "All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is       for good men to do Nothing."     ~ Edmund Burke         Sir McGurk,   Do you listen to
 Marty Robbins Gun-Fight ballads.??      The number "Big-iron" is quite good.  ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 21:32:35 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sudan: to send troops in?     Genocide is happening in Sudan.What should the U.S. do?Nothing?Something?  And if something, what exactly?  Send in troops?Or only support a U.N. "Peace keeping" troop deployment?Time's a wastin' and, as we dither, bodies
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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Mexican Govt.- Comes Clean'

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

       Pakistan's biggest exports are Heroin and Terrorism.         Thousands of acres of Poppy are grown in Afghanistan.   There are hundreds of Heroin refining factories in Pakistan's North-West-Frontier province.         Pakistani military Generals and the ISI negotiate the prices with the Afghan Chieftains and process the Heroin and ship it in tons to Europe and America.     The Generals in Pakistani Army,
 the ISI and the Pakistani politicans get a cut out of it.         Each year Pakistani government sells 3,600 Tons of Heroin to the western world.  The profits out of this trade is used to finance Terrorism and Madarasa Schools.  Even the F-16 fighter planes which Pakistan has is tainted with Narcotics money.         The Pakistani intelligence ISI is the biggest Narcotics smuggler in the world.         You call these fuckin bastards, "Major non-NATO ally..!!"  What a joke.!! 
 Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 03:21:11 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Mexican Govt.- Comes Clean'     Finally the Mexican Government finally comes clean;  With what we already know:   That the government has been involved with the illegal drug trade,  For years.   Cancun being built on cocaine money,    And south
 to Play Del Carmen:  Where loading tons of cocaine onto cruise ships,  Officially condoned, and protected by the Armada there...  And is common knowledge on the street..  At least now, they can finally officially admit their compliance;  With what everyone already knows.  Mexico is a country that deals in drugs.  Big time...      
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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Mexican Govt.- Comes Clean'

2006-05-01 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Finally the Mexican Government finally comes clean;
>   With what we already know: 
>   That the government has been involved with the illegal drug 
>   For years.
>   Cancun being built on cocaine money,  
>   And south to Play Del Carmen:
>   Where loading tons of cocaine onto cruise ships,
>   Officially condoned, and protected by the Armada there...
>   And is common knowledge on the street..
>   At least now, they can finally officially admit their compliance;
>   With what everyone already knows.
>   Mexico is a country that deals in drugs.
>   Big time...

A country whose citizens 
Mass quantities of drugs
Big time...
And the US Constitution says
Life, liberty
And the pursuit of happiness
It's not my happiness
But who says
That as long as it doesn't hurt
another person
That they can't take drugs?

> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously 
low rates.

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[FairfieldLife] Indus-Sarasvati Script in South-India

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock

   Front Page     "Discovery of a century" in
 Tamil Nadu   T.S. Subramanian   Stone axe with Indus Valley script found near Mayiladuthurai CHENNAI: A Neolithic stone celt with the Indus Valley script has been discovered by a school teacher, V. Shanmuganathan, in a village called Sembian-Kandiyur near Mayiladuthurai in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu. The celt, a polished hand-held stone axe, has four Indus Valley signs on it. The artefact with the script can be as old as 1500 B.C., that is, 3,500 years old. The four signs were identified by epigraphists of the Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology, according to its Special Commissioner, T. S. Sridhar.      Iravatham
 Mahadevan, one of the world's foremost experts on the Indus script, called the find "the greatest archaeological discovery of a century in Tamil Nadu." The discovery proved that the Indus script had reached Tamil Nadu. He estimated the date of the artefact with the script to be around 1500 B.C. "I have cautiously and conservatively put it between 2000 B.C. and 1500 B.C.," Mr. Mahadevan said. It was in the classical Indus script. He ruled out the possibility of the celt coming from North India because "the material of this stone is clearly of peninsular origin."   Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, where hundreds of seals with the Indus script were discovered, are in present-day Pakistan. Neolithic means New Stone Age and it is datable in India between 2000 B.C. and 1000 B.C.      According to Mr. Mahadevan, the first sign on the celt depicted a skeletal body with ribs. The figure
 is seated on his haunches, body bent and contracted, with lower limbs folded and knees drawn up. The second sign showed a jar. Hundreds of this pair have been found on seals and sealings at Harappa. Mr Mahadevan read the first sign as "muruku" and the second sign as "an." In other words, it is "Murukan." The earliest references in Old Tamil poetry portrayed him as a "wrathful killer," indicating his prowess as a war god and hunter. The third sign looked like a trident and the fourth like a crescent with a loop in the middle.      Mr. Mahadevan commented that the latest discovery was very strong evidence that the Neolithic people of Tamil Nadu and the Indus Valley people "shared the same language, which can only be Dravidian and not Indo-Aryan." He added that before this discovery, the southernmost occurrence of the Indus script was at Daimabad, Maharashtra on the Pravara River in the Godavari
 Valley.   Front Page     Significance of Mayiladuthurai find   T.S. Subramanian   Links between Harappa and Neolithic Tamil NaduRARE FIND: The Neolithic polished stone celt (hand-held axe) with the Indus valley script found at Sembian-Kandiyur village, near Mayiladuthurai in Tamil Nadu. — Photo: Vino John    CHENNAI: The discovery of a Neolithic stone celt, a hand-held axe, with the Indus script on it at Sembian-Kandiyur in Tamil Nadu is, according to Iravatham Mahadevan, "a major discovery because for the first time a text in the Indus script has been found in the State on a datable artefact, which is a polished neolithic
 celt." He added: "This confirms that the Neolithic people of Tamil Nadu shared the same language family of the Harappan group, which can only be Dravidian. The discovery provides the first evidence that the Neolithic people of the Tamil country spoke a Dravidian language." Mr. Mahadevan, an eminent expert on the subject, estimated the date of the artefact with the Indus script between 2000 B.C. and 1500 B.C.      It was in February 2006, when V. Shanmuganathan, a school teacher living in Sembian-Kandiyur, near Mayiladuthurai in Nagapattinam district, dug a pit in the backyard of his house to plant banana and coconut saplings, that he encountered two stone celts. The teacher, who is interested in archaeology, rang up his friend G. Muthusamy, Curator of the Danish Fort Museum at Tranquebar, which belongs to the Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology. Mr. Muthusamy, who also belongs to the same village, took charge of the two celts
 from his friend and handed them over to T.S. Sridhar, Special Commissioner, State Department of Archaeology.      When Mr. Sridhar examined one of the two stones, he found some engravings on it. So he asked the epigraphists of his Department to study the particular celt. To their absolute delight, they found fours signs on it - and all four of them corresponded with the characters in the Indus script. When the celt with the Indus script was shown to Mr. Mahadevan, he confirmed that they were in the Indus script. The celt with the script measures 6.5 cm by 2.5 cm by 3.6 cm by 4 cm. It weighs 125 grams. The other celt has no engravings on it.      Mr. Mahadevan, one of the world's foremost scholars on the Indus and the Tamil-Brahmi scripts, is the author of the seminal work, The Indus Script: Texts, Concordance and Tables. It was published by the Archaeological Survey of India,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Senator Harkin at Becky Schmitz Party May 6 -You are Inv...

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 10:07:17 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  how you feel about the national issues as well... War without end; Corruption 
  in the government; GMO’s; Health Care; Education; Corporate control of the 
  government; Voting Machine Integrity...or your own issue.Let’s have a big 
  turn-out so that he will take us seriously and come back 

I've got a dime that says Harkin doesn't make it 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-01 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
I had my "second birth awakening", which is
> clearly a description of a beginning, not a final destination.
> However, the *only* thing I have ever been a seeker of is an end to
> the war with myself, and in that sense, I have reached my 
> Where things go from here, I have no idea. 

Really clearly stated, especially two points here: 1) the end of war 
with ourselves (which gets pretty intense in the final battle...) and 
2) the ongoing freedom of not knowing where things go from here.

Thanks again. Very succinct.

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Levitation TV Show

2006-05-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 5/1/06 9:54:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
From a 
  friend:there's a show tonight at 7pm (8pm est) on the national 
  geographic channelabout tm levitation and other "super human feats," as 
  they're calling it.

It's been on many times. Debunkers debunk just about anything 
in the realm of spirituality, levitation, astrology, etc. Shows some people in 
the dome hopping.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Senator Harkin at Becky Schmitz Party May 6 -You are Invited!

2006-05-01 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Senator Harkin at Becky Schmitz Party  May 6 -You are Invited!

My Dear Friends,
If you are interested in keeping large hog confinements out of Jefferson County, now is the time to support our  Fairfield candidate to tip the balance in the Iowa Senate in a  progressive direction. 
Becky Schmitz, a dear friend of mine, is running against incumbent Republican David Miller in November.

PLEASE COME OUT to her kickoff party this Saturday, May 6. At the PONY FARM, the largest horse farm in Jef. Cty. (directions and more info below)

PLUS, HEAR & TALK TO SENATOR TOM HARKIN! Let him how you feel about the national issues as well... War without end; Corruption in the government; GMO’s; Health Care; Education; Corporate control of the government; Voting Machine Integrity...or your own issue.
Let’s have a big turn-out so that he will take us seriously and come back often!

• Hear and talk to Senator Harkin
• See the horses and baby animals!
• Enjoy the picnic
• Meet and support Becky!

• Donate to Becky’s campaign
• Bring food to help with the picnic
• Give an item of value or interesting political memorabilia for the silent auction.

Call me at 472-3866 or Becky to RSVP. (We need to have a tentative head count ASAP.)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    Contact: Becky Schmitz
Ph: (641) 919-5575

New Time for Senator Harkin's Speech
at Becky Schmitz Event 

U.S. Senator Tom Harkin will speak in person at a fundraising party for Becky Schmitz, Democratic candidate for Iowa Senate District #45, on Saturday, May 6, rain or shine, in the barn at The Pony Farm, 2835 - 239th Street, southeast of Fairfield. 

There will be a silent auction and fun for the whole family with tours (from 5:00-6:00 p.m.) of the baby animals and The Pony Farm, which has over 70 ponies, and is the largest horse-breeding operation in Jefferson County. Entertainment and barbeque start at 6:00 p.m. and continue after the speeches. Senator Harkin and Becky Schmitz will speak at 6:30 p.m., which is a change in schedule because he has to leave early.

Directions from Fairfield: from the Chautauqua Park entrance on the eastern edge of Fairfield, drive 7.3 miles east on Hwy 34, turn right (south) on Tamarack St., then turn right on 239th and it’s the 2nd farm on the right.


This event is open to the public and there is a suggested donation of $25, but all donations will be accepted and kids get in free. RSVP to 641-919-5575 or e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Levitation TV Show

2006-05-01 Thread Rick Archer

>From a friend:

there's a show tonight at 7pm (8pm est) on the national geographic channel
about tm levitation and other "super human feats," as they're calling it.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting To Yes

2006-05-01 Thread hugheshugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Yesterday I got up early and drove to Sommières, a 
> village about 30 kilometers away, because they were 
> having a medieval festival, and I'm a real sucker 
> for those kind of things. They always make me higher 
> than a kite.
> This one was no exception. I was sitting there at a
> cafe in the town square, drinking hypocras and eating 
> lamb brochettes while watching the townspeople walking 
> by in their costumes, and this huge smile began to 
> form on my face and this almost-irresistable urge 
> came upon me to say "Yes" and just Wake Up.
> But it was tough getting to "Yes." There was a part 
> of me that was still locked into the dealing-with-the-
> pissant-parts-of-life mindstate, and that wanted to 
> respond to the wonderful day and the cubic centimeter 
> of chance it had offered me with the standard safe 
> answer, "Yes, but..." You know...stuff like:
> * Yes, I'm having fun here, but I haven't really done 
>   everything I wanted to do with my life yet, have I?
> * Yes, that stunningly beautiful woman who just walked
>   by and smiled at me *is* wonderful, and just the 
>   *sight* of her should make me shout "Yes!" to the 
>   universe, but I'm probably too old for her.
> * Yes, this town and this festival and all these 
>   people dressed up in their medieval finery are all 
>   cool, but I did read BBC News this morning, and the 
>   outside world still sucks.  
> Yes, but. Icky phrase, one we repeat to ourselves in 
> our heads to keep us from fully relaxing into the 
> experience of Now, and thus from realizing that the 
> thing we're relaxing into is not just some emphemeral 
> moment but the eternality of our Self.
> The proper answer to life when it presents us with one 
> of those cusp moments is "Yes," not "Yes, but..."
> IMO, far too much of spiritual teaching is about 
> training people to respond to life with "Yes, but..." 
> You all know what I mean. How many times have you, 
> like most seekers, thought to yourself, "Yes, I'd 
> like to be enlightened but...?" 
> It really doesn't *matter* what you put after the 
> "but...," does it?  Whether you think it's "stress" 
> that keeps you from being enlightened or some skanky
> samskara you've never managed to get past, or that 
> incident from ten lifetimes ago that still has you
> convinced that karmically you are lower than the 
> lint in a snake's navel. *Whatever* it is, it's 
> just an excuse, a rationalization that allows your 
> self to say "No" to the Self.
> Each of us is already enlightened. The proper answer 
> when the universe presents us with a cool moment and 
> that moment asks us whether we remember our own 
> enlightenment, is, "Yes." 
> By changing your answer into "Yes, but...," you are 
> pushing away the Self and saying, in effect, "I'm 
> not ready to accept that you are me yet, so I'm 
> going to make up some excuse for why you can't be 
> me." Then you put that excuse right behind the 
> "but" in "Yes, but..." and you say it. And as a 
> result, you create it as a seeming "reality" in 
> your life. Sigh. Big fuckin' rut. No fun.
> There in that cafe in Sommières yesterday, I managed 
> to get beyond "Yes, but..."
> I sat there trying to not have as much fun with the 
> day as I knew I was capable of having, and then I 
> caught myself doing it.  The moment I did, I was 
> able to laugh at myself. And through my laughter, 
> I found my body saying "Yes."  Out loud.  Weirdest
> damned thing.
> Everything changed. Background flipflopped into 
> foreground and the witnessing, a moment before 
> unnoticed, moved front and center and reasserted 
> its Self again.  And all it took was getting to 
> "Yes." 
> I'm sure it'll pass...all things do...but it's
> neat while it lasts. Life's cool sometimes, yes?

It most certainly is. Sounds like a cool day out too!

I just got back from the "Fortean Times" convention, a whole weekend 
of wierd theories and discussion of the bizarre with like minded 
strange persons. 

Perhaps there was something in the air yesterday as I very nearly 
became enlightened myself while listening to a lecture on the quest 
for the Holy Grail by my favourite drummer and punk pioneer Rat 
Scabies of The Damned (I'm not making this up!).

It started like a hit of Deja Vu but grew into a greatly improved 
view of the immediacy of reality and the realisation that the only 
thing preventing me from becoming truly enlightened is the inability 
of my mind to just "Be". It was very liberating to suddenly know how 
what is perceived is coloured by my subconscious hopes, fears, 
reflections etc. these things happen at a very fine level usually, 
but it was suddenly very clear how they hold one back from 
experiencing "reality" and render everything cloudy and distorted. 
But just for a few minutes I could keep hold hold of this Truth with 
no effort. I'm sure I don't need to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Mexican Govt.- Comes Clean'

2006-05-01 Thread Vaj

Do you have a source on this?

It was always very odd, when you travel between Playa Del Carmen and  
Cancun there are military bunkers and foxholes along the highway-- 
just like you'd see on a old WW II movie. Bizarre. It was always  
clear "something" was up. If you travel at all in the Yucatan, you  
used to come across huge farms of cultivated marijuana, said to be  
overseen by various generals. They used to be right by the main  
highways! Now as tourism has become more prevalent, they seem to have  

If you can imagine a tour bus filled with gringos all turning their  
heads to one side of the road--and the smell was pretty much a give  
away--you'll get an idea of how darn obvious it was.

On May 1, 2006, at 6:21 AM, Robert Gimbel wrote:

> Finally the Mexican Government finally comes clean;
> With what we already know:
> That the government has been involved with the illegal drug trade,
> For years.
> Cancun being built on cocaine money,
> And south to Play Del Carmen:
> Where loading tons of cocaine onto cruise ships,
> Officially condoned, and protected by the Armada there...
> And is common knowledge on the street..
> At least now, they can finally officially admit their compliance;
> With what everyone already knows.
> Mexico is a country that deals in drugs.
> Big time...

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] 'Mexican Govt.- Comes Clean'

2006-05-01 Thread Robert Gimbel

Finally the Mexican Government finally comes clean;  With what we already know:   That the government has been involved with the illegal drug trade,  For years.  Cancun being built on cocaine money,    And south to Play Del Carmen:  Where loading tons of cocaine onto cruise ships,  Officially condoned, and protected by the Armada there...  And is common knowledge on the street..  At least now, they can finally officially admit their compliance;  With what everyone already knows.  Mexico is a country that deals in drugs.  Big time...   
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Maharishi university of management
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