Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 6:40 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

---In,  wrote:


You said: "My version is: "God is a crutch for those who can't handle the 
infinite wonder of reality."

Your statement appears to say that you know what reality is.  How do you know 
what is reality?

John, Barry loves to seek out in others what he deems is weakness and 
feeble-mindedness. If he can'f find such a thing he attributes false 
characteristics to others in order to make himself feel superior. He is banking 
on the fact that most of us here might just believe in God or other such 
supreme intelligence or entity. He then proceeds to try and make these people 
feel stupid and inadequate for doing so. 

Nonsense. Barry merely says generalized things about generalized idiots, and 
then allows *them* to "self-identify" *as* idiots by getting their buttons 
pushed and becoming totally reactive. Works every time. :-)

Why bother to say much about such people, when all you have to do is push their 
buttons and allow them to *prove* the generalized things you would have said? 
Do less, accomplish more.  :-)

Seriously, how could anyone take someone who flies into a rage and gets all 
defensive about such a tiny thing as *belief in God* seriously? It's like a 
demonstration of feeble-mindedness, and how much the "defender of God" really 
uses the concept of God as a crutch. Insult the crutch by denying its 
existence, and the lame get...uh...even lamer.  :-)

Hint to the "God defenders" here -- spend a little time around *real* 
believers, as opposed to poseurs such as yourselves. People with real faith 
never get angry and reactive when someone challenges it. Only people with faux 
faith do that. Read some G.K. Chesterton and lighten up.

P.S. for Bhairitu: If you're still following "The Following," have you noticed 
how much like FFL it is? Emma pretty much maps to one of the cult followers 
here, except that she's...uh...attractive and her FFL counterpart is decidedly 
not, and Lily maps almost perfectly to Ann -- spoiled little rich girl who 
reacts to rejection by becoming a vindictive drama queen. Just sayin'...

[FairfieldLife] Israel Airstrikes in Lebanon-Syria Border

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq
What will Obama do with this new development?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:


 You said: "My version is: "God is a crutch for those who can't handle the 
infinite wonder of reality."

 Your statement appears to say that you know what reality is.  How do you know 
what is reality?

 John, Barry loves to seek out in others what he deems is weakness and 
feeble-mindedness. If he can'f find such a thing he attributes false 
characteristics to others in order to make himself feel superior. He is banking 
on the fact that most of us here might just believe in God or other such 
supreme intelligence or entity. He then proceeds to try and make these people 
feel stupid and inadequate for doing so. Of course, in haste to find a way to 
"dismiss" others he misses the complexity and nuance of the whole thing. He is 
like this guy who claims he has no interest in being a part of a large and 
convivial gathering so spends his time by himself in his basement all the while 
telling himself all the people at the party are stupid for having a good time 
at the party.

 As far as Barry, of all people, to claim he understands "the infinite wonder 
of reality" is simply preposterous. Anyone who writes what he does, acts in the 
way that he does and believes the things he supposedly believes in can not 
possibly understand the "wonder" let alone "reality". 




Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
Yep, like a chimpanzee eventually typing Shakespeare.

---In,  wrote:

 that's pretty good Doc 
 On Mon, 2/24/14, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 10:26 PM
 Easy -- start counting off by twos. Then the
 'twos' kill all the 'ones'. Repeat as
 necessary, and *no* cutting in line...

 OK, we need suicide
 volunteers to bring plant earth populations down under 2
 billion. How are we going to do this? 
 On Monday, February
 24, 2014 11:32 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 first time I ever heard or read
 about this was back in the late 60s or early 70s when there
 stories about chemtrails in the alternative press like the
 FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a
 program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've
 seen airliners at
 the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't disperse
 another when came a long a few minutes later which had a
 that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude,
 same air
 Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if California
 get a good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the
 roof and not
 just here but all over the US.  We can only hope this
 rain storm
 which is forecast to begin on Weds continues on for quite a
 Human population should have been capped at 2 billion. 
 That is
 manageable in terms of resources and livability.  What
 we have now
 is the fallout from far too many people on the planet.
 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
 seeding with silver iodide has been going on for
 decades, without much concern. The reason we are in a
 drought is due directly to global warming, probably aided
 by our huge population growth, and consequent (warm)
 pollution. We have a high pressure zone sitting on top of
 California, which prevents the normal Pacific current from
 bringing us our Winter water. 
 I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length
 of California's coast, has been warming up for about a
 decade. It was only a matter of time before the land began
 to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to create a high
 pressure system, as is commonly produced here, in the
 Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought. I am not
 sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 
 Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for
 the longer term, though I am not sure that even those can
 supply enough water for agriculture.
 A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in
 interesting times".
 ---In, wrote:
 it is. It seems aluminum
 is the
 most "important" ingredient  in the
 chemtrail, yet the
 Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought.
 Like the Americans say: Go figure

[FairfieldLife] RE: concept of "Unification" in traditional RC

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Er,  this isn't what I said. I never said anything one way or the other about 
the union of Christ with the Father. Jesus Christ is a special case in that 
regard as a member of the Holy Trinity. I wouldn't attempt to elucidate the 
nature of the Holy Trinity. My remarks have been only about the heresy of 
purely human beings becoming ontologically one with God. Christian doctrine, of 
course, maintains that Jesus Christ was 100 percent human and 100 percent 

 Another cheap and dishonest trick of the MUM people and TM TB in general is 
cherry-picking certain statements from the Bible and simultaneously throwing 
out the offsetting commentaries.  For example, the statement attributed to 
Jesus "I and my Father are One"from the MUM and Chopra pov is that the 
"One" is to be equated with MMY's "Unity".  But as the Bible clearly states 
after giving that verse, the "Oneness" is clearly defined as being one in 
INTENT, (to follow the Commandments, etc), not (as Judy pointed out); an 
ONTOLOGICAL UNION, with Jesus, which was regarded as heretical by some of the 
early Church "Fathers". 

[FairfieldLife] concept of Purgatory and the RC Catechism

2014-02-24 Thread yifuxero
 Lack of time doesn't allow me to go into this further but offhand, I'd say 
that the whole concept of sin in RC theology has serious flaws, the moe serious 
being limited in scope.  A more inclusive concept would be "bad karma".

[FairfieldLife] concept of "Unification" in traditional RC

2014-02-24 Thread yifuxero
For diehard TM TB, sorry, but you're way off the mark when stating (like Deepak 
Chopra), that the "True" version of Christianity is basically the "Essence" or 
Gnostic version.  That is, that the "true" teachings of Jesus were essentially 
Gnostic (as in the Gospel of Thomas); but simply squashed out of existence with 
the final victory of the Papacy over any smidgeon of Gnosticism with the total 
defeat of the Cathars. ...
 Another cheap and dishonest trick of the MUM people and TM TB in general is 
cherry-picking certain statements from the Bible and simultaneously throwing 
out the offsetting commentaries.  For example, the statement attributed to 
Jesus "I and my Father are One"from the MUM and Chopra pov is that the 
"One" is to be equated with MMY's "Unity".  But as the Bible clearly states 
after giving that verse, the "Oneness" is clearly defined as being one in 
INTENT, (to follow the Commandments, etc), not (as Judy pointed out); an 
ONTOLOGICAL UNION, with Jesus, which was regarded as heretical by some of the 
early Church "Fathers".  
 However, as the centuries rolled by beginning with the Monastic "Fathers of 
the Desert", there would be no way to experientially separate the traditional 
RC "Union'" with Ontological Union, and thus: the experiencer might find some 
conflict with the Papacy and being subject to persecution.  Certainly in Islam. 
 In the latter, saying that one is "ONE" with God would result in the worst of 
tortures.  (One Sufi was skinned alive for saying that).
 ...But as one progresses on the Spiritual journey, (so the autobiographies say 
- Cf. for example that of St. John of the Cross, a frequent levitator); the 
interface between dualistic devotion to Jesus and one's own realization of Self 
becomes all-encompassing and increasingly Transcendent in the Ontological 
sense. But examples of such Saints seem to be rare in my assessment. (offhand, 
I'd say that one might find more examples of genuine inclusion (both Essense - 
what one "IS", along with dualistic devotion to Jesus), than in RC.
 In fact, there is no provision WHATSOEVER  modern (post Thomas Aquinas) RC 
teachings for Self-Realization (Gnosis), along with devotion in any form.  
However, if you read the works of St. John of the Cross, you'll see that 
indeed; some rare Saints accomplished the goal of ecstatic devotion to Jesus 
along with (perhaps in spite of their "efforts", realizing the Self - perhaps 
MMY's "Unity".
 Finally, the term "Union" in RC has evolved into a state recorded in the 
statements of the RC Saints as a relative type of "union", but not Ontological 
(refering to what MMY calls "Being").
 ...Sorry MZ (RWC)...but St. Thomas Aquinas attempted to theologically bridge 
the gap between dualistic devotion to Jesus AND Aristotle's (BEING-IN-ITSELF), 
but failed to do so since in the ensuing centuries, his version of Catholicism 
as (by now); been rejected in the official teachings.  The bottom line: from 
the mouth of the previous Pope: there is no interface in any way, shape, or 
form between the official teachings of RC and the doctrine of ontological 
Essence.  Thus, the Buddhist/Hindu concepts, along with Gnosticsm in general; 
are heretical and cannot be reconciled doctrinally with RC.
 Unfortunately, various isolated mystics throughout history such as St. John of 
the Cross and (probably) may Orthodox Saints); have given us records of their 
experiences describing a genuine "Union" of the Ontological type AND the 
dualistic devotion to Jesus.  As described by St. John of the Cross, a point of 
purification (again in his Catholic sense); comes when the dualistic aspect is 
Transcended in genuine ontological Union, but not implying that devotion to 
Jesus is "given up".  Apparently, the dualistic part is simply transcended..
 ...Recall that Ramana Maharshi was still devoted to "Arunachala Shiva" even 
after he realized the Self.
 But such a merging of the Self in an all encompassing state along with 
dualistic devotion is something I can only speculate on after reading the 
testimonies of the great Saints, from East and West. (but ymmv).
 Finally, the term "Ecstasy" in RC theology refers to a state in which the 
experiencer to outward appearances appears unconscious or even dead, while the 
"Soul" (finer body) travels into Heaven or Purgatory to rescue the Souls there. 
 In many cases, the term "Ecstasy"  may be inclusive of bilocation to distant 
places and to a common property:  physical levitation. The Ecstatic experiences 
of St. Catharine of Genoa included travels to Purgatory to assist the Souls 
there in getting out of that domain and into the Christian Heaven..



[FairfieldLife] Mystical experiences of Fr. Stanislaus Papczynski

2014-02-24 Thread yifuxero
Note: the expression "Holy Souls" in this context refers to those in Purgatory, 
having a degree of Holiness combined with varying degrees of the need for 
further purification;  but the term "purification" has different meanings than 
the same term in Buddhism (and what is called "Hindu" practices.)  Offhand, I'd 
say that the Buddhist/Hindu concept of "bad karma" is more extensive and 
inclusive than the Roman Catholic concept of "sins".  My take:  "sins' are a 
limited subset of karma and being a finite list, is not all-inclusive; since 
many acts can be in the bad karma category but not necessarily a "sin".  A 
major category would be (overall) bad decisions in life resulting in a 
diminishment of alignment with Natural Law. Thus, bad karma could not possibly 
be a finite list of certain individual acts, nor do I accept the lists shown in 
the Bible as even being "sins". For that reason, I long ago through my Bible 
into the trash, but still follow the rule "don't throw the baby out with the 
bathwater".  Various commentaries are sufficient for me.
 Between a. Ecumenical and mainstream Protestantism, b. Roman Catholocism, and 
c. Orthodox (Eastern) Christianity, I'd say that (c) provides the most 
inclusive compatibility with Buddhism/Hinduism by virtue of incorporating 
"Essence" (the nature of the Self); along with allegiance to the Creative 
aspect of existence.  But the interface to Buddhism/Hinduism obviously breaks 
down if one identifies the PERSONALITY of the Creative aspect as (specifically) 
: YHVH or the Traditional RC Trinity.  As soon as one identifices a Personality 
behind Creation, and rejects other "gods" as being Creators, one is boxed into 
the situation of irreconciable differences between ANY form of Christianity 
mentioning a Personality, vs other Personalities such as Krishna, Divine Mother 
forms such as Durga, Kali, etc.
 Forget about Ecumenical Christianity. and much of historical Roman 
Catholocism.  I'll just mention 2 cases:
 1. War against the Cathars by the Papacy at that time, and 2. St. Francis 
Xavier's travels to Western India (Goa) and hence to Japan.  The "Saint" 
trashed the Hindu Temples of Goa, stating that such "gods'" were devils. Now 
the RC uses more subtle tactics.  Ecumenical Christianity believes (as a 
whole), that if you don't accept Jesus as your personal Savior, you are going 
to Hell, from which there is no reprieve.  RC waffles on this issue saying that 
there might be some salvation for non-Catholic morally righteous people.
 ...But there is no compromise in Ecumenical Christianity.  Even if your 
Gandhi, your going to Hell regardless of of your moral status. (if you don't 
"believe" and have faith in Jesus as your personal Savior).
 . The first of Papczynski's gifts was received when he was in the Ukraine 
(#1 on the list at this article):

[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 You said: "My version is: "God is a crutch for those who can't handle the 
infinite wonder of reality."

 Your statement appears to say that you know what reality is.  How do you know 
what is reality?




[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 You said: "The following link is to a page where the attempt is made to 
explain, or at least illuminate the idea of creation from 'nothing' without a 
god. I debate the sentence 'It takes a Knower to conceive of space and time'. 
It takes a mind to conceive of space and time. A 'knower' might be conceived of 
as being required for experience (i.e. consciousness). But as to whether this 
consciousness is separate from or identical with what is experienced depends on 
whatever that perceptual quality of experience is. If the latter, there is no 
Knower, only the experience. The more integrated one's experience is, the less 
room there is for a knower, or something that *has* the experience, the 
experience simply exists, and that is that. The mind conceives space and time, 
the consciousness makes that an experience, in some mysterious way, but 
separating out these things as various facets creates problems of logical 

 I can accept the fact that the Cosmic Mind conceives of space and time.  If 
that is so, then you should be disagreeing with the article you attached which 
basically says the universe came from nothing.

 At this time, I don't want to debate the difference between the knower and the 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 You said: "But then their is Jr's interest in finding other humanoid species 
to communicate with.   What about learning to communicate with the other 
intelligent species we have right here on earth?  We know that dolphins and 
whales are very intelligent and I don't think they are our inferiors just 
because they don't build tall buildings or use computers (though given a proper 
interface they might).  And then there was the news item the other day that 
dogs brains are wired like human brains.  Or that cats see humans as just 
bigger cats.  IOW, we are just beginning to understand our fellow creatures."

 I'm not saying that animals like dolphins and whales are inferior or superior 
than humans.  However, I can accept that they do have a form of consciousness.  
But they are not human consciousness.  If you can prove that they know that 
they know, then you should publish a scientific paper to disclose your 
findings.  Then you'll have to make logical rebuttals to other scientists who 
may have problems with your methodologies and conclusions.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Mike Dixon
Yeah, but is it *organic*? Oh wow! Maharishi vedic organic soylent green!

On Monday, February 24, 2014 4:31 PM, Michael Jackson  
Not if we start eating soylent green

On Mon, 2/24/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails
Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 5:44 PM


The first time
I ever heard or read
about this was back in the late 60s or early 70s when
there were
stories about chemtrails in the alternative press like
the L.A.
FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a
program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've
seen airliners at
the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't
disperse and
another when came a long a few minutes later which had
a contrail
that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude,
same air

Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if
California doesn't
get a good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the
roof and not
just here but all over the US.  We can only hope this
rain storm
which is forecast to begin on Weds continues on for
quite a while.

Human population should have been capped at 2
billion.  That is
manageable in terms of resources and livability. 
What we have now
is the fallout from far too many people on the

On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM,


Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been
going on for
decades, without much concern. The reason we
are in a
drought is due directly to global warming,
probably aided
by our huge population growth, and consequent
pollution. We have a high pressure zone
sitting on top of
California, which prevents the normal Pacific
current from
bringing us our Winter water. 

I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs
the length
of California's coast, has been warming up
for about a
decade. It was only a matter of time before
the land began
to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to
create a high
pressure system, as is commonly produced here,
in the
Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought.
I am not
sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 

Desalination plants are a good (very
expensive) idea for
the longer term, though I am not sure that
even those can
supply enough water for agriculture.

A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you
live in
interesting times".



Indeed it is. It
seems aluminum
is the
most "important" ingredient  in
the chemtrail, yet the
Californians wonder why they are stricken
with drought.
Like the Americans say: Go figure !


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
I am very ignorant about these things. Are there really laser type weapons and 
how can I see about they are?And who developed them?

On Mon, 2/24/14,  

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 11:18 PM
   We are pouring millions of tons of exhaust into the
 atmosphere annually. Who needs a chem trail? A couple of
 other things -
 1. You don't want to mess with jet fuel - Branson,
 Virgin Airways CEO, announced a plan to fly a 747 on
 bio-fuel, at least five years ago - hasn't happened yet,
 because it is really tricky to maintain a jet engine at
 proper temps and compression, when the kerosene is
 adulterated, or replaced.
 2. Contrails on two planes at the same altitude may have
 different visibilities, due to the angle of the light. I
 have photographed hundreds of them, and witnessed that
 phenomenon countless times. 
 However, several recent developments of the
 military-industrial complex concern me A LOT more than
 1. Armored, autonomous robots, with the ability to run 20
 miles an hour, over varied terrain, endlessly.
 2. Increasingly smaller laser weapons, with the ability to
 kill from a distance of several miles, and unlimited 
 3. Drones, coming to our skies next year. 
 Let's hope
 you are right that there is no covert govnt. operation to
 alter the weather. Of course the grave pollution is bad
 enough and involve all of us all over the planet. According
 to Benjamin Crème we have less that 15 years to reverse the
 serious imbalance caused by ourselves if we want to avert a
 major and permanent change in the weather. Today the UN
 released a report that 1000 children in poor countries
 die every year due to the new climate-changes.However
 I do find it perplexing that more and more retired personel
 in the aviation and military-systems come forward with new
 information on the chem-trails and the Area51. Do people
 really have to become oldish before they dare tell the truth
 as they have seen with their very eyes ?

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 25-Feb-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-02-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/22/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/01/14 00:00:00
369 messages as of (UTC) 02/25/14 00:14:44

 38 Michael Jackson 
 34 Richard J. Williams 
 28 nablusoss1008 
 26 doctordumbass
 25 Share Long 
 23 awoelflebater
 19 authfriend
 18 salyavin808 
 18 jedi_spock
 16 Bhairitu 
 14 TurquoiseBee 
 12 anartaxius
 11 merudanda 
 11 jr_esq
 10 Pundit Sir 
  9 dhamiltony2k5
  8 turquoiseb
  8 emptybill
  7 s3raphita
  6 emilymaenot
  6 cardemaister
  6 LEnglish5
  5 Mike Dixon 
  4 srijau
  2 Jason 
  1 wleed3 
  1 wgm4u 
  1 steve.sundur
  1 feste37 
  1 Sanyam Shrivastava 
Posters: 30
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Mike Dixon
I'm thinking that nature will take care of any over population and as usual, 
the strongest/smartest will survive. If man tries to take care of it, it will 
all end up being based on politics and then the human race will really be 

On Monday, February 24, 2014 12:46 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Back in the 1970s the population had reached 3 billion.  I recall at the time 
much of the chatter at the SCI class was about the Club of Rome's "Limits to 
Growth".   I think we could achieve population equity without killing off 
folks.  But history tends to repeat itself and collectively humanity is pretty 
stupid so it may be achieved by another world war.  Not good and whatever we do 
to try to prevent it won't keep some misjudgments that will initiate it.  It's 
like we built the weapons so they will get used.

Do you have any children?  Don't recall you saying so, so you've
  helped.  Same with me and a lot of smarter Americans who chose not
  to have families.

On 02/24/2014 11:43 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>OK, we need suicide volunteers to bring plant earth populations down under 2 
>billion. How are we going to do this? 
>On Monday, February 24, 2014 11:32 AM, Bhairitu 
>The first time I ever heard or read about this was back in the late 60s or 
>early 70s when there were stories about chemtrails in the alternative press 
>like the L.A. FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a classified 
>program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've seen airliners at the same 
>altitude, one with a trail that didn't disperse and another when came a long a 
>few minutes later which had a contrail that of course dissolved behind it.  
>Same altitude, same air temperature.
>Yes, we may well see a horrible
  apocalypse if California doesn't get a
  good rainfall.  Food prices will go
  through the roof and not just here but
  all over the US.  We can only hope
  this rain storm which is forecast to
  begin on Weds continues on for quite a
>Human population should have been
  capped at 2 billion.  That is
  manageable in terms of resources and
  livability.  What we have now is the
  fallout from far too many people on
  the planet.
>On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, wrote:
>>Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been going on for decades, without much 
>>concern. The reason we are in a drought is due directly to global warming, 
>>probably aided by our huge population growth, and consequent (warm) 
>>pollution. We have a high pressure zone sitting on top of California, which 
>>prevents the normal Pacific current from bringing us our Winter water. 
>>I have noticed the Pacific
current, which runs the length
of California's coast, has been
warming up for about a decade.
It was only a matter of time
before the land began to retain
enough heat, in the Winter, to
create a high pressure system,
as is commonly produced here, in
the Summer months. So, we are in
a severe drought. I am not sure
how we escape the cycle, at this
>>Desalination plants are a good
(very expensive) idea for the
longer term, though I am not
sure that even those can supply
enough water for agriculture.
>>A Chinese curse comes to mind:
"May you live in interesting
>>---In, wrote:
>>Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient  in the 
>>chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought. 
>>Like the Americans say: Go figure ! 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread emptybill
This suggestion is so inappropriate. 
 Our members driving this very thread are the sheer eh-pee-tomee-s of 
deification. After all we’re all the apex of evolution. The space bro’s visit 
us just to admire us. Apparently the "word" is out. 
 Ca Ca Can’t we jus’ jus' get along?
  Willy sez: 
 Maybe we should just move this whole discussion over to WhatsApp since 
 NOBODY in less than 24 hours is going to EVER again read this discussion 
 about theism and " Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God". 
 NEVER. Somebody prove me wrong.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
We are pouring millions of tons of exhaust into the atmosphere annually. Who 
needs a chem trail? A couple of other things -
1. You don't want to mess with jet fuel - Branson, Virgin Airways CEO, 
announced a plan to fly a 747 on bio-fuel, at least five years ago - hasn't 
happened yet, because it is really tricky to maintain a jet engine at proper 
temps and compression, when the kerosene is adulterated, or replaced.
2. Contrails on two planes at the same altitude may have different 
visibilities, due to the angle of the light. I have photographed hundreds of 
them, and witnessed that phenomenon countless times. 

However, several recent developments of the military-industrial complex concern 
me A LOT more than chem-trails:
1. Armored, autonomous robots, with the ability to run 20 miles an hour, over 
varied terrain, endlessly.
2. Increasingly smaller laser weapons, with the ability to kill from a distance 
of several miles, and unlimited  ammunition.
3. Drones, coming to our skies next year. 

---In,  wrote:

 Let's hope you are right that there is no covert govnt. operation to alter the 
weather. Of course the grave pollution is bad enough and involve all of us all 
over the planet. According to Benjamin Crème we have less that 15 years to 
reverse the serious imbalance caused by ourselves if we want to avert a major 
and permanent change in the weather. Today the UN released a report that 1000 
children in poor countries die every year due to the new climate-changes.
 However I do find it perplexing that more and more retired personel in the 
aviation and military-systems come forward with new information on the 
chem-trails and the Area51. Do people really have to become oldish before they 
dare tell the truth as they have seen with their very eyes ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
that's pretty good Doc 

On Mon, 2/24/14,  

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 10:26 PM
   Easy -- start counting off by twos. Then the
 'twos' kill all the 'ones'. Repeat as
 necessary, and *no* cutting in line...
 OK, we need suicide
 volunteers to bring plant earth populations down under 2
 billion. How are we going to do this? 
   On Monday, February
 24, 2014 11:32 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 first time I ever heard or read
 about this was back in the late 60s or early 70s when there
 stories about chemtrails in the alternative press like the
 FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a
 program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've
 seen airliners at
 the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't disperse
 another when came a long a few minutes later which had a
 that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude,
 same air
 Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if California
 get a good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the
 roof and not
 just here but all over the US.  We can only hope this
 rain storm
 which is forecast to begin on Weds continues on for quite a
 Human population should have been capped at 2 billion. 
 That is
 manageable in terms of resources and livability.  What
 we have now
 is the fallout from far too many people on the planet.
 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
 seeding with silver iodide has been going on for
 decades, without much concern. The reason we are in a
 drought is due directly to global warming, probably aided
 by our huge population growth, and consequent (warm)
 pollution. We have a high pressure zone sitting on top of
 California, which prevents the normal Pacific current from
 bringing us our Winter water. 
 I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length
 of California's coast, has been warming up for about a
 decade. It was only a matter of time before the land began
 to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to create a high
 pressure system, as is commonly produced here, in the
 Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought. I am not
 sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 
 Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for
 the longer term, though I am not sure that even those can
 supply enough water for agriculture.
 A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in
 interesting times".
 ---In, wrote:
 it is. It seems aluminum
 is the
 most "important" ingredient  in the
 chemtrail, yet the
 Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought.
 Like the Americans say: Go figure

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
As it relates to the earlier discussion about radiating unconditional love, 
such a saint would be fully aware of both the bliss, and the great physical 
pain, and the source of each. Maybe it is then like stubbing your toe, while 
your child is running towards you, for a hug. The hug still happens, fully and 
deeply, while you think, "ouch, that toe hurts".  

 ---In,  wrote:

 Doc, I agree that all this stuff resides in the physiology and arises from 
there. But then I remember reading about saints who were in bliss but also 
great physical pain. Any thoughts about that? 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 1:02 PM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Beliefs in limitations don't arise, unless the limitation is evident within 
oneself. Similarly, a belief in one's unlimited ability doesn't arise, unless 
the ability within oneself is present - latent, perhaps, but present.
So, although we all enjoy 'owning' our beliefs, even arguing for them, and 
thinking of them as choices we each make, they are really much more of a 
rationalized expression, of the state of our physiology.
However, as humans, we have this unique ability to set a conflict within 
ourselves, to believe in something, that in terms of everyday life, we cannot 
support. It is simply not possible - Not impossible, in terms of future 
achievement, but in terms of simply thinking it so, it is not possible for a 
belief to instantaneously override the physiology. 
That means, if, as this guy says, we believe in giving unconditional love, but 
we do not have the capacity, all we can offer is inner conflict, and why would 
you want to pass that on? Once the ability to offer unconditional love is 
there, it doesn't matter what our belief is, at all - we can only spread, and 
share it.
I find that humans are not as smart as we *think* we are - life, itself, serves 
as much better mirror, and teacher. :-)

---In,  wrote:

 But Doc, is it conditioning that is preventing unconditional love. Or is it 
the belief that conditioning is preventing unconditional love that is the real 
PS I find David Deida to be a very profound thinker so I take to heart what he 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:20 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Who, then, is doing the unconditional loving, in those cases? It is a very 
strange thing to assert, since it is conditioning which prevents unconditional 
love, in the first place. Perhaps he is merely mentioning the old saw, to not 
wait for full enlightenment, to begin living a full life, and that is always 
good advice.


---In,  wrote:

 Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is 
good. But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's 
good too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're 
totally screwed up!

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

 turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are 
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

 I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."  wrote:
   A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius
The following link is to a page where the attempt is made to explain, or at 
least illuminate the idea of creation from 'nothing' without a god. I debate 
the sentence 'It takes a Knower to conceive of space and time'. It takes a mind 
to conceive of space and time. A 'knower' might be conceived of as being 
required for experience (i.e. consciousness). But as to whether this 
consciousness is separate from or identical with what is experienced depends on 
whatever that perceptual quality of experience is. If the latter, there is no 
Knower, only the experience. The more integrated one's experience is, the less 
room there is for a knower, or something that *has* the experience, the 
experience simply exists, and that is that. The mind conceives space and time, 
the consciousness makes that an experience, in some mysterious way, but 
separating out these things as various facets creates problems of logical 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
Easy -- start counting off by twos. Then the 'twos' kill all the 'ones'. Repeat 
as necessary, and *no* cutting in line...

---In,  wrote:

 OK, we need suicide volunteers to bring plant earth populations down under 2 
billion. How are we going to do this?
 On Monday, February 24, 2014 11:32 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 The first time I ever heard or read about this was back in the late 60s or 
early 70s when there were stories about chemtrails in the alternative press 
like the L.A. FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a classified 
program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've seen airliners at the same 
altitude, one with a trail that didn't disperse and another when came a long a 
few minutes later which had a contrail that of course dissolved behind it.  
Same altitude, same air temperature.
 Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if California doesn't get a good 
rainfall.  Food prices will go through the roof and not just here but all over 
the US.  We can only hope this rain storm which is forecast to begin on Weds 
continues on for quite a while.
 Human population should have been capped at 2 billion.  That is manageable in 
terms of resources and livability.  What we have now is the fallout from far 
too many people on the planet.
 On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been going on for decades, without much 
concern. The reason we are in a drought is due directly to global warming, 
probably aided by our huge population growth, and consequent (warm) pollution. 
We have a high pressure zone sitting on top of California, which prevents the 
normal Pacific current from bringing us our Winter water. 
 I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length of California's 
coast, has been warming up for about a decade. It was only a matter of time 
before the land began to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to create a high 
pressure system, as is commonly produced here, in the Summer months. So, we are 
in a severe drought. I am not sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 
 Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for the longer term, 
though I am not sure that even those can supply enough water for agriculture.
 A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in interesting times".

 ---In, wrote:
 Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient  in the 
chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought. Like 
the Americans say: Go figure !




Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread salyavin808
You still aren't including the previous post! 

 Space is a conceptual construct huh? So there was no planet earth wheeling its 
way through space before the people on it perceived it? That makes everything 
else a bit tricky, little matters like evolution must be a fraud.

 Quantum tunnelling works on the principle that random fluctuations occur in 
time as well as space, they are popping about all the time and it only took one 
to hop into the region before the big bang where space didn't exist and all of 
a sudden it would. You can argue with the likes of Hawking and Stenger as much 
as you want but you have to really understand them first and I don't.

 Would like to see the ideas of this "overwhelming" number of scientists that 
can see beyond the start of the universe...

---In,  wrote:


 Without space and time, nothing will exist, hence no matter.  By logical 
reasoning, you can understand that space is a conceptual construct, such as the 
idea of length, width and height.  It takes a Knower to conceive of space and 
time.  As such, how is it possible for nothing or even a random quantum 
fluctuation start space, time and the universe?  This is the reason why I 
strongly disagree with the ideas proposed by Hawking  and Krauss relating to 
the beginning of the universe.

 By the way, an overwhelming majority of current scientists believe that they 
can prove what happened before our universe began.  Roger Penrose is one of 
them.  You can watch his lecture on this on YouTube.  He believes that he can 
scientifically prove his theory by using space probes.  But so far he has 
failed to show any results.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 Without space and time, nothing will exist, hence no matter.  By logical 
reasoning, you can understand that space is a conceptual construct, such as the 
idea of length, width and height.  It takes a Knower to conceive of space and 
time.  As such, how is it possible for nothing or even a random quantum 
fluctuation start space, time and the universe?  This is the reason why I 
strongly disagree with the ideas proposed by Hawking  and Krauss relating to 
the beginning of the universe.

 By the way, an overwhelming majority of current scientists believe that they 
can prove what happened before our universe began.  Roger Penrose is one of 
them.  You can watch his lecture on this on YouTube.  He believes that he can 
scientifically prove his theory by using space probes.  But so far he has 
failed to show any results.

[FairfieldLife] What's Sanyam opinion about G. C.Ve(a)rma case in Bhopal

2014-02-24 Thread merudanda
Since we are privileged to have a Bhopal /India resident here now at our FFL 
forum wouldn't it be interesting to know Sanyam's opinion about Girish case and 
latest news? And as astronomer with "spritual leaning" Sanyam  opinion about 
"Maharishi Yagya", Girish were paramount - the divine  prime mover ?
  February 19, 2014:Latest news about Girish C.Varma from The Free Press 
Journal(est 1933 in Bombay, now Mumbai )"forefront of freedom struggle against 
the British, supporter of the Indian independence movement". 
 Starting from December 30, 2013 The Free Press Journal published 9 article 
about G.C.V. including February 8, 2014: Complainant (Renu Rani Sharma)alleges 
acid attack, threatening calls ( contract for her murder),February 9,:Maharshi 
Vidya Mandir denies hand in ‘acid attack’on woman( Renu Rani Sharma) - See more 
 The journal are described as nationalist  with left-wing affiliation, even 
with  communist leanings (Bal Thackeray)but let's not forget Satyananda and his 
friends  had the same strong political background before he and they met SBS.
 The registered charge-sheet seems not to include the land grab charge  but 
other little detail.
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 - See more at:
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014
 Charge- sheet filed against Chancellor of Mahesh ogi varsity
 The police, on Tuesday, filed charge- sheet against Chancellor of Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi Vedic University Girish Chandra Verma in the designated court of 
JMFC Umesh Soni in connection with sexual harassment allegation made by a 
teacher of a school under him. Challan incorporates statements of 20 witnesses, 
including principal of Maharishi Vidhyalaya and former school principal Jai 
Narain Pandey of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.

Pandey, in his statement, had informed the police that Verma used to order to 
appoint girls between 20 years to 25 years and they were appointed only after 
one- to one screening by Girish Verma.
 Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that she 
was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma. Verma took her 
signatures on blanks papers in 1997- 99. She was first raped on August 22, 1999 
and the last time on March 1, 2013. She had lodged first complaint on March 11, 
2013 and second complaint on March 24, 2013.
 Verma was arrested on December 29,2013. He was initially sent in police 
custody till January 1, 2014. Thereafter he was sent to judicial custody. ADJ 
Syeda Bano Rehman had rejected the bail plea on January 3, 2014. The High 
Court,on January 30,2014 had granted bail to him. Justice NK Gupta had granted 
bail. Verma’s passport and Audi car and other documents have been seized. 
Mahila Police Station SHO Renu Murab said, “ We have filed challan of 66 pages 
including statements of all the witness. Next hearing will be on March 5. 
Charges under sections 376 ( rape) and 506 ( criminal intimidation) of IPC have 
been registered against Verma”.
 - See more at:
 "Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that 
she was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma" (section 506 
 criminal intimidation?of IPC)- seems the photo from
  was not so farfetched

Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Not an everyday occurrence in Bhopal:

Bhopal: Bride gives birth to child right during her wedding ceremony
Shahroz Afridi, Hindustan Times  Bhopal, February 22, 2014 

When a bride gave birth to a child right during her wedding ceremony, the kin 
of both the bride and groom as well as community members decided to cancel the 
marriage and wind up the ceremony.

However, the groom decided to go ahead with the ceremony and took home not only 
the bride, but also the newborn baby. The incident unfolded on Friday in the 
tribal-dominated Dindori district, 466 km east from state capital Bhopal. The 
bride, Damayanti Bai (name changed), went into labour pain during the 'phere' 
ceremony and delivered a baby right at the venue.

All the guests and relatives present at scene were shocked and most of them 
tried to persuade the groom Man Singh Dhurve to walk-off the marriage. But to 
everybody's surprise Man Singh said he could not leave the bride in such a 
situation and continued with the marriage rites with the baby in his arms.

The relatives were forced to rethink on their decision to not participate in 
the 'tainted' ceremony after Man Singh requested them to stay back. Elders of 
the community even warned the groom saying that he would be penalised if he 
married the woman. But an unyielding Man Singh said he was ready to pay the 
penalty as decided by the community panchayat and the marriage was performed.

"The day I was engaged to her, I had promised to support her throughout life," 
said Man Singh. He said that he was happy with his decision that saved two 
families from being humiliated.

The groom's father too appreciating his son's act said he was ready to pay the 
penalty if the panchayat members say so.

Chhotelal Dhurve, uncle of the groom, said that initially he had thought of 
shunning the marriage but the groom's insistence forced him to think again. 
"Now we are proud of his decision," he added.

On Mon, 2/24/14, Sanyam Shrivastava  wrote:

 Subject: Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:28 PM
 Greetings all,
 I am Sanyam shrivastava, a new member in the family. I am
 from Bhopal, in India. I practice regular meditation, and to
 a large scale, have attained third eye meditation. I am an
 Astronomer, but at the same time i am into Spirituality. I
 know that sounds contradictory.
 Anyway, i would like to know, what are the basic discussions
 covered in this group? :)
 Thanks in advance

Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread merudanda
Dear Sanyam Shrivastava seeker or finder of truth and liberation!
Welcome to the slim bright shining curl of our companion world at FFL  
mysterious grace of moon 
you may lights a fire anytime in our remembering places at FFL.
Topics and  basic discussions covered in this group are quite beautiful 
described  by Rick Archer 
see and just click
 allow me to copy and paste the content for your convenient:
 Group Description 
 Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth 
and liberation everywhere. Fairfield, Iowa is home to Maharishi University of 
Management, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1971. There are about 2000 
Transcendental Meditation practitioners here, as well as many others pursuing 
various spiritual paths.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell

We often discuss the trials and tribulations of the TM Movement, which may not 
interest some, but that's why God created the delete key. Discussions also draw 
from diverse teachers such as Ammachi, Eckhart Tolle, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, 
Byron Katie, Dalai Lama, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, Shankara, etc.

"The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." ~ The I Ching

Pretty much any topic is fair game. Currently, there's a lot of discussion 
about American politics. We have discussed spirituality, politics, economics, 
morality and higher states of consciousness, drug laws, evolution vs. 
creationism, enlightenment, advaita, reincarnation, karma, Jyotish (Vedic 
astrology), yagya, Ayurveda, dzogchen, tantra, channeling, vegetarianism, 
kundalini, celibacy, sexuality, homosexuality, abortion, racism, UFOs, 
Buddhism, Hinduism, Veda, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Scientology, etc.

"Whatever you think, it's more than that" ~ Incredible String Band

You can lurk without joining, but you have to join to post. Members can access 
Files, Photos, Links, and Database.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
~ Buddha

"Take what you need and leave the rest." ~ The Band

"I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for 
the truth; and truth rewarded me." ~ Simone de Beauvoir"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 If you're a TMer you'll understand transcendental consciousness can be 
achieved and experienced by anyone.  And that one can experience TC along with 
the waking, dreaming and sleeping consciousness.

   If you read the Shiva Sutras, the slokas are also talking about the same 
experiences that is taught by MMY.

 So, TC is the same as samadhi.  This is the difference that TM teaches as 
compared to the other Indian gurus or even books that you've read.

 As far as spacial dimensions are concerned, it is my own theory that the 
various states of consciousness are really the extended higher dimensions from 
the basic space-time continuum.  I've talked about this idea several times in 
this forum.  This is why I believe the scientists at CERN are probably NOT 
going to discover any higher dimensions with their sophisticated giant machines 
in Switzerland.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hackers

2014-02-24 Thread Pundit Sir
An inside look at who's watching you, what they know and why it matters. We
are being watched.

[image: Inline image 1]

We see online ads from websites we've visited, long after we've moved on to
other interests. Our smartphones and cars transmit our location, enabling
us to know what's in the neighborhood but also enabling others to track us.
And the federal government, we recently learned, has been conducting a
massive data-gathering surveillance operation across the Internet and on
our phone lines.

'Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security, and Freedom in a World of
Relentless Surveillance'
by Julia Anquin
Macmillan, 2014

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Richard J. Williams

> Hacker Reading List:
> 'Ghost in the Wires'
> by Kevin Mitnick
> Back Bay Books, 2011
> 'We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the
> Global Cyber Insurgency'
> by Parmy Olson
> Little, Brown and Company (June 5, 2012)
> 'Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet'
> by Andrew Blum,
> HarperCollins, 2012
> 'Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution'
> by Steven Levy
> O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (May 19, 2010)
> 'Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government--Saving Privacy in the
> Digital Age'
> by Steven Levy
> Viking, 2001
> 'Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias'
> by Peter Ludlow
> Bradford Book, 2001
> 'Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace'
> by Lawrence Lessig
> Basic Books (July 13, 2000)
> 'Hacking'
> The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
> by Jon Erickson
> No Starch Press, 2008
> 'How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and
> Vanish without a Trace'
> by Frank M. Ahearn
> Lyons Press, 2010
> 'Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime
> Underground'
> by Kevin Poulsen
> Crown, 2011

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Bhairitu
Back in the 1970s the population had reached 3 billion.  I recall at the 
time much of the chatter at the SCI class was about the Club of Rome's 
"Limits to Growth".   I think we could achieve population equity without 
killing off folks.  But history tends to repeat itself and collectively 
humanity is pretty stupid so it may be achieved by another world war.  
Not good and whatever we do to try to prevent it won't keep some 
misjudgments that will initiate it.  It's like we built the weapons so 
they will get used.

Do you have any children?  Don't recall you saying so, so you've 
helped.  Same with me and a lot of smarter Americans who chose not to 
have families.

On 02/24/2014 11:43 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
OK, we need suicide volunteers to bring plant earth populations down 
under 2 billion. How are we going to do this?

On Monday, February 24, 2014 11:32 AM, Bhairitu 
The first time I ever heard or read about this was back in the late 
60s or early 70s when there were stories about chemtrails in the 
alternative press like the L.A. FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is 
supposedly a classified program but we are getting leaks about it.  
I've seen airliners at the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't 
disperse and another when came a long a few minutes later which had a 
contrail that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude, same air 

Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if California doesn't get a 
good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the roof and not just here 
but all over the US.  We can only hope this rain storm which is 
forecast to begin on Weds continues on for quite a while.

Human population should have been capped at 2 billion.  That is 
manageable in terms of resources and livability.  What we have now is 
the fallout from far too many people on the planet.

On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, 
Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been going on for decades, 
without much concern. The reason we are in a drought is due directly 
to global warming, probably aided by our huge population growth, and 
consequent (warm) pollution. We have a high pressure zone sitting on 
top of California, which prevents the normal Pacific current from 
bringing us our Winter water.
I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length of 
California's coast, has been warming up for about a decade. It was 
only a matter of time before the land began to retain enough heat, in 
the Winter, to create a high pressure system, as is commonly produced 
here, in the Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought. I am not 
sure how we escape the cycle, at this point.
Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for the longer 
term, though I am not sure that even those can supply enough water 
for agriculture.

A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in interesting times".

, wrote:

Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient 
 in the chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken 
with drought. Like the Americans say: Go figure !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/24/2014 10:40 AM, wrote:
> I was thinking of the quote Judy originally made about not discussing 
> anything with me, and Judy was probably thinking of the quote she 
> subsequently made when she responded to me (where she tried to worm 
> around not being able to respond to me without lying by 'commenting' 
> on what I wrote), so the 'best' interpretation is we both misconstrued 
> the specific item each thought the other was referring to.
Maybe we should just move this whole discussion over to WhatsApp since 
NOBODY in less than 24 hours is going to EVER again read this discussion 
about theism and " Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God". 
NEVER. Somebody prove me wrong.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius
Yes, this is the post I was referring to. I have a hand written note that has 
the correct post number, but in my post, I got the digits transposed when I 
typed it. You win this one, hands down, though the original matter behind this 
exchange remains unchanged. If you are curious, the phrase, 'hands down',  
refers to jockeys' need to keep a tight rein in order to encourage their horses 
to run. Anyone who is so far ahead that he can afford to slacken off and still 
win he can drop his hands and loosen the reins - hence winning 'hands down'.  

 Mis-perception and illusion is a powerful force, but do not suppose it is only 
regulated to me.

---In,  wrote:

 Let's see if Xeno can admit to his whopping error (or "direct unvarnished 
lie") instead of trying to blame it on me. 

 He wrote:

 << 'In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.' >>


 The actual post in question:


 "A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry). 

 His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
helpless even to unpress his own buttons.

 He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357) for in post #374410 I wrote:

 ' In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.'

 So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake.
Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.

 The above in red is an example of your deviousness, for the most part it is 
the observation of your pattern of behaviour, and you tend to be more subtle 
than the blatant example above.

 In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
as saying:

 I was not referring to this one below (though there was a one-sided discussion 
about it at the time) but commenting on a post is a sly (sly = devious here) 
way of entering the discussion without directly saying that is what you are 
doing. Having said what you said, of course I have been baiting you to see if 
you would slip up more directly and actually directly respond to me rather than 
tangentially. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. But someone who 
proclaims honesty so vociferously really should be tested for veracity 

 I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.

 You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.

 Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
credulity. Advertising simply cannot cover up the basic fact of the matter.

 I could have sworn I made it clear I wasn't at all interested in commenting on 
what Xeno had to say unless he d

Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread salyavin808
Yo Sanyam, greetings! 

 Astronomer eh? Is this your job or an armchair passion like it is with me? 
Whichever it is you will find plenty of people here with opinions on cosmology 
and spirituality. The range of opinion is wide but that's what makes it 

 You can start a conversation on pretty much anything and we'll join in. Or not.

---In,  wrote:

 Welcome, Sanyam. There are others here who are fascinated by astronomy and 
cosmology, even jyotish!
It's like a banquet table full of wonderful foods. It's possible to enjoy what 
you like and leave the rest for someone else.

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:30 AM, Sanyam Shrivastava 
 Greetings all,
 I am Sanyam shrivastava, a new member in the family. I am from Bhopal, in 
India. I practice regular meditation, and to a large scale, have attained third 
eye meditation. I am an Astronomer, but at the same time i am into 
Spirituality. I know that sounds contradictory.
 Anyway, i would like to know, what are the basic discussions covered in this 
group? :)
 Thanks in advance



[FairfieldLife] What's Sanyam opinion about Girish C.Ve(a)rma case and latest news

2014-02-24 Thread merudanda
Since we are privileged to have a Bhopal/India resident here now at our FFL 
forum wouldn't it be interesting to know Sanyam's opinion about Girish case and 
latest news? And as astronomer with "spritual leaning" Sanyam  opinion about 
"Maharishi Yagya", Girish were paramount - the divine  prime mover ?
 February 19, 2014:Latest news about Girish C.Varma from The Free Press 
Journal(est 1933 in Bombay, now Mumbai )"forefront of freedom struggle against 
the British, supporter of the Indian independence movement". 
Starting from December 30, 2013 The Free Press Journal published 9 article 
about G.C.V. including February 8, 2014: Complainant (Renu Rani Sharma)alleges 
acid attack, threatening calls ( contract for her murder),February 9,:Maharshi 
Vidya Mandir denies hand in ‘acid attack’on woman( Renu Rani Sharma) - See more 
The journal are described as nationalist  with left-wing affiliation, even with 
 communist leanings (Bal Thackeray)but let's not forget Satyananda and his 
friends  had the same strong political background before he and they met SBS.

The registered charge-sheet seems not to include the land grab charge  but 
other little detail.
Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 - See more at:
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 - See more at:
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 
 Charge- sheet filed against Chancellor of Mahesh ogi varsity
 BHOPAL: The police, on Tuesday, filed charge- sheet against Chancellor of 
Maharishi Mahesh ogi Vedic University Girish Chandra Verma in the designated 
court of JMFC Umesh Soni in connection with sexual harassment allegation made 
by a teacher of a school under him. Challan incorporates statements of 20 
witnesses, including principal of Maharishi Vidhyalaya and former school 
principal Jai Narain Pandey of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.,
 in his statement, had informed the police that Verma used to order to appoint 
girls between 20 years to 25 years and they were appointed only after one- to 
one screening by Girish Verma.
 Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that she 
was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma. Verma took her 
signatures on blanks papers in 1997- 99. She was first raped on August 22, 1999 
and the last time on March 1, 2013. She had lodged first complaint on March 11, 
2013 and second complaint on March 24, 2013.
 Verma was arrested on December 29,2013. He was initially sent in police 
custody till January 1, 2014. Thereafter he was sent to judicial custody. ADJ 
Syeda Bano Rehman had rejected the bail plea on January 3, 2014. The High Court,
 on January 30,2014 had granted bail to him. Justice NK Gupta had granted bail. 
Verma’s passport and Audi car and other documents have been seized. Mahila 
Police Station SHO Renu Murab said, “ We have filed challan of 66 pages 
including statements of all the witness. Next hearing will be on March 5. 
Charges under sections 376 ( rape) and 506 ( criminal intimidation) of IPC have 
been registered against Verma”.
 - See more at:
Charge- sheet filed against Chancellor of Mahesh Yogi Vedic University
BHOPAL: The police, on Tuesday, filed charge- sheet against Chancellor of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University Girish Chandra Verma in the designated 
court of JMFC Umesh Soni in connection with sexual harassment allegation made 
by a teacher of a school under him. Challan incorporates statements of 20 
witnesses, including principal of Maharishi Vidhyalaya and former school 
principal Jai Narain Pandey of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.Pandey, in his 
statement, had informed the police that Verma used to order to appoint girls 
between 20 years to 25 years and they were appointed only after one- to one 
screening by Girish Verma.
Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that she 
was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma. Verma took her 
signatures on blanks papers in 1997- 99. She was first raped on August 22, 1999 
and the last time on March 1, 2013. She had lodged first complaint on March 11, 
2013 and second complaint on Marc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
One more time: Classical theists do not believe in God as "a being," good or 
bad. They believe in God as Beingness Itself. 

 Could you elaborate on that please? 
  "Classical theists say that God wills the good of 
   the creatures. Human beings, however, do not 
   always will their own good, or the good of other 
   people. In those cases, on the classical view, God 
   brings it about that people freely decide not to 
   will the good of others.  This makes God responsible 
   for evil and suffering in a way that contradicts 
   divine  goodness. On the classical view, for example, 
   the crimes that disfigure human history are the fault 
   of human beings, but they are also God's doing."

   "Classical theists believe in the existence of an 
 all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good being. The 
 problem is that while their standard arguments 
 (cosmological, design etc.) may establish the 
 existence of a creator God, they do nothing to 
 establish that the creator is all-good. Hence 
 they must do something more to show that the 
 creator is all-good. This brings the EGC 
 challenge into play since it suggests that the 
 case for an Evil God is just as strong as the 
 case for a Good God.

 This is where things get interesting. When 
 confronted with the idea of an Evil God, most 
 classical theists will be inclined to simply 
 dismiss it as being absurd. But if all other 
 arguments fail to support the existence of a Good 
 God, and if the evidential problem of good is just 
 as strong as the evidential problem of evil, 
 shouldn’t they then accept that idea of a Good God 
 is absurd too"

 > -- authfriend  wrote:
 > Not classical theists. 


Nature throws a wide range of mutations into the
environment. Many fail to make it, in the process, but some
always survive.

This gives evolution the versatility and the flexibility to
deal with the capricious and erratic, fluctuations in the

The tremendous wastage in the evolutionary process should
make the ID theorists and Theists  realise that their
beliefs are bullshit.  More than 99% percent of species that
ever existed on earth are already extinct.  The extinction
rate is so high that many evolutionary biologists state that
extinction is a natural process in evolution.

In that sense, evolution and nature's systems are
anti-fragile. You spray DDT, nature immediately spawns the
next Gen mosquitos resistant to DDT.  You treat an infection
with penicillin, and nature immediately spawns the next Gen
bacteria resistant to penicillin.

> ---  salyavin> 
> You can't say that it won't happen again but it was a fluke on this 
planet, but then with so many bacteria sliming about maybe it was bound to 
happen sooner or later? But it wasn't necessary, there is no grand plan unless 
it's one that does its best not to look like one!
> This holographic idea that John has got fixed on doesn't explain how it 
looks like undirected genetic meandering. Think how many hominid types there 
have been, they dig up a new one each week, but we are the only survivors with 
just a slight edge over the Neanderthals. If the ice age were still in full 
flow would they be the majority humans still? Evolution is as much luck as 
superiority, being in the right place at the right time goes a long way to 

> > Share  wrote:
> > 
> > John, I wish I could find a post from salyavin somewhat recently. 
It had to do with how life started, the combining of something with something 
else and it was a random happening, will never happen again kind of thing. 
Anyway, it speaks to this point about life and its pure randomness. But I also 
like the holographic idea.
> >

> > > On Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:14 PM, "jr_esq@..."  
> > > 
> > > Share,
> > > 
> > > I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence 
of human beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe.  If 
this is so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such 
disparate places.  Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be true.
> > > 
Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these 
exoplanets, is it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit th

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Mike Dixon
OK, we need suicide volunteers to bring plant earth populations down under 2 
billion. How are we going to do this?

On Monday, February 24, 2014 11:32 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
The first time I ever heard or read about this was back in the late 60s or 
early 70s when there were stories about chemtrails in the alternative press 
like the L.A. FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a classified 
program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've seen airliners at the same 
altitude, one with a trail that didn't disperse and another when came a long a 
few minutes later which had a contrail that of course dissolved behind it.  
Same altitude, same air temperature.

Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if California doesn't
  get a good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the roof and not
  just here but all over the US.  We can only hope this rain storm
  which is forecast to begin on Weds continues on for quite a while.

Human population should have been capped at 2 billion.  That is
  manageable in terms of resources and livability.  What we have now
  is the fallout from far too many people on the planet.

On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, wrote:
>Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been going on for decades, without much 
>concern. The reason we are in a drought is due directly to global warming, 
>probably aided by our huge population growth, and consequent (warm) pollution. 
>We have a high pressure zone sitting on top of California, which prevents the 
>normal Pacific current from bringing us our Winter water. 
>I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length
  of California's coast, has been warming up for about a
  decade. It was only a matter of time before the land began
  to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to create a high
  pressure system, as is commonly produced here, in the
  Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought. I am not
  sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 
>Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for
  the longer term, though I am not sure that even those can
  supply enough water for agriculture.
>A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in
  interesting times".
>---In, wrote:
>Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient  in the 
>chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought. 
>Like the Americans say: Go figure !

[FairfieldLife] Great songs of our time....

2014-02-24 Thread salyavin808
Remember dancing to this at some wild party in the woods, out of my head on 
several illegal but highly entertaining substances. Good times. I learnt TM a 
year later and became a good little boy. Glad I did the psychedelic thing first 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Swami Vivekananda’s Encounter s with Christian Missionaries

2014-02-24 Thread wgm4u
Hence the moniker *Dufus*.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread nablusoss1008
Let's hope you are right that there is no covert govnt. operation to alter the 
weather. Of course the grave pollution is bad enough and involve all of us all 
over the planet. According to Benjamin Crème we have less that 15 years to 
reverse the serious imbalance caused by ourselves if we want to avert a major 
and permanent change in the weather. Today the UN released a report that 1000 
children in poor countries die every year due to the new climate-changes.
 However I do find it perplexing that more and more retired personel in the 
aviation and military-systems come forward with new information on the 
chem-trails and the Area51. Do people really have to become oldish before they 
dare tell the truth as they have seen with their very eyes ?

[FairfieldLife] Comcast Extortion

2014-02-24 Thread Bhairitu
Comcast and Netflix reached an agreement where Netflix will be paying 
Comcast to carry their feed unobstructed or un-throttled. This is a dark 
day for Americans and particularly FFL'ers who are enjoying Net 
Neutrality.  It won't take long for the other telecom crime syndicates 
to begin extortion too.  We already pay too much for broadband in the US 
and now those pigs want us to pay more.

Death to the telecom mafia dons, kuru kuru swaha!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread salyavin808

 Space is where matter lives, it's what dimensions like length or depth give 
us. Time is the arrow of entropy, the way in which matter in the universe 
interacts. Without matter there would be no time, just as there was no space 
before the big bang that started the whole thing off. What came before that we 
cannot know.

 I don't believe anything, but quantum tunnelling is a good guess as to how 
space got started. Whether it will stand the test of time or get superceded is 
beyond me but it's a universe without need of gods or prime movers or unified 
consciousness (whatever that might mean) so it appeals for a lot of reasons, 
the main one being that involving creators of any sort doesn't answer any 
questions it just pushes them further down the line to some presumably 
ineffable and unmeasurable superbeing.

 Which is what your quantum wave idea does. However you want to look at it, if 
something has been projected there must have been a projector and someone who 
decided what gets projected. The two ways I told you it was a non-starter hold 
up: We live on an evolving world and quantum waves (which are mathematical 
descriptions anyway) can't contain more information than what they consist of 
because they wouldn't be quantum, and therefore random, anymore.



---In,  wrote:


 How do you suppose that space/time was created in the universe?  Do you 
believe that a random quantum fluctuation created this concept?  I'll explain 
my ideas after I get your responses to the questions above.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread salyavin808

 Dude, can you press the message history button at the bottom of the reply box 
before you post or I won't know what post you are commenting on.

 But whatever it was, making arguments against a theory is fine, especially if 
you know something about it or know where someone else has gone wrong about it.

---In,  wrote:


 You are making arguments against a theory.  We'll find the true answer when 
the theory is proved correct or incorrect. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
Doc, I agree that all this stuff resides in the physiology and arises from 
there. But then I remember reading about saints who were in bliss but also 
great physical pain. Any thoughts about that? 

On Monday, February 24, 2014 1:02 PM, "" 
Beliefs in limitations don't arise, unless the limitation is evident within 
oneself. Similarly, a belief in one's unlimited ability doesn't arise, unless 
the ability within oneself is present - latent, perhaps, but present.
So, although we all enjoy 'owning' our beliefs, even arguing for them, and 
thinking of them as choices we each make, they are really much more of a 
rationalized expression, of the state of our physiology.
However, as humans, we have this unique ability to set a conflict within 
ourselves, to believe in something, that in terms of everyday life, we cannot 
support. It is simply not possible - Not impossible, in terms of future 
achievement, but in terms of simply thinking it so, it is not possible for a 
belief to instantaneously override the physiology. 
That means, if, as this guy says, we believe in giving unconditional love, but 
we do not have the capacity, all we can offer is inner conflict, and why would 
you want to pass that on? Once the ability to offer unconditional love is 
there, it doesn't matter what our belief is, at all - we can only spread, and 
share it.
I find that humans are not as smart as we *think* we are - life, itself, serves 
as much better mirror, and teacher. :-)

---In,  wrote:

But Doc, is it conditioning that is preventing unconditional love. Or is it the 
belief that conditioning is preventing unconditional love that is the real 
PS I find David Deida to be a very profound thinker so I take to heart what he 

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:20 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  

Who, then, is doing the unconditional loving, in those cases? It is a very 
strange thing to assert, since it is conditioning which prevents unconditional 
love, in the first place. Perhaps he is merely mentioning the old saw, to not 
wait for full enlightenment, to begin living a full life, and that is always 
good advice.

---In,  wrote:

Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is good. 
But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's good 
too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're totally 

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."

A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
Beliefs in limitations don't arise, unless the limitation is evident within 
oneself. Similarly, a belief in one's unlimited ability doesn't arise, unless 
the ability within oneself is present - latent, perhaps, but present.
So, although we all enjoy 'owning' our beliefs, even arguing for them, and 
thinking of them as choices we each make, they are really much more of a 
rationalized expression, of the state of our physiology.
However, as humans, we have this unique ability to set a conflict within 
ourselves, to believe in something, that in terms of everyday life, we cannot 
support. It is simply not possible - Not impossible, in terms of future 
achievement, but in terms of simply thinking it so, it is not possible for a 
belief to instantaneously override the physiology. 
That means, if, as this guy says, we believe in giving unconditional love, but 
we do not have the capacity, all we can offer is inner conflict, and why would 
you want to pass that on? Once the ability to offer unconditional love is 
there, it doesn't matter what our belief is, at all - we can only spread, and 
share it.
I find that humans are not as smart as we *think* we are - life, itself, serves 
as much better mirror, and teacher. :-)

---In,  wrote:

 But Doc, is it conditioning that is preventing unconditional love. Or is it 
the belief that conditioning is preventing unconditional love that is the real 
PS I find David Deida to be a very profound thinker so I take to heart what he 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:20 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Who, then, is doing the unconditional loving, in those cases? It is a very 
strange thing to assert, since it is conditioning which prevents unconditional 
love, in the first place. Perhaps he is merely mentioning the old saw, to not 
wait for full enlightenment, to begin living a full life, and that is always 
good advice.


---In,  wrote:

 Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is 
good. But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's 
good too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're 
totally screwed up!

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

 turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are 
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

 I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."  wrote:
   A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 






[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jedi_spock

 What you quoted from MMY contradicts all that I read about 
yoga and philosophy by other authors, some of them much 
older than MMY.  In samadhi, you trancend everything 
including spatial dimensions.

> --- John  wrote:
 > Jedi, > 

 > How do you know that you're saying is correct and that MMY is wrong?  Who is 
 > the source of your information?

 > And, no, I'm not the old do.rflex.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
There isn't any current program run by the US govt. to alter our weather, if 
that is what you asking. We are simply overwhelming the ecosystem, without any 
dedicated intervention - that old stat about people in the US being 5% of the 
world population, but using up 25% of its resources, is coming back to bite us.

---In,  wrote:

 Interesting indeed. Does this mean you do not believe the American government 
is spraying with chemicals, that the whole chem-trail business is simply 
paranoia ?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 How do you know that you're saying is correct and that MMY is wrong?  Who is 
the source of your information?

 And, no, I'm not the old do.rflx.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Bhairitu
Nah, they'll come up with "The Science Diet for Humans" with taco 
flavor, pizza flavor and maybe even curry flavor.

On 02/24/2014 09:51 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

Not if we start eating soylent green

On Mon, 2/24/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails
Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 5:44 PM

The first time
I ever heard or read
about this was back in the late 60s or early 70s when
there were
stories about chemtrails in the alternative press like
the L.A.
FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a
program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've
seen airliners at
the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't
disperse and
another when came a long a few minutes later which had
a contrail
that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude,
same air

Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if
California doesn't
get a good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the
roof and not
just here but all over the US.  We can only hope this
rain storm
which is forecast to begin on Weds continues on for
quite a while.

Human population should have been capped at 2
billion.  That is
manageable in terms of resources and livability.
What we have now
is the fallout from far too many people on the

On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM,

Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been
going on for
decades, without much concern. The reason we
are in a
drought is due directly to global warming,
probably aided
by our huge population growth, and consequent
pollution. We have a high pressure zone
sitting on top of
California, which prevents the normal Pacific
current from
bringing us our Winter water.

I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs
the length
of California's coast, has been warming up
for about a
decade. It was only a matter of time before
the land began
to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to
create a high
pressure system, as is commonly produced here,
in the
Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought.
I am not
sure how we escape the cycle, at this point.

Desalination plants are a good (very
expensive) idea for
the longer term, though I am not sure that
even those can
supply enough water for agriculture.

A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you
live in
interesting times".



Indeed it is. It
seems aluminum
is the
most "important" ingredient  in
the chemtrail, yet the
Californians wonder why they are stricken
with drought.
Like the Americans say: Go figure !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jedi_spock

 Could you elaborate on that please?

  "Classical theists say that God wills the good of 
   the creatures. Human beings, however, do not 
   always will their own good, or the good of other 
   people. In those cases, on the classical view, God 
   brings it about that people freely decide not to 
   will the good of others.  This makes God responsible 
   for evil and suffering in a way that contradicts 
   divine  goodness. On the classical view, for example, 
   the crimes that disfigure human history are the fault 
   of human beings, but they are also God's doing."

   "Classical theists believe in the existence of an 
 all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good being. The 
 problem is that while their standard arguments 
 (cosmological, design etc.) may establish the 
 existence of a creator God, they do nothing to 
 establish that the creator is all-good. Hence 
 they must do something more to show that the 
 creator is all-good. This brings the EGC 
 challenge into play since it suggests that the 
 case for an Evil God is just as strong as the 
 case for a Good God.

 This is where things get interesting. When 
 confronted with the idea of an Evil God, most 
 classical theists will be inclined to simply 
 dismiss it as being absurd. But if all other 
 arguments fail to support the existence of a Good 
 God, and if the evidential problem of good is just 
 as strong as the evidential problem of evil, 
 shouldn’t they then accept that idea of a Good God 
 is absurd too" 

> -- authfriend  wrote:
 > Not classical theists. 


Nature throws a wide range of mutations into the
environment. Many fail to make it, in the process, but some
always survive.

This gives evolution the versatility and the flexibility to
deal with the capricious and erratic, fluctuations in the

The tremendous wastage in the evolutionary process should
make the ID theorists and Theists  realise that their
beliefs are bullshit.  More than 99% percent of species that
ever existed on earth are already extinct.  The extinction
rate is so high that many evolutionary biologists state that
extinction is a natural process in evolution.

In that sense, evolution and nature's systems are
anti-fragile. You spray DDT, nature immediately spawns the
next Gen mosquitos resistant to DDT.  You treat an infection
with penicillin, and nature immediately spawns the next Gen
bacteria resistant to penicillin.

> ---  salyavin  wrote:
> You can't say that it won't happen again but it was a fluke on this 
planet, but then with so many bacteria sliming about maybe it was bound to 
happen sooner or later? But it wasn't necessary, there is no grand plan unless 
it's one that does its best not to look like one!
> This holographic idea that John has got fixed on doesn't explain how it 
looks like undirected genetic meandering. Think how many hominid types there 
have been, they dig up a new one each week, but we are the only survivors with 
just a slight edge over the Neanderthals. If the ice age were still in full 
flow would they be the majority humans still? Evolution is as much luck as 
superiority, being in the right place at the right time goes a long way to 

> > Share  wrote:
> > 
> > John, I wish I could find a post from salyavin somewhat recently. 
It had to do with how life started, the combining of something with something 
else and it was a random happening, will never happen again kind of thing. 
Anyway, it speaks to this point about life and its pure randomness. But I also 
like the holographic idea.
> >

> > > On Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:14 PM, "jr_esq@..."  
> > > 
> > > Share,
> > > 
> > > I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence 
of human beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe.  If 
this is so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such 
disparate places.  Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be true.
> > > 
Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these 
exoplanets, is it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit their 
worlds?  At this time, our technology is not advanced enough to make this 
> > > 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 You are making arguments against a theory.  We'll find the true answer when 
the theory is proved correct or incorrect. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jr_esq

 How do you suppose that space/time was created in the universe?  Do you 
believe that a random quantum fluctuation created this concept?  I'll explain 
my ideas after I get your responses to the questions above.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Obama, TMSP for Buck and Nabby

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
You are absolutely right, Buck and I think the third option you mention is the 
best of all. Thank you for saying it again.

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:38 AM, "" 
Dear MJ, 
You paint with way too broad a brush and with too much paint.  You are
being way too myopic and out of touch with TM.  There are times when
the world asks ordinary men to do extraordinary things.  “Which
would you rather experience: living the paradox or understanding it
to your satisfaction?”  Not either position is mutually exclusive
or that there is a third possibility of both.
-Buck in the Dome  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Actually, Barry, it's Xeno who has been "stalking" me. I made it very clear 
what I would and would not do where Xeno was concerned (quoted below) unless he 
either retracted his false accusations or documented them (which he couldn't do 
because they were, duh, false). Xeno and Barry have both misrepresented what I 
said, no surprise there. They have no case, so the only thing they can do is 

 Let's see whether batshit crazy Judy can admit that the *only* thing wrong 
with Xeno's statement is the message number.  :-) 
In other words, she's jumping through all these hoops just to avoid admitting 
that she is stalking a person who she swore she would never discuss anything 
with again until he retracted the *true* things he said about her.  

What a devious, lying cunt. And crazy to boot. And to make it worse, she thinks 
no one notices...

 Let's see if Xeno can admit to his whopping error (or "direct unvarnished 
lie") instead of trying to blame it on me. 

 He wrote:

 << 'In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.' >>


 The actual post in question:


 "A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry). 

 His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
helpless even to unpress his own buttons.

 He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357) for in post #374410 I wrote:

 ' In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.'

 So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake.
Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.

 The above in red is an example of your deviousness, for the most part it is 
the observation of your pattern of behaviour, and you tend to be more subtle 
than the blatant example above.

 In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
as saying:

 I was not referring to this one below (though there was a one-sided discussion 
about it at the time) but commenting on a post is a sly (sly = devious here) 
way of entering the discussion without directly saying that is what you are 
doing. Having said what you said, of course I have been baiting you to see if 
you would slip up more directly and actually directly respond to me rather than 
tangentially. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. But someone who 
proclaims honesty so vociferously really should be tested for veracity 

 I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.

 You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.

 Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
credulity. Advertising simply c

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread TurquoiseBee
Let's see whether batshit crazy Judy can admit that the *only* thing wrong with 
Xeno's statement is the message number.  :-)

In other words, she's jumping through all these hoops just to avoid admitting 
that she is stalking a person who she swore she would never discuss anything 
with again until he retracted the *true* things he said about her.  

What a devious, lying cunt. And crazy to boot. And to make it worse, she thinks 
no one notices...

 From: "" 
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 6:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

Let's see if Xeno can admit to his whopping error (or "direct unvarnished lie") 
instead of trying to blame it on me.

He wrote:

<< 'In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until you've 
documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.' >>

The actual post in question:

>"A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
>to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
>he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry).
>His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
>publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
>helpless even to unpress his own buttons.
>He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
>fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.
>And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
>right one:
>This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357) for in post #374410 I wrote:
>' In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:
>Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
>you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.'
>So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
>lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake.
>Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
>accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
>integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.
>The above in red is an example of your deviousness, for the most part it is 
>the observation of your pattern of behaviour, and you tend to be more subtle 
>than the blatant example above.
>In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
>as saying:
>I was not referring to this one below (though there was a one-sided discussion 
>about it at the time) but commenting on a post is a sly (sly = devious here) 
>way of entering the discussion without directly saying that is what you are 
>doing. Having said what you said, of course I have been baiting you to see if 
>you would slip up more directly and actually directly respond to me rather 
>than tangentially. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. But someone who 
>proclaims honesty so vociferously really should be tested for veracity 
>I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
>accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
>didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
>make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
>But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
>foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
>"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.
>You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
>#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:
>Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
>you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.
>Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
>enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
>edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
>person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
>yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
>you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
>credulity. Advertising simply cannot cover up the basic fact of the matter.
>I could have sworn I made it clear I wasn't at all interested in commenting on 
>what Xeno had to say unless he deliberately misrepresented me or something I 
>said. If anyone else happens to be curious about the answers to the questions 
>he asks, let me know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Let's see if Xeno can admit to his whopping error (or "direct unvarnished lie") 
instead of trying to blame it on me. 

 He wrote:

 << 'In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.' >>


 The actual post in question:


 "A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry). 

 His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
helpless even to unpress his own buttons.

 He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357) for in post #374410 I wrote:

 ' In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.'

 So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake.
Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.

 The above in red is an example of your deviousness, for the most part it is 
the observation of your pattern of behaviour, and you tend to be more subtle 
than the blatant example above.

 In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
as saying:

 I was not referring to this one below (though there was a one-sided discussion 
about it at the time) but commenting on a post is a sly (sly = devious here) 
way of entering the discussion without directly saying that is what you are 
doing. Having said what you said, of course I have been baiting you to see if 
you would slip up more directly and actually directly respond to me rather than 
tangentially. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. But someone who 
proclaims honesty so vociferously really should be tested for veracity 

 I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.

 You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.

 Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
credulity. Advertising simply cannot cover up the basic fact of the matter.

 I could have sworn I made it clear I wasn't at all interested in commenting on 
what Xeno had to say unless he deliberately misrepresented me or something I 
said. If anyone else happens to be curious about the answers to the questions 
he asks, let me know. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Not if we start eating soylent green

On Mon, 2/24/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 5:44 PM
 The first time
 I ever heard or read
   about this was back in the late 60s or early 70s when
 there were
   stories about chemtrails in the alternative press like
 the L.A.
   FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a
   program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've
 seen airliners at
   the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't
 disperse and
   another when came a long a few minutes later which had
 a contrail
   that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude,
 same air
   Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if
 California doesn't
   get a good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the
 roof and not
   just here but all over the US.  We can only hope this
 rain storm
   which is forecast to begin on Weds continues on for
 quite a while.
   Human population should have been capped at 2
 billion.  That is
   manageable in terms of resources and livability. 
 What we have now
   is the fallout from far too many people on the
   On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM,
 Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been
 going on for
   decades, without much concern. The reason we
 are in a
   drought is due directly to global warming,
 probably aided
   by our huge population growth, and consequent
   pollution. We have a high pressure zone
 sitting on top of
   California, which prevents the normal Pacific
 current from
   bringing us our Winter water. 
   I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs
 the length
   of California's coast, has been warming up
 for about a
   decade. It was only a matter of time before
 the land began
   to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to
 create a high
   pressure system, as is commonly produced here,
 in the
   Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought.
 I am not
   sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 
   Desalination plants are a good (very
 expensive) idea for
   the longer term, though I am not sure that
 even those can
   supply enough water for agriculture.
   A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you
 live in
   interesting times".
   Indeed it is. It
 seems aluminum
 is the
 most "important" ingredient  in
 the chemtrail, yet the
 Californians wonder why they are stricken
 with drought.
 Like the Americans say: Go figure !

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread emilymaenot


---In,  wrote:

 turq, short answer: I believe Mary existed as a real person. Long answer: 
having been raised Catholic, I find the Mary topic fascinating. And worth 
questioning if only to benefit the psychological health of girls who wonder if 
they too will be able to become mothers while remaining virgins. As if one 
would want to!

Share, do you think it would be worthwhile for you to ruminate just an eensy 
weensy bit longer on what you wrote here?   

Anyway, from various readings I've gleaned that there's way more to the story 
than the Catholic Church is willing to admit.

For me, what's important is to question the implied demonization of sexuality. 
And I admit I bet that demonization was originally done by some early Christian 
man! Go figure! 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 6:37 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   You understand that you're talking about a fictional character, right?

 From: Share Long 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?
   Because she's the mother of God. 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 2:27 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Why should she ? Anyway this is 2000 years ago and much has happened since. 
It seems she since then had reached Masterhood and is behind many of the 
miracles that has been happening around the world in the churches. She has also 
appeared to much larger number of people than she used to.






Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread Bhairitu
The first time I ever heard or read about this was back in the late 60s 
or early 70s when there were stories about chemtrails in the alternative 
press like the L.A. FreePress and Berkeley Barb.  It is supposedly a 
classified program but we are getting leaks about it.  I've seen 
airliners at the same altitude, one with a trail that didn't disperse 
and another when came a long a few minutes later which had a contrail 
that of course dissolved behind it.  Same altitude, same air temperature.

Yes, we may well see a horrible apocalypse if California doesn't get a 
good rainfall.  Food prices will go through the roof and not just here 
but all over the US.  We can only hope this rain storm which is forecast 
to begin on Weds continues on for quite a while.

Human population should have been capped at 2 billion.  That is 
manageable in terms of resources and livability.  What we have now is 
the fallout from far too many people on the planet.

On 02/24/2014 06:35 AM, wrote:

Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been going on for decades, 
without much concern. The reason we are in a drought is due directly 
to global warming, probably aided by our huge population growth, and 
consequent (warm) pollution. We have a high pressure zone sitting on 
top of California, which prevents the normal Pacific current from 
bringing us our Winter water.
I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length of 
California's coast, has been warming up for about a decade. It was 
only a matter of time before the land began to retain enough heat, in 
the Winter, to create a high pressure system, as is commonly produced 
here, in the Summer months. So, we are in a severe drought. I am not 
sure how we escape the cycle, at this point.
Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for the longer 
term, though I am not sure that even those can supply enough water for 

A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in interesting times".

---In,  wrote:

Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient  in 
the chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken with 
drought. Like the Americans say: Go figure !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Best TV commercial ever

2014-02-24 Thread Bhairitu
Rodriguez was early to embrace the use of HD cameras (introduced to him 
by George Lucas) and hence free up the cumbersome process of 
filmmaking.  His productivity spurred other directors into inquiring 
what he was doing and he mentioned he was enjoying making films again 
because of HD.

So speaking of gorgeous women, you would have enjoyed the little 
scenario yesterday while chatting with friends on the patio at the 
downtown Starbucks.  A little after the noon hour and group of young 
folks moved in and lined up the tables to eat a lunch brought from Panda 
Express.  First off, the closest Panda Express is a good 8 miles away so 
that was odd.

Then this drop dead gorgeous, movie star quality, young blond comes to 
our table to ask if we were using the extra chair which she took and to 
sit at the table with the lunch group.  My friend, who has taught 
students from all over the world, asked about her accent.  I told it 
sounded south American, possibly even Brazilian.  I have played in bands 
with South American performers so got used to hearing such accents.  
Anyway I could hear their conversations and it seemed that they were 
probably from a film shoot.  And that is not unusual for this area.  We 
have a number of kids who go to college, often in Los Angeles, to become 
filmmakers and return here to shoot their student films. This may have 
been the case.

And speaking of film, thanks for reminding me about "Blue Jasmine" which 
I rented on DVD but did note that Sony Pictures is the distributor (so 
it might actually appear soon on Netflix WI) and in HD (the DVD quality 
wasn't the best).  What was fun was seeing all the locations right here 
in the Bay Area and recalled the news stories about the shoot.

On 02/24/2014 03:00 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*From:* "" 
*Sent:* Monday, February 24, 2014 10:59 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Best TV commercial ever

... The first, co-directed by Frank Miller again, is "Sin City 2: A 
Dame To Kill For," starring Eva Green, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Eva 
Green, Juno Temple, Eva Green, Josh Brolin, Eva Green, Jessica Alba, 
Eva Green, Bruce Willis, Eva Green, Rosario Dawson, Eva Green, Mickey 
Rourke, and Eva Green is a must-see for what should be obvious 
reasons. Most gorgeous woman in the world directed by one of my fave 
directors...what is not to like?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Xeno's error is indeed in the previous posts, and I have already pointed it out 
in those posts. Thanks to Ann as well for making it impossible for Xeno to 
continue to try to blame the error on me by simply ignoring what I had told him 
(in the post quoted below, for one). 

 Ann, you are right. I am showing slight signs of dyslexia these days. So this 
mess is my fault. Thanks for pointing this out. I have not gone over the 
previous posts, but if the error is in those as well, my apologies to Judy. 
 Neo appears to have eaten my first try at a response, so here goes again... 

 From Xeno's post:

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357)

 I don't think Xeno is so stupid as to attempt a "direct, unvarnished lie," but 
that he wouldn't look carefully enough to see his own mistake and would instead 
try to blame it on me is one more sign that his inability to unpush his buttons 
is scrambling his brains.

 Oh, the difference a 3 and a 5 can make and placement is everything. And Bawwy 
claims anything littler than a billion stars isn't important...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
noozguru, I like what you say here, but probably can only intelligently comment 
on a bit of it. Anyway, I read years ago that dolphins and whale carry the 
secret of time travel in their DNA. I love that idea, even if it hasn't been 
scientifically validated.

What I've noticed the past few years is a phenomenon of inter species harmony. 
Like men hugging lions and tigers befriending goats and a goose befriending a 
dog. I think it indicates that all species on earth are more similar than we 
ever thought.

Organic machines? Built by genes to propogate themselves?

On Monday, February 24, 2014 11:04 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
I could have answered this last night but as I often do decided to see how 
others responded to the idea or your question.  My immediate response would 
have been the same as salyavin's: it gets us to reality.

But then their is Jr's interest in finding other humanoid species
  to communicate with.   What about learning to communicate with the
  other intelligent species we have right here on earth?  We know
  that dolphins and whales are very intelligent and I don't think
  they are our inferiors just because they don't build tall
  buildings or use computers (though given a proper interface they
  might).  And then there was the news item the other day that dogs
  brains are wired like human brains.  Or that cats see humans as
  just bigger cats.  IOW, we are just beginning to understand our
  fellow creatures.

Or as a computer scientist I enjoy seeing the predictable
  discoveries made trying to create intelligent machines.  Just the
  other day I was reading about the robots which can build something
  with minimal intelligence just emulating how termites build their
  mounds.  I would take it a step further to say that insects are
  nothing more than organic machines.  Or possibly further that
  animals may be nothing more than organic machines.  And that would
  include humans.  And finally that "God" may be nothing but
  something recognizable as a mathematical equation (and possibly a
  simple one) that due to it's formula just creates this illusion of

Just sayin'.

On 02/23/2014 06:03 PM, wrote:

>---In,  wrote:
>You are placing too much value on the human species.  We are probably just a 
>blip in Earth's history.  A million years from now something else maybe better 
>will have taken our place. They may only find fossils of our existence.  So it 
>Sure, and where does this theory get us?
>On 02/23/2014 05:14 PM, jr_esq@... wrote:
>>I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence of human 
>>beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe.  If this is 
>>so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such disparate 
>>places.  Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be true.
>>Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these exoplanets, 
>>is it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit their worlds?  
>>At this time, our technology is not advanced enough to make this happen.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
Well, Ann, I find it fascinating to ruminate about all this. For a short while 
Many spiritual teachers talk about the need to get rid of the ego. I'm just 
expressing a different view based on contemporary psychology. I could be wrong 
and or it's probably just a matter of semantics.

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:25 AM, "" 

---In,  wrote:

Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is good. 
But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's good 
too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're totally 
screwed up!

But the first point in your initial post you made was where I think you were 
closer to the truth: if you view yourself as inconsequential, as insignificant 
and therefore as something without merit or relative worth just because of the 
fact that there are billions of other people and stars and planets, then this 
is short sighted. And not only that, it is failing to take in the power that 
even one atom can contain let alone the billions of atoms that make up each 
human being or rock or leaf. And what makes up consciousness? How big or little 
is the entity or force that allows for that? And look how powerful that can be. 
One thought can impact millions of people. But your point was if we don't honor 
and cherish ourselves then how can we truly look on others as being worthy of 
such? This is when the world is in danger of breaking down into entropy and 
lovelessness. Where no one respects or values what anyone else does let alone 
values that fact that others
 live and breath in the same space. No, to hold within one's awareness that we 
are all puny, insignificant nothings is to waste and cheapen the experience of 

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are 
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."

A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread Bhairitu
I could have answered this last night but as I often do decided to see 
how others responded to the idea or your question.  My immediate 
response would have been the same as salyavin's: it gets us to reality.

But then their is Jr's interest in finding other humanoid species to 
communicate with.   What about learning to communicate with the other 
intelligent species we have right here on earth?  We know that dolphins 
and whales are very intelligent and I don't think they are our inferiors 
just because they don't build tall buildings or use computers (though 
given a proper interface they might).  And then there was the news item 
the other day that dogs brains are wired like human brains.  Or that 
cats see humans as just bigger cats.  IOW, we are just beginning to 
understand our fellow creatures.

Or as a computer scientist I enjoy seeing the predictable discoveries 
made trying to create intelligent machines.  Just the other day I was 
reading about the robots which can build something with minimal 
intelligence just emulating how termites build their mounds.  I would 
take it a step further to say that insects are nothing more than organic 
machines.  Or possibly further that animals may be nothing more than 
organic machines.  And that would include humans.  And finally that 
"God" may be nothing but something recognizable as a mathematical 
equation (and possibly a simple one) that due to it's formula just 
creates this illusion of "worlds."

Just sayin'.

On 02/23/2014 06:03 PM, wrote:

---In,  wrote:

You are placing too much value on the human species.  We are probably 
just a blip in Earth's history.  A million years from now something 
else maybe better will have taken our place. They may only find 
fossils of our existence.  So it goes.

Sure, and where does this theory get us?

On 02/23/2014 05:14 PM, jr_esq@...  wrote:


I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence of 
human beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the 
universe.  If this is so, then what are the mechanisms for making 
this happen at such disparate places.  Perhaps the holographic theory 
of the universe may be true.

Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these 
exoplanets, is it possible for us to communicate with them or even 
visit their worlds?  At this time, our technology is not advanced 
enough to make this happen.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
But Doc, is it conditioning that is preventing unconditional love. Or is it the 
belief that conditioning is preventing unconditional love that is the real 
PS I find David Deida to be a very profound thinker so I take to heart what he 

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:20 AM, "" 
Who, then, is doing the unconditional loving, in those cases? It is a very 
strange thing to assert, since it is conditioning which prevents unconditional 
love, in the first place. Perhaps he is merely mentioning the old saw, to not 
wait for full enlightenment, to begin living a full life, and that is always 
good advice.

---In,  wrote:

Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is good. 
But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's good 
too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're totally 
screwed up!

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are 
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."

A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius

 Ann, you are right. I am showing slight signs of dyslexia these days. So this 
mess is my fault. Thanks for pointing this out. I have not gone over the 
previous posts, but if the error is in those as well, my apologies to Judy.

---In,  wrote:


 ---In,  wrote:

 Neo appears to have eaten my first try at a response, so here goes again... 

 From Xeno's post:

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357)

 I don't think Xeno is so stupid as to attempt a "direct, unvarnished lie," but 
that he wouldn't look carefully enough to see his own mistake and would instead 
try to blame it on me is one more sign that his inability to unpush his buttons 
is scrambling his brains.

 Oh, the difference a 3 and a 5 can make and placement is everything. And Bawwy 
claims anything littler than a billion stars isn't important...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 Richard, I think we got our signals crossed. I was thinking of the quote Judy 
originally made about not discussing anything with me, and Judy was probably 
thinking of the quote she subsequently made when she responded to me (where she 
tried to worm around not being able to respond to me without lying by 
'commenting' on what I wrote), so the 'best' interpretation is we both 
misconstrued the specific item each thought the other was referring to. I 
rather like her not being able to respond to me directly because then she has 
to act just like Barry does when he mentions her, she takes on Barry's method 
of tangential interaction, modeling her adversary in form and style, for as she 
considers him the most nefarious of liars, voilá, Nothing could be more ironic 
(in the sense that this is a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was 
desired). Judy has become the very image of her nemesis, except perhaps she has 
no heart at all, whereas Barry shows definite signs of normal humanness when 
not confronting Judy. Judy's snarkiness, as you put it, seems to be a well 
defined character trait she has that Barry does not have. That does not mean 
Barry is Mr. Nice with a halo by comparison, he can grind people's heads to 
powder with the best of them (that is a reference to Krishna in the BG by the 

 Barry is an emotional, intellectual and socially inept slob.

 I recall you posting a number of items with Classical orchestras. Here is one 
of my favorite pieces:

 ---In,  wrote:

 On 2/24/2014 8:31 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:

 So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake. >
 So, let's set the record straight: which is the correct quote?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Obama, TMSP for Buck and Nabby

2014-02-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/24/2014 9:56 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Obama's tendency to give the bankers, hedge fund managers and energy 
> companies anything they want?
Has it been established that Obama has a tendency to give the bankers, 
hedge fund managers and energy companies anything they want?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 Neo appears to have eaten my first try at a response, so here goes again... 

 From Xeno's post:

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357)

 I don't think Xeno is so stupid as to attempt a "direct, unvarnished lie," but 
that he wouldn't look carefully enough to see his own mistake and would instead 
try to blame it on me is one more sign that his inability to unpush his buttons 
is scrambling his brains.

 Oh, the difference a 3 and a 5 can make and placement is everything. And Bawwy 
claims anything littler than a billion stars isn't important...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius
Richard, I think we got our signals crossed. I was thinking of the quote Judy 
originally made about not discussing anything with me, and Judy was probably 
thinking of the quote she subsequently made when she responded to me (where she 
tried to worm around not being able to respond to me without lying by 
'commenting' on what I wrote), so the 'best' interpretation is we both 
misconstrued the specific item each thought the other was referring to. I 
rather like her not being able to respond to me directly because then she has 
to act just like Barry does when he mentions her, she takes on Barry's method 
of tangential interaction, modeling her adversary in form and style, for as she 
considers him the most nefarious of liars, voilá, Nothing could be more ironic 
(in the sense that this is a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was 
desired). Judy has become the very image of her nemesis, except perhaps she has 
no heart at all, whereas Barry shows definite signs of normal humanness when 
not confronting Judy. Judy's snarkiness, as you put it, seems to be a well 
defined character trait she has that Barry does not have. That does not mean 
Barry is Mr. Nice with a halo by comparison, he can grind people's heads to 
powder with the best of them (that is a reference to Krishna in the BG by the 

 I recall you posting a number of items with Classical orchestras. Here is one 
of my favorite pieces:

---In,  wrote:

 On 2/24/2014 8:31 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:

 So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake. >
 So, let's set the record straight: which is the correct quote?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/23/2014 10:09 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> He says the violence is part of a strategy devised by right-wing groups
"Now the Sochi Games are over, Western governments are concerned the 
smile will disappear and the gloves come off in Russia's tug-of-war with 
Europe over the fate of Ukraine."


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/23/2014 10:04 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> you are trying to say the protesters were sidhas? 
How else do you account for the fact that the Orange Revolution in 
Ukraine was mostly non-violent? From what I've read, there are hundreds 
if not thousands of TMers in Ukraine and other parts of Europe.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Obama, TMSP for Buck and Nabby

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
you're full of it Buck, its a straight on question. Fact: The TMO took credit 
for Obama's election. Does that then mean that the TMO needs to take credit for 
what Obama does while in office like Obama's tendency to give the bankers, 
hedge fund managers and energy companies anything they want?

You won't answer because you know the idea of group TMSP having an effect  on 
the world at large in the way the TMO asserts doesn't stand up to logical 

On Mon, 2/24/14,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Obama, TMSP for Buck and Nabby
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:37 PM
   Dear MJ, 
 You paint with way too broad a brush and with too much
 paint.  You are
 being way too myopic and out of touch with TM.  There are
 times when
 the world asks ordinary men to do extraordinary things. 
 would you rather experience: living the paradox or
 understanding it
 to your satisfaction?”  Not either position is mutually
 or that there is a third possibility of both.
 -Buck in the Dome  

Re: : [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
Welcome, Sanyam. There are others here who are fascinated by astronomy and 
cosmology, even jyotish!
It's like a banquet table full of wonderful foods. It's possible to enjoy what 
you like and leave the rest for someone else.

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:30 AM, Sanyam Shrivastava 

Greetings all,

I am Sanyam shrivastava, a new member in the family. I am from Bhopal, in 
India. I practice regular meditation, and to a large scale, have attained third 
eye meditation. I am an Astronomer, but at the same time i am into 
Spirituality. I know that sounds contradictory.
Anyway, i would like to know, what are the basic discussions covered in this 
group? :)

Thanks in advance

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Neo appears to have eaten my first try at a response, so here goes again... 

 From Xeno's post:

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357)

 I don't think Xeno is so stupid as to attempt a "direct, unvarnished lie," but 
that he wouldn't look carefully enough to see his own mistake and would instead 
try to blame it on me is one more sign that his inability to unpush his buttons 
is scrambling his brains.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, I was raised Catholic and taught that Jesus is second Person of the 
Trinity. I don't think about it much anymore but I guess it's still there in 
the old chit (-:

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:35 AM, nablusoss1008  
No one is the mother of God. Why do you think God has a mother ? Mary is the 
mother of Jesus from Nazareth, a senior Master in the Hierarchy of Masters.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 2/24/2014 8:31 AM, wrote:
So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct 
unvarnished lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake.

So, let's set the record straight: which is the correct quote?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread nablusoss1008
Interesting indeed. Does this mean you do not believe the American government 
is spraying with chemicals, that the whole chem-trail business is simply 
paranoia ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 Exactly where the people who prefer to believe in God and Woo Woo never want 
to go.

 What I've never understood is why so many people react so strongly to being 
considered what they are -- insignificant and ordinary. Seems to me that's the 
very essence of enlightenment, if it exists.


 Insignificant and ordinary are relative terms. Like I've said many times here: 
nothing for me is insignificant and ordinary. Everything I see and touch and 
feel in a day are little miracles, are astounding in some way. Whether this is 
reality or not is inconsequential to me. Whether this means you approve or not 
is of no importance to me. You live in your world and I will continue to live 
in mine. You are extremely judgmental, as if you care what others think and do, 
which of course you do, but fail to admit to.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird
   Where does the theory get us? It gets us to reality.

 ---In,  wrote:

 ---In,  wrote:
 You are placing too much value on the human species.  We are probably just a 
blip in Earth's history.  A million years from now something else maybe better 
will have taken our place. They may only find fossils of our existence.  So it 

 Sure, and where does this theory get us?
 On 02/23/2014 05:14 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:

 I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence of human 
beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe.  If this is 
so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such disparate 
places.  Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be true.

 Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these exoplanets, is 
it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit their worlds?  At 
this time, our technology is not advanced enough to make this happen.





[FairfieldLife] RE: Obama, TMSP for Buck and Nabby

2014-02-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear MJ, 
 You paint with way too broad a brush and with too much paint. You are being 
way too myopic and out of touch with TM. There are times when the world asks 
ordinary men to do extraordinary things. “Which would you rather experience: 
living the paradox or understanding it to your satisfaction?” Not either 
position is mutually exclusive or that there is a third possibility of both.
 -Buck in the Dome  

Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! It will be interesting see who tells you what - its supposed 
to be a wide ranging forum for discussion of pretty much everything especially 
spirituality. But since the group was created by Rick Archer a former TM 
teacher much of the discussions revolve around transcendental meditation  - its 
effects, the organization that teaches it and whether or not its all legit.

Other topics range from who is watching what on tv to the latest on crop 
circles and what godman is scamming someone today.

Welcome to the group.

What exactly is third eye meditation anyway?

On Mon, 2/24/14, Sanyam Shrivastava  wrote:

 Subject: Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:28 PM
 Greetings all,
 I am Sanyam shrivastava, a new member in the family. I am
 from Bhopal, in India. I practice regular meditation, and to
 a large scale, have attained third eye meditation. I am an
 Astronomer, but at the same time i am into Spirituality. I
 know that sounds contradictory.
 Anyway, i would like to know, what are the basic discussions
 covered in this group? :)
 Thanks in advance

[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
Cloud seeding with silver iodide has been going on for decades, without much 
concern. The reason we are in a drought is due directly to global warming, 
probably aided by our huge population growth, and consequent (warm) pollution. 
We have a high pressure zone sitting on top of California, which prevents the 
normal Pacific current from bringing us our Winter water. 
I have noticed the Pacific current, which runs the length of California's 
coast, has been warming up for about a decade. It was only a matter of time 
before the land began to retain enough heat, in the Winter, to create a high 
pressure system, as is commonly produced here, in the Summer months. So, we are 
in a severe drought. I am not sure how we escape the cycle, at this point. 
Desalination plants are a good (very expensive) idea for the longer term, 
though I am not sure that even those can supply enough water for agriculture.
A Chinese curse comes to mind: "May you live in interesting times".

---In,  wrote:

 Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient  in the 
chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought. Like 
the Americans say: Go figure !

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread nablusoss1008
No one is the mother of God. Why do you think God has a mother ? Mary is the 
mother of Jesus from Nazareth, a senior Master in the Hierarchy of Masters.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Swami Vivekananda’s Encounters with Christian Missionaries

2014-02-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Thanks for posting that Nabby - its very interesting and contains a perfect 
description of the TM True Believers:

“Ever steeped in the darkness of ignorance, yet considering themselves wise and 
learned, the fools go round and round, staggering to and fro like the blind led 
by the blind.”

On Mon, 2/24/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Swami Vivekananda’s Encounters with Christian 
 Date: Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:25 PM


[FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 You understand that you're talking about a fictional character, right?

 You may be right but the place that you're asserting this from is wrong, as 

 From: Share Long 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?
   Because she's the mother of God. 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 2:27 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Why should she ? Anyway this is 2000 years ago and much has happened since. 
It seems she since then had reached Masterhood and is behind many of the 
miracles that has been happening around the world in the churches. She has also 
appeared to much larger number of people than she used to.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius


---In,  wrote:

 "A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry). 

 His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
helpless even to unpress his own buttons.

 He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:

 This is precisely the post I mentioned (#358357) for in post #374410 I wrote:

 ' In post #358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.'

 So the statement above that I quoted the wrong quote is a direct unvarnished 
lie, unless you admit to having made a mistake.
Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.

 The above in red is an example of your deviousness, for the most part it is 
the observation of your pattern of behaviour, and you tend to be more subtle 
than the blatant example above.

 In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
as saying:

 I was not referring to this one below (though there was a one-sided discussion 
about it at the time) but commenting on a post is a sly (sly = devious here) 
way of entering the discussion without directly saying that is what you are 
doing. Having said what you said, of course I have been baiting you to see if 
you would slip up more directly and actually directly respond to me rather than 
tangentially. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. But someone who 
proclaims honesty so vociferously really should be tested for veracity 

 I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.

 You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.

 Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
credulity. Advertising simply cannot cover up the basic fact of the matter.

 I could have sworn I made it clear I wasn't at all interested in commenting on 
what Xeno had to say unless he deliberately misrepresented me or something I 
said. If anyone else happens to be curious about the answers to the questions 
he asks, let me know. 

Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread Sanyam Shrivastava

Greetings all,

I am Sanyam shrivastava, a new member in the family. I am from Bhopal, in 
India. I practice regular meditation, and to a large scale, have attained third 
eye meditation. I am an Astronomer, but at the same time i am into 
Spirituality. I know that sounds contradictory.
Anyway, i would like to know, what are the basic discussions covered in this 
group? :)

Thanks in advance

[FairfieldLife] Swami Vivekananda’s Encounters with Christian Missionaries

2014-02-24 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is 
good. But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's 
good too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're 
totally screwed up!

 But the first point in your initial post you made was where I think you were 
closer to the truth: if you view yourself as inconsequential, as insignificant 
and therefore as something without merit or relative worth just because of the 
fact that there are billions of other people and stars and planets, then this 
is short sighted. And not only that, it is failing to take in the power that 
even one atom can contain let alone the billions of atoms that make up each 
human being or rock or leaf. And what makes up consciousness? How big or little 
is the entity or force that allows for that? And look how powerful that can be. 
One thought can impact millions of people. But your point was if we don't honor 
and cherish ourselves then how can we truly look on others as being worthy of 
such? This is when the world is in danger of breaking down into entropy and 
lovelessness. Where no one respects or values what anyone else does let alone 
values that fact that others live and breath in the same space. No, to hold 
within one's awareness that we are all puny, insignificant nothings is to waste 
and cheapen the experience of living. 
 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

 turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are 
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

 I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."  wrote:
   A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] The Truth

2014-02-24 Thread doctordumbass
Who, then, is doing the unconditional loving, in those cases? It is a very 
strange thing to assert, since it is conditioning which prevents unconditional 
love, in the first place. Perhaps he is merely mentioning the old saw, to not 
wait for full enlightenment, to begin living a full life, and that is always 
good advice.

---In,  wrote:

 Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is 
good. But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's 
good too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're 
totally screwed up!

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote:

 turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are 
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

 I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."  wrote:
   A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 





[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread nablusoss1008
Indeed it is. It seems aluminum is the most "important" ingredient  in the 
chemtrail, yet the Californians wonder why they are stricken with drought. Like 
the Americans say: Go figure !

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: Hackers may have snagged credit card #s from Pentagon employees; Budget day at the Pentagon; What is a "toggle?"; U.S. working to aid Ukraine; How fake poke

2014-02-24 Thread wleed3

--- Begin Message ---

Monday, February 24, 2014

FP's Situation Report: Hackers may have snagged credit card #s from Pentagon employees		

 It's a big budget day at the  Pentagon. Today  Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel unveils a $496 billion budget almost exactly a  year after he arrived at the Pentagon, a budget that reflects the true post-war  thinking of the Defense Department after more than 12 years of war. Hagel's  budget includes dozens of decisions, including changes that "slow the  growth" to military compensation in the future, but really can't be described as cuts, a senior defense official told Situation Report today. A year ago, the Pentagon was criticized because the administration  told it not to plan for sequestration since no one thought it would really  happen. The  budget deal in December prevented sequestration this year. However, if  sequestration returns, the budget Hagel is proposing today will have a built-in  feature essentially to allo
 w Pentagon bean counters to reduce funding for the  budget overall and for individual programs.  "We've done the work that will show exactly what we're prepared to do  should sequestration come back," a senior defense official told Situation  Report. What's a "toggle?" It's the internal word Pentagon folks are using  to describe a program that may have to "toggle" from the proposed  funding figure to a sequestration-level spending amount. Will there be a separate part of the budget for overseas operations - a war budget? Nope. Still waiting on resolution to the security agreement issue with Afghanistan. Pentagon budget marks  historic shift in US priorities abroad. The NYT's Thom Shanker and Helene Cooper: "Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel plans to shrink the United  States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an  entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending proposal that officials  describe as the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the  war footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001... The new American way of  war will be underscored in Mr. Hagel's budget, which protects money for Special  Operations forces and cyberwarfare. And in an indication of  the priority given to overseas military presence that does not require a l
 and  force, the proposal will - at least for one year - maintain the current number  of aircraft carriers at 11." Read more here.For  military compensation growth, it's the end of an era: The budget  Hagel reveals today will reflect limits on military pay raises, higher fees for  health-care benefits and less generous housing allowances, per the WSJ's Don Nissenbaum and Julian E. Barnes: "...Faced with steadily  increasing military personnel costs that threaten to overwhelm an ever-tighter  budget, Mr. Hagel is also expected to include a one-year freeze on raises for  top military brass-a gesture meant to show that the best-compensated leaders  also will make sacrifices. 
 "...Pentagon  officials say that they recognize the political realities, but  emphasize that declining military spending makes trimming costs even more  important this year." Personnel costs reflect some 50% of the Pentagon  budget and cannot be exempted in the context of the significant cuts the  department is facing," said Adm. John Kirby, the Defense Department's top  spokesman. "Secretary Hagel has been clear that, while we do not want to,  we ultimately must slow the growth of military pay and compensation."Veterans  organizations are expected to oppose many of the proposals. Joe Davis,  a spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said veterans groups understand  there is a "finite amount of money," but would like to see the  Pentagon focus more on other cost cuts it is seeking, such as closing  unnecessary bases and scaling back weapons programs, rather than targeting  personnel costs
 ." More here.FYI, Big meeting: Hagel is meeting with veterans service  organizations today to discuss the budget and military compensation issues and essentially  ask veterans groups to help him socialize a budget that does reduce  compensation for the military over time to help make it more sustainable, Situation  Report is told."The very key thing,  from the start, the promise that Secretary Hagel made to the chiefs - as we  make changes to military compensation, we will reinvest them back into the  force - we're not going to take cuts and send them over to something completely  different in the government," a senior defense official told Situation  Report. New subject: On the Pentagon's big budget day, something quick you didn't know  that has nothing to do with the budget: Situation Report has learned  that Pentagon police are investigating possible credit card fraud inside the  Building that could affect anyone who has used a credit card at any of the  Pentagon's shops or restaurants within the last three months. From  a message se

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread nablusoss1008
It's also worth mentioning that the historical Jesus and The Christ are two 
different persons, a huge misunderstanding fuelled by the ignorance of 
Church-leaders. According to esoteric information Jesus was indeed born 
naturally like everyone else by Mary who had the point degree of evolution of 
2,2 at her time of death. She is now fully enlightened and works closely with 
her son Jesus and with The Christ, now known as Maitreya, the oldest and most 
experienced individual in the Hierarchy of Masters.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius
Could you cite some examples? 

---In,  wrote:

 Not classical theists. 

 The tremendous wastage in the evolutionary process should  make the ID 
theorists and Theists  realise that their 
beliefs are bullshit.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
I am talking about what are commonly known as classical theists, the mainstream 
theologians from Aristotle to very recent times. 

 You are talking about the impersonalistic theists. 
 > --- authfriend  wrote:
 > Actually, classical theists (about the only theologians who were around "of 
 > old") would have been wowed by the latest cosmological knowledge, but they 
 > wouldn't have felt their theism to be the least bit threatened by it. 
> > Salyavin wrote:

 > > The total perspective vortex that cosmology has turned into would have 
 > > shocked the theists of old utterly rigid, which is why I feel honoured to 
 > > be around now when all this stuff is being discovered, it's so much better 
 > > for being just what it is. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
"A particular discussion of which I am part" = one of Xeno's repeated attempts 
to force me to respond to him so he can accuse me of "lying" when I said what 
he quotes (an utterly absurd canard he picked up from Barry). 

 His twisted, malevolent dishonesty is quite amazing in a person who has 
publicly asserted his freedom from such entanglements--when he is actually 
helpless even to unpress his own buttons.

 He pretends to need a reference for my "I could have sworn..." post when in 
fact he knows precisely which very recent post I'm talking about.

 And he got the number of the post he quotes wrong (deliberately?). Here's the 
right one:
Note that his belligerent fury is at my response to his own knowingly false 
accusations about my purported "pattern of deviousness" and "lack of 
integrity"--which he himself admitted he could not document.

 In a subsequent post, I addressed his misrepresentation of what he quotes me 
as saying:

 I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you unless you withdraw your 
accusations (you can't document them because they're patently not true). I 
didn't say I wouldn't comment if I found it appropriate to do so (e.g., if you 
make any more false or insulting statements about me, I may respond to them). 
But your accusations, as long as they're on the table, have effectively 
foreclosed on the possibility of our having a friendly discussion of 
"philosophy or science or music" or any other neutral topic.

 You could have sworn (reference please) but I do not think that is it. In post 
#358357, 22 September 2013 you said:

 Why don't you fuck off? I'm not going to discuss anything with you until 
you've documented your accusations, or withdrawn them.

 Because those accusations have not been withdrawn, nor documented you, cannot 
enter into a discussion with me without having lied. You seem to skirt the 
edges of this pronouncement rather closely, by talking about me in the third 
person, by attempting to 'comment' to appear as if you are not involving 
yourself in a particular discussion of which I am part. The lengths to which 
you go to 'prove' you are the paragon of truth and honesty are beyond 
credulity. Advertising simply cannot cover up the basic fact of the matter.

 I could have sworn I made it clear I wasn't at all interested in commenting on 
what Xeno had to say unless he deliberately misrepresented me or something I 
said. If anyone else happens to be curious about the answers to the questions 
he asks, let me know. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-24 Thread anartaxius
All that we actually know is, if Jesus was an actual person, then he had a 
mother. There are no contemporary references to Jesus. The earliest writings 
that mention him are the letters of Paul, which are thought to have been 
written about 50 CE and he does not mention Jesus' mother. The Gospels are of a 
later date, and here is where the references come in. Except for the 
observation that the character of Jesus seems to have a distinct personality, 
there seems to be no corroborating evidence he actually existed, in which case 
his mother did not exist either.

---In,  wrote:

 You understand that you're talking about a fictional character, right?

 From: Share Long 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?
   Because she's the mother of God. 

 On Monday, February 24, 2014 2:27 AM, nablusoss1008  
   Why should she ? Anyway this is 2000 years ago and much has happened since. 
It seems she since then had reached Masterhood and is behind many of the 
miracles that has been happening around the world in the churches. She has also 
appeared to much larger number of people than she used to.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jedi_spock

 You are talking about the impersonalistic theists.

> --- authfriend  wrote:
 > Actually, classical theists (about the only theologians who were around "of 
 > old") would have been wowed by the latest cosmological knowledge, but they 
 > wouldn't have felt their theism to be the least bit threatened by it. 
> > Salyavin wrote:

 > > The total perspective vortex that cosmology has turned into would have 
 > > shocked the theists of old utterly rigid, which is why I feel honoured to 
 > > be around now when all this stuff is being discovered, it's so much better 
 > > for being just what it is. 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Bill Gates Admits to Chemtrails

2014-02-24 Thread feste37
that is really scary. 

---In,  wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Not classical theists. 

 The tremendous wastage in the evolutionary process should  make the ID 
theorists and Theists  realise that their 
beliefs are bullshit.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread authfriend
Actually, classical theists (about the only theologians who were around "of 
old") would have been wowed by the latest cosmological knowledge, but they 
wouldn't have felt their theism to be the least bit threatened by it. 

 The total perspective vortex that cosmology has turned into would have shocked 
the theists of old utterly rigid, which is why I feel honoured to be around now 
when all this stuff is being discovered, it's so much better for being just 
what it is. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alien Earths Could be Weird

2014-02-24 Thread jedi_spock

 Nature throws a wide range of mutations into the 
environment. Many fail to make it, in the process, but some 
always survive.

This gives evolution the versatility and the flexibility to 
deal with the capricious and erratic, fluctuations in the 

The tremendous wastage in the evolutionary process should 
make the ID theorists and Theists  realise that their 
beliefs are bullshit.  More than 99% percent of species that 
ever existed on earth are already extinct.  The extinction 
rate is so high that many evolutionary biologists state that 
extinction is a natural process in evolution.

In that sense, evolution and nature's systems are 
anti-fragile. You spray DDT, nature immediately spawns the 
next Gen mosquitos resistant to DDT.  You treat an infection 
with penicillin, and nature immediately spawns the next Gen 
bacteria resistant to penicillin.

> ---  salyavin  wrote:
 > You can't say that it won't happen again but it was a fluke on this planet, 
 > but then with so many bacteria sliming about maybe it was bound to happen 
 > sooner or later? But it wasn't necessary, there is no grand plan unless it's 
 > one that does its best not to look like one! > 

 > This holographic idea that John has got fixed on doesn't explain how it 
 > looks like undirected genetic meandering. Think how many hominid types there 
 > have been, they dig up a new one each week, but we are the only survivors 
 > with just a slight edge over the Neanderthals. If the ice age were still in 
 > full flow would they be the majority humans still? Evolution is as much luck 
 > as superiority, being in the right place at the right time goes a long way 
 > to survival.

 > > Share  wrote:
> > 
 > > John, I wish I could find a post from salyavin somewhat recently. It had 
 > > to do with how life started, the combining of something with something 
 > > else and it was a random happening, will never happen again kind of thing. 
 > > Anyway, it speaks to this point about life and its pure randomness. But I 
 > > also like the holographic idea. 
 > >

 > > > On Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:14 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
 > > > 
 > > > Share,
 > > > 

 > > > I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence of human 
 > > > beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe.  If 
 > > > this is so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such 
 > > > disparate places.  Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be 
 > > > true.
 > > > 

 Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these exoplanets, is 
it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit their worlds?  At 
this time, our technology is not advanced enough to make this happen.
 > > > 




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