Re: [fpc-pascal] Methods for autoupdating fpc programs?

2015-10-04 Thread waldo kitty

On 10/03/2015 05:40 PM, Bo Berglund wrote:

On Sat, 3 Oct 2015 15:04:31 -0400, waldo kitty
<> wrote:

On 10/03/2015 02:30 PM, Bo Berglund wrote:

The program will probably be started by cron every minute to check if
it has anything to do and if so execute its data collection task and
quit. Otherwise just quit, but here maybe also check for an update on
the web?
But how could one exchange a running program on the pi from within

off the top of my head:

since you're running from cron and exiting, this could be pretty simple...

1. at start up, check if self is named known temp name. if yes, copy self to
normal name, spawn normal name and die.
2. at start up pull md5 checksum file from server and compare with own md5 
3. if md5 sums are different, download new version to known temp name.

Would this not compare equal for the exact same version? All others
including old and newer would fail and thus trigger an update.

if the md5 on the server is the same as the md5 of the currently running 
program, there should not be an update made...

BTW, how does one get the md5 value of ones own executable file?

there's a command line tool known as md5sum... it is also possible to calculate 
the same in your own code... what i tried to propose is that when you create the 
new binary, you run md5sum on it and place both on the server... you would also 
have a md5 file beside the current binary... then you only need to pull the md5 
file from the server and compare it with the local one...

4. at end of execution, see if known temp name exists. if it does, spawn it and 

maybe something like that... of course, somewhere in there you'll still do your
required processing... the end of execution will wait for everything to be done
before doing step 4...

one might also use a special command line parameter to tell the known temp name
to copy itself over to the normal name in step 1.

Interesting ideas, will have to think about it.

as i noted at the beginning, this was off the top of my head and likely how i 
would start if i were to do something similar... it may look and act completely 
different in the end as each set of bugs and problems is worked out ;)

I have not programmed in Linux before so I have no idea if programs
for Linux carry a version resource that can be checked for the version
number. Is this the case or is that only a Windows thingie?

the version resource can be done, sure... but how can you check that when 
querying the server other than remembering to manually update it each time? 
yeah, the md5 file needs to be done and uploaded so it is almost the same type 
of thing...

If not then the MD5 checksum seems to be a good way...

it is actually pretty common... i do a lot of work with IDS/IPS stuff and we use 
md5 files on the server with each set of rules archives... we pull the 30someodd 
byte md5 file and compare it with the one we have locally before considering to 
download the XXsomeodd Meg files...

I just tested on Lazarus inside the Pi2B and it was simple to do a MD5
sum of one's own executable:

strMD5 := MD5Print(MD5File(Application.Exename));

The only problem is that it seems to take quite some time to do
(several seconds) is that normal?

depending on the size of the binary, it could... so if you save that to a file 
to put with that binary on the server, then you could pull the md5 file and 
compare it with the output of the above when checking if there's an update... is 
several seconds execution too long? if so, then write it to a local md5 file to 
compare with the server's md5...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Methods for autoupdating fpc programs?

2015-10-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 10/03/2015 02:30 PM, Bo Berglund wrote:

The program will probably be started by cron every minute to check if
it has anything to do and if so execute its data collection task and
quit. Otherwise just quit, but here maybe also check for an update on
the web?
But how could one exchange a running program on the pi from within

off the top of my head:

since you're running from cron and exiting, this could be pretty simple...

1. at start up, check if self is named known temp name. if yes, copy self to 
normal name, spawn normal name and die.

2. at start up pull md5 checksum file from server and compare with own md5 
3. if md5 sums are different, download new version to known temp name.
4. at end of execution, see if known temp name exists. if it does, spawn it and 

maybe something like that... of course, somewhere in there you'll still do your 
required processing... the end of execution will wait for everything to be done 
before doing step 4...

one might also use a special command line parameter to tell the known temp name 
to copy itself over to the normal name in step 1.

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to compile Lazarus program using only FPC?

2015-09-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 09/24/2015 10:03 AM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:

No, FPC knows nothing about Lazarus project files. In Lazarus IDE you
can go to Project Options, and then click on the "Show Options" button
and the bottom of that dialog.  Copy and paste that into a shell script
which you can then run.

You would obviously have to adjust some paths.

Maximus IDE and MSEide makes this slightly easier than Lazarus. They
both have a similar "show options" button, but don't use "packages". So
the results they generate include every single Unit Path and Include
Path and other compiler settings you need to compile your project.

Lazarus has lazbuild to simply compile a project from the commandline.

but you have to have lazarus which is not available for all environments...

eg: OS/2

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to compile Lazarus program using only FPC?

2015-09-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 09/24/2015 09:48 AM, Bo Berglund wrote:

I want to check my options regarding Lazarus and FPC.

If I develop a program on Windows Lazarus, move it to Debian Lazarus
(x86) and then finally want to compile on ARM on for example Raspberry
Pi but outside of Lazarus, how is that done?

the lpr file contains the initial pascal code for the project...

Does FPC recognize the Lazarus project file such that paths etc are

do you mean those in the lpi xml file? not as far as i know... it is extraneous 
outside of lazarus...

Or is thare a separate file for FPC I have to prepare in order to set
the unit paths?

i specify them on the command line or add them to the "local to the project" 
fpc.cfg file...

i have a few projects that i copy from winwhatever and *nix lazarus to OS/2 for 
compiling in that environment so i'm familiar with the situation because lazarus 
is not available for OS/2... i copy the lpr and any other code files... then 
possibly adjust a local fpc.cfg unless the system-wide one works for this 
project, and finally compile...

fpc -B myproject.lpr

i actually have a script that i build with so as to get a log if/when i need 

= 4OS2 cmd script =

@echo off
if exist *.o   del /q *.o
if exist *.ppu del /q *.ppu
set fpcopts=-vehinw -B -CF64 -Fulibs\neededlib -omyprojectp.exe
iff '%1' eq '' .or. %@lower['%1'] eq 'debug' then
  set fpcopts=%fpcopts -ghl -dDEBUG
  set fpcopts=%fpcopts -dRELEASE
rem echo compiling command line to log file... '^' is escape in 4OS2 for literal 

echo fpc %fpcopts myproject.lpr ^|^& tee /a builditp.log | tee builditp.log
echo. | tee /a builditp.log
echo on
rem execute compiling command line
fpc %fpcopts myproject.lpr |& tee /a builditp.log
@unset fpcopts

= /4OS2 cmd script =

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to compile Lazarus program using only FPC?

2015-09-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 09/24/2015 11:14 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Thu, 24 Sep 2015, waldo kitty wrote:

On 09/24/2015 10:03 AM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

Lazarus has lazbuild to simply compile a project from the commandline.

but you have to have lazarus which is not available for all environments...

eg: OS/2

Since the projects in question are lazarus projects to begin with, this is a

one might think that but it is not always the case... i generally start a 
project in lazarus on winwhatever or *nix... even when it is destined solely for 
the OS/2 environment... are my projects started this way not "lazarus projects"? ;)

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] shift right operation with variables

2015-08-17 Thread waldo kitty

On 08/16/2015 09:38 PM, Xiangrong Fang wrote:

The output is:


Why they are different? How can I ensure the result is like SHR with constant.

being curious, i tried your program with the same results... then i changed the 
var name from res to foo with the same results... i thought maybe there was 
some type conversion going on so i changed foo from integer to QWord and 
still got the same results... there appears to be a problem at play...

Free Pascal Compiler version 3.1.1 [2015/06/13] for x86_64

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Re: [fpc-pascal] which GUI (noob)

2015-08-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 08/06/2015 12:30 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2015-08-06 15:43, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

  1. Run Lazarus and open the fpgui_toolkit.lpk package found in the
fpGUI code: fpgui/src/corelib/[x11|gdi]/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
Click Compile.

It was brought to my attention that the above is somewhat ambiguous.

I meant for the text [x11|gdi] to mean x11 or gdi depending on your

i found that out ;)

thanks for the clarification!

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Basic Sockets in FreePascal

2015-07-26 Thread waldo kitty

On 07/26/2015 09:14 PM, Coyo wrote:

How do you import a unit/library in FPC? Is there a .deb package or something
that I install?

hunh?? is there something wrong with the standard uses foo, bar; clause??

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Please trim your quotes

2015-07-22 Thread waldo kitty

On 07/22/2015 03:59 PM, Bart wrote:

On 7/22/15, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

Strange. In Settings, go to the Labs tab, the setting should be named
something like what Graeme wrote,

There simply is nosuch tab.

are you using the plain html interface or the fancier one?

i have the fancy one... i click on the gear under my name in the far right top 
corner... from there i select settings... then across the top of the resulting 
page is a blue set of links right beside the red compose link... the 8th one 
over is Labs... 3rd from the right end...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] loadlibrary() unsafe ?

2015-06-20 Thread waldo kitty

On 06/20/2015 11:11 AM, fredvs wrote:


This one does not work too ;-( =
- AProcess.Environment.Text :=
'LD_PRELOAD=/home/fred/sak/sak/sakit/liblinux64/'  ;

how many sak are there really? you have two plus sakit... this is the first 
you've posted anything of your directory structure... perhaps you can modify 
your script to echo the data so you can compare it?

#!/bin/sh  #portaudio library
ESPEAKBIN=espeak #espeak binary
CALLDIR=${0%/*}/# directory where is ESPEAKBIN

note the two echo lines i added... you should be able to see or retrieve them to 
see/know the live data so you can make your direct attempts work with the same...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TFPHashList and nil pointers

2015-05-20 Thread waldo kitty

On 05/20/2015 07:11 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Tue, 19 May 2015, Serguei TARASSOV wrote:


Is it normal that TFPHashList cannot find an item by name if the pointer is nil?
However, the item is stored in the list.

FPC 2.6.4, both Windows and Linux versions.

program project1;


 List: TFPHashList;
 List := TFPHashList.Create;
 List.Add('Name1', List);
 List.Add('Name2', nil);
 writeln('List count: ', List.Count);
 writeln('Index of Name1: ', List.FindIndexOf('Name1'));
 writeln('Index of Name2: ', List.FindIndexOf('Name2'));

List count: 2
Index of Name1: 0
Index of Name2: -1

It is by design.

how do you find and update that item and its pointer?

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Reinier Olislagers

2015-02-01 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/1/2015 6:38 AM, Bart wrote:

On 2/1/15, waldo kitty wrote:

someone please tell me that BigChimp on the forums is not Reinier Olislagers

Unfortunately in fact he is.

thank you... i just found out about his passing on 2014 Dec 04... i was looking 
on the forums for some assistance with fpcup... is anyone going to take over 
that project? it works very well and should not be lost with his passing... he 
did an excellent job with it and it is a valuable resource...

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[fpc-pascal] Reinier Olislagers

2015-01-31 Thread waldo kitty

someone please tell me that BigChimp on the forums is not Reinier Olislagers in 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cannot reuse TFPHTTPClient object for 2 different POST requests

2015-01-17 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/17/2015 12:42 PM, leledumbo wrote:

you don't have to clear the inbound buffer to prevent constipation? ;)

Which inbound buffer?

i was thinking that there's some sort of inbound traffic that may be filling a 
buffer that needs to be emptied... i don't know or have any other ideas to offer...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cannot reuse TFPHTTPClient object for 2 different POST requests

2015-01-17 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/16/2015 12:57 PM, leledumbo wrote:

Consider the following program (it's a real program with real parameters,
nothing hidden, so you can really just try it out because the target server
is public):

you don't have to clear the inbound buffer to prevent constipation? ;)

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[fpc-pascal] multi-platform and filesystem case sensitivity

2014-12-20 Thread waldo kitty

what is the recommended way of handling filesystem case sensitivity when users 
can provide a filename mask for use in processing?

i'm not sure what the best or recommended way is and i'm not sure how i would 
want to handle it... i do know that i need to handle it, though... one of my 
testing systems has a case sensitive filesystem and of the 50 or so test files 
with mixed case names, only 1/3 to 1/2 are being processed...

eg: t1.txt t2.TXT T3.TXT t4.TxT

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 3:41 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 03 Dec 2014, at 06:05, waldo kitty wrote:

can you help me understand the differences in the output of the below program?

given these three filenames: t.txt t1.txt t11.txt

with mask  t?.txt  why does MatchesMaskList not show t.txt and t11.txt like
plain findfirst?

? means a single arbitrary character.  findfirst with t?.txt should not
match t.txt nor t11.txt either.

yes, i wrote t11.txt when i should have written t1.txt... my bad...

however on
  OS/2 native
  OS/2 with 4OS2 command interpreter replacement
  OS/2 DOS native
  OS/2 DOS with 4DOS command interpreter replacement
  Vista (32bit)
t?.txt returns both t.txt and t1.txt...

C:\freepascal\projects\miscdir t?.txt

 Volume in drive C is SQ004512V04
 Volume Serial Number is DC02-9142

 Directory of C:\freepascal\projects\misc

12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t1.txt
   2 File(s)  4 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  51,111,350,272 bytes free

C:\freepascal\projects\miscfilemask t?.txt

looking for files that match t?.txt

*FindFirst only - multiple masks capable*


*FindFirst w/ MatchesMaskList*


*FindFirst w/ RegExpr - multiple masks capable*


new filemask demo program follows...

= snip filemask.lpr =
Program Filemask;

  SysUtils, StrUtils, Classes, Masks, RegExpr;

  dirSR : TSearchRec;
  flist : TStringList;
  fmask : String;
  lcnt  : Integer;

procedure ff(tstr : String);
  if FindFirst(tstr,faAnyFile,dirSR) = 0 then
  until FindNext(dirSR)  0;

procedure ff1(tstr : String);
  tcnt  : Integer = 0;
  fmcnt : Integer = 0;
  fmcnt := WordCount(tstr,[';']);
  if fmcnt = 0 then
for tcnt := 1 to fmcnt do

procedure ff2(tstr : String);
  if FindFirst('*',faAnyFile,dirSR) = 0 then
if MatchesMaskList(dirSR.Name,tstr) then
  until FindNext(dirSR)  0;

procedure ffregex(tstr : String);
  RegexObj: TRegExpr;
  RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create;
  RegexObj.Expression := tstr;
  if FindFirst('*',faAnyFile,dirSR) = 0 then
if RegexObj.Exec(dirSR.Name) then
  until FindNext(dirSR)  0;

procedure ff3(tstr : String);
  tcnt  : Integer = 0;
  fmcnt : Integer = 0;
  fmcnt := WordCount(tstr,[';']);
  if fmcnt = 0 then
for tcnt := 1 to fmcnt do

  if ParamStr(1) = '' then
WriteLn('please specify a file mask - eg: *.foo')
  fmask := ParamStr(1);
  WriteLn('looking for files that match '+fmask+'');
  flist := TStringList.Create;
  flist.Sorted := True;
  flist.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
  flist.CaseSensitive := False;
WriteLn('*FindFirst only - multiple masks capable*');
WriteLn('  ff1('+fmask+');');
for lcnt := 1 to flist.Count do

WriteLn('*FindFirst w/ MatchesMaskList*');
WriteLn('  ff2('+fmask+');');
for lcnt := 1 to flist.Count do

WriteLn('*FindFirst w/ RegExpr - multiple masks capable*');
WriteLn('  ff3('+fmask+');');
for lcnt := 1 to flist.Count do
if Assigned(flist) then
= snip =

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 6:16 AM, Tomas Hajny wrote:

Given the fact that OS/2 appeared in your listing, I can clarify the
difference. It comes from the fact that in case of FindFirst/FindNext, the
interpretation of wildcards is performed by the underlying operating
system whereas the routine mentioned by Bart performs this interpretation
inside the Pascal code. Equally to DOS (and actually implemented that way
in an attempt to make OS/2 as compatible to DOS as possible), OS/2 is
somewhat more relaxed in interpretation of question marks at the end of
the file name (i.e. before the file extension) in the sense of evaluating
question marks at that position (but not elsewhere) as either 1 _or_ no

right... i see this everywhere /except/ on native linux... even DOSEMU and 
similar that i have tested all see '?' as 0 or 1 character... even REGEX takes 
that approach :)

You get the same behaviour under DOS (either compiled with TP/BP or FPC)
and also e.g. under DosEmu under Linux, etc. I believe that the MS Windows
NTVDM implementation would not behave that way (i.e. I believe that the
DOS window simply passes the request to MS Windows which perform the
evaluation differently), but I haven't tried it.

cmd and command both see '?' as 0 or 1 character...



Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]

 Volume in drive C is SQ004512V04
 Volume Serial Number is DC02-9142

 Directory of C:\FREEPA~1\projects\misc

12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t1.txt
   2 File(s)  4 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  51,110,965,248 bytes free


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\FREEPA~1\projects\miscdir t?.txt
 Volume in drive C is SQ004512V04
 Volume Serial Number is DC02-9142

 Directory of C:\FREEPA~1\projects\misc

12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t1.txt
   2 File(s)  4 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  51,111,006,208 bytes free


Now regarding your original question - I don't think that you can ask the
operating system to search for multiple masks at the same time (and thus
the RTL does not provide such functionality directly either).


Scanning through all the files as suggested by Bart is the standard solution
for that.

i didn't realize that that would be how it was done until after i started 
finding and reading relevant pages... when i started looking, i found nothing 
for plain FPC... everything was for delphi or lazarus...

However, _if_ you have reasons to be concerned about the performance of
scanning through all the files (e.g. if running over a slow network drive and
having to work with directories containing _many_ files - read: thousands of
files at least), it is possible to reduce the number of operating system
calls and network transfers by using the OS/2 API directly and providing it
with a buffer sufficient for returning information about many files at once
(e.g. one hundred of them, or whatever).

the most i've had to wade through was ~4 files but i don't think that that 
will be much of a problem... it wasn't a problem with my previous simplistic 
finding and processing methods but i've recently removed the artificial file 
limits i had when using arrays... now i'm loading matching filenames into 
stringlists and then processing from there ;)

Obviously, your code would still need to go through all of them one by
another, but it would decrease the overall time needed for processing this
scan. Still, as already mentioned, this solution should not be necessary
under normal conditions (and it would imply necessity of changing the
implementation for other operating systems - unlike to using standard RTL

yeah, i'm looking for easy and simplistic cross-platform capability if i can get 
it... one of my projects is targetted at OS/2, winwhatever, and linux... they're 
all i can compile natively for... with that and the lack of lazarus on OS/2, i 
think the demo program i posted in my reply to jonas shows me the yellow brick 
road to follow to the emerald city... the hint came from bart and/or some older 
messages i found where it was stated that calling findfirst multiple times was a 
possibility... i think that (ff1) and/or the regex one i came up with (ff3) will 
work best for my needs...

i do also greatly appreciate bart's initial post and the subsequent ones from 
others... they got me started thinking clearer when i was blind and stuck before ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 3:02 PM, Ralf Quint wrote:

On 12/3/2014 8:30 AM, waldo kitty wrote:

yes, i wrote t11.txt when i should have written t1.txt... my bad...

however on
  OS/2 native
  OS/2 with 4OS2 command interpreter replacement
  OS/2 DOS native
  OS/2 DOS with 4DOS command interpreter replacement
  Vista (32bit)
t?.txt returns both t.txt and t1.txt...

On any DOS based OS (that includes OS/2 and Windows), the ? wildcard character
will find any character, including no character at all in that position. So in
your example, t?.txt will find t.txt and tx.txt but not txy.txt. It will not
return any filename longer than your search mask, but return shorter filenames.
This is (should be) a functionality of the underlying system calls.
On *ix based systems, the filenames are evaluated by the shell, not the OS, and
your search result will be different in a lot of cases...

yep... that's exactly been my findings... my main goal, in this case, is/was to 
find a way of having multiple masks... messing with MatchesMaskList showed me 
the difference which i was trying to figure out as it was not what was expected...

now i have three choices and don't yet know which i'll choose... most likely the 
plain findfirst with multiple masks one... it works and its operation is as 
expected from ~30 years messing with computers... the regex one will definitely 
stay in the stack as it offers an easy method to go both ways and that may be 
desirable in some cases... i just have to test it on OS/2 and see if i can 
compile it... i can't do that with MatchesMaskList because the unit that 
contains it is not available on OS/2...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 3:27 PM, Bart wrote:

On 12/3/14, Ralf Quint wrote:

On any DOS based OS (that includes OS/2 and Windows), the ? wildcard
character will find any character, including no character at all in that
position. So in your example, t?.txt will find t.txt and tx.txt but not
txy.txt. It will not return any filename longer than your search mask,
but return shorter filenames. This is (should be) a functionality of the
underlying system calls.

Windows.FindFirstFile however treats ? as exactly 1 character AFAIK.
And is I'm not mistake this was also the case with TP in the old days.

my command line testing shows otherwise... are you speaking of GUI related code? 
i'm working only with the command line... no GUI stuffs at all...

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\freepascal\projects\miscdir t*.txt
 Volume in drive C is SQ004512V04
 Volume Serial Number is DC02-9142

 Directory of C:\freepascal\projects\misc

12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t1.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t11.txt
   3 File(s)  6 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  50,785,431,552 bytes free

C:\freepascal\projects\miscdir t?.txt
 Volume in drive C is SQ004512V04
 Volume Serial Number is DC02-9142

 Directory of C:\freepascal\projects\misc

12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t1.txt
   2 File(s)  4 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  50,785,431,552 bytes free

Microsoft(R) Windows DOS
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001.

 Volume in drive C is SQ004512V04
 Volume Serial Number is DC02-9142

 Directory of C:\FREEPA~1\projects\misc

12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t.txt
12/02/2014  11:31 PM 2 t1.txt
   2 File(s)  4 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  50,785,423,360 bytes free


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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 5:09 PM, Bart wrote:

On 12/3/14, Ralf Quint wrote:

On 12/3/2014 12:27 PM, Bart wrote:

Windows.FindFirstFile however treats ? as exactly 1 character AFAIK.
And is I'm not mistake this was also the case with TP in the old days.

A quick test in a Windows 8.1 command prompt:

I don't dispute teh way cmd/command treats ? in dir, I merely stated
that the OS function FindFirstFile des not do it like that.
(And so we should not change FindFirst/FidNext behaviour.)

you are confusing me, now... is not the OS function the same as what the 
command interpreters use?? shouldn't the results be the same? as a ~30 year 
veteran with computers, i surely expect them to be the same... perhaps i'm just 
fscking old? ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 5:48 PM, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Wed, December 3, 2014 23:18, waldo kitty wrote:

desirable in some cases... i just have to test it on OS/2 and see if i can
compile it... i can't do that with MatchesMaskList because the unit that
contains it is not available on OS/2...

Which unit is it, btw? Have you tried compiling that unit for OS/2? The
fact that it hasn't been included with releases for OS/2 means just that
noone tested it there so far, not necessarily that it might not work

MatchesMaskList and its friends are in the Lazarus MASKS unit... since lazarus 
is not available for OS/2, i'm not looking for it to happen... then there's the 
difference in the way it operates compared to what is expected...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/3/2014 8:10 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

MatchesMaskList and its friends are in the Lazarus MASKS unit... since lazarus
is not available for OS/2, i'm not looking for it to happen... then there's the
difference in the way it operates compared to what is expected...

not the way it operates... that should say its output...

then there's the difference in its output compared to what is expected...

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[fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-02 Thread waldo kitty

how do you process for multiple filemasks?

eg: find ts??.sel and t???.sel for the same processing run

== snip filemask.pas ==
Program Filemasks;

  SysUtils, StrUtils, Classes;

  dirSR : TSearchRec;
  flist : TStringList;
  fmask : string;

  if paramstr(1)  '' then
  fmask := paramstr(1);
  writeln('looking for files that match '+fmask+'');
  flist := TStringList.Create;
//  try
flist.Sorted := False;
flist.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
flist.CaseSensitive := False;
if FindFirst(fmask,faAnyFile,dirSR) = 0 then
  writeln(PadRight(IntToStr(flist.count),6) + ' ' + 

until FindNext(dirSR)  0;
writeln(PadRight('found ' + IntToStr(flist.count),5) + ' files matching 

//  finally
//if assigned(flist) then
//  freeandnil(flist);
//  end;
writeln('please specify a file mask - eg: *.foo');
== snip ==

as seen above, i also attempted to use try...finally in the above but fpc always 
complained about the next line...

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.4 [2014/03/02] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2014 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: OS/2
Compiling filemask.pas
filemask.pas(19,9) Error: Identifier not found try
filemask.pas(19,9) Fatal: Syntax error, ; expected but identifier FLIST 
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: X:\FP\2.6.4\BIN\OS2\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you 
did not specify a source file to be compiled)

what am i missing?? i've never really used this capability before...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-02 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/2/2014 5:12 PM, Bart wrote:

On 12/2/14, waldo kitty wrote:

how do you process for multiple filemasks?

eg: find ts??.sel and t???.sel for the same processing run

Maybe I misunderstand the question but:
Use '*' as mask for FindFirst/FindNext then use MatchesMaskList()?

in the above masks, any '*' returns too many unwanted files... after some hours 
of experimenting i finally figured out that using '?' works better but in some 
cases, it can also return unwanted files (shorter filenames) than desired...

i'm not aware of MatchesMaskList but i will hunt it down and see if it helps...

thanks! ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-02 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/2/2014 5:12 PM, Bart wrote:

On 12/2/14, waldo kitty wrote:

how do you process for multiple filemasks?

eg: find ts??.sel and t???.sel for the same processing run

Maybe I misunderstand the question but:
Use '*' as mask for FindFirst/FindNext then use MatchesMaskList()?

i can't find anything that is relevant or easy to understand... everything i've 
found seems to be pointing to lazarus code but i don't have lazarus code 
available on all systems this code will be compiled on :/

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Re: [fpc-pascal] findfirst wildcards...

2014-12-02 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/2/2014 5:12 PM, Bart wrote:

On 12/2/14, waldo kitty wrote:

how do you process for multiple filemasks?

eg: find ts??.sel and t???.sel for the same processing run

Maybe I misunderstand the question but:
Use '*' as mask for FindFirst/FindNext then use MatchesMaskList()?

can you help me understand the differences in the output of the below program?

given these three filenames: t.txt t1.txt t11.txt

with mask  t?.txt  why does MatchesMaskList not show t.txt and t11.txt like 
plain findfirst?

with mask  t??.txt  why does MatchesMaskList not show t.txt and t1.txt like 
plain findfirst?

am i wrong to expect the output to be the same?

is there a way to have MatchesMaskList work like plain FindFirst routine with 
the addition of handling multiple masks?

i think i'm really only wanting something like MatchesMaskList simply for 
handling multiple masks... i'm undecided on the additional restrictiveness of 
MatchesMaskList but i can see where it could be desirable in some cases...

= snip =
Program Filemask;

  SysUtils, StrUtils, Classes, Masks;

  dirSR : TSearchRec;
  flist : TStringList;
  fmask : string;

  if paramstr(1) = '' then
writeln('please specify a file mask - eg: *.foo')
  fmask := paramstr(1);
  writeln('looking for files that match '+fmask+'');
  flist := TStringList.Create;
flist.Sorted := False;
flist.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
flist.CaseSensitive := False;
writeln('*using FindFirst(fmask,faAnyFile,dirSR)');
if FindFirst(fmask,faAnyFile,dirSR) = 0 then
  writeln(PadRight(IntToStr(flist.count),6) + ' ' + 

until FindNext(dirSR)  0;
writeln(PadRight('found ' + IntToStr(flist.count),5) + ' files matching 


writeln('*using FindFirst(''*'',faAnyFile,dirSR) with MatchesMaskList');
if FindFirst('*',faAnyFile,dirSR) = 0 then
  if MatchesMaskList(dirSR.Name,fmask) then
  writeln(PadRight(IntToStr(flist.count),6) + ' ' + 

until FindNext(dirSR)  0;
writeln(PadRight('found ' + IntToStr(flist.count),5) + ' files matching 

if assigned(flist) then
= snip =

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Re: [fpc-pascal] date formating dificulty

2014-11-19 Thread waldo kitty

On 11/19/2014 9:17 AM, Philippe wrote:

I still don't know how to use at the same time formatStr and FormatSettings in 

i'm not sure i understand your delima... perhaps you are trying to determine how 
the FormatSettings work and how you can force the same output format on 
different OSes? i found the following (slightly modified by me for CLI) delphi 
code that might help... the original code resides at

in the code, we output the results of the various FormatDateTime usages... then 
we change the values of the date and time formatting variables and run the same 
outputs again...

I´ll like very much to find a tutorial or some example about the good
practice to manage dates and be sure it will do the same thing on different

in some cases, you can fall back to delphi tutorials... it can be troublesome in 
some cases where things are slightly different between FPC/Lazarus and Delphi... 
the biggest problem i personally run into is that so much example code is GUI 
oriented and i still code for CLI...

anyway, here is the output of the following code...

*NOTE:* i think we've found a bug in (fpc?) trunk or perhaps it is just an 
unexpected side effect due to the system's settings... the day and month are 
reversed in the first separators line... as the comments in the code note, we're 
trying to work with 5 Jun 49... but this output was done on a US winwhatever 
(vista) system... it might be getting in the way by forcing mm/dd/yy format from 
the dd/mm/yy work string... someone else will have to speak to that as i would 
expect it to do the same in the second output set but it doesn't...

System formatting:
  Working with date string = 05/06/49 01:02:03.004
  Separators dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss = 06/05/49 01:02:03
  ShortMonths  mmm = May
  LongMonths   = May
  ShortDaysddd = Thu
  LongDays = Thursday
  ShortDate  d = 5/6/2049
  LongDate  dd = Thursday, May 06, 2049
  AMPM  hhampm = 01AM
  ShortTime  t = 1:02
  LongTime  tt = 1:02:03
  2DigitCentury dd/mm/ = 06/05/2049

Modified formatting:
  Working with date string = 05-06-49 01_02_03.004
  Separators dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss = 05-06-49 01_02_03
  ShortMonths  mmm = JUN
  LongMonths   = JUNE
  ShortDaysddd = SUN
  LongDays = SUNDAY
  ShortDate  d = 05-JUN-49
  LongDate  dd = SUNDAY 05 of JUNE of 1949
  AMPM  hhampm = 01morning
  ShortTime  t = 01_02_03
  LongTime  tt = 01 _ 02 _ 03 . 004
  2DigitCentury dd/mm/ = 05-06-1949

= snip =
program DTFormatting;

uses SysUtils;

  DateStr : String;
  myDate  : TDateTime;

  // Set up our TDateTime variable with a full date and time :
  // 5th of June 2049 at 01:02:03.004  (.004 milli-seconds)
  // Note that 49 is treated as 2049 as follows :
  //   TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow = 50
  //Current year = 2008 (at time of writing)
  //  Subtract TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow = 1958
  //2 digit year to be converted = 49
  //  Compare with the last 2 digits of 1958 = Less
  //  So the year is in the next century = 2049
  // (58 would be converted to 1958)

  WriteLn('System formatting:');

  DateStr := '05/06/49 01:02:03.004';
  WriteLn('  Working with date string = '+DateStr);

  myDate := StrToDateTime(DateStr);

  // Demonstrate default locale settings

  // Use the DateSeparator and TimeSeparator values
  WriteLn('  Separators dd/mm/yy hh:nn:ss = '+FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy 
hh:nn:ss', myDate));

  // Use ShortMonthNames
  WriteLn('  ShortMonths  mmm = '+FormatDateTime('mmm', myDate));

  // Use LongMonthNames
  WriteLn('  LongMonths   = '+FormatDateTime('', myDate));

  // Use ShortDayNames
  WriteLn('  ShortDaysddd = '+FormatDateTime('ddd', myDate));

  // Use LongDayNames
  WriteLn('  LongDays = '+FormatDateTime('', myDate));

  // Use the ShortDateFormat string
  WriteLn('  ShortDate  d = '+FormatDateTime('d', myDate));

  // Use the LongDateFormat string
  WriteLn('  LongDate  dd = '+FormatDateTime('dd', myDate));

  // Use the TimeAmString
  WriteLn('  AMPM  hhampm = '+FormatDateTime('hhampm', myDate));

  // Use the ShortTimeFormat string
  WriteLn('  ShortTime  t = '+FormatDateTime('t', myDate));

  // Use the LongTimeFormat string
  WriteLn('  LongTime  tt = '+FormatDateTime('tt', myDate));

  // Use the TwoDigitCenturyWindow
  WriteLn('  2DigitCentury dd/mm/ = '+FormatDateTime('dd/mm/', 

  WriteLn('Modified formatting:');

  // Now change 

Re: [fpc-pascal] Catching Exceptions in Library

2014-11-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 11/6/2014 7:39 PM, Steve Gatenby wrote:

Could anybody tell me why the following error is caught by the try except in an
Application, but not in a Library ?

I am needing to find out where try except doesn't do what I think, not fix this

are you seeing a different error than what you are expecting? if so, it is 
possible that it is triggered elsewhere in your code and not caught there...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] any generic List class other than those in fgl unit?

2014-10-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 10/24/2014 11:18 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 24/10/2014 17:15, Dennis Poon wrote:

Can you give me a link to report this bug? I have not done this before.

Is it really so hard to find?
top left under free pascal, bugtracker link.


who uses forums when there are much preferred(??) mailing lists? ;) ;) ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Is it possible to use top directory of subtree with -Fu -Fi -Fl options?

2014-09-29 Thread waldo kitty

On 9/29/2014 5:00 AM, Tony Papadimitriou wrote:

OK, I think I realized what the problem is.  The * will apparently search in all
subdirectories but (apparently again) one level deep.  So, if you have something


and you give -Fu\progs\pascal\units\*
it will look in \progs\pascal\units\a but not in \progs\pascal\units\a\b

So, is there a way to do this, i.e., specify the 'root' director for your
units/includes and have it look at all files underneath regardless of nesting



yeah, that's not regardless of nesting level because you have to manually add 
the next level... but i just also had a thought that the last line at your 
maximum level may be all that's needed if each directory represented by a * is 
searched for unit files...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Internal error 200706094

2014-09-29 Thread waldo kitty

On 9/29/2014 5:48 AM, Victor Matuzenko wrote:

IMO the problem is the transformation -1 into an unsigned value.
(Unsigned(-1)  Max(Signed).)

How can I rewrite this code to make it correct? I want to use
constants to calculate offsets from untyped pointer.

have you tried using a typed const?

  C : int64 = -1;

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Re: [fpc-pascal] best? safest? fastest?

2014-08-08 Thread waldo kitty

On 8/7/2014 4:35 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

waldo kitty wrote:

On 8/6/2014 4:08 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I'd be inclined to start off using your method 1, i.e. text manipulation until
the format is consistent.

i don't understand until the format is consistent... the format has been in
use since the 60s at least (AFAIK) ;)

What I mean is, while you're doing the initial processing to e.g. add century
digits to the date and possibly to check number of decimal places etc.

oh, ok... yeah, that's all done before we reach this stage... as i posted 
previously, the format is already laid out so the string spacing is already a 
known factor... it is only a couple of places where one might run into 
historical TLE records that are space filled instead of zero filled in the 
mathematical number areas... the NORAD, COSPAR and Epoch areas are the only ones 
that one might find

FWIW: i have taken some time and reworked things to be math based while still
taking the required text format into account... i've seen a very nice increase
in processing speed and now need to just make sure that i don't run into any
of the basic and well known flaws that math processing of date strings seem to
have ;)

Flatten the original record and save it in a database, create a new flat text

this appears that you are speaking of a sql database or similar? that may be a
later feature but for now, everything is/has to be done with the raw TLE 

Databases, even for plain-text records, can be incredibly useful.

agreed very much... however, in this case, with the old convoluted string 
stuffings that were being done, processing 8+ records takes only a minute or 
two whereas the previous tool was limited by the old 64k memory limit and 
processing the same files took over 45 minutes and resulted in only 10% of the 
total output of the new tool i've written... it is very late and my math may be 
off but output file sizes of 274K compared to 2.5Meg is 10%, right?

but as previously noted, a real database is a possibility for the future... 
currently, my personal processing uses a text file containing all the latest 
TLEs that i have been able to accumulate... granted, the historical ones are not 
available in this format but then again, i don't have room for 9million records 
like other systems ;)

i'm not sure what you mean by flatten, either... currently i break down the
TLEs into their major records for storage in the in-memory database... the
processing i posted is done before that storage takes place...

I was thinking that the first thing you could do was convert the two lines into
a single one for processing, but on reflection it would be better to save the
original with as little modification as possible- possibly with any accession
info you had (i.e. what body had provided that particular TLE).

when i move to incorporate real database capabilities, something like this 
will be being done... that's an understood :)  the reason i hesitate to do this 
now is due to the processing speed which has been achieved compared to the old 
tool written by someone else... adding database support will really slow all the 
processing down compared to what has been achieved at this point... granted, 
flat file text processing is slow and ugly but in this case, it is a 
major GoodThingtm  :)

the goal of the program is to build the in-memory database from all specified
TLE files and then to write out new TLE files which may be filtered on a
selection property so that only certain matching TLE records are saved...

The problem there being that once the program stops you've then got to rebuild
the next time.

that's not really a problem in this case... when i allow others to use the tool 
(which is still considered by myself as alpha but may be beta or gamma level by 
others), they may choose to use it the same way that i do... or not... as noted 
above, i maintain a master database file which is loaded first and then the 
latest live data and finally all the just in update files... from these are 
built the desired output files... every once in a while i output an updated 
master database... out of over 4 possible records, i think i'm missing 
only a thousand or so and those are unlikely to ever be filled due to their 
military aspect and the lack of publicly available data on their orbital 
activities... so back to your statement above, i guess i'm already maintaining a 
fairly up-to-date master database which is quickly loaded and then updated by 
the other files being processed...

What I normally do when handling large bodies of tabular info is
to either have a series of database tables or a series of text files, where
ideally the text files are absolutely predictable (all fields a known length and
appropriately padded).

i guess that's what i'm doing as described above ;)

What I'm normally looking for is rate-of-change over multiple records with
irregular timestamps, which is an awkward job

Re: [fpc-pascal] best? safest? fastest?

2014-08-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 8/6/2014 4:08 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

waldo kitty wrote:

i suspect this is going to be like the long-standing joke of

  cheap, fast, stable: choose two

over the years, i've seen two schools of code for dealing with dates... years,
specifically... one school is string based and the other is math based... both
have their faults and pluses...

eg: string based fault : prepend '19' to single digit year value
math based fault : 2003 - 1900 = 103 (3 is intended result)

I'd be inclined to start off using your method 1, i.e. text manipulation until
the format is consistent.

i don't understand until the format is consistent... the format has been in 
use since the 60s at least (AFAIK) ;)

FWIW: i have taken some time and reworked things to be math based while still 
taking the required text format into account... i've seen a very nice increase 
in processing speed and now need to just make sure that i don't run into any of 
the basic and well known flaws that math processing of date strings seem to have ;)

Flatten the original record and save it in a database, create a new flat text

this appears that you are speaking of a sql database or similar? that may be a 
later feature but for now, everything is/has to be done with the raw TLE files...

i'm not sure what you mean by flatten, either... currently i break down the 
TLEs into their major records for storage in the in-memory database... the 
processing i posted is done before that storage takes place...

the goal of the program is to build the in-memory database from all specified 
TLE files and then to write out new TLE files which may be filtered on a 
selection property so that only certain matching TLE records are saved...

  eg: take 100 TLE files and build one new TLE file containing only geosynch 

record starting with a database reference and then comprising slightly-massaged
text. Run consistency checks on the new records until everything looks good
(e.g. no non-numeric garbage resulting from a failed EBCDIC or GOST conversion),
and only then parse it into numeric fields.

yeah, we don't have to worry about EBCDIC or similar because all that's done 
when those tools generate the TLE files they output... FORTRAN was used 
originally but these days, there's numerous languages used... the format is 
plain old 7bit ASCII characters of 0-9... if there's a 0th line with the 
object's name in it, it is only (IME) A-Z0-9... for my purposes, lowercase 
letters are no problem, though ;)

Out of curiosity, I presume that times are GMT/UTC but does a day start at
midnight or noon (civil and astronomers' convention respectively)?

i'm not sure on this either... i just know that my calculations return the same 
results as all the other programs and web sites i've validated against... i'm 
pretty sure that UTC is the base and i assume that the day starts at midnight... 
again, this because my calculations return the same results and projections as 
other programs and web sites i've validated against...

more information on the TLE format is available in numerous places on the web... 
one well known one is

Do the coordinates have to take into account changed ephemeris changes as the
equinox precesses?

i presume so but am not sure... each TLE record stands on its own and can be 
used to create tracking forward and backward in time for X period of time... as 
time progresses from the epoch, the certainty of the calculations falls off for 
numerous reasons... solar flux, perturbations, atmospheric drag, boosting the 
orbit, etc...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] ?

2014-08-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 8/6/2014 4:41 AM, leledumbo wrote:

Does it exist a nabble web page for fpc-develop (with all fpc-devel

archives) ?

Nope. I'm the one who registered FPC general to Nabble a couple of years
ago. You might want to register FPC develop as well.

i assume that fpc-general is this list, fpc-pascal??

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Re: [fpc-pascal] exitproc?

2014-08-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 8/5/2014 3:29 AM, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Tue, August 5, 2014 02:00, waldo kitty wrote:

back in the [g]?olden days of TP6, i used to be able to set an exitproc
procedure that would be executed any time my program exited for any
something like

exitproc := @myexitproc;

is this still able to be done easily? does it work even if there's an


Yes, as long as the exception is handled (caught) by the RTL.

do you mean that it cannot be a unhandled exception with ''crash'' and 
heaptrace dumping the thousands of left-behind memory blocks that weren't 
deallocated?? that's what i'm trying to get past... i want to see the error and 
unhandled exceptions but i really want to properly deallocate the 4+ * 5 
records on the heap instead of having to either wait for heaptrace to finish 
dumping them or forcibly closing the task or (in the worst cases) rebooting the 
entire machine...

this is a console app based on tapplication (mainly for parameter parsing 
capability) and i have no clue (yet) how to catch exceptions and deal with them 

additionally, this last time i had to deal with this, fpc 2.6.4 release for OS/2 
was dieing with unknown error 110 (IIRC) during runtime... i finally 
determined this to be from trying to reset a file that didn't exist where the 
path was pointing to... goofy error on my part that i fixed by fsplitting the 
pattern and adding the directory portion back to the initial directory path 
being used... in any case, i thought i should also mention this so that it can 
be corrected so it is not unknown any more ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] exitproc?

2014-08-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 8/5/2014 12:51 PM, leledumbo wrote:

is this still able to be done easily?

No difference I guess:
However, this is better:

thanks for the pointers! i was extremely tired when i wrote my original post... 
16 hours editing (reformatting) a wikipedia table and researching the hundreds 
of entries in it can really make one's eyes cross :/

does it work even if there's an untrapped exception?

Just try it

i will try... hopefully i won't have to do anything to execute my existing 
procedures and i'll be able to stop manually executing them in my code as they 
should be executed automatically by using this method...

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[fpc-pascal] best? safest? fastest?

2014-08-05 Thread waldo kitty

i suspect this is going to be like the long-standing joke of

  cheap, fast, stable: choose two

over the years, i've seen two schools of code for dealing with dates... years, 
specifically... one school is string based and the other is math based... both 
have their faults and pluses...

eg: string based fault : prepend '19' to single digit year value
math based fault : 2003 - 1900 = 103 (3 is intended result)

so what i have is satellite tracking two line element files... these files 
contain an epoch for the numbers contained in the TLE... the epoch is laid out as

  YYdoy.frac-doy == 14211.03356282


  YY : 1 or 2 digit year without century ('62' or ' 3' or '05')
  doy : day of year, 1, 2 or 3 digits, jan 1 is day 0 ('  0' or ' 15' or '020')
  frac-doy : 8 digit fractional day of the year

what i'm needing to do is to choose a route to make the year portion four digits 
so that historical TLEs can be used... the program makes a comparison of the 
epoch to determine which of two is newer... the newer one is placed into the 
in-memory database for later usage... working with historical TLEs from 1957 to 
1999 mandates four digit years be used or historical TLEs will override TLEs 
from 2000 to 2056 since 00 thru 56 are less than 57 (1957 first launch)...

previous to any processing, the epoch taken from the TLE in the file is 
processed so that leading blanks in the epoch are replaced with zeros... today's 
epochs don't really need this as creation and processing methods have evloved 
over the years... this is done as a precaution for those times when processing 
historical TLEs which have not been converted to having leading zeros instead of 
blanks (aka spaces)...

we've launched over 4 objects and there are possibly hundreds or thousands 
of TLEs for each one... at least one site is known to have over 9 million TLEs 
in their database... these routines are executed for each and every TLE loaded 
as we fill our in-memory database...

finally (yeah i know, but i thought the history and methodology was important) 
my questions, as the subject alludes to, are which of the following methods 
would you choose? why? would you choose another method? why?

all input is greatly welcomed! as always, thanks for your time and attention! :)


// make sure we have the full four digit year for the epoch!
// eg: 14211.03356282 becomes 2014211.03356282 which is 2014-07-30 00:48:19.827

// method 1 (string manipulation)
if (Integer_Value(MyEpochStr,1,2)  57) then // first 
launch in 1957
  MyEpochStr := FloatToStrF('20'+MyEpochStr,ffFixed,16,8)// value  
57 so year is 21st century (2000 thru 2056)

  MyEpochStr := FloatToStrF('19'+MyEpochStr,ffFixed,16,8);   // value 
is = 57 so year is 20th century (1957 thru 1999)
MyEpoch:= Real_Value(MyEpochStr,1,Length(MyEpochStr));   // convert 
to real for mathmatical comparison


// method 2 (combination string and math??)
if (Integer_Value(MyEpochStr,1,2)  57) then // first 
launch in 1957
  MyEpochStr := FloatToStrF(Real_Value(MyEpochStr,1,Length(MyEpochStr)) + 

  MyEpochStr := FloatToStrF(Real_Value(MyEpochStr,1,Length(MyEpochStr)) + 
MyEpoch:= Real_Value(MyEpochStr,1,Length(MyEpochStr));   // convert 
to real for mathmatical comparison


// method 3 (math manipulation)
MyEpoch:= Real_Value(MyEpochStr,1,Length(MyEpochStr));   // convert 
to real for mathmatical comparison
if (int(MyEpoch / 1000)  57) then   // first 
launch in 1957
  MyEpoch := (MyEpoch / 1000 + 2000) * 1000  // value  
57 so year is 21st century (2000 thru 2056)

  MyEpoch := (MyEpoch / 1000 + 1900) * 1000; // value 
is = 57 so year is 20th century (1957 thru 1999)
MyEpochStr := FloatToStrF(MyEpoch,ffFixed,16,8); // store to 
MyEpochStr for later use (16 characters!)


support routines for the above:

  Function Integer_Value(buffer : string; start, length : integer) : integer;

MyResult : integer = 0;
answer   : integer - 0;

buffer := Copy(buffer,start,length);
if buffer = '' then
  buffer := '0';
if MyResult = 0 then
  Integer_Value := answer
  Integer_Value := 0;
  end; // Function Integer_Value

  Function Real_Value(buffer 

[fpc-pascal] exitproc?

2014-08-04 Thread waldo kitty

back in the [g]?olden days of TP6, i used to be able to set an exitproc 
procedure that would be executed any time my program exited for any reason... 
something like

  exitproc := @myexitproc;

is this still able to be done easily? does it work even if there's an untrapped 

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Wikipedia article about fcl-web

2014-07-31 Thread waldo kitty

On 7/31/2014 5:08 PM, Fabrício Srdic wrote:

Thanks a lot!

About the web server implemented by the unit fphttpserver, is it recommended for
high load environments?

please define high load environments...

2014-07-31 17:54 GMT-03:00 leledumbo

Hi everyone,

Today I just started to start
wikipedia-ing FPC supporting web frameworks. Please help expanding 
correcting the article, especially secondary/tertiary sources.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] replacement of MemAvail and MaxAvail

2014-05-30 Thread waldo kitty

On 5/30/2014 5:37 AM, mokashe.ram wrote:

  Thanks For Your This Prompt Reply...
but in promgram these functions are already used in my applcation developed
in TP7, sonow i am migration this applcation to free pascal. how can i
replace using free pascal?

take them out... what do you need them for? ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Ping problems - OS/X

2014-05-21 Thread waldo kitty

On 5/21/2014 7:00 AM, Peter Brooks wrote:


LoadFromStream loads the contents of Stream into the stringlist. Each line in 
the stream (as marked by the end-of-line marker of the particular OS the 
application runs on) becomes one string in the stringlist. This action replaces 
the contents of the stringlist, it does not append the strings to the current 


those LoadFromStream calls are overwriting the contents of your stringlist... 
note the last sentence in the above quote from

you need to figure out how to run through your streams and AStringList.Add() the 
entries to your stringlist


you need to have another set of stringlists for those process outputs and then 
use AStringList.AddStrings()


you need to AStringList.Assign() another string list, print/save it,
AStringList.Assign() the next string list, print/save it and so on... as 
LoadFromStream, Assign replaces the current contents of AStringList with the new 

FWIW: if you are using the improved example on then you should note that 
it does state that it is flawed and that you should use the code in the next 
example reading large output which waits till the end and then loads the 
stream into the stringlist and then you can manipulate it from there...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to disable case sensitivity for file names on *nix?

2014-05-11 Thread waldo kitty

On 5/11/2014 3:29 AM, Sven Barth wrote:

You could add the option -vut to see which files the compiler tries to use (t)
and which it does then finally use (u). Be aware though that this might get 
noisy ;)

i thought i had replied back in this thread that i had found the problem... i 
used -vav and finally saw that i had a typo in the -Fu and -Fi entries... one 
character too many or lacking can make all the difference :/

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[fpc-pascal] how to disable case sensitivity for file names on *nix?

2014-05-10 Thread waldo kitty

i'm using git to pull a project from sourceforge to a windows box and to a linux 
box... on windows, the project compiles fine... on linux, though, all of the 
files' names are lowercase but the sources have upper and CaMeL cased file names 
in the uses and include statements... i have no control over the project or the 
git repository it originates from...

i surely don't want to have to edit the sources to lowercase all the uses and 
includes statements every time i update my local repositories... how can i get 
it to compile on linux no matter what case the names are? is there anything i 
can do on my side of the fence to tell fpc to operate case insensitive? 
hopefully a simple command line option i can easily add to my build script?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to disable case sensitivity for file names on *nix?

2014-05-10 Thread waldo kitty

On 5/10/2014 2:18 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 10 May 2014, waldo kitty wrote:

i surely don't want to have to edit the sources to lowercase all the uses and
includes statements every time i update my local repositories... how can i get
it to compile on linux no matter what case the names are? is there anything i
can do on my side of the fence to tell fpc to operate case insensitive?
hopefully a simple command line option i can easily add to my build script?

Normally, it should compile if all filenames are lowercase.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to disable case sensitivity for file names on *nix?

2014-05-10 Thread waldo kitty

On 5/10/2014 5:14 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

On 10.05.2014 20:09, waldo kitty wrote:

i'm using git to pull a project from sourceforge to a windows box and to
a linux box... on windows, the project compiles fine... on linux,
though, all of the files' names are lowercase but the sources have upper
and CaMeL cased file names in the uses and include statements... i have
no control over the project or the git repository it originates from...

FPC will look for each unit and include file (including directory names) in
lowercase, UPPERCASE and AsWritten (AFAIK even in that order)

maybe this is not the problem i'm facing, then... i'll have to dig deeper into 
the build script... it is a very simple build script but there may be a bug in 
it with an environment variable it sets for the library files...

i surely don't want to have to edit the sources to lowercase all the
uses and includes statements every time i update my local
repositories... how can i get it to compile on linux no matter what case
the names are? is there anything i can do on my side of the fence to
tell fpc to operate case insensitive? hopefully a simple command line
option i can easily add to my build script?

You can't tell FPC to operate in a totally case insensitive way, because then
the compiler would need to check for ANY possible spelling of the filename (plus
extension), because if an underlying filesystem is case sensitive then a.pas
would be different from A.PAS which would also be different from a.PAS as well
as A.pas and so on...

yes, i remember the discussion some time (several years?) back... i spent some 
time rereading over it before making my post, too...

thank you to you and michael van canneyt for your responses...

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[fpc-pascal] how to use macros on linux?

2014-04-14 Thread waldo kitty

when i try to compile a program on my non-GUI linux, it tells me that it can't 
find the programs... hunh?

fpc -FUlib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) foo.pas

fpc is trunk installed via fpcup...

user@machine:~/development/projects/misc$ ~/fpc -FUlib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) 

TargetCPU: command not found
TargetOS: command not found
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.5 [2014/04/08] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling foo.pas
foo.pas(23,1) Error: Can't create object file: lib/-/project1.o
foo.pas(23,1) Fatal: Can't create object lib/-/project1.o
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /home/user/development/fpc/bin/i386-linux/ppc386 returned an error 
exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)


so how do i use macros to tell fpc where to place the unit libraries on linux 
like i do for winwhatever??

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to use macros on linux?

2014-04-14 Thread waldo kitty

On 4/14/2014 12:54 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 12:29:00 -0400
waldo kitty wrote:

when i try to compile a program on my non-GUI linux, it tells me that it can't
find the programs... hunh?

fpc -FUlib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) foo.pas

These are Lazarus macros.

oh! hummm...

so how do i use macros to tell fpc where to place the unit libraries on linux
like i do for winwhatever??

fpc macro example:
fpc -FUlib/\$fpctarget foo.pas

i believe i tried that... i'll give it another go, though...

and yes, i do note the \$ escape to prevent the shell from attempting to frak it 
up for me :lol:  i did try that on the above, too, and also escaping the parens 
but came here out of frustration when nothing i was doing was working properly...

[time passes]

yes! thanks! :)

this also tells me what i need to do for a couple of other projects O:)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Processing passwords etc.

2014-04-12 Thread waldo kitty

On 4/12/2014 8:24 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

Attached is an implementation that allows you to specify:

What to do when allocating memory (zero out, randomize, nothing)
What to do when freeing memory (zero out, randomize, nothing).

very nice! thank you sir! i'm still learning FPC and all its fancy (to me 
compared to TP/BP) features :)

Careful, it does not play well with the heaptrc unit.

why is that? is there a way to fix it? i do use the heaptrc unit to try to 
ensure that i'm not leaving stuff behind...

If there is an interest in such thing, we can add it to the RTL.

as miniscule as it is compared with others', here's my vote in the positive ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Processing passwords etc.

2014-04-11 Thread waldo kitty

On 4/11/2014 5:03 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

The main point is that in FPC you can install a memory manager that wipes out
any memory when getting or releasing it, if you want to make your software more
secure that way.

how would one go about doing this? i learned in my TP3/6 days to use fillchar on 
everything to ensure that it was filled with 0x00... especially my data files... 
when looking at them with a hex editor, my OCD would hit strongly because the 
data file was not clean and holding only my data...

i don't know how one would go about cleaning released memory as someone else 
asked about (eg: extending an array or string or etc)... once the memory is 
released, it is no longer accessible, right?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Processing passwords etc.

2014-04-11 Thread waldo kitty

On 4/11/2014 4:10 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Using a memory manager would reliably wipe strings etc. when reallocated (i.e
rather than when an assignment didn't trigger reallocation). On the other hand
it would have the overhead of also overwriting blocks that the user knew were
being freed and could audit first, as well as stuff that was being freed as part
of the RTL operation.

It's that latter case- where the RTL is copying something without the user being
aware- that I think is significant.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Watching for file change

2014-04-11 Thread waldo kitty

On 4/11/2014 3:06 PM, Krzysztof wrote:


Does FPC have some file watching solution? I need this only for linux.
I need notifications:
- File/folder changed / removed / added in watched directory. I have
idea how to do this in thread loop but maybe FPC has OS solution

i'm interested in this, as well... i have an app in perl that i'm considering 
rewriting in FPC... in that app, i had to specifically grab the attributes of 
the files the app watches and compare those values to previously stored values...

in perl:

if ($check_file eq $alert_file) {# If we're testing the alert 
file and

= stat($check_file);
if ($size  $prev_alert_size) {  # the filesize is less than 
last we checked,

write_log (2,Alert filename changed. Reopening $alert_file);
close (ALERT);   # we need to close and
open (ALERT, $alert_file); # reopen it.
$prev_alert_size = $size;
} else {
$prev_alert_size = $size;

hopefully there is something similar to perl's stat() routine...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] lazarus not reachable

2014-04-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 4/6/2014 5:40 PM, wrote:


Are you able to web surf to the web site?

yes, i can and i do not normally visit that site...

FWIW: icmp may not be being allowed by the destination site or the router saying 
that the destination host is unreachable... that last address (below), when 
searched in google, shows as the first link named Remote Access Control but 
does not respond, AFAICT, to http connections... at least not from my current 

central NC, USA

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  11 ms1 ms1 ms
  216 ms16 ms16 ms
  316 ms15 ms21 ms
  420 ms20 ms18 ms
  524 ms19 ms19 ms
  619 ms20 ms19 ms
  720 ms21 ms45 ms
  8   207 ms   278 ms   212 ms
  9   303 ms   422 ms   334 ms
 10   136 ms   129 ms   130 ms
 11   141 ms   160 ms   133 ms
 12   142 ms   151 ms   129 ms
 13   130 ms   128 ms   128 ms
 14   128 ms   128 ms   127 ms
 15   127 ms   128 ms   127 ms
 16   127 ms   127 ms   127 ms
 17   128 ms   135 ms   128 ms
 18   127 ms   127 ms   126 ms
 19   136 ms   136 ms   136 ms
 20   152 ms   149 ms   149 ms
 21   147 ms   149 ms   147 ms
 22 *** Request timed out.
 23 **  reports: Destination host unreachable.

Trace complete.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] updating an old DOS tool using PChar strings

2014-02-20 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/19/2014 8:30 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 02/19/2014 03:06 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

any help is appreciated and thanks for reading this quite possibly
rambling post emanating from my scrambled brain cells...

FPC DOS is pretty easy for a console program, but it is 32-bit (whereas DOS is
16-bit) so it isn't as simple as Turbo Pascal.

yes, that's what i'm seeing, too... i mean, the coding isn't a real problem... 
but trying to handle data from old 16bit applications can be problematic in some 

I think my most enjoyable work ever was during the past 3.5 years, using Turbo
Pascal on expensive real-time embedded equipment.

i still get a lot of enjoyment with what i do with my old TP6 and BP7 
installations... but i stay very basic in them for the most part... only rarely 
have i used PChar (for example) or similar constructions... i have been having 
fun with a new app i've been playing with for several years that's written 
completely with FPC... lots of pointer suff for strings and lists being used 
there... switching gears between the two styles is rough at times :)

There is a 5 MB zip here that should make it easy to get started with FPC for 

thank you, sir! i shall take a look :)

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[fpc-pascal] updating an old DOS tool using PChar strings

2014-02-19 Thread waldo kitty

i have an old DOS tool written in BP7 that i'm needing to fix a couple of 
problems with... the main problem is that it is using an old CStr unit written 
by a Todd Holmes back in 1993... this unit was written to suppliment the reading 
and writing of C strings to/from streams and converting C strings (aka null 
terminated strings) to/from PASCAL strings...

i started using this unit because i did not understand pointers and PChar all 
that well back then... it was the first thing i attempted to use that worked for 
the task at hand... now i'm needing to switch it to using BP7 native routines so 
that i can add a few capabilities that are sorely missing... the main one being 
to replace (sub)strings within a PChar string... i've looked for a replacestr or 
strreplace or stringreplace function but have not had any success... what i have 
found seems to be targeted at methods and uses quite unnecessary for this plain 
old DOS command line tool... definitely no turbo vision or anything so elaborate...

so... does anyone have a freely usable BP7 compatible routine that will perform 
this (sub)string replacement task with standard BP7 PChar strings?

further clarification: i would like to convert this tool to FPC but, as noted, 
it is a plain old DOS command line tool... IIRC, the DOS FPC requires some sort 
of memory manager to be used but that would seem to be a lot of overkill for 
this simple tool... quite simply, the tool pulls preformatted null terminated 
strings from a proprietary data file and creates an ascii text file with the 
contents... the final result is that this text file is displayed via html so 
certain characters '', '', and '' (at least) need to be replaced with their 
html entities... that's what the stringreplace routine i'm looking for will be 
used for... i just need to get away from the currently used CStr unit and switch 
to using BP7's native PChar routines to be able to do so...

any help is appreciated and thanks for reading this quite possibly rambling post 
emanating from my scrambled brain cells...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] updating an old DOS tool using PChar strings

2014-02-19 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/19/2014 5:58 PM, leledumbo wrote:

Well, if you're not using FPC, then asking for non-FPC code here isn't the
right way. It's useless to point yout o FPC units that BP7 doesn't have.

this is rather true and i forgot to prefix my subject line with OT... my 
apologies for that...

but i'm not really asking for non-FPC code to do this, though... at least, i 
don't think i am... just code that will work with BP7 until i can convert this 
to FPC DOS code... i certainly don't need access to huge amounts of memory... 
64k in the heap is more than enough for this tool and the way it functions... 
the KIS principle at work :)

As you've experienced, ReplaceStr (from StrUtils), StringReplace (from
SysUtils) are FPC and Delphi routines, and BP7 doesn't have those units
AFAIK. They don't work with PChar anyway.

true but i'm hoping that someone still has their old libraries available and 
code to do this that they are willing to share... not to mention that BP7 is 
only one step away from delphi 1, unless i misunderstand things...

in any case, how is a PChar string that much different than FPC's current use of 
pointer based null terminated strings on the heap?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] updating an old DOS tool using PChar strings

2014-02-19 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/19/2014 6:10 PM, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Wed, February 19, 2014 23:58, leledumbo wrote:

Well, if you're not using FPC, then asking for non-FPC code here isn't the
right way. It's useless to point yout o FPC units that BP7 doesn't have.
you've experienced, ReplaceStr (from StrUtils), StringReplace (from
SysUtils) are FPC and Delphi routines, and BP7 doesn't have those units
AFAIK. They don't work with PChar anyway.

I'd add:

- It is not clear to me why FPC should be more problematic than BP7 (I
assume that you do not talk about a 286 PC;

correct for the most part...

even if you do, trunk with the plain 16-bit msdos support might still do it
for you).

i've pulled DOS262 with the GO memory extender but have not yet installed it on 
the system due to other questions not yet posed...

i'm not sure what trunk with 16 bit support you speak of... i think it may be 
the recent work being done on 8086 support... is this right? if so, then trunk 
/may/ be where i want to go /but/ my OS/2 box doesn't have the ability to pull 
trunk and compile the DOS version... at least, not as far as i know... so far, 
i'm been relegated to pulling and installing the release snapshots on my OS/2 
box... my winwhatever boxen, on the other hand, do pull and use trunk... at some 
point i hope to figure out how to perform cross compiling on so that i can work 
on a project on any platform and compile it for any other environment... this is 
part of the above mentioned questions not yet posed ;)

i don't really think that this particular tool (or numerous others i have at 
hand) need a DOS extender since they all currently operate in an old school 
plain jane DOS environment without need of XMS or EMS... 64k heap is more than 
enough for the PChar strings this tool has to work with...

What is the exact execution environment where you intend to use the compiled
program (operating system, CPU type)?

basically, it will be the (4)DOS environment on my eCS machine but the program 
may also be released to others for use on their DOS environments... whether 
that's DOS4 up to DOS6 native or in a VM device of some sort, i don't know... if 
it is using a command interpreter replacement like 4DOS, i don't know... my 
personal environment does use 4DOS... especially for my BBS controls ;)

i have been asked about releasing this tool so that others can use it which is 
why i want/need to fix the few problems it has that i know about and why i don't 
know what DOS environment it will be running under... it is not so far out of 
the realm of possibility that a vintage 286 might be employed by a BBS sysop 
wanting a truly retro environment for their setup...

- It is not completely clear what is the goal/task (e.g. whether it is
necessary to modify the PChar string in place, or whether it is OK to
convert PChar to a Pascal string first,

the data pulled from the database file is not of a format that can be converted 
to pascal strings... it can easily be longer than 255 characters and may also 
have embedded EoL sequences... i did actually try (yesterday) to do this 
conversion to pascal strings and perform the replacements but it was using a mix 
of BP7's PChar functions and those of the CStr unit previously mentioned... 
needless to say, they are obviously not directly compatible and all attempts 
were met with 204 runtime errors which, even after stopping this work and the 
execution of that flavor of the tool, resulted in the system totally locking up 
and requiring the use of the big red switch followed by a chkdsk over all of the 
6 drives/partitions used :/

incompatibility between the CStr unit routines and the native BP7 routines is 
the best explanation i have at this time since the CStr unit sets up its own 
buffer and similar operating capabilities... considering the age of the unit, i 
think it could also be used with TP/BP6 but i never tried since they didn't do 
PChar stuff in TP^/BP6 TTBOMM...

overall, the goal is to simply pull the null terminated data from the data files 
and writeln it to a plain ascii text file... this part currently works but there 
is the additional goal of converting the tool so as to be able to change certain 
substrings within the PChar strings and writeln the final result as is currently 
being done...

perform all the necessary operations on it and then pass a pointer to the
string data as a PChar for some other processing expecting a PChar

currently, the only thing done with the PChar strings is to pull them and 
writeln them to the output file... previous attempts at reformatting them 
failed... since they just worked as they were, i took the easy way out and 
didn't worry about dealing what i'm looking at now after 10 years or so...

as far as passing pointers and processing in place or passing a copy to be 
returned goes, that's really of no concern to me as long as it is possible that 
the data can have substrings altered to their html entities so as to be 

Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-07 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/7/2014 4:06 AM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

2014-02-07 waldo kitty


so now i'm a bit confused but it has been a long day... again... :/

This makes sense... at least in your previous version: I guess catnbr is a


Compare uses whatever KeyOf returns, and since KeyOf returns the address
of a string, Compare handles the keys as such. To compare more than 1 field, the
simplest way would be for KeyOf to return the address of the TLERec, which is
the behavior of TSortedCollection.KeyOf

i've read that numerous times but...

So IMO you should simply remove your implementation of KeyOf and edit Compare
so that it receives PTLERec and uses the relevant fields instead of a simple 

seriously? [/rhetorical] son of squidly! i don't know why but i've always 
overridden keyof as well as compare and at least one other that i can't think of 
at the moment... now that i've completed converting my decision tree to using 
two bits per option instead of the three-state format i was using (the exe was 
reduced by a few 10's of k's) i will see about working on this aspect...

while my app is in production and operating 24x7 on my systems, i still consider 
it to be no more than beta stage... personally, alpha but then again, i have 
pretty high testing standards for my code... while it might work, there's no way 
that i would allow it out in a commercial operation without a lot more testing 
and evaluation...

anecdote: some years back i wrote a messaging app to the specs for the use it 
was to be placed in... those specs stated that a message identifier would not be 
used within a three year period... testing of that code took just over three 
years to ensure that it was to spec... running mathematical algorithms showed 
that the code was up to spec but i preferred to use actual testing to make 
sure... i'm my own worst critic ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/5/2014 7:48 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

On 2/5/2014 5:24 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

i'm unsure what to do or how to handle this so that there is a secondary
(sub) sorting order so that the main key is the master sort and then a
secondary key is used when duplicates are allowed...

You put both key comparisons in the same .Compare function.


In one of my Turbo Pascal projects, I used this:

   function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
   function GetSize:longint;


Function TSystems.Compare;

   if PSystem(Key1)^.score  PSystem(Key2)^.score
 then Compare := -1

ahh... i see what you are doing... you are passing the pointer to the whole 
record instead of just the needed key... hummm... i'll have to think about that 
and how to do it in my app... right now i'm only passing the necessary key 
because the record is 'large'... but then again... some thought and meditation 
is necessary ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/6/2014 4:23 AM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

Then my trick does not work for you because it hides the fact that the records
are identical.

actually, the problem comes when referencing the IndexOf() the record... 
IndexOf(Item) is passed (unmodified) thru a couple of routines to finally end up 
here as 'idx'... IndexOf() being the TSortedCollection IndexOf() routine...

Procedure LogTLEPerApo(tleRecord: PTLERec; idx: sw_integer; var oFile: text);

+ '  ' + PadRight(tleRecord^.catnbr^,5)
+ '  ' + PadRight(tleRecord^.cospar^,8)
+ '  ' + PadRight(tleRecord^.satname^,27)
+ '  ' + 

   + PadRight(displayEpochString(tleRecord^.epoch),19)
+ '  ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.Perigee,ffFixed,15,8),16)
+ ' x ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.Apogee,ffFixed,15,8),16)
+ ' x ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.Inclination,ffFixed,15,8),16)
+ '  ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.SMajAxisKM,ffFixed,15,8),16)
+ '  ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.MMPeriod,ffFixed,15,8),16)
+ '  ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.SMAPeriodC,ffFixed,15,8),16)
+ '  ' + PadLeft(FloatToStrF(tleRecord^.SMAPeriodP,ffFixed,15,8),16)

You need to give to someone the responsibility of giving the secondary key.

that's not going to happen... anyone can generate these records and make them 
available to others for use... i'm aware of at least 5 different groups and 
several owners of the objects who are generating these...

If I understand what you wrote correctly, there is already
something which could be used as a tertiary key, but it doesn't really work
because the way it is filled is not consistent across the different sources.

right... for the same reason as above...

If I were you, I'd keep this tertiary key data (I guess it is meaningful, so
you can't remove it),

right... it is part of the format... some records don't even have this tertiary 
key filled in...

and I'd create my own secondary key inside the TSortedCollection descendant.

hummm... one group does something similar but i currently don't have any method 
of doing this... in all actuality i should probably be doing this in a sql 
database but the overhead of processing speed and storage space is more than i 
want to deal with... especially since a full processing run using all options 
takes less than a minute for ~4 records and a previous tool (limited to 64k) 
takes almost 30 minutes...

I'd use 2 compare functions,
  - one which works as your current one but wouldn't be declared as a compare
function (you could call it CheckPrimaryExists) and which would return 0 if the
primary key already exists
  - and one which uses both the primary and the secondary key as Jim suggested.

The algo (when duplicates are allowed) would be something like:
if primary key exists
 then set secondary key to a number
insert the data

definitely something for me to contemplate on...

Note that depending on the total number of rows, you could use a general counter
for the secondary key, no need to fetch the value of the last secondary key for
the same primary key.

You'd get something like (primary key / secondary key)
A / 0
B / 0
B / 1 (duplicate detected, first secondary key generated)
C / 0
C / 2 (duplicate detected, second secondary key generated, note that there is 
no C1)

... and now that I think of it, you don't need 2 compare functions, the second
one should work for both usages.

this is one of the things i like about talking about problems... while others 
may not be fully aware of the data, they can still come up with ideas on how to 
handle situations... one of the things i used to do was to talk to a mechanic 
friend... i'd convert my tasks and problems to something vehicle related so that 
he could see it from his mechanic's point of view and then he'd ask about doing 
it like this in vehical mechanic terms which i'd convert back to programming 
and suddenly have a workable solution... he helped me solve more problems in 
this way than i can count and he barely knew where the big red switch was on 
the computers ;) ;) ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] freepascal community and USB printing

2014-02-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/6/2014 9:24 AM, Philippe wrote:

searching for raw printing to usb printer ... I found that some stuff has been
posted in the community forum ... which looks to be out of order ... is there a
way to get the informations posted ...

and you did it (hijacked the same thread with another topic) again :/

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Re: [fpc-pascal] windows title

2014-02-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/6/2014 9:16 AM, Philippe wrote:

compiling for targets win32 and win64, I´ld like to change the window title, the
window opened by cmd.exe

please do not hijack other people's topics to ask an unrelated question... use 
your 'write' or 'new message' button instead of 'reply' to start a your new 
topic... thanks!

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Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-06 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/6/2014 1:47 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

On 2/6/2014 11:04 AM, waldo kitty wrote:

ahh... i see what you are doing... you are passing the pointer to the
whole record instead of just the needed key... hummm... i'll have to
think about that and how to do it in my app... right now i'm only
passing the necessary key because the record is 'large'... but then
again... some thought and meditation is necessary ;)

Not much thought required -- a pointer to the record is 4 bytes, no matter how
large the record is.

yep! i realized this when i was going back thru the code cleaning it up and 
letting the other side of my brain wander about in its own world ;)

In fact, it's probably faster than what you're doing, and more flexible.

i was sending the pointer to field's contents ;)

[time passes]

well, i thought i was... my KeyOf routine does a cast using


but my (TLE) compare is apparently only sending the pointer to the catnbr string 
because the cast there is simply


the only place i understand that my (TTLEColl) compare is in play is in

  If NOT Search(KeyOf(Item), I) OR Duplicates Then  // Item valid

from the TTLEColl.Insert routine override that i posted previously... that 
Insert routine is taking a pointer to an entire record...

so now i'm a bit confused but it has been a long day... again... :/

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Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/5/2014 3:57 AM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

Once again I did not test this, but it seems to me that if Compare returned -1
instead of 0, any duplicate would be inserted after because it would never be
considered as equal to any other. But since you still want your collection to be
able to choose between skipping duplicates or keeping them, the Compare
modification would have to be slightly more subtle, something like:

if result = 0 and Duplicates
 then result := -1

at the end of the Compare function.

i tried this and it kinda works... it keeps the entries in their original order 

1. the final logging of each item's record number (position in the collection) 
is -1

2. it doesn't help to sort them in order by a different field

i'm unsure what to do or how to handle this so that there is a secondary (sub) 
sorting order so that the main key is the master sort and then a secondary 
key is used when duplicates are allowed... ideally, the secondary key would 
retain the original order in the case that the secondary key is exactly the 
same as a previous secondary key... but this is also problematic...

to try to clarify: sometimes there are records released with exactly the same 
time stamp (epoch in my code i posted) but slightly different data within the 
record... there is another field that might be used to differentiate those BUT 
the records come from numerous locations... they may or may not use this 
tertiary key and if they do, their numbering in this tertiary key may not 
be the same as any other system's count for this tertiary key... this is a 
problem i don't know how to solve as there is no coordination between locations 
and no master coordinator for this tertiary key... it becomes even more 
apparent because my flow doesn't take any certain record containers before any 
others... they are read and processed as they appear (OS ordering actually) 
which may cause newer records with an identical time stamp to be processed 
after others... in my current design, i'm using first come, first served 
meaning that the first record processed is the one that is retained... with 
dupes, this doesn't matter so much but it does all still come into play...

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[fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-04 Thread waldo kitty

i have a TSortedCollection that i'm allowing duplicate keys to be inserted in... 
the problem that i'm having is that the duplicate keys are in reverse order from 
how they were inserted...

i am overriding MyCollection^.Insert because i have additional tasks that need 
to be done at the time of insertion... without duplicate keys, everything works 
perfectly so that lesser keys do have a lower index than higher keys... with 
duplicate keys, though, the lesser keys are right but the duplicate lesser keys 
are in reverse order within their grouping...

MyCollection^.Insert uses AtInsert to insert the new record... i switched this 
to Insert after i read the documentation statement that AtInsert should not be 
used... when i did this, my program crashed with an unknown runtime error 202 
(stack overflow???)... at a guess, i would say that i ended up calling 
MyCollection^.Insert recursively... perhaps instead of just AtInsert i should 
use something_else.Insert inside my Insert??

anyway, how can i fix this problem where duplicates are inserted in the proper 
order while still retaining the existing proper key ordering?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] DefaultFormatSettings usage

2014-02-04 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/4/2014 8:54 AM, silvioprog wrote:

   t := StrToDate('2013-02-04 11:39:54'); // to format -mm-dd hh:nn:ss

the above is StrToDate but you are also sending the time... you would see 
similar if you were sending the above string to StrToTime...

StrToDate only accepts date formats as StrToTime only accepts time formats...

if you want to send both, you have to use StrToDateTime ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-04 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/4/2014 3:28 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

On 2/4/2014 1:40 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

i have a TSortedCollection that i'm allowing duplicate keys to be
inserted in... the problem that i'm having is that the duplicate keys
are in reverse order from how they were inserted...

Sounds like your TSortedCollection.Compare() needs additional logic.  It isn't
doing enough comparisons internally to order things properly.

possibly... i dunno... currently it compares the (pstring) keys only... i 
thought about trying to also include a second field (a double) which is used for 
the time stamp but i don't know how to do that without having to use the key 
and this time stamp field every time i do anything with the records...

i am overriding MyCollection^.Insert because i have additional tasks
that need to be done at the time of insertion... without duplicate keys,

Wouldn't it be better to perform your additional tasks before the insertion,
then call a normal .Insert?  Why overload something if there isn't really a need

i kinda thought about that earlier when i was digging thru the code... IIRC, 
insert was overridden because there are cases where the existing record needs to 
be replaced (because the new record is newer) using AtPut and the non-added 
records must be logged and their reason for not being added (older or same)...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

2014-02-04 Thread waldo kitty

On 2/4/2014 5:16 PM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

2014-02-04 waldo kitty


i kinda thought about that earlier when i was digging thru the code... IIRC,
insert was overridden because there are cases where the existing record
needs to be replaced (because the new record is newer) using AtPut and the
non-added records must be logged and their reason for not being added (older
or same)...

Just a quick idea which could be completely wrong, but wouldn't it solve your
issue if Compare always returned -1 instead of 0?

no, because i lose (at least) the logging of why the record was tossed out... 
see below... it wouldn't help with the duplicate keys being inserted in reverse 

Procedure TTLEColl.Insert(Item: Pointer);

  I   : Sw_Integer = 0;
  old : Pointer;
  foo : integer = 0;

  I := 0;
  If NOT Search(KeyOf(Item), I) OR Duplicates Then  // Item valid
  logTLEEntryType('M'); // MERGE this TLE
  AtInsert(I, Item);// Insert the item
//  Insert(Item); // Insert the item
  inc(cur_TLEs_added);  // increment the add counter
  else  // otherwise
  foo := CompareReal(PTLERec(At(i))^.epoch,PTLERec(Item)^.epoch); // 
compare the epochs

  case foo of
-1 : begin  // replace existing record
   logTLEEntryType('U');// UPDATE this entry
   old := At(i);// save existing pointer 
   AtPut(i, Item);  // now put in the new record
   dispose(PTLERec(old),done);  // dispose old one
   inc(cur_TLEs_updtd); // increment the updated 

 0 : begin  // we're tossing this one 
   logTLEEntryType('S');// this entry is the SAME
   dispose(PTLERec(Item),done); // dispose the item
   inc(cur_TLEs_same);  // increment the same 
 1 : begin  // we're tossing this one 
   logTLEEntryType('N');// the existing entry is 
   dispose(PTLERec(Item),done); // dispose the item
   inc(cur_TLEs_old);   // increment the old counter
end; // case

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Re: [fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-27 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/27/2014 4:57 AM, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 24/01/14 16:20, waldo kitty wrote:

with the above epiphany and some other information i have acquired,
i'm now in the process of rewriting the app... i suspect it will take
me a day or two to get to the point i was at previously with the
operational and in-use code but i still wanted to say thanks to you
and others who provided ideas, insights and information ;) :)

Glad to hear that not all I thought of is a brain fart ;)

definitely not a brain fart... it was very helpful ;)

However I'm still curious : why use bits directly, when you can have a
set/'enum' of possible choice(s), guaranteed to be distinct - so you can't
physically set OptionA twice, by definition, and then make the Options be an
array of the options?

well, i can't set any option more than once, anyway... not unless i make a code 
error and set or clear the wrong bit but that will be noticed very quickly 
during testing ;)  for readability, i find setting the bits and then running 
down a simple CASE statement much easier to follow... especially since i wrote 
my code generator tool that creates the CASE statement and all of its valid 
selections ;)

Yes it may be using Sizeof(set) x num options (1 byte per option?)

yeah, i don't know... i'm very old school and like to keep things as tight as 
possible... being able to store all the options we've been discussing in one 
16bit device is a good thing... that i can also simply use that device as a 
decimal number for the selectors in a CASE statement is a major good thing... no 
matter what i do, i can't get away from the CASE statement...  well, i could by 
using a use tree of if/then/else but that's what i started with and it was not 
readable at all... the CASE statement decision tree is nice but i can't see 
how to use it with the sets of enums in an easy way...

but then it's not for you to worry any more about the bits - the compiler
will care for that and you can go rethink the logic ;) and also readability
and maintainability +100 ;)

once i get finished, this will be pretty much done and then i can move on to the 
larger application that this will eventually be a part of... i'm debating as to 
whether to keep this part as a separate binary or to build it all into one large 
monolithic app with the other parts... eventually i will be doing something with 
graphics which is going to be a whole new world for me to make mistakes in... 
and it is planned for all of this to by multi-platform, was well... data 
retrieval built-in along with the current merging and list output capabilities 
and then actually drawing the output on one of two graphical screens... one 
looking down at earth and the other looking up from earth... i should probably 
quit while i'm a head :LOL:

But IMHO of course and YMMV ;)

very true :)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Pure FPC ?

2014-01-26 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/26/2014 4:00 PM, fredvs wrote:


Does it exist a option to compile fpc without Delphi compatibility ?

does {$mode objpfc} not suit your needs? ;)

or whatever the default is? O:)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/23/2014 5:01 AM, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

Maybe Something like: (but this is with type TOptionMinMax = [mmNone, 
mmMin,mmMinMax, mmMax])

i wanted to thank you, lukasz, for your input... it has made me take another 
look while rewriting to implement your ideas...

during this process i had an epiphany... that being that i don't need three 
individual states for each option since one of those states is ANDing two of 
those states... since i'm ANDing all valid possibilities anyway, this will free 
up 5 'bits' or 'scores' leaving room for more options if needed in the future... 
it will also lessen the complexity of the CASE decision tree but not by very 

with the above epiphany and some other information i have acquired, i'm now in 
the process of rewriting the app... i suspect it will take me a day or two to 
get to the point i was at previously with the operational and in-use code but i 
still wanted to say thanks to you and others who provided ideas, insights and 
information ;) :)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to pass a procedure address and execute it?

2014-01-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/23/2014 2:18 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

following up on this, how do i pass parameters to doThis and doThat?? do i have 
to use an intermediate pre_doThis and pre_doThat which handles the calls from 
centralControl and then calls doThis and doThat with the necessary parameters?

  TProc = Procedure;

procedure doThis(aRecord : somerec;);

procedure doThat(outFile : textfile; aRecord : somerec;);

procedure pre_doThis;

procedure pre_doThat;

procedure centralControl(var aValue : word; theRecord : somerec; whichProc : 
  case aValue of
0 : begin
1 : begin
  if theRecord^.aValue = something then

procedure inputThis;

procedure outputThat;

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to pass a procedure address and execute it?

2014-01-24 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/24/2014 3:18 PM, Ewald wrote:

On 24 Jan 2014, at 21:20, waldo kitty wrote:

On 1/23/2014 2:18 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

following up on this, how do i pass parameters to doThis and doThat?? do i
have to use an intermediate pre_doThis and pre_doThat which handles the calls
from centralControl and then calls doThis and doThat with the necessary 

Simply change the type:
TProc = Procedure(aRecord: somerec);

Then you can call whichProc (in centralControl) with your argument of choice.

ahhh! that helps to explain what the compiler error was that i was seeing... so 
i may need two different types if each procedure called from centralControl has 
different parameters? won't that cause a conflict if the parameters are not the 
same or are in different ordering or even if some procedure doesn't have 
parameters at all?

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[fpc-pascal] how to pass a procedure address and execute it?

2014-01-23 Thread waldo kitty

i'm trying to use one routine (centralControl) to process data from two 
different routines (inputThis and outputThat)... the one routine 
(centralControl) needs to call one of two other routines (doThis or doThat)... 
how? :(

procedure doThis;

procedure doThat;

procedure centralControl(var aValue : word; theRecord : somerec; var whichProc);
  case aValue of
0 : begin
  whichProc;   -- compiler says illegal expression
1 : begin
  if theRecord^.aValue = something then

procedure inputThis;

procedure outputThat;

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to pass a procedure address and execute it?

2014-01-23 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/23/2014 2:22 PM, Ewald wrote:

On 23 Jan 2014, at 20:18, waldo kitty wrote:

i'm trying to use one routine (centralControl) to process data from two
different routines (inputThis and outputThat)... the one routine
(centralControl) needs to call one of two other routines (doThis or doThat)...
how? :(

First define a type to make your like easier:
TProcType: Procedure;

Next, adjust contralContol's prototype: procedure centralControl(var aValue : 
word; theRecord : somerec; whichProc: TProcType);

And you're done:-)

damn! i was so close so many times! i did try using pointer as the type with 
and without 'var' for whichProc... this will be a huge savings in time and code 
size! thanks!

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to pass a procedure address and execute it?

2014-01-23 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/23/2014 2:27 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, waldo kitty said:

i'm trying to use one routine (centralControl) to process data from two
different routines (inputThis and outputThat)... the one routine
(centralControl) needs to call one of two other routines

whichproc is typeless and thus roughly equal to a pointer to a
byte (though semantically different, and add another pointer indirection for
the VAR). So the compiler doesn't know what to do with it.

how? :(

Define a procedure type that matches both procedures, in your example

   TProc = procedure ; // which is predefined in system afaik.

and change whichproc to that type. The VAR is not necessary in this case.

excellent! as noted in a previous post, i was so close several times ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to pass a procedure address and execute it?

2014-01-23 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/23/2014 2:32 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

On 1/23/2014 1:27 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

Define a procedure type that matches both procedures, in your example

   TProc = procedure ; // which is predefined in system afaik.

and change whichproc to that type. The VAR is not necessary in this case.

Alternately, switch to an OOP model, whose entire model (inheritance) addresses
this sort of thing.

interesting... i do use customapplication for the main program so i can take 
advantage of getoption and friends... i wonder... hummm...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-22 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/22/2014 3:52 AM, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

^and this...
looks like a (good?) use for a dynamic array of TMinMaxState = [mmNone, mmMin, 
mmMinMax, mmMax];
(then var Options = array[static or dynamic] of TMinMaxState;)

This assumes options have a fixed position in the array however... but the 
bitwise code was
assuming this anyway.

ok so basically converting 16 bits storage into an array? currently only 15 bits 
are being used and i don't know that any more will be added... but i'm not 
seeing how to add (logical AND) them together for

  optionA:mmMin AND optionC:mmMinMax

and similar up to all five basic ones as

  A:mmMin AND B:mmMax AND C:mmMinMax AND D:mmMax AND E:mmMin

And yes, 4 states - one of them being mmNone - for the case when you don't want 
to use certain option.

yes, i've basically been ignoring mmNone because all the bits are off so we just 
skip over it in the ANDing code

If there is a lot of options, but not always consecutive - so there would be a 
lot more of mmNone's
than significant states (IOW the data is sparse) -

yes, with what i have done, there are 1023 valid combination... 1024 if we count 
all options off (or mmNone)... that's out of 32767 combinations where the 
majority are invalid... it is no wonder, with 1023 combinations, that i got 
lost/confused with my first attempt using if/then/else and while trying to 
manually implement the bitmap CASE code...

maybe do

TOption = record
   Index : [whatever type would suffice here];
   State : TMinMaxState; // [which could then be 3 state not 4]

and use a dynamic array to hold the TOption(s).

as above, i'm not seeing how to AND each valid set together for later use in the 
filtering code :?

Excuse my lameness please :) as I am not a programmer by trade.

no problems... i'm looking for ideas and input for handling items like this... i 
appreciate any input on this...

it would seem that things like this would come up a lot and that there would 
already be a class or possibly an object that one could feed the settings array 
to with the options that hold each array and then to be able to walk thru like 
one can do with TStringsList

eg: fooList:TStringsList;

i actually did look at the TBits class but didn't see an easy way of walking it 
like one can do with TStringsList... my finding and looking at TBits was after 
some 12+ hours of manually coding if/then/else, getting lost in the details and 
starting over numerous times...

what i finally did with my current attempt using a bitmapped word was to write a 
tool to generate all the code for the case statement... with this i was able to

1] find out how many valid combinations there are  (1023)
2] have the ANDs all written in the proper order for each valid bitmask
3] generate a file that is easily included {$I}

any changes to the ordering need only a small rewrite to the generating tool to 
create the new CASE code for the filter... the resulting include file is only 
(!) 392353 bytes at 7932 lines with no comment lines... that's ~3x the size of 
the program's .pas file of 119151 bytes at 3157 lines with a few hundred comment 

this current implementation is used for output filtering... there's going to be 
an exact duplicate used for input selection with the only difference between the 
two CASE code blocks being the routine called on a match...

case FilterBits of
  0 : writeoutput;
  1 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) and (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) then
  2 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) then
  3 : begin {invalid} end;
  4 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) then

case SelectBits of
  0 : addItem;
  1 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) and (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) then
  2 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) then
  3 : begin {invalid} end;
  4 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) then

i think i should be able to use one routine for both input selection and output 
filtering... done by pass the bitmap and the routine to be used... that'll save 
having to worry about editing in more than one place when things change... i 
just gotta figure out how to pass the routine to use...

would something like:

  procedure runCase(var bitMap:word; whichProcedure: pointer);

called with



be the way to do this??

sometimes my linear procedural mind really gets in the way :/

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Re: [fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-22 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/22/2014 12:12 PM, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

If you insist on using bits define them:

it isn't that i'm insisting on using them... more the way that my linear mind 
sees them... i'm trying to change this if it affords me better code that is 
easier to read, understand and modify...

   OptionAmmMin = $0001;
   OptionAmmMinMax = $0002;
   OptionAmmMax = $0004; // and so on

this is pretty much already being done by the code using SetBIT and GetBIT

then do

if Options and (OptionAmmMin and ... ) then

this is where the CASE decision tree comes in with each CASE having the 
necessary if/then filtering of the data record at hand...

I would have thought, that having an array of TOption like I wrote, would
ensure the exclusivity.
And having the array dynamic, you can check for its size, then write some 
clever code to use it ;)

it may very well but as i wrote, i cannot visualize it in my mind's eye :(

yes, i've basically been ignoring mmNone because all the bits are off so we 
just skip over it in the ANDing code

If there is a lot of options, but not always consecutive - so there would be a 
lot more of mmNone's
than significant states (IOW the data is sparse) -

yes, with what i have done, there are 1023 valid combination... 1024
if we count all options off (or mmNone)... that's out of 32767
combinations where the majority are invalid... it is no wonder, with
1023 combinations, that i got lost/confused with my first attempt
using if/then/else and while trying to manually implement the bitmap
CASE code...

If you count permutations (so combinations not repeating) you'd have 120 valid 
do I understand that correctly?

there are 1023 permutations of the 32767 possible... that means that i have to 
have 1023 (1024 counting no options set) case selectors... each with their 
specific if/then to check the current data record for a match...


i think i should be able to use one routine for both input selection
and output filtering... done by pass the bitmap and the routine to be
used... that'll save having to worry about editing in more than one
place when things change... i just gotta figure out how to pass the
routine to use...
would something like:

   procedure runCase(var bitMap:word; whichProcedure: pointer);

called with



be the way to do this??

sometimes my linear procedural mind really gets in the way :/

Huh, well a lot of micro-management goes on here;

possibly ;)  but i don't know...

What if you did it like:

- define the valid bit masks (permutations?) at the start, dynamically

humm... my tool that generates the CASE statement does something like this... i 
might be able to adapt it... /BUT/ i still have to match the data records with 
the current permutation selected when the program is executed... don't i??

myprogram --optionA=-1,145 --optionD=30,40

on execution, GetOption('optionA') loads the values from the optionA command 
line parameter... any value less than zero means to ignore that slot... all 
other numbers are valid...

the above --optionA=-1,145 results in the optionA_MAX bit being set ( 
0010) and storing the value of 145 in optA_MAX...

the above --optionD=30,40 results in the optionD_MINMAX bit (0010 
), storing the value of 30 in optD_MIN, and storing the value of 40 in 

ANDing the bitmasks together we have 0010 0010 which is 514 in 
decimal... this is the case selector value used later for output filtering (and 
future input selecting)...

then the program loads all of the data records it finds in all of the default 
files... currently this is some 3 records from some 80+ files updated 
nightly... as the data is loaded, it is merged and updated so there are no 
duplicates records and all records have the most current, by date and time, 
information in them...

after all the merging and updating, we start with the first record and run 
through all of them writing them to the output file... if there are no options 
specified on the command line, then all the records are written... in this 
example, only the records matching the values given for the two options will be 
written to the output file... currently, that's

   514 : begin // 0010 0010
   if (Rec^.optA = optA_MAX) and
  (Rec^.optD = optD_MIN) and (Rec^.optD = optD_MAX) then

if you can explain to me how using the arrays would work so that i can visualize 
it like the above, then i can try to implement it... however, i can't see any 
way to bypass the huge CASE statement and its IF comparisons of the data in each 
record... how would using the arrays allow me to do that?

- associate the procedures (their pointers) to jump to with the valid bit masks 
in a new data type
(- do you REALLY have that many 

Re: [fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-21 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/18/2014 7:40 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

what is the best method of coding a decision tree with options that have three
states and all options are additive?

clarification: i have a situation with 5 (at this time) options and all 5 are
three state... each option can be paired with all other options' states but may
NOT be paired with its own other states...


no one has any ideas or thoughts on this?

i can be contacted offlist about this if one prefers ;)

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-21 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/21/2014 10:21 AM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:51:38 -0500
waldo kitty wrote:

On 1/18/2014 7:40 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

what is the best method of coding a decision tree with options that have three
states and all options are additive?

clarification: i have a situation with 5 (at this time) options and all 5 are
three state... each option can be paired with all other options' states but may
NOT be paired with its own other states...


no one has any ideas or thoughts on this?

Maybe I don't understand the question.

that's quite possible... it took me a while to write it the way i did after 
starting over numerous times... i may have also used the wrong terms for what i 
was trying to describe as well as not giving enough examples but the example 
list was getting too large at that point anyway ;)

The 5 options with each 3 states sounds like an array[1..5] of TRedGreenBlue.

a lot of stuff i googled up related to 3states came up with similar... to me 
that reads as to be used for graphics and this is a console app with no graphics 
involved... i'm only using the bits to denote the combinations available... they 
select which IF statement is used in the actual filter code described below...

originally i had thought of using an array but i didn't know the size of it and 
each grouping varies with the number of options...

What do you mean with additive

logical AND with some combinations being invalid...

optionA:min/max {solitary}
optionB:max only AND optionE:min only {two ANDed together}
optionA:min only AND optionB:min/max AND optionC:max only {three ANDed together}

optionA:min/max AND optionA:min only {invalid}
optionA:min/max AND optionA:max only {invalid}
optionA:min only AND optionA:max only {invalid}

and why a decision tree?

because it is used as the (right now) output filter (tree of decisions to be 
made) determining what gets written to the resulting file from the (currently) 
3+ entries loaded in a sorted, no-dupes collection... there are also plans 
to implement the exact same thing as an input filter to limit the data being 
loaded into the collection...

case foo of
  0 : writeoutput;
  1 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) and (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) then
  2 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) then
  3 : begin {invalid} end;
  4 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) then
  1316 : begin
   if (rec^.optionA = optionA_min) AND
  (rec^.optionB = optionB_min) AND
  (rec^.optionC = optionC_min) AND
  {optionD not used in this one}
  (rec^.optionE = optionE_min) then
  18506 : begin
if (rec^.optionA = optionA_max) AND
   (rec^.optionB = optionB_min) and (rec^.optionB = optionB_max) 
   (rec^.optionC = optionC_min) and (rec^.optionC = optionC_max) 
   (rec^.optionD = optionD_min) AND
   (rec^.optionE = optionE_min) then

the current idea is to use a bit for each state and then use a case statement 
for the decision tree (as shown above) so as to simply walk thru the integers 
that the bit patterns make for the valid combinations...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Adding files to a tar file

2014-01-21 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/21/2014 7:45 PM, luciano de souza wrote:

The program compiles, but I got an error. The message says that the
first file of the directory can't be opened.

What is wrong?

your code uses faAnyfile... perhaps you need to be more restrictive? is your 
problem caused by a sub-directory with the directory of files you are trying to 
archive? or perhaps there's a soft/hard-link?

i also do not see a findclose call after you finish with findfirst/findnext... 
granted, it may not be needed since you are exiting the program but it is more 
proper, IMHO...

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[fpc-pascal] best method: multiple three state options in a decision tree

2014-01-18 Thread waldo kitty

what is the best method of coding a decision tree with options that have three 
states and all options are additive?

clarification: i have a situation with 5 (at this time) options and all 5 are 
three state... each option can be paired with all other options' states but may 
NOT be paired with its own other states...

optionA : min/max, min, max
optionB : min/max, min, max
optionC : min/max, min, max
optionD : min/max, min, max
optionE : min/max, min, max

optionA can be used as :
  optionA:min only
  optionA:max only
  optionA:min/max AND optionB:min/max
  optionA:min/max AND optionB:min only
  optionA:min/max AND optionB:max only
  optionA:min only AND optionB:min/max
  optionA:min only AND optionB:min only
  optionA:min only AND optionB:max only
  optionA:max only AND optionB:min/max
  optionA:max only AND optionB:min only
  optionA:max only AND optionB:max only
  optionA:min/max AND optionC:min/max
  optionA:min/max AND optionC:min only
  optionA:min/max AND optionC:max only
  optionA:min only AND optionC:min/max
  optionA:min only AND optionC:min only
  optionA:min only AND optionC:max only
  optionA:max only AND optionC:min/max
  optionA:max only AND optionC:min only
  optionA:max only AND optionC:max only
  optionA:min/max AND optionD:min/max
  optionA:min/max AND optionD:min only
  optionA:min/max AND optionD:max only
  optionA:min only AND optionD:min/max
  optionA:min only AND optionD:min only
  optionA:min only AND optionD:max only
  optionA:max only AND optionD:min/max
  optionA:max only AND optionD:min only
  optionA:max only AND optionD:max only
  optionA:min/max AND optionE:min/max
  optionA:min/max AND optionE:min only
  optionA:min/max AND optionE:max only
  optionA:min only AND optionE:min/max
  optionA:min only AND optionE:min only
  optionA:min only AND optionE:max only
  optionA:max only AND optionE:min/max
  optionA:max only AND optionE:min only
  optionA:max only AND optionE:max only

and so on with each additional options and its three states... as you can see, 
the sheer number of combinations is huge!

in my original attempt i started with if/then/else but that got very hard to 
follow very fast... so i decided to implement all the options in a bitmap so i 
could more easily use a case statement and simply list the decimal value of the 
valid bit patterns as the selection option... that is much easier to follow but 
can easily get confused...

it has been many years since i've had to code such a decision tree and my (20+ 
year) old code is not available for me to dig out and (try to) follow... so i'm 
asking how you would handle this situation so as to make it easy to implement, 
easy to grok, easy to follow when reading the code AND easy to expand or shrink 
if/when necessary...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] windows.GetProcAddress() vs DynLibs.GetProcAddress()

2014-01-13 Thread waldo kitty

fred, can you please adjust your quoting to use the standard '' for previous 
responses and then add your response below? you do add your response below but 
the quote is the exact of the previous and it is very hard to read only your 
responses when the previous is not prefixed by ''... thanks! ;)

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to initialize a SearchRec var?

2014-01-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/2/2014 6:31 PM, waldo kitty wrote:

On 1/2/2014 2:52 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

Beginning with 2.7.1 you can use the new Default() intrinsic which takes a type
name as first and only argument (it returns a 0 initialized value of that type):

2.7.1 which means that we still have to respond to queries with older
versions... ok, i think we can deal with that...

following up on this... this is what i came up with... is it right/proper?

  {$IF (FPC_FULLVERSION = 20701)}
  {$INFO initializing dirinfo with Default(SearchRec)}
  dirinfo := default(searchrec);
  {$INFO initializing dirinfo with fillchar(dirinfo,sizeof(dirinfo),$00)}

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to initialize a SearchRec var?

2014-01-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/5/2014 6:26 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

On 05.01.2014 19:24, waldo kitty wrote:

following up on this... this is what i came up with... is it right/proper?

   {$IF (FPC_FULLVERSION = 20701)}
   {$INFO initializing dirinfo with Default(SearchRec)}
   dirinfo := default(searchrec);
   {$INFO initializing dirinfo with fillchar(dirinfo,sizeof(dirinfo),$00)}

Should be correct.

thanks! it seems to work on the few systems where i tested it... we have to 
ensure that we get it placed into our existing code base ;)

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[fpc-pascal] how to initialize a SearchRec var?

2014-01-02 Thread waldo kitty

understanding that SearchRec has different formats for different OS targets, 
we've tried to use fillchar to initialize it to an empty record... unfortunately 
that does not remove the hint... instead the hint points to the fillchar line...

we do not want to turn off hints so how can we initialize dirinfo and make fpc 

[quote=os/2 ecs]
Hint: Start of reading config file fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.2 [2013/02/09] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: OS/2
Compiling dirinfo.pas
dirinfo.pas(13,19) Hint: Variable dirinfo does not seem to be initialized
Assembling test_searchrec
Linking dirinfo.exe
emxbind 0.9d -- Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by Eberhard Mattes
Deleting *path*\projects\satsort\dirinfo.out
 1 file deleted 335,872 bytes freed
16 lines compiled, 3.9 sec
3 hint(s) issued

C:\freepascal\projects\misc_projectsfpc -vhinw dirinfo.pas
Hint: Start of reading config file fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2013/12/05] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2013 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling dirinfo.pas
dirinfo.pas(13,19) Hint: Variable dirinfo does not seem to be initialized
Linking dirinfo.exe
16 lines compiled, 0.8 sec, 28304 bytes code, 1524 bytes data
3 hint(s) issued

program test_SearchRec;


  pattern : string = '*.pas';

  dirinfo : SearchRec;


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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to initialize a SearchRec var?

2014-01-02 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/2/2014 2:52 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

Beginning with 2.7.1 you can use the new Default() intrinsic which takes a type
name as first and only argument (it returns a 0 initialized value of that type):

2.7.1 which means that we still have to respond to queries with older 
versions... ok, i think we can deal with that...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] how to initialize a SearchRec var?

2014-01-02 Thread waldo kitty

On 1/2/2014 4:27 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Sven Barth wrote:

=== code begin ===

  dirinfo: SearchRec;
  dirinfo := Default(SearchRec);

Out of curiosity, does this work:

dirinfo: SearchRec= Default(SearchRec);

+1 ;)

what i run into is porting old code and trying to possbly also make it 
multi-platform... the biggest gotcha we've run into is those typed constants 
that are used to hold values between executions of a routine... those should be 
initialized to a zero/empty value before first execution but then retain their 
values afterward...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal 2.6.4-rc1 released!

2013-12-25 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/25/2013 6:33 PM, Gerhard Scholz wrote:

I downloaded

The setup the said:

The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.

I did that; the second copy also didn't work.

let me guess... these are MSI installer packages and you didn't verify the MD5 
of the files? maybe?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Announcing PUMA Repository

2013-12-15 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/15/2013 8:41 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 14 Dec 2013, at 21:52, waldo kitty wrote:

On 12/14/2013 8:00 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:


No, because the MIME header seems to be invalid.

thunderbird had no problem decoding the post...

As mentioned, that's because your copy probably wasn't base64-encoded in the
first place.

i must have missed that part about /my copy/ in the original statement :?

how can my copy be different from your copy if everyone in the list gets a copy 
of the same message via the same originating source from the same originating 
writer's software? yes, i know that news groups are also fed from the list which 
simply adds another hop in the path...

It seems more like that there's a buggy mail server in the path (there
was no base64-encoded part in the message I received).

ummm... that strange block that you quoted was exactly that base64 encoded
part! i copied it exactly as you sent it and pasted it into the site i
pointed you to...

Jonas Maebe  Johannes W. Dietrich.

:oops: please accept my apologies for the mix up :oops: i tend to concentrate on 
the content and don't always pay attention to who wrote the message...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Announcing PUMA Repository (Ralf Quint)

2013-12-15 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/15/2013 3:06 PM, Johannes W. Dietrich wrote:

A proper email client (instead of Apple Mail) would be a good start... ;-)


Apple Mail doesn't seem to be the only software that doesn't know what to do
with this type of encoded data. The problem seem to affect the list processor,
too. See
in the archive for reference.

FWIW: the displayed block at the URL given decodes perfectly with the MIME 
decoding URL i gave previously...

i have a sneaking suspicion that some are expecting certain control lines to be 
in use when they are not required for the given context... but then i'm still 
learning this MIME stuff and have only some tools at hand to work with and base 
my understanding on...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Announcing PUMA Repository

2013-12-14 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/14/2013 8:00 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 13 Dec 2013, at 21:33, waldo kitty wrote:

On 12/13/2013 3:12 PM, Johannes W. Dietrich wrote:

Sorry, I cannot understand your message. Which software do I need to decode it?

what you quoted is a MIME encoded block... the message headers should give you 
the information needed to decode it... your mail software should have decoded 
it for you...

No, because the MIME header seems to be invalid.

thunderbird had no problem decoding the post...

It should at least contain something like Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64,

i haven't found where this is required but i've not tried to dig into the RFCs 
either... most of them give me massive headaches :(

otherwise the mail client doesn't know it has to decode it.

see above... thunderbird had no problems with it... perhaps thunderbird analyzes 
the info? i dunno but i showed the three content-* lines from the post...

It seems more like that there's a buggy mail server in the path (there was no 
base64-encoded part in the message I received).

ummm... that strange block that you quoted was exactly that base64 encoded part! 
i copied it exactly as you sent it and pasted it into the site i pointed you 
to... some slight editing to remove the leading ' ' and then a li'l click on 
their decode button and the text was shown exactly as thunderbird had decoded it 
from the original message... the poster quoted your message and prefixed each 
line with ' ', wrapped each line to ~75 characters, and then added their 
message text below your quoted text...

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Announcing PUMA Repository (waldo kitty)

2013-12-14 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/14/2013 9:28 AM, Johannes W. Dietrich wrote:

Thanks again!

assuming you are thanking me for pointing you to the mime decoding site, you are 
welcome... if that's not what you are thanking me for, i don't have any idea but 
you are welcome (still) ;)

J. W. D.

Am 14.12.2013 um 12:00 schrieb

Re:  Announcing PUMA Repository (waldo kitty)

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Announcing PUMA Repository

2013-12-13 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/13/2013 3:12 PM, Johannes W. Dietrich wrote:

Sorry, I cannot understand your message. Which software do I need to decode it?

what you quoted is a MIME encoded block... the message headers should give you 
the information needed to decode it... your mail software should have decoded it 
for you...

FWIW: the first two below are in the message header... the others are in the 
message body... i've prefixed each line with :  in an effort to prevent 
software from interpreting and acting on them...

: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary3530028006232746402==
: Mime-version: 1.0

: --===3530028006232746402==
: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=047d7bd6bc445184c604ed65c37f

: --047d7bd6bc445184c604ed65c37f
: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

: [mime block here]

FWIW@: you can visit and paste the block in to 
decode it...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Announcing PUMA Repository

2013-12-13 Thread waldo kitty

On 12/13/2013 5:41 PM, Vincent Snijders wrote:

2013/12/13 Johannes W. Dietrich

Sorry, I cannot understand your message. Which software do I need to decode 

I have no idea what went wrong.

nothing went wrong... it appears that someone's reader can't or couldn't decode 
your MIME post... i saw it plainly (in my t-bird) without having to do anything 
special but was able to fully decode it from the poster's quoted block of it...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Problem building fixes_2_6

2013-11-18 Thread waldo kitty

On 11/18/2013 2:01 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 18/11/2013 00:48, waldo kitty wrote:

On 11/17/2013 12:41 PM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 17/11/2013 18:38, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Reinier Olislagers said:


Is it me, fpcup or should something be fixed in... ehrm fixes?[1]
I noticed the Jenkins build server seems to build fixes ok...

IIRC this means you are not using 2.6.2 issued make, but 3.82?

Yes, of course slaps forehead - of course this is coming back to bite

Thanks a lot, guys.

how has fpcup been able to build 2.6.x if fpc 2.6.x cannot be made with
make 3.82?

By downloading and using make, as usual.

seems my question was misunderstood... the previous conversations seem to 
indicate that make 3.82 was being (downloaded and??) used instead of 3.80... 
that's why i asked how fpc 2.8.x had been being built with make 3.82...

You haven't ever used fpcup, have you?

not yet... it is on the list but i also don't want to crash my current working 
setup where fpc and lazarus are installed in their checkout directories (as 
described in the wiki)... it works and i'm used to it but it did take me some 
time to understand it ;)

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] any workable synapse https server (SSL) sample available?

2013-11-08 Thread waldo kitty

On 11/8/2013 9:59 AM, Dennis Poon wrote:

I downloaded the synapse4.0 but the sample project httpSserver inside does not

When I pointed the Chrome and Firefox browser to

is that url accurate?

firefox reported:

Secure Connection Failed

   An error occurred during a connection to

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.

this is talking about a secure connection but your url above is for plain http 
(port 80) not https (port 443)...

Also, the httpserver program had Access Violations when terminated. (seems it
forgets to call Terminate of all threads created).

i can't help with that as all my synapse coding is done in console mode with no 
GUI mess at all...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] any workable synapse https server (SSL) sample available?

2013-11-08 Thread waldo kitty

On 11/8/2013 11:17 AM, Dennis Poon wrote:

waldo kitty wrote:

On 11/8/2013 9:59 AM, Dennis Poon wrote:

I downloaded the synapse4.0 but the sample project httpSserver inside does not

When I pointed the Chrome and Firefox browser to

is that url accurate?

i can't help with that as all my synapse coding is done in console mode with
no GUI mess at all...

Non GUI console mode sample will be great! please share.

:lol: i don't have one of those, either, sorry...

currently i've only got a partially working https client for a REST project and 
an email conversion tool that converts email parts to CP437 for posting to 
another network...

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: SqlDB fails under Windows to create a newFirebird database

2013-10-31 Thread waldo kitty

On 10/30/2013 10:34 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On Wednesday 30/10/2013 at 15:37, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

AFAIK: Windows doesn't know single quotes, you need to use double quotes.

Thanks Michael, you are correct. When using double quotes Windows was happy.
Even if the path had spaces in, using double quotes still worked.

can't help but to wonder if it still works as desired in linux... i know that 
quotes have different meanings and uses over there...

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