Re: [julia-users] Re: Juila vs Mathematica (Wolfram language): high-level features

2014-07-22 Thread Tomas Lycken
 It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or density plot ( two 
types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only get improved.

There is, actually, some functionality for contour and density plot 
already, but all the nuts and bolts aren't really tightened yet, and I 
don't know if the progress so far has been documented at all, but if you 
have a function `f = (x,y) - z(x,y)`, you can do `plot(f, xmin, xmax, 
ymin, ymax)` to get a nice contour plot. Support for contour plots of 
matrices is under construction - take a look at 
[#293]( for more details.

Density plots is sort-of implemented through 
[Geom.rectbin]( which 
may or may not be what you need.

// T

On Monday, July 21, 2014 11:09:31 PM UTC+2, Zahirul ALAM wrote:

 Thanks Stefan. I did find out that I can type \alphatab for Unicode α. 
 My point was more to do with the traditional input / output mode. 

 btw if I am not mistaken I think in markup mode the \alphatab does not 
 work. I guess not even auto complete works in markup mode when pressed tab. 
 May be I am doing it wrong. However it works just fine once the block is 
 compiled. But I think that has nothing to do with IJulia.

 I have indeed met Gadfly. I had Gadfly in mind when I wrote that. It is 
 indeed very pretty. It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or 
 density plot ( two types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only 
 get improved. 

 On Monday, 21 July 2014 14:48:17 UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Zahirul ALAM 

 One feature I would like to see from IJulia may be is that the input of 
 greek and mathematical symbol in way that looks natural, e.g. using 
 subscript, in division, integration etc as way to input. This will 
 definitely be a significant improvement IMHO. 

 You can do Unicode input using LaTeX codes in IJulia by typing, e.g. 
 \alphatab, which will be turned into a Unicode α. That's not as fancy as 
 what you can do in Mathematica, but I'm not sure we want to go there. I 
 find editing Mathematica code pretty irritating and it's not that much 
 better looking except for the traditional output mode, which you cannot 
 use as an input format anyway.

 second feature is to be able to plot a function in a way one can do in 
 Mathematica. Plotting packages for Julia does this in very limited way 
 (unless I am missing something)

 Have you met Gadfly

Re: [julia-users] Re: Juila vs Mathematica (Wolfram language): high-level features

2014-07-22 Thread Viral Shah
On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:39:31 AM UTC+5:30, Zahirul ALAM wrote:

 I have indeed met Gadfly. I had Gadfly in mind when I wrote that. It is 
 indeed very pretty. It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or 
 density plot ( two types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only 
 get improved. 

You could also look at PyPlot, which uses Matplotlib.


Re: [julia-users] Re: Tips on reducing intermediate garbage?

2014-07-22 Thread Viral Shah
There is also the GC improvement patch that is waiting for the 0.3 release, 
which should help improve the GC performance. With better escape analysis, 
it should be possible to reuse the garbage from vectorized expressions in a 
loop in the next iteration, and significantly reduce GC load. It should 
also give much better performance, and stuff like loop fusion should make 
it possible to avoid devectorization in many cases.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:34:10 AM UTC+5:30, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Automatic, general loop fusion is something that we want to make possible 
 and Jeff and I have been discussion quite a bit lately. There's a few ideas 
 that seem promising, but they won't happen immediately. The combination of 
 doing better escape analysis and loop fusion should help these problems 
 quite a bit and bring high-level vectorized Julia code closer to the 
 performance of manually devectorized, loop fused code.

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Tim Holy wrote:

 codegen is a big one, as are inference.jl, gf.c, and cgutils.cpp. But 
 are optimization sprinkled throughout (e.g., ccall.cpp).

 You might be interested in this:

 Most of the optimizations so far are low level; most of the higher-level 
 tends to be macros in packages (@devec being a prime example, I'm working 
 another now). The fact that @devec didn't work for you is evidence that 
 is nontrivial (I bet that Dahua would be interested in contributions that
 improve it). In the longer run, it might be interesting to experiment with
 LLVM's Polly, but I'm not very clear on how far that project has gotten in


 On Monday, July 21, 2014 03:51:11 PM Andrei wrote:
  Could you please point me to where these optimizations take place? I see
  some other transformations (like escape analysis, for example) 
 happening in
  codegen, are there any other places I should look at?
  On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Tim Holy wrote:
   On Monday, July 21, 2014 02:33:26 PM Andrei wrote:
I see one disadvantage of using these tools, however - they are much
to read. Are there any plans for automatic code optimization on 
   There are already many optimizations in place. But there's always 
 more you
   could do.

[julia-users] Re: MLBase v0.5 released

2014-07-22 Thread Viral Shah
Wow, better than scikit.learn? This is exciting. 

We should probably discuss in the roadmap issue about what infrastructure 
we need to support large-scale distributed machine learning problems.


On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:08:14 AM UTC+5:30, Dahua Lin wrote:

 Please see 
 for recent updates.

 Also the documentation is moved from Readme to a Sphinx doc

 Now we already have quite a few packages for various machine learning 

 MLBase.jl data preprocessing, 
 performance evaluation, cross validation, model tuning, etc
 Distance.jl metric/distance 
 computation (including batch  pairwise computation)
 multivariate analysis, ridge regression, dimensionality reduction
 Clustering.jl K-means, 
 K-medoids, Affinity propagation
 NMF.jl  Nonnegative matrix 

 In addition, we have a bunch of other packages for Regression, GLM, SVM, 
 etc. We are now beginning to unite the efforts in this domain (see the 
 discussion here).

 We have been making steady progress, and I believe that we will have a 
 great machine learning ecosystem, one that is comparable or even superior 
 to scikit.learn in not too long future.


Re: [julia-users] iterate over rows of sparse matrix and get index of nonzeros?

2014-07-22 Thread Viral Shah
Julia 0.4 will have both compressed sparse column as well as compressed 
sparse row sparse matrices. We should probably write some iterators to work 
with cases such as these too. They will be convenient to use for sure, but 
may not give the best performance.


On Monday, July 21, 2014 12:15:46 PM UTC+5:30, Florian Oswald wrote:

 Transposing is fine! Thanks for that!

 On Sunday, 20 July 2014, Odd Andersen wrote:

 Sparse matrices in Julia are to my understanding stored as compressed 
 sparse columns.  So it is very easy to get the nonzero elements for a given 
 column, but not so easy for rows.

 To get the indices of nonzeros rows for column 'c' in sparse matrix M, 
 one can use (at least in the current implementation):

  M.rowval[a.colptr[col] : M.colptr[col+1]-1] 

 To do the same by rows would be more complicated (a quick-and-dirty 
 solution would of course be to transpose your matrix first).
 I am however not a Julia expert, so perhaps there's a solution I am not 
 aware of.

Re: [julia-users] iterate over rows of sparse matrix and get index of nonzeros?

2014-07-22 Thread Florian Oswald
beautiful! can't wait.

On 22 July 2014 10:25, Viral Shah wrote:

 Julia 0.4 will have both compressed sparse column as well as compressed
 sparse row sparse matrices. We should probably write some iterators to work
 with cases such as these too. They will be convenient to use for sure, but
 may not give the best performance.


 On Monday, July 21, 2014 12:15:46 PM UTC+5:30, Florian Oswald wrote:

 Transposing is fine! Thanks for that!

 On Sunday, 20 July 2014, Odd Andersen wrote:

 Sparse matrices in Julia are to my understanding stored as compressed
 sparse columns.  So it is very easy to get the nonzero elements for a given
 column, but not so easy for rows.

 To get the indices of nonzeros rows for column 'c' in sparse matrix M,
 one can use (at least in the current implementation):

  M.rowval[a.colptr[col] : M.colptr[col+1]-1]

 To do the same by rows would be more complicated (a quick-and-dirty
 solution would of course be to transpose your matrix first).
 I am however not a Julia expert, so perhaps there's a solution I am not
 aware of.

[julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Andreas Lobinger
Hello colleagues,

On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among package 
 maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only use (the 
 latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just Work (TM). 
 That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds functionality that 
 depends on some specific addition to a different package, it is up to that 
 package maintainer to make sure *not* to tag a new version until the 
 dependency package has tagged one, in which the new behavior is included, 
 so the dependency can be correctly specified.

... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version number 
less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The question was 
rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your advice.

This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] associative property of export/include/import?

2014-07-22 Thread Andreas Lobinger
Hello colleagues,

i was for some time under the impression, that the exact sequence of 
imports do not matter (let's say, i hoped) as the definitions of types and 
functions are cumulative, modules should be self contained and use require 
where needed.


lobi@maroon:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia 
   _   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-rc1+116 (2014-07-21 15:59 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e75595f* (0 days old master)
|__/   |  i686-linux-gnu

julia using Gadfly
Warning: could not import Base.has into Gadfly
Warning: could not import StatsBase.bandwidth into Stat
Warning: could not import StatsBase.kde into Stat

julia using Gtk

julia methods(draw)
# 3 methods for generic function draw:
draw(redraw::Function,widget::GtkCanvas) at 
draw(widget::GtkCanvas) at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Gtk/src/cairo.jl:61
draw(widget::GtkCanvas,immediate::Bool) at 


In contrast to:

lobi@maroon:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia 
   _   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-rc1+116 (2014-07-21 15:59 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e75595f* (0 days old master)
|__/   |  i686-linux-gnu

julia using Gtk

julia using Gadfly
Warning: could not import Base.has into Gadfly
Warning: could not import StatsBase.bandwidth into Stat
Warning: could not import StatsBase.kde into Stat

julia methods(draw)
# 30 methods for generic function draw:
at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Compose/src/form.jl:23
draw(backend::Backend,root_canvas::Context) at 
draw(img::Image{B:ImageBackend},form::Form{P:FormPrimitive}) at 


Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: associative property of export/include/import?

2014-07-22 Thread Ivar Nesje
The problem is that both Gtk and Gadfly exports a draw function. Internally 
those are scoped by module so that their name is Gadfly.draw() and 
Gtk.draw(), and you can call them as such in your code. We can't merge the 
function's method, because there is no way to know which one to call if 
both define a draw(a::Any) method.

When you use `using` you import the exported identifiers into the local 
scope, and if there is a conflict you run into trouble because you don't 
know which one you'll get.

There is an issue to change the behaviour to give a warning when using an 
ambiguous identifier in #4345 


kl. 11:59:39 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Andreas Lobinger følgende:

 Hello colleagues,

 i was for some time under the impression, that the exact sequence of 
 imports do not matter (let's say, i hoped) as the definitions of types and 
 functions are cumulative, modules should be self contained and use require 
 where needed.


 lobi@maroon:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia 
_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-rc1+116 (2014-07-21 15:59 UTC)
  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e75595f* (0 days old master)
 |__/   |  i686-linux-gnu

 julia using Gadfly
 Warning: could not import Base.has into Gadfly
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.bandwidth into Stat
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.kde into Stat

 julia using Gtk

 julia methods(draw)
 # 3 methods for generic function draw:
 draw(redraw::Function,widget::GtkCanvas) at 
 draw(widget::GtkCanvas) at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Gtk/src/cairo.jl:61
 draw(widget::GtkCanvas,immediate::Bool) at 


 In contrast to:

 lobi@maroon:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia 
_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-rc1+116 (2014-07-21 15:59 UTC)
  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e75595f* (0 days old master)
 |__/   |  i686-linux-gnu

 julia using Gtk

 julia using Gadfly
 Warning: could not import Base.has into Gadfly
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.bandwidth into Stat
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.kde into Stat

 julia methods(draw)
 # 30 methods for generic function draw:
 at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Compose/src/form.jl:23
 draw(backend::Backend,root_canvas::Context) at 
 draw(img::Image{B:ImageBackend},form::Form{P:FormPrimitive}) at 


 Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Tomas Lycken
I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter 
problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community 
respond surprisingly fast =)

There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to [Iain 
Dunning]('s amazing work with PackageEvaluator 
and related tools. For example, if you click more options on and then Show package ecosystem statistics for Julia 
nightly..., you'll see some great data showing the current (and past) 
state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few dips in the green curve, 
when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of stuff everywhere - and 
you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a matter of a few days. 
This happened because semi-automated issues were filed by the system 
against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were quick to fix 
whatever they needed.

In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without specifying 
a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by PkgEval, and the 
maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs every now and 
then, and since quite a lot of users today live on the edge (and actively 
report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that problems like 
this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very likely 
that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem won't be a 
problem anymore...

// T

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 Hello colleagues,

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among package 
 maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only use (the 
 latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just Work (TM). 
 That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds functionality that 
 depends on some specific addition to a different package, it is up to that 
 package maintainer to make sure *not* to tag a new version until the 
 dependency package has tagged one, in which the new behavior is included, 
 so the dependency can be correctly specified.

 ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version number 
 less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The question was 
 rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
 assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your advice.

 This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
 thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
 dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

 Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: associative property of export/include/import?

2014-07-22 Thread Tomas Lycken
Isn't it odd, though, that there is no warning Could not import 
Gadfly.draw into Main (or Gtk.draw, depending on order)?

// T

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:30:55 PM UTC+2, Ivar Nesje wrote:

 The problem is that both Gtk and Gadfly exports a draw function. 
 Internally those are scoped by module so that their name is Gadfly.draw() 
 and Gtk.draw(), and you can call them as such in your code. We can't merge 
 the function's method, because there is no way to know which one to call if 
 both define a draw(a::Any) method.

 When you use `using` you import the exported identifiers into the local 
 scope, and if there is a conflict you run into trouble because you don't 
 know which one you'll get.

 There is an issue to change the behaviour to give a warning when using an 
 ambiguous identifier in #4345 


 kl. 11:59:39 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Andreas Lobinger følgende:

 Hello colleagues,

 i was for some time under the impression, that the exact sequence of 
 imports do not matter (let's say, i hoped) as the definitions of types and 
 functions are cumulative, modules should be self contained and use require 
 where needed.


 lobi@maroon:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia 
_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-rc1+116 (2014-07-21 15:59 UTC)
  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e75595f* (0 days old master)
 |__/   |  i686-linux-gnu

 julia using Gadfly
 Warning: could not import Base.has into Gadfly
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.bandwidth into Stat
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.kde into Stat

 julia using Gtk

 julia methods(draw)
 # 3 methods for generic function draw:
 draw(redraw::Function,widget::GtkCanvas) at 
 draw(widget::GtkCanvas) at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Gtk/src/cairo.jl:61
 draw(widget::GtkCanvas,immediate::Bool) at 


 In contrast to:

 lobi@maroon:~/juliarepo$ ../julia/julia 
_   _ _(_)_ |  A fresh approach to technical computing
   (_) | (_) (_)|  Documentation:
_ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type help() to list help topics
   | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
   | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.0-rc1+116 (2014-07-21 15:59 UTC)
  _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit e75595f* (0 days old master)
 |__/   |  i686-linux-gnu

 julia using Gtk

 julia using Gadfly
 Warning: could not import Base.has into Gadfly
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.bandwidth into Stat
 Warning: could not import StatsBase.kde into Stat

 julia methods(draw)
 # 30 methods for generic function draw:
 at /home/lobi/.julia/v0.3/Compose/src/form.jl:23
 draw(backend::Backend,root_canvas::Context) at 
 draw(img::Image{B:ImageBackend},form::Form{P:FormPrimitive}) at 


 Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Tomas Lycken
Look what my RSS reader just picked up! =)

// T

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:37:59 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter 
 problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community 
 respond surprisingly fast =)

 There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to [Iain 
 Dunning]('s amazing work with PackageEvaluator 
 and related tools. For example, if you click more options on and then Show package ecosystem statistics for Julia 
 nightly..., you'll see some great data showing the current (and past) 
 state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few dips in the green curve, 
 when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of stuff everywhere - and 
 you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a matter of a few days. 
 This happened because semi-automated issues were filed by the system 
 against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were quick to fix 
 whatever they needed.

 In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without 
 specifying a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by PkgEval, 
 and the maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs every 
 now and then, and since quite a lot of users today live on the edge (and 
 actively report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that problems 
 like this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very 
 likely that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem won't be 
 a problem anymore...

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 Hello colleagues,

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among package 
 maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only use (the 
 latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just Work (TM). 
 That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds functionality that 
 depends on some specific addition to a different package, it is up to that 
 package maintainer to make sure *not* to tag a new version until the 
 dependency package has tagged one, in which the new behavior is included, 
 so the dependency can be correctly specified.

 ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version number 
 less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The question was 
 rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
 assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your advice.

 This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
 thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
 dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

 Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Iain Dunning
Hah, yeah, strangely relevant.
PkgEval runs nightly (around 1am US Eastern), but obviously with so many 
people using Julia there is a lot of room for chaos inbetween runs.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:58:46 AM UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 Look what my RSS reader just picked up! =)

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:37:59 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter 
 problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community 
 respond surprisingly fast =)

 There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to [Iain 
 Dunning]('s amazing work with PackageEvaluator 
 and related tools. For example, if you click more options on and then Show package ecosystem statistics for Julia 
 nightly..., you'll see some great data showing the current (and past) 
 state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few dips in the green curve, 
 when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of stuff everywhere - and 
 you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a matter of a few days. 
 This happened because semi-automated issues were filed by the system 
 against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were quick to fix 
 whatever they needed.

 In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without 
 specifying a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by PkgEval, 
 and the maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs every 
 now and then, and since quite a lot of users today live on the edge (and 
 actively report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that problems 
 like this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very 
 likely that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem won't be 
 a problem anymore...

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 Hello colleagues,

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among package 
 maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only use (the 
 latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just Work (TM). 
 That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds functionality that 
 depends on some specific addition to a different package, it is up to that 
 package maintainer to make sure *not* to tag a new version until the 
 dependency package has tagged one, in which the new behavior is included, 
 so the dependency can be correctly specified.

 ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version number 
 less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The question was 
 rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
 assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your advice.

 This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
 thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
 dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

 Wishing a happy day,

Re: [julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Elliot Saba
Reading your post, I'm a little confused Iain.  You state:

If we consider only packages with at least 1 package depending on them, we
find the median to be 3 dependent packages but the mean to be 10.5. This is
due to the 15 or so packages with more than 30 dependent packages.

Now, I'm not the best at statistics, but isn't the median of *x*
defined as *(min(x)
+ max(x))/2*?  If that is the case, (and assuming that we don't have
negative package dependency counts) I don't see how the median can be 3,
but the mean be 10.5.  Perhaps you meant the mode was 3?

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Iain Dunning wrote:

 Hah, yeah, strangely relevant.
 PkgEval runs nightly (around 1am US Eastern), but obviously with so many
 people using Julia there is a lot of room for chaos inbetween runs.

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:58:46 AM UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 Look what my RSS reader just picked up! =)

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:37:59 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter
 problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community
 respond surprisingly fast =)

 There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to [Iain
 Dunning]('s amazing work with
 PackageEvaluator and related tools. For example, if you click more
 options on and then Show package ecosystem
 statistics for Julia nightly..., you'll see some great data showing the
 current (and past) state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few dips
 in the green curve, when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of stuff
 everywhere - and you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a matter
 of a few days. This happened because semi-automated issues were filed by
 the system against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were quick
 to fix whatever they needed.

 In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without
 specifying a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by PkgEval,
 and the maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs every
 now and then, and since quite a lot of users today live on the edge (and
 actively report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that problems
 like this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very
 likely that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem won't be
 a problem anymore...

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 Hello colleagues,

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among
 package maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only
 use (the latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just
 Work (TM). That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds
 functionality that depends on some specific addition to a different
 package, it is up to that package maintainer to make sure *not* to
 tag a new version until the dependency package has tagged one, in which 
 new behavior is included, so the dependency can be correctly specified.

 ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version
 number less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The question
 was rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work
 assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your 

 This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics
 thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some
 dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

 Wishing a happy day,

Re: [julia-users] Re: associative property of export/include/import?

2014-07-22 Thread Mauro
 I agree that there should be some means of resolving conflicts (by warning, 
 by precedence) but just dropping a whole set of methods because they 
 conincidentially have the same name AND at the same time advertising 
 multiple dispatch in julia doesn't fit for me.

Multiple dispatch would still work and no methods are dropped, you would
just need to fully qualify the generic function, like
e.g. `Gadfly.plot`, or you could do `plot = Gadfly.plot` to get the one
generic function you want into the global namespace.  I think this would
be less confusing than the order of `using` be significant.

Re: [julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Ivar Nesje
According to Julia median is defined as

n = length(v) 
if isodd(n)
return middle(select!(v,div(n+1,2))) 
m = select!(v, div(n,2):div(n,2)+1) 
return middle(m[1], m[2]) 


kl. 16:03:47 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Elliot Saba følgende:

 Reading your post, I'm a little confused Iain.  You state:

 If we consider only packages with at least 1 package depending on them, we 
 find the median to be 3 dependent packages but the mean to be 10.5. This is 
 due to the 15 or so packages with more than 30 dependent packages.

 Now, I'm not the best at statistics, but isn't the median of *x* defined 
 as *(min(x) + max(x))/2*?  If that is the case, (and assuming that we 
 don't have negative package dependency counts) I don't see how the median 
 can be 3, but the mean be 10.5.  Perhaps you meant the mode was 3?

 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Iain Dunning 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hah, yeah, strangely relevant.
 PkgEval runs nightly (around 1am US Eastern), but obviously with so many 
 people using Julia there is a lot of room for chaos inbetween runs.

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:58:46 AM UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 Look what my RSS reader just picked up! =)

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:37:59 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter 
 problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community 
 respond surprisingly fast =)

 There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to 
 [Iain Dunning]('s amazing work with 
 PackageEvaluator and related tools. For example, if you click more 
 options on and then Show package ecosystem 
 statistics for Julia nightly..., you'll see some great data showing the 
 current (and past) state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few dips 
 in the green curve, when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of stuff 
 everywhere - and you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a matter 
 of a few days. This happened because semi-automated issues were filed by 
 the system against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were 
 to fix whatever they needed.

 In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without 
 specifying a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by PkgEval, 
 and the maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs 
 now and then, and since quite a lot of users today live on the edge (and 
 actively report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that 
 like this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very 
 likely that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem won't 
 a problem anymore...

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 Hello colleagues,

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among 
 package maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you only 
 use (the latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should Just 
 Work (TM). That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds 
 functionality that depends on some specific addition to a different 
 package, it is up to that package maintainer to make sure *not* to 
 tag a new version until the dependency package has tagged one, in which 
 new behavior is included, so the dependency can be correctly specified.

 ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version 
 number less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The 
 was rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented work 
 assumption. If i ever publish a package i'll try hard to follow your 

 This interdependency things showed up also in the great julia-graphics 
 thread on julia-dev. Maybe some automatic testing could help? Maybe some 
 dependency graph could be extracted out of the METADATA?

 Wishing a happy day,

[julia-users] Using append! with types Array{Int64,1}

2014-07-22 Thread Frederico Novaes

I started using Julia last week, so newbie. Here is the issue I'm having:

- I want to store a certain unknown number of elements like [1,2] ( type 
Array{Int64,1} ).

- I first create an array to store them, using:

julia c_zero = Array(Array{Int64,1},0)

- But then, when I try to append! a new element, I get an error:

julia append!(c_zero,[1,2]) 


Thanks for any help.


[julia-users] Re: Using append! with types Array{Int64,1}

2014-07-22 Thread Ivar Nesje
You must use push!

Julia is very careful about the meaning of a function (partially because 
multiple dispatch makes it much more important than in other languages).

push! : appends a single element to a collection
append! : pushes all the elements of a container into another container.

c_zero is an array of arrays, and thus you will have to insert the whole 
array [1,2] into c_zero, not all the elements of the array.


kl. 16:17:19 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Frederico Novaes følgende:


 I started using Julia last week, so newbie. Here is the issue I'm having:

 - I want to store a certain unknown number of elements like [1,2] ( type 
 Array{Int64,1} ).

 - I first create an array to store them, using:

 julia c_zero = Array(Array{Int64,1},0)

 - But then, when I try to append! a new element, I get an error:

 julia append!(c_zero,[1,2]) 


 Thanks for any help.


[julia-users] Julia in LaTeX

2014-07-22 Thread Alan Edelman

Mike LaCroix put together a nice latex package that produces In's and Out's
nicely and beautifully but this is unfinished with too much
manual labor required.  Just throwing it out there
figuring someone will improve on it.

Perhaps one should also consider minted --
which I know Jiahao Chen likes.

I'll bet someone could make some Julia macros that make this more LaTeX

Right now I would  also define something like


so the use would be
\sh {\# Nice Red Comment} \\
Input line 1  \\
Input line 2 \\
Input line 3
Output lines without slashes

and on the input lines I would have to put in backslashes before certain
characters, etc.
but it looks nice and automatically numbers

Viral Shah thought that LateX should just execute julia so there is no
human in the loop.
You just type the Julia command input, and the input and output can appear
properly in the document.




\newenvironment{jinput}[1][]{\ifx#1\relax\else\setcounter{jcounter}{#1}\addtocounter{jcounter}{-1}\fi\refstepcounter{jcounter}\ttfamily\noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{.19\textwidth}\vskip2ex\hspace*{\fill}\textcolor{incolor}{In[\arabic{jcounter}]: }\end{minipage}\begin{minipage}[t]{.8\textwidth}\vskip-0ex\begin{shaded}}{\end{shaded}\end{minipage}\par}
\newenvironment{joutput}[1][]{\vskip1ex plus .2ex minus .1ex\ifx#1\relax\else\setcounter{jcounter}{#1}\fi\addtocounter{jcounter}{-1}\refstepcounter{jcounter}\ttfamily\noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{.19\textwidth}\vskip0ex\hspace*{\fill}\textcolor{outcolor}{Out[\arabic{jcounter}]: }\end{minipage}\begin{minipage}[t]{.8\textwidth}\vskip-0ex}{\end{minipage}\par\vskip1.5ex}


Normal text, just to make sure vertical spacing is correct.  We can
introduce our makeshift Julia interaction with a paragraph.

f(a::\sh{Any}, b) = \sh{fallback}\\
f(a::Number, b::Number) = \sh{a and b are both numbers}\\
f(a::Number, b) = \sh{a is a number}\\
f(a, b::Number) = \sh{b is a number}\\
f(a::Integer, b::Integer) = \sh{a and b are both integers}
f (generic function with 5 methods)
a and b are both numbers
a is a number

We can also conclude our interaction with a paragraph.  The numbering
is automatic, with each output matching the previous input.  This can
be updated manually.  We can, for example, refer to
\textcolor{incolor}{In[\ref{jinlabel}]} and \textcolor{outcolor}{Out[\ref{anoutlabel}]}.


Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: [julia-users] build-in function to find inverse of a matrix

2014-07-22 Thread Cameron McBride
+1 for sticky shell mode.

I do like the ? - help and ?? - apropos mapping, as it's clear on the
mode what the simple mapping is.  But it's a minor point.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:06 AM, Viral Shah wrote:

 That’s not a crazy idea. ? could do help if there is an exact match, and
 if there is no match, it can just do apropos.


 On 22-Jul-2014, at 7:20 am, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

  Would it be crazy to make ? just do apropos? Interestingly, I was just
 thinking of making ;; trigger sticky shell mode where you have to actively
 escape to get back to julia mode.
  On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:48 PM, John Myles White wrote:
  There's one complication here, which is that a single ? already changes
 the mode of the REPL into help mode. So this would have to be a mode only
 triggerable from inside of help mode.
   -- John
  On Jul 21, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Ethan Anderes
   +1. For some reason my fingers always get tied up when typing apropos

[julia-users] NotShared Memory

2014-07-22 Thread Sebastian Vollmer
I can create shared variables like

@everywhere i=1

but how do I create variables local to a worker. The only possibility is 
through RemoteRefs with take and put, but this seems overly complicated.

What I have in mind is a problem where all the workers only need 
communicated with the main thread for scheduling and all the computations 
can be done locally. I would like the results to be stored in local array 
and be fetched to the main thread once all calculations have finished. For 
this I need to create a local array on each worker. But I don't know how.



[julia-users] NotShared Memory

2014-07-22 Thread Sebastian Vollmer
I would like to perform computations on the workers independently only the 
task assignment is scheduled from the main thread. Instead of passing each 
result as they come to the main thread I would like to store them on each 
worker on a local array. When all computations have finished I would like 
fetch these arrays and combine them then.

I can create shared variables using 
@everywhere i=1

The only possibility that came to my mind is to use take and put using 
appropriate RemoteRefs, but this seems overly complicated.

Thank you,


[julia-users] ccall :u8_charnum

2014-07-22 Thread Keith Campbell
I can ccall :u8_charnum function from Windows but get an error on Linux:
Any thoughts appreciated.

julia x=asdf

julia ccall(:u8_charnum, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t), pointer(x), 4)

On Linux, I get
ERROR: ccall: could not find function u8_charnum
 in anonymous at no file

Win version:
 Version 0.3.0-rc1+61 (2014-07-17 20:55 UTC)
 Commit c4547e6 (4 days old master)

Linux version:
 Version 0.3.0-rc1+73 (2014-07-18 17:57 UTC)
  Commit 49ac85f* (3 days old master)

[julia-users] Re: MLBase v0.5 released

2014-07-22 Thread Dahua Lin

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:21:49 AM UTC-5, Viral Shah wrote:

 Wow, better than scikit.learn? This is exciting. 

We are not there yet. However, the work to unify our many packages for 
regression has already been started. If we keep our paces this won't be a 
too-far-away goal.

 We should probably discuss in the roadmap issue about what infrastructure 
 we need to support large-scale distributed machine learning problems.


 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:08:14 AM UTC+5:30, Dahua Lin wrote:

 Please see 
 for recent updates.

 Also the documentation is moved from Readme to a Sphinx doc

 Now we already have quite a few packages for various machine learning 

 MLBase.jl data preprocessing, 
 performance evaluation, cross validation, model tuning, etc
 Distance.jl metric/distance 
 computation (including batch  pairwise computation)
 multivariate analysis, ridge regression, dimensionality reduction
 Clustering.jl K-means, 
 K-medoids, Affinity propagation
 NMF.jl  Nonnegative matrix 

 In addition, we have a bunch of other packages for Regression, GLM, SVM, 
 etc. We are now beginning to unite the efforts in this domain (see the 
 discussion here).

 We have been making steady progress, and I believe that we will have a 
 great machine learning ecosystem, one that is comparable or even superior 
 to scikit.learn in not too long future.


Re: [julia-users] Equivalent for Python 'pass' statement in Julia

2014-07-22 Thread Leah Hanson
Because Julia has begin-end blocks, you can just use an empty block.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

function foo()

if true
elseif false

for i=1:10

Does that do what you wanted?

-- Leah

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 3:44 PM, wrote:


 Python has a 'pass' statement which allows null operations to be placed in
 control flows with ease.
 I guess I could just use a print statement, but I was just wondering
 whether Julia had an equivalent?


Re: [julia-users] Equivalent for Python 'pass' statement in Julia

2014-07-22 Thread yaoismyhero
Thanks Leah, that was exactly what I was looking for!

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:04:30 PM UTC-4, Leah Hanson wrote:

 Because Julia has begin-end blocks, you can just use an empty block.

 Here are some examples of what I mean:

 function foo()

 if true
 elseif false

 for i=1:10

 Does that do what you wanted?

 -- Leah

 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 3:44 PM, javascript: wrote:


 Python has a 'pass' statement which allows null operations to be placed 
 in control flows with ease.
 I guess I could just use a print statement, but I was just wondering 
 whether Julia had an equivalent?


Re: [julia-users] ++ as string concatenation operator

2014-07-22 Thread Spencer Russell
Why is string concatenation done with * not +


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Stefan Karpinski

 many threads: search string concatenation

 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Ben Arthur wrote:

 relatedly, is there a thread somewhere that explains why * is used for
 string concatenation and ^ for string repetition?

[julia-users] iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread vavasis
Dear Julia users,

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree 
implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the (key, 
value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.  According to 
section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates to:

  state = start(I)
  while !done(I, state)
  (i,state) = next(I,state)

The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body BEFORE 
the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has a 
typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the code:

done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())

So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires two 
calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one to 
actually advance the loop.

I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it appears to 
be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the current i is 

For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring it 
twice per loop iteration is undesirable.

Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is implemented 
this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I suppose 
that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the result of 
the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the 
rationale for the current design?

Steve Vavasis

Re: [julia-users] iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread Tim Holy
You seem to be attributing a general principle where I don't think there is 
one. For example, see the iterators in base/range.jl; there are not two calls 
to next.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 02:29:12 PM wrote:
 Dear Julia users,
 As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree
 implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the (key,
 value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.  According to
 section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates to:
   state = start(I)
   while !done(I, state)
   (i,state) = next(I,state)
 The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body BEFORE
 the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has a
 typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the code:
 done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())
 So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires two
 calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one to
 actually advance the loop.
 I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it appears to
 be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the current i is
 For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring it
 twice per loop iteration is undesirable.
 Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is implemented
 this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I suppose
 that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the result of
 the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the
 rationale for the current design?
 Steve Vavasis

Re: [julia-users] Equivalent for Python 'pass' statement in Julia

2014-07-22 Thread Matt Bauman
The ternary syntax is one place where an empty block won't suffice — there 
must be an expression in both branches.  In such a case, you can use 
`nothing` (which is also what an empty block will return).  That said, it's 
more typical to refactor these cases into short-circuiting expressions:

cond ? expr : nothing # could be written as:
cond  expr

cond ? nothing : expr # becomes:
cond || expr

[julia-users] Help needed, running slow

2014-07-22 Thread Arnaud Amiel
To learn how to use Julia, I am running through the project Euler problems 
(I had already solved most of them using other languages) and up to now, 
they have all comfortably been solved under 1s without any clever 
algorithm, even sometimes purposely brute forced.

However I am stuck on problem 23 (Find the sum of all the positive integers 
which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.) which solves 
in 8 s. The surprising thing to me is that what I assume to be the hard 
part is solved in 0.1 s.

I have been struggling on and off for the last week but have gone nowhere. 
I thought a fresh pair of eyes may see something.

Here is my code:

const maxAbundant = 28123

function sumOfDivisors(n::Int)
  f = factor(n)
  counter = 1
  for i in keys(f)
count = 1
for j in 1:f[i]
  count += i^j
counter *= count
function isAbundant(n::Int)
  sumOfDivisors(n)  n ? true : false

sizehint(abundantNumbers, maxAbundant)
for i = 13:maxAbundant
  if isAbundant(i)
push!(abundantNumbers, i)


for i = 1:length(abundantNumbers)
  for j = i:length(abundantNumbers)
SumOfAbundant = abundantNumbers[i] + abundantNumbers[j]
if SumOfAbundant = maxAbundant

for i = 1:maxAbundant
  if !isSumOfAbundant[i]
result += i


When run with @time I get:
elapsed time: 7.967364175 seconds
elapsed time: 8.06121492 seconds (1359946448 bytes allocated, 18.32% gc 

So I am convinced the bit between tic() and toc() is not right and gc time 
may be a clue but I really can't find why.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

One thing I find annoying with Julia is that sometimes what seems to me a 
very insignificant change in the code has dramatic effect in the execution 
time. It is anyway a great tool to try things and find solutions quickly. I 
wish I had had Julia when I started on Project Euler.



[julia-users] Re: iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread vavasis

The fact that 'next' is called before the loop body rather than after means 
that the 'done' predicate must provide an answer to the question: if 
'next' is called on the current state, then would the result be the end of 
the data structure?  The obvious way to answer that question is to 
actually invoke 'next' to see what happens. For a balanced tree, there is 
no simpler way that I know of to answer the question other than calling 
'next'.  It is possible to avoid the performance hit with additional code 
complexity by caching the result of 'next', but still, the question 
remains, why are start/done/next implemented in this way instead of the 
more obvious way (for example, in the C implementation of for(..; .. ; ..) 
the 'next' operation is invoked at the end of the body).

-- Steve

On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:29:12 AM UTC+3, wrote:

 Dear Julia users,

 As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree 
 implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the (key, 
 value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.  According to 
 section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates to:

   state = start(I)
   while !done(I, state)
   (i,state) = next(I,state)

 The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body BEFORE 
 the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has a 
 typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the code:

 done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())

 So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires two 
 calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one to 
 actually advance the loop.

 I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it appears 
 to be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the current i 
 is deleted(??)

 For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring it 
 twice per loop iteration is undesirable.

 Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is implemented 
 this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I suppose 
 that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the result of 
 the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the 
 rationale for the current design?

 Steve Vavasis

[julia-users] Re: Help needed, running slow

2014-07-22 Thread Patrick O'Leary
I suspect you might find the profiler helpful:

(And the ProfileView.jl package provides a nice visualization of profiler 
results--you should check it out too!)

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:47:09 PM UTC-5, Arnaud Amiel wrote:

 To learn how to use Julia, I am running through the project Euler problems 
 (I had already solved most of them using other languages) and up to now, 
 they have all comfortably been solved under 1s without any clever 
 algorithm, even sometimes purposely brute forced.

 However I am stuck on problem 23 (Find the sum of all the positive 
 integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.) which 
 solves in 8 s. The surprising thing to me is that what I assume to be the 
 hard part is solved in 0.1 s.

 I have been struggling on and off for the last week but have gone nowhere. 
 I thought a fresh pair of eyes may see something.

 Here is my code:

 const maxAbundant = 28123

 function sumOfDivisors(n::Int)
   f = factor(n)
   counter = 1
   for i in keys(f)
 count = 1
 for j in 1:f[i]
   count += i^j
 counter *= count
 function isAbundant(n::Int)
   sumOfDivisors(n)  n ? true : false

 sizehint(abundantNumbers, maxAbundant)
 for i = 13:maxAbundant
   if isAbundant(i)
 push!(abundantNumbers, i)


 for i = 1:length(abundantNumbers)
   for j = i:length(abundantNumbers)
 SumOfAbundant = abundantNumbers[i] + abundantNumbers[j]
 if SumOfAbundant = maxAbundant

 for i = 1:maxAbundant
   if !isSumOfAbundant[i]
 result += i


 When run with @time I get:
 elapsed time: 7.967364175 seconds
 elapsed time: 8.06121492 seconds (1359946448 bytes allocated, 18.32% gc 

 So I am convinced the bit between tic() and toc() is not right and gc 
 time may be a clue but I really can't find why.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 One thing I find annoying with Julia is that sometimes what seems to me a 
 very insignificant change in the code has dramatic effect in the execution 
 time. It is anyway a great tool to try things and find solutions quickly. I 
 wish I had had Julia when I started on Project Euler.



[julia-users] Re: NotShared Memory

2014-07-22 Thread Sebastian Vollmer
Dear Gray,

thank you very much. But your answer does not quite help me. The task have 
quite different execution time so I have to make sure it is executed in an 
beneficial order. I have posted below a simplified version of the code. 
However, the code block below #create local variables does not work.

Best wishes,



times=linspace(0.1,2.0,10) # times in secs representing different difficult 

np = nprocs() 
n = length(times)

#create local variables
for p=1:np
if p != myid() || np == 1
remotecall(p,stack = Float64p[]) #does not work

@everywhere function fun(s) 
#s represents some computation save to local stack

#asynchronously do the computations
@everywhere i = 1
function nextidx() 
global i
return idx;
@sync begin
for p=1:np
if p != myid() || np == 1
@async begin
while true
idx = nextidx()
if idx  n
remotecall(fun, times[idx])

# collect the results of the computations
for p=1:np
if p != myid() || np == 1
#do someting with the results

Re: [julia-users] Re: How to overcome versioning issues?

2014-07-22 Thread Iain Dunning
The blog post that keeps on giving :D

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:46:01 AM UTC-4, Elliot Saba wrote:

 Ah, I was confusing it with midrange.  Thanks everybody!  Learn something 
 new every day. :)

 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 11:18 AM, John Myles White 
 javascript: wrote:

 FWIW, the mean of the min and max is called the midrange.

  — John

 On Jul 22, 2014, at 8:17 AM, Spencer Russell javascript: 

 Hi Elliot,

 The median isn't the mean of the min and max (though that was fun to say).

 Wikipedia says it well:

 the median is the numerical value separating the higher half of a data 
 sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half. 
 The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the 
 observations from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one 
 (e.g., the median of {3, 3, 5, 9, 11} is 5). If there is an even number of 
 observations, then there is no single middle value; the median is then 
 usually defined to be the mean of the two middle values


 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Ivar Nesje 
 javascript: wrote:

 According to Julia median is defined as

 n = length(v) 
 if isodd(n)
 return middle(select!(v,div(n+1,2))) 
 m = select!(v, div(n,2):div(n,2)+1) 
 return middle(m[1], m[2]) 


 kl. 16:03:47 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Elliot Saba følgende:

 Reading your post, I'm a little confused Iain.  You state:

 If we consider only packages with at least 1 package depending on them, 
 we find the median to be 3 dependent packages but the mean to be 10.5. 
 is due to the 15 or so packages with more than 30 dependent packages.

 Now, I'm not the best at statistics, but isn't the median of *x* 
 defined as *(min(x) + max(x))/2*?  If that is the case, (and assuming 
 that we don't have negative package dependency counts) I don't see how the 
 median can be 3, but the mean be 10.5.  Perhaps you meant the mode was 3?

 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Iain Dunning 

 Hah, yeah, strangely relevant.
 PkgEval runs nightly (around 1am US Eastern), but obviously with so 
 many people using Julia there is a lot of room for chaos inbetween runs.

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:58:46 AM UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 Look what my RSS reader just picked up! =)

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:37:59 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I still think the best way to resolve things if you should encounter 
 problems, is to notify the maintainers. Most people in this community 
 respond surprisingly fast =)

 There is some automated testing going on already, mainly thanks to 
 [Iain Dunning]('s amazing work with 
 PackageEvaluator and related tools. For example, if you click more 
 options on and then Show package ecosystem 
 statistics for Julia nightly..., you'll see some great data showing 
 current (and past) state of the entire ecosystem. You'll notice a few 
 in the green curve, when changes somewhere suddenly broke a lot of 
 everywhere - and you'll also see that most of it was resolved in a 
 of a few days. This happened because semi-automated issues were filed 
 the system against the packages when they broke, and maintainers were 
 to fix whatever they needed.

 In the case of your problems - someone tagging a version without 
 specifying a correct dependency - that will also be picked up by 
 and the maintainer will be notified. However, since PkgEval only runs 
 now and then, and since quite a lot of users today live on the edge 
 actively report issues when they find them) it's not uncommon that 
 like this are picked up by users before PkgEval notices them. It's very 
 likely that, as the ecosystem matures and stabilizes, this problem 
 won't be 
 a problem anymore...

 // T

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:47:32 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:

 Hello colleagues,

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 4:53:17 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 I think this problem must be resolved by better practices among 
 package maintainers: in short, the goal must be that as long as you 
 use (the latest) tagged versions of any packages, everything should 
 Work (TM). That means, in short, that if a package maintainer adds 
 functionality that depends on some specific addition to a different 
 package, it is up to that package maintainer to make sure *not* to 
 tag a new version until the dependency package has tagged one, in 
 which the 
 new behavior is included, so the dependency can be correctly 

 ... in an ideal world. All that we use around julia has a version 
 number less than 1.0 so hiccups are expected (at least by me). The 
 was rather how i can help myself and if there is some undocumented 

[julia-users] Re: Help needed, running slow

2014-07-22 Thread Iain Dunning
For what its worth, I put everything from

in a function, and ran that function with @time. I got
elapsed time: 0.074687051 seconds
elapsed time: 0.258023294 seconds (22897960 bytes allocated, 4.74% gc time)

which seems right. 

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:13:40 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 I suspect you might find the profiler helpful:

 (And the ProfileView.jl package provides a nice visualization of profiler 
 results--you should check it out too!)

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:47:09 PM UTC-5, Arnaud Amiel wrote:

 To learn how to use Julia, I am running through the project Euler 
 problems (I had already solved most of them using other languages) and up 
 to now, they have all comfortably been solved under 1s without any clever 
 algorithm, even sometimes purposely brute forced.

 However I am stuck on problem 23 (Find the sum of all the positive 
 integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.) which 
 solves in 8 s. The surprising thing to me is that what I assume to be the 
 hard part is solved in 0.1 s.

 I have been struggling on and off for the last week but have gone 
 nowhere. I thought a fresh pair of eyes may see something.

 Here is my code:

 const maxAbundant = 28123

 function sumOfDivisors(n::Int)
   f = factor(n)
   counter = 1
   for i in keys(f)
 count = 1
 for j in 1:f[i]
   count += i^j
 counter *= count
 function isAbundant(n::Int)
   sumOfDivisors(n)  n ? true : false

 sizehint(abundantNumbers, maxAbundant)
 for i = 13:maxAbundant
   if isAbundant(i)
 push!(abundantNumbers, i)


 for i = 1:length(abundantNumbers)
   for j = i:length(abundantNumbers)
 SumOfAbundant = abundantNumbers[i] + abundantNumbers[j]
 if SumOfAbundant = maxAbundant

 for i = 1:maxAbundant
   if !isSumOfAbundant[i]
 result += i


 When run with @time I get:
 elapsed time: 7.967364175 seconds
 elapsed time: 8.06121492 seconds (1359946448 bytes allocated, 18.32% gc 

 So I am convinced the bit between tic() and toc() is not right and gc 
 time may be a clue but I really can't find why.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 One thing I find annoying with Julia is that sometimes what seems to me a 
 very insignificant change in the code has dramatic effect in the execution 
 time. It is anyway a great tool to try things and find solutions quickly. I 
 wish I had had Julia when I started on Project Euler.



[julia-users] Re: Help needed, running slow

2014-07-22 Thread Matt Bauman
I just put all your top-level statements (except for the two helper 
functions) into a function of its own:

julia @time main()
elapsed time: 0.162065867 seconds (14434040 bytes allocated)

I don't think my 5 year old laptop could be *that* much faster than your 
computer.  Take a look at the performance tips section for more advice 
along these 

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:13:40 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:

 I suspect you might find the profiler helpful:

 (And the ProfileView.jl package provides a nice visualization of profiler 
 results--you should check it out too!)

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:47:09 PM UTC-5, Arnaud Amiel wrote:

 To learn how to use Julia, I am running through the project Euler 
 problems (I had already solved most of them using other languages) and up 
 to now, they have all comfortably been solved under 1s without any clever 
 algorithm, even sometimes purposely brute forced.

 However I am stuck on problem 23 (Find the sum of all the positive 
 integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.) which 
 solves in 8 s. The surprising thing to me is that what I assume to be the 
 hard part is solved in 0.1 s.

 I have been struggling on and off for the last week but have gone 
 nowhere. I thought a fresh pair of eyes may see something.

 Here is my code:

 const maxAbundant = 28123

 function sumOfDivisors(n::Int)
   f = factor(n)
   counter = 1
   for i in keys(f)
 count = 1
 for j in 1:f[i]
   count += i^j
 counter *= count
 function isAbundant(n::Int)
   sumOfDivisors(n)  n ? true : false

 sizehint(abundantNumbers, maxAbundant)
 for i = 13:maxAbundant
   if isAbundant(i)
 push!(abundantNumbers, i)


 for i = 1:length(abundantNumbers)
   for j = i:length(abundantNumbers)
 SumOfAbundant = abundantNumbers[i] + abundantNumbers[j]
 if SumOfAbundant = maxAbundant

 for i = 1:maxAbundant
   if !isSumOfAbundant[i]
 result += i


 When run with @time I get:
 elapsed time: 7.967364175 seconds
 elapsed time: 8.06121492 seconds (1359946448 bytes allocated, 18.32% gc 

 So I am convinced the bit between tic() and toc() is not right and gc 
 time may be a clue but I really can't find why.

 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 One thing I find annoying with Julia is that sometimes what seems to me a 
 very insignificant change in the code has dramatic effect in the execution 
 time. It is anyway a great tool to try things and find solutions quickly. I 
 wish I had had Julia when I started on Project Euler.



Re: [julia-users] Equivalent for Python 'pass' statement in Julia

2014-07-22 Thread yaoismyhero
Matt, could you elaborate? 

Sorry, not quite sure what the ? means -- does that mean 'or'? Also not 
sure about what you mean by the phrase ternary syntax. 

Here is loosely what I am trying to do:

for i in testarray
 if testarray  0
 do this
 do nothing

It seemed to work when I tested it with nothing after else?

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:51:24 PM UTC-4, Matt Bauman wrote:

 The ternary syntax is one place where an empty block won't suffice — there 
 must be an expression in both branches.  In such a case, you can use 
 `nothing` (which is also what an empty block will return).  That said, 
 it's more typical to refactor these cases into short-circuiting expressions:

 cond ? expr : nothing # could be written as:
 cond  expr

 cond ? nothing : expr # becomes:
 cond || expr

Re: [julia-users] Re: Juila vs Mathematica (Wolfram language): high-level features

2014-07-22 Thread Darwin Darakananda
If it's possible, do you mind showing the function you were plotting that 
lead to the extra lines in Gadfly?  The current master should already be 
using the `group` aesthetic for contour lines.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:06:53 AM UTC-7, Zahirul ALAM wrote:

 Thanks Stefan, Tomas and Viral. 

 Stefan and Tomas: Contourplot definitely looks very pretty in gadfly.  

 Tomas: But I am afraid the plot contains extra lines which some of you 
 have already pointed to be aesthetic issue. It is not entirely clear how to 
 use the group aesthetic to fix it. I will read on. 

 Viral: I am currently using the PyPlot package.

 btw: on this regard, I am yet to  a straight forward manner to do find 
 dual Y axis or dual X axis plot in either Mathematica, Matlab, 
 Matplotlib, or Maple. May be in Gadfly this is a feature that can be built 

 On Tuesday, 22 July 2014 03:08:26 UTC-4, Tomas Lycken wrote:

  It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or density plot ( two 
 types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only get improved.

 There is, actually, some functionality for contour and density plot 
 already, but all the nuts and bolts aren't really tightened yet, and I 
 don't know if the progress so far has been documented at all, but if you 
 have a function `f = (x,y) - z(x,y)`, you can do `plot(f, xmin, xmax, 
 ymin, ymax)` to get a nice contour plot. Support for contour plots of 
 matrices is under construction - take a look at [#293]( for more details.

 Density plots is sort-of implemented through [Geom.rectbin]( which may or may 
 not be what you need.

 // T

 On Monday, July 21, 2014 11:09:31 PM UTC+2, Zahirul ALAM wrote:

 Thanks Stefan. I did find out that I can type \alphatab for Unicode α. 
 My point was more to do with the traditional input / output mode. 

 btw if I am not mistaken I think in markup mode the \alphatab does not 
 work. I guess not even auto complete works in markup mode when pressed tab. 
 May be I am doing it wrong. However it works just fine once the block is 
 compiled. But I think that has nothing to do with IJulia.

 I have indeed met Gadfly. I had Gadfly in mind when I wrote that. It is 
 indeed very pretty. It is only for 2-D plotting, does not do contour or 
 density plot ( two types I tend to use the most). I am sure it will only 
 get improved. 

 On Monday, 21 July 2014 14:48:17 UTC-4, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Zahirul ALAM 

 One feature I would like to see from IJulia may be is that the input 
 of greek and mathematical symbol in way that looks natural, e.g. using 
 subscript, in division, integration etc as way to input. This will 
 definitely be a significant improvement IMHO. 

 You can do Unicode input using LaTeX codes in IJulia by typing, e.g. 
 \alphatab, which will be turned into a Unicode α. That's not as fancy as 
 what you can do in Mathematica, but I'm not sure we want to go there. I 
 find editing Mathematica code pretty irritating and it's not that much 
 better looking except for the traditional output mode, which you cannot 
 use as an input format anyway.

 second feature is to be able to plot a function in a way one can do in 
 Mathematica. Plotting packages for Julia does this in very limited way 
 (unless I am missing something)

 Have you met Gadfly

[julia-users] Checking for Undefined Reference.

2014-07-22 Thread Ben Ward
I have a type that contains references to other instances of the same type 
- like a doubly linked list or - as it's intended use, like a tree like 
structure. They contain references to a parent of the same types and an 
array of references to children of the same type. However a root or singly 
constructed instance of the type will not start out with a parent or 
children and so these fields will be #undef, how can I check for #undef 
fields? It didn't say in the types section in the manual, although it did 
say accessing it is an automatic error so I guess a try block might work - 
but I don't know if try blocks are preferable in Julia to simply 
anticipating the #undef. I've normally heard the mantra of anticipating an 
expected exception rather than make excessive try catches.


[julia-users] Re: Checking for Undefined Reference.

2014-07-22 Thread Simon Kornblith
isdefined(myobject, :myfield)

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 6:54:00 PM UTC-4, Ben Ward wrote:

 I have a type that contains references to other instances of the same type 
 - like a doubly linked list or - as it's intended use, like a tree like 
 structure. They contain references to a parent of the same types and an 
 array of references to children of the same type. However a root or singly 
 constructed instance of the type will not start out with a parent or 
 children and so these fields will be #undef, how can I check for #undef 
 fields? It didn't say in the types section in the manual, although it did 
 say accessing it is an automatic error so I guess a try block might work - 
 but I don't know if try blocks are preferable in Julia to simply 
 anticipating the #undef. I've normally heard the mantra of anticipating an 
 expected exception rather than make excessive try catches.


Re: [julia-users] Re: iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread Tim Holy
Thanks for clarifying. While I know exactly what you're talking about, and I 
wasn't around when iterators were designed, I've always assumed that the 
current behavior follows from two principles: (1) `done` must evaluate to a 
boolean, and (2) the `item` should not leak out of the scope block defined by 
the `while` loop. Last I thought through it carefully, the current design 
seemed inevitable.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 02:59:33 PM wrote:
 The fact that 'next' is called before the loop body rather than after means
 that the 'done' predicate must provide an answer to the question: if
 'next' is called on the current state, then would the result be the end of
 the data structure?  The obvious way to answer that question is to
 actually invoke 'next' to see what happens. For a balanced tree, there is
 no simpler way that I know of to answer the question other than calling
 'next'.  It is possible to avoid the performance hit with additional code
 complexity by caching the result of 'next', but still, the question
 remains, why are start/done/next implemented in this way instead of the
 more obvious way (for example, in the C implementation of for(..; .. ; ..)
 the 'next' operation is invoked at the end of the body).
 -- Steve
 On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:29:12 AM UTC+3, wrote:
  Dear Julia users,
  As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree
  implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the (key,
  value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.  According to
  section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates to:
state = start(I)
while !done(I, state)

(i,state) = next(I,state)

  The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body BEFORE
  the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has a
  typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the code:
  done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())
  So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires two
  calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one to
  actually advance the loop.
  I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it appears
  to be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the current i
  is deleted(??)
  For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring it
  twice per loop iteration is undesirable.
  Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is implemented
  this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I suppose
  that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the result of
  the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the
  rationale for the current design?
  Steve Vavasis

Re: [julia-users] ++ as string concatenation operator

2014-07-22 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Thanks for the link, Spencer. This obviously belongs in the FAQ for now.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Spencer Russell wrote:

 Why is string concatenation done with * not +


 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Stefan Karpinski

 many threads: search string concatenation

 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Ben Arthur wrote:

 relatedly, is there a thread somewhere that explains why * is used for
 string concatenation and ^ for string repetition?

[julia-users] how to properly nest modules in a package

2014-07-22 Thread ggggg
Lets say I'm making a package P.jl.  Inside P I define modules A, B and C 
all in separate files. I'd like to use C inside of A and B, and export a 
function from C from P. 

So right now B looks like
module B
using C
B body

And A looks like
module A
using C
A body

And P looks like
module P
using A,B,C
P body

I suspect that I'm doing it wrong for a few reasons.
1. I'm using two lines to get a module instead of one (include + using)
2. I've included C three times in P.
3. Autoreload.jl is complaining 

At the least it seems like I should remove include(C.jl) from P, which 
seems to help.  I'd appreciate some general guidance.

Re: [julia-users] Re: iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread Iain Dunning
Two separate calls to next certainly aren't in general necessary, and I 
haven't hit any issues implementing the iterator interface before. In fact, 
it felt quite natural in the end.

I suspect that no matter which way you do the iteration interface, you'll 
be able to find an example where you'd prefer it to be the other way - it'd 
be nice to formalize that.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:34:18 PM UTC-4, Tim Holy wrote:

 Thanks for clarifying. While I know exactly what you're talking about, and 
 wasn't around when iterators were designed, I've always assumed that the 
 current behavior follows from two principles: (1) `done` must evaluate to 
 boolean, and (2) the `item` should not leak out of the scope block defined 
 the `while` loop. Last I thought through it carefully, the current design 
 seemed inevitable. 


 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 02:59:33 PM javascript: 
  The fact that 'next' is called before the loop body rather than after 
  that the 'done' predicate must provide an answer to the question: if 
  'next' is called on the current state, then would the result be the end 
  the data structure?  The obvious way to answer that question is to 
  actually invoke 'next' to see what happens. For a balanced tree, there 
  no simpler way that I know of to answer the question other than calling 
  'next'.  It is possible to avoid the performance hit with additional 
  complexity by caching the result of 'next', but still, the question 
  remains, why are start/done/next implemented in this way instead of the 
  more obvious way (for example, in the C implementation of for(..; .. ; 
  the 'next' operation is invoked at the end of the body). 
  -- Steve 
  On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:29:12 AM UTC+3, 
   Dear Julia users, 
   As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree 
   implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the 
   value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys. 
  According to 
   section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates to: 
 state = start(I) 
 while !done(I, state) 
 (i,state) = next(I,state) 
   The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body 
   the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has 
   typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the 
   done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),()) 
   So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires 
   calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one 
   actually advance the loop. 
   I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it 
   to be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the 
 current i 
   is deleted(??) 
   For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring 
   twice per loop iteration is undesirable. 
   Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is 
   this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I 
   that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the 
 result of 
   the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the 
   rationale for the current design? 
   Steve Vavasis 

Re: [julia-users] Re: iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread Tim Holy
The other point to make is that if you find it more natural to do your 
incrementing inside done, there's no rule saying that next has to do any 
actual work. You can cache the item somewhere and just have next fetch it.


On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 06:13:25 PM Iain Dunning wrote:
 Two separate calls to next certainly aren't in general necessary, and I
 haven't hit any issues implementing the iterator interface before. In fact,
 it felt quite natural in the end.
 I suspect that no matter which way you do the iteration interface, you'll
 be able to find an example where you'd prefer it to be the other way - it'd
 be nice to formalize that.
 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:34:18 PM UTC-4, Tim Holy wrote:
  Thanks for clarifying. While I know exactly what you're talking about, and
  wasn't around when iterators were designed, I've always assumed that the
  current behavior follows from two principles: (1) `done` must evaluate to
  boolean, and (2) the `item` should not leak out of the scope block defined
  the `while` loop. Last I thought through it carefully, the current design
  seemed inevitable.
  On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 02:59:33 PM javascript:
   The fact that 'next' is called before the loop body rather than after
   that the 'done' predicate must provide an answer to the question: if
   'next' is called on the current state, then would the result be the end
   the data structure?  The obvious way to answer that question is to
   actually invoke 'next' to see what happens. For a balanced tree, there
   no simpler way that I know of to answer the question other than calling
   'next'.  It is possible to avoid the performance hit with additional
   complexity by caching the result of 'next', but still, the question
   remains, why are start/done/next implemented in this way instead of the
   more obvious way (for example, in the C implementation of for(..; .. ;
   the 'next' operation is invoked at the end of the body).
   -- Steve
   On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:29:12 AM UTC+3,
Dear Julia users,

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree
implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the
value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.
   According to
section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates to:
  state = start(I)
  while !done(I, state)
  (i,state) = next(I,state)

The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body
the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual has
typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the
done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())

So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict requires
calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second one
actually advance the loop.

I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it
to be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the
  current i
is deleted(??)

For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so requiring
twice per loop iteration is undesirable.

Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is
this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I
that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the
  result of
the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the
rationale for the current design?

Steve Vavasis

Re: [julia-users] Re: iterator construct seems incorrect?

2014-07-22 Thread Jameson Nash
it can however to better for done() to do no work, but to have next
actually compute the next+1 state:

start(x) = next(x)
next(x,i) = (i, next(x))
done(x,i) = (i===sentinel)

this makes next somewhat more expensive to call repeatedly, but has the
benefit that the user can hold onto a reference to any arbitrary node
(until they mutate the underlying object) to perform custom iteration

(where sentinel could either be a special value, or a boolean that is part
of the state tuple)

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Tim Holy wrote:

 The other point to make is that if you find it more natural to do your
 incrementing inside done, there's no rule saying that next has to do any
 actual work. You can cache the item somewhere and just have next fetch it.


 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 06:13:25 PM Iain Dunning wrote:
  Two separate calls to next certainly aren't in general necessary, and I
  haven't hit any issues implementing the iterator interface before. In
  it felt quite natural in the end.
  I suspect that no matter which way you do the iteration interface, you'll
  be able to find an example where you'd prefer it to be the other way -
  be nice to formalize that.
  On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:34:18 PM UTC-4, Tim Holy wrote:
   Thanks for clarifying. While I know exactly what you're talking about,
   wasn't around when iterators were designed, I've always assumed that
   current behavior follows from two principles: (1) `done` must evaluate
   boolean, and (2) the `item` should not leak out of the scope block
   the `while` loop. Last I thought through it carefully, the current
   seemed inevitable.
   On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 02:59:33 PM
The fact that 'next' is called before the loop body rather than after
that the 'done' predicate must provide an answer to the question: if
'next' is called on the current state, then would the result be the
the data structure?  The obvious way to answer that question is to
actually invoke 'next' to see what happens. For a balanced tree,
no simpler way that I know of to answer the question other than
'next'.  It is possible to avoid the performance hit with additional
complexity by caching the result of 'next', but still, the question
remains, why are start/done/next implemented in this way instead of
more obvious way (for example, in the C implementation of for(..; ..
the 'next' operation is invoked at the end of the body).
-- Steve
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:29:12 AM UTC+3,
 Dear Julia users,

 As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am working on a 2-3 tree
 implementation of a sort-order dict, that is, a dict in which the
 value) pairs can be retrieved in the sort-order of the keys.
According to
 section 2.1.7 of the manual, for i = I; body ; end translates
   state = start(I)
   while !done(I, state)

   (i,state) = next(I,state)


 The more obvious way to implement the loop would be to put the body
 the 'next' statement, and at first I thought that maybe the manual
 typo.  But then I checked the file dict.jl, and I found indeed the
 done(t::ObjectIdDict, i) = is(next(t,i),())

 So this means that every loop iteration over an ObjectIdDict
 calls to 'next', one as part of the call to 'done', and a second
 actually advance the loop.

 I also looked at the code for 'done' for Dict in dict.jl, and it
 to be buggy(??).  It does not check whether everything after the
   current i
 is deleted(??)

 For a 2-3 tree, the 'next' operation is logarithmic time, so
 twice per loop iteration is undesirable.

 Can anyone shed light on why the Julia loop construction is
 this way, so that two separate calls to 'next' are necessary?  I
 that it is possible with additional code complexity to cache the
   result of
 the first call to 'next' inside the state, but what exactly is the
 rationale for the current design?

 Steve Vavasis

[julia-users] Re: Where to get the documentation for version 0.3?

2014-07-22 Thread Michael Prentiss
1.  Download the source, and unzip
2. Under julia/doc  its all there.   
3. Run make for the details

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:56:56 PM UTC-5, K leo wrote:

Re: [julia-users] Re: Where to get the documentation for version 0.3?

2014-07-22 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Also online:

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:00 PM, Michael Prentiss

 1.  Download the source, and unzip
 2. Under julia/doc  its all there.
 3. Run make for the details

 On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:56:56 PM UTC-5, K leo wrote:

Re: [julia-users] Re: how to properly nest modules in a package

2014-07-22 Thread ggggg
Ok I see how that works, I wasn't aware of the ..C syntax. That solves the 
problem asked about, but I'm left with another question. Take for example

module A
module B
export foo

That doesn't work, I get ERROR: foo not defined because foo is not 
actually in the A namespace. But if I add using B I get ERROR: B not 
found. So how do I define B inside A, but also have A import the things 
that B exports?