Re: Problems with 1.1.5pre3

2000-05-31 Thread Dekel Tsur

> 2) When opening a document written in 1.1.4 everything looks fine. However, when 
> I want to view the dvi or postscript file (File -> View dvi) the LaTeX run 
> produces the following errors and fails (from the LaTeX log):
> The piece of text is from the end of a figure caption in a figure float. 
> According to the coding in the lyx-file there is no excess '}'. Below follows 
> the caption text extracted using cut-and-paste:
> Entrainment rate E as a function of s=\sin \varphi . The simple formula 
> ([eq:E_bope80_simple]) is compared to ([eq:E_bope80]), as tabulated in Table 5.4 
> of \citeN{bope80} for the lower values of C_{D}, and the results of 
> \citeN{eltu59} (determined from the fitted curve in their Fig. 8).
> Now, the interesting part is that if I remove the citations everything works 
> (?)! Putting them back produces the same errors again. Is this a bug in 
> 1.1.5pre3, that one cannot have citations in figure captions?

Maybe the problem is that the \citeN command is fragile (which cite package
are you using?), so you should put \protect (in LaTeX mode) before it.
Note that the bug is actually in 1.1.4 as it doesn't report the LaTeX errors

Re: Presentation

2000-05-31 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 09:21:15AM -0500, Roland Krause wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am a long time LyX user and I am kind of in trouble. I am giving a
> presentation on Friday and I kinda bet on that I can do it with LyX/pstricks
> just as good as with Powerpoint. The presentation has lots and lots of formulas
> and some screenshots too. 
> I am using foiltex with a modified layout file that lets me put graded
> background behind the slides. Then I convert to pdf with ps2pdf because I can
> not get pdflatex to work with  pstricks. 
> My problem is of course the fonts... They just look crappy on the projector
> especially the math fonts. 
> So what can I do, I know there was a lengthy discussion on Type1 fonts here
> lately but I dont understand the whole issue 
> Can anyone clue me in on this or give me pointer where to find
> __comprehensive__ (Remember I am under time pressure big time :-) information?

First, if you use ps2pdf, you should use gs version 6.0 (not 5.x)
Second, if you use the EC fonts (T1 font encoding),
you should add \usepackage{ae,aecompl} to the preamble.

> PS: If anybody is interested in how to use these graded backgrounds in
> combination with foiltex and the foils layout I'll be happy to write a
> mini-howto and summarize the process of making presentations for scientific
> purposes with LyX after this is over.

BTW, it may be better to use pdflatex directly for doing presentations.
Look for example at the pdfslide package or the PPower4 post-processor.

Re: Nested includes

2000-06-02 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 09:07:00AM +0200, Michael Zapf wrote:
> "Lars Gullik Bj?nnes" wrote:
> > Nested inputs are allowed, but not nested includes.
> >
> > You can use include on the first level, but have to use input to get
> > deeper than that.
> If that only did work... Actually, it does not. Try doing the following:
> 1. Create a file doc1.lyx which contains a file inclusion. Use "Insert->Include
> File", select "use input" and enter doc2.lyx.
> 2. Do the same with doc2.lyx which is to include doc3.lyx.
> 3. Create doc3.lyx with some content lines.
> 4. Select "File->View DVI".
> 5. You get an alert "There were errors during the LaTeX run...".
> 6. Clicking on the "error" tag pops up a window which states: "LaTeX error: File
> 'doc3.tex' not found.", "\input{doc3.tex}"
> The reason seems to be that LyX does not recursively create temporary .tex files.

Nested input will work if LyX doesn't use temporary directories
(put "\use_tempdir false" in the lyxrc file).

If LyX uses temporary directories, it creates all doc*.tex files,
but it puts doc1.tex & doc2.tex in one directory 
(e.g. /tmp/lyx_tmp11555aaa/lyx_bufrtmp11555aaa), and the doc3.tex in another
directory (e.g. /tmp/lyx_tmp11555aaa/lyx_bufrtmp11555aab).
This is a bug that needs to be fixed.

Re: Lyx-1.1.5pre3

2000-06-02 Thread Dekel Tsur

> many thanks for having a look at my table which is
> attached as .gzip -file.

The problem is that the document is in German, but some words are in English
(american), and there is a bug in the code for handling mixed languages in
a table.

Now, I presume you didn't want to have English text in the document.
To fix this, select the whole text, open the character style popup (alt+l c)
select german from the language combox, and press ok.

Another question is how did you manage to get the English words?
It may have happened if you copy&paste from another document, which had the
default language. Is this what happened?

Re: Question about future functionalities

2000-06-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

> Is it envisaged, before October 2000, to include the following 
> functionalities :
> - The displaying (on the screen) of the whole of the symbols of AMS
> (currently, the pallet of displayable symbols is rather restricted)

This is a feature I too would like to see. I've actually did some work on
this, but I stopped as I learned that Alejandro Sierra 
(the author of the math editor) has been working on a totally new mathed,
so I will probably start working again after the new mathed is merged to the
current code (unless the new mathed already supports all AMS symbols :)

[Note to Alejandro: is the new mathed is feature complete (i.e. is it ready
to replace the old mathed?]

> - The functionality ABOVE/BELOW which allows, for
> example, to write the
> arrow of an equation in chemistry (arrow with text above).
You can use arrays for composing two symbol vertically.
However, for arrows it is better to use the amsmath commands \xleftarrow and
\xrightarrow. Use can use these command in the math editor, but you don't 
get visual representation for these commands.
Again, the addition of better support for these (and other amsmath) commands 
should be done after the merge with the new mathed.

Re: How to generate a link to and HTML page ?

2000-06-19 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 09:54:31PM +0200, Jacques Nilo wrote:
> Hello. I am totally new to lyx and installed today the 1.1.5 version on
> my Mandrake 7.0 linux box.
> I would like to be able to make a link to an HTML page without showing
> the full adress of thi page. I do not find the solution. I am using the
> Insert/URL command I click on the HTML type box but I always see the
> full adress (dvi view or after HTML generation)
> What did I missed
> Thanks
> Jacques

To create such a link, use the \href command, e.g.
\href{}{LyX homepage}
(you need to enter this text in LaTeX mode).
You also need to put \usepackage{hyperref} in the preamble.
Also note that the tex2html converter you use should have support for the
\href command.

Future versions of LyX may have support for the hyperref package.

Re: Language conversion?

2000-06-19 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 11:09:33AM -0500, Roland Krause wrote:
> How do I convert text that has the attribute Language:english to
> Language:default? Is there a way to do this the "GUI way" or do I need to know
> a magic command?

Select the text, open the layout->character popup (alt+l c, or use the menu)
select american language (assuming the language of the document is "default".
Otherwise select the language of the document) and press apply.

Re: poor quality of on-screen fonts in PDFs from Lyx

2000-07-06 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 06:21:11PM +0200, Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
> Dear Rachel,
> I've had a similar problem. What I have done is force lyx (latex) to use Type I
> fonts. To do this, I have in the preamble:
> \usepackage{ae}
> \usepackage{aecompl} 
> and prevent Lyx from using the default encoiding "T1" by changing the
> lyxrc file in ~/.lyx, as follows:
> #\font_encoding "T1"   <- this line is commented
> \font_encoding default   <- this I have added

You only need to use one of the above (i.e., the 'ae' package is only needed
when you use the T1 font encoding).

It should also be mentioned that if you use ps2pdf to create the pdf, you
need to use ghostscript version >= 6.0, and put the following in ~/.dvipsrc
  p+ psfonts.cmz
  p+ psfonts.amz

PS: Shouldn't this be in the FAQ?

Re: Underlined text does not split up!

2000-07-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 02:43:59PM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> As said in the subject if I have some long text and underline it in LyX
> it is not split up in rows in the LaTeX output. I could emphasize it and
> then use ulem, but I think that's not really what I want.
> Does someone have a solution to this problem?

Use the soul package.

Re: Itemization bullets

2000-07-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 12:07:59PM +0100, Rachel Greenham wrote:

> So with PDF, it's bullet points, figures, well-rendered text - choose two,
> you can't have all three. Gah!

Not really. The following FAQ explain how to insert figures with pdflatex.
It also explain how to use outline fonts (the suggested way is perhaps better
than using the pslatex package).

PDF mini-FAQ

1. How to create a PDF file from a LyX file ?

There are two main ways:
 a) Export the file to Postscript and then use a ps->pdf converter
 (e.g. ps2pdf, or Adobe Distiller). If you use ps2pdf, you should use
 ghostscript version >= 6.0, as earlier versions don't handle outline fonts
 b) Export the file to latex, and then run pdflatex on it several times
 (you may also need to run bibtex/mkindex).

2. Why the text looks really bad when I view it with Acrobat Reader?

The problem is that bitmap fonts are displayed poorly by Acrobat Reader.
When creating a PDF from the LyX file, you need to use outline font instead of
the default bitmap fonts (in fact, you should also use outline fonts for
Postscript files). Recent LaTeX distributions come with Postscript Type 1 
version of the standard (Computer Modern) fonts. pdflatex uses these font by 
default. Dvips doesn't use these fonts by default, so to make it use them, 
add the following to lines to ~/.dvipsrc
 p+ psfonts.cmz
 p+ psfonts.amz
If the default font encoding is used, nothing else need to be done.
However, if the T1 font encoding is used, then LaTeX uses the newer EC
fonts, for which there are no Type1 version. The solution is to use the ae
package which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts. This is
done by adding "\usepackage{ae,aecompl}" to the preamble of the LyX file.

Note: LyX uses by default the T1 font encoding. If you wish to change that,
add the line "\font_encoding default" to the ~/.lyx/lyxrc file.

An alternative option, is to use the 'standard' Postscript fonts instead of
the Computer Modern fonts. To do that, you need to add "\usepackage{pslatex}"
to the preamble of the file (in LyX 1.1.5 you can just select pslatex as the
global font in the document layout popup).
However, there are several problems with this method, so the previous method is

3. How can I use pdflatex on a file with (eps) figures ?

pdflatex doesn't support inclusion of eps files. However, it does support
inclusion of pdf file. So if you have a LyX files that includes an eps figure,
say foo.eps, you need to do the following:
 a) Convert foo.eps to pdf by 'epstopdf foo.eps'
 b) In the latex file, you need to change the command that inserts the figure:
 search for the "\includegraphics{foo.eps}" command, and change it to
 "\includegraphics{foo.pdf}". An even better alternative, is to use
 "\includegraphics{foo}" which will work with both latex and pdflatex.
 Note: LyX 1.1.6 will probably use the latter form of the \includegraphics
 command, which will save you the effort of changing the latex file.

Re: .layout and \par

2000-07-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 08:22:55AM +0200, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> I fiddled with a .layout file, and there is now a style 'Proof'.
> In LyX everything looks ok (including e.g. the EndLabel),
> but the exported LaTeX looks like:
>  some text.
> \end{proof}
> And here comes the next paragraph ...
> The .dvi consequently looks like
>  some text. [] And here comes the next paragraph ...
> i.e. there is either a \par or an empty line after the \end{proof}
> missing. How can I convince LyX to insert one there?
One possible solution:

Style Proof
(note the \par command!)

Re: Bug in pretty ref

2000-07-26 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 11:25:20PM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> prettyref needs a label definiaion like \label{tab:MyTable}
> than \prettyref{tab:Mytable} gives in dvi-output Table aNumber.
> from my point of view, lyx doesn't create the labels in
> prettyref-style, so it's not possible to use cross-reference
> with the prettyref-button.

Why not?
When inserting the label in LyX, give it the name tab:mytable,
and then you can insert the prettyref. No need for ERT!

> it's a question to Lars or/and Jean-Marc:
>   insert label AND insert cross-reference must have BOTH
>   the prettyref-option?! if someone chooses once this option
>   all the rest of labels and references must converted
>   to prettyref-style. 

It seems that you expect to use labels without a prefix, (like MyTable),
and let lyx automatically generate the prefix (tab:) when generating the
latex file.
This is not done by LyX.

An interesting question is whether it is possible to write a smarter LaTeX
package, which doesn't need the prefixing the labels (i.e., the \label command
is redefined to output also the counter name to the auxiliary file) ?

Re: LaTeX error ignored by 1.04 but not by 1.15

2000-08-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 04:42:13PM +0200, Lionel Portmann wrote:
> In a figure (float) caption, I want to put within the text some math
> symboles. If I use for instance an overrightarrow over even a single
> letter, I get an error from Latex. With Lyx 1.04, this error was
> ignored, (no grey box) and the DVI came out all right (fine for me).
> With Lyx 1.15 the error is caught, and I get a grey box in my Lyx
> document, and no DVI (bad for me). Actually, Lyx 1.04 and 1.15 write the
> same Latex code, which triggers the same error.
> These errors come when I use overrightarrow, overbrace, etc., but not
> with overline or tilde!

You can use the attached patch that fixes this problem.
If you can not use the patch, a workaround for the problem is to type
\protect before the overrightarrow.


Re: Lyx: Hebrew & quotes

2000-08-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 04:19:44PM +0300, Yotam Medini wrote:
> Hebrew:
> ===
> * In Hebrew mode, how shoud one insert 
>   right '' and left ``  quotation marks -
>   without turning into L2R mode?

Why do you want to have these quotes?
In Hebrew, identical quotes marks are used, and this is exactly what LyX
generates when you use the " key.

> * When starting a Hebrew paragraph with quotation marks
>   Lyx or Lyx user gets confused. There should be an option
>   to insert a 'logical R2L'-symbol to control teh paragraph main direction.

More generally, you need the language of the paragraph to be different then
the language of the first character in the paragraph.
The solution: go to the start of the paragraph, 
select the desired paragraph language (using the character style popup, or
in your case with F12), and insert a note inset.

Re: vertical spacing within table

2000-08-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 09:28:07AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:16:06 -0700 (PDT) you wrote:
> Klyx offers also a linespacing part in the Layout|Paragraph
> menu which allows to adjust the \baselineskip (space between
> lines) within a paragraph. Besides "single", "double" and 
> so on there is the option "other" which allows any length to
> be insertet into a alligned text field.  I just tried (with
> "2ex") and it worked fine!
> The bad news is, this menu point is missing in Lyx without
> K. (Could it be inserted?)

Actually, LyX 1.1.5 has this feature, but without GUI support.
To use it, move to the paragraph, then type "M-x paragraph-spacing other 1.5"
(or any other number instead of 1.5).
However, it will not work if LyX was compiled by a compiler without sstream
support. I've fixed the bug, and I'll send a patch to the lyx-devel mailing

Re: Importing PS files

2000-08-21 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 02:18:38AM +0300, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Jonathan Pennington wrote:
> > I seem to remember this thread rearing its head before, but I can't
> > find it in the archives. I want to import and edit postscript
> > files. How can I do so?
> Not too easy. Probably the best way is to load the postscript
> file to xfig and "paint over": ie, you can't really edit
> the postscript file in xfig, but you can remove parts by
> drawing white rectangles over the graphics and add new graphics.

pstoedit can convert from Postscript to xfig (and other formats).

Re: noindent

2000-08-21 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 12:16:22PM +, thomas sch?nhoff wrote:
> Hello,
> I've written a paper encompassing about 90 pages .
> Because I didn't want to number the introduction I
> changed from chapter to paragraph.
> Now everything seems to be fine, but unfortunately
> the first sentence is set as an indent, this looks
> rather curiously. So marking the whole paragraph
> and changed it to \noindent, I inserted ERT
> (\noindent), but no way..

If I understand correctly, you need to set the layout of the introduction
to chapter*

Re: Followup: Bibliography problems.

2000-09-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 08:06:46AM -0400, Zailong Bian wrote:
> I actually FIXed it!  I specifyed the key value in each of the bib item.  I
> used  as the key and ignore the label(so the
> citation appears as number in print).  It is easier when I want to cite it
> since the key is more meaningful than number only. 
> I just had to go throw my report and change all the citations. But I am
> happy with lyx now!
> I think there is still a problem: if I change the key value in Bibliography
> item, the key value cited in text will not get updated then it appears as
> error (?).  Also, it does not detect duplicate key value...

It is much better to build a bibtex database than enter the bibliography
inside LyX. If you don't know the bibtex file format, you can use a GUI
bibliography managers like gbib, pyliographer, tkbibtex or barracuda.

Re: Document versions

2000-09-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 08:28:04PM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
Content-Description: Mail message body
> Let me transfer a discussion from lyx-docs. I think, that it may be 
> much more interesting here.
> On Tue, 18 May 1999 08:39:17 -0700 Amir Karger wrote on lyx-
> docs list:
> > > I was just thinking about comparing two documents and seeing
> > > additions/deletions, like diff does for text file.
> > > 
> > This sounds Hard. Do tools like this exist for, say, HTML? If so,
> > we could probably steal them. 

There is already a tool for comparing latex files:
This script "take two LaTeX files and produce a third which
has changebars highlighting the difference between them."

Re: Bibliography

2000-09-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 01:16:35PM -0500, Will Fischer wrote:
> As is, (LyX 1.1.5fix1 of Tue Jul 18, 2000) I can put in the several
> citation keys in the bibtex pop-up (and it works fine) BUT it makes
> adding citations or changing their arrangement more problematic.

In the CVS version, the citation dialog was completely rewritten, and it is
now very easy to add/change several citations inside a single citation inset.

Re: How to suppress FoilTeX advertising

2000-09-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 02:02:21AM +0200, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> How can I suppress the annoying 'Typeset by FoilTeX' messages in a FoilTeX
> presentation? Even Micro$oft does not play such a trick...

Put \MyLogo{} in the preamble.

[fwd] Re[2]: Followup: Bibliography problems.]

2000-09-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 14:50:26 +0300 Dekel wrote:

 > It is much better to build a bibtex database than enter the bibliography
 > inside LyX. If you don't know the bibtex file format, you can use a GUI
 > bibliography managers like gbib, pyliographer, tkbibtex or barracuda.

I strongly agree, however I recommend reading about BibTeX
database format even when using a GUI just to understand
what is happening as the concept is very different from
"normal" textprocessing systems (far better) Besides
Chapters about BibTeX in any good LaTeX book I recommend the
files btxdoc.txt und btxdoc.bib that come with BibTeX and
should be part of every complete TeX installation.



Re: Call for feature

2000-09-05 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 02:42:34PM +0200, Aleksandr Konstantinov wrote:
> Hello, All.
>  I finally moved from lyx-1.1.4 to lyx-1.1.5fix1  and liked it very
> much.
>  Especially I liked the possibility to create multilingual documents.
> But
> this feature is not full without possibility to change inputencoding as
> well.
> Is it possible to include such feature in upcoming version ? 

I've already added this feature :)
However, the inputenc package allows changing the input encoding
only between paragraphs, (not inside paragraphs).
I tried to change the package to remove my limitations, but since I don't
know much about latex programming, I couldn't managed to do it without
adding some side-effects.
Does anyone knows how to do it correctly ?

I also want to add support for Omega, which I think allows processing of
utf8 encoded files. A patch from you will be welcomed.

> For 1.1.5 i can suggest the patch to add this feature and also to
> provide the 
> possibility to add more encoding and languages than precompiled in LyX.

I have planned to have the languages definition in a file and not hard-coded,
but I haven't done it yet. Again, a patch will be welcomed.

Re: Preprocessing .tex file

2000-09-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 12:26:09AM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
> I am a Czech. And we have a problem in the Czech typography -- 
> one letter prepositions. According to the Czech typographical rules, 
> one-letter preposition cannot be the last word on a line. Therefore, 
> some Czechs prepared program vlnka (see 
> for further reference), 
> which replaces space after one-letter preposition by tilde (~). How 
> to include such preprocessor to work in the LyX-driven process of 
> {dvi,ps}-generation?

Create a script called (for example) mylatex

set f = $1:r
vlnka < $f.tex >! $f_tmp.tex
latex $f_tmp
cat $f_tmp.log >! $f.log
cat $f_tmp.aux >! $f.aux
cat $f_tmp.dvi >! $f.dvi
and add the following line to ~/.lyx/lyxrc 
\latex_command mylatex

Re: Couple of complaints

2000-09-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 07:45:01PM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:

> 1) There is something screwed up with LinuxDoc support (I know, 
> Original text is HTML, which I have transformed by hand into 
> linuxdoc-SGML (checked via sgmlcheck -- sgml-tools-1.0.9-2 w/ 
> Czech support) and then imported via sgml2latex and reLyX into 
> LyX. Everything seems to be OK, the format of document is fairly 
> simple anyway.

You can import Linuxdoc files directly from LyX (using the sgml2lyx command).

> 2) Well, the only part of LyX which I really do not like is its 
> international keyboard support (for example the issue of inserting 
> non-alphanumeric characters, like \{} -- necessary when using ERT; 

I can't understand what is the problem here. Please explain more verbosely.

> Pause doesn't work for me as a switcher and I really hate "intuitive" 
> combination of M-k,x for US keyboard and M-x,1 for Czech keyboard 
> :-).

I'm not sure what you meant here, but you can define your own bindings for
changing between keymaps.

> I understand, that LyX has been initiated in the time when there was 
> not support for international keyboards at all, so LyX has been built 
> to work even on "empty railway-station" as my brother characterize 
> programs working without any support from operating environment. 
> But (thanks God) such awfull times are gone and bot GNOME as well 
> as KDE (which counts for 90% of all LyX's users, IMHO) have 
> excellent international keyboard support and you could rely on it. Or 
> at least (if the number of plain X-Window users is bigger) you could 
> at least make use of LyX's own support optional, couldn't you?

Why using an external keymap program is better ?

Re: *.lyx ---> *.pdf ??

2000-09-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 07:45:01PM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
> I do not know anything about math-fonts, but using 
> \usepackage{pslatex} (available via Layout/Document/Font) makes 
> things working for me very well (no Type3 fonts).

It is also possible to use the default (Computer Modern) fonts.

> On 13 Sep 00, at 10:15, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> > On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, John Culleton wrote:
> > 
> > > You can convert ps documents to pdf using ps2pdf. I find this the surest
> > 
> > Yes, but the fonts (at least for math) will be bitmapped, which means that
> > they look ugly with acroread and don't work at all with xpdf. It will be
> > fine with gv, though.
> > 
> > It is probably better to use pdftex/pdflatex, which works fine as long as

You can also have outline fonts when using ps2pdf.
The problem is that either you are using an old Ghostscript (version < 6.0),
or that your dvips isn't set to use outline fonts.
See the link above for more information.

Re: *.lyx ---> *.pdf ??

2000-09-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 09:20:22AM +0200, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
> Up to my experience, it's OK unless you used bodsymbol
> (there is a warning message :
> LaTeX Warning: there is no bold Symbol font on input line 48.
> and it fails).
> Perhaps this doesn't happen in LyX, this was with a LaTeX file where
> \newcommand{\delbol}{\mbox{\boldmath $\delta$}}
> allowed to have bold greek symbols, \mathbf fails with usual fonts.

It is perhaps cleaner to use the \boldsymbol{} command (from AMS math)
for bold symbols.
When using pslatex, the \boldsymbol{} (or \boldmath) doesn't work as
the Postscript fonts do not have a bold symbol font. You should use instead
the \pmb{} (poor man's bold) command (from AMS math).
You can also redefine the \boldsymbol command by putting
 \renewcommand{\boldsymbol}[1]{\pmb{#1}} in the preamble.

> But I checked that \mathbf works fine with greek symbol when
> pslatex is called, so should pslatex should be recommended to provide
> bold math symbols ?

\mathbf only works with latin letters, and not with greek.

Re: quality .eps screenshots???

2000-09-22 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 10:04:19PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello
> I desperately try to insert Linux desktop screenshots into my
> LyX formatted thesis.
> The problem is and was that I don't manage to generate .eps grayscale
> (because B/W laserprinter)with enough quality. My fellow students would
> laugh on me when comparing their sharp pictures inserted in Word :-((
> So I tried both Gimp and Xv as advised in your ML archive under the thread
> reference "Using GIF Images?" (especially by contributor C. Sawtell).
> Unfortunately, the results seen and printed via GV5.50 are still awful.
> What's the procedure to prove that LyX "can do it"?

If bitmap graphics is needed, perhaps the best way is to use pdflatex which can
directly include JPEG/PNG/TIFF images.
Unfortunately, the most recent stable version (1.1.5fix1) doesn't have PDF
support, so you will have to export the file as latex and run pdflatex
yourself (the CVS version does have PDF support).

Re: proof in Lyx

2000-10-12 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 01:50:43PM +0200, Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
> How can I make inferences like :
>B C
>--- (y)
>  A  D
> -- (x)
>   E
> There exists a "proof.sty" package with a "\infer{}{}" command, but if
> A,B,C,D,E are big math formulaes, I can't use "\infer{}{}" in math mode
> : it doesn't hold on a single lyx line (screen isn't wide enough :)). Is
> there a solution ?
> Can I temporarily redefine \frac by \infer ? How can I do this ?
> Nicolas.

Yes. If you don't need to use (normal) \frac, just put the following line in
the preamble:

If you do need to use \frac, then put the following line in the preamble
and then put \foo{} around each formula inset with a proof (outside of the

Re: second try: CJK-LyX with Japanese AND German support

2000-10-12 Thread Dekel Tsur

> as it seems I'm in a dilemma. Perhaps someone can help me. Basicly I'm
> writing in German but sometimes I also need Japanese (in the same document).
> So I installed CJK-LyX on an RedHat 6.2J and really managed to get japanese
> support for writing and printing -- but I lost the German support. As far as
> I see it depends on the LANG variable. If I define LANG as "de_DE", the
> japanese support doesn't work. If I define it "ja_JP" the german umlauts
> don't work although the document is defined in lyx as language=German and
> encoding=Latin1. (By the way the menues appear in German!) I also tried to
> define a secondary keyboard as german. But no success: documents written in
> German don't appear correctly and I can't write umlauts.
> Does anybody know a way to get japanese support in LyX without losing the

Which of the following are you experiencing when LANG is set to ja_JP ?
(1) You can't enter umlauts within LyX.
(2) Umlauts are not shown in the LyX window
(3) Umlauts are not shown in the DVI/Postscript.

I suspect that (3) happens as the encoding defined by the inputenc package 
(Latin1) clashes with the encoding defined by the CJK package (Big5, GB etc.).
Perhaps you need to use the UTF8 encoding option of the CJK package (if
CJK-LyX supports it), or use Omega instead of LaTeX (if CJK-LYX supports it).
Also, if (3) happens, please send me a small example file 
(the lyx file + the latex file).

Anyhow, I plan of integrating the CJK-LyX into the normal version, and I
hope that in this process your problem will be solved.

Re: initial enumerate counter value

2000-10-15 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 04:52:37PM -0400, Lior Silberman wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to have an enumerate environment, starting the count from 5
> (rather than 1). The LaTeX effect I'd like to have is:
> \begin{enumerate}
> \setcounter{enumi}{5}
> \item My First Item
> \item My Second Item
> \end{enumerate}
> But in LyX, if I put ERT in the "Enumerate" enivronment, it's put into the
> first item and not before it, while if I put it before the start of the
> environment it has no effect.

Put [5.]\setcounter{enumi}{5} in latex mode at the beginning of the first

Note that if you just want to suspend an enumerate (i.e., you have items
1,2,3,4 then some text and then items 5,6,7,...) then you should use the
mdwlist package. See the attached file.

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Enumerate

Item 1
\layout Enumerate

Item 2
\layout Enumerate

Item 3
\layout Enumerate

Item 4
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
This is a text outside the enumerate.
 This is a text outside the enumerate.
 This is a text outside the enumerate.
\layout Standard

It may contain more than one paragraph.
\latex latex 

\layout Enumerate

Item 5
\layout Enumerate

Item 6

Re: cross-reference limit?

2000-10-15 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 11:14:07PM -0600, Benjamin Korvemaker wrote:
> It looks like I'm cross-reference junkie and being punished for it.
> I added a couple more labels, and now part-way into the "Refs->Insert
> Pretty Ref->" pulldown menu, it doesn't let me insert more references.
> Is it just my installation, or is this a known limitation? (i checked
> quickly didn't see it mentioned in the docs for lyx-1.1.5fix1) Fortunately,
> I can still use the "Insert->Cross Reference..." pop-up, so I'm not stuck.

This is a known problem, which is caused by a limitation of the XForms
library. It has been fixed in 1.1.6cvs, and it will probably be fixed in

Re: Status of pdflatex support in lyx?

2000-10-18 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 11:29:27AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bj&resh;nnes wrote:
> Beaubert Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Hi,
> | 
> | I'm wondering about the status of pdflatex support in lyx
> | To me the only tool avaible to produce pdf directly from lyx files is
> | lyx2pdf which work well on my computer
> | But is there plan to include pdflatex support in lyx in 1.1.6?
> No, not directly... but there will be support for exporting to latex.
> And that export can use pdflatex.
> More integrated support will not come until 1.2.x

No, there will be a direct support for pdflatex in 1.1.6,
i.e. in the File->Export menu, one of the options is to export as PDF
(using pdflatex).

Re: the most annoying feature...

2000-10-23 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 10:12:58AM -0400, Christopher wrote:
> This is a comment for anyone who wants to take notice (hint hint, you
> developers out there). I am ever annoyed that when I have a footnote standing
> at the end of a line I cannot place my cursor after the footnote using my
> mouse, without opening the footnote window. I have to use my arrow keys to get
> my cursor there. Nor can I select such a line to delete it, without the same
> thing happening. I have to use .
> I hope that's clear. And in case I am griping about something which is fixable,
> please let me know how.

Good news: this bug will be fixed in 1.2.0, as footnotes will be implemented 
as insets.

Bad news: due to the above, it is possible that no developer will bother to
fix the bug before 1.2.0 (although it should probably be easy to fix).

Re: Itemize in Enumerate, how to ?

2000-10-25 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 07:20:08PM +0200, Aleksandr Konstantinov wrote:
> Hello
>  I want to write following in LyX (using lix1.1.4):
>  1. Enumerated string 1
>   * Itemized string 1  
>   * Itemized string 2
> Continuation of enumerated string 1
>  2. Enumerated strig 2
> ...
> But can't find how. Can anybody help me ?

You just need to change the layout of the "Continuation of.." paragraph to
"Standard", and change its depth with the "Change env. depth" icon in the
See the attached file.

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Enumerate

Enumerated string 1
\layout Itemize

Itemized string 1
\layout Itemize

Itemized string 2
\layout Standard

Continuation of enumerated string 1
\layout Enumerate

Enumerated string 2

Re: right to left writting

2000-10-27 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 05:35:18AM -0400, Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh wrote:
> Hi there,
> Could someone please help me find the documentation for the 
> Right-to-Left support for Hebrew and Arabic in Lyx 1.1.5-fix2 ?
> Your help is appreciated.
> Thanks.

Instructions for Hebrew are given in
(more specifically,
Instructions for Arabic are given in the file lyxrc.example in the LyX

Re: TOC and section numbering

2000-10-28 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 01:06:21PM -0500, Will Fischer wrote:
> Here's my problem:  I like to use the TOC to navigate around my
> documents, but I don't like to have the numbers in the section,
> subsection, etc.   
> Currently I use the Section environment while I'm writing, then
> (when I'm printing final copy) I edit the file with a text editor to
> change all the "Section" headings to "Section*".  This works, but is
> a pain.
> Could it be made possible to include the Section* etc. environments
> in the TOC?

The Section* environments do not appear in the TOC menu as they also do not
appear in the "Table of Contents" generated by latex.

However, you can use the non-stared environments (section, ...), and set the
section number depth (using layout->document menu) to -1 (this will omit the
numbering from these environments).

Re: command line export fails

2000-11-03 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:45:11AM -0500, Will Fischer wrote:
> Running lyx-1.1.5fix2-1 on RedHat linux 6.2
> I type:
> me% lyx --export ps Research+TrainingPlan.lyx
> A lyx window pops up briefly, then goes away.
> lyx types:
> About to handle -x 'buffer-export postscript'
> We are done!   
> So, all is well ... but no postscript file appears.  Same thing if I
> ask for latex.  What's up?  This is supposed to work, right?

I can verify that in 1.1.5fix2, command line export to postscript doesn't work,
but export to latex does work.
However, in 1.1.6pre1 it is possible to export to postscript (and PDF).
Morover, LyX doesn't open a window in the process!.
(Warning: using a pre-release is at your own risk).

Re: blue underline for wrong language?

2000-11-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 11:54:35AM +0100, Oscar wrote:
> I understand that this feature tries to allow multilingual documents,
> but it has never worked for me, I mean if I try to spellcheck a document
> which has text with differents languages ispell is not able to work
> properly

There is no support, yet!, for spellchecking multi-lingual documents.

The multi-lingual support does the following:

1. Change the font between languages that uses different fonts (e.g.

2. Make latex use correct hyphenation patterns
(i.e., if you write some German text inside a English document, and you
don't mark this text as German, the German words will not get hyphenated).

3. Change the language of automatically generated text (e.g. "Figure" or

Re: Customizing Chapter

2000-11-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 05:49:15PM +0800, Teddy Surya Gunawan wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to change the appearance of Chapter. I am using report class to
> write my thesis. So, how can I customize lyx/latex from :
> Chapter 1
> Introduction
> to :
>   Chapter 1
> Introduction
> --

Put the following in the preamble:

  {\LARGE\chaptertitlename \thechapter}

You can also look in the titlesec documantion for more (prettier) examples.

Re: Presentation / large fonts

2000-11-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 12:33:56PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> I need to do a presentation (transparencies etc) due Friday. Of course,
> I'd like very much to use LyX.
> First I'd like to hear comments, tips and maybe even have example
> presentations done with LyX.

I've recently created a presentation using pdfscreen and TeXPower.
The result PDF file is viewed using Acrobat reader in full screen mode,
and the result is like a powerpoint presentation
(i.e. I didn't create transparencies).

I've put a small example at
It contains slightly modified version of pdfscreen.sty, and a pdfscreen.layout
file. Note that the file can only be processed with pdflatex, so either use
lyx 1.1.6cvs/1.1.6pre*, or manually export to latex and run pdflatex.

Re: I got some problem to produce a tex file

2000-11-24 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 03:42:54AM -0600, Yong Min Wang wrote:
> To whom it may concern:
> Hi, I have gladly installed you program and tried some documents.
> But after finishing making a document, I tried to print but failed.
> The message is that there are some errors for tex file, which is 
> the same message as the one I got when trying to make a tex file.
> Those messages seem to be related with tex syntex, "begin{document}"
> and "end{document}" but I don't know how to fix them.
> Please give me some help to fix those errors.

In the latex preamble you have a '{' which isn't closed by '}'.
To fix the problem, you can just erase the whole preamble.

Re: Section with line (slightly off-topic)

2000-12-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 11:47:00AM +0100, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Hi,
> trying to create sectino with line. What I mean is something
> like this
> Section title___ (to the right edge)

> \usepackage{titlesec}
> \titleformat{\section}[hang]
>  {\ttfamily\huge\bfseries}
>  {}{}{\hrulefill}



Re: Newbie request: severe problem with fontenc in LyX with latex2html

2000-12-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 06:05:37PM +0100, Heiko Schroeder wrote:
> My aim: I want to create a HTML-Output with LyX using "Export HTML".

You don't write what exactly is your problem with the output generated by
latex2html. My guess is that at least one problem is that the URLs entered 
using the URL inset are not translated into hyperlinks.

> My problem: I get the folowing message although I put in the LaTeX preamble 
> \usepackage {html, fontenc, url} and fontenc.sty, html.sty do exist:
You don't need to use include the fontenc and url packages, as LyX
already does this.

> No implementation found for style 'fontenc'
> No implementation found for style 'url'

This is a warning message of latex2html telling that it doesn't know how to
handle these packages (although it can handle the \url command).

> The ???.aux file was not found

Before running latex2html from LyX, you need to create a .aux file by
selecting file->export->dvi. This bug was fixed in lyx 1.1.6

> redefining command \url
> previous meaning of \url will be lost
> Unknown commands IfFileExists

LyX generates the following latex code:
which is used to define a simple \url command if the url.sty package is not
available. However, latex2html doesn't understand the IfFileExists, which
causes it to redefine \url as \texttt, and therefore, it will not create a
hyperlink when the \url command is used.

Solutions to this problem:
1) Check if this bug happens in the latest version of latex2html.
2) Switch to another latex->html converter.
3) Export the lyx file to tex, and change the two lines above 
(\IfFileExists... ) to '\usepackage{url}', and run latex2html manually.
4) Write a script that does (3) or use the lyx2html script from

Re: Something like reftex

2000-12-07 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 06:10:29PM +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> Hi LyX-Users!
> Is there anything like reftex for LyX?  Reftex with Emacs+AucTeX
> nearly automagically inserts labels for each section. It would be nice
> if each heading, table, figure etc. gets a label by default. Are there
> any plans?

I've already implemented this feature. However, it may not appear in 1.1.6
as we don't want to add new feature now, but it may appear in 1.1.6fix1.

Re: Math labels.

2000-12-07 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 07:25:15PM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > Once a math-label has been set, how can one change it? In a
> > regular label one can click it and change it in the pop-up menu,
> > but I am unable to get this to work in math mode.
> put the cursor in the math-box and write a new one.

Note that while changing a regular label will also changes the references to
the label, changing a math label doesn't change the references.
This bug will be fixed in 1.1.6, and maybe in 1.1.5fix3

Re: Footnoteref Problem

2000-12-08 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 09:53:19PM -0800, Dave Tweten wrote:

> This time, I need for both the original footnote and the \footnoteref to be in 
> section headings.  In spite of adding \protect's everywhere I can think to do 
> so, I'm left with the following LaTeX error at the \footnotemark:
>   Missing number, treated as zero.
>   ...ect\footnotemark[\protect\ref{foot:div}]}
>   A number should have been here; I inserted "0".
>   (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
>   look up `wierd error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
> "Wierd error" indeed.  I protected the original footnote in its section 
> heading.  I protected the label within the footnote.  I protected the 
> footnotemark in its section heading, and I protected its optional reference 
> argument.  My previous experience is that a \ref to a label in a previous 
> footnote will produce the number footnotemark needs.
> Is this just not possible, or can someone show me how to get what I'm looking 
> for?

You should put protect _only_ before \footnotemark, namely

Re: Picture on title page

2000-12-08 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 02:11:27PM +0100, Yann Collete wrote:
> Hello,
> I have tried very hard to add a picture on the title page but
> it does not work. When I put the picture under the author's name,
> the picture is printed on the second page.
> I can't find any information on the Latex FAQ.
> So, how can I do ?

After entering the author name, press ctrl+enter, and then insert the figure
as _inlined_.
Another option, is to put the figure (as inlined) in the date layout.

Re: Footnoteref Problem

2000-12-10 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 12:59:33AM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Dave Tweten wrote:
> it's a solution without \footnoteref. the command \sups
> for superscript is defined in latex preamble.
> hope this helps.

It is better to use
\newcommand\sups[1]{\textsuperscript{\rm #1}}

Re: formatted C code samples in a lyx doc?

2000-12-12 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 12:58:42PM -0600, Tony Mantler wrote:
> > > > > I feel like I'm trying to hammer nails with a sea-bass here, surely I
> > > > > can't be the first person on earth to want to include code samples in a
> > > > > document?
> > > >
> > > > have a look at
> > > >

> To clarify:
> I read the web page and followed the directions. When I outputted
> the resulting lyx file to postscript, I got a code listing just like I
> wanted. When I outputted the same lyx file to ascii text,
> I got no code listing at all.

You can use the new insetexternal in lyx-1.1.6pre2:

Add the following lines to LYXLIBDIR/external_templates
Template Listing-Java
  GuiName "[Program: $$FName]"
  FileFilter "*.java"
  AutomaticProduction false
  Format LaTeX
 Product "\\mylisting{language=Java,$$Parameters}{$$FName}"
  Format Ascii
 Product "$$Contents(\"$$FName\")"

And in the LyX file, put the following in the preamble:

You can add any parameter you like to \lstinputlisting.
Then use File->Insert->External material to insert program listings
(you can add additionally parameters (e.g. caption={...} in the parameters
text input box).

Re: subsection in other language

2000-12-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 10:35:02AM -0800, C. S. Kan wrote:
> I would like to write my thesis in Malay language where the English word
> for sections in Malay appear to be like these:
> Content - kandungan
> Chapter - Bab
> Bibiography - Rujukan 
> and so on. 
> Is there anyway that I can modify Lyx so that I get the desire output in
> Malay language for the title, sections and subsections?

Put the following in the preamble:


To see a list of the names that can be changed, check the english.ldf file.

Re: cut/copy-paste: blue underlining?

2000-12-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 07:27:48AM +0100, Oscar wrote:
> Christopher Jones wrote:
> > 
> > When I cut/copy and paste between documents, the pasted text comes with a blue
> > underlining. It doesn't show up in the output, but it is somewhat annoying to
> > look at. What is being toggled, so that I can "untoggle" it?
> This is because you use different languages between documents. You must
> select the  annoying blue underlining text and then
> Layout->Character->Language Reset

Yes, the blue line indicated that the language of the text is different than
the language of your document. The above solution will set the language of the
marked text to the language of the document. However, you don't want to do
this! If you put, for example, a French sentence in an English document, you
need to mark it as French to get correct hyphenation.
If the blue lines are too annoying, you can disable them by putting
"\mark_foreign_language false" in ~/.lyx/lyxrc (but then you won't be able
to tell when a text is marked by a foreign language, so I don't recommend
doing this).

Re: subsection in other language

2000-12-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 08:15:14AM -0200, R. E. de Lima-Lopes wrote:

> In the preamble
> \usepackage[language1,language2,language3]{babel}
> in your work, right before the section in latex code (red)
> \selectlanguage{language1}
> I hope it helps, I use it with english and braziliam portuguese and
> everything runs all right.

It seems that babel doesn't have support for Malay so this won't help.
I provided a solution for the original question in another mail.

However you should know that lyx >= 1.1.5 does have full babel support,
including multi-lingual documents: You select the main language in
layout->document->language, and you can change a paragraph/sentence to a
different language using layout->character->language.
LyX will automatically generate the necessary \selectlanguage commands and the
\usepackage{babel} command.

Re: How can I fax with 1.1.6pre2

2000-12-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 12:35:49PM +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> That is the question. ;-) 
> There is no menu-point "Fax" anymore. 

Install ksendfax, and then do edit->reconfigure

Re: footnotes in HTML

2000-12-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 04:30:15PM -0500, Dikeman, Brett wrote:
> I'm trying to export an HTML version of some docs I just finished up.  After
> reading through the various docs and checking both the archives and the web
> in general, I haven't found any conclusive instructions on "fixing"
> footnotes...just unhelpful stuff about cleanup scripts that Lyx runs to prep
> the tex file and then clean up latex2html's output.
> Specifically, I get munged footnotes with what appears to be latex commands
> and @@'s around the footnote text, which is inline with the text.  I tried
> both an export and a manual run of latex2html.  Both spit out text that's
> pretty much useless with the footnotes the way they are(otherwise, the docs
> look great.)
> I'm using 1.1.5-fix2 of Lyx and 99.2beta6(1.42) of Latex2html.

Perhaps you use a footnote in a section, in which case LyX redefines
the footnote command, which probably confuses the latex2html converter.
Try exporting to latex, and check if you get the following in the beginning
of the file:
%% Special footnote code from the package 'stblftnt.sty'
%% Author: Robin Fairbairns -- Last revised Dec 13 1996
  \expandafter\noexpand\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname}

If so, remove this part, and run latex2html manually.

If the above doesn't help, try using a different latex2html converter:
tth -
ltoh -
hevea -

Re: Help with Maths Symbol

2000-12-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 09:29:09AM +0200, Lindsey Bangay wrote:
> HI
> I need help for displaying notation used in the teaching of our
> introductory financial maths course for displaying  present and future values
> of annuities.
> The required symbol is n with a line on top and a line to the right, followed
> by and i,  pronounced n angle i.  Looks something like this
>   _
>   n | i
> but with the lines joined. It can be done manually with ERT  latex as a single
> cell table with a top line and right line, however I need to use this within
> maths displays. Is this possible? Any ideas?

Here is a possible solution (there may be a better solution):
In the preamble put
\newcommand{\foo}[1]{\mbox{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{\,}|} \hline #1\\
and when in the math editor, type \foo{n
(you will see foo{n} where foo{} is in red, and n in blue).

Re: how to get date out of title?

2000-12-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 09:48:27AM -0600, Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> On 14-Dec-2000, Anna H.Pryor wrote:
> > I don't want to have the date automatically appear with the title.  Is there an 
> > easy way to fix that?
> You could put a forced blank in the date environment, Ctrl-Space by default.

This will generate too much space between the title/author and the beginning
of the text.
A better option is to insert a note in the date layout, or alternatively,
insert {} in latex mode in the date layout.

Re: Comment/lyx-code problem

2000-12-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 08:27:08AM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Jason Stirling wrote:
> > 
> > Here's how to produce the problem:

The problem is the quotes in the lyx-code paragraph.
To fix this problem, edit the file LYXLIBDIR/layouts/
replacing the line

> i could only produce an error once, when i deleted some text
> in the comment line, but all other runs no problem with class article, 
> an empty preamble and lyx 1.1.6pre2 

The above fix has been applied to 1.1.6, which explains why you didn't have

Re: How can I fax with 1.1.6pre2

2000-12-16 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 07:03:53PM +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> Will there be no support for other faxsending programs? I mean in
> 1.1.5 you can configure your own commands?

The fax support in 1.1.6 is only for GUI fax programs.
(it is equivalent to \fax_program in 1.1.5), but the internal fax dialog
was removed, so there is no support for command line fax programs.

You can choose which GUI fax program to use by putting
\converter ps fax "yourfaxprogram $$i" ""
in lyxrc (or preferences).
The GUI fax program is any program that accept a postscript file as an
argument, open a dialog for choosing phone number (from an address book),
and then runs the command line fax program as with the appropriate arguments.
I don't know if there such programs other than ksendfax (maybe tkhylafax
which only works with hylafax), but it should be very easy to write such a
program in {tcl,python,perl}/tk.
Any volunteers ?

Re: How can I fax with 1.1.6pre2

2000-12-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 06:16:03PM -0500, Ronald Florence wrote:
> I haven't tried Lyx-1.1.6pre2, but for previous versions of LyX,
> including 1.1.5fix2, tkhylafax (at least version 3.2 or later) works
> very well with the following in lyxrc:
>\fax_program "tkhylafax -file $$FName"
> Hylafax is a superb fax daemon for a networked setup, and far more
> reliable and versatile than any other fax program I've tried.

In 1.1.6pre2 you should use
\converter ps fax "tkhylafax -file $$i"
in lyxrc/preferences (or define this converter using the GUI).

Re: literate programming problem

2000-12-20 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 05:59:11AM -0800, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 08:57:35AM +0100, Yann Collete wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have a little literate programming problem. [...]
> > work. If I go to the /tmp/lyx.../lyx.../ temporary directory
> > and run on the .nw file in the directory,
> > all the source file from the .nw file and built correctly.
> > So, why is the build program not working correctly ?

If you use lyx <=1.1.5*, then you must disable the use of temporary directory.
\use_tempdir false
In 1.1.6, you can have the temporary dir enabled, and in that case your
build script should look like the one below

> How about making your do something like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> cp $1 .
> notangle -Rbuild-script `basename $1` | sh

Re: multiple citations in one box?

2000-12-22 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 01:33:34PM +0800, #LU WEI# wrote:
> I am using LyX 1.1.5fix1. When I want to give some citations, I use the
> menu: Insert->Citation Reference ... to invoke a Citation popup windows
> prompted. Although I want to select more than one key from the pull-down
> menu, it only allows me to choose one only, the later selected key
> overwriting the previous one. It seems not convenient. If I want to have the
> citations like [1,3,9], how can I do without involving manually typing-in
> the keys?

You can do this in 1.1.6, so if you are brave you can try lyx-1.1.6pre2
(note that its file format is not backward compatible with 1.1.5, though only
when tables are used).

> As I remember, there is a document in either Help or other documentational
> sites stating the way to format the citation like [1-4] instead of
> [1,2,3,4], however, I can't find it at this moment. Anyone can tell me where
> it is or how I can do it so. Thanks a lot!

Put \usepackage{cite} in the preamble.
(the document you referred to is Help->FAQ).

Re: Description based style with a counter

2000-12-22 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 02:16:01PM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Claus Hentschel wrote:
> > 
> > Great!
> > 
> > It now works when selecting a book environment instead of an article
> > environment! One little problem is stil pending at me:
> > 
> > Is it possible to count without a prefixed chapter number?
> > Just 1, 2 3 etc. instead of 1.1, 1.2 etc.
> \renewcommand\theexample{\arabic{example}}
> in latex preamble and it works for all classes.

A better solution:
In the layout file, replace the line

This will also allow you to use the artice class.


Re: literate programming problem

2000-12-22 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:12:34AM +0100, Yann Collete wrote:
> I have some difficulties to view the noweb2lyx example.
> When I try view postscript, I have the following errors in
> the temp dir:
> noweb2lyx.nw.log
> :102: unescaped << in documentation chunk
> :110: unescaped << in documentation chunk

Use edit->goto error, and you will go to the following paragraph

  {... code for the chunk goes here ...}

The << confuses noweave, so you need to escape it by putting {} in latex
mode between the two less than chars (<{}<).

I think that it should be easy to change LyX so it will do the above
automatically. I'll create a patch shortly.

Re: Support of Ukrainian language: patch

2000-12-25 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 05:10:54PM +0200, Volodymyr M . Lisivka wrote:

> diff -urN lyx-1.1.6pre2-vanilla/lib/languages lyx-1.1.6pre2/lib/languages
> --- lyx-1.1.6pre2-vanilla/lib/languages   Tue Oct 10 15:36:34 2000
> +++ lyx-1.1.6pre2/lib/languages   Mon Dec 25 16:49:53 2000
> @@ -44,5 +44,6 @@
>  swedish swedish  "Swedish"   false  iso8859-1  sv_SE
>  turkish turkish  "Turkish"   false  iso8859-9  tr
>  usorbianusorbian "Usorbian"  false  iso8859-2  ""
> +ukrainian   ukrainian"Ukrainian" false  koi8-u uk

We already have ukrainian defined in the latest version of this file,
but the encoding there is koi8, so is this wrong ?

Another thing, shouldn't the 2nd field be ukraineb ?
(The 2nd field is the language name in babel, and there is no ukrainian
language in babel, just ukraineb).

PS: I've attached a patch that adds to the languages file descriptions of
the fields.


Re: Hyphenation problem

2000-12-26 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 10:06:14PM +0100, Javier Nieto Esteban wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm an Spanish newbie user of Lyx (really, I use Klyx in my 
> Mandrake Linux). I have a problem with hyphenation... becouse the automatic 
> one created by LaTex is incorrect.I want to swich off this option. How can 
> I have no hyphenation ?


\hyphenpenalty = 1

In the preamble (use the menu layout->latex preamble).

PS: Did you set the language of your document to Spanish?

Re: How to avoid fontenc?

2000-12-10 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 08:19:40PM +0100, Matej Cepl wrote:
> OK, I have found, that I have bakoma fonts available so I would
> like to get them into document. Most simple is to erase fontenc
> package from my preamble. However, it seems to be not possible
> to do it in LyX. Or is it?

I've posted a FAQ on this subject some time ago. Here is an updated version:

PDF mini-FAQ

1. How to create a PDF file from a LyX file ?

LyX >= 1.1.6 have support for PDF by either

 a) generating a Postscript file, and then running a Postscript->PDF converter
 (e.g. ps2pdf or pstill). If you use ps2pdf, you should use
 Ghostscript version >= 6.0, as earlier versions don't handle outline fonts
 properly (see also question 2).

 b) Running pdflatex.

With pdflatex you need to convert your eps figures to pdf (see question 3),
 and you cannot use pstricks.
On the other hand, with pdflatex it is possible to insert directly images
in JPEG or PNG format, use TrueType fonts, and more.

2. Why the text looks really bad when I view it with Acrobat Reader?

The problem is that bitmap fonts are displayed poorly by Acrobat Reader.
When creating a PDF from the LyX file, you need to use outline font instead of
the default bitmap fonts (in fact, you should also use outline fonts for
Postscript files). Recent LaTeX distributions come with Postscript Type 1 
version of the standard (Computer Modern) fonts. pdflatex uses these font by 
default. Dvips doesn't use these fonts by default, so to make it use them, 
add the following to lines to ~/.dvipsrc
 p+ psfonts.cmz
 p+ psfonts.amz

If the default (OT1) font encoding is used, nothing else need to be done.
However, if the T1 font encoding is used, then LaTeX uses the newer EC
fonts, for which there are no Type1 version. The solution is to use the ae
package which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts. This is
done by adding "\usepackage{ae,aecompl}" to the preamble of the LyX file.
However, some glyphs are missing from the CM fonts (e.g. eth, thorn),
and they are taken from the EC fonts. Therefore you get these glyphs as

Note: LyX uses by default the T1 font encoding. If you wish to use the default
font encoding (this is not recommended, unless you only write English
documents), add the line "\font_encoding default" to the ~/.lyx/lyxrc file.

An alternative option, is to use the standard Postscript fonts instead of
the Computer Modern fonts. To do that, you need to select pslatex as the
global font in the document layout dialog. There is no need to use the ae.
When using the Postscript fonts, the result PDF file is smaller as the fonts
are not saved into the file. Furthermore, the Postscript fonts include all T1
glyphs. On the other hand, the Postscript fonts have no bold symbol font, so
poor man's bold must be used (see question 4). The Postscript fonts also
look different from the Computer Modern fonts.

To sum up, both the Computer Modern and the Postscript fonts gives good
results (with few exceptions).The decision of which one to use is a matter of

3. How can I use pdflatex on a file with (eps) figures ?

Pdflatex doesn't support inclusion of eps files. However, it does support
inclusion of pdf file. So if you have a LyX files that includes an eps figure,
say foo.eps, you need to do the following:

 a) Convert foo.eps to pdf by 'epstopdf foo.eps'

 b) When you insert the figure in LyX, do not write the file extension:
 For example, when inseting the file 'foo.eps', you need to write 'foo'
 in figure dialog.

 Note: In 1.2.0 it will be possible to use the new insetgraphics for inserting
 various kinds of images, and it will handle all the necessary transformations.
 (a semi-functional insetgraphics exist it in 1.1.6. To use it, type
 M-x graphics-insert.

4. Why the \boldsymbol{} command doesn't work when I use pslatex ?

The Postscript fonts do not have a bold symbol font. The solution is to use
the \pmb{} (poor man's bold) command.
It is possible to redefine the \boldsymbol command to use \pmb
by putting
in the preamble.

5. Is it possible to do write latex code which is processed only when running
pdflatex ?

Yes. Here is an example:

\newif \ifpdf
\ifx \pdfoutput \undefined

\pdfinfo { /Author (your name and e-mail address)
   /Title  (official title -- i.e., title element)
   /Subject (one line description of the document)
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseNone)
  % /OpenAction (fitbh)

Re: Converting Lyx files to PDF

2000-12-28 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 10:10:14PM -0300, German Poo Caaman~o wrote:
> IMHO, don't try pdflatex until you have more experience.  You
> can try:
> 1. Choose "pslatex" on Format/Document/Font.

This should be Layout->Documents->Fonts.

> 2. Export to PostScript
> 3. execute ps2pdf

It seems he was using LyX 1.1.6pre2 in which steps 2,3 should be replaced by
2. Choose View->PDF from the menu.

Re: About hyphenation

2000-12-28 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 01:12:34AM +0100, Javier Nieto Esteban wrote:

> 4.\hyphenpenalty = 1
>  Yes, other valid solution... but with this one, I have other 
> problem...: sometimes, (when you have to break a word) there isn't any 
> align. An example:
> bla bla bla bla bla
> bla  bla rebla  bla
> bla bla rebla ThisIsALongWord
> bla bla bla bla bla
> I have both align (left and right) and I would like keep all time, no only 
> sometime.

\hyphenpenalty = 1

Re: re 1.1.6pre3

2001-01-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 11:01:26AM +, John O'Gorman wrote:
> Question: I tried the Noweb article.
> Problem 1: import of the examples in /usr/doc failed with a reLyX
>   error: didn't find \begin{document} cammand

The examples you have may be partial files, i.e. no \begin{document} ..
\end{document}. If so, you need to manually add the above to them.

> Problem 2: Creating a new document and choosing a Noweb option did
>not result in any change to the pulldown list of environments -
> No chunk.
> Any suggestions?

This is a known bug in 1.1.6pre3: the list of layouts is not updated after
changing the document class (you need to close the file and reopen it to get
the correct list.)

Re: figure floats with text besides the picture

2001-01-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 08:21:59PM +0100, Wolfgang Kilian wrote:

First, you should avoid sending large files to this mailing list.
In this particular case, you could have used ASCII art :)

>  i want to have a small picture in a figure float and the Caption besides 
> it. I finally managed it but in a very nasty way. is there a nicer one?
> This is my solution:
> \begin{figure}[hb] 
> \parbox[b]{8cm}{ inlined-figure } \hfill \parbox[b]{7cm}
> {\caption[Energieniveauschema eines durchstimmbaren 
> "Vierniveau"-Festkvrperlasers] 

You can use the caption layout instead of using the putting \caption in
latex mode. See the attached file.

> I have three more questions to the figure float. 
>  I didn't manage to tell every single float where to stand (h,t,b,p). And 

Global setting are in layout->document, in float placement field.
The setting of a single float can be changed by putting (for example) [b] in
latex mode as the beginning of the float.

> I didn't manage to make the difference in the \caption[]{} between the 
> normal text and that one displayed in the figure list. And the last 

You should either write the \caption  command in latex mode.

Alternatively, you can use the following hack:
Insert the following lines to your .layout file

Style Caption
  LatexName mycaption
\ifx \shortcaption \undefined

Style ShortCaption
  CopyStyle Caption
  LatexName setshortcaption
  LabelString   "Short Caption:"
  LabelType Static

and then, if you want to add a short caption, put a ShortCaption paragraph 
before the Caption paragraph.

> question is how can I change that the the caption in the text is formatet 
> like:
> Abbildung xx: bla lbal 
>   bla lbal lll
> I would prefere:
> Abbildung xx:
> bla labl .
> bla labl ..

Put the following in the preamble:


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 
\latex default 

\begin_inset Figure size 123 244
file test.eps
flags 9


\latex latex 
\layout Caption

Test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
 test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
 test test test test test test.
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

Re: figure floats with text besides the picture

2001-01-04 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 11:21:10PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> Alternatively, you can use the following hack:
> Insert the following lines to your .layout file
> Style Caption
> ...

An alternative to the above is to put the following in the layout file:

Style ShortCaption
  CopyStyle Caption
  LatexName setshortcaption
  LabelString   "Short Caption:"
  LabelType Static
\ifx \shortcaption \undefined

Re: a same tex-file to produce ps or pdf, in spite of eps- or png-image

2001-01-05 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 10:36:35PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> When I work directly in LaTeX and want include images and obtain both ps
> and pdf files, I simply use this :
>  {\includegraphics{image}
> where "image" is the radical of the filename, without extension. In the
> current directory, I have both "image.eps" and "image.png". So, I can
> use latex or pdflatex, and all goes right, the program chooses the
> file-format it needs.
> But with Lyx, if I export in latex format, the resulting latex-file will
> include {\includegraphics{image.eps} and it's necessary to edit manually
> this file to eliminate the superfluous extensions.
> Was'nt it avoidable ? Or is it something wrong in my way of working ? 

In the figure dialog box, enter the filename without its prefix.
You will lose the inline previewing, unless you use LyX 1.1.6pre3.

Re: footnotes at end of a longtable

2001-01-08 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 08:39:22PM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Rolf von Kuhlmann wrote:
> > 
> > I want footnotes in a longtable, but they should appear at the end of the table, 
>not at the
> > bottom of the respective pages. This seems not to be covered by any of the 
>examples in
> > TableExamples.lyx .
> > Is it possible, or does anybody know a workaround?
> from my point of view with standard-footnotes not possible.

It is possible!
The following solution is based of the footnote.sty package, after changing
one line (so the footnotes will not appear as footnotes at the last page of

To use it, put


in the preamble (and use \footnote in the longtable as usual).


Re: bibtex question

2001-01-08 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 06:23:21PM +0200, Liad Blumrozen wrote:
> Hi lyx users,
> How can I change the vertical space between entries of the bibtex
> section? I need to change the space between the bib entries, but do not
> change the vertical space in other parts of the document.
> In default, there is a line space which I want to ommit.



in the preamble (this will work in the standard classes article/report/book).
You might need to put negative space instead of 0pt.

Re: Directory Tree

2001-01-09 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 11:14:11AM -0600, Darryl VanDorp wrote:
> Hiya lyx users,
> I'm trying to diagram a directory layout using lyx that will export nicely to
> ASCII and html. However I can't use spaces etc. in lyx. how would i do 
> something like
> this:

Use the lyx-code layout (and use ctrl+enter to break the lines).

Re: 1.1.6-pre3 and wv

2001-01-09 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 05:59:08PM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:
> Nice to see Word import in 1.1.6-pre3 - I never use Word myself, but
> people insist on sending me files in .doc format.  However, I'm having
> trouble getting it to work.  With wv versions 0.5.26 and 0.5.44, lyx
> won't detect wv (i.e. after reconfiguring there is still no "Import -
> Word" option).  With version 0.6.2, Import-Word gives me all the LaTeX
> commands' but the text is just digital garbage.  Is there another
> version of wv I should be using, or is there something else I should
> have installed?

What was the language of the document?
wv supports only latin1 encoding (but it is possible to change this).

Re: bullets and pdf (year 2001 bug?)

2001-01-09 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 06:18:02PM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Niklas Werner wrote:
> > 
> > since this year (stress on THIS) the documents I wrote last year (or the
> > ones I start now)  seem to
> > get corrupted during export to pdf (no matter, whether ps2pdf or pdflatex
> > is used). They don't show the first level enumeration bullets anymore!
> > They DO show the second, third,... level ones though...
> > In ps all signs are displayed correctly
> did you choose pslatex in (lyx)layout->document->fontstyle?

You can also try selecting the bullet symbol from Ding1 in
layout->document->bullet shapes.

Re: VNC and LyX

2001-01-11 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:50:14PM +1200, Arnim Littek wrote:
> I find that LyX V1.1.5fix2 and earlier does not work over VNC.  I've
> not done any homework to establish why.

Your vncserver probably runs in 8 bit *TrueColor* which causes many problems.
You should either run it in 8 bit PseudoColor by using the -cc 3 flag
or run in in 16 bit (or more) TrueColor using the -depth 16 flag.

Re: bullets and pdf (year 2001 bug?)

2001-01-11 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 08:29:31PM +0100, Niklas Werner wrote:
> > > did you choose pslatex in (lyx)layout->document->fontstyle?
> yes! no problem there... as I said. The documents worked perfectly last 
> year and still does in ps and in printing (And I only changed one 
> typing error..)
> >
> > You can also try selecting the bullet symbol from Ding1 in
> > layout->document->bullet shapes.
> well, see above, ps works, importing into PageMaker (not mine ;-)) works 
> as well.

But did you try my suggestion ? It might create give you a pdf that works
both with gs and acroread. You can also try to unchoose pslatex.

Re: 1.1.6-pre3 and wv

2001-01-11 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:43:28AM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:
> Dekel Tsur wrote:
> It was in English.  Here's an example of what got generated:

> Closer inspection revealed that I was not getting "digital garbage" as
> I'd said before - look carefully here and you see "ELS 112 Vocabulary
> Test Two, Summer School 2000"  -- but why am I getting all the character
> codes in brackets as well?

The [n] is for unicode characters which cannot be converted to latin1
(in your case, I think that these are spacing characters).
To get rid of those, edit the file text.c in the wv sources,
and uncomment line 1622 (the line
  if (char16 >= 0x80) printf("[%x]", char16);

Also, you can send your complaints to the wv authors.

Re: VNC and LyX

2001-01-11 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 02:15:24PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > Your vncserver probably runs in 8 bit *TrueColor* which causes many problems.
> Should I take that so that LyX doesn't support 8-bit TrueColor? Then it's
> a bug in LyX/Xforms (granted, the mode isn't so usual).

Yes, and the bug is in Xforms.

Re: Menus not german

2001-01-11 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 07:01:58PM +0100, Andre Berger wrote:
> what I really like about LyX are its interfaces. I think the .lyxpipe
> is a great idea, and make extensive use of the custom export
> command. What I would really appreciate are more customizable
> interfaces, which let me happily pipe my stuff! I'd like to have about
> five custom export commands, greyed out if not set up... Get things
> less specific and more interchangeable...

The new export code allows you to define an unlimited number of custom exports.

Re: Table of Contents in Text output?

2001-01-11 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 01:56:50PM -0500, Ronald Florence wrote:
> Brian Lavender wrote:
>   > How do I get the table of contents generated with ascii text
> Herbert's suggestion is, as usual, timely and correct.  But I wonder:
> if the philosopy of LyX is that the user should worry about content
> and not the form of what is being written, shouldn't the user be able
> to export to commonly used formats, like ascii without the gyrations
> of converting to pdf or ps and then to ascii?  I've seen comparably
> complicated recommendations for getting a word-count and other
> operations that shouldn't require the user to look up the procedure
> and revert to an xterm and a shell to run off scripts and pipelines.

The CVS version now creates a table of contents when doing ascii export,
so this feature will be in 1.1.6 which will be released soon.

Re: Menus not german

2001-01-12 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 05:08:42PM +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> Mh I tried the following:
> 1. In "Preferences" I added a Converter DVI --> Fax
> 2. In the field Converter I put 'faxspool $$i' (without the quotes)
> 3. I clicked on the new-created menu-item "Fax..." and all was done
> 4. But the Fax was not sended because a did not specified any
> telephone-number. 
> How can I make Lyx pop-up a small window to type in the number or the
> shortcut from ~/.faxnrs faxspool understands?

You use a {tcl,python,perl}/tk script:

Put the attached script in your path, and then
change the dvi->fax converter command to ' $$i'.

from Tkinter import *
import os,sys

class MyDialog:
def __init__(self, parent):
Label(parent, text="Enter phone number").pack()

self.e = Entry(parent)

Button(parent, text="Send", command=self.send).pack(pady=5)

def send(self):
phone = self.e.get()
if len(phone) == 0:
os.system("faxspool " + phone + " " + sys.argv[1])

root = Tk()

Re: figure collapse and automatic numbering

2001-01-12 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 06:48:34AM -0800, Anna H.Pryor wrote:
> I am using lyx on 1.1.5fix2 on Linux (pc).
> I have a question about the floating figure.
> When I take a figure and use float and put in a caption, I don't have any 
> problem, however, I was hoping to use it without a caption and just be able to 
> use automatic figure Figure 1, Figure 2,etc.
> When I collapse the figure in the Lyx window and then uncollapse it, I no longer 
> have the automatic figure labeling Figure 1, etc.  Is this a bug, or am I 
> doing something incorrect?  I sent this to the help list and someone there got 
> the same thing as myself.
> For now, I am just putting in a period, but it looks a little tacky.  I know 
> that I could just not collapse the figures...but I don't trust myself to never 
> do that in the whole time that I am working on my paper.

Put {} in latex mode in the caption paragraph.
Alsom, you probably want to change the text 'Figure 1:' to 'Figure 1.'
(or 'Figure 1').
This is done by putting the following in the preamble:


Re: Bug. Using Spanish

2001-01-12 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 11:08:17AM -0600, Julio Sergio Santana wrote:
> I have found an error when LyX uses LaTeX Spanish format:
> It replaces 'SPC n' with '?'  and 'SPC N' with '?' within certain
> blocks like LyX-Code and others. Please see the attachments.

You can fix this by putting the following line in the preamble:


Re: Should Lyx allow me to introduce a mistake like this?

2001-01-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 10:46:05AM -0600, Paul E Johnson wrote:
> If it is true that sections cannot be correctly modified through
> layout-paragraph, shouldn't LyX block me from making those changes?

Yes, it should. I'll fix this.

Re: lyx-1.1.6_Where_are_menus_?

2001-01-13 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 01:23:07PM -0500, Andreas Rau wrote:
> Hi Lyxers,
> first of all: This is a very helpful mailing-list. I learned a lot by
> following the discussion.
> Today I compiled the new 1.1.6 release (RH6.2) and I only get the most
> basic file i/o operations in the File menu. No other menus, like View,
> Layout, Help  I'm in middle of a thesis and it worked so well with
> 1.1.5fix3 (Murphy's Law).

Try moving your ~/.lyx directory (e.g to ~/.lyx-old) and run LyX again.

Re: foils questions

2001-01-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 03:01:32PM +0100, luc wrote:
> im using foils for the first time.
> 1) can we have a line under the foild header (like in the example) BY
> DEFAULT ? (currently, i should do paragraph, line after yes)

Put the following in the preamble:


> 4) id like some style like theorem/proof , etc but with the text:
> issues, techniques...
> should i hack a layout file, ar are there any other mean ?

You need to change the layout file.

> 5) i found a seminar style, but user list messages from november say its
> ongoing work. is it usable ? (most of my trial fails , as items are out
> of slide frame. supposely known issue ?)

Try using the attached seminar.layout. It is used like the default slides
layout (slides.layout).

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{seminar}
# Author : Lars Gullik Bj&resh;nnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Heavily modified by Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# General textclass parameters

Sides   1
Columns 1

FontSize 8|9|10|11|12|14|17
Other slidesec

#  Layout-specific preamble

 \ifcase \value{slidetype}%
  \or % no action for 0
  \end{slide} \or%
  \end{slide*} \or%

# Standard style definition
# Always comes first.

Style Standard
  LatexType Paragraph
  LatexName dummy
  ParIndent M
  ParSkip   0.4
  Align Block
  AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center
  LabelType No_Label

# New Definitions for Slides

Style LandscapeSlide
  LatexType Command
  LatexName lyxnewslide
  KeepEmpty 1
  NextNoIndent  1
  ParSkip   0.4
  BottomSep 1.0
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelType Static
  LeftMargin"MMLandscape Slide"
  LabelString   "__Landscape Slide: "

Family  Typewriter
Series  Bold
Color   Blue
Family  Typewriter
Color   Blue


Style PortraitSlide
  LatexType Command
  LatexName lyxnewportraitslide
  KeepEmpty 1
  NextNoIndent  1
  ParSkip   0.4
  BottomSep 1.0
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelType Static
  LeftMargin"MMPortrait Slide"
  LabelString   "__Portrait Slide: "

Family  Typewriter
Series  Bold
Color   Blue
Family  Typewriter
Color   Blue


Style Note
  LatexType Command
  LatexName lyxnewnote
  KeepEmpty 1
  NextNoIndent  1
  ParSkip   0.4
  BottomSep 1.0
  Align Left
  AlignPossible Left
  LabelType Static
  LabelString   "..Note: "

Family  Typewriter
Series  Bold
Shape   Italic
Color   Magenta
Family  Typewriter
Series  Bold
Shape   Italic
Color   Magenta


Style SlideHeading
  LatexType Command
  LatexName slideheading
  NeedProtect   1
  NextNoIndent  1
  ParSkip   0.4
  BottomSep 0.7

Re: 1.1.6 Bugs

2001-01-15 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 06:42:09PM -0800, Jeremy Fox wrote:
> Hi.
> I am a lowly user, but I've had a lot of trouble with 1.1.6:
> I have experienced other problems I can't remember and am going to
> reinstall 1.1.5fix2. I am using Solaris 2.6. Previous versions of LyX
> have always worked.

What is your compiler ?
Try compiling again, after running 'configure --with-included-string'

Re: Release LyX 1.1.6 - DVI view

2001-01-15 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 01:10:16PM +, Adrian Ball wrote:
> I am having real trouble with previewing the document I am working on. 
> Everything works fine, but running a preview consistently shows me a previous
> version.  The only way to fix it easily is to close and reopen the document,
> then preview it.

This might be a bug.
Please run LyX with the '-dbg depend' flag, open a file, do view->dvi,
make a change in the file, and do view->dvi again.
Now, send to lyx-devel all the debug messages from LyX.

Re: configuring fax & custom ascii export commands (lyx-1.1.6)

2001-01-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 03:31:25PM -0500, Ronald Florence wrote:
> pointer to a guide, or perhaps a brief summary instruction, on how to
> configure lyx-1.1.5 (lyxrc) features like
>   \fax_program "tkhylafax -file $$FName"

Open the preferences dialog, select converter from the top row, then
converters from the bottom.
Fill the fields as follows: from=Postscript, To=Fax, and
Converter="tkhylafax -file $$i", and press the add(or modify) button.

>   \custom_export_command envelope  [using ascii export]
> into the preferences of lyx-1.1.6?

Open the preferences dialog, select converter from the top row, then
formats from the bottom.
Fill the fields as follows: Format=envelope,GUIname=Envelope
(leave the rest empty) and press Add.
Now go to the converters tab, and add an ASCII->envelope converter
(from=ASCII, to=Envelope, Converter="envelope $$i").

Re: double quotes are displayed as ">>"

2001-01-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 08:45:00AM +0100, Thorsten Mika wrote:
> there is another problem of which i do not know whether it is xfs-related or a 
> lyx problem.
> since upgrading, lyx sometimes displays the "french" quotes as two "greater" 
> signs, i.e. >> instead of the character lyx 1.1.2 used, which was correct. 
> strange thing: sometimes it works, esp. after changing the display font for 
> standard text, sometimes it does not. any idea? i am sorry, but i cannot really 
> reprodzue this "bug".

This is a a bug in LyX, which I've just fixed.

Re: pdf fonts

2001-01-17 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 07:26:18AM +, Herbert Voss wrote:
> I have just tried out the new LyX 1.1.6 and its new shiny integrated PDF
> > exporters, and I've found that the generated PDF documents have really ugly
> > fonts, close to unreadable in Acrobat Reader. I'm sure there's a way to fix
> > this ;-). Any hint?
> layout->document->fonts->pslatex
> and in your atex preamble 
> \usepackage{ae}

Only _one_ of the above should be used!
(and instead of the latter, it is better to use \usepackage{ae,aecompl} ).

More information is available in section of Extended.lyx

Re: Two points on a letter.

2001-01-18 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:32:57PM +0100, Joeri Verbiest wrote:
> Hi,
> Some german letters have two points on it, how can I to this in Lyx. I
> can't find it in the symbol list of LaTex.

You can enter these letters by pressing, M-m " and then pressing letter you
want (there also other methods).

Re: floating images within a page

2001-01-18 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:12:46AM -0500, hawk wrote:

I've moved this thread to lyx-users, which is the correct place for this
kind of questions.

> > My problem is this.  I have say, nine images of which I would like to float 
> > three each to a page. (I know that they will fit.)  Right now, when I do it, 
> > I 
> > might get four or two to a page, and I want exactly three.  Is there a way to
> >  do 
> > that using the float figure command?
> What you can do is play with the variables that set the number of
> images alloawd (topflt, botflt, maxflt??? It's been a while).

Anybody knows the name of this variable ?

Another solution might be to put 3 images and 3 captions in each figure

Re: partial pdf export in 1.1.6

2001-01-18 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 09:40:33AM -0500, Roy Cutler wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have the need to pull out chapters of a book seperately and make pdf 
> versions of them. In 1.1.5 I can do this by: exporting to PS and then using 
> the dialogue box to print out a range of pages, name the file "" 
> and then use to ps2pdf to convert it. Worked great. Is there anyway to do 
> this with the new pdf export function in 1.1.6? Does PS export still have the 
> same dialogue box in 1.1.6?

You can have this dialog if you choose file->print from the menu.

Re: 1.1.6-pre3 and wv

2001-01-18 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:22:23PM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:
> I installed from RPMs.  If I compile wv from source, Lyx doesn't detect
> it.

In order to autodetect the wvCleanLatex program, it must be in your path.
Did you did a make install after compiling it ?
You can also add a Word->Latex converter manually using the preferences

> Is it possible to use the old mswordview in Lyx (i.e. convert Word to
> HTML, then HTML to LaTeX)?

Yes. You just need to define a Word->html and html->latex converters in the
preferences dialog (but you will probably need to install a html->latex

Re: two definitions in a row, article(AMS), 1.1.5fix1

2001-01-19 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 01:46:33PM -0600, Rodney Bates wrote:
> I am just learning lyx for the first time on a paper.  I want two
> (sometimes
> more) Definitions in a row.  The definition environment puts all
> contiguous
> definition paragraphs under one occurrence of the label "definition",
> with
> one definition number.  The only way I have gotten two of them is to put
> a standard paragraph in between, but I have no content for it, so I put
> the name of the thing being defined in the definition paragraph and its
> actual definition in subsequent stardard paragraphs.  I greatly doubt
> this is the way it was intended.  How do I do this the right way.

This is a limitation of LyX (we have plans to remove it, of course).
Currently, you need to put a "Comment" paragraph between any two consecutive
Definition paragraphs.

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