Re: [Mpls] Election post mortem ..connecting more park boarddots--part3

2005-11-28 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has taken minutes forever.  
It is the quality and format of them that would make one wonder if they 
are actually minutes.  To get minutes of committee meetings ( where the 
issues are really discussed) you had to have a fast speed audio tape 
changed to a standard format and the minutes I quoted are available 
online for only part of 2002 and then forward and only for regular 
board meetings not committee meetings.   When the MPRB started 
broadcasting they eliminated all minute taking except to amend the 
agenda to say passed/failed/tabled or amended and now passed as on the 
website.  They have since gone back to at least adding some comments.  
The fact is that written minutes will stand the test of time.  The old 
"voice recorded" committee minutes are difficult to reference and as 
video is now becoming passe DVD will no doubt follow that same path 
eventually.  Parkwatch has been advocating for minutes that actually 
include commissioner discussions and actual votes in committee as well 
as during the regular meetings.  How can you hold your elected 
officials accountable if you never know how they voted or in my case 
WHY they voted for something.  I am not so set in my ways that a good 
debate cannot sway me to reconsider my stand on an issue.  This is why 
unlike many I do support keeping an independent park police force.   
Commissioner Dziedzic made more facts available and after verifying 
them I had to agree.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Election post mortem ..connecting more park board dots--part3

2005-11-25 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Scott Neiman wrote

Niel, apparently the Strib editors have a different take on Gurban's 
performance, as they pointed out in their editorial that they felt he 
was doing a good job.  And while I agree there was no process involved 
when Gurban was given a 1 year interim position, after first search 
process ended in failure. (All the finalists withdrew from 
consideration and Merrill Anderson refused to take a contract 
extension.). There was a national search done the following year using 
a firm the minority members on the board preferred. At its conclusion, 
by a 2/3's majority (6-3), the board hired Gurban, giving him a three 
year contract. A job he certainly applied for.

He should have consulted the MPRB's own minutes and read the following  
 ( from 12-10-03)


   On call of the roll, the vote was Yeas - 3; Nays - 5, Abstain - 1,
   Absent - 0; as follows:

   YEAS - Commissioners Dziedzic, Kummer and Olson - 3.

   NAYS - Commissioners Berry Graves, Erwin, Hauser, Mason and Young - 

   ABSTAIN - President Fine - 1.

Mary Merrill Anderson never had the opportunity to turn them down as 
they never offered her an extension.  In fact during the same meeting 
then President Fine was asked to contact the 5 remaining candidates and 
from the MPRB minutes his report was ( from 12-17-03)

   President Fine reported that he contacted the remaining five 

   and that four indicated interest in still being considered for the
   position of Superintendent.

Later in that same meeting Commissioner Dziedzic asks if it only take a 
majority of 5 to hire a superintendent and upon finding that to be the 
case nominates Jon Gurban for the job  and the rest is history...

I realize that Mr. Neiman and I hold differing opinions about how 
things are done at the MPRB but I do not appreciate him changing the 
facts to fit his opinion.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] How Media Lies about Public Education

2005-11-22 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The statement in this story that bothered me was that a teacher was not 
going to be assigning a specific type of assignment because evaluating 
37+ of them would be too time consuming.  Great...  so now our kids 
aren't going to get the more challenging thought provoking assignments 
because there are too many of them in a class.   Can't say more because 
that type of language will get me kicked off the list.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB 11-2-05 meeting highlights part 3

2005-11-15 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
MPRB discussion of the DeLaSalle motion moved by Commissioner Fine and 
seconded by Commissioner Dziedzic
Commissioner Fine reads part of the motion, President Olson calls on 
Commissioner Erwin and he reads the entire motion and explains to those 
watching on TV what exactly will be voted upon ( meaning this is just a 
design vote not an actual go ahead and build vote ).  The various 
commissioners weigh in on how they will be voting and make some
speeches including Commissioner Berry Graves mentioning a shale base on 
Nicollet Island that could hamper any construction.  The discussion 
returns to Commissioner Erwin who would like to add a friendly 
amendment to include a non-discrimination policy, drop the extra 
parking lot next to the canal and add more landscape planting.  
Commissioner Fine does not accept it as friendly and then it becomes a 
( non-friendly) amendment about including the non-discrimination policy 
that is part of the MPRB and city policies.  He states that DeLaSalle 
wants some good faith steps taken and he would not consider it fair to 
lead them on because without these assurances he will not vote to 

The discussion there after circles around if it is the proper place to 
put it in and again Commissioner Erwin points out that without it he 
will not vote to continue the process.
Commissioner Fine asks Council Rice for an opinion which is basically 
you can ask for what you want whenever you want.  The amendment 
addition is passed.  Commissioner Young then asks to add an amendment  
to include the dropping of the canal lot and addition of the landscape 
plantings as alternatives for the EAW design.  This also passes.  At 
this point discussion starts on the NEW and improved original motion.

Commissioner Mason states she believes the 1983 agreement has been met 
and does not see the public purpose for this facility and will be 
voting NO.

Commissioner Fine doesn't believe it's been met and claims by 
eliminating the tennis courts to build the field will never be met. ( 
so DeLaSalle can come back and ask for them again???)   This would be 
adding value to the park system.

Commissioner Hauser states that since DeLaSalle is putting up 2/3 of 
the land the MPRB isn't losing $7.5 million but gaining $15 million in 
value  (2/3 may be stretching the facts a bit there from the schematics 

Commissioner Dziedzic states that there is a public purpose and it is  
"There is a public purpose and the public purpose is that youngsters 
are gonna benefit.  Whether it be in the classroom with math, reading, 
writing or arithmetic or on the athletic field with the obesity problem 
that we have today whether it's gonna be playing football or soccer or 
just a regular gym class the kids are gonna benefit.  The education 
that the Christian Brothers or not too many Christian Brothers left 
anymore, or the teachers give the 650 students at DeLaSalle most 
college bound, 40% minority, it's a great education.  I think that's 
the public purpose."  (this is verbatim from the DVD and do not ask me 
what he meant I have no idea)

Commissioner Olson states that this is a good private/public venture 
and is what is needed to bring Minneapolis back to what it used to be.  
( which is )

The vote is taken 8 ayes, 1 nay ( Commissioner Mason)
The regular meeting adjourns at 6:20 pm and a break is taken before 
going to the Planning Committee.

6:30 Planning Committee

Hennepin County will be reconstructing the Portland  AV bridge over 
Minnehaha Creek from April to July of 2006.  Tim Brown engineer/planner 
for the MPRB introduces the consultants who give a presentation.  The 
detour planned is on 35W and Crosstown which had the commissioners 
concerned and recommending additional public meetings and the 
historical appearing ( 1939 WPA style) arches will be included in the 
new facade.  There were also some concerns about which agency would be 
maintaining the lighting.  The motion to approve construction passed 
out of committee.

Study Report on Minnehaha Creek

Mike Wyatt of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District  (MCWD) presented 
the Final Report of the Minnehaha Creek Visioning Partnership.  The 
main focus was on the physical condition ( flow and bank erosion) of 
the creek and the aquatic life and wildlife.

Commissioner Dziedzic asks if Lake of the Isles is part of the 
watershed and when informed that it was requested that the staff look 
into getting funds from MCWD to finish up the Lake of the Isles 

Commissioner Fine thanked everyone who worked on this as it encompassed 
cities from Minnetonka to Minneapolis.

Planning Adjourned at 7:05

Admin and Finance called to order by Vice Chair Dziedzic at 7:05

Ms. Sommers ( the new PR Guru at the MPRB) gave an update on the Public 
Information DVDs ( commercials for the parks)

She gave some stats on the shelf life of the DVDs and where it might be 
appropriate to have them, rec centers, schools,

[mpls] MPRB 11-2-05 meeting highlights part 2

2005-11-14 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Public Hearing for the DeLaSalle "design" motion for getting on with 
the EAW ( environmental assessment worksheet )

Barry Clegg:  The MPRB has never had a discussion of the following for 
the public.

1)  Is this an appropriate use for a regional park?
2)  Why are you building soccer/football fields here when there are a 
dozen or more within a 5 minute drive?

Christine Viken:  After hearing DeLaSalle's attorney at the previous 
hearing comment that the stadium should be adjacent to DeLaSalle as no 
one would ask that a lab or classroom to be non- adjacent Ms. Viken 
pointed out that many entities must have non adjacent facilities due to 
zoning laws and restrictions. She again reiterates that some on the 
board should reconsider their impartiality based on their ties with 
DeLaSalle both past and current.

Edna Brazaitis:  Ms Brazaitis comments on the poor public process that 
the MPRB used in their CAC that did not allow for public input or the 
reaching of a consensus.  She suggested that the MPRB should come up 
with a better plan for future projects ( and her 90 seconds are up per 
President Olson)

Eric Gallatz (sorry about the spelling): Thanks the MPRB and the 
DeLaSalle CAC for their time.  DeLaSalle has been going through the 
process in good faith and hopes that the MPRB is doing the same.  Feels 
the questions about appropriateness regarding the facility have been 
answered and would like a stronger commitment from the MPRB and hope to 
get it from them passing the motion tonight regarding approval of the 
plan sent for the EAW.

Judith Martin:  She attended all three meetings of the DeLaSalle CAC 
and did not feel that many questions were answered except from 
DeLaSalle's point of view.  She points out again that both landscape 
architects on the CAC voted against the plan and the the public purpose 
for this facility that would warrant the MPRB's participation has yet 
to be defined.  She also points out that by closing Grove St to build 
the stadium would alter the historical district.

Arlene Fried:  Ms. Fried states that by limiting the public to 90 
seconds of speaking time the board is doing a disservice to the entire 

Patrick Falicetta ( sorry again if I misspelled) teacher at St. Charles 
Middle School voices his frustration that his team is playing in 
Shoreview.  Why must city kids play in the suburbs.  Vote for this and 
Vote for Minneapolis kids.

Thomas Kelly:  DeLaSalle alum and 64 year Minneapolis resident.  He 
urges to pass the motion from the CAC as he has known the CAC chair Mr. 
McKasy for years and trusts him to have chaired well.

Tim O'Hara:  Thinks that parks are for kids and this would be more 
welcoming to kids ( the stadium vs the open field and tennis courts) 
and urges the MPRB to move forward.

Janet Demming:  Ms. Demming a self proclaimed sports mom and now 
grandma drives all over to watch her grandkids play sports.  Many 
suburban and small town schools do not have adjoining fields.  She 
recommends rebuilding a sports stadium for Minneapolis youth at the 
Parade site.

John Chaffee:  Mr. Chaffee points out that the MPRB will be trading 
approx. $7 million dollars in land for playing field and gym time worth 
about 1/2 million dollars and wants to know if 1) this is legal and 2) 
What is the public getting for this $ 6.5 million gift?  And what about 
the money spent to build the now soon to be removed tennis courts?

Patrick Scully:  Points out that this is a land use issue and that the 
bigger picture is not being addressed.  Where is input from the Board 
Members?  Where is a master plan for the park system and how would this 
fit?  Are the citizens of Minneapolis getting a good trade? Why is this 
facility in particular?  How will it serve the public at large?

Janice Nall:  Ms Nall also has questions for the board.  When will the 
public have access, from midnight until 6 am?  How will time conflicts 
be avoided? Would like a more specific schedule of days, months and 
hours the public will have access before this deal goes forward.

John Derus:  What does it matter what the land is worth as this isn't a 
give away it is a joint agreement.  What is the value of the land the 
homeowners are on and are they paying enough taxes based on the value?  
Could the city be getting more from these people?  This parkland isn't 
used as a park it's used for housing.

Nikki Carlson:  Ms. Carlson says nothing new is being discussed here, 
most people she's talked to are for the stadium and do not understand 
what all the fuss is about.

Jan Hively:  Language makes a difference and what we are talking about 
here is not an athletic field but a stadium complete with lights, a 
sound system, scoreboard and bleacher seating for 750 people.  She also 
was not happy that the CAC did not hear from anyone representing 
outside environmental groups or historical groups.

August Berkshire:  As a representative of the Minnesota Atheists 

[mpls] MPRB 11-2-05 meeting highlights part 1

2005-11-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Meeting called to order by President Olson

Agenda Approved

Reports of Officers

River District Sara Ackman in for Jon Oyanagi

showed DVD of photos from various rec center Halloween parties with  
Monster Mash as the music
total number of attendees   4015 kids under 17 and 1572 adults (  
includes numbers from Creekview Park's haunted house which was open  
more than one evening)
biggest turn outs at Creekview, Folwell, Webber, North Commons and  
Logan Parks.

Commissioner Dziedzic comments on the "fear Factor" at Bottineau Park  
being very high

Commissioner Olson thanks the staff, donors and volunteers for all of  
their hard work.

Lakes District Paul Hokeness

Sailboats off of the lakes
converting the mowers to snowplows and brooms
soccer and football wrapped up and now taking sign ups for basketball  
and volleyball

Lots of people at the Halloween Parties
Great haunted house at Armatage Park

the Lowry Hill neighborhood Association is donating $30,000 in NRP  
money for upgrading Kenwood Park

The lakes district has hired a planner ( is this a new hire or from  
within ... inquiring minds would like to know)
The Lake of the Isles bike trail is in and had a celebrity riderSir  
Paul McCartney

Minnehaha District  Eileen Kilpatrick

Halloween parties at the parks and 3 big features...

outdoor celebration at Minnehaha Park with hay-rides
Pre-school Halloween at Pearl Park and
Haunted house at Powderhorn Park

2 new skate-parks are open at Brackett and Morris parks

on Oct 29th McCrea park hosted the Ed Solomon football tournament

And the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association conference was held  
in Rochester MN and the keynote speaker Dr. John Compton form Texas A &  
M had many compliments for the MPRB.

The Board now moves to consent business and passes the 4  
recommendations about the Paddleford Company dumping Raw Sewage into  
the Mississippi River.  The term Raw Sewage is changed to inadequately  
treated sewage per the agreement with the MPCA per the Paddleford's  
attorney.  Go to this link for specifics... 

All Pass

Unfinished Business

Commissioner Young makes a report from the Charter Commission ( held  
earlier in the evening) that the commission has delayed forwarding the  
8th draft so that during the next 4 weeks the additions request by the  
MPRB as well as some from the Library Board can be considered and a  
subcommittee was formed to handle it ( which may lead to version 9).

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Erwin was glad to announce that the Mississippi Watershed  
Management Organization ( MWMO)  had funded many MPRB requests except  
for a Green roof for the headquarters building.

Commissioner Young has had many calls regarding Peavey Park

Commissioner Kummer had copies of the Charles Birnbaum editorial for  
all to read.

Commissioner Dziedzic mentions the Cadillac prize was not given out to  
the best halloween party due to a tie and he also mentions that the U  
of M boathouse has had a delay.

Commissioner Hauser gives an example of how the new district manager  
system is working with her only having to contact one person to get an  
answer to a constituent's problem with a curb cut.

She has also been receiving calls about Peavey Park and went with GM  
Schmidt to a meeting at the American Indian Center where there was much  
dismay over the closing and a renewed call for a facility at East  

Commissioner Fine thanks staff etc.. for Halloween parties and gives  
compliments to the folks at the Linden Hills rec center for their giant  
Muppet theme Halloween rooms.

Commissioner Erwin compliments the staff on getting the proposal in to  
get the MWMO funds mentioned above

and Commissioner's Young and Kummer mention the Halloween parties they  
attended and how nice they were.

end part 1

DeLaSalle Public Hearing speeches in part 2

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Chicago Style gun shot detecting cameras for Minneapolis?

2005-11-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
 I would want a more detailed plan before we start investing heavily in 
this technology.  Seems the adaptation skills of the criminal element 
are high.  If they know the equipment is stationary (in North 
Minneapolis or South/Central) they will move out of range or worse yet 
move the gun battles indoors ( malls, arenas, theaters, apartment 
buildings).  If it can be mobile ( which would entice maybe the region 
or state to participate)  or citywide it would make more sense to start 
fundraising.  I am not suggesting it would be bad, far from that and 
think the overall plan is admirable but doing things piecemeal never 
seems to have the desired outcome.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] GLIDDEN WINS!!!!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

David wrote.

I think the only thing scaring Elizabeth Glidden more than my mother 
tonight was the possibility that she might actually win the 8th ward 
city council election.

Congratulations, you just inherited your worst nightmare, Elizabeth. 
Personal Responsibility. Just to make sure you are walking that line, 
I will be with you for four years. I hope Rybak's political shield 
extends past the elections, because the 8th ward is a hard place to 
live, a hard place to grow up and a hard place to govern.

Are you up to the challenge?

I am. Welcome to my world. Of pain.

David Hauser
Central 79-98
Logan   2005-Present
(logan is no substitute for the rolling 30s bloods!)

PS. Chris Johnson - You suck. Spend another four years attacking your 
digestive tract with bile so you die soon. Please! Kthx.

This is the product of a DeLaSalle education.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

Thinks highly of Chris Johnson and his lack of tolerance for those who 
use their power for self promotion.

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[mpls] Vote Today

2005-11-07 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Please take the time today to participate in hiring the folks that will  
represent you throughout city government.  Don't know where to vote try  
this link... 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Peavey Park closing

2005-11-06 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board did schedule a meeting to  
discuss the closing of Four Winds School and how it would affect Peavey  
Park.  Here is the link to when they met. 
PageID=37&curMonth=7&curYear=2005.  The meeting was on 6/30/2005.  Now  
before anyone gets to wondering why I would back this up let me tell  
you the whole story.

  I had to work at both of my jobs that day which are at the opposite  
ends of Broadway...  Crystal and NE.  I stopped at the MPRB to pick up  
the agenda ( while in transit)  to at least be able to post that there  
was a meeting.  I went to the River Room where it was suppose to take  
place, nobody, I asked some of the staff, no commissioners had come so  
the staff would just talk amongst themselves.  I had to work at 2  
places and I got there, my commissioner is RETIRED and this is his job  
and he didn't bother to show up.  I am willing to give a pass to  
commissioners with real jobs but Walt Dziedzic should have been there.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] last weeks' library board meeting

2005-11-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Cheryl wrote...

Additional note, a Weber library user expressed concern over the 
lighting around that library...apparently it's on park board land so 
who knows who is responsible...and how long that could take with 2 
jurisdictions...hope it's the park boards area cuz they have more money

Liz's reply

  If you look at the maps the library does sit within the park 
boundaries.  I imagine that like with the rec centers located in the 
schools there is some sort of joint use agreement.  This would be an 
excellent time for the lighting to be improved as they have been out at 
Webber all summer with bobcats etc... laying the new bike trails that 
go from Victory Parkway to the river by where Shingle Creek joins the 
Mississippi.  Maybe one of the many lurkers from the MPRB staff would 
like to clarify what's up.  Maybe Ms. Sommers the new media guru for 
the MPRB could fill all of us in on this issue.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] What's with the "so called reform" Star Trib out of the loop????

2005-11-03 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
More Park Board stuff in the news. that if 
you are a questionable incumbent instead of taking it to the voters you 
go behind closed doors to air your grievances.  Why so shy now?

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park  The REAL MCCOY

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[mpls] Why aren't the district 6 candidates participating????

2005-11-02 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

I received the following via e-mail and I was wondering..

You are invited to attend a forum for
Minneapolis Park Board at Large Candidates

Thursday, November 3

Linden Hills Recreation Center

3100 W. 43rd Street Minneapolis, MN 55410

This is an accessible site

Doors open at 6:30

7pm till 8pm

Mary Santi , Moderator.

this is in the heart of the 6th Park District.  Why aren't the 
candidates for the 6th District participating as well?  I know that in 
Park Districts 4 and 5 the at- large forum was followed by a district 

maybe Commissioner Bob Fine or Jim Bernstein would care to enlighten 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[MPLS] MPRB Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting 10-26-05 part 2

2005-10-31 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Budget meeting continues...

Commissioner Mason notes that the MPRB has gone from quite a few FT to 
PT positions and wonders if this should be reconsidered.

Commissioner Olson asks how a line item budget is done?

GM Siggelkow states it is done by the department managers

Commissioner Mason restates that she did not receive the information 
she had requested.

GM Siggelkow replies that they are now going to district budgets with 
the restructuring.  [go to this link and scroll to the bottom for my 
comments regarding this from 12-15-2004 that are still pertinent 
questions  ]

Commissioner Erwin states his budget issues...

Increases   Diseased Tree Removal
 Youth Sports  up 25 % = 120,000
 Field Maintenance up 25% = 170,000
 Senior Programming up 200%= 100,000
Reduction  # of ice rinksfor $400,000

Increase in Youth Supervision ( N, NE and Powderhorn )100% = $83,000
Take $ from ticket revenues (which would have to increase because they 
are already earmarked so watch where you park and speed)

Increase staff at Rec + by 100%=120,000 which will serve more kids
Reduce admin 5%

Where there are Rec centers close to each other have more junior staff 
full time and make the managing staff take on 2 centers.  Changing to 1 
manager per 2 rec centers could put $75,000 into youth programming

He would like to use the 1 time LGA windfall to get 2 mobile movie 
screens, one for north and one for NE and plantings for the new 

Staff additions 2 gardeners and 1 forestry crew.

Commissioner Berry Graves would like to add a water quality person, a 
manager for Environmental Operations, 2 carpenters, add Whittier, and 
Phillips to the list of parks Commissioner Erwin wants extra staff at, 
Teen Teamworks and Youthline restored and more Park rehabilitation 

If kids are our priority our budget should reflect this.

Commissioner Young comments negatively on the amount of information she 
had to work with and gets into a discussion with President Olson over 
the line item budget...

LIZ"S APOLOGIES HERE   there was commentary by Commissioner Young 
and Commissioner Olson during the next few minutes but I missed it as 
my husband was ill and my 6 year old companion (my son Bobby) needed a 
restroom break. ( maybe Scott Vreeland who was also present at the 
meeting could fill in the blanks, though his earlier post was pretty 
specific about his opinion of the meeting)

Commissioner Fine wants to know why they should put more money into 
field maintenance, and shouldn't they just be redone with capital 

He would like Commissioner Erwin to give a better explanation

Commissioner Dziedzic wants to know if there were cuts in recreation, 
feels it has been kept at a stable level.   Back when they eliminated 
the Rec Coordinators they created a void filled by the folks that did 
outreach and youthline and folks want it back.  He would also like MORE 
rinks, skip the warming rooms and just flood the old rink spots like at 
Hi-view and give kids a chance to skate [ disclaimer...Hi view is my 
local park and the last year they flooded the rink was in 1993-94 the 
year I moved into my house, but this was not my suggestion, he skipped 
my house when door-knocking ]

Commissioner Kummer asks how the budget fares with the new $1.9 million 
in additional taxes ( if approved) and GM Siggelkow states that with 
the recent raises in union contracts and increases due to inflation and 
health care they will break even.

Commissioner Mason would like youth sports to be combined with all 
other youth programming and refered to as Youth Recreation

The only other increase she would suggest if possible is more milfoil 
harvesting and she would also like staff to "come up with a plan" for 
the Neiman Complex. She would also like additional budget discussions 
to be held between 11/16 and 12/7 when the public has input.

Commissioner Hauser who has just arrived would like to see an increase 
in the base dollars for stump removal and feels that more investment in 
beaches in pools would serve more people that ice rinks

She would also like to see that the staffing levels are kept in the 
building trades and park keepers

Commissioner Erwin makes a motion to direct staff to work on the 2006 
budget with these priorities...
establish a 4th forestry crew, hire 2 gardeners, more money into youth 
RECREATION, field maintenance, senior programming, stump removal, pay 
for OT for volunteer event staffing needs example buckthorn removal, 
and wise investments for the one time LGA increase

Commissioner Mason amends (friendly) to include milfoil and a Neiman 
Complex plan

to which President Olson suggests dealing with at another time and he 
is reminded it was on the SURVEY

GM Schmidt weighs in with the milfoil harvesters already at full 
capacity and we would need another harvester and the DNR onl

[MPLS] MPRB Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting 10-26-05 part 1

2005-10-31 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Meeting called to order at 5:00pm and a report on the Charter 
Commission is added to what was suppose to be a one item agenda.

Brain Rice reports that he has received the 8th draft from the Charter 
Commission and it does not include the revisions that had been 
requested by Commissioner Young after the 6th draft in a letter dated 
12-22-2004.  There is a meeting on November 2nd to vote to submit draft 
8 for public comment and Mr. Rice recommends submitting another letter 
to again request that the 21 provisions and the request for language 
change regarding state law be included as per the previous letter.

Mr. Rice is seriously concerned that with out the wording included the 
city council will be able to modify the draft before public comment to 
aversely affect the MPRB's independent standing.  In effect, the way it 
is worded they would put in place a new charter that would supersede 
the state laws giving the MPRB it's independent status.

Apparently once the draft is out for public comment no further changes 
can be made by the committee.

Commissioner Fine makes a motion to send a letter with Commissioner 
Young and Commissioner Dziedzic seconds the motion.

Commissioner Dziedzic states that when he went before the commission 
the previous year he testified to the fact that the MPRB could lose 
it's status and no one appeared to listen.

Passes 8 AYES Commissioner Hauser absent

Budget for 2006

GM for Admin Siggelkow summarizes the paperwork the commissioners have 
received, the survey (8 of 9 and Liz is still waiting for individual 
commissioners' responses to be made available even after a Open Data 
Practices request), budget history ( dollars approved in categories for 
2001 thru 2005), number of positions in various union areas and 
management, and an amended 2005 budget to show changes since passed in 
Dec. 2004 (this was not available to the public in handout form).

Commissioner Erwin asks what effect the increase in LGA for 2006 will 
have on the budget.

GM Siggelkow explains that it is a ONE TIME increase of  $1.3 million 

Commissioner Erwin recommends it be used for one time spending 
projects, hopefully those that will further reduce operating costs.

Commissioner Erwin then outlines where he would like to see changes in 
the budget...

Add a forestry crew and 2 gardener positions ( one in North and one in 
NE )

Add to the Youth sports
Add to field maintenance
Add to Senior programming

He does have specific amounts in mind and equal cuts in other areas to 
balance the funds and will go into them in further detail after other 
Commissioners speak

Commissioner Berry Graves has concerns based on the union staffing.  
She notes that there have been reductions from 257 to 239 arborists  
and that electricians
also were cut back.  How are we to train in people to replaced the 
experienced folks soon to retire and maintain our facilities and urban 
forest?  She also wonders if dollars for the extra managers hired could 
have been used for these positions.

GM for Operations Mike Schmidt was explains how the  vegetation 
management crew was developing a plan to deal with buckthorn.
As things are now if volunteers to buckthorn removal on weekends, MPRB 
staff is paid overtime to supervise and do chipping and removal.  
Because the Board voted to eliminate OT the cost has been charged back 
to the neighborhood organization or sponsoring group.

Commissioner Olson asks if this could be done more in the off season 
when forestry has more down time to which GM Schmidt replies that the 2 
seasons are the same.

Commissioner Fine says that it is his understanding that there will be 
many retirements in the forestry staff and this area should be hiring 
to train replacements.

GM Schmidt explains that this is false.  Presently there are less than 
6 in forestry that can retire in the next 4 years.  In the park 
maintenance crews however he foresees up to 45 people retiring during 
the next 18 months.  Many of the nearing retirement foresters had 
already transfered into this other department.  Many of these retirees 
to be are also 30 year employees so they are the foreman, crew leaders 
and senior park-keepers, the ones who have the greatest experience and 
are likely the most efficient as well.  Hiring equal numbers here will 
not accomplish as much due to lack of experience (what are you hinting 
at here Mike???  Need some more people??? :-)

Commissioner Olson trying to not be ageist asks if the forestry crew is 
more of a younger man's area due to the workload.  GM Schmidt suggests 
that both areas are physically arduous and that the workman's comp 
claims would bear this out.

Commissioner Dziedzic says he's concerned about removing the stumps and 
there is some talk about how the stump removal budget was increased in 
2005 over what was originally budgeted and that isn't reflected in the 
non amended 2005 budget.  He asks how much to get caught up and GM 

[mpls] MPRB highlights from 10-19-05 part 4

2005-10-30 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Con't of the Regular meeting


Liz Wielinski asks

1)  The outcome of the $15,000 consulting fee to Idein LLC about
compatible places in our parks to put restaurants.

Item 1 is they assisted in the review of vendors for the
Minnehaha concession - no services have been provided "about
compatible places in our parks to put restaurants".

2)   How much year to date the firm of Rice Michaels has billed the
MPRB for legal and lobbying services?

Item 2 is $338,206.85 through September 30, 2005

3)   Could the information that Commissioners Erwin and Kummer
requested for the committee of the whole meeting regarding staffing
levels and board costs to please be attached to next weeks agenda on
the website?

Item 3 is on the website

(replies from GM Siggelkow on 10-24-05 )

Report from Park Police ( they got to go home...  lucky them)

Lots of consent business passed most without discussion except for 7.3 
about rental rates for the Plank Road ( as the Stone Arch Bridge was 
eliminated at the beginning of the meeting)

it is moved and 2nd for discussion, is tabled and then a motion is made 
to reconsider...

Commissioner Young would like to direct staff to hold a neighborhood 
meeting, have a public hearing and do an RFP for the catering company

Commissioner Mason concurs about the caterers as Mill City Museum has 
an exclusive caterer and the Plank Road might be in their purview.

GM Siggelkow states that this falls under the Enterprise division and 
they have no way of holding a public hearing

Commissioner Dziedzic has a letter form the Marcy Holmes neighborhood 
in opposition

President Olson explains that the Mill City Museum has, showcasing 
events on the Mississippi, as part of their operating budget and that 
maybe they should be the controlling party with the Plank Road

Commissioner Berry Graves sites the entire issue as another incident of 
bad MPRB process

After some discussion between President Olson and GM Siggelkow,   
Commissioner Young substitutes a motion that President Olson approach 
Mill City Museum and have them come up with a policy for the Plank Road 
and how to deal with the neighbors.  PASSES

Unfinished Businesspassed   resolution 2005-114 to assess some 
properties to remove dead elms

New Business

Discussion of Open Time

Commissioner Erwin makes a motion for OPEN TIME to be a maximum of 30 
minutes, with each person receiving 3 minutes to speak on a first come 
sign up basis.

Commissioner Young cannot support the 30 minute maximum (and uses the 1 
minute request this evening as an example of the rarity of it being 

President Olson deems it should come through the Standards and Conduct 
committee and that maybe public hearings within a committee should also 
be discussed

Commissioner Kummer (chair of Standards and Conduct) will schedule it 
(no specific date given)

the motion is withdrawn

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Dziedzic mentions the boxing match at Richard Green Middle 
School on Nov. 12, 2005 at 3:00 p.m.

Commissioner Mason received calls and e-mails regarding DeLaSalle and 
the Stone Arch Bridge

Commissioner Young received a letter about the wonderful tour offered 
by the Minneapolis Parks Legacy Society at the Theodore Wirth House

She also received a petition about the closing of the rec center at 
Peavy Park with 200-300 signatures which is amazing to her for the 
Phillips neighborhood

Commissioner Kummer also received the letter about the Wirth House and 
also the packet about the repurposing of the schools MPS is closing ( 
like the one where Peavy Park rec center used to be)

LIZ'S NOTE:  One of the schools slated for closing is Putnam in NE 
which shares space with the Northeast Park rec center.  Will that be 
lost as well?

Commissioner Berry Graves also received the above mentioned letters and 
mentioned that 800-1000 people went through the Wirth House during the 

She also mentions that the north end of Lake of the Isles is showing 
some improvement though it wants to revert to its swamp like origins

Meeting Adjourned 8:20 p.m.

Liz Wielinski

Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB highlights from 10-19-05 part 3

2005-10-30 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Commissioner Hauser moves the resolution on the DeLaSalle CAC

Commissioner Mason points out that this is a committee vote only and it 
will be before the full board if it passes on November 2nd.  For the 
actual Reciprocal Agreement vote, it will need 6 votes to pass and that 
the Board can take the recommendation of the CAC under advisement but 
the decision is ultimately up to the board.

Commissioner Erwin said he will be supporting the motion but not 
necessarily the project.

Commissioner Young states that accepting the resolution of the CAC is a 
formality and thanks the members of the CAC for all of their work.

Commissioner Berry Graves asks about the MPRB's relationship to other 
stakeholders, will the MPRB be consulting the State Historic 
Preservation Board?

Director of Planning Judd Reitkerk explains that it will be DeLaSalle's 

Commissioner Dziedzic will be voting yes and wants to get the process 
moving along

Commissioner Berry Graves asks if there was a minority report to which 
Commissioner Fine answers that it was a resolution so there was just a 

Commissioner Olson voices some disappointment over the insults and 
accusations being thrown out on both sides.

Commissioner Kummer agrees that the CAC went well and that it is time 
to move forward.  She also thanks her appointee to the CAC.

There is a vote on 4.1  5 ayes to accept the final design of the 
Stadium project for submission for the EAW process

Planning Adjourned at 7:00pm

Operations and Environment

Ralph Seivert head of Forestry introduces Keith Cline of the USDA 
Forest Service and a discussion of the itree inventory of Minneapolis 
trees is given.  This is a very detailed
report and will be available on the MPRB website (a link will be 
provided when available).  The short version is that we have many 
trees.  About 200,000 are actively managed by the MPRB.  There are 60 
species but 60% of the trees are of 5 species.  10% are American Elms 
and the largest number are Green Ash trees.  A high percentage of the 
trees are 20-30 years old ( from the reforesting after the last Dutch 
Elm disease [DED] crisis ), but 75% are healthy.  For every $1.00 
invested we receive a benefit of $1.69 worth of energy savings, run off 
reduction and property value.   The upcoming threats to our urban 
forest include more DED, the Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Long Horn 
Beetles ( who will attack most species ).

Suggestions were to have a 5 year pruning cycle on maturing trees so 
they can become healthy Mature trees that provide the most benefits and 
to increase the mix of species.

There follows a discussion of the benefits of Cottonwood trees and then 
Commissioner Erwin went into some specifics about maintenance costs per 
species and ranking of trees for canopy etc...

President Olson talks about the MPRB's work at the Legislature trying 
to jump start the Shade Tree program

Commissioner Hauser was glad to see the report backed up her claims 
that the south side needs more trees

Commissioner Dziedzic asks if his wife's social security check was well 
spent on inoculating their elm.

The discussion then shifts to the Paddleford Company and news reports 
of them dumping insufficiently treated sewage into the Mississippi 

Commissioner Olson states that as Chair of the Excursion Boat 
Association, Captain Bill Bole (sp) of the Paddleford Company had no 
excuse not to be aware of the rules governing the output of his boats.

Commissioner Kummer who served on the Metro Waste Water Commission 
state that there are stringent rules about what can be dumped in our 

Commissioner Erwin was concerned that part 5.1 of the resolution may be 
moot as Paddleford has apparently settled with the MPCA.

5.2 asks for the Coast Guard to provide records from 1988-2003 when the 
Paddleford Boats were the contractor of choice for the MPRB
5.3 asks for the Corps of Engineers to revoke docking permits in 
5.4 asks that the Mill City museum discontinue promoting Paddleford 
5.5 asks staff to pursue legal action against Paddleford (Liz is not 
thrilled to see more billable hours going to Mr. Rice over what seems 
to be a Pollution Control Agency matter and since the Mississippi runs 
from MN to the Gulf of Mexico it may even be a federal matter)

vote is taken and all AYES

Operations and Environment Adjourned at 7:55 pm

Stay tuned for part 4 and the rest of the regular meeting.

Liz Wielinski

Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB highlights from 10-19-05 part 2

2005-10-30 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Public comment on the DeLaSalle CAC

1) Liz Wielinski recommends a land swap between the MPRB and DeLaSalle. 
 The school would move out to the Fort Snelling facility where they 
would have access to the entire Neiman sports complex.  The old school 
could be rented as the houses on the north tip of the island are and 
DeLaSalle would possibly have extra room to expand and possibly even 
build an elementary school.  The Neiman Complex would finally see some 
use during the day and the MPRB would make the fields usable for 

2) Quentin Liggins DeLaSalle student and injured football player claims 
the sound from the field will be no louder than the passing trains, and 
the kids deserve it.

3) Arlene Fried "As a citywide stakeholder, I have attended all four 
CAC meetings.  It is apparent to me that DeLaSalle, like many other 
institutions and private schools, has reached a point in its existence 
where its needs are outgrowing its site.  The DeLaSalle Stadium Project 
is a shoehorn project.  That is, it is forcing itself onto a site that 
has multiple restrictions and problems.  It is my observation that the 
DeLaSalle Stadium Project is not an appropriate project for Nicollet 
Island.  DeLaSalle should be exploring other opportunities to 
accommodate its growth."

4) Steve Froemming states that as a fan, and a person who has friends 
that went to DeLaSalle he feels it would be closer for them, would 
create field maintenance jobs and that he would like the commissioners 
to please support this project.

5) Barry Clegg, CAC member and island resident.  Based on the makeup of 
the CAC the vote was pre-determined, even with what he considered a 
switch on each side.
The votes he felt were the most important were those of the 2 landscape 
architects who both voted against the resolution.

6) John Derus:  DeLaSalle was not interested in having a CAC but went 
through with it and now there are claims that it was predetermined.  
People can't just change the outcome if they don't like it.  DeLaSalle 
supports the resolution.

7) Ms. R Day: Mayor Fraser's favorite saying was "downtown is 
everyone's neighborhood".  This is a rip off of everyone's property tax 
dollars and suggests they move out to Neiman.

8) Eric Gallitz, Attorney for DeLaSalle... The field belongs with the 
building and we should not be asked to leave, and it is a field and not 
a stadium.

9) Steve Nelson park user, The school only seems to be concerned about 
the football team.  With this new plan now the tennis players will need 
new courts.  Why is it impossible for the football players to take the 
footbridge at the north end of the park to the BF Nelson site and build 
the stadium there.  After all the kids at North High have to walk to 
their field.  He also states that they took the citizen out of citizen 
advisory committee and quotes the corresponding MPRB policy that reads 
that anyone living in Minneapolis that attends a the majority of the 
meetings may vote.

10) Gary Cagel, delivers a letter from the Clean Water Alliance and 
considers the environment omitted.  DeLaSalle is claiming that a 
promise from the 1984 agreement was not kept and it has been and there 
should be a better legal opinion.  He refers to DeLaSalle as 
sanctimonious beggars who are getting land valued at $14 million for 

he goes over the 2 minutes and is cut off

11)  Jan Hively, Island resident.  States that she has the privilege of 
paying $3300/ year in property taxes to live on the island and refers 
to an article in Preservation Magazine that states Open Space is being 
wiped out in spite of polls showing the desire to keep them and that 
there is much stealth privatization of park land.

12)  Edna Brazaitis, island resident and CAC member,  She discusses how 
on October 4th as the CAC members were finally starting to work as a 
group the CAC was over.  She states that it is not uncommon for urban 
teams to be lacking in adjacent fields and list many public and private 
schools facing this situation including St. Agnes and St. Bernard's in 
St. Paul.

13) Mark Carlson: former DeLaSalle parent.  claims DeLaSalle has been 
accused of telling lies, playing unfair to win, etc.. Want's the board 
to keep away from the toxic environment we have at the state level and 
serve in the best interests of the public.  He hopes they vote with 

14) Beth Hart, DeLaSalle parent,  her kids are taking the bus to 
DeLaSalle and wants everyone to think about the kids and how this will 
benefit everyone without costing the MPRB anything, she also makes 
comparisons to how when Abbott Hospital was expanding they didn't face 
all this acrimony.

15)  Larry Romanko, assistant girls soccer coach at DeLaSalle, Don't 
focus on past mistakes, move forward on this project which will benefit 
young people, be positive.

16) Phyllis Kahn, Island Resident,  Rep. Kahn talks about issues of 
process, how could a vote be taken without all of the i

[mpls] MPRB highlights from 10-19-05 part 1

2005-10-30 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Regular meeting is called to order at 5:00pm

Agenda is amended by Commissioner Erwin as follows-..

1) add Liz Wielinski to Open Time
2) change 2.1 from $400,000 to $800,000 to be received from the  
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization  for Upper River Phase 1

3) Remove 2.5 about snow making equipment
4) Strike Stone Arch Bridge from 7.3 rental policies
5) Add a discussion about Open Time

Changes are moved and passed

Commissioners Mason and Hauser mention things needing to be added to  
the minutes for 10-5-05.  Minutes are approved as amended

Reports of Officers
Superintendent Gurban... in San Antonio at the National Recreation and  
Parks Association conference with GM Schmidt will report next meeting
GM for Admin Siggelkow...  Discusses National Pond Hockey press  
conference.  The tournament will be held at Lake Calhoun Jan 20-22,  

96 teams, 64 mens, 18 women's, and slots for senior teams
Commissioner Young asks about numbers of fans and parking  
accommodations .

Gm Siggelkow expects maybe up to 1000 for championship
Commissioner Kummer asks if it will impact speed-skating
GM Siggelkow points out that speed-skating is at Powderhorn and Nokomis

Next up is Citywide Planner Jennifer Ringold who discusses the already  
in progress updating of the Comprehensive Plan
She explains that it will be a "living document" that changes as the  
needs of the public for different recreational opportunities change
She gives an extensive power point presentation that gives the timeline  
for the progress over the next couple of years which will mostly  
identify who will be involved, how everyone will communicate ( staff,  
public, commissioners etc...) What the baseline is at present and how  
community input will be collected.  She described the first 2 phases as  
being 6-10 months in length and only went into details on the first 2  
phases ( covering approx. 2 years)

Commissioner Mason asks if outgoing commissioners will be consulted?
Ms. Ringold explains that both past and future commissioners will be  
Commissioner Young asks if they will be using input from the community  
meetings held 2 years ago

Ms. Ringold plans on a more extensive outreach project
Commissioner Kummer asks what will happen to current and planned  

Ms. Ringold explains that projects will be ongoing concurrently
Commissioner Erwin asks that the U of M and the city be included as  
they share parkland and in the case of the city, light and street  

Commissioner Dziedzic asks about cost.
Ms. Ringold explains it will be done with staff time.
Commissioner Dziedzic goes on to say that it will easier to get money  
from the Legislature if they see a comprehensive plan

The Regular meeting is recessed to allow for the Planning Committee and  
the public hearing on the Resolution of the DeLaSalle Citizens Advisory  
Committee (CAC)

Commissioner Fine calls planning to order at 5:30 pm

Bert McKasy chair of the DeLaSalle CAC is introduced and allowed to  
present first to make another commitment

Chair McKasy states that the CAC met on 4 occasions for a total of 14  
hours, there was excellent attendance, no participant could be  
considered a shrinking violet and they heard comments from  
approximately 75 people.  The 14 pages of minutes reflect the  
discussions of site plan presentation, the walking tour and  
presentations on design, lighting sound etc... , the Nicollet Island  
Master Plan, some background in history, the environment and traffic  
and finally alternate location proposals.

A motion for a resolution was introduced by Judy Blaseg and was passed  
on a 10 to 8 vote.

next was the design presentation by Jay Pomeroy

After discussion in the CAC the original design was amended to lower  
the fields and create a lower to the site line retaining wall on the  
north side
Tiered walls on the east side to create a less imposing structure and  
give accessibility by ramp

Lowered the press box into the stands
Excluded fencing on the west side to give a more open feel for public  
Eliminated the moving of the tennis courts to the east side to create  
more parking

Changed the layout to provide more multiple uses for the field
There will be fencing and a retaining wall to the north to discourage  
cutting across the railroad tracks and crossing arms will be installed  
on East Island AV by the railroad for safety.

Commissioner Erwin asks if the design includes parking and surface run  
off and improvements beyond the field

Mr. Pomeroy says that porous pavers were discussed but there was no  
consensus and the field will be natural turf over a sand base

and the only extras will be the new lot and some boulevard plantings

Commissioner Mason asks about a final cost and the Environmental  
Assessment Worksheet timing
The cost is not determined and the EAW will be available from the city  
on Monday. 

[MPLS] Lasallians in the news

2005-10-28 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Today I received my weekly issue of the Catholic Spirit and there was 
an article about a new school under the Lasallian umbrella ( like many 
others including DeLaSalle and Cretin- Derham Hall)  this school was 
not founded by the Christian Brothers and that was what made it 
interesting.  What made it interesting to me was the qualifications 
that had to be met to fit into the group.  It seems that at least 25% 
of the student body had to be receiving financial aide ( not wealthy)  
for them to qualify.  During the past few months DeLaSalle has been 
touting their % of kids receiving financial aide and now I read that in 
order for them to keep their Lasallian accreditation this is required.  
This seems sort of like someone touting their hours of volunteering at 
a shelter only to find out they were there only because they were 
sentenced there for community service  for a traffic violation.

DeLaSalle is a PRIVATE RELIGIOUS institution and as such can deny or 
allow students based on whatever criteria they choose.  The public 
schools take everybody and pay through the nose to accommodate 
everything required by law.   Would someone explain to me why we are 
even talking about giving them land valued at around $7 million 
dollars  That is the equivalent to half of what was spent to create 
the Neiman Complex and it includes a heck of a lot more amenities.  If 
we need another gym why doesn't the MPRB just build one out in the Fort 
building... they are most likely going to end up paying for the 
construction out there anyway when the lawsuit is settled?

At the previous meeting of the MPRB I asked how much year to date the 
Rice Michaels firm had billed the MPRB.  The answer was  $338,206.85 
through September 30.  Yes, 1/3 of a million and only 3/4 of the way 
through the year.  This money could be paying for stump grinding ( per 
Mike Schmidt at the MPRB they could catch up if they had a million 
dollars) or skating rinks or even the bond debt for the aforementioned 
Neiman Complex.  Just imagine all the billable hours should the 
DeLaSalle issue end up in court.  Is your park the one that will be 
auctioned off to pay for all of this

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

( who apologizes for forgetting to sign my previous post)

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[MPLS] EAW for DeLaSalle Stadium

2005-10-28 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski


Public Comment Meeting -- Tuesday, November 15, 7 pm,
DeLaSalle High School, Florance Room (Main Entrance facing Hennepin  
Avenue in center of the building, under the Clock)

Public comment period ends Wednesday, November 23, 4:30 pm
The Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) provides information  
regarding the potential environmental effects of the DeLaSalle High  
School Athletic Facility Project (Project). The Project is an addition  
of a regulation size football field at the School campus on Nicollet  
Island. The use of the field will be shared by DeLaSalle and the  
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB). The new field, when not  
used for football, will provide one regulation size soccer field or  
three junior soccer fields. The use of this new football and soccer  
facility will be shared by DeLaSalle and by the MPRB. The athletic  
field will be built on two parcels of land presently divided by Grove  
Street, one owned by DeLaSalle, and one owned by the MPRB. The portion  
of the existing Grove  Street right-of-way between Nicollet  Street and  
East  Island Avenue dividing the parcels would be vacated for the  
Project. The Project site is located within the St. Anthony Falls  
Historic District. Copies of the EAW are available for review at the  
downtown Minneapolis Public Library located at 250  Marquette Ave., the  
Southeast Community Library located at 1222 SE  4th St., and in the  
office of the City Planning Division at 210 City Hall. It is also  
available for review on the City of Minneapolis web site: 
DeLaSalle_Athletic_Field_EAW.pdf. Paper copies of this EAW and a  
compact disk of the report can also be provided upon request to Michael  
Orange (refer to contact information below). Planning Division staff  
will present the EAW and the comments on the document to the Zoning and  
Planning Committee of the City Council no earlier than Thursday,  
November 15, 2005 (9:30 a.m. in Room 317 City Hall). Subsequently, the  
City Council will act on the Committee’s recommendation. For further  
information, contact J. Michael Orange, Principal Planner, Minneapolis  
Planning Division, Community Planning and Economic Development  
Department, City Hall Room 210, 350 S. 5th  Street, Minneapolis, MN  
55415-1385, by telephone at (612) 673-2347, or E-mail at  

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[MPLS] Lots of information on the upcoming Park Board races

2005-10-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
A great big thanks to the folks at the Southwest Journal for covering 
the Park Board races in such great detail.

I only wish the local press in NE was as interested.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Status Quo and the PIPs

2005-10-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Actually at last night's meeting of the MPRB, after just about everyone 
except Park Watch and staff had left,  the USDA Forestry Service made a 
lengthy report on the status of our urban forest.  They described our 
MPRB trees in detail and it seems that the species we have the most of 
now ( since we lost so many elms) are ash trees.  The Emerald Ash borer 
has destroyed much of Ohio's ash trees and they are headed now into 
Michigan and Wisconsin.  Will we be facing a crisis bigger than Dutch 
Elm Disease?  And if that isn't a big enough worry the Asian 
Long-Horned Beetle isn't very picky about which trees it destroys, 75% 
of species are to its liking, and it too may be coming to a tree near 
you.  The report will soon be posted to the MPRB website ( it's big so 
it will take a few days to scan ).  I hope they plan on building the 
Forestry Sections reserves during the budget discussion they will have 
next Wednesday evening at 5:00pm as a committee of the whole.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Nick Coleman on DeLaSalle

2005-10-19 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Though I sympathize with Quentin and hope he heals quickly, such is the 
plight of the athlete.  My sister played for the state champion girls 
soccer team in Roseville many moons ago and has had knee surgery and 
many of my uncles who played college football are all now the proud 
owners of replacement knees.  Where you play the game has little or 
nothing to do with getting hurt.  And as for DeLaSalle needing a field 
next to their building I have to say that I am dismayed that they feel 
that they need to have a suburban campus in an urban setting.  Don't we 
all wish that we could have it all regardless of the needs of others.  
No one ever seems to mention that St. Agnes and St. Bernard's in Nick 
Coleman's home town of St. Paul both play their games at Midway 
stadium.  Should we all call St. Paul and tell them to use eminent 
domain to get land for these schools to build their own stadiums 
adjoining the property???

Hopefully the voters of Minneapolis can discern that giving this park 
land to DeLaSalle will open up the door for every developer with a plan 
to use park land.  Crown Hydro has already taken the MPRB to court over 
this issue and I imagine that those who covet thy park board's property 
all over town will now have their foot in the door.  Again I ask... 
what programs are you willing to give up in your parks to pay the legal 
bills for the MPRB over all these shenanigans???

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

Disclaimer...Catholic, godfather and his 4 brothers are all DeLaSalle 
Alumni, cousin studying for the priesthood

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[Mpls] [mpls} District 4 debate a Kenwood Recreation Center

2005-10-18 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
This evening I had an opportunity to listen to the District 4 MPRB 
candidates debate at the Kenwood Rec Center. ( I was really there for 
the at-large debate but stayed later)   Being from Northeast and not 
having the Lake of the Isles issues or the Hidden Beach issue as part 
of my neighborhood I asked a question pertaining to Northeast because 
though the district members are really tied to their own constituents 
they vote on issues that pertain to all parts of town.  My issue was of 
course the fact that prior to it becoming the Lupient  Waterpark, the 
northeast pool had reasonable family rates that people like my family 
could afford to pay for and use.  I asked the candidates what they 
could do to help solve this problem.

  Christine Hanson was of the opinion that the MPRB should be making 
these places free and that more partnering with foundations would give 
the needed dollars to make this happen.  With her background in 
business she would be able to help make the grant requests more viable 
with better plans for how the money would be spent.

  Tracy Nordstom was of the opinion that some park services should 
require fees but that by making a sliding scale and setting reasonable 
prices the cost for upkeep, lifeguards, parking lot maintenance etc... 
could be covered as well as providing an opportunity for all to 

Most people now would say... vote for that free lady  get the money 
from some foundation and get a pass.   NOT ME

I am of the old school that says you do not value something unless you 
have had to work for it.  But the current fee is for many families just 
unattainable regardless of how many hours you work.  I think that the 
MPRB should spend my tax dollars wisely and should be providing 
services to me at a cost I can afford.  If they get too many foundation 
dollars they are no longer accountable to me the taxpayer but to the 
foundations that pay for their programs.  And crazily enough when times 
are tough and folks really need the help is when foundation donations 
go down.

The current board has a majority that never seems to question their 
poor decisions even when the losses appear in the budget year after 
year.  Having someone like Tracy on the board will bring in a person 
who will give you not the prettiest answer but the hard answer that 
really makes better sense in the long run.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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re:[Mpls] Today's city council budget presentations: CPED, NRP, Mpls public library

2005-10-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Cheryl Luger notes that during her presentation to the city council 
Director Kit Hadley mentions the following...

   In what looks like a pretty good apples to apples comparison, The 
libraries situation vis a vis the city and parks certified tax levy 
and LGA show from 2003 to 2008 :

  Librrary board experiencing a decrease of l.5%
 City of Mpls shows an increase of 13.79%
 Park Board show an increase of 9.56%

 From 1994 to 2008 (Certified tax levy, LGA, HACA)
  Library board shows an increase of only 41.62%
  compared to the city incrase of 77.37% and ther Park boards increase 
of 75.23%.

If the Parks are showing an increase of 9. 56% and 75.23 %  why are 
they always cutting programs.  Inflation certainly isn't running at 
75.23 % .  What happened

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB meeting 10-5-05 highlights part 4

2005-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Operations and Environment Committee  7:00

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
GM for Operations  Mike Schmidt

In laymans terms it is using a variety of methods to deal with pests
Majority of MPRB land not treated, just gardens and golf courses
It is approx 50% cheaper to use IPM than to eliminate and restore
Like with humans and bacterial infections if you use the "hard" stuff 
you develop resistant strains

The operations staff are licensed pesticide applicators
The MPRB has received awards in this area
The MPRB has also done Audubon Society Certifications for Meadowbrook 
and Wirth Golf Courses
He also gives a great compliment to Mary Lehrman for keeping everyone 
up to date on new technologies in the field

Commissioner Erwin suggests that the U of M turf grass guys would love 
test spots on the golf courses
and is hoping the MPRB will take the lead in handling invasive species 
like Buckthorn

At the request of Commissioner Kummer a guest is allowed to speak   
Kristin Berg Thompson

Ms. Thompson would like to see the MPRB to make an organic push where 
pest control is concerned.  She is concerned with the methods used and 
postulates that the golf course care at Hiawatha is a cause for the 
water quality problems and the closing of Lake Hiawatha.

She would like to see an Organic Land Care Initiative.  In the 1980's 
the MPRB was ahead of the curve and in 2005 one of the lakes is closed.

Adjourned 7:25

Admin and Finance

Passes 2 NRP contracts with Armatage and Phelps Park


GM Siggelkow  makes a request of commissioners to approve a plan to 
rent out the plank road ( part of West River Parkway) and the Stone 
Arch Bridge because there have been requests and there hasn't been a 
policy to do this.
The suggested rates are the same as for closing a parkway and they 
would use Mintahoe as the exclusive caterer.

Commissioner Dziedzic who had recently attended a reception at Wirth 
Chalet complained that the drink prices were too high

President Olson ( after dismissing Commissioner Dziedzic to talk to 
staff later) supports doing this now that there is demand after they 
had one last year ( do it and then ask for a policy... interesting)

Commissioner Fine asks how often this would occur

GM Sigglekow believes the permitting staff would be able to handle 
making the decisions about what would be the correct number of venues 
and what is appropriate ( shades of the Jason Stone incident make me 
question this)  and would have to be a huge or unique event.  {Circe du 
Soliel tents there next summer???}

Commissioner Young thinks the policy should have more specifics or 
maybe rates per hour, possibly define what number constitutes huge.

GM Siggelkow again wants it up to staff

Commissioner Erwin wonders about the neighbors in the neighborhood and 
if they have been contacted.  ( if you can't say something nice, don't 
say nothing at all... Thumper from Bambi)  He does not feel that the 
MPRB should commercialize the bridge.

President Olson says the neighbors were accommodated for the last event 
on the plank road and it's mostly in front of the Mill City Museum.

Commissioner Young tries to add more detail and gives up in frustration 
and then like Commissioner Erwin decides that maybe it is a bad idea.

Commissioner Dziedzic asks if they are recommending Mintahoe without a 

GM Sigglekow claims that no one else would give the 15% Mintahoe agrees 
to ( how do you know, you didn't ask )

Commissioner Dziedzic asks for price lists for all the caterers the 
MPRB uses

Vote is taken...

For  Dziedzic, Hauser and Berry Graves
Against  Mason and Young

Passes to the full board for a vote on October 19th ( so get your calls 
and letters in folks)

Administrative Tickets

General Manager Sigglekow recommends a system of administrative tickets 
that will be handled by the MPRB instead of Hennepin County
This will be for parking violations and violation of dog park and off 
leash rules etc.. not for moving violations

Using hand held devices ( at an unknown cost to buy and administer) the 
MPRB police will give
1) a warning 2) a ticket that can be upgraded to a dog park permit or 
season parking pass  3) a regular ticket , $750 misdemeanor or $33 
parking ticket
because the park patrons often don't see the signs or the meters are 
out of order etc...  This will prevent a clog to the court system.

Commissioner Berry Graves asks the cost

GM Siggelkow says it must be cost effective because the city uses it.

Commissioner Erwin asks how much the MPRB really recovers on a ticket 
,mprb 60%, county 40%

Will this be a revenue increase?
GM Siggelkow yes ( really, you quoted a 1/2 million in parking tickets 
and meters earlier)
Commissioner Hauser asks how this can be enforced if people have no ID 
or a vehicle with a license plate?

GM Siggelkow...chancy

The vote is for staff to get more details and return to the board

Adjourned 8:00


4.1 Retain consulting services

[mpls] MPRB meeting 10-5-05 highlights part 3

2005-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Back to the 2006 budget discussions...

Commissioner Hauser points out that many parkkeepers retired in 2002 
with the early retirement buyout and believes that staff was directed 
to bring those numbers back up in 2004's budgeting process, did that 

GM Schmidt said that the forestry staff is at 100% of what is 
authorized ( and is that the same # as in 2002???) and that they are 
down 4 parkkeepers and 1 gardener but were not filling those positions 
until they were confirmed as being in the new budget.

President Olson asks if the base budget can be maintained

GM Siggelkow says it looks close and that the staff is looking for 
direction from commissioners

Commissioner Young asks that the Committee of the Whole meeting that 
was moved be scheduled and wants to add community input but her choice 
of date would not allow for the 2 week notice required and the meeting 
agenda is already getting huge with DeLaSalle etc..

There is a suggestion to change it to the 12th, which is bad due to a 
religious holiday so the 26th at 5:00 pm  for 1 hour is chosen with a 
unanimous vote.

Commissioner Erwin asks staff to make available before the committee of 
the whole meeting
1) What % change have we had in various budget areas since the previous 
election and the changes in # for staff and in what areas

2) What are the costs associated with the items on the survey
3) Administration... have the # of employees and the $ spent in 
administration changed since the last term began and by what degree.
( I would personally like to thank Commissioner Erwin for asking for 
these specifics, apparently as a department head at the U of M he does 
know what REAL budgeting looks like :-)

Commissioner Kummer would also like to have the $$ that are spent on 
the Board itself provided.  ( thank you as well)

Commissioner Hauser would like to know if there are any recommendations 
for parking enforcement etc..

GM Siggelkow explains that these are self funded through fines and the 
meters and in fact the MPRB collects about 1/2 million in fines 

7.1 to approve the 2006 commissioner priorities is passed ( which I 
guess are trees, youth sports and maintenance)

Unfinished Business

The board votes to ask the city to bond for more for diseased tree 

from Don Siggelkow who explained it...

The bonding ... is repaid with assessments.  We remove
the trees, the homeowner has the option to pay all of the bill or 

the payments over time and pay interest.  There is no impact to any
taxpayer other than the homeowner that had the tree removed.  We
normally have the City issue $500,000 in assessment bonds. Due to 

than normal losses, the bonding level needs to be increased to reflect
the higher level of assessments.


New Business

Emergency Preparedness

Commissioner Kummer asks if the MPRB has specific plans both internally 
and externally

GM Schmidt says there is a plan and the park police and the forestry 
dept. are part of the first responders

They are also included in the plan made by the Office of Emergency 
Preparedness and the MPRB coordinates with them and through them should 
FEMA or another agency come into Minneapolis.

The Office of EP has a website if anyone cares to look up the plan

The staff and supervisors are all kept up to date on their part.

Commissioner Berry Graves asks if we are depending on communications 
that are strictly phone based?  NO and the Park Police are part of a 
bigger network

Commissioner Kummer asks for the information to be available at the 
parks ( which will happen) and that people should remember to have 
papers on their pets and extra food for them as part of their home 
emergency plans

Commissioner Young asks that Commissioner Dziedzic convene the 
legislative committee again soon for getting 2006 bonding priorities 
started, would like a date for the House Capital Bonding Tour and 
details ( Oct 10) and is East Phillips on our agenda???

Commissioner Dziedzic will take it under consideration.

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Fine is getting calls about a rumor that the MPRB is 
planning to sell East Harriet Farmstead to Lakewood Cemetary
Commissioner Kummer got a letter ( via Commissioner Young ) about the 
playground equipment at Nokomis, a letter in praise of Sea Salt, and a 
letter asking that the rinks be maintained in the budget.

Commissioner Berry Graves also received the rink letter and also got 
calls about the Wirth House being sold to Lakewood and that the MPRB 
was probably going to sell the tot lot on 58th and Washburn. The 
constituent that called about the tot lot had heard this from his 
district commissioner back in August

President Olson and Commissioner Dziedzic had both heard many thank 
yous about the great clean up by the forestry staff after the storm ( 
Liz would like to add her thanks as her neighborhood Columbia Park 
really had a mess of trees down)

Commissioner Dziedzic also

Re: [Mpls] Southwest Journal Oct. 10-23 issue

2005-10-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Hennepin County has a rule that if any group spends more than $100 you 
must register as a PAC.  Park Reform and People for I. Parks are both 
registered on the Hennepin County website(   and go into campaign finance).  You can 
see where donations come from and who is in charge etc..  for free.  
The same is true for all candidates.  You can look up the individual 
candidates on the website as well.  Any donation over $100 must be 
itemized and if you look at the itemized donations to Park Reform  on 
their pre-primary report you will see big as life that I gave $101, and 
no I am not a developer, just a housewife with a part time job at 
Office Max.   You can also see all of the PACs that have donated to 
various campaigns and if you want  you can go to the state campaign 
finance board website  and see just who 
lobbies for the pacs etc...  I will give you fair warning that you 
might find yourself praying for more campaign finance reform after 
doing this.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

co-founder of Minneapolis Park Watch
Not a PAC but a group of citizen volunteers

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[mpls] MPRB meeting 10-5-05 highlights part 2

2005-10-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Report from Admin and Fin Committee

7.1 Adopt the Commissioners budget priorities for the 2006 budget ( 
based on surveys turned in by 7, vs the 4 last meeting, commissioners )

GM for Administration Don Siggelkow

The duty of the board is to..
  Decide property tax policy
  Set fee policies
  Define services we will provide
  Define service levels
  Set salaries and benefits
  How these policies are then implemented are up to the superintendent 
and staff to work out (I hope that there are SOME boundaries on how )

Do you have a line item budget? yes  Can you have one?  just ask ( Can 
the public ask???  I am asking)

He then showed the compilation numbers that staff arrived upon from the 
7 commissioner surveys they received

Commissioner Hauser asks for the differentiation in Fees 1 and Fees 2

1) what the MPRB presently collects ( as a percentage of the total 
cost) and 2) the average % the commissioners would like to see 

Commissioner Young asks how the MPRB is dealing with increased costs 
for energy, health insurance and pensions and where would these costs 
be found

GM Siggelkow points out the healthcare will rise 20% this year ( 1/2 
million ) but there is a one time increase in LGA this year so the 
board is not facing budget cuts.  Energy costs are expected to increase 
between $150,000-$175,000 and pensions are handled by the city and 
historically have not been an issue for the MPRB

Commissioner Young as head of the Operations and Environment committee 
notes that Maintenance seems to take big hits when the staff chooses 
where to cut.  How can the Commissioners vote to keep more maintenance.

GM Sigglekow responds that they need to specify this and pick a 
different area to cut

Commissioner Erwin points out that the top 10 are in pretty basic 
categories like tree removal and replanting, youth sports and 
supervision and building and field maintenance he also mentions some on 
the bottom like the horse patrol and storm response (gee, just after 
the last meeting storm response was very important in reality) he then 
asks when the there will be specific discussion and if the board will 
meet as a committee of the whole to do this?

Commissioner Dziedzic points out that when they we last elected there 
were 137 parkkeepers and now only 115, can the dept absorb more cuts

GM Schmidt admits it could be done but the system would have to change 
(Hey Mike... are you talking about outsourcing union jobs here?  )

Commissioner Dziedzic and President Olson have words over how long 
Commissioner Dziedzic has been speaking

Commissioner Mason states that in her 8 1/2 years there have never been 
discussions about the specifics in regard to budgeting (amongst the 
commissioners) and that it mostly came to picking where to do 
eliminations.  She then makes a motion for a meeting of the board as a 
Committee of the Whole where the budget talks will be the only agenda 

Commissioner Berry Graves seconds the motion and would like more 
details from GM Schmidt about his last statement ( Liz would too)
She is hearing that we are maintaining at the current level and that 
people want it better so what options would be needed.


President Olson has 11 people signed up for OPEN TIME and 15 minutes 
available so doing the math comes up with 1 minute 20 sec per speaker 
(but there were not 11 people and he should maybe have confirmed that )

Barb Stevens of the West Calhoun Neighborhood shows maps of Lake 
Calhoun and points out where they need Stop signs for safety.  There 
are 5 stop signs on the other side of the lake along the Parkway and 
they have ZERO.  She mentions petitions ( 95% of those asked, signed )

Mary Tate presents the resolution and the signed petitions requesting 
stop signs at W 36TH ST, W 32ND ST, and at the exit for the parking lot 
at the Lake Calhoun Executive Center.  They would like to prevent a 
tragedy from happening in a 25mph zone where speeds average nearer 40 

Meg Fourney
In light of the Board recently taking the initiative for a 
comprehensive look at Lake Calhoun, and now taking into account these 
residents' comments, I would like to remind the Board of 3 items:
1)  In 1997, appointed to the Park Board's Parkway Traffic Study, I 
served to address effective and consistent traffic calming methods. 
Clearly West Calhoun is inconsistent with East Calhoun, as they have 
stop signs at every intersection and West Calhoun has none. The 2004 
Traffic Study Addendum suggests raised pedestrian crosswalks are 
2)   The Chain of Lakes Study, with architect Michael Van Valkenberg, 
addressed commuter use of the Parkways through the continuous parkway 
intersections, and suggested breaking the continuous path with 
t-intersections.  Commuter traffic has seriously increased since his 
recommendations.  Breaking the pattern is essential. These 
t-intersections, as well as other alternatives to decrease commuter 
traffic ne

[mpls] MPRB meeting 10-5-05 highlights

2005-10-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Regular Meeting called to Order at 5:00
Agenda rearranged a bit to provide speaking time for the new Exec 
Director at the Minneapolis Institute of Art Bill Griswold

Mr. Griswold expresses gratitude to the MPRB for its support and 
partnerships ( the MPRB serves as the conduit for money from the 
taxpayers to the Museum )
he also invites the commissioners and superintendent to a tour of the 
new wing opening this fall.  He also mentions that he is looking for 
input from the community in how the museum can better serve the people.

Reports of Officers

Lake District ( Paul Hokeness )

Some flooding at 50th and the Parkway during the storms
areas that usually flooded at  Lake of the Isles aren't
Hiawatha Golf Course did flood
The first meeting for the 2006 Loppet was held
Palio (sp) was celebrated at Kenwood Park
The Twin Cities Marathon was handled well by staff and park police
All sailboats should be off of the lakes by Oct 10th and the docks will 
be coming in soon
Check out your neighborhood park for their Halloween party schedule 
( )

He then mentions the Lakewise newsletter (who gets this)

Circe du Soliel's performance schedule was interrupted by flu and he 
has had no complaints about Circe site

River District  ( Jon Oyanagi )

Lots of clean up of trees in this district after storms (Liz who lives 
in NE will vouch for at least 5 trees down in her neighborhood alone)
The Bottineau skatepark equipment is going in soon ( and he mentions 
the River Review...  again what is this and who gets it??? )
The Victory Memorial Trail ( bike and walking trail) is moving along  
(It looks like a 2nd street down the middle of the grassy area)
The Cleveland Park wading pool is getting updated and there are public 
meetings for

Edgewater Park ( Oct 6) and Jordan Park ( Oct 11)
The NE and North Parks also having Halloween parties

Commissioner Young asks about the Peace Pledge banners at Folwell and 
if they could be displayed in the board room ( they are property of the 
Folwell Neighborhood Association)

Minnehaha District (Eileen Kilpatrick)
The Bob Casey Field dedication was held and next year Mr. Casey's son 
will be coming to throw out the first pitch of the baseball season at 
Stewart Park
Had a School's Out day on Sept 30th at Wabun Park with 78 kids doing 
tours of the Lock and Dam, games and eating hot dogs cooked up by the 
park police
Youthline received a grant and there will be Art Projects with 
professional instructors and studio tours at Sibley and Longfellow 

The first Scooter School will be October 22nd
There will be a Family event at Wabun Park on Oct 29th (that includes 
some haunted houses)
Bossen Field was under water after the storms and a service road in 
Minnehaha Park washed out

Commissioner Erwin asks if flooding of Minnehaha Creek needs to be 
address to increase capacity or flow rate

GM Mike Schmidt gives some flood management info...
1) Flooding of parks and golf courses is preferable to homes and streets
2) Flood mitigation falls under the cities public works dept. ( with no 
funding currently dedicated there )

3) We could have more ponds
4) Changing anything about the creek would be a regulatory improbability

Commissioner Berry Graves comments on the beautiful reports (Lakewise 
and River Review etc.-.???) and hopes that 50th and the Parkway can be 
"fixed" to not become so flood prone

Commissioner Kummer asks if a meeting with the watershed folks might be 

GM Mike Schmidt mentions they will be before the board in November.  
They are going to make a report on their "vision" for Minnehaha Creek

He then moves into his report
The  Minneapolis Tree Inventory completed by the Dept. of Ag on a 
recommendation from the state DNR which will be given as a report on 
the 10/19 meeting. It  will discuss our urban forest and the MPRB's 
forestry practices

He also mentions that the MPRB won the National Roadside Vegetative 
Associations, Municipalities with Excellent Vegetation Management Award 
after being nominated by MNDOT.

Minutes are approved for the 9-21-2005 meeting ( you can see these on 
the website, they are the agenda with notations as to votes or actions 
taken, if you want to hear discussion you can order a copy of the 
meeting on DVD for a fee)

Consent Business
The board moves and passes 7 items with little discussion including pay 
raises for 2 unions and having a non- appointed Citizens Advisory 
Committee for the Jordan Park and Shingle Creek tot lot improvements


coming in part 2 ... the budget for 2006 and some frustration from 
neighbors in the East Phillips area during OPEN TIME

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park


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Re: [Mpls] athletic facilities and boondoggles

2005-10-08 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Oops,  a boo-boo in my last post.  The MPRB is asking the city to bond 
for astro turf for Parade Field not the ice.  $1,000,000 for the turf.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] athletic facilities and boondoggles

2005-10-08 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

The most recent info from the city can be read at this link 

Apparently the city is making the payments on the loan while plans for  
the future are developed ( they did guarantee the loan).  The MPRB  
seems interested, but where they would get the $ to pay off the  
loan are anybody's guess.  It seems they were short revenue from Parade  
due to loss of a customer ( that would be while the Wild were on  
strike  bet they're happy that's over.  Wonder what that financial  
hit was? ).  Last I heard the MPRB was installing astroturf on the  
Parade Ice for indoor soccer.  Is that where Edison  Arena is headed?   
Regardless of who picks up the payments there is a big lesson to be  
learned from all of this...

DO NOT RELY ON GAMBLING TO PAY THE BILLS  pulltab revenue was suppose  
to pay for all of this.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[Mpls] A chance to make your opinions known via a format other than the list

2005-10-07 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

	• 	Tuesday, October 18, 6:30  – 8:30 pm; North Commons Recreation 
Center, 1801 James Avenue North
	• 	Wednesday, October 19, 5  – 7 pm; Butler Square Building, First 
Floor Conference Room A  and B, 100 North Sixth Street
	• 	Wednesday, October 26, 6:30  – 8:30 pm; Keewaydin Recreation 
Center, 3000 East 53rd  Street
The City of Minneapolis is hosting a series of workshops to give the 
public an opportunity to share their ideas on how the City can improve 
its transportation system. The workshops will provide an overview of 
the City’s 10-Year Transportation Action Plan, which is under 
development, and provide information on the transportation challenges 
facing the City. When completed, the Transportation Action Plan will 
be a citywide plan that addresses a full range of transportation 
options and issues, including pedestrians, bicycles, transit, 
automobile and freight. The 10-Year Action Plan also will include 
additional materials, including a web-based transportation fact book, 
a transit and street operations plan for downtown, and new street 
design guidelines that reflect the characteristics of the 
surroundings. Pre-registration is not required. Since the workshops 
will include presentations on transportation challenges facing the 
City, followed by structured dialogue, participants are encouraged to 
arrive at the designated meeting start time. Upon request, the City 
will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities or 
who are in need of a translator. Please submit such requests or 
requests for additional information no later than seven days prior to 
the meeting to Charleen Zimmer, Project Manager, at (612) 673-3166 or 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Report on 9/21 Park Board Meeting

2005-09-26 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  Funny that Commissioner Dziedzic doesn't mention any contact from 
constituents,  I know that my neighbor wrote commissioner Dziedzic a 
letter to thank him and the MPRB for continuing to keep our pool open 
and the summer supervisory staff at our park, Hi-view.  I know he 
received it because he mentioned it to me and so did she.  Why wasn't 
this mentioned as she specifically wrote it to emphasize how important 
these amenities are to our neighborhood so that they would be 
"remembered" as such during the upcoming budget discussions ( the real 
ones, not whatever that was last Wednesday).

  The priority survey the commissioners were asked to fill out is found 
at this link

   What I  find interesting is that during the Sept. 7, meeting when 
there was a motion made to do a survey, the reasoning was that they 
would not be able to "brainstorming"  in an Admin and Finance committee 
meeting to come up with some ideas.  And then at this meeting during 
the Recreation committee they do brainstorming.  Maybe it has to do 
more with the committee chair being uncomfortable without direction 
from staff, who knows?  The issue I have with the survey is that if a 
commissioner wants to look at cuts not in an area mentioned in the 
survey they are ignored.  I know Commissioner Mason has tried for many 
years to get a better breakdown in where administrative dollars are 
spent to see if that area could be pared down.  She never gets an 
answer and Admin is never touched.  Who makes the survey?  The 
administrative staff of course.

  Liz Wielinski
  Columbia Park
  Who hopes Superintendent Gurban's car is okay after leaving the top 
down during Wednesday's bad weather.

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis needs to hire more police officers FROM Minneapolis

2005-09-24 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The folks on the MET Council are appointed, not elected and as such are 
not answerable to any electorate just the people who appointed them.   
And to make this more Minneapolis specific  these appointed folks 
and the folks they have appointed to serve on their OPEN SPACE 
committee will be the folks allowing another stadium to be built on 
Nicollet Island after the CAC that is a CAC in name only gets done 
pushing forward the DelaSalle agenda for the majority 5 on the MPRB.  
They were apparently hard at work deciding the height of the retaining 
wall until nearly midnight on Thursday.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Celebrate the Freedom to Read

2005-09-23 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

These are the authors they want banned

Top Ten Challenged Authors (1990 to 2004) 1. Alvin Schwartz 2. Judy 
Blume 3. Robert Cormier 4. J.K. Rowling 5. Michael Willhoite 6. 
Katherine Paterson 7. Stephen King 8. Maya Angelou 9. R.L. Stine 10. 
John Steinbeck

If it weren't for Blume, Rowling, King and R.L.Stine most of the 
teenagers in my extended family would be illiterate.  Are they 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB 9-07-05 highlights part 2

2005-09-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning committee
Presentation of the West River Road Plan from the Plymouth Av Bridge to 
the BNSF RR Bridge ( the 
.pdf is 25 pages and is very detailed) is presented by Mike Kimble ( 
formerly of planning now head of community and governmental relations 
for the MPRB).  He describes the planning process including a CAC that 
met over a 1 year long process with staff and the consultants.  He also 
stated that the plan had been approved by AFCAC (Above the Falls 
Citizen Advisory Committee) and that the Met Council had approved the 
park part.   There were many speakers following Mr. Kimble as part of 
the public hearing including Meg Fourney who was chair of the CAC and 
Tim Baylor the developer of the Riverview Towers ( just North of the 
Taj Ma headquarters) and many other residents.  Their concerns included 
a turn around prior to their building ( to keep traffic to a minimum) 
and moving the restroom shelter to a less secluded area, mainly nearer 
where the River Rats perform for safety reasons and of course loss of 
street parking with the parkway redesign.  Total estimated cost... $10 
million, money so far $3,000,000 from the Mississippi Watershed 
Organization. There was also some concern about drug use nearer the 
secluded area of the RR bridge and Commissioner Dziedzic stated that 
with the park police so close that will end, to which the audience gave 
a resounding NO.

Commissioner Hauser asked if the raingarden that was for the Riverview 
Tiwers was being paid for by the MPRB to which Mr. Baylor replied that 
it was funded by Riverview's developers.


 Rosemary Knutson, past president of the West Bank Community Coalition, 
said it appears to the WBCC Bluff
Street Park Task Force that the park board would like to sell the 8 
acre derelict piece of land next to her
building. She said she had spoken before the park board in August 2000 
on the same issue.
Then-commissioner Dean Zimmerman opposed the sale. The WBCC formed the 
task force last fall to encourage the
park board to preserve the bluff as native open space rather than sell 
the parkland for real estate
development. The neighborhood was “virtually unanimous” in support of 
the $45,000 park plan as
designed by a consulting landscape design firm, the least expensive of 
three proposed designs
 Four issues: 1) This is the only significant amount of flat park land 
on this stretch of river bluff. 2) Does this
organization [the park board] work with residents to protect the 
environment? 3) Does this organization
[another rhetorical question … I think it was broader, like does the 
park board work with citizens at all?]
4]Cedar-Riverside is densely populated … and id interrupted as she has 
gone over her 3 minutes per President Olson.

- Ann Forsyth, director of the Metropolitan Design Center at the 
University of Minnesota said the task
force had asked her for free technical assistance in developing a park 
plan. There were steps taken
1) task force; 2) a stakeholders survey, held at neighborhood 
organization’s annual meeting; 3) Three
options, least expensive chosen. To learn more about free help, go to and click on “design assistance.”

- Karen Swenson of Groundwork Minneapolis said her organization works 
to turn blighted sites into open
space parkland. The Gas Works Bluff site had been included on a list of 
feasible sites they developed
some time ago (BF Nelson was another site on their list). They helped 
arrange for AmeriCorps crew to be
available to work on Bluff Street Park next spring, and found funds for 

- Elizabeth Hopwood asked commissioners to keep the property as park 
rather than condos. Most residents
are Somalian refugees who take their kids out to play in the evenings 
and increased traffic from further
real estate development would endanger them. She wants “open space for 
people from the Seven Corners area to utilize.”

- Arthur Renander of Riverview Towers, thanked the board for the 
opportunity to speak, then
said “This is a [park] board in crisis,” well on its way to selling off 
valuable park land. He called the
current commissioner whose district includes the Gas Works Bluff site 
[Comm. Marie Hauser] a “closet
supporter” of selling the land to condo developers, whose support was a 
cover for the rest of the board to
approve the sale. He said the rumored sale price was far below the 
land’s value. “An election can’t come

soon enough!” he said. “Our plan is incredibly simple.”

- Bob Johnson,  said he lived at Riverview Towers for 24 years, 
1979–2003. He cited the
great improvements to the area brought by the construction of West 
River Parkway, but said Gas Works
Bluff was the site of a coal gas tank, and a 100-foot diameter concrete 
slab is still there. He said five
years ago there began a movement for creating a park there, which he 
said would be a “great misuse” [of
either mone

[mpls] 9-07-05 MPRB HIghlights Part 2 1/2

2005-09-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Back to reports of Officers...  Jon Oyanagi River District Manager, 
Thanks to corp. sponsors of the Safe Streets Program, General Mills, 
Target, Cub and the Minneapolis Foundation.  Spoke about the "reverse 
groundbreaking" at Folwell (?) Park where the tennis courts are coming 
out and a soccer field is going .  Working on reviving ice hockey on 
the Northside.

Minnehaha District: Doing a big housecleaning of the Rec Centers and 
has partnered with the Midtown Latino Organizing Project  to sponsor a 
family night  and have already rounded up 4 soccer teams in the effort.

The board moves onto consent business and discusses funding another 
hour of cable time through the end of the year.  Commissioner Fine 
points out the extra expense and the commissioners vote to pay for the 
additional hours ( $40/hour for 7 more meetings this year for an 
expense of $280 )  During which they will run the newly produce "park 
commercials"...  what political theater. NRP funding for air 
conditioning at Folwell Park is approved.

Unfinished Business:  Commissioner Young reports that the Water Quality 
Task Force is developing indicators for sustainability.

New Business: Superintendent Gurban speaks of the 9/11 tribute at Lake 
Harriet and mentions the Salvation Army wishing to collect for 
hurricane Katrina victims through the sale of vigil candles ( the MPRB 
forgoes their usual cut)

New Business:  Commissioner Fine suggests delaying any planning around 
Lake Calhoun until their can be a review of past CAC information etc.. 
and suggests avoiding any piecemeal planning.  It is suggested that 
money to do planning for this be put into the 2006 budget  ( gosh 
really... just who was it pushing all those projects who is now 
backpedaling before the fall elections)

Commissioner Dziedzic claims there are a lot of election year rumors 
flying around ( not rumors sir, just not flattering information for 
some majority incumbents)

End Part 2 1/2

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] 9-07-05 MPRB HIghlights part 2

2005-09-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning committee
Presentation of the West River Road Plan from the Plymouth Av Bridge to 
the BNSF RR Bridge ( the 
.pdf is 25 pages and is very detailed) is presented by Mike Kimble ( 
formerly of planning now head of community and governmental relations 
for the MPRB).  He describes the planning process including a CAC that 
met over a 1 year long process with staff and the consultants.  He also 
stated that the plan had been approved by AFCAC (Above the Falls 
Citizen Advisory Committee) and that the Met Council had approved the 
park part.   There were many speakers following Mr. Kimble as part of 
the public hearing including Meg Fourney who was chair of the CAC and 
Tim Baylor the developer of the Riverview Towers ( just North of the 
Taj Ma headquarters) and many other residents.  Their concerns included 
a turn around prior to their building ( to keep traffic to a minimum) 
and moving the restroom shelter to a less secluded area, mainly nearer 
where the River Rats perform for safety reasons and of course loss of 
street parking with the parkway redesign.  Total estimated cost... $10 
million, money so far $3,000,000 from the Mississippi Watershed 
Organization. There was also some concern about drug use nearer the 
secluded area of the RR bridge and Commissioner Dziedzic stated that 
with the park police so close that will end, to which the audience gave 
a resounding NO.

Commissioner Hauser asked if the raingarden that was for the Riverview 
Tiwers was being paid for by the MPRB to which Mr. Baylor replied that 
it was funded by Riverview's developers.


 Rosemary Knutson, past president of the West Bank Community Coalition, 
said it appears to the WBCC Bluff
Street Park Task Force that the park board would like to sell the 8 
acre derelict piece of land next to her
building. She said she had spoken before the park board in August 2000 
on the same issue.
Then-commissioner Dean Zimmerman opposed the sale. The WBCC formed the 
task force last fall to encourage the
park board to preserve the bluff as native open space rather than sell 
the parkland for real estate
development. The neighborhood was “virtually unanimous” in support of 
the $45,000 park plan as
designed by a consulting landscape design firm, the least expensive of 
three proposed designs
 Four issues: 1) This is the only significant amount of flat park land 
on this stretch of river bluff. 2) Does this
organization [the park board] work with residents to protect the 
environment? 3) Does this organization
[another rhetorical question … I think it was broader, like does the 
park board work with citizens at all?]
4]Cedar-Riverside is densely populated … and id interrupted as she has 
gone over her 3 minutes per President Olson.

- Ann Forsyth, director of the Metropolitan Design Center at the 
University of Minnesota said the task
force had asked her for free technical assistance in developing a park 
plan. There were steps taken
1) task force; 2) a stakeholders survey, held at neighborhood 
organization’s annual meeting; 3) Three
options, least expensive chosen. To learn more about free help, go to and click on “design assistance.”

- Karen Swenson of Groundwork Minneapolis said her organization works 
to turn blighted sites into open
space parkland. The Gas Works Bluff site had been included on a list of 
feasible sites they developed
some time ago (BF Nelson was another site on their list). They helped 
arrange for AmeriCorps crew to be
available to work on Bluff Street Park next spring, and found funds for 

- Elizabeth Hopwood asked commissioners to keep the property as park 
rather than condos. Most residents
are Somalian refugees who take their kids out to play in the evenings 
and increased traffic from further
real estate development would endanger them. She wants “open space for 
people from the Seven Corners area to utilize.”

- Arthur Renander of Riverview Towers, thanked the board for the 
opportunity to speak, then
said “This is a [park] board in crisis,” well on its way to selling off 
valuable park land. He called the
current commissioner whose district includes the Gas Works Bluff site 
[Comm. Marie Hauser] a “closet
supporter” of selling the land to condo developers, whose support was a 
cover for the rest of the board to
approve the sale. He said the rumored sale price was far below the 
land’s value. “An election can’t come

soon enough!” he said. “Our plan is incredibly simple.”

- Bob Johnson,  said he lived at Riverview Towers for 24 years, 
1979–2003. He cited the
great improvements to the area brought by the construction of West 
River Parkway, but said Gas Works
Bluff was the site of a coal gas tank, and a 100-foot diameter concrete 
slab is still there. He said five
years ago there began a movement for creating a park there, which he 
said would be a “great misuse” [of
either mone

[mpls] MPRB 9-07-05 highlights part 3

2005-09-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Dziedzic mentions the debut of the MPRB song by Charlie 
McGuire at the Lake Harriet Bandshell and that the next evening is the 
first official meeting of the DeLaSalle CAC.  This leads to a 
discussion of the CAC and how it will be run, who gets to vote etc...

Commissioner Hauser reports she doesn't understand why everyone thinks 
she wants to sell land and that she was approached by a developer and 
never heard from them again regarding the GasWorks Bluff site.  She is 
glad the neighbors came up with the plan and hopes the staff can work 
out any pollution, maintenance and labor issues  ( what labor issues??? 
 are the unions against Americorp volunteers helping these folks build 
their park???)

Commissioner Erwin will be looking into the charge of the DeLaSalle CAC

Commissioner Fine has a patron wondering if the parking passes are 
transferable (from old car to newly purchased)  He has also been 
getting many calls regarding the Gas Works Bluff site and since it 
isn't even on the radar why are folks getting so concerned (HINT:  Ask 
the Nicollet Island Residents about the heads up they received 
regarding the football stadium for DeLaSalle)

Regular Meeting Adjourns at 7:45

Admin and Finance Committee

Discussion of Fertilizer ( for the fall season to fill in so less weeds 
in spring per GM Schmidt)

Administrative Tickets ( motion passes to pursue without report  on 
agenda for the next meeting)

2006 Budget Schedule presented by GM Sigglekow

Commissioners choose to follow previous year's pattern and rank their 
priorities on a survey ( though the survey is compiled by staff so 
whose priorities are these really???)

Adjourned 8:00

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

next meeting  TONIGHT

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Re: [Mpls] According to Marie Hauser, Tom Nordyke did not give his permission for her to use his photo on her lit piece

2005-09-18 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
 I do not know if this applies in Hennepin  County, but when a group 
wanted to send out a flyer in a mailing that was being paid for by my 
senate district last year we were told it would be legal if they paid 
for whichever portion of the piece  ( i.e. 1/3 if they had one page and 
we had two etc... ).  I know that the City DFL when sending out a 
sample ballot has each campaign come up with their portion of the total 
cost.  I'm not bringing this up to hurt any candidate as I am a 
supporter of Tom Nordyke's, but if Tom and Mary Merrill Anderson are 
named on this piece are they expected to each pick up a portion of the 
cost?  And if yes, by law, should Ms. Hauser have let them know

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] RE: results page

2005-09-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
When I spoke to my election judges they said that this year they are 
not transmitting but hand delivering disks with the information to a 
central office.  They seemed to believe it had something to do with the 
machines being replaced next year.  Yes,  I know it doesn't make a lot 
of sense, it was just the reply I received.

Liz Wielinski
voter #53 at 4:00pm in lovely precinct 1-1 in the NW corner of NE 

Columbia Park

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[mpls] Highlights from the MPRB 9-8-05 meeting

2005-09-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
5:00  Regular Meeting ( all commissioner except the absent Commissioner 
Mason arrive by 5:15 )

In approving old minutes Commissioner Dziedzic gives an impassioned 
speech about how most of the votes that have been anything but 5-4 and 
it just shows that they get along great.


GM Don Sigglekow reports that the MPRB has hired Dawn Summers the 
former marketing and public information person from the 3 River's Park 
District.  She will be starting on Sept. 19, 2005.  After her arrival 
she will be meeting individually with the commissioners.

Commissioner Olson and Superintendent Gurban joke about stealing all 
the top talent from competing park districts.

then GM Siggelkow introduces the 4 "commercials" that the MPRB will be 
airing on during any extra time after the broadcasts on the cable 

Commercial #1  Protecting our Parks  which focuses on the Environment, 
Recreation and Community.  There is an interview with Superintendent 
Gurban and there are lots of scenic pictures of the parks and kids 
playing in the parks and ends with the new MPRB catch phrase 
"Minneapolis Parks, Your Best Investment"

Commercial #2  Youth Sports ( featuring the Neiman Sports Complex)  
shows kids playing baseball, soccer and tennis.  the Select Committee 
on Youth Sports report from 1999 is mentioned, in which the committee 
recommends that new field capacity is needed.  (Liz's comment, I read 
the report... fields were needed in NORTH Minneapolis, in the Jordan, 
Hawthorne, McKinley etc... neighborhoods.  The fields in South 
Minneapolis were said to be adequate for future needs... so they built 
Neiman where? )

Commercial #3 Value Added Services ( or privatization... the positive 

Here is a true commercial  Sheffield Priest of the Tin Fish, Jon Blood 
of Sea Salt,  outside shots of the Nicollet Island Pavilion , the yacht 
and paddleboat of  Paradise  Charter Cruises (if you take the 
paddleboat notice the fares do not include the fees of up to $3.00 per 
person ) and of course the Jim Lupient Waterpark.  They actually use 
the phrase "Without being a burden on the taxpayers" in this ad.  (Liz 
asks How much money did this ad cost and did the money come out of 
the Enterprise Division as most businesses have to pay for their own 
advertising? )

Commercial #4 Forestry ( or how we didn't handle the Dutch Elm crisis 
badly )  It claims to be responsible for all the city owned trees (like 
down 3rd and in the middle of Central AV)  They do need some 
editing unless there really is a Minneapolis DNR.

Per GM Sigglekow they were produced by Dreamworld and the narrator was 
Frank Quillacy.

Commissioner Young asks the cost and GM Siggelkow says that their new 
hire Ms. Summers will answer that during her introduction to the board 
at the Oct 5th meeting.
( so keep tuned to this same park station to see if the cost is 
eventually divulged)

Reports of District Officers

Cynthia Wilson for Paul Hokeness in the Lakes district...

Did a Friday Fishing event (catch and release) on Lake of the Isles and 
had 165 kids show up.  They are also registering many for fall sports.

Commissioner Erwin asks if the lakes are stocked and with which types 
of fish

Per General Manager for Operations Mike Schmidt.. the DNR does it based 
on their fisheries practices

Calhoun and Harriet have muskies
others have pan fish and catfish at Powderhorn Lake, and the creeks are 
not stocked

Commissioner Dziedzic gives a bit of a fish stock lecture that turns 
into a diatribe about a burned down porta-pottie

Commmissioner Hauser explains that the catfish in Powderhorn Lake are 
to clean up after the pan fish...

adjourned to go to the Planning Committee

end part 1

in part 2... the final report from the Above the Fall Phase 1 task 
force.  A process taking over a year and involving a citizen advisory 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

PRIMARY TODAY  please vote

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[mpls] Dan Niziolek's commentary in the Strib

2005-09-10 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

The entire article can be read at this link.

My question has to do with the comment below...

• Placed greater pressure on the Park Board to merge its police 
department with the city's (The estimated savings from decreasing 
administrative redundancy is $750,000 per year.)

Who out there can VERIFY that this would be a true cost savings?  I 
personally was not thrilled that the MPRB chose a time of budget 
shortfalls to spend the money to redo their lower level to house the 
police ( check out the nifty retro lights if you are in building) but 
if the Park Police were merged with the city police would our parks be 
safe?  I am not usually one to agree with Commissioner Dziedzic ( and 
he'll be happy to point that out ) but we have had discussions about 
this subject and I am inclined to believe that there would not be a 
substantial savings and the parks would be less safe.  He even pointed 
out that in cities like Philadelphia, where they combined the police, 
they are considering separate park police again due to safety concerns. 
 And if you dial 911 in Minneapolis and a park police car is the 
closest available car you might get them before MPD as they are both 
dispatched by the same operators ( or vice versa, or maybe both as in 
the Jason Stone incident).

One of the biggest issues with the MPRB police was retention of 
officers.  Many were trained ( at approx $75,000 for a sworn officer) 
for the summer season and then laid off come fall where they then used 
their training and experience ( at our expense ) to get jobs elsewhere. 
 The following year the MPRB would be back to training a new group.  
Due to the endeavors of Commissioner Erwin the police from the schools 
now become park police over the summer.  This has greatly cut down on 
training expenses and to paraphrase Commissioner Dziedzic , those cops 
know who the troublemakers are cause they see them in the schools most 
of the year and then in the parks during the summer.

We are not the only city that has a separate Park Police department...

and many other counties have them as well ( though often they are 
called "park rangers" which unfortunately makes most of us think of 
Yogi Bear more than park safety)

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
who  is now going to find a pic-a-nic  basket

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Re: [Mpls] Questions About The Donor List

2005-09-08 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Jim Wrote...

Other points:
The Mayor’s donor list reads like a whose who of The Breck School – 
where his children attend.  Not that I question anyone for sending 
their children to great private schools.  The poor parents of this 
City would send their children to such schools also if they were part 
of the “Power Elite”.  All Minneapolis children should receive such 
good educations.  This is probably why the quality of Minneapolis 
Public Schools and neighborhood schools are just not as much of a 
priority for the Mayor that it is for some others.

This issue of where anyone's kids go to school really annoys me.  After 
a recent Park Board meeting Tony Scallon,  former McLaughlin campaign 
manager had the audacity to complain people were picking on Park Board 
Commissioners for sending their kids to DeLaSalle and then voting on a 
project with DeLaSalle.   He was incensed anyone would use where 
people's children went to school to attack his "friends" on the MPRB 
and yet he and his " friends" can turn around and use the same argument 
against the Mayor.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Park Board considering selling park land to developer (Buff Street-Gasworks Park)

2005-08-30 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

OK Ken I'll Bite..

What is, after all, the mission of the Park Board?

From what I have observed over the past 2 years the mission of Bob 
Fine, Walt Dziedzic, Jon Olson and their entourage... Marie ( I'm just 
here for the stepping stone to the city council) Hauser and Carol ( the 
silent commissioner) Kummer is to get into bed with any developer that 
offers them money for their beloved plans to build playing field after 
playing field for "the kids".  Meanwhile "the Kids" get their pool fees 
raised, their wading pools and summer park supervisors threatened, 
their rec centers understaffed and closed more and more often and teams 
that will give them the chance to "come up with the money" to play at 
better leagues provided by private and suburban sports organizations.   
 This board has spent so much money on building edifices to themselves 
and their cronies that "the kids" they claim to support are the ones 
suffering the most.  I for one as the mother of a Minneapolis Kid am 
sick and tired of their baseless claims that it is all for "the kids".  
  I hope the citizens of the City of Minneapolis take a look at what is 
really going on and if "doing it for the kids" is the reason you vote, 
make sure you are voting to support the kids and not stick it to them.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[MPLS] DeLaSalle CAC

2005-08-27 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has posted to their website 
some information related to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the 
proposed DeLaSalle stadium.  Check it out at 
you click on the highlighted DeLaSalle line it will give the meeting 
dates for the CAC.  What this link is missing is the names of the folks 
appointed ( and by whom ) which I am confident the MPRB will post as 
soon as the list is complete.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[MPLS] re:MPRB meeting

2005-08-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

per Chris Johnson

The CAC will have 21 members.  The board and Olson do not make it 
clear to the audience what that structure will be, but apparently the 
commissioners have something in writing that perhaps describes it.  
From what was said, it seems to include the following appointees / 

Each park commissioner:  1 x 9 = 9  (Olson's appointee will be chair)
Nic. Island Neighbor Assoc:  2
Other near neighbor Assoc:   3
Soccer player interests: 1
Football player interests:   1
Mayor R.T. Rybak:1
Adjacent ward council members:   2?
County Board member: 1?

Some corrections...

commissioners...  9
Residents of Nicollet Island 2
Nicollet Island East Bank Neighborhood Assoc 1
St. Anthony West Neighborhood Association 1
St. Anthony East Neighborhood Association 1 ( why St Ant. East and not 
Marcy Holmes ???  )

Soccer 1
Football 1
Mayor 1
Council-members from Wards 1 and 5 (1 each) 2
Business 1
County Commissioner 1

I am looking forward to seeing the make up of this CAC because of the 
choices made in who is appointing members.  Somehow I have the feeling 
this will be as Fair and Balanced as Fox News.

Here is the resolution as passed.

Resolution Related to the Athletic Facility Proposed By DELASALLE on 
Nicollet Island

WHEREAS, the ark Board recognizes that all parties involved in 
discussions of the use of Nicollet Island have the and the students of 
DeLaSalle high School in mind; and,

WHEREAS, the Park Board desires a thoughtful discussion, resolution and 
agreement for the use of Nicollet island that is consistent with its 
desire to preserve green space while also providing recreational 
opportunities for children and adults in Minneapolis: and,

WHEREAS, for 106 years DeLaSalle High School has played and continues 
to play a significant role in the history of Nicollet Island and in the 
education of a diverse and multi-cultural group of 800 students 
throughout the Twin City Metropolitan Area; and

WHEREAS, a critical component of DeLaSalle High School's continuing 
vitality is to provide its students the ability and opportunity to 
participate in school sponsored physical education programs, youth 
sports and organized high school athletics; and

WHEREAS, DeLaSalle has demonstrated the need for and interest in 
developing an athletic field on Nicollet Island in cooperation with the 
Park Board that will provide facilities for DeLaSalle students and all 
residents of the City; and

WHEREAS, the MPRB believes that the construction of an athletic field 
adjacent to DeLaSalle, if certain conditions are met and full public 
involvement is sought, appears to be in the best interests of the 
Minneapolis park system and the residents of Minneapolis;

WE NOW RESOLVE that the Park Board is considering entering into a 
Reciprocal Use Agreement with DeLaSalle High school after or in 
conjunction with a review of designs for and athletic facility on 
Nicollet Island provided that certain conditions are met;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT nothing in the Agreement shall be construed 
to give DeLaSalle approval to proceed with demolition or construction 
for a project which is definite or site specific and nothing in the 
Resolution can be construed to allow a project to be started or begun;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Reciprocal Use Agreement which has been 
discussed is a DRAFT ONLY and will likely be amended to reflect changes 
in facility layout, content and use after citizen involvement, and does 
not take effect;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT DeLaSalle must meet the following 
conditions before the Park Board acts on the Draft Reciprocal Agreement 
and facility approval and those conditions are:

  1)  The Park Board will initiate a Citizens Advisory Committee ( CAC 
) to review all aspects of the project including detailed plan design, 
location, and use of the proposed athletic facility.  The CAC will also 
consider options that may include moving facilities to adjacent 
parkland.  The MPRB reserves and retains all its rights under its 
citizen advisory committee ordinance and other ordinances to grant or 
deny approval of any proposed project or redevelopment on the MPRB 

  2)  DeLaSalle shall prepare a detailed preliminary site plan that the 
CAC can react to and work from as a starting point to the design 
process. It is expected that this plan will be modified with the CAC 

  3)  It is understood that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ( EAW 
) will be performed related to the project prior to approval by the 
MPRB.  DeLaSalle agrees to pay for the costs associated with the 
environmental review of the project and will avoid or mitigate any 
adverse effects of the project.

  4)  DeLaSalle agrees to follow and adhere to all environmental laws, 
rules, and regulations that may apply to any facility to be located in 
whole or in part on MPRB property.

Re: [Mpls] Seasalt delight

2005-08-07 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  I would not like to be considered a Sea Salt basher.   I have never 
made any comments about it and will wait for the professionals at the 
Strib to review them as I have found in the past their tastes are 
similar to mine.   It is not the tenants  that I have concerns with, it 
is how the MPRB offers contracts and the lack of protections they 
provide for the citizens of Minneapolis and their tax dollars.
  The Sea Salt folks were dismissed out of hand by the "powers that be 
" at the MPRB when they applied as being too inexperienced and not 
likely to be a good choice.  This decision was revoked when their 
preferred restauranteur, the folks from the Tin Fish balked at what the 
MPRB was offering to them in regards to financial terms and upgrades to 
the kitchen.  Mr. Sheffield let them know that the menu they preferred 
was unlikely due to lack of refrigeration space.   Now that the MPRB 
has released their 2004 End of Year Financial Statement  I already have 
a few questions and one of them is about the $40,000 of infrastructure 
investment for one of the enterprise areas.  Was this the kitchen 
upgrades at the Tin Fish?  I know few other local restaurants in the 
Twin Cities that have the taxpayers pay for their grills and 
refrigerators.  And before Mr. Gurban or Mr. Siggelkow starts to 
complain that these dollars are from the "enterprise fund" and not from 
the general fund   the enterprise fund sent $40,000  less to the 
general fund in 2004 than in 2003.  A coincidence?
   I have to agree with Jason Stone that what is needed is a discerning 
process that creates a TRUE benefit to the MPRB.  It seems that the 
golf courses are turning a profit until you look at them individually.  
The Fort Snelling golf course is running at a loss and in 2004 it was 
nearly $90,000.  This is the golf course the MPRB leases from the DNR.  
So in effect they are paying to lose money.  At least they are the 
owners of the money losing course at Wirth Park.  The item that truly 
has me wondering just how profitable these enterprises are is the lack 
of "liability" they seem to have.   Of the over $8,000,000 in pending 
liability they list in this Financial Statement, none is listed in the 
"enterprise area".  I am no accountant so I am not certain of this, but 
wouldn't the $2.5 million in mechanics liens against The Fort
Skatepark ( an enterprise failure) need to be listed in that area?  I 
would imagine it would be easy to show a profit if you never have to 
include expenses on the balance sheet.
  My concerns for the park system started because they were considering 
cutting what I deemed a core service ... my wading pool.  Throwing good 
money away on some "scheme" that is going to make them rich beyond 
their dreams is not a quality I find attractive in a park commissioner 
( or a spouse or business partner for that matter) and as I wade 
through this lovely 87 page document I'm sure I'll find many other 
items of interest to share with my compatriots on this list.

  And as to Scott Vreeland's post about about the parking meters  ...  
they are the 2nd most profitable operation the MPRB has after 
Meadowbrook Golf Course.  They aren't going anywhere any time soon.  
And please tell me the loss of $230,000 at the Parade Ice Complex was 
because The Wild were on strike and that it will never happen again.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[MPLS] MPRB highlights 8-3-05 part 4

2005-08-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning Committee 6:32 pm

 4.1  Reciprocal Agreement with DeLaSalle

Commissioner Hauser makes a motion for amendments to be included in the 

1) That the agreement include language to abide by city labor 
2) That a formal public hearing is held on August 17th ( when this will 
be before the full board)
3) That a minimum of 150 hours of gym time and 350 hours of field time 
be list in the agreement

Liz's comment...  Here is where I missed some stuff.There was a 
question of it being seconded by someone who made an original motion or 
something but a vote was never taken so I have no idea if these were 
added or if they were accepted as friendly amendments or what.   
Anybody catch this at home

There is some disagreement between Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner 
Hauser over a Citizen's Advisory Committee to which Commissioner Hauser 
is adamant will take place after the vote on the Agreement

Commissioner Erwin makes a statement that both sides have issues and 
that there should have been a Citizen's Advisory Committee and a Plan 
before a Reciprocal Use Agreement was ever discussed, but he feels that 
the MPRB is bound by the 1983 agreement to build a field.  He will be 
voting NO.

Commissioner Young asks for clarification of a few items in the 
agreement from GM Siggelkow and then makes the following statement 
(graciously provided in its entirety)

August 3, 2005
10 Reasons why I am voting "NO" on the Reciprocal Agreement today:

10.  The people living on the island, though mighty privileged ( and so 
lucky, I might add), do not own the land under their homes, the MPRB 
does.  Why is DeLaSalle, an institution, being treated with such 

DeLaSalle is a private school for those who can afford the tuition ( 
along with scholarship kids).  Not much different than the diversity in 
our public schools or other private and charter schools throughout the 
City.  It's boosters are asking for the privilege of breaking the 
covenant between the board and the citizens set out in 1983.

9.  In a letter from Roger Martin ( architect and urban planner) - who 
has worked on planning many a park project including Nicollet Island:

"I found that working with the Schools' administration and community 
residents in the process of master planning the Island to come to 
reasonable compromise resulted in a good plan and I hope that this 
process can be continued in this manner."

Commissioner Erwin has literally promised me, he can negotiate a 
compromise if we could just get all the parties together.  Something I 
and Commissioner Berry Graves have been asking to have happen for 
months.  I honestly believe is could happen if we would take the time 
to do this- and do it right.

8.  I have recently learned of the need for an Environmental Assessment 
Worksheet necessary for redevelopment projects within Historic 
Preservation Districts.  I think this will show us some of the impacts 
this development might have on the Island as a whole.  There are also 
the hurdles of the Met Council, the City Planning Commission and the 
City Council vacating Grove Street, positive actions from many 
agencies-almost too many to name.

7.   I am very concerned about perceived perceptions regarding some 
Commissioner's conflict of interest in the issue.  May I note that 
Commissioner Erwin who has worked hard on building our relationship and 
mutual services with the University has still stepped aside when it is 
time for an actual vote.

6.  I am concerned about the mixed messages of whether this votes takes 
5 or 6 votes.  I know that there are two people in the audience who 
have not missed a Board meeting waiting to see if we change the rules 
depending on the situation.  They stand waiting for us to make a 
mistake.  This is a mistake.

5.  I am concerned about a lawsuit from either party.  The costs could 
certainly be astronomical in our current state of very little money for 
the maintenance and operations of our current needs and services.

4.  I believe that we paid outside counsel to give us an answer that 
our own counsel would not have given.  The outside counsel did not even 
answer some of the deeper questions of this debate.  Even though our 
own counsel is a DeLaSalle  graduate he has continued to give us 
objective ( in defense of the Park Board) opinions of what is needed 
for this case.

3.  It is my deep concern about the relationship stated in the 
Constitution about the separation of Church and State.  I, for one, 
still believe that principle stands even if not carried out by many in 
our society today.

2.  I have not seen a plan.

1.  And, very embarrassingly,  I must say,  " Our process has been 
lousy- to say the least.

Commissioner Mason then states she will be voting NO if this comes 
before the full board on the 17th.

Commissioner Hauser poses a couple of questions one being is this 
unprecedented ?

Director of Planning Reitkerk mentions ma

[MPLS] MPRB Highlights 8-3-05 Part 3

2005-08-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

New Business

Commissioner Fine asks that the Board acknowledge the passing of 
Frederick Brown Wells with a moment of silence.  Mr. Wells generously 
donated $4,000,000 to the Neiman Complex for the Tennis Center and 
spent the years since creating an endowment to keep the center funded ( 
including asking that his memorials be donated to the center).  A 
moment of silence is observed.

Commissioner Young presents her idea for Heat Bonuses.  With the record 
number of days over 90 degrees and the high humidity the MPRB employees 
have been getting the brunt of summer with exposure to the weather and 
for the lifeguards etc...  increasingly larger crowds at the pools and 
beaches.  She suggests a motion that becomes a staff direction that 
ends up being a couple of questions...1) What would it cost to give the 
staff some sort of heat bonus?   and 2) Would it be possible to do some 
sort of thank you event and what would that cost?

Next the MPRB passes resolution 2005-111 Recognizing the contributions 
of Todd Pufahl to the MPRB and its members of city employees' local 

Mr. Pufahl has apparently moved on in the union to the state level.

Reports of Officers

Paul Hokeness ( Lakes District Manager )

He relates the story of how he and staff found a way to paint the 
garbage bins on site so they can do an entire park at one time
Gives kudos for the dedication of Armatage's new skate-park and 
mentions the mayor's attempts at skateboarding
mentions the concerts and movies in Loring Park as well happenings at 
various parks throughout the city coming in August ( )

Sara Ackman (sp) filling in for Jon Oyanagi (River District Manager)

  Mentions the 2900 tickets Commissioner Dziedzic passed on from the 
folks at Ameriquest Mortgage for Twins games this week for the kids at 
the parks and rec centers
  Talks about the Cooperative at Folwell/Farview and North Commons 
creating a day camp ( 30-80 kids participating) and are hoping to 
continue it for after-school this fall.
  Gives a PEACE GAMES update and mentions upcoming ice cream socials in 
the parks 8/10 at Webber and 8/11 at Audubon both are from 6-8pm

Eileen Kilpatrick  ( Minnehaha District Manager)

  Mentions how well the Festival of Neighborhoods went during the 
  Mentions upcoming events in the parks (Powderhorn Art Fair is this 
weekend )
  Describes how her district is handling some events that happen during 
the usual end of summer 2 week shutdown by flexing some schedules
  Working to inform the public about the new scooter laws that have 
gone into effect by offering a scooter school

Recessed to the Planning committee at 6:32

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park ( who has to work the night of the Audubon Ice Cream 
social...  rats)

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[MPLS] MPRB Highlights 8-3-05 Part 2

2005-08-04 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

5:50 pm  Regular Meeting Called to order...

Commissioner Fine would like to alter the agenda to move New Business 
forward and put staff reports after new business

Commissioner Young would like to add "heat bonuses" to New Business

passes ( OK  Don't they have to go thru the tedious drama of 
following their new rules and vote to suspend the rules in order to 
change the agenda ???  Consistency would be nice here)

Commissioner Mason asks how they are to vote to "approve" the minutes, 
what minutes and if they are approving the "final agenda" as minutes 
and what would be the cost to staff to do transcription.  She would 
also like the vote where she abstained to include the reason as being 
because her daughter-in-law is a member of the firm to which the 
contract pertains.  She also wonders if there is a file somewhere the 
public can access to obtain the Superintendent and Chief of Park Police 
reports that the commissioners receive?  Yes , there is a file.

Commissioner Young asks that the typo of Scott Vreeland's name be 

Commissioner Erwin asks that all votes be recorded and GM Siggelkow 
states that roll call would be required on all votes.

Minutes ( or whatever) are approved.

Consent items are passed with little discussion.


John Berthiaume ( on behalf of his wife Joan Berthiaume and the 
Minneapolis Parks Legacy Society )

He issues and invitation to the commissioners, staff and citizens of 
Minneapolis  ( from the postcard given out )

"You are Welcome at the Wirth House
The Minneapolis Parks Legacy Society
 and the
East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood Association
invite you for a free tour of the

Theodore Wirth Home and Administration Building National Historic Site

Located in Lyndale Farmstead Park
3954 Bryant AV  S

Theodore Wirth's Home and Offices will be open on
Saturday August 6, 2005
from Noon to 4:00pm
The last public tour begins at 3:15 pm"

There will also be a short program beginning at noon and free 


4.1  from planning  That the St. Anthony Parkway Master Plan be 
restarted with a Citizen's Advisory Committee

Commissioner Dziedzic offers and amendment which is included and 

In the Ulysses to Stinson Boulevard portion of the trail project which 
currently has no trail and has limited space, the committee will review 
all options to integrate St. Anthony Parkway with the Regional Park 
System.  These options  include but are not limited to a combined 
trail, an alternative trail route, a redesigned parkway and any other 
design which will preserve the residential character of the Ulysses ST 
to Stinson Boulevard area and minimize the impact of the trail ON the 
immediate neighborhood.  The committee should also consider the 
precedence setting effect the trail design will have on other Eastside 
Neighborhoods with similar through which the completed Grand Rounds 
will be routed.


8.1 Approval of the Reciprocal Agreement between the MPRB and the U of 
M for the boathouse.

Commissioner Erwin states he will be abstaining from voting as he is an 
employee of the U of M but adds that this is the correct procedure to 
follow.  Do the plan, hold a Citizens Advisory Committee and after the 
plan is approved issue the reciprocal agreement.

Commissioner Young is not fond of voting for agreements with BLANKS in 
them ( in this case for dates regarding passage and construction)

Roll Call vote...  Erwin Abstains, Kummer not present, all others AYE 
...  passes

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

stay tuned for heat bonuses and DeLaSalle,   trying to keep it shorter 
as asked by the moderator

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[MPLS] MPRB Highlights 8-3-05 Part 1

2005-08-04 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
5:00pm  Commissioners present ...Mason, Olson, Dziedzic, Young, Erwin, 
Hauser, Berry Graves, Fine ( 5:10) and Kummer (6:10)

Admin and Finance is called to order

7.1  Increase contract for Mill Ruins Park by $42,376.  Rachel Rof 
the planning staff explains that to meet conditions placed on the 
catwalk portion of the project by MDOT there was a substantial increase 
in cost not included in the original scope but still within the 
"contingency" budget.  passes

7.2  Fulton Neighborhood  puts in $10,000 of NRP money for trees.  

7.3  Committee approves 2006 levy request for $38,064,605.  This amount 
is what will be requested of the Board of Estimation and Taxation and 
is the amount the Mayor budgeted for in his plan.  passes

Study Report Items

Capital Improvement Program

Director of Planning Judd Reitkerk

The MPRB submitted a request to CLIC ( the city's Capital Long range 
Improvement Committee) in May for 2006-2010 ( $11.1 million over 10 
Director Reitkerk showed some of the power-point presentation he used 
then ( he mentioned something about explaining how the MPRB's 
restructuring changed the planning and I was hoping we would get the 
explanation as well... no luck) including some past projects with 
before and after pictures etc...  Director Reitkerk then outlined some 
of the projects for 2006-2010 including who would get roofs, parking 
lot repairs, HVAC work ( the glamour stuff of capital improvement ) 
including some field work at Bryn Mawr, Northeast and Bossen fields

He then showed the MPRB's priorities for 2006 which included Astroturf 
at Parade Stadium  ($1 million) finishing the interior at Webber Park 
($250,000) rehabbing the Southside Service Center, HVAC, Roofs etc... 
for a total of $2,135,000 ( 860,000 from the capital levy and 1,275,000 
in net debt bonds).  CLIC recommended cutting the Southside service 
center and tennis court resurfacing but added to field improvements for 
a total of $1,830,000 and the Mayor also cut out the Southside Service 
Center but added to Tennis courts and Parade for a total of $2,030,000. 
 ( The Mayor also had $50,000 per year in 2007-2009 for skate-parks)

Commissioner Mason asks if the $300,000 for the Southside Service 
Center is for renovating the old Park Police area.  ...YES and some 
other stuff.  She asks for a ballpark figure and off it goes to 

Commissioner Berry Graves asks if Webber Park includes the pool locker 
rooms.   NO  this is the rec building only  She asks if the pool 
will ever be renovated and is it on the schedule   ..NO

Director Reitkerk says they are focusing on the basics at the rec 
centers ( roofs, HVAC etc...)

President Olson then mentions that they had asked CLIC 3 years ago for 
money for the Webber Pool

Director Reitkerk points out that this is when the city made big cuts 
in capital spending

Commissioner Young states she is not happy that East Phillips is no 
where on the list and asks if the staff is still considering 
alternatives in HVAC planning etc...

Mayor's Proposed 2006 Budget

GM for Admin Don Siggelkow

The MPRB is asking for the levy amount the Mayor proposed which will be 
up $1,671,000 from 2005


1. $300,000 for one time tree initiatives
2.  Deferred increase in city management fee (stays at $824,000 rather 
than jumping to $1,000,000)

3.  Storm-water fees... still unresolved
4.  MPRB will keep at 11.79% of LGA received from the state ( $924,000 
up from 2005)
5.  Health Insurance up 19% and Dental up 4% in 2006 ( up about 

Commissioner Mason asks about the storm water fees  prior to split 
MPRB bill about $300,000 annually in Jan of 2005 was $520,000 but now 
down a bit

Commissioner Olson asks if the MPRB could just bill the city for the 
storm-water they handle through the lakes etc..
Commissioner Young chimes in to agree and also to thank Commissioner 
Erwin for his efforts with the tree initiative.

Some discussion about the tactics with the storm-water fees ensues with 
GM for Operations Mike Schmidt venturing that the MPRB is part of the 
solution not the problem and that it would have been better if the MPRB 
had been consulted as the fee schedule was under discussion at the City 
and that the 2 Environmental Departments should probably work it out.

Admin and Finance adjourned 5:50 pm.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

Who is ever so curious as to what field upgrades are scheduled for 
Northeast Park

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Re: [Mpls] Watch ethics (or lack thereof) in action tonight

2005-08-03 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Christine wrote...

Oh, it also excludes comment on pending litigation, so don't think 

going to bring up the huge lawsuit the board is facing over the
underutilized athletic fields they built at Fort Snelling.

   Just to set the record straight...  the lawsuit isn't at the $14 
million (originally proposed to cost $6 million) Neiman Sports Complex 
on the DNR leased land at Fort Snelling  ( should be able to see what 
the lease payment was for 2004 when the 2004 Year End Fiscal Report 
becomes available at the end of this week)  but rather at the MPRB 
owned 201 building.  After the planning committee heard from 
Commissioner Bob Fine that the lease agreement they were about to 
approve didn't cover them against mechanics leins should the shell 
company The Fort LLC decide to default, they voted to approve, it 
passed the full board and then   well $2.5 million will be a pretty 
large settlement when it finally comes to pass( plus no doubt legal 
fees ) but we can't get any details as it is currently in litigation.  
Kudos to Rochelle Berry Graves for refusing to vote for the project 
without further discussion on the lease and to Marie Hauser for voting 
NO because her labor supporters would not have been covered under the 
lease.  I guess Labor and DeLaSalle  will make this vote on DeLaSalle a 
real challenge for Commissioner Hauser as it pits one of her groups of 
supporters against the other.  I guess we will see which has more pull 
this evening.
   I was checking out the agenda for this evening's meeting and was 
surprised to see that the lease for the U of M boathouse land is now 
called a reciprocal use agreement.  and 
that they are going to approve minutes for many of the past meetings ( 
do DVD's of a meeting count as minutes... guess we will get to hear the 
justification for that too).  I'll be there with my notebook hope you 
can tune in at petitions and communications if it is before the 8:00 
cut off to hear how they wowed the crowds at NNO yesterday evening.  My 
commissioner wasn't able to make it to my park but his opponent 
certainly made some friends.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Re: (Mpls)Nokomis Playground Equipment

2005-08-01 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  Just to clear up a bit of misinformation.  Commissioner Kummer is not 
on the planning committee, nor  was she the parent of DeLaSalle 
graduates.  That would be Commissioner Hauser.
  And  Dorie ...  the question you and the other neighbors should be 
asking Commissioner Kummer is why your park has been delayed until 2009 
but the brand new recently acquired ( and quickly named not following 
MPRB procedure ) Solomon Park jumped ahead of all the parks in the 
line.  This question has come up before and has never been answered by 
any commissioner that posts on this list ( and yes Commissioner Young I 
know you were opposed to the naming without following procedure).   
Your park is not the only park that has faced many delays and my 
question is, will all the park upgrades keep getting pushed further and 
further out while projects like moving the park police ( $400,000) and 
building an event center on the south end of Lake Calhoun ( to give the 
Tin Fish more parking and estimated at $1 to $2 million) as well as who 
knows what kind of lawsuits the DeLaSalle issue could still spawn at 
who knows what kind of dollar figure are pursued?  This is the year we 
can all check out candidates and decide...  do we want our basics 
covered and our parks maintained or do we want to become "private 
enterprise developers"  and don't kid yourself that these enterprises 
are bringing in the money to cover the basics...  they bring in the 
money to upgrade the "private enterprises".  Yes, there are dollars 
transfered into the operating fund from the enterprise fund, but do 
those dollars even cover the planning staff hours put into the 
enterprise projects?  Seems to me that the salaries for planning 
are all paid out of non-enterprise funds.  Too bad we can never see a 
"real" budget to know just how all of the money is spent.  I hope the 
staff is ready to answer Commissioner Mason's question from the last 
MPRB meeting about just how much staff time HAS been spent on 

  If the MPRB really wants to do it for the kids...  it would be nice 
if the rec center roof wasn't in danger of collapsing or the playground 
equipment wasn't rusty or in my neighborhood if the bike paths weren't 
potholed and limb threatening.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Yellow Water

2005-07-24 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
I have dealt with the yellow water in the past and it has always been 
when they have been flushing out the hydrants in my neighborhood.  I 
called the city one day when after washing a load of white clothes saw 
the results.  The person I contacted said if I notice the yellow water 
I should quite running hot water as it can affect not only my washer 
but my hot water heater in a negative way.  I asked if there was some 
way to be notified so I wouldn't damage my appliances and they could 
not provide an answer.  Gotta love dealing with the government.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Marie Hauser is putting the "L" back in "DFL"

2005-07-18 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Commissioner Hauser is one of the 5 members of the MPRB planning 
committee and her vote on the DeLaSalle issue should be closely watched 
by all of her LABOR supporters.  After all, I am still waiting to hear 
if DeLaSalle will even have to use "prevailing wage" construction 
crews?  Will this agreements require that?  Not in the draft that is 
available at present.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[MPLS] Proposed DeLaSalle Reciprocal Agreement now available

2005-07-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
For many of you interested in the DeLaSalle athletic facility brouhaha 
you can now view the proposed agreement which comes before the planning 
committee at the MPRB this Wednesday at 5:00pm at the headquarters 
building on the shores of the Mississippi along West River Road.

Go to the MPRB website at  and 
scroll to the bottom and click on the link to the agreement at the 
bottom of the page ( .pdf file).

Having briefly perused the agreement I  have a few questions and 

#1Since the MPRB has worded the agreement to be neither a lease or 
sale of land, and the land will be owned by the MPRB...  will the 
stadium ( oops, athletic facility) construction be handled by an RFP 
process and will the company be required to hire "prevailing wage" 
employees?  For those of you unfamiliar with this term it basically 
means "union labor".  I think our good friends in labor would be 
curious about this.  I asked GM Siggelkow if the new kitchen 
construction at the Nicollet Island Pavilion had to do this and they 
did not because as PRIVATE LEASE HOLDERS did not need to comply with 
the regulations the MPRB does.  The event at the Nicollet Island 
Pavilion last weekend for Microsoft had a show and guess what... no 
union stagehands.   I know quite a few of our commissioners get 
endorsed by the unions and if they truly embody union principles I say 
great.  However, by leasing out and privatizing our parkland they are 
actually working against the unions.  As a member of union household I 
am not too keen on that idea.

#2Auxiliary Parking Lot  with a bituminous surface.  Okay, I have 
been to many meetings and seen many diagrams etc...   I remember tennis 
courts being to the east of the facility, not a parking lot.  Where did 
this come from?  And I suppose it will run off directly into the river?

#3   A minimum of 3 tennis court will be built on MPRB land at 
DeLaSalle's expense  I guess this answers part of #2.  There is 
MPRB land all over the place so I guess the courts are going to Boom 
Island or Edgewater Park or Gluek Park or somewhere off campus.  I 
guess the tennis players can play where ever just not the football and 
soccer teams.

#4  DeLaSalle shall make available to the MPRB their sports facilities 
for MPRB constituents.   After perusing the DeLaSalle website I noticed 
they have a music and fine arts program.  Loring Park has a "cultural 
program" couldn't NE have one as well and base it out of DeLaSalle's 
shared facilities.  Not all forms of recreation involve running and 
getting sweaty ( spoken like a true couch potato... I know ).

Not wanting to sound completely negative I must say that I was glad to 
see ADA requirements written into the agreement as well as enough 
provisions to cover most legalities and questions of what will be done 
if the Met Open Space board asks for their money back.  And of course 
it looks like my pet peeve the legal costs, will all fall to DeLaSalle 
so that is one less worry.  I have heard a rumor
that due to the historic nature of the island the retaining wall can 
not be just any old cement eyesore.   I am curious as to what the 
Historical Society Folks will say and if they will be included before 
the final design plans are approved.

The process the MPRB used throughout this entire matter was shoddy ( 
and possible against their own regulations according to Scott 
Vreeland's posts) and I'm sure more questions beyond the few I've 
mentioned will come up at Wednesday's meeting.  I hope the staff has 
covered all the contingencies, and if not I would hope any vote would 
be postponed.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB meeting 7-6-2005 the last part!!!

2005-07-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Lobbyist Report

Brian Rice ( who provided a 30 page document to go with the report  
listing among other things the wording of legislation they help write  
and a tally of how much money the MPRB has received from the state over  
the past 22 years )

The environment and jobs bill had just been pass and other than LGA  
most MPRB issues were done.  Most of their objectives had been met but  
Governor Pawlenty vetoed the Learn to Earn money.  Of the $2.9 million  
in bond requests made $1.7 million were funded ( pending contract  
resolution for  the Fuji-ya site with the developers).  LCMR will be on  
the block for reform over the next 2 years as part of passage this  
year.  The total in bonding and other funding this year will be around  
$7.3 million.  There will be a new fee from the DNR regarding water  
usage that will affect the MPRB but the sum in Mr. Rice's opinion is  
negligible.  Mr. Rice stresses that getting a dedicated source of  
funding should be the MPRB's top priority as it will be more reliable  
and most likely will increase as new sales taxes ( like on clothing )  
are enacted in the future.  It would also make the MPRB less dependent  
on LGA which is less reliable depending on who controls the  

Crown Hydro is brought up and Mr. Rice assures the MPRB that it was  
Crown Hydro that was dealing with Senator Pogemiller and Rep. Ellison  
and he brought it to their attention as the MPRB has had dealings with  
Crown hydro in the past ( Liz's note...  both Bill Hawks and Rob Brown  
of Crown Hydro were in attendance ).

Commissioner Kummer asks about the Met. Council Open Space Committee  
meeting at the headquarters and Mr. Pederson states he believes that  
was initiated by staff to which Commissioner Kummer suggests that the  
board invite the Met Council Open Space Committee to attend a meeting  
in the future.  She suggests they may have a better shot at the  
Governor's ear for the MPRB's bonding requests.

Mary Ann Campo then gives a brief outline of what is in store for LCMR  
( the hunter's and fisherman want it all and the Governor would like  
the dollars to be controlled by a citizen committee appointed by him ).

The team was heading back to the capitol.


Admin and Finance  start time 9:30 pm agenda passed, motions made and  
passed with no discussion adjourned at 9:35.

Return to the Regular meeting.

Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Gurban announces that there are now sand volleyball  
courts next to the Lupient Waterpark in NE and there will be a  
tournament held in conjunction with the Aquatennial.

The south arena at Parade has been fitted with indoor turf to capture   
soccer/ volleyball users as skating is becoming less popular.

Dedications are coming up for the Skateparks at Creekview, Armatage and  
Elliot Parks.

As a gesture towards a more cooperative relationship the U of M is  
letting the MPRB hold the citywide track meet at their facilities (  
cheap, but not free )

The U of M and the Minnesota Lynx are providing tickets for a game on  
August 8th for kids to help celebrate the anniversary of Title IX

GM Schmidt of Operations reports that for the 4th of July the crowds at  
Powderhorn Park ( in conjunction with the Powderhorn neighborhood) were  
estimated at 10-20,000 and at the Riverfront ( in conjunction with the  
downtown businesses) between 40-60,000.

All items from committees were then moved and passed without discussion.

Unfinished business

Superintendent Gurban reads snippets from a letter he and the board  
received from the lawfirm of Leonard, Street and Dinard which from what  
little he alluded to was about the incident regarding Jason Stone and  
the campaign literature.  They are apparently the firm working with the  
ACLU.  The superintendent then announces the temporary "new and  
revised" rules.

Liz Kramer of the ACLU ( via L,S and D) is allowed to speak and assures  
the MPRB that they are pleased that the MPRB will allow them to be  
included in forming the regulations in this area.

Commissioner Dziedzic warns them to watch out for policies that will  
benefit extremist groups like skinheads and cults.

Brian Rice having done some research admits that some high court  
rulings in 2000 made the old rules no longer valid.

Commissioner Young states that the City Charter Commission is expecting  
another new draft in August

Unfinished Business

As to the smoking in the wading pool areas: there are already signs on  
order to prohibit that activity but policing the tot lots is not as  

Petitions and Communications...
Commissioner Dziedzic
Saturday July 9th was Jim Lupient Day at the NE waterpark ( free to get  
in and some give aways )
C. Dziedzic has commissioned Charlie Maguire to write a MPRB song ( he  
raised the money privately)  Liz's note...  I can still remember the  
song he wrote for Mary Jamin Maguire  when she ran for school board in  


[mpls] MPRB meeting 7-6-2005 part 3 of ?

2005-07-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning Committee Continued

Commissioner Hauser thanks everyone for attending and agrees that a new 
master plan is needed

Commissioner Erwin asks that in planning the the staff consider moving 
the trail away from the fence, increase planting in the buffer, work 
with all 3 groups, consolidate and make better trails to keep folks on 
them, and states that all the groups will be great helpers and to work 

all the others toss in their 2 cents worth and the substitute motion is 

8:00 pm and back to the regular meeting for a presentation

 Paul Hokeness, District manager for the Lakes district makes a special 
presentation to Dottie Speidel a long time activist for arts in the 
parks at Loring Park who has just donated a very fine piano for use in 
the center.

Ms. Speidel ( who has been patiently waiting for a while) states that 
they turn out this evening demonstrates the love people have for their 

Next DM Hokeness introduces Diane Moe, who has been hired as the 
Cultural Arts Director for Loring Park.  Ms Moe is rejoining the MPRB 
staff.  She announces that on Wednesday July 18th at noon they will be 
starting the Music in Loring Park series

Commissioner Berry Graves mentions the positive comments she is getting 
from MacPhail about the new program at Loring and Commissioner Mason 
asks if Ms. Moe will also be managing the Sculpture Garden as she saw 
some reference to it in her materials.  DM Hokeness says she will 
eventually be handling the Sculpture Garden as it is considered her  
"fields" like the more traditional fields at the other park centers.

8:10 and we are back to Planning again 

Tim Brown lead staff on the St. Anthony Parkway bike trail master plan 
and Greg Ingraham (outside consultant) give a presentation on the 
proposed trail , part of which will be repair and upgrades to the 30 
year old existing trail and part of which will be a continuation of the 
trail from Ulysses ST NE to Stinson BLVD (this is the controversial 
section ).  The trail is then planned to be extended in another project 
south along Stinson to 18th where it will connect with a planned city 
trail and also a trail along an old RR grade that goes diagonally 
through the region.  A power point presentation shows how the plan 
would be done and if the trail is kept off of the street it will go 
along the parkway on what many citizens consider to be their front 
yards ( though the MPRB actually owns the land).

Tim stresses that the plan is in the loop for funding ( Federal 
matching dollars ) and too many delays will put the project off 

Commissioner Dziedzic wants to change the plan to satisfy the neighbors 
and feels that another meeting will take care of the problem and makes 
a motion to do that

Commissioner Olson asks if the plan can just redo the existing stretch 
up to Ulysses and stop ( not the way the grant is worded )

There is some discussion over whether delays will mess up the funding 
and if the dollars will be available again in the future to which no 
one can make a guarantee.  Director of Planning Reitkirk also mentions 
the fact that the schedule for the matching dollars on the MPRB front 
would also be an issue.

Tim stresses that the plan could be passed and then the trail could be 
altered during the construction phase to meet the neighborhood 
requirements and that it is MPRB property but that Met Council Approval 
is needed soon to keep the project on track.

Commissioner Dziedzic then complains about the notification process 
(see Scott Vreeland's post about what the proper procedure should have 
been ).

Commissioner Berry Graves mentions that if they vote to make the trail 
narrow they should remember the death that led to the wider trail 
decision years ago.

Commissioner Erwin makes a friendly amendment to Commissioner 
Dziedzic's motion that another community meeting be held and then come 
back to the board at the August 3rd meeting.

CENTRAL AV NE, TUESDAY JULY 19TH AT 6:30 PM per Commissioner
Dziedzic who was kind enough to provide me with the information when I 
called later in the week.

Scott Brink from the City of St. Louis Park gives a presentation on the 
trail connector they would like to build on MPRB property to join 
together some bike trails.

Commissioner Dziedzic asks about their notification process
motion to approve passes.

Planning finally adjourns at 9:00 pm

Stay tuned for the Legislative Committee and the report from Rice, 
Pederson and Campo  lobbyists

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB meeting 7-6-2005 part 1 1/2of ?

2005-07-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

So sorry but 1 was too big so I had to split it 

6:10 pm OPEN TIME ( okay...  does anyone know what part of the agenda 
we are at, no wonder the cable viewers get confused )

Laura Stonebarker:  Appeals to the MPRB to ban smoking in the fenced in 
areas of the wading pools and on the tot lots ( after an incident of a 
child stepping on a smoldering butt and being burnt)

Stephanie Gozum and her son 6 year old Gabriel ( Liz was in the hall 
and so her notes were forwarded to me )

Hi, I'm the mother of a 6 year old boy...  Gabriel.  I am here to give 
him a voice... As a child's voice often goes unheard.  The wilderness 
area on Nicollet  Island proposed for demolition is very important to 
Gabriel.  Gabriel loves everything about nature found in that park 
prairie land... my son and i go on nature walks daily... snake hunting, 
catching crickets, exploring and mapping the prairie land.

Gabriel knows more about snakes, crickets, spiders, wildflowers, and 
toads than most adults...  Why??  Because he observes, feels, hears, he 
experiences nature in the park sanctuary...  passion and inspiration 
exploring nature... inspiring him to go home and watch national 
Geographic instead of cartoons... inspiring him to read and learn... to 
identify the bug he saw.. to find out what garter snakes eat... to 
learn about the differences in reptiles and amphibians... passion to 

Nature in downtown Minneapolis... parkland...  where else can you go to 
experience nature in its unadulterated form downtown?  I argue  no 
where in downtown Minneapolis.  Park land..

My son Gabriel knows every inch of this area... Ask hi about:
Snake rock... and the baby garter family that lives there
Cricket fields
Baby toads
Red foxes
Bunny families..  and where heir homes are
the spiders.. wolf spiders... garden spiders
The birds... goldfinches, nuthatches, redwing blackbirds, finches, 
mourning doves, killdeers, blue birds that live on the insects in the 

The leafhoppers.. the very unique animals, insects, and wildflowers 
that are found on the island...  wild catnip and the purple, yellow, 
pink, lavender, orange, white wildflowers... Stunning

A few days ago Gabriel and I were walking to snake rock.  It was just 
before a summer storm when the air was changing and fragrant with a 
bouquet, the fields blowing wildflowers in full bloom like a 
watercolorist palate.

Gabriel and I just stood and breathed in the air...  I said to him, 
Gabriel: just look how beautiful this is...

Gabriel's reply, " Mom.  of course it is... it's God's creation... and 
he made it perfect.  God loves all his creatures."

Wisdom..  from a 6 year old child in it's purest form...

My son, a city boy, nature lover...

If you want to provide something for the inner-city kids... provide 
them the opportunity to experience nature...  Teach them to respect and 
preserve God's creations... and put the Astroturf stadium somewhere 
other than on park land.  do it for the kids...  All the city kids...

( there was a rumor that Gabriel had one of his many collected snakes 
in his backpack for show-n-tell )

Edna Brazaitis :  Shows a copy of the Nicollet Island Master Plan from 
the 1990's.  There is no football field shown in this rendition and 
there were representatives from DeLaSalle on the planning committee at 
the time.   ( A copy is available at Pierre Bottineau Library )

Steve Rosenberg:  Discussed how unique Nicollet Island is and that many 
residents of the coop make less than 50% of the Metro Median Income.

Tammy Wong:  Ms Wong a single mother and small business woman was there 
to support having a field close to the school for the kids that attend 
that can not be driven to practice because their parents are working 

Kate Carlson:  Gave statistics on the student body of DeLaSalle  30% 
students of color, 30% from single parent families, 1/2 get need based 
financial aid.

Nikki Carlson: (Kate's mom)  Claims the mission and goals of the MPRB 
are consistent with those of DeLaSalle in both wanting to form public 
and private partnerships

Ethan Lassiter:  Wants the DeLaSalle field so that there are more 
fields in the city as there are many in the suburbs.

Linda Lincoln reading a letter from her husband ( who is very involved 
with Minneapolis soccer leagues )  He would like to keep Nicollet 
Island as is and any claims that Minneapolis is suffering from a 
shortage of soccer fields is false.  He schedules many leagues and 
tournaments in the city and never has had an issue with a shortage of 

Christine Viken :  $65,477 is the amount the Van Dusen mansion paid in 
property taxes last year.  By building a competing event center on Lake 
Calhoun the MPRB would be giving a competitor that would not be 
contributing towards the tax base an unfair advantage.  Any enterprise 
can seem profitable if you eliminate costs that its competitors must 
absorb.  What comes next after this event center?  The Min

[mpls] MPRB meeting 7-6-2005 part 1 of ?

2005-07-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
5:00pm Commissioner Fine calls the Planning Committee to order ( and 
the 5 + hour ordeal begins in the standing room only packed boardroom)

GM of Operations Mike Schmidt mentions that the XC ski trails were not 
suppose to create trouble but sometime there are unintended  

Mary Lyn Pulsher of the staff gives a lengthy presentation on the 
history of the Wild Flower Garden and presents the staff recommendation 
that reaffirms the 1964 buffer zone policy (Xerxes AV to Wirth PKWY, 
Glenwood AV to Wayzata BLVD ).  The plan is to keep and restore natural 
areas and promote low impact uses, no bike trails, on or off road.  
They would also like better trail planning including better signs.  
Restoring some of the area to the original Oak Savannah is also part fo 
the plan.  ( This does not address the new XC ski trails for the Loppet 
that were created last winter).  She showed quite a few before and 
after pictures.

Liz's Note Apparently new XC ski trails were created last winter to 
create a better route( less steep, wider and not on asphalt ) for the 
Loppet  and also provide a link to local schools.  One trail comes 
particularly close to the fence around the Wild Flower Garden within 
the buffer zone.  This spring the buckthorn was removed and some 
heavier equipment left tracks after going inside the fence to eliminate 
some diseased and dead trees.  Though the fence was replaced  and the 
buckthorn area was replanted with native non invasive species the area 
looks clear cut.

Commissioner Hauser starts the questions asking if there are "non built 
trails" of which there are many and asks if this policy would deny MOCA 
(Minneapolis Off-road Cycling Association) access to the area.

Per Mary Lyn they would have access to the west side of Wirth Park only.

Commissioner Erwin does not feel that cycling is high impact and there 
is some discussion over biker remaining on designated trails or not and 
the impact.

Commissioner Young asks if the Friends of the Wildflower Garden were 
invited to the public meetings ( and mentions the myriad of e-mail she 
has received on this issue)?

900 cards were sent out and at least 60 were to members

Liz's Note...  This will be the first of many discussions about people 
being notified... a word to all Minneapolitans...  WATCH FOR POSTCARDS 

At this point Commissioner Dziedzic makes a substitute motion that the 
staff meet with the Wildflower folks and the Loppet folks and find a 

The time is now 5:30 pm and time for the public hearing on the St. 
Anthony Parkway bike trail plan

First a 5 minute discussion breaks out among commissioners about time 
limits as so many people have signed up to speak and it is decided that 
1 and 1/2 minutes per speaker will be alloted...

Commissioner Dziedzic states he will make a motion for more meetings 

1. Don Pflaum, city planner and Minneapolis Bike Advisory Board 
member...  for the plan
2.  Dan and Jody Hoffman,  They would like to see a Master Plan for the 
completed Grand Rounds before the project should even begin ( the bike 
trail would cross their yard using the current plan)
3.  Liz Wielinski  let's just say I lost my temper ( see cable 
repeats for red-faced tirade)  because the majority of the folks signed 
up to speak and mostly against had not been to any of the previous 
public meetings held for the purpose of discussing this plan and were 
unhappy because the planned route would cross in front of their 
property ( on MPRB land ).  They kept saying they were never notified,  
the MPRB budget does not allow for hand engraved invitiations, ( see 
above note ) but they were here this evening after Commissioner 
Dziedzic in order to be "inclusive" hand delivered flyers to their 
doors prior to the meeting ( did you do the same for the residents of 
Nicollet Island regarding DeLaSalle and the athletic field 

4.  Mr. Gould address along the route...  opposed
5.  Jon Monahan opposed
6.  Tracy Weinstein opposed
7.  Andrew Vold opposed
8.  Pastor Dodd of the Mount Carmel Lutheren Church ( the most affected 
property, who had the sense to attend meetings and even arranged for 
extra meetings with the staff  ) not opposed and willing to host 
further discussions at the church.

9.  Matt McMerchy trail is needless...  opposed
10.  Doug Tanner opposed
11. Lars Olson ( the only neighbor besides myself that went on the 
trail ride portion of the public meetings to see the route) supports 
the plan

12. Jim ??  plan is fraught with safety issues opposed
13. Wayne Kafra opposed
14. Joel Bruckner serious concers opposed
15. Al Stansbury opposed
16. Peter Hucksman would like a bike trail but not willing to give up 
land in his front yard that he thought he owned ( better talk to your 
title company, you may be able to sue)

17.  Archie Thomas  opposed
18.  Lorraine Rogers opposed

Public hearing is now closed
( had to split part 1 as it was to

[mpls] MPRB meeting 7-6-2005 part 2 of ?

2005-07-12 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning Committee Part 2

Commissioner Mason ( who isn't on this committee) asks to speak to the 
issue as it is in her district and she has received many calls.  She 
mentions that there was a lot of misinformation floating around and 
that much needs to be clarified  She then reads 5 points from a letter 
that Steve ( Friends?) wrote to GM Schmidt and asks him to speak to the 

GM Schmidt's replies

1) The ski trail will be moved 20 feet further from the fence but will 
still be within the buffer
2)  The area was cleared of buck-thorn and the ski trail is not for 
3) Plantings have been started ($2000 worth) but they will take time to 
grow and fill the area
4) The MPRB agrees with the keeping the rest of the substantial buffer 
5)  The Friends of the Wildflower Garden will be notified of any and 
all other projects in the area in the future

Commissioner Mason then suggests that the Friends, the Loppet folks and 
MOCA all be part of the discussions of the new "trail overlay plan" as 
all groups have demonstrated through previous contributions to the MPRB 
system that they wish to preserve and protect the parks.

Commissioner Hauser ( who is on the committee) presents this idea as a 
substitute motion that the staff should develop a preferred trail 
overlay and include  representatives from the Friends of the Wildflower 
Garden, the Minneapolis Loppet and MOCA in the discussions.

Public Input on the Wildflower Garden begins (again at 1 1/2 
minutes per person)

1. Steve Pundt, President Friends of the Wildflower Garden, The Friends 
are concerned about the type of use allowed in the buffer,  and is 
concerned about invasive species within the fence.
2. Pam Winer (sp?) , VP of Friends and attending as a Bryn Mawr 
representative.  The Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association has pass a 
resolution the supports the buffer zone around the Garden/ Bird 
Sanctuary.  BMNA would also like to have been informed of what was 
going on as the Garden falls within their boundaries.
3. Peter McKinney President of Minneapolis Off-road Cycling Association 
(MOCA) He supports multi-use and applauds the recommendation for the 
planning team for the trail overlay.  Cyclists are not destructive 
users and has found that real cycling trails prevent the use of 
"non-approved" trails.
4. Bill ?, Nordic Ski Group brings up three points 1) access... 
Theodore Wirth promoted use of the parks and the wildflower garden is 
closed in the winter when the skiers would be present outside the 
fence.  2) health of the forest ...   XC skiers treasure the forest and 
are not destructive users  3) Health of the population...  XC skiing 
promotes fitness and the connection to nature.  If any action is taken 
XC Skiing should be promoted
5.  Bill O'Rielly  trail steward to the new Wirth cycling system.  The 
cyclists are on the side of preserving the park and believe that by 
having planned cycling trails the system will have fewer unplanned 
trails and thus less erosion and damage to the park.
6.  Constance Pepin  has no trouble with XC skiing but the Loppet trail 
is for Skate Skiing which is more harmful and should not be allowed
7. Maya Ellison  as a teacher brings many to Eloise Butler.  City  kids 
are unfamiliar with nature ( jokes about kids looking for bears at Theo 
Wirth) and stresses that other than the parks nature is a 100 mile bus 
trip away.  She also mentions a book called Nature Deficit Disorder.
8. Jenny Harrington:  Attended the walking tour of the site and felt 
that the previous use of the park could be compared to a library, where 
as opening the buffer to other uses would make it more like a fitness 
9.  Sally Hunt of the Friends and Bryn Mawr,  would like another site 
to be found for the Loppet trail
10. Al Sedgewick, as a 78 year young XC skier does not feel his use of 
the loppet trail would be considered high impact.  The trail is 
generally used by skiers such as himself and that the elite skiers use 
it for 2 days and that can not be too damaging.
11. Eric Garrets State Rep for the Minnesota Mountain Bike Association. 
 Points out that the demo cycling project in With Park cost the MPRB 
$0.  That the trails are 18 inches wide as well as built to be 
sustainable and that families use these trails.  They would also not 
need to come near the fence.
12. Joe Schmidt, is a XC skier and feels the trail where it is will be 
too hilly and icy for the average skier.
13. Sean Shealy,  MOCA trail steward,  he is opposed to banning bikes 
and would like to have the MPRB wait until the Wirth cycling project 
has been around for a while to see the proof of their claims for low 
impact and sustainable trails.  He would like a chance to participate 
in the "new " trail overlay committee and would like to see the XC 
skiers use more sustainable trails.
14.  Scott Thayer, President of MN Off-road Cyclists (MORC).  1/2 of 
the state membership show addresses in Minneapolis and the group 

Re: [Mpls] Building Height

2005-07-07 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

TB wrote...
  We have acres of parks, lakes and a river that will never be built 
on and provide both open spaces and recreational opportiunities.

You are making some pretty big assumptions here.  I don't know if you 
have been watching the MPRB in action lately but protecting our "open 
spaces"  is not that high on their list of priorities ( see just about 
any previous posting about the DeLaSalle athletic facility ).  Last 
night's meeting was so packed that it was standing room only because of 
the MPRB's plans to provide recreational opportunities,  a bike trail 
in NE along a portion of St. Anthony Parkway and the bike and x-country 
ski trails coming close to the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden, but 
also the ever present issue of DeLaSalle.  Hopefully I will be able to 
get the "minutes" of the meeting that lasted from 5-10:10pm up soon, 
but if you can catch a rebroadcast on cable you can watch me lose my 
temper on camera :-).

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Park Agenda and Eloise Butler update

2005-07-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
My limited understanding of the agenda process is that the President of 
the MPRB as well as the Superintendent ( with help of staff ) set the 
agenda for the regular meeting.  The chair of each committee ( 
Planning, Admin and Finance, Operations and Environment, Recreation, 
Legislative and Standards and Conduct) sets the committee agenda with 
staff.  If you are not a chair you can ask to have something brought 
before a committee but that is at the discretion of the chair.   The 
present chair of the Planning Committee is Commissioner Fine.  ( the 
website could certainly be more specific about this whole agenda 

Most (but not all i.e. DeLaSalle)  projects follow a planning format   There is a 
chart you can click to see.  Many involve community meetings ( if your 
address is within 3 blocks of the project you should get mailed 
notification as well as your neighborhood association receiving 
something) and then a presentation before the planning committee with a 
chance for community input.  The date of the meeting is sent to those 
in the radius as well as anyone who attends one of the earlier 
meetings.This was the process used for the St. Anthony Parkway Plan 
on tomorrow's agenda.  So watch your mail for those little colored 
postcards and if you are concerned about other projects around town try  This is the list 
of current projects and the contact person is listed.

Though there is a list of current projects, it would be nice to have a 
link to see what is coming down the pipeline so there are fewer of the 
"surprises" that create such havoc.  I know there is a list of sorts as 
Director Reitkirk  of the Planning Department was kind enough to let me 
know that the building in my park would not have any renovations until 
2007 at the earliest ( and I asked about that last year) and with 
funding being an issue that date was tentative at best.  What I found 
curious was how Solomon Park jumped into the list so quickly ahead of 
how many parks?  I know that some projects have to be coordinated with 
federal $$ ( like the Grand Rounds) but just because the MPRB traded 
some land and ended up with Solomon Park doesn't mean it should jump 
ahead of Jordan Park , whose delays Commissioner Olson mentions 

The MPRB is not known for its transparency in operations, especially 
where budgeting and planning are concerned.   I am hoping that the 
folks running as reform candidates will do something about this after 
they are elected in November.  The MPRB gets a huge chunk of my 
property tax dollars and I would like more detailed information about 
how it is spent

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
( who got 2 postcards for the St. Anthony Parkway Plan at the MPRB 
tomorrow, one for resident and one to Liz who attended 2 of the 3 

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Re: [Mpls] Gurban Talks About Permit Reversal

2005-06-23 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  In the Minneapolis Observer, Park Superintendent Jon Gurban is quoted 
saying "It should help focus things not on personalities, but on the 
issues,".  The problem with this statement is that Jason Stone and 
other truly reform minded candidates have been talking about the issues 
and the Big 5  incumbents come up short.  Commissioner Kummer chose to 
align with the  Dziedzic /Fine machine as did Marie Hauser and Jon 
Olson.  The fact that they supported bad projects with huge cost 
overruns, and land give aways are just the issues that should be 
brought to the public's attention.  During the next few months while 
the campaign season starts going into overdrive you will see the 
majority on the current board try to get through projects like 
DeLaSalle before they lose the 5 votes that their "reciprocal 
agreement" scheme needs.  No doubt Crown Hydro's attorneys are drafting 
their "reciprocal agreement" to bring before the board prior to the end 
of the year.
  The list I am looking forward to seeing is the Superintendent's 
proposed budget cuts for 2006.  What will take the hit this year?  Will 
they want to shut off the fountains?  Oops, already did that and 
private parties are now paying those bills.  Maybe they could cut back 
on office space.   Nope need those off-site places to put the 3 new 
$90,000/ year district managers.  Cut the advertising and PR budget.  
So sorry, need a PR consultant at $65,000- $70,000 to clean up after 
the Superintendent.  I guess they could just go back to the wading 
pools, grass cutting, porta-pottie, and park supervisor dollars.
  I for one have to say that I agree with Superintendent Gurban (is 
that ice I hear forming in the nether-world?) that yes LET'S FOCUS ON 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] My take on Stonegate and other SWJ stories of note

2005-06-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Just thought the candidates would like to know that at the MPRB meeting 
the question of the "permit" came up and if one went to 80 parks at 80 
different times would they need 80 permits ?  The answer was YES, so 
sorry no blanket permit.   So give up any notion of campaigning you can 
just spend your time filing permit applications.  And good luck with 
that as there isn't really anywhere on the form to list that you will 
be campaigning and passing out literature.   I was at Windom Park in 
2004 at their big Carnival and school board candidate David Dayhoff was 
handing out lit all over.  I didn't see Commissioner Dziedzic go up to 
him and tell him to stop, or call the Park Police and he was also at 
the event.  I guess that enforcement is arbitrary and only the" Park 
Board reform candidates"  get our Superintendent's attention.  So look 
out Tracy Nordstrom, Tom Nordyke, Rochelle Berry Graves, Annie Young, 
Jim Bernstein, Scott Vreeland and Peter Vevang or you too could feel 
the "Wrath of Jon"  just like Jason Stone.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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Re: [Mpls] Park Board policy on campaigning

2005-06-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
This is the outline of the policy presented by one of the district 
managers recently hired by the MPRB Paul Hokeness.  From what I could 
see the rules were made by the district managers to answer questions 
presented by staff at the recreation centers.  I doubt that the 
"freedom of speech" issue came up but the MPRB does have an attorney, 
Brian Rice and he could have been asked to give an opinion.

New Business ( from the June 1, 2005 MPRB meeting )

Campaigning in the Parks
Commissioner Young brings this up now to have a standard set of rules 
for the upcoming political season.

GM Siggelkow when checking into this found that it had come up and the 
3 district managers had set a policy

Lakes District Manager Paul Hokeness give the presentation...

1) Follow building guidelines and if questions check with district 
2) Political Parties may use rooms other than the gyms free of charge 
and may pass lit within the room but no fundraising (fee if room is 
used outside of regular center hours or for gym)
3) staff is discouraged from voicing opinions on park property or on 
MPRB time

4) give facts/ do not offer opinions
5) use common sense  and if in doubt ask a supervisor
6) at festivals and celebrations the candidates may purchase a booth 
like all other participants but may not freely wander the crowd handing 
out materials

The fact that no one questioned this at the time doesn't mean that the 
policy is lawful.  Commissioner Young was just trying to make an even 
playing field for campaigning.  The fact that the place you will find 
people who are interested in park issues is at the parks seems to make 
rule 6 a little too much and Superintendent Gurban's response was 
overkill.  For the record I am not a Gurban fan and I support Jason 
Stone and all reform candidates to the MPRB.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

for more information check out

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Re: [Mpls] Taking the "Recreation" out of "Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board"

2005-06-07 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  The issue of giving the land away could come back and haunt the Park 
Board just like the sale of the Fuji-Ya site.   With the Fuji-Ya site 
the legislature kept a substantial amount and the rest of the money 
derived from the sale was shared with strings attached.  The MPRB is 
short $2.5 million a year in their forestry budget ( per the 
Minneapolis Tree Commission ) , and their usual sources of income other 
than our property taxes, LGA, Metro Park dollars, funds from the  LCMR, 
and fees from non MPRB teams etc... are all under attack ( even the 
golf courses are running behind with all of this rain ).  The Park 
Board will regardless of their decision probably spend quite a bit 
defending itself in a lawsuit filed by one side or the other with the 
DeLaSalle issue, meanwhile something is going to have to give.   Cuts 
will probably fall pretty hard on the RECREATION side of the budget as 
the other parts have been pared to the bone.  How will this new field 
help?  Maybe if DeLaSalle was paying the going rate for leasing that 
property I would breathe easier.  And in case you didn't notice it 
isn't being called a lease,  that would involve a super-majority vote.

  As to bringing religion into the picture, I believe Chris Johnson in 
his post included private not just religious institutions in his 
examples.  He could have also included charter schools ( quasi -private 
) in the equation and I'm sure many are located next to parks as well.

  Speaking of the 2006 budget... how is that looking Commissioners?

Liz Wielinski  T-ball mom ( yes, I am trying to keep recreation 
available )

Columbia Park
Who would like to thank the Skyway News for sharing DeLaSalle's 
proposal  with the public as it was not available to the audience at 
the June 1 meeting.

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[mpls] MPRB 6-1-2005 Highlights and more Part 4

2005-06-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

comments in [brackets] are those of the typist
 7:15 pm Admin and Finance Committee

7.1  That the Board Approve the Agreement between the MPRB and the 
Suburban HRPD related to the Carl Kroening Interpretive Center and 
North Mississippi Regional Park

This agreement realigns who does what in the park shared with Hennepin 
County.  The County will be providing the staffing and programs at the 
center and the MPRB will be doing all the maintenance of the parkland 
and buildings.


7.2 The board adopts a resolution ordering East Nokomis Parkway 
improvements ( per GM Schmidt this is standard operating procedure)

Study Report on the US Pond Hockey Championships

GM Siggelkow would like the board to authorize staff to hold 
discussions with the US Pond Hockey Association to hold their 
tournament on January 20-22, 2006 on Lake Calhoun (okay is given)

Having a location in progress will allow the Pond Hockey group to write 
letters to sponsors to raise funds.  St. Paul has had some small 
tournaments in the past and there is a meeting about this issue at the 
ECCO meeting Thurs.

Commissioner Young confirms it will not conflict with the Loppet
Commissioner Berry Graves mentions that the MPRB can not guarantee the 

Admin and Finance is adjourned.

Regular Meeting is reconvened...
Reports of Officers

Superintendent Gurban gives a glowing report on how the new floating 
docks at Nokomis and Calhoun will save time and money as they went in 
like a breeze in an hour and a half.

Commissioner Dziedzic asks if there are ports-potties near all the docks

Superintendent Gurban  verifies that they are near the floating docks 
but is not sure for all docks in the system

Commissioner Kummer mentions there was a nice photo of the new dock in 
the paper

Superintendent Gurban then hands out "hot off the presses" the 2004 
Superintendents report.  They are available to the public on Monday a 
your local Park Center or Library.

Commissioner Erwin is glad to hear that the cost went from $22 a copy 
to $1.50 for printing.

Commissioner Mason asks if the sailing center at the south end of Lake 
Calhoun will be on the next meeting in June's agenda and the 
superintendent says there have been some delays and it will come up at 
a later date.

Commissioner Dziedzic ask how many of the Commissioner Reports are 
available (2000) and if there are enough (probably) He then points out 
that there is a budget available on the last page for the public to 
see.  [ 18 lines folks not exactly the specifics some are looking for, 
it is even called the condensed budget ]

GM Siggelkow reports that a settlement has been reached with the 
seasonal workers and hopes to have them soon with the 49ers and the 

GM Schmidt reports that the 2004 annual resources report is done ( 1" 
thick booklet ) and is available online [ YEAH ] and that since 1991 
water quality has been improving and is considered to be at 
"pre-European Settlement" levels

Commissioner Young asks if the attachments commissioners get with their 
agendas are available on-line yet. (no)

2.1 and 2.2 are passed ( new HVAC at Wirth Chalet and the seasonal 
worker's contract)
7.1 ( a catwalk at Mill Ruins Park for which Hennepin County is paying) 

Unfinished Business

Youth Athletic Fees ( for non rec center sports leagues )

Games $16/ hour  Practices $8/ hour

It has been suggested by the Superintendent that teams with a hardship 
be allowed to work off the fees

Commissioner Berry Grave states that the rules for this must be 
straight forward and even for all.

There ensues some discussion when Commissioner Dziedzic mentions that 
there are free Lupient Park passes for  youth who do service work for 
seniors and such in Northeast and Commissioner Berry Graves wonders if 
this is also available at North Commons?  GM Siggelkow states it is a 
Lupient Family funded program.

New Business

Campaigning in the Parks
Commissioner Young brings this up now to have a standard set of rules 
for the upcoming political season.

GM Siggelkow when checking into this found that it had come up and the 
3 district managers had set a policy

Lakes District Manager Paul Hokeness give the presentation...

1) Follow building guidelines and if questions check with district 
2) Political Parties may use rooms other than the gyms free of charge 
and may pass lit within the room but no fundraising (fee if room is 
used outside of regular center hours or for gym)
3) staff is discouraged from voicing opinions on park property or on 
MPRB time

4) give facts/ do not offer opinions
5) use common sense  and if in doubt ask a supervisor
6) at festivals and celebrations the candidates may purchase a booth 
like all other participants but may not freely wander the crowd handing 
out materials

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Dziedzic praises the golf courses and speaks about the 
upcoming coaches dinner.  Jim Lupient waterpark FR

[mpls] MPRB 6-1-2005 Highlights and more Part 3

2005-06-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
We continue with the commissioner questions about the proposed 
reciprocal use agreement with DeLaSalle...  [all comments in brackets 
are those of the typist]

Commissioner Hauser asks if the MPRB will need to reimburse the Met 
Council Open Space dollars?

Director Reitkirk replies that it MAY not be necessary but a commitment 
to replace them may be necessary as well as possibly the tennis courts 
[ who pays ???]

Commissioner  Hauser asks if the fencing will be necessary ( yes is the 

Commissioner Young suggests as she did at a previous meeting that 
mediation would be a better path than a reciprocal use agreement.  This 
would be a tacit agreement to go forward on the project.  She believes 
there are too many unanswered questions at this point to approve the 
motion.  She also mentions that there is no proposal before the Met 
Council and no information on historical or environmental impacts.  She 
believes that this is a slippery slope from public to private and that 
the MPRB needs to be cautious as there seems to be some concerns about 
members of the MPRB itself and conflicts of interest.

Commissioner Erwin states that the Land Use comments were very good.  
There is already a field so the MPRB has fulfilled its part except to 
have a written agreement.  If DeLaSalle wants a larger field they could 
put the field in front and move parking to the rear.   He does not feel 
he can make an informed decision at this time having received the 60 
page information packet just moments before the meeting [ a tried and 
true Big 5 maneuver]

Commissioner Erwin offers a substitute motion...That the MPRB enter 
into a reciprocal use agreement for the current field and tennis courts 

Commissioner Hauser ask for the substitute motion to be repeated.

Commissioner Mason wonders if it is necessary as the field and courts 
are already there

Commissioner  Hauser wonders if the field in place is regulation size

Jay Pomeroy ( Landscape Architect and Engineer for DeLaSalle ) states 
that the adjacent field from the back wall of the building is just over 
the 160' x 360' regulation size but is basically useless.

Director Reitkirk jumps in to say that the sketches are still very 
preliminary and the final design would still need to be approved in 

Commissioner Erwin insists that many more questions need to be answered 
before any steps are taken

GM Siggelkow states the the 12 points are not site specific but it 
would get the ball rolling and that site issues would go through a 
public process

Commissioner Mason states that DeLaSalle is not a third party in the 
agreement, that it involves only the MCDA and the MPRB and that more 
information is needed.  Mr Norton of Kennedy Graven concluded that the 
MPRB  needed to consider many items and that the board hasn't.

Commissioner Dziedzic offers a substitute motion to the substitute 
motion [ which become the tongue twister of the evening] because we 
need to start somewhere and this is it  [ I believe you are not 
obligated to do anything actually ]

Substitute to the Substitute motion   That the MPRB authorize staff 
to enter into negotiations for a reciprocal use agreement with 
DeLaSalle for an Athletic Facility that will then have a public hearing 
in July.

Commissioner Erwin wants a design available before there is a use 
agreement for it

Commissioner Young claims it is nearly identical to the original motion 
and that July is too soon and that the Met Council and the Historical 
Society still haven't ben contacted

Commissioner Dziedzic says it's 6 weeks

Commissioner Hauser claims the original motion is about a general 
agreement about what is important to the children and people of the 
city and about land use and that site specifics aren't necessary just 
other details [ and your point here is...]

Commissioner Young states it is about land use and what ever happened 
to separation of church and state

A vote is called on the substitution to the substitution Hauser, 
Dziedzic, Fine aye, Young and Erwin nay,

There is a scuffle amongst the board and some knowledgeable folks in 
the audience over Robert's Rule's and voting on the other motions that 
ends in the negotiated agreement being on the July 20th agenda for a 
public hearing

Commissioner Mason asks if this is now moved to the full board for a 
vote (no)
Will the Agreement when voted on (in July) need 6 votes ( no, it isn't 
a land sale or long term lease ) [ 30 year tie up of land sounds like a 
long term lease to me]
Glad that outside counsel was used and how much did it cost and will 
the board be revealing any possible conflicts of interest?

Commissioner Dziedzic: Worked one year at DeLaSalle
President Olson: Proud parent of a 2004 DeLaSalle grad
Commissioner Berry Graves: Proud grandparent of a 2004 DeLaSalle grad
Commissioner Hauser: Proud parent of multiple DeLaSalle grads
Commissioner Fine: Relative who is an Island resident

[mpls] MPRB 6-1-2005 Highlights and more Part 2

2005-06-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

All comments in [ brackets ] are those of the typist...

Public Comments begin which Commissioner Fine will call from the list 
based on whether they are pro or con in an alternate matter, at this 
point Brother Michael gives the speech he had already started.  In 
paraphrasing he mentions that DeLaSalle sent a letter to the MPRB dated 
May 13th in which it seeks to implement a Reciprocal Use Agreement from 
the May 19,1983 Nicollet Island Agreement as DeLaSalle is a third party 
beneficiary of the agreement.  He also states that many DeLaSalle 
graduates go on to become the citizens that go into public service to 
become members of boards and government.  At six minutes he is asked by 
Commissioner Fine to "wrap it up" and he does by adding that tomorrow 
DeLaSalle is graduating its 103rd class.

The planning committee is then recessed so the the full board can come 
to order and move into OPEN TIME for which there is one speaker...

 Joan Berthiaume speaks about the historic Theodore Wirth House from 
notes she received from Ted Wirth who is  the cofounder of the 
Minneapolis Parks
Legacy Society and grandson of the Minneapolis Park System's longest 
serving superintendent and park designer, Theodore Wirth.  Ms. 
Berthiaume states that
Ted says the Minneapolis Parks Legacy Society has been working to open 
the historic Wirth home to the public for over five years.  Ted  wants 
to know
why the planning dept. is taking so long to make a decision about the 
future use of his grandfather's historic home in Lyndale Farmstead Park 
 when there
is a president already set by the contracts with the organizations the 
run the Stevens House in Minnehaha Park  and the Godfrey House in Chute 
[As citizens we owe a great debt to Theodore Wirth for the design and 
development of our wonderful park system.  Wirth  believed the 
responsibility of the Park Board was to PRESERVE and  PROTECT all PARK 
PROPERTY and to be sure the parks would be all inclusive for all people 
today and for all generations yet to come.]

Commissioner Fine reconvenes the planning committee and public input 

Phyllis Kahn, State Representative for District 59B and Nicollet Island 
resident #1  the agreement to which DeLaSalle keeps referring is a deal 
between the MCDA (now CPED but still in effect) and the City of 
Minneapolis' Park and Recreation Board only, and the deal has been met 
in that there are currently 3 regulation tennis courts and a field of 
regulation size (106' x 360' ) next to the school building  #2 no one 
has made mention of the Met Council Regional Open Space dollars that 
will have to be refunded by the MPRB [ $9.9 million per my comments in 
part 1]#3 According to the Preservation Alliance, Nicollet Island 
is on the top 10 list of endanger sites.  She gives the advice that the 
MPRB should make their decision based on what is BEST for the 
Minneapolis Park System.

Commissioner Fine interrupts to calm an outbreak of applause

Lou DeMars,  Mr. DeMars gives a history of what happened during the 
early 1970's that spurred the riverfront revival.   With the 1976 
approaching Bicentennial some available federal money was the motivator 
for getting the whole refurbishment started.  He stresses that 
DeLaSalle stayed throughout the changes.

Janet Demming of the Island passes on her turn saying that she 
reaffirms Rep. Kahn's statement.

John Chaffee of Nicollet Island is not pleased with the process.  The 
comments by the outside law firm of Kennedy Graven [ Brian Rice, the 
MPRB's attorney is a DeLaSalle alum ]  appear to him to reach the 
conclusion that the MPRB has NO obligation and that would change upon 
entering into a reciprocal use agreement.  So WHY do this?

Commissioner Fine interrupts again to calm the applause and 
Commissioner Young suggests using twinkling ( a hand waving gesture 
used by the Green Party to signify applause without interrupting the 
speaker) [ unfortunately that doesn't come across very well on the 
cable broadcast but there was a lot of it going on from there forward].

Meredith Englund a DeLaSalle senior spoke next.  She wanted to stress 
that the field that the girls soccer team used for practicing now at 
Van Cleve Park was at times dangerous due to the trash and sometime 
syringes left on the field.  Though she personally would not benefit 
from the fields she knows that future DeLaSalle students would be 
especially thankful.  She also wanted to thank the MPRB for providing 
her with the opportunity to play rec sports in the parks when she was 
younger and even had the chance to have Commissioner Fine as a coach.

Victor Grambsch of  NIEBNA (the Nicollet Island/ East Bank Neighborhood 
Association ) again mentioned that the organization had passed a 
resolution against the planned facility and would be willing to work 
with both sides to reach a better agreement.

Susie Howard another DeLaSalle student and manager of the girls soccer 
team again stre

[mpls] LCMR, one source of money for the MPRB

2005-06-05 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Was reading the sports section of the STRIB and ran across an article 
that will be of note to some who watch what's happening at the MPRB.

This committee was one source that usually had money for the MPRB.  I 
am looking forward to hearing Brian Rice's legislative report at the 
end of the special session regarding this.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[mpls] MPRB 6-1-2005 Highlights and more Part 1

2005-06-03 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

All messages in [ brackets ] are comments of the typist..

[4:45 Pre- meeting band concert in the parking lot for visitors and 
press by the DeLaSalle students]

5:00  Planning committee is called to order by Commissioner Fine who 
announces that there will be public input allowed on the DeLaSalle 
action item and there are sign up sheets in the hallway.

Commissioner Young would like to have a plan for this open speaking 
time so the meeting doesn't go to midnight

Commissioner Fine would like to see how many speakers sign up first

Commissioner Dziedzic claims he will be making an amendment to the 
motion if it passes

4.1 That the board approve the schematic plan for the Berger Fountain 
Rebuild ( this is the dandelion fountain in Loring Park )
Mike Kimble of the MPRB planning department, Merry Keefe of the Save 
Berger Fountain Group, facilitator to the various neighborhood groups 
and Robert Cook, architect make the presentation for the new fountain.  
The dandelion appearance of the fountain will remain, but the splash 
pools, plaza, orientation toward paths and the greenway and the 
mechanics will be changed.  It was also suggested that the shuffleboard 
courts be moved.  There would be new seating, new lighting for the 
basin and fountain, and the fountain would be re-engineered to be 
re-circulating.  The various organizations involved would do $1,000,000 
in fundraising and would hope to eventually use the Park Foundation as 
the fiscal agent ( a task currently done by the Friends of Loring 
Park).  The current plan is that after the schematic is approved to 
build a model to help further fundraising.

Commissioner Erwin mentions that the fountain currently costs $15,000 
per year for water and electricity and understands the new design will 
reduce that cost to $7500 a year and thanks the various groups for 
their effort to save the signature fountain.

Commissioner Young asks if $1,000,000 will be enough.

Ms. Keefe states that $1,000,000 will cover the fountain and plaza 
redesign and that further fundraising will be done to complete other 
areas of the plan and that they will work with the MPRB staff on future 


4.2 That the Board approve the terms for the implementation of a 
Reciprocal Use Agreement with DeLaSalle High School

Judd Reitkirk  Director of Planning gives some background on Nicollet 
Island complete with old photos and ariel view maps

1977 The Central Riverfront Master Plan is developed
1978 the Met Council Approves $4.5 million for Open Space land 
1980 the MPRB decides to keep the housing on the Island and the Met 
Council approves and additional $5.4 million for land acquisition
1983 a Contract for Acquisition and Transfer of Lands for Redevelopment 
by Public Bodies by and between the MCDA and the City of Minneapolis, 
by and through its Park and Recreation Board is signed [This is the 
"key" document and DeLaSalle is not one of the parties on the title 
page so hardly a major player]  The Met Council then approves the 
Nicollet Island Master Plan [ $ 9.9 million in Met Council Open Fund 
Money which may need to go back ]

Commissioner Dziedzic asks if housing was in the plan?

Director Reitkirk says the original plan did not include housing. [Not 
specific if it was the draft plan or master he is referring to at this 
point ]

There is some confusion as to what comes next as Director Reitkirk 
planned to next defer to the DeLaSalle architect and engineer who in 
turn defer to Brother Michael Collins who begins his speech.  He is 
interrupted by Commissioner Fine who wants to know where they are in 
the agenda [There is no public input listed on the agenda and 
Commissioner Young's asking to have a plan was ignored so Commissioner 
Fine is winging it here ]  It is determined that the staff portion of 
the presentation is complete and that Brother Michael does have some 
time to spare before his duties at DeLaSalle for the evening call him 
away so the meeting moves on to the DeLaSalle architects.

Kevin Halbach of KKE architects and Jay Pomeroy Landscape Designer and 
Engineer of Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc make their presentation.
Mr. Halbach states that their are many issues involved and that he sees 
himself as not only the architect for DeLaSalle but also for the 
neighborhood and the people of the city and the MPRB and would like to 
include them as well.  The design shown is described as a multipurpose 
field for softball, soccer, football etc  The area outside of the 
field and bleachers would include pathways and pedestrian lighting.  
The main change will be the closing of Grove Street.  There would also 
be plantings and landscaping, Brother's Park, recreation and bleacher 
seating for up to 750 people and would address ADA requirements and 
safety and security issues.

Mr. Pomeroy then speaks to the loss and possible relocation of the 
tennis courts and the relocation of the batting cage to a small 
softball i

Re: [Mpls] City Debt

2005-05-25 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  Who was on the Board of Estimate and Taxation at the time of the 
vote?  Were they like Bob Fine the MPRB's voting member linked to Brian 
Rice who represents the Police and Fire Pensions and likely to be 
swayed to do what benefits the retirees over the taxpayers   I 
guess I would need more information then Rep. Kahn has provided as to 
who is tied to what in the decision to fork over more benefits and 
bonuses to these groups of retirees.  If the stock market goes into a 
dive and I am not diversified my 401k sinks and the taxpayers of 
Minnesota don't bail me out or give me extra bonus checks.  I also do 
not have the services of Mr. Rice and his team of  lobbyists to 
convince the legislature to help me out.  I am not under the impression 
that this is unfair...  these groups use their pension dollars to fund 
lobbyists and candidates' campaigns in order to get benefits they 
assume will outweigh the costs of the PAC and lobbyists.  I just don't 
think that we the taxpayers should be told we are in the wrong because 
we would prefer not to bail them out. If the city managed the pensions 
and screwed up then yes, they should fund the short fall, but from Mr. 
Jensen's posts it seem that the union members appointed their pension 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
Still not convinced

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[mpls] Art-A-Whirl

2005-05-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The fun of Northeast's own Art-A-Whirl begins this evening and runs 
through the weekend.  Come get a map and check out the many studios 
etc... open to the public for perusal and of course shopping.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Question of Money

2005-05-19 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Having put together 2 pre-primary DFL forum in Wards 2 and 3 I think 
that the cost is excessive, but if it is a fundraiser for these 
non-profits it should be billed as such rather than as a candidate 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
Treasurer SD59 DFL
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[mpls] pension funds and political connections

2005-05-19 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
George Janssen wrote:
 But, Rep. Kahn and other politicos would continue to receive their 
political contributions and other largess from the fund.  This 
windfall would end if they did they did the right thing for the MPRA 
members and the Minneapolis taxpayer and removed all the MPRA funds to 
the state for administration.

The MPRA would be kept self managed by the 70 or so politicians 
who receive donations from this fund strictly for self serving 
purposes.  There is only selfish reasons for keeping this fund from 
joining the 48 other fire/police funds administered under PERA.  The 
Minneapolis taxpayer be damned!

Wonder how these funds are linked?  Check out the link below.
And some more links for fun...
In fact go to the site and check out all of your local political types 
that serve in a state office here.
After the primary I imagine that Hennepin County will have the reports 
for the candidates for city offices which list individual donors over 
$100.  Pre-primary are when the first forms are due.   This will be the 

"Follow the money"
Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[MPLS] Old Guard vs. New

2005-05-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Nikki Carlson wrote...
 I just want to say I hear the
term "old guard" constantly from the Rybak campaign and from the 
so-called park

I am in favor of MPRB reform and have many friends in the DFL who would 
be considered as McLaughlin supporters ( and therefore by someone's 
term Old Guard) who are also very interested in Park Board reform ( and 
no Nikki they don't live on Nicollet Island and some are even DeLaSalle 
alumni) I would say you are stereotyping.  What has happened during the 
last 2 1/2 years at the MPRB has annoyed many people and some of them 
like myself just happen to be very vocal.  In fact Commissioner 
McLaughlin and I have spoken more than once and though I respect him I 
could not give him my endorsing vote because he does not share my 
opinion of the MPRB (other than we both think it should remain an 
independent board).  This year my KEY issue is MPRB reform and 
therefore I could not go McLaughlin.   Old? New?  I guess I'm Middle.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
by age last of the boomers
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Re: [Mpls] Convention update - lack of quorum? Pout and go home!

2005-05-15 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Jim Graham wrote
Peter McLaughlin and Tony Scallon called the convention to an end in 
order to not stoop to the low road that RT had gone to in avoiding 
I'm sorry Jim but as for not stooping...trying to recess and then call 
a new quorum so that Commissioner McLaughlin could then get a 98% 
endorsement vote would have been equally low.   I joined the party 
because I had hoped to put an end to this sort of nonsense.  I was on 
the arrangements committee and  suggested that we seat by Park 
District.  After all, they were the only non city wide races being 
handled so voting would not have been a challenge and it would have 
made doing the individual districts easier.  The RULES 
committee...packed with insiders from both mayoral campaigns insisted 
we sit by not only by ward but by precinct as well.  In this day and 
age of databases what on earth kept these seemingly smart folks from 
being able to work the floor by park district.  Plug in a couple of 
commands and there is all of Park District 1 laid out in a nifty 
spreadsheet.  I was told by "the powers that be" that it would be no 
problem to check folks in and issue credentials based on Park District. 
 Just imagine how easy it would have been to seat people in 6, yes SIX 
areas by park district.  I would personally like to thank Senator Linda 
Higgins for not just sitting on her hands and getting up to the 
microphone and rearranging people so that we could "get on with it" .

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[Mpls] DFL Convention

2005-05-13 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
For all of you who need caffeine to get through the day,  stop and get 
your java on the way to the convention as the coffee provider backed 
out at the last minute.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
on the arrangements committee
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[Mpls] Who the heck should get the nod for MPRB commissioners

2005-05-11 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
From David Tilsen's article in THE PULSE

 They will also endorse candidates for three at-large Park Board 
seats, and then break up to endorse for the six district seats. I have 
always thought that the major job of the Park Board was to fight off 
the constant effort of people to get their greedy hands on our—that is 
the Park Board’s—land. The fact that we have as much public land in 
the city as we do is a major contributor to the quality of life. We 
can thank tenacious Park Board members of the past for this.

This land does belong to the citizens of Minneapolis from the past and 
into the future and keeping "their greedy hands" off is the quality 
needed most in our commissioners in this day and age of "developers and 
corporations" first.  I would certainly hope that at the DFL convention 
this weekend the candidates will include the statement "I will not sell 
parkland or give it away in a long term lease" in their introduction.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia ParkREMINDERS:
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[mpls] MPRB and the Twins Stadium

2005-05-10 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
From the Minneapolis observer
Interesting bit of information from Annie Young today: It seems that 
Hennepin County officials are bribing the Park Board to endorse the 
stadium plan, promising an additional $1 million in park funding if 
they climb aboard. Young did not say whether she would vote for such 
an endorsement, but noted that “A million bucks is hard to turn down 
when you’re broke.”

Gee Whiz...  does this $1 million come with any strings attached 
say for rebuilding Parade Stadium???  This would certainly explain why 
Jon Gurban the Superintendent of the MPRB was asking ( at the city 
council last fall)  to attach  $$$ for a Parade stadium re-build to any 
professional stadium bill that went through.

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of hearing the MPRB 
Superintendent speak, I did at the Longfellow Community Council pancake 
breakfast, the Superintendent has a plan.  He would like to build 
Minneapolis some gathering spaces...  like the Parade Stadium and 
Minneapolis Armory of his youth in the 1950's.  In an era of individual 
stores for everything building a "place" that caters to everyone is 
going to be quite the challenge.  Is this $1 million the seed money for 
the Superintendent's field of dreams?

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[mpls] re:MPRB on May 4th

2005-05-06 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Chris Johnson wrote...
Cirque Du Soleil has been talking to staff since last year about using 
the Parade Stadium field as a location for their performances.  The 
proposal is Cirque will lease the field from August 22 to October 28, 
2005 and pay the Park Board $50,000 for that use.  The Park Board will 
do some initial site preparation, and then Cirque will spend another 
$225,000 on doing site preparation, such as adding gates, removing 
ball field lights, etc.  Rietkerk says this is an advantage for the 
Park Board, because of plans for installing an artificial turf field 
at this location, and would have to do construction preparation work 
like removing sprinklers and fences anyway.  He says this will save 
some money because Cirque will do some of that work.  When Cirque 
leaves town, they will do nothing further to the site.  It will be 
left in whatever state it is in -- unusable for recreation.

All parking will be handled on site using the existing lots to the 
east and west of the field, except for perhaps a few performances 
where larger crowds might result in some overflow parking, which the 
Park Board is trying to work with Dunwoody to accommodate across 
Dunwoody Blvd in their parking lot there.  The plan is to close the 
Vineland entrances to all of those lots during Cirque performances, 
and have all traffic enter/exit from Dunwoody.  Note that Cirque Du 
Soliel gets ALL of the parking revenue thus generated, until it 
exceeds $225,000, after which they share it with the Park Board.

A typical Cirque performance expects 350 to 375 cars, and there is 
parking on site for 500.  Cirque's performance tent seats about 2500 
Commissioner Vivian Mason supports Erwin, and says that not enough 
notice to neighborhoods (residents, institutions like the Walker, and 
businesses) was done [in fact, none]; that they learned about it 
through the newspaper and then contact her [its Mason's district], 
often irately.  She asks if staff has yet contacted the neighborhood, 
and the answer is no.  She asks if there are costs for dismantling 
bleachers and fences, and who pays them.  The answer is that the Park 
Board will be paying for that.

As usual the staff comes to the commissioners with little or no 
information on the costs involved in one of their "cooperative 
projects" with a private business.  Notice how quick they were to bring 
out the  they will receive.  If I were a commissioner (wishful 
thinking :-) I would like to know an estimate of the NET gain to the 
MPRB.  Also doing a little math  500 cars X 68 days (lets say 1 
performance per day) x $5.00 per car = $170,000.  In order for the MPRB 
to get any parking revenue if they max out parking for 68 performances 
it will cost over $6.62 to park your car ( if I lived in the 
neighborhood I'd be concerned about parking too as people will be 
looking to save a few $$$ by parking in front of my house) .  I imagine 
there may be a few sold out performances and that in this town paying 
over $10.00 to park for an event is nothing but I feel we will be once 
again subsidizing an event attended mostly by suburbanites.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
Not a fan of any circus but the MPRB
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Re: [Mpls] neiman complex and the twins

2005-05-03 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Great idea if the city or the MPRB actually owned the land.  Most of it 
is leased at quite a price from the DNR.  And keep in mind the 
bleachers for 40,000 need to be easily removable as that is a 
restriction due to the "historic property" lawsuit.  Gonna have to sell 
alot of hot dogs to pay off the $14,000,000.00 owed on the bonds.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Hey Peter! Hey RT! Hey Aaron & Hey Ed!

2005-05-03 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Until you have 50 states agree that they will no longer try to outbid 
each other for pro sports teams by offering to subsidize sports 
facilities to make their city/state offer a" better quality of life" 
the entire point is moot.  Where there is competition there will be 
sweeteners in every deal.  That is why charter schools and privates 
schools exist...  they offer something "better" though depending on the 
family and most importantly the student "better" is a relative term.  
The map of Hennepin County shows me that there are quite a few 
"wealthier"  suburban communities that fall in its boundaries and I can 
assure you that the piddling amount of sales tax my family generates 
will be quite a bit less than families in Maple Grove or Edina.  So if 
we can't fix the entire system maybe we should go with the best deal 
available we can generate.  This may or may not be it.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Skyway News and Southwest Journal stories of note

2005-04-18 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  In the article about the new "Lakes" district manager Paul Hokeness, 
he describes the Park Board as being "set up in three districts that 
operate as self contained park systems ".  I asked during OPEN TIME at 
the MPRB a few months ago just how these independent but interdependent 
districts would be allocated funding and where enterprise revenues from 
their districts might be spent and was never given an answer.  After 
reading the budget book for 2005 I found that the new district managers 
were being paid for out of the recreation budget and though they will 
be overseeing forestry, maintenance, administration and a variety of 
other details those budgets were not tapped for a part of their salary. 
 If the General Manager for Operations can have a portion of his salary 
paid out of the equipment budget I do not think that the recreation 
budget should take the full hit for the 3 new district managers ( who 
are each paid about the same amount as 3 starting arborists, which 
could have been 9 more people working on the dutch elm problem).  The 
reorganization the MPRB is undergoing is far from complete and I am 
looking forward to hearing just how all the details and dollars are 
allocated.  Hopefully there will be reports on this as the year 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[mpls] MPRB highlights from 4-6-05 Part 2

2005-04-18 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
6:15 Planning Committee
 Commissioner Young would like to amend the agenda to include a  Bryn 
Mawr discussion.  There is some squabbling over the new rules which do 
not allow this and it became a study item as did the MPRB master plan.  
She also would like to add DeLaSalle  and Commissioner Olson says that 
is already being handled by himself and the Superintendent.

4.1  Staff and the Friends of the Wildflower Gardens make a 
presentation on the upgrade to an area in the bird sanctuary in the 
Eloise Butler Wildflower Gardens and Bird Sanctuary for which the 
Friend's are providing the money for the materials.

4.2  A presentation is given about the new light fixtures to be 
installed by public works along the Grand Rounds parkways ( about 100 
lights per year, of a total 2343, and parts from the replaced lights 
will be used to extend the life of those remaining)  The lights will be 
funded in 3 parts $6000 apiece installation and $1200 per fixture by 
public works and $600 per fixture by the MPRB (and why they could not 
find an acceptable $1200 fixture that would have cost the MPRB nothing 
was never addressed which would have been nice).

4.3  Retention of URS to provide consulting services for the Edgewater 
Park Master Plan Implementation, for a fee not to exceed $112,075.00

Discussion of Bryn Mawr and Bassett Creek Valley master Plan
Commissioner Erwin said he knows of at least 4 plans for the area and 
could we have a review at some point to see how or if the plans fit 
Commissioner Mason asked that if a discussion is to be held during the 
next meeting that the neighborhood be invited.
Commissioner Young asks that receipt of the letters at least be sent.

The discussion then moves on to a Master Plan for the entire MPRB 
Commissioner Erwin makes a motion for a sub-committee to be formed to 
work on the MPRB Master Plan
Then the discussion turns to whether it should be a sub committee or 
special committee or a working group..

Regular Meeting called back into session at 7:10 pm.
The agenda is amended to include a discussion of some police incidents 
specifically Hidden Beach and appointing members to the Master Plan 
group.  Commissioners Young and Berry Graves asked why the need for 
satellite offices in Longfellow and Wirth House as the new headquarters 
was suppose to centralize staff and now they want to create field 
offices.  The superintendent was asked to bring information about this 
to the next meeting and he requested it come before the board during 
the first meeting in May.

A motion passed, 7 for 2 against ( Fine and Dziedzic) to suspend the 
rules to add the Hidden Beach and Master Plan items to the agenda.

Superintendent's Report
  Superintendent Gurban noted that with the loss of Teen Teamworks 
funding and money from the Youth Coordinating Board for Phat Summer 
that MPRB summer youth employment took a $200,000 hit.
Commissioner Hauser was willing to give up her travel allowance  and 
Commissioner Mason asked about using money from the Innovation Fund
( what is the deal with that fund??  does it or does it not exist and 
what are the rules for its use?? it's a half million dollars that is 
just hovering around and the public is curious)
Commissioner Mason also asked why she is no longer receiving the MPRB 
police statistics that used to come with the superintendent's 
predecessors reports?  She would like it back.  Whenever there was a 
significant incident in a park the commissioner for that district was 
notified and that has also stopped happening, and she heard from either 
the press or the neighbors for the last 2 happenings in her district.

Superintendent Gurban then made a fiery statement regarding how safe 
our parks are and that to his knowledge no changes have been made and 
recommended a Public Safety report from the Park Police Chief.

GM Siggelkow reported that the MPRB was open for golf
GM Schmidt reported on Earth Day, Saturday April 23rd ( check for a site near you) and about the $60,000 from 
the Twins and another $20,000 from them for field improvements ($80,000 
total GO TWINS)

The MPRB paid some bills and the vote on the Sea Salt concessions at 
Minnehaha Park passed with Mason voting NO and Berry Graves and Young 

Report on Summer Lunch Programs by District Manager Jon Oyanagi, River 
District manager
  Due to changes in the MPS food distribution system the school lunch 
program was suspended after the summer of 2003.This was due to a 
change in how the meals were delivered and the extra costs associated 
with that ( early openings, transportation, refrigerated storage needed 
etc...) This led to a decrease in number of children coming to the 
facilities where the free lunches had been offered.  Though the MPRB 
would like to offer the lunches again the issue of how to get the food 
from the MPS facility to the parks was discussed and suggestions ( have 
the Park Police deliver or maybe ask M

[mpls] MPRB highlights from 4-6-05 Part 1

2005-04-17 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
OOPS -  sorry to those who read these I've been busy.
5:00 Legislation and Intergovernmental committee
Mid-session legislative report from Brian Rice, Maryann Campo and Kirk 
Pederson MPRB lobbyists
  The gist of the report was that the governor was not into funding 
"individual" city projects so all of Minneapolis got just the 
planetarium.  The rest of the time seems to have been spent trying to 
keep the money from the sale of the Fuji-ya property and avoiding a 
funding fight with the non-metro area parks.  As to the Fuji-ya sale, 
the MPRB gets to keep the $750,000 to create the parking facility under 
the development, and $875,000 of the sale price.  It has been earmarked 
by the legislature for specific projects.  $25,000 must be matched and 
used to start planning for the East Phillips community center and the 
balance must be matched and spent on the Above the Falls plan ( I think 
specifically towards land acquisition).
  Commissioners asked about using the money toward other projects 
higher on the MPRB priority list and were told the money was 
specifically allocated and could be taken back if not used for its 
intended purpose.
  There were also discussions about LGA which seems to be set for the 
current level, but it is still too early for it to be completely safe.  
Commissioner Berry Graves commented that all youth employment money 
seemed to be drying up and that addressing public safety through other 
means was not as effective as keeping youth working and too tired to 
cause trouble.  There seems to be an effort by many Minneapolis 
legislators to work on youth employment funding and the MN Twins and 
the Timberwolves are being approached by Mayor Rybak to fund Phat 
Summer programming.
  A thank you was also mentioned for the MN Twins who gave $60,000 to 
for the MPRB rookie leagues and fields.

5:40 Administration and Finance committee
7.1  MPRB to enter into an agreement with the Bryn Mawr neighborhood 
for $3500 for the removal of invasive species (buckthorn et al) at 
Brownie Lake.  ( The MPRB runs the power tools and the Bryn Mawr 
volunteers drag the brush)

7.2  MPRB enters into an agreements with Sea Salt to operate the 
Minnehaha Concession using the terms negotiated with the Tin Fish. (The 
Tin Fish is going to concentrate on Lake Calhoun ).  The menu will be 
more seafood and less hot dogs and burgers but there will be ice cream 
and popcorn still available.  The MPRB will be putting in an employee 
restroom and upgrading the ventilation system for the grill ( at what 
cost anyone)

 Commissioner Young asks if there is a schedule of what the concessions 
used to earn so that comparisons can be made as to how much these 
contracts are really earning the MPRB.

Then there was some discussion of why the new tenants want to offer 
cooking classes which a few of the commissioners mentioned they ought 
to take.

6:00 Regular Meeting and OPEN TIME
Victor Grambusch of Nicollet Island / East Bank Neighborhood Association
  Recommended that since a discussion held at one of their meetings 
went so well that they are offering their services as a facilitator of 
discussions regarding the DeLaSalle issue.

Arlene Fried
  Ms. Fried attempted to obtain a copy of the minutes of the Standards 
and Conduct Committee meeting of the October 20, 2004 meeting where 
Commissioner Dziedzic's conduct at a previous meeting was called into 
question.  Since this meeting started before 5:00pm it was not recorded 
by the new system (DVD of the broadcast) and the audio tape machine had 
not recorded this earlier segment.  She was dismayed and recommended a 
more diligent maintaining of records.  (Maybe all public meetings 
should be schedule to begin at 5:00 when the broadcast starts).

Linda Hune
  Ms. Hune believes that treatment of the Elm Trees would be dollars 
spent wisely to combat dutch elm and would like the MPRB to help 
facilitate making the preventative measures available to home and multi 
unit dwelling owners through group discounts or possibly by making 
payments through their tax bill.  She believes preventative measures 
would be cheaper than removal and replanting over time.

Kathy Standing
  Would also like a preventative method used on Elm trees.  New studies 
are showing the methods to be effective and that the present system is 
like putting out a fire with a juice glass.  The MPRB should be finding 
a major donor to get a prevention/protection component into their Dutch 
Elm program.

Mary Lou Hill Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association
   The Bryn Mawr neighborhood has contacted the MPRB on both August 3, 
2004 and February 21, 2005 about the possible and prospective uses for 
Bryn Mawr Meadows.  Both of the letters were regarding whether the MPRB 
would follow the Basset Creek Valley Master Plan and the Bryn Mawr Land 
Use Plan.  they would like at least an acknowledgment that their 
letters were received and would like a clarification of the MPRB's 

Re: [Mpls] Positions for City Candidates

2005-04-17 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Rep. Kahn,
  I think that the ideas you hold near and dear to your heart may not 
be in total agreement with the other members of the cities legislative 
delegation.  In fact you could probably triple the size of the list by 
adding what they would like for their constituents as well.  What I 
missed from your list was the address that was not included.  My 
representative Diane Leoffler from 59A was not included.  And since I 
know she rarely sees this list will not notice, I have.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] This Week in The Minneapolis Observer

2005-04-11 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Well,  I checked out the link to the Observer  and once 
again the MPRB (park board) is in the news.  They are fighting the city 
over the stormwater fees.  I guess the fight is over who's budget will 
take the hit.  As usual the citizens will ultimately pay but now we get 
to pick up the tab for the MPRB to hire another consultant.  If the 
city and the MPRB want to have these "turf wars" the least they could 
do is quit involving expensive outsiders.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[mpls] Minneapolis Ethical Practices Board seeking candidates

2005-04-08 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Ethical Practices Board
Vacancy:  Ethical Practices Board
Contact: Burt T. Osborne, Asst. City Attorney, (612) 673-2473, 

Appointed by:  Appointing Committee comprising:
The Honorable Kevin S. Burke, Chief Judge of Hennepin County District 
Alex M. Johnson, Jr., Dean of the University of Minnesota Law School
Thomas M. Mengler, Dean of the University of St. Thomas School of Law

Application Procedure: Application forms are available from the office 
of the City Clerk, Room 304 City Hall, 350 Fifth Street South, 
Minneapolis, MN  55415-1382, 673-3358. Hearing impaired persons may 
call TDD 673-2626 between 9 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday, or 
Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 to reach any of the numbers 
listed here.  Completed applications are returned to the City Clerk. 
Applications are sent to the Appointing Committee for consideration.  
The Appointing Committee will forward the names of the finalists to 
the Mayor and the City Council for comment.  The City Council will 
schedule a public hearing to solicit public input on the finalists.  
The Appointing Committee shall make the final decision on the 

Purpose:  The Ethical Practices Board is a new board of the City of 
Minneapolis.  Its purpose is to promote high ethical standards and 
conduct, and to foster a healthy ethical culture throughout 
Minneapolis city government.  Because this is a new City board, the 
board members selected through this initial appointment process will 
be responsible for establishing rules and procedures governing the 
Board and the Board’s meeting schedule.  The Board shall investigate 
allegations of improper conduct of a department head, an elected 
official, or officials appointed by the Mayor or City Council to 
boards, commissions and similar agencies and shall have the power to 
recommend discipline for violations of the Ethics Code.  The Board may 
recommend changes to the provisions or administration of the Ethics 
Code and give opinions on interpretation of the Code.  The Board shall 
prepare and submit and annual report to the Mayor and City Council 
detailing the ethics activities of the Board and the City during the 
prior year.  The City’s Ethics Officer will serve as staff to the 

Membership:  The Ethical Practices Board Member who is appointed to 
this position will complete a term that will expire on January 2, 
2006.  Prior to that date, the Appointing Committee may consider 
reappointment for another 3-year term.  The Appointing Committee may 
remove a board member for cause at any time during the board member's 
term of office.

No member of the Ethical Practices Board may be a local official or 
city employee; the related person of a local official or city 
employee; a candidate for elected public office; a person who, for 
compensation, represents the private interests of others before the 
City Council or Mayor; or a paid campaign worker or political 
consultant of a current local official.

In accordance with the residency requirements of the City’s Open 
Appointments Process, board members shall be either residents of the 
City of Minneapolis, or an officer or director of a business or 
organization that pays property taxes to the City of Minneapolis.

Information:  For more information about the activities of the Ethical 
Practices Board, call Burt T. Osborne at (612) 673-2473.

Vacancies: One position is currently vacant.  Persons may apply on 
their own behalf or nominate another person.  Applications must be 
received no later than 4:30 PM on Friday, May 6, 2005.

Note: This information is available in ASCII disk, cassette tape, 
Braille or large print upon request.

Forwarded by
Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Park Board Meeting, 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 6

2005-04-06 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The turf is to be used to make an indoor soccer field at Parade 
Stadium.  The interesting part ( not mentioned to those who don't go to 
the meetings and read the supplemental reports provided) is that it is 
to be paid for from the "enterprise capital funds that are earmarked 
for new income generation".  No commissioners spoke up at all and this 
passed through on a voice vote.  Was this not the "slush fund" of 
$500,000 that couldn't even get a reading in committee at the last 
meeting?  How can they "tap" into something that technically doesn't 

Another fun tidbit.  The MPRB approved a new light pole for the 
parkways around the Grand Rounds.  Because the city's public works 
department  handles these they had a few caveats to what could be 
picked.  The electrical costs of $6000 per pole will be paid for by the 
city ( they are replacing 100 per year for about  2300 lights total 
eventually) and the city gave the park board a budget of $1200 per pole 
for the actual fixture.  They picked a pole that costs $1800.  The MPRB 
will pay the difference from their budget.  NOT ON SINGLE COMMISSIONER 
COSTING THE MPRB NOTHING.  Maybe one doesn't exist that meets specs but 
the question still should have been asked.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[Mpls] Ward 3 Candidate Forum

2005-03-28 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Just another friendly reminder for all interested parties..
  Senate District 59 DFL invites you to attend a public question and 
answer  forum for the candidates seeking the DFL endorsement for the 
Ward 3 City Council seat.  Tuesday March 29th at 7:00pm at the 
Bottineau Recreation Center,  2000 NE 2nd ST  Minneapolis.   For more 
information please contact Liz Wielinski at 612-788-5688

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
SD59 DFL Treasurer
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[mpls] Ward 3 Candidate Forum

2005-03-23 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

  Senate District 59 DFL invites you to attend a public question and 
answer  forum for the candidates seeking the DFL endorsement for the 
Ward 3 City Council seat.  Tuesday March 29th at 7:00pm at the 
Bottineau Recreation Center,  2000 NE 2nd ST  Minneapolis.   For more 
information please contact Liz Wielinski at 612-788-5688

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
SD59 DFL Treasurer
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Re: [Mpls] Re: Strib Takes the Low Road

2005-03-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  I am sorry to hear that Ms. Carlson didn't care for my cute reference 
to the De La Salle letter jackets.  I was sitting in their midst and 
found them to be polite and concerned for their school.  My concern has 
nothing to do with whether the students at De La Salle need a football 
stadium or if the neighboring community is not playing fair or nice.  
My concerns are about public dollars and how they are spent.  Barry 
Clegg pointed out all of the hoops the MPRB will have to go through in 
order for the land to go to DeLaSalle.  Last year there was a 
presentation by the Rice-Michaels law firm that showed they had earned 
about $70,000 in lobbying fees and another $330,000 in legal fees for 
around $400,000.  meanwhile 
last year the MPRB attempted to cut the summer park supervisors out of 
many local parks most in North, Northeast and Near South Minneapolis.  
A citizen protest kept them funded, but the JUMP IN mailer that lets 
the people know what services their local parks have to offer was cut.  
What services would you like to tell the citizens of Minneapolis you 
are willing to sacrifice so that the attorneys fees for this De La 
Salle debacle can be paid.  I think the handwriting is on the wall that 
there will be a lawsuit if De La Salle gets it's 6 votes and I am not 
willing for the kids in any neighborhood to give up their wading pool, 
summer park supervisors, or anything else for private school students 
to have a practice field.In fact I'm sure that even Tony Scallon  
(a  majority five supporter ) would be happy to agree that the MPRB 
should be working with the public Charter schools before jumping into 
any deals with private schools.   I hope everyone considers just how 
much this FREE deal is going to cost in terms of cut services and 
programs.  They might be closer to home than you would like.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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[mpls] Ward 2 DFL Candidate Forum

2005-03-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
  Senate District 59 cordially invites you to a public question and 
answer forum for DFL candidates seeking the DFL endorsement to the Ward 
2 City Council seat.  Departing Councilman Paul Zerby will act as 
moderator for this forum be held on Tuesday March 22nd at 7:00pm at the 
Van Cleve Recreation Center, 901 15th AV SE Minneapolis.  For more 
information contact Harrison Nelson at 612-378-5877.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
Treasurer SD59 DFL
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Re: [Mpls] Strib takes the low road

2005-03-20 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
What galls me most about this situation, as with many that the MPRB 
enters into, is that the cost to the MPRB always ends up greater and 
the benefits derived are never spelled out adequately.  Look at the 
boathouse plan with the U of M.  The U of M gets to build on Park Board 
land and in turn will provide rowing lessons, cheerleading camps 
and some other such drivel.  John Erwin, who has offered up the best 
ideas I've seen on the board during the past 2 years was trying to 
negotiate for staff from the U of M's horticulture department for the 
MPRB.  This would have been a tangible, measurable trade but the drivel 
is what the MPRB voted to accept.  The deal at Fort Snelling where the 
MPRB would get profit from the indoor skatepark and equipment for the 
skateparks in the neighborhoods has now ended in a lawsuit. The MPRB 
will most likely pay out $2.5 million in mechanics leins and who knows 
how much to the lawfirm of Rice- Michaels.The original contract had 
no protections ( and this was pointed out during a committee meeting by 
Bob Fine ) and was approved anyway (even by Fine).  Look at the 
Fujiya...Rice-Michael's is over at the legislature racking up lobbying 
hours trying to keep some of the money from the sale of land that the 
state (who paid for the land) is now seeking.  The "business" deals 
that come out of the MPRB are pitiful and I'm sure the folks at 
Rice-Michaels will be getting more billable hours when this Nicollet 
Island deal ends up in court.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island

2005-03-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Wednesday evening the MPRB was host to a bevy of black and gold letter 
jacket clad students of DeLaSalle High led by Brother Michael and John 
Derus armed with piles of letters to present to the commissioners.  3 
young men (come on ladies, why so shy??) spoke to the benefits of 
having a home field.  If you didn't catch them on the 10:00 pm news on 
WCCO 4 they will no doubt be on the cable station reruns.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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