[osol-discuss] Installing Sol 10 x86 on Dell Latitude D820 Laptop

2007-03-28 Thread Chris
Hi Gurus,

I'm trying to configure my laptop as dual boot (window xp and sol 10 1/06).  I 
window on a 1st partition (20GB) without any problems; however, when I try 
installing sol 10 onto the rest of the disk, I can't use a default interactive 
install because everytime it checks a resolution, it's just hung.  So, I'm 
forced to use a text version which is fine with me.  However, after the 
installation completes & reboots, it comes back with 3 selections: sol 10 
x86., sol 10 failback safe, and window.  If I choose the 1st selection, it 
just resets the screen & comes right back to the menu.  If I selects 2nd 
selection, it brings me over to a single user mode with rootdisk is mounted on 
/tmp/root.  I verify the /a/etc/vfstab file and all of the entries looks normal 
to me, but I can't boot it up to multi user mode.  So, my question is that does 
anyone install sol 10 1/06 x86 on Dell Latitude D820 before and get it to work? 
 Please help.

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[osol-discuss] Re: Installing Sol 10 x86 on Dell Latitude D820

2007-04-02 Thread Chris
You are right on the $$$, after I edit -B acpi-user-options=2 in "kernel " 
selection, I'm able to boot up sol to multi user.  However, during a reboot, I 
see this error msg:

hostname: dellsolaris
configuring devices
asy1: UART @ 2f8 scratch register: expected 0x5a, got 0xff
   cannot identify UART chip at 
.The rest is normal msg

However if I reboot a laptop again, I'll have to edit a "kernel..." in a grub.  
Also, the display screen doesn't look very sharp & clear when I login using 
gnorm. Is there a way to make this issue fix permanently?  

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[osol-discuss] Re: Installing Sol 10 x86 on Dell Latitude D820

2007-04-02 Thread Chris
After editting /boot/grub/menu.lst file & add -B acpi-user-options=2 in "kernel 
...", I'm able to boot up the os w/o any more issues.  I'm using Intel 945GM 
graphics chip set.  Pls let me know what do I have to do to improve the 
sharpness of my screen.

Thx again,
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[osol-discuss] CD burning in Solaris

2007-04-23 Thread chris
I am new to the OpenSolaris scene but have been using Solaris since version 8. 
I have seen talks about cd and dvd buring software that people think should be 
included. most people seem to dislike k3b as it is QT  based and they want a 
GTK solution. something I have yet to see adressed is the possibility of 
striking a deal with Nero and having the Nero burning suite based on GTK 2 
included with the default instal. it is by far the best solution for any 
windows box and with each new release for linux it gets better and better. 
surely Sun would want to put software in representing its best foot forward. 
more information here


please tell me what you think

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[osol-discuss] Re: CD burning in Solaris

2007-04-23 Thread chris
I seem to have not been as clear as I should have. I sugest Nero not because 
there is no other alternative but because it is simple better. from and end 
user rospective it is highly intuative, can do anything you could posibly want, 
has every cd or dvd feature out there, and has a more powerfull (yes this is 
true go through the technical documentation if you must) engine then cdrecord. 
if we wantt o bring Solaris to the masses we need tools that the masses can 
use. if i put nero infront of my grandma (and i have infact done this) and told 
where that she could scroll ove rteh buttons and it would tel her what they wre 
she could use it (she picked it up in less then 5 min). if i put cdrecord (even 
with a decent UI) it would confuse her. Graveman and others are good but not as 
good, most of the UI's are still feature incomplete, while Nero is a full 
package and all very closely knit.
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[osol-discuss] Re: CD burning in Solaris

2007-04-23 Thread chris
hmm it seems i am uncapable of editing my previous post. there was one other 
thing I would add. Nero adds a farmiliarity that windows and cross over users 
can assosiate with. these farmiliarities (fire fox and other suck cross 
platform apps) help people transition away from there current platform and 
allow them to keep that feeling of farmiliarity with there environment. very 
impoirtant when competeing in the desktop market now a days. 

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[osol-discuss] Newest/Best way to join Windows Domain

2009-07-17 Thread Chris
Considering building a OpenSolaris based NAS/SAN for a client and they are 
Windows 2003 AD based currently.  I have found several blog posts, etc each 
having slightly different ways to join the windows domain to use it for 

Then I cam across this link:

is this the most current and best way to join windows ad for authentication and 
would this allow me to set ZFS ACLs with my windows user accounts/groups?

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[osol-discuss] Finding my bearings with 2009.06

2009-08-17 Thread chris
I am getting used to the opensolaris GUI. 
The last time I used solaris was with version 1 (SunOS 4), but I am mainly a XP 
user these days. 
I am still looking for the following bits of information, hopefully with a GUI, 
but I can use a prompt if I have to:
- regional setting (to do things like use a 24hr clock)
- disk manager
- where to set delay for disks to go to sleep if unused
- an (hopefully easy) way to setup a simple (app-based if possible) firewall
- an app using smart data to monitor disks problems for me 
- device mgr
- is there a way to monitor how the CPU power saving is used (hlt instruction 
usage, SpeedStep or Cool'n'Quiet status)?
Having these would mean I have all I need, I am working on the network and SMB 
aspects atm.

Also, I was told 2009.06 can't make use of ECC memory. Is that right?

Thanks for you insight.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Finding my bearings with 2009.06

2009-08-18 Thread chris
>Note that the 'ecccheck.pl' script depends on the 'pcitweak' utility 
>which is no longer present in OpenSolaris 2009.06 and Ubuntu 8.10 
>because of Xorg changes. 

in http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/message.jspa?messageID=398536
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[osol-discuss] Nautilus Access List Tab

2009-08-21 Thread Chris
How do I get this in OpenSolaris 2009.06?


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Re: [osol-discuss] Nautilus Access List Tab

2009-08-25 Thread Chris
Ben from cuddletech.com said it was in a version of SXCE, because he wrote 
about it on his blog.  I emailed him and he gave me the following info.

Very odd, same behavior on my SX:CE 116 box. 

The functionality was added to GNOME-vfs some time ago
(http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-0724/gdppz?l=de&a=view).  You can
see ACL info for instance by using 'gnomevfs-info /some/path'

Anything further you can find out would be appreciated.
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[osol-discuss] Enabling Remote GUI Login via XDMCP

2009-09-24 Thread Chris
I have a box running OpenSolaris 09.06 which I would like to run headless and 
access the desktop from a Mac (currently running OSX 10.5.8) on the same LAN.

This used to work under OS 08.05.  09.06 seems more secure and I'm struggling 
to locate all the appropriate settings to enable remote login. Specifically, I 
can't seem to get OpenSolaris to listen on port 177 for the xdmcp connection.

After searching around, I've made the following changes:
- /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf
  add to [security] DisallowTCP=false
  add to [xdmcp] Enable=true
- enabled tcp wrappers
- enabled tcp-listen for x11
- set hosts.allow to ALL: 192.168. and hosts.deny to ALL: ALL

gdmsetup shows all the correct xdmcp settings.  but still port 177 refuses to 

enabling tcp-listen for x11, did open port 6000.

Any help would be appreciated.
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[osol-discuss] strange bash behavior

2009-10-16 Thread Chris
I am using opensolaris 2009.06

In bash I have the prompt set to display the current directory and when I go 
back to my home directory I expect it to replace it with ~.  The tilde is there 
when I first bring up a shell but if I navigate away from my home directory and 
then go back it doesn't replace the path with the tilde. Any ideas what the 
problem is here? is this a bash bug or some config problem?
bash version:
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i386-pc-solaris2.11)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

prompt variable:
PS1='[...@\h \W]\$ '
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Re: [osol-discuss] strange bash behavior

2009-10-16 Thread Chris
bash rev:
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i386-pc-solaris2.11)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

I just tried the same prompt on another account and it worked fine. I am now 
thinking that this does not work on my account because this account was created 
before I moved the home directory to a different drive. There has to be some 
reference of the old home directory path lingering somewhere that bash is 
looking at on whether to replace it with the tilde or not. Not sure where this 
could be though.
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Re: [osol-discuss] strange bash behavior

2009-10-17 Thread Chris
now that I think about this I think it might have to do with the fact that I
moved the home directory to a different drive. There must be some lingering
reference to the old location that bash uses to determine if its the home
directory and replace it with the tilde.
my $HOME variable is set correctly
when I just enter cd or  cd ~ it goes back to the right directory.

any ideas where any lingering reference could be to the old home location?

my bash version:
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i386-pc-solaris2.11)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:

> > I am using opensolaris 2009.06
> >
> > In bash I have the prompt set to display the current directory and when I
> > go back to my home directory I expect it to replace it with ~.  The tilde
> > is there when I first bring up a shell but if I navigate away from my
> home
> > directory and then go back it doesn't replace the path with the tilde.
> Any
> > ideas what the problem is here? is this a bash bug or some config
> problem?
> >
> > bash version:
> > GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i386-pc-solaris2.11)
> > Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> >
> > prompt variable:
> > PS1='[...@\h \W]\$ '
> I just tried that on Solaris 8 and it works as expected :
> $ cd
> $ /opt/csw/bin/bash --version
> GNU bash, version 4.0.28(1)-release (i386-pc-solaris2.8)
> Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <
> http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
> This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> $ /opt/csw/bin/bash
> bash-4.0$ PS1='[...@\h \W]\$ '
> [dcla...@titan ~]$ cd /tmp
> [dcla...@titan tmp]$ cd
> [dcla...@titan ~]$ cd /export/nfs
> [dcla...@titan nfs]$ uname -a
> SunOS titan 5.8 Generic_127722-02 i86pc i386 i86pc
> On a recent OpenSolaris release it seems to work fine also
> $ uname -a
> SunOS opensolaris 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
> $ bash --version
> GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i386-pc-solaris2.11)
> Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> $ bash
> j...@opensolaris:~$ PS1='[...@\h \W]\$ '
> [j...@opensolaris ~]$
> [j...@opensolaris ~]$ cd /tmp
> [j...@opensolaris tmp]$ cd /mnt
> [j...@opensolaris mnt]$ cd
> [j...@opensolaris ~]$
> [j...@opensolaris ~]$ exit
> exit
> Not too sure how you are getting that result.
> What rev of bash do you have ?
> Dennis
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Re: [osol-discuss] strange bash behavior

2009-10-17 Thread Chris
I did check the /etc/passwd file, that path is correct
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[osol-discuss] python 3 package

2009-10-17 Thread Chris
is there an opensolaris package out there for python 3?  I have search around 
but haven't found any.
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Re: [osol-discuss] strange bash behavior

2009-10-28 Thread Chris
Home directory in /etc/passwd is /home/chris
Underlying path is on mirrored zfs drives  data/home/chris
did not make any automounter modifications. My $HOME variable is /home/chris 
which is correct

my home directory originally was /export/home/chris but then moved over the the 
mirrored drives once that was created and used usermod to change over my home 
directory to the new location.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Frustrated beyond belief trying to cobble together a zfs platform

2009-11-23 Thread Chris
r.g. I feel your pain.

I'd be careful of that board.  I have OpenSolaris installed on a box using a 
similar AMD chipset (780G in a Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H).  It works fine with 
2009.06, but not with either of the two releases prior to that.  And not with 
the recent development builds of 2010.02.

I don't know the cause of the issue with 2010.02 - it won't finish booting and 
my knowledge of OpenSolaris isn't sufficient to find out what is going wrong.

Prior to 2009.06, the issue was 
http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6764179 (but you 
could work around it, by booting in 32bit mode).
In SNV116 a further change was committed, 
http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6773433.  I 
speculate that this is the cause of my boot problems. I'll be posting shortly 
to try and find out how to find out what is causing my problems.

I haven't had problems with the inbuilt NIC, at least not since 2008.05.
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[osol-discuss] Update Manager behavioural strangeness

2009-11-23 Thread Chris
My impression was that update manager should make a new BE, then run update on 
the new BE and set the new BE to be used on the next reboot.  This doesn't seem 
to happen.

I recently tried updating to the latest development build for  2010.02, feeling 
safe that if there were problems I could revert to my current boot environment. 
 The update failed - my system wouldn't start (more on that elsewhere) so I 
reverted to my previous BE.  On doing so I found that my system was trying to 
use a "wrong" version of MySQL (I suffered from the bug in 5.1.30 
(http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=41710) so had rolled my own. 

I needed mysql running so could spend a lot of time trying to work out what had 
happened.  This is what I could see.
- the mysql version running was 5.1.30 (I believed 5.1.37 should be in SVN 127 
based on 
but was mistaken)
- files dated after the update were in mysql bin directories.

I solved the problem by creating a new BE using one of timeslider's automated 
snapshots from prior to my update attempt.  But this seems to defeat the 
purpose of the Update Manager.
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[osol-discuss] How to work out where boot process fails

2009-11-23 Thread Chris
I have a working Open Solaris 2009.06 installation.  I've twice now tried the 
development build, 118 & 127 and both times after upgrading the box hasn't 
completed the boot process.

Where can I look for information about the failed boot?

Is there any way to remove the boot loader screen and see console messages 
during the boot process?

Are there useful settings to change to make more information available from the 
boot process?

Is it possible to do an update to a specific development version without 
downloading that particular version?
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Re: [osol-discuss] How to work out where boot process fails

2009-11-24 Thread Chris

The console reported "-m" as an invalid option, but you got me looking in the 
right area.

Important changes:
- change console from graphics to text
- delete line containing splash graphic.

Now to try and resolve the actual boot issues.

First, the boot archive didn't math (fix with 'bootadm update-archive')
Second, it couldn't load the audio device driver so went into maintenance mode 
(fix with svcadmin disable audio)
Now it boots, but only to the console login.  It doesn't proceed on to the x 
login and if I login and startx, it hangs about and doesn't seem to do anything.

To be fair, I really only need remote ssh access.  Unfortunately, something 
isn't quite working with that and it rejects my key.  Back to the drawing board!
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[osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-11-30 Thread Chris
Just in the last week, I've started to experience very slow boot times, upwards 
of 35minutes.  Looking in the log, I see the following message repeated for 
around 30 minutes before the boot finally completes

Nov 30 09:29:14 supernova nwamd[23]: [ID 821790 daemon.warning] 
svc:/system/device/local:default never came up
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova unix: [ID 954099 kern.info] NOTICE: IRQ16 is being 
shared by drivers with different interrupt levels.
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova This may result in reduced system performance.
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova npe: [ID 236367 kern.info] PCI Express-device: 
pci1458,a...@14,2, audiohd0
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] audiohd0 is 
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: 
pci10ec,8168 (rge) instance 0 irq 0x18 vector 0x60 ioapic 0xff intin 0xff is 
bound to cpu 1
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova rge: [ID 801725 kern.info] NOTICE: rge0: Using MSI 
interrupt type
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 0 irq 0xe vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xe is bound to cpu 0
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 1 irq 0xf vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xf is bound to cpu 1
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: rge0 registered
Nov 30 09:30:03 supernova nwamd[23]: [ID 116842 daemon.error] 
sysevent_bind_handle: Permission denied
Nov 30 09:30:04 supernova unix: [ID 954099 kern.info] NOTICE: IRQ16 is being 
shared by drivers with different interrupt levels.
Nov 30 09:30:04 supernova This may result in reduced system performance.
Nov 30 09:30:05 supernova mac: [ID 435574 kern.info] NOTICE: rge0 link up, 100 
Mbps, full duplex
Nov 30 09:30:08 supernova /sbin/dhcpagent[64]: [ID 778557 daemon.warning] 
configure_v4_lease: no IP broadcast specified for rge0, making best guess
Nov 30 09:30:55 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 0 irq 0xe vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xe is bound to cpu 0
Nov 30 09:30:55 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 1 irq 0xf vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xf is bound to cpu 1
Nov 30 09:30:55 supernova unix: [ID 954099 kern.info] NOTICE: IRQ16 is being 
shared by drivers with different interrupt levels.
Nov 30 09:30:55 supernova This may result in reduced system performance.
Nov 30 09:31:46 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 0 irq 0xe vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xe is bound to cpu 0
Nov 30 09:31:46 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 1 irq 0xf vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xf is bound to cpu 1
Nov 30 09:31:46 supernova unix: [ID 954099 kern.info] NOTICE: IRQ16 is being 
shared by drivers with different interrupt levels.
Nov 30 09:31:46 supernova This may result in reduced system performance.
Nov 30 09:32:37 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 0 irq 0xe vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xe is bound to cpu 0
Nov 30 09:32:37 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 1 irq 0xf vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xf is bound to cpu 1
Nov 30 09:32:37 supernova unix: [ID 954099 kern.info] NOTICE: IRQ16 is being 
shared by drivers with different interrupt levels.
Nov 30 09:32:37 supernova This may result in reduced system performance.

and then repeated ...
Nov 30 09:33:27 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 0 irq 0xe vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xe is bound to cpu 0
Nov 30 09:33:27 supernova pcplusmp: [ID 805372 kern.info] pcplusmp: ide (ata) 
instance 1 irq 0xf vector 0x44 ioapic 0x2 intin 0xf is bound to cpu 1
Nov 30 09:33:28 supernova unix: [ID 954099 kern.info] NOTICE: IRQ16 is being 
shared by drivers with different interrupt levels.
Nov 30 09:33:28 supernova This may result in reduced system performance.

It may or may not be relevant, but I briefly did install an ide (ata) disk in 
the box about a week ago.  Normally, the box includes 4 sata disks and no pata 

What is going wrong with the boot process and what can I do to return to the 
more usual 3-5minute boot time?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-11-30 Thread Chris
pfexec intrstat

  device |  cpu0 %tim  cpu1 %tim
  ahci#0 |   250  0.2 0  0.0
   audiohd#1 | 1  0.0 0  0.0
  ehci#0 | 0  0.0 0  0.0
  ehci#1 | 1  0.0 0  0.0
   hci1394#0 |   250  0.1 0  0.0

and also

ch...@supernova:~# echo ::interrupts -d | mdb -k
IRQ  Vect IPL BusTrg Type   CPU Share APIC/INT# Driver Name(s) 
10x41 5   ISAEdg Fixed  1   1 0x0/0x1   i8042#0
40xb0 12  ISAEdg Fixed  0   1 0x0/0x4   asy#0
60x40 5   ISAEdg Fixed  1   1 0x0/0x6   fdc#0
70x43 5   ISAEdg Fixed  1   1 0x0/0x7   ecpp#0
90x81 9   PCILvl Fixed  1   1 0x0/0x9   acpi_wrapper_isr
12   0x42 5   ISAEdg Fixed  0   1 0x0/0xc   i8042#0
16   0x84 9   PCILvl Fixed  1   2 0x0/0x10  audiohd#0, ohci#-1
17   0x82 9   PCILvl Fixed  1   1 0x0/0x11  ehci#0
18   0x85 9   PCILvl Fixed  0   3 0x0/0x12  ohci#4, ohci#3, ohci#2
19   0x83 9   PCILvl Fixed  0   2 0x0/0x13  audiohd#1, ehci#1
22   0x86 9   PCILvl Fixed  0   2 0x0/0x16  hci1394#0, ahci#0
24   0x60 6   PCIEdg MSI1   1 - rge#0
25   0x61 6   PCIEdg MSI1   1 - rge#0
160  0xa0 0  Edg IPIall 0 - poke_cpu
192  0xc0 13 Edg IPIall 1 - xc_serv
208  0xd0 14 Edg IPIall 1 - kcpc_hw_overflow_intr
209  0xd1 14 Edg IPIall 1 - cbe_fire
210  0xd3 14 Edg IPIall 1 - cbe_fire
240  0xe0 15 Edg IPIall 1 - xc_serv
241  0xe1 15 Edg IPIall 1 - apic_error_intr
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-11-30 Thread Chris
What is a lot?

zfs list reports 773 snapshots.  Most of those are from the auto snapshot 
service.  I have 33 zfs file systems.

The auto snapshot service has been running for a long time.  I wouldn't think 
there would have been a significant change in the number of snapshots in the 
last week.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-11-30 Thread Chris
I'm running OpenSolaris 2009.06.

I've twice tried updating to the development version, the latest being SVN_125. 
 I've only been able to get it to boot to console - which it does manage in 
much less time than 35+ minutes.

I'm haven't figured out what I need to do to get it passed the console.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-12-01 Thread Chris
By changing the package repository and using the update manager gui.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-12-01 Thread Chris
The boot log shown was from a boot with -v -m options.

I haven't been able to complete a successful boot today, using -kv -m or normal 
options.  For some attempts I forgot to start my timer, but they all ran passed 
one hour before I rebooted.

However, the SVN_125 boot (to console) did succeed.  It takes about 3 minutes.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-12-01 Thread Chris
Ok.  I'm stuck now.

My OS 2009.06 BEs won't boot, at least not within an hour.  That includes a 
"safe" snapshot turned into a BE.

The SVN_125 boots into console mode.  It won't go into multi-user mode, because 
svc:/system/device/audio can't be started.  Is it possible to remove the audio 
dependency from the mult-user service?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Very slow boot time ( > 35minutes)

2009-12-01 Thread Chris
[url=http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6902551]Bug #6902551[/url] 
was responsible for the audio device issue on SVN_127 (its was always 127 not 
125 as I mentioned earlier).

The fix described worked a treat and the box now boots.
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Re: [osol-discuss] about zfs exported on nfs

2010-03-15 Thread Chris
Hi Harry, I get files created with UID & GID set by client.  See below (some 
names have been altered to protect the innocent, any inconsistencies are due to 
that editing)

from mount list: on /home/chris/osolnfsmount type nfs 

ch...@plato-gent ~ $ ll osolnfsmount
total 21
drwxr-sr-x 2 root dialout  2 Jan 13 13:41 archive
drwxr-sr-x 3 chris_remote dialout 14 Feb 26 12:55 downloads
drwxr-sr-x 2 root dialout  2 Jan  6 14:31 projects
ch...@plato-gent ~ $ touch osolnfsmount/test.file
ch...@plato-gent ~ $ ll osolnfsmount
total 21
drwxr-sr-x 2 root dialout  2 Jan 13 13:41 archive
drwxr-sr-x 3 chris_remote dialout 14 Feb 26 12:55 downloads
drwxr-sr-x 2 root dialout  2 Jan  6 14:31 projects
-rw-r--r-- 1 chrisdialout  0 Mar 15  2010 test.file

ch...@plato-gent ~ $ sudo su chris_remote

chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ touch osolnfsmount/test.2.file
chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ ls -l osolnfsmount
total 22
drwxr-sr-x 2 root dialout  2 Jan 13 13:41 archive
drwxr-sr-x 3 chris_remote dialout 14 Feb 26 12:55 downloads
drwxr-sr-x 2 root dialout  2 Jan  6 14:31 projects
-rw-r--r-- 1 chris_remote dialout  0 Mar 15  2010 test.2.file
-rw-r--r-- 1 chrisdialout  0 Mar 15  2010 test.file

chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ mkdir umask 002
chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ mkdir osolnfsmount/test
chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ chmod g-s osolnfsmount/test
chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ touch osolnfsmount/test/test.file
chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ ls -l osolnfsmount/test
total 1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 chris_remote chris_remote 0 Mar 15  2010 test.file  

dialout group is GID 20, which happens to be "staff" on OSX.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] CIFS / ZFS Permission issue

2008-10-10 Thread Chris
Hello Everyone,
I have recently jumped onto the OpenSolaris bandwagon coming from FreeBSD, 
mainly because FreeBSD's ZFS stability is pretty bad.  So a few weeks ago I 
rebuilt my BSD NAS to OpenSolaris using ZFS and CIFS.  Everything has been 
working fine and I'm loving OpenSolaris.  I haven't had any issues until 
tonight.  I mainly use OS X clients and so I created a new folder and used 
Dreamweaver to create a HTML document and saved it inside the folder on the NAS 
that I just created.  I then made some changes and did a normal "save" and it 
said access was denied.  I then tried "save as" and it asked if I wanted to 
replace the file and I said yes, then again access denied, this time the file 
got deleted though.  I then did a save as again and it saved without issue.  It 
also did this on another mac using the program Text Wrangler.

I have yet to try this on my windows clients.

I did ssh into the solaris box and verify the permissions and they look fine.  
The ACL is that the group has full control, which im authenticating with a user 
of that group.

Im stumped and this could end up being a pain in the ass, please help!

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Migrating an install from an usb thumb drive to a SATAII SDD drive

2009-05-28 Thread Chris
So I am wanting to do what the subject says. I'd like to transfer my current 
install of opensolaris 2008.11 from the slow USB drive it's currently running 
on, over to the newly purchased SATAII SDD drive.

Is there a way to clone from the USB to the SATA II or is there some built in 
way to migrate from one physical disk to another?

The jump drive partition and install currently consumes the entire 8GB thumb 

The SDD is 60GB.

I also have a zfs raidz pool in this machine. Are there any special things I 
need to do to ensure it's successful migration (or does it not have any bearing 
on this?)

Thanks for your help!
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Ldom "freed" mac address table , getting duplicate mac addresses

2010-08-16 Thread Chris
I am having some issues with ldoms on separate systems, giving out duplicate 
mac addresses to ldoms and to vnet ports even.  It seems there is some 
particular mac in the "freed" mac address table, that the ldom manager keeps 
trying to pass out, but that mac is in use on another ldom on a separate 
system.  The separate systems are on some of the same interfaces, but not all 
the same interfaces, so the mac address algorithm is not working for me.  
Currently everytime I create an Ldom I put its mac address, and its vnets mac's 
into a spreadsheet and look for duplicates.  This cannot be the plan sun had 
when giving ldoms 512k mac addresses to pass out randomly.  I have 4 systems 
with maybe 15 ldoms on them and I am already seeing duplicates, something is 
not right there.  

Anyhow I am desperatly looking for this "freed" mac address db so I can use it 
to track the mac's possibly.  

Yes using the system to convert the ip into a mac is a way to do it, but that 
just does not seem like a good solution either.  

Thanks for any assistance or thoughts.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] opensolaris iscsi target gives 10% performance compared to nexenta

2010-10-07 Thread chris
I have been testing nexenta against opensolaris 2009.06 as an iscsi target / 
storage repository for Xenserver 5.6 using the same hardware and vm 
configuration. The target has two xeon quad-core cpus, 4gb ram and 4 seagate 
drives with opensolaris on the first and a 1tb volume on other three.

Opensolaris seems to perform very badly compared to nexenta when performing 
sqlio tests on a Windows 2008 Server R2 virtual machine. The IOs/s and MB/s 
from opensolaris are apporximately 10% (300 and 20) of the results from nexenta.

Are there tweaks to opensolaris that will increase the iscsi performance and 
explain the difference in performance?



sqlio tests I was running

sqlio -kW -t2 -s120 -dM -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS testfile.dat >> 
sqlio -kW -t4 -s120 -dM -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS testfile.dat >> 
sqlio -kW -t8 -s120 -dM -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS testfile.dat >> 
sqlio -kW -t16 -s120 -dM -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS testfile.dat >> 
sqlio -kR -t2 -s120 -dM -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS testfile.dat >> 
sqlio -kR -t4 -s120 -dM -o1 -frandom -b64 -BH -LS testfile.dat >> 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] opensolaris iscsi target gives 10% performance compared to nexenta

2010-10-07 Thread chris


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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris distributions and package managment

2005-06-29 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Eric Boutilier wrote:

> My 2 cents:
> - A big strike against deb and portage (for Solaris/OpenSolaris) is
>   that no work's been done yet.
> - A big strike against Solaris packaging is it's not open-source yet.
> - A big point in favor of Solaris packaging is compatibiltiy with
>   commercial Solaris and Solaris Express.
> Of the other three others -- rpm, pkgsrc, and tww... Thoughts?

tww isn't really an option. It's a metapackage system that rides on top of 
your native packaging, and not really a package system as such (more apt 
than dpkg, in Debian terms)

Also, keep in mind the big difference between something like rpm and SysV 
package format -- rpm manages not just the packaging, but also the 
building. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it makes adopting it more 
work since you have to base your build architecture around it.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris distributions and package managment

2005-06-29 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Eric Boutilier wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Chris Ricker wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > Also, keep in mind the big difference between something like rpm and SysV
> > package format -- rpm manages not just the packaging, but also the
> > building...
> Chris,
> Sorry but could you elaborate a bit more -- especially in terms of
> contrasting this aspect of rpm infrastructure with Solaris' (SysV)...

With Solaris, you build your wad of binaries (or whatever you're bundling) 
to package any which way you can ;-). Once you've got a hopefully working 
set of stuff, you go through the pkg creation process - which basically 
consists of listing the files you've created and some of the metadata 
about them (permissions, ownership, etc.) (prototype(4)), and then 
archiving all that (pkgmk(1)). Essentially, the pkg creation is just a 
glorified version of tarball creation.

With rpm (dpkg is very similar; the two are basically feature-complete in 
comparison to each other, but rpm has the added bonus of being ported 
already and used by some large Sun customers) the packaging process starts 
with creation of a spec file. This contains the same sort of info as a 
prototype file (files to archive and their metadata), but it also uses a 
shell-script syntax to list the source archives and patches to use, and 
then defines the build process that produces the stuff that's being 
packaged from that source. You run an rpmbuild command against this spec 
file, and it compiles the source using the build commands listed inside 
the spec file. After the compile finishes, the rpmbuild produces a src.rpm 
which contains the original source code, any patches which were applied to 
it, and a copy of the spec file used for building it-- all anyone else 
needs to reproduce your build and produce their own binary rpms. The 
rpmbuild also produces a binary rpm which contains basically the same 
stuff as a Solaris-style package -- the compiled binaries and their 
permissions, plus any pre / post install / uninstall scripts.

If you cheat, you can get a SysV like packaging process using rpm (compile 
your stuff outside of rpm, tar it up, use that tarball as your "source" 
for the rpm, and for the compile section of the spec file just untar it). 
If you're doing that, though, you might as well just do Solaris pkgs 
instead. The real major feature (and also the real major drawback, from a 
packager's perspective if you're trying to package something painfully 
complex ;-) of rpm over SysV is that it provides the src.rpm which should 
give you pristine source, any patches used by the packager, and 
documentation of how it is to be compiled to give you the binary package. 

Really using that would require reworking the whole build, bfu, etc. 
process though

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris distributions and package managment

2005-07-01 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> Blastwave unfortunatly currently is a binary "only" distribution.
> I would be happy if we could have the knowledge from Blastwave 
> archived inside a source package system. I would be happy if this could be
> done with sps as sps is easy to adopt.

That has always been my biggest problem with Blastwave / sunfreeware. 
Something like that, but oriented around providing both binaries and 
reproducible (but customizable when needed) builds of those binaries would 
be a Good Thing

> > The packaging structure for Solaris isn't going to change, though it
> > might be possible to add support for one or more additional packaging
> > methods that other distributions could use.  That seems like a tough
> > sell, though - properly maintaining one set of packaging data is
> > enough work already, and nothing stops a distribution from discarding
> > usr/src/pkgdefs in favour of its own solution.
> In case you would e.g. write a hypothetical rpm implementation on top
> of the AT&T/Sun package database, this could work. If you just contemporatily
> use unrelated package managers, you will get into trouble with overlaps.

Normally (to the extent that using rpm on Unix is ever "normal", even if 
some very large Sun shops do it ;-) what you do when using rpm on top of 
SysV packaging is install the base system using SysV. After you get rpm on 
there (either from source or from a SysV package) you then run scripts 
which generate fake rpms that provide all the dependency information which 
represents by the Solaris-packaged stuff. You install those fake rpms, 
then do the rest of your application installs on that box using rpm. That 
works, as long as you stick to rpm from there on out.

It also sometimes gets messy to manage if patch changes shift dependencies 
(ie, a new patch adds a new feature that should be registered as a 
dependency, but which isn't because it wasn't in the original package 
version). That's kinda an inherent complication due to the Solaris 
"package management is one thing, patch management is something else" 
distinction that's counter to rpm's "patches are built into packages and 
you just manage packages" approach

The Rutgers stuff is probably the most thorough publicly accessible info 
source for rpm on Solaris. See <http://rpm.rutgers.edu/>.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris distributions and package managment

2005-07-01 Thread Chris Ricker
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Albert White wrote:

> The main things wrong with the SVR4 that I'm seeiing in this discussion is a
> lack of features in the tools, rahter than a problem with the SVR4 package and
> patch architecture.
> This would lead me to the conclusion that the best thing to do would be to
> extend the current Sun Solaris tools as needed; for ease of use, updating,
> ease of package/patch creation. But can people wait the 9-12 months?

As an admin of both Linux and various Unixen, one thing I really like from 
most distros on the Linux side is the consolidation of patch and package 
management into just package management. It tends to simplify systems 
management a good deal Sure, you trade extra bandwidth for it, but 
bandwidth's a lot cheaper than skilled workers ;-)

To me, that and the source+build-commands archives (src.rpm files, or 
whatever equivalent in whichever other Linux packager you choose) are the 
two really nice design advantages that SysV packaging & patching doesn't 
have. (not that source+build-commands archives are inherently impossible 
when generating SysV packages -- far from it, as several projects which do 
exactly that show -- but it's not the standard way for SysV...)

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris vs. Linux

2005-07-06 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Michael K Dolan Jr wrote:

> ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/linux/pdfs/LinuxVersusSolarisAnalysis24Feb2005.pdf

You might note who paid for that analysis. Like most such studies, it 
ends up supporting its sugar daddy -- no real surprise there. The 
technical inaccuracies in it (about both Solaris and Linux) were also 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] vt's

2005-07-06 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Shawn Walker wrote:

> On 7/6/05, Sunil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What I miss the most (from Gentoo system) is the ability to have access to 
> > multiple vt's from console without having to login onto X. I know I can use 
> > screen but its not quite as convenient as the vt's since I can't really 
> > switch from X to console. Are there any possibilities there?
> If I recall correctly, older versions of Solaris used to have this
> ability, but it was later removed.

I think it was there, on x86 only, until Solaris 8

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris vs. Linux

2005-07-07 Thread Chris Ricker
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> And BTW: it is definitely unfair to compare an instable devleopment kernel 
> from 
> Linux (2.6) with a stable Solaris-10. A fair comparison would compare Linux2.6
> with Solaris-11 or Solaris-10 with Linux-2.4 (which is the latest stable 
> Linux).

No, the stable Linux kernel release is 2.6. Comparing Solaris 10 (shipped 
in early 2005) with Linux 2.4 (shipped in early 2001) would have been a 
lot more biased....

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solaris vs. Linux

2005-07-15 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> I see not reason why FreeBSD people did start another tar implementation 
> recently.

Initially performance, now licensing. GNU tar was used by FreeBSD up until 
recently. libarchive was written to speed up the FreeBSD pkg* tools, and 
then it was realized that it could be extended to a BSD-licensed tar 
implemented using libarchive

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solaris vs. Linux

2005-07-15 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> > Initially performance, now licensing. GNU tar was used by FreeBSD up until 
> > recently. libarchive was written to speed up the FreeBSD pkg* tools, and 
> > then it was realized that it could be extended to a BSD-licensed tar 
> > implemented using libarchive
> I cannot see that it would give more performance than star.

star at the time libarchive was started was:

* not a library

that made it no more of an option than GNU tar, which at least had the 
advantage of already being used

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [blastware-discuss] [osol-discuss] Re: Can Solaris/OpenSolaris do what Linux has failed to do?

2005-07-15 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Eric Boutilier wrote:

> And I still think calling POSIX "a key UNIX/Linux industry standard" is
> a very good reflection of reality.
> > I actually fail to see a Linux industry standard in POSIX;
>   Well at a minimum, it's certainly key to much of the development of
>   POSIX-like Linux distro standards and other Linux standards such as
>   those coming from LSB and OSDL. When Linux distro developers and
>   LSB/OSDL/etc. explicitely do different than POSIX, the existence of a
>   high-quality "precedent" standard is still key to the decision-making 
> process.
> > the Linux
> > industry standard is some kind of compatibility with RHEL.
> I have to admit to knowing almost nothing about Ret Hat Inc's position
> (in theory or practice) on POSIX.

Linux (in the broad sense of Linux -- kernel and glibc and userspace) 
follows POSIX when it suits or isn't difficult but ignores it when someone 
in a position to say so thinks POSIX is saying something stupid about the 
matter at hand. Basically, it's treated as an important guideline to 
respect if possible, but not as a sacrosanct standard which must be 
adhered to at all costs.

But then, the LSB standards for Linux are in practice treated about the 
same way by most distro developers, so ;-)

And Linux users mostly seem happy with that. How many of you actually set 
POSIX_ME_HARDER (or the newer, slightly less offensive POSIXLY_CORRECT) 
on your Linux boxes?[1] Or have ever even seen a production Linux box with 
that set? Linux users seem quite happy to choose ease-of-use over 


[1] Setting that for many GNU utils gets them closer to POSIX compliance 
and farther from what GNU regards as sane usability configuration. For 
example, GNU coreutils (df, du, etc.) assumes 1k block sizes for output 
unless that variable is set, in which case it uses the 512-byte block size 
dictated by POSIX
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Are you ready for VPN on the OS? vpnc and patch for OS people.

2005-07-20 Thread Chris Ricker
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Glenn Lagasse wrote:

> Now, if you packaged up your custom built software into Solaris
> packages, your maintenance for 100+ machines goes down.  You have a
> build machine, that runs whatever version of Solaris that is running
> on the rest of your machines, you build your software on it, package
> it up, and then deploy your packages to x number of machines.
> You've still got work to do (keeping up to date with the software,
> initial building, packaging work) but it's far more manageable.
> Plus, your packaging work is essentially a one-off.  Plus, if you
> have packages of software you've built on your own, you could
> integrate them into jumpstart (thereby easing your installs of new
> machines).

Not to mention that, on systems with package management, you're better off 
working within the package management rather than fighting it

> Your problem isn't unique.  It just requires some management/effort
> to sort it out.  It's certainly not unique to Solaris.  You would
> have the same problem on most (if not all) linux distributions
> (gentoo being an exception in some cases, but lately I've noticed
> even they aren't delivering absoulute bleeding edge for everything).
> It's just a fact that if you can not use the bundled software in an
> Operating System because it doesn't meet your requirements, you've
> got to craft your own solution (by and large).  Certainly for most
> linux distributions, probably freebsd (though I think their ports
> collection is updated pretty frequently but I don't run that OS much
> to know for sure).

The big difference though is that the cost of entry for customization / 
maintaining current status is a lot lower on Linux, just because you get 
the source packages. There's a lot less effort in, say, changing your 
distro's mysql-4.0.src.rpm to build mysql-4.1.arch.rpm than there is in 
creating a mysql-4.1 pkg from scratch. Or what if you want the same 
version that Sun shipped, but just need it compiled with different 
options? That's trivial on Linux distros, not so trivial on Solaris

That's also the one big limitation of sunfreeware / blastwave -- no 
concept of a "source package" to use as a starting point

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Debian with OpenSolaris: a broken dream

2005-07-22 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Dragan Cvetkovic wrote:

> Alvaro, you really need to explain this all better, especially the connection
> between OpenSolaris and other architectures. E.g. programs like pstack, pmap,
> pldd and others dealing with /proc stuff are and have been often life-savers
> for me and they are one of the reasons I like Solaris. Would they be available
> in Debian OpenSolaris distribution? Would that require porting them to other
> architectures (there are quite a few different ones under Debian umbrela)? How
> would stuff like that be handled. What about all stuff in /usr/bin/* that
> is/was Solaris specific? Etc. etc.

Those p* commands are all standard on Linux as well (though not as needed, 
since the files under /proc/$pid/* on Linux are mostly generated as text 
files, not binary files like on Solaris), so presumably would be there in 
any Debian port which uses Linux procps rather than either of the Solaris 
ps command sets

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Proposal of new community for Solaris x86 device driver

2005-07-23 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Keith M Wesolowski wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 02:26:58PM -0700, UNIX admin wrote:
> > Me too. What is the reason that the ata driver wasn't released as source?
> In truth we're not allowed to tell you why it's not there, but you
> could read our VP's blog at
> http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/gaw?entry=it_s_alive, which should
> make it pretty obvious.  See also
> http://opensolaris.org/os/about/no_source/ which won't answer your
> question at all but will help if you have the same question about
> other missing stuff.

On a somewhat related note, for the stuff that hasn't been opened yet, is 
there any possibility of reprioritizing? For example, it's been said on 
the list before that the SysV pkg* stuff won't open up for 12 months. 
Based on the discussions on here, that stuff seems of major interest to 
those seeking to build distros though, and perhaps more urgent to get 
opened than, say, snoop

I know all this is bizarre, complex, and has lots of areas that simply 
Can't Be Talked About In Public (and hey, I still find it deeply amusing 
that after all these years, Red Hat is finally shipping AT&T ksh source 
and Sun has no plans to ship ksh code ;-), but if stuff that's of high 
interest to the community and is planned for eventual release can be 
kicked up in priority that'd be nice

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: wifi (was "open source process")

2005-07-28 Thread Chris Ricker
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005, Tao Chen wrote:

> I am not familiar with the Wi-Fi issue. 
> How is it handled by Redhat/SuSe/Debian right now, assuming it's not part of 
> the Linux kernel?

Several of the drivers are part of the Linux kernel. Drivers for wi-fi for 
Linux fall into about 4 categories:

1. open source driver, any card firmware is embedded in ROM on card
2. open source driver, card has to load binary firmware from disk
3. partially / completely closed driver (binary blob from vendor which 
runs in kernel space, possibly with an open-source shim component)
4. shim wrappers around closed drivers from other platforms

Categories 1 and 2 are included in the Linux kernel, and are the only ones 
distributed by the distros which tend to gravitate towards the free 
software / open source sides of the house (Debian, Red Hat). Categories 3 
and 4 legally cannot be part of the Linux kernel, and are only included in 
distros which don't avoid non-free software (SuSE includes ndiswrapper, for 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Can we start OpenSolaris PMS enhancement project ?

2005-08-09 Thread Chris Ricker
On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Eric Boutilier wrote:

> On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, TJ Yang wrote:
> > Previously, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> > >
> > > The project goal states
> > >
> > > "... provide OpenSolaris OS a modern package
> > > age management system."
> > >
> >
> > What will be the right wording of above sentence ?
> TJ,
> First let me backtrack a bit. In my first reply I didn't realize that
> whenever you say "Package Management System" (PMS) you mean a system
> that encompasses _both_ a build-system and a binary package management,
> auto-update system. I tend to think of these things separately. To me,
> a "PMS" is _only_  a binary package management, auto-update system.

I think it's perhaps more clear, particularly if you're wanting to compare 
lots of different systems / cherry-pick from available implementations, to 
think of the needed functionality as 3 different things:

* building packages
* installing and removing packages
* managing packages[1]

in Solaris, these three are:

pkgmk (sorta, though that's not a managed build system in the sense of the 
pkgadd / pkgrm
Sun Update Connection

For rpm, they are:

rpm -b
rpm -i / -e
yum / apt4rpm / up2date

For deb, they are:

dpkg -i / -r
apt / dselect



[1] where by "managing packages" I mean some sort of 
meta-installer-remover that deals with things like autoinstalling package 
dependencies, updating installed packages automagically, etc. The category 
name's not very good but hopefully the examples indicate the functionality 
split between it and just "installing and removing packages"
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: grub miniroot optimisation (was Re: [dtrace-discuss] Comments on SystemTap?)

2005-09-29 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (28/09/05 17:52), Jan Setje-Eilers wrote:
| To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Re: grub miniroot optimisation (was Re:
|   [dtrace-discuss] Comments on SystemTap?) 
| Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 17:52:36 -0700
| From: Jan Setje-Eilers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|  For what it's worth, I hacked away at the nevada build 22 miniroot
| and was able to install a 128Mb system. Here are the details:
|   http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/setje?entry=post_new_boot_solaris_on

Very awesome! :) Maybe someday solaris can boot on flashbased network
devices, like soekris or maybe even Zaurus.

Now that PalmOS programming is a dead skill (glad i took the time learning
that, heh) and dead platform, it is just Linux and M$ Windows, would be nice
to have other players :) Being Sun, of course it would probably be a j2me 
app platform.


With OpenSolaris movement happening and Solaris now free, it is much easier
to implement in our business (mainly a Linux shop of 2000+ servers).

Thanks to all those involved in this.


| -jan
| ___
| opensolaris-discuss mailing list
| opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris kernel running as Solaris process?

2005-10-04 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (04/10/05 12:04), Joerg Schilling wrote:
| From: Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 12:04:12 +0200
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris kernel running as Solaris process?
| Cc: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Felix Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > It would still make development of some parts of the kernel easier
| > (for example: file systems. My attempts to get reiserfs ported are not
| > very fruitfully as each panic-reset-test-recompile-boot-panic cycle
| > takes ages on this old Ultra5). First at all you don't need a separate
| > box and *physical* access - you just run the process and that's it
| > (then I could use a V890 here instead of this lame Ultra5).
| kernel panics due to bad pointers are not really common to kernel development 
| once you got the needed experience.
| Of course, it help to have a separate box to run the tests...

What about using vmware to do testing for solaris x86 on a spare
x86 box with windows or linux on it for the sole purpose of vmware?

At least then you have a sandbox, on sand, but still a sandbox :)

VMWare has 30 day trial licenses, which you can get again.

| J?rg
| -- 
|  EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) J?rg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
|  URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris kernel running as Solaris process?

2005-10-04 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (04/10/05 12:33), Felix Schulte wrote:
| Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 12:33:48 +0200
| From: Felix Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris kernel running as Solaris process?
| Cc: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Reply-To: Felix Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On 10/4/05, Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > On Tue, 2005-10-04 at 10:56, Felix Schulte wrote:
| > > >
| > > > -   Webhosting is made secure and without performance penalties
| > > > using zones.
| > > What if the customer wants root access,
| >
| > Every zone has its own unique root user.
| I know.
| > >  the ability to load own kernel
| > > modules or create his own set of zones? Solaris zones are a very
| > > limited design as you do not have support for zones within zones.
| >
| > Thats on purpose, having zones within zones would make things very
| > complex and could put quite a strain on the security model.
| Why? AFAIK this feature has been requested quite often.

As a way to get around a problem. The request of the masses isn't
always the best option for security.

Zones are cool, yet they seem to be in-part a business thing where
it would be desired to have a big 20k server with 10 things running
in different zones instead of 10 3k servers, etc. 

I still use containers, just think they aren't the magic answer. Looks
like more people are looking for trustedos design features in a non-
trustedos designed os. More trustedos you go, more admin nightmare you
go, yet that is where all the fine grained isolation and seperation
is at. 

Zones are what they are, and what they were meant to be. They seem to do
exactly as they are supposed to do. 

| > > Okok, but it does not help me when my stupid code kills the kernel.
| >
| > Have you tried using mdb(1) ? Particularly putting mdb in place on the
| > live system before loading your module ? have you tried looking at the
| > crash dumps ?
| mdb is not a kernel debugger, right?
| --
|   _Felix Schulte
| _|_|_ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| (0 0)
| ooO--(_)--Ooo
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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris Laptop Community and Solaris Wireless Support

2005-10-05 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (05/10/05 18:22), Andrei Dorofeev wrote:
| Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:22:15 -0700
| From: Andrei Dorofeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Subject: [osol-discuss] Solaris Laptop Community and Solaris Wireless Support
| Reply-To: Andrei Dorofeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Hello,
| I'm very happy to announce that we just created new Solaris
| Laptop Community and released one of our first wireless drivers
| along with the wificonfig tool.  Both components are available
| in source and binary forms with instructions on how to use them.
| Take a look at this web page and start from there.
|  http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/laptop
| Have WiFun! :-)

Thanks! Woot!

| - Andrei
| PS: We are really interested in hearing your comments about the
| wificonfig tool and its usability in particular on
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Re: [osol-discuss] Swtching from Windows to Solaris

2005-10-06 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (05/10/05 10:05), Glenn Lagasse wrote:
| Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 10:05:29 -0700
| From: Glenn Lagasse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: Andrew K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Swtching from Windows to Solaris
| Cc: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Hi Andrew,
| * Andrew K ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
| > Hello,
| > I've constantly been trying to port to Linux, I've tried Ubuntu,
| > Gentoo, Fedora, Mandrake, the whole bit. Everytime there's something
| > wrong, then I found Solaris.

I don't see how you are going to have an easier time on Solaris
if you are having problems with easy to use distros like Ubuntu,
which are super user friendly (relative to the *X implementations
out there).

Solaris is more of a struggle, though maybe you will be better off
than some as you will not be comparing Solaris to Linux/*BSD when
trying to figure out how to do things.

To quote #solaris on irc.freenode.net :
16:31 -!- Topic for #solaris: Help for many issues can be found here: 
  http://sysunconfig.net/unixtips/solaris.html || 
  http://www.sun.com/bigadmin - x86 users also look at 
  http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl || http://www.sun.drydog.com/faq/ || 
  http://www.sunhelp.org/ || Don't forget http://www.sunfreeware.com || 
  Solaris Jihad! || yes, we already know about 
  http://www.sun.com/emrkt/rejected/index.html  Furrfu!

There are the resources you'll need when looking for help. #solaris is
one avenue of help available, after looking it up on google and the
above links. Solaris community is still strong, and not full so much
of kiddies and lame people looking to 0wn j00 ;)

Wish you luck, just be aware that Solaris isn't as user friendly and
new user friendly as say Ubuntu/Fedora. Maybe you're a Solaris person :)
Just be aware it will be a learning curve :)


| > I've been aware of Solaris' existence for a while, (geeky comic
| > books and such) and have been more interested. Now I've decided that
| > I might try switching to Solaris. The only problem I have is I need
| > to keep contact with people via MSN Messenger and AIM. Is there a
| > list of OSS for Solaris which might contain the messengers?
| Gaim (gaim.sourceforge.net) provides IM capability for MSN, AIM,
| Yahoo, ICQ, Jabber and probably more.  It runs on Solaris just fine
| (and is included in Solaris).  If you want the most recent version
| of Gaim, the package from blastwave.org is probably the easiest one
| to install (unless you want to compile your own).
| > Other than that I'm just concerned with my collection of music and
| > ability to transfer school work and such.

Pretty much everything is available to you that is available in *BSD
and Linux. You can use the pkg-get repository or what I prefer, the
NetBSD pkgsrc repository.

I would be sure to check device support if you have an x86 machine.
bigadmin is your friend :)

| Depending on what format your music is in, you shouldn't have a
| problem.  If it's in WMV (Windows) format, your likely out of luck
| (without playing some serious "games" to find a compatible player).
| If your music is in MP3 or OGG format, you can find players for
| those formats pretty easily (xmms comes to mind) that work on
| Solaris.  If your just talking about playing CD's, that works just
| fine on Solaris.
| Cheers,
| -- 
| Glenn Lagasse
| Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Interested in seeing Zimbra on Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris - PLS VOTE NOW over at zimbra.com

2005-10-07 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (07/10/05 05:57), Dennis Clarke wrote:
| Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 05:57:26 -0700
| From: Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: Claire Giordano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Cc: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Subject: [osol-discuss] Re: Interested in seeing Zimbra on Solaris 10 and
|   OpenSolaris - PLS VOTE NOW over at zimbra.com
| >
| > I hate that we have to vote for "Other", rather than having Solaris or
| > OpenSolaris be a choice in the poll.  Of course, perceptions are
| > changing, more and more, and all of your community participation is
| > helping...
| Well lets look at the past ten years.  Solaris was a killer UNIX OS
| but the x86 edition was a joke.  Then Linux became a hot and cool
| thing.  People forgot that a Sun logo on the server meant that it runs
| forever.  Then people started calling Solaris a "Linux-like" OS
| recently.  Its enough to make my stomach churn.
| If perception is reality then a LOT of real "big time marketing" is
| required to get the word out.
| At this point the entire OS is a free download and the source is open.
|  It is like giving away the cure for the common computer but no one
| seems to know about it or, more likely, wants to know.

I disagree. I come from working on Solaris and Linux in the .com boom,
then to only Linux and *BSD.

>From people I know in the Linux and BSD community on opinions of Solaris
is that there is just a general ignorance of it. Some may repeat things
they have heard others say (eg, "Slowaris"), but most have no idea about
it... Because generally it was just too expensive for a lot of companies.

Seems to be the same with other *NIX implementations, like AIX etc, where
you needed to purchase the expensive hardware and then and only then can
you learn it. Unless you happened to walk into a place where you learned 
this on the job, you are just going to be ignorant for the most part.

With Solaris being free and many people able to look at the source, people
(like myself) can play with it in their free time and learn it... and even
apply it to their workplace, since it is now an available option for the
companies/clients that can not afford to pay a ton of money for Sun/Solaris.

Times are definitely changing, and I think it is amazing. 

Again, I think the biggest problem for getting Solaris out there is just
battling the ignorance of what Solaris is. It was not a cheap skill to
learn, just like AIX, HPUX, IRIX, etc.

So, in part I totally disagree with your assessment. I don't think I have
ever heard anyone call Solaris any "Linux-like" or anything like that (unless
they were obviously talking out of their butt). People are ignorant of Solaris.
Sun didn't help with that by making it cost a ton of money to just educate
yourself on it.

Giving the software away, yet still charging for hardware is the best move
I think Sun could make right now. It gets Solaris into the companies that
just flat out do not have the money to spend on software licenses and such.
It is also easier to evaluate to see if it can be the right tool for their

Battling the ignorance is what is needed, not more spam in our collective
faces... in my humble opinion :)

| One thing is for sure, there were people running around like maniacs
| yelling "Sun is Dead .. Sun is Dead" to anyone that would listen a
| little while ago.  That "perception" seems to have been killed off
| quite neatly.  Now the Solaris and OpenSolaris perception needs
| adjusting.
| Tough to say really.  I'd have to ask people at geeky parties.  Which
| I don't go to.  Or get invited.  :-)
| Dennis
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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Interested in seeing Zimbra on Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris - PLS VOTE NOW over at zimbra.com

2005-10-07 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (07/10/05 10:35), Dennis Clarke wrote:
| Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 10:35:23 -0400
| From: Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Interested in seeing Zimbra on Solaris 10 and 
OpenSolaris - PLS VOTE NOW over at zimbra.com
| Cc: Claire Giordano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
|   opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| On 10/7/05, Chris Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 
| > | On (07/10/05 05:57), Dennis Clarke wrote:
| > |
| >
| > I disagree. I come from working on Solaris and Linux in the .com boom,
| > then to only Linux and *BSD.
| >
| you misunderstood me .. completely.  In 180 degree the wrong direction.
| my fault for not being clear.
| we agree completely .. ignorance is the problem
| and the perceptions that "Slowaris" and "expensive Sun" are still
| hurting the Solaris user base.
| there was no spam here .. just me expressing myself.
| For the record .. the .com boom was when?  1997 upwards?  I was
| installing and working night and day on SunOS and then Solaris back in
| 94 and previous I think.
| I remember when the stock was sitting at $5 or so in 97 and wanted to
| buy a ton of it.  I didn't.  Stupid me.  I did have a pile of Lotus
| stock however.  In any case .. you missed me on this one in the
| completely other direction and it just shows how pitiful email can be
| as a communication tool.
| Dennis

Heh, ok :)

I am doing my part in grassroots at work and people I talk to :)

I am running it at work and 2 coworkers installed it and still have it on
machines. My boss even put it on his laptop, yet wireless wasn't there.
He is a FreeBSD head. He would be open to it more for workstation on his
laptop once wireless drivers for it exist (woot opensolaris laptop wireless

Just trying to find time to actually learn Solaris kernel programming, wish
my life wasn't so allocated already :(
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: StarOffice 8

2005-10-13 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (13/10/05 15:56), W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
| To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| From: "W. Wayne Liauh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 15:56:08 PDT
| Subject: [osol-discuss] Re:  Re:  Re:  StarOffice 8
| Jim Grisanzio wrote:
| Same here.  It's picky, but when it runs, it runs very well.  Also a lot of 
thanks to Sun for making available the Solaris version of StarOffice 8.
| I wonder if any of our resident Solaris experts can explain the following to 
| In Windows and Linux, it typically takes about half a minute or so (at least 
10 seconds) to power down a laptop/desktop, but it is almost instant in 
Solaris.  This is one of most awe-drawing moments when I demoed my Solaris 
notebook to my Linux/Windows comrades.  Why is this so?  The Solaris system was 
based on the default configuration.  TIA

The main thing that is stopping me from putting Solaris on my laptop is
wireless support (which I know is making progress in nevada). When that
gets done, I would love to put it on my laptop. Till then it is either
Linux or FreeBSD.

It is kinda nice showing people though, instantly killing the "Slowaris" myth.

Linux seems to be slow to shutdown, yet *BSD are to be quick. Some of it has to
do with shutdown scripts and waiting to sync and kill processes, but still :)

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: StarOffice 8

2005-10-13 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (13/10/05 16:32), W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
| To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| From: "W. Wayne Liauh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 16:32:13 PDT
| Subject: [osol-discuss] Re:  Re: Re: Re: StarOffice 8
| Casper H.S. Dik wrote:
| (I had to type part of your message, b/c if I quote it, the text would 
disappear.  Weird)
| I don't have my Solaris machine with me now.  But I believe I did it with 
either of the following two options:
| 1.  issuing a poweroff command; or
| 2.  using the GUI-based standard JDS procedure (click on the "logoff" tab 
then the "shut down" tab; both steps are almost instant).
| This message posted from opensolaris.org
| ___

Hopefully it wasn't crashing when shutting down, and just powering off, heh :)

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Re: [osol-discuss] Jim's OpenSolaris Story

2005-10-14 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (14/10/05 15:35), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Cc: Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|   opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 15:35:46 +0200
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Jim's OpenSolaris Story 
| >
| >--Boundary_(ID_cdrTXVNPYFEDnLNon9P0Rg)
| >Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
| >Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
| >Content-disposition: inline
| >
| >On 10/14/05, Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >> I posted my draft slides and notes about OpenSolaris:
| >> http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/jimgris?entry=the_story_of_opensolaris
| >> It's basically my version of the project. It's a start, anyway. :) I'll
| >> keep updating these on my blog as well as other docs I'm working on.
| >>
| >
| >that's a good read.  straight up and from the hip.  A classic JimG
| >piece ( if you can be referred to as a classic )
| I also very much liked:
| http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/jimgris?entry=opensolaris_lessons_learned

Wow, that is a good read. Learned things I can use.

| Casper
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Re: [osol-discuss] Max's Kernel Article

2005-10-15 Thread Chris Humphries
| On (15/10/05 00:30), Alan DuBoff wrote:
| To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
| From: Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 00:30:05 -0700
| Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Max's Kernel Article
| Reply-To: Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On Friday 14 October 2005 05:46 pm, Jim Grisanzio wrote:
| > I posted Max's article on the Linux, Solaris, and Free BSD kernels:
| > http://www.opensolaris.org/os/article/2005-10-14_a_comparison_of_solaris__l
| >inux__and_freebsd_kernels/ Huge apologies, Max, for being so late with this.
| > :)
| Awesome article Max!

I agree, I like reading things like this. One of the things I liked most about
this was that it was just information, education without statistics and charts
that seem to always be wrong ;)

| -- 
| Alan DuBoff - Sun Microsystems
| Solaris x86 Engineering
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Re: [osol-discuss] Dell and HP notebook options?

2005-10-22 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Stephen Lau wrote:

> I just installed Nevada succesfully on a Dell Latitude D600... which means the
> Inspiron 600m should work pretty much the same.
> Wireless is an iwi (Intel 2200 centrino) which we have a driver for, but it
> hasn't been released to OpenSolaris yet.  I also haven't tested sound yet -
> but everything else seems to work okay (the wired NIC worked with the bcme
> driver, not the included bge)

I have a D600 and have gotten everything going that I need but the 
wireless. I've not tested the sound yet but it makes promising pops on 
reboot so it's at least initialized the card

Any rough timetable for the iwi being available external to Sun? I'm 
trying to decide if I should buy an atheros replacement or just be patient 

Also, will the iwi support all 3 of the Intel - 2100, 2200, 2195?

BTW, the bge driver will work with the onboard Broadcom NIC on the D600 if 
you play games with /etc/driver_aliases - see bug 6323464 that I opened 
about it for the details. The bge seems to work better on mine than 
the bcme (which had some weird stalling issues from time to time)

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] community proposal: OpenSolaris storage

2005-10-25 Thread Chris Gerhard

James C. McPherson wrote:

Aaron Dailey wrote:
I'd like to propose a community dedicated to the storage software in 
Open Solaris. This would include drivers below the filesystems/volume 
managers, and related utilities.

For example, this would be:
-target drivers such as sd, st, ses
-SCSA framework
-FibreChannel stack, various parallel SCSI HBA drivers, ATA/IDE 
drivers, the iSCSI initiator

-The storage specific portions of USB and Firewire
-Related utilities, such as fcinfo, format, luxadm, cfgadm plugin, etc

I see a couple reasons to do this:
-Generally the storage stack is a distinct part of OpenSolaris, and 
it's interesting, at least to some of us :-)
-More specifically, the division of Sun I work in will soon  be 
releasing source for FibreChannel and the iSCSI initiator, as well as 
other bits, and this community would be a good place for any 
discussion to occur. Moreover, there's a lot of code already released 
that deals with storage, which this community would include.

I second this proposal, especially since I'm in the same group as Aaron :)


Chris Gerhard.   __o __o __o
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Re: [osol-discuss] community proposal: Linux Immigrants

2005-10-31 Thread Chris Gerhard

Sending again, forgot to copy the group


e.g. Why is /home under /export/home and why does /export exist?

and I don't like to hear the answer: "Because it is!"

/export exists to contain all the files systems that are exported via 
nfs.  Alas we stopped exporting file systems when Solaris 2 hit the 
streets and started sharing them but /export lives on.

/home is an automount point so that users can always find their home 
directory where ever they login within the namespace. So if userZ logs 
in to systemX and your home directory is on serverY the automounter will 
mount up serverY:/export/home/userX on /home/userX so that the user sees 
their home directory.

When you only have one system and or a laptop it makes less sense.

Chris Gerhard.   __o __o __o
PTS in Europe   _`\<,`\<,`\<,_
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[osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Announcing an OpenSolaris LiveCD distro

2005-11-01 Thread Chris Adams
It looks like the site is up but it's currently password protected. Is there a 
process for getting an account or is this something which will go away once the 
site development is further along?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] HP Compaq DL380s, DL580 CCISS drivers oh my!

2005-11-19 Thread Chris Steinke
Hi All, 

Not sure if this should be posted here. Maybe in the 'drivers' forum.

 But I was wondering how many people have been able to get OpenSolaris Nevada 
Build 27 to install on an HP DL380 or DL580? 

Currently I've been wanting to test OpenSolaris on one of these machines, my 
entire facility is 95% HP/Compaq - HPAQ! :-) hardware for our x86/x64 based 
systems. All of our 'real' computers are Sun SPARC systems, have plenty of 
machines to play with on that end, BUT our windoze guys gave up a few of their 
old servers and so now I have a few HP/Compaq DL380/G2s and one that has an 
external JBOD/RAID array and would like to get OpenSolaris NV B27 installed on 

I have a new Dl580 given to me to test Solaris 10 to run/test Oracle 10g OC4J.

Today I dl'ed the x86 version and tried it out on the Dl380 G2 and when it boot 
the first CD, it hung shortly after the Grub menu. 

At this hour and since the mahcine is at work, I unfortunatley cannot recall 
the exact location (yea I know that would probably help) of where it appeared 
to have hung, I am assuming that after 15 minutes of 'waiting' I should give 
up? no? 

How is the status of the CCISS driver? Will this be included stanard in the 
Solaris kernel? 

 I don't really play around with the Intel side of things, so I'm sorry if 
these are 'dumb' questions. 

any info would be greatly appreciated! 

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[osol-discuss] Re: HP Compaq DL380s, DL580 CCISS drivers oh my!

2005-11-22 Thread Chris Steinke
Thank you very much for the reference. 

Funny when I boot the kernel with moddebug set to 8000 it boots fine, that 
is it goes all the way through the install!

I'm still working on it. :-)

I'll post a summary after I get through it all. See how the install finishes, 
had some problems with the driver diskette I've used from HP. I'm trying the 
Solaris 10 driver for the CCISS array. 

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: Is 'forking' inevitable here too?

2005-11-29 Thread Chris Ricker
On Sat, 26 Nov 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The Solaris automounter actually works correctly in that respect;
> it determines if a mountpoint is remote or local and will use an
> NFS or loopback depending on the outcome.

And Linux autofs uses bind mounts for local mounts, which is conceptually 
fairly similar

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] lchmod

2005-11-29 Thread Chris Ricker
On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Joerg Schilling wrote:

> > >What do you like to achieve with this call?
> >
> > There's one potential use: a chmod() call which doesn't follow
> > symlinks.  No race conditions, etc...
> OK, this makes sense.

BTW, it's not just a Linux thing -- the BSDs have lchmod as well, and 
HP-UX used it for their transition links stuff

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] a couple newbie rpath qestions...

2005-12-20 Thread Chris Haukap
is it possible to alter the rpath field of a binary/executable?

I have an executable that requires libm.so.2, but doesn't need to.  It could 
just as easily link to libm.so.1.  I've heard that I can edit the 'rpath' to 
force the binary to look for libm.so.1 instead of libm.so.2, but I cannot 
figure out how to edit this field.

any ideas anyone?

thanks very much in advance

Chris Haukap
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Re: [osol-discuss] New Community Proposal: Appliances

2006-01-07 Thread Chris Gerhard

Philip G. Harman wrote:

I blame ZFS for this one, but it was inevitable anyway. I love my Sun Cobalt 
Qube 3 to bits, but it is getting rather long in the tooth. A while back I 
migrated most of my home network services to Solaris 10 on my son's old Athlon 
PC. It now has four large IDE drives serving our house with over 300GB of 
mirrored storage (using Solaris Volume Manager and UFS). I have been aching for 
ZFS. And here it is!

Computer-naive friends who know I "work with computers" never ease from asking 
me to help them set up their home networks. That usually means hours of frustration with 
you-know-who's software. Until now I haven't really had the guts to propose Solaris-based 
solutions (because I know who would do all the sysadmin, right?)! But ZFS has changed my 
perspective. You see, although I've seen a few panics, I've never lost any data. And 
snapshots present all kinds of amazing possibilities for mitigating the frequent errors 
of naive users.

And it's not just ZFS is it? Oh what fun we're going to have with FMA, Zones, 
IPfilter, and all that other OpenSolaris goodness!

Over the last few weeks I've found an alarming number of people beginning to 
think the same things. Time to check the Cool-Aide? Maybe. Many of us have been 
spending hours dreaming up configurations, shopping around the web, and 
thinking how we might package solutions for ourselves, our family and our 
friends (and sleep at night)!

So the time has come to pool all this goodness. Yet this is much bigger than 
building low cost, reliable NAS boxes for the home. So here's my proposed 
community page ...

I would be very interested in this.

The qubes need to retire.

Chris Gerhard.   __o __o __o
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[osol-discuss] Re: New Community Proposal: Appliances

2006-01-11 Thread Chris Gerhard
I've not seen any CAB members vote for this one.

Does that mean that we don't get it?

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Features found in other OS you'd like to see in Solaris

2006-03-20 Thread Chris Ricker
On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, James Carlson wrote:

> Yann POUPET writes:
> > "Hurg ! It seems your naughty sound card driver has crashed.
> > Do you want to try to reset it ? [YES] [NO] 
> > Do you want to unload and reload it ? [YES] [NO]
> > Do you want to send a bug report to the maintainer ? [YES] [NO]
> > Do you want to be informed by email when it is fixed ? [YES] [NO]
> The missing bit here is that there's just no protection inside the
> kernel.  A "crashed" kernel extension means that we can no longer
> really trust anything about the overall kernel integrity.  If we
> assume that avoiding data corruption is the highest priority
> (historically for Solaris this is true), then the only option left is
> to take down the system.

Which is a problem with the original list. It was a lot of features from 
a lot of esoteric OSes with very different designs, and design 
constraints, than Unix

This feature, for example, was suggested because of its presence in Minix 
3, where device drivers run as isolated processes in user space

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: Why LSB filesystem layout is bad, part 1 ... / was: Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Proposal to remove /usr/sfw anditsdependencies from the bas

2006-03-31 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 31 Mar 2006, Roland Mainz wrote:

> My personal complaint is that they stuff everything into /usr/bin/. Unix
> had some kind of "namespace" support via the elements in ${PATH} so
> having package groups seperated into /usr/dt/bin/ (CDE), /usr/kde3/bin
> (KDE3), /usr/xpg4/bin/ (XPG4 personality) and so on is a much cleaner
> approach than stuffing everything into /usr/bin/. Same applies to
> ${MANPATH}&.co. There is no real way anymore to set/override/disable
> things since it's now all in /usr/bin/. In my experience as an
> adminstrator with many users (who all have different requirements) this
> design is VERY VERY bad in real life.

1000s of programs in /usr/bin sucks, but it does offer two benefits over 
the Solaris "shove everything in a different obscure dir" style:

1. the programs users want are likely in their $PATH
2. incompatible versions have to be named differently (bash2 vs bash3, for 
example), so users have a chance of knowing they're actually incompatible 
(doesn't mean they'll have a clue which one they want / need, but that's a 
different problem)

The Solaris approach has the wonderful property of encouraging 40 
different versions of ps, each subtly different, and your users are 
guaranteed either to:

1. not have the one they want in their $PATH
2. have the one they want in their $PATH, but only after one they don't 

Both LSB and Solaris approaches are broken, just in different ways ;-)

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] b36 grew to 5 CDs

2006-03-31 Thread Chris Ricker
On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, Cyril Plisko wrote:

> Just found that b36
> (http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=7&PartDetailId=Sol-Express_b36-x86-SP-G-B&TransactionId=try)
>   grew to 5 CDs, what was added to it to make it that bigger ?
> (I am still downloading and will find it out only tomorrow, but may be
> someone want to tell us ?)

On a related note, disc 4 for Sparc keeps giving me file not found 
Might still be populating to the web farm?

All the DVD segments for both Sparc and x86 are there, though

Is there any chance Sun legal is ever going to allow just an ftp / http 
get without having to fool with JavaScript? (I assume they're to blame for 
the current distribution system) That and the whole "dvd in chunks instead 
of one iso image" seem like barriers to entry for curious newbies

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] problem downloading this one in particular sol-nv-b36-sparc-v4-iso.zip

2006-04-04 Thread Chris Ricker
On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, Nilotpal Bhattacharyya wrote:

> File not found on this one in particular.
> Problem downloading 
> Solaris Express build 36 CD 4, Multi-language 
> sol-nv-b36-sparc-v4-iso.zip 605.34 MB

The Sun web site's broken - it's pointing you to


when it should probably be pointing you to


Looks like someone forgot to change the directory when they added the link 
to the new file

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] ze5375 HP Pavillion notebook builtin wireless ethernet support

2007-01-21 Thread Chris Parman
Hello Everyone,

I have a HP Pavillion (ze5375 notebook. I have actually got the built-in 
ethernet working with a 3rd-party driver. Now the issue is I can't seem to 
locate a driver (for Solaris 10/x86) for the built in wireless ethernet device. 
According to Windows XP, the wireless ethernet device is a intersol Prism 
Wavelan wireless ethernet device. I'm wondering if anyone knows where I might 
the appropriate driver? By the way, when I execute "prtconf -pv", the wireless 
ethernet device doesn't show up.


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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: ze5375 HP Pavillion notebook builtin wireless ethernet support

2007-01-21 Thread Chris Parman
Correction: The wireless deice is a " Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: ze5375 HP Pavillion notebook builtin wireless ethernet support

2007-01-21 Thread Chris Parman
I have attached the current output of "prtconf -pv" for the notebook ze5375 (HP 
This message posted from opensolaris.orgSystem Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  i86pc
Memory size: 448 Megabytes
System Peripherals (PROM Nodes):

Node 0x01
bios-boot-device:  '80'
name:  'i86pc'

Node 0x02
existing:  01034000..01fdf801.
name:  'ramdisk'

Node 0x03
bus-type:  'isa'
device_type:  'isa'
name:  'isa'

Node 0x04
bus-range:  .0001
device_type:  'pci'
reg:  ..
#size-cells:  0002
#address-cells:  0003
name:  'pci'

Node 0x05
compatible: 'pci1002,cbb2.2' + 'pci1002,cbb2' + 'pciclass,06' + 
model:  'Host bridge'
power-consumption:  0001.0001
devsel-speed:  0001
unit-address:  '0'
class-code:  0006
revision-id:  0002
vendor-id:  1002
device-id:  cbb2
name:  'pci1002,cbb2'

Node 0x06
reg:  0800....
compatible: 'pci1002,7010.0' + 'pci1002,7010' + 'pciclass,060400' + 
model:  'PCI-PCI bridge'
bus-range:  0001.0001
#size-cells:  0002
#address-cells:  0003
device_type:  'pci'
power-consumption:  0001.0001
devsel-speed:  0001
unit-address:  '1'
class-code:  00060400
vendor-id:  1002
device-id:  7010
name:  'pci1002,7010'

Node 0x15
display-edif-id:  'SEC'
video-adapter-type:  'svga'
display-type:  'color'
compatible: 'pci1002,4337.103c.850.0' + 'pci1002,4337.103c.850' 
+ 'pci103c,850' + 'pci1002,4337.0' + 'pci1002,4337' + 'pciclass,03' + 
model:  'VGA compatible controller'
power-consumption:  0001.0001
devsel-speed:  0001
interrupts:  0001
min-grant:  0008
subsystem-vendor-id:  103c
subsystem-id:  0850
device_type:  'display'
unit-address:  '5'
class-code:  0003
vendor-id:  1002
device-id:  4337
name:  'display'

Node 0x07
compatible: 'pci10b9,5451.103c.850.2' + 'pci10b9,5451.103c.850' + 
'pci103c,850' + 'pci10b9,5451.2' + 'pci10b9,5451' + 'pciclass,040100' + 
model:  'Audio device'
power-consumption:  0001.0001

[osol-discuss] Howto unsubscribe from a discussion forum?

2007-02-03 Thread Chris Parman
I just need to know how to unsubscribe from a discussion forum. I can't seem to 
find anything on this web site that describes how to do this. Thank's to anyone 
that can help.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?]

2007-02-06 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >contribution too but with CDDL alone it is just not possible in
> >foreseeable future. People afraid to contribute to CDDL projects for
> >variety of reasons, look how cdrecord has been forked to be pure GPL
> >project just because of that.
> >
> >http://lwn.net/Articles/198171/
> And this just proof that we do not want to have the GPL.
> This proofs the point that a dual license GPL/CDDL OpenSolaris will
> lead to a GPL-only fork at the earliest opportunity.
> Had the Debian community cared, they would have dual licensed it.
> Thanks for proving the point that we must not dual license.

On the contrary, if cdrtools were truly dual-licensed, it wouldn't have to 
have been forked. It's not, however, and that's not something Debian can 

The issue with cdrtools is a very specific one. cdrtools is not 
dual-licensed, but instead contains files distributed under 3 different 
licenses. Some people (Joerg, evidently Sun legal since Sun ships it) feel 
this mix is legal. Others (Debian, Red Hat's legal team, probably others 
but I've quit paying attention ;-) feel the mix is illegal and that 
therefore a fork from the last legally licensed version was legally 
necessary for them to be able to distribute it

cdrtools just isn't the generic proof of CDDL-GPL conflict you and others 
portray it as. It's a very specific example of the confusion that arises 
when you mix different licenses on different files within the same 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: SXCR Build 56 available

2007-02-06 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Ben Rockwood wrote:

> Since your commenting on good things in B56 I'll add the following server 
> observations (on X4100):

On the down side, it still won't install on a Latitude D620 -- install 
just hangs forever (problem appears same as in previous sxcr releases that 
I've posted about)

Solaris 10 actually does install

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: What does OpenSolaris Success look like to you? (was Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?])

2007-02-06 Thread Chris Ricker
On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Stephen Harpster wrote:

> We can't ditch CDDL for all the reasons we put it there in the first place --
> and we don't want to alienate the community we have.  There are still folks
> who will want to embed OpenSolaris in appliances and create proprietary
> solutions.  CDDL allows for that very nicely.  GPL does not. 

You mean, the Brocade fibre switches running Linux in my data centers 
don't really exist? ;-)

GPL doesn't mean you can't embed, any more than CDDL means you can

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: What does OpenSolaris Success look like to you? (was Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?])

2007-02-06 Thread Chris Ricker
On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Stephen Harpster wrote:

> An increase in developers developing applications for OpenSolaris and an
> increase in people using an OpenSolaris distribution.  It's reaching out to an
> audience that has been ignoring OpenSolaris.  Embracing more people, making
> more friends, gets more people talking about you, participating, and
> developing with you.  Growing the population.
> I think the effect of increasing the number of kernel developers will be
> minimal.  There aren't that many kernel developers in the world.

Changing the download process for Solaris Express to something sane (no 
login requirement, ftp + http + torrent, right to redistribute, no 
splitting of dvds into fragments that have to be merged) would be far more 
effective if that's your goal

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Solaris Express on the new Mx000 series

2007-04-19 Thread Chris Steinke
Anyone here from Sun have Solaris Express working on the new Mx000 series 
systems yet? 

I'd be curious to hear about experiences with it. Mainly because I've heard 
that Fujitsu systems had some compatibility issues with Solaris Express and you 
needed to use Fujitsu's version of Solaris. 

The new Mx000 series appear to be using the Fujitsu M64 processors. 

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [osol-code] where are atomic_read(), atomic_set() APIs?

2007-04-30 Thread Chris Elving


If those APIs do what their names suggests, what is the point
in having them?

"Atomic set" can hardly be anything other than a normal store
nor can "Atomic read" be much different from an ordinary read.

I'd find them useful.

For example, Studio 11 with -xarch=sparcv8plus can generate two separate 
32-bit ld instructions to load a single 64-bit value. An 
atomic_load_64(3C) function would be useful to ensure that a single ldx 
instruction is used.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-16 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 16 May 2007, James Carlson wrote:

> Joerg Schilling writes:
> > Do it like SGI and let "ps -efc" behave like a SVr4 ps and "ps aux"
> > like a BSD ps. You only need to look for the '-' in the args.
> Not just SGI, but AIX as well.  That solution works fine, is pretty
> well known, and since /usr/bin/ps without '-' just gives an error
> message, it's also obviously compatible.

and procps on Linux

So we're back to Project Indiana and making it more Linux-like after all 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] conditional increment on SPARCv8+ using sun CC 5.7 - for shared_ptr

2007-05-18 Thread Chris Elving

Ian Appru wrote:

While atomic increment/decrements (using cas) are suffiently well documented 
for me to be pretty confident in my implementation I would apreciate any input 
for an atomic conditional increment.

I'd expect the following to work on OpenSolaris:


int atomic_conditional_increment(int *target)
for (;;) {
int old = *target;
if (old == 0)
return 0;

if (atomic_cas_uint((uint_t *) target, old, old + 1) == old)
return old + 1;
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] conditional increment on SPARCv8+ using sun CC 5.7 - for shared_ptr

2007-05-19 Thread Chris Elving


Ian Appru wrote:

While atomic increment/decrements (using cas) are suffiently well documented 
for me to be pretty

 confident in my implementation I would apreciate any input for an atomic 
conditional increment.

I'd expect the following to work on OpenSolaris:


int atomic_conditional_increment(int *target)
for (;;) {
int old = *target;
if (old == 0)
return 0;

if (atomic_cas_uint((uint_t *) target, old, old + 1) == old)
return old + 1;

You will certainly need a membar before reading *target.

(If not, it can happen that one thread continuously sees "0" while
another CPU runs away incrementing the counter.

Can you elaborate? Which membar do you think is necessary? I don't see 
any ordering requirement outside of atomic_cas_uint(). (Data cache 
coherency is guaranteed by SPARC V9. membars only offer ordering and 
sequencing guarantees.)

(And you function has a bug in that it will not always update a non-zero

Again, can you elaborate? I think the load of a 0 target will always 
result in an atomic_cas_uint(). That atomic_cas_uint() may fail to 
increment *target, but we'll follow that up with another load of the 
target and another atomic_cas_uint(), ad infinitum.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] One Laptop per Child on 60 Minutes, Sunday May 20

2007-05-21 Thread Chris Ricker
On Mon, 21 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >One Laptop per Child on 60 Minutes, Sunday May 20
> >http://www.redhatmagazine.com/2007/05/18/one-laptop-per-child-on-60-minutes-sunday-may-20/
> >
> >If you are following this project, you will find that they have
> >standardized on a Linux distribution. Why not Solaris? I leave this to
> >be answered by the "Linux is useless" crowd.
> Why then does it ship with a $23 "embedded Windows" distribution?

It doesn't

The reporter claiming that it did was speculating wildly that hardware 
changes being made to the XO spec were intended to allow Windows to run. 
Subsequent reporters spun that speculation even further ;-)

See, for example, 

Chris Blizzard and Jim Gettys both have interesting blogs on the subject:


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] solaris index database?

2007-05-30 Thread Chris Ricker
On Wed, 30 May 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> Anne wrote:
> > Does anyone know if Solaris 10 has the ability to index all of it's contents
> > and those contents are available for query? (Akin to Red Hat's "locate" and
> > "updatedb" features.) The "find" command is so sllow
> Those aren't Red Hat features, but features of the GNU findutils which
> you can install on Solaris as well.

Actually, current Red Hat uses mlocate which is something Red Hat 
developed. Older RHEL used slocate

Both are mostly compatible with GNU's locate though

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] ZFS over AVS SNDR with single RAID disk mirror pair

2007-06-27 Thread Chris Ferebee
Hi all,

I've been asked to set up a demo of ZFS over AVS SNDR (Remote Mirror) on a pair 
of SUN Fire X2100 M2 servers. Each server is configured with a pair of 500 GB 
SATA drives on an LSI hardware RAID controller.

Currently the RAID devices (c1t0d0) are partitioned into three fdisk 
partitions. One has Solaris slices on it including the swap and root (UFS) 
slices. I had thought I could use the other two partitions for SNDR - one for 
the bitmap and one for the data.

The data should by mirrored from the primary server to the secondary server. I 
would then create a ZFS zpool on top of SNDR.

What I can't figure out is how to set up SNDR with bitmap and data on the same 
disk, alongside the root filesystem. From what I read in the documentation, it 
should be possible (though with a performance penalty, but that's not a 
problem), but I can't quite wrap my head around the necessary combination of 
devices, raw devices, fdisk partitions and Solaris slices. I was successful in 
creating a ZFS zpool and filesystem on the fdisk partition that was set aside 
for the data, but SNDR is a different matter.

Thanks for your help!
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Resize Solaris fdisk partition?

2007-06-28 Thread Chris Ferebee
Is it possible to resize (enlarge) the Solaris fdisk partition on Solaris 
Express x64, in order to create additional slices? (I. e., allocate the 
additional space to previously unused slices.)

As described in my previous post "ZFS over AVS SNDR with single RAID disk 
mirror pair", I'm trying to set up AVS Remote Mirror with both data and bitmap 
on the same hardware RAID mirror drive pair as  the root volume.

Unfortunately, AVS doesn't seem to see the separate fdisk partitions I had set 
aside for the SNDR data and bitmap. Apparently I should have allocated them as 

So now my Solaris fdisk partition uses the first 10% of the disk, and the rest 
is allocated in other fdisk partitions.

Is there a way to enlarge the Solaris fdisk partition to include the entire 
disk, and then allocate the new space as additional slices? Or do I need to 
start over and reinstall? (Or perhaps copy the installation to a reformatted 
disk with Live Update?

Thanks for any tips...
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Transfer of Large amount of Data

2007-08-24 Thread Chris Reddy
OK - here is the dilemma - I have 70 Gb of data that I need to move from an 
External NTFS formatted USB Drive to a SUNOS Server.  Is there no reliable way 
to mount the drive locally so it can be read from the server?  I am willing to 
format the drive with UFS, but then I can't see it from the Windows side.  It 
astounds me that today it is so difficult to move data between platforms - any 
suggestions would be appreciated.  The restrictions are that I can't install 
any software on the SUN server.
Thank you in advance...

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Compiler mailing list?

2007-08-31 Thread Chris Quenelle
I work in the Sun Studio group. 
The tools-discuss alias has a fair amount of non-compiler traffic.  I'm 
but I don't get a chance to go through the email every day. If there was a 
tools-compilers (for Sun Studio and gcc) or something similar, I think I'd
be able to respond to it more quickly.  And I might be able to get some other
Sun engineers in my area to sign up.  I also subscribe to all the horrible
"forum updated" emails, but I plow through those even less frequently
than I check the tools-discuss alias emails.

There is some new management interest being revived for adding proper email
support to the SDN forums, but you never know if that will fly, or how long
it will take.  It doesn't seem like it should be that much trouble to create
a new alias for "OpenSolaris-related compiler questions".  It would undoubtedly
also collect questions about compiler-bundled tools (like dbx), and compiler
questions that are not related directly to OpenSolaris.  But I think
that seems okay.  If it eventually gets replaced by another alias, when we 
get proper gateways in Sun Studio forums, that should be okay too.

Just my .02  

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Separate Directory and File umasks? Or something like that.

2007-09-25 Thread chris majoros
I will start off by explaining my end goal. I have created a chrooted sftp/scp 
test server. Everything works great accept I want a separate incoming and 
outgoing directories. Users will only be able to upload to the incoming 
directory and download from the outgoing directory. The outgoing directory is 
simple since we control the contact within it.

Incoming gets more complicated. We want the users to be able to upload, view 
the list of files and delete files. I set the incoming directory to 770 and the 
umask to 440. This would allow them to create files, view the list of file, and 
delete files but not download them again.

The problem is that if the user uploads or creates a new directory the 
directory will be 330 which will allow things to be uploaded to the directory 
but the user will not be able to view the contents of the directory, they will 
get a permission denied since they can not read the directory. This could 
potenshally work since the files get uploaded the the users will not like it 
and most will assume it did not work and call, even after being told otherwise.

I think the best solution would be to find a way to set a separate umask for 
directories and files, Which to my knowledge is not possible. Then I was 
thinking that permissions are calculated for directories by taking the 
difference of the umask and 777 and file permissions are calculated by taking 
the difference of the umask and 666. So if you could change the 666 to 000(or 
what ever would make the most sence) I would get the permissions im looking 
for. But again I don’t think that is possible without modifying the source. 
Then inotify came to mind to do a chmod as soon as a dir was created but that 
is only for Linux and the Solaris kernel does not support imon so SGI's FAM is 
no better than a "find -type d -exec chmod". The only other thing I found was 
/dev/poll but I can only find the API for that and i really don’t feel like 
dusting off the C books not that i have the time anyway.

Any thoughts or ideas on how to go about getting the end result I want without 
having to do something like a “find -type d -exec chmod" whould be great.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Separate Directory and File umasks? Or something

2007-09-26 Thread chris majoros
O man i totaly forgot about the new ACL perisions of the NFSv4. 

Thanks, it looks like this will work
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [trademark-policy-dev] [advocacy-discuss] Project Indiana and the OpenSolaris name

2007-10-31 Thread Chris Mahan
On 10/31/07, Shawn Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's my point. If you want to be able to prove *why* we shouldn't
> have a distribution called OpenSolaris you must demonstrate the harm
> it would cause as the benefit has already been demonstrated and talked
> about.
> Not to be offensive, but other than hurt feelings, I don't see the harm in
> it.

I agree with Joerg (for once--just kidding!) in that an official
"OpenSolaris" distribution will harm other OpenSolaris-based projects.
Here's why.

As Ian Murdock eloquently states in the third paragraph in this very thread:
"... - one answer to that question is clear to
me: OpenSolaris MUST be something new users can download and install."

This, of course, is meant to drive incoming eyeballs (new users) to the
obvious choice, the Official OpenSolaris distro. So the eyeball will,
instead of being puzzled by the myriad arrays of available distro, and
instead of reading the descriptions and reading about Nexenta's debian-like
packaging and ShilliX's Unix on USB, they will sheepfully click on the big
green Download OpenSolaris button. *

And they will not go to the other distros.

And since distros need people, new people, to thrive, the Official
OpenSolaris distro will be disproportionately advantaged in the draw of new
users compared to other distros, who will wither away.

People's decisions will not be based on the technical merit of each distro,
after careful examination of the characteristics of each distro and based on
their need. Rather, they will become Victims of Marketing and be funneled
into OpenSolaris-that-was-Indiana.

So, does it harm other distros? In the sense that they will be starved for
new users, definitely.

* (I'm going to argue that people who run Sparc will find MartUX all by
themselves. That's assuming that distro can still exist sans Martin

Chris Mahan
cell 818.943.1850
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [trademark-policy-dev] [advocacy-discuss] Project Indiana and the OpenSolaris name

2007-10-31 Thread Chris Mahan
On 10/31/07, Glynn Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shawn Walker wrote:
> > Stop focusing on yourselves; focus on the users. We need to do what's
> > best for the community, not our egos.
> I absolutely agree with Shawn on this one. We are going to have to make
> some
> tough choices, and some people will feel left out by them and that's the
> reality
> we're going to all have to face.

Ok, but there's where I com from: I am a user. I am a consumer, not a
producer, of operating systems. I build web applications.

I use debian stable (Etch) as my OS of choice right now, on one dedicated
and several virtual servers. Yes, I select my os, download it, congure it,
and run it myself.

I use Solaris 9 at the office and F'in hate it. I also don't like Ubuntu
that much, and I don't care for RH, although I've used it. I tried Mandriva
for a bit and that wasn't my cup of tea. I've not messed with anything else
since I found debian because it hits my sweet spot.

So you can consider me as a dispassionate user who wants a top-of-the-line,
dynamic OS. I really want ShilliX to do well because thanks to python I can
make offline web servers available (WSGI+framework+SQLite for those
interested) and I want to be able to have a "OS+Server+application+browser"
on USB, self-launchable, that will work offline and online the same way.
(webservices back end on server when connected to the net). That's the kind
of thing I want. I care not for this or that distro, but I am experienced
enough to understand that diversity breeds diversity and I want the
OpenSolaris world to be defined by diversity and not by a one-trick-pony OS.

I also don't work for Sun so I don't have to watch my words or "attitude"
for fear of the HR axe. If some of you find what I say grating to their
sensibilities, tough.

Chris Mahan
cell 818.943.1850
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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