Re: google-chrome

2021-10-23 Thread John Pilkington

On 23/10/2021 01:20, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 10:52 AM Stephen Isard

For the past couple of days, I've been getting


Failed to check for updates with the following error message:
Failed to build transaction: google-chrome-stable-95.0.4638.54-1.x86_64

What repo, exactly, are you looking at?

I see the same.



rpmfind shows no build for el7 

John P

Re: New Keys I have never heard of

2019-10-09 Thread John Pilkington

On 09/10/2019 21:48, Jeffrey Anderson wrote:

Historically, "Super" first appeared on a keyboard in 1980.

Today, in the context of linux, Super is usually an alternate name for 
the Windows key.

You should be able to define alternate key combinations if you don't 
have a physical windows key.  I know that in KDE, the "run program" 
dialog can be produced by "Alt-F2"  I'm not sure about Gnome3, but you 
should be able to figure it out.

Most of these things have nothing specifically to do with Centos, but 
with the desktop environment.  I assume that KDE for Centos8 will be in 
EPEL eventually.  There will probably be many other desktop environments 
available too.  They exist for Fedora, so it is a matter of time before 
someone builds on Centos8.

I have seen a couple of references to kde in this thread.  I haven't 
tried CentOS 8, and I have the impression that kde for it is still a 
work in progress, but this looks to be an account of its current state:

"KDE now available on EPEL 8 ... playground" 


John P

On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 1:19 PM Larry Linder 
> wrote:

What is   super + tab     ?

Did someone redefine the kayboard  ?

A lot of our keyboards do not have the microsoft window key !!!

So we just toss a bunch of good keyboards to use centos 8

Larry Linder

Jeffrey Anderson                        | 

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory   |
Office: 50B-3216                       | Mailstop 50B3238
Phone: 510 486-4208                | Fax: 510 486-6498

SL 7.7 update

2019-08-27 Thread John Pilkington
I have 7.7 running.  Part of the update went ahead with --skip-broken, 
but qt5-webkit (epel) and libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla still caused 

qt5-webkit from epel-testing pulled in others of the family, and I don't 
see the libreport-rhel-anaconda-bugzilla package in the repos I use, so 
I erased it.


John P

Re: Installing Chrome

2019-03-18 Thread John Pilkington

On 18/03/2019 16:22, Boris Goldowsky wrote:

Trying to get Google Chrome installed on Scientific Linux 7.3, in order to be 
able to run Selenium/WebDriver tests.
Attempting to install via RPM or Yum, it is unable to find the dependency "liberation-fonts"
 Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.75-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)

Requires: liberation-fonts
I do have the following installed, which are all that are available in the SL repositories:

   Installed Packages
   liberation-fonts-common.noarch  1:1.07.2-15.el7 @base/$releasever
   liberation-mono-fonts.noarch1:1.07.2-15.el7 @base/$releasever
   liberation-narrow-fonts.noarch  1:1.07.2-15.el7 @sl
   liberation-sans-fonts.noarch1:1.07.2-15.el7 @base/$releasever
   liberation-serif-fonts.noarch   1:1.07.2-15.el7 @base/$releasever
But the (meta-)package “libreration-fonts” doesn’t seem to exist in SL.
Any advice?  Thank you!

liberation-fonts changelog has:

* 2017-09-29 Jens Petersen  - 1:1.07.2-16
- make base package a metapkg requiring the subpackages (#1482760)

and all the 1.07.2-16 versions are in the SL repo

Re: latest VLC GU failure

2019-02-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/02/2019 07:06, Yasha Karant wrote:

I have installed the latest VLC from
yum install
yum install
yum install vlc

The vlc failed with the messages that appear below.  Based on these
messages and a search on the web, I also did
yum install qt4
yum install qt5
yum install libxkbcommon

All of the above yum install commands completed without failures.
Nonetheless, the yum icon on the desktop does not start yum, and from a
terminal using bash, one gets:

$ /usr/bin/vlc
VLC media player 3.0.6 Vetinari (revision 3.0.6-0-g5803e85f73)
[0163b1c0] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface.
Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[016f5500] skins2 interface error: cannot instantiate dialogs
[016c8e30] main playlist: playlist is empty
[016f5500] [cli] lua interface: L

I am using MATE , but will attempt this under KDE or GNOME if there is a
reason to do that for VLC.

Any suggestions on what to do (e.g., are there one or more configuration
files for running, not building, vlc or whatever that need to be changed?

Yasha Karant
I would appreciate replies to

I see no problem with the version from the rpmfusion-free-updates repo

$ rpm -qa | grep vlc

John P

Re: issues with migrating to SL 7.6

2019-01-29 Thread John Pilkington

On 29/01/2019 15:43, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Tue, 29 Jan 2019, S. Vergani wrote:

Dear Andrew,

uname -r reports "3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64".

suggests that

that is an SL7.6 kernel.
I am not so sure that my guess was right after all.

It looked plausible to me.  Reminded me that a family box with dual-boot 
kubuntu/SL7 appears to update the SL kernel but boots an older one.  The 
box is not much used and I haven't recently tried to fix it - so not 
much help, I'm afraid.  But Stefano's is the latest standard SL7 kernel 
that I have here.

John P

What should I search/do in /boot/grub2?

I'm not really sure.

Re: issues with migrating to SL 7.6

2019-01-29 Thread John Pilkington

On 29/01/2019 10:24, S. Vergani wrote:

Dear John,

sorry I forgot to add the this part of your message

This bit of magic, from a recent post, is said to stop that link
getting camouflaged:

was not clear to me.

Many thanks,

On 2019-01-29 10:14, S. Vergani wrote:

On 2019-01-28 18:40, John Pilkington wrote:

On 28/01/2019 14:10, S. Vergani wrote:

Dear all,

I am running scientific linux on a ThinkPad t440p. During the past 
1.5 years, I have been experiencing the same apparently unsolvable 
problem with SL 7.5. Every time I closed the pc without locking it 
or I tried to restart it, the pc froze and the only thing to do was 
to force shut down. I have been using GNOME classic but with any 
other desktop as well (I tried them all) the problem persisted.

I upgraded yesterday to SL 7.6 and finally the issue disappeared. 
This morning I started again the session and SL was back to 7.5. 
When I start the session (I have windows 7 dual-boot) I can choose 
only between some versions of SL 7.5 and windows. The aesthetics is 
then exactly as it was with SL 7.5, but when I check which version I 
am running it shows SL 7.6. The old issue came back and again it 
freezes every time.

Could someone help me with the matter? To summarize, the selections 
during boot phase, the aesthetics, and the old issues of SL 7.5 are 
back, but I upgraded to SL 7.6 and when I ask for the OS the output is

NAME="Scientific Linux"
VERSION="7.6 (Nitrogen)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Scientific Linux 7.6 (Nitrogen)"


Many thanks,

Hi:  In the past people have found that their systems had not properly
upgraded.  I don't know  whether the underlying problems have been
fixed now, but this thread might help: 

This bit of magic, from a recent post, is said to stop that link
getting camouflaged:

The 'overnight' freezes problem really needs logs, or at least some
indication of what processes had been active.  Firefox videos,

John P

Dear John,

thank you very much for your help. I tried the "magic spelling" the
post suggested, but nothing happened. This is such a weird issue, the
first day SL 7.6 was completely different and when I shut down I
somehow downgraded back to 7.5 even if now it still says I am running
SL 7.6 but in boot phase I can choose only SL 7.5.

Regarding the overnight freezes, I have been fighting against it
forever. It happens in every situation, simply every time I clik
"restart" or I close the pc without locking it, it freezes forever.
This started when I upgraded from SL 7.4 to 7.5. Before that, it was
perfect. Apparently, the issue was solved upgrading to SL 7.6 but now
this second issue kicked in.

Do you have any other suggestion?

Many thanks,


Hello Stefano:  I'm not sure if you tried the sequence that I linked in 
my reply:

yum remove yum-conf-sl7x
yum install yum-conf-sl7x
yum clean all
yum update

The link was to the list archives on 15 May last year, and you can view 
the whole thread for the background.  The 'magic' line was intended to 
stop the mailing list scrambling the URL, and it looks as if it worked. 
See the most recent posts in the archive for that.  I must admit that 
the URL with its 'scripts/wa.exe' does look a little unlikely, but you 
can get to the archive via the SL website if you wish.

Otherwise I can only hope that someone else can help.

Good luck,


Re: issues with migrating to SL 7.6

2019-01-28 Thread John Pilkington

On 28/01/2019 14:10, S. Vergani wrote:

Dear all,

I am running scientific linux on a ThinkPad t440p. During the past 1.5 
years, I have been experiencing the same apparently unsolvable problem 
with SL 7.5. Every time I closed the pc without locking it or I tried to 
restart it, the pc froze and the only thing to do was to force shut 
down. I have been using GNOME classic but with any other desktop as well 
(I tried them all) the problem persisted.

I upgraded yesterday to SL 7.6 and finally the issue disappeared. This 
morning I started again the session and SL was back to 7.5. When I start 
the session (I have windows 7 dual-boot) I can choose only between some 
versions of SL 7.5 and windows. The aesthetics is then exactly as it was 
with SL 7.5, but when I check which version I am running it shows SL 
7.6. The old issue came back and again it freezes every time.

Could someone help me with the matter? To summarize, the selections 
during boot phase, the aesthetics, and the old issues of SL 7.5 are 
back, but I upgraded to SL 7.6 and when I ask for the OS the output is

NAME="Scientific Linux"
VERSION="7.6 (Nitrogen)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Scientific Linux 7.6 (Nitrogen)"



Many thanks,

Hi:  In the past people have found that their systems had not properly 
upgraded.  I don't know  whether the underlying problems have been fixed 
now, but this thread might help:

This bit of magic, from a recent post, is said to stop that link getting 

The 'overnight' freezes problem really needs logs, or at least some 
indication of what processes had been active.  Firefox videos, perhaps?

John P

Re: Your removal from the SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS list ** EXTERNAL **

2018-11-16 Thread John Pilkington

On 16/11/18 15:26, Howard, Chris wrote:

I think you have it backwards:

Your Office 365 account has been rejecting emails from the scientific 
linux listserv software.

Eventually the listserv gives up and  dumps you off of the list.

So blame whoever moved you to Office365.

I received an almost identical message to the one quoted in the subject. 
 It gave the same first-start date 2018-09-04, but I don't know if that 
was April, when I rejoined the list with a new address, or 

I tried several times to rejoin again, using different formats, but got 
no sign-on response. A web-based attempt was rejected because others 
were already queued.  Now what I'm getting is what the archive shows, so 
I suppose my 'removal' either didn't happen or has been reversed.

No Office 365 here; only Linux.

John P

Re: Nightly firefox crashes

2018-11-08 Thread John Pilkington

On 08/11/18 10:20, Niels Walet wrote:
My firefox seems to crash overnight on my work computer, without fail! 
version firefox-60.3.0-1.el7_5.x86_64

The error message in a terminal window re:
IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!

###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: 
PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was 
deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)

Bus error (core dumped)

Cleaned the set-up, reinstalled extensions. I can find simiular error 
for firefox 56, but nothing similar for 60. Anyone got any ideas what 
causes this?


Full-screen video in background crashes remote tabs ?

John P

Re: boot hang

2018-10-28 Thread John Pilkington

On 27/10/18 17:42, Yasha Karant wrote:

Using yumex, rather than doing a full update to SL 7.5 production, I
attempted to update over the network the kernel, firmware, and libgcc,
allowing yumex (essentially yum) to establish the needed dependencies
(other applications, etc., that also needed to be updated).  The
resulting kernel will not boot, but merely hangs.  If one waits long
enough, the "progress bar" at the bottom of the screen does show the
typical blue/white progression, but that is all.  When I reboot and
manually select the previous kernel, the system reboots.  I am using
MATE for a "control" GUI, although as the system never gets to the login
screen, MATE should not be "active".   It appears that yumex (yum) does
not fully resolve all required dependencies.  What other components must
I update?

At one time, SL (EL) allowed one to do an update from local media during
the boot from local installation media (e.g., a USB stick flash drive)
-- this no longer directly is supported.  As I do not have the time to
extract from the previous source how this was accomplished, and have not
found a script (or GUI version thereof) that accomplishes the same task,
I attempted a minimal update using yumex.

Yasha Karant

Re-sending, with addition, to list:

I don't have your constraints on web access, but I have no current 
issues with yumex.  There was some strangeness earlier in 7x upgrades 
that may now have been fixed.  See the list archives, 2018 May 15


And have you tried yumex again under the old kernel?

I don't know what video card you are using;  is it nvidia?  Have you 
enabled rpmfusion-nonfree-updates (or some other repo with nvidia drivers?)

John P

Config file for SL7.5 in mock

2018-10-26 Thread John Pilkington
I have successfully used mock in Fedora 27 and Fedora 28 to build rpms 
to run under Scientific Linux (as well as ones to run natively.)

At first I used a locally written config file, but more recently 
/etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64-rpmfusion-free.cfg has worked.

It is based on /etc/mock/epel-7.cfg, which is also installed in SL, but 
refers to, and uses, the centos repos.  Are conflicts likely?  Is there 
an SL version?

John P

Re: Why are not all RPMs displayed

2018-07-30 Thread John Pilkington

On 30/07/18 13:22, Dirk Hoffmann wrote:

Hello John,

man yum,conf has a long list of options.

I have 'installonly_limit=3' which might be doing this.

Thank you for your answers, but that is to install more than 3 kernels, 
which is not what I want. (Actually I am happy with the 3 kernels and 
just would like to catch up adding *the corresponding* kernel-devel 
version for each of them now, because kernel and kernel-devel packages 
were not updated in parallel.)

However, my problem has nothing to do with the installonly_limit 
parameter, because I want to *display* the RPMs which *are available* in 
the (obfuscated) link I gave in my OP. So I found --showduplicates (and 
--enablerepo), but it does not make do. Definitely, not all RPMs 
available in the repo are displayed with yum.

(Also, I could yum-install them by giving yum the explicit URL.)

and if you *really* want -693 series, try a search engine, which may
have a less demanding syntax:   'kernel scientific *-693* rpm' offers
mesome - from 2017;  before, IIRC, some big security scares.

Yes, but why look into Google and other providers, if the RPMs are in 
the repo. My problem is not (any more) to find them. My point is that I 
want my yum to list them when I ask for it.


You say the packages that you want are 'in the repo'

I see only four kernel-devel packages in

They are 3.10.0-862.2.3 -862.3.2, -862.3.3 and -862.6.3

The ones you want won't be in 'updates'

has -862

and if I go to

I see -123

SL has separate repos for 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7x, etc.  You just have to 
enable the right one(s).

I'll send this both on and off list in an attempt to sidestep the 



Re: Why are not all RPMs displayed?

2018-07-27 Thread John Pilkington

On 26/07/18 23:46, Dirk Hoffmann wrote:


Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but I am puzzled.

I see
and can download it (even install it with "yum install ...").

But it seems that "yum" by itself is blind on this eye:

$ yum list available --showduplicates kernel-dev* --enablerepo 
sl-security Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, langpacks, 
product-id, subscription-manager

Available Packages
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.el7   sl 
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.2.3.el7   sl-security

kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.3.2.el7   sl-security
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.3.3.el7   sl-security
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.6.3.el7   sl-security

Where are the packages of the rel 693 series (and all the others, which 
are seen in the repository)?

Is it because they are silently excluded from the repodata? Or is there 
a maximum number of duplicates shown by yum?


man yum,conf has a long list of options.

I have 'installonly_limit=3' which might be doing this.

John P

and if you *really* want -693 series, try a search engine, which may 
have a less demanding syntax:   'kernel scientific *-693* rpm' offers 
mesome - from 2017;  before, IIRC, some big security scares.

Re: Why are not all RPMs displayed?

2018-07-27 Thread John Pilkington

On 26/07/18 23:46, Dirk Hoffmann wrote:


Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but I am puzzled.

I see
and can download it (even install it with "yum install ...").

But it seems that "yum" by itself is blind on this eye:

$ yum list available --showduplicates kernel-dev* --enablerepo 
sl-security Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, langpacks, 
product-id, subscription-manager

Available Packages
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.el7   sl 
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.2.3.el7   sl-security

kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.3.2.el7   sl-security
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.3.3.el7   sl-security
kernel-devel.x86_64  3.10.0-862.6.3.el7   sl-security

Where are the packages of the rel 693 series (and all the others, which 
are seen in the repository)?

Is it because they are silently excluded from the repodata? Or is there 
a maximum number of duplicates shown by yum?


man yum,conf has a long list of options.

I have 'installonly_limit=3' which might be doing this.

John P

Re: qt-creator

2018-05-24 Thread John Pilkington

On 24/05/18 08:35, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Thu, 24 May 2018, wrote:

Hi all,

since the last updates I get the following message while trying to 
install qt-creator:

Error: Package: qt-creator-4.1.0-3.el7.x86_64 (epel)
  Requires: qt5-qtbase(x86-64) = 5.6.2
  Installed: qt5-qtbase-5.9.2-3.el7.x86_64 (@sl)
  qt5-qtbase(x86-64) = 5.9.2-3.el7

Qt has been upgraded with the last update to 5.9.2 but qt-creator 
depends still on 5.6.2?

You appear to be using the new qt5-qtbase from SL
but an older qt-creator from epel.

Can this be fixed?

Try asking

Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/11/17 22:17, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 01:40 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 20:45, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 04:07 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Thank you and  was afraid of that.

I have a specfile (for MythTV) that works in mock under fc25 in builds 
for both SL7 and fc25.  It's based on one from rpmfusion and includes 
the lines

Requires:  python-MythTV
%{?fedora:Recommends:  mesa-vdpau-drivers}

But that might be using an rpmfusion macro.  And of course other 
problems might emerge;  fc27 is several steps away from el7.


Hi John,

At some point I am going to have to break down and learn
how to make my own RPMs.

What got me here was that "yelp" is installed and I am
being tagged for it being missing.  Something else to

I think the problem is that rpmbuild for el7 doesn't understand 
'Recommends:'.  As Tom H said, it's new.  Iff that's the only problem 
you can perhaps just comment out that line - but IIUC you will need to 
build a new src.rpm from the edited specfile, and then try to rebuild 
from that.

But I suspect that a bare 'Recommends:' implies that no build for el7 
from the fc27 srpm has yet succeeded.

I should probably add your "%{?fedora" tag all over the place.

Thank you for the help!

Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/11/17 20:45, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 04:07 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Thank you and  was afraid of that.

I have a specfile (for MythTV) that works in mock under fc25 in builds 
for both SL7 and fc25.  It's based on one from rpmfusion and includes 
the lines

Requires:  python-MythTV
%{?fedora:Recommends:  mesa-vdpau-drivers}

But that might be using an rpmfusion macro.  And of course other 
problems might emerge;  fc27 is several steps away from el7.


Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Re: Error message during yum update

2017-10-27 Thread John Pilkington

On 27/10/17 06:56, Klaus Steinberger wrote:


Hi:  I just ran yumex.  It 'altered' 73 packages, almost all from sl-fastbugs,
apparently successfully and with no error messages. Perhaps you got in too 

no, the message didn't go away with latest updates:


Update notice SLBA-2017:1418-1 (from sl-fastbugs) is broken, or a bad duplicate,
You should report this problem to the owner of the sl-fastbugs repository.
If you are the owner, consider re-running the same command with --verbose to see
the exact data that caused the conflict.
The following updates will be applied on

  Package  Arch   Version  Repository   Size

  wget x86_64 1.14-15.el7_4.1  sl-security 546 k

Transaction Summary

Upgrade  1 Package
The updates were successfully applied


Yumex output today: as always, genmetadata runs for several minutes at 
100% cpu, but no problems seen.  Times are BST.


John P.  Going offline...

08:15:33 : YUM: Yum Version : 3.4.3

08:15:33 : YUM: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, local, versionlock

08:15:33 : YUM: No plugin match for: refresh-packagekit

08:15:34 : Getting available updates
08:15:34 : YUM: Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

08:15:34 : YUM:  * elrepo:

08:15:34 : YUM:  * epel:

08:15:34 : YUM:  * sl:

08:15:34 : YUM:  * sl-extras:

08:15:34 : YUM:  * sl-fastbugs:

08:15:34 : YUM:  * sl-security:

08:15:35 : 3 packages returned
08:15:35 : Getting available obsoletes
08:15:35 : 0 packages returned
08:15:35 : Adding Packages to view
08:15:35 : Added 3 Packages to view
08:15:52 : Setting Yum Option skip_broken = False
08:15:52 : Setting Yum Option clean_requirements_on_remove = False
08:15:52 : 3 packages returned
08:15:52 : 0 packages returned
08:15:53 : YUM: --> Running transaction check

08:15:53 : YUM: ---> Package epel-release.noarch 0:7-10 will be updated

08:15:53 : YUM: ---> Package epel-release.noarch 0:7-11 will be an update

08:15:53 : YUM: ---> Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 
0:62.0.3202.62-1 will be updated

08:15:53 : YUM: ---> Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 
0:62.0.3202.75-1 will be an update

08:15:53 : YUM: ---> Package wget.x86_64 0:1.14-15.el7 will be updated

08:15:53 : YUM: ---> Package wget.x86_64 0:1.14-15.el7_4.1 will be an update

08:15:59 : YUM: --> Finished Dependency Resolution

08:17:15 : YUM: No Presto metadata available for epel

08:17:15 : YUM: No Presto metadata available for google-chrome

08:17:15 : YUM: No Presto metadata available for sl-security

08:17:16 : Downloaded : (1/3): epel-release-7-11.noarch.rpm ( 15 k )
08:17:22 : Downloaded : (2/3): 
google-chrome-stable-62.0.3202.75-1.x86_64.rpm ( 47 M )

08:17:23 : Downloaded : (3/3): wget-1.14-15.el7_4.1.x86_64.rpm ( 546 k )
08:21:34 : YUM: Running Transaction Check

08:22:09 : YUM: --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. 
Please wait.

08:22:09 : YUM: ---> Package epel-release.noarch 0:7-11 will be an update

08:22:09 : YUM: ---> Package wget.x86_64 0:1.14-15.el7_4.1 will be an update

08:22:09 : YUM: ---> Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 
0:62.0.3202.75-1 will be an update

08:22:11 : wget-1.14-15.el7_4.1.x86_64 is updated
08:22:21 : google-chrome-stable-62.0.3202.75-1.x86_64 is updated
08:22:30 : RPM Scriptlet: Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start atd.service
08:22:30 : epel-release-7-11.noarch is updated
08:22:40 : Transaction completed successfully
08:22:40 : Closing rpm db and releasing yum lock
08:22:40 : yum backend process is ended
08:22:40 : Starting yum child process
08:22:40 : Using the following repositories :

08:22:40 : exitcode from backend : 0

Re: Error message during yum update

2017-10-25 Thread John Pilkington

On 25/10/17 07:57, Klaus Steinberger wrote:


today we got the following messages during yum updates:


Update notice SLBA-2017:1418-1 (from sl-fastbugs) is broken, or a bad duplicate,
You should report this problem to the owner of the sl-fastbugs repository.
If you are the owner, consider re-running the same command with --verbose to see
the exact data that caused the conflict.
The following updates will be applied on

Hi:  I just ran yumex.  It 'altered' 73 packages, almost all from 
sl-fastbugs, apparently successfully and with no error messages. 
Perhaps you got in too early.

John P

Re: Repositories question

2017-07-10 Thread John Pilkington

On 10/07/17 20:19, Stan Orlov wrote:


I run SL 6.9.  After initial setup, I ended up having 5 Yum repositories:

atrpms-repo-7.7.el6_90 (x86_64)
atrpms-repo-7.7.el7 (x86_64)

I used to use atrpms, but the last update that I see at 
was in September 2014.  I haven't seen anything on the mailing list 
since 2015.  Maybe someone else has more info, but...

elrepo-release-6-6.el6.elrepo (noarch)
epel-release-6-8 (noarch)
rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf (x86_64) sig

One thing in particular is two versions of atrpms. Do I need only one?  If I 
remove one, will it remove the packages installed using this repo?

Also, are these proper repo versions for SL 6.9?


Re: Scientific Linux 5 End of Life

2017-03-31 Thread John Pilkington

On 31/03/17 20:06, Larry Linder wrote:

We are still using SL 5.10 on a number of workstations.  The users are
used to using KDE with a lot of desktops - 12 or more.  We switched a
number of boxes to SL 6.8 and we get a lot of grumbles about desktop.
We run VMWare and load applications that require Windows there.  We have
everything from Windows 2000 Server to Windows 10 on system.

Thank you All for an excellent OS.
Got a number of responses but there were a lot of missing parts we could
not locate.  Anybody really done it?

If we could only have KDE for SL 6.

The screen on my SL6 32-bit laptop stopped working a few months ago and 
I haven't felt an urgent need to get it going again - but KDE seemed 
fine to me.

John P

Thank You
Larry Linder
MicroControls LLC

On Fri, 2017-03-31 at 21:12 +0200, Stephan Wiesand wrote:

Time for a loud and clear "THANK YOU!" to the (present and former) team members 
for a full decade of remarkable support for SL5.

- Stephan

On Mar 31, 2017, at 20:27 , Pat Riehecky wrote:

Scientific Linux 5 has reached its End of Life.

After March 31 2017 Scientific Linux 5 will not receive further updates and the 
files will be archived.

The existing files will be moved into for archival purposes 
after March 31 2017.

This will break existing yum repos and kickstarts using the official 
distribution servers.

7.3 update problems

2017-01-27 Thread John Pilkington
As I noted, my system seems to have updated happily.  I started it from 
yumex by enabling the rolling repos.  But I've just been examining my 
grandson's, which yesterday 'welcomed' him to emergency mode. I'm afraid 
he doesn't fit the SL target user profile and his access time is limited.

yum history shows 531 packages auto-updated two days ago, but clearly 
the process was interrupted and I'm not familiar with enabling net 
access on a broken system.  I'm hoping that I shall be able to use a 7.3 
installation disk to recover.

John P

Re: successful 7.3 update through yumex

2017-01-26 Thread John Pilkington

On 26/01/17 20:42, Maarten wrote:

Great, didn't know that about rpmfusion now doing el7. Anyone know if
nux-desktop repo and rpmfusion can be mixed together? It's not mentioned
on their FAQ.

Quote from the announcement on the rpmfusion list - I forget how to get 
a link:

"While bootstrapping the EL7 repo, we've tried to look at existing
work, specially from the nux repo. Unfortunately we haven't received
any direct help from this contributor."

I ought to say that the nux packages have worked well for me.

.. and back on topic - if Yasha had his local repo enabled he should 
already have the packages he wants.  I didn't/don't.

On 2017-01-26 21:32, John Pilkington wrote:

On 26/01/17 20:02, Yasha Karant wrote:

Yesterday afternoon, I did a successful update from production 7.2 to
production 7.3 through yumex.  In addition to the SL production
repositories, I use the epel, elrepo, and google-chrome repositories for
specific add-ons, including nvidia support.  I only use kernels from
SL.  Although the update was slow, it taking a very long time for the
nvidia portion to complete cleanup (I left after a 5 minute wait), when
I came back this morning, everything appears to be working, including
applications that have not been touched since I first installed SL 7
(e.g., UCSF chimera, Weizmann grace).  The machine to which this was
done has a 802.3 wired connection to a USA university research
backbone.  The next thing to update is my laptop that has a 802.11
connection to a production network, significantly lower data rate.  Is
there any way to get a list of the required RPMs, download and burn
these to a DVD, and then have yumex use the DVDs, only going to the
network to get additional RPMs that turn out to be needed?

Yasha Karant

# cat /var/log/yum.log ?

yumex History shows I had 453 packages initially, then 86 more
security packages after a reboot.  I also had 1 auto and one manual
update of the same google-chrome-stable package earlier today.  Seems

rpmfusion announced support for el7 today.  Switching from nux looks
as if it could be 'interesting'

John P

Re: successful 7.3 update through yumex

2017-01-26 Thread John Pilkington

On 26/01/17 20:02, Yasha Karant wrote:

Yesterday afternoon, I did a successful update from production 7.2 to
production 7.3 through yumex.  In addition to the SL production
repositories, I use the epel, elrepo, and google-chrome repositories for
specific add-ons, including nvidia support.  I only use kernels from
SL.  Although the update was slow, it taking a very long time for the
nvidia portion to complete cleanup (I left after a 5 minute wait), when
I came back this morning, everything appears to be working, including
applications that have not been touched since I first installed SL 7
(e.g., UCSF chimera, Weizmann grace).  The machine to which this was
done has a 802.3 wired connection to a USA university research
backbone.  The next thing to update is my laptop that has a 802.11
connection to a production network, significantly lower data rate.  Is
there any way to get a list of the required RPMs, download and burn
these to a DVD, and then have yumex use the DVDs, only going to the
network to get additional RPMs that turn out to be needed?

Yasha Karant

# cat /var/log/yum.log ?

yumex History shows I had 453 packages initially, then 86 more security 
packages after a reboot.  I also had 1 auto and one manual update of the 
same google-chrome-stable package earlier today.  Seems strange.

rpmfusion announced support for el7 today.  Switching from nux looks as 
if it could be 'interesting'

John P

emails from yum

2017-01-07 Thread John Pilkington
I used to get emails about SL7 auto-updates, but the last one is dated 
11 Nov 2016.  There have been many auto-updates since then.

/etc/yum/yum-cron.conf hasn't changed, and points to the address from 
which I'm sending this.  I had tried to use another address earlier but 
that never worked.

The last update reported by email was google-chrome-stable.  The next 
one listed in /var/log/yum-log-20170101 is cpuid

The first line of output on starting yumex is:
'Can't detect the network connection state', but it then works as normal.


John P

laptop display problem in SL6.8 i686

2016-09-30 Thread John Pilkington
I have an old Compaq V5000 laptop, updated to SL6.8 and with KDE, which 
has normally done what I have asked of it.  Over the past few weeks its 
internal display has been unusable although an external VGA monitor 
works fine with System Settings at 'Unify outputs'.  The problem exists 
from power-up; a raster is displayed, and colours change, but text and 
windows are unrecognisable. When the problem first appeared it would 
often go away on power cycling, but now it seems locked in.

xrandr output looks normal and the only hint I see in Xorg.0.log is:

(WW) intel(0): Output LVDS1: Strange aspect ratio (289/21), consider 
adding a quirk

I haven't yet resorted to a screwdriver (or a quirk), and would welcome 


John P

Re: a question when yum update with scientific linux 6.8‏

2016-08-23 Thread John Pilkington

On 23/08/16 03:53, afeng wrote:

Dear all:

   there is a question when I yum update my scientific linux 6.8, this 
message is below

Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test

Transaction Check Error:
  file /lib/ from install of alsa-lib-1.1.0-4.el6.i686 
conflicts with file from package libasound2-

  what should I do? thanks!

I think the usual procedure is

rpm -e --nodeps libasound2-

and try again - but I always forget how much of the package name has to 
be specified; perhaps drop the 'el6.i686'

Re: libav-tools

2016-07-29 Thread John Pilkington

On 29/07/16 17:23, Yasha Karant wrote:

I need for SL7 the equivalents to:

|sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools ubuntu-restricted-extras|
|sudo apt-get install -y libavcodec-extra-54 libavformat-extra-54|

|to provide libav4 for a Mozilla Firefox extension (|Video DownloadHelper)

Thus far, yumex has not found these nor does a search on the web.  Any
suggestions (including aURL for a downloable RPM or set thereof) would
be most appreciated.

Yasha Karant

One may have to accept that SL7 is less av-oriented than *buntu, but 
this link deals with the same problem, and suggests that

 "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/avconv"

might be a solution.  There's no indication that anyone has tried it.  I 
haven't :-)

... and of course you will need to have ffmpeg installed.!topic/video-downloadhelper-q-and-a/BzXqazzZYRU

John P

Re: SL 7.2 issues

2016-07-29 Thread John Pilkington

On 29/07/16 09:11, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 07/28/2016 02:57 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 07/28/2016 01:44 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

I was updating an application on my SL7.1 laptop workstation, not
using a terminal screen yum but the GUI interface that automagically
appears after "clicking" on the downloaded RPM in the web browser
download window. Unfortunately, the ISP network failed during the
update (that evidently downloaded other RPMs required).  The update
did not appear to be re-entrant recoverable. ...

yum-complete-transaction may have saved you a whole lot of work. It's
in the 'yum-utils' package and it attempts to re-enter and complete
the yum transaction.  The yum database is semi-atomic and has a
transactional characteristic.

Yum and the GUI updaters are all supposed to download everything
before updating anything, but depending upon exactly which RPM
installer you were using it may have behaved differently.

I did try that from a scrolling screen, but to no avail -- something may
have broken yum for all I know.  I did look at the logs in /var but
found no smoking gun(s).  There were suggested hints displayed by yum
when I invoked it on the scrolling screen (the GUI had been absolutely
silent -- just an activity indicator that halted momentarily then
continued ad naseum that made me suspicious something was amiss -- and
only after GUI failure did I continue with the scrolling screen method
-- a different F key screen than the one with Xwindows).   The 802.11
connection was not lost, but DNS, etc., was -- a web browser could not
get out. It is possible that one of the automagic updates needed to
satisfy the update of the package upon which I was updating pulled in
some network utility/resource update and that froze the Internet
Protocol Suite stack -- but the 802.11 MAC was fine.  It definitely
smashed Xwindows.

What I found most annoying was with the SL7.2 ISO 4 Gbyte installation
DVD in the drive, yum upgrade did find it and did claim to succeed --
but the machine would not boot.  Only a fresh install smashing
(formatting) the boot, /, /usr, and swap partitions allowed it to
complete and boot.  Also, the fact that the current 7.2 MATE evidently
has issues with a home directory that worked with a 7.1 MATE (7.2
current MATE caja failed) was not pleasing; I still have the previous
home directory and can attempt to find which . file(s) contained
the offending configuration(s).

In any event, I do now have a working 7.2 laptop and am not looking
forward to 7.3 unless the yum upgrade path works, or the GUI booted
installer also has an update "button" that will not smash any existing
directories (except for swap that only has ephemeral data/files as I
understand things).  I understand that 8 will be a fresh install of all
of the systems partitions.

A question:  does yumex (that is working and installed on this system)
allow for easy control of which "installed" repositories are used?

Yes.  Install them, eg from a repo rpm, in /etc/yum.repos.d/

Select the 'Repositories' view, either from 'View' or from the third 
icon on the LeftHandSide.

Right-click options include 'Enable/Disable permanently.'  That will 
also affect yum.cron jobs. IIUC ticks(UK)/checks(US) from a single 
left-click affect only the current yumex session.

Other screens can display yum history, dependencies, package changesets, 
package filelists, ...

In general, tool tips will identify what an icon does and anything 
important asks for confirmation.  Describing procedures takes up much 
more space than quoting the correct command-line but I find the GUI 
quite friendly.  Unleash your inner 10-year-old! :-)

A second question:  if I want to go from "old" partitions to LVM
layouts, do I need two LVM "parts" on a drive so that /home /usr/local
/opt and the like do not have to be smashed upon a full install?  At
some point I shall need to install a hard drive and use LVM rather than
the "old" partition scheme.

Yasha Karant

Re: SL 7.2 issues

2016-07-28 Thread John Pilkington

On 28/07/16 20:20, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 07/28/2016 11:33 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 28/07/16 18:44, Yasha Karant wrote:

Several observations, questions -- all pertaining to SL 7.2 / mate (if a
KDE, etc., application/interface works under mate, such qualify as

Q1 I previously had gpk-application as the primary software GUI
installer.  This has been replaced by gnome-software that appears quite

Q1.1 Is there a GUI application that will list all installed RPMs
(obviously, this does not work for packages installed/built other than
through the RPM methodology)?

Q1.2  Is there a GUI means to select software sources (repositories) to
enable/disable these at will?

Q1.3 Other than a web search for an application RPM followed by the
command line yum install, is there a GUI application other than
gnome-software to list all available applications from all
selected/installed repositories?

Q2  How does yumex work in 7.2 -- the same as in 7 previous?

For me, with a single-box, single-HD 7.2 KDE plasma installation, it
does Q1.1, Q1.2, Q1.3 competently with a slower but much friendlier
response than the command-line; but you will probably need to have
that in reserve.

What is the name (file name and RPM) of the KDE application that you are
using?  Presumably, if I login using KDE Plasma, I would find this (I
also specify SL to install KDE) and could track down the actual name of
the file (via ps axw in any event).  Mate runs KDE applications (as did
and presumably does gnome).  I use k3b as my preferred CD/DVD burning
application now that Nero Linux does no longer seem to work under SL
(stopped with the upgrade to SL 7).

You asked about yumex.  That's what I'm using:

so '# yum install yumex' would presumably get you started.

I use the KD(esktop)E(nvironment) but I have no idea how much of that is 
required.  yumex needs (among others) pygtk2.  You must have any repos 
you might need defined in /etc/yum.repos.d/ but then you can 
enable/disable them either 'permanently' (right-click) or for immediate use.

There are other small glitches and changes, but nothing severe for the

Re: SL 7.2 issues

2016-07-28 Thread John Pilkington

On 28/07/16 18:44, Yasha Karant wrote:

Several observations, questions -- all pertaining to SL 7.2 / mate (if a
KDE, etc., application/interface works under mate, such qualify as "mate").

Q1 I previously had gpk-application as the primary software GUI
installer.  This has been replaced by gnome-software that appears quite

Q1.1 Is there a GUI application that will list all installed RPMs
(obviously, this does not work for packages installed/built other than
through the RPM methodology)?

Q1.2  Is there a GUI means to select software sources (repositories) to
enable/disable these at will?

Q1.3 Other than a web search for an application RPM followed by the
command line yum install, is there a GUI application other than
gnome-software to list all available applications from all
selected/installed repositories?

Q2  How does yumex work in 7.2 -- the same as in 7 previous?

For me, with a single-box, single-HD 7.2 KDE plasma installation, it 
does Q1.1, Q1.2, Q1.3 competently with a slower but much friendlier 
response than the command-line; but you will probably need to have that 
in reserve.

There are other small glitches and changes, but nothing severe for the

Re: Moving from SL 6.7 to SL 6.8

2016-07-18 Thread John Pilkington

On 18/07/16 20:47, Connie Sieh wrote:

Now that SL 6.8 has been released, many packages in the sl6x-related
repos are shown as upgradeable, but the release announcement still
includes the warning that:

There should be no expectation that a "yum" upgrade to SL 6.8 will work.
A new install is the recommended method to move from "sl6rolling" and
the released SL 6.8.

Does this still apply?  When I first saw it I assumed that it referred
specifically to the RCs, but it's still there, post-release.  I'm pretty
sure I didn't do a fresh install for 6.6 > 6.7

Not this does not still apply.

Thank you Connie, (and Nico, Steven).  I will be cautious, because I 
have a few locally-built packages installed on my 32-bit system, but I 
expect to try the upgrade path at a convenient time.

Moving from SL 6.7 to SL 6.8

2016-07-16 Thread John Pilkington
Now that SL 6.8 has been released, many packages in the sl6x-related 
repos are shown as upgradeable, but the release announcement still 
includes the warning that:

There should be no expectation that a "yum" upgrade to SL 6.8 will work.
A new install is the recommended method to move from "sl6rolling" and 
the released SL 6.8.

Does this still apply?  When I first saw it I assumed that it referred 
specifically to the RCs, but it's still there, post-release.  I'm pretty 
sure I didn't do a fresh install for 6.6 > 6.7


John Pilkington

SL 7.2 and MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE messages

2016-06-22 Thread John Pilkington
I just rebooted, and as usual a message flashed up and vanished a few 
seconds after login;  so I tried Xorg.0.log.

The new log, and the .old one, has a continuing sequence of

  Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: 141
[  1619.936] AUDIT: Wed Jun 22 19:11:50 2016: 1662: client 37 disconnected
[  1622.416] AUDIT: Wed Jun 22 19:11:53 2016: 1662: client 37 connected 
from local host ( uid=1000 gid=1000 pid=4642 )

which looks like

with a solution unverified in 2015 Jan and apparently not generally 

Any info?

John P

Re: Failure to update flash-plugin in SL7.2

2016-05-21 Thread John Pilkington

On 21/05/16 11:51, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Sat, 21 May 2016, John Pilkington wrote:

For the past 3 days I've had 'Yum: Failed to install updates' emails
about this:

---> Package flash-plugin.x86_64 0: will be updated
---> Package flash-plugin.x86_64 0: will be an update
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found

I've done 'yum clean all' and 'yum check-update'

Firefox says I don't have permission to access the site.  Is it just me?

Which repo are you using ?

I'm on SL6 and both my existing adobe repo and the repo in the RPM package

(with baseurl= )
both still show version "".

However on the page
if I select ".rpm for other linux", I do get
The link appears to be

Looks like Adobe have released the new rpm but not yet updated their yum

Thanks!  I probably won't use it, but, in SL7.2

$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/adobe-linux-x86_64.repo

name=Adobe Systems Incorporated

$ cd Downloads
[john@HP_Box Downloads]$ ls -l flash*
-rw-rw-r--. 1 john john 7270732 May 21 12:11 

[john@HP_Box Downloads]$ su

[root@HP_Box Downloads]# yum install 

Running transaction
  Updating   : flash-plugin- 
  Cleanup: flash-plugin- 
  Verifying  : flash-plugin- 
  Verifying  : flash-plugin- 

  flash-plugin.x86_64 0:


*Re-sent to list*

Failure to update flash-plugin in SL7.2

2016-05-21 Thread John Pilkington
For the past 3 days I've had 'Yum: Failed to install updates' emails 
about this:

---> Package flash-plugin.x86_64 0: will be updated
---> Package flash-plugin.x86_64 0: will be an update 
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found

I've done 'yum clean all' and 'yum check-update'

Firefox says I don't have permission to access the site.  Is it just me?

John P

Re: VLC on SL 7.1

2015-07-23 Thread John Pilkington

On 23/07/15 17:19, Bobb Shires wrote:

Could someone help me install VLC on SL 7.1?

“Out of the box” the system seems incapable of playing any videos, did I miss 

Which box?  vlc-core-2.2.1-6.el7.nux.x86_64.rpm  works for me.

Re: Are There Working CheckSums For SL LiveDVD?

2015-06-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/06/15 14:56, Tini wrote:

I wanted to try,

but the two checksums are invalid.



I get no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found

Are there any working tags for SL-66-i386-2014-11-09-LiveDVD.md5sum?

The web pages that I see give SHA1 and SHA256 sums, not an md5 sum

Repo error after 7.0 to 7.1 upgrade

2015-04-15 Thread John Pilkington

I'm seeing this in yumex. I've reinstalled yum-conf-sl7x

failure: repodata/primary.sqlite.bz2 from sl-security: [Errno 256] No 
more mirrors to try. 
[Errno 14] curl#36 - Offset (7638280) was beyond file size (782492) 
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable

You can try starting 'yumex -n' from a command line
and deselecting the repositories causing problems
and try again.

Re: SL7x and the 'epel' repo

2015-03-29 Thread John Pilkington

On 29/03/15 14:44, Tom H wrote:

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 6:04 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 27/03/15 08:53, Tom H wrote:

Point releases are just a snapshot of the packages at a certain point
in time, like Debian 6.x/7.x and Ubuntu 12.04.x/14.04.x.

RHEL offers its customers an EUS program for them to remain at a point
release and get security updates but it doesn't publish the EUS
sources in the same way that it doesn't publish the ELS sources.

But my original point was that glib2-2.36.3-5, which I see in SL7x, was
incompatible with the new (in epel-testing) qtwebkit, which needed
glib2-2.40.0-4 from SL7rolling built off TUV's 7.1

If it's in epel-testing, why shouldn't only work with 7rolling?

Even if it were in epel, since RH released 7.1 threee weeks ago and
it's EPEL's target, why should EPEL care about SL (and CentOS) being
behind the curve?

I wasn't making a complaint.  I found something I didn't expect and 
thought it worth a 'heads-up.'

Re: SL7x and the 'epel' repo

2015-03-27 Thread John Pilkington

On 27/03/15 08:53, Tom H wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 7:28 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 5:59 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:

The ultimate cause of this issue was an upgrade of glib2 by RedHat in RHEL
7.1. And because the glib2 library does not use symbol versioning, rpm cannot
automatically add the proper requires/provides to avoid installing
incompatible libraries. So, this has nothing to do with EPEL, per se, but
just normal issues that can occur with any update to RHEL.

Rex Dieter (who's a Fedora and EPEL developer; it's too bad that the
RH bugzilla instance doesn't add a dev icon to developers' names
like the Gentoo one) explains in comments 5 and 7 why they don't do
this. They don't need to because sticking to a specific point release
is an SL quirk that's not supported by RHEL. So a RHEL user wouldn't
hit this qtwebkit/glib problem and EPEL's developers don't waste their
time ensuring that's it works.

What? No, SL and CentOS *inherit* this behavior from Red Hat's minor
point releases. Our favorite upstream vendor has moved away from the
old practice, long before RHEL, of the point releases being supported
individually long term, but they certainly publish new installation
media with the new point releases. The big difference is that SL and
CentOS continue to publish the point releases in different web
accessible directories, so you can still see the point releases and
updates segregated by time, and releases they were compatible with.
RHEL publishes all the updates since the first point release in a
giant pool, more like the SL 6x and 7x repositories: it can provide
some really useful information about the point releases to compare
thei contents among them.

I agree with your last point. RHEL and CentOS use the equivalent of
SL's 6x/7x by default and don't give the option of using 6.y/7.z.

Point releases are just a snapshot of the packages at a certain point
in time, like Debian 6.x/7.x and Ubuntu 12.04.x/14.04.x.

RHEL offers its customers an EUS program for them to remain at a point
release and get security updates but it doesn't publish the EUS
sources in the same way that it doesn't publish the ELS sources.
But my original point was that glib2-2.36.3-5, which I see in SL7x, was 
incompatible with the new (in epel-testing) qtwebkit, which needed 
glib2-2.40.0-4 from SL7rolling built off TUV's 7.1

It seems that what I see as SL7x is still 7.0.  The naming of the 
download sites may have me confused.  I'm using yumex.

Re: SL7x and the 'epel' repo

2015-03-27 Thread John Pilkington

On 27/03/15 18:01, Steve Gaarder wrote:

On Fri, 27 Mar 2015, Akemi Yagi wrote:

One thing that is different from EPEL is that ELRepo's el7.1 packages
that are _not_ backward compatible will not install on systems  7.1.
yum will complain. My understanding is that EPEL packages do not have
such 'Requires'.

Au contraire - right now, for example, I cannot install marco from EPEL:

Packages presumably vary, but the bugzilla comments indicated that the 
only real condition now for EPEL is compatibility with RHEL 7.1;  what 
concerned me was that there was no warning during installation that 
qtwebkit would fail.  In fact the failure was total, but with other 
(hypothetical) packages it might not have been so clearcut.

Re: update transaction errors

2015-03-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/03/15 05:21, Tom H wrote:

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

On 03/06/2015 06:57 PM, Phil Wyett wrote:

On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 15:46 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:

I attempted to update a SL 7 system using the Add/Remove Software GUI
update feature.  The update fails with:

Test Transaction Errors:
file /sbin/extlinux from install of
syslinux-5.10-1.el7.rfx.x86_64 conflicts with file from package

You are trying to update with syslinux from RPM Forge (a third party
repo). Are you sure you want this package to try install?

If I correctly understand you, one of the repos that I needed to install in
my Add/Remove software (and yum) database was RPM Forge -- presumably for
some application (or development environment) that I needed and that was not
building easily from source.  Thank you for identifying the repository.  (Is
there a list of which RPM comes from which repo?  That is, other than by
prior knowledge and inspection, is there any clean/clear mechanism to
identify .rfx. as RPM Forge, etc.?)

Thus, if I deactivate RPM Forge for now via the Add/Remove GUI, the update
should work.  I will not be at my machine until Monday next, but I shall
test this idea then.

If you need RF packages, you could look into exclude and
includepkgs in yum.conf.

You can list the provenance of your packages with

rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME} %{VENDOR}\n'

... and this link might save a little experimentation.

Re: Connecting to a wireless network

2015-01-05 Thread John Pilkington

On 05/01/15 19:31, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 2:47 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

  I'll compare with lsusb, and stick with kernel-ml



ELRepo can provide a kmod package for your device. Could you please
file a request either through ELRepo's mailing list or the bug


Yes, certainly, when I have the lsusb info; should be sometime this 
week.  But this link says the driver that works has been in the mainline 
kernel since 3.8.  I suppose it must have been dropped from the el7 
build as obsolete.



Connecting to a wireless network

2015-01-04 Thread John Pilkington
I just installed an SL7 box for my grandson.  Internet connection was 
easy with a direct cable to the BT-supplied hub.  On trying with a 
Netgear usb wireless dongle, dmesg showed that it was recognised but 
there was no further action.

Booting the elrepo 3.18 kernel gave an immediate connection using the 
ar5523 interface driver.  I would prefer to use the standard kernel but 
I'm not clear what needs to be done to get this (quite old) device working.

Suggestions appreciated.  Thanks.

John P

Re: Connecting to a wireless network

2015-01-04 Thread John Pilkington

On 04/01/15 19:10, Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 11:05 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

I just installed an SL7 box for my grandson.  Internet connection was easy
with a direct cable to the BT-supplied hub.  On trying with a Netgear usb
wireless dongle, dmesg showed that it was recognised but there was no
further action.

Booting the elrepo 3.18 kernel gave an immediate connection using the ar5523
interface driver.  I would prefer to use the standard kernel but I'm not
clear what needs to be done to get this (quite old) device working.

Suggestions appreciated.  Thanks.

Can you post the output of 'lsusb'?

Then we can see the vendor:device IDs of your network device.


Yes, but not now.  I didn't bring all my notes back.  Thanks...


Re: Connecting to a wireless network

2015-01-04 Thread John Pilkington

On 04/01/15 20:35, Brandon Vincent wrote:

On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 12:05 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

Suggestions appreciated.  Thanks.

The Atheros AR5523 driver is not configured to be built in the stock
SL 7 kernel. The ELRepo kernel-ml package has the kernel being built
with AR5523 as a module.

Brandon Vincent

OK.  Perhaps I should see if this works:


Re: Connecting to a wireless network

2015-01-04 Thread John Pilkington

On 04/01/15 21:50, Brandon Vincent wrote:

On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 1:54 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

OK.  Perhaps I should see if this works:


That module will certainly not work as it is for a different Atheros
chipset line [1]. ELRepo doesn't seem to have an kmod for AR5523.

Without making anymore guesses, I recommend you read [2] and confirm
that your device is not have a separate kmod available from ELRepo.

I have a hunch that your device will show up as one of the following:
0846:[4300],[4250],[5f00] (all supported by AR5523).


Brandon Vincent

Thanks for the links.  I'll compare with lsusb, and stick with kernel-ml 


Re: video and media supp in SL7?

2014-10-26 Thread John Pilkington

On 26/10/14 20:00, Alan Bartlett wrote:

On 26 October 2014 19:52, Jason Bronner wrote:

You can get away with most playback using the FFMPEG package and VLC Media
Player, FFMPEG is generally available on ATRPMS, ELREPO, and RPMFORGE. VLC
Media player has a native .RPM for Enterprise Linuxes on Those
two seem to bug the least and work the best across platforms for me for
playback and encode/decode.

Just a quick correction.

We, the ELRepo Project [1], do not carry an rpm for ffmpeg in our
repositories. For a reliable source of that utility please check with
EPEL [2].



As of a few hours ago I have working SL7 installations of MythTV 
(master) and a recent VLC.  The non-SL repos that I have enabled are 
epel and, which says that it aims for compatibility with epel. 
 Its spec file for mythtv is an update of that from rpmfusion, which 
seems not to offer el7 yet.  I'm expecting to use elrepo too, having 
used its SL6 kernels for well over a year - thanks, Alan.

My home-build of MythTV master suffered today from the SL auto-upgrade 
feature; rpm version labels need to be constructed with care.

John P

Re: gstreamer1-plugins-base

2014-03-06 Thread John Pilkington

On 06/03/14 09:18, Ian A Taylor wrote:


Does anyone know how I can install the package

on SL 6.5

So I can playback video mp4 files

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely

Ian Taylor
University of St.Andrews,
School of Physics  Astronomy,
North Haugh,
Fife  KY16 9SS,

Have you considered vlc?  It plays most video formats.

This post resent to list.

Re: gstreamer1-plugins-base

2014-03-06 Thread John Pilkington

On 06/03/14 20:09, John Pilkington wrote:

On 06/03/14 09:18, Ian A Taylor wrote:


Does anyone know how I can install the package

on SL 6.5

So I can playback video mp4 files

Have you considered vlc?  It plays most video formats.

I should perhaps add a caution; the player works well for me but locks 
the screen on hitting stop.  It unlocks with no trouble but is annoying. 
I'm using KDE-unstable. Others have reported time-related locks and/or 
claimed fixes.  Try it.

Re: Stuck with compilations

2013-10-29 Thread John Pilkington

On 29/10/13 16:25, Elio Fabri wrote:

On 10/27/2013 11:41 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
  Life don't work that way. Since you're using Scientific Linux, you
  have the option to do this:
  yum install yum-confi-epel # This enables the EPEL repository
  yum install audacity # This will fetch audacity from the upstream EPEL
  repository, and resolve the other dependencies as  well from EPEL and
  the other available repositories.
OK. I installed the EPEL repo.

On 10/27/2013 11:02 PM, John Pilkington wrote:
  I just installed the 32-bit version.  The 32-bit versions of all the
  above packages (including audacity) are in the epel repo and yum should
  install them if you have that repo enabled.  I uaed yumex, but I think
  the command line would be yum --enable-repo=epel install audacity
I couldn't find che 32-bit version.
There is a 64-bit beta version instead.
Maybe because it's beta, it cannot import mp3 files, but is better than

Thank you both

Glad you got it.

I installed the 32-bit version because that's what my (old) machine 
needs.  I just hadn't checked if all the equivalent 64-bit packages existed.

The mp3 limitation will likely be to avoid any potential legal 
challenges.  The other suggested source in this thread might not have 
the same restriction, but I have no idea how reliable it might be.

I notice that you sent your reply to the list-owner as well as the list. 
 The 'reply' mechanism here seems rather strange but I think you should 


John P

Re: vlc repo

2013-04-22 Thread John Pilkington

On 22/04/13 06:47, W K Daniel PUN wrote:

Hi John,  other,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I did try to use atrpms.  After installing vlc, the system keep asking
me to update a few libs and when I did it and got following errors.  The
vlc is working fine with my system at the moment.  I don't want to
remove the repos epel and rpmforge from my system.  Do I really need to
get these updates done?  If don't, how can these update messages be
stopped coming?  Or, should --skip-broken be used to work around as


You now have a mixed set of packages; I warned you about that.  I don't 
think you need to remove the other repos, but you ought to try disabling 
them during the installation process.  Todd's script looks as if it will 
do that - although you might now need to reinstall rather than upgrade - 
but other conflicts may emerge.  I shall probably be working with 
variants of that script to reconfigure my Fedora box, but my experience 
of mixing these repos is limited.

John P

Re: vlc repo

2013-04-22 Thread John Pilkington

On 22/04/13 13:40, W K Daniel PUN wrote:

On 22 April 2013 17:45, John Pilkington wrote:

On 22/04/13 06:47, W K Daniel PUN wrote:

Hi John,  other,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I did try to use atrpms.  After installing vlc, the system keep
me to update a few libs and when I did it and got following
errors.  The
vlc is working fine with my system at the moment.  I don't want to
remove the repos epel and rpmforge from my system.  Do I really
need to
get these updates done?  If don't, how can these update messages be
stopped coming?  Or, should --skip-broken be used to work around as


You now have a mixed set of packages; I warned you about that.  I
don't think you need to remove the other repos, but you ought to try
disabling them during the installation process.  Todd's script looks
as if it will do that - although you might now need to reinstall
rather than upgrade - but other conflicts may emerge.  I shall
probably be working with variants of that script to reconfigure my
Fedora box, but my experience of mixing these repos is limited.

John P

 Thanks John.  I didn't realise that I have already got a mixed set of
packages. What I tried to do now is that I remove the vlc package and
then reinstall it with

sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=atrpms install vlc

The installation is okay, but the Security update message still come.

Extensible Binary Meta Language library
libebml-1.2.1-1.el6 (x86_64)

Open audio/video container format library
libmatroska-1.2.0-1.el6 (x86_64)

Modplug mod music file format library
libmodplug-1: (x86_64)

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
libupnp-1.6.18-2.el6 (x86_64)

When click on update, I got

No packages to update

None of the slected packages could be updated.

More details
vlc-2.0.5-6.el6.x86_64 requires
vlc-2.0.5-6.el6.x86_64 requires
vlc-2.0.5-6.el6.x86_64 requires
vlc-2.0.5-6.el6.x86_64 requires
vlc-2.0.5-6.el6.x86_64 requires : Success -
empty transaction

How can these 4 updates be stopped?


Your last post came direct to me and didn't go to the list.  I still 
haven't found the best way to reply on this list, but please check 
before hitting send.

Note:  I need to heed my own advice here.  Resending to list.

And I suspect that this list, like most others that I use, prefers 
'bottom posting', so I've changed that.

I have just spent the morning moving my Fedora 17 box from an ATrpms 
base to rpmfusion; it still has unresolved problems. I recently did the 
same with my SL6 laptop.  You have chosen to go the other way, so I 
can't easily compare what we see.

Your 'vlc requires' messages may be looking for packages from 
ATrpms-testing, which your command line above won't have enabled - you 
omitted a *.   The name doesn't mean what it says; it just marks 
packages that may change RHEL functionality. The others may be from 
rpmfusion and you may be able to remove them by rpm -e if you don't need 
them elsewhere.  I don't think I can offer any more help.  Good luck.

John P

Re: vlc repo

2013-04-20 Thread John Pilkington

On 20/04/13 19:30, W K Daniel PUN wrote:

Hi all,

vlc can be installed from rpmforge and atrpms.  I am wondering which one
is better to use or get better support.


I have used both, and both work well.  I've used ATrpms for more than 8 
years, but at present there is little activity there, and I don't know 
if that is likely to change.  It's much more of a one-man show than 
rpmfusion - which I suppose you meant - although the vlc builds are an 

There are many dependencies, which would  normally be satisfied by 
packages from the matching repo.  A mix is likely to give trouble.

John P

Re: yumex

2013-04-18 Thread John Pilkington

On 18/04/13 08:28, g wrote:


with yumex not in sl6.3, is there another gui available to look for a
package content, other than yum provides?

my fingers get tired with a lot of typing, which i am not very good at. :-)


yumex is available from EPEL.  smart-gui, at ATrpms, gives similar 
information and I've used it a lot, recently in the 1.4.1 version which 
I had to build myself.  I'm now running 6.4 with kde-unstable and 
haven't yet managed to rebuild smart-gui for that.

John P

Re: yumex

2013-04-18 Thread John Pilkington

On 18/04/13 11:49, g wrote:

On 04/18/2013 03:31 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

yumex is available from EPEL.  smart-gui, at ATrpms, gives similar
information and I've used it a lot, recently in the 1.4.1 version which
I had to build myself.  I'm now running 6.4 with kde-unstable and
haven't yet managed to rebuild smart-gui for that.

that drove the nail in real good. i installed this system from a live
cd and failed to set up the rest of the repos. i knew things where a
little on the thin side, but i had not realize why.

thank you very much.

Coming new(ish) to yumex after smart, I find its control of 
repo-selection unreliable; but smart can get bogged down in dependency 
resolution with eg the Fedora repos and prefers to sort out a few 
packages at a time.  Otherwise kill -9 :-(

Re: KDM/KDE login panel disappears

2013-04-11 Thread John Pilkington

On 11/04/13 04:11, Charles Patterson wrote:

Originally posted on the Scientific Linux forum:

With this last update to 6.4, and perhaps an update before, the KDM
login panel does not appear after boot. I see the background but nothing
else. Going to init level 3 and then back to init level 5 shows me the
login panel. Also hitting ctrl-alt-delete and then escape to dismiss the
shutdown menu shows the login panel as well. Going to init level 3 and
then startx puts me into an X session without login at all.

/var/log/messages says:
kdm: Abnormal termination of greeter for display :0, code 1 signal 0
kdm: Fatal X Server IO error: Interrupted system call

I have console access no problem and the rest of the system seems
healthy. fsck on the root partition came back with no problems.

I should say that I am running an ATI RV100 QY/Radeon 7000/VE card so no
nVidia issues here.

Now that I have the work-around, this isn't so dire anymore, but still
irksome. Anybody have any ideas how to fix this?


About two weeks ago my LVM tools disappeared somehow and I lost access 
to lv_home;  after reinstalling the tools, and apparent initial success, 
I could only reboot into Gnome.  I enabled the kde-unstable repo to try 
the new build from there, but still could get only Gnome or the login 
screen.  Xorg.0.log showed many AUDIT messages and clients being 
connected and rapidly disconnected.  I found an earlier reference 
quoting a similar log extract and claiming a cure by adding a section 
Files  defining the RgbPath to Xorg.conf, but that was later 
retracted.  I don't have an Xorg.conf.  I'm now on 6.4

Eventually I found that disabling the sshd service permitted normal 
login to kde.  That's not a universal solution, but it lets me do most 
of what I want.

John P

Re: KDM/KDE login panel disappears

2013-04-11 Thread John Pilkington

On 11/04/13 10:26, John Pilkington wrote:

On 11/04/13 04:11, Charles Patterson wrote:

Originally posted on the Scientific Linux forum:

With this last update to 6.4, and perhaps an update before, the KDM
login panel does not appear after boot. I see the background but nothing
else. Going to init level 3 and then back to init level 5 shows me the
login panel. Also hitting ctrl-alt-delete and then escape to dismiss the
shutdown menu shows the login panel as well. Going to init level 3 and
then startx puts me into an X session without login at all.

/var/log/messages says:
kdm: Abnormal termination of greeter for display :0, code 1 signal 0
kdm: Fatal X Server IO error: Interrupted system call

I have console access no problem and the rest of the system seems
healthy. fsck on the root partition came back with no problems.

I should say that I am running an ATI RV100 QY/Radeon 7000/VE card so no
nVidia issues here.

Now that I have the work-around, this isn't so dire anymore, but still
irksome. Anybody have any ideas how to fix this?


About two weeks ago my LVM tools disappeared somehow and I lost access
to lv_home;  after reinstalling the tools, and apparent initial success,
I could only reboot into Gnome.  I enabled the kde-unstable repo to try
the new build from there, but still could get only Gnome or the login
screen.  Xorg.0.log showed many AUDIT messages and clients being
connected and rapidly disconnected.  I found an earlier reference
quoting a similar log extract and claiming a cure by adding a section
Files  defining the RgbPath to Xorg.conf, but that was later
retracted.  I don't have an Xorg.conf.  I'm now on 6.4

Eventually I found that disabling the sshd service permitted normal
login to kde.  That's not a universal solution, but it lets me do most
of what I want.

I just re-examined my Xorg.0.log and there are still the AUDIT messages 
and clients connecting and disappearing, until at last four stick; but 
with sshd disabled I _can_ log in to kde, and with it active I can't.

John P