Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007 faith gagne wrote:
And how would you have fun with it Simon? 

Lawsuit? Telling them to shove it up their back-side?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs More California health set backs

2007-10-26 Thread bbanever

Can you please provide a link or more information on this new law against 
raw milk in California?  I am an avid consumer of it for myself and my dogs, 
and am now very concerned.  I have not read anything about this, so any info 
would be greatly appreciated.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 5:55 PM
  Subject: CS>cs More California health set backs

  There are more attacks on healthy products out there.  California signed a 
bill that will make raw milk unavailable.  We have been working to get it legal 
and it being available in California was a plus.  This will be a major set back.


  Dear Chapter Leaders and Members,

  With raw milk politics facing tough battles and having some wonderful 
successes across the United States, raw milk has just been dealt a serious blow 
and has been made illegal in California as of January 1st 2008.

Re: CS>cs More California health set backs

2007-10-26 Thread zoe w

Actually  it still won't be illegal,  its just that the new regulations are impossible to comply with, so there will be no raw
milk that meets the criteria.  End result is the same.


There are more attacks on healthy products out there.  California signed a bill that will make raw milk unavailable.  We have been working to get it legal and it being available in California was a plus.  This will be a major set back.

Dear Chapter Leaders and Members,

With raw milk politics facing tough battles and having some wonderful successes across the United States, raw milk has just been dealt a serious blow and has been made illegal in California as of January 1st 2008.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS - OT - Information 26 Oct

2007-10-26 Thread Sandee George
Please distribute widely! 

Today the ANH has released its ground-breaking critique of the European
Commission's proposal to impose EU-wide restrictions on maximum dosages
of vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods. These
methods are likely to form the basis for internationally agreed maximum
levels for food/dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals
through Codex Alimentarius, so they have global relevance.
Note: for full ANH Position Paper, click here.
For PDF of press release, click here.

A group of scientists and doctors, led by Scientific Director of the
Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), Dr Robert Verkerk, and ANH’s Medical
Director, Dr Damien Downing, is calling for the European Commission to
review the methods it is contemplating using to set maximum permitted
levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods.
The scientists claim that the methods being considered are both
“unscientific” and “flawed”.
Today the ANH unveils its position paper which explains its reasons for
criticising the Commission’s proposals, which are planned to become law
EU-wide within the next two years.  Robert Verkerk says, “The Commission
claims that its methods are scientific but we have found that they do not
stand up to scientific scrutiny”.
Under the Food Supplements Directive and Fortified Foods Regulation, the
Commission is required to propose maximum and minimum levels of vitamins
and minerals for both food supplements and fortified foods. It is
expected that the levels will be finalised in 2009 and early indications
are that Member States such as the UK, Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland,
that have until now allowed relatively high levels, might have to face
big reductions in dosages.
Dr Robert Verkerk added: “You know something is wrong when they are
thinking of limiting the dose of beta-carotene to the amount you’d find
in just two carrots, and restricting selenium to the amount present in
less than two brazil nuts. There seems to have been no attempt to test
the models against real data. If the Commission really believed these
doses might be the highest safe doses, why aren’t they screaming for
warning labels to be put on bags of carrots and brazil nuts?”
Dr Damien Downing, also President of the British Society of Ecological
Medicine and Editor of the peer reviewed scientific journal, Journal of
Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, added: “The methods are simply not
fit for purpose. It is the multiple use of safety or uncertainty factors
that further compounds the reduction of levels from so-called Safe Upper
Levels, that are often overly cautious to begin with. The resulting
maximum levels, should these be implemented in law, would prevent many
consumers from ingesting the levels of vitamins and minerals needed for
optimal health and would also greatly interfere with consumer choice.”
Jill Bell, President of the Irish Association of Health Stores, stated:
“The fact that the setting of maximum dosages for vitamins and minerals
is being based on such poor science makes a mockery of the EU’s attempts
to regulate this area.”
The ANH is meeting today in Dublin with Green Party Health Spokesperson
Senator Deirdre de Burca, as well as with the heads of other key
organizations, Nutritional Therapists of Ireland, the Irish Association
of Nutritional Therapy, the Irish Association of Health Stores and the
Irish Health Trade Association.
The ANH’s position paper includes a consideration of features that would
be required for the development of a new, scientifically valid and
proportionate risk management model.  Verkerk added: “We believe a new
model should be developed within an independent, academic setting rather
than being subject to the often conflicting pressures of industrial
stakeholders and political processes.  We are hoping that concerns about
the European Commission’s proposed approach will help it to drastically
alter its proposed approach to the determination of maximum levels, which
would otherwise be disproportionate in its effect and may in turn be
subject to legal challenge.”

Dr Robert Verkerk
Executive & Scientific Director
Alliance for Natural Health
The Atrium, Curtis Road
Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1306 646 600
Fax +44 (0)1306 646 552

About the European Commission’s proposal
European Commission
Discussion Paper, June 2006:
Consultation Responses to Discussion Paper:
Alliance for Natural Health
ANH Position Paper on Maximum Permitted Levels (released 24 October

ANH consultation response (September 20

CS>cs More California health set backs

2007-10-26 Thread Dianne France
There are more attacks on healthy products out there.  California signed a bill 
that will make raw milk unavailable.  We have been working to get it legal and 
it being available in California was a plus.  This will be a major set back.


Dear Chapter Leaders and Members,

With raw milk politics facing tough battles and having some wonderful successes 
across the United States, raw milk has just been dealt a serious blow and has 
been made illegal in California as of January 1st 2008.

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Dianne France
You've got people that absolutely can't afford it so what are they going to be 
put in jail?  That would be a debtors prison, against everything this country 
was founded on.  It's amazing that we elect people that have no connection to 
real life.  Politicians that have never worked a real job can't possibly 
understand what the every day man/woman has to deal with on a daily basis.  

They have tried and tried to get control of the people for years.  First trying 
to take away our rights to defend ourselves and now what they consider health 
care.  If you are sick enough and they control your meds then who controls you? 

  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 6:20 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Dianne:  Why do you doubt they cannot enforce this new health insurance law?  
I believe that many will get socked with stiff tax penalties.

  Spraying people with poisons is absolutely atrocious.  what on earth are they 
thinking and why are they doing it?


- Original Message - 
From: Dianne France 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts


Not only are they passing ridiculous laws I doubt they can enforce in 
Massachusetts, in California they are spraying people with poisons.  Snip of 
article:  On September 9th, 2007 several planes hired by the State of 
California Food and Agricultural Department (CDFA) flying at an altitude of 
approximately 500ft sprayed the untested biochemical, CheckMate®OLR-F, on over 
30,000 citizens in Monterey and other surrounding cities in California.  Many 
got sick from this.

  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 5:28 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Yes it is.  The Legislature drew up the law and the Governor, Deval 
Patrick, signed it into law.


- Original Message - 
From: bbanever 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

This is nonsense.  There will be tens of THOUSANDS who cannot afford 
it.  Health insurance costs between $200 and $1200 a MONTH for crying out loud. 
 This is ridiculous on its face.
  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:15 AM
  Subject: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 
stating that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face 
stiff tax penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have 
insurance, but  I am outraged.

  This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  
I think this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, 
for crying out loud.

  I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the 
whole country is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  
This is not progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line 
taxation burdening the people.  

  I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any 
suggestions folks?


Re: CS>Credit where due

2007-10-26 Thread Wayne Fugitt

At 02:03 PM 10/26/2007, you wrote:

Ode Coyote, on 10/26/2007 8:29 AM, said the following:

The FDA is not a pack of Devils.

   More than a Pack.  A whole Battalion.

  The article in the Lancet summed it up nicely.

It stated,

"The FDA is so corrupt that it is beyond repair.  It should be


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne

And how would you have fun with it Simon?


- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Jester" 

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

On 10/26/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:
Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 
stating that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance 
or face stiff tax penalties. I don't have to worry about it because 
I already have insurance, but I am outraged.

what is more outrageous is that no one has challenged this 'law' yet... 
its UNConstitutional on its face. I'd have a lot of fun with that one.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne
Dianne:  Why do you doubt they cannot enforce this new health insurance law?  I 
believe that many will get socked with stiff tax penalties.

Spraying people with poisons is absolutely atrocious.  what on earth are they 
thinking and why are they doing it?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 6:00 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts


  Not only are they passing ridiculous laws I doubt they can enforce in 
Massachusetts, in California they are spraying people with poisons.  Snip of 
article:  On September 9th, 2007 several planes hired by the State of 
California Food and Agricultural Department (CDFA) flying at an altitude of 
approximately 500ft sprayed the untested biochemical, CheckMate®OLR-F, on over 
30,000 citizens in Monterey and other surrounding cities in California.  Many 
got sick from this.

- Original Message - 
From: faith gagne 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

Yes it is.  The Legislature drew up the law and the Governor, Deval 
Patrick, signed it into law.


  - Original Message - 
  From: bbanever 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  This is nonsense.  There will be tens of THOUSANDS who cannot afford it.  
Health insurance costs between $200 and $1200 a MONTH for crying out loud.  
This is ridiculous on its face.
- Original Message - 
From: faith gagne 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 
stating that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face 
stiff tax penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have 
insurance, but  I am outraged.

This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  I 
think this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, for 
crying out loud.

I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the whole 
country is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  This is 
not progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line taxation 
burdening the people.  

I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any 
suggestions folks?


Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:
Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 
stating that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance 
or face stiff tax penalties. I don't have to worry about it because 
I already have insurance, but I am outraged.

what is more outrageous is that no one has challenged this 'law' yet... 
its UNConstitutional on its face. I'd have a lot of fun with that one.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Credit where due

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

Ode Coyote, on 10/26/2007 8:29 AM, said the following:

The FDA is not a pack of Devils.

For the most part, you are wrong - but not everyone who works there is 
in a position of power. Many people who have attempted to blow the 
whistle on all of the insider machinations that go on have been totally 
discredited and fired.

They are, however, in a compromising funding position due to the way 
testing is structured.  [who does it and who pays for it ]

They are in far more compromising positions than that.

Ever compared lists of former FDA heads and current Pharmaceutical Board 
Member lists?

There are so many extraordinarily perverse conflicts of interest between 
the Pharmaceutical Companies and the ones who are SUPPOSED to be 
overseeing them (the FDA) there simply is no way to tell the two apart.

Makes for some weird and biased conclusions now and then.

Yeah, and results in the murder of a large number of people.

The FDA "mission" is protecting the public, however, they don't know 
much about what's not in their little "bible".

Which is written by the Pharmaceutical Companies.

Therefore, if no great harm is in sight, they'll turn a blind eye to 
most activities...

They couldn't care less about what causes harm - they only care about 
protecting their masters (hint: it sure ain't you and me).

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Smitty
>in California they are spraying people with poisons.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Dianne France

Not only are they passing ridiculous laws I doubt they can enforce in 
Massachusetts, in California they are spraying people with poisons.  Snip of 
article:  On September 9th, 2007 several planes hired by the State of 
California Food and Agricultural Department (CDFA) flying at an altitude of 
approximately 500ft sprayed the untested biochemical, CheckMate®OLR-F, on over 
30,000 citizens in Monterey and other surrounding cities in California.  Many 
got sick from this.

  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 5:28 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Yes it is.  The Legislature drew up the law and the Governor, Deval Patrick, 
signed it into law.


- Original Message - 
From: bbanever 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

This is nonsense.  There will be tens of THOUSANDS who cannot afford it.  
Health insurance costs between $200 and $1200 a MONTH for crying out loud.  
This is ridiculous on its face.
  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:15 AM
  Subject: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 
stating that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face 
stiff tax penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have 
insurance, but  I am outraged.

  This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  I 
think this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, for 
crying out loud.

  I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the whole 
country is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  This is 
not progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line taxation 
burdening the people.  

  I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any suggestions 


Re: CS>Vitamin C as Sunscreen ( Great Sunlight ) Vitamin D study

2007-10-26 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Parents in Australia, which has very high skin-cancer rates, conducted 
an unwitting experiment on their children, keeping them out of the sun 
or entirely bundled up in UV-cutting outfits outdoors.  The result was 
rickets.  The children had sufficient D in their diets but could not 
synthesize it due to lack of sunlight.

On Saturday, Oct 27, 2007, at 01:31 Asia/Tokyo, Clayton Family wrote:

The reason for this is a massive campaign by the dermatologists to 
force people to stay out of the sun for fear of skin cancer.  There 
was a study done by some smart people from Boston and Edmonton, and 
they studied the effects of tanning booths on Vitamin D.  They used 
only tanning booths that have UVb, as they know that UVb rays help the 
body produce D. The short story is that the tanners increased their D 
level over the winter, while the controls lost it, and were all 
deficient  by spring.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne
Yes it is.  The Legislature drew up the law and the Governor, Deval Patrick, 
signed it into law.


  - Original Message - 
  From: bbanever 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  This is nonsense.  There will be tens of THOUSANDS who cannot afford it.  
Health insurance costs between $200 and $1200 a MONTH for crying out loud.  
This is ridiculous on its face.
- Original Message - 
From: faith gagne 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 
stating that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face 
stiff tax penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have 
insurance, but  I am outraged.

This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  I 
think this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, for 
crying out loud.

I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the whole 
country is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  This is 
not progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line taxation 
burdening the people.  

I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any suggestions 


Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread bbanever
This is nonsense.  There will be tens of THOUSANDS who cannot afford it.  
Health insurance costs between $200 and $1200 a MONTH for crying out loud.  
This is ridiculous on its face.
  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:15 AM
  Subject: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 stating 
that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face stiff tax 
penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have insurance, 
but  I am outraged.

  This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  I think 
this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, for 
crying out loud.

  I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the whole 
country is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  This is 
not progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line taxation 
burdening the people.  

  I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any suggestions 


Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne

Thak you Simon.

It is not me because I have insurance, but it is my family and lots of 
people I know who will be hurt by this.

thank you.


- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Jester" 

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

On 10/26/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:

This law took effect July 1, 2007!  I am livid.

An Unconstitutional law is no law at all.

Ignore it. Tell them to shove it if anyone mentions it to you. Find an 
attorney and file a RICO against them if they should try to enforce it 
against you.

I almost wish I was there so I could do it myself. I hope the Feds try to 
do this nationwide...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Insomnia Problems

2007-10-26 Thread Del

I sent this message in yesterday, but it never appeared back in my inbox, so it 
appears not have made it to the list for some reason.  I think the information 
is good enough to repeat it.  If you have already received this, I apologize 
for the repetition.
In addition to the other recommendations (melatonin has also worked for me, 
but I don't like the after effects) I have received the most help from 
relaxation cd's, especially those that employ binaural beats (Dr. Jeffrey D. 
Thompson, Amazon.Com).  These put me to sleep almost without fail, and if I 
wake up at night, they put me back to sleep (usually).  However, they do not 
work for everyone, if you read the reviews people either seem to love them 
or hate them, but if you have not tried them, you should give it a try.

Dr. Thompson loves synthesized music, which he uses to mask the binaural 
beats.  I like most of what he does, a few disks did not work for me, most 
did.  There are other good ones too, especially the one that Mercola pushes 
from the following site:  They also have a very good 
discussion of brainwave and binaural beat theory.

This whole area is not just to help with sleeping, but can be a basis for 
changing your entire mental and emotional experience of life.  But you have 
to be willing to work at it, it does not come entirely without some effort. 
If your first attempts don't seem to work, don't give up right away, keep 
trying until you find what works for you.


Ps:  I forgot to mention that the following products have also received very 
good reviews 
for helping with sleep. I have not tried them yet, but I intend to get 
around to it soon:

Re: CS> tryptophan repost from june'06

2007-10-26 Thread Clayton Family
Yes, I had heard that too. I knew one who took tryptophan for a long 
time prior to that batch with good results. I read that that was a bad 
batch, and then the FDA decided to ban it, which seemed pretty extreme 
to me at the time.

The genetic engineering in food *really* compromises the value of it- 
it becomes harmful instead of healthful. I have felt SO MUCH better 
since getting very strict about the organic food, doing cs, and 
stopping all medicines.

It is no coincidence that there is such a huge rise in anaphylactic 
allergy- that is just what you should expect when giving everyone GMO 
foods. All allergies are on the rise, and it is my belief that the gmo 
products are causing it.  The companies that produce it are extremely 
careful to ensure that none of their foods can be traced back to them, 
as they could lose their shirts legally.  I wonder how much it has cost 
them to pay off the right people to keep us from having labeled GMO 
products that can be traced back to the source..

On Oct 26, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Simon Jester wrote:

On 10/26/2007, Ode Coyote ( wrote:

Yes, "flooded" is the correct term. [maybe not "inundated" ]
That Japanese outfit was HUGE and made tryptofan a lot cheaper than 
anyone else using their new [faulty] process.

It was due to using GENETICALLY ENGINEERED BACTERIA... they had been 
producing tryptophan for many years prior to that.

Had the FDA kept that crap out of our food supply (read: BEEN DOING 
THEIR SUPPOSED JOB), it never would have happened.

But no, your (apparently beloved) FDA approves of this junk 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:
This law took effect July 1, 2007!  I am livid. 

An Unconstitutional law is no law at all.

Ignore it. Tell them to shove it if anyone mentions it to you. Find an 
attorney and file a RICO against them if they should try to enforce it 
against you.

I almost wish I was there so I could do it myself. I hope the Feds try 
to do this nationwide...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> tryptophan repost from june'06

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007, Ode Coyote ( wrote:

Yes, "flooded" is the correct term. [maybe not "inundated" ]
That Japanese outfit was HUGE and made tryptofan a lot cheaper than 
anyone else using their new [faulty] process.

It was due to using GENETICALLY ENGINEERED BACTERIA... they had been 
producing tryptophan for many years prior to that.

Had the FDA kept that crap out of our food supply (read: BEEN DOING 
THEIR SUPPOSED JOB), it never would have happened.

But no, your (apparently beloved) FDA approves of this junk wholeheartedly.

If I recall, they did get their buttocks sued off, but none of the 
small guys re-packaging and re-selling it did.

Why should they? Its the FDA that should have gotten sued.

[balance snipped as meaningless sniping ]

Meaning you have no answer to it...

no, not everyone is evil no matter who they work for, nor is the 
alt health industry a pack of benevolent angels.

Never said either one, so fail to see your point.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-10-26 Thread Marshall Dudley
I sent a message to this list on morgellans, but it has not appeared.  
Mike, any idea what the problem was?  Anyway, I was reporting that on 
another list one person has reported that MMS appears to be very 
effective for it.  They had been using the alfalfa and Sun detergent 
bath with some success, but the MMS appears to almost totally eliminate it.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Marlene Hanson
Hi Faith, I agree with you I am also disturbed by this news.  I have to pay for 
insurance through Medical deductions on my Social Security.  I don't use any 
Pharma products from the Drug stores.  I only see alternative doctors and that 
is very seldom.  I Have used LDN from overseas  to treat my Multiple Sclerosis 
and think if the US would educate people to care for themselves we would be out 
of debt and a healthier society.  Stay aware and thank you for posting this 
information. Marlene
  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:15 AM
  Subject: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

  Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 stating 
that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face stiff tax 
penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have insurance, 
but  I am outraged.

  This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  I think 
this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, for 
crying out loud.

  I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the whole 
country is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  This is 
not progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line taxation 
burdening the people.  

  I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any suggestions 


Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne

This law took effect July 1, 2007!  I am livid.


- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Jester" 

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

On 10/26/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:
This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  
I think this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is 
archaic, for crying out loud.

A nations people will get precisely that level of tyranny they will 

Tell them to shove this 'law' up their asses, and then shop around for 
an attorney - most likely will get a list to choose from who will do it 
gratis - should these petty-tyrant-wanna-bes actually try to enforce it 
on you.

Man this kind of garbage really ticks me off.

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Re: CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:
This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  
I think this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is 
archaic, for crying out loud.

A nations people will get precisely that level of tyranny they will 

Tell them to shove this 'law' up their asses, and then shop around for 
an attorney - most likely will get a list to choose from who will do it 
gratis - should these petty-tyrant-wanna-bes actually try to enforce it 
on you.

Man this kind of garbage really ticks me off.

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CS>New Law in Massachusetts

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne
Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) has made a new law starting July 1, 2007 stating 
that all residents age 18 and over must have health insurance or face stiff tax 
penalties.   I don't have to worry about it because I already have insurance, 
but  I am outraged.

This law preys upon the citizens to benefit the insurance industry.  I think 
this is unconstitutional, oppressive, and deplorable.  It is archaic, for 
crying out loud.

I called a senator's office this morning and I was told that the whole country 
is going this way.   I don't believe that B.S. for one minute.  This is not 
progressive leadership, it is regressive.  This is hard-line taxation burdening 
the people.  

I am just ripping, but I don't know what to do about it.  Any suggestions folks?


Re: CS>Animal dead yeast

2007-10-26 Thread Clayton Family

Thanks, Duncan,

This good information does not include that people can be sensitive to 
all yeasts and fungi, and some can't take one if they have become 
sensitized to the other.

On Oct 26, 2007, at 12:18 PM, Duncan Crow wrote:

Gail, the no-yeast candida myth has been busted ;)

I did the search and found that science established long ago that
proteins in yeast cell walls have such similar components that
candida doesn't eat it, just as it doesn't eat its own kind. Live
yeast uses this natural candida immunity to good effect; it
outcompetes candida and is used in anti-candida probiotic for
that reason.

SOME broken cell wall debris thrown off by high temp cooking can
probably be used by candida and other organisms in a dysbiosis
condition but it won't amount to much. You're controlling the
dysbiosis and the candida anyway in a program so you can ignore
yeast unless you propose to use very high-volume processed yeast
smoothies, which would supply a bit more food by sheer weight. By
using inulin at the same time you control the dysbiosis anyway.
Actual practice by many on the candidasis list backs the science.


On 25 Oct 2007 at 16:26, Gail Naranjo wrote:

Patriot,  How does dead yeast build the immune system.
 I'm assuming this is NOT something for somebody with
candida??? thanks, gail

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Re: CS>Vitamin C as Sunscreen ( Great Sunlight ) Vitamin D study

2007-10-26 Thread Clayton Family
The reason for this is a massive campaign by the dermatologists to 
force people to stay out of the sun for fear of skin cancer.  There was 
a study done by some smart people from Boston and Edmonton, and they 
studied the effects of tanning booths on Vitamin D.  They used only 
tanning booths that have UVb, as they know that UVb rays help the body 
produce D. The short story is that the tanners increased their D level 
over the winter, while the controls lost it, and were all deficient  by 

The dermatologists lost it- they wrote scathing rebuttals, insisting 
the authors were encouraging people to get skin cancer, etc. They 
replied to that too. It was so good I saved it.

The truth is, the sun is the only good means of getting vitamin D. We 
are made to get it that way. All the supplementation in the world will 
not give you the benefit that a little bit of sun will. Being deficient 
in Vitamin D can give you cancer too. And the recommendations to get D 
via supplements are put out by those same dermatologists.

That is not to say that skin cancer is ok either- but people need to be 
reasonable, think about it, and decide for themselves.


On Oct 26, 2007, at 6:53 AM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

99% of the people today are afraid of the sun.
Maybe they need to live in a Cave and only come out at night.

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Re: CS>Animal dead yeast

2007-10-26 Thread Duncan Crow
Gail, the no-yeast candida myth has been busted ;)

I did the search and found that science established long ago that 
proteins in yeast cell walls have such similar components that 
candida doesn't eat it, just as it doesn't eat its own kind. Live 
yeast uses this natural candida immunity to good effect; it 
outcompetes candida and is used in anti-candida probiotic for 
that reason. 

SOME broken cell wall debris thrown off by high temp cooking can 
probably be used by candida and other organisms in a dysbiosis 
condition but it won't amount to much. You're controlling the 
dysbiosis and the candida anyway in a program so you can ignore 
yeast unless you propose to use very high-volume processed yeast 
smoothies, which would supply a bit more food by sheer weight. By 
using inulin at the same time you control the dysbiosis anyway. 
Actual practice by many on the candidasis list backs the science.


On 25 Oct 2007 at 16:26, Gail Naranjo wrote:

> Patriot,  How does dead yeast build the immune system.
>  I'm assuming this is NOT something for somebody with
> candida??? thanks, gail
> __
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CS>Vitamin/Mineral Recap - Part 3

2007-10-26 Thread Ruth Bertella
1. I don't go without our Ultimate Classic the multimineral-multivitamin liquid 
drink. If I could only choose one vitamin/mineral supplement, that'd be the one 
as it includes plant derived colloidal minerals for trace mineral 
supplementation, chelated or even colloidal chelate macrominerals, all my 
vitamins especially high doses of B complex, a high ORAC value, a proprietary 
amino acid complex like many supplements could use and several complimentary 
substances to the essential nutrients like glucono delta lactone, 
dimethylglycine and PABA. I get that product from my own site here: 


2. At the same site though it's not a vitamin or mineral, I take EFA capsules-I 
never take the loose oils and don't want them as part of my open 
vitamin/mineral supplement because they are very perishable. I've tried others 
from our line but generally stick with EFA Plus with fish oil due to the low 
conversion rates of strictly plant derived omegas into DHA. Either way, I 
wouldn't be without some kind of EFA supplementation for Omega 3s because I've 
never really stuck to a diet rich in them so it's a must for me.


3. Also, I take Iodoral, the iodine supplement which I get from 
although I think it's available in other places, I find LEF to be as 
trustworthy as my own company and have no hesitation about recommending them. I 
have no financial affiliation to LEF but my company doesn't tend to do single 
nutrients so much as great formulas and frankly, I believe iodine should be 
taken in MILLIGRAMS instead of the microgram range which naturally occurs in 
our products. I've suggested a few times that we carry a similar product but 
apparently they don't feel as strongly as I do about it. From my own personal 
research, I agree with Dr. Sylver that most people are deficient in iodine and 
I even think much of the world is suffering from an iodine deficiency crisis. 
So for me, it's definitely a must-have.  It's hard to be a researcher and watch 
people's willingness to wear pink ribbons and even email pink ribbon pictures 
to each other when their effort would be better spent informing people about 
iodine deficiency breast and ovarian disease.  

This link should go directly to the Iodoral:

LEF Search - Welcome To The Life Extension Foundation Buyers Club Inc 


Those are my main three. I take a lot of other supplementation but those are 
always in my rotation while I'm mixing around everything else. My favorite 
multiple vitamin/mineral, an extra iodine source for an optimal amount and some 
kind of CLEAN tested EFA supplement with fish oil. Be careful what you buy, not 
everybody does the stringent testing you need to ensure you're not getting 
loaded with mercury and other dangerous substances. 


Although they're not supplements, I'd like to add as my four and five that I 
wouldn't ever go without some kind of RO water filter and my QE pendant from [also not affiliated with them financially just so you know]. That 
pendant has made as big a difference in my life as even my ultimate classic and 
other supplements have.  Sauna and shower are really the only time I take it 

Re: CS>CS safety

2007-10-26 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:
It has been suggested in the past to enhance availability of  CS after 
making to add concentrace or gatorde. Both have chloride. Does this 
pose any risk for agyria?

See what's new at

This is covered in the document at and

The short answer is that it poses no risk since all ionic silver gets 
converted to chloride in the stomach anyway, and the colloidal part is 
an agyria preventative.


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Re: CS>Vitamin C as Sunscreen ( Great Sunlight )

2007-10-26 Thread faith gagne


- Original Message - 
From: "Wayne Fugitt" 

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 7:53 AM
Subject: CS>Vitamin C as Sunscreen ( Great Sunlight )

I can't believe you guys blamed the great and valuable SUN
for that ?

It is obvious you were physical weaklings and had 1000 things wrong with, 

Not the sunlight, the greatest health force on this earth.

> Actually, as a victim of sunstroke several years ago, I spend little
time in the sun.

>  But years later as an adult, one hot day on the beach I got

> sunstroke in less than 1/2 hour and was sick for a few days afterwards.
Since then I cannot tolerate the sun for any length of time, and I avoid 
it pretty much.

  How unfortunate !  One that puny needs to be home in bed.

  The problem was, and may still be,  not enough sunshine.

When I was a teen ager, I rode a tractor all day in the sun.

No shirt at all, and only a pair of boxer shorts.

I was so brown, and Indian looked like a White Man.

Never had any problems.  The result was strong bones and a healthy life.

In those years, the only vitamin and minerals were from the good food 
chain. ( early to mid 1950's )

I did drink lots of raw milk and eat eggs.  Fruit and vegetables, fish, 
rabbit, and other food I could collect.  Even huge turtles up to 80 

If you blame the sunlight for sunstrokes, .. you have made a 
drastic mistake.

99% of the people today are afraid of the sun.
Maybe they need to live in a Cave and only come out at night.


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CS>Note Vitamin/Mineral Recap Change

2007-10-26 Thread Ruth Bertella
The recap must have been too long to post to the CS and DMSO lists as I haven't 
received it by this morning.  I am going to resend it in 3 parts to y'all.  
Anyone that wants it in one word document can email me and I will send it to 
you as an attachment.

Ruth B.

CS>Vitamin/Mineral Recap - Part I

2007-10-26 Thread Ruth Bertella


Good salt, Celtic gray or Tibetan, get rid of table salt
Magnesium oil
Good quality omega 3 source (fish) or flax seed if that works for you
Vitamin D from sun or other natural source like cod liver oil
Enzymes like serrapeptase or megazyme

  - you forgot the aminos.  Bee pollen is a good source or hemp



Vitamins would be C & D

  - calcium for post menopausal women. 
  - to top it off something like concentrace or sea salt for other 



Vitamin D3
Min-Col [from Daily Manufacturing, Inc.]
Cal II [from Daily Manufacturing, Inc.]



Fulvic Acid Minerals (
Magnascent Iodine (
Natures First Food (
Chlorella (
Floradix Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc/Vit D (

  - I forgot my Omega 3's...
  - Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil (used to use Carlsons)...
  - Getting ready to try Sacha Inchi, a high quality source from a nut

(the sacha inchi nut from peru)

- There's more, but thats the main stuff... and again, this is only the 

stuff - and I use this for cleansing and detox too, just ramp up 
the amounts



No artificial vitamin supplements.
Salt, and my choice is black volcanic salt, in addition to sea salt.
Put mango skins on my face, which may be a vitamin supplement - well it is.
Vitamin D in 'sun/skin active formulae' (naked skin and ordinary British 
sunlight, sunglasses off).
Seeds as condiments, they are packed with vitamins and minerals, and may be 
considered food or

  supplements. Most Often:  black cumin, fennel, mustard, black pepper, 
Lime Juice
Various oils, cold-pressed:  sesame, olive, walnut, hemp
Absorb a good deal of water, with nutrients and poisons, from the atmosphere, 
more so on humid

  days.  Plus, roll in the dew when camping/hiking (not because I'm 
mad, though).



Digestazon Plus

Una De Gato Honey Vinegar

Sangre De Drago from Amazon Herbs

Fiberzon Plus Rhubarb Root from Amazon Herbs

Hydrozyme, Organik-15, Bio GGG-B, Bio FCTS from Metabolic Management

Lipophos EDTA from Allergy Research Group

Prescript- Assist , a probiotic,

Dr prescribed daily doses of Milk of magnesia 3 times a day between meals in 
doses of 1, 1½,  or 2 tablespoons as seem to be needed.

Flax oil for omega 3's

Re: CS>Credit where due

2007-10-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  The FDA is not a pack of Devils.
 They are, however, in a compromising funding position due to the way 
testing is structured.  [who does it and who pays for it ]

Makes for some weird and biased conclusions now and then.
The FDA "mission" is protecting the public, however, they don't know much 
about what's not in their little "bible".
 Therefore, if no great harm is in sight, they'll turn a blind eye to most 
activities...and add a bit of over cautionary propaganda as urged to by 
their odd funding bed buddies.
 Being someones reluctant "friend" does not make them everyone elses 
absolute enemy.

Reading the alt health cautionary dog tails, it is purposefully chock full 
of legalese loopholes.
 For example:  "Not proven safe and effective" does not mean "Proven 
unsafe and ineffective"

It means they haven't tested it and can't test hardly anything because of 
how the testing funding is structured.
 The FDA doesn't have the funds to do much *in house* testing of anything 
and cannot possibly oversee the vast empires of food processors.
 All they have to work with is the "acid test"when people start 
getting burned, they kick over and start tracking things down.
 When the fire is put out, they go back to looking the other way. [ 
distractedly sucking big bucks butt for funds ]

I've known doctors to prescribe turkey sandwiches [for the tryptophan] 
instead of prozac etc.

 Doctors are "people" with all their flaws and graces.

 But, they are "paid" to be right and sued when wrong, caught between a 
rock and a hard place.
"Going by the book" is safer, so that's what they usually do. [ and blame 
the book if something goes wrong ]
If writing something in the margins isn't likely to hurt, they'll sometimes 
do that as well.

Neither can tell you what to do in private.
 You can kill yourself if you want to.
 But they'll hang you for murder if you succeed and try to hide those 
ropes away from the public as best they can afford to...till the public 
stops screaming for protection.

If by chance you guess right and save yourself, you get a new life 
sentence...oh well.

Just good for an official shrug.


At 01:09 PM 10/26/2007 +0900, you wrote:

For all the criticism of the FDA here, most of it deserved, they have to 
get credit for lifting the ban eventually.   I hadn't known.  Thanks for 
the information.

On Thursday, Oct 25, 2007, at 01:47 Asia/Tokyo, faith gagne wrote:

That ban was lifted in 2002.  You should be able to get it at any health 
food store, or google for "L-Tryptophan" and you will find lots of 
on-line sources.

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Re: CS>CS safety

2007-10-26 Thread Ode Coyote
  The only risk for Agryia is consuming too much silver over too short a 
time span and having an abnormal metals elimination system.
Gatoraid does not increase the amount of silver and there's not enough 
silver in a 20 PPM solution to make you blue without water toxicity killing 
you first.
 The Chloride reaction takes a little bit of time to complete, but is 
slower than the enhanced absorption rate, so, if using Gatoraid, mix and 
use immediatelydo not store.


At 10:28 PM 10/25/2007 -0400, you wrote:

It has been suggested in the past to enhance availability of  CS after 
making to add concentrace or gatorde. Both have chloride. Does this pose 
any risk for agyria?

See what's new at

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Re: CS> tryptophan repost from june'06

2007-10-26 Thread Ode Coyote

At 05:32 PM 10/25/2007 -0400, you wrote:

On 10/25/2007, Ode Coyote ( wrote:
L Tryptophan was temporarily banned because a huge Japanese company tried 
a new cheaper process of making it and it turned up being toxic, 
resulting in a few deaths.

They had flooded the market

'Flooded the market'? They were selling a product... lets not make it into 
something it wasn't...

 ## Yes, "flooded" is the correct term. [maybe not "inundated" ]
 That Japanese outfit was HUGE and made tryptofan a lot cheaper than 
anyone else using their new [faulty] process.
 If I recall, they did get their buttocks sued off, but none of the small 
guys re-packaging and re-selling it did.

[balance snipped as meaningless sniping ]
no, not everyone is evil no matter who they work for, nor is the alt 
health industry a pack of benevolent angels.  Both sides as a whole are 
"BIG business", the alt health side has more opportunity for the small 
guy...and the  fraudulent / ignorant , less opportunity for committing high 
tech error and causing deaths, but not none.
 It's two sides of the same consumer fear based profit margins coin. BIG 
$$$, all around ...with intermixed stock and company ownerships playing 
both sides at once.


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RE: CS>hepatitis c ... and reading the HM com-100 for EIS/CS ppm ???

2007-10-26 Thread Ode Coyote

At 06:56 PM 10/25/2007 -0400, you wrote:

works for me, but HCV seems to be able to learn to adapt...if i had it to do
over, i'd hit it much harder (higher concentration and volume both, & 
every few
hours) unrelenting than i did the firs 6 months, where i screwed up by 
going to

higher concentration less often and 1/2 the amount after the first couple
months.  also, i think fresh stuff where the particulate part hasn't 
fallen out
or been filtered is much more potent and would stay with that.  i started 

and super-filtering after the first 3 months too, and now think almost pure
ionic doesn't get it now matter how strong.

i'm using MMS now along with the CS, and a whole slew of herbs, and seem 
to be

doing well.  the stuff isn't really convenient or pleasant to deal with, but
seems to be working.  and the beck tools, and rife (for whatever it may be
worth)... the mag pulser seems to be a good thing - want an oscillating field
one with high power and rapid fire, but they're pricey.

Ode - did your friends HIV count stay at 0 or climb up again after awhile?

## Don't know.  I should ask.

HM com-100:  just got one.  big fat thing.  came with a HM TDS-3 bonus.
measured some of my aged stable clear CS.  my old TDS-1 says 31ppm.  the new
TDS-3 says 36ppm.  the com-100 says about 71.5 uS in EC (KCl) mode, or 

now my question is how many ppm is my silver???
i somehow thought (i am CRS challanged) from reading that uS was agreed to 
EIS/CS at about even translation to ppm ??? but this appears to be double 

i expected, or is all my over-burning/filtering/repeat... really making it at
over 70ppm ???

## 70+ uS [as PPM sorta kinda ] would be correct and possible, however, the 
filtering may have added something to make a more soluble silver compound 
out of the ionic content.
 Most paper contains some acid residue from the paper making 
process.  That's what makes paperback books yellow and crumble with age and 
why lab grade [there are many grades] filter paper is neutralized paper. 
[ash washed, ash free, acid freeor something like that ]

 I've had 87 uS [unfiltered] batches stay stable, clear and colorless 
[with very heavy TE] for several months, then oxidize into a deep yellow 
brew at 30 uS cleared up by adding a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide and not 
significantly increasing the conductivity...still very heavy TE.
 Since meters don't read particle content and lasers don't read in numbers 
at all,  the actual total PPM may have been over 100.

I think the meter equivalency range where the uS number ~ = PPM , stops 
being reasonable at around 30 uS..which is, incidentally, where anomalies 
start cropping up in plotting conductivity/time rise curves at a constant 
current. [ Faraday, Ohms Law and meters start arguing more than normal. ]


> -Original Message-
> From: Ode Coyote []
> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 7:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>hepatitis c
>It works for some and not for others.
> It takes a LOT of it, so make your own..
> One person wrote to say he'd cured himself of a 15 year old case of Hep C
> He sipped a pint a day @ 12 PPM, all day, for 6 months.
> Tried on a friend, didn't do a thing for her Hep Cbut HIV counts went
> to zero.
> Ode

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Re: CS> tryptophan repost from june'06

2007-10-26 Thread Ode Coyote

At 12:46 PM 10/25/2007 -0400, you wrote:

Ode Coyote wrote:

  L Tryptophan was temporarily banned because a huge Japanese company 
tried a new cheaper process of making it and it turned up being toxic, 
resulting in a few deaths.
They had flooded the market with no way to trace what Tryptofan was in 
what bottle, so it was ALL recalled and banned from sale till it was all 
made safe again.

How would they not know what was in each bottle? That is like one dairy 
getting some poison in their milk, and them outlawing all milk from all 
dairies for almost 20 years.  Makes no sense.  Companies who are packaging 
and shipping a product know where they bought it from. They track every 
ingredient, and if they bought some from a specific company, they can use 
the date code or product code they stamp on each bottle to figure out 
where every single ingredient in that bottle came from.

That is the way it is done. When I made colloidal silver, I recorded the 
date code of every bottle of distilled water that went into a batch.  So 
if they announced that one of the bottles had toxic chemicals in it, I 
could easily recall those bottles of CS made with it.  This is industry 
wide practice, and a legal requirement for ISO 9000 products.


##  The "Herbal" market is not regulated quite like the drug 
market.  Anyone can buy bulk from many sources and fill a bottle from a 
hopperand do so quite often when packaging colloidal silver they 
didn't make.

 They don't even know how it was made in most cases.

You can only label according to your best of knowledge and if the bulk 
label reads L Tryptophan and a batch number, that's all you know about 
it.  Did they record that and follow it to every serialized 
bottle?  Probably not.

 How many had bought large bulk and resold smaller bulk?
If you only use one source, only straight from the factory, maybe then you 
can keep track, but in the case of deadly contamination possible and 
somewhat lax source tracking and mixing practices, they weren't taking any 


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Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C as Sunscreen

2007-10-26 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Obviously should have read 'too much Sun'...

  I wonder what year it was written.

  I may have already got "too much sun" before it was written.

  Too much and not enough is a different ball game.

   Again, some of this indefinite stuff borders on the line of
Fuzzy Logic.

I have asked, .
is this for a Healthy Person or a Sick Person?

The same is not true for both, we know that.

I see construction workers in 30 degree weather working with a single short 
sleeved shirt.

I bet they can stand as much sun as they can  cold.



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CS>Vitamin C as Sunscreen ( Great Sunlight )

2007-10-26 Thread Wayne Fugitt

I can't believe you guys blamed the great and valuable SUN
for that ?

It is obvious you were physical weaklings and had 1000 things wrong with, 

Not the sunlight, the greatest health force on this earth.

> Actually, as a victim of sunstroke several years ago, I spend little 
time in the sun.

>  But years later as an adult, one hot day on the beach I got
> sunstroke in less than 1/2 hour and was sick for a few days afterwards. 
Since then I cannot tolerate the sun for any length of time, and I avoid 
it pretty much.

  How unfortunate !  One that puny needs to be home in bed.

  The problem was, and may still be,  not enough sunshine.

When I was a teen ager, I rode a tractor all day in the sun.

No shirt at all, and only a pair of boxer shorts.

I was so brown, and Indian looked like a White Man.

Never had any problems.  The result was strong bones and a healthy life.

In those years, the only vitamin and minerals were from the good food 
chain. ( early to mid 1950's )

I did drink lots of raw milk and eat eggs.  Fruit and vegetables, fish, 
rabbit, and other food I could collect.  Even huge turtles up to 80 pounds.

If you blame the sunlight for sunstrokes, .. you have made a 
drastic mistake.

99% of the people today are afraid of the sun.
Maybe they need to live in a Cave and only come out at night.


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Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C as Sunscreen

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007, Simon Jester ( wrote:

Your problem is not 'too much cun'

Obviously should have read 'too much Sun'...

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Re: CS>Credit where due

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/26/2007, Jonathan B. Britten ( wrote:
For all the criticism of the FDA here, most of it deserved, they have 
to get credit for lifting the ban eventually.   I hadn't known.

Surely you don't think it was voluntary? There was much pressure, for a 
long time, to do so.

It was interesting that there was a Newseek Cover Story only 4 days 
after l-tryptophan was banned singing the praises of prozac.

There is a special place in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing) 
reserved for these monsters - and no, I don't mean every doctor or 
pharmacist, I mean the people who KNOW better and are directly 
responsible for both covering up the efficacy of natural products (like 
l-tryptophan) and pushing dangerous chemicals like prozac instead, 
purely for monetary gain.

And no, I have nothing against free enterprise - only fraud, extortion, 
racketeering and murder.

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Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C as Sunscreen

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/25/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:

Hi Simon.  Thank you.  what's EFA?

You're welcome... :)

EFA = Essential Fatty Acids...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C as Sunscreen

2007-10-26 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/25/2007, faith gagne ( wrote:
Actually, as a victim of sunstroke several years ago, I spend little 
time in the sun.  Years ago as a kid was on the beach from sun up to 
sun down, (almost).  But years later as an adult, one hot day on the 
beach I got sunstroke in less than 1/2 hour and was sick for a few 
days afterwards. Since then I cannot tolerate the sun for any length 
of time, and I avoid it pretty much. 

Your problem is not 'too much cun', there is something else going on...

If it were me, I'd be looking for the cause, instead of treating the 

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Re: CS>hepatitis c ... and reading the HM com-100 for EIS/CS ppm ???

2007-10-26 Thread M1marine

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