Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-21 Thread DJG

- Original Message -
From: "Brooks Bradley" 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> In our past research utililzing CS for ear
> infections, we found that the efficacy was greatly affected by the
> coefficient.of the particular volunteer's ear environment.  High wax
> concentrations greatly limited the effectiveness of CS---no matter how
high the
> concentration (up to 45ppm used).
> We were able to successfully address this challengeat least in large
> part.through a preconditioning protocol of 6 to 8 drops of  3.1/2%
> (that is three and one-half percent), at body temperature and allow to
> (reduce the anaerobic terrain) for several minutes before evacuating via
> head-tilting.  This procedure was followed by an equal amount of 10 ppm CS
(6 TO
> 8 drops) from a parent solution previously mixed with 10%--by volume--of
> Because of super-sensitivity from, possible lesions, occurring (rarely
> in some volunteers, we ALWAYS used one drop only at initiation and waited
for 30
> seconds for any adverse reaction.before proceeding.  This minor
> in protocol administration yielded an order-of-magnitude increase in
> effectivenessin a majority of cases---from among our experimental
> population..
> Sincerely,
> Brooks Bradley.
  That is similar to how we have being doing it over the past 3 years,
however without DMSO. I shall consider that in any subsequent problems. I
was leary of using DMSO in the ears. In this latest incident. the infection
was quite deep into the ear. We noticed by putting drops in the ears 3 or 4
days a week, it worked well in preventing starting of infections. I've
always held the notion that the ears, nose and throat are all connected, and
one doc told me most bronchial problems, flu etc. start in the ears by germs
incubating and travelling into the Eustachian Tube. I think we just dropped
the ball this time and didn't address the ears until it was too late. I
didn't want to administer abx, however if you've ever known a child to get
meningitis (our friend's boy didnearly killed him), it's nothing to play
  Now if I could only figure out how to use this iontophoresis machine a
friend gave me. He said it clears up otitis media in 15 minutes.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Eniva CS 275 ppm

2002-03-20 Thread DJG

- Original Message -
From: "DJG" 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

  In reference to my last message, Eniva brand CS is crystal clear. They
used to label it as 275 ppm, but now use mcg per serving. How do they make
it crystal clear at 275 ppm? It appears they have a proprietory method from
what I recall, but it's been a few years since I saw their technical papers
on the product.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

2002-03-20 Thread DJG
What about Eniva CS (was labeled at 275 ppm)? I've used this several times
in the past and it did seem to be quite effective, even able to absorb
through the skin. They do not supply technical bulletins anymore, but I have
seen them a few years ago. I won't pretend to be an expert on CS, only
through experience.
  I'd like to see some serious testing of their products.
Also, I'm having my doubts about CS working all that well against certain
infections such as urinary tract infections. My brother-in-law has cancer
with recurring infections. The latest landed him in the hospital with a
systemic infection (very serious). They immediately put in on abx and it
cleared up in a few days. He went home and began ingesting large quantities
last week of CS. Tonight I understand he's back in with an infection. I fear
this time it may even be a Staph infection from his hospital stay.
  I've heard some say beyond the stomach and GI tract, CS does little for
acute infections of this type. I'm starting to lean toward that hypothesis
as my son's ear infection this week was very severe. We are no strangers to
ear infections. Usually, it can be cleared up within 12 hours after dropping
CS into the ears. We have also used GSE in oil as well. However, this time
the infection went beyond the outer ear and into the inner ear, which the CS
could not reach. Reluctanly I had no choice other than bring him to ER for
which he was prescribed TriMox (amoxicillin) for the first time in about 2
1/2 years. Within 24 hours, the infection and pain subsided and he's now
feeling well.
  Is it possible the most efficacious type of CS is in fact some of the
specialty producers of CS such as Aqua Argentica or New Silver Solution that
claim their products have special properties (magnetic, energized etc.) do
in fact work much better than making your own? I know that external
infections are handled very well with even the most primitive(?) methods of
'home brewed' CS, but internally I have yet to see any form of CS rid an
internal (beyond the stomach) infection equal to or better than standard
abx, or even work at all in our experience. In my son's case, it was not
worth the risk experimenting which may result in permanent ear damage or
worse yet, mastoiditis or even menningitis. As I've stated, using CS is not
new to me, but I am not an authority on the subject other than by anecdotal.

- Original Message -
From: "Ted Windsor" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

> More then 20 ppm is a waste, until someone can prove differently I will
> continue to believe this.  Besides if more was better everyone would be
> making it.
> Blessings
> Ted
> Reid Harvey wrote:
> > Hi Trem,
> > I'm curious why you say that electrolysis can't make CS as strong as 100
> > to 500ppm, unless perhaps you are speaking of the more conventional
> > methodologies.  I make CS that is ~170ppm, using a generator I acquired
> > from, and though I have not had this tested I feel
> > the ppm is the amount advertised.  I'm told this generator will make CS
> > upto about 1100ppm or more, simply requiring additional time.
> >
> > The container used is a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask, operated in a double
> > boiler, which I monitor to see that the boiling point is never
> > exceeded.  It's necessary to keep the temperature somewhat under 212oF,
> > between about 200 and 208, so there's a thermometer inserted in the
> > rubber cork at the top.  I'm also told that the rate of ionic silver
> > reaction is doubled for every additional 10oF.  Also I use polarity
> > switching, doing this every one minute, in order to prevent current
> > runaway.  Three or four hours at temperature and the CS goes from yellow
> > to orange to deep amber, always tranparent, but at the end so dark that
> > what one sees is a kind of gray, reflected color.  But in diluting you
> > get back to a clear yellow.
> >
> > I have variously seen here that a number of CS enthusiasts insist the
> > ions will agglomerate and precipitate if something like 50ppm is
> > exceeded, but I am guessing that this is not what happens.  I believe
> > there is actually a current runaway, or perhaps precipitation due to an
> > electromagnetic field.  It seems that as ppm increases there is more and
> > more likelihood of instability, for various reasons.  The folks who made
> > my generator advise the concentrated CS is best kept in a Farraday cage
> > in order to prevent instability due to electromagnetic fields.  Of
> > course, the producers of the Mexican CS, Microdyn, solve the same
> > problem by using the protein stabilizer.
> >
> > I hope this information is helpful.
> > Reid
> >
> > Trem said:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > There's a question that's been nagging me for several years and I hope
> > someone can help me figure it out.  When I see 100 to 500 PPM CS I
> > always
> > wonder wha

Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS

2002-03-18 Thread DJG
 It seems to me .017 dilution is for IV.  Dr. Douglass has treated (not
experimented on) hundreds, perhaps thousands with H2O2, and is an authority
on UVBI and Ozone therapy. The major caution of using H2O2 in the lungs is
for those who are taking additional drugs (in the lungs) from what I recall.
According to Dr. Douglass, it works very well in respiratory infections. I'd
like to post his complete article, but the information is out there.
Probably the best thing to say (which I regret not saying at this point) is
proceed with caution; hence my suggestion to get Dr. Douglass' book on H2O2.
Unfortunately, Dr. Charles Farr (recognized as the modern day 'father of
h2o2') died a few years ago, and apparently his website has since been
- Original Message -
From: "AVRA / Jason" 
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS

> My penny:
> I won't use H2O2 in the lungs...  I am certain that in most cases it is
> fine... but I almost sat and watched someone die through experimental use.
> Brooks Bradley has a bit more experience in the possible consequences of
> use, through his groups experimentation...  My dilution was less than .017
> percent ( I'd have to look up the exact numbers ).  I theorize that the
> individual experiened a severe nicotine overdose, but it could have been
> nature of the infection itself.  I am uncertain.
> The experience scared me enough to abandon all experimentation.  Only
> short breaths via oxygen nebulizer were taken.
> I know that many people use H2O2 in the lungs with reportedly good
> It's just something I cannot personally pursue.
> I agree that careful thought ( as apposed to simply downing an ounce or
> of CS every so often ) with using colloidal silver yields very excellent
> results!
> Jason
> - Original Message -
> From: "DJG" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 9:41 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS
> >   My 2 cents:
> > According to Dr. William Campbell Douglass M.D., a 50/50 mix of 3%
> > H2O2/distilled water can be used in a nebulizer. Substituting CS for the
> > water would seem logical. It doesn't take much in my experience, but
> > many short sessions are better than a few long ones.
> >   For the more serious throat conditions, I do several short sessions
> > day with the nebulizer, then gargle and swallow CS by itself. Spraying
> > throat several times during the day too. Also, I believe in attacking
> these
> > serious problems using all available weapons. GSE is extremely potent,
> > can be (must be) diluted in many mediums for this purpose as well.  I've
> > also used GSE in saline solution with a nebulizer (1 to 4 drops standard
> > strength per ounce). This idea was given to me by a respiratory
> >   I think people who don't have success likely don't go after it
> > aggressively as it should be done, plus many buy CS and natural
> > antimicrobials and use according to directions, which experience tells
> > usually gives less than desireable results. The experiences we've had in
> my
> > family has negated the need for standard treatments in every
> case...once
> > we learned the ropes.
> >   For ear infections (chronic in my one child at one point), using a
> regimen
> > we developed over time has never failed to successfully rid it usually
> > within 12 hours or so.  Success was not an option as the standard method
> is
> > inserting ear tubessomething we wish had never been done previous to
> our
> > "enlightenment".
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS

2002-03-17 Thread DJG
You are correct. Some say it's ok, others say it's not; both sides having
knowledgeable sources. For me, I choose not to drink it (feels like a brick
in my stomach), but in a nebulizer, I've had no adverse reactions, and only
use when there's a need. Dr. William Campbell Douglass M.D. if I recall,
cautions against ingesting it very often (it is a free radical). I don't
know what to think truthfully, but decided not to take the chance even
though I know people that use it often. Used in an IV it can have near
miraculous results in certain conditions according to it's proponents.
- Original Message -
From: "Nick Grant" 
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS

> You used 35% Hydrogen peroxide!!!
> Youch.  I cannot bring myself to use it - as a hairdresser I have used it
> forever, to lighten peoples hair - I know what even 6% can do, let alone
> using it on your insides.I just imagine it all bubbling and burning
> things in there12% used to take the skin off my fingers on contact.
> I know people swear by it  - I have heard pros and cons about it - what
> everyone one else think - am I the only one who is concerned at using this
> strength?  I know it is very diluted - but so is homeopathy! Can't
> things make them even stronger in some cases...
> Tracy
> - Original Message -
> From: "AVRA / Jason" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, 18 March 2002 15:56
> Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS
> > Billie:
> >
> > I can't say for certain that anything "special" NEEDS to be done, I can
> only
> > report what I experienced in these two cases.  With strep, if your
> treatment
> > is not responding within seven days, just be certain to find something
> that
> > does work, because it can rapidly turn into a very serious condition.
> >
> > Over the years, I have seen quite a few "posts" to various places
> concerning
> > strep throat... Some people report good results, others report poor
> results.
> >
> > As stated in my initial post, here is the exact method I used ( the H2O2
> was
> > added to 2 ounces of CS ):
> >
> > "In this particular case, I used a LVDC, current controlled batch of CS
> > about 8 PPM.  Three drops of 35% H2O2 were added to the CS.   I like to
> take
> > advantage of the active reaction, so I wait only a few minutes before
> using
> > it.  Then, a small sip is taken into the mouth, and left in the mouth
> at
> > least one minute.  This prevents the "ill stomach" effect of H2O2.
> > one allows the CS to trickle down the throat."
> >
> > "I used the above treatment about twice a day, every fifteen minutes for
> > about an hour."
> >
> > In the second case, I simply used a bit more 35% hydrogen peroxide ( an
> > extra two drops ).
> >
> > In both situations, the H2O2 was still active in the CS.
> >
> > I hope this clears up any confusion!
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Jason
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Billie" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 7:23 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS
> >
> >
> > > I am new to colloidal silver. Are you saying that you need to do
> something
> > > different to the CS to make it effective for strep throat. Can you be
> > > little more clear as to what it is?
> > > Billie
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "AVRA / Jason" 
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 8:56 AM
> > > Subject: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS
> > >
> > >
> > > > Greetings, all:
> > > >
> > > > Recently, Strep throat has been making rounds locally.
> > > >
> > > > Strep throat is one condition that I've wanted to study in a bit
> > > depth,
> > > > due to the old story about a young girl dying because her father
> > > > colloidal silver.  The colloidal silver was not effective, and
> > > > attention was not sought.
> > > >
> > > > There are several strains of Strep throat out there ( of course ).
> > > > reviewing some lab reports done by the University of Northern Texas,
> > > > apparently the most agressive strain responds about twice as slowly
> > > > others.
> > > >
> > > > I treat the throat as an external condition when it comes to using
> > as
> > > > well as the lungs.  I personally have not had Strep Throat for over
> > twelve
> > > > years.  Recently, I acquired it!  I believe it was a hospital
> > due
> > > to
> > > > the fact I had been working with someone who had a few hospital
> > > The
> > > > person never displayed symptoms, but was on a heavy antibiotic
> > "cocktail"
> > > > treatment.
> > > >
> > > > I caught the sore throat within about four hours of the symptoms.
> > > > infection was still isolated to one patch on the right side of the
> > throat.
> > > >
> > > > Controversy and opinions aside, one would be VERY wise to use a
> heavily
> > > > ionic silver for the throat.  The silver particles will not do the
> > trick,
> > > > which is why the little girl probably died.  

Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS

2002-03-17 Thread DJG
  My 2 cents:
According to Dr. William Campbell Douglass M.D., a 50/50 mix of 3%
H2O2/distilled water can be used in a nebulizer. Substituting CS for the
water would seem logical. It doesn't take much in my experience, but doing
many short sessions are better than a few long ones.
  For the more serious throat conditions, I do several short sessions per
day with the nebulizer, then gargle and swallow CS by itself. Spraying the
throat several times during the day too. Also, I believe in attacking these
serious problems using all available weapons. GSE is extremely potent, and
can be (must be) diluted in many mediums for this purpose as well.  I've
also used GSE in saline solution with a nebulizer (1 to 4 drops standard
strength per ounce). This idea was given to me by a respiratory therapist.
  I think people who don't have success likely don't go after it
aggressively as it should be done, plus many buy CS and natural
antimicrobials and use according to directions, which experience tells us
usually gives less than desireable results. The experiences we've had in my
family has negated the need for standard treatments in every case...once
we learned the ropes.
  For ear infections (chronic in my one child at one point), using a regimen
we developed over time has never failed to successfully rid it usually
within 12 hours or so.  Success was not an option as the standard method is
inserting ear tubessomething we wish had never been done previous to our
- Original Message -
From: "AVRA / Jason" 
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS

> Billie:
> I can't say for certain that anything "special" NEEDS to be done, I can
> report what I experienced in these two cases.  With strep, if your
> is not responding within seven days, just be certain to find something
> does work, because it can rapidly turn into a very serious condition.
> Over the years, I have seen quite a few "posts" to various places
> strep throat... Some people report good results, others report poor
> As stated in my initial post, here is the exact method I used ( the H2O2
> added to 2 ounces of CS ):
> "In this particular case, I used a LVDC, current controlled batch of CS
> about 8 PPM.  Three drops of 35% H2O2 were added to the CS.   I like to
> advantage of the active reaction, so I wait only a few minutes before
> it.  Then, a small sip is taken into the mouth, and left in the mouth for
> least one minute.  This prevents the "ill stomach" effect of H2O2.  Then,
> one allows the CS to trickle down the throat."
> "I used the above treatment about twice a day, every fifteen minutes for
> about an hour."
> In the second case, I simply used a bit more 35% hydrogen peroxide ( an
> extra two drops ).
> In both situations, the H2O2 was still active in the CS.
> I hope this clears up any confusion!
> Kind Regards,
> Jason
> - Original Message -
> From: "Billie" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 7:23 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS
> > I am new to colloidal silver. Are you saying that you need to do
> > different to the CS to make it effective for strep throat. Can you be a
> > little more clear as to what it is?
> > Billie
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "AVRA / Jason" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 8:56 AM
> > Subject: CS>Strep Throat Report - CS
> >
> >
> > > Greetings, all:
> > >
> > > Recently, Strep throat has been making rounds locally.
> > >
> > > Strep throat is one condition that I've wanted to study in a bit more
> > depth,
> > > due to the old story about a young girl dying because her father used
> > > colloidal silver.  The colloidal silver was not effective, and medical
> > > attention was not sought.
> > >
> > > There are several strains of Strep throat out there ( of course ).  In
> > > reviewing some lab reports done by the University of Northern Texas,
> > > apparently the most agressive strain responds about twice as slowly as
> > > others.
> > >
> > > I treat the throat as an external condition when it comes to using CS,
> as
> > > well as the lungs.  I personally have not had Strep Throat for over
> twelve
> > > years.  Recently, I acquired it!  I believe it was a hospital strain,
> due
> > to
> > > the fact I had been working with someone who had a few hospital stays.
> > The
> > > person never displayed symptoms, but was on a heavy antibiotic
> "cocktail"
> > > treatment.
> > >
> > > I caught the sore throat within about four hours of the symptoms.  The
> > > infection was still isolated to one patch on the right side of the
> throat.
> > >
> > > Controversy and opinions aside, one would be VERY wise to use a
> > > ionic silver for the throat.  The silver particles will not do the
> trick,
> > > which is why the little girl probably died.  This is only common
> > The
> > > silver particles due n

Re: CS>New Acid/Alkaline Water Device

2002-03-13 Thread DJG
Interesting. I just happen to have 2 platinum plated titanium plates (yep,
it's expensive) for another type of machine I have. They are 2x2". If I knew
what the power supply is and how to test it, I could build it very cheap!
- Original Message -
From: "John A. Stanley" 
Newsgroups: list.silver
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: CS>New Acid/Alkaline Water Device

> In the past there has been discussion on the list about those
> acid/alkaline water machines, and the units I've seen on the 'net were
> very expensive. Yesterday at the healthfood store I saw an ad on the
> bulletin board for a new unit that looks kinda homebrew, but the price
> is right:
> Whatcha all think?
> --
> John A. Stanley
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: Zappers increase viral load?

2002-03-08 Thread DJG
However, is it not true the inventor of PCR stated it is not an accurate
measurement for AIDS? I don't recall the details, but that seems correct.
  Also, I read in a recent memo that Beck said some people are resistant to
the amount of voltage used and suggested it be raised to 36 volts(?). Again,
it's been a while.
  I remember there being a 5 hour program on the radio in January 1999 with
Bob Beck, Russ Torlage (from Sota Instruments) and a few other people. I
personally believe used effectively, the technology has validity. It is true
I know there are hospitals using it. I also understand it (by "it" I mean
the technology, not necessarily Beck's design) is used successfully in
Africa in AIDS patients.

- Original Message -
From: "Roman" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT: Zappers increase viral load?

> Here's what Mark had to say about this. He said that Bob Beck's
> explanation (that zappers explode viruses in pieces and that PCR
> measures these fragments, not just the virus) seems plausible but falls
> apart when not only does the viral load increase (as measured by PCR),
> but other blood parameters, T cells counts and WBC counts decline. He
> also says that it doesn't take 8 to 12 weeks to   clear the virus from
> the blood once it is destroyed and this is measurable by PCR.  This has
> been demonstrated by persons using drug cocktails that have gone from
> over 500,000 viral load to non-detectable in less than 4 weeks. After 8
> to 12 weeks, the PCR viral load counts with the Zapper or Bob Becks unit
> still keep going up.
> Roman
> wrote:
> > In a message dated 3/1/2002 11:36:34 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Just out of curiosity, does the PCR happen to measure both dead and
> >> live virii?  Someone who's really sick will have to get rid of the
> >> toxins produced by dead virii, and the skin's the major option when
> >> the kidney's are overloaded
> >
> > Yes, the PCR measures not only Dead and Live virus but also counts
> > pieces of dead virus, so it is a very murky measuring stick.
> > Neil
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT: Zappers increase viral load?

2002-03-02 Thread DJG
Yes, it does appear that the viral load increases, but appearances can be
deceptive. Read for a good explanation. This is
true for herbal anti-virals as well. It is not an actual increase in the
number of viruses. Also, it is well known now that PCR is no longer accurate
test for HIV if I recall.
- Original Message -
From: "Roman" 
To: "silver list" 
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 9:16 PM
Subject: CS>OT: Zappers increase viral load?

> Hi, all,
> There's a widely accepted assumption among believers in electromedicine
> devices that zappers kill viruses, among other microbes. However, I'd
> like to offer you evidence to the contrary and ask for your thoughts,
> facts, etc. Perhaps, certain factors are very important, and they were
> ignored in cases mentioned below.
> On some discussion board, when I suggested a use of some sort of
> electromedicine device for herpes, I got a reply from someone who had
> used a zapper to her detriment. She started to breakout as never before.
> She also referred me to reports by Mark Konlee at Keep Hope Alive web
> site ( He talks of
> reports from people who used zappers for HIV, and their viral loads, as
> measured by PCR, rose significantly (sometimes tripled). Below are links
> to pages where he talks about it. Just search for the word zapper on
> these pages. He also provides a possible explanation for this
> phenomenon. By the way, Hulda Clark confirms that PCR rises from using
> her zapper.
> Roman
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-28 Thread DJG
Are you referring to preventing free radicals or neutralizing them? I know
of no more potent substance than Microhydrin as an anti-oxidant. It donates
electrons. If used on teeth, the plaque will literally dissolve. This
happened to me when I used it for a few days. As an electron donor opposed
to electron stripper, like H2O2, MH is very potent and has several health
benefits, and does not release free radicals in the process. Check it out. I
have heard much about Immunocal, and I would think MH would work well with
it because it enhances the effects of whatever you take with it.
- Original Message -
From: "Duncan Crow" 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: CS>ms

> Using the electronic devices you can normalize tissue for awhile and it
> seems like relief, but the free radical cascades that caused the flareups
> and much of the damage have not been addressed at this point, and neither
> has regrowth of the sheath. By adding the glutathione precursor and the
> methylating nutrients you stop the free radicals and allow myelin to
> What's causing the problem is usually but not always mercury poisoning.
> chelation is a good option to start out with. Glutathione is the body's
> natural way of getting it out of the body, but it's not as quick as
> chelation. If it's infection, then again the Immunocal is the route to go,
> in addition to whatever else you'd choose. (CS, Beck, Rife, herbal blends
> for mycoplasma etc...)
> Even a local MD (Dr. Code) who has been doing seminars and authored a book
> on how to control MS progress, latched onto Canadian HMS-90 for this
> particular purpose like nobody's business as the missing ingredient in is
> own program.
> ciao
> Duncan
> - Original Message -
> From: "DJG" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 7:30 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>ms
> |  This is the main url for Beck's protocol.
> | Incidentally, Beck has given his blessing to Sota for their products.
> |
> |  FDA/FTC relentlessly attacked them, but most
> | recently FTC backed down, which is quite a feat. What's strange is how
> | could even try since Sota is a Canadian firm. Their magnetic pulser is
> a
> | licensed non-prescription medical device in Canada. They are trying to
> | the blood electrification approved as well, but I doubt that will happen
> | anytime soon. Russ Torlage is a good guy.
> |
> | I have two Beck-type devices. One is a modified version.
> | - Original Message -
> | From: "Catherine Creel" 
> | To: 
> | Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:34 AM
> | Subject: Re: CS>ms
> |
> |
> | > < | > >>
> | >
> | >
> | >   If you're looking for electrical devices that have some efficacy
> at
> | > Rife
> | > and Beck products.  The Zapper is over-hyped and cannot even begin
> | > to touch most pathogens.
> | >
> | >I would imagine we have a scientist or two here that can expound on
> | this.
> | >
> | > Catherine
> | >
> | >
> | > --
> | > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> | >
> | > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> | >  -or-
> | > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> | >
> | > To post, address your message to:
> | > Silver-list archive:
> | > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> | >
> | >
> |

Re: CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Electronic Products:

> Government agent!
> Gonna take it all off the market and destroy them!
> Jump in here Marshall
> Chuck
> 2+2=5, for moderately large values of two .
> On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 22:48:07 -0500, "DJG"  wrote:
> >Looks suspicious to me...
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Medicine Man" 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:02 PM
> >Subject: CS>Electronic Products:
> >
> >
> >> Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
> >> equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
> >> please send list and price...Thanks MM.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >>
> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >>  -or-
> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> Silver-list archive:
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >

Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
Eniva makes very good mineral products, including colloidal gold. 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

  I'm not sure I wold take any prescription drug from a doctor these days.  
Have you tried colloidal gold for depression?
  With these possible diagnosis you have, who wouldn't be depressed?
- Original Message - 
From: Marshalee Hallett 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, welbutrin

Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to 
try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or 
experience, good or bad with this stuff??
I hesitate to take stuff like that...

Re: CS>Electronic Products:

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
Looks suspicious to me...
- Original Message - 
From: "Medicine Man" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: CS>Electronic Products:

> Hi I am looking to buy Electronic
> equipment..Chi-Machines-Zappers-Rife-ect if anyone has anything to sell
> please send list and price...Thanks MM.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread DJG
There are other methods to go after the viruses hiding in tissue. One is by
an Iontophoresis device, which I have. Others are by RF (Lachovsky), Rife
  UVBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation) is very effective against blood borne
infections. See Dr. William Campbell Douglass M.D.
  Ozone therapy is yet another. And, there are certain herbal preparations
that play hell on viruses, and cancer. One is called C-Herb. I've used it
many times. It works by exposing the protein sheath that protects the virus
from detection by the immune system, thereby allowing it's destruction by
the body's NK cells. Warts, molesanything this is a non-self cell,
including Hepatitis C.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Darrin" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

> Marsha:
> It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are
> the same.
> I've had lyme for forty some years and assure you that you never kill it
> completely. It hides in dryer tissues such as the lymph system and
> flares up with a trauma or some other unknown reason.
> My lyme was cured so I thought, for the last two years. A month and a
> half ago I bumped my knee against some concrete. Not hard enough to
> cause a bruise, only made it a little sore. I went ahead and had my
> seven mile bicycle ride for the day. Later that day my knee started to
> swell to about triple normal size.
> When that happens that quick it explodes the tissues from inside and
> makes it take a long time to heal completely. I started taking six
> ounces of CS every half hour, in two days the swelling was starting to
> go down. I kept on the dosage for another day and at the end of the
> first week the swelling was gone, but it took another six weeks to
> return to 100 percent.
> Always in the past when one knee went ballistic the other would follow
> before the first one quit.
> You had lyme disease so you still have lyme disease, CS can only kill
> what is in the blood stream and when it hides elsewhere it can launch an
> attack at any time. The constant use of CS will usually keep it at bay
> but you have to be ready to launch the big guns ( frequent dosage ) to
> drive it back when an attack happens.
> Dave
>   This is the second time to try to send this,I wish I could figure out
> how to operate a computer :)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ms

2002-02-27 Thread DJG  This is the main url for Beck's protocol.
Incidentally, Beck has given his blessing to Sota for their products.  FDA/FTC relentlessly attacked them, but most
recently FTC backed down, which is quite a feat. What's strange is how FTC
could even try since Sota is a Canadian firm. Their magnetic pulser is now a
licensed non-prescription medical device in Canada. They are trying to get
the blood electrification approved as well, but I doubt that will happen
anytime soon. Russ Torlage is a good guy.

I have two Beck-type devices. One is a modified version.
- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: CS>ms

> < >>
>   If you're looking for electrical devices that have some efficacy look at
> Rife
> and Beck products.  The Zapper is over-hyped and cannot even begin
> to touch most pathogens.
>I would imagine we have a scientist or two here that can expound on
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread DJG
Not necessarily. Many pathogens can hide in secluded places wreaking their 
  Were were screened for chlamydial infection? HHV-6? If they didn't extract it 
from cerebrospinal fluid, how can they know for certain? 
  Do you have a history of infectious mononucleosis (Epstein Barr)? Did you 
have mumps or measles after age 15? There are others.
Now, as far as CS goes, the size of a virus ranges from 22 nm up to and over 90 
nm. I must admit I'm not an expert on the efficacy of CS against viruses, but 
common sense would tell me if the CS size is not optimal in relation to the 
intended target, it will not work. 
  If it were me, I would not sacrifice my body to the Priesthood of medicine. I 
would go outside the accepted/approved "norm" if I in fact I was dx with MS. Be 
prepared to be excoriated by your doctor should you do this. Unless you want to 
be pumped full of drugs and live in misery the rest of your life, you may want 
to investigate this further.

my 2 cents
  Have your heard of UVBI?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:18 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

I have been taking CS for nearly 6 years now, don`t you think that if MS is 
an infection, the CS would have nailed it by now? 
I seriously think the Lyme Disease did permanent damage to my nerves, and 
even though the Lyme is gone, the nerves are still in bad shape.
We shall see...

I believe MS is an infection, period. Very possibly HHV-6 or chlamydia. Or 
is diagnosed as MS because many conditions can mimic MS. Either way, I still 
believe infection may be the root cause, maybe which has manifested itself many 
years after the initial infection. I'm interested in knowing if you received a 
polio shot prior to 1964? If you wish, email me and I'll give you a contact. 
  One thing we must all understand is that there are literally thousands of 
pathogens for which they will never in anyone's lifetime be able to isolate. 
Plus, many are pleomorphic (protean) which makes the job of isolating them even 
harder. When the conventional medical folks say a condition is ideopathic or 
so-called auto-immune, what they are really saying is they simply don't know. 
It is my belief as time goes on, nearly all the devistating diseases will be 
linked to infection. There was a time when the consensus of the day was to 
scoff at the idea (Koch and Rife) that viruses cause cancer. Today there are 
five proven causations of cancer linked to viruses. Fungi, when it's better 
understood, will also be shown to be the cause of much illness (found in 
prostate cancer) as fungi release enormous amounts of toxins.virii and 
bacteria being two of them. Mycoplasma has just become a hot topic in recent 
years. Remember also that it took 13 years (1996) before mainstream medicine 
accepted that stomach ulcers are caused by infection. Now there are over 20 
known. Yet, in the 1940's there were doctors that knew what caused stomach 
ulcers, but were ignored. My point is, don't put all your eggs in one basket 
with respect to your doctor's dx. Do your own research and find a good 
physician that is not of the linear thinking cookie cutter variety. 
  We had much experience with diabetes in my parents. My mother has been 
declared non-diabetic since January 1999. My father had it much worse, but we 
were able to all but eliminate his meds until his untimely death April 2001 due 
to a nosocomial infection while in the hospital. 

Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread DJG
I believe MS is an infection, period. Very possibly HHV-6 or chlamydia. Or is 
diagnosed as MS because many conditions can mimic MS. Either way, I still 
believe infection may be the root cause, maybe which has manifested itself many 
years after the initial infection. I'm interested in knowing if you received a 
polio shot prior to 1964? If you wish, email me and I'll give you a contact. 
  One thing we must all understand is that there are literally thousands of 
pathogens for which they will never in anyone's lifetime be able to isolate. 
Plus, many are pleomorphic (protean) which makes the job of isolating them even 
harder. When the conventional medical folks say a condition is ideopathic or 
so-called auto-immune, what they are really saying is they simply don't know. 
It is my belief as time goes on, nearly all the devistating diseases will be 
linked to infection. There was a time when the consensus of the day was to 
scoff at the idea (Koch and Rife) that viruses cause cancer. Today there are 
five proven causations of cancer linked to viruses. Fungi, when it's better 
understood, will also be shown to be the cause of much illness (found in 
prostate cancer) as fungi release enormous amounts of toxins.virii and 
bacteria being two of them. Mycoplasma has just become a hot topic in recent 
years. Remember also that it took 13 years (1996) before mainstream medicine 
accepted that stomach ulcers are caused by infection. Now there are over 20 
known. Yet, in the 1940's there were doctors that knew what caused stomach 
ulcers, but were ignored. My point is, don't put all your eggs in one basket 
with respect to your doctor's dx. Do your own research and find a good 
physician that is not of the linear thinking cookie cutter variety. 
  We had much experience with diabetes in my parents. My mother has been 
declared non-diabetic since January 1999. My father had it much worse, but we 
were able to all but eliminate his meds until his untimely death April 2001 due 
to a nosocomial infection while in the hospital. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 10:36 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT, diabetes and MS

  Dear List, I`m finding out about diabetes and possible MS right now.
  Anyone out there have any words of knowledge for me??
  PS, My GTT numbers were 90 FBS and 160  2 hours after the nasty sweet stuff...
  I`ll be having more blood work and possibly an MRI soon.
  I`d rather have stage 4 liver cancer than MS, much quicker...

Re: CS>chicken pox

2002-02-10 Thread DJG
I would not hesitate to use CS as well, but also highly recommend Larreastat
from .
- Original Message -
From: "Terry Chamberlin" 
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 6:59 PM
Subject: CS>chicken pox

> Reid,
> I would not hesitate to use CS copiously to fight
> chicken pox. Chicken pox is the Varicella (Herpes)
> Zoster virus, the same virus that causes shingles. The
> two most effective weapons against all forms of the
> Herpes virus (Herpes Simplex I - cold sore; Herpes
> Shingles II - VD; Herpes Zoster - shingles; Epstein
> Barr; Infectious Mononucleosis; Human Herpesvirus 6 &
> 7) are CS and L-lysine.
> My first serious experience with Herpes Simplex I,
> when my head, neck, shoulders, back and chest were
> covered with hundreds of pustules (caused by an
> ignorant doctors worst-case prescription), established
> an outbreak of sores all over my face several times
> per year from then on (for the last 30 years). The
> doctors who treated me in the hospital had no idea
> what to do, so they baked me with a high-powered
> infrared lamp for four days. It worked. The sores
> healed and went away, but the bi- and tri-monthly
> outbreaks began. I soon after discovered L-lysine.
> When I would notice sores spreading across my face, I
> would ingest 6-10,000 mg of lysine each day, and the
> sores would stop spreading and be gone in 3-4 days. I
> also followed a diet rich in lysine and low in
> arginine (an amino acid that the Herpes virus thrives
> in). Foods rich in arginine are: chocolate, p-nuts,
> grains, nuts, seeds and beans. The foods rich in
> lysine are: meats and dairy products. Fruits and
> vegetables have little of either arginine or lysine,
> so are neutral and can be eaten freely.
> Since I started drinking CS 3 years ago, I have had
> one cold sore (right after eating a chocolate bar).
> Two of my clients have reported that swishing/gargling
> CS has caused whole-mouth (inside) canker sores to
> vanish overnight.
> The other weapon I would use against any virus would
> be the Beck devices.
> Terry Chamberlin
> Metabolic Solutions Institute
> RR1  314 Carleton Rd
> Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
> 902-584-3810 voice
> 413-826-7641 fax service
> __
> Web-hosting solutions for home and business!
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Living Water & CS

2002-02-07 Thread DJG
I mixed Microhydrin (H-) with CS to see what it would do. It turned black
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Nolan" 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Living Water & CS

> Ian - Ivan has already listed the best site on the subject of negative
> hydrogen ion (reduced water): Lots of
> quality info, and links to vendors. As I understand it, the acid/alkaline
> units electrolytically produce H- ions by a basically two-stage process.
> ions are first reduced to monatomic nascent hydrogen at the cathode. Next,
> some of the nascent hydrogen is further reduced to H- ion, also at the
> cathode. Apparently the H- ion is then encased within a water molecule
> cluster, thus stabilizing it. CS is most stable when in an acid pH
> environment, so it would only be advisable to try and mix the two if
> water was also acid, but it seems to be alkaline. Hence it would seem
> advisable to make and use the two separately.
> regards, Kevin Nolan
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ian Roe" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:42 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Living Water & CS
> > Re: CS>Living Water & CSHi:
> >
> > There are things that can be done to water that affects it's surface
> tension
> > and hydrogen ion concentration. For instance, bubbling ionized hydrogen
> gas
> > through water, increases the pH and makes hydrogen available as the
> ultimate
> > antioxident.  Puting Flanagan Microclusters in water does the same
> > (but at nearly $1.00 CDN per capsule it's cost prohibitive for me) The
> > research and university studies are in on that one - lots of provable
> > available.  It's my understanding that there are water units out there
> that
> > add hydrogen to water but I don't know which ones they are.  These
> > water machines are pretty vague about what they actually do to the water
> but
> > I was hoping they would add hydrogen to it somehow.  My understanding is
> > that getting enough hydrogen ions into the body could actually stop and
> even
> > reverse some cellular aging.  Ionizing hydrogen gas in a kitchen and
> > bubbling it through water isn't the everyday kitchen equipment I'd like
> > have.  I've barely got room on the counter top as it is.  I really don't
> > know what effect making CS from this type of water would have as it's
> > conductivity would be much higher than distilled.  I use the HVAC Ultra
> Pro
> > from Csprosystems.  It's made hundreds of gallons of excellent CS for me
> and
> > others for three years now but it's design only accomodates very pure
> > distilled water. I've had no experience with LVDC CS but some people
> to
> > increase the conductivity of the water by heating it or adding baking
> > as an electrolyte.  Could negative hydrogen ions accomplish the same
> effect
> > of increasing conductivity as well as haveing antioxidant property and
> > assist in producing good CS?
> >
> > Ian
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Two questions

2002-02-07 Thread DJG
I have lab tests a friend gave me from Catholic Medical, Harvard, BYU (freely 
available on the net).about 8 total from some pretty heavy hitters. Unless 
completely wantingly ignorant, the antimicrobial activity of CS cannot be 
denied. There are still those, like Dr. Dean Edel that say there is no evidence 
to support it which is untrue. He also states you can turn blue, another 
falsehood. I have them scanned in somewhere. I don't think they can be sent to 
this forum though. I will email them to you if you wish.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Jeffus 
  To: *Silver-List* (E-mail) 
  Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:53 PM
  Subject: CS>Two questions

  Being novice to all this, I had two basic questions: 

  Does anyone know of any studies that prove or strongly indicate method of 
silver's antimicrobial action?  I've heard theories, but am looking for studies 
or people that know... 

  Second question:  is there a central formula for the design for a simple LVDC 
generator?  Such as, given a certain size of electrode (area/volume), it is 
ideal to use a certain current (volts/amps) for a certain period to produce a 
certain volume of suspension at a prescribed concentration (ppm)? 

  Many thanks for your input and advice for this beginner. 


  Do You Yahoo!?
  Send FREE Valentine eCards with Yahoo! Greetings!

Re: CS>chicken pox

2002-02-07 Thread DJG
It may be, but I had the pleasure of dealing with this in both my kids last
November. The best thing to use as far as I'm concerned after the chicken
pox sets in is Larreastat . The extra strength cream is
what you want. No itching, blistering or scarring. They ended up like
mosquito bites at worst. You have to get it right away though. Once
blistered, it's more difficult to stop it from scarring. It works!
- Original Message -
From: "Reid Harvey" 
To: "silver list" 
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:14 AM
Subject: CS>chicken pox

> CS Enthusiasts,
> There are several kids in our community who have chicken pox.  Can
> someone please tell me if CS is effective against this?
> Reid
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ed Skilling's RF devices

2002-02-02 Thread DJG
  I already replied to you personally. As I stated, the dog's situation was
minor compared to cancer. I've had enough experience with electro devices to
know they have a place, but not enough experience to warrant stating what
can be used for cancer. Aches and pains are one thing. Cancer pain is far
from that. If you bought the photon machine expecting some sort of miracle
cure for cancer pain, I'm sorry. As I told you, two people in my family have
cancer as I write this. I never even brought up electro devices.
  I will remind you the mag pulser is licensed in Canada as a
non-prescription electro device for certain things. It does work.
  My advice is to seek professional help for cancer, and learn about what
you can do on your own. If you want references, I'd be happy to give them
and let you decide.
- Original Message -
From: "Craig Chamberlin" 
To: ; "DJG" 
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ed Skilling's RF devices

> DJG,
> I have to comment here.  Purchased one of the Photon Sound Beam systems
> by Skilling and after nearly a month of CONSTANT use, my sister who has
> metastasized breast cancer, has experienced absolutely nothing from this
> device.  All we expected was some pain relief, and it hasn't even done
> that.
> Having said that, I want to point out that I understand that the various
> electro-medical devices do not work/work the same, for everyone.
> Consequently, it might be prudent to disclaim the success you had with
> your dog, as having any correlation, necessarily, with anyone else
> experiencing the same success.  There is no single solution provided by
> any of these devices.  And, as I am finding out, on some people, it
> seems none of them work.
> I am glad your dog is better...I wish my sister was.
> Regards,
> Craig
> DJG wrote:
> >
> > This guy knows his stuff. My
> > device is based on PRT. You can also visit . Jim
> > just recently retired. He was my source of underground information with
> > intriguing uses of the Skilling machine, such as regenerating tissue and
> > organs.
> >  The Sota product isn't the same, although 728 hz is one of the
settings. So
> > no it isn't the same, but the basic principle is similar. Mine is the
> > version which covers the full frequency spectrum. It was quite expensive
> > at the time when I bought it, November 2000, was one of only a handful
> > the U.S. Nothing is said by Sota if you'll notice. They were in very hot
> > water 1 1/2 years ago during the first FDA blitzkrieg offensive and
> > Candadian counterparts, albeit Sota is Candadian. I've had a few long
> > conversations with Russ Torlage before that all happened. He was much
> > open to discussion then, but now.
> >   The Magnetic Pulser is a registered medical device, yet 2 years ago
was on
> > the virge of being banned. It works quite well actually. It saved my
> > show dog's tooth after he loosened it and it became infected. She took
> > to two vets, one being a top canine dental vet in Michigan. He said in
> > uncertain terms the tooth had to be replaced. It was infected. The cost
> > $2500 (cringe). We took him home and used the mag pulser three times a
> > Within 2 weeks it completely healed and reseated itself. The vet was
> > (aren't they all when they are proven wrong?). For aches and pains it
> > wonders, and will clear out a sinus infection/congestion rapidly. The
> > electrification device is currently being studied for licensure in
> > We shall see.
> >   In January 2000,  Hilly Rose was a radio show host on Art Bell. He had
a 5
> > hour program on alternative medicine; electro-medicine specifically. Bob
> > Beck, Russ Torlage et al and apparently recovered patients from HCV and
> > others called in. Hilly made some pretty bold statements criticizing the
> > current medical establishment, and CS was discussed as well. I taped the
> > program, then lost it unfortunately. Hilly Rose was never heard from
> > I guess the content was too radical for even Art Bell.
> >   I have a question about CS. There are certain CS manufacturers
> > for patents as their claim is their product is so unique it warrants
> > protection. I'm wondering what is different and are they that much
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "John A. Stanley" 
> > Newsgroups: list.silver
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:05 PM
> > Subject: CS

Re: CS>Ed Skilling's RF devices

2002-02-01 Thread DJG This guy knows his stuff. My
device is based on PRT. You can also visit . Jim Solomon
just recently retired. He was my source of underground information with some
intriguing uses of the Skilling machine, such as regenerating tissue and
 The Sota product isn't the same, although 728 hz is one of the settings. So
no it isn't the same, but the basic principle is similar. Mine is the full
version which covers the full frequency spectrum. It was quite expensive and
at the time when I bought it, November 2000, was one of only a handful in
the U.S. Nothing is said by Sota if you'll notice. They were in very hot
water 1 1/2 years ago during the first FDA blitzkrieg offensive and their
Candadian counterparts, albeit Sota is Candadian. I've had a few long
conversations with Russ Torlage before that all happened. He was much more
open to discussion then, but now.
  The Magnetic Pulser is a registered medical device, yet 2 years ago was on
the virge of being banned. It works quite well actually. It saved my wife's
show dog's tooth after he loosened it and it became infected. She took him
to two vets, one being a top canine dental vet in Michigan. He said in no
uncertain terms the tooth had to be replaced. It was infected. The cost was
$2500 (cringe). We took him home and used the mag pulser three times a day.
Within 2 weeks it completely healed and reseated itself. The vet was baffled
(aren't they all when they are proven wrong?). For aches and pains it works
wonders, and will clear out a sinus infection/congestion rapidly. The blood
electrification device is currently being studied for licensure in Canada.
We shall see.
  In January 2000,  Hilly Rose was a radio show host on Art Bell. He had a 5
hour program on alternative medicine; electro-medicine specifically. Bob
Beck, Russ Torlage et al and apparently recovered patients from HCV and
others called in. Hilly made some pretty bold statements criticizing the
current medical establishment, and CS was discussed as well. I taped the
program, then lost it unfortunately. Hilly Rose was never heard from again.
I guess the content was too radical for even Art Bell.
  I have a question about CS. There are certain CS manufacturers applying
for patents as their claim is their product is so unique it warrants patent
protection. I'm wondering what is different and are they that much better.
- Original Message -
From: "John A. Stanley" 
Newsgroups: list.silver
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: CS>Ed Skilling's RF devices

> In article <005901c1ab8a$00752bc0$fa06f...@dg>, "DJG" 
> [snip]
> >  I have one of Ed Skilling's RF devices. I know it does do some things
> >my daughter had chickenpox in her genital area. I applied the device to
> >area for 15 minutes. In one hour, they disappeared. That night she got
> >inside her mouth. It was very painful, and she could not talk or move her
> >mouth. My wife was scared and called the doctor (I told her what he'd
> >Sure enough.nothing to do but wait.nothing for viruses you know
> >So, I did the same thing to her mouth with the device. Again, in 1 to 1
> >hours, they completely disappeared. My mother used it for Candida;
> >overused it one day and got quite sick. Scientific? No, but from
> >observations I was convinced. Electro-medicine..very interesting
> >subject.
> Is your Ed Skilling RF device the same as or similar to the Ed Skilling
> device sold by Sota instruments as the Harmonic Pulser?
> --
> John A. Stanley
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

2002-02-01 Thread DJG
  The seed companies have the farmers by their proverbial _. The
terminator seeds can't reproduce, thereby forcing the farmer to buy from the
seed companies. By having the farmers cornered, where does that leave us?
Something is rotten in Denmark..
  Personally, I have a good supply of organic unaltered seeds. If you want
to get real radical, maybe the plan is to control the world by controlling
the food supply? My farmer friends tell me they see fewer and fewer
butterflies in recent years since using terminators and GE seeds in general.
Coincidence? I don't know, but farmers have no choice these days but to fall
in line or sell the farm. Long term effects of GE food is not well known,
but it is a bit worrysome.
- Original Message -
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

"James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:

> "I am convinced that this company issingularlydedicated to reducing
> the human population of this planet."
> Me too. And doing a great job of it.The genes for automatic sterility
> unless the seed is soaked in Tetracycline before planting is crossing
> to many major food crops worldwide.

Will the gene cross to animals if they eat the plant?  That could really
wipe out the population quickly.

How would tetracycline do anything.  It prevents one celled organisms
from dividing.


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CS>Kefir !!

2002-02-01 Thread DJG
Hey! I've been making my own Kefir for several months now. It's quite the 
amazing "stuff". I'm getting pretty good at it too. There is no comparison to 
yogurt and kefir. Kefir is superior in every way. Do a search and you'll be 
amazed what can be done with it, and the health benefits. Heck, you can even 
make your own booze with it in a pinch lol. Like CS, the cost is very low, and 
only the initial price of the grains, but they grow and multiply, then you give 
them to someone else. The cycle never ends. 

Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

2002-02-01 Thread DJG
 Go to your favorite oncologist for information on mustard gas.he uses
it everyday.
- Original Message -
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:06 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

> Why is canola/rapeseed oil considered evil?
>  If it because of the association of rape plants with the mustard family
> and the FALSE association of mustard with mustard gas...the conclusion is
> basically flawed.
>  Mustard gas is not made from mustard plants.  It was called that because
> of its color.
> Ken
> At 09:03 PM 1/30/02 -0500, you wrote:
> Hi John,
> Could your opinion of canola oil being evil have anything to do with
> Monsanto Chemical Co.'s altering the genetic characteristics of the flax
> seed sold to Canadian farmers?  I may be paranoid, but I swear that at
> times I am convinced that this company is singularly dedicated to reducing
> the human population of this planet.
> Namaste:   Bob Bartell
> -Original Message-
> From: John A. Stanley []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil
> Canola oil is from rapeseed developed to be very low in erucic acid which
> is why the more technical name for canola oil is "low erucic acid rapeseed
> oil."
> However, I still think canola oil is evil. Olive oil, nut oils, and
> butter are the lipids of choice in our household.
> --
> John A. Stanley
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> h/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-02-01 Thread DJG
  I will try and locate some email archives from my friend about the machine
I have. I also have many of his papers with the intention of scanning them.
It's a long and tedious task. I know he said it would remove heavy metals as
a dentist comissioned him to design a mouthpiece for patients that had their
amalgm removed.
  He was into phase II trials if I recall when the hammer dropped.
  I have one of Ed Skilling's RF devices. I know it does do some things as
my daughter had chickenpox in her genital area. I applied the device to the
area for 15 minutes. In one hour, they disappeared. That night she got them
inside her mouth. It was very painful, and she could not talk or move her
mouth. My wife was scared and called the doctor (I told her what he'd say).
Sure enough.nothing to do but wait.nothing for viruses you know LOL.
So, I did the same thing to her mouth with the device. Again, in 1 to 1 1/2
hours, they completely disappeared. My mother used it for Candida; actually
overused it one day and got quite sick. Scientific? No, but from
observations I was convinced. Electro-medicine..very interesting
  BTW, for parents whose kids get chickenpox, go to . No
scarring, itching or blistering using their Larreastat cream. It works.
- Original Message -
From: "Dean T. Miller" 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO

> On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 00:01:46 -0500, "DJG"  wrote:
> >  I sent him the link , and the original article about
> >Electro Regeneration. Here is his response:
> Arghh.  That's Beck's bioelectrifier, from what I can tell.  Yes, it
> will do a lot of what's said on that WWW site.
> >Read the literature on the eprt machine. Very exotic looking but from
> >what I could tell from the face plate, and what their literature seems to
> >imply, the machine I sent you is a light year ahead of the one they have.
> If you want to see an exotic machine, go to:
> >The Ionotron is AC/DC, and can change cycles, amps, and bias. Also, they
> >haven't even a clue to the biochemistry and biophysics possible.
> And that's what I'd like to know.  The biochemistry and biophysics
> behind the device.  There isn't much on the 'net that I can find.
> Only Beck and H. Clark talk about it, but only in terms of
> application, not what's happening.
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-01-30 Thread DJG
My friend said to use platinum coated titanium plates. I had them
made.very expensive.
  Yes, I can measure all the outputs, but the device has many. The question
is which ones are for what. My friend is helping me along, but it's hard
when you live 2000 miles apart, plus he being a bio-pysicist and me being an
equivalent to riding a tricycle vs. a Harley Davidson, I have to learn as I
go. I have blood electrification devices, RF (Lachovsky/Skilling), photonic
stimulation and of course CS makers, but this thing takes the cake.
  I sent him the link , and the original article about
Electro Regeneration. Here is his response:
Read the literature on the eprt machine. Very exotic looking but from
what I could tell from the face plate, and what their literature seems to
imply, the machine I sent you is a light year ahead of the one they have.
Apparently it's a DC unit. That's to keep the FDA off their backs. The
minute they go to an AC powered unit, the roof falls in. I know.

The Ionotron is AC/DC, and can change cycles, amps, and bias. Also, they
haven't even a clue to the biochemistry and biophysics possible. They
described a simple galvanic ion machine, but wrapped up in a new wrapper.
Otherwise, it's the same thing as what has been around for over a hundred
years. If they'd learned the real possibilities, they wouldn't be shy about
talking about them. That's still in the future.

- Original Message -
From: "Bob Bartell" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: RE: CS>DMSO

> Hi Dean,
> This sounds a little like the "Zapper" we discussed some time ago -- Is
> it? Or something different? By the way, you still got some of those
> extra parts around for a homemade zapper?
> Namaste:  Bob Bartell
> -Original Message-
> From: Dean T. Miller []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>DMSO
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 00:03:35 -0500, "DJG"  wrote:
> >  Also, a friend of mine (a retired bio-physicist) gave me a machine
> called the Ionotron he developed in the 1970's and 1980's. It is based
> on Iontophoresis, however went way beyond what IP is used for today.
> It's quite amazing as he explained it. His research and clinical use
> showed he could cure ear infections in 15 minutes, and accelerated
> healing 20-30 times, plus numerous other uses.
> >If anyone is interested in my
> >machine, I'd like to discuss it with you, especially if you are
> knowledgeable in electro-medical devices and/or chemistry related to
> medicine. My friend has given me permission to do what I wish with the
> machine, but he will remain anonymous unless I'm told otherwise.
> Could you describe it?  Can you measure the voltage/current (and pulse
> frequency and shape, if it's a pulsed unit)?  What kind of electrodes
> are used (I noted that one WWW site suggests using silver or silver
> chloride electrodes with their iontophoresis machine -- hmm).
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>How long does Candida take to kill off?

2002-01-30 Thread DJG
I take it your son has been through several abx cycles? I went through this 
with my mother. In my experience, it's not a matter of taking CS, or any other 
anti-fungal. It is a complete lifestyle change. Certainly, it is good to take 
CS etc., but diet must be addressed. Nothing white (refined carbs 
basically).sugar, flour, etc.There are so many variables with Candida, and 
each case is different and unique. What symptoms does he exhibit? Has he been 
diagnosed? Was he checked for systemic Candidiasis? Does he have leaky gut? 
These are but a few examples of how complex this can be, again only from my 
experience. I spent countless hours at on the Candida 
forum, much of it heated debate. However, we finally figured it out.
  She not only took CS, but GSE, oregano oil, probiotics (soil based 
organisms), plus other things, and also colonics. It can be a long hard road, 
but do it right and he will turn around.
  What can happen is the immune system can lose it's memory and no longer fight 
the Candida. We went to for the answer. Today she is 
completely well, and can eat just about anything she wants, within 
reason.the Candida diet was so healthy she stuck with it.
  Quite honestly, the conventional realm has little to offer for infections of 
this type. That is not arguable if you've had experience with them. Good luck.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Newsome 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:46 PM
  Subject: CS>How long does Candida take to kill off?

  My son has Candida and it is really high.  It causes him discomforts and 
behavioral problems.  

  He is 7 and cannot talk to tell me if the CS is working.  I don't know if I 
should give him more or less.  Any experienced opinions on this would be 
welcome.  I'm going trial and error with no experience.  Thanks!


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  -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. 
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Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

2002-01-29 Thread DJG
  Don't forget Flaxoil, sesame seed oil and coconut oil!!
- Original Message -
From: "John A. Stanley" 
Newsgroups: list.silver
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

> In article <>,
> Marshall Dudley  wrote:
> >Hit everyone,
> >
> >Lorenzo;s oil was on A&E the other day, and I watched it. I had never
seen it
> >before.  Boy does it show the doctors as a bunch of buffoons!
> >
> >Anyway, I found one part interesting.  The parents were wanting to use an
> >extract of rape seed oil in the formula.  The doctors said that the FDA
> >never allow that since rape seed oil is known to be poisonous.  That
> >caught my attention.  That the FDA would supposedly not allow it in a
cure for
> >a disease because of it's toxicity, but will allow it to be put on the
> >shelf labeled as canola oil for everyone to eat.
> The rapeseed extract in "Lorenzo's Oil" is erucic acid. Canola oil is
> from rapeseed developed to be very low in erucic acid which is why the
> more technical name for canola oil is "low erucic acid rapeseed oil."
> However, I still think canola oil is evil. Olive oil, nut oils, and
> butter are the lipids of choice in our household.
> --
> John A. Stanley
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fwd: e mails with Quackwatch

2002-01-29 Thread DJG
Well, I wasn't that bad, and didn't bother saving the volley.
  My father died on April 26, 2001. When he was admitted in March 2001 to
the hospital he was taking 2 meds, and those were minimal (the story is long
since this all started in March 1999, but will not go into detail). By the
time he died, he was on 13 different drugs, contracted MRSA (actually was
Vancomycin resistant as well), and when I saw the bag of Vancomycin, I knew
his days were numbered. It literally destroyed his kidneys, eyes and liver.
I was powerless though I had 3 meetings with the hospital staff, arguing
with 3 doctors and the nurses. I must say they are the most arrogant,
condescending _(fill it in). If I had done what I
wanted, they would have evicted my dad. The hospitals don't like to see me
around. In fact, they don't want anyone there who's halfway informed.
  I am very bitter toward our current system of medicine as I witnessed the
legal killing of my dad. That may sound radical, but there's no other words
for it. He was killed by a system that forces the use of very toxic
chemicals that are lethal to especially the elderly. If lawsuits were based
on drugs having lethal effects, our courts would be backlogged for years. If
the drugs are used in accordance with the FDA approved procedure, you can't
blame the hospital. His death certificate said he died of
respiratory/cardiac failure. That is a fraudulent stated cause of death.
They sedated him with Haldon, Morphine and one other that slips my mind at
the moment, and poisoned him. We warned them that antibiotics and any
sedative drugs would shut him down. They ignored us.
  We also said the sedation would affect his autonomic system and prevent
him from breathing as we had this experience in 1999. They ignored us.
  We said Vancomycin was horrendously toxic to him. They said it was being
monitored...the only thing they were monitoring was his death. I
contacted three medical friends of mine who agreed. His symptoms were
typical of Vancomycin side effects of the worst case.
  It was a nightmare, and I will never forgive them for what they did to my
dad. It was so bad they wouldn't allow me to review his records, so I had to
contact my attorney. It seemed so illogical to me anyway to give abx via IV
when the lungs were where the infection was. I asked if I could use GSE and
CS (via nebulizer). I was refused. Beware! Have a trusted family member or
friend nearby at all times to watch your loved one in the hospital, and keep
close track of everything the hospital does. The fact is they want to keep
patients drugged up so they don't have to watch them. In my dad's case, we
said the reason he was so uncooperative (unknowingly) was BECAUSE of the
drugs and requested he be taken off them. Yet, they refused as they said he
needed them to "relax". It was downhill from that point on. He was a
vegetable, but we convinced his doctor to have a meeting with the
pulminologist (who claimed Dad was brain dead) and to take him off the
sedation for a few days. They did and he came around, his brain was fine.
However, the nurses were given permission to sedate him should he become
agitated. To them, agitated means they have to do their job. And so it went.
  ICU is not what it used to be years ago. Now, they drug you and let
machines monitor you. I've said enough. I am angry. Thank you for allowing
me to post this. The bottom line is, the first night there he was writing us
notes asking us where he was etc. By the third night he was a drugged out
vegetable. It's painful for me to continue, so I'll stop here. Don't let
them push you around folks.

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CS>DMSO and Electro Regenesis

2002-01-28 Thread DJG
  I was able to locate the company developing this technology. Read my earlier 
post for more details.
I called and had a nice discussion with them. The FDA severely limits what they 
can say (no surprise), but they will have a website in Australia that will have 
full and complete details. 
  The reason I posted about Iontophoresis is because one of it's main functions 
is to carry molecules through the epidermal layers directly to the source under 
the skin and/or into the blood stream. This has many clinical uses. The machine 
I have is capable of doing this, plus much more and should be possible to use 
with CS.


2002-01-28 Thread DJG
  I don't know if anyone posted this, but is the home of the 
father of DMSO, Dr. Stanley Jacob. He was mercilously attacked for decades, and 
DMSO was banned for a time. If his authority is in doubt, check his bio. 
  I curiously noted what appears to be missing from his website now is the 
precise use of DMSO for laymen; simple instructions for the proper application. 
His website has changed from a few years so it may be there, but I couldn't 
find it. It's been a while, but it seems if you use 99.99% pure DMSO, it must 
be diluted with DW. Keep in mind that DMSO will carry through the skin whatever 
is mixed with it, to an extent.
  Also, a friend of mine (a retired bio-physicist) gave me a machine called the 
Ionotron he developed in the 1970's and 1980's. It is based on Iontophoresis, 
however went way beyond what IP is used for today. It's quite amazing as he 
explained it. His research and clinical use showed he could cure ear infections 
in 15 minutes, and accelerated healing 20-30 times, plus numerous other uses. 
One in particular was eliminating skin cancer very rapidly (minutes) using 
retinoic acid if memory serves me. I have many of his papers, but haven't done 
much with it. The FDA badgered him, and subsequently the project was cancelled 
after he put up 500k of his own money. I bought two platinum plated titanium 
electrodes to experiment with it, however have misplaced them at the moment. I 
noticed another device called Electro-Regenesis claimed this effect, however 
the website is gone and I haven't been able to find any new information. They 
were applying for FDA approval. If anyone is interested in my machine, I'd like 
to discuss it with you, especially if you are knowledgeable in electro-medical 
devices and/or chemistry related to medicine. My friend has given me permission 
to do what I wish with the machine, but he will remain anonymous unless I'm 
told otherwise.


Re: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

2002-01-27 Thread DJG
I replied in an earlier post.
- Original Message - 
From: "Quietcove" 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 1:15 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

> Used what, if might ask? Thanks.
> Gary
> -Original Message-
> From: DJG []
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript
>   Skin cancer is the easiest of all to eliminate. I've used it several
> times. 
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

2002-01-26 Thread DJG
I had to format my pc and have the specifics somewhere stored on CD.
However, here is one good article. Connect the dots. It's not hard to figure
out. Who sponsors the big TV/Cable networks in large part? Ever see the
"purple pill" commercials? Hmm, no influence there. How about all the asthma
advertisements?  Arththritis.Celebrex? Giving negative news about my
sponsors wouldn't be good for my bottom line would it? I know I'd be a
little miffed if I spent millions of dollars to promote my product, only to
see I'm paying for news reports that cut me to shreds. Wouldn't you be?
  There's not much to discuss here. It's simple economics.

- Original Message -
From: "Russ Rosser" 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

> Please elaborate on the nature of this connection!.  Tx.  --Russ
> > << Do some research and you'll find the same ones that control the drug
> > industry are the same ones that run the media. They're all in bed
> together.
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Rant (#86)

2002-01-26 Thread DJG
  First, I'd like to say using colloidal silver was not successful for me
with skin cancer. Maybe it takes much longer for results, but we didn't get
  I wish I kept my big mouth shut. Since the FDA/FTC already had their way
with them, go to SkinAnswer. Active ingredient is
glycoalkaloids. It is a prescription drug in Australia; made illegal to sell
otherwise. Of course, dermatologists rarely if ever prescribe it, but were
the principal proponents to regulate it. I wonder why? It works by causing
the cancer cells to digest themselves. It is a slow going process, the only
side effects being a slight stinging for the first 10 minutes or so after
applying. I first heard about it through Dr. David Williams M.D.
  There is another class of anti-cancer agents called escharotics. You can
go to QuackWatch if you want to read how "unsafe" they are. One product is
called Cansema . I've never used it, but know people that
have. There are many in the escharotic classification. If you wish to read
more, go to .
  The product I'm most familiar with is C-Herb . Dave
is  a friend of mine that is well respected in the medical community,
although many I'm sure don't like him. Ingredients: Black Walnut Hull, White
Oak Bark, Burdock, Mineral Salts and water. No, it does not use acid, and
does nothing when contacting normal cells. I've tried to duplicate the
formula without success. Any chemists here want to help me out? Touching
metal ruins it. C-Herb works by exposing the virus or non-self cell to the
immune system, thereby causing a rapid response to destroy them. I've used
it to remove moles, warts, skin cancer and internally for Candida. Caution
is warranted for internal use for fungal infections because it can be quite
aggressive. I have a friend whose wife used it for Hepatitis C. It is
advised to take an immune enhancer with c-herb.
  My father had basil cell carcinoma of the nose, extended out to the
cheeks. It was biopsied and suggested course of action was "reconstructive
surgery", which is code for cutting off the nose; a 4 hour operation. We
used C-Herb and SkinAnswer. Little or no pain, no scarring, no more skin
cancer and he kept his nose. Another friend's mother used c-herb for
melanoma externally, then took it internally. Surgical removal of skin
cancer is a crap shoot. Until they figure out a way to shrink themselves
down to the size of cancer cells, there is no way they can "get it all". I
know a man that had 37 operations for skin cancer. He died.
  One more product is called Cantron. Again, if you believe QuackWatch, go
for it. Although illegal for promoters to say so, it is used for external
applications. Classified as a supplement, it is forbidden to use
externallyok? It works different than c-herb. I've never used Cantron
for skin cancer, but for moles they basically just crumble and flake off.
The key is to keep the area moist at all times; that can be a challenge.
Nevertheless, it does work.
  I have nothing to sell, and information provided is based on personal
experience, or that of people I know. The reason I do not sell anything is
so I can freely (at least for now) exchange information without being
prosecuted for making claims without FDA approval. Until they totally scrap
the First Amendment, I will continue to do so. If there are any medical
clinicians that see red by what I say, tough. Tell it to the judge.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:09 AM
Subject: CS>Re: Rant (#86)

> > Skin cancer is the easiest of all to eliminate. I've used it several
> > times.
> >
> What is "it"?
> jr
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>magnesium oxide update

2002-01-26 Thread DJG
  For what purpose are you wishing to cleanse? My mother used a product
called Bioxy Cleanse I think it was called. She had a bad bout with Candida.
Is fine today, but using the bioxy cleanse was just one part of the program.
- Original Message -
From: "Damian Corrin" 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: CS>magnesium oxide update

> Update on the magnesium oxide, or colon cleanse. The product i ordered
> contained, magesium oxide, and magnesium carbonate. It does work but not
> the way they describe. It seems to make everything you drink go into your
> large intestine and so washes you out. I know this cause i do allot of
> enima and are use the feeling. I can actually feel the water go into the
> large colon. When i realised this i instantly made up a 2 litre batch of
> water with cs and h2o2 with some pau d'arco in it and drunk the lot. I was
> quite bloated and only had to do a small urine so it had to go some where.
> All very strong anti fungal and bacteria substances. The effect is
> This stuff seems like a good adition to the cs arsenal. Hope this help
> some. I discovered this tonight and will be doing a fast for a couple of
> days just to see how effective the cleanse is
> Take care
> damian
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
Barrett et al specialize in extortion. An example of what they do is here:

They lost this tactic in court hands down.
- Original Message -
From: "Bob Bartell" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 8:14 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

> BARRETT - An Unlicensed Quack who refuses to disclose the source of his
> funding  Anyone who gives credence to this self-ordained
> quackwatcher deserves all the misinformation, misdirection and outright
> lies that he spews out.  On the other hand, now that I know how strongly
> he has lined up against chelation therapy, I am more determined to seek
> it out for myself.
> Namaste  Bob Bartell
> -Original Message-
> From: Catherine Creel []
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript
> MODERATOR at 1:00pm ET
> Stay tuned for our live chat with Dr. Stephen Barrett. Please click on
> "Show
> New Messages" to update your page and view new posts.
> MODERATOR at 1:03pm ET
> Welcome Dr. Barrett! Thanks for joining us.
> You say: "I wish the word 'alternative' would go away." Are there any
> effective alternative cancer therapies, in your view?
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>The quack

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
When quackwatch and their affiliates are forced to disclose their financial
status and from whence they receive their "non-profit" contributions, it
will be obvious who's behind all this. Somewhere I have a list of
contributors from 1999, but can't find it. No matter, it will soon be
brought to light.
- Original Message -
From: "Shirley Reed" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 8:18 PM
Subject: CS>The quack

>I don't believe the man answered a single question.
>  He spoke, but that is different from answering a
> question.   pj
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
  Believe me, I understand his connections. The man is a retired
psychiatrist, does that tell you something?
- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

> Hi James,
>   You said:
> < Not possible.  I presumed thereafter a high probability that he is a  paid
> disinformation agent.  I understand that Dr. Hulda Clark et al are suing
> for all of the false statements that he has published about her.   I hope
> they nail him.>>
>He is a serious threat to alt med.  He is involved in a number
> of lawsuits, some of which he has won, some he's lost, and some
> still pending.
>   He is backed by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
> This private not-for-profit is a front for his work.
>Those who don't take him seriously have no idea the depth
> of his connections.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
One example: Dr. Stanilov Burzynski. I notice he didn't use him as an
example. 700% higher success rate, even when FDA limited him to failed
conventional treatment patients. He crucifies him on his QuackWatch website.
Do the research. After 25 years and FDA raids, his clinic was finally given
official clinical trial statusthat only after Thomas Navarro died.
  Research Koch. Over 400 documented "remissions". Budwig in Germany. North
American Indian cancer formula. Kelly. Gerson. Rife, Lachovsky, the list is
endless. All blackballed by the AMA and government thugs. Read what Willard
Dow (dow chemical) said about the ACS, AMA and the cancer industry at large.
  Understand; success in medicine is based on profit, not cure rates. That
is the truth. If you think doctors know half of what is truly correct, think
  Skin cancer is the easiest of all to eliminate. I've used it several
times. Yet, can you imagine surgeons folding up their tents to a treatment
that cost under $100? The medical industry employs millions. The economic
impact would be distrastrous should people be treated outside the accepted
norm.  It's a scam pure and simple.
- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: CS>Dr. Stephen Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

> MODERATOR at 1:00pm ET
> Stay tuned for our live chat with Dr. Stephen Barrett. Please click on
> New Messages" to update your page and view new posts.
> --
> MODERATOR at 1:03pm ET
> Welcome Dr. Barrett! Thanks for joining us.
> You say: "I wish the word 'alternative' would go away." Are there any
> effective alternative cancer therapies, in your view?
> --
> "Alternative" is a slogan, not a definable group of therapies. If
> works, it would not be proper to refer to it as alternative.
> The vast majority of cancer treatments referred to as alternative
> don't work. It's unlikely that any others work.
> --
> MODERATOR at 1:06pm ET
> Dr. Barrett, when we asked our users to sumbit questions for the chat, we
> received a lot of angry messages from people saying you're discrediting
> treatments that might hold promise. Why do you think people are so angry?
> --
> Some people have beliefs about health that they hold with the same fervor
> people hold religious beliefs, and when their beliefs are stepped on, they
> get angry.
> --
> MODERATOR at 1:09pm ET
> Roger writes: "The cancer clinics in Tijuana are an easy pick for
> Have you ever researched the results for chemotherapy and radiation
> treatments? Where can I find documented information on these practices?
> Exactly how effective are these treatments? Why do 1500 people die each
> in the U.S. of cancer with the use of American medical procedures?" Any
> comment?
> --
> The overall 5-year survival rate for cancer is about five years. There are
> thousands of studies that test different regimens for specific cancers at
> specific stages. This research is tabulated and is readily available
> cancer specialists and through the National Cancer Institute and in
> databases.
> The people who promote so-called "alternative" treatments almost never
> bother to keep score. If there were any genuine evidence that any
> "alternative" treatment works, the medical research community would be the
> path to the door.
> --
> MODERATOR at 1:12pm ET
> Kali Ashcroft writes: "There are many cancer clinics in Mexico that are
> quite effective, but there are just as many if not more that are out to
> swindel you. As a breast cancer survivor I should know. I would be dead
> today if it were not for alternative medicine. The clinics that you
> in your story must have been the bottom of the barrel because I haven't
> heard of any of them, or any of the treatments they use."
> Any comment?
> --
> The 50 or so clinics to which the program referred specialize in ripping
> Americans and are seldom if ever used by Mexican patients.
> Mexico does have some up to date facilities, but that has nothing
> to do with the so-called "alternative" clinics.
> --

Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
EXACTLY. They edit the interviews to slant things their way. I'll bet ABC
didn't bring up the court case recently lost by Mr. Barrett in California,
did they? The judge basically laughed him out of court. He is both a liar
and a snake.
- Original Message -
From: "Maxine Wilton" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

> If questions are being filteres and some not answered, why is the
> even being conducted???
>  What good will it be
>  It must be evident that this person is obcessed with being against
> Alternative medicine?
>  What Drug Co's does he have a stake in or why  is he so against
> Alternatives.
>  The discussion should include  another person, not of his   mind against
> the purpose of the discussion.
>Fair,   HUMBUG?
> -Original Message-
> From: Catherine Creel 
> To: 
> Date: Friday, January 25, 2002 7:15 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1
> ET.
> >James said:
> >
> ><>
> >
> >  I agree, James, but I think you're being too kind :-) I wish we had
> >free access to him with questions. Unfortunately, questions are
> >being filtered.
> >
> >Catherine
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >Silver-list archive:
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
It is by design these national "news" media blitz's plant doubts. My friend
is a doctor in Florida with a ozone generator. He has used it to cure a
litter of puppies with parvo, and his cousin (my friend as well) used it.
Done properly, it is perfectly safe. Another friend, a retired bio-physicist
in Texas, has much experience with Ozone and IV H2O2. He also was treating
cancer patients for years with Koch's SSR ( ),
illegally nonetheless.  No, ozone doesn't work in each case, but why is it
that ozone is commonly used in Europefor decades, yet the medical
nimrods in the U.S. refuse to recognize it? It is not mainly for cancer.
Researchers have used ozone. The literature is replete. Another is UVBI
(ultraviolet blood irradiation). Extremely effective against pathogenic
invaders, and has been in use for over 40 years.but not accepted.
  Understand the politics of medicine and you will understand why many
modalities will never make it to mainstream. Remember, it was proven in 1983
that stomach ulcers were caused by H Pylori. It took until 1996 to be
accepted. Today there are over 20 isolated bacterium. Also, Rife, Koch and
others in the 1920's and 1930's said toxins (from viruses, etc.) caused
cancer. They were scoffed at and worse. Today there are 5 viruses proven to
cause cancer.
  I would have liked to offer a $10,000 challenge to Mr. Barrett that there
is more than one "cure" for Hepatitis C, easily disproven by lab reports.
One is an herbal mixture documented by M.D.'s. I used this for several
things. However, he's broke from all the lawsuits he's losing in court. This
guys a phony, and the truth be known was originally financed by the AMA et
al. He hasn't had a real job in 20 years.
  Do some research and you'll find the same ones that control the drug
industry are the same ones that run the media. They're all in bed together.
  Finally, one must understand that you can research all you want. Material
published is done by consensus, not necessarily based on fact. They publish
what they want.
  I could go on and on, but the point is mute. The public is brainwashed.
- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

> Hi Tel,
>   You said:
> < zapping Anthrax Mail with Ozone, But last night they reported Ozone is
> not effective in treating cancerJimmy a Break !>>
> Their reason for satying this is because researchers never tried
> ozone in humans.  In vitro it tells them it creates enough free radicals
> to kill a person, so they won't try it.
>   However, that being said, because ozone kills one thing, does not mean
> it kills another - any more than one antibiotic is right for everything.
>   If ozone worked on cancer all the time, no one would die.
> The fact is, in some people, ozone keeps cancer at bay.
> In others, it does nothing.
>  This is why I don't see ABC as being inconsistent.
>   Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

2002-01-25 Thread DJG
I wish I knew about this earlier. I have a whole list of questions for Mr.
Barrett. Quack cancer treatments? The quacks are the standard treatments.
How would he explain my brother-in-law's CEA going from 77 to 47 using
"quack" alternatives? Stage IV colorectal adenocarcinoma, terminal. Still
here, never in the hospital, refused all standard treatments. How can this
be? If his $#%%! doctor bothered to read his biweekly blood work, his anemia
would not have gotten out of control. After basically throwing it in his
face, he had no choice but to admit something is definitely working.
  My mother-in-law on the other hand has Stage III ductal carcinoma breast
cancer, followed all the rules, had mammograms, took HRT.recently had a
mascectomy, on chemo. It will not work. She's been in the hospital twice
with complications, and dismisses the use of any "unproven" methods, despite
the dismal success rate of chemo. Her doctors said her diet doesn't matter
(just eat "right"good advice, yes?), and taking supplements is a waste,
but didn't forbid her.
  Sorry for the rant, this is a touchy subject for me.

- Original Message -
From: "Catherine Creel" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 3:44 AM
Subject: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.

> I thought some of you might be interested in this.  Unfortunately, I think
> questions he doesn't like will never make it to the public---Catherine
>Fighting Medical Fraud
> For 30 years, Dr. Stephen Barrett has been monitoring alternative
> cataloguing what he says are bogus treatments. How can health consumers
> distinguish fact from fallacy? Join Barrett in a live chat Friday at 1
> ET.  Send in a question!
> Quiz a Quackbuster
> Dr. Stephen Barrett on Health Fraud
> Dr. Stephen Barrett
> More than 1 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year and
> studies suggest that many of them explore alternative therapies. But do
> treatments actually work?
> "I wish the word 'alternative' would go away. It's quack cancer therapy,"
> says consumer advocate Dr. Stephen Barrett, founder of, a
> nonprofit organization designed to protect consumers from health-related
> scams.
> "Most people think that quackery is easy to spot," says Barrett. "Often it
> is not. Its promoters wear the cloak of science. They use scientific terms
> and quote - or misquote - scientific references."
> How can health consumers distinguish fact from fallacy?
> Watch Primetime Thursday, Jan. 24, at 10 p.m. ET and join our online
> discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. ET.
> Barrett, a retired psychiatrist, is vice president of the National Council
> Against Health Fraud and a scientific adviser to the American Council on
> Science and Health. In 1984, he received an FDA Commissioner's Special
> Citation Award for Public Service in fighting nutrition quackery. He has
> written 49 books on health fraud.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Health Expo in Toronto

2002-01-23 Thread DJG
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Bartell 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 4:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Health Expo in Toronto

  Ok guys,  How about a link for more info on this Health Expo?  Dates?  Where 
in Toronto?  
  Bob Bartell
- Original Message - 
From: Leo Regehr 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Health Expo in Toronto

We sell CS generators in Canada and never have been hassled. But we don't 
make claims either. 
DJG wrote: 

  I'm going in March. Does anyone know if there will be anything 
interesting related to CS, or did the Canadian govt. pretty much shut down the 
CS industry?  I went last year and enjoyed it.

CS>Health Expo in Toronto

2002-01-22 Thread DJG
I'm going in March. Does anyone know if there will be anything interesting 
related to CS, or did the Canadian govt. pretty much shut down the CS industry?
  I went last year and enjoyed it.

CS>fish aquarium air bubbler

2002-01-22 Thread DJG
I have heard this affects the CS while making it. Any comments?