Re: [SunRay-Users] Performance tanks after upgrading to 1GB switch, had 100MB

2012-09-27 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig and All,

We here at Aberystwyth have too suffered fairly bad sunray
performance for a long time.

[By the way, in the end I abandoned using
Sunray with Solaris 11 as while I got it working, there were lots
of niggling problems and time ran out...]

I have the hires_tick set.   I have the two servers [two T5140s]
connected to ports on exactly the same switch as our class room
of 40 SunRay 2 units.  [I also have a handful of sunrays
connected via another linked switch such as the one I am using
as I type].

I allow the servers to auto-negotiate with the switch, but
I tell the switch to only offer 100mbps full duplex
as part of the auto-negotiate and indeed, that's how
the two ports connecting to the T5140 servers 
are shown when I look at current state on the switchor on the servers.

I have "wire frame" window moves set.

The switch is a Dell PowerConnect 5448.

The performance of screen interactivity can get quite
poor when we have more than 20ish students using the system.

The two T5140s are often still showing as 90%+ idle on
all CPUs even though clicking windows
in tools like netbeans or Oracle Studio or moving/clicking
tabs in firefox can be very slow.

We had a student earlier using a PC with Xming coming
in via the "other" ports on the T5140s and reporting
massively better performance than when using the SunRays.

Does anyone use a Dell PowerConnect 5448?

Does anyone have a list of known  good/bad switches
to use in a Sunray network?

Any other bright ideas/suggestions?


Dave Price
Dave Price, 
Email: PHONE: +44 1970 622428 FAX: +44 1970 628536
Post: Computer Science, Aberystwyth University,
  Penglais, Aberystwyth, WALES, UK, SY23 3DB.

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] THINGS WORKING! Re: more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-24 Thread Dave Price
Dear Jim, said:
> Well, the default route like any other can come from announcements.
> Text-file-based overrides for the in.routed process can also be in /
> etc/gateways and maybe in /etc/inet/static-routes or somesuch.

Yes, my entry is in /etc/inet/static_routes so that
is one mystery solved. said:
> svcprop '*' | grep ''

That produced some interesting output...

I changed the numbers and then just did the svcprop '*'  bit
and it ends with...

 astring astring
svcprop: Unexpected libscf error: object has been deleted.  Exiting.

So, I am now presuming I have something else broken somewhere I wonder if
it might be related to my SunRay experiments?  Any thoughts?

I have not yet "re-run" my SunRay installation on a fresh BE from
an earlier milestone in my experiments as I have been marking
resit exam papers and assignments all day :-(  

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] THINGS WORKING! Re: more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-24 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig and All,

Adding to my earlier posting, the sequence of events
that led me to get things working *had* left LAN service on.

So, this morning I ran   utadm -l Off and I am delighted
to report that after cold restarting SunRay services it is still serving
my private interconnect just fine... said:
> Did the vendor class tags get inserted into DHCP macros?

I think it has...

root@wiked:/etc# dhtadm -P
==   Macro   
SunRay-net1 Macro   
SunRay  Macro   
wiked   Macro   
Locale  Macro   :UTCoffst=0:
BarrierLevelSymbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,36,NUMBER,4,1
NewTFlags   Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,34,NUMBER,4,1
IntfSymbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,33,ASCII,1,0
FWSrvr  Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,31,IP,1,1
LogAppl Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,29,NUMBER,1,1
LogVid  Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,28,NUMBER,1,1
LogUSB  Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,27,NUMBER,1,1
LogNet  Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,26,NUMBER,1,1
LogKern Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,25,NUMBER,1,1
LogHost Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,24,IP,1,1
NewTBW  Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,30,NUMBER,4,1
NewTVer Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,23,ASCII,1,0
AuthPortSymbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,22,NUMBER,2,1
AltAuth Symbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,35,IP,1,0
AuthSrvrSymbol  Vendor=SUNW.NewT.SUNW,21,IP,1,1

which to me looks very close to what I see on my old Solaris 10
SunRay private interconnect connection.

Here's my output of utadm -x

root@wiked:/etc# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -x
begin general
begin interface

So, I think I may have things working o.k.?

Do folks agree?

My reason for going against the LAN option, as I said before,
is that we have always seen various "performance" issues with SunRay
screens refreshing and so what I am trying to do
is to eliminate any network factors by having the SunRay
traffic, and only the SunRay traffic all running in one isolated
network.  SunRay not leaking to other and others not leaking traffic
to the SunRays.

To make sure this was happening, I re-rigged five SunRays and the interface
to the Solaris 11 SunRay server on to a new, completely isolated
network swicth this morning and that's working fine.  We normally
run 40 SunRays fed from two T5140s.

I have not yet added the "set hires_tick=1" entry to /etc/system.
I presume that will still work in Solaris 11??

These are used by students
doing software development and/or learning to use Unix.
So, some usage is low demand command line tools (editors,
awk, sed, shell scripting an fso on) and other usage is more
demanding software development, typically Netbeans being
used to develop C and/or C++ code etc.  I would be *VERY* interested
to hear from other people using a SunRay service in this way and
whether or not you have experienced problems with "slow interactive response"
in tools like netbeans or web browsers etc.

So, I am now going to backtrack to an earlier BE and see if I can
again recreate what I have working now but with less random steps :-)

Thanks, folks.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] THINGS WORKING! Re: more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-24 Thread Dave Price
on the new SunRay server last night (the other server uses
different addresses as noted above) and the test SunRay then
loaded firmware etc and after various reboot type events latched
onto the "new SunRay server and display a Solaris 11 logon
which worked fine. said:
> If that's how you been used to doing things, then there really is no
> reason to do anything but LAN only connections.

> On the DHCP server that was serving the PCs, you could set option 66
> (tftpserver)  and point it to the Sun Ray Server.  This was you are
> provision/controlling the Sun Ray clients from via parameter files.
> There is also DHCP option 49, but option 49 will just let the Sun Ray
> find the server for a session, it won't tell it the firmware server.

Our main DHCP server does *not* have an interface into the SunRay
network.  That's isolated to just the SunRays and the two interfaces
to the SunRay servers. said:
> There are a few other options, such using DNS names.
> sunray-config-servers.fqdn is like option 66 sunray-servers.fqdn is
> like option 49

> So instead worrying about making changes to many dhcp servers or
> messing  with vendor class options, LAN based interconnects with these
> more  standardized provisioning options is far easier.

Now I am awake again, I will carefully try to check exactly what I do
have and then I will go back to an older BE and run forward through this
last phase again so I know more exactly what I did.  I will
then report back again.  I need to know properly as I havbe
the "other" server to deal with (assuming we do decide to risk
going to Solaris 11 for our production teaching service)
so I need some accurate instructions/records.

I am also going to grab an old switch and set up a totally isolated
network with a dozen of so SunRays and the interface
to just the one server so I can be really confident no traffic
is leaking in or out.   We do have
some VLAN traffic on some of our switch
and trunk interconnections.  I am confident that is not confusing
the issue but a replacement totally isolated switch will
remove even the faintest doubt.

Anyway, thank you and the others, you all kept me going
and the combination of things was really good.  If I do
get an accurate set of notes about making "private interconnect"
work (if that is what I have achieved) perhaps that might
be a contribution to the greater good.

Off for a coffee, then I shall start looking, measuring
and tinkering again.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] THINGS WORKING! Re: more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price

Really annoyed with myself now, I knew I should have stopped
before I got too tired!  I just rebooted it and realised
I had not noted down my bash history and on reboot, history
has been wiped!

So, I am going to have to do a bit of re-discovery to
work out my final sequence of commands.

On the bright side, SunRay service has come up again
and I can still connect from my test SunRay.

Thanks folks,

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

[SunRay-Users] THINGS WORKING! Re: more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Daer Craig, Toomas and all other who offered advice...

I am not yet totally sure what final sequence of hacking
working, but I just manage to get "private interconnect"
wokking on Solaris 11!!

I copied in /etc/init.d/dhcp into a local directory

I then bodged  utadm  to pick up my local copy..

then I bodged around trying to get the -A option working...

then I tried to look at dhcp with dhtadm and pntadm
but only had bits of stuff and...

Then I hacked about with some  /etc/  files
then I removed one, then I messed about with /etc/inet/hosts

and then I thought I would have a final go at running
my bodged utadm with the   -a  option again

and, suddenly things seems to be playing the game...

then I did   utstart -c

and then I went and restart one of my SunRays...

first attempt it latched on to my (other) Solaris 10
server, then I tried again, and this time it latched on the the Solaris 11
server, updated its firmware, then gave a log on display
and then I logged in to Solaris 11, on a private interconnect
from a SunRay!!

I had been taking copious notes, but then as frustration
rose, I dropped into "hacking" and only taking partial notes!

I now need to look back carefully through my bash history file and try
to decide what caused it to finally work!

I will then revert back to an earlier BE, make a new
one and then try to repeat the final steps again
taking proper notes again!  I will not destroy my "current" BE and then if
things go pear-shaped I can come back to this and
try to spot differences.

So, I am now MUCh more happy, but frustrated that I allowed
myself to drop into "hacking" and ceasing to take proper notes!

More tomorrow, nearly 8pm here in the UK so I think
I have had enough and I may stop before I go
and break something!

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas, said:
> tbh, i dont know - I only have set srss on s11 without dhcp and only
> for lan enabled setup for soft client for test purposes:) 

> the basic dhcp setup (dhcptab) is done by utadm -c, as you can verify
> with dhtadm -P :) with "fake" init.d dhcp start scrip, i'm sure you
> can get other bits done as well.

Indeed, looking through the utadm script, it has the SMF reference
to the dhcp server in it, line 116 says


It sets a variable  INIT_DHCP="/etc/init.d/dhcp";

So, I reckon I'll edit that to point elsewhere and then
I will grab a copy of the /etc/init/d/dhcp file off my Solaris 10
box and use that.  Looking at the Solaris 10 version,
that uses svcadm to control the DHCP server anyway.

More later...

dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas, said:
> dhcpd is managed by smf now but you can create dummy script there
> and remove after... also beware the /etc/rc?.d directories;)

yes, I had of course realised the SMF manages DHCP (as it
does for most other things), but other than that, do you
reckon utadm -A  will have set up
dhcp configs o.k.?

But thinking, it can't have as it has not asked me
what ranges of IP addresses it can hand out.  In the past,
I have always been queried (but then of course I used
-a which Craid said did not work).  As I commented
now many emails ago, I let our one DHCP server
hand out something like 16 -> 79 and the other
hand our 60 -> 123 (or whatever).

I am now presuming I am going to have to do all that setup
"by hand" if utadm is not going to ask the right questions - yes?

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig, Toomas and All,

I have run utinstall, utconfig and utpolicy.

I have also used ipadm to bring up net1 and allocated a
static IP address

I have also updated the   /etc/inet/hosts  file so that its
IP address from  net0 (which also ends 7 but has a different
class C netnumber at front) and hostname are on a new line and its name
is not on the localhost line.

I also manually moved the Xnewt and utdevmgrd from the patches
into their normal places and checked permissions.

With all that done, I created a new BE and rebooted into it
so I can roll back if things go wrong.  I also have LOTS of BEs#
from previous milestones too.

So, now I am trying to run   utadm -A

Now, when I do that I get

root@wiked:~# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -A
### Configuring /etc/nsswitch.conf
### Configuring Service information for Sun Ray
cp: cannot access /etc/init.d/dhcp
chmod: WARNING: can't access /etc/init.d/dhcp.1674
/usr/bin/nawk: can't open file /etc/init.d/dhcp.1674
 source line number 1
### Error: Unable to stop dhcp services.
Please restart dhcp manually after utadm has completed.

So, does   -A   not work either ? or...

After I reboot into a fresh BE again, I can look in /etc/init.d
before I run utadm.  And, lo and behold, there is no /etc/init.d/dhcp

I had loaded dhcp packages much earlier in this tale of course
you may recall and they are still there.

root@wiked:~# svcs -a | grep dhcp
disabled   17:18:08 svc:/network/dhcp-server:default
disabled   17:18:16 svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv4
disabled   17:18:16 svc:/network/dhcp/relay:ipv6
disabled   17:18:16 svc:/network/dhcp/server:ipv4
disabled   17:18:16 svc:/network/dhcp/server:ipv6
root@wiked:~# pkg list '*dhcp*'
network/dhcp/dhcpmgr  0.5.11- i--
network/dhcp/dhcpmgr/locale   0.5.11-   i--
service/network/dhcp  0.5.11- i--
service/network/dhcp/datastore/binfiles   0.5.11- i--
service/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp 4.1-  i--

so, I have got the DHCP packages and services, but I don't have
a DHCP server active.   Of course, without the SunRays I don't
need it active anyway as we have another machine providing
DHCP services to our "normal" class C IP networks.

I only want this machine "wiked" to provide DHCp to the SunRays
and I though from readin the utadm man page that running
with -A should indeed interact with the dhcp config and turn it on.

So, have I missed a step, or is srs expecting "another flavour"
of DHCP server and not the one that I have added to Solaris 11.

Craig: I am re-reading one of your earlier emails
and I see you writing words that just might be saying I have
to do the DHCP setup myself and perhaps implying
that  utadm -A  will not work...

Advice/comments folks?


Dave price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig, said:
> Yes, you can!  There's a map in the patch or follow reloc path, but
> you  know where they go already.

> Only other advice is to what you do when moving in any file  e.g.
> double  check ownership, set any setG/Uid bits, verify perms.  You
> should be  golden.  :)

Thanks for that.  I have so far found enough time to get
as far as having just run utpolicy.  I keep regularly taking
new BEs and rebooting so I can fall back a step (or more)
should something go pear-shaped...

I will create a new BE now and then more those two updated file
into place...


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig and All, said:
> 2) utsetup will fail because utsetup tries to install patches via a
> mechanism that is incompatible with S11

> *BUT THAT'S OK*  :)

> The product will be installed. Minus patches at this point.

>From what others said, and from looking myself, it seems
the only things actually in the patches are a new version
of utdevmgrd and Xnewt.

Could I not "manually" copy them into /opt/SUNWut/lib/utdevmgrd
and /opt/SUNWut/lib/Xnewt  or would that break things?

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-23 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig and All, said:
> Just curious as to what benefit you'd get over just LAN based and a
> manual DHCP config when the network wire itself is private?

Well, the simply answer is because I have always done it that way :-)

The longer answer (or at least my thoughts) go like this...

We run a set of around half a dozen class C networks.  Our
end users with PCs, Apples and other devices connect to
one of our networks.   Most of our server class machines have
mutliple interfaces and I tend to make them all live.  Thus,
most of our servers have multiple IP addresses.  Thus, when users
connect to a server (for whatever reason, computation, file
access, web access or whatever) they reach (most) of the servers
via a switched network path and their traffic does not cross
any routers.

On the same vein of thought, I have tried to run our SunRays
on "their own network" with just SunRays, one interface from
each SunRay Server and switches involved.  Thus, SunRay traffic
does not make its way on to otyher networks and other traffic
does not make its way into the SunRay private network.

As this was all very easy to create usingutadm -a nxge1
(or whatever on other architectures) I have always done it that way.

I am trying to tackle two problems at the moment.  One being
users (students) complaining about the "old fashioned"
interface of Solaris 10 and the other being that we have been
seeing quite slow "interactive response" when running many applications
displaying on the SunRays.  [Things like netbeans, firefox
and others stagger somewhat when moving between windows etc., plus
the other sorts of problems other have noted.]

On the poor "interactive response" front, I have done all the things
people have suggested, setting hires_tick=1 in /etc/system,
engineering the network so that the connections to our
current two servers and the sunrays all make landfall directly
on the same switch, dropping the switch port
to the server back down to 100mbps to try to avoid packet loss
anywhere and so on.  Nothing makes much difference.  I have tracked
new versions of SunRay server software as they were realeased (one
that came out last autumn made a big improvement I should add).
Whenever I try to collect statistics on packet loss (or whatever)
by using utcapture or looking at switch statistics I never
seen to locate any  "bad numbers" at all...

Anyway, I have digressed.   I do not expect swapping to Solaris 11
on the servers will improve performance of the SunRay service
(but it would be nice if it did) but at least I may get the users
believing they have a "more modern user interface".

Anyway, I will think more about what you say.

I will need DHCP services for the SunRays, but if I read correctly,
running   utadm -A   would start a DHCP server
one the sunray server and thus server the SunRays anyway - yes?
And, providing I have this all rigged as a closed network (at the 
swicth/ethernet level) then I should not get
spurious traffic in our out of the netwoerk unless the machine(s)
running the SunRay server software starting forwarding IP packets
between othjer interfaces and the SunRay serving interfaces.
I guess I can control IP forwarding and route announcements using
other tools (I guess ipadm and routeadm in Solaris 11).

Anyway, thanks for info, thoughts and advice.  I will
have a go shorlty and post things again later.


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear Marcel,

Thanks for your detailed list of commands.  There
are a few parameter choices I think I will pick differently.
I don't think I want to enable NSCM in my scenario for instance.

I see also that you use   -A   and  -L on  to utadm and
I wanted a private interconnect (-a) which Craig Bender
says does not work on Solaris 11.   I think I will
have to hand craft things a bit ...

I think I may choose to not use utseup at all, but do things
"the old way" as you have done.


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear Craig, said:
> 1) You need to install group/feature/multi-user-desktop *after*
> Solaris  installation completes.  Until this is done, the SMF
> multi-user service  will not be available

I have done that.  As it seemed a good/safe thing, I have
now created a new BE and activated/booted that so  I can start
again from here if going forward fails yet again... said:
> 2) utsetup will fail because utsetup tries to install patches via a
> mechanism that is incompatible with S11

> *BUT THAT'S OK*  :)

> The product will be installed. Minus patches at this point.

> Now you would reboot at this point. 

o.k.   But if I am doing that, why don't I just run utinstall
rather than utsetup?  Surely at the point utsetup
bombs out it has only done the utinstall part anyway... said:
> Then run your utconfig by hand (something else that utsetup does now
> that used to be separate)

o.k. said:
> 3) Private interconnects (e.g. utadm -a) are one of the thing that
> won't  work with the current release of SRS and S11.

Ah - you are the first person to say that and I have not
spotted in in any web pages/forums/wikis etc... said:
> This won't stop you from being able to run Sun Rays on an isolated
> network, but all the networking configuration won't be done
> automatically.  Enable LAN based interconnects and provide DHCP, and
> some sort of way from the Sun Rays to find the server on that segment,
>  and you should be fine. 

o.k., I need to think about this

I can clearly bring up my net1 interface and
manually give it an IP address etc using ipadm

[My machine in question
normally gets given  for its sunray interconnect IP address.]

Can I then use

utadm -A

or does -A not work either?

Would I need to also issue

   utadm -L on

I don't want SunRay service running on the net0 interface though.
So if I do have to issue   utadm -L on   would
I then need to issue   utadm -D x.y.z.0  (where x.y.z.0
is the range I have on net0).

If I can use  -A, then it think that will start a DHCP service - yes? or
does that not work either on Solaris 11??

Thanks for the help.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear Marcel,

1/. said:
> pkg install network/dhcp/dhcpmgr service/network/dhcp/datastore/
> binfiles

On my machine...

oot@wiked:~# pkg list '*dhcp*'
network/dhcp/dhcpmgr  0.5.11- i--
service/network/dhcp  0.5.11- i--
service/network/dhcp/datastore/binfiles   0.5.11- i--
service/network/dhcp/isc-dhcp 4.1-  i--

so I already have those.

2/. said:
> pkg install cde/cde-runtime

and on my machine

root@wiked:~# pkg list '*cde*'
cde/cde-runtime   0.5.11- i--
consolidation/cde/cde-incorporation   0.5.11- i--

so I have that already too.

3/. said:
> pkg install group/feature/multi-user-desktop

on my machine

root@wiked:~# pkg list '*multi-user-desktop*'
pkg list: no packages matching '*multi-user-desktop*' installed

so I don't have that at present.

4/. said:
> svcadm enable gdm 

on my machine

root@wiked:~# svcs | grep gdm
online 17:51:16 svc:/application/graphical-login/gdm:default

so I already have that too.

5/. said:
> Then I install SRSS 4.4.

So what instructions did you use for that and which download
did you use?I am trying to install using
either utsetup or utinstall etc from


and both fall over in various ways.  utsetup bombs out reporting

Installation of Sun Ray Server Software has completed.

./utinstall[466]: main[409]: handle_component[293]: installed_rev[168]: 
showrev: not found [No such file or directory]
Updating software, please wait.

Stopping Sun Ray services, please wait ...
./utinstall[466]: main[409]: handle_component[298]: do_patchadd[224]: patchadd:
not found [No such file or directory]
There was an error in Patch installation. Please check the above output for 

Please check for errors/warnings in


+++ Done.

and so it never asks me any setup questions etc.

So, what did you run to install and configure SRSS 4.4 ??

I will try adding the  pkg install group/feature/multi-user-desktop
and see what happens on next try.  I suspect I may
be better running utinstall and all the other tools
manually one after the other though.

Dave Price

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas and all,

Some of the setting are already o.k. I believe.

root@wiked:~# netadm list
netadm: DefaultFixed NCP is enabled; automatic network management is not 
'netadm list' is only supported when automatic network management is active.

so that's already o.k.


root@wiked:~# ipadm show-if
lo0loopback ok   yes--
net0   ip   ok   yes--
so that is o.k. to start with I think.   I want SunRay
to pick up net1 as the private interconnect, so assuming things
are like "in the old days", it is probably correct that it
does not show yet. 

ipadm show-addr   display the fixed addresses I have allocated
to net0 so that's o.k. too I think.

root@wiked:~# svccfg -s svc:/system/identity:node listprop config/nodename
config/nodename astring wiked

so I don't need to set that.

3/. Toomas said... said:
> set up your /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf with proper
> content and import the config:

> # nscfg import -f svc:/system/name-service/switch:default # nscfg
> import -f svc:/network/dns/client:default

I have checked and both files are already o.k. and it sayd they
have been generated from SMF data so I don't think
I need to change things there either.

4/. said:
> also fix your hosts file

So, here the "default" /etc/hosts has the computer's name ("wiked")
on the line.   So, I will edit that
as I did yesterday to have the machine's name on a new line
against it's IP address from net0.

However, I think that then just takes me to exactly the state
I was at yesterday and then after that, if I use   utsetup  I expect it
to fail again as I will have changed nothing beyond
what I had yesterday.  Well, except I now have some SunRay firmware
in place and I was trying without that yesterday.

I will read what the others said before I try anything.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear Jeremy, said:
> arc/

> Have you read this article? 

yes, along with many others :-(

If you just start from that specific article though, lots goes
wrong.  Fopr instance, the   utsetup  installs things, but then blows
up when it gets to the patches and never asks you the questions
you need to answer to be able to set things up...

In his case, he was effectively "upgrading" from a previous
install (some of which he talks about in previous web pages)
and I think he has inherited various bits of config from those
earlier installs.  I am working on a "virgin install"
of Solaris 11 and so hitting lots of silly things it seems

Anyway, thanks for comments, keep them rolling in...

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Daer Bob,

Thanks for email. said:
> The basic model for Solaris installation is that LiveCD is intended
> for laptops or workstations

But I can't use that anyway as I have SPARC (T5140). said:
> and Text installation or AI is intended for servers. They install
> different sets of packages which target the intended model.
> multi-user-desktop is an optional package (group) intended for desktop
> servers (i.e. Sun Ray).

I used the text installer (from DVD and
controlling it via the service processor),
but it did not seem to offer me any options
of what package set to install. said:
> May I suggest that instead of using LiveCD for Sun Ray, you use the
> Text installer and then install group/feature/multi-user-desktop. This
> will do several useful things for you: 1. It will install a more
> minimal package subset for desktops.

I did not see it offer me that choice.   From what I saw, and
from what I read in the Note on page
16 of the March 2012 ediiton of "Installing Oracle Solaris 11 System",
it only installs the solaris-large-server package
when using the text installer directly.

Thus, after that I then installed the slim_install package
(as as recommended then removed that group container
leaving the packages it has sucked in intact)
and then I also installed

pkg install SUNWdhcsb SUNWdhcs SUNWdhcm 
pkg install /x11/library/libxevie 
pkg install SUNWmfrun SUNWtltk SUNWdtbas said:
> 1. It will install a more minimal package subset for desktops.

Our machines do sometimes run the odd cpu-resource-limited zone
too so I really need more than "just" desktop. said:
> 2. It will configure networking appropriately for a server instead of
> a laptop (e.g. no NWAM, static address)

yes, I gave it fixed addresses and the SMF services that are
live show that is the case. said:
> 3. I will install the core dependent packages required by SRS (DHCP,
> CDE/Motif)

I hope the packages I mentioned I had installed a few lines
ago meet those requirements too. said:
> 4. It will provide an SMF 'multi-user-desktop' service

I don't seem to have that running.

root@wiked:~# svcs -a | grep -i multi
disabled   17:50:20 svc:/network/dns/multicast:default
online 17:51:08 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
online 17:51:11 svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default

from what you say, should I see a service called "multi-user-desktop" too? said:
> which you can enable to provide some useful optimizations for Sun Ray
> deployments (mostly restricted choices for desktop users to mitigate
> desktop features that don't scale well in shared environments). We'd
> be interested in feedback regarding experiences with that service.
> There's a document that describes how to configure it, should you care
> to:

I will have a look at that document before I go further.
I have been tied up in a variety of meetings this morning
so not gone any further today.

I am presuming also that I will need to update the
IP config (at least editing /etc/hosts) using the commands
that Toomas suggested earlier anyway.  As I noted in other
emails, one of the commands (utadm -a net1) fails unless
I manually change /etc/hosts anyway...

I downloaded the new SRS etc fine.

My problems are that if I try to run   utsetup   that bombs
out and when I try to start again (on a new BE) and instead
try to manually go through utinstall, utconfig, ...
instead various of those are bombing out too.

Anyway, thanks for advice, I will read that document and
then try more things.  I am keeping notes so
perhaps I will have a full comprehensive set that may have
value to others once I get this going (optimist here :-))

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas,

Thanks for latest advice.  I plan to start another go on a fresh
BE shortly, just got caught up in admin meetings :-(

I will report back...  I am trying to keep definitive
notes so I can post whole (hopefully sucessful) take later...

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear All,

A few minutes ago I said... said:
> So, it seems that the main instructions in the admin guide are not
> sufficient and I am going to need some hybrid of the old opensolaris/
> solaris express type bodges mixed in with the new admin
> instructions...

So I am now looking at

as well as the advice given to me yesterday and I am reading
the lastest SunRay admin guide (august edition).

The wiki page has material about changing between different
flavours of IP interface control and wiki says...

  svcadm disable network/physical:nwam
  svcadm enable network/physical:default

But my fresh Solaris 11 installation already has the second
enabled but also has another service...

online 17:50:52 svc:/network/physical:upgrade
online 17:50:55 svc:/network/physical:default

So can I assume that's o.k.?

Thw wiki also says...

  update /etc/hosts to specify a static IP address for your hostname,
  and   eliminate your hostname from the localhost line

  edit /etc/hostname.INTF to contain your hostname, where "INTF" is
  your network interface name (see ifconfig -a output)

  edit /etc/netmasks to contain the appropriate netmask for your

  create /etc/defaultrouter containing the IP address or hostname
  of your subnet's router 

But from what I can see, "ifconfig -a" now only shows interfaces
which are active and it seems to me that the "correct" way
to handle IP / interfaces is to use the   ipadm  program
and routeadm and so on.

I notice we also have routing related services
running on our fresh Solaris 11 installation.

  svcs | grep rout
  online 17:51:04 svc:/network/routing-setup:default
  online 17:51:08 svc:/network/routing/route:default
  online 17:51:15 svc:/network/routing/ndp:default

So, should I be editing /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname.INTF,
/etc/netmasks and /etc/defaultrouter or should I really be making
changes "another way" now on Solaris 11??

I don't (at present) need Sunray windows connector (SWRC)
running by the way as we don't use that at present. We only
use our SunRays to get to Solaris machines.

Anyway, if anyone has either some complete notes, or can offer comments
on how much I need to do over and above SunRay admin  guide
and whether or not I do need to do all or some
of the things from the
wiki page..

Thanks for advice and help so far...

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

[SunRay-Users] more help needed - Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-22 Thread Dave Price
Dear All,

Firstly, can I say thanks for all the comments
and notes so far, much appreciated.

A variety of attempts to install SunRay software on Solais 11
all failed yesterday...

[yesterday, I was attempting
to install WITHOUT having firmware installed, which
it seems to claim should work - I was going to let SunRays
use their existing firmware]. said:
>> after that you need to follow normal SRSS
> configuration docs, http:// >>
> html/Installing.html  note the >> kiosk mode is still not working.
> for s11 management, follow s11 docs, >> not express ones - there may
> be some differences.

I seem to have to do more than that...

utsetup bombs out after installing just the SunRay server software
and does not enter the stages where it asks questions.

I then went back to an earlier clean BE of solaris 11 and tried
again using utinstall etc. followed by other tools, but more problems...

One problem that popped up at the end of rrunning utconfig was...

The current policy has been modified.  You must restart the
authentication manager to activate the changes.

/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig[1306]: /opt/SUNWuttsc/lib/uttscadm: not found [No 
such file or directory]

Configuration of Sun Ray Server Software has completed.  Please check
the log file, /var/adm/log/utconfig.2012_08_21_13:41:11.log, for errors.

even though /opt/SUNWuttsc/lib/uttscadm seemed to exist.

When I try to run utadm, that needs me to edit the /etc/inet/hosts
file to have machine name on its own name with it primary
IP address and not on the "localhost" line...

So, it seems that the main instructions in the admin guide are
not sufficient and I am going to need some hybrid
of the old opensolaris/solaris express type bodges mixed in with the
new admin instructions...

To remind folks, I am doing a SunRay install on a T5140 with a fresh Solaris 11
installation and wanting primary IP address on net0, Sunray private
interconnect on net1.

[We also normally configure net2 and net3 as we
 normally run our main hosts "multihomed" with live IP interfaces
on several different class-C IP networks.]

Has anyone got any definitive notes of a complete install?

I'll post more later after I do some more experiments. I am trying
again with SunRay firmware installed as well today.

Thanks folks,
Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas, Bjoern and all,

having installed the extra packages, added tomcat I then ran

./utsetupand answered questions.  I am currently running
it without the 9new) firmware so had to tell it to
carry on with "Y" at the appropriate question.

SO, I gave "Y" to license conditions, Y to continue
without firmware, return to Java question and Y
to the Sun Ray Server 4.4 question.

It then seemed to proceed o.k., but then ended with...

Installation of Sun Ray Server Software has completed.

./utinstall[466]: main[409]: handle_component[293]: installed_rev[168]: 
showrev: not found [No such file or directory]
Updating software, please wait.

Stopping Sun Ray services, please wait ...
./utinstall[466]: main[409]: handle_component[298]: do_patchadd[224]: patchadd:
not found [No such file or directory]
There was an error in Patch installation. Please check the above output for 

Please check for errors/warnings in


+++ Done.

Now, I am not surprised by the "patch" remarks of course (I'm on Solaris 11),
so do folks think that is an o.k. install for Solaris 11?

I am a bit puzzled it did NOT ask me about failover groups,
signatures and whether or not I wanted LAN service (which I do
not, only private interconnect).

I suspect I am going to have to run some commands individually
(as in the old days...) and that utsetup has not really done
what I want...  The previous times I ran utsetup
it was during "upgrades" and not a fresh install as this

comments folks?


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Price
Dear Bjoern, said:
> The current version is 5.3.1. To download that, go to MOS, click on
> Patches&Updates and do a product family search for "Sun Ray Server"
> and also for "Sun Ray Operating Software". Or just search for these
> two ids: 14218422 and 14218449

> They are called patches in MOS but really are full installation
> packages. and you need to have an active support subscription. Only
> the "base releases" (5.3.0 for example) are available to the public
> via edelivery.

Thanks for that.  I had falsely presumed the "patch" was indeed
just a patch...

I have now downloaded it, and blown it apart, I see it
is indeed a full version (well, at least
by considering the output of   du -ks srs_5.3.1.0-SunOS.sparc
and comparing that with the size of the 5.3.0 version.

I will now have another go starting from this...

I have a nice clean "BE" with the packages that Toomas
noted in it (and a spare copy if I mess it up :-) ).

Your email was most timely as I was about to start
with 5.3.0 so I shall now start with 5.3.1.


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas, said:
> if you have contract, download latest from MOS for sure

It seemed to want to give me the full versions
from "oracle delivery cloud" rather than MOS.
I got that and diff'd file against version I picked
up a few weeks ago and both are them same. said:
> also, note while indeed you cant add patch with patchadd, the SRSS
> patch bundled inside the package can be installed manually - it has
> only 2 files to be copied into place (in reloc tree). if you dont feel
> comfortable messing with it, you can leave it and hope the s11 native
> SRSS will be out soon enough;)

I have never tried doing that sort of thing.  Are there any docs/pointers
that woudl show me how to pull a Solaris 10 package apart?

I will get that off patches on MOS and see what it  looks like anyway.

I, like many, am waiting for the "official" Sol 11 release.  I want
to move our "teaching" Unix servers to Sol 11 to
give the students a more modern UI, but to do that, I just
have to get SunRay working.   Teaching starts mid September
so this is now really my only time slot to try
to make things work.  I am upgrading the one
of our T5140s first (leaving the other untouched) just
in case it all goes pear-shaped...

Thats for comments/info to date, much appreciated.

I have the list of extra packages installed now, so I shall make
a new BE before trying to add the SunRay server stuff.

I am quite impressed (at quick glance) by the new (August) edition
of the SunRay admin guide, it looks much better than
we have had before.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas, said:
> after that you need to follow normal SRSS configuration docs, http://
>  note the
> kiosk mode is still not working.  for s11 management, follow s11 docs,
> not express ones - there may be some differences. 


I am just going to check I really do have the "latest" versions
of the SunRay Server software too I think (we have a contract).

The one I last downloaded came as a file called
which exploded into a directory called srs_5.3.0.0-SunOS.sparc

Given I can't use Solaris 10 patches, is that the latest
folks think I should have?

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Price
Dear All,

You will recall I asked for advice with regards to SunRay
support on T5140s running Solaris 11.

Perhaps I should add that (of course) our T5140
is a four-interface machine and we normally

1/. nxge0 (now net0) as an interface to one of our normal IP networks

2/. nxge1 connected to the SunRay private interconnect (which also
normally has another T5140 providing SunRay services too
in a failover group with the machine I am currently
trying to upgrade).

I have the other machine handing out IP addresses via the DHCP/SunRay
config in the (64 address) range ->

The machine I am trying to upgrade hands out IP addresses via the DHCP/SunRay
config in the (64 address) range ->

3/. nxge2 (now net2) as an interface to one of our
other normal IP networks

4/. nxge3 (now net3) as an interface to one of our
other normal IP networks

We don't run 128 SunRays of course, this is just so so that
both servers have enough addresses each that all SunRays
can run fine when only one server is available
to hand out IP addresses.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-21 Thread Dave Price
Dear Toomas, said:
> pkg install slim_install # gnome

after that I then did a

pkg uninstall slim_install

as recommended in various Oracle Solaris 11 (express)
"getting started" pages
(e.g. )
so as to remove the group container while leaving the packages
it dragged in still installed.

> pkg install SUNWdhcsb SUNWdhcs SUNWdhcm # dhcp
> pkg install /x11/library/libxevie  # some ut* apps need it
> pkg install SUNWmfrun SUNWtltk SUNWdtbas # motif/cde bits

I have those running now.

After that, I will make another fresh BE so I can revert easily
back to this point  should the install of SunRay support itself
fail later.

After that should I just use the SunRay   utsetup   program or
do you recommend I do things more manually?


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

[SunRay-Users] Advice: Sunray on Solaris 11/SPARC with private interconnect

2012-08-20 Thread Dave Price
Dear All,

I am attempting to get the (unsupported) configuration
of SunRay server installed on Solaris 11 on a T5140 (SPARC)
with SunRay service only running on a private-interconnect network.

I have tried various things today on a "fresh" install of Solaris 11,
using various hints and tips from web sites etc but not
yet got anything fully working.

I have not yet found any advice precisely to the
"private interconnect" configuration.

To be clear, I installed Solaris 11 from a "text installer"
off a DVD and then when booted, I added certificates
for OS support (we have a contract), changed the package repository
etc, added the slim_install package (and then removed the package
as advised), created a new BE and then tried to install
SunRay server srs_5.3.0.0-SunOS.sparc.

Various things did install, but I never got to the end
without something being wrong..

Anyway, I have now tidied up, removed the broken BEs and
I have just created a nice fresh BE to start again..

So, any advice, any pointers??

As I commented at the start, we run SunRay service only
on a private-interconnect LAN and not on a shared
LAN.  I can't find advice so far on that configuration
with Solaris 11.

Thanks in advance for whatever advice folks can offer.

Dave Price

| David Price, Computer Science |
|   |
|  Computer Science Department, Aberystwyth University, |
|  Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DB   |
|   |
| Email: WWW: |
|  Phone: +44 1970 622428   FAX: +44 1970 628536|

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] ** SOLVED ** SRSS 4.2 + OSol 124/125/126 slower than SRSS 4.1?

2010-04-12 Thread Dave Price
Dear Marty, said:
> I'll be honest, I wimped out and used the web interface to SRSS.
> There is a page for encryption and authentication and I just blanket
> unchecked everything and to my surprise, things were working
> wonderfully.

> Make sure to do a cold restart afterward and then pray. 

o.k. I'll have a look that way.

Our students don't come back until next week (after their
Easter break), so we don't have much load on
machines at present.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] ** SOLVED ** SRSS 4.2 + OSol 124/125/126 slower than SRSS 4.1?

2010-04-09 Thread Dave Price
Dear Marty, said:
> I am going to reply to myself so that maybe I can save someone else
> the headache of chasing down this performance issue.

I for one and VERY interested in this. said:
> I already had "hires_tick=1" but today enabled flow-control on the
> switch to the server.  No change.

I saw similar. said:
> On a hunch, I disabled all encryption and authentication on the theory
> that these would add overhead to the DTUs and cause them to be
> overwhelmed.

> Remember, I am running the original CoronaP2 DTUs which were made a
> long, long time ago.

> I might put authentication back, but in a home setting, it doesn't
> really matter.

Could you spell out exactly what commands you issued where.  I'd
really like to try this.   

We have been running last summer's badged "OpenSolaris" release
plus SunRay with a trail of issues.  Sometimes we got 10 days
with no major problems (although always having the sort
of screen update/performance things you have seen) and then chaos...
We would start having SunRays dropping like flies as folks
logged off.  They get stuck on 26D. We have tried (I believe) all
the things folks have reported related to this issue.  I have various
scripts that go around deleting things related to a given stuck SunRay
and I can resurrect things for a while, but then they stick again..
All seems to us like some sort of race condition between X server stuff
and SunRay server code  We saw things having a "higher probability"
of starting to go wrong with higher numbers of users, but nothing
absolute.   We are running a FOG with two servers, both
multicore T5140 (one eight cores, one 12) and in total a few
over 40 SunRays (mostly SunRay 2, a few old SunRay 100 and a
couple of odd things).

Anyway, can you spell out exactoy what commands you issued where
to "I disabled all encryption and authentication".


Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list

Re: [SunRay-Users] Need to Eradicate Rogue DHCP Addresses

2009-08-19 Thread Dave Price
Dear All,

Can you try running   "snoop" or "wireshark" somewhere and looking for
the DHCP traffic?

I don't recall wheether or not you described the
topology of your network.   Assuming you have a "reasonable"
switch close to the sunrays you can probably get that to
clone the sunray port traffic to another port
and then look at all that traffic?

I would end up using either snoop on the solaris/opensolaris
boxes or I would use  wireshark on a PC to watch and analyse
the DHCP related traffic.

Dave Price

SunRay-Users mailing list