Re: [OSM-talk] Ensuring Cyclewyays/Footways are routable?

2009-07-02 Thread Tobias Knerr
> Both foot and cycle routes take a long way around (car goes even further
> thought an 'access=bus' section).

"access=bus"? That tag doesn't match the usual vehicletype=usageright
structure, so why would you expect it to be recognized?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] access=destination valid only in one direction

2009-07-10 Thread Tobias Knerr
Stanislav Brabec wrote:
> Is there a way how to map a street with access=destination valid just
> only for one direction? In the reverse direction it is a standard drive
> through street.

Using my proposal
it would be

access[forward] = destination

(or access:forward = destination, depending on what syntax people like

Of course that's way direction dependent.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Poll: Syntax for restrictions with conditions

2009-07-28 Thread Tobias Knerr
Hi, some of you might know my proposal

or its predecessor, "Conditions for access tags". The proposal presents
the idea of adding conditions to existing keys (such as maxspeed, access
...). A tag with conditions will only have an effect if all conditions
are valid. Something like this is necessary to describe many traffic
restrictions encountered in reality: restrictions only valid on wet
roads, at night, ...

The original proposal suggested using colons (":") to separate
conditions from the base key and each other. However, recently discussed
tagging concepts as well as the extensions introduced after the first
proposal have demonstrated some problems with that syntax. Most
importantly, colons
* are used by the {{tag|opening_hours}} syntax which imo would be a good
choice for timed restrictions
* are used as a namespacing solution and some recent ideas (such as
left/right ordering) might also use colons as a separator
* are used in situations where the order of key components matters. The
order of conditions, however, is semantically irrelevant.
Therefore, angle brackets ("[ ]") have been suggested on talk-de as an
alternative to using colons.

Please state your opinion in the poll on the proposal's wiki page:
Which syntax do you prefer?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maxspeed tagging Was: Best-practice-idea traffic_sign

2009-07-30 Thread Tobias Knerr
Florian Lohoff wrote:
> maxspeed:wet:forward:motorcycle=50
> Afterwards add time based maxspeeds :)
> I think we'd need a generic way to tag conditional ...

Have you already participated in the syntax poll for

It's basically there to decide whether to use colons as in your example
or switch to something like maxspeed[wet][forward][motorcycle]. Why?
Well, because those time conditions tend to have colons in them, too
(such as 15:30-18:00), and because colons are usually used in situations
where the order of the substrings matters - which isn't the case for
conditions, maxspeed[motorcycle][wet][forward] would be exactly the same.

Once we have decided about this, that proposal can be voted on (and,
more importantly, used) and we *will* finally have a generic way to tag
conditions. Then we can discuss the lane problem again. ;)

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maxspeed tagging Was: Best-practice-idea traffic_sign

2009-07-31 Thread Tobias Knerr
John Smith wrote:
>> It's basically there to decide whether to use colons as in
>> your example
>> or switch to something like
>> maxspeed[wet][forward][motorcycle]. Why?
>> Well, because those time conditions tend to have colons in
> You split based on the equal sign and it doesn't matter that the time 
> condition or key uses colons.

Read the proposal first, please. It requires that you add the condition
as _part_ of the key, for example

bicycle[10:00-18:00] = no

It has been suggested to add them to the value instead, but you will
always need to deal with substrings of either key or value string.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Emergency Access Only - How to tag?

2009-08-07 Thread Tobias Knerr
Richard Mann wrote:
> barrier=entrance
> access=emergency
> bicycle=yes
> foot=yes
> on a node might be better


According to, emergency is
a transport mode key, so it should be

+ emergency=yes

(I don't think *=emergency is necessarily a bad idea, it's just not what
is currently documented.)

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] conditions as part of value/key (was: Re: [RFC] restriction=school_zone (second email))

2009-08-07 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote
> I can't really see the point of not putting values in keys
> actually. Aren't we already doing this in many tags?
> why is this a value in the key:
> maxspeed:wet=40
> couldn't you interpret "maxspeed:wet" as a key? The maxspeed in wet
> condition? Could you explain the problem that arises (I am not an
> informatics person and maybe for this don't understand these details
> adhoc).

"Pure" keys are commonly thought of as unique identifiers, not subject
to any evaluation. They are often used in data structures that allow
easy access to a value if you know the key (give me the "maxspeed"
information) but are not really designed for any other operations using
keys (give me all tags starting with "maxspeed").

Of course, no one forces you to represent the OSM key/value structure in
your application. I'd also like to point out that using bicycle=yes and
similar tags, rather than access = no; [biycle]yes; [foot]yes (or a
similar solution), is already a deviation from the "pure" approach and
is in no way different from, say, maxspeed:wet.

Basically, we have the following options I know of:

- conditions in keys

This has the advantage that it will not break applications that only
evaluate the "normal" tags, will work with current API and is
relatively easy to edit.

- conditions in values:

Also possible, but means all information of the same category (e.g. all
maxspeeds) will be in a single value, which will result in rather long
tags. It will also break existing applications unless you redundantly
add both "normal" maxspeed and "modernized" maxspeed tags.

- link multiple tags using index in key (such as maxspeed[1]):

Does not result in "pure" keys either, so I don't quite see the point.

- using relations:

Too hard to edit, imo. You may still suggest this if you are
willing to implement support for this in all major editors. ;-)

There is a proposal in "brainstorming mode" (read: vague collection of
ideas) for this, though, but it doesn't seem to make any progress:

- hierarchical tagging:

Nice but would require major API change. Not possible right now.

The issue of keys vs. values was recently brought up on the talk page of
the "Extended conditions for access tags" proposal, btw:

However, I'm still wondering if someone has any *practical* objections
to conditions in keys or if it's just the (understandable) "that's not
really 'key-ish'" feeling.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] conditions as part of value/key

2009-08-07 Thread Tobias Knerr
Roy Wallace wrote:
> You don't need "all maxspeeds" to be in a single value. Nor would it
> break existing applications. Maxspeed=* is still maxspeed=*. You would
> be adding additional keys such as maxspeed:time, or maxspeed:vehicle,
> or maxspeed:weather, etc. 

That seems to be superior to other value-based approaches I've seen so
far. However, I can't see how you would handle a situation with multiple
conditions for a tag's value, for example what I would express as
"maxspeed[hgv][wet]". Did I miss something or is that simply not possible?

> The only disadvantage is that if you have
> two of the same kind of restrictions, e.g. an "in general" maxspeed,
> plus TWO OR MORE maxspeed:time restrictions, for example, you need to
> add _1, _2 at the end of the keys, which sucks, although John pointed
> out this is apparently already in use.

I haven't ever seen this one being used (though I can imagine it as an
attempt to set multiple alternative names and the like) and for sure I
haven't seen any documentation for it. It definitely isn't really
"key-ish", either. ;)

> But, I disagree with you that putting conditions in keys has much
> advantage over putting conditions in values, so IMHO why not go with
> the gut feeling and keep keys key-ish...

Well, we already have some keys which are actually conditional tagging
in disguise, such as bicycle=yes (which is an access=yes with a vehicle
condition, imo). So /keeping/ keys key-ish might not quite work...

Btw, it's nice to finally get some ideas about the conditional tagging
issue. I only wonder why people didn't provide this sort of feedback
when I explicitly requested it for for my proposal[1] and its
predecessor. *scratches head*

Tobias Knerr


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] park barrier

2009-08-08 Thread Tobias Knerr
Mike Harris wrote:
> And I still don't think turnstile is in any way a type of stile any more than 
> a stile is a type of gate.


The English word for turnstiles may end with "stile" for some reason I
don't understand, but that doesn't mean it actually is a type of stile.

barrier=turnstile is clearly the better solution. This really cannot be
described by any of the existing barrier values. (Otherwise, I'd of
course suggest a sub-tag.) After all, renderers can still use the same
icon for different tags if the developers don't consider the distinction
relevant for the rendering.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] to all potlatch and JOSM users - automatic simplification of geometry

2009-08-09 Thread Tobias Knerr
Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> _That_ is why this function is here: to simplify the work of one of the most
> tedious parts of TIGER fixup. As always, "it's of no use for my mapping"
> should not be extrapolated to "it's of no use and should be banned".

But maybe "in those parts of the world where streets are not perfectly
straight, it is of no use and even dangerous in the hands of newbies"
should be extrapolated to "it should not be included by default but
provided by a plugin/option"?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway

2009-08-10 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave Stubbs wrote:
> Now it's an organised, and "approved" confused mess where anyone with
> a clue automatically withdraws from discussions to keep their sanity
> intact [...] knowing full well that not being there won't make much
> difference to the eventual stupid decision.

Do you have some examples for bad decisions that were produced by wiki

"path" isn't a good example because most of the chaos actually stems
from people using the pre-ochlocracy foot-/cycle-/bridleway without
having a common definition for what they actually mean.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] A process for rethinking map features

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Tom Chance wrote:
> - Tags are proposed on the wiki, no change to current practice
> - If the proposal throws into question existing, accepted tags, defer the
> proposal to small working groups
> - These working groups study the wider questions and formulate a complete
> proposal for new tags, deprecation, etc.

People can do this already, and I'm sure that a good proposal created by
a working group would easily be accepted in a wiki vote.

> - At SOTM present and discuss their proposals and vote

Aka the "people who have time and money to get to SOTM decide" approach?
I still prefer the "people who care about the issue decide" approach.

> - If proposals are accepted, a combination of carrot (rendering
> stylesheets, Potlatch presets, etc.) and sticks (error checking,
> auto-correcting bots) to implement the accepted proposals

On the one hand, you still cannot force software/stylesheet developers
to use your proposal. On the other hand, we could try the same thing
right now. The path proposal could have been successful long ago if
applications were pushing it instead of refusing to use it (see CycleMap).

So where's the difference between your suggestion and the current
situation, except that you want to limit participation to people at SOTM?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Tom Hughes wrote:
> That's a completely ridiculous quorum when we have 1 active mappers. 
> If the process says that eight people can get together and tell 
> thousands of people that they've been "doing it wrong" for the last five 
> years and should start retagging everything according to some new scheme 
> then the process is broken.

Those eight people can only do this if not even 0.1% of the other 1
care enough to oppose the proposal. If that's the case, then apparently
the proposal isn't so bad, is it? Why didn't all those people who
apparently hate "path" vote against it?

You seem to assume that people who use a tag actually implicitly "vote"
for it. In practice, most mappers simply use what's there and don't mind
using something else if that's what their editor presets / wiki
documentation / neighbors are using now. While path may have been
"approved" by a minority, it's also a minority who is complaining about
it now. If applications and editors consistently used path, then most of
your 1 wouldn't spend a second thought on it.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
David Earl wrote:
>> Why didn't all those people who
>> apparently hate "path" vote against it?
> (a) because not everyone has the luxury of following all this with the
> hundreds of emails a day and all.
> (b) because many people just ignore the voting system as it has no
> official status, and do their own thing. The map renderers generally
> have more influence on what tags are used IMO than any amount of voting.

The people I'm talking about are those who complain about the result of
the voting on "path" on this very mailing list. Apparently, they

(a) follow this mailing list with the hundreds of emails a day

(b) care about the voting result in a way (they don't complain about the
fact that highway=path is being rendered, do they?)

The proposal concept requires that people who find problems with a
proposal voice their opinion. It's everybody's right to refuse
participation. But I don't think it's good style to use the problems
resulting from that refusal as a proof that that process cannot work.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] park barrier

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Shaun McDonald wrote:
>> Another property that turnstiles have is that usually one can pass in
>> only one direction. But how that is going to be tagged if a turnstile
>> is just a node I have no idea.
> A footway going through it with the tag oneway=yes?

oneway=yes isn't a good idea, as oneway is generally assumed to /not/
affect pedestrians. (Or how many of you actually add an exception for
pedestrians when mapping a highway with oneway=yes?)

I'd therefore use something like foot[backward]=no (or whatever syntax
for conditional tagging is your personal favourite) on that footway
leading through the turnstile.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] park barrier

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> I'd therefore use something like foot[backward]=no (or whatever syntax
>> for conditional tagging is your personal favourite) on that footway
>> leading through the turnstile.
> does this imply to split the way on the stile? Do you split it on
> either side? 

This can be applied to any way as long as that way needs to be used when
passing the stile. The stile should be a node on that way, but whether
it is the first/last node or any node inbetween doesn't matter at all.

> What about splitting it directly on the stile. By this
> you could just tag one snip of the way towards the side you are
> allowed to go as "stile_direction=yes" or something similar, without
> being dependant on the direction of way. Similarly a relation could be
> imagined (like turn_restriction).

This is a special case useful *only* for this situation - which is an
unnecessary burden for implementation of routing applications. It's
preferable to use something that can be used to handle all sorts of
different situations (and therefore needs to be implemented anyway).

You can do something like stile_direction or a relation if you expect it
to be used in rendering, but I'd definitely recommend to also use a tag
like the one I suggested on the way to allow a more generic evaluation
for routing/navigation.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] park barrier

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> This can be applied to any way as long as that way needs to be used when
>> passing the stile. The stile should be a node on that way, but whether
>> it is the first/last node or any node inbetween doesn't matter at all.
> I see this differently as the restriction does not apply to the whole
> footway but just to the part crossing the style. If the footway is
> some kilometres in length, why would you want to map it as oneway for
> all this part? 

I wouldn't, I originally thought about adding something along the lines
of "of course, that way shouldn't be kilometres long", but thought it
was obvious anyway...

In most situations reality will provide a way section with a length of a
few meters whose only purpose is to go through the stile, so there will
be a "natural" way to use for this. Otherwise, people will probably be
intelligent enough to just split it.

> IMHO you have to split the way after ~50cm after the
> stile (width of the stile) and not to start before your inside the
> stile (otherwise you will get "trapped" inside a normal footway (for
> routers) not beeing able to return if e.g. the stile is closed.

I don't think that this "trapping" situation is relevant in realistic
cases (i.e. a few metres of way tagged like that) - it will even be
below GPS accuracy.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] park barrier

2009-08-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Shaun McDonald wrote:
>> oneway=yes isn't a good idea, as oneway is generally assumed to /not/
>> affect pedestrians. (Or how many of you actually add an exception for
>> pedestrians when mapping a highway with oneway=yes?)
> The exception being highways that are for pedestrians, i.e. footway and
> pedestrian.

That exception isn't documented anywhere, really rare and as such
unlikely to be included with all applications. It might make sense to
you as a human, but what's the general rule that would describe the
desired behaviour? For example: Would oneway apply to pedestrians if
used on highway=path? Would this depend on the access tags used together
with it?

>> I'd therefore use something like foot[backward]=no (or whatever syntax
>> for conditional tagging is your personal favourite) on that footway
>> leading through the turnstile.
> That's an uggly looking tag.

That sort of tag or anything equivalently expressive is required to
represent some situations. I'm not proposing it specifically as a
solution for this case. However, as a general solution for conditional
tagging (depending on direction, vehicle, time, etc.) is needed anyway,
it can be used to solve this as well.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway

2009-08-12 Thread Tobias Knerr
DavidD wrote:
> Mapping is enough work as it is without having to frequently check
> proposals in the wiki.

A proposal should be be announced on the mailing lists, so you don't
need to check the wiki. That doesn't help people who don't read the
mailing lists, but the lack of a central communcaition channel is a
problem of its own.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Country-specific defaults/values (was: Re: Proliferation of path vs. footway)

2009-08-13 Thread Tobias Knerr
David Earl wrote:
> My feeling is that what we are missing is largely country-specific 
> defaults. Or rather we have failed to recognise this in the 
> documentation, but it is what pretty much everyone is doing in practice 
> already, and that's got a lot going for it.

If "cycleway" does mean something different in Germany than it means in
UK, why do we try to use the same tag/value in the first place? Why
don't we use, e.g., "Radweg" for Germany? (Or differentiate with
prefixes or something like that where different nations use the same

I feel it would be much easier to document a tag if it had only one
meaning. (It would also make the discussions /prceding/ the
documentation easier...)

Also, using country-specific values would avoid the requirement to map
everything onto that "footway/cycleway/bridleway" scheme. It's entirely
possible that there are countries whose categories don't fit in there.

It wouldn't be harder to evaluate for applications (such as routers).
Country-specific defaults require machine-readable information that maps
(value + boundary) -> access rights. Country-specific values require
value -> access rights. So, in fact, it might even be a bit easier for
applications because it doesn't require "were am I" checks. Of course,
it becomes harder to create "one size fits all" renderings, which
probably is a major reason why we internationally use the same tags.

So I'm actually not sure whether country-specific defaults are the ideal
solution. Country-specific values /might/ be the better choice.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Country-specific defaults/values

2009-08-13 Thread Tobias Knerr
Richard Mann wrote:
> Neither is acceptable. How long do you want style-sheets to get?

A list of values mapped to a certain style doesn't strike me as
particularly complicated to implement. Especially as these lists can be
compiled with the help of national communities. I assume if you set up a
wiki page with those lists to be filled out by people who know their
national tags, it will be ready in no time.

We are a community project here, you don't need to do everything yourself.

> Plus - what languages are all these tags going to be documented in?

English + local language? Should be enough.

Add to this a machine-readable template which could list, for example,
default access rights, and you can feed that knowledge directly into

> Somehow we need to get to a common-enough definition that we can all live
> with. Which is not to underestimate the scale of the task!

It's just that we have failed to create that definition so far. The task
would become rather easy if we didn't have to deal with differing
legislations at all.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] park barrier

2009-08-13 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Therefore I would explicitly recommend that the way starts at the
> turn-stile following the direction of passing through it, as you will
> never turn back once passed, while you might always turn back before
> you pass it.

You can add this to the wiki as a recommendation if you want. Of course,
this would require that barrier=turnstile was properly documented in the
first place.

Apparently, it still isn't. (It's mentioned on Key:barrier, but is not
part of the table and doesn't have an own page either.) Does anyone
object to adding it?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Country-specific defaults/values

2009-08-13 Thread Tobias Knerr
Roy Wallace wrote:
> "Differentiate with prefixes"? Messy... If "cycleway" means "A" in
> Germany and "B" somewhere else, then cycleway is not a good tag.
> Instead, we should explicitly tag "A" where it applies and tag "B"
> where it applies.

This would mean to totally get away from the concept of highway values
and move to separate tags, because "cycleway", "motorway", "primary" and
all the other values have different meanings in different parts of the

I don't mean to say that this is a bad idea per se, but it requires
* good, universally applicable definitions for these separate tags
* exhaustive and complex editor support (having to look up and add a
whole bunch of tags for each road isn't an usable concept)
* clever rendering rules that can take multiple tags into account

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proliferation of path vs. footway

2009-08-17 Thread Tobias Knerr
Hatto von Hatzfeld wrote:
> On you may count
> how many people approved the proposal but explicitly opposed the
> deprecation of existing tags.

Yes, many participants opposed the deprecation, as did I. However, I
wanted to keep those tags as clearly defined shortcuts for common key
combinations (that is, highway=footway e.g. should be exactly the same
as highway=path + foot=designated), simply to ease transition and save
some typing effort.

Right now, however, people are trying to interpret some additional
meaning into the path vs. *way distinction that originally wasn't there
at all. (Things like paved surface, urban vs. rural, intentionally
maintained etc.) This is definitely *not* what I voted for.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Selecting cycleways

2009-08-17 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2009/8/17 Rahkonen Jukka :
>> OR highway=briddleway AND

"bridleway", but I guess that's just a typo.

>>   (bicycle=yes OR bicycle=designated OR bicycle=permissive)
>> OR highway is not null AND cycleway is not null

You might want check for cycleway=no here, there are a few hundreds of them.

> I'd also have a look at tagwatch searching for "cycle" to see all the
> possible variations.

I wouldn't do this. Just correct those "variations" (aka errors) in the
data if you care about them.

> I'm not a programmer but it seems to me that you're missing same
> parenthesis

Assuming AND binds more strongly than OR, the query seems correct.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Selecting cycleways

2009-08-18 Thread Tobias Knerr
Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
> Cartinus wrote:
>> You'd want to exclude cycleway=opposite as well, because that is just
>> removing the oneway restriction for bicycles.
> But isn't it still kind of a cycleway and thus worth making it visible
> on a cyclemap?

I forgot cycleway=opposite in my first reply, but it really isn't a
cycleway. Imo, "cycleway" is a bad choice of key for this, something
like oneway:bicycle=no would be much more appropriate.
Unlike cycleway=opposite_lane and cycleway=opposite_track, there isn't
any road or section of road specifically intended for bicycles, so it
isn't more of a cycleway than any ordinary road.

Of course, a cyclemap should still make sure to visibly indicate whether
an oneway rule applies to bicycles.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-19 Thread Tobias Knerr
Steve Hill wrote:
> Is there any suggested way of marking up turn restrictions for individual 
> lanes of a road to enable sat navs to provide lane guidance (e.g. "keep 
> right", "move into the left lane", etc)?

There is no accepted or widely used approach to do this, and actually I
don't think it makes much sense to create a concept for this before we
have a good concept for modelling the lanes themselves.

If we decide to model lanes as individual ways or relations, these lane
turn restrictions would, of course, contain the lanes as members. If we
add the lanes as numbered tags (e.g. "right1:", "left3:"), then we
should refer to these numbers. If we do something completely different,
then the lane turn restrictions need to adapt to that.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Roy Wallace wrote:
> But I agree with Tobias also - we should first create a "good
> concept for modelling the lanes themselves". Tobias, could you link to
> the latest/most promising proposal, if there is one?

If we already had a superior proposal, this would be a lot easier. What
we have so far is:

* a German-only page that lists some alternatives, mostly tag-based

* a rather old proposal I've created myself (though I'm no longer
convinced it would work in practice, it's probably a bit too complex to
be widely used without editor support):

* some unconnected suggestions like this talk page entry (that didn't go
anywhere so far, but a proposal based on the idea could actually work):

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Proposal for tagging the general direction of a way as incline=up/down:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> I'm opposing this approach of just tagging different lanes to one way
> as this gets too complicated in complex situations (I know situations
> with more than 18 "lanes"). I'd prefer to get to a
> map-all-lanes-and-dividers-as-separate-ways-approach and then
> recombine them with a relation

Which is too complicated in simple situations. Maybe "one approach fits
all" just doesn't work.

Honestly, I don't think any solution that /requires/ lanes to be mapped
as ways can be successful, it will cause significant additional work
when it comes to junctions, to moving ways and other editing operations.
Neither do I think mappers should be required to use relations for
simple cases.

To me, the most sensible solution would be one that allows
representation by a single way with the highway tags and several tags
referring to individual lanes (in a way that doesn't even require you to
add all lanes - you might only be interested in adding some detail to
that cycle lane, for example). At the same time, the solution might
offer the /option/ to split lanes off the collective highway (i.e. map
them as own ways) and link them to the highway using a single relation
as well.

I believe it fits the project's general spirit to allow mappers to
choose their level of detail (and other mappers to increase it if they
are ready to invest the time). Lod steps could be described as

1. road without lane detail
2. road with partial lane data (think cycleway=lane)
3. road with full lane data, but no lane geometry
4. road with full lane data and partial lane geometry (e.g. individual
ways only for pavements and bicycle lane, but not for the perfectly
parallel car lanes)
5. road with full lane data and geometry

Allowing only separate ways would take away the choices #3 and #4 and
limit #2 to the sort of tags we already use (i.e. no proper ordering, no
sub-tags for lanes).

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Escalators and Travalators

2009-08-22 Thread Tobias Knerr
Peter Childs wrote:
> I'm trying to work out how to tag Escalators I'm not sure the current
> tagging it clear, or even partially useful.

I wouldn't call this "current tagging". That page is a proposal in
"draft" state, i.e. its not even in the "please look at my proposal, try
it and comment" state (aka "RFC"). So if we find something better, we
can just use that instead.

> There seams to be no clear way to tag "Moving Walkways" or Travelators
> these are Esclators without steps, so the current tagging steps with
> an extra tag just does not work, spouse you could tag a path, but that
> just makes it worse.

I believe the best way to solve this is to create a new top-level (that
is, highway) value for all variants of conveyor transport. So, for
example, we could do:

highway = conveyor
conveyor = escalator / travelator
incline = up / down /  (nothing for horizontal travelators)

If required also something like:
conveyor:direction = forward (default) / backward / on_demand

Using a highway value is justified because applications that don't know
about this kind of feature would use it wrong anyway (e.g. route in the
wrong direction).

Would that solution work?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changes to Key:access wiki page

2009-08-22 Thread Tobias Knerr

it's a good thing that someone finally tries to clarify access
documentation - it definitely needs some care. I agree with your
reasoning to replace the image with editable content and some of your
definitions (such as avoiding to put an entry into the hierarchy
multiple times and separating water/land).

Nevertheless, some changes require a bit of discussion, but I guess you
expected this, didn't you? ;)

Christiaan Welvaart wrote:
> Added a separate tag for cars, because AFAICT any routing app computing 
> routes for cars uses this transportation mode. If routing would be done 
> for 'motorcar', ways tagged as hazmat=no, for example, could not be used 
> because the motorcar *could* be a hazmat vehicle.

This reasoning is not quite valid. The restrictions for a vehicle
category are affected by categories higher up in the hierarchy, not by
those below. At least this is the idea behind current documentation such
as ,
and I don't see why we should be restricted to leaves of the category tree.

Therefore, considering an automobile a generic "motorcar" that is
affected by those restrictions applying to generic motorcars should work
well, it doesn't need an own category.

> * Direction specific restrictions
> I listed :backward and :forward postfixes for access keys

What you are doing here seems like picking raisins from conditional
tagging and trying to handle it as a special case. I'm not sure whether
you are aware of my proposal?

While direction may be considered as something special when constructing
a routing graph (unlike most other parameters it will have different
values during creation of the same routing graph; unless you are really
sophisticated and use changing time, it will be the only parameter like
this), it's not a special case for *evaluation*: It's just another
parameter needed to get the value of a base tag for the current situation.

As evaluation is the aspect that needs to be documented (routing graph
creation is up to the application), I believe forward/backward shouldn't
be introduced or documented separately but instead as a part of
conditional tagging.

> * Evaluating access tags

Your use of "category" and "(transport) mode" confuses me, especially as
they both seem to be things that can be a key.

I know from experience that it is hard to find good terms for these
concepts, but maybe you can help me a bit to understand it.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Escalators and Travalators

2009-08-23 Thread Tobias Knerr
Stephen Hope wrote:
> 2009/8/23 Tobias Knerr :
>> I believe the best way to solve this is to create a new top-level (that
>> is, highway) value for all variants of conveyor transport.
> [...]
> Is this intended to be only for human transport?  I know of some quite
> lengthy conveyors for goods - eg coal, grain etc. There's two main
> types, belt and screw, and I've seen a mix of both. Escalators and
> travelators are both belt conveyors.  I don't know if we want to try
> and differentiate for goods use, or just lump them together under
> something like "conveyor=goods, type = grain/coal/gravel/etc".  We
> certainly want to make it easy for routing programs to differentiate
> between goods and human ones.

Using the same top level tag (e.g. highway=conveyor) would only make
sense if applications could use both the same way, and I don't believe
there are apps that can. Routers don't need conveyors for goods for
their calculations, and a rendered map displaying it like a pedestrian
conveyor transport would certainly irritate users. So using the same tag
would only result in making evaluating (and tagging) the conveyor=* tag

Therefore, I'd prefer to restrict highway=conveyor to human transport
(or human+bicycle or some kind of vehicle, if this exists somewhere, by
using access tags) and use a separate top level tag for goods - for
example man_made=conveyor.

Maybe it would be better to use different values, too, such as
goods_conveyor vs. "human_conveyor"*?

Tobias Knerr

* I'm not sure whether this is a name at all, maybe someone is more

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Escalators and Travalators

2009-08-23 Thread Tobias Knerr
John Smith wrote
>> So using the same tag would only result in making
>> evaluating (and tagging) the conveyor=* tag required.
> Which already happens with those pushing path tags instead of footway etc... 
> highway=path, foot=designated...

No, it doesn't happen there. Evaluating access tags is already necessary
for highway=footway, too (bicycle=yes etc.), so path doesn't require
evaluating additional tagging.

> So I don't see that as a good enough reason to have multiple highway tags.

Nobody suggested "multiple highway tags". The highway tag currently only
contains features that are relevant for routing pedestrians or vehicles,
and I prefer it to stay like that. Things like pipelines or goods
conveyors don't belong into this category.

What's the disadvantage of using highway=conveyor and man_made=conveyor
for human vs goods conveyors? If there isn't any, then how can a reason
not be "good enough" to do it?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - incline up down

2009-08-23 Thread Tobias Knerr
Mike Harris wrote:
> If everyone agrees that the architects' convention should be adopted, could 
> we document this?

Even if people on the mailing list agree, most mappers will still not
know about the convention. There will be no way to distinguish the steps
of those who do know it from those who don't.

Is there any realistic chance of reaching a situation where almost all
steps will point in the same direction? It would at least require every
editor to unambiguously convey the directionality of steps and its
meaning - an entry in the wiki will not be read by someone using that
seemingly obvious "steps" preset.

Personally, I still think adding that little incline=up tag would be
worth the effort...

Tobias Knerr

PS: How about adopting inline quoting for your mails to the list?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [RFC] Deprecating the use of Tag:highway=stop in favour of Key:stop

2009-08-23 Thread Tobias Knerr
David Paleino wrote:
> I'd like to start discussion on the deprecation of the Tag:highway=stop in
> favour of using stop=yes/both/-1.

How about adding forward/backward information to each stop sign node
instead? Would depend on way direction, of course, but as the stop nodes
would be placed on single ways rather than intersections, it would be
possible. Is there a reason why you didn't choose this approach?

(I do not have an opinion yet, I'm just interested in arguments for the
different options.)

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Escalators and Travalators

2009-08-24 Thread Tobias Knerr
Stephen Hope wrote:
> Can I suggest that the documentation for the human
> conveyor has a section that states clearly that it is not for goods,
> and pointing to the goods tagging.  And maybe the reverse in the other
> tag.

This can and should be done this way.

Hopefully, editor preset makers and translators will also take care not
to choose misleading descriptions.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changes to Key:access wiki page

2009-08-24 Thread Tobias Knerr
Christiaan Welvaart wrote:
> This proposal does not seem specific enough. Shouldn't it list exactly
> which simple keys can be modified this way, especially for the
> : extension?

There is no need to list keys because it can be used for every
access-related key. Nevertheless, I'll probably create a more detailed
page about conditional tagging in the future which can include base keys.

> For example, with this proposal it is
> possible to create both bicycle:backward and oneway:bicycle, while I
> would really prefer to only have the former.

If we don't try to abolish oneway completely, I would prefer the latter
in most situations.

My opinion is that a base key should not be able to remove a restriction
introduced by another base key. For example, hgv=yes should not be able
to remove a maxweight=3.5 restriction. Similarly, an access tag (such as
access:bicycle:*=* or short bicycle:*=*) should not be able to remove an
oneway tag.

This principle makes understanding and evaluating the tags much easier,
imo. To get a value for maxheight, you check all maxheight:* keys and
nothing else. The same goes for oneway and all other base keys.

One example why I think oneway and access (including the transport mode
and category tags) should not affect each other:

In front of a station, there is a road that must not be used by motor
vehicles except busses. This road also is an oneway road, with no
exceptions. Therefore, I consider it natural to tag this
- oneway = yes
- (access:)motor_vehicle = no
- (access:)bus = yes
This can easily be understood if oneway isn't influenced by the other tags.

If, however, we consider oneway=yes just another way of saying
(access:)vehicle:backward=no, then we suddenly have a problem: Neither
of the two conditional expressions "vehicle:backward" and "bus" is more
specific than the other one, so we cannot determine whether the yes from
"bus" or the no from "vehicle:backward" is relevant here.

To sum up: Yes, both bicycle:backward and oneway:bicycle are
direction-dependent restrictions for bicycles. However, they are still
different because only oneway:* keys should be able to overwrite other,
less specific oneway keys.

In practice, this means that :backward will rarely be useful for
bicycle, it makes more sense in combination with maxspeed and sometimes
other base keys.

>> As evaluation is the aspect that needs to be documented (routing graph
>> creation is up to the application), I believe forward/backward shouldn't
>> be introduced or documented separately but instead as a part of
>> conditional tagging.
> Is it really a problem if work is one in this respect as long as it does
> not contradict the conditional tagging proposal?

There were some suggestions to use brackets instead of colons for this
(such as bicycle[backward]=no or hgv[06:00-10:00]=delivery) because
conditions are not what colons have been used for before - for example,
they don not have a defined order.

Probably, though, colons are better anyway because using different
syntax for different postfix semantics would only lead to confusion and
inconsistent uses...

> A (transport mode) category is simply a group of transport modes and/or
> other categories that are sometimes treated similarly regarding road
> access (by law).

Ok, thanks, I now understand what you mean. I thought it had something
to do with the access values (forestry, delivery and so on), because
except for destination, they are not mentioned by your description at all.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changes to Key:access wiki page

2009-08-24 Thread Tobias Knerr
Christiaan Welvaart wrote:
>> In front of a station, there is a road that must not be used by motor
>> vehicles except busses. This road also is an oneway road, with no
>> exceptions. Therefore, I consider it natural to tag this
>> - oneway = yes
>> - (access:)motor_vehicle = no
>> - (access:)bus = yes
>> This can easily be understood if oneway isn't influenced by the other
>> tags.
>> If, however, we consider oneway=yes just another way of saying
>> (access:)vehicle:backward=no, then we suddenly have a problem: Neither
>> of the two conditional expressions "vehicle:backward" and "bus" is more
>> specific than the other one, so we cannot determine whether the yes from
>> "bus" or the no from "vehicle:backward" is relevant here.
> This can be defined. As I described it one would have to write
> bus:forward=yes , but people may indeed expect bus=yes to work.

Yes, it can be defined, of course. I believe that the results of an
"independent evaluation per base key" rule comes close to what many
people assume about the tag's meaning (its impossible to match all
current expectations, unfortunately, because different people have
different, sometimes contradicting opinions in absence of clear
definitions) and are rather easy to understand.

> It is not clear from the text on the proposal page that
> oneway: is more specific than
> :forward ... It would be nice to have an explicit
> description of how all the different tags can be evaluated.

I'm going to put together a comprehensive description of how I think
access evaluation w.r.t. conditional tagging could work as soon as I
have the time. I hope that this will make things clearer.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=construction

2009-08-25 Thread Tobias Knerr
Liz wrote:
> this page says that you have highway=construction along with any other 
> highway 
> tag eg highway=trunk

No, it doesn't (unless I'm missing something). It says that construction
uses the /value/ of other highway tags:

"Values of construction=* can be all values from highway=*, railway=*,
waterway=* and landuse=*."

So what you do to mark a trunk under construction is to use two tags:
+ construction=trunk

As you use the construction instead of the highway key to store the
highway value "trunk", this is possible even with API 0.6.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Proposed feature: Directional node

2009-08-28 Thread Tobias Knerr
Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
> This is a proposal for a generic way of tagging a node which
> represents an object which faces a certain way - e.g. a traffic sign
> such as a stop sign.

It lacks an example where this complex modelling would even be
necessary. In all examples mentioned so far, a node modelling the
direction-dependent objects is part of a single way, so directions
(forward/backward) can be based on the direction of that way.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to tag lanes, not ways, was: Deprecating the use of Tag:highway=stop in favour of Key:stop

2009-08-28 Thread Tobias Knerr
John Smith wrote:
> Actually no, you can still tag stop signs on a way like people always
> have, then when lanes get sorted out they can be dealt with properly.

I believe that stop signs have usually nothing to do with lanes (though
there probably are exceptions). They apply to everyone travelling into a
certain direction, no matter on what lane. This becomes apparent in
streets where there are no distinct lanes for the two directions of
traffic: Stop signs will still apply to everyone moving towards a
junction. They will not apply to certain lanes, obviously, because there
are none.

So except for truly lane-based stop signs, I think that expressing stop
signs using lane-based methods would be a bad idea - as they are
direction based, not lane based, in reality.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - conveyor

2009-08-29 Thread Tobias Knerr
Proposal that suggests to use highway=conveyor for conveyors that
transport persons, namely escalators and travelators (moving walkways).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Software Freedom Day

2009-09-05 Thread Tobias Knerr
Liz wrote:
> SFD is using a well known proprietary map on their web site.
> Is there anything in this which OSM or one of its derivatives can't do 
> already?

How about "offer reliable service with good uptimes"? After the recent
maintenance weekend it was stated that our services are not really
intended for the public (at least if they need them and don't just
experiment with them) and we are only about data. If that's still the
case, recommending the use of these services to the public doesn't seem
like a good idea.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] lists and # of subscribers

2009-09-05 Thread Tobias Knerr
Alex S. wrote:
>> I often find myself wondering how many are subscribed to the various
>> osm lists. 
> [..]
>> Is this information that can be easily extracted from mailman[..]?
> No..  Many people (including myself) subscribe to the lists through a 
> gateway like, so those numbers are off.

Even if the number of subscribers is slightly flawed, it would still be
able to show *relative* list size (talk_a is six times larger than
talk_b) and growth (we now have 50 % more subscribers) - if we assume
that the percentage of gateway users doesn't vary wildly.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] source=(survey, yahoo, gps...)

2009-09-08 Thread Tobias Knerr
Liz wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Sep 2009, Shaun McDonald wrote:
>> I'm not going to waste my time updating a source tag on every node,  
>> way or relation that I touch. However I'm happy to add ti to the  
>> changeset where it belongs.
> It's actually quite easy in JOSM
> you mass select them and add the tag

If mass selecting is possible, the changeset would have been the better
place, imo. Tags on individual objects do only make sense if you need to
add different source information for each object (or maybe even each
tag). And that's as much work in JOSM as everywhere else.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: source=(survey, yahoo, gps...)]

2009-09-08 Thread Tobias Knerr
David Earl wrote:
> On 08/09/2009 13:16, Tobias Knerr wrote:
>> Liz wrote:
>>> It's actually quite easy in JOSM
>>> you mass select them and add the tag
>> If mass selecting is possible, the changeset would have been the better
>> place, imo. Tags on individual objects do only make sense if you need to
>> add different source information for each object (or maybe even each
>> tag). And that's as much work in JOSM as everywhere else.
> It does differ: while most of a survey will be survey, I am also
> estimating and interpolating and using landsat and joining things up
> with npe. It's not a property of the changeset.

So how do you mass-select exactly those objects you created based on a
given source (mass-selection was the topic of the mail I replied to)?

Regardless of mass-selection, "I used npe, landsat and survey" is a
valid property of the changeset. It may be possible to give more
detailed information, of course. But most mappers don't add source tags,
and a changeset source would provide at least some information. You can
continue to add source tags to individual objects if you think it's
worth the effort - it's your decision, as with all tags in OSM.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-09 Thread Tobias Knerr
Ed Loach wrote:
>> possible ways, where data can be. Please use only
>> addr:interpolation on
>> the way and everything else on the nodes. 
> (shortened to )
> That example shows ONLY the house number on the nodes, and
> everything else on the way used for interpolation. 

That was added to the example one month ago, after the proposal was
marked as approved, without discussion, by a single user and above all
hidden in a heap of edits (so people were unlikely to even notice the

I am going to revert this. That's a very sneaky way to change the
example, and even if we were to agree now that adding the tags to the
interpolation way is better, we shouldn't change the original proposal
page but modify current documentation instead (e.g. ).

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map cemetery ?

2009-09-09 Thread Tobias Knerr
David Earl wrote:
> I think the original distinction was that a graveyard is the burial 
> ground around a church, while a cemetery is a separate pice of land set 
> aside for burials, not necessarily associated with a church, or a 
> denomination - in the UK, many of these are operated by local 
> authorities not religious institutions, while the graveyard around a 
> church is exclusive to the church.
> Having said that, I kind of agree with you, that the distinction is 
> subtle and probably adds little.

Apparently someone overestimated the importance of little details that
could well have been expressed by an additional tag. There is hardly a
good reason for most applications - and for most mappers - to
differentiate, so this doesn't warrant a different top-level tag.

Is there still some chance to get them merged?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Routing over barrier nodes

2009-09-10 Thread Tobias Knerr wrote:
> Currently the problem with routing is, that routing applications can not 
> check for millions of nodes, but only for thousands of ways without 
> performace problems.

No, the problem is that programmers haven't implemented it yet. If the
software can deal with turn restrictions, it shouldn't have a problem
with barriers at all. Performance problems instantly disappear with
appropriate preprocessing.

> I recommend to add a route_nodes=yes or router:check_nodes=yes to such ways

I disagree. It is possible to take barriers into account without that
tag (I've implemented it for the GraphView plugin, for example), so the
tag obviously wouldn't add or improve information.

Mappers shouldn't do the job of a software preprocessor.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
>> So I should remove:
>> addr:city = Osijek
>> addr:country = Croatia
>> addr:postcode = 31000
>> addr:street = Starigradska
>> from way and put it back on nodes?

Imo, yes, you should put all those details onto the objects that carry
addr:housenumber (either nodes or building outlines). That's the method
intended by the documentation and I don't see a good reason for not
sticking to it in this case.

Brian Quinion wrote:
> However there are
> plenty of cases where people have used it as I suggested because it
> makes sense

It does not make much sense to add information to a temporary construct
(interpolation way) that will be replaced with individual tags on each
building outline in the long term anyway.

> and any one implementing reading OSM data for addresses
> will have to deal with both

I think an evaluator can ignore addr:street on interpolation ways - with
documentation and tools (such as JOSM presets) supporting consistent
tagging you will be able to extract most data this way. Unless, of
course, enough people prevent consistent tagging by denying its possibility.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to map cemetery ?

2009-09-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Valent Turkovic wrote:
> Please make clear if there is going to be used only cemetery tag or will 
> there be two tags; cemetery and graveyard.

I can't tell you what tags will be used in the future. I (and some
others) would prefer to remove the distinction between the two tags and
use the same tag for all burial places, but that's only a suggestion and
does not (yet) reflect tagging reality.

Current documentation suggests that there are two tags and that there is
a vague distinction between cemetery and grave_yard: grave_yards tend to
be smaller, older - sometimes even disused -, more likely to be property
of a religious organisation and are usually in proximity to a place of
worship. There is no exact definition, though.

> What is the difference between graveyard and grave_yard tag?

"graveyard" does not exist as a documented tag.

> Here on the wiki:
> says that cemetery tag is to be obsoleted?!? This is really confusing.

This is a proposal that didn't get far, so it isn't really relevant for
now. Not everything someone has written on the wiki is relevant
documentation, especially if they have written "proposal" over it and no
one has touched the page for almost two years.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Erik Johansson wrote:
> I added ramp=yes|no to highway=steps, for steps where strollers and
> bikes can pass. 
> [...]

As you don't mention the "Steps_features" proposal, did you miss it?

It proposes exactly this (a ramp=yes|no tag), as well as
to further differentiate the types of ramps - a ramp for bicycles might
not be usable for strollers, for example.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=steps ramp=yes mapping stairs.

2009-09-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Shaun McDonald wrote:
> I have used bicycle=yes where there is a guide rail to help people take
> their bike up and over the steps/bridge.

It's a matter of definition, I guess. My opinion is that the OSM vehicle
class "bicycle" doesn't include pushed/carried bicycles, so it is not
appropriate for steps with bicycle ramps. Otherwise, we'd need to tag a
lot of pedestrian streets/areas where pushing bicycles is legal (while
cycling is not) with bicycle=yes. Of course, this would be misleading.

I prefer ramp:bicycle=yes.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Address interpolation

2009-09-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Brian Quinion wrote:
>> Imo, yes, you should put all those details onto the objects that carry
>> addr:housenumber (either nodes or building outlines). That's the method
>> intended by the documentation and I don't see a good reason for not
>> sticking to it in this case.
> inconsistent duplication.

I'd accept inconsistent duplication as an argument against using
addr:street at all and in favor of associatedStreet relations. I'd also
accept it for addr:city vs. boundary polygons.

But as an argument for moving address details to the interpolation ways?
It's at most a factor 2 for duplications, that doesn't really change
much. You will want some checks no matter whether it's 1 or 2
addr:street entries in a city.

Considering that this question is not decisive for the amount of
duplication, other aspects are more relevant here. Namely:
- 1 way of doing it is better than 2 ways of doing it
- usability (for example: use the same JOSM presets for housenumbers
with and without interpolation way attached to them; no partial copy of
attributes required when removing an interpolation way)

> Discarding all data that doesn't perfectly conform to the
> specification would remove quite a large percentage - this case alone
> accounts for around 3% of the data.

These percentages might decrease if people actually had an incentive to
create data conforming to the specification (such as applications only
accepting data that does). 3% doesn't sound that impressive, btw. Is
that before or after performing interpolation?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] wiki: number of people watching a page

2009-09-13 Thread Tobias Knerr
Gary68 wrote:
> is there a function available now to find out how many users are
> watching a certain page?

I don't know a way to access that information right now. Maybe someone
can adapt this Wikipedia tool
for the OSM wiki?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] Changeset history - hide 'big' edits?

2009-09-27 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> Is it possible at least add "area (big)" in RSS feeds of changesets so it
>> is filterable via external services (yahoo pipes)?
> do you know ito? It is a proprietary service but subscribing is free
> and it offers this feature you are requesting (see all changes in a
> certain area

... as long as they affect ways, rather than just nodes or relations.
Also, there often with a delay of several days, and it doesn't show edit
comments (as it apparently isn't changeset based).

However, with the changeset history barely usable due to "big edit" spam
it's probably the most useful provider of watchfeeds.

Here's the link:

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Overlay showing wikipedia links

2009-10-01 Thread Tobias Knerr
Pieren wrote:
> I never understood people who wants to have wikipedia urls in OSM
> data. It is not OSM role to point to wikipedia articles but wikipedia
> to point to OSM geodata. And this has to be done through lat/lon
> coordinates.

lat/lon coordinates aren't an ideal solution for this. Imagine some live
rendering (using JavaScript, Flash or whatever). The programmer wants to
add the following features:
- different color for buildings with Wikipedia article
- mouseover highlighting of buildings
- clicking on highlighted building opens Wikipedia article
Can the programmer do that with lat/lon? No. Because lat/lon doesn't
offer a connection between an article and a certain OSM primitive.
Similarly, in a map with icons for POIs, you will need to add additional
icons for Wikipedia links, so you will end up with two icons for the
same POI. And so on.

So what can we do to store that connection? We can

- link to a Wikipedia article from OSM
-> does work, but of course this causes a "notability" problem if links
to other sites are added, too

- link to an OSM id from Wikipedia
-> ids are probably too fragile

- invent some new way of adressing OSM objects;
for example: lat/lon + tag(s) that will be looked up in some region area
around the lat/lon ("The pub with name=Foo near that location")
-> could be a rather robust solution, but doesn't exist right now

Therefore, I can understand very well why people are adding wikipedia=*
tags. It might cause problems later, but the other solutions have
apparent flaws right now.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] address interpolation

2009-10-02 Thread Tobias Knerr
Peter Körner wrote:
>> But, when you see an interpolation "25 to 25c". How do you know that this
>> means "25, 25a, 25b, 25c"? You again remove the number. That gives you the
>> first entry. But what happens then? 
> You count to the end of this interpolation-way (there are 4 nodes in, 1 
> is the start and 1 is the end, so 2 in between) and substract this 
> number (2) from the last char (c).

What you have is a way with _two_ nodes: start and end node. The first
node has an addr:housenumber=25 tag, the last node =25c. The last node
could also be addr:housenumber=25f. The number of houses represented by
an interpolation way doesn't have anything to do with the number of
nodes in the way.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boolean values

2009-10-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
James Livingston wrote:
> How precisely is that going to end the debate?
> a) Voting isn't the way to do this. It either needs consensus or a  
> dictator.

It will probably demonstrate that there already *is* a consensus to use
"yes" for this.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - incline up down

2009-10-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Tagging the general direction of a way as incline=up/down:

Vote-Start: 2009-10-03
Vote-End: 2009-10-17

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Turn restrictions

2009-10-05 Thread Tobias Knerr
Valent Turkovic wrote:
> I have used wiki for getting to know how to use turn restrictions, and
> there the examples given on the page:
> type tag is not used.

The type tag is listed in the tags section on that page.

The examples were added later -
- and it's likely that the type tag was simply forgotten because the
examples were primarily intended to demonstrate usage of no_* and only_*

> I added type=restriction to it now, but is is necessary or not? Should
> the wiki be updated?

Imo: Yes, it is necessary (other tools such as JOSM expect it, too), and
the examples should be updated to reflect this.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] cloud made routing and turn restrictions

2009-10-08 Thread Tobias Knerr
Igor Shubovych:
> CloudMade definitely has some support for turn restrictions.
> [...]
> Unfortunately there are a lot of bugs there. CloudMade is going to fix it
> during next couple of months.

Is it a known bug that restrictions with restriction=only_* tag are
apparently handled as if they were restriction=no_*?

There recently was a German forum thread where someone encountered that
problem ( One of
the examples was this route,6.787233352661133,51.2442275913119,6.786621809005737&travel=car&styleId=1
that probably was influenced by this restriction relation:

(There are some other links with examples in this thread, which are all
related to only_*-restrictions.)

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Instead of voting

2009-10-09 Thread Tobias Knerr
Frederik Ramm:
> (5) Never ever invent a tag that you don't have a concrete use for.

"Never plan ahead, always wait until there are thousands of existing
tags that make creating a better solution harder"?

Recently, I encountered a crossing where there were both traffic lights
and an island for pedestrians. This could easily be expressed if whoever
invented the tag had done some thought experiment along the lines of
"but if there is a crossing that has BOTH traffic lights AND islands?
Seems like I shouldn't put these into the same tag!"

Of course, I simply invented something to express this, but it means
that there are two ways of expressing "there's a pedestrian island at
this crossing" - while not much of a problem, that certainly isn't
"nice" from a modelling point of view.

> We already have too many computer people who get carried away by thought 
> experiements ("yes but if the spot where the road and railway intersect 
> also happens to be a station and have a traffic light and a river 
> flowing underneath, what are you going to do THEN").

Maybe we should use common sense to distinguish between plausible
possibilities and irrelevant hypothetical constructs?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Instead of voting

2009-10-10 Thread Tobias Knerr
Generally, I like your idea - it's important that there is only one
meaning per tag (that's why they should be documented), whereas
synonymous tags are not a serious problem, so there is no reason to
restrict mappers ability to use and define new tags. I therefore think
it should be considered a valid way of establishing tags.

Russ Nelson:
> "As an alternative to voting, consider doing this instead." 

It should be clear that it's only an alternative to voting when
introducing new tags. It doesn't offer a solution if there already are
different ideas about what a certain tag means - we'd still need a way
to handle those situations: voting, councils, dictators, whatever.

> 5) If you disagree with the definition of the key or value, then
> create a new key or value with a different name,

This can potentially lead to some conflicts when the "good" names are
already taken...

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Instead of voting

2009-10-10 Thread Tobias Knerr
Russ Nelson:
> Tobias Knerr writes:
>  > Frederik Ramm:
>  > > (5) Never ever invent a tag that you don't have a concrete use for.
>  > 
>  > "Never plan ahead, always wait until there are thousands of existing
>  > tags that make creating a better solution harder"?
> I believe this to be a misconception.  If there are five tags, all of
> which have the same semantics, what harm is caused?

There are minor disadvantages (additional effort for people creating
rules, mappers can't decide as easily how they should tag something,
...) that aren't really serious problems, but aren't desirable either.

If I can realistically expect a situation to exist and can take it into
account without negatively affecting the usability of a tagging scheme,
I will do so - even if there is no example for the situation in my area.

>  > Of course, I simply invented something to express this,
> And did you document it in the wiki? 

I'm going to do this soon. So far, I've made an attempt to discuss it on
the wiki talk page for the feature (I could have used the tagging
mailing list or some other place, doesn't really matter). After all,
someone else might offer a better idea right away.

I've noticed that your steps don't take communication into account at
all. Generally, though, it's a good idea to discuss tagging bit. I can
still ignore other people's opinions, but often I will like their ideas
better than the one I originally had.

A simple "has someone already tagged X?" also makes it less likely that
people simply don't *find* an existing solution they would be perfectly
happy with.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave F.:
> Shaun McDonald wrote:
>> If you just add a disused=yes, pretty much nothing that works with the 
>> OSM data will recognise that it is no longer a cafe.
> Don't map for the renderer, router etc. etc.
> You should be writing a post asking why they don't recognise such a 
> widely used tag.

Because tags like disused=yes conflict with a general principle in OSM:
We don't have a fixed set of tags and mappers can invent and use their
own tags, so it should be possible for software to ignore tags it
doesn't know without causing problems. If I don't support distinguishing
between different variants of amenity=parking, I just ignore parking=*
tags entirely, and while the result is less useful, it's still correct.
If I don't support disused features, I can just ignore disused=yes tags
... no wait, I can't.

Of course, in order to make mapping convenient, it's sometimes necessary
to break that concept (with access tags, for example), and probably we
won't be able to get rid of
disused/abandoned/construction/planned/proposed/etc anymore.
Unfortunately, people didn't seem to like my status=disused/... proposal
very much.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-21 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave F. wrote:
> I can't work out if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me, but anyway...
> Are you suggesting there's no exception rule for renderers?:
> Ignore all subsequent keys except for ones label disused or abandoned"

I agree that a renderer should be able to deal with tags like
disused=yes. I also agree that disused is widely used, so it cannot
reasonably be ignored anymore, and replacing it with an alternative way
of tagging probably is no longer an option.

However, I believe that using a common key instead of
disused/construction/abandoned/...=yes and distinguishing these using
different *values* would have been the better alternative. Once
applications would have learned about the key, they would have been able
to handle new values immediately.

I also recommend that, when tags are created in the future, they should
be designed so that they can be ignored unless there are important
reasons for breaking that rule.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC -(man_made=mineshaft)

2009-10-21 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave F.:
>> However, I believe that using a common key instead of
>> disused/construction/abandoned/...=yes and distinguishing these using
>> different *values* would have been the better alternative.
> Common Key? Can you give an example?
> If you mean status=disused, I'm not sure how that get around the problem 
> of ignoring all other keys.

Yes, I mean status=*, and I'm aware that it doesn't avoid the problem -
however, the problem would have to be solved only once for all possible
status values. A check for status will filter out objects with e.g.
status=planned, too, even if only construction, disused and abandoned
were known when status was introduced. A check for c./d./a.=yes will not
filter out planned=yes, thus increasing the required effort for
monitoring tagging trends and adapting applications.

Therefore, I'd consider a common key an improvement, but of course the
problem of ignoring keys would still exist.

The problem could only be avoided completely by using things like
disused_KEY = VALUE
KEY = disused + disused = VALUE,
but the widespread use of disused/...=yes seems to demonstrate that not
all mappers like these.

The idea was that maybe the common key approach could be some kind of
compromise. As I said, though, I don't believe that an attempt to
establish an alternative to disused=yes could be successful.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] alley - for tree-lined roads?

2009-11-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Liz wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Nov 2009, Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
>>tree_lined=yes (meaning both left & right)

I don't like it that much (don't like the cycleway:left/right tags
either, though). I'd prefer an integration into a generally usable lane
model with information about lane ordering. Then I could also map that
road with tree lines *between* pavement and car lanes properly.

I guess it's ok as a temporary solution ...

> left and right compared to what??
> I'm going to go one way down the street and mark the trees on the left, and 
> you are going to go the other way down the street and mark the trees on the 
> right.

As with all left/right tags (as well as forward/backward, up/down,
oneway, incline, etc.), this would certainly refer on the way's
direction in the OSM database.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] positioning of barrier = stile

2009-11-15 Thread Tobias Knerr
David Groom writes:
> My query relates to where a footway joins a road and there is a stile.
> say a- b is footway , and c - d is road
> Should the stile be placed at "b"
> [...]
> or should I  put in a node "e" and tag that with barrier = stile:
> [...]

The additional node e is necessary. If there is a barrier on a node that
is part of the c-d road, that barrier does block traffic on c-d.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HELP: signing problem on wiki ( different user-name wiki <-> osm-server)

2009-11-21 Thread Tobias Knerr
colliar wrote:
> I have different user-names on osm-wiki and osm-server. (only capital as first
> letter and not)
> The link on my wiki-user-page works well. Only signing does not. It should be:
> [User:username|Username]].
> In stead it turns out:
> [[User:Username|[[User:username|Username

You probably have written "[[User:username|Username]]" to the
"Signature" option field in your wiki preferences, but haven't enabled
the "Raw signatures" check box. Without the "Raw signatures" option, the
"Signature" field will only modify the visible part of your signature,
that is, the part after the "|". And it will convert all special
characters, such as "[", "]" and "|".

By the way: The wiki doesn't distinguish between the pagenames
User:username and User:Username anyway, so I don't think you even need
to modify the link target.

I hope this helps you solve your problem.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping everything as areas

2009-11-25 Thread Tobias Knerr
Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
> Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason's diary entry last week ( 
> stired my interest. Using a few examples, he showed how mapping 
> everything as an area - or as a volume - makes ultimate sense. Should we 
> go for it now ?

Imo, area mapping is too advanced for now. After all,
- it's quite hard to get the data (several width measurements required)
- there aren't many practical applications
- you can't work around some editing problems with shared nodes anymore
- we don't have software support for it

As the next step for areas where most of the basics are done, I'd rather
start lane mapping. It has some very attractive use cases (detailed
routing instructions for cars, routing and maps for
pedestrians/bicycles) and it's relatively easy to gather the data (you
just look at the street, no tools required - not even a GPS).

Actually, I don't believe most mappers will be able and willing to
produce data that is more precise than what can represented with width
tag + lane info any time soon.

Of course, if you *want* to map areas in addition to linear road
representations, just do it.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping everything as areas

2009-11-25 Thread Tobias Knerr
Martin Koppenhoefer schrieb:
> 2009/11/25 Tobias Knerr 
>> Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
>>> Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason's diary entry last week (
>>> stired my interest. Using a few examples, he showed how mapping
>>> everything as an area - or as a volume - makes ultimate sense. Should we
>>> go for it now ?
>> Imo, area mapping is too advanced for now. After all,
>> - it's quite hard to get the data (several width measurements required)
> well depends on the quality you want to achieve (can do it with aerial
> images just now) [...]

That's an additional requirement, though, so it's not possible everywhere.

>> - there aren't many practical applications
> there is one key application: rendering

For most maps (or most zoom levels of most maps), it's not that useful
to use real outlines for ways. A linear abstraction with exaggerated
(and possibly importance-dependent) widths is common and usually more

>> - you can't work around some editing problems with shared nodes anymore
> don't understand what you intend

There have been several discussions whether area borders - such as
landuse areas - should use the same nodes as streets they are adjacent
to. Iirc, some participants complained that sharing nodes causes editing
problems - making it hard to select individual ways, requiring the
relatively unknown unglue operations when editing the ways etc. With
streets represented as areas, the "way=middle-of-the-road" argument
wouldn't apply, so we probably would have to start dealing with
overlapping ways and/or shared nodes.

(I'm not necessarily saying this is a valid concern, I just remember it
being raised. I assumed that "shared nodes" would remind everyone of
those recurring discussions - apparently, that wasn't correct.)

>> - we don't have software support for it
> you simply add area=yes to your closed way.

Which won't be supported properly by renderers (for many highway types -
and not at all for directional features like steps or oneways) or
routing applications (it might use the outline of the area, which is
equivalent to ignoring the area=yes).

A simple area=yes could even be considered wrong. I'd interpret a
highway=* area with area=yes is an area where there's no regulated
direction of traffic. There should be an easy way to identify areas
which are outlines of ways so you can decide not to draw these. After
all, abstracting roads to lines with uniform, non-realistic width can be
a sensible design decision. (See above.)

Even if you believe it would be correct, there would still be problems
with directional features, left/right/forward/backward tags etc.
Therefore, I think this statement is very important:

> The only thing: don't delete the
> current centre-ways. Maybe it would be best to tag the road-areas as
> landuse=road instead of highway=something to avoid conflicts.

>> As the next step for areas where most of the basics are done, I'd rather
>> start lane mapping. It has some very attractive use cases (detailed
>> routing instructions for cars, routing and maps for
>> pedestrians/bicycles) and it's relatively easy to gather the data (you
>> just look at the street, no tools required - not even a GPS).
> yes sure, but A doesn't exclude B.

Not at all. I'm just stating my personal preferences. Of course, the
perfect solution is to map everything.

>> Actually, I don't believe most mappers will be able and willing to
>> produce data that is more precise than what can represented with width
>> tag + lane info any time soon.
> no problem, who wants to do it, can do it. Look here:

That's interesting! Luckily, a single example doesn't prove my "most
mappers" statement wrong yet. ;)

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bridge on Hiking Trails

2009-11-25 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave F. wrote:
> I didn't think the layer=1 was necessary when there's only one bridge - 
> it defaults to display above other objects.

This assumption isn't defined anywhere (afaik). Therefore, it relies on
arbitrary and undocumented implementation details of specific renderers,
which should be avoided.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Path vs footway vs cycleway vs...

2009-11-30 Thread Tobias Knerr
Roy Wallace wrote:
>> Routing software that is aware of the local laws of each country seems 
>> obvious.
> Um...what??? That will not write itself. Do you expect us to
> successfully digitize and maintain a database of all laws of all
> countries? In a wiki, even? That's ambitious! I'd prefer to stick to
> mapping what's on the ground.

If we map what's on the ground, then we create a map database containing
"here is an oneway sign, over there is a cycleway sign". That's
nice, but if I want to do routing with this, I need information such as
"can I use way w in direction d with vehicle v?" - and in order to know
this, I need another database that tells me what a sign means in that
part of the world (for example: are pedestrians allowed to walk on ways
with a cycleway sign?).

If we don't want a traffic law database, then we need to tag the
required information directly. But then mappers don't just map physical
reality. They interpret the signs (and other information) using their -
hopefully correct - knowledge of the laws.

Both can work, but /someone/ has to do the transfer from reality to road
network attributes - either software (using a traffic laws DB) or humans
(mapping more than just what's on the ground).

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Path vs footway vs cycleway vs...

2009-11-30 Thread Tobias Knerr
Roy Wallace wrote:
> The point I was making was that it should *not* be necessary to
> *require* "a database of all laws of all countries" to know what
> highway=cycleway means. There should be one definition that is
> consistent for the whole world. For example, "this path is marked with
> a sign with a bicycle symbol on it". If people also want to put in
> exhaustive information inferred from a law book, I'd prefer they go
> ahead and use "foot=no + source:foot=lawbook". If people prefer to
> leave out the inferred information, and instead write routers with
> country-specific defaults, that's cool, too.
> But highway=cycleway tags in the OSM database should all mean the same thing.

Do you only suggest that there should be exactly one meaning per tag, or
would you also want the same tags to be used all over the world?

It makes a difference for possible approaches like using
highway=Fahrradweg (or DE:cycleway or any other value that isn't exactly
"cycleway") for German cycleways, as that would still be "one meaning
per tag".

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] opencyclemap and car directions

2009-12-02 Thread Tobias Knerr
Ben Laenen wrote:
> Richard Mann wrote:
>> If there's no
>> lane marked (eg the zillions of oneway exceptions in Belgium that have
>> appeared in the last few years) then it probably needs to be tagged
>> oneway:bicycle=no, but that won't show up either (AFAIK).
> bicycle:oneway=no is used much more in Belgium (and the whole planet) -- 
> about 
> ten times more often.

Imo, this shouldn't be considered in isolation. There's a whole lot of
situations where the value for a key, such as oneway, maxspeed,
maxweight, access, is different depending on vehicle or other conditions
- a common example is maxspeed:hgv (note that nobody is using
hgv:maxspeed). And it's a bad idea to create a different solution for
each of these.

There is a concept that covers all of these and uses oneway:bicycle:

The bicycle:oneway variant, to my knowledge, hasn't been part of a
solution that can be used to express all of these cases yet and is
mostly just there as a solution for this single situation (opposite
traffic on oneway ways). Imo, that's a too limited perspective.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] access tagging concepts (was: Re: opencyclemap and car directions)

2009-12-04 Thread Tobias Knerr
Ben Laenen wrote:
> Tobias Knerr wrote:
>> There is a concept that covers all of these and uses oneway:bicycle:
>> r_access_tags
>> The bicycle:oneway structure, to my knowledge, hasn't been part of a
>> solution that can be used to express all of these cases yet and is
>> mostly just there as a solution for this single situation (opposite
>> traffic on oneway ways). Imo, that's a too limited perspective.
> So that's completely incorrect, bicycle:oneway=no already appeared on 
> a long time before the extended conditions for access tags proposal was 
> created (although, indeed, not a definite proposal for such a syntax -- it 
> still could all change -- but in the mean time it was seeing some usage while 
> testing it out). But that's far from an "isolated situation for oneway only".

Nevertheless, it "hasn't been part of a solution that can be used to
express all of these cases yet". It has been part of a brainstorming
process - but that's not a solution. Maybe it can lead to a solution.

> Yeah, so that proposal of mine hasn't seen much change recently. Basically 
> because I have the impression almost no-one else but me seems interested in 
> creating formal definitions of access tags, and because proposals like yours 
> would come up without really looking at what was written on that page.

I'm not sure what exactly you would consider a formal definition.
Description of the structure using some kind of grammar? Evaluation
rules? Something I didn't even think of?

Certainly, all of these would be entirely possible for "Extended
conditions" tags and their evaluation, though.

> But now with your syntax which is advocated as good
> syntax to use and superseding other possibilities just because it is a 
> proposal, it makes life harder to create the formal framework because we now 
> have a whole new set of tags  that have to be taken into account, and would 
> rule out a lot of possibilities of perhaps a better syntax.

I'm always open for better solutions. I also believe that a syntax being
used isn't an argument for not replacing it if something better comes
along. I wouldn't expect you to necessarily take "Extended condition"
syntax into account when creating your own concepts, and I don't think
it's a practical necessity, either, as none of these cases is very
widespread yet.

Also, what would you have expected me to do in that situation back then?
Yes, there was this page that hadn't been very active even then and
didn't offer much except some "brainstorming". Yes, maybe someone would
come up with a solution based on it, but there was no indication that it
would develop into anything.

So I what I did was this: I spent hours thinking about other solutions,
discussing syntax, writing software prototypes for different syntax
variants and so on. No, I'm not convinced that my proposal is the ideal
solution. I'm now convinced that it is a *working* solution, though,
which integrates most of the existing tags and allows them to be defined
consistently. Still, if you can come up with something better, please do.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Create two new categories for lawyers, architects, plumbers, etc

2009-12-05 Thread Tobias Knerr
Pieren wrote:
>> We've long since passed the point where "amenity" is an accurate
>> description for the value that comes after it. In the OpenStreetMap
>> database "amenity" is best pronounced as "a thingy" :)
> Is that a reason to not improve things (or try to )?

Is introducing somewhat arbitrary categories really an improvement? It's
just another thing I need to memorize.

What I want to enter is actually
and so on.

These aren't two "atoms" of data, just one. Unfortunately, there is the
technical requirement to provide two strings - key and value. A "thingy"
key (could be "type" or "poi" or whatever just as well as "amenity") is
a method to work around this.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Announce] OSMF license change vote has started

2009-12-05 Thread Tobias Knerr

SteveC wrote:
>> How is insulting people going to help things?
> By letting them know FUD and BS will be shot down.

I understand that most statements you are responding to seem stupid,
unnecessary or inappropriate to you. You might even think that those who
posted them should really know better.

But please take into account that many people reading this know much
less than you do about the license change. Also, most people here don't
know you, either. Your mails to OSM-talk might be their first impression
of you. They also might be their first impression of the Foundation and
the ODbL switch.

You can't expect them to invest a lot of time to understand
international copyright and database law. For them, it's all about trust
- do they trust the calmly worded concerns (that sound perfectly valid
to them, even if they in fact are BS - which isn't true for all of them,
either, many are legitimate) or that angry guy who keeps telling them
it's all nonsense?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Opinion poll about the new licence Odbl 1.0

2009-12-06 Thread Tobias Knerr
Pieren wrote:
> Could someone deliver a script that could make this automatically for
> me  :"take all elements where I am the last contributor but not the
> only one then delete and recreate them identically under my user
> account then all my efforts are saved at the licence transition" ?

In my opinion, whether your data is derived from other data isn't
determined by having the same object ID. If I completely remove all tags
from a node, move it somewhere else and add new tags, then it's most
likely not derived from the previous work. If I add a tag to a road,
then it is derived from previous work, and this doesn't change at all if
I choose to copy the road and delete the original.

Using the object history is just an approximation based on the
assumption that mappers will usually keep an object if they are
improving existing data, and create new objects if they add completely
new information. It's not really possible for an automated process to do
anything else.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] OBbL and forks

2009-12-08 Thread Tobias Knerr
Grant Slater wrote:
>> A quick question for the legal people: does ODbL allow the project to
>> be forked?
> Yes it does. The LWG sought specific legal advise on this. We wouldn't
> be an open project if this was not allowed.

That fork would have less options than OSMF has, though. Most
importantly, it could only use the published ODbL data. It wouldn't have
the rights granted by the Contributor Terms, namely publishing data as
CC-by-sa or (with contributor support) any other open license.

Considering that the LWG seems to consider these options strategically
important, the fork would be at a disadvantage.

I'm not sure about attribution, either. Wouldn't the fork have to
attribute OSM as well, making attribution significantly less convenient?

Tobias Knerr

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Opinion poll about the new licence Odbl 1.0

2009-12-10 Thread Tobias Knerr
Brendan Morley wrote:
> All for addressing, as far as I can tell, a theoretical problem, with no 
> real-world "exploits".

I understand that actual exploits would make the problem more obvious,
but I find the underlying logic questionable nevertheless.

No one has broken into my house for 5 years now. Does this mean my door
locks are secure? No, it might easily just mean that
* most people are honest enough not break into my house
* the stuff I have in here is not valuable enough
* I was simply lucky
Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that the locks are insecure
either, it's just that you need experts checking the locks to decide

Similarly, that no one (we know of) has abused weaknesses in CC-by-SA so
far could be because
* most users of OSM like the project anyway, so they voluntarily comply
* OSM is still inferior to other data sources in most places, so we
aren't an attractive target; especially as we could cut off update by
switching licenses (I'd expect clear support for that after an exploit)
* we were simply lucky
Again, just from looking at this, CC-by-SA might or might not work. It
takes legal experts who check at the license to decide this.

If the license has problems (and there are legal arguments indicating
that they exist), just waiting until an exploit occurs is detrimental.
After all, if we try to relicense in a few years, we will lose much more
data (more contributors will have left/died/changed their e-mail address
until then, each object will have been touched by a larger number of
contributors, and of course there will be a larger amount of data in the
database overall).

So unfortunately, we need to decide soon - and in absence of reliable
empirical data available, only theory is available.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Dual/Multiple licencing

2009-12-14 Thread Tobias Knerr
Brendan Morley wrote:
> Why must there be migration to the new licence?  Why can't we run both 
> indefinitely?

A major reason for introducing ODbL is that many believe CC-by-SA to
only inadequately protect our data (so that it might be possible in some
jurisdictions to use our data without respecting attribution and
share-alike requirements). If we dual-license, someone with the
intention to take our data can simply pick the "weaker" license, so this
wouldn't help at all.

Adopting a dual-licensing scheme would also require us to remove data
added by contributors who don't agree to this change, just like
switching to ODbL (unless we want to create two different sets of data
and essentially fork the project, which imo is the least attractive
option of all).

And finally, it would become impossible to re-import modified
information from uncooperative users. In order to do this, we'd need
permission to distribute it under both licenses, but a user can of
course decide to only publish modifications under one of the two licenses.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Suggestion: fallback tag

2009-12-17 Thread Tobias Knerr
Steve Bennett wrote:
> Solution: tag it like this:
> landuse=reserve
> fallback:leisure=park

Lets assume that your fallback tag isn't just a less specific type of
object than the real tag (in that case, a tag hierarchy - as it is used
with amenity=parking + parking=*, for example - would solve the problem).

In this situation, a fallback is based on certain assumptions how
renderers display a tag. It only works in your example because you make
the assumption that parks are rendered as a green area or something like
that, and that would be appropriate for reserves, too. But some other
renderer might write "park" all over the area or do something else that
makes the rendering completely inappropriate for the feature. What if I
use "beach" as the fallback for my golf bunkers and get ice cone and
beach ball icons, rather than the yellow area I had expected?

Another problem with your approach is that it only works in renderers
designed with the intention to display /everything/. I'd expect good
rendering styles to be limited to a selected subset of the available

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM rewriting history : France is now part of Germany !

2010-01-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
John Smith wrote:
> Cartography is an art form, and you will never be able to do this sort
> of thing perfectly by extrapolation from the boundary.

Unless you are working with one specific rendering style on a known zoom
level and with fixed font size, you won't be able to perfectly do this
by manually positioning a label, either.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not-properly-Open-but-called-Open

2010-01-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dair Grant wrote:
> showcasing useful and innovative things that have been done with
> OSM data is more important than trying to split ourselves into "open" (terms
> and conditions will apply) and not.

If it is there to show what can be done with OSM data, it does a very
poor job. The only thing it shows is an inferior Google Map clone:
pre-rendered tiles that cannot even be configured or modified in any
meaningful way. It doesn't help to demonstrate the the advantages of
having access to raw map *data* at all.

In order to truly show what's possible, we would need to completely
redesign that front page into a "featured products" catalogue that could
list routing applications, Garmin converters, OSM clocks, renderers,
paper maps and so on. This would, of course, include "closed" applications.

As it is, that page doesn't really serve the purpose of presenting OSM
products. Instead, it presents OSM data *itself* - with features such as
changeset list, data layer, XML export, etc.. And for that purpose, we
don't need "closed" rendering styles.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not-properly-Open-but-called-Open

2010-01-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave F. wrote
> Tobias Knerr wrote:
>> In order to truly show what's possible, we would need to completely
>> redesign that front page into a "featured products" catalogue [...]
> It doesn't have to be completely redesigned, just a link saying:
> "And here's some other great ways in which OSM can be used..."

I'd prefer a somewhat nicer presentation than a raw table (and a more
selective approach, the full list can always be accessible using a "more
..." link or something like that), but the wiki page would be a good
first step.

IIRC there already were some suggestions and designs a few months ago,
either on this list or talk-de, but I'm currently unable to find them.

> Excuse my ignorance - OSM Clock?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New "Highways" view in OSM Inspector

2010-01-08 Thread Tobias Knerr
Dave F. wrote:
>> Long ways are a potential problem if you have long segments with no nodes in
>> it. One problem is when you draw a small part of the map that has a line 
>> going
>> through it but no nodes in it (because they are all outside), the line might
>> not show because the software doesn't recognize this. You can run into this 
>> when
>> using Osmarender for instance. 
> I don't really like saying this, but isn't this a "don't map for the 
> renderer" case?

"Mapping for the renderer" is a problem when you incorrectly represent
reality in order to produce a certain rendering.

When there are different representations (such as long segments and
short segments) that represent reality equally well, choosing the one
that is easier for applications isn't a problem at all, but rather a
good idea.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] node vs. area for amenities in wiki templates

2009-01-23 Thread Tobias Knerr
Map Features as well as the info boxes on the individual pages list many
"building" amenities (cafe, cinema...) and other usually area-like
amenities (grave_yard) as node features, while others (brothel,
crematorium...) allow for node or area representation. In some cases,
areas are listed as possible on the individual pages, but not on Map
Features. The situation is similar for shop (apparently, shop=shoes can
be an area, but shop=hardware can't), man_made etc.

In mapping practice, however, I see those features used on nodes and
areas, no matter what's in the wiki. Does everyone agree that these are
simply documentation errors and should be corrected?

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] RFC - Scope for access tags

2009-01-29 Thread Tobias Knerr

Intention: solve some tagging problems related to restrictions
(restrictions on wet roads, restrictions only for some vehicle types,
direction-dependent restrictions).

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandon voting (was Wiki: chriscf vandalism)

2009-01-31 Thread Tobias Knerr
Jonathan Bennett schrieb:
> A good system for reaching consensus is based on discussion, not mere 
> voting.

I agree. However, our system _is_ mostly based on discussion. The
propsal + RFC process serves this very purpose: Present ideas, discuss
them and improve them based on discussion.

The "vote" isn't really a vote, because it doesn't decide anything. No
one is forced to use an "approved" feature when mapping or writing
software, no one is prevented from using a "rejected" feature.

So I don't think we need to abandon "voting". Probably we should just
relabel that to "poll" or something and make clear that it isn't binding
in any way. It's merely a quick indicator whether consensus has been
reached and a way of getting some more discussion started.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - "Voting" - Scope for access tags

2009-02-15 Thread Tobias Knerr
I'd like to find out whether people agree with conditional access
information as described in my proposal, so I started "voting":

The proposal suggests using tags like
to state that a maxspeed is valid only on wet roads (example 1) or only
for hgv traffic.

Please add your opinion to the poll and discuss related ideas as well as
problems with the concept on the talk page.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] License plan

2009-03-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Gustav Foseid wrote:
>> This could potentially alienate anyone who wonders why they are doing
>> surveying for free so that cartographers can sell all-rights-reserved
>> map images based on their data.
> It could, potentially, even if I agree with Richard. I think it is important
> to explain why this change is to the better in the majority of the cases.
> [...]
> With the ODbL, the image of the map does not have to be free, but the data
> have to be shared. This means that the design elements are proprietary, but
> the data are easily available.

I agree. However, judging from some feedback on the German forums (where
I have explained exactly this situation), it seems that some users are
not going to accept the possibility of creating produced works under
non-free licenses, pointing out that the added value might not even be
because of a change to the data, but the (unpublished) tools creating
the images, thus nothing of use would be contributed back to the "free
world" with ODbL.

I don't think explaining that data is more useful for us than images
will help (I've already tried that), because that won't stop them from
demanding both.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] License plan

2009-03-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Simon Ward wrote:
> I have had to explain to free software advocates before (I am one) that
> OpenStreetMap is about free geodata, not necessarily free software.

The problem is that while the distinction between software and geodata
has been around from the start, the one involving images is to be
introduced only now.

Imagine this in the software example: If we had been requiring that all
software using OSM data had to be GPL until now and decided to drop this
requirement, telling people that they simply misunderstood the project's
goals and that it never was about free software -- I'd imagine that
there would be some mappers who firmly opposed that move.

> It turns out that much of
> the software for OpenStreetMap is free software.

Which isn't surprising because few people outside the OSM and free
software/content communities are using OSM-based software so far. This
doesn't make it reasonably attractive for authors of proprietary
software. I expect that to change once we are competitive in terms of
data quality and coverage. Same for not-so-free produced works.

>> I don't think explaining that data is more useful for us than images
>> will help (I've already tried that), because that won't stop them from
>> demanding both.
> Similarly, we can put enough free images out there for them to be useful
> to all, and make the non‐free ones hardly worth the pixels/vectors.

Well, this doesn't really help to explain why we should allow those
non-free ones to be created in the first place.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] License plan

2009-03-03 Thread Tobias Knerr
Frederik Ramm wrote:
> I have never mapped anything thinking 
> "hey, maybe someone else is going to make a nice map from this that I 
> can then use". Not one single time. I don't know if that makes me an 
> exception. Most people I talked to were enthusiastic about the data 
> being collected, and were talking about cool things *they* could do with 
> the data, but I might be moving in the wrong circles ;-)

My (completely unscientific) observation is that liberal opinions about
licensing (esp. PD-advocacy) are more common with people who actually
write software / make map styles / do other "advanced" things with OSM
data. Support for liberal licensing also appears to be more prevalent on
the mailing lists than anywhere else in the project.

One possible explanation might be that these "liberals" have experienced
the problems of incompatible licenses etc. themselves. However, I'm
starting to think that there's something else: If people are able to
create cool OSM stuff themselves, they care most about licensing not
getting in their way. Mappers who don't have the technical or artistic
skills or simply the time to do so will still want cool stuff to be done
with OSM. Of course, they have to rely on others creating it, and, more
importantly, others allowing them to use it under attractive conditions.
A license that guarantees the last part might seem rather appealing for
many of them.

Just a side note because I found this aspect of the statement especially
interesting. Most probably overly generalizing, misleading and/or simply
wrong. ;-)

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Extended conditions for access tags

2009-03-19 Thread Tobias Knerr

This proposal is an add-on to my "conditions for access tags" proposal.
It extends the "access conditions" approach to multiple conditions and
documents some additional conditions. Most improvements suggested during
the original proposal's RFC and poll processes have made it into the

With this way of tagging, we'd probably be able to represent almost all
maxspeed and access restrictions.

See the proposal page for examples. Comments welcome!

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wikipedia definition in tag page template

2009-03-20 Thread Tobias Knerr
Sam Vekemans schrieb:
> Why is it that all of the templates for the detail box on the right
> have "Google definition" and a link to a search for that tag on google
> search?

I'd even ask: Why do we have such a link at all? What matters is how a
term is defined in OSM context, not how it is defined by Google,
Wiktionary or whoever. If "highway" in OSM is a collective key for
everything from footway to motorway, *that's* the relevant information,
not the "A highway is a main road intended for travel by the public
between important destinations, such as cities and towns" that you get
from Google.

Therefore instead of cluttering the box with even more links (that are
placed excessively prominently above far more interesting information)
to probably contradicting definitions, we should simply eliminate the
definition links from these boxes. If the OSM meaning is indeed based on
some external definition of the term, then exactly that definition
should be linked in the descriptive text.

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] turn restriction relations: via

2009-03-29 Thread Tobias Knerr
I've been implementing turn restriction support for some (still
unpublished) software recently -- and, of course, have also added every
restriction I could find to OSM. While the concept of "restriction"
relations generally works well, there is one thing in particular I'm not
really happy with: the effort that is required to handle via members.

Can/should I assume
* that there will always be exactly one finite sequence per restriction
that includes all via members?
* that via ways will be split to connect with each other and with
from/to only at start/end nodes (this is recommended for from/to, but
not mentioned anywhere for via ways)?
* that a relation using via nodes will always contain all nodes as via
nodes one would travel along
* that a restriction will include either via ways or via nodes, but not

Making these assumptions wouldn't prevent the description of any
real-life-situation. It would, however, make evaluating restrictions (as
well as understanding the effects of a restriction as a mapper) more easy.

I also wondered whether it is really necessary to allow both (multiple)
nodes and ways as via members, as each possibility alone can perfectly
handle all situations and there is no significant difference in mapping
effort either. So why don't we restrict the via role to ways (except
maybe for the popular single-via-node case)?

Tobias Knerr

PS: I'm perfectly aware that there is no authoritative documentation,
that I can implement and map whatever I want etc. I'm just interested in
other people's opinions.

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