Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch can't connect to server.

2018-06-03 Thread jdt7385

I have noticed something a bit strange on LMS. The password box on the
Account page indicates that my password is 23 digits long. In fact, my
password is 8 digits long. I have checked the password in Advanced
Settings and it correctly indicates the right number of digits. However,
to be sure I went through the process of changing my password, but used
my old 8 digit password. I then changed it on the Account page and,
checked Apply, then OK, which closed LMS. When I restarted LMS the
Account page still indicated a 23 digit password. Does anyone have any
idea what is causing this, or whether it may be related to my IP

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch can't connect to server.

2018-06-03 Thread jdt7385

toby10 wrote: 
> Yes, each server (LMS and MySB) has it's own IP.  Touch does need to
> connect to one of them.  It cannot be connected to both simultaneously. 
> Touch connected to LMS:  LMS uses MySB
> Touch connected to MySB:  no LMS needed

Apparently the Touch is frequently getting the wrong IP addresses. Today
it is not connecting to LMS. And LMS does not recognize the player. So
again it is not working. I have no idea how to fix this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch can't connect to server.

2018-06-01 Thread jdt7385

mherger wrote: 
> > The Touch does receive the wireless signal and indicates it is on the
> > network. However, LMS does not recognize the Touch and the Touch is
> > unable to connect with the LMS server.
> Does it see LMS, but can't connect? Or does it not even see it?
> Where is your LMS living? Computer? That storage system? What OS? What 
> LMS version?
> And please check server.log in LMS to see whether it was complaining 
> about anything.
> -- 
> Michael

Hello Michael,

At this time the Touch does see  LMS but can’t ping and reports that DNS
failed. The computer and storage system are in my study. The OS is
Windows 10 64 bit. The LMS version is 7.9.1 / r1522157629. Here are the
most recent entries in the server log.

[18-05-31 19:28:37.3317] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1252) Warning:
[19:28:37.3316] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ line 1877

[18-05-31 19:33:18.9369] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1252) Warning:
[19:33:18.9368] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ line 1877

[18-05-31 22:09:22.9747] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.1, 1522157629, Fri Mar 30 12:17:59 WEDT 2018) perl 5.014001 -

[18-05-31 22:09:23.3200] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1252) Warning:
[22:09:23.3199] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ line 1877

[18-06-01 05:22:48.5546] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.1, 1522157629, Fri Mar 30 12:17:59 WEDT 2018) perl 5.014001 -

[18-06-01 05:22:48.9262] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1252) Warning:
[05:22:48.9261] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /Slim/ line 1877

At this time (not so when I posted the question) LMS does recognize the
Touch and I am able to make music selections using the Web Remote
Control. So the point about the Touch not being able to ping, etc. is
not really relevant since I can play the music via the Touch. But this
is intermittent and unsatisfactory so I do need to try to get this

Thanks for your reply.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch can't connect to server.

2018-06-01 Thread jdt7385

Hello Everyone,

I need your help getting my Squeezebox Touch to connect with the LMS via
my Netgear wireless router. Here is the setup:

My computer, music storage device (an OWC Mercury Elite Pro), cable
modem & routers are in one room. The Touch is in another room and
communicates via a wireless network. The network is comprised of the

The router is a Netgear R6100. The following wired devices are

2 connections to two Motorola routers to connect Vonage telephone
lines; and
1 connection to my computer.

In addition to the Touch, the following devices are on the wireless

My old computer and two Rokus

The Touch does receive the wireless signal and indicates it is on the
network. However, LMS does not recognize the Touch and the Touch is
unable to connect with the LMS server.

I have reset the modem and router multiple times. At times the Touch and
LMS connect. At other times they don’t. Due to my very limited knowledge
of computers and related gear I have no idea how to proceed. I will
appreciate any help you are able to offer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-24 Thread jdt7385

Of course. I should have thought of that. I will put my question in
another thread. I apologize for my error. And one last Thank You for
those who were so helpful regarding my problem.

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> >   >   > 
  -  please dont use more than one thread for the same question
  -  please dont ask questions unrelated to the topic
  -  please take a look in the forum to the phrase albumartistsorttag
  > like e.g 'this'
  > (
  > > > 
> cheers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-24 Thread jdt7385

My reply is below.

QUOTE=mherger;895563]> As mentioned, I once again did the clean cache
and rescan entire library
> routine. After about 3 1/2 hours I once again got the "unexpected
> termination" message. I have attached the scan and server logs from
> latest effort.

Are you using LMS to serve media files (in particular movies and photos)

to DLNA renderers? Your scan seems to be crashing while scanning 
photos/movies. If you didn't do this intentionally, then make sure you 
disable this in Settings/Basic in the web UI.

After unchecking the Pictures box in Basic Settings I initiated a
complete rescan, including the clean cache option. The scan did complete
and I assume that LMS will now function.

I have attached copies of the scan log and server log after the
completion of the most recent scan.

This is pretty strange because I am almost certain that I did not check
the Pictures box until after I had encountered this problem. But if LMS
is going to work I will not spend any time, or ask anyone else to spend
time trying to figure out exactly what happened. I can only assume that
after I did check the Pictures box that did create a problem, as Michael
speculated. So many thanks to everyone who made suggestions, especially
to John and Michael, who were very helpful.

I do have another question, to which there is probably not a simple
answer. The question is why is LMS listing albums under the last name of
an album artist when I have taken care to list all albums by that album
artist under his/her first name? I will give a specific example. I have
5 albums by Bud Powell. I have listed him as album artist “Bud Powell”
in all the albums. I have listed him and the other band members as
artists. There is no albumartistsort or artistsort checked in the
tagging software (Mp3tag). Bud Powell is not listed under the Bs. He is
listed as Bud Powell under the Ps. This happens with some other albums
too. However, I am unable to see any consistency or pattern to it. Does
anyone have any idea what might be causing this? If so I will appreciate
your help. However, for now I have a LOT of work to do trying to clean
up the mess in my library (to correct all the errors and warnings that
appear in the logs). I had no idea I had such a mess until you guys
pointed it out to me. I am going to try to do a better job of file

Many thanks for all your help.

Here are the new logs



|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-23 Thread jdt7385

jdt7385 wrote: 
> Thank you for the help. I have now tried to correct the artfile problems
> revealed by the scanner log. I will, once again, do a "clean cache" and
> complete rescan of library and report the result.

As mentioned, I once again did the clean cache and rescan entire library
routine. After about 3 1/2 hours I once again got the "unexpected
termination" message. I have attached the scan and server logs from this
latest effort.


Any suggestions?

|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-23 Thread jdt7385

Thank you for the help. I have now tried to correct the artfile problems
revealed by the scanner log. I will, once again, do a "clean cache" and
complete rescan of library and report the result.

JohnB wrote: 
> The scanner.log is in a plain text file (good) but the other file
> ("Server Log & Scanner Log (1).doc") is still in a Word file - can you
> send it as a text file (zipped).
> The scanner.log file still stops on the same image file: "James Brown -
> Love Power Peace (label_B).jpg" which it reports as "Invalid or corrupt
> image file". It will probably continue to stop there until the problem
> file is dealt with.  So why don't you just delete the damned thing?
> [Edit] Or at least move it somewhere that isn't scanned by LMS.
> There are also problems with the artwork files in: Freddy King\Gives you
> a Bonanza of Instrumentals (1965) (Sundazed 180g mono) (2496-aksman) -
> the scanner seems to dislike their names, though that doesn't stop the
> scan. It is better to deal with the problems though.
> Forgive me for saying so, but the first thing I would do is to correct
> the problems that you already know about from the scanner log. Then do a
> full rescan and once again check the scanner log, etc, etc and report
> back when all the errors you find are dealt with.
> That's just my opinion, for what it's worth.
> Incidentally, you can find the location of the actual log files towards
> the bottom of LMS/Settings/Information. In your case it is probably
> C:\ProgramDataSqueezebox\logs\

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-22 Thread jdt7385

mherger wrote: 
> > John, thank you very much for taking the time to review the logs and
> > offer your comments. I have deleted a couple of the corrupt files.
> The logs are attached. Please let me know if I have done this correctly
> and if there is anything else I can do to be helpful. Thanks.
> I think only the last one is corrupted, the others have odd file names 
> LMS fails to read. And it's that last one, where the scan stops.
> I'd suggest you run a full Wipe & Rescan. Then provide the server.log
> again.
> > However, I am unable to determine why the scanner cannot access the
> > folder in which the other art files listed in the scan log are
> located.
> It does access it. It's only during the artwork reading pass that it
> fails.
> So now the rescan has completed (after the full rescan hung on an art
> file in drive 2). The result was "Media scan terminated unexpectedly".
> The logs are attached.2371323714
> -- 
> Let me know if the logs are correctly attached and if there is anything
> else I can do to be helpful.
> Michael

Logs attached.

|Filename: Server Log & Scanner Log.doc |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-22 Thread jdt7385

mherger wrote: 
> > John, thank you very much for taking the time to review the logs and
> > offer your comments. I have deleted a couple of the corrupt files.
> I think only the last one is corrupted, the others have odd file names 
> LMS fails to read. And it's that last one, where the scan stops.
> I'd suggest you run a full Wipe & Rescan. Then provide the server.log
> again.
> > However, I am unable to determine why the scanner cannot access the
> > folder in which the other art files listed in the scan log are
> located.
> It does access it. It's only during the artwork reading pass that it
> fails.
> -- 
> Michael

I did initiate a "Clean Cache Folder" and rescan entire library rescan.
It appeared to be running well over all 4 drives, then scanning the art
in a separate scan. Then, after over 3 hours, it hung up on one art
object in a folder in drive #2. It stayed there for over an hour, at
which point I terminated the scan. It is now rescanning under a normal
"look for new and changed media folders" procedure. Unfortunately, I did
not copy the logs before starting this new scan...a beginner's mistake
on my part. I will see what result the ongoing scan presents and report
that. Man, this is really frustrating. I just cannot think how the
addition of one drive would cause the system to malfunction. Thanks for
your time and efforts. They are much appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

JohnB wrote: 
> No doubt Michael will reply when he has had time to look at the logs -
> in the meantime a couple of things:
> There are quite a few errors in the scanner.log associated with artwork
> which need to be sorted out. Either visually scan the scanner.log or
> open it in Notepad or Wordpad and search for "ERROR".
> The scanner.log seems to only show scanning of two of the four HDDs in
> your NAS: H:\ and I:\ - it then just stops. Was this the whole of the
> scanner.log file?
> By the way, in Windows 7 64bit the log files are in
> C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\

John, thank you very much for taking the time to review the logs and
offer your comments. I have deleted a couple of the corrupt files.
However, I am unable to determine why the scanner cannot access the
folder in which the other art files listed in the scan log are located.
This is very odd because I am also certain that the corrupt files were
corrupt prior to the addition of the 4th drive and did not prevent the
successful completion of the scans. All very strange. All I did was add
the fourth drive. Then, of course, I added it to the library and
rescanned. In any event thank you for your input. Please advise if you
have any other thoughts.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

jdt7385 wrote: 
> 2369723698

I have finally managed to send the files in zip mode. Please let me know
if those are the correct files and format.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

mherger wrote: 
> > Michael, I hope this word doc is the right way to do this. If not let
> me
> > know. Thanks.
> doc always always is the wrong format :-). In 7.9 there's a link to get
> a zipped copy of the files. Use that one. Or take the path and grab the
> copy from that folder. I don't like to open doc files of unknown
> source...
> If the files are too big, then use my inbox:
> -- 
> Michael


|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

mherger wrote: 
> > Michael, I hope this word doc is the right way to do this. If not let
> me
> > know. Thanks.
> doc always always is the wrong format :-). In 7.9 there's a link to get
> a zipped copy of the files. Use that one. Or take the path and grab the
> copy from that folder. I don't like to open doc files of unknown
> source...
> If the files are too big, then use my inbox:
> [url]2369523696
> -- 2369523696
> Does this work?
> Michael

New attachments of scan log and server log.

|Filename: scanner.log  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

mherger wrote: 
> > scan terminated unexpectedly. This has been going on for 3 days. Is
> > there another version that is better suited to my setup? Does anyone
> > have any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem? I will
> appreciate
> > any help you are able to provide.
> Please upload your server.log and scanner.log files. They can be found 
> in Settings/Information.
> -- 
> Michael

Server Log & Scanner Log.doc (15.8 KB)

Michael, I hope this word doc is the right way to do this. If not let me
know. Thanks.

|Filename: Server Log & Scanner Log.doc |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

sherington wrote: 
> Is this not likely to be an issue with your OWC Mercury Elite Pro Qx2??
> How have you set it up?? Raid??
> Andrew

Hello Andrew,

I have not encountered any problem in the past with the OWC. I am not
running Raid, only standalone drive setup. Media server does recognize
all 4 drives and appears to scan them. It just will not complete the
scan process.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Server scan terminates unexpectedly after long loop.

2017-09-21 Thread jdt7385

I have encountered the following problem under the following

OS: Windows 7 64 bit Home edition
Player: Squeezebox Touch run wirelessly via Netgear router
Hard drives are housed in OWC Mercury Elite Pro Qx2
Logitech Media Server version 7.9.1

The server was running just fine until I added a fourth drive. After
doing so I cannot get it to complete a scan. It begins the scan and all
appears to be working but then, after it seemingly has completed the
scan of all 4 drives it begins again to scan drive 1. This then
continues for a very long time, followed by a message saying that the
scan terminated unexpectedly. This has been going on for 3 days. Is
there another version that is better suited to my setup? Does anyone
have any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem? I will appreciate
any help you are able to provide.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrade to 7.7.5?

2015-07-12 Thread jdt7385

OK, thanks for your help. Philippe, thanks to you also...and my apology
for misspelling your name.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrade to 7.7.5?

2015-07-12 Thread jdt7385

Hello Phillipe,

Do you mean that I should not uninstall 7.7.3 but just install 7.7.5
over it and Logitech will take care of everything?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrade to 7.7.5?

2015-07-12 Thread jdt7385

I have been having some problems with Media Server (V. 7.7.3) for some
time. It won't recognize my favorites (radio stations, etc.) and
sometimes will not connect with Squeezebox even though the wireless
connection are good. I notice that the website has version 7.7.5 and I
am inclined to download and install it. The link to the instructions for
upgrading is bad so unavailable. Should I just uninstall 7.7.3 and start
over? I realize that all my settings will be lost but, if I recall
correctly, the setup options are pretty limited and it doesn't take long
to select them. Since my playlists don't work anyway I guess they are no
great loss. I am a novice so any advice will be appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions on Setting Up Logitech Media Server preferences

2014-10-08 Thread jdt7385

SlimChances wrote: 
> might help.
> Did you  have trouble installing the software, assigning the music and
> playlist library, signing up for What exactly was the
> problem. I run my LMS on Linux but there are many Windoze users that
> could help you if you are a little more specific.
> Preference generally can be set in the web UI but any applets you want
> to add are added directly to the player

Thanks for the reply. I am running Windows 7. The Touch is connected via
wireless network. It communicates with the network but is not able to
see LMS and vice versa. Part of the problem is that I am unable to get
Windows to accept my Lan setting to Automatic. It keeps changing  the
setting back to Proxy Server. LMS then tells me "in this configuration
connnectivity to on port 3483 cannot be tested."
Accordingly the box for on the Diagnostics page of LMS
reflects that both Port 3483 (slimproto) and Port 9000 (HTTP) failed. At
one time Windows did allow the Lan setting to auto to remain and both
ports reflected OK. But no more.

The other known issue (which I am about to try to address with another
change of password) is that the LMS advanced server setting for will not save my password. I type it in but when I hit
apply it is erased.  Under "Startup Options" in the Status section of
LMS the username and password boxes are blank. I assume that that is
because I am unable to input my password in the advanced server setting.
Do you think that is the case. I cannor find any other way to input my
username and password.

Obviously I am a novice at this. It is frustrating because at one time
the system worked. I don't know what happened to cause it to cease
working but I am now tryiing to start over and get everything right. I
will appreciate any help you can give me.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions on Setting Up Logitech Media Server preferences

2014-10-07 Thread jdt7385

I have had a lot of problems with getting Logitech Media Server and
Squeezebox Touch to work properly. I am now in the process of
reinstalling Logitech Media Server on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. Is
there a source providing step by step instructions on how to set up all
the preferences? It would certainly be helpful. I have not found
anything on the Logitech site that is at all helpful. I will appreciate
any help you can provide.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

krochat wrote: 
> To disable DHCP on the VT2442 Vonage routers:
> 1) Download the VT2442 User Guide from
> 2) For each VT2442, log into the administration interface following the
> instructions on page 13. For this to work you'll need to 
> a) Disconnect your desktop ethernet from the linksys.
> b) Disconnect both Vonage Routers and power them down.
> c) Connect your desktop ethernet cable to one of the ethernet jacks
> numbered 1-4 on the back of one of the Vonage routers.
> d) Power up that Vonage Router.
> e) Reboot your desktop. You should be able to log into the router
> and do step 3 below.
> f) Repeat steps (c)-(e) for the second Vonage router.
> 3) For each Vt2442, See pages 20-21 of the User Manual for Setup->Lan
> Configuration to set "Server and Relay Off" instead of one of the other
> 2 DHCP settings.
> 4) Do not plug any ethernet cables into the Vonage router jacks 1-4
> except to log in to change the VT2442 configuration - they won't work
> any more for normal ethernet.
> 5) Make sure to use the blue "Internet" port of the Vonage routers when 
> connecting them to the Linksys router.
> Good luck,
> Kim
> PS - I had a friend who had endless problems with Vonage, found their
> support terrible, and finally dropped them for Ooma, which he loves.

Kim, many thanks for all your help. I will do as you suggest and see if
I can avoid future problems. I had no idea that Vonage was my problem. I
have been very satisfied with the Vonage service. However, I may change
my opinion if Vonage continues to get between me and my music. Thanks
again for your tremendous help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Will Touch Play in 24/192 mode? Is wired connection better than wireless?

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> some say they can hear differences in lossless files that were saved on
> different hard drives even though the resulting files are exact copies
> (bit perfect).  There is a lot of misinformation among audiophools! And
> some say the earth is flat.  ;-)You'll do very well with 24/96.  You
> might take a look at this discussion:

I printed the article to read later. I am very interested to read the
detail but the conclusion is obvious at a glance. Frankly, due to the
size of 192 k files, I don't want to have to deal with them unless there
is a darn good reason to do so. I am thinking about converting the ones
I have to 96k to free up some hard drive space. Thanks for your input
and the link.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Will Touch Play in 24/192 mode? Is wired connection better than wireless?

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

Mnyb wrote: 
> The downsampling is done by LMS on your computer , by a utility called
> SoX that's installed with LMS .
> This row sampling is very good and if your dac works properly its very
> unlikely that you will hear any difference , 96k is good enough for
> human consumption :)

OK, that is what Jimbob was trying to tell me, but I was not listening
well enough. Yes, I doubt that I would hear the difference between 96k
and 192k, although there are those who say that 192k sounds better to
them. I do know that the file sizes are a lot bigger for 192k. Thanks
for your input.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Will Touch Play in 24/192 mode? Is wired connection better than wireless?

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

Stratmangler wrote: 
> The Touch is downsampling nothing at all - it does not have the
> processing capability to perform such a feat.
> If there is any downsampling taking place then you have the Touch
> connected to a separate devices running LMS. It's the only way such a
> thing can occur.

LMS is running on my computer and Touch is connected wirelessly. No
other devices are being utilized. Touch is connected to my McIntosh
preamp. Perhaps the downsampling is done by the preamp?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Will Touch Play in 24/192 mode? Is wired connection better than wireless?

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
> The result is the same but yes LMS down samples as necessary (using SOX
> I believe)
> Additionally it might be worth mentioning if you have any players synced
> then the stream will be down sampled to the lowest common denominator of
> the sync group, so if your touch is synced to an SB3 which supports a
> Max sample rate of 48 then the touch will also get 48.
> Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

I don't have any other players but that is interesting to know.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

toby10 wrote: 
> Call Vonage support.  Ask them how/why this is happening and how to
> prevent it from happening again.  ;)
> Their equipment, their service, their problem.

Toby, I think you are right. I have indicated to my reply to Kim that it
is appropriate for me to take Vonage's time rather than his trying to
figure this out. I have asked that he not spend a lot more time on this.
Thanks for your input.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
> I'm guessing the Vonage router also has DHCP enabled, it may be that
> disabling DHCP on the Vonage will break something else but should
> certainly fix this issue.
> I'm not at all familiar with the Vonage so no idea what it does or how
> it works.
> Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

Jimbob, that sounds reasonable. Yes, I am afraid to tinker with the
Vonage routers because my internet service and telephone service depends
on them. They service my Vonage VOIP type internet-based telephone
service. Thanks for your input.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-24 Thread jdt7385

krochat wrote: 
> I can help debug further, but need the complete configuration of your
> network -
> a) what's plugged into what, including manufacturer and model
> number
> b) what's connected wirelessly, including manufacturer and model
> number
> c) If possible, the IP and Gateway (or DNS) addresses of each
> connected piece. 
> You can send me a private message if you don't want to share with the
> world.
> Kim

Kim, my connections are as follows:

The connections are:

1.  Cox Cable into Motorola SB5120 modem.

2.  Ethernet cable from cable model into Linksys Wireless G router, Model

3.  Ethernet cables from Linksys router into:
a. Desktop computer; and
b. Two Motorola Model VT2442 telephone adapters/routers to  
connect three telephone lines (VOIP).

The reason there are two telephone adapters/routers is because each one
will only service two telephone lines. I have three lines (one dedicated
fax line) so my setup requires 2 adapters/routers.

As suggested by Toby perhaps I should contact Vonage and take up their
time rather than taking your time with this. If you have any quick
suggestions I will be grateful for them but please do not take a lot of
time with this. You have already been a tremendous help, for which I am

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Will Touch Play in 24/192 mode? Is wired connection better than wireless?

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

Thanks for the information. It would be interesting to be play in 24/192
mode just to see if I could hear any difference between that mode and
24/96. I will read the information in the thread with interest. Touch is
playing the 24/192 files but apparently it downsamples to do this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

Thanks to everyone who offered help with my problem. I appreciate all
your efforts.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Will Touch Play in 24/192 mode? Is wired connection better than wireless?

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

I have some vinyl rips that are in 24/192 mode (most are 24/96). I have
read that Touch will play in 24/96 mode but have not found any
confirmation of this in my Touch materials. Will Touch play in 24/96
mode? Will Touch play in 24/192 mode or does it downsample (if so,
downsample to 24/96?)?

I have also read or heard that a wired connection may produce better
sound quality than a wireless connection. Any truth to that? At this
time I am connected via wireless, which seems to work fine (except when
it won't connect at all, but that is the subject of anothe thread I
started today...fortunately one of the members, Kim, solved the mystery
for me).

Any comments or suggestions you are able to offer will be appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

Kim, I thought I just sent a reply to your post but do not see it. Your
test was successful. The correct IP and DNS, as you specified was
obtained. The test disconnected the internet so I had to recycle the
model and wireless router to get back on the net...also required to hook
up the Vonage routers to do that. The good news is that Touch retained
the correct IP and DNS and did then connect to So I am
happy about that and thank you for your help.

Of course, I am concerned that this problem will recur in the future as
it has in the past. Usually in the past it would fix itself. But such an
unreliable system is obviously not acceptable. So do you have any
suggestions as to how I might fix this problem in order to avoid future

Edited to add: Now I see my old post, so apologize for the duplication.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

Hi Kim,

Good News: Your suggested test was successful. The correct IP was
obtained. The delay in my response was caused by the fact that I had to
again recycle the modem and router in order to get back on the internet.
However the correct IP was retained and Touch is now able to communicate

The concern, of course, is that the next time the wireless must be
restarted it may revert to the old "bad IP" mode, apparently caused by a
conflict with Vonage. So do you know of any way to prevent this from
happening in the future? There is a history of the connection going off
from time to time...not often, and usually not for very long. But
obviously that is not acceptable so I need to fix this if possible. Any

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

toby10 wrote: 
> Might be a "guest" network on your WiFi which is designed to be a
> separate network.  Remote access your routers admin web UI functions and
> see if such a guest network is there (very common on newer routers). 
> Either change the name of that guest network or disable guest network
> all together (my suggestion).  Then your Touch will only be offered the
> "main" network via WiFi.  Whether guest network or not, all of your
> network names should be unique to your network(s).  Might even be
> connecting to a neighbors network also named HOME.  Dunno.

Toby, no guest network shows up in the Linksys wireless router settings.
And in the Touch setup the correct name of the wireless network does
appear (xxwire). So Touch connects with the wireless but does not
connect with Media Server or As you observed, somehow
the wireless network is apparently getting an incorrect IP. It says (IP Address) rather than And the DNS Server
(whatever that is) is instead of

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

Gary, You are right. I did not correctly write it. It should read Sorry about the error.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

"Yes and yes. 
Your player and server are on two different networks. Guest network?
Connecting to wrong router? DHCP off on all routers except the main

Hi Toby, The only network that shows up in the "View Network Computers
and Devices" is my local network (called "Home", I think). The Linksys
wireless network only shows up under "Network Infrastructure", whatever
that is. DHCP is enabled on the Linksys wireless router. I don't know
whether it is enabled on my local network. How do I find out?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

Hello avta,

I have reset Touch to factory defaults and gone through setup process
numerous times. I have also unplugged the modem and wireless router and
rebooted those numberous times. However, I have not unplugged all those
devices and left them unplugged for 5 minutes. At this point I am
desperate so I will try that. The Media Server Control Panel Information
Panel shows: "Total Players Recognized: 0", so Touch is definitely not
seeing Touch. It appears that for some reason the devices are not
getting their IPs via the wireless router. Having said that I must
confess that I don't even know which devices are supposed to do that.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot Connect To Media Server Or

2013-08-23 Thread jdt7385

20130823 Outline of Logitech Media Server/Touch Problem

My problem: Sqeezebox Touch is able to communicate with the wireless
router but is not able to connect with the network or
Therefore I cannot play my music. I have turned off the Firewall (run by
Norton Internet Security) for testing and it makes no difference. I also
turned off all Norton Internet Security protection and it made no
difference. The Windows Firewall is “off” in that it says it is being
managed by Norton. I know almost nothing about computers so this is
particularly difficult for me.

Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit

Ethernet Adapter Local Area Network:
IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

The local network is used to connect my main computer to the internet
(via the Linksys wireless router, as described below) and another old
computer in another room (used rarely).

Player: Squeezebox Touch

Touch Connection: Wireless, using Linksys WRG 54G, ver. 6. The router is
a 2.4 GHz G type. It is set to Automatic Configuration – DHCP. The
router website correctly sees the Local IP Address. The starting IP
Address for the DHCP server is 192.168.100. Squeezebox Touch is able to
find and communicate with the router.

Computer Connection: The computer  (I am using my all-purpose computer)
is connection via one of the Ethernet ports on the back of the router.

Other information: The internet connection is into the Linksys wireless
router. Another router (actually two of them) used for my VOIP Vonage
telephone system is connected to one of the ports of the Linksys router.
Since the setup has worked in the past I do not think that the Vonage
setup is affecting the inability of the Touch to communicate with

In “View Network Computers and Devices” in Control Panel Logitech Media
Server (Music Library) is shown as a Media Device (together with my
computer). The Linksys wireless router (WRT54G) is shown under “Network

History: This disconnection problem happens periodically. It usually
corrects itself in a day or two but this time it did not. In any event
such undependability is unacceptable so I need to figure out what is
causing the problem and fix it.

Logitech Media Server Information:
Logitech Media Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number:9000OK
Server Port 3483 (slimproto):   OK
server Port 9090 (CLI): OK
Operating System:   Windows 7
Platform Architecture:  8664
Perl Version:   5.14.1 – 
Database Version:   DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite

Mysqueezebox Information: Server IP Address:
Ping:   OK
Port 3483 (slimproto):  OK
Port 9000: (HTTP):  OK

Squeezebox Touch Wireless Information:
IP Address: (should this be 
IP Subnet:
DNS Server: (should this be 

I understand that should obtain its IP address from the
IP provider via the settings made for the wireless router. As mentioned
above the starting IP Address for the DHCP server is 192.168.100. None
of the devices is using an IP address that is anything like that. I am
not sure I understand how this is supposed to work but it seems to me
that might indicate a problem. I suspect that that statement may be
pretty humorous to those who understand this stuff.

I  hope that I have provided the information needed to advise me but not
so much that is is burdensome. I will appreciate any help you are able
to provide. Thanks in advance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> to diagnose this problem, I'd take a problem album (one not showing) and
> remove all the artist sort or album artist tags (just leave ARTIST).
> Then do a clear and rescan (new and changed likely won't pick up these
> changes).  If it shows up then, I'd start adding back the other tags
> (one at a time) until it quits showing. Then you'll know what's causing
> the problem.

I did try what you suggested. Still no Bob Dylan under Artists. There
are two albums with Bob Dylan and the Band as Artist. Those show
up...but no Bob Dylan. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

Apesbrain wrote: 
> If you do a "Clear library" scan, it automatically clears the cache.

I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

Apesbrain wrote: 
> After all your tag editing, you need to have LMS rescan your library. 
> Probably best to do a "Clear library and rescan everything" full rescan.

I have done that about 6 to 8 times. However, I will do it again. In
fact, I just made a correction to an album (which does reflect the
correct artist) so I need to rescan anyway. I will make it a full "Clear
Library" type scan and also clear the cache (again). Thanks for your

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> right click on mp3tag column headings, select custom column, then use
> this as the value:
> %_tag_read%[ (%_tag%)]

I did add the custom column as you suggested. It reflects FLAC (FLAC).
The Tag column also is FLAC (FLAC) in the testing I have done so far,
which does include a Bob Dylan album. However, still no Bob Dylan in the
Artists selection.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

Apesbrain wrote: 
> Try using ALBUMARTIST instead of ALBUM ARTIST.  BTW, for most popular
> music you don't even need this tag value; just use ARTIST and leave
> these other fields blank.
> The SORT tags are only used if you want to specify a list sort position
> different from the way the tag is normally displayed, e.g. you want "Bob
> Dylan" to appear in Artist sort under "Dylan, Bob":
> ARTIST=Bob Dylan
> Add the TAGS column to your Mp3tag display and be sure it only shows
> "FLAC (FLAC)".  If any other type of tag is also in the files, it should
> be removed as this will cause strange behavior.

Thanks for the information. I guess I have been doing some unnecessary
work by adding the ALBUMARTISTSORT AND ARTISTSORT entries. With regard
to the ALBUM ARTIST entry I just fill in the field in MP3TAG, which is
ALBUM ARTIST. Should I instead add a field of ALBUM ARTIST in the
extended field section? I did add the TAGS column to the MP3TAG display
and so far all entries do only show "FLAC (FLAC)".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> are any of these artists not showing up tracks that are only in
> compilation albums?

No, at this time I am only trying to deal with one artist albums.
Examples are Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen. The artist and album
artist fields for those albums have only the one name entered in them.
As mentioned, the albums are recognized by LMS and a search for the
artists does find the artist, e.g. Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen; yet
those artists do not appear under "Artists" in LMS Web Remote Control or
on the Squeezebox screen when I select "Artists".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

aubuti wrote: 
> If you can't find a pattern then it's hard to help, but maybe we can
> deepen the diagnosis. What type of files are these (FLAC, MP3, etc)?
> What type of tags do you have (eg, ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, Vorbis
> comments)?

These are FLAC files. The tags are MP3TAG v2.52 tags in the "Artist",
"Album Artist", "Artistsort" and "Albumartistsort" fields; however, I
may not know enough to understand your question.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread jdt7385

I have correctly tagged albums with MP3TAG, including the Artist, Album
Artist, Artistsort and Albumartistsort tags. The albums are shown in LMS
but the artists are not shown for some of the albums. The artists are
shown if I do a search. I can then click on the artist and the albums
for that artist are shown. For me, a novice, this is baffling. I have
checked and rechecked to make sure that MP3TAG shows all the artists
fields to be filled in and correct. For example, I have a large
collection of Bob Dylan albums. For each album all the artists fields
are filled in with "Bob Dylan". The artist's name should be under "B"
but it does not appear under either "B" or "D". I cannot ascertain any
pattern to this that will enable me to understand why the artist is
shown for some (I think for most) albums but is not shown for others,
even though the albums are properly tagged. I will greatly appreciate
any suggestions that anyone may have.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Color Management of Scanned Album Art

2012-06-30 Thread jdt7385

jdt7385 wrote: 
> I am unable to achieve good color in album art that I have scanned and
> added to the music using either dbPoweramp or MP3tag. I scan the art
> from the CD cover and do modest editing in Photoshop. I use either Adobe
> RGB or Prophoto profiles. I have tried changing the color profile to
> sRGB (usually good for web work) and deleting the profile (no color
> management). No matter what I do the color in the photos in both the
> dbPoweramp and MP3tag programs and on the screen in Squeezebox are dark
> and lifeless. What should I do to correct this problem? I use Photoshop
> CS5.
> I will appreciate any help you are able to provide.

I have figured out what I was doing wrong. I was converting the color
profile of the file to sRGB but was doing so after I had already "baked'
the large gamut ProPhoto profile into the file by flattening it after
doing the edits (very limited edits, but that does not matter). I
started with an unedited scan, used the sRGB profile, made the simple
edits and it looks good. So it appears that I have to process the sRGB
and ProPhoto files separately. I sometimes make copies of the album art
for copies of CDs that I put into the plastic cases so I produce two
files, one for that purpose (4.75" x 4.75") and one for the Squeezebox
display, the size of which I reduce by 50%. 

Thanks to all of you for your comments.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Color Management of Scanned Album Art

2012-06-28 Thread jdt7385

I am unable to achieve good color in album art that I have scanned and
added to the music using either dbPoweramp or MP3tag. I scan the art
from the CD cover and do modest editing in Photoshop. I use either Adobe
RGB or Prophoto profiles. I have tried changing the color profile to
sRGB (usually good for web work) and deleting the profile (no color
management). No matter what I do the color in the photos in both the
dbPoweramp and MP3tag programs and on the screen in Squeezebox are dark
and lifeless. What should I do to correct this problem? I use Photoshop

I will appreciate any help you are able to provide.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> If you will be using dbPowerAmp and mp3tag there is no pressing need to
> re-rip anything. Just do a batch conversion of your wav files to flac
> using dbPowerAmp and clean up the tags with mp3tag. You can always
> re-rip the CDs at your leisure whenever you have time.
> Remember that both dbPowerAmp and mp3tag are very powerful programs
> which can be configured to exactly what you want. Plus both programs are
> very well documented with tons of hints and how to's available with just
> a little old google search.

That is a very appealing alternative to reripping the CDs. Do you think
I lose any "real world" quality in the conversion? If not I am already
headed toward conversion city (first I must learn how to do the
conversion...then batch conversion, etc.; however, the dBpoweramp
documentation seems to be good, as you mention). Many thanks for your
help. You and the others on this forum have provided some really helpful
information, for which I am very grateful. Thanks to all of you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Based on what you've written I would guess that there are several
> different "artist" tags on the Emmylou Harris files. Download mp3tag and
> check all the tags within the files by using the extended tags feature.
> Most likely it will show something like this:
> artist: Emmylou Harris
> albumartist: Harris, Emmylou
> and/or
> album artist: Harris, Emmylou
> and/or
> artistsort: Harris, Emmylou
> Just delete or change the field and do a clear and rescan of your music
> library.

You are absolutely right. The problem was with artistsort, which on one
of the albums did show Harris, Emmylou. Until you advised me, I did not
know about the extended tags section. I was puzzled because the basic
information for all the albums did reflect "Emmylou Harris" as the album
artist and the artist. I changed the artistsort setting and now the
albums do indeed show up under the E index and not the H index. Many
thanks for the help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> the tagging issue with WAV is that there is no tag standard for wav and
> every player does it different.  Thus the main advantage for FLAC (good
> tagging). And both Wav and FLAC are lossless. Lossless=lossless, so
> there is no sound quality difference one way or the other.
> for tagging, this tells me that your tags must have an ARTISTSORT or
> ALBUMARTISTSORT tag for Emmylou Harris (with the "sort" tag containing
> "Harris, Emmylou".

The albums used in my example (Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole) were
ripped using Windows Media Player and the artist names input exactly the
same way (first name first last name last). When the information is
viewed in Windows Media Player the artist information is displayed that
way, i.e. Emmylou Harris and Holly Cole. So I don't know why the
information appears in a different way in Squeezebox. Apparently there
is no way to fix this with the wav files. A similar problem with flac
files could perhaps be fixed with mp3tag. Is there any way to correct
tag information of wav files with dBpoweramp? The only reason I belabor
this a bit is that I am not going to be able to rerip my CDs to flac
right away and at this time there is no consistency with how the artist
information will appear in the index.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> dbPowerAmp must certainly can burn a CD from flac files, or from just
> about any music file format out there.

That is good news indeed. I was inclined to keep the wav files already
on the drive as wav (not rescan as flac) to avoid the need to convert
from flac in order to burn CDs. If I can burn directly from flac there
is no reason to keep any wav files. Thanks for the information.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Things needed for successful ripping and maintenance of a music
> library:
> dbPowerAmp: worth every penny of its low price.
> Back up: A full mirrored back up is a must. If you think ripping a CD
> collection once is a pain, just think how painful re-ripping that
> collection will be if your hard drive fails and you have no back up. I
> know because I learned the hard way.
> mp3Tag: either this free program or any other quality tagging program is
> another must have.
> Renamer: a good batch renaming program will also come in quite handy.
> Image editing program: a good image editing program will also come in
> handy for managing and maintaining good cover art. I use FastStone Image
> Viewer, a very nice free program which handles most graphic formats as
> well as scans.
> DVD Audio Extractor: for extracting audio from DVD-Video and DVD-Audio
> discs.

You are far more advanced that I at this point in time. For now it
appears that I will wind up with dBpoweramp and mp3tag. For now I will
be quite happy if I can get those programs to give me well tagged rips
to flac, then be able to convert them to wav or some other format in
order to burn CDs when needed (or perhaps dBpoweramp can burn CDs with
flac files...I have not gotten that far). As for backup, I have a rather
basic system. I just use another hard drive mounted in a mobile rack
tray for my backup. As files change I place the backup drive into the
mobile rack, copy/delete or whatever necessary to change the files,
remove the backup drive and store it in a closet. Primitive perhaps, but
it works. Thanks for your reply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

RussellMrgn wrote: 
> dBpoweramp is the way to go.
> Over the last 3 years, I with a friend have been converting our combined
> music collection to FLAC (14,000+ cd's). My ripper of choice is
> dBpoweramp, as its interface is much easier than EAC.
> With a collection this large, backing up your music is a must, and for
> this I use a backup program called GoodSync. It's worth the time and
> pain to do it right and although its not free the small cost of paying
> for dBpoweramp is worth it's weight in gold. Once you have paid for the
> program, you will have free updates and access to its metadata page,
> which uses 4 databases to lookup and tag your music and the benefit of
> accurip, a nice feature for telling you that your rip is accurate, based
> on other users submissions.
> With the use of codecs from the dbps site, you can re encode ripped
> music to almost any format that you wish i.e. WAV to FLAC. Another thing
> of note between the two programs (dbpa + EAC) is that accurip was
> written by Spoons, the guy who wrote dBpoweramp, and he is very active
> and helpful on his support forums on any questions that you may have.

I found that I am apparently not smart enough to use EAC so I am trying
dBpoweramp (and mp3tag for fixes). You guys who are ripping 5 digits
worth of CDs are making me feel better about having A"only" 4 digits
worth. The input I am getting in this forum is very helpful to help my
avoid an further missteps (the first big one being to spend a lot of
time ripping with Windows Media Player, which produced less than ideal
results). Thanks for the post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> name listing is simply how you tagged the files when you ripped.  Some
> were tagged "Neil Young" and some were tagged "Young, Neil".  Many
> people use ARTISTSORT tags to hold, for example, "Young, Neil" and then
> let the ARTIST tag be "Neil Young".  This is nice because the Now
> Playing screen shows "Neil Young" but the sorting in the library is
> under "Young, Neil".   
> mp3tag will be your friend in terms of cleaning up tags on existing
> rips. Fairly simple, but can be powerful. Can do lots of batch
> operations, etc.

Thanks for your quick reply. I did not do a good job of describing the
artist listing issue. Here is an example: The artist listing for
"Emmylou Harris" appears as "Emmylou Harris" (not "Harris, Emmylou" as I
said in my post...sorry about that). However, the artist listing appears
under "H" and not "E". Other (and I think most) artists are listed under
the initial of the first name. For example, "Herbie Hancock" appears in
correct alphabetical order under "H". The Emmylou Harris albums are
tagged as "Emmylou Harris" and not "Harris, Emmylou". So far I am unable
to figure out what is causing the inconsistent listing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

bmor wrote: 
> I have two systems, a home theatre with a Pioneer avr and a two channel
> with integrated amp and cd player. I use WAV files because my Pioneer
> avr will play that format directly from a USB portable hard drive, but
> won't play flac, so I didn't have much choice about the format. I use a
> Touch on the two channel system with a duplicate hard drive plugged in
> directly. I use EAC for ripping.
> I had the problem of "unknown artist" and a few other things so I used
> Foobar to check the tagging info and found it varied a lot from file to
> file. What worked for me was to edit the tags and simplify the info to
> Artist, CD Title, Genre and track number. I don't have access to Foobar
> at the moment but I think those were the categories.
> I also think that folder structure is important. I found i need to have
> an artist folder and then individual album sub-folders. On compilations
> I needed to create an artist folder name and place the album folder in
> it. For example, Atlantic records put out some jazz compilations of
> various artists, one called Keyboards, another Best of the 50's. I had
> to put the two under a folder I called Atlantic. I don't recall the
> tagging I did, would have to check. Anyways, all is good now, the Touch
> organizes everything as it should, so it is possible to use WAV files if
> you have a reason to like I did.

I chose wav because i did not know which format to choose. I ripped my
CDs using Windows Media Server and just chose one of the formats
(happened to be wav) that offered the best quality of the choices
offered. At this time I have no reason to prefer wav to flac. However,
since my CDs are 16 bit, I don't know that the audio quality of flac
would be any better than that of wav. I do, however, have some tagging
issues due (I think) to the limitations of the Windows Media Player
tagging system. I also have quite a few flac files that I have
downloaded (mostly vinyl rips) that are 24 bit. Since Squeezebox will
play both the wav and flac files I am not that concerned about leaving
(for now at least) most of the CD files in wav. At this time I am just
feeling my way through, trying to address the problems I encounter along
the way. One recent issue is the artist listing: some are listed first
name first and others are listed last name first. I can't find a way to
fix that problem.

Thanks for your reply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

Squeezemenicely wrote: 
> I also think that dbpoweramp is worth every penny. It is fast, reliable,
> the tags are great - especially for classical music and  easy to use.
> Been ripping like crazy, also retouching tags with mp3tag.
> You really should re-rip your discs, might be less work than trying to
> tag your wave files in the end. Do a bunch every day, you will get there
> in the end...

I could not make EAC work for me (due, I am sure, to my lack of
understanding how to do it). I just downloaded dBpoweramp and worked
with it a little. I think I will be able to use it with the help of the
documentation. My priorities at this time are to get a system set up
that works well (and that I am able to use), then start the process of
reripping CDs (at least those that have any tagging problems). It looks
like I will end up using the dBpoweramp/mp3tag combination.

Thanks for your reply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-06-01 Thread jdt7385

garym wrote: 
> Agree. I use Dbpa. And use mp3tag for tag cleanup. Although not needed
> much after dbpa.
> Edit: And I'm in the process of reripping about 10,000 CDs to FLAC with
> dbpa. Couldn't be more pleased.

Wow, 10,000 CDs...makes my 1600 files seem small. I tried using EAC but
cannot seem to make it work. I just now downloaded the trial version of
dBpoweramp and am going to give it a go.

One issue I have with Media Server is that the listing of artist is
inconsistent. Some artists are listed first name first (my preference)
and others are listed last name first. I cannot find any setting in
Media Server that allows me to set this up. Is there a way to do that?
Perhaps I should start a new thread rather than asking an off topic
question in this one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-05-28 Thread jdt7385

Jeff Flowerday wrote: 
> Windows Media Player is absolutely horrible ripper.  I did most of my
> collection the first time around with WMP and found files with digital
> noise when discs weren't in absolutely perfect shape.
> So if you value accuracy in your rips, I suggest you rerip your whole
> collection again with dbPoweramp.  You'll kill 3 birds with one stone.
> 1) FLAC files
> 2) dbPoweramp will properly tag your flac files
> 3) dbPoweramp will confirm your rips as accurate against the accurate
> rip database and store these results in tags for future reference.
> I know it's a real pain to rerip but in the end you'll be real happy you
> did.

Hi Jeff, thanks for the input. At this time I do not have the time to
rerip my entire collection. However, I may start the process and do it
gradually. I am going to look into both Eac and dbpoweramp. Do either of
those programs convert wav files to flac? If I converted the wav files
to flac I could use mp3tag to tag them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-05-28 Thread jdt7385

dasmueller wrote: 
> You will find that most people here are advocates of FLAC as a file
> format. It is lossless and takes up less space on your drive. Wav does
> not have good support for tagging.
> The two software applications people prefer for ripping are Eac and
> Dbpoweramp.  Eac is free, Dbpoweramp is not free. I use Eac and it works
> fine. I have not used Dbpoweramp but there are many advocates. I believe
> it may have more features than Eac. I would suggest looking at both and
> deciding from there.

Thanks for the prompt reply. I will look into Eac and Dbpoweramp.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Squeebox Touch: tagging wav & flac files; conversion of wav to flac; rip CDs to flac

2012-05-28 Thread jdt7385

I am a new owner of the Squeezebox Touch and am trying to manage a
pretty large (over 1600) albums, some of which are flac and some of
which are wav. I have ripped my CDs using Windows Media Player and chose
wav for those (flac was not an option...and I did not know about flac at
that time). I am using mp3tag to add tags to flac files that are not
properly tagged. However, I have not found a way to make Logitech Media
Server recognize Albumartist for the wav files; I only see the track
artists for the wav files (and many of the wav files do not have the
track artists filled in, so I end up with a lot of "Unknown Artist"
files. Finally, my questions:

1. How should I handle the tagging of the wav files? Should I convert
them to flac in order to use mp3tag? If so, how do I do that? Which
software should I use? I do not see any way to do that with Windows
Media Player or other software that I have. Should I leave the wav files
as wav files and use other software to tag them? I have been reripping
some of the CDs in Windows Media Player in order to fill in the Artists
column (to avoid the Unknown Artist problem) but then I wind up with
"Various Artists" as the album artist, which is not what I want.

2. It appears that in the future I should rip CDs to flac rather than to
wav. Is that right? If so, which software is best for doing that?
Windows Media Player does not offer flac as an alternative. As far as I
can determine Windows Media Player is the only software I have for
ripping CDs.

I will appreciate any advice you are able to offer. I fear that I have
wasted a lot of time trying to make wav files work with Media Server and
I need to figure out how to do this right before proceeding further.

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