
2024-07-09 Thread ctmidway58
Watching an old episode of Benson yesterday from 1980 and the doctor in this 
episode was "Howard Sprague" Jack Dodson but looked strange. He had no 
mustache!! Plus he had gained quite a bit of weight just like all us old folks 
seem to do! He was excellent in this show, had humor, great part, great 
TheCameraNuWelford is on again! a western, might have been Tales of 
Wells Fargo, can't remember from a while back, there was Brisco, Rosco, and 
Col. Harvey all in the same show!! Brisco was a crook who had an untimely end 
and Col. Harvey had a special elixir he was sipping!!ws
WBMUTBB mailing list


2024-04-02 Thread ctmidway58
Yesterday's Tales of Wells Fargo had Olan Soule as a (gasp) barkeeper!!
TheCameraNu strikes again!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Tags People

2024-03-09 Thread ctmidway58
Another great program with a good amount of Mayberry folk - Tales of Wells 
Just a few seen, "Thelma Lou; Brisco as both good and bad guys; John Masters; 
Col. Harvey; The Man in a Hurry; Rev. Breen." 
Most memorable was Gunsmoke with Ron Howard and James Best. James gave up his 
life to save the lives of Matt and Ron. Hold On to Hope.Welford 
WBMUTBB mailing list

{Spam?} I also wondered Where is Everybody?

2024-02-29 Thread ctmidway58
Everybody I guess has went over by Facebook. I seldom go there so I miss 
anything said. The same thing happened to my Midway Veterans "Active Board" 
which is almost inactive except for 3 of us. They all went to Facebook! 
So, I miss all my Midway Island friends and all my Mayberry friends. Sure do 
wish they'd come backno commercials!~Welford TheCameraNu(Ret'd)
WBMUTBB mailing list


2023-10-11 Thread ctmidway58
On Tales of Wells Fargo, Old Ben Weaver played Joe Dooley, the meanest man in 
the hills! His 2 sons were trained by old Joe, as was his daughter and they 
were all just as mean, but Jim Hardee got his man and was taking old Joe back 
to stand trial for murder when one of his sons accidentally shot him! I see old 
Ben in lots of westerns, as a sheriff, land owner, mean man, ordinary citizen. 
He had a great career!!
TheCameraNuttt lives on!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2023-08-28 Thread ctmidway58
I regret to pass along to you the passing of Pat Frye. She and her husband 
David were longtime Mayberry Days attendees. For all who knew her, she was a 
real delight, loads of fun and loved to laugh! We especially became really 
close friends with them and our times will be sorely missed.
Her obit:
Patricia Taylor Frye - Groce Funeral Home

WBMUTBB mailing list

Maybrerry Days

2023-08-19 Thread ctmidway58
Since we won't be able to make it to the Days any more, I hope each one of you 
will have and extra Pork Chop Sandwich...or in the South we say Po'k Chop 
Sammich, for Carol and me!! 
Snappy's needs the business so buy extras!!Welford TheCameraNuttt
WBMUTBB mailing list

{Spam?} Col. Harvey

2023-05-27 Thread ctmidway58
In watching an old western last week, there was John Dehner playing the bad 
guy. His name in the movie? Mr. Harvey!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Westerns + Personal Comments

2023-03-22 Thread ctmidway58
In watching some Westerns yesterday, in one of them I saw Old Jud and James 
Best. James was the son of an outlaw and Jud was a bystander who lied about a 
shooting to save his own hide! But to tell the truth, James was the Best!!On a 
side note, we've made our last Mayberry Days. I have a couple problems keeping 
me from doing all the walking and enjoying my time there, as well as age. We 
knew one day this would come to an end, as we've been going since 1998, thanks 
to David Browning who filled us in on the event. We'd been to a new Cracker 
Barrel where he was on hand to welcome everyone, and explained it all to us so 
we went. Had to stay in Winston/Salem. The next year we still didn't know to 
make reservations way ahead, so stayed in Hillsville VA. Then someone said make 
reservations just after the Days so we did and all was well! We've met so many 
nice people along the way, some we've lost like George Spence who was such a 
joy to just sit and talk with! Leroy and Jan of course were ex
 cellent people. We've lost the Hendersons, who became the ones we would enjoy 
so much at the hotel hospitality room. David and Pat Frye who, like us, can no 
longer make it. Terry Loftis became a great friend! This past year we had a 
wonderful run-in with Daniel Roebuck, and what a nice man he is! So much fun! 
Margaret Kerry also! And all the Tribute Artists, thanks for making our trips 
so much fun! We'll miss that! There are just too many to mention but we 
remember you and will miss you!
Carol & Welford Sims - theCameraNuttt!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Price Comparisons

2022-10-15 Thread ctmidway58
Talk about Opie's 'allowance' being raised, I'd like to know just what is an 
I grew up on a farm and got 3 meals, clothes, bed, all I needed. But it was 
nice he got a little spendin' money to buy what he needed!
Still, I'd rather watch TAGS than any show on TV!
I feel certain we've had our last Mayberry Days, and for 25 years it was our 
number one vacation! We looked forward as much to visiting with old and new 
friends as anything! 
And Daniel Roebuck, this is your newest worst enemy speaking!!! Private joke 
between the two of us!! So nice meeting you and having a fun filled talk with 
It was fun while it lasted!
WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2021-10-15 Thread ctmidway58
Don't know what happened, but I have sent my Mayberry Days report twice and 
have not seen it yet, so won't bother with it again. If someone saw it and I 
didn't, let me know but so far I've checked and no trace of it!
And no, I didn't make threats or cuss anybody!! 
See you next year.
Welford TheCameraNu!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Days

2021-09-04 Thread ctmidway58
Hope nobody gets mad at me but I am going to write the mayor of Mt. Airy... The 
real one... and request more Handicap Parking on Main St during the parade. Not 
quite fair when a handicapped person has to park in a lot a few blocks away and 
walk to Main St. while the non handicapped park the night before and block the 
spaces, then any not blocked are taken very early by people in chairs waiting 
for the parade. We need one side of a while block for Handicap with no 
exceptions!Thank you~!
Welford the HandicappedCameraNutt.

WBMUTBB mailing list


2021-08-25 Thread ctmidway58
Poor Brisco!! On Tales of Wells Fargo Denver Pyle was in two episodes Monday. 
In one, he was the bad guy and was going to be hanged and in the next one, he 
got shot!
Good thing he started playing jug music!Welford theCameraNu!!! 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry of course

2021-08-15 Thread ctmidway58
Mayberry is a state of mind. It is also a real place! I'll visit the real place 
now and then and live in a Mayberry State of Mind always! Things seem to go 
better that way. Most problems seem to work themselves out and life goes on.
I hope we can see a lot of our old friends this Mayberry Days, and if you see 
us be sure to say Howdy as it will be our last.  Neuropathy has taken a toll on 
my feet and about 2 hours is all I'm able to walk on them now without a good 
rest. We'll arrive Thursday and leave early Sunday AM so will have time to do 
some visiting and talking. It has been a wild ride, from 1998 to 2021. We've 
seen "Opie" grow up from a kid who was a dead ringer for Opie, we've met Thelma 
Lou, Ernest T, Charlene, Jim Lindsey, Romeena, Goober, Ronnie Schell, Frank the 
Fiance George Spence, Richard Linke, Leroy & Roland the Country Boys, and the 
one who writ the theme song...Harvey Bullock - and others. We've also made 
friends with the imposters ...impersonators... Tribute Artists, that's it! 
Floyd, Mayor Pike, Otis, Col. Harvey, Ernest T, Andylina, Brisco, Barney [and 
Patty], Gomer, Goober, others. We'll miss you!! Maybe I'll win Mayberry Idle 
and have my name etched in gold! 
Carol Sims & Welford the CameraNut!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2021-04-11 Thread ctmidway58
"Cast a Long Shadow" starring Audie Murphy also had "Col. Harvey[John Dehner], 
Brisco Darling[Denver Pyle] and Jim Lindsey[James Best]" as supporting cast. 
Sadly, James Best got killed - AGAIN!! Wonder how many times he was killed in 
his movies and TV shows!! Someone will give the answer I'm sure!
Welford TheCameraNutt
WBMUTBB mailing list

To Remember

2021-02-05 Thread ctmidway58
After the Andy / Opie statue dedication in Raleigh, a bunch of us went to Big 
Ed's in downtown Raleigh for lunch.
To let those of you who went, I know Jim Clark & Jeff Koontz went,  In the 
paper today was the obit for "Big Ed" Watkins, 88. 
His restaurant was known for red/white checked tablecloths, & he always wore a 
red flannel shirt with bib overalls.
A friend and I ate at one of his restaurants last week.
TheCameraNutt in sadness
WBMUTBB mailing list


2021-01-12 Thread ctmidway58
Yesterday on Tales of Wells Fargo, a young man was caught by Jim Hardy, Wells 
Fargo agent, for robbing a stage, but the kid was needing money for his wife 
and new baby and farming just didn't pay the bills. Jim took him home with the 
money, told him he was free and to stay home and care for his wife and baby. 
When he went over to see his wife and baby, his wife was Betty Lynn! Then a 
bounty hunter tried to stop Hardy but the kid yelled, took the shot and 
departed this life as did the bounty hunter. 
A LOT of TAGS actors on this show on GRIT every afternoon. 
TheCameraNut is here!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Christmas

2020-12-25 Thread ctmidway58
Hope all of my Mayberry Friends have a Very Mayberry Happy Holy Christmas Day, 
and make it last all year long!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-11-14 Thread ctmidway58
I guess Andy liked Tales of Wells Fargo as so many from that show were also on 
his show. Col. Harvey, Aunt Bee, Brisco, The cop in charge of The Manhunt, Luke 
Comstock, plus others. 
The one scene really catching my attention was the day a whole family who sang 
and played came to town on a wagon! Could that have given the idea for the 
Darlings? Possibly!! 
Welford TheCameraNu!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Old Posts

2020-10-24 Thread ctmidway58
Those old posts from way back finally showed up! Way to go, Luther!! And 
another great sighting on Tales of Wells Fargo. This time a local sheriff was 
helping WF agent Jim Hardee capture some criminals who had robbed a Wells Fargo 
stage. The sheriff was none other than Old Ben Weaver! And he made a good one! 
It sure was funny trying to imagine Ben as sheriff or the Sheriff as Ben
Welford TheCameraNuttt 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Fwd: Re-re-post of Mayberry Remembrances

2020-10-23 Thread ctmidway58
Giving it another try! Maybe this one will work! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have been having some internet loss & since I never saw this posted, I'm 
sending again FYI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
I guess we have gone to our last Mayberry Days. My oncologist has advised me to 
stay out of restaurants & avoid crowds. That describes Mayberry Days! Snappy 
Lunch, Barney's, Aunt Bee's, Leon's, naming just a few. 
See, I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia & my immune system goes down a bit 
with every visit. He said I'll die with it but not from it. So that means I'll 
be canceling my hotel reservation & selling my Col. Tim's tickets, 2nd row 
center for my cost, if anyone is interested. 
We will still visit Mt. Airy now & then, but not while it is crowded. Just 
won't work any more. 
So, for all those we have met over the years, it has been fun! We have met so 
many nice people & also met many of those who were in the show. That doesn't 
include the wonderful 'tribute artists' along the way. David Browning, the 
first one we ever met, at a Cracker Barrel Grand Opening & he told us about 
Mayberry Days.
Allan Newsome, Jeff Branch, Ken Junkin, Alma Venable, "Goober" Tim Pettigrew & 
"Gomer" Micheal Oliver - Phil Lee & Phil Fox the resident Ernest T characters! 
"Brisco" Bob Mundy! Keith Brown "Col. Harvey" who also went thru leukemia. Paul 
Gustafson, always "Regis" carrying his 'Gold Standard' sign in the parade & 
doing "Copenhagen" at Col. Tim's!! Elvis! Can't forget 'Elvis' Michael Hoover & 
Bobbie!I hope I didn't forget anyone but if I did, blame it on age!
We became personal friends with George Spence & treasure that!
Leroy & Jan, such wonderful people!
"Ernest T" Howard Morris - we had a connection because of Midway Island! He was 
there in 1943 & I was there in 1957-58. The old theater where he performed back 
then is where I roomed with a couple other guys.
James Best - he autographed my "Boss Hawg" figurine & I have it on my 
desk!Thelma Lou! How can I ever forget Betty Lynn! So beautiful & so 
nice!Dennis Rush & Keith Thibodeaux.
Ronnie Schell...Air Force!! Always gave him a salute during the Parade!
Maggie Peterson Mancuso, "Charlene" who went the first time in 1998, same year 
we went the first time!And "just Friends" over the years! Too numerous to 
mention! Lifelong friendships because of Mayberry! 
If you ever pass our way to Raleigh NC be sure to drop in for a visit! The door 
is always locked but always open to Mayberryites!SadlyWelford M. Sims 
TheCameraNuttt with CLL 
Carol C. Sims, AML survivor of 16 years!
WBMUTBB mailing list

re-0post of Mayberry Remembrances

2020-10-23 Thread ctmidway58
I have been having some internet loss & since I never saw this posted, I'm 
sending again FYI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
I guess we have gone to our last Mayberry Days. My oncologist has advised me to 
stay out of restaurants & avoid crowds. That describes Mayberry Days! Snappy 
Lunch, Barney's, Aunt Bee's, Leon's, naming just a few. 
See, I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia & my immune system goes down a bit 
with every visit. He said I'll die with it but not from it. So that means I'll 
be canceling my hotel reservation & selling my Col. Tim's tickets, 2nd row 
center for my cost, if anyone is interested. 
We will still visit Mt. Airy now & then, but not while it is crowded. Just 
won't work any more. 
So, for all those we have met over the years, it has been fun! We have met so 
many nice people & also met many of those who were in the show. That doesn't 
include the wonderful 'tribute artists' along the way. David Browning, the 
first one we ever met, at a Cracker Barrel Grand Opening & he told us about 
Mayberry Days.
Allan Newsome, Jeff Branch, Ken Junkin, Alma Venable, "Goober" Tim Pettigrew & 
"Gomer" Micheal Oliver - Phil Lee & Phil Fox the resident Ernest T characters! 
"Brisco" Bob Mundy! Keith Brown "Col. Harvey" who also went thru leukemia. Paul 
Gustafson, always "Regis" carrying his 'Gold Standard' sign in the parade & 
doing "Copenhagen" at Col. Tim's!! Elvis! Can't forget 'Elvis' Michael Hoover & 
Bobbie!I hope I didn't forget anyone but if I did, blame it on age!
We became personal friends with George Spence & treasure that!
Leroy & Jan, such wonderful people!
"Ernest T" Howard Morris - we had a connection because of Midway Island! He was 
there in 1943 & I was there in 1957-58. The old theater where he performed back 
then is where I roomed with a couple other guys.
James Best - he autographed my "Boss Hawg" figurine & I have it on my 
desk!Thelma Lou! How can I ever forget Betty Lynn! So beautiful & so 
nice!Dennis Rush & Keith Thibodeaux.
Ronnie Schell...Air Force!! Always gave him a salute during the Parade!
Maggie Peterson Mancuso, "Charlene" who went the first time in 1998, same year 
we went the first time!And "just Friends" over the years! Too numerous to 
mention! Lifelong friendships because of Mayberry! 
If you ever pass our way to Raleigh NC be sure to drop in for a visit! The door 
is always locked but always open to Mayberryites!SadlyWelford M. Sims 
TheCameraNuttt with CLL 
Carol C. Sims, AML survivor of 16 years!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Maybderry Days

2020-10-23 Thread ctmidway58
I guess we have gone to our last Days. My oncologist has advised me to stay out 
of restaurants & avoid crowds. That describes Mayberry Days! Snappy Lunch, 
Barney's, Aunt Bee's, Leon's, naming just a few. 
See, I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia & my immune system goes down a bit 
with every visit. He said I'll die with it but not from it. So that means I'll 
be canceling my hotel reservation & selling my Col. Tim's tickets, 2nd row 
center for my cost, if anyone is interested. 
We will still visit Mt. Airy now & then, but not while it is crowded. Just 
won't work any more. 
So, for all those we have met over the years, it has been fun! We have met so 
many nice people & also met many of those who were on the show. That doesn't 
include the wonderful 'tribute artists' along the way. David Browning was the 
first one we ever met, at a Cracker Barrel Grand Opening & he told us about 
Mayberry Days.
Allan Newsome, Jeff Branch, Ken Junkin, Alma Venable, "Goober" Tim Pettigrew & 
"Gomer" Micheal Oliver - Phil Lee & Phil Fox the resident Ernest T characters! 
"Brisco" Bob Mundy! Keith Brown "Col. Harvey" who also went thru leukemia. Paul 
Gustafson who was always "Regis" carrying his 'Gold Standard' sign in the 
parade & doing "Copenhagen" at Col. Tim's!! Elvis! Who could forget Elvis 
Michael Hoover & Bobbie!I hope I didn't forget anyone but if I did, blame it on 
We became personal friends with George Spence & treasure that!
Leroy & Jan, such wonderful people!
"Ernest T" Howard Morris - we had a connection because of Midway Island! He was 
there in 1943 & I was there in 1957-58. The old theater where he performed back 
then is where I roomed with a couple other guys.
James Best - he autographed my "Boss Hawg" figurine & I have it on my 
desk!Thelma Lou! How can I ever forget Betty Lynn! So beautiful & so 
nice!Dennis Rush & Keith Thibodeaux. 
Ronnie Schell...Air Force!! Always gave him a salute during the Parade! 
Maggie Peterson Mancuso, "Charlene" who went the first time in 1998, same year 
we were there the first time!And "just Friends" over the years! Too numerous to 
mention! Lifelong friendships because of Mayberry! 
If you ever pass our way to Raleigh NC be sure to drop in for a visit! The door 
is always locked but always open to Mayberryites!SadlyWelford M. Sims with 
CLL & Carol C. Sims, AML survivor of 16 years!
WBMUTBB mailing list

4th try at posting!!

2020-10-23 Thread ctmidway58
Here goes again! Let's see if this one makes it to posting! Wonder what's going 
on?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Giving it another try! Maybe this one will work!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I have been having some internet loss & since I 
never saw this posted, I'm sending again FYI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - 
I guess we have gone to our last Mayberry Days. My oncologist has advised me to 
stay out of restaurants & avoid crowds. That describes Mayberry Days! Snappy 
Lunch, Barney's, Aunt Bee's, Leon's, naming just a few. 
See, I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia & my immune system goes down a bit 
with every visit. He said I'll die with it but not from it. So that means I'll 
be canceling my hotel reservation & selling my Col. Tim's tickets, 2nd row 
center for my cost, if anyone is interested. 
We will still visit Mt. Airy now & then, but not while it is crowded. Just 
won't work any more. 
So, for all those we have met over the years, it has been fun! We have met so 
many nice people & also met many of those who were in the show. That doesn't 
include the wonderful 'tribute artists' along the way. David Browning, the 
first one we ever met, at a Cracker Barrel Grand Opening & he told us about 
Mayberry Days.
Allan Newsome, Jeff Branch, Ken Junkin, Alma Venable, "Goober" Tim Pettigrew & 
"Gomer" Micheal Oliver - Phil Lee & Phil Fox the resident Ernest T characters! 
"Brisco" Bob Mundy & Bo Pierce! Keith Brown "Col. Harvey" who also went thru 
leukemia. Paul Gustafson, always "Regis" carrying his 'Gold Standard' sign in 
the parade & doing "Copenhagen" at Col. Tim's!! Elvis! Can't forget 'Elvis' 
Michael Hoover & Bobbie!I hope I didn't forget anyone but if I did, blame it on 
We became personal friends with George Spence & treasure that!
Leroy & Jan, such wonderful people!
"Ernest T" Howard Morris - we had a connection because of Midway Island! He was 
there in 1943 & I was there in 1957-58. The old theater where he performed back 
then is where I roomed with a couple other guys.
James Best - he autographed my "Boss Hawg" figurine & I have it on my 
desk!Thelma Lou! How can I ever forget Betty Lynn! So beautiful & so 
nice!Dennis Rush & Keith Thibodeaux.
Ronnie Schell...Air Force!! Always gave him a salute during the Parade!
Maggie Peterson Mancuso, "Charlene" who went the first time in 1998, same year 
we went the first time!And "just Friends" over the years! Too numerous to 
mention! Lifelong friendships because of Mayberry! 
If you ever pass our way to Raleigh NC be sure to drop in for a visit! The door 
is always locked but always open to Mayberryites!SadlyWelford M. Sims 
TheCameraNuttt with CLL
Carol C. Sims, AML survivor of 16 years!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-10-21 Thread ctmidway58
On Gunsmoke yesterday, Denver "Brisco" Pyle played a doctor and George "Goober" 
Lindsay was the bad guy! Sorry to say, Goober did not make it! Brisco made an 
excellent doctor!
We stopped by Mt. Airy twice last week, once on the way to Grassy Creek 
Cabooses at Fancy Gap, and again on the way back. Only had one po'k chop 
sammich though. Didn't want to appear we were hoggish over them!
Welford TheCameraNu..

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Days

2020-09-29 Thread ctmidway58
Looking for some good reports from fans who could go! My oncologist said to 
stay out of crowds and restaurants during this virus, so following his orders, 
I did. Had to stay home, but hopefully next year we get to use our Col. Tim's 
Age is creeping up, and who knows just when our last time to go will be. We 
will go as long as health allows and enjoy seeing all the old friends we've 
made over the years. 
Sounds as if the Live Auction may be the thing of the future! That way nobody 
can outbid you at the last second so you can't counter-bid! YUP!! comes to 
So,hopefully next year, we'll see all of you again. We will pass thru soon when 
we go to Fancy Gap and stay at Grassy Creek Cabooses. Sounds interesting!
Welford TheCameraNuttt and Carol, who's put up with me 56+ years!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mail Trouble

2020-09-18 Thread ctmidway58
I also have had problems. I sent a message four times and it never came thru so 
finally gave up on it. I have a feeling the movie is taking a lot of Allan's 
time so after that finishes, things can get back to normal. We'll have a 
bona-fried movie star in our midst! and not just one but several! 
Mayberry goes Hollywood!!
Welford TheCameraNuttt who has made his last Mayberry Days! 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-09-01 Thread ctmidway58
What has happened to a lot of postings sent in? I have sent one three times and 
it still hasn't appeared as far as I can see. I have heard of others who have 
also sent things and they've not been getting posted. If there is a problem we 
need to Nip It In The Bud!
Welford theCameraNut!!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-08-25 Thread ctmidway58
I have sent a message to the digest twice and it hasn't shown up yet. Just 
wondering if I am getting thru?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Double sighting

2020-06-18 Thread ctmidway58
Love the old Wells Fargo series. Yesterday we had Col. Harvey being duped by 
Luke Comstock about Confederate gold, which was actually stolen Wells Fargo 
gold! Col. finally had to take care of Luke with a long shot with his trusty 
rifle but only wounded him on the right shoulder, according to the Col. From 
about 500 yards! He was not on the Elixir that day!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2020-06-13 Thread ctmidway58
Tales of Wells Fargo yesterday. John Dehner ws way out of character as he wass 
dressed in ragged old clothes and played a disgruntled civil war soldier bent 
on revenge of the captain of the POW camp he was in. Jim Hardy, Wells Fargo 
agent [Dale Robertson] had him almost convinced to give up his revenge on the 
captain when the captain turned on Hardy and was ready to shoot, so "Col.. 
Harvey" forgot his elixir and shot the captain, saving Hardy's life. If only 
they'd had his elixir they could have avoided all this~!
Welford TheCameraNut!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

2 items

2020-06-03 Thread ctmidway58
In today's show of Andy the Matchmaker I noticed 2 things of interest in the 
same show. Barney carried his bullet in the RIGHT shirt pocket and Andy 
suggested going to Snappy Lunch!  As we used to say, what a co-inkydink!
Stay safe and chase the virus away!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Leg of Label?

2020-04-13 Thread ctmidway58
"I never had leg of label (I think still not) or knew that anyone around me 
did. "
What exactly IS leg of label? Never heard of it!
WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2019-10-14 Thread ctmidway58
OK - My message may have been too soon!! I understand the Hotel has not 
released rooms for the date yet but reservations in TX has a different idea! We 
just have to wait until the HOTEL releases the rooms and then it will all be 
OK. Boy, when I mess up, it's big...REALLY big!
TheCameraNutt got struck down!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2019-10-14 Thread ctmidway58
Anyone looking for reservations for next year's Mayberry Days better get them 
in NOW as in Rat now!! I just called Hampton and they are already booked! I got 
a room at Dobson which is 10 miles off so not too bad. closer to The Depot!! 
So it is going to be BIG. I mean BIG...Really Big...REALLY BIG!!
TheCameraNu strikes again!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Days

2019-09-29 Thread ctmidway58
The days have come and gone again! We met with wonderful friends from the past 
and met a nice new couple from TN and invited them to sit with us while we had 
a pork chop sandwich.
We didn't arrive in time for a lot but still saw a lot! Had hoped to get in the 
WBMUTBB photo but we were HONGRY man! At 5:35 we left to go meet friends at The 
Depot and that was better than a photo. If anyone wants my photo you can find 
'er at the local Post Office. 
And again. Col. Tim's Talent Time was wonderful! Some folks farther back said 
they were unable to see what was going on, so wonder if maybe SAC could raise 
the stage by just a foot? Sure would help those in the back to see better!
All the stars and tribute artists were great again and I bet they all slept 
well after that!
I ordered tickets for next year's show, so we are already part way there, so 
hope this old man makes it for next year!
Bless you all and have a Mayberry year!
Welford TheCameraNuttt!!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2019-09-07 Thread ctmidway58
All the test runs have showed up for me! Hope everyone else is back on track!
I was thinking back & the first Star of TAGS I ever saw was Maggie Peterson 
Mancuso, then Richard Linke, at the old museum. Over the years I had the 
pleasure of meeting Betty Lynn, Howard Morris my Gooney Bird friend & he 
understands, James Best, The Dillards, Ronnie Schell, Leroy McNees, George 
Spence with whom we formed a very special bond! I'm sure there are others but 
for now they are it, & they are all gone except for Betty, Maggie, Ronnie & 
Looking forward the the Days this year if we can make it. Our daughter is 
having some health issues & may have to be in the hospital for testing during 
that time, in Michigan. If we can't make it we'll have to sell our tickets for 
the night Col. Tim's show, so will let you know before time if we can't make 
it. So very much hoping we can! I'm having a pork chop sandwich attack!
Welford TheCameraNuttt!!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2019-07-04 Thread ctmidway58
Your message came thru loud and clear so hopefully the problem is cleared for 
now. Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY everyone!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Posts to WBMUTBB

2019-05-25 Thread ctmidway58
No, Jeff, the wires are big enough. With all my tekninkal training the problem 
is you got a knot in the wire somewhere. Untangle the knot and you will knot 
have any more knot problems!
Welford TheCameraNu...
Maybe I need to stick to Cameras?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Regarding Good Ole 14A

2019-04-27 Thread ctmidway58
Good ole 14A was written sometime before 1894. 
It was composed by Anton Rubenstein of Russia who lived 1929 - 1894, and is, if 
you want to get technical, Melody in F  Opus 3  #1.
If it comes thru, here is the link: If not, Google Anton Rubenstein, melody in 
F opus 3 #1 and you'll get several different versions.
MBY - melody in f opus 3 # 1 - AOL Video Search Results

Lover of the classicsWelford TheCameraNu
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bee';s cCar

2019-04-01 Thread ctmidway58
Aunt Bee's car was sold at auction to a collector when her estate auction took 
place back in the late 80s, I think it was. Mayberry Motor Inn in Mt. Airy got 
a lot of her things and they have a room next to the office as Aunt Bee's room 
with all the memorabilia on display in there. Wonderful place to visit!
Happy Motoring from Studebaker!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Personalized Tags

2019-03-04 Thread ctmidway58
For a personalized tag I would go for;
Ernest T - ROCKTOSSBrisco - ONTHTRUKAunt Bee - PICKLESHoward - MOMSFINEOtis - 
CELL1Rafe Hollister - SHINE
My Compliments
Welford TheCameraNut...!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-10-29 Thread ctmidway58
Not certain, but on the Grit channel last night, they show mainly westerns, I 
think it was Siege at Fort something-or-other, one of the men in the group 
looked vaguely familiar, then it dawned on me...strong resemblance to Jack 
Prince, "Rafe Hollister." May have been, may not, but if is wasn't, it sure 
missed a good chance!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-10-10 Thread ctmidway58
WBMUTBB is very simple and has been around for years, and it is the internet 
chapter of The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club, TAGSRWC, and stands for 
Who's Been Messin' Up The Bulletin Board. From the episode when Barney thinks 
he's being replaced and the new man aligns everything perfectly on the bulletin 
board instead of haphazardly as Barney had it!
Welford TheCameraNu!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-10-08 Thread ctmidway58
The term is bursitis, and the bursa sac holds lubricating fluid between the 
joints. When that fluid sac gets injured or otherwise loses fluid, the joint 
won't move as well as it should and is painful.   Google it for complete 
Howard's mother suffered with bursitis. 
Welford TheCameraNuttt!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

"Thelma Lou"

2018-10-06 Thread ctmidway58
Betty Lynn, Thelma Lou, was in the parade Saturday as Grand PooBah and also was 
on stage for the opening ceremony, and also at Col Tim's Tlent Time where 
"Elvis" Michael Hoover sang to her, leading the rest of us, with "Hello, Thelma 
Lou" instead of Hello MaryLou. And she looked absolutely great! She spoke with 
clarity and from the heart! 
We love you, Betty Lynn! You will always be the gorgeous Thelma Lou!
Welford TheCameraNut

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Days

2018-09-30 Thread ctmidway58
What a great few days of Mayberry!  Things changed, things moved on! Things 
always change but sometimes we can get things back but other times we can't, 
and what we can't, we adapt to and move on! 
Allan and "Mayor Pike" Eric did a Wonderful job at Col. Tim's with the help of 
the usual group of miscreants!!  Chrissy as Lucy was a riot!! How she went thru 
the megavitameataminahol or whatever it was, I do not know but that was the 
funniest thing in the show!
One thing I'll pass along... I lost a VERY nice Parker ballpoint pen during or 
soon after the parade. It has a rough "block' surface with gold clip and I'd 
love to get it back if anyone found it and will return it. A bit of sentimental 
value to it, so please, if you found it, let me know and I'll be more than 
happy to pay the postage and handling to get it back to me!! 
Sorry we had to leave the chapel service early but Carol was having issues and 
we had to go. Heavy traffic coming back but no problems, but if you are one of 
these, please be advisedwhen you pull over to pass someone, PASS them!~! 
Don't pull over then run the same speed as the person you are passing!! I'll 
sick Barney on you!
Welford TheCameraNuttt!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Where is everybody?

2018-09-19 Thread ctmidway58
Bob, I expect a lot of folks are recovering from the storm. 1200 roads in NC 
closed. 17 lives lost so . Homes destroyed. neighborhoods flooded. Water 
crested at all time highs. 
I urge all Mayberrians to give to a relief agency to aid in recovery. 
Wilmington NC cut off...I-40 below 95 like a river. US17 N and S of the city 
flooded. Slowly access is opening but roads and bridges must be checked for 
safety before traffic goes over them. 
Welford TheCameraNuttt!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

{Spam?} Alumna

2018-08-19 Thread ctmidway58
Watching an old Western the other night and I thought surely I had seen Betty 
Lynn, but it turned out to be Peggy McCay!  Sure they're not twins, separated 
at birth?
Both absolutely gorgeous, anyway!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Bernard P. Fife

2018-08-14 Thread ctmidway58
So, Barney Milton Oliver P. Fife.Bernard M.O.P. Fife?

So just what do you think the P stood for?
My choice would be Percival. 
What do you think?
Welford TheCameraNu
WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-06-02 Thread ctmidway58
Watched an old episode of Wanted: Dead or Alive with Steve McQueen a couple 
days ago and the 'bad' guy who turned out to not be the bad guy at all looked 
so familiar!
 Who is he? 
Round, pudgy face, half smile, crewcutcome on!! 
So familiar! 
Oh. I got it!
 Frank Sutton...Sgt. Carter from Gomer's series! 

TheCameraNutt strikes again!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-04-17 Thread ctmidway58
I go to breakfast with friends Friday mornings, then do the grocery shopping, 
then stop by Chick-fil-A to pick up a breakfast for Carol. Past Friday I had 
finished my shopping and was on the way to pick up the breakfast. I made a turn 
and a Deputy Sheriff's car was sitting on the side, no lights flashing, so 
moved over one lane anyway. After I went by, I looked in the rear view mirror 
and saw him as he made a U-turn! Now, in that case, what is the first thing to 
pop into your mind!? I do not believe I even need to say, just use your own 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-03-30 Thread ctmidway58
Sorry about your shingles, Ken. Just a reminder to please GET YOUR SHINGLES 
VACCINE!! It may not stop the shingles entirely but they will be a lot less 
painful with the shot!

So looking forward to Mayberry Days again this year and seeing all our old 
friends from years past. We won't be able to do all the things we did before 
because it takes a LOT of walking which I can not do any more. So, if you see  
us just sitting, stop to say hello!
Welford TheCameraNu...!!
I'll be the one with the camera!
WBMUTBB mailing list

In Memory

2018-03-10 Thread ctmidway58
In memory of Christopher Whitley Collier 57, Wade NC, stepson of Art Fettig, 
"Almost Andy."  Many of us remember seeing Art at Mayberry Days as he dressed 
as Matlock and was almost a dead ringer for Andy!

Our condolences go to Art and his family for this loss.
Welford TheCameraNut
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Quilt?

2018-02-08 Thread ctmidway58
Perhaps those with the ability can come up with a wonderful design for a 
Mayberry Quilt and donate one to the Silent Auction, only raffle it off for $1 
a ticket!  I'd get several tickets and I expect there would be a long line to 
buy tickets! Drawing could be during or at the end of Col. Tim's Talent Time 
Saturday night. That would probably raise more for Surry Arts than the entire 
Silent Auction! 

Whaddya think? Any takers?
WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-02-01 Thread ctmidway58
On one episode of Gunsmoke, Denver Pyle was the bad guy...not just a bad guy 
but a REAL BAD guywalked up on the man's porch and when the man opened the 
door, Denver shot him in the chest! Not like our Brisco!!

Then another episode, James Best was in jail for killing someone, his father 
was Colonel so and soand James kept begging his daddy to get him out of 
jail, but the colonel didn't want to. James was set to hang, the scaffolding 
was built. then the Sheriff came in and told him his daddy had it all set up, 
had paid him a big amount to fake the hanging. The rope would let him down onto 
some barrels where he could grab the rope, take it off his neck, and the 
undertaker would declare him dead, haul him off in a coffin. When they got to 
the cemetery there would be a horse waiting for him, and then the sheriff stuck 
$1000 in his pocket his daddy said to give him so he could get to Mexico and 
not come back.
The hanging took place. The sheriff went behind the scaffold. The coffin was 
loaded onto a wagon and started off to the cemetery.
The sheriff walked up to Colonel and saidsurprise ending..."Here's your 
thousand bucks back."
TheCameraNuttt got a good one that time!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-12-31 Thread ctmidway58
The producers of Gunsmoke did not hire James Arness to be Matt Dillion before 
interviewing others for the part, including Raymond Burr andDenver Pyle! so 
instead of being known as Brisco, he might have been known as Matt!! Word it, 
they chose Jim over the rest was because he was better looking!

Happy New Year's Eve!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-10-04 Thread ctmidway58
Great old movie from 1967 called Welcome to Hard Times starring Aldo Ray as the 
really bad man! Mean, bad, awful man!!
Also had Henry Fonda as a good guy, with Denver Pyle as the stagecoach driver, 
Edgar Buchanan in some capacity, and Arlene Garlonka who's profession will go 
unnamed for now! No matter what old movie you watch or when you watch it, you 
will find a connection to Mayberry!
Another interesting factoid: They say Opie at the very tender age when he 
started the show, could not throw the rock into the water from where he was, so 
a person hiding behind the bushes actually tossed the rock you see hitting the 
water! If you notice, it does hit more closely to that side of the clip than in 
the area Opie seems to be tossing his!
Happy Mayberry Day~!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

DVD at Silent Auction

2017-09-16 Thread ctmidway58
OK...time to let everyone know. We made our trip to Mayberry, had a pork chop 
sandwich, visited a few stores and mainly Mayberry on Main to visit Debbie and 
Daryl but he wasn't aroundthen took our 'stuff' to the Arts Council for the 
auction. The one item you should all be bidding on is not the sequel but the 
REAL movie of The Killer Shrews, co-starring James Best and Ken Curtis,"Festus" 
who also directed this classic. It is an unopened DVD so whoever gets it will 
be the first one to watch it! This dates back to 1959 so just before TAGS 
Take some cash with you and help make this auction a huge success, and Jeff, 
let us know who gets it and how much...which I'll keep to myself!!
Enjoy the Days, wish we could be with you!
Carol and TheCameraNutt!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Streets

2017-09-13 Thread ctmidway58
The streets are Rockford and Haymorenot Rockwoodright at the big blue 
water tower. 
Andy's room was smaller than most closets are today. He had a single cot and 
bookcase, and a window. No chair, not enough room. 
The House is a bed and breakfast, rented thru Hampton Inn, but it is booked 
during Mayberry Days!
TheCameraNutt has spoke!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-08-31 Thread ctmidway58
Thanks to all the well wishes we received from Mayberry fans on our 53 
anniversary yesterday!! We spent the day at the worlds largest zoo, the NC Zoo 
at Asheboro. It was a tiring walk for an old man but we made it just fine! And 
to not keep a secret, we are hoping if all goes well to go back for Mayberry 
Days in a limited capacity next year. Won't be able to do as much as in the 
past, but we will surely enjoy the time there seeing all the old friends from 
over the years. Next year will be 20 years since our first visit, so we've met 
a lot of nice folks and had some mighty good times!  We'll have to go to Mt. 
Airy soon to take some 'stuff' for Jeff to put in the silent auction. Will try 
to let you know a bit of what we have ahead of time. One item is a VHS of the 5 
episodes of Ernest T. Bass. So if you play VHS, get your bidding wallet ready, 
this will be a real collector's item in years to come, and it still works great!
Welford theCameraNuttt/OldManKelsey.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's gun

2017-08-24 Thread ctmidway58
Well, now, when it comes to Barney's handgun, commonly called a pistol, he 
never loaded it unless Andy told him to or it was an emergency, so how could it 
misfire pulling it out of his holster if the bullet was in his shirt pocket?
Just wondering!
Welford theCameraNu.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-08-15 Thread ctmidway58
What a co-inky-dink!! On Gunsmoke yesterday there was Aneta Corsaut as a Nun 
and TAGS comes on right after that but that one was before Helen...but she did 
show up before the series was over for the day!
We are seriously considering a trip to Mayberry Days again next year. Can't 
promise, can't say for sure at this point, but sure would look forward to it so 
we can see all our old friends again! If the car holds together, we'll set a 
record of some kind. We went from 2000 - 2015sixteen trips to Mayberry Days 
plus extra trips in between! So don't tell me American cars ain't as good as 
them Foreigners! Plus we have been up Pilot Mountain at least 15 times in it! 
So we'll go again soon to get rid of our stuff for the silent auction, get a 
pork chop sandwich, visit a few stores like Mayberry on Main and some more, and 
just enjoy the day!
Happy Motoring and take a lot of photos along the way!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-07-17 Thread ctmidway58
Such sadness to hear of the passing of George Spence. 
His booming voice will be missed.
His wild stories will be missed.
His dramatic readings at Col. Tim's will be missed.
His wide smile will be missed.
You left us too soon, George!  but, you had a good, full life and leave many 
friends behind. 
RIP George Jones Spence, Jr.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-04-23 Thread CTMIDWAY58
What we have going on right now reminds me of one of Andy's  monologues... 
"It won't no ordinary rain, it was a real frog  strangler!"
Looking for 4 - 6" in this area by time it is over. Eric, you  came at the 
right time!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Visit from Royalty!!

2017-04-21 Thread CTMIDWAY58
What a nice time we had yesterday when the Little Fat  Mayor dropped in to 
see us! We took him to Smithfield's Barbecue and feasted  there, and he 
caught us up on a lot of Mayberry things! Wonderful visit and he  is such a 
guy as well!
Hope you have a safe trip home, Eric, and we'll catch you on  down the 
Maybe one day someone else will drop in on us as well!! 
Keeping up with Mayberry on this site anyway!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

We lost a Veteran!

2017-04-07 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Fair Winds and Following Seas,  Shipmate!
Donald Jay Rickles, United States Navy,  WWII.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Delos Jewkes

2017-03-28 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Delos Jewkes aka Glenn Cripe of the Song Festers, and Barney  and The 
Choir, was the voice of God in the movie The Ten  Commandments.
Just thought you'd like to know!
WBMUTBB mailing list

American Hero on TAGS

2017-03-28 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Another American Hero:
Frank Cady who played Farley  Upchurch -
WWII US Army Air Corps, serving in England, France and  Germany.
Honor our heroesSALUTE!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-03-24 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Ken, you need to r   e  l  a  x  !!
What's your h u r r  y?
Take it E a s  y!
Now get under  there with them  spiders!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Able and Baker

2017-03-17 Thread CTMIDWAY58
When in boot camp we had to learn the alphabet by names to  make the 
letters more recognizable. We learned Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy,  Fox, 
George, How, Item, Jig, King, Love, Mike, Nan, Oboe, Peter, Queen, Roger,  
Tare, Uncle, Victor, Willie, Yankee, Zebra.  The radar plane  squadron was 
the VW2 and the planes were WV2 or as we call them to this day, Willie 
So it seems it was referring not by the name but by first,  second, third, 
Welford TheCameraNut CT2  USN.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Name dropping....

2017-01-26 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I was listening to a tapeyes, I do!of The Great  Gildersleeve with 
Harold Peary, and he went to the barber shop for a  haircutwant to guess 
what his barber's name was? Yep, Floyd gets around! But  this was 8 years 
before TAGS went on the air!
TheCameraNuttt snapping shots all  around!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bike Licenses

2017-01-24 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Licenses may make it easy to track a bike, but if you flip it  over, on the 
bottom of the bike is a serial number. Write it down. Makes it easy  to 
track a bike as most common thieves don't know this!
I still get my kicks out of Barney and The Choir.   Nothing could be 
funnier! Good ole 14A is the best song ever for them, but  wonder why they had 
concert and sang only one  song???
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-01-20 Thread CTMIDWAY58
The Computer Guru? What was that?
Has the Board started taking advertising?
There was nothing about Mayberry at all in the entire message  so think it 
was a 'hacker' who tried to sneak in!
If you ain't Mayberry, well, I'll let the boss speak to  this!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-01-01 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Old Man Kelsey down in the woods, jes' a'settin' on my front  po'ch, 
wishin' for all'a'y'all's a Happy Noo Yearz!!  
Otis done spended a lot of time down here the past month,  so now I gotta 
head back down my woods to my cooker an' make a bit mo' corn  squeezins!! 
Can't y'all send him to rehab? I wanna give up makin shine! Gittin'  too old 
fer it now!
Y'all be kind one to another.
Ever'thing gonna be all right!
Old Man Kelsey signin'  off
WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-10-10 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Again the great episode with Ron Howard and James Best...but  poor James... 
he gets killed again!! Great episode.
and do you realize in a recent rating by a well known  publication Gunsmoke 
was listed 98 and at 48 was Beavis and Butthead!! And TAGS  was not listed 
at all in the top 100!  Wonder who did that poll, must have  been Henry 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Gas shortage

2016-09-25 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I shoulda been a'thinkin' ahead and let alla'y'all know, I got  some stuff 
tanked up down here in my woods what burns purty good in them  gasserlene 
motors! It keeps Otis gassed purty good anyway! It'll also  take paint off, 
cure what ails ya, and gives revenooers jobs!
Hope y'all's had a great time outside the woods this weekend.  Sure wish I 
coulda made it but can't do it any more. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Days

2016-09-14 Thread CTMIDWAY58
The Days are coming up soon and once again, I'll be at home  trying to not 
remember it! We had some mighty good times, and met some wonderful  people 
who are now friends!
I must have made copies of and given away more than 3  thousand photos over 
the 18 years we attended, and enjoyed it so much! Always  enjoyed sharing 
what I had been blessed with!
To all you who are going, enjoy it and remember us especially  at Col. 
Tim's Talent Time!  Maybe one day we'll go for the parade and Col.  Tim's, but 
the rest I can't do any more. When your feet fail you, you have to  slow way 
down or stop. So far I haven't stopped but have slowed quite a  bit!
Remember the 15th anniversary of the Trade Center terrorist  attack by 
singing God Bless America and I bet if you sing loud enough I'll hear  it!!
Welford - TheCameraNutt/Old Man  Kelsey
WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-06-23 Thread CTMIDWAY58
On American Pickers last night, in one man's "stuff" they came  across a 
small, about 2' tall statue of Andy and they purchased this one of a  kind 
from the man for $125. The man told them whoever made it made 3 but  broke the 
other 2, so this was the only one left!  If interested you can go  to the 
picker's website and check it out this one of a kind opportunity to own  the 
Main Man of Mayberry!
This here is Old Man Kelsey on the  move!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Charlene and Ernest T.

2016-06-04 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Maybe Wikipedia got confused when Barney was dressed like  Charlene and was 
kidnapped by Ernest T!!!  That would be  confusing!!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-06-02 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Tom Bosley was included as the father of Ritchie 
that was the connection.  Can't hurt to give credit  where credit is due!
WBMUTBB mailing list

More Heroes!

2016-05-31 Thread CTMIDWAY58
More Mayberry heroes:
George Lindsey - US Air Force
Howard McNear - US Army Air Corps.
Hal Smith - US Army
Allan Melvin - US Navy.
More to follow as I have time to search the  list.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Veteran Stars

2016-05-31 Thread CTMIDWAY58
A day late but better late than  never...those connected with Andy Griffith 
who served in the  military:
Denver Pyle - US Navy - Wounded at  Guadalcanal, medically discharged.
Alan Hale Jr. - US Coast  Guard
Frank Sutton, US Army. 14 assault  landings including Leyte, Luzon, Bataan 
& Corregidor.
Tom Bosley - US Navy
Don Knotts, US Army, Pacific  Theater
Don Rickles - US Navy
Howard Morris, US  Marines
I am sure there are others I have not found yet but will keep  searching!
To these, our heroes, a heartfelt THANK  YOU for helping secure and defend 
the Liberties we now  enjoy!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Where to live?

2016-02-18 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Well, now...I lived in a small town like Mayberry, I lived in  the country 
with 6 rooms and a path, I live in Raleigh, but I tell ya now...down  in the 
woods is the best place to sirns, no howlin' hounds, no  
folks a'shootin' at one a'tother, just quiet except fer Harriet the chicken  
thief a'hidin' down there somewheres!! Keep hearin' them chickens but can't 
find  'em. Whenever I go where I hear them, they done moved again! I have a 
feelin'  she maybe hid out with Ernest T in a cave!
Old Man Kelsey down in the  woods!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Gun Rack

2016-01-30 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I maybe can clear the gun rack thingy.
Back in the early 1960s I was a lookout in the hometown fire  tower110 
feet up. To get to it you had to take down a chain across the road  
supposedly locked with a padlock. Only the padlock wasn't locking was  
there to make people think it was locked! Maybe the gun rack wasn't really  
locked, it just had a lock there to make folks THINK it was locked!  And if  
it was locked, with Barney's judo experience he could just give it a chop 
and  bust that board all to pieces!
Or could it be the board was up high enough the guns appeared  to be locked 
in but could be easily removed by those in the know!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-01-27 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I caught some of an old movie yesterday called The Left Handed  Gun...about 
Billy the Kidand as I tuned in there was James Best on his hoss  and 
got shot right off his ride by John Jim Lindsey was kilt by  
Col. Harvey!!
And later was watching one of the all time greatsHigh Noon  and 
briefly, there was they guy who was with Otis in the Rimshaw Place! 
Yesterday was a good day!
Today I go to the doc and see if they can find out why my back  is hurting 
so bad!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ol Man Kelsey

2016-01-25 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Ol' Man Kelsey heresorry to have been so long outta  circkalation, but 
done had my hand chopped on by the doc. Says my trigger finger  was 
a'needin' some fixin', so he done that. Couple days later my back done  slipped 
outta jernt and man, do it hurt! Yestiddy it done took me almos' a whole  hour 
just to get outta my chair! Been usin' a hot pad behind her last night and  
today and I think maybe it be doing some better, but it shore do hurt!  An'  
I keeps hearin' chickens down in the woods! I bet Harriet done gone back in  
hidin' and took some a'them cluckers with her!  Leastwise, she got aigs to  
eat and fried chicken if need be!
Y'all a'have yerselves 'til I can get back circkalatin' agin  and take care 
Ol' Man Kelsey watchin' over the woods and the  ocean!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-01-06 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I think we have missed another great North Carolina business  from TAGS. 
Pickles! Mt. Olive Pickles is probably the biggest pickle packer in  the USA!! 
On New Years they have a Pickle Drop to count down the new year! Not  sure 
of the label on the jars as I have never thought to look closely, but I  
have a feeling they will be Mt. Olive. If not, we still eat a lot of Mt. Olive  
Pickles! And they are so god!
WBMUTBB mailing list

color episodes

2015-12-27 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I'm glad some of you got to see the color episodes Christmas  day. I 
searched every channel we had and they were all B So, I watched  Christmas 
Story in B and it is still a great story line!  I'll take  it over 
anything...anythingthe networks have to offer in this day and  time!
Welford TheCameraNu.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-12-21 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Sometime back I found a DVD with some old Christmas  shows...Red Skelton, 
Jack Benny, Dragnet...and one of the dragnet shows was "A  22 Rifle for 
  2 boys had gone missing. One of the boys was going to  get a rifle for 
Christmas but he found it and took it out in the yard to play  with it, with 
his best friend. 
Joe Friday was on the case, and they found blood in the back  yard along 
with a casing. The lab guy took a sample of the blood and found out  it was 
human, type O which is what both boys had.  The lab Technician was  Ray 
Pinker, played by Olan Soule. 
The story ended sadly, deemed accidental. 
Not everyone has a Merry Christmas, so help those in need and  you'll feel 
better than doing so many presents for "me, my and  mine."
Thanks and Merry Christmas one and  all!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry at the Goobernator's Mansion!

2015-12-11 Thread CTMIDWAY58
We had the pleasure of attending the lighting of the State  Capitol 
Christmas Tree last night, after which we toured an elegantly decorated  
then over to the head Goober's Mansion!! It was decorated to the Nth  degree, 
with a tree for the military, one room dedicated to Adoption of Pets,  etc. 
One L-O-N-G table had lots of greenery down the  middle, I guess so if you 
didn't like the person seated across from you, you  could just duck down and 
When we left there and headed back to the car, there was the  Head 
Goobernator himself on the other side of the  street waiting to cross!!! 
Before the light changed he started across, and when he was  about halfway, 
I gave my best Gomer impersonation..."Jaywalking!!  Citizens Arrest!! 
Citizen's arrest!!"
He gave a hearty laugh, slapped me on the shoulder, gave Carol  a hug & 
went on! Great guy, Gov. Pat McCrory!
Mayberry came to town last  night!!
Welford  theCameraNu!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Request of Mayberry WBMUTBB

2015-09-24 Thread CTMIDWAY58
When you gather for the group photo please remember us and  Carol's family 
in the loss of her sister last night. Have an extra dose of fun  for us but 
say a little prayer as well. Thanks much.
TheCameraNut Welford...
WBMUTBB mailing list

Missing Mayberry!!

2015-09-22 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I am missing Mayberry Days, but for a reason we didn't  understand at the 
time. I thought it was my feet, but Carol's sister Gerry is in  Transitions 
Life Care...Hospice, and they give herpossibly hours. She has  
Alzheimer's and has not eaten or had anything to drink for almost a week, and 
sedated due to several broken bones suffered at the last place she was. No 
 of theirs, the Fed'ral Gubmint says they can't be restrained in any way,  
including seatbelts on wheelchairs! So, she kept falling, kept breaking, and 
now  the end is near.
While you enjoy Mayberry Days keep us in your thoughts and  prayers. 
Welford and Carol Sims
and the family of Gerry  Seymour..
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and Howard

2015-09-17 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Why did Andy and Howard spend the night after Col. Tim's  Talent Time? 
THAT is the way this episode was  written!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-09-10 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I haven't seen it mentioned, but didn't Otis work as a glue  dipper at the 
furniture factory?
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-08-22 Thread CTMIDWAY58
To find out how the first ammonia cooling went,  Google Icey Ball and it 
will not only show you one but tell you how it works. I  have one in my shed 
my father's family used way back when, but the 'cage' part  is missing. It 
was in very bad shape when I went there about 30 years ago and  found it lying 
in the front yard, so brought it home, made a new wooden handle,  put some 
of it back together with Bondo, cleaned the rust off and painted it. So  it 
does resemble one somewhat, and is an interesting conversation piece!
Ammonia had to be heated to make it cold!!  I understand old man  Kelsey 
still uses one!!
Welford TheCameraNutt!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aluminums in Radiddio.

2015-08-14 Thread CTMIDWAY58
Ol' Man Kelsey here...
Y'alls been talking about sightin' aluminums from Mayberry in  other shows, 
but how abouts radiddio shows whar you ain't able to see nobody,  you jest 
hears 'em!!
Now, Here is a list I found up in the back of the attic a couple weeks back 
 so lissen up!!
Hermit Cave - radio's early years - John Dehner Col. Harvey.
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - John Dehner
Let George Do It - 1946 - Olan Soule
The Lineup - '53 - Howard McNear, Sheldon Leonard
Little Orphan Annie - '31 - '39 - Olan Soule
Mr. President - 1953 - Howard McNear, Parley Baer, President's Secretary  
was Miss Sarah.
Adventures of Philip Marlowe - 1950 - John Dehner, Parley Baer, Howard  
The Six Shooter - 1955 - Parley Baer, Howard McNear
Tales of The Texas Rangers - 1952 - Parley Baer
Wild Bill Hickock - 1956 - Howard McNear
Gunsmoke - 1959 - [William Conrad as Matt Dillon,] Howard McNear as  Doc, 
and Parley Baer as Chester
Now, them thar was some good lissnin' shows!! Had to use yer 'majinashun to 
 see whut 'as goin' on!! 
Don't know how many of 'em showed up on Suspense, but I loved a'lissnin' to 
 that one as well!!
I keep hearin' them chickens down in the woods. Mebbe them's got that  
chicken flu and needs some medicine. Better go check'em out and see. 
Cotched me a nice 'possum a week 'er so ago and it sure made a tasty  stew!!
Y'all come back, hear?
Ol' Man Kelsey sigiin' off.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-07-22 Thread CTMIDWAY58
There are some photos of the Mayberry Weekend posted on the  Mayberry 
Friends Facebook page.
I will be posting more as time allows, and I hope someone else will also  
post some!! 
Check it out! 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Weekend at Mayberry

2015-07-19 Thread CTMIDWAY58
What a wonderful weekend!!  Floyd...I mean Allan, Ken, Jeff, Rick,  Dennis, 
Alma, what more could you ask for!!  Yeah, I named them that way  because 
Floyd, Otis, Howard, Henry Bennett, Mr. Schwamp and Aunt Bee were busy!!  Did 
I miss anyone?
And congrats to Collin for his graduation ceremony and to Sarah for being  
named our Miss Mayberry for the weekend!! That was wonderful!!
Many of you remember the man who played Otis year round, had the little  
souvenir shop next door to Snappy Lunch, played checkers a lot in front of the 
 storehe was severely and seriously burned in an accident while trying 
to get  a car started, and it backfired gas out of the carburetor and 
well, he had  been in ICU until Friday when he was taken to rehab,  but had 
developed  another problem so is not out of danger yet. They are having a 
closing sale, 25%  off everything in the store, but more important, say a 
for him. Maybe  someone can give us a name so we can offer a specific 
prayer for him. 
The whole crew of us went to The Depot near Dobson to eat Friday night and  
Holy Guacamole, Batman!! A 12 oz. NY Strip with a loaded baked potato and 
hush  puppies and sweet ice tea.the only good kind...and that held me 
until po'k  chop sammich time at Snappy's next day!!  After this weekend I have 
to go  back on my diet. Had started a couple/3 weeks ago, was down 5 lbs., 
but that was  shot all to pieces! Now, I gotta start over!
Thanks to Allan for putting this together and for so much fun!! Hope  
everyone had a safe trip home and can rest up if you need to go back to work  
tomorrow, and if you aren't going home until Monday, drive safely. Catch you on 
 down the line!!
Welford theCameraNutt who loves to laugh!!and Carol, Mrs.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Not Schwamp!!

2015-07-03 Thread CTMIDWAY58
My Apopolopogize but that wasn't Mr. Schwamp in Judgment at Nuremburg. I  
looked up the movie and it showed a closeup of the actor and it definitely 
was  not him!  Phooey!! But one more I forgot was the guy who played Herr 
Zeller  in The Sound of Music. That one I am sure of!! 
Happy Fourth, everyone!!
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