Jim’s guitar number

2023-04-23 Thread Paul Mulik
The tune Jim Lindsey plays for Bobby Fleet is not an actual song, he is simply 
improvising on what is known as a 12-bar blues pattern.  Every jazz and 
rock-and-roll musician knows the 12-bar blues pattern, which is why they were 
all able to join in without difficulty.  It is used in many thousands of songs, 
perhaps the most recognizable being Rock Around the Clock. 

Paul Mulik

>>> Any ideas on the name of the song jim lindsey supposedly plays in the
episode,  "Guitar Player"?   I have an inquiring mind.

Emmett Clark
Them timers are tricky chapter>>>

WBMUTBB mailing list

NPR show

2021-10-26 Thread Paul Mulik
Ron and Clint Howard were the guest stars on NPR’s quiz show Wait Wait… Don’t 
Tell Me! over the weekend. You can listen to the episode at waitwait.npr.org 
(their part comes about 20 minutes in). 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Frank Myers’ finances

2021-09-07 Thread Paul Mulik
The episode ends with Andy basically tricking the bank manager into giving 
Frank a loan. In other words, he still had just as much debt as always, but at 
least his house got fixed up at no cost to him.

Paul Mulik

>>> Did Andy say that Frank had money to pay off his taxes after the bank 
>>> president revealed that the Confederate Bond was worthless? If I'm correct 
>>> then where did Frank Myers get his money?  Thank you Holland

WBMUTBB mailing list

Helen’s Past

2021-08-28 Thread Paul Mulik
It really burns me up that Andy took that news clipping out of Helen's box. 
Like Opie said at the end of the episode, he could have just asked her about it.

The thing that annoys me about this episode is the fact that the newspaper 
makes Andy wait for days each time they give him a bit of information. Surely 
every article they ran on the subject appeared in consecutive days. Why aren’t 
all of these back issues stored together in the same place?  It’s bad writing. 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Lists of favorites

2021-05-21 Thread Paul Mulik
I put not stock whatsoever in these so-called “best shows / actors / whatever 
of all time” lists. A number of years ago one of the cable channels did a 
special about the 50 greatest child actors of all time. Not only did Ronny 
Howard not even make the list AT ALL, but their pick for the “greatest child 
actor” was the three adult actors who perform the voices of the kids on the 
Simpsons. I’m more than shocked! I’m outraged!
Paul Mulik 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Brand names

2021-01-27 Thread Paul Mulik
For its entire 8-year run, The Andy Griffith Show was sponsored by General 
Foods, maker of Post cereals and many other fine products. Naturally, the 
sponsor would have been very displeased if their competitors’ products or logos 
had appeared on the show. But it did happen at least once.  In Opie’s 
Newspaper, when Opie and Howie are in the garage, trained noticers will observe 
a Cheerios carton complete with the General Mills “Big G” logo on it, and also 
a Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes carton. The Coors beer truck seen in Goober Goes to 
an Auto Show is another well-known example. Coors wasn’t supposed to be sold on 
the east coast at that time, at least according to Smokey & the Bandit. 
Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list

The Darlings’ truck

2020-12-22 Thread Paul Mulik

Does anyone know what happened to the Darling truck after the series ended?>>>
It appeared in an episode of Gomer Pyle – USMC entitled Home on the Range, and 
Gomer blew it up with a “bazooker.”
Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Remshaw House

2020-08-31 Thread Paul Mulik
Believe it or not, the Remshaw House was right next door to Andy’s house. If 
you were to walk out Andy’s front door and turn left, you’d be right there. In 
other episodes, it was used as Mayor Stoner’s house (The Bed Jacket) and Mrs. 
Wiley’s house (My Fair Ernest T. Bass).  They just dressed it up differently to 
make it look abandoned. 
Like all the others on the street, it was a facade and not a complete house. It 
was originally built as Aunt Pittypat’s house in Gone With the Wind. It was 
also used as Black Widow’s house in an episode of Batman. 
Paul Mulik

TAGS fans,
Have any of you ever seen the Rimshaw house in any other show? 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

First one thing and then another

2020-07-24 Thread Paul Mulik
 I’ve gotten a few days behind in reading my email, but let me answer a few 
questions from earlier this week. 
A: When Barney is talking to a girl on the phone and he says to her, “you wear 
your uniform, I’ll wear my uniform,” he is talking to Juanita, not Thelma Lou. 
I can’t at this moment recall which episode this is. 
2: Gomer does say that Barney has been “out with waitresses and even a 
registered nurse,” but this is no reason to conclude that Thelma Lou is a nurse 
or a waitress. Barney may have dated any number of girls that we never saw. 
We are never told what Thelma Lou does for a living. The only clue comes in the 
episode Man in the Middle, when Barney asks her “how’s everything at the 
office?” and she replies “I dropped everything at the office to come over and 
find out ...• and that’s when Helen comes in, and Thelma Lou says (twice) “I 
have to get back to the office.”  And she is never seen in any kind of uniform 
either. She is likely a secretary or receptionist but we just don’t know for 
c: Andy accidentally calls Goober “Gomer” in the episode Goober’s Contest. It 
happens on the sidewalk outside the courthouse right after Goober tells Floyd 
there is no $200 prize. Goober asks “What am I gonna do?” and Andy answers, “I 
don’t know Gomer, I just don’t know.”

Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Clara’s last name

2020-07-02 Thread Paul Mulik
Johnson was Clara’s MARRIED name. In The Pickle Story, she mentions how much 
Mr. Johnson loved her pickles. Apparently she either reverted to her maiden 
name of Edwards after his death, or married again to a Mr. Edwards.  To add to 
the confusion, she was also called Bertha (in Andy and Opie, Housekeepers).

Paul Mulik

>>>> While watching the color episode about the Battle of Mayberry, Clara
Edwards shows Opie a sword belonging to her ancestor, Col. Edwards, which
would imply she never married. Now in Mayberry time, several years before
this episode (b/w) when Clara convinced Aunt Bee to give Andy and Helen
more time to be alone, she said something about her son, Gale. That's a
brain teaser, or a fact overlooked or forgotten.
Then there is the brief time she was Clara Johnson. Who's got a bucket to
put on their head to think about that tangled web? Elizabeth in Ga

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney repeating names

2020-05-27 Thread Paul Mulik
Oh Virgil, Virgil, Virgil!
Jubal.  Jubal, Jubal, Jubal.  Juuu-bal?
Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush, is that all you can think about, Leonard Blush?
Those are the first three that came to mind. 
Paul Mulik
>>>I can think of 3 episodes where Barney recited a character's name 
>>>repeatedly- once in a state of puzzlement and twice in exasperation at Andy- 
>>>any guesses??Eric Swolgaard<<<
WBMUTBB mailing list

Could be spiders

2020-05-14 Thread Paul Mulik
Silly me, I forgot to include one of the mentions of spiders. Opie 
misunderstands the word “tortilla,” thinking South Americans eat them great big 
Paul Mulik 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Damp under there!

2020-05-14 Thread Paul Mulik
A few days ago Eric posted a trivia question, namely, can you name three times 
spiders were mentioned on The Andy Griffith Show?  I was waiting to see if 
anybody else would answer before I posted my answers.  

The most obvious one is in Sermon for Today, when Gomer is worried that there 
could be spiders under the bandstand.  Later, he says he got a spider bite.  
Another one I thought of is Goober the Executive, when Opie and Goober discuss 
Spider-Man comic books.  Another one that sort of counts is when Andy says to 
Sheldon Davis “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to 
deceive,” quoting Walter Scott.

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy’s father

2020-04-24 Thread Paul Mulik
Andy mentions his father at least twice. In The Bank Job, he relates the time 
his dad got Asa to show him his gun, then Andy put it in his belt and tore the 
buckle off his knickers. Also, in Keeper of the Flame, he tells Opie about the 
time he got a whipping for playing with matches, and continues to explain how 
his father changed his duty to keeper of the flashlight. 
Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Dance tune

2019-02-10 Thread Paul Mulik
Ben wrote:
>>>In the episode "My Fair Ernest T. Bass," there were 3 different big 
>>>band-type songs which played, on a record player, I suppose during this 
>>>soiree. The first was "Undecided," followed by "Carolina In The Morning."  
>>>Does anyone know the name of the third tune?>>>
The song played during the tag dance is “Poor Butterfly,” written by Raymond 
Hubble and John Golden in 1916. It’s based in a song from the Puccini opera 
Madame Butterfly. 

By an odd coincidence (or is it?), the same song is heard in Convicts at Large. 
It’s the record playing when Naomi smashes a vase over Floyd’s head, just like 
Ernest T. did to his rival. Big Maude explains, “Naomi and her husband – that 
was their song.”
The song is also mentioned, but not heard, in a third episode, Look Paw, I’m 
Dancing. Floyd recommends it to Aunt Bee when she asks about records she might 
get to help Opie learn to dance. 
Paul Mulik
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Tallest building in Mayberry

2018-11-08 Thread Paul Mulik
In Opie Loves Helen, Andy and Barney discuss one of their old teachers, Ms. von 
Rhoder, who was nicknamed “the beast of the fourth floor.”  Why a town as small 
as Mayberry would have a school with four stories remains a mystery. 
The Mayberry Hotel also has four stories, although most of the time the camera 
was positioned in such a way that the full height of the building wasn’t shown, 
as that would have destroyed the small-town feel. 

Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Cute little car

2018-10-16 Thread Paul Mulik
>>> a very cute little car is driving down the street does anyone know the make 
>>>model and year of the vehicle ...John 3:16 Thelma Anderson>>>
That’s a 1933 Ford cabriolet. It appears to be the very same car Otis bought 
(and then sold) in Hot Rod Otis, and also the car Skippy and Daphne used in The 
Arrest of the Fun Girls. 
Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-10-11 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Other than Otis's birthday being celebrated on Season one episode, the 
>>>Inspector, who else did we see celebrate birthdays on TAGS?Have a happy day,
Debbie Miles>>>
Aunt Bee’s in The Bed Jacket
Andy’s in Opie and the Carnival
Thelma Lou’s (not actually seen) in The Luck of Newton Monroe 
Many other birthdays are mentioned, such as “Tex” Foley’s (he thought he might 
get snowshoes), Arnold Winkler’s and his new Intercontinental Flyer bicycle, 
and the new car Earl Pike bought for his 57-year-old “boy,” but we don’t 
actually see any celebrating. 
Paul Mulik

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A Wife for Andy

2018-08-30 Thread Paul Mulik
>>Sitting here watching, "A Wife For Andy", and noticed something I 
>>hadn'treally paid attention to before.  As all the ladies she coming in the
house too meet with Thelma Lou, they are coming from the right side, but
three steps to the porch are on to the left Curious, curious

Emmett Clark>>>
Here’s something else about that scene. Andy greets two of the ladies as 
Blanche and Rosemary, but a moment later when Lavinia greets them, their 
identities have swapped. 
Paul Mulik

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Script continuity

2018-06-07 Thread Paul Mulik
Script continuity is concerned with making sure everything in a shot matches 
when the camera angle changes. They made no attempt to keep details consistent 
from episode to episode. 

The Andy Griffith Show was shot with one camera, like a movie. Many TV shows 
use three cameras at once, but they didn’t do it that way on TAGS. Suppose 
there was a scene where Andy and Barney were talking at the courthouse. They 
would film the entire scene three (or more) times, once with the camera on 
Andy, doing it as many times as needed to get it just right; then they’d move 
the camera and shoot the entire scene again but this time with the camera on 
Barney; and then they’d shoot the whole thing one more time, with the camera 
positioned to film both of them at once. Then later, the editor cut and pasted 
all of the various bits of film together. 

Naturally it was very easy for mistakes to creep in. The best known example is 
when Barney tries to recite the preamble, and half of the time his hair is 
messy and the rest of the time it is neatly groomed. 

The job of the “script girl” was to take notes during filming so that when the 
camera was moved to a new angle, every person and prop visible in the shot 
remained the same. She might write things like “Andy’s feet are on the desk / 
Barney’s hat is on the table by his left hand”, and things of that nature. Then 
later when it came time to shoot the same scene from a different angle, they 
could (hopefully) make everything match up.  It was especially important to 
make good notes when filming the scene wouldn’t be completed until hours later, 
or maybe even the next day. 

Trivial triviality: years before she played Myrt “Hubcaps” Lesch, Ellen Corby 
worked as a script girl on the Our Gang (Little Rascals) film series. 

Paul Mulik 

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

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Gomer “shoplifting”

2018-06-06 Thread Paul Mulik
Gomer never exactly shoplifted, but he was accused of doing so (due to a 
misunderstanding) in an episode of GP–USMC. What happened was, a department 
store delivered a baby carriage to him by mistake, and he tried to do the right 
thing by taking it back to the store. The store gave him the runaround, and 
ended up accusing him of stealing it, since he didn’t have a receipt for it. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-04-18 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Does the term ?skoshi? appear in a TAGS episode? Perhaps said by Barney in 
>>>reference to a little bit of coffee?

From the context I am assuming you mean SKOSH, which means a small amount. I 
don’t think this term was used on TAGS; the closest I can think of is in Barney 
and the Governor, when Otis says “Skoal,” (a toast, used like “cheers”), when 
Barney is drinking spiked spring water. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list

Amzie Strickland

2018-03-30 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Paul Mulik asked a question a few weeks ago on one of the FaceBook sites 
>>>about Amzie Strickland.  The question was about what she bought after the 
>>>first time of being on TAGS.  I never did see the answer.  So Paul could
you please tell WBMUTBB the answer.


I’ll back up a bit since a lot of folks here probably didn’t see it. 

In 1995 about 20 TAGS actors gathered for the 35th anniversary celebration in 
Winston-Salem. Each star got a few minutes onstage alone to do more or less 
whatever they wanted. Some told jokes, some sang, and some recreated routines 
that they had done earlier in the careers. When Amzie Strickland’s turn came, 
she said she didn’t know how to do any of those things, so she delighted the 
crowd by reading aloud from the diary she had kept in 1960. I don’t remember 
the exact date (must have been approximately August or September of 1960), but 
her entry for one day was “Got a part on The Andy Griffith Show. Bought new 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Holler “fish”

2018-03-17 Thread Paul Mulik
The reason some folks are confused about Barney Fife saying “Why don’t you run 
up and alley and holler ‘fish’” is because Luther Heggs also utters the same 
line in The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.  As we all know, Don Knotts was basically 
playing Barney Fife in that movie, even though the character wasn’t called 

I recently rewatched Billy Bob Thornton’s movie Sling Blade (1997) and in one 
of the special features he said The Ghost and Mr. Chicken was his favorite 
movie.  Thornton was also a big fan of Andy Griffith; the two worked together a 
few times.

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Cooking show

2018-02-19 Thread Paul Mulik

>>>I was watching Mayberry Chef last night. I couldn't help think, why didn't 
>>>Aunt Bee just bring home what she made on the show each night for Andy and 
>>>Opie ? 


Maybe the show had a studio audience, and they and/or the TV station crew ate 
all of the food. Another question that comes to mind is, why didn’t Andy and 
Opie attend in person?  You’d think they would’ve wanted to be there for 

Paul Mulik 

P. S. I sure am glad we’re going to be getting rid of Mrs. Palmer. I just love 
that line from Opie. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nita, Juanita

2018-02-16 Thread Paul Mulik

>>>Just now watching The Loaded Goat and it seemed to me that the tune Barney 
>>>plays on the harmonica sounds a lot like the song Barney sang ?Juanita?
Can anyone verify that?

Yes, it is the same song. Many of the songs heard on The Show, including 
Juanita, Little Brown Church in the Vale, The Quilting Party (Seein’ Nellie 
Home), and good ol’ 14-A were included in a songbook* that was used in the Mt. 
Airy schools when Andy was a boy. He obviously had fond memories of them, and 
choose to use them on the show. Also, all the copyrights would had long since 
inspired which made it much easier from a production standpoint. 

Many great songs used on Gomer Pyle - USMC, were unfortunately cut out when the 
episodes were put on DVD, because they were NOT in public domain and somebody 
was too cheap to pay for the use of the songs. But I digress. 

Paul Mulik

* The Golden Book of Favorite Songs, readily available on eBay

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trained noticed

2018-01-03 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>In which episode does Barney refer himself as a "Trained Noticer"?  Gary A. 

That’s from episode 7, Andy the Matchmaker. It comes after Barney comments on 
Rosemary’s differently-colored shirtwaists, to which Miss Rosemary says, “I 
never thought you noticed what a body wears,” or words to that effect. 

For them that don’t know, a shirtwaist is a women’s blouse that is designed to 
resemble a man’s tailored shirt. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-11-25 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Does anyone know if any of the props used on TAGS (dishes, clothes, artwork, 
>>>tableclothes...absolutely anything) is available for sale and if so, where?

There really isn’t any way to get authentic screen-used props, unless by some 
very slim chance you can manage to contact one of the few remaining living crew 
or cast members who may have saved something.  

Props supposedly used on The Andy Griffith Show are always being offered on 
eBay, but they are almost certainly fake. Anybody can take any old worthless 
dish or pistol (or whatever) and print up a fake certificate to “prove” it is 
genuine, but do not be fooled. “Certificates of authenticity” are absolutely 
worthless. Anybody who would lie about where some item came from will not 
hesitate to print a phony piece of paper to go with it. 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Storylines that don’t make sense

2017-11-24 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>I don?t think this question has been asked here but:
What story lines do not make logical sense?>>>

I’ve brought this one up before: there is an enormous plot hole in Barney’s 
First Car.  

When Andy finally convinces Barney that the only thing left to do is return the 
car to Mrs. Lesch, they both get in the car, late in the day, and head to Mt. 
Pilot.  What kind of idiotic plan is this?  For one thing, they know the car is 
unreliable, and is almost guaranteed to break down and leave them stranded.  
Why didn’t one of them drive the lemon, and the other follow in the squad car?  
Secondly, how did they expect to find her?  She didn’t give them her address, 
and if she had, it would have been a false one.  All they had was the phone 
number from the newspaper ad, and that could have been a pay phone or some 
other public phone number she had used.  Was Andy’s plan just to knock on every 
door in Mt. Pilot and hope one of them was hers?  Why didn’t he call the Mt. 
Pilot sheriff and get him involved?  It’s possible she didn’t even live in Mt. 
Pilot at all, but some other town, who knows how far away. And lastly, suppose 
by some miracle they were able to locate her, what then?  Were they planning to 
walk all the way back to Mayberry in the middle of the night?  It just doesn’t 
make any sense at all.

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Filling station

2017-11-19 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Hudge says  mayor Stoner is putting in the underpass so the road will pass 
>>>in front of his brothers filling station I never heard of Stoners filling 
>>>station only Wally?s did Mayberry have 2 filling stations?

Maybe Wally IS Mayor Stoner’s Brother. We are never told Wally’s last name. 
There is also George Safferlee’s gas station, mentioned in Stranger in Town 
(season one), however it is possible that this same station later became 
Wally’s, as we never saw or heard of Wally until Man in a Hurry (season three). 
 Years later in Goober’s Replacement, Goober does confirm that there is only 
one filling station in town. 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush!

2017-11-08 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>I believe Howard Morris provided the singing voice of mrs poultices former 
>>>voice student, Leonard blush ... Can  Anyone confirm this?

Yes, and he was also the voice of the radio announcer who introduced Leonard 
Blush. He directed that episode (and several others) and probably chose to 
perform the voices himself as a cost-saving measure, instead of hiring another 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Tea shop

2017-08-16 Thread Paul Mulik
A scene I would like to have seen

After Aunt Bee wins a trip to Mexico, Barney decides to enter a contest too, 
and he wins a trip to Australia.  Naturally, he invites his best friend Andy to 
accompany him.

They arrive in Australia and spend the first morning sightseeing, and after a 
few hours they pay a visit to the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage. It turns out that 
the Sisters of Mercy operate a small tea shop, so Andy and Barney decide to 
have lunch there.

They ask for coffee, but the nun who waits on them explains that they don't 
serve coffee, only tea.  However, she adds, that it's the finest tea available 
anywhere in the world.  She goes on to explain that the best tea comes from the 
leaves at the very tops of the trees, and that the abbey has a team of koala 
bears who are specially trained to climb to the tops of the trees and pick 
these leaves, and furthermore, the Mercy tea shop is the only tea shop in 
Australia with trained koala bears, which is why no other tea shop anywhere can 
offer tea as good as theirs.

So naturally, Andy and Barney order cups of this special tea.  When it arrives, 
Barney takes a gulp but is dismayed to see clumps of soggy tea leaves floating 
in his cup.  So he says to Andy ...

Wait for it ...

"The koala tea of Mercy is not strained."

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sue Ane Langdon

2017-04-29 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>I noticed that Paul Mulik caught the error in Sue Ane Langdon's name ... 
>>>Maybe ol' Paul has a crush on the prettiest gal to ever grace a Mayberry 

Goll-lee, I think all girls are beautiful!

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list


2017-04-26 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>  Absolutely correct. Nurse Mary Simpson was played by Julie Adams and 
>>> Sue Ann Langdon.And that was the only 2 times she appeared on the show.

Umm, no, that is not absolutely correct. For one thing, it's Sue ANE, not Ann, 
and for another it's not necessarily the same character. Sue Ane's character is 
never called Mary Simpson, she's simply Mary. There are lots of nurses in town; 
others include Peggy McMillan, Irene Fairchild, and Nurse Oakley. 

And since a couple of folks have mentioned Fletch, there were multiple 
characters who were all called Fletch. There were Fletch Dilbeck, Fletcher 
Roberts, and Tate Fletcher. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list

Multiple actors

2017-04-24 Thread Paul Mulik
Opie's friend Johnny Paul was also played by two different actors. In Man in a 
Hurry, Johnny Paul was played by a boy with blond hair. After that, every other 
time the character appeared he was played by Keith Thibodeaux (aka Richard 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list

Brand names

2017-01-28 Thread Paul Mulik
TAGS was sponsored during its entire run by General Foods, maker of Post cereal 
and many other fine products. Then and now, Post's biggest competitors were/are 
General Mills and Kellogg's. 

When Opie and Howie are printing their newspaper in Andy's garage, a close look 
at the stuff on the shelves will reveal cartons labeled Frosted Flakes (a 
Kellogg's product) and Cheerios (a General Mills product). I wonder if anybody 
from General Foods ever noticed those?  

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-11-06 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>I have that movie in the 50th anniversary . Opie and his wife have a baby 
>>>but Andy and Helen do not. Was there another Return to Mayberry?>>>

There was no "50th anniversary" show, Return to Mayberry was made in 1986. But 
yes, Opie and his wife have their first child in that movie, making Andy and 
Helen grandparents. 

Andy and Helen were married in the first episode of Mayberry RFD (1968), and 
later on that series they return to town with their baby son, Andy Taylor Jr.  
However, there is no mention of him in Return to Mayberry. They probably 
figured nobody would remember him. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list

Politically incorrect

2016-07-26 Thread Paul Mulik
To me, the most politically incorrect moment in the series is when the men in 
the barbershop are ogling Ellen Brown as she gets off the bus.  The mayor asks 
Barney, "Do you think you could handle a girl like that?" and Barney replies, 
"Well, I'd be inclined to treat a girl like that a little bit rough.  They 
expect it; you know, let 'em know right off who's boss.  Rough 'em up a little 
bit."  Of course it is hard to picture Barney roughing up ANYBODY, but the 
scene is still in bad taste by 2016 standards.  It's not surprising that it is 
cut out of broadcast versions.

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-06-23 Thread Paul Mulik
On a recent episode of American Pickers (June 22, 2016), the guys found a 
concrete statue of sheriff Andy Taylor. It stood about 3 feet tall. They bought 
it for $125. The seller insisted that the guy who made it originally made 
three, but that two of them got broken. It looked a whole lot better than 
Mayberry's statue of Seth Taylor. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Lone Ranger

2016-05-24 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Saw Will Wright (Ben Weaver) on the first of his 2 Lone Ranger episodes.  
>>>Really special because Will, at the end, got to say that famous line "Why, 
>>>he's the Lone Ranger!"


This reminds me of a story I once hear Andy Griffith tell to an interviewer. 

Many of you have no doubt noticed that in several episodes, Andy Taylor has a 
little mannerism where he sort of turns his head sideways and makes a 
distinctive sound; it is sort of like a whistle, but just a whoosh of air 
without any "tune" to it if you get what I mean.  One time in particular comes 
in Andy Discovers America, when he tells the boys the story of Paul Revere and 
the Minutemen. He says "...  the British come prancin' along in their fancy red 
suits a-waving to the girls, they let 'em have it!," and at that moment he 
turns his head to the side and makes the whooshing sound. 

Anyway, in the interview, Andy Griffith revealed that he picked up that little 
mannerism from his father Carl Griffith, when they would listen to The Lone 
Ranger on the radio. At the end of each episode, someone would ask "Who was 
that masked man?" and they'd get the answer "That was the Lone Ranger!" and 
then Carl would look at young Andy and do that little mannerism. So that's 
where it came from. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Mayberry Courthouse

WBMUTBB mailing list

Rock thrower

2016-04-07 Thread Paul Mulik
My sister works in a county prosector's office. I won't say which state or 
which county because this is not yet public record. 

Anyway, she told me about a case that came in yesterday in which a man was 
arrested for throwing rocks at a car. The car owner's name? I am not making 
this up — Ernest Bass. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Hogwarts Owlery

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Remshaw House

2016-04-06 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Beyond the episode itself, I wonder if the [Remshaw House] set had been used 
>>>again, either on TAGS or other TV shows.  >>>

The same house is used in several episodes. The art department did such an 
exceptionally fine job of making it look like a "haunted house" that it is hard 
to recognize it.  I must have watched that episode 50 times before I realized 
that it is RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Andy's house!

In The Bed Jacket episode, it is Mayor Stoner's house. He grumpily looks down 
from the upstairs window, still wearing his pajamas, when Andy wakes him up on 
Saturday morning. 

In My Fair Ernest T. Bass, it is Mrs. Wiley's house (the outside of the house).

On Batman, it was Black Widow's hideout. 

In Gone with the Wind, it was Aunt Pittypat's house. I believe it was first 
constructed for GWTW. "Andy's house" was not built until later. 

For more info, see Kipp Teague's outstanding site www.retroweb.com. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Hogwarts Owlery

WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-03-04 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>My wife reminded me that Aunt Bee also sang "Chinatown" while tiddly.


Aunt Bee actually does that song in three separate episodes. Besides Aunt Bee's 
Medicine Man which Dan mentioned, who can name the other episodes?

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Hogwarts Owlery

WBMUTBB mailing list


2016-01-30 Thread Paul Mulik
There's a funny scene in the movie Ant-Man, in which characters are planning to 
break into a facility. One is going to impersonate a security guard, and he 
suggests that in order to blend in, he should whistle. The other says, "No! No 
whistling!  This is not The Andy Griffith Show."

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Hogwarts Owlery

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sam Becker case

2015-12-31 Thread Paul Mulik
An anonymous person wrote:

>>> Just sitting her watching this episode. ,Andy says he is gonna  call Aunt 
>>> Bee to come help [deliver a baby].  Wondering just how she was going to get 
>>> up there ?

Good question. I assume Andy has a couple of temporary deputies on a sort of 
permanent standby, and that Aunt Bee would know to call upon one of them in 
cases like this. 

Here's another thing about this episode that has me scratching my head (I can't 
find my bucket): Referring to babies being delivered, Andy says, "I've seen it 
done a hundred times."  It's extremely unlikely that he was allowed to witness 
even the birth of his OWN son, let alone 99 others. I guess he was just 
exaggerating in an attempt to calm Barney and Sam. 

Paul Mulik

Sent from the Hogwarts Owlery

WBMUTBB mailing list

The Haunted Mansion

2015-10-31 Thread Paul Mulik
Most everybody has ridden, or at least heard of, the Haunted Mansion attraction 
featured at many various Disney parks around the world.  But did you know they 
made a record album based on it, starring a teenaged Ronny Howard?  You can 
listen to it on YouTube — if you dare!


 (If the link does. It work just search YouTube for "Haunted Mansion Record.")

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Larry the Cable Guy

2015-10-28 Thread Paul Mulik
I've been watching reruns of Larry the Cable Guy's show "Only in America."  He 
must be a big Mayberry fan, because he inserts subtle Mayberry references into 
nearly every episode. In one episode I watched, a bluegrass band told him what 
song they were going to play, and he said "That'n makes me cry."  In another 
episode, he went to one of those Vegas shows where performers impersonate Elton 
John, Aretha Franklin, Donna Summer and the like. He decided to go on this show 
himself, as "Leonard Blush" impersonating Larry the Cable Guy. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-10-10 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Even though Aunt Bee is spelled B e e.  There are three episodes I've found
where it is indicated that her full name is actually Beatrice.  I'll start
with the first one I found which is "Floyd the gay deceiver" when she is
dressed as the maid they refer to her as Beatrice.  There are two more
episodes I can think of where she is called Beatrice.  I'm open to guesses
and maybe someone else will know others.

Andy in Texas

In Aunt Bee and the Lecturer, when the professor is introduced to Aunt Bee, he 
asks if her name is the diminutive for Beatrice, and Aunt Bee says she hasn't 
been called Beatrice since she was a little girl (this is not true.)  He then 
goes on to explain that in Latin, the name means "she who makes happy" (this 
also is not true).

In The Cannon, when the governor comes up onto the platform, Andy introduces 
the local dignitaries to the governor and then adds, "... and this is my aunt, 
Miss Beatrice Taylor."

I'm sure there's at least one episode where Floyd calls Aunt Bee "Beatrice" but 
at the moment I can't think of what the episode is.  I seem to remember it's a 
color episode and there is a crowded room, maybe a party, and Floyd is trying 
to get her attention.

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Rafe's remark

2015-10-01 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Then Rafe chimes
in and says "  _  that was me".  Sounds like one thing to me

Yes, Rafe clearly says the h-dash-dash-dash word in that scene. There's no way 
it could have been printed in the script; Jack Prince obviously ad-libbed the 
line, and somehow nobody noticed it until years later. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-09-22 Thread Paul Mulik
Apparently not everybody believes that Andy and Barney travelled all the way to 
Seattle for a meeting with "the commissioner."  Well, they did and I'll prove 
it to you.

At the beginning of the episode Andy and Barney in the Big City, our two 
favorite lawmen our about to leave town on a business trip.  Just about every 
viewer assumes they are going to Raleigh, however their destination in this 
episode is never mentioned (watch it again and see for yourself), and as a 
matter of fact at this point in the series it had not even been established 
that Mayberry was in North Carolina.  But I digress.  For those who don't 
recognize the title, this is the one where Barney thinks he is stalking a jewel 
thief at the hotel where they are staying, but the man he suspects is really 
the house detective (played by Allan Melvin).

Anyway, just before they arrive at the hotel, we see an aerial shot of a large 
city with many tall buildings.  (In TV production this is what is known as an 
"establishing shot.")  One of the tall buildings in the establishing shot has a 
large sign reading OLYMPIC NATIONAL BUILDING; a quick bit of research confirmed 
that this was a famous building in downtown Seattle (built in 1905, demolished 
in 1982).  I sent a screen shot to MOHAI (The Museum of History and Industry) 
in Seattle and they confirmed that it was definitely Seattle, due to the large 
number of easily recognizable Seattle buildings.

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Staying overnight

2015-09-19 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>With that wonderment, I'll add why did Andy and Barney stay 
>>> overnight in Raleigh when they attended the police convention? We do know 
>>> if you drive 25 mph and stop every half hour to let your car rest, it can 
>>> take hours to get from Mt Pilot to Mayberry.

Police convention?  Andy and Barney never attended any conventions. If you are 
referring to that time Barney mistook the house detective for a jewel thief, in 
that episode they had gone out of town merely for a meeting with a 
commissioner, and that wasn't in Raleigh either. If they establishing shot we 
see of the city is to be believed, they had travelled all the way to Seattle. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Why spend the night?

2015-09-17 Thread Paul Mulik

Orville wrote:  
 Why would they have wanted to spend the night? More than likely Colonel 
Tim's show was broadcast at 6:30 P.M., because that is when those locally 
produced shows were shown, not in prime time.That would have given Andy and 
Howard plenty of time to get back home.


Perhaps everyone who appeared on the program received a free night's stay at a 
hotel that sponsored Colonel Tim.  Kind of like at the end of many game shows 
where an announcer says "accommodations provided by The Horseshoe Road Inn" or 
some such.

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni sighting

2015-08-27 Thread Paul Mulik
Recently I watched Alfred Hitchcock's excellent film Saboteur (1941). I spotted 
Ian Wolfe, known in Mayberry as the new pastor Aunt Bee tried to impress by 
wearing a blond wig. Seems to me he could've used one himself, as even back in 
1941 he was bald. Maybe he lived in terror of getting caught in a sudden wind. 

Also starring in this film was Norman Lloyd, father of Josie Lloyd, who played 
three different roles on TAGS including Lydia Crosswaith. As far as I've been 
able to determine, Josie Lloyd is still living, though to my knowledge she has 
never appeared at any type of Mayberry event. Remarkably, Norman is still alive 
too at 100 years old. 

Anyway, if you like wartime mysteries, be sure to get Saboteur, it's a really 
good one. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-08-20 Thread Paul Mulik
In the opening scene of Jailbreak, Barney is reading a book entitled 
Penitentiary. In other episodes, he reads The Art of Judo and The Art of 
Unarmed Self-Defense (they are actually the same book with different words 
pasted on the cover). 

In The Bazaar, Warren claims to have read all of the Perry Mason stories

It took Edith Gibson three weeks to get through The Rise and Fall of the Roman 

BTW folks, Romeo and Juliet is not a book, it is a PLAY. Why every list of "the 
world's greatest books" includes Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet is something I 
will never understand.  But I digress. 

In The Manhunt, Andy says that when it comes to fishing, Izaak Walton "wrote 
the book."  This is a reference to The Complete Angler, first published in 1653 
and remarkably, still in print today.  

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy sighting

2015-07-12 Thread Paul Mulik
Today I was watching a rerun of one of those controversial shows that attempts 
to debunk things like ESP and Ouija boards and stuff like that. I won't give 
the name of the show, but it was hosted by Penn and Teller. 

In this episode, which was about genetically engineered food versus "organic" 
food, they were trying to prove a point, using humor, by playing a card game of 
their own invention called "The Greatest Person in History" with a deck of 
cards, each card having a picture of a famous person on it, such as Albert 
Einstein and Winston Churchill. One of the cards was of: Andy Griffith!

(In their opinion, the most important person in history was Dr. Norman Borlaug, 
a scientist who developed special kinds of wheat and is credited with saving 
the lives of one BILLION people worldwide from starvation.)

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's wife

2015-07-09 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Now, the only bucket I have is dirty and it ain't handybut..it seems 
>>>to me that Andy brings it up in two episodes. 

Once when Aunt Bee almost marries Mr. Goss. Opie is asking Andy about "deep 
down love" and asks if Andy had it with his (Opie's) mother. When Andy says 
yes, Opie responds with "Well, then it's ok."

Another time, is when Opie is in bed and he and Andy are talking.  In response 
to something Opie says, Andy says he lost Opie's mother when Opie was just a 
"wee little baby".

Well yes, but what I said was Andy didn't BRING UP the subject of his wife, he 
replied when somebody ELSE brought up the subject. 

As far as the reference to when Opie was a baby, it's true that Andy brought it 
up in that case, but that was in the pilot episode, not in a TAGS episode. 
Opie's turtle was accidentally squished when Mrs. Bolivar stepped on her at the 
drugstore, and Andy pointed out that he (Opie) lost his pet, like when Andy 
lost Opie's ma when he was just "the least little speck of a baby."  The 
sadness is lifted when the boy asks, "Who stepped on Maw?"

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's relations

2015-07-07 Thread Paul Mulik
>>... Andy mentioned his father and his wife.  But I do not recall Andy ever 
>>mentioning his mother.

Andy never brings up the subject of his wife in any episode, but he does 
respond when Barney and Opie raise the subject (A Wife for Andy, Wedding Bells 
for Aunt Bee). 

Andy never mentions his mother and we're never given any information about her, 
but he does mention his father a few times (The Bank Job, Keeper of the Flame, 
Class Reunion). 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Pet store

2015-06-26 Thread Paul Mulik
>>4.   MayberryPets - don't know if there was such a store

Pet shops are mentioned at least twice. In Dogs, Dogs, Dogs. Otis wants to know 
if Barney has his lunches made up there, and in The Fun Girls, Barney says he's 
tired of mending the blankets that Otis is always chewing on, and suggests 
going to the pet store to get Otis a rubber bone. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ken's money question

2015-06-23 Thread Paul Mulik
Well Ken, it looks like your math is a bit off. Even old Methuselah didn't make 
it to 1,000 years old. Maybe you could get Ernest T. Bass to teach you that tap 
dance of his. 

Speaking of that Swedish money, I put 2 and 2 together, added 12 and carried 
five, and came up with "not worth a tiddly-boo."  Maybe I'll ask my son Taylor; 
he's a financial analyst and planning a trip to Sweden in a couple of weeks. 

Speaking of money, on Father's Day a guy at church shared the story of the time 
he asked his son if he could estimate how much money he owed him after all the 
years of being his dad. The son responded by sending a  ten trillion dollar 
bill from Zimbabwe, where they've been experiencing runaway inflation. That's 
$10,000,000,000,000 (it's them zeros that's the key to the whole thing).

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

I was surprised at how the interest grew

2015-06-20 Thread Paul Mulik
Everybody knows that Frank Myers' bond, purchased in 1861 at 8.5% annual 
compound interest, would have been worth $349,119.27 in 1961, if only it had 
been purchased in U.S. Dollars. Well, maybe not everybody knew that but I'm 
sure a few of you remembered the amount. 
This got me to wondering: what would such a bond be worth in 2015?  According 
to the computational machine in front of me (and it's a so-so machine), would 
you believe that after 154 years, an initial investment of $100 at 8.5% 
interest comes to —

(Insert annoying two seconds of silence here, like they do on Pawn Stars) 

$28,587,730.57. In 200 years the total would be more than $1.2 BILLION!

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Missing scene

2015-06-18 Thread Paul Mulik
Today I watched the DVD of the Gomer Pyle — USMC episode Little Girl Blue, in 
which Gomer befriends a little girl who is visiting the base. Unfortunately a 
large part of the episode was missing, namely the scene where Gomer sings "Put 
on a Happy Face."  I guess they had to cut it due to copyright restrictions.  
Why the scene is included when the episode airs on TV but excluded from the DVD 
is a mystery to me, but then I'm no lawyer (nor have I seen all the Perry Mason 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Remshaw House

2015-06-18 Thread Paul Mulik
The other day someone mentioned that Mayberry's "Remshaw House" was actually 
right next door to Andy's house. The same house was also used in different 
episodes as Mayor Stoner's house, Mrs. Wiley's house, and others.  I believe it 
was originally built for Gone With the Wind, where if served as Aunt Pittypat's 

Anyway, I've been watching Gomer Pyle — USMC on DVD, and in the second season 
episode Arrivederci, Gomer, Gomer visits the home of his buddy Frankie, which 
turns out to be the same house (the exterior only, of course). The exterior of 
Andy's house and the others on the street are briefly visible as well. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia answer

2015-06-11 Thread Paul Mulik
Here is the answer to my recent trivia question. In Alcohol and Old Lace, when 
Andy releases Rube Sloan from jail, he says, "Write if you get work."  This was 
Ray Goulding's sign-off catch phrase on the old Bob and Ray radio programs. His 
partner Bob Elliott (father of actor Chris Elliott) would then add "Hang by 
your thumbs."

When Bob and Ray revived their show for public radio in the 1990s, they would 
encourage listeners to visit their website. The catchphrases were updated to 
"Hang by your modems" and "Write if you get it to work."

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Radio sign-off trivia

2015-06-09 Thread Paul Mulik
Well Ken, I'll give you extra credit for getting the Lone Ranger's catch phrase 
right (many people incorrectly think it was "Heigh HO Silver") but that's not 
the answer I had in mind. 

For those who missed it, the challenge was to name a quote that Andy says in a 
TAGS episode that was the "sign off" catch phrase from an old radio show. Hint: 
Andy says it when releasing a prisoner. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia question

2015-06-08 Thread Paul Mulik
Here's a rather difficult trivia question for your potential amusement. Lately 
I've been listening to a lot of episodes of a certain old time radio show. This 
show always ended with someone signing off with a particular catch phrase. Andy 
once uses the very same phrase in an episode of TAGS. Who can name the radio 
show and the phrase? 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-05-28 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Andy later tells Floyd they caught a "mess of trout and a couple catfish" - 
>>>seem kind of peculiar? Where are the fish?!
Eric Swolgaard

One possibility is they cooked the fish and ate them right after catching them. 
Or maybe they were too little, so they threw them back (sportsmen all the way).

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry in the Midwest

2015-05-17 Thread Paul Mulik
I decided to surprise some old friends and make several new ones by taking a 
road trip over the weeked to the "Mayberry in the Midwest" festival in 
Danville, IN. This is the first Mayberry event I have attended this century!  
My wife and I attended a dozen or so events back in the mid-1990s (and I came 
to one or two by myself), but as our twin boys reached school age, it just 
wasn't feasible for us to do much traveling. Now that both boys have graduated, 
I promise I won't be such a "stranger in town" from now on.
Anyway, except for a bit of rain on Saturday (nobody did anything about the 
weather, and for that matter nobody even complained about it), the entire event 
was an absolute delight. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Mayberry 
fans are truly the finest people you will ever meet, anywhere. Everyone was 
very kind to my autistic son, Carson (now almost 22), who came with me. Those 
of you who have family members with disabilites know that the general public 
are sometimes not very patient with (and sometimes downright rude to) disabled 
people. Carson really had a blast meeting the tribute artists; it was like 
Disneyland for him. In his mind he was really in Mayberry, meeting the 
characters he has watched on TV all his life.

I'm sure at least a few of you are wondering if I won the trivia contest. They 
did have a trivia contest, but I chose not to enter. I just stood in the back 
and sort of played along in my head. It wasn't like the incredibly challenging 
Mayberry Days trivia contest, which I probably couldn't win nowadays. The 
questions were all pretty easy, such as "Who does Opie live with?" (Come on 
now, who could possibly miss that one?) and I don't know who wrote the 
questions, but some of the "correct" answers weren't correct. Still, everybody 
had a good time.
Karen Knotts, who I met for the first time, did a wonderful program (not her 
usual "Tied Up in Knotts" show, but a different program), and she even brought 
her mother Kay (who of course was married to Don Knotts) with her. Rodney 
Dillard and the current version of the Dillard band (with special guest Maggie 
"Charlene" Peterson) were outstanding. But for me, what's even better than 
meeting the celebrities is meeting just regular folks who watch TAGS. To 
paraphase Mr. Harmon the movie producer, they're very nice people; genuine, 
natural, the salt of the Earth.
Paul Mulik

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Money order

2015-05-14 Thread Paul Mulik
Today I waited in a LONG line at the local post office to buy a money order.  
Maybe folks would have used that slot machine, but they took it out a long time 
ago, apparently because they assumed we would all enjoy standing in line behind 
ten people every time we came in, all of whom wanted to buy one single stamp. 
Why anyone would buy ONE stamp when they could buy several, I cannot explain. 
But I digress. 

Anyway, when Mayberry postmaster Billy Ray Talbot sees Bobby Fleet's bus or 
station wagon or whatever you want to call it parked on the street in Mayberry, 
he says, "I'd better get back to the post office. I might pick up some money 
order business."  For years I have tried to figure out what led him to the 
conclusion that musicians are more likely to buy money orders than other folks. 
Any ideas?

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Size of Mayberry County

2015-05-04 Thread Paul Mulik
Regarding Holland's query about the size of Mayberry County: it is 266 2/3 
square miles, which is rather small. From the map in Andy's office, we know 
that the county is roughly square, which means that even if you were in one 
corner of the state, the diagonally opposite corner would be only about 23 
miles away. Even on rough unpaved roads, one should be able to drive from any 
point in the county to any other point in just a couple of hours. 

How did I calculate the size of the county? I was  readin' just the other day 
where there's somethin' like 400 needy boys in this county alone, or one and a 
half boys per square mile. 400 divided by 1.5 = 266.667 square miles. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-04-27 Thread Paul Mulik
Thanks for the kind words, Harriet.  I actually have been to Mayberry Days 
three times, but not since 1997.  I'm sure I'll make it back again eventually, 
when my kids are all out of school.

Paul Mulik

Sent from my iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mix tape

2015-04-26 Thread Paul Mulik
The May issue of WIRED magazine has a brief article about an old mix tape made 
in the 1980s by Kurt Cobain (of the band Nirvana). Described as "the weirdest 
mix tape ever," it contains songs by artists such as Iron Butterfly, Sonny & 
Cher, The Partridge Family, Oscar the Grouch, Van Halen, Dean Martin etc., as 
well as such stuff as Curious George Rides a Bike, a beer commercial, something 
from a Mercury space flight, nursery rhymes, and an argument between Rob Reiner 
and Carol O'Connor from an episode of All in the Family. 

Anyway, also included in this bizarre mashup was "The Fishin' Hole" (aka The 
Andy Griffith Show Theme).  

Paul Mulik

P.S. The correct original title of the theme music is "The Andy Griffith 
Theme," not "The Fishin' Hole." The latter title was applied later, when 
Everett "Jubal-Jubal-Jubal" Sloane added lyrics. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Living cast members

2015-04-08 Thread Paul Mulik
There are only six main cast members still living:  Ron Howard (Opie), Jim 
Nabors (Gomer), Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou), Jack Burns (Warren), Keith Thibodeaux 
(Johnny Paul Jason), and Elinor Donahue (Ellie Walker).  By "main cast" I mean 
actors who appeared in ten or more episodes.

Supporting cast members still living include Maggie Peterson (Charlene), Rodney 
Dillard and Dean Webb (Darling boys), Bernard Fox (Malcolm Merriweather), 
Dennis Rush (Howie Pruitt), and Sheldon Golomb (Arnold Bailey). By "supporting 
cast" I mean actors who played the same role in three or more episodes, but 
fewer than ten episodes.  I have not attempted to count every living actor who 
appeared on TAGS, that total would probably come to 30 or 40. 

Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another song parody

2015-04-05 Thread Paul Mulik
This is my favorite Mayberry parody.  I don't know who the artist is, but they 
did a great job of matching the sound of the original tune.  They also included 
sound clips from The Show, such as Barney saying "That's impersonating an 
officer! That's a real serious offense!"  This was on an old cassette that one 
of you gave me at a Mayberry event twenty years ago.

— Paul Mulik

Do the Barney Fife
Performed by unknown
Tune: Walk of Life by Dire Straits

Here come Barney, he's in all his glory
Hey Thelma Lou, look baby, what'd I say?
Here come Barney, marchin' down to the courthouse
You break the law, and Barney make you pay

He's quick to action, he gets the notion,
Oh yeah, the boy don't play
He's dedicated, got devotion,
He'd arrest his mama if she got in his way

And after all is said and done, we laugh about 
The way he handles all the trouble in his life
We do the Barn, we do the Barney Fife
Yeah, we do the Barney Fife

Here comes Barney, gonna tell you a story
Hand me down my steel-toed shoes
Here comes Barney, no need to worry
He's at the crime scene and findin' clues

He got the action, full of the motion
Oh yeah, the boy don't play
He's dedicated, got devotion,
He take the rocks from Ernest T. and lock him away

He looks bulimic, anorexic, mighty thin
But he just couldn't gain a pound to save his life
That's 'cause he's Barn,
That's 'cause he's Barney Fife
Yeah, let's do the Barney Fife
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry song parodies

2015-04-04 Thread Paul Mulik
Everybody who's known me for very long knows that I love old comedy records and 
song parodies.  The other day I heard the song "Windy" by The Association and I 
was reminded of this parody that Dr. Demento used to play.  I've taken the 
liberty of removing a line that was un-Mayberry-like.  If you folks like it 
I'll share more Mayberry parodies later.

— Paul Mulik

Aunt Bee
Performed by Liberty Photo Shop Crew
Tune: "Windy" by The Association

Who's walkin' down the streets of Mayberry,
Waving at everybody she sees?
Who's looking 'round for Andy and Opie?
Ev'ryone knows it's Aunt Bee
Bee, Bee, Bee, Bee

Who cooks the pies, who cans all the pickles?
Who bakes a bread that's lighter than air?
Who cleans the house, who vacuums the carpet?
Ev'ryone knows it's Aunt Bee
Bee, Bee, Bee, Bee, Bee

And Aunt Bee has such big thighs
Her aprons are all king-size
As she walks by, I don't know why

[instrumental break]

Bee, Bee, Bee, Bee, Bee

[Repeat chorus]

Who cooks the meals to take to the courthouse?
Who's like an aunt to Barney and Floyd?
Who has a smile as big as a rainbow?
Ev'ryone knows it's Aunt Bee

[repeat verse 1 and fade out]
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia crack

2015-03-30 Thread Paul Mulik
I enjoy playing the Trivia Crack app on my phone (and I welcome all 
challengers). It's a bit like Trivial Pursuit, and the question are submitted 
by users, and are all multiple choice with four possibly answers. Today the 
following question came up:

"What character slept for 20 years and missed the American Revolution?" and one 
of the incorrect answers was Ernest T. Bass.  I didn't notice who wrote the 
question — perhaps s/he was "one of ours?"

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Elements trivia

2015-03-24 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>- oxygen: Barney told Andy to breathe in the oxygen after the cave rescue
- nickel: Opie said milk at school cost a nickel
- iron: the old iron cannon
- silver: Barney was protecting the silverware when Malcolm was "drunk"
- tin: Opie kicked a tin can
- gold: the gold shipment
- iodine: Andy put it on Opie's cut
- copper: it was mentioned that copper was used to make stills

I don't recall iodine being mentioned (I think you're referring to "the stuff 
that stings" in A Wife for Andy) but the others are all correct. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Elements trivia

2015-03-23 Thread Paul Mulik
Here is a trivia challenge I posted to one of the Facebook groups recently. 
Some of you no doubt saw the post and the many responses there.  I thought of 
it while watching Breaking Bad. 

Name an element from the periodic table that is mentioned on TAGS. I know of 13 
correct answers; there may be even more.  

Any context is fine, the reference need not be about actual elements. For 
example, if Goober mentions a comic book about a Doctor Plutonium from the 
planet Krypton, there's two elements right there (but I just made that up, 
that's not actually in any episode). Go!

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mr. Potter

2015-03-22 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>That started me to thinking. Did Mayberry have a Mr Potter?

Interesting question. I'd have to say no. Mayberry had it's share of bad guys, 
but in the end they all saw the error of their ways, and (hopefully) attempted 
to be better people after Andy straightened them out. 

But Bedford Falls' Mr. Potter wasn't like that. He was just nasty through and 
through, and he never made any attempt to repent from his evil ways. What's 
more, he got away with everything!  Notice how he was never made to repay the 
$8000 he more or less stole from George Bailey?

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-03-21 Thread Paul Mulik
Now that this thread has sort of died down, here are the other answers I had 
thought of:

In The Battle of Mayberry, shooting deer is mentioned. 

In Ellie for Council, Opie and Aunt Bee hunt gophers. 

In The Manicurist, Mayor Pike says he went rabbit hunting and shot three. 
Barney says he stayed home and also shot three. 

In The Clubmen, Andy suggests quail hunting to Roger Cortland. Also, the 
escapee in Andy's Vacation claims to have been quail hunting. 

In The New Housekeeper, Opie says that Aunt Bee doesn't know how to hunt frogs. 
Frog gigging is also mentioned in The Inspector. For them that don't know, a 
gig is a sort of spear. 

The last two are not exactly hunting, but I figure they're close enough. 

In Barney and the Cave Rescue, Gomer tells about the time Goober tracked a 
skunk into (and back out of) a cave. 

In Bargain Day, Andy or Aunt Bee had attempted to trap a mouse that had gotten 
into the freezer. 

In Opie the Birdman, Opie killed a songbird with his slingshot. 

So here is the more-or-less complete list:

Black bear
Northern honker (goose)
Baboon (metaphorically)
Hoot owl

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hunting trivia

2015-03-18 Thread Paul Mulik
Nice job coming up with various birds and animals hunted by folks in Mayberry. 
Remember, hunting does not necessarily include shooting, it can include 
trapping, or simply searching for an animal with no intention of killing or 
even capturing it. 

I'm not certain if shooting at crows and rats technically qualifies as hunting, 
but I'll allow those answers. Note that Barney did not catch anything in his 
snare, but he did hope to ensnare a pheasant, so that counts as pheasant 
hunting in my book. Here's what we have so far:

Black bear
Northern honker (goose)
Baboon (metaphorically)

I'm thinking of five more that no one has named yet. Two fly (insects don't 
count), two are small and furry, and the fifth is neither mammal nor bird. At 
least one is actually hunted by Aunt Bee, believe it or not. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hunting trivia

2015-03-17 Thread Paul Mulik
Here is a new trivia question for your potential amusement: name an animal that 
folks from Mayberry are known to hunt. 

Shooting, trapping, or even snatching with bare hands all qualify as hunting. 
Fishing does not count, we've already covered that topic. 

To be considered correct, you must present evidence that someone from the 
Mayberry area actually did the hunting. For example, when Opie is feeding baby 
birds, Barney mentions that hunters setting tiger traps must be careful not to 
touch the bait with their hands. This does not count, unless you can show that 
someone from Mayberry actually went tiger hunting at some point. 


Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Character trivia

2015-03-17 Thread Paul Mulik
Now that this "characters playing other characters" thread seems to have wound 
down, I will share what I thought would have been the most obvious one: Barney 
playing Santa Claus. I don't recall anyone mentioning that one; if they did I 
missed it. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Characters playing other characters

2015-03-14 Thread Paul Mulik
Well, people wearing disguises or imitating other Mayberryites isn't exactly 
what I had in mind, but it's all good fun. Many good answers have been given 
and there are still a few more. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd actors

2015-03-14 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Please stop me if this has been covered before, but I thought I saw a
fellow in a barber's smock sitting out in front of Floyd's who was neither
our beloved Howard Mcnair, nor the first Floyd (who's name escapes me) in the 
the episode where Opie was sweet on Thelma Lou, did anyone else notice if there 
were more than two actors who've portrayed Floyd?

The first actor to play Floyd was Walter Baldwin, but he "couldn't cut it" and 
was replaced by the "real" Floyd, Howard McNear after just one episode. There 
wasn't a third actor to play Floyd, but a stand-in (double) was used for Howard 
McNear in many scenes, such as when the character was required to drive a car. 
It's common practice for every major character in most shows to have a 
stand-in, so the stars can take a break in scenes, for example, where their 
back is to the camera for an entire scene. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Andy / Barney reference

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Mulik
In this week's episode of Better Call Saul, a character named Mike is hauled in 
for questioning (what kinda questioning? We'll figure out some), so he calls in 
his lawyer, Jimmy. 

Jimmy shows up at the police station in his "Matlock" suit, and the dialogue 
goes like this:

Jimmy: James McGill, here to see my client. 

Detective: You look like Matlock. 

Jimmy: No, I look like a young Paul Newman dressed as Matlock. 

(The detective takes him into the interrogation room) 

Detective: (indicates Mike) Say hello to Barney Fife. 

Jimmy: Wrong show, but thanks for playing. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Characters playing characters trivia

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Mulik
Here is a new trivia challenge for your potential amusement: name an instance 
when a CHARACTER (not an actor) in Mayberry is seen playing another character 
in Mayberry. 

Let me clarify this. I do not mean when an ACTOR played more than one role, for 
example Jack Dodson first appeared as insurance man Ed Jenkins and then later 
played Howard Sprague.  I mean when a Mayberry CHARACTER played a character. 

Here is an example: in The Pageant, we see Aunt Bee playing Lady Mayberry. Get 
it? Go!

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ken's solo

2015-03-12 Thread Paul Mulik
Ken, you always were known as the kind of guy who spreads it on thicker than 
anybody else. 

Paul Mulik

>>>I will have you know that back when I was a young guy I actually sang a solo 
>>>of Santa Lucia at the opening of the Clark County Annual Manure Spreaders 

I understand people are still talking about it.

Ken Anderson

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Griffith sighting (sort of)

2015-03-05 Thread Paul Mulik
I've been enjoying the new series Better Call Saul on AMC. It's a 
spinoff/prequel of Breaking Bad. 

Anyway, in this week's episode of Better Call Saul, the main character, Jimmy 
(a struggling lawyer), hopes to increase his business by making himself more 
appealing to senior citizens. How does he do this? By watching an old videotape 
of Matlock, and attempting to copy Matlock's look. So in a roundabout way, Andy 
Griffith appears in an episode of Better Call Saul. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-03-01 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Secondly, Andy mentions the stoplight when giving directions to Brisco 
>>>Darling.  I was under th impression that Mayberry had no stoplights.  is 
>>>this the only stoplight in town? was there ever mention of the stoplight(s) 
>>>in any other episodes?

That is indeed the only mention in the entire series of a stoplight in Mayberry 
(and we never see said stoplight). While we're on the subject, can anybody make 
head of tail out of Andy's directions?  The center of town has to be the 
courthouse/barber shop/drugstore area, right?  Andy's house is half a block 
from the courthouse, but according to the directions he gives Malcolm, one must 
travel several blocks from Andy's house to reach the center of town!

Paul Mulik

> On Mar 1, 2015, at 11:00 AM, wbmutbb-requ...@wbmutbb.com wrote:
> Secondly, Andy mentions the stoplight when giving directions to Brisco
> Darling.  I was under th impression that Mayberry had no stoplights.  is
> this the only stoplight in town? was there ever mention of the stoplight(s)
> in any other episodes?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Bench seats

2015-02-28 Thread Paul Mulik
Over the years several folks here have chimed in on the subject of why people 
in cars in Mayberry, even the drivers, get out of the car on the passenger 
side.  This was apparently a common practice in the days when cars had wide 
bench seats in the front. You see, it was much safer to get out on the side 
away from traffic, rather than to step out into the street and risk getting 
struck by an oncoming car. There was even a little jingle which went "curbside, 
safe side; street side, suicide."  It ranks right up there with "walk on the 
left side after dark, or you'll wind up playin' a harp."  

Just now I was watching Family Visit (no, we don't see the squad car's radio in 
this episode) and Ollie gets riled up when Andy opens his driver's side door 
when a car is approaching. 

But if that ain't the consensus view, let's put her to a vote. I'm votin' for 
yours truly. 

Yours truly,
Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Squad car radio

2015-02-27 Thread Paul Mulik
Janet correctly answered my question, which was concerned with the only time 
(to my knowledge) that we ever see the squad car's two-way radio. It happens in 
Barney's Replacement, while Barney unhelpfully demonstrates the equipment to 
Bob Rogers, saying, "You talk in here, and you listen here. That's the 

Years ago when I was putting my squad car together, I showed that clip to an 
old-timer at the local Motorola dealer. He confirmed that it was a Motorola, 
but was unable from that very brief clip to identify the exact model (this was 
before the days of DVD and Netflix and the like). He even found an old 
non-working radio from the era and gave it to me for free. Wasn't that a nice 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Radio trivia

2015-02-25 Thread Paul Mulik
Aunt Bee listens to a soap opera on the radio in one episode (I can't tell ya 
which one, and I can't tell ya why I can't tell ya).

Otis leaves his transistor radio in the courthouse, and Andy uses it to play a 
joke on Barney in Opie the Birdman

Goober buys a transistor radio from Newton Monroe in The Luck of Newton Monroe

Andy and Helen hear a report about the cave-in on the radio in Barney and the 
Cave Rescue

Skippy and Daphne bring a radio to the courthouse in Arrest of the Fun Girls

There's a police radio on Barney's desk, seen in too many episodes to count

The state police use walkie-talkies (that's a kind of radio) in Barney Gets His 

Opie, Goober, and Tommy use 
walkie-talkies in Man's Best Friend

The squad car has a radio which is used quite often. To my knowledge we only 
SEE it one time — who knows when?  Just seeing the microphone part doesn't 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Things that don't make sense

2015-02-20 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>Clara cleaned up the entire house in the time it took Andy & Opie to go get 
>>>Aunt Bee at the bus station! Pretty fast cleaning! >>>

Actually she just cleaned up the one room. All she really had to do was pick up 
the clutter; there would have been no need to dust, vacuum, etc. 

One more thing about the Nathan Tibbs business: if Otis was truly his 
descendant, then his brother Ralph Campbell was as well, so the ladies were in 
error when they concluded there was only one descendant. Who knows how many 
cousins, nephews, etc. Otis may have had — there could have been dozens. It is 
mentioned in The Case of the Punch in the Nose that Mr. Foley and Otis were 
kin, so maybe Foley was also a result of all that begetting. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Things that just don't make sense

2015-02-19 Thread Paul Mulik
Here's another plot hole that has always bugged me. In A Plaque for Mayberry, 
two ladies from the Women's Historical Society are trying to track down the 
direct descendant of war hero Nathan Tibbs. They think he lives in Mayberry, 
because "so far we haven't been able to trace him to any of the other towns."

How in the world did they figure out that Nathan Tibbs even HAD a living 
descendant?  Genealogical research always starts with the known present and 
then looks toward the unknown past. Did they find an old newspaper article that 
read "200 years from now, Nathan Tibbs will have exactly one living descendant, 
and he will live in North Carolina"?  Impossible. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Things that just don't make sense

2015-02-17 Thread Paul Mulik
Ever notice something on TAGS that just doesn't make sense at all?  I don't 
mean bloopers or continuity errors.  Here are a couple of examples:

In Andy and Barney in the Big City, Barney mistakes the hotel detective for a 
criminal and locks him in a hotel room closet. Who ever heard of a closet that 
locks that way? It's only possible purpose would be to imprison someone inside. 
No hotel in the world would have such a lock. And besides, the house detective 
would almost certainly have had a key with which to let himself out. 

In a different episode, Opie catches a big fish, and for some reason it gets 
put in the drawer of Andy's desk. A dumb place to put a fish, but I'll overlook 
that part. But a little bit later, Mayor Stoner reaches into the drawer to get 
a pencil, and pulls out the fish. The part that makes no sense is, nobody in 
the world, when reaching into a drawer for a pencil, would stick their hand in 


Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Percussion trivia

2015-02-16 Thread Paul Mulik
Nice job everybody, coming up with various percussion instruments seen on TAGS. 
 There's one more that I don't think anyone mentioned; it isn't a true musical 
instrument, but Howard plays a large upside-down pot as if it were a drum in 
Andy's Old Girlfriend.  That's the color episode in which Andy, Howard, Helen, 
and Alice take a trip to a cabin in the woods.  He plays this pot not with 
drumsticks, but with brushes, which drummers often use when they want a 
quieter, gentler sound.

When it comes to percussion instruments in modern band and orchestral music, 
almost anything goes.  Not long ago I went to a concert where one of the 
percussionists was banging on a drum that would never be found in a music 
store, but might be seen in Wally's Garage: a BRAKE drum.

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Percussion trivia

2015-02-13 Thread Paul Mulik
Here's a new trivia question for your potential amusement. There are many, many 
instances of folks playing musical instruments in or near Mayberry. The 
challenge is to name all of the PERCUSSION instruments we see on TAGS. 

For those who don't know, a percussion instrument is one that is played by 
shaking, striking, or scraping. For example, a drum and a tambourine are 
percussion instruments. Instruments that are blown (flute, trumpet, etc.), 
plucked (guitar, banjo, etc.) or bowed (as a fiddle) are NOT percussion 
instruments. Some consider the piano a percussion instrument, but for this quiz 
the piano does not count.  One last thing, to keep it simple, consider a set of 
drums to be a single instrument; no need to name every piece, as that varies 
greatly from drum set to drum set. 


Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hymns in Mayberry

2015-02-12 Thread Paul Mulik
Here's a list of hymns that I can recall being sung or played or hummed or 
whistled in Mayberry:

Let the Lower Lights Be Burning (aka Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy) by Andy 
and Barney in The Return of Malcolm Merriweather

Rock of Ages by Aunt Bee in Man in a Hurry

Bringing in the Sheaves by Barney in Bailey's Bad Boy, and by the church 
congregation in The Church Organ

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Andy and the Darling family in Mountain 
Wedding, and by the church congregation in The Church Organ

There is a Fountain by Andy and Barney in The Case of the Punch in the Nose

Love Lifted Me by the congregation (at an unusually fast tempo) in The Church 

What a Friend We Have in Jesus by Andy (playing organ) in The Church Organ

The Lord Bless You and Keep You by the church choir in The Church Benefactors

Away in a Manger by Andy and Ellie in The Christmas Story

There's also a song whose title I don't know (possibly Grant Us Our Evening 
Prayer), sung by the church choir in The Church Benefactors. The melody is 
Liebestraum by Franz Liszt. Additionally, some folks might consider The Vacant 
Chair and Little Brown Church in the Vale as hymns. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Suitcase trivia

2015-02-12 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>So since we I am on the suitcases, how many times do you remember seeing 
>>>someone on TAGS carrying a suitcase? >>>

Good question. I've come up with a list but I've probably missed a few. In many 
instances a character is helping another character with their case, but I 
figure this counts as they are seen carrying a suitcase even if it's not 

Bailey's Bad Boy: Andy, Barney, Otis, Ron Bailey

The Manicurist: Ellen, bus driver

Andy and Barney in the Big City: Andy, Opie, Barney (careful, there's a bottle 
in there), bellhop

The Pickle Story: Barney

Andy on Trial: Miss Boswell (aka that college kid)

Cousin Virgil: bus driver, Andy, various passengers

Aunt Bee's Romance: Roger Hanover (for them that don't know, "grip" is another 
word for suitcase, and "the grippe" is the flu — but I digress).

Banjo-playing Deputy: Andy, Jerry

The Mayberry Band: Andy, Barney 

Those Gossiping Men: Wilbur Finch, Barney

The Christmas Story: Ben Weaver, Barney

The New Doctor: Dr. Benson (might have been a medical kit, not a suitcase)

Andy and Opie, Housekeepers: Opie, Andy, Aunt Bee

Andy and Opie, Bachelors: Opie, Aunt Bee, various passengers

Andy's English Valet: Andy

High Noon in Mayberry: Luke Comstock

Floyd the Gay Deceiver: Floyd, Mrs. Grayson (maybe hers was more of a cosmetic 
case, it was rather small)

Off to Hollywood: Andy, Goober, Warren

Class Reunion: Andy, Barney (a trunk is a kind of suitcase, right?)

Taylors in Hollywood: Andy, bellhop

Gomer Pyle – USMC: Gomer

Aunt Bee on TV: Andy (curiously, the cases they bring home do not appear to be 
the same cases they left Mayberry with)

The Return of Barney Fife: Andy

The Legend of Barney Fife: Barney (why in the world did it take Goober two 
hours to remove a fuel pump? I would think anyone with even a tiny bit of 
engine knowledge could do it in under ten minutes — but I digress again). 

Baby in the House: Daryl carries bags of baby stuff, but maybe this doesn't 

Dinner at Eight: Goober 

A Visit to Barney Fife: Andy

Barney Comes to Mayberry: Barney, Harold, Harriet

A Trip to Mexico: Aunt Bee, Clara, Myrtle, various passengers

Howard and Millie: various passengers

Aunt Bee's Cousin: Bradford

Howard's New Life: Andy, Opie, Howard

Goober Goes to an Auto Show: Aunt Bee, Goober

Paul Mulik (that's not one of the answers, I'm just signing off)
WBMUTBB mailing list


2015-02-05 Thread Paul Mulik
No outtakes from TAGS are known to exist. My guess is that Andy, being a 
perfectionist, took steps to ensure that all were destroyed. 

Some actors (Tim Allen and Jackie Chan come to mind) apparently get a big kick 
out of sharing their goof-ups with their fans, while other actors feel very 
strongly that the mistakes should never see the light of day.  Leonard Nimoy 
was reportedly furious when he first learned that Gene Roddenberry was showing 
outtakes from Star Trek at fan gatherings. 

There are outtakes (a "gag reel," if you will) from Gomer Pyle — USMC. Jim 
Nabors always used to show several minutes of them during his live concerts. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

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