
2006-06-21 Thread Kim
"yep, it was good ol' Ward Cleaver snging "Juanita" on Leave it to 
Beaver.  always thought Barn wrote the song, but guess not, since Cleaver did 
  The song Juanita has another TAGS link.  On Father Knows Best, Jim Anderson 
sang it.  Maybe when Betty Anderson became Ellie Walker, she brought the song 
with her?
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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2006-06-12 Thread bcq145
Saw Juanita out riding in her Pink Cadillac-the one she says she won  from 
Mary Kay on the side-  yesterday with the top down, wind blowing at her 
decorative hair net, out on Highway Six.  Lucky thing Check Point
Checky wasn't out there because that girl was doing nearly 45 (give 'em 30, 
take 35, give 'em 35 and they'll take 40).
She's a wild one, that Juanita.  No wonder Barney couldn't resist her.
Lydia over at the Dime Store watching out for Gold Trucks with Laura Lee Hobbs
"She's everyone's Juanita."

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-03-26 Thread laverne defazio
Juanita was , those days what was refered to as one who had "a 
reputation" it was totally hypocrtical but thats how it was.  I saw
    Juanita the other day. She has retired and is worth  over 1 billion
dollars. She took all those tips that Barn and the diners gave her
and invested in some great stock and just had  a great life. Juanita
may have been the working other woman but she wasn't stupid. Heck,
she took that 25 cents that  Barn gave Olive and all Olives 4 kids
went to Ivy League schools. I hear Olive lives near Oprah and her
best friend, Ego , and Oprah is on anohter diet. Saw the willow ware
at my Kroger,too.  Nice real, nice .Gotta get back to the big house
Until we meet again,Maude
  laverne defazio

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2008-03-11 Thread Harriet Browder
Andy claims Juanita isn't just Barney's Juanita, she's everybody's Juanita.
Harriet, the chicken thief, still lying low in the hen house
.."Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
old wives tale""Johnny Paul ain't married"
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2008-08-16 Thread Danny Taylor
I heard Robert Young singing Juanita in an episode of Father Knows Best. I
just found this series on Hulu. The TV series also has Elinor Donahue in it,
our lady drugist. They only have the first season on Hulu but already I have
heard them recycle scripts from the radio version of the show which was on
from 1949-1953. 
The TV show started in 1954. Robert Young was the only one who moved from
the radio program to the TV show. 

Dapper Dan 

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2009-03-05 Thread (Ted)Theodoric of York
In last night's episode on TV Barney was talking about the time he was
supposed to "squire" a girl around town, but Andy ended up being the
one to do it. Barney mentioned the date in 1952 when it happened, and
mentioned that Juanita saw them together at the diner. Just how long
did Juanita work there?

(Theodoric of York)

"Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive."

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2010-03-29 Thread dewey lamb

Recently, Johnny Maestro passed.He was a great Doo Wop singer.Back in 1957 he 
had a hit song with the Crests.The name of the song was "My Juanita".As best as 
I can recall,his version differs quite a bit from Barney's.As a matter of 
fact,I do not think Andy would have chided Barney had he sounded as good as 


Dewey in NC
The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.
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2014-01-08 Thread jlj9675
Early this morning on Father Knows Best, Jim was serenading his wife by 
singing "Juanita" at their class reunion. What a treat; he accompanied 
himself with a banjo or maybe it was a ukelele? I was half asleep at that 
hour! Anyway, brought back sweet memories of Barn crooing over the phone.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Juanita

2010-03-30 Thread Good, Don
>Recently, Johnny Maestro passed.He was a great Doo Wop singer.Back in 1957 he 
>had a hit song with the Crests.The name of the song was "My Juanita".As best 
>as I can recall,his version differs quite a bit from Barney's.

Somebody had to get it right sooner or later.

Don "Phyfe" Good

WBMUTBB mailing list

Nita, Juanita

2018-02-16 Thread Paul Mulik

>>>Just now watching The Loaded Goat and it seemed to me that the tune Barney 
>>>plays on the harmonica sounds a lot like the song Barney sang ?Juanita?
Can anyone verify that?

Yes, it is the same song. Many of the songs heard on The Show, including 
Juanita, Little Brown Church in the Vale, The Quilting Party (Seein’ Nellie 
Home), and good ol’ 14-A were included in a songbook* that was used in the Mt. 
Airy schools when Andy was a boy. He obviously had fond memories of them, and 
choose to use them on the show. Also, all the copyrights would had long since 
inspired which made it much easier from a production standpoint. 

Many great songs used on Gomer Pyle - USMC, were unfortunately cut out when the 
episodes were put on DVD, because they were NOT in public domain and somebody 
was too cheap to pay for the use of the songs. But I digress. 

Paul Mulik

* The Golden Book of Favorite Songs, readily available on eBay

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: My Juanita

2006-06-21 Thread dixonhayes
*** yep, it was good ol' Ward Cleaver snging "Juanita" on Leave it to Beaver.

always thought Barn wrote the song, but guess not, since Cleaver did it. and 
that show was in the early to mid 50's?***
"Leave It to Beaver" ran 1957-63. The "My Juanita" song has roots as far back 
as 1909.  It was written by Caroline Norton.  Jim Reeves did a version of it in 
1958 in which he made enough changes to either the lyrics or melody that he got 
a co-songwriting credit.

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Thelma Lou & Juanita

2006-03-26 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>In 1990, TBS aired a special 30th anniversary tribute with several cast
members, including Don Knotts and Betty Lynn.  At one point, they took
questions from the audience, and some tall skinny goober stood up and asked
Betty "if Thelma Lou ever found out about Juanita down to the diner."  Betty
replied that Thelma Lou was no dummy, and that she was well aware of
Barney's activities.  Don added that Thelma Lou was always Barney's #1 girl,
and that Barney saw Juanita only occasionally, to "get a little on the

Yes, Paul, I remember that from the special.  Still, I think that was Betty's 
own interpretation and not necessarily the writers' intent.  When you consider 
how upset Thelma Lou was whenever the Fun Girls came to town -- and Barney 
didn't even instigate or encourage those encounters! -- it seems unlikely that 
Thelma Lou would turn a blind eye to Barney's relationship with Juanita.  I 
don't think that would be consistent with her character.  It's true that Thel 
graciously overlooked many of Barney's flaws (even found them endearing and 
amusing), but she was not shy about calling him on the carpet when he was 
keeping company with another woman, even one who was clearly only looking for a 
"good time."  Of course, that's *my own* interpretation of Thelma Lou's 

There's that old saying, "The wife (or long-time steady girlfriend, in this 
case) is always the last to know!"

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Sarah & Juanita

2009-01-05 Thread dudleygl
>>Now another favor.? If you can find any photos of Sarah or Juanita, please 
>>send them as well.
>>I do have their names on a slide with a big ? under each one.

I don't think there are any photos available. Barney had them working with him 
in his quest to stamp out organized crime and put them in a witness protection 

The Skipper - S.S. Minnow
Somewhere in the South Pacific?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sarah and Juanita

2009-01-06 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
Kenneth, here are your missing pictures for your slides





but who's the old guy??

I was pleased see a picture in Ron Howard's biography of him and Mr.
McBeevee.  It confirmed that Mr. McBeevee was indeed a telephone Man.
That was my bias (I work for a telephone company) but I thought perhaps
he could have been a power line guy.You can also tell that one of
his tools is a "butt-in" set.  It looks like a thick telephone receiver
that a repair man can tap into a voice line with.

See I think McBeevee would take over the switchboard when Sarah (photo
above) needed a break.

The Untrained Voice

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sarah and Juanita

2009-09-05 Thread Victor Friskey
I just finished watching the episode where Andy catches Barney reciting a poem 
to Juanita on the phone. I was just wondering if sarah and Juanita had last 
names based on their characters what would they be. I know there was a Juanita 
Beasley but was she the same one at the diner ?
I like Sarah Hearsalot 
What about Juanita.


20 days and counting 

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Sara & Juanita

2009-09-06 Thread dudleygl

>>I just finished watching the episode where Andy catches Barney reciting a 
>>to Juanita on the phone. I was just wondering if sarah and Juanita had last 
>>names based on their characters what would they be. I know there was a 
>>Juanita >>
>>Beasley but was she the same one at the diner ?
>>I like Sarah Hearsalot 
>>What about Juanita.

Mayor Pike had a daughter named Juanita. Same Juanita???

Jethro Bodine, Double-Naught Spy

Beverly Hills, CA

>>> Andy Griffith Show on Twitter...Tell Sarah to get you 
>>> www.twitter.com/MayberryUSA
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Sarah and Juanita

2010-02-10 Thread hyperauntjan1

I picture Sarah as a real skinny older lady who wears a different color 
shirtwaist to work every day. (maybe the pinch of snuff she takes occaisonally 
is an appetite supressant).

Juanita, I think of as a blonde (right out of a bottle) with a little too much 
eye makeup - and not a lot upstairs!


" Paw, if Barney's already got a girl, why does he need another one?"

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Juanita and Sarah

2010-02-10 Thread Harry Brewbaker
I always imagined Juanita to be a younger version of Flo from the "Alice" 
series.  Maybe with a bleach blonde (blonde right out of a bottle) boufant 
hairdo and lots of makeup.  I'm sure she called the customers "Sugar" and 
"Hun".  In the 60's there were a lot of waitresses in southern diners who 
looked and sounded like that.  
I always thought Sarah to be a thin woman in her 50's who liked to talk and 
wanted to keep up all the goings on in Mayberry ("Listenin' in again!).  I 
think she would look similar to the lady who talked about her sister with the 
long teeth...The Beaver.
My two cents for the day,
Harry in Salem, VA
"Nita, Juanita" 


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Juanita and Sara

2010-02-10 Thread David Switzer
I've always pictured Juanita as having a little Spanish blood, as Juanita is 
Spanish for Jean.   I picture her as wearing red lipstick and being a little 
hot-blooded...what other kind of woman would listen to Barnie's singing and 
poetry?  She had more suitors than Barnie, as in one episode she was too busy 
to go out with Barnie.  I can't remember which  episode that was or what 
exactly was said, but it was over the phone, of course.
I picture Sara as looking like a combination of Mrs. Mendelbright  (Up in 
Barney's Room) and Emma Brand (Ellie Comes to Town, Those Gossipin' Men).

Andrea (My husband David has been known to wear his pantlegs rolled up like 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sarah and Juanita

2010-02-11 Thread Ken Anderson
I always picture Sarah as a little old lady sitting in her bedroom in front 
of the switchboard. The switchboard has to be close to her bed because she 
answers it 24/7 She is always dressed in a robe because she never leaves the 
house so why bother getting dressed each day. Because she doesn't leave the 
house very often I imagine she is quite lonely so she has a houseful of cats 
to keep her company.

As far as Juanita, just because of her name, I picture her as having long 
dark hair as she may be of Hispanic heritage, although Beasley might prove 
otherwise.  Of course she could have been married to a man named Beasley at 
one time.  Now this is all conjecture on my part.  I picture her with lots 
of make-up and she is always chewing gum.

Ken Anderson

2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

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Juanita and Sarah

2010-02-12 Thread Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board Mailing List
When Sarah's name comes up, I picture the small-town operator portrayed by 
Cissy Spacek in the film "Raggedy Man." She was stationed there by the phone 
company after her hubby was killed in WWII and was also on duty nearly 24/7. 
The switchboard was in the foyer of the little house if I remember right.

As for Juanita, that name was popular for a time in non-hispanic families, I 
believe due to some flamboyant films in the 40s. I figure she was a slightly 
built young woman with a big heart, a bit naive about men and a hard worker. 
She probably thought nothing of dating Barney inbetween his relationship 
with Thelma Lou as she didn't take life too seriously.  Would that more of 
us could be like that!

Has anyone noticed how the writers changed Barney's personality in relation 
to romance?  One minute he's Mr. Bashful and then the next he often acts 
like a real lothario; I like him in the middle of these extremes, like most 
men are.

Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Juanita on "the Beaver"

2006-06-20 Thread CAPT .
yep, it was good ol' Ward Cleaver snging "Juanita" on Leave it to Beaver.

always thought Barn wrote the song, but guess not, since Cleaver did it. and 
that show was in the early to mid 50's?

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Thelma Lou and Juanita

2006-03-30 Thread bcq145
In reply to all this "did she" or didn't she" know about Juanita observations 
we have been getting on the Digest, may I lay in on my side of the issue. (Of 
it is merely our own opinion since the writers never did answer this question 
for us.)
I have to believe that Thelma Lou did not know about Juanita.  Yes, I know 
there was probably talk about it and Mayberry was a small town.  But we DO know 
Thelma Lou was perfectly capable of acting jealous and angry when she did know 
that Barney may have strayed (ex., Fun Girls, Melissa) so I don't believe there 
any real reason to believe she would have taken Juanita "lying down."
Remember how she reacted with both Andy and Gomer to make Barney jealous just 
at the thought of Barney having another girl?
Thelma Lou wasn't a quiet girl in these matters.  And I for one do not believe 
would have behaved any differently over Juanita.  She just never found out as 
hard to believe as that may seem for some of us to believe.   In any event, we 
will never know the real  answer to that question.
All we do know is that when Barney left Mayberry, she left too and she married 
soon after.  But it was a failed marriage.  So sad.  All those years wasted 
that  could have been spent  together.
   Remember the class reunion?   He acted all sad and lonely  when he found out 
Thelma Lou had married until
another girl showed him some interest, and then he perked up real
quick.  This was probably done to end the show on a happy note, but it sure 
left me feeling like Barney's love for Thel was not all that deep, and maybe 
that was the real reason why he had not asked her to marry him in the first 
place.  And you
can't really blame him for not marrying her if his love wasn't deep enough no 
matter how WE felt  about it.
How did you feel?  Based on his actions, DID Barney love Thelma Lou enough to 
marry her years earlier?
The girls at the Dime Store have been talking this one up,
Lydia and Laura Lee Hobbs

P.S.  What did Aunt Bee think of Juanita?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou v. Juanita

2006-03-25 Thread Paul Mulik
In 1990, TBS aired a special 30th anniversary tribute with several cast
members, including Don Knotts and Betty Lynn.  At one point, they took
questions from the audience, and some tall skinny goober stood up and asked
Betty "if Thelma Lou ever found out about Juanita down to the diner."  Betty
replied that Thelma Lou was no dummy, and that she was well aware of
Barney's activities.  Don added that Thelma Lou was always Barney's #1 girl,
and that Barney saw Juanita only occasionally, to "get a little on the


WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou and Juanita

2006-03-24 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
I agree with what Thelma Lou (Janet) said in her post about Barney and Thelma 
Lou and Juanita.  

However, I think that Thelma Lou knew about Barney seeingJuanita, or at least 
suspected it., and she just overlooked it.  Thelma Lou probably never saw 
Barney and Juanita together, so it was easy for her to act like it was not 

I believe that Thelma Lou really was the only girl Barney, well, loved.  But 
Thelma Lou was a nice, respectable young lady and she did not go in for too 
much of Barney's shenanigans.  When he got fresh, she slapped him.  

Juanita, on the other hand, not only put up with, but encouraged Barney to get 
fresh with her.  Remember when Barney called her for a date and said he was 
taking her to the drive in movies at Mt. Pilot?  Juanita must have asked what 
movie was showing and Barney said "what difference does it make", which implies 
that he was planning on them doing something other than watching the show.  
Thelma Lou would have hung up on him immediately if he had made such an 
insinuation to her.  But Juanita didn't hang up on him at all.  

I think Thelma Lou did not feel threatened by Juanita because she knew that 
Barney was only dating her for one reason. It was the same reason why Barney 
liked going to those rabbit girl clubs and why he subscribed to that magazine 
that the college kid was selling, you know, the one with the fast lens 
photography that captured the ribbon on that girl's foot.  Barney did not love 
Juanita and Juanita did not love Barney.  They were just playmates in a game 
that Thelma Lou would not let Barney play with her.  And with Juanita around, 
Barney could have his fun and Thelma Lou did not have to spend every date 
fighting him off.  

Now, if Thelma Lou had suspected that there were any romantic intentions 
between Barney and Juanita, that would have been a different story.  She would 
have been jealous and angry like she was when she saw him flirting with that 
new girl in town, Melissa.  

Like my mother used to tell me, there are some girls that men go out with to 
have a good time, but they are not the girls that men want to marry.  Juanita 
was a good time girl and Thelma Lou was a marrying girl.  

Barney probably planned on giving up Juanita once he married Thelma Lou, but he 
was having so much fun having his cake and eating it too by dating them both 
that he kept putting off marriage until Thelma Lou couldn't wait anymore and he 
lost her. 

Now, I don't agree with what Barney was doing.  He should have been faithful to 
Thelma Lou all the way.  But he ended up paying the price for not being a one 
woman man when Thelma Lou married that other guy and broke Barney's heart.  

Mary Grace Gossage
"Hello, Sarah, get me Juanita down at the diner."
WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober, Thelma Lou, Juanita

2006-03-20 Thread HigginsQ
It was Goober that took the car apart.  
Thelma Lou was THE girl for Barney.  Juanita was "on the side".  I don't 
think Barney wanted to be tied down and going out with Juanita kept him from 
to the altar with Thel.  He also had a date with Phoebe.  I think Barney 
liked to think of himself as a casanova.  He certainly had an eye for the 
(Remember Melissa?).

Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Juanita and Mr. Rinshaw

2006-01-24 Thread Lori Heine
I also like the episodes where Barney is singing love songs to Juanita at the 
diner.  And I have a question.  Did Juanita ever actually appear in any 
episodes? I don't remember ever having seen her.
  Also, there's one particular episode that actually gave me nightmares when I 
was a kid.  But I haven't seen it once in all the years since.  Remember when 
Opie's baseball broke through the window of that haunted house -- the one with 
the portrait of Old Mr. Rinshaw on the wall, and the eyes that followed you 
  I'd really like to track that one down.

Yahoo! Photos
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Another Juanita sighting/singing

2008-08-17 Thread david3fan4ever
If I am not badly mistaken I am going on memory here, Season 2 of Leave it to 
Beaver when Ward takes the family camping he sings Jaunita.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Juanita and Sarah

2010-02-12 Thread Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board Mailing List

Whewlothario?  You get one of them "learn-a-month" magazines for 
word learning?  I had to go and look that word up. :)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's missing tooth and Juanita

2007-04-06 Thread Jessica Banzhoff
Hi everybody,
I'm watching the episode now where Mayberry goes Hollywood..and I'm just 
wondering about a few things.  First, one of Barney's teeth is missing on the 
top left side of his mouth.  I don't think it was always like that???  Does 
anyone know if maybe Don Knotts had this fixedor maybe just didn't smile as 
wide so you couldn't see it!
Next, the mayor mentions that his daughter, Juanita, is going to sing at the 
town celebration....could this be Barn's Juanita?  I know that you never do 
actually see Barn and Juanita together, but this might have just been a 
slip-up, or maybe before they wrote-in the Juanita character?  Also, wasn't 
this actress the same girl that plays Gomer's date in a later episode?  Andy, 
Helen, Barney, Themla Lou, Gomer and her are all getting in the car and she 
says she gets car sickso they all switch seats so she's sitting beside the 
Since everyone was sharing their favorite quotes, here's mine from "Bargain Day"
Andy, telling Aunt Bee that she needed to get the freezer fixed"Aunt Bee, 
call the man...just call the man!"
Here in Hagerstown, MD
i'm making a difference. Make every IM count for the cause of your choice. Join 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Juanita on "the Beaver"

2006-06-21 Thread Don Good

>yep, it was good ol' Ward Cleaver snging "Juanita" on Leave it to Beaver.
>always thought Barn wrote the song, but guess not, since Cleaver did it. and
>that show was in the early to mid 50's?

I also recall Robert Young singing "Juanita" on "Father Knows Best."

Don Good
"me-they, me-they..."

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Thelma Lou and Juanita

2006-03-31 Thread Don Good

>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:43:53 -0800
>Subject: First Post
>To: Digest 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>Dear First Time Writer Linda,
>Really dug your post, but may I gently point out one little thing here, 
>the name is not bcq145 it's
>Lydia. L-Y-D-I-A.
>It means native of Acient Greece,  but that's not where I'm from.  I'm 
>from Shady Grove, Mississippi.
>  (Gee, Andy, Linda thought Lydia was from  Acient Greece.  No, our Lydia 
> is a plain ole Mississippi girl!) She hates to chit-chat. She doesn't mind
>ordinary conversation, but she hates to chit-chat.
>And she's not above calling Thelma Lou childish.
>Mr. Brentley, I may be needing your card, Sir.
>Lydia and her side-kick, Laura Lee Hobbs
>I have to believe that Thelma Lou did not know about Juanita. ...All we do 
>know is that when Barney left Mayberry, she left too and she married soon 
>after.  But it was a failed marriage.  So sad.  All those years wasted 
>that  could have been spent  together.
>Remember the class reunion?   He acted all sad and lonely  when he 
> found out Thelma Lou had married until
>another girl showed him some interest, and then he perked up real
>quick.  This was probably done to end the show on a happy note, but it 
>sure left me feeling like Barney's love for Thel was not all that deep, 
>and maybe that was the real reason why he had not asked her to marry him 
>in the first place.  And you
>can't really blame him for not marrying her if his love wasn't deep enough 
>no matter how WE felt  about it.
>How did you feel?  Based on his actions, DID Barney love Thelma Lou enough 
>to marry her years earlier?

I agree that Thel did NOT know about Juanita.  In addition to what you 
said, remember that Andy was warning Barney not to take Juanita to 
Morelli's because everybody goes out there (and therefore they might be 
seen together).

I hope I'm not violating a number rule when I say this: The episode where 
Thelma Lou comes back married (interestingly to the foreman of a wrecking 
crew) is the one I absolutely will NOT watch.  It came on the other day and 
I quickly changing the channel as I explained my position to my darling 
person.  The episode wasn't fair to Barney.  Yes, ol' Barn and Thel loved 
each other deeply, but their relationship was cheapened with Thelma Lou 
having married (though who could blame her) and even more when Barney 
rebounded to Nettie Albright (who had a certain resemblance to 
Flora).  There are some things I just won't abide.

Don Good
"I said it and I ain't taking it back."

WBMUTBB mailing list

Speaking of Barney and Juanita...

2006-03-28 Thread zumafan
Have been watching the 5th season (Otis Sues The County) and last night this 
particular exchange jumped right out, considering the recent discussion.

(While sitting and going through the "occupant" mail)

Barney: What'd you do last night?
Andy: Had a date.
Barney: With Helen?
Andy: No, Juanita.
Barney: Juanita?
Andy: Yeah, Juanita, down at the diner.
Barney: MY Juanita?
Andy: What do you mean "My Juanita?"  She's everyone's Juanita.
Barney: What are you talkin' about?
Andy: I didn't have a date with Juanita.  I was over at Helen's.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney, Thelma Lou, and Juanita

2006-03-21 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>I have a question that I have been wondering about for a long timeIn 
>>>some episodes it seems that Thelma Lou and Juanita are both refered to in 
>>>regards to being Barney's girlfriends.  One episode that comes to mind is 
>>>the Filling Station Robbery.  When Barney takes the picture of himself out 
>>>of the envelope, Goober says, "You should have copies made and give one to 
>>>Thelma Lou."  Then at the end of the episode Barney calls up Juanita.  This 
>>>has always seemed strange to me.  I think there are other incidents similar 
>>>to this in other episodes. Has anyone else noticed this?  Does anyone know 
>>>the explanation?<<<

Connie, I must say that this is one of Barney's character traits that I don't 
like.  Despite at times admitting to Thelma Lou that she is the only girl he 
loves, he is not faithful to her and sees Juanita on the side.  Of course, the 
scenes where Barney is talking to Juanita on the phone are always funny, but, 
as a woman, I would prefer Barney to be a one-woman man.

The situation is made pretty clear towards the end of the fifth season in 
"Barney and Thelma Lou--Phfftt!"  Thelma Lou realizes that Barney is taking her 
for granted, so she decides to make him jealous by going to the movies with 
Gomer.  The ruse works, of course, and Barney gets good and steamed.  Andy 
tries to get him to be more understanding, saying, "You've stepped out a few 
times, too, you know."  (Disclaimer to my fellow trained noticers:  These may 
not be exact quotes!)  Barney asks him what he means, and Andy responds, 
"Juanita at the diner."  Barney says, "That's different!"  There are other 
times when Barney shows his possessiveness of Thelma Lou, such as when Jeff 
Pruitt comes to town or when Edger Coleman helps Thelma Lou glue the covers 
back on the hymnals.  So Barney expects Thelma Lou to be faithful to him, but 
he thinks it's okay for him to go out with Juanita behind Thelma Lou's back.  
When it comes to women, Barney has a double standard.

Which raises the question of Juanita.  What was she like?  I picture Juanita as 
being the kind of woman who wears a lot of make-up, who always has her eye out 
for a man, and who is of rather easy virtue.  Barney's conversations with 
Juanita imply that he dates her for one reason only.  Though Thelma Lou seems 
blithely ignorant of Juanita as a rival, Juanita MUST know about Thelma Lou, as 
everyone regards Barney and Thelma Lou as "a couple."  That tells me that 
Juanita dates Barney just for a fun time and not for the purpose of developing 
a serious relationship.

I know I'm getting way too deep on this, but that makes me wonder--Why doesn't 
Barney stick with sweet, lovely, faithful (despite Barney's suspicions from 
time to time) Thelma Lou?  Why does he feel the need to step out with Juanita 
on the sly?  Well, we all know that Barney has a fragile ego.  It requires 
continual bolstering.  Though Thelma Lou is good at this, she is also not 
afraid to stand up to Barney or take him to task.  My theory (It's just a 
theory.  What's your theory?) is that Juanita is Barney's ego booster.  She 
probably fawns over him and makes him out to be Mayberry's answer to Don Juan, 
hence Barney's swaggering manner whenever he speaks to her.

I'm wading deeper still--Could it be that Barney's continual reluctance to 
commit to Thelma Lou and his seeming need for another woman to feed his ego 
resulted in the split that led Barney to Raleigh and drove Thelma Lou to marry 
another man?  Of course, we have to imagine all this going on behind the 
scenes, since the end of season five doesn't explain Barney's departure.  I 
guess this is my way of tying up those loose ends!

Thanks for bearing with the long post!

The ever philosophical,
Thelma Lou

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Barney, Thelma Lou, and Juanita

2006-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello All,
I have a question that I have been wondering about for a long time. I
looked on the Mayberry.com website for the answer, but could not find it. 
Can any of you help me out?  In some episodes it seems that Thelma Lou and
Juanita are both refered to in regards to being Barney's girlfriends. One
episode that comes to mind is the Filling Station Robbery.  When Barney
takes the picture of himself out of the envelope, Goober says, "You should
have copies made and give one to Thelma Lou."  Then at the end of the
episode Barney calls up Juanita.  This has always seemed strange to me.  I
think there are other incidents similar to this in other episodes. Has
anyone else noticed this?  Does anyone know the explanation?  
On an unrelated subject: Does anyone know if there is going to be a
Mayberry in the Midwest this summer?  Just trying to make some summer plans.
Also, I want to offer my sympathy to the Jeff K. family, too.  I entered a
written memorial to his family on the funeral home website and noticed that
many of you did the same.  

Have a Mayberry Day,
Connie, Iowa's biggest TAGS fan

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Juanita down at the diner

2008-06-09 Thread colonialcott...@netzero.net
My husband and I like to eat at the local diner once in a while.  The waitress 
brought us the check yesterday, and although I had seen her there before, I did 
not know her name.  The name she wrote on the back of the check was Juanita!  
We have our own Juanita down at the diner!

"Hello, Juanita?"  Oh, hi Frank."

Brenda "Bee" Higgins
New Concord, OH

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online degree.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Singing to Juanita at the dinner...

2006-01-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Juanita never appeared on screen nor did we ever hear her voice.  The episode 
when Opie and the spoiled rich kid hit the ball in the abandoned old house 
appears a number of time here in the desert, I don't know which season it was 
from but I think there are at least 4 seasons out.  I have also been wondering 
where I might get a copy of the Danny Thomas pilot for the Andy show?  Bill 
from the Desert

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sarah, the operator & Juanita, the waitress

2012-12-22 Thread Gary A. Johnson
In response to Message: 3 (Victor yesterday)
I don't know if this subject has ever been discussed ...but have you ever 
wondered what some of these unseen gals of Mayberry might have looked 
likeSarah, Phoebe Gilbert, Juanita at the diner, and who was that gal Doug 
Wash was accused of flirting with, then there was "The Beast of the 4th floor", 
Jeff Pruitt's girl friend Bertha, Vicky Harms, Alice Harper, Laura Lee Hobbs, 
...I know there are others but that's a start...ever wonder what they looked 
like..might be fun to pick a couple and describe them
Here's Sarah: http://www.garytexas.com/sarah.jpg
and Juanita: http://www.garytexas.com/juanita.jpg

I'm still researching the others' pictures, it might be I need bigger wires.

-Gary A. Johnson-
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock (near Kelsey's Woods), Texas
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney, Thel, Juanita, Sitting in a Tree

2006-10-16 Thread bcq145
 Hello, good people of Mayberry,
I've been having a little correspondence with a sweet lady, Marie to be exact, 
and she got me wondering about
the differences in the girls Barney dated.
Obviously, we never even got to see Juanita.  But don't we all have in our 
minds what that lady looked like?
I figure dark-hair set in sort of a beehive, red lipstick, lots of eye makeup, 
not heavy but a little hippy maybe (some junk in the trunk), pretty face and a 
big flirt.  Just about the opposite of Thelma Lou.  And unlike Thel, Juanita 
did not slap so often, if you know what I mean.
I think Thelma Lou was beautiful (to me, she was much more attractive than 
Helen, though Helen was pretty
especially when she smiled).  And frankly, while Andy was handsome enough that 
it never surprised me
that pretty girls were drawn to him,  Barney was proof that being less than 
perfect is no hindrance to
getting the ladies.  Barney was a confident man, most of the time,  and this 
seemed to come through.
Women do like confident men.   And they liked our Andy and our Barney, even if 
these two were about as opposite
as opposites can be.
"I want to hear it from his own thin lips."  (Odd.  To me, Barney's lips were 
the only FULL things about that
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire, and I 
think I would have dated either Barney or Andy.  I have more in common with 
Andy, but I probably would have had a better--if cheaper date--with Barney.

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Subject: Sarah, the operator & Juanita, the waitress WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 368

2012-12-23 Thread Dolly
I found Gary's query interesting, "what did these unseen Mayberry girls look 

I would really like to have seen  one of the  objects of Ernest T. Bass' 
affections "Hogget Winslow"?

since she was a mountain  girl would she have resembled Idell Bushy?

Then that discussion leads me into contemplating what "AL" would have looked 
like to be such an attraction for the girls who escaped from prison that 
held  Barney and Floyd hostage and wasn't the gang leader Barney's voice 
teacher? .

Wishing everyone here a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
G-d bless.

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