CDR: Re: Anonymous blogging,

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
>>> a man who hasn't yet thought of *any* American city he wouldn't really rather see nuked until it glowed <<< I thought it was just one with the really large african-american population? >>>-- or any cop car he wouldn't throw rocks at. <<< Well if that's true,he doe's have a good side then. : Letterman.SLIPPER.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
Iraq has handed in a weapons report and the only thing they left out was the weapons. That shows you how clever Saddam Hussein is. By the time Bush finishes reading this thing, he’ll be out of office. Bush started on Saturday and he’s now on page two! Bush asked for the Cliffs Notes version. Ri

Gate Crashers

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
A demonstration by a group calling itself the "Gate Crashers" again disrupted the arrival of some of the approximately 2,000 invited guests at the President's official Independence Day reception at the Presidential Palace on Friday evening. A force of about 300 police had their hands full tryin

Maths Proffr.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
"...every Confederate soldier, by the mores of his age and ours, deserved not a hallowed resting place at the end of his days but a reservation at the end of the gallows." He attributed the continuation of modern race problems "the Confederacy was not thoroughly destroyed, its leaders and soldi

Police station bombed,killer cop threatened.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
AP. 10 December 2002. Group says Genoa bombings a response to police killing of protester at G-8 summit. GENOA -- A previously unknown group claimed responsibility Tuesday for bombings at a Genoa police station the day before, saying they were a response to the death of a protester during riots

Coercive Interrogation.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
This is actually under 'debate,' here in Airstrip 2.(Oz) Coercive Interrogation You Have No Right to Remain Silent by JOANNE MARINER Anyone who has ever watched a cop show knows that you have a right to remain silent in response to police questioning, and that if you knowingly waive that right, "

Totalitarian Information Agencies.Should Cpunks be restocking the Y2K bunkers?

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
It looks like members of the Total Information Awareness (TIA) development team at DARPA don't like the lime-light. All of their bio's were removed from the Information Awareness Office Web site ( sometime during the past couple of weeks. However the Google cache still

Lamb lies down on Broadway.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
NEW YORK Youth Drive Organizing Against War Over the last three weeks, New York City students in college, high school, and middle school have been building anti-war organizing efforts. Students have organized and led events ranging from holding a forum discussing school administrators' hypocrit

Central Dark.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
Hey jamesd here's one from your old buds... The Shameful Frame-up in the Central Park Jogger Case (RW) by Revolutionary Worker (RCP) 11:25am Tue Dec 10 '02 When a middle-class woman was brutally beaten and raped while jogging in New York's Central Park in 1989, this system's police, prosecutors,

Counter-intelligence clippings.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
Britain: Documentary reveals how trade union leaders worked with secret services A recent BBC documentary, True Spies, has revealed that up to 23 senior trade unionists regularly provided intelligence to the secret services in the 1970s.(World Socialist Web Site, 10 Dec 02) I was told to bur

Honduras."the horror,the horror."

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
Honduras bans Quake etc. By Posted: 10/12/2002 at 17:11 GMT Honduras has issued a blanket ban on all violent videogames and toys, which is set to come into effect next June - giving retailers in the country a six month grace period to clear stocks of the games from their inven

Help a persecuted catholic.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
The Wrong Man In The Most Damaging Spy Case Ever, The FBI Had One Suspect And One Alone December 8, 2002 WASHINGTON -- Brian Kelley says he felt like the Harrison Ford character in "The Fugitive" - an innocent man desperately eluding a single-minded lawman played by Tommy Lee Jones. His life

Anarchist Q & A.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
ANARCHIST QUESTION AND ANSWER Q. Is an anarchist society possible? But first a message from our sponsors,P & Youth Inc,UBL and FARC ltd present... this that, the United States government refuses to ratify international treaties that protect human rights. It has the highest prison population in t


2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. by profrv@(nospam) 4:44am Wed Dec 11 '02 Power corrupts and it's hard to hide the stench from the Monarchy and the secular monarchy,representative demockr-racy. STAND DOWN TONY,this is first and final notice,sport. Tony Two Flats 'There is no conceivable w


2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
With American Imperialism running rampant and war with Iraq looking only a matter of time, we have taken the opportunity to reprint these articles by Alexander Berkman from The Blast. Originally published in 1917, these articles indicate why anarchists oppose capitalist wars and how little the

If you think it's bad here...

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
...try Turkey,surrounded by mullah's,marxists and grey wolves,oh and seppo bases. ANARCHISM PLATFORM AGAINST WAR Anarchist Platform¹ a Turkish anarchist umbrella group, participated in demonstrations in Istanbul against the imminent war with Iraq on the 2nd December 2002. The Turkish anarchist

Abandoned Places.

2002-12-11 Thread Matthew X
BOOK REVIEW "ABANDONED PLACES" A Legacy of Post Cultures and Civilisations¹ by Lesley & Roy Adkins. Grange Books 1990, This edition 1996 (Qunantum) ISBN 1-85627-833-6 Any person living in a city could be forgiven for thinking that the society and civilisation they are part of will live forever.


2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
This weekend... DENMARK: EU SUMMIT Dec 10 2002 Demonstrations, Countersummit Planned in Copenhagen for Another Europe Denmark has been the host nation for the European Union in the second half of 2002. On 13 and 14 December, the final EU summit of the n

Keycorp kiss of death for greater Hong Kong and Democracy.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Keycorp signs Hong Kong ID card deal with PCCW-led consortium The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) signs contract; places first order Sydney, 14 October 2002 Secure electronic transaction solutions provider Keycorp Limited today announced it has signed a subcontr

ID encryption and Police states.Geoff Ross needs killing.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Asia Pacific Office 18 F One International Finance Center 1 Harbour View Street Central, Hong Kong Tel: + 852 2166 8309 Fax: + 852 2166 8488 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Canuck outfit diversinet,(NORTEL lest we forget.) want to get into bed with SecureNet who are already linked with the 'smart' new I

UK-STASI Cards made in OZ?

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
19 Nov 02 | UK ID cards: civic dream or Orwellian nightmare? 04 Oct 02 | Technology Belgium plans digital ID cards 04 Jul 02 | Politics 'State racism' fears over ID cards 04 Jul 02 | Science/Nature Technology trips smart card plans 04 Jul 02 | Politics Blunkett backs ID card plan 03 Jul 02 | P

I shot the Sheriff.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Man tells of defense against police raid Brian Eggleston told a courtroom of a gun battle in his dark home in which he was shot and returned fire, killing a sheriff's deputy during a raid on his home over marijuana. Tacoma Tribune Eggleston testi

Is Tim May a Pinko?

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
When the Pinkerton Detective Agency was contracted by the state of Idaho to conduct an investigation into the Steunenberg assassination it sent to Boise the most famous detective in the land, James P. McParland. McParland had made his reputation thirty years earlier in the anthracite coalfields

One of the most interesting things about the Gutnick case for mine is...

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
...the rare loss by Geoffrey Robertson who is one of those legends like Gary,(Ruby Ridge,Karen Silkwood,etc) Spence,Jimmy Cochrane and Clarence Darrow. That there will be a world war between the law and the net seems assured. Reading this recently...The Making of a Country Lawyer, revealing throu

Nice Graphic of a no-Gutnick.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
At the economist over the no-Gutnick farce... "...Victoria, which has some of the severest libel laws in any established democracy..." I should remember that...BUT IT WOULD BE WRONG! "...The Victoria court ruled that, in fact, p

Acts of charity.I wish you Joy.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Cult may strike again, Japanese warned December 11 2002 By Shane Green, Japan Correspondent, Tokyo Aum Shinrikyo, the doomsday cult responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on Tokyo's subways, may be prepared to commit random mass murder to free its guru from prison, according to a report by Jap

To Kill a Police Officer.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Andy McCrae's Declaration of Renewed American Independence The Declaration of a Renewed American Independence by Andrew McCrae Monday November 25, 2002 at 07:34 PM The motives behind the killing of a Police Officer in Red Bluff, California. A declaration of American rights in the face of law enfo

Demo's-Louisville and Wolfowitz.Decline and Fall.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Louisville, KY, Dec 9 2002, 1 PM EST: Hundreds of protesters rally in front of police headquarters in downtown Louisville. Several attempt to enter police HQ; when rebuffed, the entire crowd takes to the street. There were approximately 300-500 people in the crowd, spread out on the sidewalk in

Hot and Heavy.

2002-12-10 Thread Matthew X
Indymedia has it's very own jamesd style uberloon...this ones called Marco. J'accuse John Wayne Howard... Warningate: Howard Lies to Parliament. (english) profrv@(nospam) 12:39am Tue Dec 10 '02 article#222124

Burn down the Mission.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
'Gleeful' mosque arsonist jailed for six years The man who torched a Brisbane mosque soon after the September 11 terrorist attacks has been sentenced to six years jail. Brisbane District Court Judge Manus Boyce has called for tougher penalties for racially motivated crime. Brisbane's Kuraby mosqu

Into the Infinium.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Hale and Dorr Represents Infinium in $105 Million Acquisition One of largest software M&A deals of the year. Hale and Dorr Represents Infinium in $105 Million Acquisition November 5, 2002 On October 28th, Infinium Software, Inc. (Nasdaq: INFM), a provider of web-integrated enterprise business ap

No Gutnick.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Vic trial for alleged slur of Gutnick by Dow Jones Business news publisher Dow Jones has lost a High Court bid to have a defamation case involving high-profile businessman Joe Gutnick removed to the United States. Mr Gutnick wants to sue the company over an article published on a subscription In

To make the President know fear.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
To protest is an act of intellectual commitment. It is to say, 'Sir, I protest' when you are slapped in the face... To protest is to play a game. You go to a demonstration, listen to speeches, wave signs, and go home to see if you got on television. There are many toys in the game of protest. The

Sheridan Shits.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
PM Finds a new way to lose friends. This has been a very bad week for Australia in South east Asia,the worst since the deputy sheriff fiasco of three years ago.The controversy about John Howard's declaration that Australia would be prepared to undertake a pre-emptive military strike against a Je

Gangbangers and street thugs, 'Wilding,' downunder.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Hey,he's YOUR judge,I never called MS that. Putting all your eggs in Big Brother's basket By Simon Minahan November 25 2002 Next Recently, federal shadow spokeswoman for IT, Kate Lundy, was bemoaning the "IT straitjacket" that state and federal governments are in. She was referring to recently re

AFP accuse ASIO.'Your calling ME an idiot!'

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Closing the gaps in our terror plan December 10 2002 Picture: NICK MOIR Members of the anti-terror Incident Response Regiment during manoeuvres. (pic) As the government looks at improving Australia's readiness for a terrorist attack, Murray Mottram, in the last of a two-part series, finds key age

CATO forces journalists to toe party line

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Sorry, CHINA... China forces journalists to toe party line December 10 2002 By Hamish McDonald China Correspondent Beijing Chinese Government and Communist Party agencies next year will begin a sweeping surveillance of all the country's 400,000 journalists to test their ideological commitment and

50 Below.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Anarchists have long promoted not voting as not doing nothing...just not doing something stupid.And when no side can claim a mandate then the state can wither away.(with a little nudge if it needs help.) Voter apathy hits Serbia poll December 10 2002 By Alex Todorovic Belgrade. Picture: AFP Elect

Chop Chop.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Cheap tobacco's additives a health risk By Julie Robotham, Medical Writer December 9 2002 Beware "chop-chop" ... Renee Bittoun. Photo: Jon Reid Illegal sales of loose tobacco adulterated with everything from water to chlorine are being blamed for a surge in serious respiratory illness in smokers

Gerald Parsky as Gordon Gecko.

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
Letter to the UC Regents Re: Pension Plan Changes Patricia E. Erickson, Former member of the UCRS Advisory Board, LLNL Benefits/Retirement Counselor September 12, 2000 THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RE: University of California Retirement System (UCRS) The purpose of my letter is to

Desert Rats

2002-12-09 Thread Matthew X
There's an interesting book about a behind the lines operation that may have stopped Rommel breaking through at Al Alemain. Some guy called,'poppy.' and a few local arabs set off a huge gas depot and the German tanks ran out of fuel.This is from ...

Burnt in the USA.

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
Plea Bargain-State Terror During the Inquisition,an edict would be read at a special Mass,It described various heresies,besides the main two,Islam and Judaism. It then called forth all who might be guilty of,'infection.' If they confessed during a period of grace they might be accepted back into


2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
IRAN: STUDENT MOVEMENT Dec 8 2002 Growing Calls for More Democracy in Iran As the world is focused on Iraq and Palestine there is a growing democracy movement in Iran that is diverse and widespread. As conservative clerics, Mullahs, have recently sentenced to death a leading modernist Muslim

Fuck them if they can't take a joke

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
Bush the Comedian: Poindexter, Abrams and Now Henry K. by SAUL LANDAU I didn't think President Bush had a highly developed sense of humor. Then, earlier this year, he appointed retired Admiral John Poindexter President Reagan's National Security Adviser to head the Information Awareness Office,

Latest peer reviewed hard science from the CATO people,Toxic Sludge is Good for You.

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
How PR Sold the War in the Gulf by JOHN STAUBER AND SHELDON EDITORS NOTE: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) warns that "the fraudulent story of Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators during the occupation of Kuwait in 1990 is depicted as if it were true in 'Live from B

Please God make America collapse.

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
Please God make America collapse. (arabic) M.Attar. Yes it is I.The one who caused you pain unto death speaks to you now from Paradise.I was enjoying it so much its hard to turn away,yet... It is time for prayers. 'Please God, make America collapse' uploaded 08 Dec 2002 Mohammad Fadal al-Samarai,

Transmission from the local systems.

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
BOYCOTT the DEATH STAR! Rebel Alliance. Terra Quadrant. Free citizens of the Galaxy are unwittingly supplying war materials to the evil empire. Some are,like IBM,FORD and Prescott Bush,trading with the enemy.They will be held accountable by Jedi assassins.Peaceful citizens of the Galaxy are urge

How can I attack America?

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
Here's How You Can Attack America. Colonel Panic. Leverage is a word to conjure with,as a force multiplier it could move the planet. What does our mutual enemy fear most? How to combine a physical attack with a cyberattack. "...There has always been talk of dire attacks, such as "digital Pearl

Cutting Edge Security.

2002-12-08 Thread Matthew X
"...There's a lot of criticism that the open-source movement has been good at reproducing an existing environment--cloning Unix, cloning CDE (Common Desktop Environment), reverse-engineering Microsoft's SMB (Server Message Block) protocols. What are the new areas where the open-source community


2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X When asked about the current international crisis, a full sixty percent said that they support regime change. However, there was little agreement on who should replace the Bush administration.


2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
6 December 2002 ] Ministry of Defence: The Construction of Nuclear Submarine Facilities at Devonport (1.6MB PDF) Audit report on the contract to build special docks on the Devonshire coast so that Britain's nuclear submarines can be refitted. The project is now massively over budget, and the UK

The Cable Guy.

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
AN anti-terror squad has been formed to protect politicians, diplomats and judges against attack. The Australian Federal Police Special Response Team will be trained in hostage rescue and tactical assaults and will be equipped with weapons similar to those used by the SAS. They are training with


2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
Police seize ATM theft device 08dec02 FRAUD squad detectives yesterday seized a working keycard skimmer, which will allow them for the first time to learn how the new electronic thieving operates. "This is the first entire skimmer we have found in Australia," said Fraud Squad Inspector Michael G

How to stop Tim maykerters.

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
When you make mistakes that require 180' corrections,Tim,old mate,its time to drain the hot tub.No one thinks any less of Ronnie Reagan.(he may even be smarter now) A) Out of touch in general,a crashing bore in particular.Sorry,it has to be said. b) Dangerous propertarian;call for cage and darts

Citizens spying on citizens, for bounties paid by state

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
>>>A few school districts are even going a step further, offering members of the public bounties of $100 or more for information on students who sneak across district lines.<<< Didn't the torturer's of the (originally dominican led in France) Inquisition get a cut? I don't think they were on a

Declan the King of capitalism.

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X THE KING OF CAPITALISM: THOMAS WATSON AND IBM Monday 8 July 9pm-10pm; rpt midnight-1am Along with Ford and some dickhead called Presscot did big business in some totalitarian country that was suppressing and even killing peopl

Ptech-RSA-ATM thefts!

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
Avi Rubin: press coverage ... hole December 17, 2001 ... by Daniel Sieberg August 11, 2001 ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages


2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
Please clean up... (english) proffr of arabia. ...and repost without the ???@#$ crap,please? TIA. That murder is a justifiable weapon against leaders of rogue states. We cannot afford to overlook the possibility that a well-placed rifle shot, or properly targeted laser-guided weapon, just might p

RSA Link to Ptech? DUMP RSA.

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
Ptech's current list of Partners include: Booz | Allen | Hamilton Booz Allen, a global leader in management and technology consulting, provides services to major international corporations and government clients around the world. Their major areas of expertise include: Strategy, Organization

SC.Marcos and Carr attack bastards.

2002-12-07 Thread Matthew X
December 07, 2002 NSW Premier Bob Carr has slammed the arsonists responsible for lighting fires that engulfed parts of southern Sydney. Mr Carr, touring the area today, said properties and lives were put at risk by arsonists who began fires in the suburbs of Holsworthy, Sandy Point, Menai and Ba

Pour Gas on Bush and Burn the Jerk.Arbusto,Chingas tu madre

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
FIRE.Light up and live. "...Whatever the other perverse,ingeniously conceived contrivances for inflicting suffering,the supreme instrument of the,(dominican led)Inquisition was FIRE. FIRE derived its legal precedent and sanction from the law of Imperial Rome,which was revived in the twelth centu

Berlusconi's Mousetrap

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Berlusconi's Mousetrap is a feature length documentary produced by Irish Indymedia about the events in Genoa. The film is based on footage shot by Irish Indy media and some film culled from the International Indymedia archive. It is obvious watching the documentary that considerable effort has

Godwin against Australia.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Secretary of State of the United States Colin Powell has now said that the United States principle objective now appears to be removing Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, no longer explicitly regime change. So we're now left with an Australian government with a position supporting regime cha

FIRE as instrument of torture.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Burnt Alive at the Stake. by Chopper While youse may prefer the blowtorch to the belly,I have a thing about feet meself. Here is a little gem from the Chopper archives to distract ya.FIRE-flame ON! FIRE.Light up and live. "...Whatever the other perverse,ingeniously conceived contrivances for inf

Koen's dead.RIP.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
NETHERLANDS: ANIMAL ACTIVISM Dec 6 2002 Animal Activists Sentenced to Prison and Fine Ten animal activists were sentenced (nl) to seventeen days in prison and a blanket fine of 20,000 Euros for squating the office of the Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) in Rijkswijk on Sunday 24 Novem

Fuck This.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Teen slips razor blades in apple pies LAFAYETTE (Louisiana) - The FBI has arrested a teenager accused of slipping razor blades into three hot apple pies at the McDonald's outlet where he worked. A customer who bit into the dessert suffered a minor cut on the lip.

Sklywalkers X-wing."...can be used for bad purposes."

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
U.S. shows Sklyarov video in court By Lisa M. Bowman Staff Writer, CNET December 5, 2002, 4:00 PM PT SAN JOSE, Calif.--The U.S. government wrapped up its case in the ElcomSoft criminal trial Thursday without calling to the stand a Russian programmer initially expected to be the prosecu

Squeal Like a Pig Bowah!

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
The Rightward Press Nov 26, 2002) By E. J. Dionne Jr. Friday, December 6, 2002; Page A45 The fat is in the fire on the issue of media bias, and that is a good thing. It's time to revisit a matter on which the conventional wisdom is, roughly, 180 degrees off. You hear the conventional wisdom all


2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
N Korean spy ship same one that ran drugs, Ogi says A salvaged North Korean spy ship appears to be the same ship as one which was suspected of being used for drug trafficking in the East China Sea in 1998.( Japan Today, 6 Dec 02) N. Korean spy ship same as 1998 drug-deal vessel.( Mainichi

When Polacks Attack.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
DISCONNECTED Workers in Ozarow Poland have been rioting against the closure of their telephone cable factory. They rejected the measly payoff they were offered, and instead started a 219 day occupation of the factory which ended abruptly two weeks ago when several buses of security guards viole

Clogging our value chain.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
18 years after one of the worst chemical leaks in history, the people of Bhopal are still waiting for justice in the wake of the Union Carbide disaster. Proving how little the powers that be actually care about people's suffering, Dow Chemicals (who now own Union Carbide) have told the people o


2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! KISSinger MY ARSE. SchNEWS KISSINGER OF DEATH Next Tuesday is International Human Rights Day - 54 years since the signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which amongst other things declared, 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and

Fatwa out on Ronald McDonald.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Djakarta to Bombay,I just got some FOI on my contribution last year...1500$damage to the Collins st store.Ronalds days are numbered.A shadowy figure in a terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters to target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American citizens. "The United Sta

To Serve Man.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Every now and then a true story comes along that is so gruesome, that illuminates a snippet of humanity so monstrous even the most titillating newspapers barely touch it. But such stories still hold a macabre, irresistible fascination, which is why two books have just been published about one o

Terrorism and Forth Estate.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Terrorism and Forth Estate. December 05, 2002 IT is not unusual to find this newspaper's owner, News Limited, disagreeing with the Fairfax group, which includes The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Australian Financial Review. Where they fight for market share, they are ferocious and unfo


2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
ATLANTA: CORPORATE MEDIA Dec 5 2002 CNN Protested for Warmongering Stance On Sunday, November 24, about 100 people, led by the "Drop Bass not Bombs Anti-War Drum Corp and Flagettes," marched on CNN Center to protest corporate media bias [ 1 ] regarding coverage of war. The march was organized

Fly Dies.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
Particularly notable in The War on Freedom is a chapter titled The Collapse of Standard Operating Procedure on 9-11. One incredibly striking detail is the change in the official story of Air Force procedures. Ahmed details how, on Sept. 13, Joint Chief of Staff Richard Myers stated that no plane

Crispus Attucks libeled after martyrdom by John Adams.

2002-12-06 Thread Matthew X
1770 -- Six of the British troops involved in the Boston Massacre found innocent, largely due to defense attorney John Adams' intimation that Crispus Attucks, America's first black hero, may have caused "the dreadful carnage of that night" with his "mad the head of... [a] rabble of Ne

The rantings of a man who disliked police.

2002-12-05 Thread Matthew X
Murder theory fails, Silk-Miller jury told December 6 2002 By Peter Gregory Chief Court Reporter A man accused of murdering two police officers would be acquitted even if a jury accepted the best prosecution theory about their deaths, the Silk-Miller trial heard yesterday. Defence barrister Chris

Try not to confuse the ''the carnage in Tora Bora'' for the bloodshed in Kandahar,kids.

2002-12-05 Thread Matthew X
In a departure from recent policy, the Pentagon is planning to deploy hundreds of print reporters, photographers and television journalists with front-line U.S. units if there's a war with Iraq, reports Johanna Neuman. Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke says: "We are absolutely convinced the

The empires of the future will be empires built of lies

2002-12-05 Thread Matthew X
Iranian Pollsters on Trial, Face Espionage Charges Three Iranian pollsters allied to pro-reform President Mohammad Khatami went on trial Tuesday on charges of espionage and fabricating surveys.( Reuters, 4 Dec 02) Iran tries pollsters on spying charges.( BBC, 3 Dec 02) Iranian pollsters o

The Military-Entertainment Complex.

2002-12-05 Thread Matthew X
President Bush on Wednesday signed a bill intended to make it safer for children to cruise around the Internet by setting up an Internet domain free of adult material. Web sites with an address such as would have to certify they are free of sexually explicit material, hate sp

Diffie,Blaze Indicted...

2002-12-05 Thread Matthew X
...tortured,hung,drawn and quarted For talking to the Gestapo. SAN JOSE, Calif.--A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted two men on criminal charges of stealing trade secrets from Sun Microsystems,Nortel and other computer technology companies with the intention of making and selling processo

Declan McCATOhead. We Sell You.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
"...A recent report by the US-based Rand Corporation think tank found that the Beijing government had shifted its tactics to use more technology to filter out objectionable content, instead of relying solely on surveillance of users and seizure of equipment. The Rand report released earlier this

Grubby (58), Liar (55), ), Moron (9),Bastard (8 Commie (3), Fruitloop (1), Bullshit (1), Crap (1) Just another day in the office.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Porn, drugs, insults - how the House got completely out of order By Robert Wainwright, State Political Correspondent December 5 2002 Mr Nile Which Member of the NSW Parliament has been more obsessed with sex, drugs and pornography than any of his colleagues in the past four years? How many

Vietnam asked to release reporter punished for web publishing

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Next time any journalist talks up the Doha round of WTO talks ask them if they know of the Jordanian reporter on death row in the hereditary,absolutist,dictatorial monarchy. (Doha is the capital of Qatar.) Did you get my note on China,china? RE. Congresscritters turning off their email inboxes

Police Compound stormed.Army base burned.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Print Email Posted: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 15:04 AEDT Australian officers injured in Dili riots Two officers from the Australian Federal Police were injured during riots in Dili yesterday. Prime Minister John Howard has told Parliament the two sustained minor injuries, with one requiring medical treatm

Quisling stores bombed,'Terrorism lite in a range of soft pastel colors.'

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Radio Netherlands Dutch Shut IKEA Stores After Bombs Are Found New York Times - 20 minutes ago DUIVEN, the Netherlands, Dec. 4 — Investigators cordoned off all 10 Dutch outlets of the IKEA home furnishings store today after explosives were found in two of them. Two Dutch Army specialists were sl

Shoelace Manufacturers ordered and paid for the RUN DMC Hit.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
See the video's if you want motive... The knotty problem of choosing the optimum way of lacing up shoes has been solved by a new mathematical proof. The criss-cross and straight patterns (left and centre) are strongest, but the bow-tie pattern (right) is the most efficient There are many millions

RE: - WiFi activists on free Web crusade - Nov. 29, 2 002

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
That's cute. I'll have to play with using the dishes with 802.11b sometime. Peter Trei That is cute. Someone will have to dob you in for spying/hacking sometime,turnabout is fair play.Who is your immediate superior at RSA?

Italy: Musical chairs with a megalomaniac.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
REPRESSION goes on: again arrests in Italy about genoa 2001 by imc italy 1:39am Thu Dec 5 '02 REPRESSION goes on: again arrests in Italy about genoa 2001 The wave of repression in Italy goes on: once again we are breathing the air of a regime. On the morning of the 4th of December, investigatio

RSA linked to Saint-Gobain scandals.DUMP RSA stocks.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Searched the web for Saint-Gobain scandal. Results 1 - 10 of about 112. Search took 0.27 seconds Searched the web for Saint-Gobain scandal. Results 1 - 10 of about 112. Search took 0.27 seconds RSA Security has added a News Release to its Investor Relations web site. Title: Saint-Gobain Secures

Exclusive interview with nuclear sub inspectors.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
W Nukiller Sub Inspectors Released On Bail Indymedia has an exclusive interview with the two peace protesters who entered HMS Vanguard undetected last week. They were released on bail having been held over the weekend and appearing in court Monday morning. The sub is one of the UKs four Triden

Where's Mafiaboy when you need him?

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X Last year, Yahoo cancelled the 12,500 member Islamic Community club that had been the single largest Yahoo Club of any religion; recently it cancelled the Islamic Community Net ID as well, and deleted the Chechnya We Will Never

Release the Bats.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
We got a million of em' U.S. considered using bats to bomb Tokyo, files show William Hollingworth Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 09:29 JST LONDON U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt was so frustrated with the U.S. military's early inability to bomb the Japanese mainland in World War II that he l

New SEC Head-New RSA Investigation?DUMP RSA STOCK!

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
December 3, 2002 RSA Security Inc. 174 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 RE: Registration Statement on Form S-8 Ladies and Gentlemen: I am Assistant General Counsel of RSA Security Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Registrant"), and am issuing this opinion in connection with the

Could you put a Hellfire missile into a car in Washington, D.C?

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Please? American al-Qaida operatives can be killed Secret finding signed by Bush gives CIA authority, officials say Associated Press WASHINGTON -- American citizens working for al-Qaida overseas can legally be targeted and killed by the CIA under President Bush's rules for the war on terrorism, U

Tortured during an interrogation by US intelligence

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
National Indonesian Embassy Confirms Philippines Police Tortured Al Ghozi 29 Nov 2002 23:28:44 WIB TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines has confirmed that the Philippine Police tortured Fathur Rahman Al Ghozi, an Indonesian citizen who has been arrested for his

Full Spectrum Information Dominance.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Perspective: A tech tool for future tyrants? By Tom Giovanetti December 4, 2002, 4:00 AM PT A healthy distrust of government was a hallmark of this country's founding, and has protected us from much harm over the last 226 years. The founders may have disagreed about many things, but they all agre

Gone to Croatan: Anarchism and Surrealism.

2002-12-04 Thread Matthew X
Class war veteran Ron Sakolsky has always been a fearless pathfinder in the wilds of revolutionary culture and cultural revolution. In the last decade alone, he has co-edited three important, stimulating anthologies on some of the histories and cultures which weave through and orbit around the

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