Re: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-15 Thread Hugh G. Blaze

Well, duh.

Re: what is the definition of techno?

One has to ask first, what is a definition? A definition is a label
attached to a phenomena and it does not convey any attributes other than
those relevant for the phenomenon under examination to have
discriminative validity (I choose not to engage in the raging parsimony
debate of definitions and axioms here). In order for a definition to
have meaning, it has to be universally agreed upon by the relevant
actors. For these actors, such a definition has utilitarian value. This
value consists for instance of reduced communicational ambiguities by
creating a body of knowledge that can subsequently be used for further
advancements and refinements of the original concept (see also note 1).

Note that a definition cannot be true or false, for any potential
falsification process would consist entirely of (non-)acceptance by the
relevant actors and thus cannot be considered a falsification process in
the strict Popperian sense, since for all practical purposes, the
definition acceptance process makes definitions more akin to axioms,
which by definition cannot be falsified.

The acceptance process by the relevant actors is rarely explicit and can
be best understood as an implicitly socially constructed process between
the relevant actors. However, quite often it is not *all* relevant
actors whose actions are consequential in this process, but only a
nucleolus of actors with a high network centrality whose actions
constitute milestones in the definitional acceptance process. Yet rarely
are such actions effective immediately, given their dependency on the
receiving parties' attitude and reaction, thus rendering any decision
process by the nucleolic actors regarding their intended actions in this
process boundedly rational.

The highly amorphous nature of this definitional acceptance process
makes tracing and explicitizing it a problem of an intractible nature.
Hence, the social constructivist paradigm argues that there does not
exist a universal definition of any phenomenon, since the social
circumstances are not constant, yet they are crucial to the definition
acceptance process. This implies that definitions are potentially
subject to variations over time, thus contradicting the single most
essential aspect of a definition: its universal consistency through time
and space.

When taken to the extreme, this paradigm implies that as many
definitions can exist as there are actors and even the staunchest social
constructivists have realized that this is an untenable position from a
realistic point of view. To avoid this, they have utilized the concept
of the Anthropic Principle, which in its original form can be stated as:
A phenomenon is the way it is, because we are there to observe it in
that way. This establishes an explicit, irrevocable causal link between
the phenomenon, the observer and the observation method, a link that is
an anathema to the positivistic paradigm (note the interesting parallel
with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the controversy that arose
when it was first proposed).

An important corollary of the Anthropic Principle is that, because
observer and observation method matter, once an observer starts to
describe the phenomenon under observation, there is inherently a loss of
information about the phenomenon because a different observer, using a
different observation method, would describe the phenomenon differently.
Note that this does not render any such descriptive definition invalid
from a practical standpoint, given the socially constructed process of
defining. However, it does mean that no single observer (and by
consequence, any finite number of observers) can theoretically arrive at
a complete definition, since the process of defining inherently involves
a descriptive reduction, thus rendering any definition inexorably

If we apply this to the definition of 'techno', it means that although a
common understanding of 'techno' has emerged (in other words: the
definition acceptance process has converged), articulating that
definition would immediately destroy the richness of the implicit
definition of 'techno', thus invalidating the question What is


PS: Note 1) A more malicious view would be that definitions are often
used to obfuscate reality, thus creating a halo of perceived expertise
around those who use those definitions, even though their expertise is
based solely on linguistical dexterity and not on a conceptual
understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Obviously I do not
subscribe to such a view.
PS: Note 2) Yes, I am taking the piss.

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Re: [313] what is techno

2000-06-15 Thread Cyclone Wehner

Look, I am gonna humbly try to answer Dustin's question in the name of
closure and moving on. Dustin, I am hoping that by posting this you will
stick with your agreement and let us do this.

The reason why people have trouble defining 'techno' is that, while it has
become universal, it exists simultaneously in a specific cultural context.
Also it is not merely a form of music but rather one driven by an
intellectual, philosophical and spiritual impulse. What's more, somewhat
paradoxically, Detroit's techno auteurs - Juan, Derrick and Kevin - were
consciously making a music that resisted definition. This is why the
(American) mainstream cannot cope with it as the music is so radical that it
disrupts its rigid social codes. It is a truly underground music form.

A lot of this music's power is intuitive; you feel it. Listen to your heart;
listen to your soul.

Once you understand the cultural context and circumstances that gave birth
to this wonderful music you will understand the distinction between 'techno'
and what we recognise as 'trance' and the aversion that many within this
music scene have to 'trance'.

There is nothing wrong with liking trance but at least then you will
understand why discussing it isn't appropriate here. It's a respect value
more than about taste.

It's deep and complex, and that is how it is meant to be, and I would feel
presumptuous in trying to explain it myself here but I will guide you to
where you can readily find this knowledge:

(1) Dan Sicko's book Techno Rebels explains the cultural context.

(2) Any interviews with techno's auteurs - especially Derrick May. Derrick
is a very articulate and intelligent and passionate individual and not
afraid to voice an opinion. If there is anyone who can really sum up the
impulse behind this music, it's him. Likewise Juan, he's the Godfather, also
Jeff Mills, and there are others. There are plenty of interviews on line and
there have been some good ones over the years in the international press,

(3) Carefully read the posts of those from Detroit, those who went to the
Music Institute, etc - they are/were there, they know about the roots. They
are the source. The teachers.

Finally, some wise words from Jeff Mills: Why some people think Techno
should be definite is a mystery. Perhaps they categorise for convenience.
One thing that Techno has brought, is that there is nothing wrong with not
understanding something. This I think is the origin of many of mankind's

This is not an answer, it's a guide.



Re: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-15 Thread Phonopsia
1) I ask that we please have this posted to the 313 FAQ, if it ever was
created, for any future such unfortunate events. I think Otto would have
just earned visiting professor status @ the Wayne State institute for
electronic music if such a think existed.

2) I hope everyone saw Otto's note PS: Note 2) Yes, I am taking the piss.

3) I will be staring a new email list for likeminded thinkers:

FrogboyMCI on AOL Instant Messenger

New Album, Québécois, online now.

-Original Message-
From: Otto Koppius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 313
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 4:52 PM
Subject: [313] The epistemology of techno

Re: what is the definition of techno?

One has to ask first, what is a definition? A definition is a label
attached to a phenomena and it does not convey any attributes other than
those relevant for the phenomenon under examination to have
discriminative validity (I choose not to engage in the raging parsimony
debate of definitions and axioms here). In order for a definition to
have meaning, it has to be universally agreed upon by the relevant
actors. For these actors, such a definition has utilitarian value. This
value consists for instance of reduced communicational ambiguities by
creating a body of knowledge that can subsequently be used for further
advancements and refinements of the original concept (see also note 1).

Note that a definition cannot be true or false, for any potential
falsification process would consist entirely of (non-)acceptance by the
relevant actors and thus cannot be considered a falsification process in
the strict Popperian sense, since for all practical purposes, the
definition acceptance process makes definitions more akin to axioms,
which by definition cannot be falsified.

The acceptance process by the relevant actors is rarely explicit and can
be best understood as an implicitly socially constructed process between
the relevant actors. However, quite often it is not *all* relevant
actors whose actions are consequential in this process, but only a
nucleolus of actors with a high network centrality whose actions
constitute milestones in the definitional acceptance process. Yet rarely
are such actions effective immediately, given their dependency on the
receiving parties' attitude and reaction, thus rendering any decision
process by the nucleolic actors regarding their intended actions in this
process boundedly rational.

The highly amorphous nature of this definitional acceptance process
makes tracing and explicitizing it a problem of an intractible nature.
Hence, the social constructivist paradigm argues that there does not
exist a universal definition of any phenomenon, since the social
circumstances are not constant, yet they are crucial to the definition
acceptance process. This implies that definitions are potentially
subject to variations over time, thus contradicting the single most
essential aspect of a definition: its universal consistency through time
and space.

When taken to the extreme, this paradigm implies that as many
definitions can exist as there are actors and even the staunchest social
constructivists have realized that this is an untenable position from a
realistic point of view. To avoid this, they have utilized the concept
of the Anthropic Principle, which in its original form can be stated as:
A phenomenon is the way it is, because we are there to observe it in
that way. This establishes an explicit, irrevocable causal link between
the phenomenon, the observer and the observation method, a link that is
an anathema to the positivistic paradigm (note the interesting parallel
with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the controversy that arose
when it was first proposed).

An important corollary of the Anthropic Principle is that, because
observer and observation method matter, once an observer starts to
describe the phenomenon under observation, there is inherently a loss of
information about the phenomenon because a different observer, using a
different observation method, would describe the phenomenon differently.
Note that this does not render any such descriptive definition invalid
from a practical standpoint, given the socially constructed process of
defining. However, it does mean that no single observer (and by
consequence, any finite number of observers) can theoretically arrive at
a complete definition, since the process of defining inherently involves
a descriptive reduction, thus rendering any definition inexorably

If we apply this to the definition of 'techno', it means that although a
common understanding of 'techno' has emerged (in other words: the
definition acceptance process has converged), articulating that
definition would immediately destroy the richness of the implicit
definition of 'techno', thus invalidating the question What is

Inaudible Reminder...

2000-06-15 Thread Lance @ Inaudible

Just a quick note to remind you of tonight's Inaudible
Radio/Webcast which will be broadcasting this
evening from 9-11 pm Eastern Standard Time.

To listen over the internet visit
at 9 pm and click on the Click here for Audioactive
Feed link. If you are in the Cleveland area you can
tune in by setting your radio to 89.3 fm.

Hope you'll all tune in!

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states

Re: [313] turntables

2000-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I was just wounderingdoes anyone in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area have
 any turntables they want to get rid of?
 Christos MichalakisI'm a Canadian.  Its kind of like an American,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]except without the gun.
 (734) 622-8398-David Foley

I've been looking for some original transmat and metroplex releases, sealed
preferably.  Anyone looking to get rid of some? Old Eminem freestyle
cassette's are worth a lot on Ebay if anybody wants to give me some of those

(just busting yer balls christos)

Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread FRED MCMURRY
Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of Techno! The New 
Dance Sound of Detroit? I mean, the street value, what it would sell for in 
a shop in the USA (like Submerge)? I have a was a gift from a very 
good friend, and no, I'm not looking to sell it. I just want to know the 
value of it (please Dustin, no pseudo-intellectual discussions about 
*value*) so I can alert my insurance representative if need be. Oh...yeah 
it's really god, though I rarely play it.


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RE: [313] what is techno

2000-06-15 Thread FC3 Richards
uncontrollable urge to jack off???  i think that is what you ment...

i'm all smiles




-George Clinton

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 1:44 PM
 Subject:  Re: [313] what is techno
 techno is an uncontrollable urge to jack your bo... oh wait

Carlos Souffront Track ID Please

2000-06-15 Thread Phonopsia
I just listened to all four Carlos Souffront sets, and they are as good as
what I remember hearing of them. Can anyone ID the track 13 minutes into the
4th part?

FrogboyMCI on AOL Instant Messenger

New Album, Québécois, online now.

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Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [313] Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread Ian Malbon
on 6/14/00 9:49 PM, FRED MCMURRY at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of Techno! The New
 Dance Sound of Detroit? I mean, the street value, what it would sell for in
 a shop in the USA (like Submerge)?

Good question.  Can anyone with an informed answer please reply to the list?


6/14/2k Inaudible Radio/Webcast Setlist...

2000-06-15 Thread Lance @ Inaudible
6/14/2k Inaudible Radio/Webcast Setlist...

9-10 pm by lance... 
. Ocone: fourteen heavens in all (Toshoklabs)
. BrothamStates: not kava (Kracfive)
. Lazyfish: fat angles (Art-Tek)
. Softice: incomplete transmission (Ionized)
. Pliant: forest cake (Systorm)
. Code C: nebula/logiq remix (Component)
. Quant: nelly disco (Dot)
. Supersoul: soma-rasa (Metatronik)
. Tleilaxu: organisism (Sonic Soul)
. Bauri: #6 (Benbecula)
. T Miller: cicada (Mad Monkey/Tektite)
. Thug: forgive me for wanting... (Splashdown)
. Patio: behind bike sheds (Involve)
. Goodiepal: steuea (V/vm)
. Full Swing: summer (Orthlorng Musork)

10-11 pm by john c... 
. Phillipe Cam: mixte (Traum)
. Phillipe Cam: caddie's day/salz remix 1 (Traum)
. Joachim Spieth: flucht punkt b2 (Onitor)
. Markus Nikolai: shake (Perlon)
. Klettermax: a3 - 6 3/4 a (Bruchstuecke)
. Safety Scissors: flopper matters (Force Tracks)
. James Ruskin: from over the edge (Tresor)
. Oliver Ho: in the centre of paradise (Meta)
. Hardcell: female voice/bryan zentz remix (Zync)
. Dub-Tech Soundsystem: sugar rush (Intrinsic Design)
. 3st vs Dash: you know? beats (Ramped)
. Lo Soul: lies/herbert remix (Playhouse)
. Sand 11: yeah yeah yeah/donna regina remix (Ladomat 2000)

Thanks to everyone who tuned in. See you next 
week same time  url or place on the dial.

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states

Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-15 Thread Matt MacQueen
At 12:13 PM -0400 6/14/00, Peter B Leidy wrote:
go to

this has the complete artist/title listing, but no labels.

ps, shortly after this came out, clone had a new white label stocked w/
numberofnames:sharevari and charlie:spacerwoman- both of which were in the
i-f mix.

Fascinating.  Does the white label you mention have the vocal version of
Sharevari or the instrumental?  I finally got a hold of my own copy of
Mixed Up in the Hague and think it's brilliantly put together.


Matt MacQueen
radio show archives in real audio --

Re: [313] Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread Christian Bloch
i play blake's ride 'em boy quite often. btw i found the record in a
local second hand record shop, and i bought it for 2$   ;-)

christian bloch
tresor/LL/funque droppings/simple muzik

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, FRED MCMURRY wrote:

 Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of Techno! The New 
 Dance Sound of Detroit? I mean, the street value, what it would sell for in 
 a shop in the USA (like Submerge)? I have a was a gift from a very 
 good friend, and no, I'm not looking to sell it. I just want to know the 
 value of it (please Dustin, no pseudo-intellectual discussions about 
 *value*) so I can alert my insurance representative if need be. Oh...yeah 
 it's really god, though I rarely play it.
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\()/ funque droppings
 \/  christian bloch : label manager

Re: [313] Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread *** ASKEW

Fred wrote:

Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of Techno! The
New Dance Sound of Detroit? I mean, the street value, what it would sell 
for in a shop in the USA...

Street value? Hmmm...

If we could side-step the manufacturers and take the pure product... 
simplify the formula... maybe cut it with some acid and FX, package it 
nicely... give it a new name...

We could make millions!:)


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Re: [313] Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread Simon Walley

 Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of Techno! The New
 Dance Sound of Detroit? I mean, the street value, what it would sell 
for in

 a shop in the USA (like Submerge)?

Good question.  Can anyone with an informed answer please reply to the 

I picked up a copy quite a few months ago. Can't remember exact price - I 
think at most it was about UKP15, probably less? Think Rob Webb found that 
one for me.

Also picked up Techno 2 compilation, mint, with promo inserts and reaction 
sheet for a similar price.

In general, fewer people (in the UK) seem to be collecting the older Detroit 
techno records. I picked up this Derrick May 2x12 one-sided remix pack for 
about UKP4 the other day.

|| [CiM]

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Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-15 Thread Otto Koppius
Matt MacQueen wrote:
 ps, shortly after this came out, clone had a new white label stocked w/
 numberofnames:sharevari and charlie:spacerwoman- both of which were in the
 i-f mix.
 Fascinating.  Does the white label you mention have the vocal version of
 Sharevari or the instrumental?  

The vocal version.
I don't know if they still have any left, but should
have the answer.


Re: [313] Thomas Heckmann: the biography

2000-06-15 Thread underground fighters
Thomas Heckmann is one of the first german Techno
producer. He was one of the first Force Inc artist (as
Exit100) with guys like Alec Empire, Wolgang Voigt
(Mike Ink), Ian Pooley... than he created the famous
Trope label and made the cult trance hit Amphetamin.
He has been produced with many pseudonym like Exit100,
Age, Silent Breed, Drax... 

respect u f

--- Jason Stanley Birchmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Just started listening to the above listed CD and am
 loving it.  Very
 driving techno with hard percussion and swirling
 synths that pull you in.
 I'm frustrated though.  I know nothing about this
 guy and found that Force
 Inc's artist link is not working.  Can anyone share
 a bit about this guy?
 One of the descriptions listed his style of music as
 Sagezahn.  That is
 a new term for me.  Anyone wish to share their
 Jason Birchmeier

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[313] S�gezahn

2000-06-15 Thread underground fighters
The Sägezahn sound wasn't create from Thomas Heckmann,
aber von W. Voigt aka Mike Ink with release like
Strass on Force Inc (1998!) and the some on his label
Auftrieb. That's a revival from the famous Cologne
Structure sound.

respect u f 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!


2000-06-15 Thread Gwendal Cobert
... is Kelli Hand label, just picked an Acacia Classics Volume One CD, and
wondered where I could find more information on this artist and her label ?


PS : and BTW, how would you guys define techno ? oops, sorry... but I just
can't help but find the Dustin thread quite funny, seems to me Techno has
always been a very broad genre encompassing (among others) trance, gabber,
drum'n bass, big beat... OK, never mind


2000-06-15 Thread Seth electricpress

I only take 313-digest so I can't really filter Dustin out.

Look, if dustin doesn't have the decency to just fuck off, is there any way 
we can filter him from digest / de-list him / discreetly kill him. He's 
boring the shit out of me...

what is techno??!!  grow up lad.

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Detroit comps

2000-06-15 Thread Gwendal Cobert
Just for the sake of it, I have tried to sum up all recommendations for
Detroit comps...
Detroit: Beyond The Third Wave
Detroit: The Deeper Shade of Techno I+II
True People from Detroit (Reactivate)
Geology on Planet E
DJ Rolando's Aztec Mix CD on Underground Resistance
Derrick May: Innovator 2CD (Transmat)
Model 500: Classics (RS)
Kevin Saunderson: Faces and Phases 2CD (Planet E)
John Beltran: Earth  Nightfall (RS)
Underground Resistance: Revolution For Change (Network)
The Martian: LBK-6251876 (Red Planet)
Carl Craig: Landcruising (Blanco Y Negro)
Drexciya: The Quest (Submerge)
Moodymann: A Silent Introduction (Planet E)
Theo Parrish: Sound Signature (Sound Signature)
X-101: Sonic Destroyer (Tresor)
Origins of a Sound (Submerge)
Depth Charge 1 (Submerge)
DJ Rolando: The Aztec Mystic Mix (Underground Resistance)
Direct Beat (430 West artists, Aux 88, DJ D'Jital, etc.)
Chain Reaction's Compiled (feat. Scion, Porter Ricks, Substance,etc.)
Strangely Arranged (Communique Records)

Re: Zägezahn

2000-06-15 Thread armin holzgethan

AFAIK Sägezahn refers to

first of course the waveform

secondly a revival of a certain german(?) sound from 94(?);
since the  first Strass  record (by MikeInk) on FIM in 98 it has kind of
exploded, at least in germany, and has become a sub-genre, exploited
especially by Heckmann and FIM but also by MikeInk himself (Auftrieb).
Once there came out a FIM labelsampler mixed by Rush consisting entirely
of sägezahn.
Altough initially intendet as tongue-in-cheek by MInk (watch out for his
jokes!) the whole thing was taken quiet/too seriously after a while
 and IMHO became an escape-route out of a creativity-standstill for
MInk (last time i mention him) offered in his late Freiland releases a
more demanding (and funky) and less trancey approach to this concept of
 Nowadays it has  already faded away on the whole, but it also has
spread in some ways. For example you may hear some reminisences of
zägezahn coming out of Bristol or in various electro-trax (Antarctica...
anyone wants to drop a comment on this one?)
Porter Ricks was sägezahn avant la lettre.

one could say that Dusty Cabinets by Th Parrish (hellova track!!) is in
some ways sägezahnish, but thats a bit far out and afterall i dont want
to start it all over
again, i shed no tears over this bugger dustin.

Keepitup and staydown


i'm missing Alan Oldham

Fwd: UK : The Flow, London tonight

2000-06-15 Thread Simon Walley
Very short notice but if you're in London tonight (15.6.2000), check this 


We've got a question for you:

where can you find in London a night that plays trks from the likes of
Detrechno, Upstart, Hipnotech, UR,  Mark Taylor, Juan, Hydraulic Records,
Shake, Goalline Detroit... and then cuts this shit up with pay-off tracks
like Luke, Mannie Fresh, Swizz Beats, Sisqo, Timbo, Mobb Deep and then does
a whole bunch of stuff that people aint never heard but their bodies know
its bangin shit?


The Flow

Event # 5

House | RB | Bass | Detroit

The Annexe

1 Dean St. W1 London

7pm to 2am

Tonight : 15 June 2000

Free until 11 then £5


|| [CiM]

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sound stream label

2000-06-15 Thread Seth electricpress
not entirely sure who it's by, but there's also two sound-hack records you 
should check by the same artist. no info on the label, but both that same 
cut-up housey stuff, cool as f**k, especially the first.


The Electric Press

p.s. anyone seen the R.N.G. album, or know when it's being released?

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I think it's over......

2000-06-15 Thread JavierDrada
Finally, 313 peace and quite...

Re: [313] Detroit comps

2000-06-15 Thread underground fighters
--- Gwendal Cobert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chain Reaction's Compiled (feat. Scion, Porter
 Ricks, Substance,etc.)

Chain Reaction is the sound of Berlin and not a
Detroit comp. 

respect u f 

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Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

Re: [313] What is reality?

2000-06-15 Thread Nick Walsh
Hmmm, Dustin did go a bit over the top. Maybe she's
not happy in life. Personally, I don't give a sh*t
about anyones opinions on trance or the meaning of
techno or such blarney. It's like the meaning of life.
Once you've found it there is no point living anymore.
The meaning of techno is constantly shifting, everyone
feels differently about it. You can't really say Chris
Liberator and Claude Young stand for the same thing.
Genre's suck, it's up to us to feel the music. Just do
what you want...

I think Dustin is most likely still at high school and
probably gets picked on a lot. Just don't go shoot
anybody okay? I'm just gonna ignore her, maybe she'll
go away... 

I've never really agreed with Dustin's comments but I
thought being nasty about her wasn't the right thing
to do which is why I retaliated the way I did.
However, her posts have got completely ridiculous over
the past 24 hrs and my advice to her is to get out a
bit more instead of sitting in front of a computer,
arguing with professionals about something you
obviously know little or f*ck all about. In short,
grow up...

Thank you,
Nick (Dj Pacific:)

Ps. Has she been kicked off? She hasn't posted
anything for, ummm, at least 20 mins!!! Maybe she's
taking breakfast or something??

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I have a simple rule
when dealing with someone
 online who is doing an
 uncanny impersonation of a write-only infobot.  The
 temptation is very
 great to engage them on their terms.  Do not do
 this.  Eventually they
 will start being conversational, or go away.

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walter gibbons

2000-06-15 Thread Nine09kik
any comments on how this guy pioneered the art of dj'ing, moved on to be the 
first dj/producer and then released the seminal, stripped-down classic set 
it off'?

i have a salsoul lp with him doing mixes back in 77...


2000-06-15 Thread Angie

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 18:46:29 +1000
From: ea rinon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [313] Phortune (was forcefield paradise)

Saber is from chicago! the compilation you are talking about
the definitive story - chicago house 86-91  4 x lp
came out under Saber but in reality was done by the guys from
Beechwood Music who were responsible for the New Electronica
compilations back in the day,yes in England  i think this was due
to Angie  her Trax uk runing around the same time

It was compiled (in conjuction with us)and released by Beechwood.
We had rights to some of the tracks, so Beechwood licensed them from us
and the rest from Larry (Saber).


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Betr.: [313] walter gibbons

2000-06-15 Thread Wibo Lammerts
Just read Last night a DJ seved my life by Bill Brewster/ Frank Broughton, 
they cover that part extensively!


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 15-06-2000 13:09:11 
any comments on how this guy pioneered the art of dj'ing, moved on to be the 
first dj/producer and then released the seminal, stripped-down classic set 
it off'?

i have a salsoul lp with him doing mixes back in 77...

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RE: [313] walter gibbons

2000-06-15 Thread John Bush
 any comments on how this guy pioneered the
 art of dj'ing, moved on to be the first
 dj/producer and then released the seminal,
 stripped-down classic set it off'?

Check for a Walter Gibbons


606 stuff - unrelated topic

2000-06-15 Thread synthetic detronik

Greetings from the electronic underworld::.

A bit ago we were all talking about the TR-808 and its other options, I 
mentioned I do TR-606 modifications and got quite a few replies regarding 
that.  Regretfully, my computer was killed, and I lost all my email.  If you 
were one of those that asked me for information regarding my modifications, 
please write me again.


I apalogize for the unrelated topic post


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
t: 313.850.7345

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RE: [313] walter gibbons

2000-06-15 Thread James Matthew

-Original Message-
Subject: [313] walter gibbons

i have a salsoul lp with him doing mixes back in 77...

Is this the Lp with loads of 70's shoes dancing around? If so, it's
chockfull of sampliable loops. Excellent LP and well worth tracking


Re: [313] Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread MikeD
Fred (and 313):

I just went through a similar thing with my insurance rep.  Initially they
were able to give me a bulk guess-ta-mate rate..i.e.  i told them how
much i thought my collection was worth..i valued every record i had at
5 bucks a pop...   meaning i put a value of 20K.   then i added 5K for
rarity selections...   to put the total value at 25K.   they were
comfortable with this until their higher ups made them look into it...   

now it gets nasty...  i am technicallyy still covered for 25K worth of
records..(acutally i pay for 35K so that over the next my
collection grows...i will still be covered...cost: extra 10 bucks a year).
so their higher ups are forcing me to create a database of ALL of my
records.  including estimated cost.   for now..  they took pictures of my
studio and my crates/shelves/boxes/piles  but i have 4 months to create
the database for them. (and it will be online soon too!..)  

other people ive spoken to have different tales of insurance reps...  some
require the database upfront...some dont require it at all...  mine would
not have required it..except 1/2 my policy is based on the vinyl

good luck.   these people suck.


 Does anybody know the value of an original pressing of Techno! The New 
 Dance Sound of Detroit? I mean, the street value, what it would sell for in 
 a shop in the USA (like Submerge)? I have a was a gift from a very 
 good friend, and no, I'm not looking to sell it. I just want to know the 
 value of it (please Dustin, no pseudo-intellectual discussions about 
 *value*) so I can alert my insurance representative if need be. Oh...yeah 
 it's really god, though I rarely play it.
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Re: [313] urban tribe...

2000-06-15 Thread Simon Pascoe


I have to agree with the comments about the Urban Tribe album (prior to the 
recent mailstorm). I have to confess that I never gave it the full attention 
it deserved when I first bought it (hangs head in shame), but the more I've 
listened to it over time, the more I've come to appreciate it and feel quite 
how deep it really goes. Definitely one of my favourite purchases last year 
that's never far from the stereo.

Also I recently bought a compilation (Freezone 3) that features Claude 
Young's Multiplicity Of Zeros and Ones. I am completely in awe of this 
track, and feel that I must have been hiding under a stone some place to 
have overlooked it ! I was already impressed at what an impressive DJ, and 
really personable guy he is, but the fact he can he can make electronic soul 
like this is breathtaking. Any hints as to what else I should be looking out 
for from Claude would be really appreciated.

I'm still learning, thanks 313. :-)


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Re: [313] Detroit comps

2000-06-15 Thread trobbs

At Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:04:05 +0200, Gwendal Cobert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Just for the sake of it, I have tried to sum up all recommendations 
for Detroit comps...

Detroit: The Deeper Shade of Techno I+II

This is a sweet set - geddit! ;)

DJ Rolando's Aztec Mix CD on Underground Resistance
DJ Rolando: The Aztec Mystic Mix (Underground Resistance)

These are the same, no?

Derrick May: Innovator 2CD (Transmat)

Perhaps the MixUp! mix cd too?  There's more than just detroit
represented on that CD, but...

I'd also suggest:

Jeff Mills - Live from the Liquid Room
Purpose Maker Compilation
Stacy Pullen DJ Kicks mix CD
Common Factor : Dreams from Elsewhere
both Octave One comps (were they released on CD?)
the Jason Hodges (sp?) comp

That's all that my pre-noon mind can conjure up.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-15 Thread Kent williams
The first bit seems to be in English Otto, but did you lapse into
Dutch as you went on?

A less discursive explication would be this: Words are signs to which 
we consensually attach meaning, as Roland Barthes was on about for so long.
Barthes' contention was that control of the language is power, in that
the controller of language can take a symbol/word and pour whatever meaning
they want into it.

He was talking about government propaganda, but in the brave capitalist
future, the power of marketing and advertising overwhelms traditional
nationalism completely -- people pledge allegiance to Tommy Hilfiger and
Budweiser, not to the flag.  For that matter Tommy Hilfiger has appropriated
the American Flag and turned it into his marketing standard.

'Techno' as a term had a very specific association to the people who first
used it to describe their music; for 313 initiates the term has broadened to
include a lot of music that bears little resemblance to the original music.
That's OK by me -- Jay Denham and Surgeons bangin stuff is at least influenced
by and respectful of the originators.

More disturbing to me is the way 'techno' has been appropriated as a marketing
label that encompasses a lot of really revolting stuff, and THAT stuff is
what the uninitiated think of when you say techno.  I can't imagine a wider
contrast than that between 2Unlimited and Ace of Base and I Believe and
No UFOs.

A similar thing happened in the 90s with the term 'alternative' which was
a tag that was used to indicate a lot of really creative DIY music and
record labels, before it became a marketing term after Nirvana blew up.
The term 'alternative' now makes me cringe, and we've never really came
up with a new term to tag that music that hasn't yet been co-opted.  Oh

kent williams -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [313] Detroit comps

2000-06-15 Thread hans
 I'd also suggest:
 Jeff Mills - Live from the Liquid Room
 Purpose Maker Compilation
 Stacy Pullen DJ Kicks mix CD
 Common Factor : Dreams from Elsewhere
 both Octave One comps (were they released on CD?)
 the Jason Hodges (sp?) comp

Intergalactic Beats on Planet E, a definitive must-have...


Hans Veneman 

RE: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-15 Thread Scott MacInnis
Even broader, communication is the art and language is one of many media
available.  However, communication happens only on the part of the
recipient, thus meaning is only assigned by the listener (or viewer or
taster etc.) guided by genetics, social interaction, weather, mood, time of
day, etc.  The beauty of music is how it is so undefinable what the
definition or rather meaning of it is, however the effect it has on us.
This list is direct evidence that we share that.  I think BMG put it in
perspective best when we were talking about Aphex Twin's Picture Disk
(HMNE/Joyrex J9ii, I think... HP can help me out w/that one ;).  The
conclusion was that it was so incredibly aggressive and unrestrained that it
invoked so many emotions that it became frustrating.  Not that the emotions
were frustrating, but rather that there was nothing that could quite top it
(musically), nothing that would surpass that particular degree of
provocation.  Bringing the point that the effect of music is some thing in
tune with (bad pun) language, but by way of a different media and thus a
different type of cognitive thought.  Language is interesting, but music is
seductive, provocative, aggressive, etc.  more to the point emotionally

A picture is worth a thousand words.  A song must be worth at least 1,000
times that.

Sorry about the rambling, but I'm listening to Autechre (ep7)...

RE: [313] The epistemology of techno

2000-06-15 Thread Scott MacInnis
Even broader, communication is the art and language is one of many media
available.  However, communication happens only on the part of the
recipient, thus meaning is only assigned by the listener (or viewer or
taster etc.) guided by genetics, social interaction, weather, mood, time of
day, etc.  The beauty of music is how it is so undefinable what the
definition or rather meaning of it is, however the effect it has on us.
This list is direct evidence that we share that.  I think BMG put it in
perspective best when we were talking about Aphex Twin's Picture Disk
(HMNE/Joyrex J9ii, I think... HP can help me out w/that one ;).  The
conclusion was that it was so incredibly aggressive and unrestrained that it
invoked so many emotions that it became frustrating.  Not that the emotions
were frustrating, but rather that there was nothing that could quite top it
(musically), nothing that would surpass that particular degree of
provocation.  Bringing the point that the effect of music is some thing in
tune with (bad pun) language, but by way of a different media and thus a
different type of cognitive thought.  Language is interesting, but music is
seductive, provocative, aggressive, etc.  more to the point emotionally

A picture is worth a thousand words.  A song must be worth at least 1,000
times that.

Sorry about the rambling, but I'm listening to Autechre (ep7)...

Re: [313] Mixed Up in the Hague Vol. 1

2000-06-15 Thread Peter B Leidy

 ps, shortly after this came out, clone had a new white label stocked w/
 numberofnames:sharevari and charlie:spacerwoman- both of which were in the
 i-f mix.
 Fascinating.  Does the white label you mention have the vocal version of
 Sharevari or the instrumental?  I finally got a hold of my own copy of
 Mixed Up in the Hague and think it's brilliantly put together.
I just got my copy of this white label in the mail yesterday. Its the
vocal version of sharevari- totally bootleg, you can even hear a couple
little pops from the vinyl- but overall decent quality. In addition to
that and spacerwoman, theres two other 80's trax on the 12 that are
decent but I have no idea what they are. maybe i'll put them in a mix so
you all can id them for me :] one of them has an almost hot butter:popcorn
'esqe keyboard thing going on but in a more 80's disco vain. hmm.. 

ps- i agree on the i-f mix, have been listening to it regularly for the
past two weeks. very nice :]


Re: [313] Monetary value of record

2000-06-15 Thread AeOtaku
In a message dated 6/15/00 12:10:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Good question.  Can anyone with an informed answer please reply to the list?

I got $50 in trade for the first two Techno! comps 
(originals) put together, which is like 30% of what
I got for Hangable Auto Bulb 2: I guess 313 rarities
don't attract the suburban mom's wallet crowd. 


Mix-n-Match FS

2000-06-15 Thread joe beuckman

I need money - this stuff is all in super great condition.

Some Acid, a little classic Rave, DnB  other mix-n-match styles I put up 
last night onto Ebay (user jbeuckm):

I also have a 1200 for sale and a couple sure sc-35c's.  I wanna sell the 12 
in St. Louis so STL folks please contact me 241-5632.

What's up with t-shirts again?

Thankyou / hope your birthday was techno Dale.
-Joe Beuckman

Let's put the Dust in Dustin

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Fwd:Re: [313] Ritchie Hawtin

2000-06-15 Thread Rich Neal
sorry for the late replay...

You guys are just bitter cause he's Canadian. 


On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:57:06 GMT 0 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No, he doesent always have the funk (but sometimes he does), and I dont 
thats his main focus either.  He's on a different mission in my opionion, 
when it comes to painting distant, cold, alien soundscapes no one can

It's all been done before!!
Theres plenty of 'industrial' shit knocking about!
Proper Coldness!

Theres no real attituide there in Ritchies stuff..
Some of the FUSE stuff was OK, but when I heard 'Smak' I was hoping that he 
wasn't referring to the drug, that would of been a JOKE!


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Re: [313] Fwd:Re: [313] Ritchie Hawtin

2000-06-15 Thread Todd Smith
I'm Canadian, and I'm the one who started the thread!! May I also remind you
that Ritchie had 'the future sound of Detroit' inscribed on plus 8 001.  He was
born in England anyways.  So there you go figure out who should be bitter now.

Rich Neal wrote:

 sorry for the late replay...

 You guys are just bitter cause he's Canadian.


 On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:57:06 GMT 0 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, he doesent always have the funk (but sometimes he does), and I dont
 thats his main focus either.  He's on a different mission in my opionion,
 when it comes to painting distant, cold, alien soundscapes no one can
 It's all been done before!!
 Theres plenty of 'industrial' shit knocking about!
 Proper Coldness!
 Theres no real attituide there in Ritchies stuff..
 Some of the FUSE stuff was OK, but when I heard 'Smak' I was hoping that he
 wasn't referring to the drug, that would of been a JOKE!
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Re: [313] Fwd:Re: [313] Ritchie Hawtin

2000-06-15 Thread Dale Lawrence

Why should that make anyone bitter?  Windsor is
closer to downtown Detroit than most of
Detroit itself.  And Belleville is a hell of
a lot farther away from Detroit-- over 30 minutes

It's just a river...


At 12:42 PM 6/15/00 -0700, you wrote:
I'm Canadian, and I'm the one who started the thread!! May I also remind you
that Ritchie had 'the future sound of Detroit' inscribed on plus 8 001.
He was
born in England anyways.  So there you go figure out who should be bitter

Rich Neal wrote:

 sorry for the late replay...

 You guys are just bitter cause he's Canadian.


 On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:57:06 GMT 0 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, he doesent always have the funk (but sometimes he does), and I dont
 thats his main focus either.  He's on a different mission in my opionion,
 when it comes to painting distant, cold, alien soundscapes no one can
 It's all been done before!!
 Theres plenty of 'industrial' shit knocking about!
 Proper Coldness!
 Theres no real attituide there in Ritchies stuff..
 Some of the FUSE stuff was OK, but when I heard 'Smak' I was hoping
that he
 wasn't referring to the drug, that would of been a JOKE!
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Fwd:Re: [313] Fwd:Re: [313] Ritchie Hawtin

2000-06-15 Thread Rich Neal
Whoah whoah...I actually know you are canadian, I've seen you play in toronto a 
few times. Actually, I remember when you played shift I think it was...lots of 
Carola from his 1000 collection release. It was especially nice to hear 
rebound...ahhh, refreshing.

Anyways, relax man, I was just trying to be a goof. No need for such hostility.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:42:17 -0700 Todd Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm Canadian, and I'm the one who started the thread!! May I also remind you
that Ritchie had 'the future sound of Detroit' inscribed on plus 8 001.  He was
born in England anyways.  So there you go figure out who should be bitter now.

Rich Neal wrote:

 sorry for the late replay...

 You guys are just bitter cause he's Canadian.


 On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:57:06 GMT 0 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, he doesent always have the funk (but sometimes he does), and I dont
 thats his main focus either.  He's on a different mission in my opionion,
 when it comes to painting distant, cold, alien soundscapes no one can
 It's all been done before!!
 Theres plenty of 'industrial' shit knocking about!
 Proper Coldness!
 Theres no real attituide there in Ritchies stuff..
 Some of the FUSE stuff was OK, but when I heard 'Smak' I was hoping that he
 wasn't referring to the drug, that would of been a JOKE!
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Re: Fwd:Re: [313] Fwd:Re: [313] Ritchie Hawtin

2000-06-15 Thread Todd Smith
Oops must have forgotten the smiley faces, here we go :) Just wanted to provoke 
some conversation about origin of music, but I guess everyone is still in fear 
after the 'Dustin' incident.  Let us never speak of it again.  You sure it 
wasn't Order (Ruskin, Surgeon
 Regis) that I played all that Carola stuff at? Thanks for remembering though, 
it was nice to play for that many people.

Rich Neal wrote:

 Whoah whoah...I actually know you are canadian, I've seen you play in toronto 
 a few times. Actually, I remember when you played shift I think it was...lots 
 of Carola from his 1000 collection release. It was especially nice to hear 
 rebound...ahhh, refreshing.

 Anyways, relax man, I was just trying to be a goof. No need for such 


 On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:42:17 -0700 Todd Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm Canadian, and I'm the one who started the thread!! May I also remind you
 that Ritchie had 'the future sound of Detroit' inscribed on plus 8 001.  He 
 born in England anyways.  So there you go figure out who should be bitter 
 Rich Neal wrote:
  sorry for the late replay...
  You guys are just bitter cause he's Canadian.
  On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:57:06 GMT 0 0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, he doesent always have the funk (but sometimes he does), and I dont
  thats his main focus either.  He's on a different mission in my opionion,
  when it comes to painting distant, cold, alien soundscapes no one can
  It's all been done before!!
  Theres plenty of 'industrial' shit knocking about!
  Proper Coldness!
  Theres no real attituide there in Ritchies stuff..
  Some of the FUSE stuff was OK, but when I heard 'Smak' I was hoping that 
  wasn't referring to the drug, that would of been a JOKE!
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Courney Love does the math...

2000-06-15 Thread trobbs

While this is *not* strictly 313 related, I think the contents of this
story ring true in light of the UR vs. Sony story and UR's position
in general.  It's long, but it's well worth the read.


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Re: [313] Mix-n-Match FS

2000-06-15 Thread Matt Holland
This guys selling Bomb the Bass - One to One Religion...

If I remember correctky It's got a short but sweet Richie Hawtin downtempo
remix, as well as a J. Saul Kane mix. Well worth picking up...


on 6/15/00 9:29 AM, joe beuckman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] said this:

 I need money - this stuff is all in super great condition.
 Some Acid, a little classic Rave, DnB  other mix-n-match styles I put up
 last night onto Ebay (user jbeuckm):

Re: [313] Ritchie Hawtin

2000-06-15 Thread FRED MCMURRY
In the newest issue of Paper magazine there is a one page article on Hawtin. 
Discusses his affection for undersea diving and his work in the La Beaute 
installation in Avignon France.

A major six-month exhibit (which runs through the end of October) examines 
artisitc interpretations of beauty and how they have changed from the 17th 
century to the present. (from Paper, page 47)

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Re: [313] urban tribe...

2000-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on 6/15/00 10:46 AM, Simon Pascoe at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any hints as to what else I should be looking out
 for from Claude would be really appreciated.
 I'm still learning, thanks 313. :-)

Not enough on CD unfortunately.  Acid Wash Conflict (Brother from Another
Planet on 7th City) and Planet Earth still make me all wiggly, though.

this is NOT about All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-15 Thread Revaron
In a message dated 14/06/00 22:11:29 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Can we get back to the music?  B*tch about Moby or Carl Cox or haggle over
  t-shirts?  Gripe about Sony or BMG?  Anything but this anymore!

Speaking of the whole Sony/UR thing, its all showed up in the latest issue of 
Mixmag!  Knights of the Jaguar is listed on the cover, and they reckon its 
gonna be one of the biggest tunes of the Summer!  Where the hell have they 
been?  Must have taken last summer off or something...   Of course, to them, 
its only the biggest tune of the summer if it gets played in Ibiza (groan).

I find it funny as well, that Mixmag act all hip and cool about it, 
portraying a pro UR sort of stance.  Which you obviously would have to (who 
could possibly side with sony?), but still, Mixmag don't really give a shit, 
and its actually kinda annoying seeing them suddenly write about UR as if 
they have always been real fans or something.  They never would have payed 
attention if Pete Tong didn't get his filthy hands on a copy of the record 
somehow.  And as for Pete Tong, he was initially playing the rip off trance 
version!  (oh dear, the whole purpose of this post was to avoid that other 
T word)


[313] Feedback

2000-06-15 Thread .. -
I don't know if this post will work, but I have two questions that I'm 
hoping can get answered, in private would be fine.

Is there a list archive?

There was recently a 313 label with samples posted on  I managed to 
lose the address.  The question: what is that address / label?

Thank you, and by all means, continue to define techno.

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Re: [313] this is NOT about All this Trance vs Detroit Techno shizzza

2000-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not the same mag, but in a recent Jockey Slut, they had DB dj's (LTJ
Bukem,  Jumpin' Jack Frost and some other guy) review 12's and they ripped
on 'Revenge of the Jaguar', saying it was 'trying to re-create something
that's long gone' (read Detroit)   but also made sure to name drop lots of
old tracks so we readers would know they were down back in the day.  They
also dissed Anthony Rother's excellent Little Computer People 12, citing it
as a 'tired' and 'not progressive', which is a laugh coming from a guy who
has made a career out of playing a Korg MS-1 pad over top of an uncut amen
break ad nauseam.

 Speaking of the whole Sony/UR thing, its all showed up in the latest issue of
 Mixmag!  Knights of the Jaguar is listed on the cover, and they reckon its
 gonna be one of the biggest tunes of the Summer!  Where the hell have they
 been?  Must have taken last summer off or something...   Of course, to them,
 its only the biggest tune of the summer if it gets played in Ibiza (groan).
 I find it funny as well, that Mixmag act all hip and cool about it,
 portraying a pro UR sort of stance.  Which you obviously would have to (who
 could possibly side with sony?), but still, Mixmag don't really give a shit,
 and its actually kinda annoying seeing them suddenly write about UR as if
 they have always been real fans or something.  They never would have payed
 attention if Pete Tong didn't get his filthy hands on a copy of the record
 somehow.  And as for Pete Tong, he was initially playing the rip off trance
 version!  (oh dear, the whole purpose of this post was to avoid that other
 T word)
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Re: [313] Detroit comps

2000-06-15 Thread Mxyzptlk
Don't forget Panic in Detroit on Buzz. Lots of stuff on Buzz.

Gwendal Cobert wrote:

 Just for the sake of it, I have tried to sum up all recommendations for
 Detroit comps...


10,000 people all screaming the same thing at the same time are wrong,
even if they're right.

dancing/about/architecture ...with wandering steps and slow... ICQ904008