[amsat-bb] Antennas for sale

2010-09-27 Thread David - KG4ZLB
  I have the M2 440-6SS and the M2 2M-3SS for sale - ideal for confined 
spaces or areas where the condo commanders prowl - see here 
http://www.m2inc.com/index2.html and follow the links to the 2 Meter 
and 70 CM pages for details.

$107.99 shipped anywhere in the lower 48 (Shipping included)

Contact me off list, thanks!


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[amsat-bb] Items For Sale - UPDATE

2010-09-12 Thread David - KG4ZLB
  All sold except the Heil (off to e-bay!)



On 9/11/2010 7:43, David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 LVB Tracker complete with all cables and instructions, perfect condition.



 Icom AG-25 (2m) and Icom AG-35 (70cm) mast mounted pre-amps for sale.

 $99 each or both for $160


 Heil HS-2 hand switch

 $20 shipped


 All prices include shipping to the lower 48; Paypal fine!

 Contact me off list, thanks


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[amsat-bb] Items For Sale

2010-09-11 Thread David - KG4ZLB
  LVB Tracker complete with all cables and instructions, perfect condition.



Icom AG-25 (2m) and Icom AG-35 (70cm) mast mounted pre-amps for sale.

$99 each or both for $160


Heil HS-2 hand switch

$20 shipped


All prices include shipping to the lower 48; Paypal fine!

Contact me off list, thanks


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[amsat-bb] Items For Sale (update)

2010-09-11 Thread David - KG4ZLB

 LVB Tracker complete with all cables and instructions, perfect condition.



 Icom AG-25 (2m) and Icom AG-35 (70cm) mast mounted pre-amps for sale.

 $99 each or both for $160 _*SOLD SOLD SOLD*_


 Heil HS-2 hand switch

 $20 shipped


 All prices include shipping to the lower 48; Paypal fine!

 Contact me off list, thanks


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[amsat-bb] Interesting article from the BBC

2010-09-08 Thread David - KG4ZLB

  The ever growing flock of space 'birds'

The space above us is about to get a lot more crowded.

A fascinating report from Euroconsult [220KB PDF] 
a research and analyst firm specialising in the satellite sector, has 
released a forecast for how many birds it expects to see fly between 
now and the end of the decade - 1,220 satellites.


That's a lot of spacecraft...and a lot of rockets that will be needed to 
put all those satellites in orbit.

It works out at an average of 122 satellites per year, which is up 
significantly on the average annual rate of 77 satellites seen in the 

It's one more indication I guess of just how important space has become.

In money terms, Euroconsult reckons the manufacturing and launch of 
those 1,220 satellites will generate revenues of some $194bn worldwide.

Rachel Villain, director for space for Euroconsult, is the editor of the 
report. She told me:

About two-thirds of these 1,220 satellites are for governments, and
that of course means the commercial sector will represent the other
one-third. Most government satellites are launched to low-Earth
orbit [a few hundred km above the Earth], while commercial companies
launch mainly in geostationary orbit [about 36,000km above the
Earth]; and almost exclusively commercial operators will launch
communications satellites into geostationary orbit. Government LEO,
on the other hand, is quite diversified - for example, Earth
observation, telecommunications, science, and also satellites to
test the technology for future satellites and new applications or

A couple of good examples of demonstrators would be the recent launch by 
Norway http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10599774 of a small spacecraft that 
can track ships in its territorial waters; several nations are thinking 
of doing this. And in the next few weeks, you should also hear a formal 
announcement of TechDemoSat 
http://www.sstl.co.uk/news-and-events?story=1549, a small UK platform, 
funded by the government, which will prove several new sensors to study 
the Earth.

In China, the scale of space activity right now is most impressive. The 
China Great Wall Industry Corporation http://www.cgwic.com/ which has 
the sole rights to provide satellites for the government says it has 100 
contracts for the next five years, meaning it will be launching 
something like 20 rockets a year.

Satellite chart

A couple of factors contributing to the upward trend are worth noting. 
One is that some of the big commercial TV satellite operators happen to 
be in that part of the cycle where they need to replace and upgrade 
their fleets.

And there are also some big constellations of satellites being rolled 
out mid-decade. Think about Galileo - Europe's new satellite-navigation 
system http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8442090.stm which 
will put at least 18 satellites in a medium-Earth orbit (MEO - about 
23,000km up).

Think also about the satellite phone, messaging and internet operators 
who want to re-new, supplement or simply establish fleets of spacecraft. 
Comsat concerns like Iridium http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10212836, 
Globalstar, Orbcomm, and O3B will between them loft 115 spacecraft.

The numbers inevitably highlight the subject of space debris and the 
need to remove redundant satellites from orbit in a timely fashion to 
reduce the risks of collision.

And it illustrates, too, the headache rocket companies will face this 
decade as they try first to ramp up launch rates to accommodate the rush 
to orbit, and then to rescale their efforts once the backlog has been 

For more (presumably including the illustrations that will not appear in 
this posting, click this! 

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[amsat-bb] Re: New Satellite Downlink?

2010-08-28 Thread David - KG4ZLB
  I would have to side with Nigel here as my understanding is that he is 
quite correct - you are not allowed to listen into the Police 
frequencies for instance or any other frequency that you are not 
authorized for - maybe you can in Scotland Gordon :-P

As always, I am happy to be corrected though.


On 8/28/2010 14:45, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 23:40 +, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
 I don't know where you've been in Europe, but that would be perfectly
 legal in the UK.

 Gordon MM0YEQ

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[amsat-bb] Re: Fw: DELFI C3 Close Approach

2010-07-20 Thread David - KG4ZLB

Is the other object, a known object and is not named cos' its a hush 
hush spy satellite or is it a spelling mistake and should be An 
(un)known object ??

Just curious


On 7/20/2010 9:45, Peter Portanova wrote:

 We might want to listen for TLM on  DELFI C3 (DO-64)

 73's Pete
 AMSAT NY Area Coordinator

 Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:45 AM
 Subject: DELFI C3 Close Approach

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[amsat-bb] Re: ISS

2010-07-12 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I may be wrong but technically you would need to have NA1SS repeat 
your call to be a true contact - he may have written your call down and 
forgot to acknowledge you by callsign in which case send a QSL and you 
might get lucky - if not then keep trying, Its great when it does happen 
and you know that an Astronaut flying at 17600mph in space is talking 
directly to you!

Best of luck


On 7/12/2010 20:18, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
 With all the talk about ISS, I decided to try. I heard Col Wheelock on
 two passes but he never acknowledged my call. Then the pass today at
 22:30 I was calling KB8LFA Jeremy in Akron, Ohio... He came back and
 said Got you loud and clear Akron, We are now passing ...

 It might not happen all the time and probably not at the exact time I
 transmit but how do I know there was not a stronger station saying
 Akron, Ohio as well? Is this what constitutes a contact w/NA1SS?


 On 7/11/2010 7:01 PM, wa4...@comcast.net wrote:

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[amsat-bb] ISS

2010-07-11 Thread David - KG4ZLB
The last two decent ISS passes for my location, when the ISS has been in 
packet mode, have been nothing but  FM RS0ISS to CO2SR and other CO2SR 
messages. Its been so bad that its almost impossible to get any messages 
up-linked as there is hardly any space in between messages - I saw a 
couple of others get through but CO2SR (Armando in Cuba) seems to have 
every pass sewn up).

Can anyone tell me what is going on?

Many thanks


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[amsat-bb] 'Zombie-sat' and the clever orbital dance

2010-05-25 Thread David - KG4ZLB
The dead-but-alive telecommunications satellite, Galaxy-15 
http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/Communications/PanAmSat/, has 
begun to enter the space of neighbouring craft, and their operators are 
planning evasive action.

Zombie-sat has captured the imagination of the internet space forums 
these past few weeks. It's probably the nickname that's done it.

When we sit on the sofa skipping across the smorgasbord of channels with 
our remote-controls, we don't usually give much thought to the bent 
pipes that sit 36,000km above our heads, delivering the televisual feast.

Intelsat's Galaxy-15 
satellite was put in geostationary orbit five years ago to re-distribute 
TV services to cable companies across North America, and also to send 
navigation data to aeroplanes to improve the accuracy of their GPS 

But the bird experienced a major hiccup at the beginning of April.

It's not known precisely what happened. One possibility is that it was 
damaged by high-speed particles billowing off the Sun in a solar storm - 
an ever-present danger for orbiting electronics.

The satellite is still operational: it's still on, but Intelsat cannot 
control it. Any signal it receives, it re-transmits at high power. It's 
a very unusual situation.

What doesn't help is the fact that Galaxy-15, which is supposed to sit 
at 133 degrees West (over the eastern Pacific), is drifting slowing 
eastwards by about 0.05 degrees a day. This will take it into the path 
of other satellites, and first to have an issue is AMC-11 
another TV services spacecraft operated by SES World Skies 

If SES were to do nothing, Zombie-sat would soon start picking up and 
retransmitting signals sent to AMC 11. To users on the ground who depend 
on AMC 11 for their daily dose of MTV, this could lead to a horrendous 

It would be like trying to listen to two people who are shouting the 
same conversation at you.

So, SES World Skies will today begin a delicate orbital dance, in which 
they will allow AMC 11 to drift in tandem with Galaxy-15 while at the 
same time sneaking up another satellite behind the pair.

The plan is for the SES controllers to then leapfrog many of the 
services on AMC-11 across to this other satellite, known as SES-1, 
thereby minimising the disruption to customers.

The manoeuvres are unprecedented, says Alan Young, the chief technology 
officer with SES World Skies.

   The closest AMC-11 and Galaxy-15 will come is measured in
   kilometres, and in space terms that's quite close. But the risk here
   is not one of collision; we're not at all concerned about that. The
   problem is that they're so close when viewed from Earth that it's
   not easy to distinguish between the two satellites and seeing as
   they both operate in the same frequency band, there will be
   interference if we're not careful.

   We've gone to a number of measures, including moving customers on
   AMC-11 on to a very large uplink antenna. This means we can very
   finely discriminate between the two spacecraft so that we can direct
   all of the energy into AMC-11 and as little energy as possible into
   Galaxy-15. If you don't put anything into Galaxy-15, you won't get
   anything out.

AMC-11 will eventually be moved back to its orbital slot to resume 
normal operations once the zombie has passed through, which should be 7 

All satellite operators and comms companies will have to work out what 
Galaxy-15 means to them. Here at the BBC, we've had to consider how some 
of our international services like the BBC World News channel 
http://www.bbcworldnews.com might be affected.

This channel is fed through Intelsat's Galaxy-13 platform. The most 
recent calculations suggest everything should be fine.

Anyone sitting on their sofa in North America should be oblivious to the 
space waltz that is about to take place.

There are some wider issues, however. For satellite manufacturers, there 
will be keen interest in understanding exactly what happened to Galaxy-15.

Satellites have redundant, or back-up systems 
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8458203.stm; and when they have 
major upsets, there are usually modes that will completely re-boot the 
spacecraft automatically after a period of time.

Galaxy-15 was made by Orbital Sciences http://www.orbital.com/, but 
Patrick Wood, the chief technical officer for EADS Astrium satellites 
http://www.astrium.eads.net/, told me the entire industry had an 
interest in finding out what went wrong:

   Part of our design review process is to check through the
   architecture to ensure there isn't a single point that, were it to
   fail, we'd lose complete control of the spacecraft. Clearly
   Galaxy-15 has had a major event and most organisations will want to

[amsat-bb] Re: 2.4ghz helix on ebay

2010-05-20 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Mostly because of the donation to AMSAT but also because Bob builds a 
great antenna, I would encourage anyone who is thinking of getting on S 
band to seriously consider buying this! I have one for 2.4 and one for 
1.2ghz both built by Bob; they both work extremely well and a bonus is 
that they are not at all big (dimensionally) which, for someone like me 
living in Condo Commander land, is a real boon!

Bid without fear!



On 5/20/2010 15:51, Bob- W7LRD wrote:


Cleaning up the ham shack.  I am putting a nice 20 turn helix on ebay.  50% 
goes to AMSAT.  Rocket science ain't cheap!

73 Bob W7LRD


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[amsat-bb] Re: new to sats

2010-05-20 Thread David - KG4ZLB


The Satellite Handbook was updated, I think last year, and was put 
together by Steve Ford. I have a copy but I still refer to the Martin 
Davidoff originals!



On 5/20/2010 19:06, Dave Guimont wrote:

Keep it up, Jimmy...It may seem daunting at first, but it is really

very simple...

A good place to start is the Satellite Handbook from ARRL..It IS
dated, but the info there will get you started...

Newbie questions are welcome here, of coursejust ask...


 73, Dave, WB6LLO

 Disagree: I learn

Pulling for P3E...

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[amsat-bb] Re: Icom 9100

2010-05-15 Thread David - KG4ZLB

Buy the 910 now while stocks last then - it obviously make sense!


On 5/15/2010 17:44, John Geiger wrote:

Not a bad price at all considering it does true dualband receive.  The next 
cheapest radio that does true dualband receive is the FTDX5000, and look how 
much it costs, and it doesn't give you 2m, 70cm, or 1.2g.

73s John AA5JG

--- On Sat, 5/15/10, myles landsteinmyles.landst...@gmail.com  wrote:


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[amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo on 432 MHz Moon Bounce (some calculations)

2010-04-21 Thread David - KG4ZLB
That because we English do it that way. The rest of the Europe, Germany 
and France for instance, seem to like inserting a comma instead!



On 4/21/2010 18:45, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:


The only thing, other than for times and dates, that I write between numbers is 
a decimal point.
Commas and dots to split numbers into groups of three have no use.

OK, I might write 5 megawatts as 5E6 watts.

On 21-Apr-10 22:22, i8cvs wrote:


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[amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo

2010-04-17 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Nothing heard on SSB but as soon as they switched to CW the signal came 
in very loud!


On 4/17/2010 15:28, Edward Cole wrote:

At 10:31 AM 4/17/2010, Edward Cole wrote:
Briefly heard voice on 432.044.500 about 1920 when Moon was 24.5

deg.elevation; maybe the Moon traversed a sidelobe of my yagi?  I
checked with KL7XJ who is also trying to hear Arecibo to see if he
might have been transmitting - he was not.  No other 432 SSB stations
within 70-miles so that rules out QRM.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz   www.kl7uw.com
EME: 144-600w, 432-100w, 1296-60w, 3400-fall 2010
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep dubus...@hotmail.com

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[amsat-bb] Re: fun with preamps

2010-03-15 Thread David - KG4ZLB


I have been running both the Icom pre-amps with my 910 for some time now!

I do not need S/N ratio's or fancy tests to know that without them I 
would have missed many a contact;

True, they are not brilliant (Icom does not even publish figures for 
them)  but they work and unless I feel like chucking the thick end of a 
large amount of green at something else, they will continue to work.

And a large plus is that you can tx through them without fear of 
goobering them up and they operate through the coax so no messy power 
line runs with the coax!

Just my 2 cents worth of course!


On 3/15/2010 20:31, i8cvs wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Bob- W7LRDw7...@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:28 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] fun with preamps

Smeter=0, preamp on Smeter=7. Signals appear better after backing down the

volume with the preamp. I have 8-10 feet of LMR400uf from antenna to preamp,
50 feet of LMR400 to shack. I suppose I was expecting more dramatic
results, I realize the AG-25 isn't the greatest and best, but it works well
with the 910. Are these real world results for what I have. S7 noise level
seems a bit high.
Hi Bob, W7LRD

No preamp noise Smeter=0, preamp on Smeter=7 means very small. Step 1
without preamplifier tune your receiver in SSB or CW on a very weak carrier
like a beacon and rotate your antenna into a null until you can barely hear
a bit at about 1000 Hz over the noise. Step 2 now connect your preamplifier
and see by hears if the Signal to Noise ratio S/N improves or not. If you
can hear better the 1000 Hz bit your preamplier is useful othervise S meter
= 7 means only or mostly the amplified preamplifier noise.
Your test can be more accurate if instead to use your hears you connect an
analog AC voltmeter at the audio output of your receiver.More is  the swing
of the AC voltmeter and better is the preamplifier i.e. lover is it's Noise

Have fun.

73 de

i8CVS Domenico

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[amsat-bb] Re: FS ICOM W2E

2010-03-07 Thread David - KG4ZLB

I never realised you were a trucker Dave!



On 3/7/2010 17:45, Dave Aitch wrote:

UK Only please.

Works OK but only with DC in the top connector.

DC lead, got a headset too. I used to use it /M with a
19 whip when out and about trucking. Worked great.

Don't do trucking anymore, so its surplus to me.

Lets haggle.

Cheers,  Dave. G1OCN.
AMSAT UK 5766.

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[amsat-bb] Re: How to correctly log multiple grids?

2010-03-01 Thread David - KG4ZLB

Two entries. Separate them by 1 min in the time field!


On 3/1/2010 19:55, Michae J. Wolthuis wrote:

Can anyone tell me when Jim (ND9M) says he is in EM00/01 how do I best enter
that in N3FJP's Amateur Contact Log program?  Currently I have been putting
in the grid exactly as EM00/01 but I don't know if that works with eQSO or
LoTW or is even appropriate.  Should I be making two entries?

Also, If Jim says Portable I put it in as ND9M/P or if someone says handheld
I put callsign/H is that the appropriate logging method for eQSO and LoTW or
should I just put ND9M?

Thanks Jim for the grids again tonight!




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[amsat-bb] Re: n3fjp logging + eqso + ADIF format - please help

2010-02-07 Thread David - KG4ZLB

For  uploads from N3FJP to eQSL:

AO-51; Band = 2 (if its in V/U); Mode = FM; Prop_Mode = SAT

Of course this changes as AO-51's operating mode changes.

L/U for instance would be Band = 23



On 2/7/2010 20:19, Michae J. Wolthuis wrote:

I really like n3fjp logging that everyone here recommended.  I have not been
able to get eqso to upload though.  It keeps telling me bad mode.

Can anyone who is using this software and eqso tell me what are you entering
for your AO-51 contacts in Band and Mode?  I tried 2, 2M and SAT J in Band
and tried SAT, FM and FM (SAT) in Mode to no avail.  Maybe I need to enable
a field or something?  I have read the whole manual from the website and it
doesn't really talk about entering satellite contacts.

Thanks for any help, I really want to get my whole log uploaded to eqso.




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[amsat-bb] Re: shuttle launch coming up the coast?

2010-02-07 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I believe after launch it heads out eastwards towards Europe which is 
why one of the emergency landing sites is in Spain.

From here (EL96 - the other side of Florida) I get some great views at 
night as it launches but once it starts heading out I quickly lose it.

I may be wrong of course but someone else can provide the detail I am sure!



On 2/7/2010 20:30, Tyler Harpster wrote:

The rescheduled shuttle launch is for early Monday morning.

Is there any way of finding out what direction  they are heading during
launch?  It would be pretty cool to see it from the eastern seaboard if it
came up that way.

KM3G,  Tyler
Shrewsbury, PA

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[amsat-bb] Re: First time on HO68

2010-02-05 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I too used HO-68 for the first time last night and found it incredibly 
difficult to hold the repeater open for any decent length of time 
despite having a good high pass. I question the sense in trying to run 
digital and voice at the same time on the same frequency (although that 
question is for minds much cleverer than mine(!); maybe that's where my 
access problems were emanating from (?).

When I did get in though, the signal was very strong so congrats to the 
team on that!

Thanks to W4AS and WA4NVM for providing me with my first two contacts on 
this satellite - I hope the SSB mode is a bit easier to work!



On 2/5/2010 10:43, John Geiger wrote:

I was on HO68 for the first time last night, and had a blast. Congrats to the 
satellite team for a very well operating satellite-the downlink signal was very 
strong here.  I look forward to getting on this one again.

What was all of the packet I was hearing on it?  Is that other amateurs using 
packet through it, or some other type of user with packet?

73s John AA5JG

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[amsat-bb] FS - 23cm M2 antenna

2010-02-03 Thread David - KG4ZLB

I have an M2 23CM22EZ antenna for sale, 16dbd gain, 28dB front to back.

It will take 600 watts (!), and survive 100mph winds, overall length is 
63 inches which is about 5 and bit feet in old money.

And that was where the problem was; 5 and a bit feet was just too long 
for my available space so I ended up buying one of Bob's (W7LRD) most 
excellent helicals.

So its never been in the air, just gathering dust in my garage.

Looking at HRO, it seems that maybe M2 have superseded this model with 
the 23CM22EZA which retails for a whopping $185!

Any interest on here before I fleaBay it at the weekend!

Let me know off board; I have photographs that I can send you!



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[amsat-bb] Re: FS - 23cm M2 antenna - sold!

2010-02-03 Thread David - KG4ZLB


On 2/3/2010 12:32, David - KG4ZLB wrote:

I have an M2 23CM22EZ antenna for sale, 16dbd gain, 28dB front to back.

It will take 600 watts (!), and survive 100mph winds, overall length 
is 63 inches which is about 5 and bit feet in old money.

And that was where the problem was; 5 and a bit feet was just too long 
for my available space so I ended up buying one of Bob's (W7LRD) most 
excellent helicals.

So its never been in the air, just gathering dust in my garage.

Looking at HRO, it seems that maybe M2 have superseded this model with 
the 23CM22EZA which retails for a whopping $185!

Any interest on here before I fleaBay it at the weekend!

Let me know off board; I have photographs that I can send you!



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[amsat-bb] FO-29

2010-01-28 Thread David - KG4ZLB
So nice to hear FO-29 booming again on this last pass at 00:46, really 
strong and loud - congrats to the team on getting this one back in 
shape, very much appreciated!

And hi to VE4EMU who obliged me with a contact although I lost you 
completely after the exchange!

A couple of others on as well!


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[amsat-bb] Re: It's NOT Censorship

2010-01-15 Thread David - KG4ZLB
It's not altogether surprising that this topic is being discussed but 
really folks, lets look at the facts!

The whole issue revolves around just a few members/posters who 
continually try and push the boundaries on what is a large list with 
respected and influential members all over the World.

We all know who they are; the ones that immediately post a facetious 
reply to a newbie question, the ones that post one line,or worse still, 
one word answers that are ambiguous at best and downright rude at worst; 
the ones that take childish delight in trying to elicit the maximum 
controversy with seemingly innocuous postings. We know who they are and 
they know who they are and the laws of defamation restrict me in naming 

There is a delete key on your keyboard; there are message filters built 
in to your e-mail client and if you really get offended then there is 
always the un-subscribe route.

But if anyone on the list ever gets to having to be warned by AMSAT 
about their conduct on the BB or worse still, be faced with 
suspension/expulsion from the list then shame on you!

For the most part we are all responsible adults involved in a fairly 
expensive hobby (note hobby) that is both highly technical and to most 
people, quite complicated. If anyone feels that they can do a better job 
than anyone on the current Board then by all means file a motion of no 
confidence and see how many fully paid up members back you.

Put up or shut up.

That we have even had to come to an Acceptable Use Policy for this board 
should make certain members/posters question whether they should even be 

Rant over


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[amsat-bb] Re: probably simple

2010-01-06 Thread David - KG4ZLB

I concur with Alan regarding SatPC32.

I used AO-7 the other evening for the first time in a couple of months 
and my up and down links were spot on first time!


Alan P. Biddle wrote:


 As long as the spacecraft systems are good, and AO-7 will wander a bit, I
 can always find myself.  A quick tweak requiring a few seconds, and I am in


 -Original Message-
 From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
 Behalf Of Bob- W7LRD
 Sent: 06 January, 2010 14:44
 To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Subject: [amsat-bb] probably simple

 Happy New Year all 

 This is probably simple, however, I need a quick and simple way of
 determining my uplink frequency given a specific downlink frequency. 
 Usually I will just send a few dits to find myself.  When trying to work a
 sked footprint edge to edge I need to be at the right frequency at the right
 time, without hunting around for myself.  I am refering to AO-7 

 73 Bob W7LRD 

 Seattle, Wa. 
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 Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

 Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
 Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb


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[amsat-bb] Re: RS-38?

2010-01-01 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Mmm...agreed; lighten up a bit Nigel, New Year and all that! :-D

Elan Portnoy wrote:
 Now that I know where to find them, perhaps I will sign up. 

 I never asked anyone to download them for me--perhaps you should read my post 
 more carefully--or ask someone else to read it to you.

 --- On Fri, 1/1/10, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF ni...@ngunn.net wrote:

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[amsat-bb] Re: RS-38?

2010-01-01 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I take your point but there might surely be better ways of phrasing it!  
I thought your reply was a little...how shall I put it... abrupt!

In actual fact, if you filtered out the sort of postings that you are 
referring to, there wouldn't be much traffic left on the AMSAT bb !



Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
 It's not a case of lighten up.
 How often have you seen the Amsat or ARRL keps bulletin and noticed a severe 
 lack of the satellite you were looking for.
 Why not get them yourself and get the satellites you need, not those someone 
 else thought you should have.

 We should be teaching people to be reasonably self sufficient not teaching 
 them to expect someone else to do it.


 On 02-Jan-10 00:40, David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: Software to run a ts-200 and LVB

2009-12-15 Thread David - KG4ZLB

Don't bother with HRD if all you want it for is satellite work. HRD's 
satellite function is a bolt on to the whole suite; SatPC32 is the tool 
for the job, has the most excellent back-up service from its creator and 
is of benefit to AMSAT.

Nuff said!


racer5039 wrote:
 I am having a really hard time getting HRD to run with Windows 7 or Vista.
 Is there something else out there that will run the 200 and the LVB tracker?
 HRD was working real well til the last couple of updated but I'm ready to try 
 something else.

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[amsat-bb] Re: Tonight's launch from cape.

2009-12-03 Thread David - KG4ZLB

 From what I can see, the launch details are Dec 3 @ 8:23-8:43 pm - 
Delta 4 - WGS SV 3, so if that's edt, its a bit early yet* :-D



David H. Jordan wrote:
 Does anyone know if the rocket launched from the cape tonight?

 Dave, AA4KN
 Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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[amsat-bb] Re: SO-67 28Nov2009 1340-1345z

2009-11-28 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Nothing heard over US on 15:14 utc (10:14 local) but that might be 
operator (me) error (?)


OZ1MY wrote:
 Hi John,
 It was not on during the pass over Europe either.
 That should have been with start 1027 UTC.
 Hope for tomorrow.

 Have a nice weekend.
 73 OZ1MY
 - Original Message - 
 From: John Papay j...@papays.com
 To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2009 2:54 PM
 Subject: [amsat-bb] SO-67 28Nov2009 1340-1345z


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[amsat-bb] Re: Icom 9100 release date?

2009-11-19 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Although there has been some talk about various models being 
discontinued, both the 910 and the756ProII are still very much evident 
on the Icom America website!

The 9100 is billed as a satellite transceiver (I mean it does has a 
little button on it marked satellite, so it must beyes?) but in 
essence its a TS2000 clone (a shack in a box) and my fear is that 
because it has so many features packed in to it, its only going to be as 
good as its weakest component.

I will wait for those operators with vastly deeper pockets than mine to 
give it a thorough shakedown before I would consider trading in my 
trusty 910 - after all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Sometimes I think we are a bit guilty of being rig tarts (quaint 
English saying meaning to be enamoured of the next shiny box that comes 
along to the detriment of our existing gear!)


Howard Kowall wrote:
 I believe it's the IC756 ProIII that has been discontinued not the 746pro
 and Is the 9100 actually a Satellite transceiver.
 I havent seen any proof of full duplex operation and doppler control

 - Original Message - 
 From: John Geiger aa...@yahoo.com
 To: i...@mailman.qth.net; v...@w6yx.stanford.edu; amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:54 PM
 Subject: [amsat-bb] Icom 9100 release date?


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[amsat-bb] AO-51 SSTV

2009-11-13 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Evening All,

I would be interested to know if anyone received my SSTV image 
transmitted on the most recent AO-51 pass (23:40 utc)



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[amsat-bb] Arrow tote bag F S

2009-11-03 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I have the 30 Arrow tubular style bag for sale; never used.

Arrow want $24 plus $12 shipping.

Yours for $20.00 shipped to the lower 48 only.

Paypal OK


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[amsat-bb] Re: w32a won't transmit

2009-11-01 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Turn the full duplex to semi!

Try that first.


Gary Lockhart wrote:
 W32A Owners,
 I have a new to me radio that  I can receive on  and I  beleive  is set-up  
 correctly.  Full crossband  duplex  is turned on, autorepeater is turned off, 
  squelch  is open  and  receive  band is  set  as main.  What  am  I doing  
 Thanks in advance, Gary  AB3ID 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Ares

2009-10-27 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Not yet it hasn't!

Weather problems.

rwmcgw...@gmail.com wrote:
 Launch at 9:49 am edt
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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[amsat-bb] Re: Ares

2009-10-27 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ares_I-X

Andrew Rich wrote:
 What is ARES and what is on it ?

 - Original Message - From: Bob McGwier rwmcgw...@gmail.com
 To: kg4...@gmail.com
 Cc: amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 2:03 AM
 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Ares


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[amsat-bb] Re: LuSat Silent

2009-10-23 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Your right John except for the the last hi.

It ID's as // /LUSAT HI HI/

I will have a listen for it as it always presents a strong signal.



John Marranca, Jr wrote:
 I heard LuSAT the other night...I believe.  It may have drifted off
 frequency significantly.  I thought that it was a problem with HRD not
 tracking...but when I hit F2 for Manual Tune, I QSYd UP...and found
 its strong CW being sent.  Next pass, try hunting around for it.

 Maybe I'm wrong, but I can swear I heard it ID as LUSAT hihihi.

 I know I'll be listening later.

 John KB2HSH


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[amsat-bb] Re: What Are Others Using

2009-10-15 Thread David - KG4ZLB

Buy the licence, donate to AMSAT - easy!


Elan Portnoy wrote:
 SatPC32 works great on the linear birds. Takes a little tuning to get on the 
 right freq, but works nicely after setup.

 --- On Thu, 10/15/09, Joel Black jbbl...@charter.net wrote:


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[amsat-bb] Re: L/U repeater back on

2009-10-14 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Sounding good, I just had a 30 degree pass up the middle of the Gulf of 
Mexico and spoke with John (K8YSE) and Jeff (K7WIN) - great to have it 
back in this mode for a while!


Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
 L/U repeater is back on now. Sorry about switching back and forth twice, 
 I had to go back and fix something. 435.150 is at 450mw, and 435.300 is 
 at 630mw. Friday morning we'll probably switch back to digital for a 
 pass, then to JOTA configuration that evening.

 73, Drew KO4MA
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[amsat-bb] Re: FM satellite operations again again over Europe

2009-10-13 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Perhaps these could be translated into Spanish!


Eric Knaps, ON4HF wrote:
 Hello all,
 I found these nice rules from VK3JED:

  1. First and foremost is to listen before and while (if possible)
  transmitting, to ensure your transmissions don't drown out a weaker
  station who may be on the edge of a pass or running QRP. Satellites
  should be an alligator free zone. It is strongly recommended that you
  set your station up so you can monitor the downlink while
  transmitting, so you can hear how well you are accessing the satellite
  and whether you accidentally clobbered someone else. Similarly, if you
  can't hear the transponder, don't transmit. Do something else more
  productive, such as realign your receiving antenna to improve
   2. Be brief. Because the traffic levels can be quite high, contest style
  (callsign/signal report/next station) operation is the most
  appropriate for most situations. Many stations also exchange QTH and
  first names, which is OK if time permits. If transponder activity is
  low, you can have a brief chat, but the opportunities for this are
  becoming rare now.
   3. Take turns. If you've just worked a handful of stations, be polite and
  hand the transponder over to someone else so they can work a few.
  There may be an opportunity to call back in later during the pass and
  work some different stations as the satellite passes over different
  areas, and others will appreciate your courtesy.
   4. When calling, a simple announcement (e.g. This is VK3JED listening
  SUNSAT or even VK3JED listening) will suffice, like it does on a
  terrestrial repeater. Anyone within transponder range will hear your
  call. A short CQ call (CQ SUNSAT, this is VK3JED) is OK too. Long CQ
  calls waste transponder time and frustrate everyone listening. Save
  the long CQs for HF, where they're appropriate. Only call CQ when
  there's a distinct lack of activity, such as at the very start of a
  pass and sometimes late in the pass after everyone else has finished.
  A well placed CQ call late in a pass might alert someone ahead of the
  satellite that a pass has just commenced over their QTH.
   5. Wait your turn. If a QSO is in progress, wait until it finishes before
  putting in your call. Butting in too soon is rude and wastes precious
  transponder time as the stations involved in the QSO have to repeat
  themselves due to your QRM.
   6. Don't tune up! Believe it or not, there are stations who test their
  satellite access by dropping a carrier over the top of everyone and
  perhaps announcing Hello hello. Simply putting out a call at the
  appropriate time will provide all the signal checks you need (and get
  you a worthwhile contact! :) ), without annoying everyone else on the
  transponder. If you're really that doubtful about your equipment,
  perhaps connect your dummy load, test in the shack and try again
  another day, rather than disrupting everyone else. If you just want to
  hear your voice, well a tape recorder or a pair of walkie talkies will
  do just as well...
   7. Reward good operation. If you're answering a call, why not reward the
  good operators and put the alligators last on your list of priorities.
  If all satellite users favour good operators, perhaps everyone will
  learn that good ops have the highest QSO rates and earn the most
  satellite awards. :-) Peer pressure is a powerful motivating force, as
  any teenager will know (but probably not admit to! :-) ).
   8. Use the minimum power necessary. While power levels are not critical
  on FM satellites (unlike linear transponders where an excessively
  strong signal can affect other QSOs on the transponder), using the
  minimum power necessary allows you to easier tell if you're 'doubling'
  with someone else. For the South African SUNSAT satellite, you
  shouldn't need more than 5 watts into a basic (1/2 wave handheld or
  turnstile) antenna, perhaps a bit more if the antenna is setup for
  terrestrial operation, to overcome radiation pattern limitations. As
  an example of good operation, recently one station who had multiple
  beams wound his power back to 20 mW. The signal into the bird was full
  quieting, but it was still possible to tell if someone else was
  underneath his signal. If he had run 100W, he couldn't have known if
  he'd stepped on anyone else, due to the capture effect of FM.

 If everyone follows these simple guidelines (which are basically common
 sense and courtesy), then FM satellite operation can be enjoyable for
 everyone, regardless of whether you run a sophisticated satellite station
 or a couple of handhelds from the back yard. FM satellite transponders are
 like FM repeaters, only more extreme. On the positive side, they can

[amsat-bb] Can we get them to fix AO-40 first then?

2009-10-11 Thread David - KG4ZLB

  Rogue satellites to be cleared from Earth's orbit by German robots

German-built robots are to be sent into Earth's orbit to repair 'dead 
satellites' or push them into outer space, according to a report in 
Sunday's Guardian newspaper.

Robots that rescue failing satellites and push 'dead' ones into outer 
space should be ready in four years, it has emerged. Experts described 
the development by German scientists as a crucial step in preventing a 
disaster in the Earth's crowded orbit.

Last year it was reported that critical levels of debris circling the 
Earth were threatening astronauts' lives and the future of the 
multibillion-pound satellite communications industry. But senior figures 
at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) told the /Observer/ they have been 
given the go-ahead to tackle a crisis that will come to a head in the 
next five to 10 years as more orbiting objects run out of fuel.

Their robots will dock with failing satellites to carry out repairs or 
push them into graveyard orbits, freeing vital space in geostationary 
orbit. This is the narrow band 22,000 miles above the Earth in which 
orbiting objects appear fixed at the same point. More than 200 dead 
satellites litter this orbit. Within 10 years that number could increase 
fivefold, the International Association for the Advancement of Space 
Safety has warned.

You can read the full article / 'Rogue satellites to be cleared from 
Earth's orbit by German robots'/ at:


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[amsat-bb] Re: Launch coverage!

2009-10-03 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Well I suppose that's a start but it would be good to see it live; I 
guess NASA is not as confident as the Russians that a launch will be 
successful so they delay any inside shots! 


Joe Fitzgerald wrote:

 I have seen split screens on NASA TV, usually a day or two after 
 launch.  A quick you-tube search revealed this.
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[amsat-bb] Re: http://oscar.dcarr.org/ Site

2009-09-23 Thread David - KG4ZLB
And in English this means.?

 Need PHP session logins

 Andrew Rich
 Airways Technical Officer Grade 4
 Surveillance - RADAR ADS-B
 Amateur Radio Callsign VK4TEC
 email: vk4...@tech-software.net
 web: www.tech-software.net
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Carr d...@dcarr.org
 To: Danny Casier danny.cas...@skynet.be
 Cc: amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 5:46 AM
 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: http://oscar.dcarr.org/ Site



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[amsat-bb] Icom W32A for sale

2009-09-22 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Icom W32A dual band, full duplex h/t, comes complete with stock antenna, 
battery and wall charger. Battery holds full charge, no sign of wear.

Some wear on the top row of buttons but otherwise in perfect condition, 
screen unscratched (its been kept in the case) full 5w output in Hi 


Icom speaker mic
Icom Leatherette case
Icom AA battery box
Icom CP12L cigarette lighter charger

No original manual but I can print a copy and include it.

$275 including shipping to anywhere in the lower 48.


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[amsat-bb] Euro news

2009-09-14 Thread David - KG4ZLB

  Dutch authorities propose rebanding D-STAR into 70cm satellite band

Information received from the Netherlands this week indicated a growing 
threat to frequencies allocated and used by the Amateur Satellite Service.

Worldwide, including the Netherlands, amateur use of frequencies in many 
portions of the 70cm band are allocated as secondary users.

The threat arises from proposals to move the output frequency band of 
terrestrial D-STAR repeaters from the 439-440 MHz range down to 437-438 

Dutch regulators have halted amateur D-STAR repeater licensing in that 
country because they plan to reallocate 439.500 MHz and upward to the 
Differential GPS (DGPS) service.

Despite protest from Dutch amateur radio operators, amateur clubs in the 
surrounding countries, and regulators in nearby countries, it seems as 
if the Dutch authorities are still planning on this frequency 
re-allocation to favor DGPS operation in violation of ITU allocations.

If completed this reallocation of the terrestrial D-STAR repeater 
outputs would place them right in the downlink band of the Amateur 
Satellite Service. This would have immediate operational impact on 
European amateur satellite stations. Longer term it may open the door 
for future infringement on satellite operations in other countries.

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[amsat-bb] Re: ic-910 switching help

2009-09-13 Thread David - KG4ZLB

You need to use SatPC32ISS, not the regular SatPC32


andy thomas wrote:
 I know this is an old chestnut, but when in satpc32 and with both frequencies 
 set on the iss simplex 145.825, satpc32 shows the up/downlink doppler but 
 switches the 70cm tx subband. How do I configure so that the up and down 
 links can be in the same band?

 immediate problem is packet on the iss (in between pollux!)

 I found out it couldn't be done in HRD so i am evaluating satpc32.

 73 de andy g0sfj 


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[amsat-bb] Volunteering and things!

2009-09-10 Thread David - KG4ZLB

After careful consideration concerning this thread it seems we have 
three distinct areas that need to be, or are being, addressed.

Perhaps we could get some definitive answers as to where we/AMSAT stand 
on them as in some cases nothing further has been heard.

1) *The website* - my understanding is that this will become a Wiki 
style affair and that someone has already volunteered to start it

Is this correct? Is this happening? Who is doing this?

2) *The Satellite Status page* - I was asked to supply information to 
correct any inaccuracy's just before the idea was hatched to use the 
dcarr Live Oscar Satellite Status site as a feeder. Again I understand 
that this has been approved by David Carr, KD5QGR and is awaiting 

Is this correct? Is this happening? Who is doing this?

3) *The volunteer page* - clearly the thing is broken and clearly people 
do not know this until after they have filled in the form.
So would it not be an idea to state clearly on the home page of the 
website that the site is undergoing some sort of revamp? In that way 
viewers know the we know that the issues are being addressed.

Secondly, on the Satellite Status page, again some sort of wording 
should be appended referring to the ongoing upgrade of the site, also 
mentioning the future amalgamation of information from David Carr's site 
and provide a direct link to it? Maybe David would be kind enough to 
reciprocate with a direct link back to the AMSAT home page so that 
viewers can return easily.

Lastly the Volunteer page, again some words on it saying that it is not 
functioning, do not waste half an hour filling it in only to hit send 
and find its buggered. If interested e-mail Gould or someone else so 

I fear that without some positive short term damage limitation on the 
website, these threads are just going to keep popping up. The Volunteer 
page issue is now so old its got grey hairs!

Even if no body steps forward to volunteer to change anything at all, if 
the correct wording is applied to the website then people know where to 
go for the answers and information that they need and we/AMSAT don't 
look incompetent.


Glen Zook wrote:
 I thought long and hard before replying to you.  Unfortunately, it is the 
 fault of the organization when the systems do not work.  On purpose?  Of 
 course not.  But, it still is within the control of the organization and 
 therefore it definitely is the fault of the organization.

 There is a Catch 22.  There is a need for volunteers but the prime method 
 of volunteering is not available.  Why?  Because there are not enough 
 volunteers to fix the method of volunteering.

 Yes, there are other ways of eventually having someone's volunteering to help 
 being recognized.  However, most individuals are not going to go through a 
 trial and error means of finding the correct means of offering their 
 services.  Frankly, this is just not going to happen.

 I have submitted an article for publication in The AMSAT Journal on this very 
 problem.  Hopefully it will be published in the next edition and, again, 
 hopefully it will help alleviate, at least in some small way, the problems 
 that presently exist.

 Glen, K9STH
 AMSAT 239 / LM 463

 Website:  http://k9sth.com

 --- On Wed, 9/9/09, myoung myo...@neo.rr.com wrote:

 So if someone wants to volunteer and they use the volunteer function of the 
 AMSAT website and it doesn't work and someone doesn't get in touch with 
 you...   IT IS AMSAT's FAULT? Is that it?
 So if you order something from the AMSAT website or any website and the item 
 never arrives...  YOU JUST FORGET IT?
 This is a mindset of failure!   A HORRENDOUS COP OUT FOLKS!!!
 The AMSAT  office has a phone.  The number is on the website, please use it!
 Do you really want to volunteer?  PROVE IT!  AND FOLLOW THRU!  PROMISES DON'T 


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[amsat-bb] Re: Shuttle landing

2009-09-10 Thread David - KG4ZLB
*The landing of the shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center has 
been delayed for at least a day due to bad weather in Florida.*

Thunderstorms and strong winds meant that the US space agency NASA  
skipped both Thursday landing possibilities.

The shuttle, which is returning from a mission to the International 
Space Station (ISS), will have to orbit the earth for a 14th day.

The new landing slot is at 1754 (2154 GMT) on Friday.

However the weather forecast for Friday is worse, and Saturday is only a 
little better.

NASA says if necessary it will consider the possibility of using a 
runway at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

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[amsat-bb] Re: G5500

2009-09-01 Thread David - KG4ZLB




Randy wrote:
 Does the G5500 come with any rotor cable?
 Or just the connectors and we have to buy cable and install the connectors?

 Randy - N2CUA

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[amsat-bb] Re: 1.2 ghz antenna?

2009-08-31 Thread David - KG4ZLB

I don't think Bob has a website up at the moment but no doubt he will 
read this thread and respond to any interested people.

As an aside, he also donates 20% (I think its 20%) of every sale to AMSAT.

I can send you pictures of mine if that helps (?)



Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:

 David - KG4ZLB wrote:

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[amsat-bb] Re: WD9EWK cards arrived today!!!!!!

2009-08-27 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I guess the Post Office doesn't work quite as quickly down here 
(difference of two weeks!) but thanks Patrick!

And Al, your card for the V/S contact arrived yesterday and mine to you 
will be in the mail today!




Allen Vinegar wrote:
 Thanks Patrick, mine arrived today! Quite impressed with your personal 
 postage stamp!!!

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[amsat-bb] Re: Don't Fly SuitSat2 to ISS

2009-08-25 Thread David - KG4ZLB
On top of that, it is inherently difficult, nay almost impossible, to 
become an AMSAT Volunteer - trust me, I have been trying for over a year 
now and have just about given up!


Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
 I think one of the problems volunteers face, which seems to have not been 
 addresses, is one of geography.

 The US is a big country. The existing volunteers are widespread.
 I work better as a member of a team rather than as an induvidual. I need a 
 normal work environment. I'm inherently 
 lazy and don't have the motovation to reliably work from home.
 I don't know of any active Amsat volunteers within, say, 30 miles of me, that 
 I can team up with.
 Find me a project within 30 miles of Xenia, Ohio, in which I have some 
 experience, and i will happily join the team.

 Bob Bruninga wrote:
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[amsat-bb] AO-51 mode change

2009-08-23 Thread David - KG4ZLB
To any Command Team members:

I have a great pass at just after 7.00pm edt this evening, that's only 
23:00 utc - so will AO-51 remain in its current config until 00:00utc 
and be commanded by someone else on the planet?

I just don't want to set everything up for Mode S to find that its 
stopped an hour earlier than scheduled!




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[amsat-bb] AO-51 V/S

2009-08-21 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Great pass at 22:43, thanks to John (K8YSE) and Al (W8KHP) for the 
contacts - its been a while since I worked mode V/S.

Thanks to the team for scheduling these modes.




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[amsat-bb] Re: Kudos from K4DLG

2009-08-02 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I too have tried to help Dave with his BB problem including sending his 
message of help directly to the List Administrator - on the basis that 
you have had to post a message for him Tim, I guess the problem still 
exists (unfortunately!)


n...@bellsouth.net wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 Dave, K4DLG, has asked me to post the following because he is unable to get 
 posts through to the BB.

 From Dave:

 I just want to take a moment to thank a number of folks that have 
 been adding much enjoyment to my satellite operations lately.

 Wednesday I found an envelope in my mailbox with a  bunch of QSLs 
 from Jim (ND9M) confirming QSOs in 13 different grid squares with 6 
 of them new ones for me along the East coast from Delaware to 
 Florida.  I recently logged 5 new squares with contacts with Patrick 
 (WD9EWK) in AZ and UT.  A few weeks ago I received some QSLs from 
 Doug (KD8CAO) providing me some new contacts into upper MI.  In 
 addition there has been Gail (KB0RZD) adding to my collection in the 
 midwest with many new grids, and John (K8YSE) with his trip to DE 
 helping those that needed DE for WAS or just for an additional grid 
 worked.  Rob (KD4ZGW) is always popping up somewhere in the US and 
 always willing to provide a contact to anyone making the trip.  Last 
 year Allen (N5AFV) provided me with some great contacts to some very 
 wet grid squares while operating /MM from a cruise ship.  There have 
 been others which I have missed, but none the less their efforts are 

 These guys armed with their laptops, GPS units, handheld antennas, 
 radios, and maps take off into remote country and areas to provide us 
 with the enjoyment of working a new grid.  Then when they return they 
 have to face a pile of QSL requests from folks like me wanting to 
 confirm our new contacts.  They spend a lot of time and money with 
 nothing in return except the thanks from those of us that have 
 benefited from their efforts.

 There have been other posts recently publicly thanking these guys but 
 I just wanted to chime in and add my thanks for some great contacts 
 with some great guys!

 I just took a break from writing this note to go work AO-27.  I 
 didn't expect much because of the short pass and the fact that it was 
 a low pass to the East of me, however, much to my surprise and good 
 fortune I made a contact with Nick (KB1RVT) working from FN54!  Thanks 
 Nick, you made my day!

 Guys, I just want to add my sincere thanks and appreciation to your 
 efforts and desire to help enhance the amateur radio hobby for a 
 great many of us that enjoy working the birds!

 I hope someday the conditions will allow me to pack up a radio and 
 trek off into some area where I also can provide some contacts in a 
 new area and provide some QSLs for others.  However, in the meantime, 
 thanks to those of you that are currently   spending time to better 
 the hobby for all of us!


 Dave - K4DLG
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[amsat-bb] Space Shuttle

2009-07-31 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Space Shuttle at 8500 feet and travelling at 1650mph as the sonic boom 
hit my house - made the dog bark!


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[amsat-bb] Re: FUNcube a UK Linear Transponder Satellite

2009-07-25 Thread David - KG4ZLB
/**//*It is anticipated FUNcube will be launched into a Sun Synchronous 
Low Earth Orbit about 600-700km above the earth using one of the many 
launch opportunities that exist for Cubesat missions.*/

*_Many_* launch opportunities ???


David Johnson wrote:

 AMSAT-UK has announced a new amateur satellite project – FUNcube – that
 features a 435 to 145 MHz Linear Transponder for SSB/CW operation. The
 project has received major initial funding from the Radio Communications
 Foundation (RCF) and is expected be developed in collaboration with
 ISIS-Innovative Solutions in Space BV.

 FUNcube is an educational single cubesat project with the goal of
 enthusing and educating young people about radio, space, physics and

 It will support the educational Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths
 (STEM) initiatives and provide an additional resource for the GB4FUN
 Mobile Communications Centre.

 The target audience consists of primary and secondary school pupils and
 FUNcube will feature a 145 MHz telemetry beacon that will provide a
 strong signal for the pupils to receive.

 It is planned to develop a simple receiver board that can be connected
 to the USB port of a laptop to display telemetry in an interesting way.

 The satellite will contain a materials science experiment, from which
 the school students can receive telemetry data which they can compare to
 the results they obtained from similar reference experiments in the

 FUNcube is the first cubesat designed to benefit this group and is
 expected to be the first UK cubesat to reach space.

 More details can be found at:


 Dave, G4DPZ
 AMSAT-UK 1267
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[amsat-bb] Doug's (KD8CAO/P) recent road trip!

2009-07-21 Thread David - KG4ZLB

I wanted to publicly thank Doug for going on the road recently and 
activating grids that we might not see again for some time and more 
especially for the QSL cards which he sent subsequently. Mine arrived 
today, a card for each contact with full 6 character grid square 
locators and County information -  great for those of us that chase 
these additional bits of information.

Many thanks Doug!



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[amsat-bb] Re: Evidence of moon landings....!

2009-07-20 Thread David - KG4ZLB

  Moon astronauts urge Mars mission

here! http://foxyurl.com/p4w

Rumours that Stephen Spielberg has been signed up to provide the special 
effects are currently unsubstantiated but obviously the BBC are already 
on board.



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[amsat-bb] Evidence of moon landings....!

2009-07-18 Thread David - KG4ZLB
..but there again, the BBC could also be in on this supposed 

See for yourself http://foxyurl.com/oUk.



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[amsat-bb] Re: IF you had a choice...

2009-07-16 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Hi Norman,

This is a topic that surfaces every so often and is not an easy one to 

So my two penneth worth is this!

If you are only interested in VHF and above, Satellites and terrestrial 
work - the 910 every time.

If you want a shack in a box that can do (primarily) HF, then the TS 
wins the day!

The reason I say primarily is that the TS exhibits a birdie right in 
the downlink frequency for SO-50 which renders use of that bird more or 
less impossible on that radio.

Its like trying to compare apples with oranges.

For sat work (for me) the 910.

For HF work, the Icom 756 Pro series. :-D

Others will give you different answers of course but the main factor for 
me if I was buying a radio now would be the SO-50 birdie issue. It may 
only affect one bird but there are not that many left up there and no 
plans to get any more up!



Norman W Osborne wrote:
 Greetings to all.
 I am looking for owners and potential owners of the
 Icom 910H or Kenwood TS-2000.

 Opinions and thoughts of each radio appreciated.

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[amsat-bb] Re: IF you had a choice...

2009-07-16 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Drew just e-mailed me about my comment:
It may only affect one bird but there are not that many left up there 
and no plans to get any more up! /

and that that might be misleading!

I am happy to correct my statement by saying that what I was referring 
to was the easy sats, the FM voice, 2m up 70cm down or 70cm up 2m down, 
that everyone cuts their teeth on!

Drew has pointed out that Sumbandilla is V/U FM, CAS is V/U FM and 
transponder both, and Kiwisat is U/V FM and transponder.

According to the AMSAT website, Sumbandilla and Kiwisat are both 
awaiting a launch date and I have just heard that the other one is not 
up there either but all are slated for this year.

On the basis that they actually make it to orbit (and that's a big 
*if* of course, no sure thing in the launch business!), there will be 
AO-51, SO-50, AO-27, AO-7, ISS, and the three to come. Throw in FO-29 
and VO-52 (not strictly FM easy sats being as they are SSB birds) and we 
might have 10 usable voice birds.

Take out the two birdie issue satellites from the *current* 7 usable 
easy sats and the TS can not work nearly 30% of the available easy sats.

Factor in that AO-7 is getting old, ISS is rarely in cross band mode, 
and that brings the figures down to 5 working birds, three (or 60%) of 
which the TS *can* work.

If Kenwood have fixed the problem (and I haven't heard that they have or 
how they could retrospectively) and you want to get into serious 
satellite work, don't hamper yourself with a radio that will not do the job.

I am sure someone will say that my math is wrong but you get the point.

(Standing by with helmet and flak jacket on :-D )


David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 Hi Norman,

 This is a topic that surfaces every so often and is not an easy one to 

 So my two penneth worth is this!

 If you are only interested in VHF and above, Satellites and 
 terrestrial work - the 910 every time.

 If you want a shack in a box that can do (primarily) HF, then the TS 
 wins the day!

 The reason I say primarily is that the TS exhibits a birdie right 
 in the downlink frequency for SO-50 which renders use of that bird 
 more or less impossible on that radio.

 Its like trying to compare apples with oranges.

 For sat work (for me) the 910.

 For HF work, the Icom 756 Pro series. :-D

 Others will give you different answers of course but the main factor 
 for me if I was buying a radio now would be the SO-50 birdie issue. 
 It may only affect one bird but there are not that many left up there 
 and no plans to get any more up!


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[amsat-bb] Re: IF you had a choice...

2009-07-16 Thread David - KG4ZLB
you have old teeth :-D

Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
 I cut my teeth on Oscar 6 and 7, 2M UP, 10M DOWN, SSB.

 David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 easy sats, the FM voice, 2m up 70cm down or 70cm up 2m down,

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Forum videos from Dayton Hamvention

2009-07-04 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Yes indeed. Richard's presentation at the AMSAT forum was a much shorter 
version of the one he gave at the Banquet the night before and it would 
be great to have that in the archives.



Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) wrote:
 Hi Steve!


 Thanks for your work with the camcorder at Dayton!  During the
 AMSAT Forum, I had asked if videos would be made available in
 some form - and it's nice that they have.  I will look at them when
 I return home tomorrow, and have access to broadband.

 A question... regarding Richard Garriott, you uploaded one video of
 Richard speaking during the AMSAT Forum at the HamVention:


 Is there any chance of posting Richard's talk at the AMSAT/TAPR
 Banquet the night before the AMSAT Forum?   I thought I saw you
 with the camcorder there as well.  That talk was longer, and would
 be a great addition to what Richard said at the Forum.


 Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK

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[amsat-bb] Re: The Moon is our Future

2009-07-02 Thread David - KG4ZLB
On the contrary, we need more LEO's to augment and replace the existing 
aged fleet.

Whilst AMSAT works on the HEO's lets put some of our efforts towards the 
Universities who seem to regularly put up 2/70 satellites!


Jack K. wrote:
 I heard the same things when the first HEOs went up. It takes to much 
 money, it takes to much specialized equipment, it takes to much 
 knowledge, it is for elitists only... The bottom line is a LOT of hams 
 used them and it took some ingenuity, some new equipment, and yes we 
 all had to learn now things to use them. the bottom line is they 
 worked and worked well... My suggestion is quit looking at pitfalls 
 and problems as reasons not to do something, but as opportunities to 
 learn to accomplish new things (or improved communications anyway) and 
 move forward... We can put up all the leos we want, but until someone 
 makes something like B. Bruninga's cell concept work, we are only 
 going to have more of the same, We don't need more of the same!


 - Original Message - From: kd8...@aol.com
 To: bruni...@usna.edu; 'Joe' n...@mwt.net; 'MM' ka1...@yahoo.com
 Cc: 'Jack K.' kd1p...@gmail.com; amsat-bb@amsat.org; 
 Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: The Moon is our Future

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[amsat-bb] Re: The Moon is our Future

2009-07-02 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Just a question but if you do not think the US got to the Moon in 1969 
and neither do you think they will get back to the Moon in 2012, how do 
you propose seeing an amateur repeater on the Moon?

Get the crew of the ISS to toss out a repeater, like SuitSat, but throw 
it really, really hard in the general direction of the Moon and hope it 

I don't understand your logic.

73 David

kd8...@aol.com wrote:
 Don't want to get a whole new thing started here but - I don't think we ever 
 went to the moon in 1969 and I don't think we will ever goto the moon - in 
 2012 or whenever they proposed a return to the moon

 I would love to see an amatuer repeater on the moon thou - from my 
 understanding EME is expensive to do, so I think it would leave most of us 

 Where as and bringing things back around - LEOs are realitive low cost to use 
 to the normal everyday day 

 I will put my two cents in for more LEOs - :-) 

 Hey are there any geosynchinze amatuer sats up? 

 LeRoy, KD8BXP

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[amsat-bb] Re: The Moon is our Future

2009-07-02 Thread David - KG4ZLB
OK, I just love conspiracy theories  :-D

Are you really Michael Moore ?


kd8...@aol.com wrote:
 I don't think man will ever walk on the moon. And I really didn't want to 
 start a whole thing on this - 
 Someone said that a man would have to roll out an antenna for a amatuer 
 project - I just don't think that will ever happen 
 A small robotic rover could do it but then you are talking expensive unless 
 nasa was willing to give us time on a rover that was going to do 
 experiments for nasa

 LeRoy, KD8BXP

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[amsat-bb] Re: NASA Kills Ulysses

2009-07-01 Thread David - KG4ZLB
I know it would be expensive but on the if you spread your net wide 
enough view of thinking, could we not approach commercial satellite 
projects prior to launch and bung a transponder on them only to be used 
when the primary mission fails? OK, so you might win some, might lose 
some and I know it would be expensive but it seems better than the 
situation we have now, plus we could be potentially building in some 
long term birds that would replace the current ageing fleet. It would be 
a long term view, but it would be something!

Presumably this has been brought up before but no harm in re-hashing it 
for any new ideas especially with the BoD voting soon to happen! :-D




STeve Andre' wrote:
 About the only thing we could do is use them as training guides for
 receiving weak signals.  Satellities are not designed to qsy, or do
 anything other than they actual function(s), specified long before
 they were ever built.  Add more to a bird increases complexity, and
 also failures.

 I'll bet they turned it off to free up that frequency for something
 else.  If that is the case then we can't even really try monitoring.

 I've often wondered about the ham community using old systems
 but except for really rare cases, they are just too specific to do
 anything for us.

 --STeve Andre'
 wb8wsf  en82

 On Wednesday 01 July 2009 12:13:19 w7...@comcast.net wrote:

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[amsat-bb] Re: Field Day Call Signs

2009-06-24 Thread David - KG4ZLB
W4F from Naples, Florida Tim!


n...@bellsouth.net wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 How about posting the call sign you'll be using over Field Day weekend for 
 satellite contacts?

 Here, I'll be providing the satellite station for the combined FD effort of 
 the Athens Amateur Radio Club and the Northeast Georgia ARC, and they have 
 obtained the special 1x1 call W4G for Field Day.

 I know many of us will be using club calls over Field Day, and I'm interested 
 in know who will be who this weekend.

 I'm also interested in CW contacts on AO-7, FO-29 and VO-52, so I hope those 
 of you who will be working those three will bring a key or paddle along. If 
 you do, please listen for W4G a few kHz below the middles of theses 
 satellites' passbands.

 73 to all, and enjoy Field Day!

 Tim - N3TL
 Athens, Ga. - EM84ha
 W4G for Field Day 2009
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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 Off U/S

2009-06-22 Thread David - KG4ZLB
According to the website, 435.150 is currently the downlink for 1.2 
uplink on the B side (Mode L/U) - I had a great 80 degree pass last 
evening which was showing great promise as the bird approached but I 
assume that it was terminated for telemetry collection reasons!


Luc Leblanc wrote:
 On the 1300Z pass over FN36 there was no signal on 435.300mhz but the data 
 channel 435.150mhz was on!


 Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
 Skype VE2DWE


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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 L/U

2009-06-22 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Listening on the 22:24utc pass of AO-51 just now and for the second day 
running, the sudden distinct change in sound reception tells me that the 
analogue signal is being switched over to digital for TLM collection 
just as it gets to me in Florida.

If this is so then could we have a schedule of what passes TLM is going 
to be collected please - we only get a few days to work mode L and I am 
0 for 2  and I can not be bothered to waste time if the published 
schedule is not going to be adhered too!

If its just not working in L/U then forget the rant!



n...@bellsouth.net wrote:
 Thanks for this Drew. I have just seen that designation on the AO-51 
 information page (the one linked to the status page on the AMSAT site) for 
 the first time, although I've made countless visits to that page over the 
 past year.

 For those who will operating Field Day from remote/portable sites and using 
 antennas like the Elk or Arrow, you may wish to check out this PDF, which I 
 found on the Cushcraft Web site:


 After reading it, I believe that AO-51 could prove to be more challenging to 
 work than usual this weekend, given a TX output in the SO-50 neighborhood and 
 the antenna mismatch many of us will be dealing with (i.e., linear polarized 
 antenna at the ground station vs. circularly polarized at the satellite).

 If I misread the document and have drawn inaccurate conclusions, I hope 
 someone will post a correction. However, it seems to me like this provides 
 all the more reason for us to focus on AO-7, FO-29 and VO-52 if we can.

 Thanks to all,

 Tim - N3TL
 -- Original message from Andrew Glasbrenner 
 glasbren...@mindspring.com: -- 

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[amsat-bb] AO-51 V/S

2009-06-19 Thread David - KG4ZLB

Sorry. In the heat of battle this morning I totally didn't recognise 
your call sign but thanks for the mode V/S contact on AO-51 just a short 
while ago!




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[amsat-bb] Re: Full Duplex HT's

2009-06-10 Thread David - KG4ZLB
A couple or three years ago there was an influx of h/t's into the UK via 
e-bay with origins in China - I believe they were marketed under the 
name JingTong (I kid you not)

If I recall correctly, they were so bad and caused so much interference 
that eventually the Regulatory Authority stepped in and ordered a ban on 
the sale of these things.

I was going to point out that they also did not have the CE mark 
(meaning they were not type approved in Europe) but to be honest that 
really does not make a jot of difference - anything can come in the UK, 
its only when it causes so much of a problem and enough people kick up a 
stink that matters are retrospectively actioned by which time its too 
little, too late!

You just have to love light touch regulation!

But I am with Clint here. Steer well clear.

73's David KG4ZLB

Howard Kowall wrote:
 Hello to all
 Just a follow up to the posting of full duplex handhelds
 Came across this ht,that a local ham ordered
 He was not sure if it was full duplex or not
 I will see if I can download a manual to see
 Just for a point of interest.
 I once had a VHF of a similar ht didn't work to good in the ham band
 And not sure if theses are type approved or FCC approved
 just a little head scratched for all of you out there
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[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Whether or not a question is raised after someone has actually tried to work it 
out for themselves or not is immaterial. 

If this reflector, which lets face it is concerned with some fairly high level 
stuff in comparison to normal ham radio operations), is going to go the way of 
responding to a perfectly reasonable question with the reply of read the 
**g manual, then newcomers and interested observers are going to beat a 
hasty retreat thinking that AMSAT is elitist. 

We must not be seen to be typical of the 'those that know' wanting to protect 
their playground mentality.

I have asked some downright stupidly basic questions on here over the years and 
have always been responded to with friendliness and professionalism even though 
I have often had a mental picture of my helpers banging their heads against a 
wall in frustration. But on the back of that I have been able to help with 
other people's issues where the same question has arisen.

If questions offend then use a combination of filters and the delete key.

My 2 peso's worth.

David KG4ZLB

Justin Pinnix wrote:
 Well, there's a guy on eHam who responds to every question with that's a
 stupid question or go look it up.  That just doubles the amount of noise

 I'm all for experimenting as well, but randomly plugging unknown devices
 together is a good way to blow something up.  What if the programming cable
 is putting out +-12v (EIA RS-232) but the radio only wants to see +5

 73 de AJ4MJ

 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF ni...@ngunn.netwrote:

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[amsat-bb] Re: DJ-G7T programming cable question

2009-06-09 Thread David - KG4ZLB
No, don't agree.

Man has to eat and will learn or be taught to fish or die!

If man can not program his radio and can not work it out for himself and 
can't get a reply on a board such as this then he will go and maybe 
never come back and that's another satellite operator we may have lost.

But he will still eat :-D


Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
 Surely we should encourage people to think for themselves and at least 
 try to sort their own issues.
 What are they going to do when the more experienced are no longer here.

 Isn't Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to 
 fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime relevent here?

 David - KG4ZLB wrote:


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[amsat-bb] Re: Kenwood TM-D710A - help needed!

2009-06-08 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Many thanks to Jim (KQ6EA) and Kim (AC7YY) for responding with help!


David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 If anyone in the group is using one of these radio's to send and 
 receive ISS and PCSAT packet, could they spare me some time with a 
 couple of e-mails (off board) in helping me set my radio up for this?

 Thanks in advance




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[amsat-bb] Re: unknown packet signal information

2009-06-06 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Is NO-44 (PCSAT) working again then?



David J wrote:
 Tim and Mike,
 Thanks for letting me know it was NO-44. I wasn't tracking it nor setup 
 to demodulate the mode either. 

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[amsat-bb] Re: iss 9k6 today?

2009-05-22 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Its 1200 baud, that was a typo!


Mr Jeffrey L Ross wrote:
 hi folks, in the latest sat report 141 they are reporting that the ISS 
 downlink/uplink is 9k6. is this true, see they did just change the digi to 
 rs0iss-3. it was rs0iss-4.
 I hit it the other day at 1k2 (1200baud) kc8gkf-5

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[amsat-bb] Re: Equipment/Software

2009-05-09 Thread David - KG4ZLB

I just wanted to update my comment about only being able to control only 
one Icom radio with SatPC32 without the proper Icom CI-V deely!
Both Tim and Stan sent me e-mails and I then entered into e-mail 
correspondence with Erich.

After visiting CellPhone Shack, (sorry RadioShack), I purchased a 
splitter and then connected the 706MKIIG and the 910 and changed the 
CI-V addresses in SatPC32 and yes, I now have control of both radio's 
from SatPC32 which means that I can uplink on 2m using the 706 when 
AO-51 is in v/s mode and also receive on 10m using the 706 for AO-7 in 
Mode A.

Yet another addition to my long line of recommendations for the use of 



David - KG4ZLB wrote:
 Hi Mike,

 Well I am sure that my set-up is very similar to a lot of other op's 
 on this board but here goes!

 1) Radio is an Icom 910HX, Rotator is the G5500 and SatPC32 to do the 

 Why SatPC32? Because its a dedicated program that does exactly what it 
 says on the tin (unlike Ham Radio Deluxe which is a jack of all trades 
 and master of none, IMHO, and still has Icom issues), has  great 
 customer service, all sale proceeds go to AMSAT and a lot of people on 
 the BB use it so there is no shortage of help when needed (Thanks to 
 Alan, WA4SCA!)

 2) Interface between 910 and PC is a CI-V clone cable available on 
 e-bay for less than $20

 3) Interface between PC and G5500 is an LVB Tracker - why?
 Again, profits to AMSAT, super after sales service, it works and works 
 well and it really looks nice in my shack! If you have the money then 
 sure, go buy the Yeasu alternative but you can buy an awful lot of 
 other goodies with the change that an LVB will give you!

 4) Because I do not have the proper Icom CI-V unit, I can only 
 control one radio at a time with SatPC32 so when AO-51 is in Mode S, I 
 use the 910 for the receive side allowing SatPC 32 to calculate the 
 doppler. For transmitting, say on 2m (When in Mode V/S) I use my Icom 
 706MKIIG and just leave the transmit frequency alone - works like a 
 charm. When AO-51 is in Mode L/S then SatPC32 can do everything I need 
 through the 910. The 706 is only used when Mode S is on as it ties up 
 the 2m band.

 5) 1.2Ghz antenna is the helical antenna built and sold by Bob, W7LRD 
 - its solid, performs excellently, Bob is on hand in the event of 
 problems and he donates 20% of each sale to AMSAT.

 6) Currently I have a BBQ dish feeding a downconverter but I spoke to 
 Bob (W7LRD) about ordering a 2.4ghz helical antenna which will replace 
 the BBQ dish as its rather heavy and cumbersome. but again, it works 
 and as I paid $15 for it and the downconverter, I really can't 
 complain. But with Dayton next week, I am saving my pennies so I will 
 order the antenna when I get back.

 Now one thing that I did not see on your list was pre-amps!

 Again in my opinion, you really can not do without them. A lot of 
 people will steer you towards SSB Electronics or ARR as sources and 
 yes, they are great pre-amps but if you are putting a station together 
 and you have the 910 have a think about the much maligned Icom 
 pre-amps - yes, I know they do not publish noise figures and everyone 
 says they are crap etc, etc but you can not blow them up by 
 transmitting through them, they do not need a separate DC feed, they 
 are readily available and they do work. Last evening I had an SO-50 15 
 degree pass out over the Atlantic and I worked a station and then 
 turned the pre-amp off afterwards and I could not hear him. That 
 pre-amp made the difference between a successful QSO or not one at all.

 Now I know that people reading this will say, hang on, 15 degrees, 
 why the big problem? but let me explain that currently I live in an 
 HOA community that does not like you painting the front door or 
 changing the brand of toilet tissue without having written permission 
 from the Board of very old people with far too much time on their 
 hands. So my antennas are probably no more than 6 feet off of the 
 ground within the confines of a pool cage. Whilst that sounds very 
 restrictive, and to an extent it is, I work all of the analogue birds, 
 the ISS and I get pictures from the weather sats. Last month I worked 
 171 stations. So it can be done.

 I hope that some of the above is of use, if you want any pictures of 
 what I have here then please e-mail me off the BB and I would be happy 
 to send you some.

 73's for now



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[amsat-bb] Re: Equipment/Software

2009-05-07 Thread David - KG4ZLB
Hi Mike,

Well I am sure that my set-up is very similar to a lot of other op's on 
this board but here goes!

1) Radio is an Icom 910HX, Rotator is the G5500 and SatPC32 to do the 

Why SatPC32? Because its a dedicated program that does exactly what it 
says on the tin (unlike Ham Radio Deluxe which is a jack of all trades 
and master of none, IMHO, and still has Icom issues), has  great 
customer service, all sale proceeds go to AMSAT and a lot of people on 
the BB use it so there is no shortage of help when needed (Thanks to 
Alan, WA4SCA!)

2) Interface between 910 and PC is a CI-V clone cable available on e-bay 
for less than $20

3) Interface between PC and G5500 is an LVB Tracker - why?
Again, profits to AMSAT, super after sales service, it works and works 
well and it really looks nice in my shack! If you have the money then 
sure, go buy the Yeasu alternative but you can buy an awful lot of other 
goodies with the change that an LVB will give you!

4) Because I do not have the proper Icom CI-V unit, I can only control 
one radio at a time with SatPC32 so when AO-51 is in Mode S, I use the 
910 for the receive side allowing SatPC 32 to calculate the doppler. For 
transmitting, say on 2m (When in Mode V/S) I use my Icom 706MKIIG and 
just leave the transmit frequency alone - works like a charm. When AO-51 
is in Mode L/S then SatPC32 can do everything I need through the 910. 
The 706 is only used when Mode S is on as it ties up the 2m band.

5) 1.2Ghz antenna is the helical antenna built and sold by Bob, W7LRD - 
its solid, performs excellently, Bob is on hand in the event of problems 
and he donates 20% of each sale to AMSAT.

6) Currently I have a BBQ dish feeding a downconverter but I spoke to 
Bob (W7LRD) about ordering a 2.4ghz helical antenna which will replace 
the BBQ dish as its rather heavy and cumbersome. but again, it works and 
as I paid $15 for it and the downconverter, I really can't complain. But 
with Dayton next week, I am saving my pennies so I will order the 
antenna when I get back.

Now one thing that I did not see on your list was pre-amps!

 Again in my opinion, you really can not do without them. A lot of 
people will steer you towards SSB Electronics or ARR as sources and yes, 
they are great pre-amps but if you are putting a station together and 
you have the 910 have a think about the much maligned Icom pre-amps - 
yes, I know they do not publish noise figures and everyone says they are 
crap etc, etc but you can not blow them up by transmitting through them, 
they do not need a separate DC feed, they are readily available and they 
do work. Last evening I had an SO-50 15 degree pass out over the 
Atlantic and I worked a station and then turned the pre-amp off 
afterwards and I could not hear him. That pre-amp made the difference 
between a successful QSO or not one at all.

Now I know that people reading this will say, hang on, 15 degrees, why 
the big problem? but let me explain that currently I live in an HOA 
community that does not like you painting the front door or changing the 
brand of toilet tissue without having written permission from the Board 
of very old people with far too much time on their hands. So my antennas 
are probably no more than 6 feet off of the ground within the confines 
of a pool cage. Whilst that sounds very restrictive, and to an extent it 
is, I work all of the analogue birds, the ISS and I get pictures from 
the weather sats. Last month I worked 171 stations. So it can be done.

I hope that some of the above is of use, if you want any pictures of 
what I have here then please e-mail me off the BB and I would be happy 
to send you some.

73's for now



Mike wrote:
 Okay, I am starting to build my station after playing around with the
 portable. So far I have acquired an IC-910 with 1.2G, power supply, G-5500
 AZ/EL rotor, M2 2MCP14 and 436CP30 antennas. To finish I have the following

 1. What radio, rotor and tracking software are you using and why? (I am
 using Orbitron right now) 

 2. What interface are you using for an IC-910H and why? 

 3. What interface are you using for your G-5500 rotor and why? 

 4. What are you using for the radio side for 2.4G? 

 5. What antenna are you using for 1.2G? 

 6. What antenna are you using for 2.4G? 

 Thank you in advance for your time and help. 

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