Egyptian Satellite Channel interviews the Leader of the LibyanRevolution [WWW.

2003-03-05 Thread sipila

Egyptian Satellite Channel interviews the Leader of the Revolution


The Egyptian satellite channel has conducted an interview this morning with
the Leader of the Revolution to which it dedicated its daily morning
programme, Good Morning Egypt. The interview was transmitted live and

The Leader of the Revolution analysed a number of issues of concern to the
Arab homeland especially the critical situation facing the Arab region, in
the light of the American threat to attack the Iraqi people, the daily
massacres of the Palesitnian people at the hands of the Zionist terrorist
army organisation. 

Regarding his participation in the recent Arab summit in Sharm al Sheikh the
Leader confirmed that this is a critical situation and all Arabs have to
participate in countering the crisis even though he is sceptical about the
use of Arab summits which do not produce any decisive results. It is
possible for the masses and the Arab street to decide the issue.

But the formal Arab order is known for its limited abilities according to
the facts. Despite all this I have attended even though I am not a president
and not a king. I am a leader of a revolution and my presence was in
response to the invitation of my brother, President Hosni Mubarak to stand
by his side, particularly as I noticed that there is some speculation
against Egypt that 

undermine its efforts for all that we contributed towards the conclusion of
the conference in a positive way which is the minimum we can do.

Regarding the relationship between Arab states, the leader revealed that he
has always been insisting that relations between one country and another
must never be cut in times of war in order to provide channels of contact
between belligerants.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


Egyptian satellite channel interviews the leader

(first addendum) 

In respect to the Great Jamahiriya's withdrawal from the Arab League the
leader revealed that this stance is nothing new as Libya has already
presented a formal request to the Arab League for withdrawal especially
after the African Union summit.

Libya is an African country like any other country on the continent. What
happened in Sharm al Sheikh made everyone stand by Libya and say that Libya
repsects itself, is serious and has the right to withdraw from the Arab

In respect of ways to end the Iraqi crisis peacefully the leader confirmed
Iraq did all that was requested from it and everything was inspected.

Therefore what more is requested from Iraq. It has been noted that the
brothers in the Gulf are not happy about Iraq's existance in this way as
they say Iraq is still threatening their security and they act on the basis
that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was shocking for all of us as it came without
any warning. 

If Iraq occupied an disputed oil field it would have been reasonable and if
it threatened Kuwait even if it blocked its access to the sea and asked for
compensation that would have been accepted. But the invasion of a
state,obliterating its existance and annexing it is quite absurd. Our
brothers in Kuwait see they are in danger and they are not assured as they
could be invaded once again despite all the bombing and destruction in Iraq.

For the Kuwaitis, Iraq is still the same. What I discovered now is that
there is no problem between America and Iraq. I discovered that the problem
is an Arab -Arab. I have informed my brother al sheikh Sabah al Ahmed that
the key is in Kuwait's hand. It could tell America that we have reconciled
with each other and there is no danger facing us and we have changed our
view. Therefore America will stop all its military measures against Iraq.

But he said he could not say so because they are not feeling safe in Kuwait.
They are still threatened by Iraq and they could not deny facilities for
American troops or prevent their forces in the Gulf from launching war on
Iraq as these forces are basically present there at their request,
considering they are allies and friends of America and have a joint defense

The leader revealed that this comes in the absence of Arab unity and the
absence of joint Arab action or Arab effectiveness that protects Kuwait or
Iraq. Such a vacuum made the foreign troops enter and replace the Arabs and
the foreigners are acting in respect of our nation and our bilateral Arab
relations. We are unable to reorganise our house from within even if the
foreigners come and start working inside our house.

The leader questioned who mandated America and Britain to disarm Iraq or any
other country. In this respect he revealed that from the legal point of view
the United Nations charter and international law do not commission America
and Britain to do so, except in case of disarming all weapons of mass
destruction from all countries possessing such weapons. In this case Iraq

could be disarmed by force if it refused to do so. America knows it is not

Test. No contents. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-29 Thread sipila


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Libya. Jamahiriya News Agency on the African Union. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-09 Thread sipila


Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Jamahiriya news agency

English news bulletin

Tuesday 29 Rabia al Akher

July 9, 2002 


The great Awakening: The Great African Union

Durban/ 9 Nasser/ Jana

On a remarkable day in the history of Africa and the whole world, a free
Africa has witnessed today a significant, spectacular achievement which will
change the face of the continent and position it in its rightful place among
world continents. 

In a marvellous African feast attended by many Africans including the Leader
of the Revolution, and the veteran African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela.

The birth of the strategic achievement the great African Union was announced
on Tuesday 9 Nasser. The international media covered this event. The Union
was dream of long ago by African founders and the sons of the continent. It
became a reality thanks to the intense efforts of the faithful son of Africa
the universal leader, Colonel Muammar al Qathafi, with the help and support
of his brothers, African leaders and presidents.

The Union's opening session was addressed by President Thabo Mbeki of South
Africa, the chairman of the first session of the union who re-affirmed its
significance and importance politically economically and socially for all
African nations. 

He said we are celebrating the launch of this great union and we salute in
all pride and honour the Leader, Muammar al Qathafi, thanks to whose efforts
this union has become a reality.

President Mbeki then announced the opening of the first session of the great
African Union which finalised the formation of the executive office of the
first session of the African Union and adopted the agenda items and the
constitutive act of the four major institutions namely the General
Assembly,the Executive Council, the Permanent Representatives Committee and
the Commission. The council listened to a report by the chairman of the
parliament in South Africa about the statement issued by the meeting of
African Parliaments in Cape Town, South Africa on 28th al Sayf (June).

The African leaders and presidents ratified the draft declaration by heads
of states and governments of the great African Union as well as the
international alliance of innoculations and vaccinations and the report by
the international committee on the social dimensions of globalization and
the declaration of Liberville issued by the meeting of government experts.

The first session of the African Union will resume tonight.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


The Leader Received Presidents of Niger,Sudan and Burkina

Durban/ 9 Nasser/ Jana

The Leader of the Revolution, chairman of the Presidential Council of the
Community of Sahel -Saharan States, CEN-SAD received separately in his
residence in Durban last night the presidents of Niger, Sudan and Burkina,
members of the Presidential Council of CEN-SAD.

They discussed the various issues of the unified continent, the crucial
issues of the Durban summit and ways of consolidating the build up and
institutions of the great African Union.

The leader also received the foreign minister of South Africa with whom he
reviewed African issues and efforts towards the build up of the institutions
of the great African Union.

/Jamahiryia news agency /


UNESCO Delegate / Praised


UNESCO's delegate to the OAU, Mohammed al Amin Kondi

praised the pioneering efforts and initiatives of the Leader of the
Revolution which culminated in the launch of the great African Union in the
crucial Durban summit. The Union is an extension of the continued African
struggle of liberation and is now crowned by the realisation of the historic
dream of African leaders and African generations.

The UNESCO representative made a statement to Jana in Durban and said the
speech by the Leader of the Revolution, the founder of the great Afrcian
Union in the opening session of the Durban summit should be adopted as a
document of action and a programme of action for the Union so all
aspirations for freedom, progress and prosperity are realised.

/Jamahiriya news agency /


The Birth of the Great African Union / Celebration


Upon the declaration of the inauguration of the great African Union this
morning during the crucial Durban summit, the Leader of the Revolution,
African presidents and heads of states and the great African freedom
fighter, Nelson Mandela, went to the stadium in Durban to celebrate this
great achievement realised by Africa today.

Upon the arrival of the Leader of the Revolution huge  crowds clamoured and
saluted this great African leader who deserves the credit for achieving this

Squadrons of South African air force planes staged a fly over the city of
Durban and a gun salute signalled the joy of this great achievement in
African history when the great African Union was born.

/Jamahiriya news agency /



The Leader of the Re


2002-05-04 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Brazzaville Juche idea study group formed in Congo
    Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The Brazzaville, Congo, Juche idea study
group was inaugurated with due ceremony in Brazzaville on April 19. At the
ceremony an official of the Congolese association for friendship among
peoples was elected chairman of the group.

U.S. moves to develop new type of latest military hardware denounced
    Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary
denounces the united states for working hard to research into and develop
interceptor missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and develop
sophisticated military hardware. The U.S. is keen to resume the underground
nuclear test while creating nuclear and missile phobia worldwide and
designated Korea and six other countries as targets of its nuclear attack in
its report on "nuclear posture review," the commentary says, and goes on:
    This situation compels not only those countries having no nukes and
missiles but those countries with relatively a few of them to take
self-defensive measures to cope with it.
    Now that the U.S. is working hard to put its plan for nuclear attack on
the DPRK into practice after singling out it as the U.S. target, the DPRK is
left with no option but to take strong countermeasures against this.
    The army and people of Korea hold the dignity and sovereignty of the
country and the nation as dear as their lives. If the U.S. encroaches upon
the land, sea and sky of the DPRK even 0.001 mm despite our repeated
warnings, it will not be able to escape the fate of forlorn wandering
    The U.S. is well advised to stop its anachronistic acts at once.

Papers welcome Vietnamese goodwill mission
    Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Tran Duc Luong, President of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, is due to arrive in Pyongyang today to pay an official
visit to the DPRK at the invitation of Kim Yong Nam, President of the
Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly. Papers here today in
editorials warmly welcome the goodwill mission of the Vietnamese people
visiting Korea with friendly feelings.
    Rodong Sinmun says:
    His visit is a support and encouragement to the Korean people's just
struggle for socialism and a convincing manifestation of the developing
friendly relations between the DPRK and Vietnam.
    The DPRK-Vietnam friendship is the deep amity based on the close
relations between President Kim Il Sung and Ho Chi Minh.
    In the past period, the two governments and peoples have stepped up the
revolution and construction, supporting and cooperating close with each
other in the struggle for independence, peace and socialism against
    The DPRK-Vietnam amity is entering a new stage of development. The Korea
visit of President Tran Duc Luong following the Vietnam visit of President
Kim Yong Nam last year marks one more important occasion in developing the
friendly ties between the two countries in conformity with the requirements
of the new century.
    Through a long, rigorous and bloody struggle against the imperialist
aggression forces, the Vietnamese people achieved the independence,
liberation and unification of the country and embarked on the historic road
of socialism. 
    The Korean people are extending support and solidarity to the struggle
of the Vietnamese people to build a rich and powerful and civilized
    Developing the DPRK-Vietnam friendly ties conforms with the interests of
the two peoples and is beneficial to advancing socialist construction in the
two countries. 
    The Korea visit of Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong will open a new
page in the history of friendship between the two countries and contribute
to promoting the cause of socialism and the movement for global

May Day celebrated in DPRK
    Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- May Day was significantly celebrated in the
DPRK. Hong Song Nam, Jon Pyong Ho, Yon Hyong Muk, Han Song Ryong, Kye Ung
Thae and other senior party and state officials and officials of commissions
and ministries of the cabinet, national institutions, local party and power
bodies visited the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Plant, the Hungnam
Fertilizer Complex, the Kusong Machine Tool Factory, the Pyongyang Thermal
Power Complex, the February 8 Jikdong Youth Coal Mine, the Chollima Steel
Complex and other factories and enterprises yesterday to congratulate
workers on May Day.
    The senior party and state officials laid floral baskets and bouquets
before President Kim Il Sung's statues and oil paintings carrying his
benevolent image, together wit


2002-05-01 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


May Day observed
    Papers here today run editorials to mark May Day calling upon the Korean
workers to give full play to their revolutionary spirit in the efforts for
building a powerful nation. They say that on this occasion the Korean
workers and other people extend militant greetings to the workers around the
world in their vigorous struggle for justice, truth, peace and socialism and
are determined to discharge their historic mission.
    It is the revolutionary will of the Korean workers to discharge with
credit the mission and duty as the hardcore force in the building of a
powerful nation of Juche, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:
    The history of prosperous socialist Korea represents a heroic epic of
the Korean workers who have worked hard with ardent loyalty and boundless
devotion to the Workers' Party of Korea, the revolution, the country and the
    The inexhaustible potential of the Korean workers, a main agent in
socialist construction, is keenly felt in the worthwhile efforts to build a
powerful nation of Juche.
    They are discharging their noble mission in the efforts to build a
powerful nation. This is entirely attributable to the energetic guidance of
Kim Jong Il. 
    Victory and glory are in store for the Korean workers and other people
who are pushing ahead with the building of a powerful nation under his
army-based guidance.

Day of Sun and Army Day commemorated
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- the Korean people and the revolutionary
people around the world commemorated the 90th birth anniversary of President
Kim Il Sung and the 70th birthday of the Korean People's Army as a great
festival of praise for the sun, unprecedented in human history. The national
and international political, military, cultural and sports events were held
here in April blessed by humankind.
    Leader Kim Jong Il was present at the national meeting to commemorate
the 90th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung and saw the parade of the
Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the mass gymnastic and artistic performance
    Those functions involved over 290 delegations and delegates from more
than 60 countries and delegations of overseas compatriots and figures from
different circles to be recorded as a grand international festival in human
    Heads of state of Russia, Indonesia, Guinea, Mongolia, Palestine and
Cambodia, party leaders of various countries, figures of political parties,
organizations and various circles sent floral baskets to statues of Kim Il
Sung and missions of the DPRK in foreign countries and presented personal
letters and gifts to Kim Jong Il.
    International gatherings were held significantly in Pyongyang by
delegations and delegates from various countries and international
organizations. Among them were a seminar of political parties of different
countries, a rally for solidarity with the Korean people, the 9th meeting of
the executive committee of the board of the international institute of the
Juche idea, the 5th aesthetic symposium on the present times and national
art and a meeting of delegations and delegates of Juche idea study
organizations for exchanging experience.
    Artistes from different countries and overseas Korean artistes staged
the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival in Pyongyang.

4th seminar on medical science held
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The 4th Pyongyang seminar on medical science
of Koreans at home and abroad was held at the People's Palace of Culture on
April 29 and 30. Heads of the delegations of medical science of Koreans in
Japan and the U.S. made congratulatory addresses.
    They said that scientists and officials in charge of medical science at
home and abroad sat together to exchange achievements and experience in
scientific research and preventive and curative medical care in order to
settle theoretical and practical issues arising in health services and
improve them. 
    The seminar was held divided into scientific seminar, departmental
seminar and invitational lecture.
    Medical scientists at home and in Japan and the U.S. made public at
least 60 valuable theses on the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and
treatment based on modern technology, successes and experience in basic
medical science, preventive medicine and pharmacy including gene
engineering, cell engineering, immunology and molecular biology.
    Well-known medical scientists at home and abroad gave lectures.

Aerial espionage and war drill committed by U.S.
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist bellicose forces
conducted aerial espionage on the DPRK by strategic and tactical
reconnaissance planes of different mis


2002-04-30 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Vietnamese President to visit DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- President Tran Duc Luong of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam will soon pay an official visit to the DPRK at the
invitation of President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly. 

Asian regional seminar to be held
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- An Asian regional seminar will be held
here early in May this year to urge Japan to redress its past. The seminar
will provide an important occasion of laying bare and denouncing the crimes
the Japanese imperialists committed after invading Korea and many other
countries in Asia and intensifying the international joint campaign to urge
Japan to redress its past.

"Arirang" performance draws capacity audience
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- A mass gymnastic and artistic performance
"Arirang" started at the May Day Stadium on April 29, drawing capacity
audience. It was watched by foreigners from more than 20 countries including
China, Russia, Japan, Netherlands, Nepal, the United States, Singapore,
Pakistan, Australia and Yemen and Koreans overseas and Pyongyangites.
    The performers presented fantastic scenes through a good combination of
dynamic and enthusiastic gymnastic movements, ever-changing formations, wind
instrumental music full of energy and spirit, soft and elegant acrobatic
pieces spiced with national flavor, sun-ray and fan dances, Janggo dance and
dance turning round decorative tassels.
    The audience was greatly excited to see ever-changing fascinating
background scenes. 
    Special stages, large decorations and huge lighting equipment and
electronic displays including laser illuminators were used to maximize the
artistic effect of the performance.
    Foreigners and overseas Koreans were unsparing in their praises, saying
that it was great fortune and pride for them to have an opportunity to see
"Arirang" that can not be seen in any other country.
    "Arirang", which raised its curtain as the masterpiece that enriched the
treasure-house of culture and art of humankind in the 21st century, will
last till the end of June.

KPA birthday observed
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- The 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean
People's Army was commemorated in different countries. Clara Azhibekova,
first secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of
Kirgyzstan, in a press statement released on April 23 said that the KPA
founded by President Kim Il Sung is an invincible army whose 70-year-long
history is recorded with only victory and glory.
    The KPA is fully capable of mercilessly punishing anyone who dares
infringe upon the sovereignty and dignity of the DPRK.
    This invincible might is unthinkable without the guidance of Kim Il Sung
and leader Kim Jong Il, she added.
    Referring to the glorious road the KPA has covered, D. Biswas, general
secretary of the central committee of the All-India Forward Block, said on
the same day that thanks to Kim Jong Il's unique army-based policy, the
Korean people would certainly build a powerful nation and achieve the
independent national reunification.
    Meanwhile, commemoration meetings were held in Romania, Bulgaria and
Norway on April 18 and 19.
    At the meetings, speakers noted that the United States cannot have any
temerity to provoke the DPRK as it is pursuing the army-based policy shaped
by Kim Jong Il and has the invincible KPA.
    A congratulatory message to him was adopted at the meeting held in
    Lectures were given in Democratic Congo, Tanzania and Guinea from April
19 to 22. 
    Lecturers said that the KPA has traversed a road of victory and glory,
demonstrating its might as a matchless army, adding that this was only
thanks to the commandership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Selenium medicines produced in DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang pure breed pharmaceutical
factory succeeded in manufacturing selenium medicines and foodstuffs good
for health. Typical of them are selenium yeast tablet, selenium amine and
selenium caesal piniaceae tea.
    Selenium being their main ingredient of these medicines draws keen
interest of people. Selenium is known as no. one agent of essential
micro-nutrient good for health.
    A selenium yeast tablet and a selenium amine tablet each contains 0.15
mg and 0.02 mg of selenium while one gram of selenium caesal piniaceae
contains 50 mg of selenium.
    Medicines and foodstuffs made of selenium are efficacious for treating
cancer in its early period and after operation, senile infirmities such as
arteriosclerosis, cerebral 


2002-04-29 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


KCNA on U.S. much ado about human rights issue
     Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- The human rights commission of the U.S.
House of Representatives held a hearing on the human rights situation in the
DPRK on April 17. The chairman of the U.S. international association of
religious freedom in a "testimony" told sheer lies about the human rights
situation in the DPRK.
    The U.S. termed the DPRK "a country of poor human rights performance"
when it pulled up Iraq, Cuba and other countries over human rights issue at
the meeting of the un commission on human rights held on April 8.
    The recent racket over the human rights situation kicked up by the U.S.
does not help settle the international human rights problem as it is part of
the political burlesque escalated by the U.S., quite unaware of its real
position as a country with the poorest human rights record in the world.
    This only touches off the international community's bitter criticism of
the U.S. human rights abuses because it has been censured for interfering in
the internal affairs of those countries situated in the areas rich in
natural resources and of military strategic importance and militarily
involving itself in regional problems and disputes under the pretext of
"human rights situation."
    As the DPRK clarified more than once, there exists no "human rights
problem" claimed by some dishonest forces of the U.S. in the DPRK nor can
there be such a thing as its people lead an independent and creative life as
the masters of the state and society.
    Such being a stark fact, the U.S. has persistently pulled up the DPRK
and other countries over "human rights issues". It does such a thing not
because it is truly interested in human rights in other countries or has any
qualification to settle international human rights problems.
    Through this arrogant interference in human rights the U.S. seeks to
conceal the poor human rights performance in the U.S. and politically
isolate those independent and anti-U.S. countries that stand in the way of
realizing its strategy for world supremacy based on "strength" and invent a
pretext for military intervention in other countries.
    The U.S. is using such good term as "human rights" as a political
leverage to carry out its unethical and aggressive policy against the global
peace and the happiness of humankind.
    It is clearly proved by historical facts that the U.S. put political and
economic pressure, imposed sanctions, committed military intervention and
provoked a war in such anti-U.S. independent countries as Cuba, Iraq, Libya
and Yugoslavia and infringed upon the sovereignty and dignity of those
independent states and inflicted a huge loss of lives and properties upon
innocent people there under the pretext of "human rights situation." tragic
happenings in Afghanistan and Palestine also testify to the criminal role
played by the U.S. as regards the "human rights issue."
    All these facts strongly urge the u.s. to stop pursuing self-justified
human rights policy aimed to interfere in the internal affairs of other
countries, styling itself a "human rights judge" of the international
community, but respect the sovereignty of independent countries, the genuine
human rights of those countries, and settle the human rights issue in its
own country ridden with crimes and corruption to begin with.

Venue of "Arirang" performance
    Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- The May Day Stadium here is the venue of
the mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang." The stadium is
situated on picturesque Rungra islet in the middle of the River Taedong
flowing through the city.
    The stadium looks like a parachute. It was completed on May 1, Juche 78
    Having 150,000 seats, the stadium covers over 400,000 square meters.
    All the seats are distributed under a 60-meter-wide shade and the
building has 8 floors.
    On the ground floor there are over 10 training halls, rest halls and a
swimming pool for sportsmen and on the 1st-4th floors rest rooms, soft-drink
counters and other service facilities for spectators.
    On the 5th floor there are at least 80 bedrooms for sportsmen,
870-meter-long racing track, rooms for international telephone, telex,
media, interview, etc.
    Facilities for the management of the stadium are housed on the 6th and
7th floors. 
    A huge TV screen (20mx10m) is available for spectators.
    It has also indoor parking spaces for more then 300 vehicles.
    It was venues of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 13th World
Festival of Youth and Students held in July 1989, a north-south football
game for reunification in October 1990, the Pyongyang International Sports
and Cultural Festival for Peace in April 1995 and the mass gymnastic and
artistic performance "ever-victorious Workers' Party of Korea" 


2002-04-29 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency

Extracts Apr 27-28

Rodong Sinmun on President Kim Il Sung's independent policies
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung was a peerlessly
great man who glorified the century with his independent policies, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The president wisely led the revolution, the country and people with his
outstanding idea and tested leadership. His noble revolutionary life was the
epitome of the political history of the 20th century and a glorious history
in which an epoch-making example of an independent policy was created.
    His independent policies were great ones to achieve and defend the
independence of the popular masses based on the immortal Juche idea and the
most revolutionary ones to adhere to the steadfast anti-imperialist stand
and strengthen the driving force of the revolution in every way and thus
lead the revolution and construction to victory.
    The policies shaped by the president were independent ones strictly
based on the philosophical principle of Juche.
    Adhering to the steadfast anti-imperialist stand is an important
requirement for pursuing an independent policy.
    He formed the down-with-imperialism union under the banner of the
anti-imperialist independence and started the Korean revolution in his early
years. Since those days of the anti-Japanese revolution, he had firmly
adhered to the anti-imperialist independent stand all his life.
    He rallied the popular masses as one, guided by the Juche idea and
solved all problems relying on their strength, thus giving origin to the
benevolent politics, the first of its kind in history.
    The tradition of following independent policies has been successfully
carried forward by leader Kim Jong Il. as a result, the country enjoys the
highest dignity and honor and the 21st century is shining as a century of
independent policies.

Bush's repeated remarks about "axis of evil" under fire
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Bush in a recent speech made before
cadets of Virginia military academy termed any country possessing or
developing "biological and chemical and nuclear weapons" and manufacturing
missiles capable of carrying those weapons an "axis of evil" and "rogue
state." Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses this as an
American style brigandish logic.
    It is the united states that stockpiled nuclear weapons more than any
other powers in the world and keeps huge aggressor forces in different parts
of the world. 
    It is none other than the u.s. which is creating the danger of war on
the Korean Peninsula and watching for a chance to invade the DPRK.
    Bush's repeated clamour about an "axis of evil" glaringly reveals the
U.S. invariable design to stifle the DPRK.
    The DPRK considers his repeated talk about "an axis of evil" as an open
provocation and threat of aggression to it no matter what intention and
calculation prompted him to let loose such remarks again.
    This behaviour of bush only hardens the DPRK's determination to react to
the U.S. hard-line with a toughest stand.
    The U.S. ruling quarters are well advised to bear in mind that they are
bound to stand isolated in the international arena, if they continue talking
about an "axis of evil."

Joint statement between WPK and October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- A joint statement was made public by the
Workers' Party of Korea and the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil
in Pyongyang on April 27. In the joint statement, the WPK highly praised the
October 8 Revolutionary Movement for its positive efforts to strengthen the
party ranks and rally the democratic political parties and organizations and
popular masses around one united front under the banner of anti-imperialist
independence and socialism and promote the process of independence, social
justice and democracy in the country against the domination and interference
of the imperialists, and extended support and solidarity to them.
    The October 8 Revolutionary Movement highly appreciated the WPK and the
Korean people for their great progress and achievements in the struggle to
defend and glorify Korean-style socialism centering on the popular masses
and realise the independent reunification of the country under the
outstanding army-based revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il, General
Secretary of the WPK, sternly smashing the imperialists' continued moves for
isolation and suffocation, and extended firm solidarity to them.
    The statement went on:
    Both sides expressed their firm will to make all efforts to further
strengthen international unity and solidarity among the revolutionary
parties and arrange a decisive occasion for new progress in the struggle fo

May 1st, 2002. A brief KOMINFORM survey. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread sipila


May 1st, 2002

A brief KOMINFORM survey.

USA with its allies prepares to widen military attacks against nations and
countries  all around the world by the pretext "fight against terrorism".

The next target seems at this very moment to  be  Iraq.

The plans for a nuclear attack on the DPRK are ready.

The US military support for Israeli violent occupation politics in Palestine

Arab countries around Israel prepare to defend themselves and Palestinians.

NATO builds permanent military bases in Central Asia targeted against  China
and Russia.

China and Russia forge to military alliance against NATO.

The European Union and its NATO-integrated military machinery prepare for
further penetrating to eastern Europe and to Central Asia.

Fascists go strong in the EU.  The axis Berlusconi - Blair - Le Pen
corresponds the axis Hitler  -Mussolini in the thirties. Who will be the
next fascist German leader?

The US supports dictatory regimes in south America.

The US supports dictatory regimes in Africa.

The US goal is an unipolar wordwide capitalist dictatorship.

This way the world is heading to disaster.

It is up to us to prevent the catastroph.

Down with the undemocratic capitalist governments!

Down with imperialism!

Let us build a strong anti-imperialist front!


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2002-04-26 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK CC
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on April 25 received a
congratulatory message from the central committee of the National Democratic
Front of South Korea on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the heroic
Korean People's Army. The foundation of the Korean People's Revolutionary
Army by President Kim Il Sung 70 years ago was a birth of the genuine
revolutionary army, the national army guided by the great brilliant
commander and the great idea for the first time in the national history
spanning thousands of years, and a historic event which gave origin to the
building of the Juche-based revolutionary armed forces, the message said,
and went on: 
    Kim Il Sung defeated the most ferocious U.S. and Japanese imperialists
in one generation to liberate the country and honorably defend the
sovereignty of the country and the nation, thus performing the undying
    His Juche-based army-centred idea and cause of army building are being
successfully carried forward by you the respected supreme commander century
after century. You have strengthened and developed the KPA into the army of
the leader and the party and the main agent for the accomplishment of the
Juche cause. 
    In particular, you have led the struggle for defence of socialism of
Juche to victory with your original army-based policy, brilliantly
glorifying the 20th century as Kim Il Sung century and opening a broad
avenue for the building of a powerful nation.
    This is the greatest feat remarkable in the history of Juche-based army
    The NDFSK and the patriotic people from all walks of life will make
positive contributions to brilliantly adorning this year as a year of
opening up a decisive phase of national reunification.

Greetings to Tanzanian President
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on April 19 sent a message of
greetings to Tanzanian President Benjamin William Mkapa on the occasion of
the 38th anniversary of the foundation of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Extending warm congratulations to the president, the government and the
people of Tanzania on this occasion, the message wished them greater success
in the work for the national unity and the independent development of the
    The message expressed belief that the relations of friendship and
cooperation existing between the two countries would continue to grow

Floral baskets to DPRK missions abroad
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Foreign organizations and personages sent
floral baskets to DPRK missions in different countries on the occasion of
the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Among them were the
first vice-president of the council of ministers of Cuba who is also
minister of the revolutionary armed forces, the deputy general secretary of
the Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria, the president of the People's
Council of Syria, the deputy prime minister and concurrently minister of
defence of Syria who is also deputy commander-in-chief of the army and armed
forces, the minister of cooperation of Iran, the vice-minister of defence
and armed forces logistics of Iran, the coordinator (leader) of the national
executive committee of the Workers' Party of Mexico, and political parties,
organizations, institutions and personages of Denmark, France, Italy and
Hong Kong of China.

Talks held between DPRK vice-premier and Russian plenipotentiary
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between Jo Chang Dok,
vice-premier of the DPRK cabinet, and Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski,
plenipotentiary representative of the president of the Russian Federation to
the far east federal district, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. At
the talks both sides exchanged views on the matter of expanding and
developing the relations of friendship and economic cooperation between the
two countries and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    Present at the talks were vice-minister of foreign trade Kim Yong Jae
and officials concerned, entourage of the plenipotentiary representative,
Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Gennadievich Karlov and embassy

Reception in honour of Russian plenipotentiary representative
     Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- The DPRK National Defence Commission
(NDC) yesterday hosted a reception in honor of the plenipotentiary
representative of the president of the Russian Federation to the far east
federal district. Yon Hyong Muk, member of the N


2002-04-25 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Kim Jong Il meets Pulikovski
     Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- General Secretary of Kim Jong Il
yesterday met Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary
representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the far east
federal district, and his party on a visit to the DPRK. He courteously
conveyed congratulations from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the
Russian Federation, to Kim Jong Il and presented his gift to him.
    Kim Jong Il expressed thanks for this and had a talk with him in a warm
and friendly atmosphere.

Kim Yong Nam meets delegation of UMNO
     Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly who is member of the political bureau
of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, met with the delegation of
the United Malays National Organization of Malaysia (UMNO) led by datuk
ahmad Zahid Bin Hamidi, member of its supreme council, at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall yesterday. Pak kyong son, vice department director of the WPK
Central Committee, was present there.
    Noting that the UMNO and the Malaysian people fully support the workers'
party and people of Korea in their struggle to reunify the country
peacefully by federal formula on the principle of national independence, the
head of the delegation said that they would work hard to develop the
friendly ties between the two parties and the two countries.

Talks held between Korean, Dominican party officials
     Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Talks were held here yesterday between
Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, and
Miguel Mejia, secretary general of the united left movement of Dominica. At
the talks both sides informed each other of their party activities and
exchanged views on the matter of developing the friendly ties between the
two parties and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.

KPA, revolutionary armed forces
    Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 70th anniversary of the
Korean People's Army. On the occasion all the officers and men of the
people's army and people look back with deep emotion upon the proud course
of the revolutionary armed forces replete with victory and glory.
    Seven decades ago President Kim Il Sung founded the Korean People's
Revolutionary Army, the first genuine army of the people in the history of
Korea, to wage a protracted and hard-fought struggle against the Japanese
imperialists and accomplish the historic cause of the country's liberation.
    After the liberation of Korea in August 1945 the KPRA grew to be the
KPA, the regular armed forces.
    The servicemen displayed matchless self-sacrificing spirit and mass
heroism in the three-year-long Fatherland Liberation War (June 1950-July
1953) to defeat the U.S. imperialist aggressors who had boasted of being the
"strongest" in the world and creditably safeguarded the sovereignty of the
country and the nation and their dignity.
    The KPA that won the wars against the two formidable imperialist enemies
has grown to be an invincible army under the guidance of supreme commander
Kim Jong Il. 
    He has pursued the army-based policy to train the KPA as the main force
of the revolution, lead the struggle to defend socialism to victory and
remarkably increase the nation's military potential.
    In the 1990s when the imperialist campaign to isolate and stifle the
DPRK was at its height and a dangerous situation was prevailing in the
country the KPA gave full play to the revolutionary spirit of soldiers to
perform shining feats in the defence of the country and socialist
    The rare wisdom, outstanding politico-military ability and matchless
grit of the supreme commander are the source of the tremendous combat power
of the KPA. 

KCNA slams Japan's call for right to collective self-defense
    Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- The economic and fiscal policy minister
said monday the right to collective self-defense is inherent to a country
and Japan's war-renouncing constitution should be revised. In this regard,
Kyodo said, "it is rare for a serving cabinet member to comment on revising
the constitution." 
    Such happening in Japan is arousing deep apprehension among the world
public as it means that the Japanese militarist and ultra-nationalist
forces' moves for overseas military aggression have entered the phase of
being legalized and adopted as a policy through a constitutional revision.
    In 1946 whe


2002-04-24 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Kim Jong Il sees performance given by troupe of of CPLA
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary of Kim Jong Il saw a
performance given by the song and dance troupe of the general political
department of the Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army on a visit to the DPRK at
the Ponghwa Art Theatre yesterday. Artistes of the troupe expressed thanks
to him after presenting a floral basket to him in profound reverence.
    He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political
department of the Korean People's Army, Kim Il Chol, minister of the
People's Armed Forces, Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong
Sun, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, senior officials of
the party and the army and cultural, art and press institutions and creators
and artistes of the armed forces organs.
    Also present there were Wang Ahaohai, head of the troupe, Wu Donghe,
Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of the embassy, Chinese
students and trainees in the DPRK.
    The performance raised its curtain with the chorus of the immortal
revolutionary hymn "song of General Kim Il Sung."
    Put on the stage were colorful numbers sincerely prepared by the
artistes of the troupe with friendly feelings towards the Korean people. Its
repertoire included a chorus "defending Huanghe," men's group dance
"crossing steep mountain," soprano "beautiful is my native land pamir" and
the Korean songs "soldiers live near marshal," "a flower girl" from the
revolutionary opera "a flower girl" and "a broad bellflower."
    Through their performance, the artistes vividly represented the
energetic endeavours of the Chinese army and people to defend the country
and create a new life and strikingly demonstrated the might of the
traditional relations of friendship between the two armies and peoples.
    The performance closed with the chorus "Song of General Kim Jong Il" and
the mixed group dance "friendship dance of the China-DPRK armies." The
performance replete with the DPRK-China friendship was acclaimed by the
    Kim Jong Il sent a floral basket to the performers congratulating them
on their successful presentation.

KCNA on S. Korea's decision to introduce U.S.-made fighters
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "Ministry of National
Defence" decided to select F-15K of the U.S. Boeing Company as the type of
fighters of the next generation on April 19, a Seoul-based radio reported.
This decision can never be tolerated as it is an act contrary to the basic
spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the atmosphere for
reconciliation and cooperation now prevailing on the Korean Peninsula after
the publication of the joint press release on April 5 this year. It is also
an action going against the positive trend toward warming up the temporarily
frozen inter-Korean relations.
    Today all the Koreans in the north, south and abroad ardently hope for
national unity and the reunification of the country.
    Accordingly, what is needed in South Korea is an atmosphere of national
reconciliation, not an atmosphere of confrontation and war caused by lethal
weapons outsiders seek to sell, instigating it to kill fellow countrymen.
    What matters is that the South Korean military authorities caved in to
the pressure of the U.S. munitions monopolies and turned down the nation's
vital demand for peace.
    The U.S. does not hesitate to sacrifice other country and nation for its
own benefit. Pressed by it, the "Ministry of National Defence" of South
Korea decided to introduce U.S.-made fighters, which is a concentric
expression of its pro-U.S. toadyism.
    As is known, the U.S. has forced South Korea to purchase such type of
fighters worth 5,800 billion won with taxes collected from the south Korean
people in a bid to bring profits to the U.S. munitions monopolies.
    Worse still, the U.S. is seeking to inflict a nuclear holocaust upon the
Korean nation by selling to South Korea scores of such fighters capable of
carrying nukes. 
    Regarding South Korea as an operational base for its Asia strategy,
nuclear strategy, the U.S. is scheming to deploy in local areas in advance
the latest fighters to be used for putting this strategy into practice. Such
moves can not but be a time fuse to spark fresh military confrontation on
the peninsula. 
    The U.S. sale of weapons to South Korea will be censured by the Korean
people and the world people as it will delay the peace process in the
peninsula and aggravate the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Kim Il Sung's ceaseless field inspection of KPA units
     Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung had covered a total
of 182,668 Kms to make field inspection of over 3


2002-04-24 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Celebrations of KPA anniversary held
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- An oratorical meeting of agricultural
workers was held at the Central Youth Hall yesterday to celebrate the 70th
anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. Speakers said it is the
revolutionary will of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people to
carry to completion with arms the Korean revolution that started with arms
at any cost. They referred to the spirit of attaching great importance to
the army prevailing throughout the society under the guidance of the great
brilliant commander and the people's desire and emotion in the era of the
army-based leadership.
    Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of
the WPK, and others.
    A meeting of schoolchildren in Pyongyang with DPRK heroes was held in
front of the monument to victory in the Fatherland Liberation War on the
same occasion that day.
    DPRK heroes called on the schoolchildren to devotedly safeguard leader
Kim Jong Il just as the first and second generations of the revolution held
President Kim Il Sung in high esteem with loyalty in the period of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and the Korean war.
    Students evinced their firm pledge to prepare themselves as a genuine
juvenile guard and youth vanguard creditably defending socialism of Korean
style with undisputed worship of Kim Jong Il.

Compensation for crimes related to "comfort women for army" called for
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of Women's
Organizations strongly demanded the Japanese government admit its legal
responsibility for the crimes related to the "comfort women for the army",
punish those responsible for them and compensate for them at the 58th
meeting of the un commission on human rights on April 18, Seoul-based Yonhap
News reported. Recalling that in a report titled "sexual slavery for the
Japanese army" submitted to the un commission on human rights in 1998 the
organization charged that the Japanese government had a legal responsibility
for the crimes and an obligation for compensating for them, it accused the
government of still refusing to bear the responsibility for the crimes.
    It asked the UN commission on human rights to render cooperation in the
efforts to make the Japanese government admit its legal responsibility for
the crimes, punish those responsible for them and compensate for them.

Anti-U.S. action called for
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the national
alliance of youth and students for the country's reunification reportedly
released an appeal on Friday on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the
April 19 Popular Uprising. The appeal said that the uprising which was a
resistance of justice against injustice marked a great event that shook the
U.S. colonial rule and gave momentum to the movement for independent
    The June 15 joint declaration is a historic one which replaced the
history of confrontation and division by one of unity and reunification and
it, therefore, reflects the desire of the April 19 resistance fighters, it
noted, adding that the youth and students in the north, south and overseas
would set the period from April 19 to May 18 as a period of a movement for
peace against the U.S. and war with a view to implementing the June 15 joint
declaration and rise up in an anti-U.S. campaign, carrying forward the
spirit of the resistance fighters.
    It called on units at all levels and youth and students' organizations
under the headquarters to wage various forms of practical struggle against
the U.S. and undertake an anti-U.S. action across South Korea on May 18.

"Youth vanguard" artillery pieces presented
     Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- Youth across the country provided 20
"youth vanguard" artillery pieces through a vigorous do-good-thing movement
intended to contribute to strengthening the DPRK's revolutionary armed
forces as invincible ones on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the
heroic Korean People's Army. A ceremony of presenting them to the people's
army was held in Pyongyang yesterday.
    A presentation paper was conveyed to an officer concerned of the
people's army unit.
    It was emphasized at the ceremony that the youth and the young soldiers
should always maintain a strained and mobilized posture and wipe out the
aggressors to the last one if they dare provoke a war of aggression against
the DPRK. 
    Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of
the Workers' Party of Korea, KPA general Ryo Chun Sok, officials of the
youth league, youth and students in the city and servicemen of the


2002-04-15 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Gift to Kim Jong Il from Communist Party Of India
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a
gift by H. S. Surjeet, general secretary of the central committee of the
Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. THe gift was handed to an official
concerned by Suneet Chopra, member of the c.c., the Communist Party of India
(marxist) who is a delegate of the party on a visit to the DPRK.

Greetings to Lao prime minister
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Premier Hong Song Nam of the DPRK cabinet
sent a message of greetings to his Lao counterpart Boungnang Vorachit.. The
message extended warm congratulations to him upon his reappointment as prime
minister of the government of Laos.
    In the belief that the traditional relations of friendship and
cooperation between the two countries would continue to consolidate and
develop in the future, too, the message sincerely wished him great success
in his responsible work for the modernization and industrialization of the
    DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun also sent a message of greetings to
Somsavath Lengsavath upon his reappointment as deputy prime minister and
foreign minister of Laos.

Reception given by WPK Central Committee
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea gave a reception at the People's Palace of Culture yesterday
in honor of the visiting political party delegations and delegates of
different countries on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung. Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the WPK Central
Committee, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung who embarked upon the road of
revolution in his early years founded the immortal Juche idea to clearly
indicate the way of the struggle of the popular masses for independence and
hewed out the era of independence through his great revolutionary practice.
    The WPK will in the future, too, further strengthen friendship and unity
with all the progressive political parties of the world aspiring after
independence and socialism against imperialism and make positive
contributions to the common cause for the building of a new, independent and
just world in the idea of independence, friendship and peace, he added.
    Then, followed speeches of Muhammad Zouher Mashariqa, vice-president of
Syria and member of the national and regional leadership of the Baath Arab
Socialist Party of Syria who is heading the delegation of the Baath Arab
Socialist Party and the National Progressive Front of Syria, in a speech
said that the friendly and cooperative relations between Syria and the DPRK
provided by Hafez Al Assad and Kim Il Sung will further strengthen and
develop by Bashar Al Assad and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Jorgen Petersen, chairman of the Danish Communist Party (M-L) who is
heading a delegation of the party, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung devoted
his all to the accomplishment of the human cause of independence and the
socialist cause till the last moments of his life as a genuine
    A art performance was given at the reception.

Floral basket to Kim Jong Il from Mongolian President
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a floral
basket from Mongolian President Natsagiin Bagabandi on the occasion of the
90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The basket was handed to an
official concerned by Janchivdorjyn Lombo, Mongolian Ambassador to the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il sends educational aid fund and stipends to children of Koreans
in Japan
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent educational aid
fund and stipends worth 262,600,000 yen in the Japanese currency for the
development of the democratic national education of the General Association
of Korean residents in Japan. The educational aid fund and stipends sent by
President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the 148th installment for the
children of Koreans in Japan totaled 44,866,563,000 yen in the Japanese

Senior DPRK officials meet Russian guests
    Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam
met and had a friendly talk with Vladimir Anatoliyevich Yakovlev, mayor of
st. Petersburg of Russia, and his party who paid a courtesy call on him at
the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. Present there were Ri Kwang Gun,
minister of Foreign Trade, Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City
People's Committee, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign A


2002-04-15 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Order of KPA Supreme Commander on raising military ranks
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army, issued order no.00152 to raise the military ranks of
KPA commanding officers on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. According to
the order dated April 13, Kim Yun Sim, Kim Jong Gak and Ryo Cyun Sok were
promoted to generals.
    The military rank of colonel general was conferred on Paek Sang Ho, Kang
Yong Ho, Ri Thae Il, Kim Yang Jom and Pak Sung Won and that of lieut.
General on Ri Yong Ho, Ri Yong Gil, Hwang Hong Sik, Pak Su Chol and Pang Kuk
Hwan. Ri Yong Rae and 39 others were promoted to major generals.
    The order said that the proud course of the KPA and the feats performed
by it in defending the socialist red flag and ensuring the revolutionary
cause of Juche by force of arms are associated with the patriotic devotion
and efforts made by its commanding officers to glorify their military
    It expressed the firm belief that as hardcore members of the Korean
revolutionary armed forces, those commanding officers, true to the
army-based leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, would increase the
military power in every way to fully ensure the security of the country and
the revolutionary cause of Juche with arms and perform greater feats in the
efforts to build a socialist powerful nation.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from BCP central committee
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A gift was presented to leader Kim Jong
Il by the central committee of the Brazilian Communist Party. It was handed
by Jose Reinaldo Carvalho, vice-president of its central committee, who is
heading its delegation on a visit to the DPRK to Choe Thae Bok, secretary of
the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Friday.

People's rally protests projected introduction of U.S.-made fighters
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- An all-people rally was reportedly held
in Seoul on April 10 to accuse the "Ministry of National Defense" in South
Korea of its unwarranted decision to introduce the selected fighters under
the sponsorship of the "joint action for the probe into the truth behind the
suspected pressure from outside and the withdrawal of the decision to
purchase F-15K". Its participants charged that the second-phase work pushed
forward by the ministry without disclosing the truth about the first-phase
selection of fighters of the next generation is a wrong attitude fooling the
    A resolution adopted at the rally warned that if the bellicose forces
persistently select fighters defying the just demand of the people in South
Korea, they will not be able to escape a judgement of history and demanded
the immediate withdrawal of the selection of U.S.-made fighters infringing
upon the interests of the nation.

DPRK delegate on protection of human rights
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A DPRK delegate proposed some matters
arising in taking a fair and effective measure to protect and promote human
rights in conformity with the present reality. such proposal was made on
April 8 when the main agenda item "violations of human rights and basic
freedom in all regions of the world" was under discussion at the 58th
meeting of the un commission on human rights. In his speech at the meeting,
the delegate held that no country should be allowed to interfere in other
countries' internal affairs and encroach upon their sovereignty over the
human rights issue. And the principles of impartiality, objectiveness and
non-selection should be strictly observed in international discussion and
handling of human rights issue, he said.
    The DPRK has set it as the supreme principle of state activity to ensure
that people are placed in the center of everything in politics, the economy,
culture and all other fields and it is made to serve them, he noted, and
    The Korean people are highly proud and confident of the people-centered
socialist system chosen by themselves and the DPRK government has enforced
practical policies for the protection and promotion of human rights one
after another, regarding human rights as inviolable.
    The DPRK will honestly fulfill its obligations under international
conventions on human rights and continue attaching importance to cooperation
in the human rights field.

Chinese government offers grant aid to DPRK
    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- The government of the People's Republic of
China decided to offer a grant-in-aid equivalent to 50,000,000 yuan to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of Preside

China, Libya to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread sipila


The Chinese People´s Daily Apr 15

China, Libya to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation.

China and Libya will continue and improve their cooperation and exchanges in
economical and political fields, said a joint press communique issued Sunday
by the two governments.

China and Libya will continue and improve their cooperation and exchanges in
economical and political fields, said a joint press communique issued Sunday
by the two governments.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin currently is making a two-day state visit to
Libya, during which he and Libyan Leader Muammar Ghaddafi held talks on how
to improve bilateral relationship and exchanged views on international and
regional issues of common concern, said the communique.

The two governments agreed to support and encourage bilateral cooperation in
various fields such as oil product, investment, infrastructure
construction,tourism and to explore new ways to widen the cooperation.

During President Jiang's stay in Libya, representatives of the two countries
have signed several agreements on cooperation.

The communique said that the two nations share the same or similar views on
international and regional issues, and both agree not to interfere in the
internal affairs of other countries, and to solve national disputes through
peaceful ways. 

The two nations also stressed the importance to oppose and denounce any form
of terrorism. And the two sides emphasized that anti-terrorism actions
should be taken within the framework of the U.N. Charter and should abide by
other recognized international laws and principles.

The both side expressed their deep concern over the escalation of violence
in the Middle East, calling on the Israeli government to observe relevant
U.N. resolutions and withdraw its troops from the Palestinian territories,
so as to help Palestinian people realize their right to national
self-determination and resume their legitimate rights.

According to the communique, the Libyan government reiterated that it will
stick to the One-China policy and the Chinese government stressed that the
U.N. sanctions against Libya should be lifted completely at an early date.

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2002-04-14 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Message to Kim Jong Il from Norodom Sihanouke
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk sent a
message to leader Kim Jong Il on April 6 on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. In the message, he said that the minds
of the Cambodian people, parliament, government, the royal family and
himself are running toward the places of important commemorative events held
to pray for the eternal life of the president, who achieved the country's
liberation and independence and led the struggle against all sorts of
hegemonism all his life.
    Basing himself on the Juche philosophy, the president mobilized the
Korean people so skillfully for the reconstruction and overall development
of the country. And he firmly stood on the side of the world people aspiring
after national liberation, independence and the non-aligned movement and set
a brilliant example of fraternal solidarity with them, the message noted.
    Saying that the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, the
highest goal of the president, is successfully being realized by Kim Jong
Il, it wholeheartedly hoped that this historic mission would be discharged
without fail. 

Cambodian ambassador hosts reception
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- Cambodian ambassador to the DPRK Oum
Mannorine hosted a reception at the embassy Friday evening on the occasion
of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The ambassador said
that the friendly relations between the two countries which were provided by
Cambodian King Norodom Dihanouk and Kim Il Sung are long standing.
    He expressed the conviction that the special and excellent bonds of
friendship between the two countries would develop forever.
    Foreign minister Paek Nam Sun in a speech said that the president
founded the Juche idea, thus clearly indicating the road to be followed by
humankind, and led the revolution and construction along the road of
victory. In this course the president enabled the Korean people to emerge
the most proud and dignified people and performed outstanding feats in the
history of the struggle for human emancipation, he added.
    The Korean people will, in the future, too, make positive efforts to
boost the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two
countries true to the intention of leader Kim Jong Il.

KCNA refutes U.S. clamour about DPRK's "human rights issue"
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- A Representative of the United States
reportedly termed the DPRK a "state with serious human rights problem" at
the 58th meeting of the United Nations commission on human rights held on
April 8. This can never be tolerated as it directly reflects the U.S.
hostile policy toward the DPRK intended to tarnish the DPRK's international
image and intensify its offensive to put pressure upon it over "human rights
    The U.S. groundlessly pulled up the DPRK over its "human rights
performance" through its "annual report on human rights" and whenever an
opportunity presented itself.
    This indicates that the U.S. has not yet dropped its sinister intention
to divorce the Workers' Party of Korea from the Korean people and overthrow
their man-centred socialist system, refusing to recognize it.
    A saying goes that scratch me and I will scratch you. Given that the
U.S. persists in slinging mud at the DPRK, it can not but say what it should
    As for the issue of violating the people's freedom, it is not the DPRK
but the U.S. which should be called to question. The "U.S.-style freedom"
claimed to be standards of the U.S. human rights, is based on the amount of
dollars. This reduces people to slaves of money and deprives the
overwhelming majority of working people in the U.S. of freedom of elementary
human rights and right to existence.
    Human rights precisely mean sovereign rights of a state. The U.S. has
committed countless crimes of violating the sovereign rights of other
    The U.S. can never deny the fact that it carried out over 70 wars and
countless cases of military intervention in the past, violating the
sovereignty of other countries and the human rights of their people.
    Under the pretext of "human rights issue" the U.S. has interfered in the
internal affairs of the countries situated in the major regions rich in
natural resources and in the areas of military strategic importance and used
force of arms allegedly to settle regional issues and disputes.
    It is a well-known fact that the U.S. cited "human rights issue" of a
country as a pretext to use "force" against it.
    All facts go to prove that the U.S. is vociferous about "human rights
issues" to meet its political interests. It is talking about the "human
rights s

Libya. Jamahiriya News Agency Apr 14 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread sipila



Jamahiriya news agency

April 14th, 2002


President Jiang Zemin Departes

Tripoli/14 alTayre/Jana

President of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Zemin his wife and his
senior accompanying delegation left Tripoli's Matiga airport this afternoon
at the end of his visit to Great Jamahiriya.

General Mustapha Mohammed al-Kharubi was in the forefront of those payed
farewell to President Zemin.

Secretary of Social Affairs at the General people's Congress, Secretary of
the General People's Committee for Foriegn Liaison and International
Cooperation, Assistant Secretary for Cooperation at the General people's
Committee for Foriegn Liaison and International Cooperation, ambassador and
memebers of the Embassy of China to Great Jamahiriya as well as members of
the Chinese community in Great Jamahiriya took part in the farewell

/Jamahiriya news agency/


Chinese President Sends Departure Cable

Tripoli/14 al-Tayre/ Jana

President of the People's Republic of China, Ziang Zemin, has sent a cable
to the Leader of the Revolution on his departure from Great Jamahiriya,
which read: 

" As I leave your country after a successful cordial visit, I express again
my sincere thanks for the worm welcome and kind hospitality accoreded to
myself, my wife and my accompanying delegation by yourself and the friendly
Libyan people". 

The cable went on to say: "The visit left good imperssion in our memories,
as we felt for ourselves the sentiments of deep friendship which the Libyan
people have for the Chinese people, we also saw the great achievments
realized by the Libyan people under your leadership in the march for
developing the economy and building the homeland".

President Zemin went on to say: "I have exchanged with you view points in a
cordial atmosphere on the ways and means of promoting bilateral relations
and other issues of common interest. The visit has realized its goal of
strenghtening mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and
the Libyan people".

The cable concluded: "I am confident that the visit would surely further
relations of friendship and cooperation between our two countries in the new
mellinnuim. I wish your country prosperity and hapinessto your people ".

/Jamahiriya news agency/


The Leader Congratulates the Safe Return

Tripoli/14 al-Tayre/ Jana

In a telephone call between the Leader of the Revolution and President Hugo
Chavez, President of Venezuela, the Leader congratulated President Chavez
for his safe return, stressing the solidarity of Great jamahiriya with the
Venezuelan people, who stood to overthrew the fascists, reactionaries and
renegades and aborted the imperialist attempts.

The Leader stated : "Our rejoice is a dual one as the triumph of the
Venezuelan people coincides with our triumph in Libya over those who
attacked us using hundreds of warplanes in an attempt to abort the

The Leader explained that this work carried out by Venezuelan masses
confirms that when the masses have their will are able to make the
impossible. This is also an opportunity to award the Venezuelan people by
handing full power to the people by means of peoples congresses and people's
committees. and that this Jamahiri system must prevail through out the Latin
American region. 

For his part President Chavez expressed his thanks to the leader of the
Revolution for his support and concern that he will never forget and his
satisfaction for this brotherly sentiment towards himself and the Venezuelan

He said: "The credit for this triumph goes to the Venezuelan people and
youth officers who proved they are able to move to defeat imperialism"

//Jamahiriya news agency/ 1


President Chavez calls on all Venezuelan

Caracas/14 al-tayre/ jana

The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called today from the presidential
palace for solidarity among all Venezuelan people and to work for
strengthening stablity in the country.

Chavez said in his address: " I invite you for unity and harmony and call on
all popular activists, political syndicates for solidarity and unity".

/ jamahiriya news agency/

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2002-04-13 Thread sipila



Jamahiryia News Agency

April 13th, 2002


The Leader Receives President Ziang Zemin

Tripoli / Altayr 13 / Jana

In front of the Leader of the Revolution's house which was attacked by 3
American bombers during the foiled nato Atlantic attack on the Great
Jamahiriya in 1986, the Leader of the Revolution and his wife received the
big guest, President Ziang Zemin of the Peoples Republic of China and his
wife.The Leader embarced the Chinese President warmly to express the depth
of the relationship between the brotherly peoples.

A bouquet was presented to President Zemin to express the pride at his
visit which emodied the depth or relations between the two countries.

President Zemin inspected the guard of honour after the Libyan 'Allahu
Akhbar' and Chinese national anthems.

The general co-ordinator in the social peoples leadership in the Great
Jamahiriya and many senior Libyan figures participated in the reception.

/Jamahiryia News Agency /


The Leader Receives President Ziang Zemin

Tripoli Altayr 13 / Jana

First addendum 

Later on, President Zemin accompanied by the Leader of the Revolution,
visited the house of the Leader in which he witnessed the effects of the
foiled Atlantic attack on the Jamahiriya.

He listened to the Leader of the Revolution's briefing about the effects
of the attack on this house and the damage to the cities of Tripoli and
Benghazi which had been attacked and the killing of the innocent old people,
women and children. In a statement to Jana, President Zemin said that he had
been waiting for a long time to visit Libya and today my wishes have been
fulfilled. Libya is a close friend to China and colonel Qathafi is my dear
friend. Since my arrival in Libya I realised the situation in which you
live. Libya is the pride of the Mediterranean so despite the geographical
distance between China and Libya our hearts are connected and it is
difficult to describe these relations in a short sentence.

But I am able to say that the relationships between our countries are very
friendly on different levels and despite the distance between our two
countries are hearts are connected. It is worth noting that President Zemin
has arrived in Triopli's Metuiga Airport today. General Moustafa al kharoubi
received him. Many senior Libyan figures and members of the embassy of the
People´s  Peoples Republic of China and the secretary of the Libyan peoples
bureau in China and the Chinese community in the Great Jamahiryia were in
his reception. 

/Jamahirya News Agency /


The Leader Receives President Ziang Zemin

Second and last addendum

The People´s  Chinese Republic is the biggest country in the world and has a
permanent seat in the international UN security council. It has strong
relationships with the Arab world, especially the Great Jamahiriya. It has a
strong stance in support of Arab causes, especially the Palestine issue.

The People´s  Republic of China is confronting the attempt at hegemony by
the super  powers and it always tries to find a balanced relationship
between the  countries of the world based on mutual respect and non
interference in the  internal affairs of the other countries.

The People´s  Republic of China has friendly relationships and co-operation
with  the Great Jamahiriya based on the co-ordination and regular dialogue
towards regional and international causes of mutual interest.

China took a positive, supportive stand towards the Great Jamahiriya in
its justified causes, especially the Lockerbie case. The two countries have
willingness to develop their relations through the visit and the
communications and they have political, economic, trade, science and
cultural agreements which are strengthened continuously through the
Libyan-Chinese  joint committee which held a regular meetings and sessions
in the two  countries in addition to joint investment which they are working
towards  broadening, especially towards the African continent which becomes
a united continent after the establishment of the Great African Union which
made Africa one space.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


Latin American Countries- Rejected / Venezuela

Caracas/ Altayr 13/ Jana

The Leaders of the 19 group, including Latin American countries, rejected
what has happened in the Venezulean Republic which led to the enactment of a
new administration instead of the elected president, Hugo Chavez, and they
affirmed that this attempt in this country represents a destablilisation of
the legitimate regime in Venezuela. Associated press, quoted the
condemnation of Argentian and Paraguay for the new group which enacts itself
in the country and regards it as illegitimate. On the other hand, Cuba
called on the United Nations to conduct an inquiry into the developments in
Venezuela and targetted a legitimate regime. The agency quoted one of
presidents chafez party as saying that the members of the part


2002-04-12 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


KCNA assails Japan's distortion of history
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The Japanese authorities officially
approved "modern history of Japan," a history textbook for junior high
schoolers which grossly distorted and justified Japan's history of
aggression and crimes, despite the international community's strong protest
and denunciation. This is a crime unprecedented in history. What should not
be overlooked is the fact that Japanese venal historians marked Tok islet,
an inalienable part of Korea's territory, as "Takeshima" in the textbook and
absurdly asserted that the DPRK is demanding dominium over "Takeshima"
though it belongs to Japan. They went the length of writing about the theory
of "Mimana Miyake" in the book while deleting such hideous crimes as crimes
related to the "comfort women for the army."
    This goes to clearly prove that the textbook is a retrogressive revision
of the present history textbooks for junior high schoolers which describes
the issue of Tok islet as an "outstanding" one.
    The fact that Tok islet is an inalienable part of the territory of Korea
admits of no argument and the theory about "Mimana Miyake" claimed by Japan
is the height of folly.
    It was written in textbooks that Japan kept Mimana, the southern part of
Korea, under its control for hundreds of years since the 4th century after
establishing the "Japanese administrative office" there. But this was proved
to be a forgery by the results of study conducted by historians in the north
and south of Korea and fair-minded Japanese historians long ago.
    Of course there are in Japan men of intellect who can see through the
essence of history and politicians who are concerned about the serious
consequences to be entailed by the distortion of history. Then how can such
practices as tampering with history be committed with the official approval
of the government authorities?
    Lurking behind this is a sinister aim sought by the right-wing
conservative politicians of Japan to cover up Japan's shameful past crimes
and imbue the younger generation with the militarist idea in a bid to drive
them to overseas aggression.
    The Japanese authorities can never evade the historical, political and
moral responsibilities for this despicable distortion of history.

Withdrawal of "joint land management plan" demanded
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification was reported to have released a
statement on April 6, strongly demanding the withdrawal of the "joint land
management plan." Charging that the South Korea-U.S. military alliance has
entered the phase of strengthening all measures to keep the U.S. military
bases in the Korean Peninsula for an indefinite period, the statement noted
that the plan is aimed at the overall redeployment of U.S. forces for their
permanent presence in the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of the MD.
    Calling for driving the U.S. troops out of South Korea and reunifying
the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean people through the
implementation of the June 15 joint declaration, it stressed that
cooperation between compatriots is the only way out for the Korean people.

TV forum held to commemorate Day of Sun
    Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- A TV forum "Patriotic Life" was arranged
at the April 25 House of Culture yesterday to commemorate the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Present there were senior party and
state officials, officials of party and power organs, ministries and
national institutions, anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, former
unconverted long-term prisoners, those associated with the revolutionary
activities of the president, heroes and heroines, persons of distinguished
service and working people in the city.
    Performers spoke highly of the greatness of Kim Il Sung who performed
immortal exploits on behalf of the country, the people, the times and
history, leading the revolution and construction to victory with his
outstanding ideo-theoretical activities and energetic guidance.
    He was the leader of the people unprecedented in history, who turned
Korea into the socialist homeland of Juche and made the Korean people the
most proud and happiest people, they said.
    Recalling with deep emotion the days of struggle and merits when they
were building a socialist land of bliss, independent, self-supporting and
self-reliant in national defence, in this land under his leadership, they
stressed that his revolutionary life would remain long in history with the
    The participants expressed the conviction that Kim Il Sung would be
always alive in the hearts of the Korean and the world people and the future
of Korea shin


2002-04-12 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Kim Jong Il receives Kim Ryon Ja and her party
     Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on Wednesday received
Kim Ryon Ja, a South Korean singer in Japan, and her party, who were staying
here to attend the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival. He warmly
welcomed the singer's visit to Pyongyang and conversed with her in a cordial
    Kim Ryon Ja expressed deep thanks to Kim Jong Il for meeting with them
though he was very busy.
    Kim Jong Il hosted a dinner in honor of the singer and her party.

DPRK, Armenia cooperate in culture
     Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- An agreement on cultural cooperation
between the governments of the DPRK and Armenia was signed on April 5. The
agreement was inked by a vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries who visited Armenia as head of the DPRK
government cultural delegation, and a vice-minister of culture, youth and
sports of Armenia. 

Iranian ambassador hosts party on Day of Sun
     Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- Jalaleddin Namini Mianji, Iranian
ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a party yesterday on the occasion of the 90th
birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. In his speech at the party, he
praised Kim Il Sung as a great leader who brought a change in the history of
the nation and a prominent commander of the struggle against outsiders, the
banner of the anti-imperialist struggle, who liberated the Korean people
from outsiders' domination and brought them freedom.
    The president made a distinguished contribution to the Korean revolution
and the strengthening and development of the non-aligned movement, the
ambassador said, adding: he left indelible impressions in the memory of the
Iranian people as he provided close and excellent relations between the DPRK
and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, said in his speech:
    The DPRK-Iran relations are based on close friendship Kim Il Sung forged
with top leaders of Iran and have been verified in the struggle against
imperialism and dominationism over the past years.
    These relations are now continuing to develop on good terms under the
deep care of the leaders of the two countries.
    The Korean people sincerely hope that the friendly Iranian people will
achieve greater success in their efforts to develop the national economy and
build a modern and developed country while defending national sovereignty
and consolidating political stability under the guidance of Islamic leader
Khamenei and President Khatami.

"Arirang" performance praised
     Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- South Korean singer Kim Ryon Ja in Japan
and her party who came here to participate in the 20th April Spring
Friendship Art Festival had an opportunity to watch some scenes of the mass
gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" in overall rehearsal at the May
day Stadium on Tuesday evening. After seeing them Kim Ryon Ja had this to
    I have heard about the "Arirang" performance but, seeing this grandiose
and fascinating performance for myself today, I could scarcely believe my
    Thousands of performers acting as one remind one of a machine.
    Huge lighting devices are in use and everything is in perfect harmony to
increase the artistic effect of the work.
    Especially, background scenes are really marvellous.
    I cannot understand how can over 18,000 students move as one in one mind
without a single mistake.
    It is my hope that not only people in South Korea and Japan but many
people of the world will come here to see this splendid performance.
    Conductor Kim Ho Sik said that he was greatly excited to see the
"Arirang" performance.
    He added: 
    I find it not easy to conduct over 10 musicians. So I admire the talents
of the creators and artistes who produced such a masterpiece by conducting
100, 000 performers.
    Musician Mitsunobu Kono said that "Arirang" can be listed as an acme of
human culture and arts as it is staged in three dimensions, turning its
background, the ground of the stadium and the air above it into fantastic
    Musician Hiroto Kume said that seeing the flawless scenes of "Arirang,"
he came to have deeper understanding of the DPRK.

Builder of independent machine-building industry in DPRK
    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- The Korean people are retrospecting with
deep emotion the immortal exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung on the
occasion of the Day of the Sun, April 15. The people are deeply moved by the
enormous effo


2002-04-11 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Reception given by Cuban ambassador
     Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Esteban Lobaina Romero, Cuban ambassador
to the DPRK, gave a reception at the embassy here last evening on the
occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
    He said in a speech that the unbreakable relations of fraternal
friendship between the two countries were provided by Kim Il Sung and Fidel
Castro Ruz on the basis of their close friendship. They continue to
favorably develop under the deep care of Kim Jong Il and Fidel Castro Ruz,
the supreme leaders of the two countries.
    He went on: 
    The Cuban people feel thankful to the Korean people for their strong
support given to their struggle.
    Extending congratulations to Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 9th
anniversary of his election as Chairman of the DPRK National Defence
Commission, he wished the Korean people greater success in their endeavours
for the independent and peaceful reunification of the country and the
building of a powerful nation under his wise leadership.
   Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party
of Korea, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung's birth marked a historic event
which paved a wide avenue of national rebirth and prosperity for the country
and people and promised a bright prospect of achieving the human cause of
    He noted that the relations between the two countries are traditional
and particular ties of friendship and cooperation based on the deep and
close relations of comradely friendship between Kim Il Sung in his lifetime
and Fidel Castro Ruz and they are steadily growing stronger under the
profound care of the leaders of the two countries.
    The Korean people will make all efforts to steadily expand and develop
the friendly and cooperative relations with socialist Cuba in different
fields of politics, economy and culture in the future, too, he stressed.

Pyongyang in festive atmosphere
     Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang is now wrapped in a festive
atmosphere with the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival just at hand.
    The festival is an annual event but the festival this year is drawing
more keen interest of the public at home and abroad as it is to open on the
occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
    National flags, festival flags and coloured buntings are seen fluttering
and slogans, large picture boards and decorations welcoming goodwill envoys
from the five continents are displayed in all the festively bedecked streets
of the city. 
    Posters on various themes seen here and there add to the festive
    The Mansudae Art Theatre, the Pyongyang Grand Theatre, the Ponghwa Art
Theatre and other theatres in the city are ready to receive participants in
the festival. 
    Various sites including Mangyongdae, the birthplace of Kim Il Sung, the
Tower of the Juche Idea, the Arch of Triumph, the Mangyongdae
Schoolchildren's Palace and hotels have completed their arrangements to
welcome guests. 
    The participants will have an opportunity to enjoy the mass gymnastic
and artistic performance "Arirang," a masterpiece of the century.
    The art envoys coming to Pyongyang with the desire for independence,
peace and friendship will certainly receive the cordial hospitality of the
Korean people from the moment of their arrival in Pyongyang and find their
stay here enjoyable.
    The city is now resounding with songs of boundless reverence and praises
of the sun of humankind, the peerlessly great man.

Saturday campaign for abolition of sl starts in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The people's solidarity for abolition of
the "security law," the measure committee of all public figures for the
guarantee of legitimate activities of the South Korean Federation of
University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), the measure committee for the
release of detainees related to the national alliance of youth and students
for the country's reunification and the measure committee to release those
involved in the occupation and the sit-in strike at the U.S. chamber of
commerce and industry and other organizations were reported to have agreed
to launch a "Saturday campaign to demand the abolition of the 'security
law,' the release of prisoners of conscience, a stop to the search for
political 'offenders' and the guarantee of Hanchongryon's legitimate
activities" every Saturday from April 6.
    The majority of people are demanding the abolition of the sl and the
nation's desire for reconciliation, cooperation and unity are mounting
higher than ever before after the publication of the June 15 joint
declaration, the organizations said.
    The Cold War forces who deny cooperation between 


2002-04-10 Thread sipila



Exhibition of works on Juche idea
    Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- An increasing number of people are visiting
the exhibition of works on the Juche idea with the approach of the Day of
the Sun (April 15).
    Nowadays the number reached thousands a day.
    In recent years, nearly 500,000 people from all walks of life including
foreigners and overseas compatriots visited there.
    The exhibition, opened to the public in December Juche 87 (1998), has a
total floor space of more than 10,000 square meters.
    It consists of three parts.
    Displayed in chronological order in the first part are most of over
3,300 famous works President Kim Il Sung authored for nearly 70 years
together with his photos and manuscripts written by him and other data.
    On display in the second part are some of the works leader Kim Jong Il
authored from September 1960.
    Exhibited in the third part are his works published in over 60 different
languages in nearly 110 countries according to continents and countries.
    Displayed in the exhibition hall on the first floor are historical
photographs, fine art works listed as national treasures, revolutionary
historic mementoes, works and books published at home and abroad, which deal
with the revolutionary life and activities of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese
war woman hero. 

U.S. arms buildup in S. Korea under fire
    Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- The United States is contemplating about
the sale of scores of nuclear capable "F-15K" fighters to South Korea.
    Papers here today carry signed commentaries in this regard.
    Laying bare the criminal aim sought by the U.S. in stepping up arms
buildup in South Korea, Rodong Sinmun observes:
    By delivering to South Korea "F-15K" fighters whose operation radius
goes far beyond the boundary of the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. seeks to use
South Korea as a military strategic vantage in establishing its domination
over the Asia-Pacific region and its armed forces as a shock brigade in
realising its Asia strategy.
    The U.S. projected arms sale to South Korea glaringly reveals the
brigandish nature of its administration which makes no scruple of
sacrificing other nations to meet its own interests. The commander of the
U.S.-South Korea combined forces and the deputy manager of the U.S. boeing
company are known to have forced the South Korean military to buy "F-15K"
fighters. U.S. senator Christopher bond from Missouri state where the plant
producing "F-15K" is located blustered that South Korea would face a
"miserable situation" if it refuses to buy fighters.
    The U.S. is forcing South Korea to bear the cost of weapons of mass
destruction to be deployed there beforehand in a bid to realize its
Asia-Pacific strategy and pocketing a huge amount of money through arms
sale. This is the height of impudence.
    Minju Joson demands the U.S. face up to the situation, stop its madcap
arms buildup and take a measure to withdraw the U.S. forces from South

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2002-04-09 Thread sipila


Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Jamahiriya News Agency

English News Bulletin

9 March ,2002 


The Leader Receives President Mugabe

Tripoli/Altayr 9/Jana

The Leader of the Revolution received yesterday the African Revoultionary
Freedom- fighter,president Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who is currently
visiting Great Jamahiriya.

During the meeting which was attended by the foreign minister of
Zimbabwe,the Leader and president Mugabe reviewed the situations in the
African continent,especially ways  of consolidating the Great African Union
in addition to the consolidation of bilateral relations.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


Leader Hosts Dinner Banquet in Honour of President Mugabe

Tripoli/Altayr 9/Jana

The Leader of the Revolution hosted a dinner banquet last night in honour of
the Revolutionary African Freedom-fighter, president Robert Mugabe of

The dinner banquet was attended by the foreign minister of Zimbabwe.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


President Mugabe Visits Tripoli International Fair

Tripoli/Altayr 9/Jana

The Revolutionary African Freedom-fighter,president Robert Mugabe of
Zimbabwe and his wife,visited yesterday Tripoli International Fair.

He also toured the stands of the national oil company,general agricultural
corporation,general industrial corporation and the al Zahaf al Akhdr centre
for technology and a number of Arab-African and foreign stands including the
stand of the state of Palestine which consisted live  pictures and photos
and models epitomising the brave heroic resistance of the Palestinian people
against the terrorist zionist army.

President Mugabe wrote a comment in the visitors book at the stand of the
state of Palestine in which he said when the international human conscience
goes into sleep in the light of the uncontrolled barbaric terrorism against
the Palestinian civilians against the innocent and unarmed at the hands of
the Isaelis than all virtues and values for our international relations
become a source of serious scepticism. We the nations of the third world
have to unite to defend ourselves as propaganda is not enough.

President Mugabe was offered a token gesture at the end of his visit in the
form of the shield of the general fairs corporation.

/Jamahiryia News Agency /


African Unity Secretary Conduct Contacts

Tripoli/Altayr 9/Jana

The Secretary of the General Peoples Committee for African Unity made
contacts yesterday with Amrou Mossa,the Secretary General of the Arab League
and Mahmoud Hammoud,the foreign minister of Lebanon whose country chairs the
current Arab summit.

The meeting focused on the discussion of expediting the implementation of
the Arab boycott resolutions of the zionist enemy as a total commitment to
maintaining such boycott measures.

It was agreed during the contacts, especially with the Lebanese foreign
minister,to call the Arab boycott committee to meet immediately to lay down
the required mechanisms for the implementation of the boycott and the total
compliance by Arab states.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


Great Jamahiriya and Zimbabwe Relations

Tripoli/Altayr 9/Jana

The Secretary of the General Peoples Committee for African Unity held a
meeting yesterday with the foreign minister of Zimbabwe with whom he studied
the two countries bilateral relations and ways of their strengthening for
the joint mutual benefit of both countries and the consolidation of economic
integration amongst African countries.

The meeting also reviewed implementation of the Lusaka summit resolutions
related to the establishment of the frameworks and structures of the African
Union and the results achieved by the African ministerial

committees held in Addis Ababa last month to lay down the mechanisms and
structures of the Great African Union which is a great strategic achievement
for the African continent.

The meeting also handled the efforts exerted by the Great Jamahiriya to end
conflicts across the African continent with the aim of creating a solid
African space. 

/Jamahiriya New Agency /


Great Jamahiriya and Zimbabwe Relations

Tripoli/Altayr 9/Jana

The Secretary of General Peoples Committee for African Unity held a meeting
yesterday with the foreign minister of Zimbabwe with whom he studied the two
countries bilateral relations and ways of their strengthening for the joint
mutual benefit of both countries and the consolidation of economic
integration amongst African countries.

The meeting also reviewed implementation of the Lusaka summit resolutions
related to the establishment of the frameworks and structures of the African
Union and the results achieved by the African ministerial

committees held in Addis Ababa last month to lay down the mechanisms and
structures of the Great African Union which is a great strategic achievement
for the African continent.

The meeting also handled the effort


2002-04-09 Thread sipila


Korean Cntral News Agency


Party and state cadres visit International Friendship Exhibition
Pyongyang, April 8 (KCNA) -- Senior party and state officials, chairmen
of friendly parties and leading officials of ministries and national
institutions visited the International Friendship Exhibition yesterday on
the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
On display at the exhibition are national treasures of Kim Il Sung's
Korea which show the high international prestige of Kim Il Sung and leader
Kim Jong Il and the firm solidarity of the world revolutionary people with
the Korean revolution.
The senior party and state officials first laid before the statue of Kim
Il Sung in the township of Hyangsan a floral basket, together with bunches
of flowers, in the joint name of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party
of Korea, the presidium of the supreme people's assembly and the cabinet of
the DPRK and paid homage to him.
Being briefed on the fact that heads of party, state and government, the
progressive personages and organizations of at least 170 countries presented
the president with over 165,800 gifts carrying their deep reverence for him,
they went round the exhibition.

KCNA on U.S. anti-DPRK smear campaign
Pyongyang, April 8 (KCNA) -- The U.S. congressional investigation
bureau, in a report on South Korea-U.S. relations recently submitted to the
congress, claimed that the DPRK "used" for a military purpose the money,
which was paid for the Mt. Kumgang tourism. This is one more anti-DPRK smear
The political motive and aim of the report are clear as it has been
based on information faked up by the U.S. CIA and the U.S. forces command in
South Korea. 
In a word, such diatribe is part of the evermore undisguised anti-DPRK
plot of the U.S. administration to block the implementation of the June 15
North-South Joint declaration and cooperation and exchange between the two
sides of Korea. 
As everyone knows, the Korean nation will soon mark the second
anniversary of the joint declaration, a milestone for national
On this occasion, the people's will is growing stronger and their
efforts are increasing on the Korean Peninsula to reunify the country by the
united efforts of the nation in the spirit of the joint declaration.
It is against this backdrop that the Bush administration has escalated
its smear campaign against the DPRK and wirepulled the intelligence agency
and the military to spread misinformation to justify the campaign. This
indicates its sinister political aim.
Through this the administration seeks, in the long run, to justify its
intention to provoke a new war on the Korean Peninsula, quell the South
Korean people's desire to achieve independence against the U.S. and force
the South Korean authorities to purchase more U.S.-made weapons. It is also
aimed to foil the Mt. Kumgang tourism, a symbol of inter-Korean cooperation,
and thus bedevil the relations between the North and the south of Korea.
In this regard, the DPRK has repeatedly warned the U.S. that it should
behave itself with reason.
If the U.S. continues resorting to such smear campaign to hinder the
implementation of the inter-Korean joint declaration and cooperation and
exchange between the north and the south of Korea, while insisting on the
anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK in disregard of its warnings,
it will only touch off a stronger anti-U.S. sentiment of the Korean people.

Book "Long Road of Friendship" published in China
Pyongyang, April 8 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates an editorial
article to the 20th death anniversary of anti-Japanese revolutionary fighter
Choe Hyon.
It says: 
Choe was a revolutionary fighter loyal to President Kim Il Sung and his
excellent revolutionary comrade and a brave and talented commanding officer
who performed great feats in the revolutionary wars against U.S. and
Japanese imperialists.
He devoted his all to the country and the people to the last moments of
his life, upholding the leader of revolution with arms.
His life was not only a life of a revolutionary soldier who remained
intensely loyal to the president but also a life of an indomitable
revolutionary and a true loyalist who devoted his all to the struggle for
the party and the revolution.
Saying that Choe's revolutionary life was a very noble and brilliant one
because the whole course of his revolutionary struggle is consistent with
the revolutionary outlook on the leader, the daily carries the impressive
facts about his loyalty to the president displayed in the period of the
anti-Japanese armed struggle, the period just after the liberation of the
country and the period of the fatherland liberation war.
His transparent outlook on the leader remained unchanged even a bit in
the glorious road to hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem 


2002-04-08 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Korean people's just cause supported by Indian party
     Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A. B. Bardhan, general secretary of the
National Council of the Communist Party of India (CPI), expressed resentment
at Bush's listing the DPRK as part of "an axis of evil," noting that the CPI
would continue to take measures for solidarity with Korea's socialist cause
in the future, too. He said this when he met a delegation of the Workers'
Party of Korea to the 18th congress of the CPI on March 30.
    He said that his party was greatly encouraged by socialist Korea which
has foiled the U.S. imperialists' vicious moves to isolate and stifle the
DPRK under the wise army-based revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Recalling that President Kim Il Sung paid deep attention to the CPI
activities in his lifetime, he stressed that the CPI would take
organizational measures to significantly commemorate the president's 90th
birth anniversary this year.

"International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Vishwanath
     Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The "International Kim Il Sung Prize"
council on April 1 decided to award "International Kim Il Sung Prize" to
Vishwanath, director general of the International Institute of the Juche
Idea. He was awarded the prize for having ardently espoused the immortal
Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and made distinguished services
for accomplishing the glorious cause of global independence and peace.

Diverse activities to see "Arirang" performance brisk in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Different circles of South Korea are
reportedly conducting diverse activities to see the mass gymnastic and
artistic performance "Arirang" to be staged at the May Day Stadium in
Pyongyang. The solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration
inaugurated a steering team to watch the "Arirang" performance and put
application ads in MBC and internet, while displaying posters introducing
the performance at public places in different parts of South Korea.
    The organization sent to the Ministry of Unification a list of
applicants for visits to Pyongyang to see the "Arirang" performance
collected as of March 29 and a letter to the authorities requesting them to
enable the South Koreans to make free tours of Pyongyang to enjoy the
    Meanwhile, the Pusan solidarity for implementing the south-north joint
declaration is conducting such brisk information services as displaying
posters on the "Arirang" performance at crowded places of Pusan and
explaining its citizens the significance of the performance.
    The (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) sent an official
notice calling for the organization of the KCTU groups to see the "Arirang"
performance to its affiliated organizations.
    The reunification solidarity for the implementation of the June 15
South-North Joint Declaration and peace on the Korean Peninsula inputted an
introductory article to homepage under the title "The Mass Gymnastic And
Artistic Performance 'Arirang'".
    The "National Students Federation for Travel", the "South Korean Youth
League" and its affiliated organizations and the South Korean federation of
university student councils are busy making arrangements to form a council
for collecting applicants to see the mass gymnastic and artistic performance
"Arirang" and expressing solidarity with them.

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2002-04-07 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Talks held between Kim Yong Sun and Rim Tong Won
     Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The second round of talks were held
yesterday between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the Central Committee of the
Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser to President Kim
Dae Jung on diplomacy, security and unification who is his special envoy. At
the talks both sides discussed measures to straighten out the grave
situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula and warm the frozen
inter-Korean relations.
    They agreed upon a joint press release that calls for improving and
developing the overall inter-Korean relations.
    It was decided to publish the joint press release in Pyongyang and Seoul

"Joint action for withdrawal of selection of F-15K" formed in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The council for independent reunification,
the (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the citizens' solidarity
for democratic society and 270 other citizens and public organizations in
South Korea reportedly held a press conference in Seoul on March 3 in
connection with the formation of the "joint action for a probe into the
truth behind the suspected outside pressure and withdrawal of the decision
on the selection of F-15K". At the press conference the "joint action"
presented to the "Ministry of National Defence" and other authorities
concerned seven-point demands for opening to the public of the contents of
assessment of the U.S.-made fighters and a stop to the schedule of
    Then the organizations issued a statement.
    The statement said that the authorities of the "Ministry of National
Defence " are planning to introduce fighters of the next generation on the
pretext of "threat" from the North and other countries, which is going
against the requirements of the times for fixing the atmosphere of
south-north reconciliation and disarmament for peace.
    After the press conference, they conducted an all people's signature
    Prior to the press conference, the organizations held a conference and
confirmed the plan to conduct an all people's signature campaign for a probe
into the truth behind the suspected introduction of fighters of the next
generation for a month of April and to hold an all people's joint rally in
Seoul on April 1 


Plan on cultural and scientific exchange between DPRK and Russia signed
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The 2002-2004 plan on cultural and
scientific exchange between the governments of the DPRK and the Russian
Federation was signed in Moscow on April 3. Present at the signing ceremony
on the DPRK side were members of the DPRK government cultural delegation
headed by Hong Son Ok, vice-chairwoman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries, DPRK ambassador to Russia Pak Ui Chun, and
on the Russian side were Russian vice-minister of foreign affairs Aleksei
Fedotov and officials concerned.

Inter-Korean joint press release
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- A joint press release was published between
the north and south of Korea. The following is the full text of the joint
press release: 
    The joint press release .
    Rim Tong Won, special adviser at Chongwadae on diplomacy, security and
unification, visited Pyongyang from April 3 to 5, Juche 91 (2002) in the
capacity of a special envoy of President Kim Dae Jung at the request of the
South side. 
    Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK,
met with the special envoy and his party, received a personal letter from
President Kim Dae Jung and hosted a dinner for them.
    During their stay talks were held between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the
C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser at
Chongwadae on diplomacy, security and unification.
    At the talks both sides agreed upon the following points after having an
exhaustive discussion on the situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula,
the grave developments facing the nation and all the issues related to the
inter-Korean relations:
    1. Both sides agreed to respect each other and strive not to create
tensions, guided by the basic spirit of the historic June 15 North-South
Joint Declaration. 
    2. Both sides agreed to bring back on track the inter-Korean relations
that had temporarily been frozen, according to the agreed points of the
joint declaration that calls for settling the issue of the country's
reunification independently by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    3. Considering it important to relink the severed railways and roads
between the north and the south, both sides agreed to build as early as
possible new ra


2002-04-05 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency Apr 5


Kim Jong Il meets special envoy of south side and his party
     Pyongyang,Aapril 5 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il yesterday met with Rim
Tong Won, special adviser to President Kim Dae Jung on diplomacy, security
and unification on a visit to Pyongyang and his party Kim Po Hyon,
vice-chief of the intelligence service, Jo Myong Gyun, department director
of the Ministry of Unification, and So Hun, director of Chongwadae. Present
there were Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Ok, first vice department director.
    The special envoy courteously conveyed a personal letter from Kim Dae
Jung to Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Jong Il expressed thanks for it and had a cordial conversation with
him. Kim Jong Il hosted a dinner for the special envoy and his party.

Return of U.S. military bases called for
     Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- South Korean organizations are strongly
demanding the return of the U.S. military bases. The Pusan headquarters of
the people's movement for the withdrawal of the U.S. forces, the Pusan and
south Kyongsang provincial federation of university student councils, the
Pusan branch of the social party and five other organizations in a joint
statement issued on March 30 noted that the U.S. military base in Pusan is
supposed to be shifted to other place under the "joint land management
plan", adding "such deceptive shift is intolerable."
    The U.S. forces' planned shift of their base will only result in
sacrificing the lives of citizens in other place, the statement said,
disclosing that the Yankees' talk about "shift" or "merge," while seizing
new land, is a plot to dominate South Korea for an indefinite period.
    More than 30 organizations including the Inchon headquarters of the
(South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the society of young workers
for the love of the nation and the Inchon Women Workers' Society in a
statement issued on March 29 in their joint name as regards the shift of the
U.S. military base in Puphyong said that citizens' and public organizations
in Inchon area are categorically opposed to an offer of new land as a reward
for the return of the military base in Puphyong and other U.S. military
    The statement underscored the need to wage a vigorous struggle till all
the U.S. military bases are returned.

Public presentation held by Ministry of People's Armed Forces
     Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- A public presentation on the greatness of
President Kim Il Sung was held by the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces
at the April 25 House of Culture yesterday on the occasion of his 90th birth
anniversary. Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political department of
the Korean People's Army, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the KPA general staff, Kim
Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, and KPA general Pak Jae
Gyong spoke at the public presentation.
    They explained that Kim Il Sung performed immortal brilliant exploits on
behalf of the country, the people, the times and the history by leading the
Korean revolution and the world revolution to victory through his tireless
efforts and total devotion for 80 odd years.
    The president set it as the military line of the Workers' Party of Korea
to train the whole army into a cadre army, modernize the whole army, put all
the people under arms and turn the whole country into a fortress by making
an effective use of the precious experience of the anti-Japanese
revolutionary struggle under the new circumstances in which the socialist
system was established, and built an all-people, all-state defence system
with the people's army as its core.

S. Korean military authorities blamed
     Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the people's movement
for the withdrawal of U.S. troops reportedly issued a statement on April 2,
denouncing the South Korean military authorities for their pro-American
flunkeyism and treachery in introduction of fighters. The decision of the
"Ministry of National Defense" to purchase "F-15K" fighters of the U.S.
Boeing firm proved that it is intended from the first to secure the benefits
of the U.S. munition industry, the statement said, adding:
    It cannot but be a shame for the military to take the lead in
treacheries indifferent to the nation's self-respect and people's life.
    The statement demanded the military authorities make a clean sheet of
the selection of "F-15K" fighters and immediately withdraw the anachronistic
plan to introduce fighters of the next generation.

U.S. imperialism termed sworn enemy of Korean people



2002-04-05 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Talks between WPK, C.C. secretary and special envoy of south side
     Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- Talks between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of
the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser to
President Kim Dae Jung on diplomacy, security and unification on a visit to
Pyongyang at the request of the south side, were held on Wednesday. At the
talks both sides had a wide-range discussion on the grave situation
prevailing on the Korean Peninsula and issues related to the inter-Korean
    The north-south relations which had developed in favour of
reconciliation, unity and reunification after the historic Pyongyang meeting
and the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration have been
aggravated and the implementation of the declaration has reached a phase
where the declaration is facing a serious crisis due to the moves of the
bellicose forces at home and abroad to provoke a war, our side noted, adding
that not only the U.S. But the South side are to blame for this.
    It said that the North side's compliance with the request of special
envoy Rim Tong Won for Pyongyang visit was aimed to sit face to face with
him and know about the south side's clear answer on the will to respect the
basic spirit of the declaration calling for settling the issue of the
country's reunification by the concerted efforts of our nation.
    Our side took a serious note of the fact that the South side is keen on
war exercises, persistently advocating the "principal enemy" conception,
though at the historic Pyongyang meeting it assured our side that it would
no longer talk about the conception, and urged it to change its present
basic stand on the June 15 joint declaration.
    The talks go on.

"Anti-U.S. cyber campaign" brisk in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- The "anti-U.S. cyber campaign" through
internet is reportedly brisk in South Korea. A movement for boycotting
U.S-made commodities is more brisk than ever before.
    In the internet homepage "next cafe" over 120 sites specializing in the
movement for boycotting U.S.-made commodities were newly established, and in
another homepage a "society of those supporting the boycott of U.S.-made
commodities" was organized through internet.
    Organizations, including the South Korean Federation of University
Student Councils (Hanchongryon), and civic organizations have made a list of
U.S.-made goods in their sites under the title "let us unite in a campaign
of boycotting U.S.-made commodities" to make the campaign sweep all parts of
South Korea. 
    The campaign is timed to coincide with the movement against the forced
purchase of U.S.-made "F-15 K", while ads captioned "No F-15" are given wide
coverage by South Korean media including Hangyore.
    Also echoed in the internet is diverse anti-U.S. tenor. The newly edited
materials liken Bush's gesture, posture and facial expression to those of an
    Meanwhile, slogans including "Let us puncture the arrogance of the
U.S.", "Let us restore national pride" and "Let us warn the U.S. against its
claim for supremacy based on logic of strength" are appearing one after
another in the run-up to the world football championships.

Rallies against privatization of power industry in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- Rallies for checking the privatization of
power industry took place in different parts of Seoul on March 30, according
to Seoul-based Radio No. 1. The "national people's solidarity" held a rally
at the Jongmyo Park on the same day with the attendance of over 7,000
unionists under the (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, demanding
a stop to crackdown upon the power industrial workers union and the newly
formed civil servants union in the struggle to check the privatization of
power industry. 
    The participants held a demonstration after the rally.

KCNA urges Japan to stop faulting DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- The reactionary media and ultra-right
forces in Japan keep raising a hue and cry over the fictitious issue of
"kidnapping." this can not be construed otherwise than a very disturbing
attitude intended to chill the DPRK's sincere stand and attitude to hold
negotiations with Japan at a convenient time to discuss issues of mutual
concern prompted by humanitarianism. What is ridiculous is that the Japanese
reactionaries are groundlessly pulling up the DPRK, a victim, while keeping
mum about the wrongs done by Japan as a war criminal state with the world's
largest kidnapping record.
    As for the kidnapping issue, Japan is totally to blame for this crime.
With nothing can Japan deny this as it is a hard fact recognized by hum


2002-04-04 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


U.S. hit for slandering DPRK
     Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- Hessou Kohovi, chairman of the Benin-Korea
Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader" and chairman of
the Benin National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, in a statement
on March 22 said that the U.S is busy slinging mud at the Korean people and
the U.S. is chiefly responsible for the division of the Korean Peninsula and
the root cause of all their misfortune. He went on:
    It would be better for the U.S. to pursue an honest, responsible and
fair dialogue and cooperation with the DPRK than to pose a slushy threat to
the peace-loving people.
    Those who sling mud at the DPRK should come to their senses and
immediately stop slandering and make an open apology.
    No force can bring the Korean people to their knees.

Struggle against U.S. moves for nuclear war called for
     Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Democratic
Front of South Korea (NDFSK) issued a statement on April 1 condemning the
U.S. for its escalated moves for a nuclear war against the North,
Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation said. The statement said that
Bush's visit to Seoul was aimed to finally examine a plan for a preemptive
nuclear attack on the North and the recent large-scale South Korea-U.S.
joint military exercises were designed to put it into practice.
    Referring to the fact that the U.S. war hawks are clamouring about the
issue of capturing and sinking ships of the DPRK in the high seas, the
statement noted all facts go to prove that the report "nuclear posture
review" is an explicit nuclear war scenario and what remains to be done by
the U.S. is to provoke a war as its start of a nuclear war against the North
is a matter of time.
    The NDFSK in the name of the whole Korean nation bitterly denounces
these reckless moves of the U.S. as an unpardonable criminal act to
exterminate the Korean nation and a crime against humanity as it is aimed to
impose a nuclear holocaust upon the world, it added.
    The statement called upon all the people to turn out as one in an
anti-U.S., anti-war struggle in a do-or-die spirit to frustrate the U.S.
attempt to ignite a nuclear war against the North and protect the existence
of the nation and peace, check and foil the warmongers' "cooperation" with
foreign forces against the nation and bring earlier the day of independent
and peaceful national reunification through cooperation between compatriots.

Projected introduction of U.S.-made weapons under fire
     Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of University
Student Councils (Hanchongryon) reportedly issued a statement on March 28
dismissing the announced decision of the "ministry of national defense" to
select "F-15 K" as fighters of the next generation as a humiliating act of
yielding to the U.S. pressure put upon South Korea to buy them. Recalling
that the defense ministry banned the disclosure of the recorded tape
revealing the pressure put by the ministry and an order issued by it to the
military as regards the selection in favour of the U.S. and punished an
officer for issuing a declaration of conscience, the statement described the
present defense ministry as "part of the U.S. Defense Department and an
enterprise in service to the U.S. munition industry."
    The statement charged that the selection of fighters of the next
generation is "an act going against the national trend toward independent
reunification growing strong after the publication of the June 15 joint

U.S. plan to introduce Aegis into S. Korea assailed
     Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary
slams the U.S. for trying to bring South Korea into the network of the
Missile Defense System (MD) and planning to deliver an anti-aircraft system
"aegis" worth 1.2 billion to South Korea as a link of it. Through the
establishment of the very costly MD the Bush administration seeks to curry
favor with U.S. munition monopolies and, furthermore, create conditions and
an environment favorable for its stay in power, the commentary says, and
goes on: 
    Lurking behind the U.S. sale of "aegis" to South Korea is a very
sinister intention.
    It is the U.S. calculation that only when it puts under its control the
Korean Peninsula, a military and strategical vantage, can it carry out its
Asia-Pacific strategy with ease.
    That is why the U.S. is delivering sophisticated military equipment to
the anti-reunification elements in a bid to egg them on to aggravate the
situation on the Korean peninsula.
    The U.S. hawkish elements' moves to ignite a new war of aggression in
Korea a


2002-04-02 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Acceleration of socialist construction called for
    Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- A powerful nation is certain to be built as
the last instructions of President Kim Il Sung clearly indicate the path to
be followed by us and leader Kim Jong Il is wisely guiding the army and the
people. Rodong Sinmun today says this in an editorial. It goes on:
    The behest left by the president for the revolutionary soldiers and the
people carries his deep trust and expectation that they would remain loyal
to the revolution to the last true to their pledge and the earnest words
that they should accomplish the revolutionary cause without fail, upholding
the leadership of the party.
    More thoroughly fulfilling his behest is the most sacred and honorable
struggle to give a steady continuity to his history century after century
and a worthwhile struggle to build a powerful nation of Juche on this land
and thus successfully realize his desire and plan in his lifetime.
    Kim Jong Il is energetically leading the army and the people under the
uplifted slogan of the building of a powerful nation so as to realize the
president's desire and plan on this land as soon as possible.
    He is the supreme incarnation of the sense of moral obligation as he set
a practical example teaching the true communists how to hold their leader of
revolution in high esteem.
    The editorial calls upon the whole party and army and all the people to
give full play to the might of the singlehearted unity, the mainstay for the
Korean revolution and an instrument for certain victory, and bring about a
new surge in the building of an economically powerful nation, united closer
around him, true to the president's behest.

U.S. is to blame for non-compliance with AF
    Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- If the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework (AF)
collapses due to the unreasonable and hawkish attitude of the U.S. it will
be totally to blame for that, warns Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
    It says: 
    It is none other than the u.s. which has aggravated the DPRK-U.S.
relations to the extreme pitch of coolness, refusing to properly implement
the AF. 
    It has backtracked from the AF, a basis of improving the DPRK-U.S.
relations, by not complying with its provisions.
    Time is running out for the provision of light water reactors (lwrs) to
which the u.s. committed itself.
    However, the lwrs construction is so delayed that nothing has been done
since the ground work was undertaken. It is quite clear that the U.S. can
hardly provide lwrs to the DPRK in time.
    The U.S. is wantonly violating the principles agreed upon at the
DPRK-U.S. joint statement made public in June 1993.
    The DPRK has sincerely implemented all the points agreed upon between
the DPRK and the U.S. despite great difficulties, prompted by its will not
to break a promise once made to others.
    If the DPRK had pushed ahead with its plan for nuclear energy
development for a peaceful purpose, its acute shortage of power would have
already been solved.
    Yet, it has remained true to the promises it made to the U.S. although
even one kw of electricity is badly needed.
    While insisting on far-fetched assertions, the U.S. seems to work hard
to shift responsibility for the non-compliance with the AF and the extremely
aggravated bilateral relations onto the DPRK.
    If it has no willingness to implement the AF and drop its hard line and
hawkish attitude to stifle the DPRK, the latter will be left with no option
but to go its own way.
    The DPRK, in fact ,does not expect anything from the u.s.

Increased defence capability called for
    Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- Capability for self-defence is a sure
guarantee for protecting peace from the high-handed and arbitrary practices
of the imperialist aggressor forces and building an independent state, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The imperialists do not hesitate to commit military intervention and
aggression against some sovereign states because their military power is
    If an army of a country is strong and its military position
invulnerable, it can remain reassured and confident of what it is doing no
matter how desperately the imperialists may work against it.
    But a country with weak military power tends to look about the
circumstances around it when doing anything and strain every nerve to curry
favor with others. 
    Doing so can never be called an independent policy and it, in fact,
cannot be construed otherwise than a dependent policy and survile attitude.
    The DPRK neither feels scared nor daunted by the desperate moves of the
U.S. warmongers. We will r


2002-04-02 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency

An extract.

U.S. hit for aggravating situation on Korean Peninsula
     Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- The Bush administration is working hard to
establish the Missile Defense System (MD) in a bid to bring profits to
munition monopolies of the U.S. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed
    It goes on: 
    Some days ago the U.S. defense department claimed "success" in the
interceptor missile test. This was aimed to sell anti-aircraft system aegis
to South Korea in a bid to bring profits to munition monopolies of the U.S.
    All the domestic and foreign policies of the United States are meant to
meet the interests of these monopolies. The U.S. administration is, in fact,
no more than a political puppet manipulated by them. The U.S. rulers can
play a major role in politics only when they tickle the fancy of the
munition monopolies and if not, they are forced to step down.
    The present U.S. administration and munition monopolies stoop to any
infamy to meet their bilateral interests.
    The U.S. ruling quarters make no scruple of listing other countries as
"rogue states", "sponsors of terrorism" and members of the "axis of evil",
deliberately sparking regional crisis and aggravating the international
    The U.S. is now persistently floating the fiction about the "missile
threat" from the DPRK.
    It is aimed to egg the South Korean war hawks on to pursue confrontation
with the north in a bid to escalate the tensions on the Korean Peninsula and
justify its massive sale of such military hardware as anti-aircraft system
aegis to South Korea.
    The U.S. sale of ultra-modern arms and equipment to South Korea is
nothing but a criminal act of unhesitatingly bringing a scourge of war to
the Korean Peninsula to meet its interests.
    It is quite natural that the DPRK is making sustained big efforts to
increase the capacity for self-defence while tightening its belt.
    The U.S. is to blame for this.
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Extraordinary Arab Summit. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread sipila


Extraordinary Arab Summit.

The Libyan  Jamahiriya news agency

Extraordinary Summit / Agreement

Tripoli, March 31 Jana

Dr Ali Abdu Salam al Teireki, the Secretary of the General Peoples Committee
for African Unity, conducted a phone call with Mohammed Mahmoud the Lebanese
Foreign Minister, Farouq al Sharra the Syrian Foreign Minister, Saud al
Faisal the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Marwan al Mashar the Jordanian
Foreign Minister, Naji Sabri the Iraqi Foreign Minister and mr Amrou Mossua
the Secretary General of the Arab League.

The communications asserted the necessity for stopping the massacres
conducted at the hands of the terrorist Zionist army organisation against
the Palestinain people and threatening Yasser Arafat the hero of the
Palestinian resistance.

The secretary renewed during these communications the call of the Great
Jamahiryia to hold an extraordinary Arab summit at the headquarters of the
Arab League in Cairo to withdraw the Arab initiative as a response of the
Zionist towards the initiative was sending tanks, artillery and more
opperessive actions against the Palestinian people and President Yasser
Arafatthe hero of their resistance.

Jana learned that President Ali Abdallah Saleh of the Yemen Republic told
Amrou Moussa the Secretary General of the Arab League of his agreement to
hold the summit which was called by the Leader of the Revolution to withdraw
the Arab initiative which was submitted during their summit.

Jana also learned that the Arab League distributed the initiative of the
Leader of the Revolution for holding an extraorindary summit to all Arab
countries and the acceptance of the Yemeni President to hold the summit.

Jamahiriya news agency

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2002-03-31 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Indonesian President leaves
     Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- Indonesian President Megawati
Soekarnoputri left here today by a special plane after successfully winding
up her visit to the DPRK at the invitation of Kim Yong Nam, President of the
Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly. A large number of citizens
turned out at the airport to see off the Indonesian President, carrying the
flags of the two countries and bunches of flowers in their hands.
    The Indonesian President and her husband and her entourage came out to
the airport. 
    A ceremony of seeing off the Indonesian President took place at the
    After the playing of the national anthems of the two countries, Kim Yong
Nam and Megawati Soekarnoputri reviewed a guard of honor of the three
services of the Korean People's Army.
    A woman worker presented Megawati with a bouquet.
    The Indonesian guests were sent off by foreign minister Paek Nam Sun,
minister of foreign trade Ri Kwang Gun, minister of culture and chairman of
the DPRK information committee Kang Nung Su, president of the academy of
sciences Ri Kwang Ho and other officials concerned.
    Among the farewell bidders were ambassador Buchari Effendi and staff
members of the Indonesian embassy here.

Russian presidential orchestra's sojourn in Pyongyang
    Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- The Russian presidential orchestra led by
lieutenant general Sergei Streigin, commander of the garrison of the Kremlin
in Moscow, yesterday visited the International Friendship Exhibition. The
guests went round the gifts to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il
from leaders of political parties and heads of state, prominent figures of
political and public circles and people from all walks of life of many
    In the hall where the wax figure of the president stands they made bows
to him in humble reverence.
    On the same day the orchestra enjoyed a music and dance performance
given by artistes of the DPRR at the East Pyongyang Grand Theatre.

Songs satirizing Bush in rapid vogue in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- Songs satirizing U.S. President Bush are
created one after another, causing a great sensation in South Korea.
According to the March issue of the South Korean magazine Minjok 21,
composer Yun Min Sok who is well known to South Koreans for his popular
songs "Rare Cake" and "Dirty U.S." satirizing Bush wrote another anti-U.S.
song "Torai Bush." 
    Describing the reason why the song was named "Torai Bush," the magazine
in an article said that "those who talk nonsense are called 'Torai'" in
South Korea and its writer thought that the "word would go well with Bush
from that point of view."
    The song is so popular that primary school pupils asked for its music so
that they might sing it together with their colleagues, the article said.

Russian artistes see rehearsal of "Arirang" performance
    Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- Members of the Russian presidential
orchestra saw some scenes of mass gymnastic and artistic performance
"Arirang" in rehearsal at the May Say Stadium on the evening of March 28.
All the members of the orchestra were deeply moved to watch the
three-dimensional and fascinating mass gymnastic and artistic performance on
the ground and shifting scenes on the wonderful background.
    P. B. Obshannikov, chief conductor who is in charge of art of the
presidential orchestra of the Russian Federation, said that he had neither
seen nor imagined such a huge and wonderful work in any other country as the
mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang."
    He continued: 
    Amazing organizing ability, skill of unanimous gymnastic and artistic
movements, magnificent stage-settings, artistic effects of electronic
displays including laser illuminators and shifts of the background are
really beyond human imagination.
    In particular, the music full of national feelings is very fine.
    It is the unanimous mind of not only myself but all the members of our
orchestra that such a great work can be created only in a great country.
    Gennady Dmitryak, conductor of the chorus of "the Kremlin, Moscow"
Museum, said that he had never seen such a splendid performance anywhere in
the world. He went on:
    A few days ago, a famous foreign actor won popularity in his performance
in Moscow on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the formation of
Moscow city. But it cannot hold a candle to today's performance.
    The performance is very impressive as it is splendid, peculiar and
    In particular the performance vividly shows the warm l

U.S. Involved in Offensive Against Arafat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-30 Thread sipila


The Chinese People´s Daily March 30

U.S. Involved in Offensive Against Arafat: Palestinian Official.

An advisor to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on friday accused the United
States of being involved in the Israeli army's attack on Arafat's
headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

An advisor to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on friday accused the United
States  of being involved in the Israeli army's attack on Arafat's
headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Mohamed Rashid, a Palestinian negotiator and advisor to Arafat, said that
the United States was informed by Israel that the Israeli army would carry a
wide-scale military offensive against Arafat, and "the U.S. did not stop

Senior Palestinian negotiator Saed Erekat met Friday afternoon with U.S.
peace envoy Anthony Zinni in the West Bank town of Jericho to discuss ways
of ending the deteriorated situation in thePalestinian territories.

"During the meeting, Zinni spoke with President Arafat who is under serious
offensive and told him (Arafat) that he (Zinni) is going to do all his best
to bring calmness to the situation," said Erekat.

Erekat said that Zinni told the Palestinian side that he was instructed to
stay in the region and do all his best to end the bloodshed between Israeli
and the Palestinians.

"If we want to assume that the United States did not give Israelthe green
light to carry out its offensive, I would say that the U.S. did not also
give Israel the red light to stop the offensive either," he added.

The Qatar-based Al Jazeera Television Channel reported that Israeli troops
broke into the building where Arafat is sitting, adding that there was
exchange of fires between Arafat's bodyguardsand Israeli special troops
taking place from one room to another.

"What (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon is doing against thePalestinians
is crazy, and considering Arafat as an enemy of Israelis an Israeli
preparation to assassinate him," said Erekat.

He revealed that Arafat and his aide Nabil Abu Rudeineh are the only two
people in Arafat's office and they are surrounded by Arafat's special
bodyguards in the room.

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2002-03-29 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Agreement on cooperation between DPRK and Kuwait signed
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- An agreement on cooperation between the
DPRK ministry of city management and the Kuwait fund for Arab economic
development was signed at the People's Palace of Culture on March 28.
Present at the signing ceremony were Ri Kang Hui, vice-minister of city
management, and officials concerned and the delegation of the Kuwait fund
for Arab economic development led by deputy director-general Hesham I.

U.S.-South Korea joint war exercises under fire
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary terms the joint war exercises staged by the U.S. imperialists and
the South Korean warmongers a preliminary war and a test nuclear war
conducted under the simulated conditions of an attack on the north. It goes
    The U.S. strategy is aimed to seize the whole of Korea and carry out its
Asian strategy with Korea as a springboard and, furthermore, realize its
ambition for world hegemony.
    The DPRK is ready to fight a life-and-death battle. The people's army
and people of Korea have renewed their firm determination to fight tooth and
nail against the u.s. imperialists, their sworn enemy, and force them to pay
a thousand-fold high price for the blood shed by Koreans, while watching
with vigilance the north-targeted war exercises staged by warmongers at home
and abroad. 
    The U.S. imperialists and the South Korean warmongers are running amuck
to ignite a war against the north. But this will bring them to nowhere.
    The U.S. imperialists and their stooges are well advised to stop acting
rashly. The DPRK will fight a life-and-death battle with the enemy, true to
the great army-based policy and certainly emerge victorious.
    This revolutionary stand and faith remain unshakable.

Banquet in honour of Indonesian President
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The Presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK hosted a banquet in honour of Indonesian President
Megawati Soekarnoputri at the People's Palace of Culture on March 28.
Present on invitation were President Megawati Soekarnoputri and her husband
Taufiq Kiemas, foreign minister Nur Hassan Wirayuda and her entourage.
    On hand were President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, foreign minister Paek Nam Sun and other senior officials.
    Kim Yong Nam in a speech said that on her arrival in Pyongyang President
Megawati visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace to pay whole-hearted homage to
President Kim Il Sung, which fully showed her particular respect and trust
in the leadership and the people of Korea and her firm will to further
develop the bilateral relations true to the intention of her deceased father
and left deep impressions upon the Korean people.
    We are very rejoiced over the Korea-Indonesia friendship based on the
particularly close friendship between President Kim Il Sung and President
Sukarno developing on good terms generation after generation, he said, and
    In recent years the Indonesian government and people made great progress
in the work to achieve national unity and the political stability of the
country under the correct guidance of the president.
    The Korean people sincerely hope everything will go well in Indonesia
and its government and people signal success in their efforts to defend the
territorial integrity and carry out the 10-point program of economic
    It is in full accord with the aspirations and wishes of the two peoples
to extensively develop the traditional relations of friendship and
cooperation provided by the preceding leaders and it will positively
contribute to the common prosperity and progress of the region.
    Megawati Soekarnoputri in a speech said that the friendly relations
forged between the peoples of the DPRK and Indonesia have a long history.
She expressed the belief that the relations would be further developed in
the future, too. 
    The Korean people are making efforts to maintain independence in
politics, the economy and national defence, upholding the idea of the great
leader, she said, and went on:
    We will strengthen cooperation in the international arena to keep
bilateral relations on good terms even in adversity and strive to build a
fair and peaceful world together with developing countries on the principle
of mutual respect and non-interference in other's internal affairs.
    She expressed thanks to the DPRK for supporting the Indonesian people in
their efforts to achieve sovereignty and territorial integrity.
    Expressing belief that the DPRK's brisk activities for regional security
and progress would give a strong impetus to all countries of the world, the
Asia-Pacific countries in particular, she said that she is rejoi


2002-03-29 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Struggle against joint military drills in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- South Korean students and members of a
social organization forced their way into the building of the "Ministry of
National Defense" and held a demonstration, opposing the joint military
exercises of the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean warmongers on Mar.
26, according to a news report. Breaking through the check-point of guards,
they went into the front-gate of the building and scattered copies of a
statement, shouting slogans "no the introduction of F-15K fighters", "no the
South Korea-U.S. joint drills" and "renegotiation on the joint land
management plan". 
    Upset by this, the police authorities sent a police force to take all of
them away. 
    By the police crackdown, video cameras of reporters covering the
demonstration were broken down and one of them was wounded.

Papers welcome goodwill envoy of Indonesian people
     Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Papers here today editorially welcome the
official goodwill Korea visit by Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri
at the invitation of president Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly. Rodong Sinmun says that the DPRK-Indonesia
friendly relations are traditional friendly and cooperative relations based
on the close relationship that existed between President Kim Il Sung and
President Sukarno. 
    Her visit to the DPRK marks an important occasion of putting the
DPRK-Indonesia friendly relations on a new higher stage and inspires the
Korean people in their efforts to accelerate the building of a powerful
socialist nation and achieve national reunification, the paper says, and
goes on: 
    The Indonesian people are making energetic efforts to build a new
    The new Indonesian government headed by President Megawati Soekarnoputri
set out a plan to build a modern, just and prosperous new society in
conformity with the spirit of the state idea "Pancasila" and has made
positive efforts to materialize it.
    The Indonesian government is striving to prevent national division and
protect territorial integrity on the principle of preserving the unified
    Externally the Indonesian government has maintained the principle of
neither forming any military alliance with any other country nor allowing
foreign countries to establish military bases in its country.
    The Korean people have paid attention to the efforts of the Indonesian
government and people for the stability and progress of the country and
sincerely wish them great success.
    Minju Joson says that the Korean people set store by the DPRK-Indonesia
friendly relations forged by the preceding leaders of the two countries and
will steadily develop them.

U.S. "anti-terrorism war" denounced
     Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is keen to massively escalate
the "anti-terrorism war" to bring dark clouds of a new cold war to hang over
the world. "We have entered the second phase of the anti-terrorism war",
said U.S. President Bush on March 11. In his "state of the union address" he
singled out North Korea, Iran and Iraq as members of "the axis of evil" and
declared a self-righteous, unilateral and all-out "anti-terrorism war" by
asserting that "The United States regards the world as a battlefield."
    This is little short of the United States' open declaration of a war
against the world. 
    The U.S. "anti-terrorism war" is, in essence, aimed to carry out its
strategy for world domination as it is designed to dominate by force those
sovereign countries advancing independently defying high-handed practices of
the U.S., contain and bring under its control other big powers, its rivals,
and make the whole world move under its baton.
    The U.S. undisguised attempt to invade the DPRK is not related to the
issue of any weapons or "terrorism" but a revelation of its wild design to
seize the whole Korean peninsula, a strategic vantage in the Asia-Pacific
region, in a bid to put it under its political and military domination.
    That was why Bush listed the DPRK as its "principal enemy" right after
his assumption of office and undisguisedly disclosed his attempt to attack
the DPRK, escalating the "anti-terrorism war" worldwide with the "September
11 incident" as a good opportunity.
    The "Afghan War" which the U.S. describes as "victorious" is, in fact, a
"test war", a "preliminary war" to strike the DPRK.
    The U.S. has already decided to mobilize at least 690,000 aggression
troops, over 160 warships of various types including aircraft carriers and
at least 1,600 fighters including F-18 fighter bombers in case of emergency
on the Korean peni

Libya News and Views Mar 27 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-26 Thread sipila


Libya News and Views


Wednesday, 27 March, 2002: The Commons' longest-serving MP has told the
House that the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing is innocent. Labour's
Tam Dalyell called on the British Government to examine the case following
claims that vital documents had gone missing in the investigation, reports
the Press Association news agency. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi this month lost his
appeal at a Scottish court. Mr Dalyell, using Parliamentary privilege in a
Commons debate, questioned Megrahi's conviction: "This Easter, an innocent
man, innocent of the monstrous crime he was found guilty of committing,
languishes in Barlinnie prison in Glasgow." [IRNA]

Wednesday, 27 March, 2002: Chinese President Jiang Zemin will make state
visits to Iran and Libya as well as Germany during a five-country tour in
April, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. Jiang would also stop in
Nigeria and Tunisia during the trip from April 8-22, Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue told a news conference. [Reuters]

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2002-03-26 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


DPRK-Russia agreement on scientific cooperation signed
     Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- An agreement on scientific cooperation
between the DPRK Academy of Sciences and the Siberia branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences was signed in Novosibirsk on March 22. Present on the
occasion were members of the delegation of the DPRK Academy of Sciences
headed by vice-president Kang Tong Gun and president of the Siberia branch
Nikolai Dobretsov and officials concerned.

Performance of Russian presidential orchestra hailed
     Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- Russian artistes gave their premiere here
yesterday delighting the Korean people. The visiting group of Russian
artistes includes the presidential orchestra of the Russian Federation, the
chorus of "the Kremlin, Moscow" museum and singers of the State Academy
Grand Theatre. 
    Leader Kim Jong Il invited them to visit Pyongyang.
    The presidential orchestra of the Russian Federation is well known to
the Korean people for its successful performance given for Kim Jong Il
during his visit to Russia in August last year. He was greatly satisfied to
see the performance.
    The orchestra with a long history encouraged the Soviet army and people
with revolutionary and militant music pieces to achieve victory in the
patriotic war. 
    The orchestra is highly proud of participating in the concert given on
the Red Square where a military parade was held to celebrate the victory in
the war. 
    The chorus of "the Kremlin, Moscow" museum is recognized as one of the
best art organizations in Russia. Its main mission is to ensure state
functions together with the presidential orchestra.
    Among the Russian artistes are many artistes well-known to the world.
    Colonel P. B. Obshankov, composer of the presidential orchestra of the
Russian Federation, is its chief conductor and People's Actor of Russia.
    Russian Merited Actress l. Rudakova, singer of the State Academy Grand
Theatre, is a world famous singer.
    She was highly praised by Kim Jong Il for her successful presentation
given for him last year.
    Among the art envoys of the Kremlin are many talented actors and
actresses and artistes of world fame.
    When interviewed at the airport, lieutenant general Sergei Streigin,
head of the orchestra and commander of the garrison of the Kremlin, said
that they came to Pyongyang carrying with them the deep respect of the
Russian President for Kim Jong Il.
    The orchestra would present the same numbers as were performed for Kim
Jong Il in Moscow last year, he added.

Indonesian President to visit DPRK
    Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- Megawati Soekarnoputri, President of the
Republic of Indonesia, will shortly pay an official goodwill visit to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the invitation of Kim Yong Nam,
President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.

U.S-S. Korea joint maneuvers attacked worldwide
     Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- Bulgarian and Ugandan organizations
condemned the U.S. and the South Korean authorities for their aggressive
large-scale joint military exercises. The Bulgaria-Korea Friendship
Association and the Bulgarian Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification
said in a joint statement on March 20 that the current joint maneuvers
surpass the "Team Spirit" joint military exercises in scale while causing a
grave situation on the Korean Peninsula.
    Such reckless military provocations made by bush and the South Korean
authorities may spark off a war, the statement said, adding: This is
scuttling the agreed points of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration for
Korea's reunification.
    The Uganda-DPRK Friendship Association in its statement on March 21
demanded that the U.S. stop its hostile policy toward the DPRK and withdraw
its aggression forces from South Korea at once. The statement also urged the
South Korean war hawks to refrain from joining in the U.S. moves to stifle
their fellow countrymen by force of arms and stop all deeds of going against
the spirit of the joint declaration.

Russian presidential orchestra gives its premiere
     Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- The visiting Russian presidential
orchestra gave its premiere at the April 25 House of Culture yesterday.
Enjoying the performance were vice marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim
Il Chol, vice-chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and
minister of the People's Armed Forces, Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the
Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, artiste


2002-03-26 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Bush administration hit for seeking aggression on Korea
     Pyongyang, March 25 (KCNA) -- The world public bitterly denounces the
Bush administration for its wild ambition for aggression on Korea. The
chairman of the Guinean Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification in a
statement said that tension is still being kept on the Korean Peninsula by
the U.S. and South Korea and the danger of war is growing there. The U.S.
and South Korea should immediately stop their moves to ignite a new war in
Korea, he said. 
    The Bulgarian newspaper Rabotnicheski Vestnik in an article said that
the U.S. provoked a war early in the 1950s to invade North Korea and, even
after its defeat, it has been continuously resorting to the moves for
aggression on the DPRK in violation of the armistice agreement.
    The central committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in
a statement said that the U.S. is likely to forget that it was defeated by
the young DPRK in the Korean War (1950-1953). The statement warned that the
U.S. is miscalculating that it will not be punished even if it ignites a war
against the DPRK. 
    The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association in a statement strongly demanded
that the U.S. and the South Korean authorities immediately stop their
large-scale military exercises going against the desire of all the Korean
people and the world community for reconciliation, peace and reunification
on the Korean Peninsula through the implementation of the historic
north-south joint declaration.
    The chairman of the labour union of Guyana in a statement said that if
the South Korean authorities take part in the current war exercises in line
with the U.S. war policy against the DPRK, they would be strongly protested
and denounced by the peace-loving people of the world as a naked betrayal of
the north-south joint declaration.
    The Chinese Liberation Army Daily in an article said that the U.S.-South
Korea joint military exercises destroyed the favorable atmosphere of
reconciliation, cooperation and peace on the Korean Peninsula in violation
of the spirit of the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework on refraining from
threatening dialogue partner militarily and the spirit of the north-south
joint declaration. 

U.S. mandarins' reckless remarks against DPRK refuted
     Pyongyang, March 25 (KCNA) -- A senior official of the Central
Intelligence Agency of the united states asserted it is highly probable that
the DPRK is pushing ahead with the "preparations for a test-fire of an
inter-continental ballistic missile" capable of striking the U.S. mainland
with "nukes" and the U.S. Defense Secretary said that the DPRK is active in
"developing weapons of mass destruction" including "biological and chemical
weapons and nuclear weapons." Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed
commentary in this regard.
    It says: 
    As for the nuclear threat, the U.S. is to blame for posing it to the
    There are more than 20,000 nuclear warheads stockpiled in the U.S. it is
threatening the DPRK after deploying at least 1,000 nuclear weapons in South
    The hawkish bush group is working hard to put into practice its plan for
a nuclear attack on the DPRK. It is running mad frequently raising a hue and
cry over the DPRK's "nuclear problem." but this is the height of folly.
    By zealously floating the fiction of "nuclear development" by the DPRK,
the U.S. war hawks seek to convince the world of the "danger of nukes" from
the DPRK and use it as a pretext to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on it.
It is their intention to raise the cloud of the first nuclear mushroom on
the Korean Peninsula in the new century.
    That is why the U.S. is escalating its false propaganda about a "nuclear
threat" from the DPRK and frantically stepping up preparations for a nuclear
    The DPRK is maintaining heightened vigilance against this false
propaganda and keeps itself fully ready to cope with it. The DPRK will
strongly retaliate against attacks to be made by the U.S. imperialists with
either nuclear weapons or conventional weapons.

Joint military exercises denounced
     Pyongyang, March 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary condemns the large-scale joint military exercises being staged by
the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean warmongers as a premeditated
military provocation to the DPRK and extremely dangerous war gambles
intended to plunge the Korean nation into a nuclear holocaust. It goes on:
    Bush's recent visit to South Korea was to hold war confabs with
brasshats of the U.S. aggressor forces present there and local warmongers.
    Through the ongoing war maneuvres the U.S. imperialists and the South
Korean warmongers seek to finally examine and round off th


2002-03-24 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency

March 23-34


U.S. nuclear war scenario criticized
     Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss
Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, on March 14 made public a
statement condemning the U.S. for its scenario for a nuclear assault on the
DPRK and sent a letter of protest to the U.S. President. He in his statement
said the U.S. threat of nuclear attack shows that Bush stoops to any crimes
to dominate the whole of Korea and use it as a U.S. base for carrying out
its aggressive Asia strategy.
    He continued: 
    The Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification condemns the
Bush group's scenario for a nuclear war against the DPRK and the Korean
people with surging indignation and resentment.
    If the U.S. imperialists unleash the second Korean War, the heroic
Korean people's army and the Korean people will wipe out this group of
    He in his letter of protest to the U.S. President said that bush is keen
to drive the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war
and impose disasters upon the whole world. He denounced the U.S. as an
empire of evil, the root cause of all evils and the biggest sponsor of
international terrorism.
    He warned that if the U.S. attacks the DPRK with nukes, it will suffer
disastrous consequences.

Campaign for boycotting U.S. goods launched in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The anti-U.S. sentiment is mounting among
citizens and students in Pusan area of South Korea, Seoul-based Yonhap News
reported. The Pusan Christian Young Women's Society, the headquarters of the
movement for encouraging the use of home-made goods and seven other
organizations held a Pusan citizens' rally for the campaign to boycott U.S.
goods on March 18. 
    The organizations denounced the United States for resorting to such
unjust high-handed practices as forcing South Korea to purchase the
U.S.-made fighters, prompted by the brigandish logic of "strength," and
declaring a war trade to destroy the world trade order.
    They declared that they would organize people from all walks of life and
launch a campaign for boycotting U.S.-made goods.
    Prior to it, the Pusan Citizens' Solidarity for Reunification Movement
on March 16 and 17 held a "meeting of proclaiming citizens' action against
forcible sale of weapons, war and South Korea-U.S.-Japan military
    And the general students council of Pusan national university entered
into an anti-U.S. demonstration in front of the university gate on March 11.

Unabated struggle against introduction of U.S.-made fighters in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of proclaiming the second round
of the intensive struggle against the introduction of U.S.-made fighters was
reportedly held in front of the building of the "Ministry of National
Defence" of South Korea on March 20 under the sponsorship of the council for
national reconciliation and independent reunification, the people standing
for peace and reunification and other organizations. The struggle, a
follow-up of the first round of the intensive struggle held from march 6 to
9, is to be staged from march 20 to 29, during which strikes,
demonstrations, rallies, etc. will be held everyday.

Large-scale joint military exercises under fire
    Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- More than 700 citizens' and public
organizations of South Korea reportedly held a joint press conference in
front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul on march 20 to voice opposition to the
large-scale joint war maneuvers under the sponsorship of the joint action
for peace against war a press release issued at the conference said: "We
clearly state once again our nation never wants a war and that no one can
impose a war on US". The current drills involving more than 500,000-strong
armed forces, the largest in history, mean, in fact, the resumption of the
"Team Spirit" exercises, it said, strongly demanding the U.S. immediately
stop the war exercises intended to bring a holocaust of a nuclear war to
this land. 
    The press release denounced the sycophantic and treacherous act of the
authorities who, taking an advantage of the U.S. war policy, are increasing
the danger of war, leaving the destiny of the nation to the tender mercy of
outsiders and adamantly denying the spirit of the June 15 joint declaration.
    At the end of the press conference the permanent representative of the
reunification solidarity issued an appeal opposing the nuclear war exercises
and entered a hunger strike.
    Citizens' and public organizations expressed their will to stage in real
earnest hunger strikes, demonstrations, etc. opposing the large-sc


2002-03-22 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Anniversary of signing of DPRK-Russia agreement marked
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- A film show was held at the Chollima
House of Culture yesterday to mark the 53rd anniversary of the signing of
the DPRK-Russia agreement on economic and cultural cooperation. Present on
invitation were Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov and staff
members of the embassy.
    Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries and chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship
Association, other officials concerned and working people in the city were
on hand. 
    The participants saw a feature film "cavalryman, who are you?"
    Prior to it, a friendship gathering took place at the Taedonggang club
for the diplomatic corps on this occasion.
    Its participants saw the performance of dances, enjoyed sports amusement
games and talked to each other about the further strengthening and
development of the DPRK-Russia relations that are daily developing on good
terms, deepening the feelings of friendship.

Talks held between DPRK SPA chairman and speaker of Russian State Duma
     Moscow March 19 (KCNA) -- Talks were held in Moscow on March 18 between
Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, and
Gennady Seleznyov, speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. At
the talks both sides exchanged views on a series of issues of mutual concern
including implementation of the agreement reached between the heads of the
two countries, Korea's reunification and exchange between the two
    Present at the talks were the entourage of the chairman of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly, Pak Ui Chun, DPRK ambassador to Russia, Artur
Chilingarov, deputy speaker of the Russian State Duma, and other officials

U.S. nuclear war scenario slammed
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Alexandr Brezhnev, representative of the
Russian Union of Writers, denounced the bush group for trying to stifle the
DPRK by force of arms. The U.S. assertion that if the "plan for nuclear
development" of the DPRK is not checked, the world will face a great
"danger" is, in fact, prompted by its intention to totally disarm the DPRK
and swallow it up, he noted, and went on:
    The United States has developed, produced and deployed many nuclear
weapons. It is keen to attack the DPRK, pulling it up over "nuclear issue"
after making all preparations to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on it.
    The DPRK boasts singlehearted unity which is more powerful than a
nuclear weapon, and has a strong army.
    It is a daydream for Bush to try to destroy Korean socialism even with
nuclear weapons. 

Most dangerous hotbed for U.S. nuclear war
    Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The Korean Peninsula has become the most
dangerous hotbed for a nuclear war at present due to the U.S. policy, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a bylined article. The article goes on:
    The Bush administration is focusing its nuclear strategy on some big
countries and small countries going against the grain of it and disclosing
its intention to take preemptive nuclear attacks on them in the "event of
    What merits attention is that the U.S. designated the DPRK as a main
target of its projected nuclear attack.
    In actuality, the U.S. imperialists attach top priority to the
operations for a nuclear attack on the DPRK.
    The crux of the projected nuclear attack is to pose a nuclear threat to
the DPRK and make a preemptive nuclear attack on it.
    Another reason why the Korean Peninsula is the most dangerous hotbed for
a nuclear war is that nuclear weapons have been deployed in and around South
Korea more massively than any other areas of the world.
    The U.S. arsenal has at least 20,000 nuclear warheads.
    More than 1,000 nuclear weapons are deployed in South Korea alone.
    The DPRK has always been exposed to a permanent threat of the U.S.
strategic nuclear weapons.
    The U.S. nuclear war scenario is designed to spark a nuclear war with
South Korea as a nuclear forward base and a frontline defense theatre and
escalate it into a global thermo-nuclear war.
    The use of nukes on the Korean Peninsula is neither a hypothesis nor
speculation, but an actual problem.
    This is evidenced by a new nuclear attack plan of the bush
    If a nuclear war breaks out on the peninsula, Asia and the rest of the
world will suffer from the nuclear holocaust.
    The peaceloving people all over the world should heighten vigilance
against the reckless nuclear war moves of the war-thirsty bush group and
hold them in check with a revolutionary offensive.


2002-03-21 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Joint military exercises opposed in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The measure committee for the release of
the detainees related to the occupation of the U.S. chamber of commerce and
industry and sit-in strike, the council for national reconciliation and
independent reunification and the solidarity for implementing the
south-north joint declaration reportedly co-sponsored a meeting in Seoul on
march 16 opposing the South Korea-U.S. joint military exercises and
demanding the release of the detainees. The participants said that the joint
military exercises, a combination of "Rsoi" and "Foal Eagle," to be staged
from March 21 will be participated in by more than 500,000 troops.
    They questioned with indignation "how can such war maneuvers led by
those forces keen to ignite a war be of defensive nature."
    They noted: 
    National independence and cooperation are the basic spirit of the June
15 joint declaration. Yet, the authorities defined fellow countrymen as the
"enemy" and are going to stage war exercises in "cooperation" with
    This should not be allowed to happen.
    They referred to the unreasonable act of the authorities who accused the
detainees involved in the righteous struggle of being "terrorists," and
called on them to put an end to the interference in the internal affairs of
South Korea by the U.S. keen to ignite a war for money-making and release
the detainees as early as possible so that they may return to their
    Prior to the meeting, students made information service for citizens.

Reception given by Russian ambassador
    Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei
Karlov gave a reception at the embassy last evening on the occasion of the
53rd anniversary of the signing of the DPRK-Russia agreement on economic and
cultural cooperation. Present on invitation were Kim Yong Sam, minister of
railways, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs, O Kwang Hong,
vice-minister of power and coal industries, Kim Yong Jae, vice-minister of
foreign trade, Jo Chan Gu, vice-minister of culture, JonYyong Jin,
vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries who is chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship Association, and
other officials concerned.
    Staff members of the Russian embassy were present.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

Farce of anti-reunification traitors in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- Some time ago Ri Hoe Chang and his clan of
the "Grand National Party" of South Korea instigated assemblymen of the
"united liberal democrats" to hold a "supporters' evening" on the subject of
the socalled conservatives' start of action, revealing their greed for power
and going so far as to slander the dignified political system of the DPRK.
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article denounces their farce as an open
challenge to the South Korean people aspiring after peace of the country,
security of the nation and independent reunification against the U.S. and a
provocation to the DPRK.
    The news analyst says:
    Ri is a political philistine who has no interest in the destiny of the
country and the nation but greed for a gay life and power.
    The "supporters' evening" farce proved his greed for power.
    Out of their black-hearted desire to curry favor with the U.S. and come
into power they praised as an "apostle of peace" the U.S. ruling quarters
who made dangerous bellicose remarks about the "axis of evil" and "nuclear
attack" in an effort to make the Korean nation a victim of a nuclear war,
defiled the patriotic champions of reunification as "psychiatric patients"
and slung mud at the political system in the north.
    For peace of the country, security of the nation and independent and
peaceful reunification of the country, such trouble-makers as Ri's clan
should be removed at an early date.
    The South Korean people will decisively smash the anti-national,
anti-reunification and bellicose offensive of the pro-U.S. reactionary
conservative forces with a nation-wide struggle against the U.S. and for
independent reunification.

U.S. black-hearted intention to dominate Asia under fire
    Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is egging the Japanese
reactionaries on to come out for overseas expansion as evidenced by request
made by it to the Japanese government to extend the period of the
"nonmilitary operation of the Self-Defence Forces (SDF) in wake of the
recent U.S.-Japan joint military exercises. In this regard Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed commentary says:
    The U.S. seeks to escalate the U.S.-Japan joint military exercises and
get the SDF deeply 


2002-03-18 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


S. Korean authorities urged to respond to dialogue
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade
Unions held a press conference in Seoul on March 14 and demanded the
"government" authorities sincerely respond to the dialogue for a halt to the
suppression including the issue of warrants for arrest of leading officials
of the Trade Union of Power Industry (TUPI) and for the settlement of the
issues related to privatization, Seoul-based MBC reported. The organization
warned that it would launch a general strike unless the authorities reach an
agreement between the trade union of power industry and the management side
until march 23 through a sincere dialogue.
    It also declared its plan to hold a rally of workers under the
affiliated trade unions across South Korea supporting the strike of the

U.S. stand on DPRK assailed
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The State Duma of Russia on March 13
adopted a statement "on threats to global security related to international
anti-terrorism operation" submitted by the deputies group of the
international affairs committee of the State Duma, according to Itar-Tass.
The statement denounced the U.S. stand on the DPRK, Iran and Iraq. The
United States directed the spearhead of the "campaign for combating
terrorism" at those regimes that have long gone against the grain with it,
not at the terrorist organizations, it said, and went on:
    The State Duma admits that the slogan "campaign for combating terrorism"
cannot be used against the DPRK, Iran and Iraq that the U.S. termed part of
the "axis of evil".
    The State Duma bitterly denounces the moves to overthrow the political
systems of the DPRK, Iran and Iraq under a certain pretext, in other words,
under the pretext of the "non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction"
and "combating terrorism" because the moves are an intervention in the
internal affairs of these states and bring about unpredictable consequences.
    It is convinced that continuing cooperation with the DPRK is the most
effective way of ensuing stability on the Korean Peninsula.
    The DPRK is abiding by the 1994 DPRK-U.S. agreed framework on freezing
the nuclear program.

Bush's violation of international law accused
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The jurists Association of the DPRK
issued an indictment on March 16 informing the progressives and
conscientious lawyers of the world against the Bush administration, a group
of criminals disturbing the world peace and security in violation of the
international law. The indictment said:
    Today the United States is resorting to high-handed and arbitrary
practices everywhere in the world in pursuit of hegemony. This is not only
contradictory to the aspiration and desire of humankind to establish an
international order of peace, progress, reconciliation and cooperation but
also a criminal act of wantonly violating the international law.
    The U.S. is gravely breaching the principles of respect for state
sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs, the principles
recognized as the supreme principles governing the international relations.
    From the onset of its coming to power, the Bush administration has
openly interfered in internal affairs of other countries, placing its
partisan and individual interests above the international law under the
pretext of the "top priority to national interests."
    It is listing those countries that go against the grain with it as
members of "axis of evil". This is an expression of the most blatant
violation of the dignity of sovereign states and interference in their
internal affairs in the history of international relations.
    The U.S. issued a "report on human rights situation," "report on
religious issue" and the like every year in a persistent bid to invent
pretexts and secure levers to interfere in internal affairs of other
countries and undermine the systems chosen by the peoples of these
    The U.S. criminal acts of trampling underfoot the sovereignty of other
countries and interfering in their internal affairs find a vivid expression
in the fact that it is applying economic sanctions against other countries
while hurling mud at their policies by invoking its domestic laws as it
    It is wantonly violating the principle of territorial integrity and the
principle of banning threat by force of arms and use of armed forces, the
cornerstone of international peace and stability.
    The reckless war policy of the bush administration reduced Afghanistan
to ashes and left many civilians dead and wounded, bringing dark clouds of
war to Central Asia, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and other
parts of the world.
    After proclaiming thi


2002-03-17 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency Mar 16-17


Projected U.S.-S. Korea joint military maneuvers under fire
    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- The joint military maneuvers the U.S.
imperialists are to begin on March 21 are dangerous war gambles to invade
the northern half of Korea, the largest and the most aggressive of the joint
military maneuvers staged in South Korea in terms of their scale, purpose
and content since the "suspension" of the "Team Spirit" joint military
maneuvers, says Rodong Sinmun today in a by-lined commentary. The news
analyst says: 
    The projected manoeuvres are fraught with even greater danger because
they are to be staged right after U.S. President Bush visited South Korea to
make a final examination of the war scenario against the northern half of
Korea on the spot. He declared this year as a "year of war" on the plea of
"combating terrorism" and is keen to impose a holocaust of nuclear war upon
the Korean Peninsula.
    The manoeuvres involving armed forces and combat equipment quite enough
to carry out a war are a product of a criminal intention of the u.s. to
provoke an actual war when an opportunity presents itself.
    It is a daydream for the U.S. warmongers to try to seize the DPRK by
force of arms. 
    It is the revolutionary spirit of the people's army and people of the
DPRK to react to their hard line with the toughest stand and return fire for
    If the U.S. imperialist warmongers and their followers dare unleash a
war of aggression against the DPRK, they will face only self-destruction.

Bush's plan to exterminate humankind under fire
    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- The U.S. administration recently ordered a
three-year research to develop nuclear weapons capable of destroying the
deep tunnels and cave complexes with powerful shock waves enough to crush
structures deep in the earth. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary says: 
    Gordon, a senior official in charge of U.S. national nuclear security,
in a testimony made at the house of representatives said that the united
states would exert all efforts to improve the nuclear warheads for various
types of missiles in ten years to come.
    Referring to this objective of the U.S. in his interview with the
Washington Post, Bolten, under secretary of state for disarmament and
international security, did not bother to utter that the U.S. might mount a
preemptive nuclear attack even on nonnuclear countries.
    His outbursts fully reflect the Bush administration's policy.
    According to the recently disclosed secret report on the "nuclear
posture" released by the U.S. Department of Defense, the Bush administration
designated at least seven countries including the DPRK, Russia and China as
the targets of its nuclear attacks and decided to develop smaller tactical
nuclear weapons for "limited nuclear attack."
    All these facts go to clearly prove that the U.S. is chiefly to blame
for a nuclear threat and it is the most heinous enemy of humankind who
threatens the world peace and harasses its security.
    The DPRK is fully ready to react to it by any mode. The right of action
impudently asserted by the U.S. is not its monopoly.
    Now that the U.S. openly poses a nuclear threat to the DPRK the latter
is left with no option but to take a substantial countermeasure to cope with
it. It is its well-deserved right to self-defence.
    The U.S. is well advised to stop running amuck. This will do the U.S.


S. Korean organizations slam U.S. nuclear war plan
    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- South Korean organizations reportedly
issued statements condemning the U.S. for its secret report on plan to use
nuclear weapons. The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils
denounced the plan for nuclear attack as an unpardonable criminal act of
warmonger bush as he is keen to bring a nuclear holocaust to the
peace-loving Korean nation and destroy the whole Korean Peninsula.
    It urged Bush to immediately withdraw the plan for nuclear attack on the
Korean Peninsula, which creates nuclear horror worldwide, and honestly
implement the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework.
    The council for national reconciliation and independent reunification
noted that the U.S. nuclear attack strategy is an explicit declaration of a
nuclear war as it is fundamentally different from pentagon's previous
military strategy in its bellicose nature and hegemonism.
    Saying the U.S. nuclear strategy seeking hegemony can never be allowed,
the council branded the U.S., which is posing a threat of nuclear war, as
the arch criminal destroying peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the rest
of the world. 
    The south headquarters of the national alliance of youth and students
for the country's reunification said tha

Libya. The Lockerbie-farce. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-16 Thread sipila


Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Jamahiriya News Agency

English News Bulletin

Saturday 2 Muharram

March 16th, 2002


Professor Robert Black Criticises the Ruling of Scottish Court

London/ al Rabie 16 / Jana

Profesor Robert Black, Professor of Scottish law in the university of
Edinburgh has strongly criticised the ruling of the Scottish court against
Libyan national and hostage, Abdel Bsaset el Megrahi. In a phone interview
with Jana News Agency in London he said : I am very disappointed for the
ruling of the appeal court as the appeal court took a very narrow view of
its function. The appeal court was not prepared to reverse the decision made
the trial court, simply on the basis that there was evidence contradicting
these findings. 

/Jamahiriya News Agency /

19 : 57 


Assistant Secretary General of Arab Laywer /Surprise

Holland/ al Rabie 16/ Jana

The assistant secretary general of the Arab Lawyers Union, Ziad al Hausana,
has announced that the ruling issued in camp Zeist against the  Libyan
national, Abdel Basset el Megrahi, was a surprising shock to everyone,
especially Arab and foreign lawyers who followed the case and  have been
deeply surprised by the ruling. In an interview with MBC he said we were
expecting the opposite result as the basis of justice point to the innocence
of the Libyan national, Abdel Basset el Megrahi.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /

20 : 00 


Great Jamahiriya Law Union General Trustees / Statement

Tripoli / al Rabie 16 / Jana

The law union general trustees in the Great Jamahiriya affirmed that the
Scottish appeal court verdict at camp Zeist in Holland which convicted the
Libyan citizen Abdel Basset al Megrahi is a political verdict and
non-judicial, imposed by foreign parties and again caused a major assault on
the Scottish judicial system. The trustees expressed their deep concern for
this unjust verdict in which it expressed its astonishment and its strong
condemnation, of the verdict which shows the continuation of the unjust
measures against this citizen and again caused a major assault on the
Scottish judicial system by issuing this verdict which highlighted political

The members of the union are calling for the following:

First: The immediate release of the political hostage, Abdul Basset el
Megrahi, the libyan citizen and affirming the unlawful verdict of the
court of appeal against him.

Second: Undermining any demand to handing over or any kind of dealing
with the parts of this case only after establishing a just judicial
committee from the united nations.

Third: The immediate lifting, full and eternal lifting of the unjust
which were imposed against the Great Jamahiriya.

Four: Compensating the Great Jamahiriya for the damages caused by the unjust
measures which were implemented to satisfy those who exert their hegemony
over the un. 

/Jamahiriya News Agency /

20 : 05 


Student Masses / Statement

Tripoli / al Rabie 16 / Jana

The student masses in the Great Jamahiriya strongly condemned the Scottish
court's verdict against Abdul Basset el Megrahi, the Libyan political
hostage and refusing his appeal. The statement said that the world witnessed
and followed up this court which undoubtedly revealed the innocence of Abdul
Basset el Megrahi for what is called the Lockerbie case. It added that all
the honest and peace and justice lovers are condemning this unjust verdict
and the political pressures exerted on the court to issue such a verdict.

The international court is the last wall for the weak peoples to shelter
behind to protect its right to living in dignity. The students of the Great
Jamahiriya will continue their international peoples action to defend El

Megrahi till his innocence is proved and it affirmed the following:

One: The Libyan citizen Abdel Basset el Megrahi is a political hostage who
must be released. 

Two: The court is a political one and has no relations with the law
verdict should not be accepted.

Three: The students of the Great Jamahiriya appealed to Arab, African,
non-aligned and students of the world to support the students of the Great
Jamahiriya to defend the right of the political hostage in a fair court.

Four: This court is a dangerous, unprecedented one which should be exposed.
Its legitimacy should be challenged by all peaceful means.

Five: The masses are appealing to all the lovers of peace and liberty to act
continuously to expose the truth in all international forums.

Six: Appealing to all committees, institutions and associations of human
rights to take measures to liberate El Megrahi to let him return proud to
family and country.

/Jamahiriya News Agency / 20 : 11


Lawyers/ Affirmation

Tunisia/ al Rabie 16 / Jana

El Hafir el Lauz, a Tunisian lawyer, affirmed to the Tunisian court of
appeal that the verdict of the Scottish appeal court against Abdel


2002-03-15 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Silver jubilee of CILRECO marked
     Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Paris on March 9 to
mark the 25th anniversary of the International Liaison Committee for
Reunification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO). Present at the meeting were
honorary chairmen of the committee, personages from all walks of life and
representatives of international organizations.
    Introduced there were congratulatory messages to the committee from
political parties and organizations of different countries including the
Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and international
    Guy Dupre, secretary general of the committee, made a report and the
DPRK chief representative in Paris and delegates from different countries
made congratulatory speeches there.
    The reporter and speakers recalled that the committee has contributed to
the cause of the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea through
such diverse activities as organizing over 20 international action campaigns
and more than 40 international and regional conferences on the Korean issue.
    They were unanimous in stressing that leader Kim Jong Il made a bold
patriotic decision to host the north-south summit and publish the June 15
North-South Joint Declaration, thus opening a bright prospect of Korea's
independent and peaceful reunification.
    Condemning U.S. President Bush for stepping up his hostile policy toward
the DPKK and repeating bellicose remarks against it in a bid to strain the
inter-Korean relations, they vowed to conduct more dynamic solidarity
activities for Korea's independent and peaceful reunification.
    A joint art performance and a reception took place at the end of the

Signature campaign supporting Korea's reunification
     Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- An international signature campaign was
conducted in different countries and by a regional organization in support
of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and in demand of the immediate
withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea. In Ethiopia, the heads of
different units put their signatures to the signature papers on behalf of
over 34,000 Juche idea followers, teachers and students and Taekwon-do fans.
    General secretary Victor Oliva Miguel of the Revolutionary Socialist
Party of Peru signed a paper on behalf of his party, and chairman Ibrahim
Shamieh of the general union of Syrian peasants inked a paper on behalf of
one million members. Chairman Morad Ghaleb and secretary general Nouri Abdel
Razzak Hussein of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization signed a
paper on behalf of the organization and chairman Juha Kieski of the Finnish
National Committee for the study of the Juche idea on behalf of the Juche
idea followers in Finland.

Withdrawal of U.S. nuclear war plan urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly issued a statement on
March 12, censuring the U.S. for its reckless nuclear war plan recently
disclosed. The statement said:
    The confidential report "reexamination of nuclear posture" made by the
U.S. Department of defense early this year confirmed again that the
"reduction of strategic weapons" on its lips was only a camouflage to cover
up its brutal and violent nature.
    The U.S., which does not hesitate to threaten humankind with its nuclear
weapons, is real "axis of evil."
    The Korean nation has never given the U.S. the right to obstruct the
implementation of its task with nuclear weapons and will never remain a
passive onlooker to its aggressive acts, the statement stressed.

Rodong Sinmun calls for maintaining independence
     Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- A country depending on foreign forces can
not have its own view and faith and may dance to the tune of others and,
finally, go to ruin. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed article.
    This is proved by the situation of the East European countries that had
once built socialism, the paper says, and goes on:
    The situation of these countries gives a serious lesson that
independence keeps a country alive and dependence on others brings forth
flunkeyism and makes a mess of the revolution and construction.
    It is more important to get rid of dependence on foreign forces and
maintain independence in connection with the cunning moves of the
    Those countries that undergo socio-economic hardships and disasters of
national disputes should find a solution to them by themselves and should
not repose expectations in the imperialists' "aid" or "prescription".
    The experience of the Korean revolution clearly shows th


2002-03-13 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


U.S. germ and chemical warfare denounced
     Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Round-table talks were held at the
Pyongyang International House of Culture on March 12 to condemn the barbaric
germ and chemical warfare committed by the U.S. imperialists. Attending
there were researchers of the academy of medical science of the DPRK and
members of the group for probing the truth behind GIs' crimes.
    Professor and doctor Kim Song Jung recalled that during the Korean War
the U.S. imperialist aggressors dropped a lot of germ bombs across the
country including South Phyongan and Kangwon provinces, killing many
Koreans, and cited concrete facts to prove the truth about the barbaric germ
warfare committed by the U.S. troops.
    Academician, professor and doctor Kim Rak Je and professor and doctor
Hyon Chang Bu disclosed the fact that the U.S. troops used chemical weapons,
suffocating and poisoning innocent civilians to death, and urged the U.S. to
make an apology and compensation to the Korean people for the crimes
committed in wanton violation of the international law.
    Underscoring the need to roundly expose the monstrous germ and chemical
warfares committed by the U.S. troops in Korea, they expressed hope that
members of the investigation group would let the Americans as well as other
people of the world know about GIs' crimes and bitterly denounce them.
    Brian Willson, head of the group and representative of the "veterans'
organization for peace" of the U.S., said he could not but be stunned at the
barbaric biological and chemical warfares committed by GIs, adding that
these crimes should be known to the world.
    He underlined the need to set up a new international tribunal to try
GIs' crimes and make the testimonies made today be known to the public.

Halt to joint military exercises demanded
     Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- The South Korean organizations denounced
the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean authorities for planning to hold
large-scale joint military exercises from March 21. A spokesman for the
South Korean Federation of University Student Councils in a commentary on
March 9 said that the "reception, staging, onward-movement and integration
exercise", a codename changed from the ill-famed "team spirit" joint
military exercise, has been held since 1994 and it is characterized by the
fact that it is staged under the simulated conditions of the "early stage of
war." He noted that the "foal eagle" exercise, an annual field mobile
exercise, is of offensive nature.
    The commentary said:
    The projected large-scale joint military exercises only reveal the
intention of the U.S. to unleash a war on the Korean Peninsula at any cost.
    The two large-scale maneuvers for an actual war now under preparation on
the Korean Peninsula where the situation has grown tense due to Bush's
remarks about the "axis of evil" totally run counter to the basic spirit of
the DPRK-U.S. agreements and not only mar the spirit of the June 15 joint
declaration but seriously spoil the atmosphere of the reconciliation and
peace on the Korean Peninsula.
    The U.S. should immediately cancel the projected military exercises,
recognize the basic spirit of the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework and the
DPRK-U.S. joint communique and start the DPRK-U.S. dialogue for global
    The North Chungchong Provincial Federation of University Student
Councils in a statement on march 11 held that the two joint military
exercises slated to take place simultaneously suggest a clear revival of the
past "team spirit" joint military exercise which had driven the situation on
the Korean Peninsula to the pitch of tension.

Projected U.S.-S. Korea joint military exercises under fire
     Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- The U.S.-South Korea "combined forces
command" recently announced that it would stage two joint military exercises
called "reception, staging, onward movement and integration exercise" and
"foal eagle" from March 21 to 27. In this regard, papers here today in
signed commentaries observe that the projected joint exercises are, in fact,
operations aimed at a full-scale attack on the DPRK.
    Through various forms of joint military exercises to be staged under the
unified command the domestic and foreign warmongers seek to finally complete
their preparations for a war and get fully ready to go into actions against
the DPRK at any time, says Rodong Sinmun.
    It continues: 
    The announcement of this plan came right after the South Korea visit of
Bush, warmonger who was busy fanning up confrontation with the DPRK, and war
hysteria, clamouring about the "axis of evil". This is an outright challenge
to the DPRK

Libya supports Palestine. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-13 Thread sipila


Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Jamahiryia News Agency

English Daily News 

Wednesday 29 Zul hijja

13 Alrabie 2002 

Libyan Assistance Delivered

Amman/Alrabie 13/Jana

In implementation of the resolution of the General Peoples Committee during
its emergency session held in Sirte on 9 Alrabie (March) during which it was
decided to implement the resolutions of the Basic Peoples Congresses to
establish an air bridge from the Great Jamahiriya to available Palestinian
ports to transport relief assistance from the Libyan people to their
brothers,the Palestinians.

Two Libyan airliners arrived last night in Amman airport carrying aid.

Three Palestinians martyred

Amman/13 al-Rabie/Jana

Palestinian sources reported that three Palestinians fell martyres today
Wednesday by the tank gunfire of terrorist Zionist army in Ramallah West

The sources added that a Palestinian was martyred by Zionist tank gunfire
which hit his car, while the other two were attacked in al-Manara square. A
Palestinian women was also martyred, as she died of her wounds sustained on
the 5 th of March, when Zionist forces shelled Ras alJoura region north of

In an other development Palestinian medical sources reported that an Italian
journalist was killed this morning of his wounds, after terrorist Zionist
army organization opened fire on him near Ramallah in occupied Palestine.

The sources added that the journalist was hit on his chest with six bullets,
fired from a Zionist tank stationed near al-Qadora refugee camp. The sources
said the Zionist gunfire was so intense that ambulance vehicles could not
rescue him. 

Two Libyan Airlines Landed in Amman / Libyan aid to the Palestinian people .

Two Libyan Airlines planes landed in Amman yesterday carrying Libyan aid to
the Palestinian people .

The aid which included medicine , food and medical supplies was decided by
the General Peoples Committee in the extraordinary meeting which it held in
Sirte on the 9th of March .

The planes were received at Amman airport by the secretary of the Libyan
peoples bureau , a representative of the Palestinian embassy in Amman , a
number of the embassy staff as well as a representative of the International
Committee of the Red Cross.

The Palestinian representative Atta Khairi told reporters he highly valued
the the stance of the Leader of the Revolution and the Libyan people towards
the Palestinian people and their cause. The Palestinian people are grateful
to the Leader and the Libyan people for this kind gesture, he said.

The secretary of the Libyan peoples bureau said the aid comes as part of the
decisions of the basic peoples congresses which stress the need to support
the Palestinian people.

The planes are the first in an airlift staged btween Libya and Jordan to
ferry assistance to our Palestinian brothers, he said.

The ministerial committe entrusted with the transformation of the OAU into
the African Union / Meeting

Addis Ababa /13 al Rabie/JANA

The ministerial committe entrusted with the transformation of the OAU into
the African Union wound-up its meeting in Addis Ababa today .The meeting was
attended by the secretary of the General Peoples Committee for African Unity
along with 15 African foreign ministers members of the committee as well as
the secreatary of the OAU.

The committee has endorsed the measures for the union's conference which
includes heads of state and governments ,the executive council which
includes foreign ministers , their representatives or any other ministers
endorsed by the member governments , the permanent representatives committee
which includes the representatives accredited to the union ,and other envoys
officially accredited to the union as well as the running committee to be
made-up of the president ,vice president and a number of envoys.

The committee underscored the need for speeding-up the establishment of
these structures so as to transform the OAU to the African union.

The committee recommendations will be submitted to the forthcoming African
summit due to be held in in Nasser (July ) in South Africa.

/Jamahiriya News Agency 22 : 24

Libyan Red Crescent Society/ Statement

Tripoli/13 al-Rabie/Jana

The Libyan Red Crescent Society released a statement condemning the
repressive measures carried out by the terrorist Zionist army organization
against the Palestinian people.

The statement particularly referred to Zionist attacks on medical staff and
ambulance vehicles of the Palestinian Red Crescent and International Red
Cross, which are obstructed from carrying out their jobs.

The statement said; " We followed the press release of the International Red
Cross on the killing of dr. Khalil Suliman while performing his duties who
carries the emblem of the Red Crescent, we also watched reports broadcast by
the media of savage direct attacks on ambulance vehicles which were
prevented from reac


2002-03-12 Thread sipila


Korean Cental News Agency


Bush's remarks on "axis of evil" denounced worldwide
     Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Bush is under fire by the world public
for listing the DPRK, Iran and Iraq as the "axis of evil." The Cuban
government in a statement on February 15 said that the world public can not
tolerate the U.S. government's groundless accusations against the DPRK, Iraq
and Iran, adding that it is the method employed by the present U.S.
administration to pose a military threat to other countries and this threat
would spark a serious clash.
    Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov in an interview with the French
newspaper Figaro on Feb. 15 described the listing of the DPRK, Iran and Iraq
as the "axis of evil" as a "label used during the Cold War."
    Spanish prime minister Aznar in a press interview expressed his position
to keep aloof from Bush's conception that the DPRK, Iran and Iraq are the
"axis of evil." 
    The German foreign minister claimed that "an ally is not a satellite
country" while the French foreign minister held that an international
alliance against terrorism can never be a basis for taking any action
against other countries.
    On Feb. 17 the Finnish and Turkish foreign ministers opposed the U.S.
doctrine about the "axis of evil" and its plan to strike Iraq.
    The February 9 issue of the British newspaper financial times urged the
U.S. to lend an ear to its friends' criticism of Bush's remarks singling out
the DPRK,.Iran and Iraq as the "axis of evil."
    The March 1 issue of the Cambodian newspaper Ryasmay Cambodia in a
report on Bush's remarks about the "axis of evil" commented that they were
aimed to implement the strategy of the U.S. to get out of its impasse.
    The Voice of Russia said that the world does not agree with the U.S.
President's remarks about "the axis of evil".

DPRK-U.S. peace agreement urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The reunification solidarity for
implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and peace on the
Korean Peninsula reportedly called for conclusion of a DPRK-U.S. peace
agreement and implementation of the June 15 joint declaration. The
organization in a commentary on March 7 said that the U.S. is planning to
stage joint military exercises akin to an actual war under the pretext of
strengthening "cooperation" between South Korea and the U.S., while reducing
the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework signed in 1994 to a mere scrap of paper and
dubbing the north a member of the "axis of evil".
    If the U.S. has real will for peace on the Korean Peninsula, it should
give up its policy of escalating tensions in the peninsula and conclude a
peace agreement with the north, said the organization.
    Pointing out that peace on the Korean Peninsula and national
reconciliation and reunification are a task, it demanded that the north and
the U.S. sign a peace agreement and the south and the north implement the
June 15 joint declaration.

U.S. dubbed "empire of evil"
     Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Hangyore
dubbed the U.S. an "empire of evil." In an article titled "an empire of
evil" the paper said that the use of the terms "imperialism" and "U.S.
imperialism" has so far been banned in South Korea, but it is time to
properly dub the U.S. the U.S. is an "empire of evil" as it listed the
sovereign states as members of the "axis of evil" and is seeking a new war,
the article added. 
    Recalling that president Ri Hoe Chang of the "Grand National Party" and
Chosun Ilbo openly committed pro-U.S. sycophancy, at a time when the nation
is required to check Bush's play with fire, the paper branded those
conservative forces who seek only their interests, utterly indifferent to
the country and the nation, as a group of traitors to the nation.

S. Korean unionists' unabated actions
    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- At least 5,000 unionists under the South
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting of solidarity with the
struggle against the sale of power stations in Seoul on March 10, according
to Seoul-based radio reports at the meeting, they contended that the sale of
power stations to the U.S. or big businesses is fraught with the great
danger of creating confusion in electricity supply, demanding an "immediate
withdrawal of the plan to sell power stations which failed to get the
people's approval." They threatened to call the second general strike of
solidarity with the unionists of the power industry on strike.
    Meanwhile, at least 3,000 unionists of the power industry staged
meetings against the privatization in four areas including Seoul and Inchon.
The unionists who have been on strike in different parts of


2002-03-11 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Students in Pyongyang volunteer to join KPA
     Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Students of the graduation course at
senior middle schools in Pyongyang gathered at Kim Il Sung Square yesterday
to earnestly volunteer to join the Korean People's Army. Jang Yong Chol,
first secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist
Youth League, in his speech called on the students of the graduation course
to become devoted fighters in defending the headquarters of the revolution
at the risk of their lives, saying that there is no more honorable thing to
them than to stand guard over the country.
    Students in their speeches said that though various sectors wait for
them, it is their hope and aspiration to stand in the forefront of defending
the country as soldiers of general Kim Jong Il in their youthful days.
    A parent, a discharged soldier student of a university and a war veteran
in their speeches warmly congratulated the students on volunteering to join
the KPA and asked all of them to be heroes in devotedly defending the
general and the country with arms.
    After the meeting, the participants marched through the streets of the
capital, singing wartime song "song of defending the motherland" and other
militant and revolutionary songs.
    Present at the meeting were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the central
committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, KPA vice marshal Ri Jong San,
officials concerned and war veterans.

Removal of obstacle to reunification called for
     Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- For the independent national
reunification it is necessary to remove a source of a threat to the peace of
the country and an obstacle to the reunification. Rodong Sinmun today
stresses this in a bylined article.
    The U.S. forces in South Korea are a dangerous force of aggression and a
main obstacle to the peace and reunification of the country, the article
says, and goes on: 
    They are the root cause of the arms race and danger of war on the Korean
Peninsula as they are aimed to invade the northern half of Korea. The U.S.
strategic purpose is to turn the peninsula into a springboard from which to
dominate the Asia-Pacific region. The "threat from the north" advertised by
the U.S. bellicose elements to justify the U.S. military presence in South
Korea is a sheer lie and fabrication. It is designed to describe the U.S.
imperialist aggression forces as the "war deterrent force" and a "guardian
of peace" in a bid to perpetuate their permanent military presence in South
Korea and, furthermore, dominate the whole of Korea and northeast Asia.
    The South Korean anti-reunification elements label the people in the
northern half of Korea as the "principal enemy" and make desperate efforts
to unleash a war against the north, calling for "cooperation" with outsiders
on the plea of what they call "security." It is a tragedy and a disgrace to
the Korean people to allow them to remain as part of the nation.
    Fratricidal showdown and war lead to self-destruction because they only
give a chance to outsiders to fish in troubled waters.
    The Korean people who call for the independent reunification of the
country should not allow this land, their cradle, to be turned into shambles
of a fratricidal war.
    The existence of the "security law" is very anachronistic as it is a
chief obstacle to national concord and reunification at present.
    The Korean people will work hard to foil any attempt to hamstring the
reunification movement and remain true to the idea "by the united efforts of
the Korean people".

Release of those involved in anti-U.S. action called for
     Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- The Chungchong provincial travelers
federation under the "national federation of student travelers" in South
Korea reportedly demanded the release of those who occupied the U.S. chamber
of commerce and industry and staged a sit-in. The organization issued a
statement on March 7 in which it declared that the occupation of the U.S.
chamber and the sit-in strike staged by fellow student Pak Jun Ma of
Kyongwon College and other students of the South Korean Federation of
University Student Councils were an expression of the unanimous will of all
the people opposed to bush's visit. It held that the above-said students
should be set free as early as possible because they have always fought as
the vanguard in the student actions.
    The federation declared that it would struggle against the authorities
who commit treacherous acts after branding the student action as "terrorism"
and that it would carry on its actions until Pak Jun Ma and other members of
the death-defying corps are released and the U.S. imperialists quit South

S. Korea-U.S. joint military drills under fire
     Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- The solidarity for implementing the
south-north joint declaration reportedly released a 


2002-03-11 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency Mar 10


U.S. escalated moves to throttle DPRK assailed
     pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- The United States is becoming all the
more pronounced in its moves to stifle the DPRK under the pretext of the
non-existent "military threat" from it. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today
says in a signed article:
    the u.s. policy-makers are going ahead with the plan to establish the
Missile Defense System (MD) under the pretext of a "military threat" from
the DPRK. 
    The MD is, in essence, designed to reinforce offensive weapons to put
the world under the u.s. control and part of its moves to militarize the
    The U.S. is keen to use the "military threat" from the DPRK as a pretext
to realize its strategy for world domination. This is prompted by its
calculation that it can convince the world by citing the DPRK increased
self-defensive capability to cope with the U.S. policy to stifle the DPRK as
a "threat" to someone and that this will help push ahead with its policy of
aggression as it pleases.
    The U.S. bellicose forces threatened to continue demonstrating their
strength in the "anti-terrorist war," absurdly asserting that the DPRK's
"development of weapons of mass destruction" poses a "substantial threat" to
the U. S. 
    The situation on the Korean Peninsula is reminiscent of that on the eve
of a war owing to the U.S. moves. The outcome of a new Korean war will be
quite different from that of the wars fought by the U.S. in recent years.
    The DPRK is fully ready to respond to any form of war on its own

Bush's remarks under fire abroad
     Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) Personages of different countries assailed
U.S. President Bush for his provocative remarks against the DPRK. Chairman
Thomas Ronstrom and vice-chairman Christer Lundgren of the Sweden-Korea
Friendship Association, in a joint statement said that Bush's argument about
"threat" of the DPRK's weapons of mass-destruction to the U.S. and other
countries is little short of an open declaration of war against a
peace-loving sovereign and independent state.
    Referring to the fact that the Bush administration scuppered the
agreement reached between the Clinton administration and the DPRK and has
systematically pursued a hostile policy towards it, the statement said:
    The prevailing situation calls on the world people to condemn the U.S.
war policy in order to prevent another war on the Korean Peninsula and fully
support the Korean people's efforts for the independent and peaceful
reunification of the country.
    Emile Tompapa, chairman of the National Information Committee of Guinea,
Ibrahima Soridien, editor-in-chief of the Guinean Newspaper Horoya, and
Labiatou Serra Diallo, secretary general of the National Confederation of
Guinean Workers, in their statements said Bush's argument about the "axis of
evil" clearly proved that he is a political half-wit.
    A spokesman for the political bureau of the Palestinian popular struggle
front in a statement denounced Bush's anti-DPRK remarks made during his
junket to South Korea as a threat to the peace and stability of Asia and the
rest of the world and as part of the U.S. moves to foil the Korean people's
efforts for national reunification.

U.S. anti-DPRK policy under worldwide criticism
     Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) Personages of different countries, who
attended the joint Pyongyang meeting of organizations for friendship and
solidarity with the Korean people and international democratic organizations
last February, assailed the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK. Marisol
Luis, delegate of the Venezuela-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Association,
said that the U.S. President's description of the DPRK as a "member of the
axis of evil" is little short of the declaration of a war against it and an
expression of the U.S. continued threat to the Korean people. The U.S. can
never bring the DPRK to its knees by the policy of strength.
    Athanasios Pafilis, executive secretary of the world peace council,
urged the U.S. to abandon its wild design to stifle the DPRK, a dignified
socialist country, ascribing all the incidents that took place in the U.S.
recently to its wrong policy.
    Om Prakash Mantri, secretary general of the Asian Regional Committee to
Support Korea's Reunification who is also secretary general of the All India
Indo-Korean Friendship Association, said: Since the publication of the June
15 North-South Joint Declaration, the U.S. has deliberately strained the
situation on the Korean Peninsula. This evidently proves that the U.S. is a
disturber of Korea's reunification.

Bush's anti-DPRK war policy protested
     Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- The 

Korean News Jan 28 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-28 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency

GIs accused of Rogun-ri massacre
     Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- The Committee for Probing the Truth
about the Rogun-ri Massacre in South Korea made public a paper "Rogun-ri
incident: lesson for GIs" on January 23, according to the newspaper Hangyore
dated Jan. 24. The paper was presented by major Ryu Mu Bong, an instructor
at the military staff college of South Korea, in may last year when he was
studying at the U.S. military staff college.
    Ryu in his paper contended that the GIs were responsible for the
incident that took place in Rogun-ri, Yongdong county, North Chungchong
Province, in 1950 when the Korean War was under way. The U.S. command should
have taken those commanding officers concerned to task under the law, the
paper said. 
    Describing this paper as "very noteworthy", a spokesman for the
committee said: its assertion that the U.S. army officers should have been
brought to task is very just and objective.
    Reporting about the facts, the newspaper said the paper is expected to
cause a great sensation though it was made public belatedly as it has
totally refuted the conclusion made by the South-Korea-U.S. joint
fact-finding group in January last year that "Rogun-ri incident was

Rodong Sinmun on north-south joint declaration
     Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- The June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration is a declaration of independence, peaceful reunification and
great national unity based on the three principles of national
reunification, a landmark of national reunification and a reunification
program common to the nation, said Rodong Sinmun yesterday in a signed
article entitled "declaration of independent national reunification
embodying the three principles of national reunification." It went on:
    Independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity are the
three principles of national reunification advanced by President Kim Il Sung
in May Juche 61 (1972).
    The historic north-south joint declaration solemnly says that the Korean
nation will solve the issue of national reunification independently by its
concerted efforts on the principle of independence, one of the three
    No foreign forces have a mandate to interfere in the issue of national
reunification but the Korean people are entitled to solve the issue with
their national will and efforts.
    The joint declaration indicates a clear way of achieving peaceful
reunification, one of the three principles.
    The joint declaration decided to promote reunification on the basis of
the commonness of the north side's proposal for lower-stage federal formula
and the south side's proposal for confederation. It clarifies the way of
reunification by federal formula on the basis of recognizing and tolerating
different ideologies and systems in the north and south and on the principle
of co-existence, co-prosperity and common interest, thus providing a solid
cornerstone for the north and south to advance toward reunification with
confidence with a common design for national reunification. The joint
declaration also reflects the principle of great national unity, one of the
three principles. When the whole nation unites to form one driving force, it
means reunification.


Unity of whole nation called for
     Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- Sung Sang Sop, chairman of the c.c.,
the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea, released a statement on Sunday
hailing the proposal of the recent joint meeting of the DPRK government,
political parties and organizations, which calls for making this year "a
year of promoting the unity and reunification by the concerted efforts of
our nation". This proposal is a reasonable and realistic initiative that
makes it possible to pool will and efforts of all the Koreans under the
banner of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and glorify this year as
a year of a new surge in achieving the cause of national reunification, the
statement said, and went on:
    All the fellow countrymen should make this year of weighty significance
in the implementation of the joint declaration a year of promoting the unity
and reunification of the nation without fail.
    The farmers in the north and the south should further develop the
nationwide solidarity this year, too, drawing on the precious experience
gained through the farmers' meeting for reunification, the 2001 grand
festival for national reunification and other joint struggle conducted to
support and implement the joint declaration last year.
    The UAWK will work to strengthen the concerted action with farmers'
organizations in the south in putting into practice the three appeals and
three proposals made at the joint meeting and thus contribute to glorifying
this year as a "year of promoting t

Libya. Jamahiriya News Agency Jan 26. Lockerbie. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-27 Thread sipila


Jamahiriya News Agency

Foreign Minister ofTanzania /Arrival

Libya. Jamahiriya News Agency Jan 26

Jurists / Lockerbie confirmation

London/ Ay Annar 26 / Jana

The head of the Defence team of the Libyan National and Political hostage,
Abdel Basset Al Megrahi has confirmed that his team has satisfied all the
requirements of the case and revealed that the appeal against the past
verdict will expose several legal aspects that would release the Libyan
National Political hostage.

The head of the Defense Team made statements to the Press published in
London indicating that the appeal will focus on the lack of a sound judicial
basis in various aspects of the verdict and that the Defense Team has more
fresh evidence that would release the Libyan national Political Hostage
Abdel basset Al Mergrahi.

In a further development Professor Black from the University of Edinburgh
confirmed that the testimony of the Maltese Witness on which the verdict was
based is totally contradictory and indicated that his descriptions do not
match the Libyan National and his testimony is generally vague and unsound.

/Jamahiriya News Agency / 13 : 46

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The Chinese People´s Daily: Eight PakSoldiers Killed in I

2002-01-26 Thread sipila


People´s Daily Jan 26

Eight Pak Soldiers Killed in Indian Strike.
Eight Pakistani soldiers were killed and 10 of their bunkers smashed in
"retaliatory strikes" by Indian troops in Noushera sector of Jammu and
Kashmir, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

Eight Pakistani soldiers were killed and 10 of their bunkers smashed in
"retaliatory strikes" by Indian troops in Noushera sector of Jammu and
Kashmir, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

Pakistani soldiers shelled Indian positions in Noushera sector of Rajouri
district, forcing Indian troops to reply effectively, the PTI quoted a local
defense spokesman as saying.

Eight Pakistani soldiers were killed and their 10 bunkers blown up in the
Indian action, the spokesman said, adding that there were no casualties on
the Indian side. 

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Korea - Japan -USA. KCNA Jan 24 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-25 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency Jan 24

KCNA on Japan's military expansion policy
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Japan reportedly worked out a basic
policy as regards an "emergency legislation" on January 21. The basic policy
was worked out under the pretext that it is the responsibility and duty of
the state to adjust the system of coping with an armed attack in peace time
under the constitution. It is a war document designed to legalise Japan's
policy of military overseas expansion. It is as clear as noonday that the
document has a very baneful impact on regional peace and stability.
    Japan's clamour about the non-existent "armed attack from other country"
is a pretext to justify the "emergency legislation."
    Japan has finished the working out of the basic policy as regards the
"law on emergency" the shaping of which has long been stepped up despite the
opposition of the people at home and abroad. This means that Japan has
seized the opportunity to pursue the policy of military overseas expansion
in real earnest. 
    In the wake of the "September 11 incident" Japan's "self-defence forces"
have intensified overseas military actions.
    Japan has military muscle strong enough to realise the aggressive
ambition of the Japanese militarists and ultra-nationalist forces to recover
from their past defeat.
    What remains to be done by Japan is to perfect a legal and institutional
mechanism so as to emerge a military power and carry out overseas
    Japan tries to act as the leader of the Asia-Pacific region, not bound
by any law. 
    Japan, oblivious of the lesson from the defeat, tries to take the road
of reconquest in a bid to realise its wild ambition for the "Greater East
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" in reliance upon its military and economic
potentials. This will only precipitate Japan's self-destruction.
    The international community should be vigilant against Japan's efforts
to become a military power and moves to turn its society into a right-wing
conservative one. 

Bush's projected trip of S. Korea protested
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly released a statement on
January 16 protesting Bush's projected trip of South Korea. This planned
trip hints that the Korean nation will fall victim to unilateral hegemonism
of the U.S., the statement said.
    Stressing that the inter-Korean relations of cooperation and unity based
on the June 15 joint declaration is incompatible with the U.S. hard line
toward the DPRK, it said:
    Designating the DPRK as a target of its war operation, the United States
is now forcing upon it the inspection of mass destruction weapons such as
nuke, missile, conventional arms and biological and chemical weapons while
rendering the bilateral relations extremely strained. In another
development, it announced a plan for establishing a missile defense system
and is drawing the South Korean authorities to its implementation.
    The U.S. should immediately stop such political intervention and take a
sincere approach to the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations on the basis
of the agreement reached between them before, squarely seeing the will of
the Korean nation for reconciliation and reunification.

South Korea-U.S. cooperation in war moves under fire
     Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea issued a statement as regards the grave
situation prevailing on the Korean peninsula. Chief Pak Kwang Gi of the
NDFSK Pyongyang mission at a press conference held here today with Korean
and foreign reporters attending made public the statement denouncing the
U.S. and the South Korean bellicose elements for their undisguised
cooperation in war moves.
    The statement says:
    Bellicose mandarins of the Bush administration fly into South Korea one
after another after it proclaimed this year as a "year of war."
    On January 3 three congressmen, advocates of the missile defense system,
flew into Seoul and on January 17 a group of republicans led by the speaker
of the U.S. house of representatives, ill-famed "advocates of arch enemy
    U.S. defense secretary Rumsfeld and the chairman of the U.S. joint
chiefs of staff are expected to visit Seoul.
    In mid-February Bush-led warmongers are expected to visit Seoul.
    Owing to the war preparations of the Bush administration to invade the
DPRK dark clouds of war are gathering over the Korean peninsula where the
process of reconciliation, cooperation, peace and reunification has been
underway since the publication of the June 15 joint declaration. Bush-led
warmongers' tour of Seoul is a war junket designed to block the improvement
of inter-Korean re

Lockerbie Appeal. Jamahiriya News Agency Jan 23 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-23 Thread sipila


Lockerbie Appeal

Camp Zeist/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The appeal proceedings raised by the Libyan Political Hostage,Abd Albasset
al Maghrahi today began at the Camp Zeist in the Netherlands.

The appeal request was raised by the defence team dated February,7 and has
been accepted by the court.

Moreover,a number of legal experts and international as well as regional
organizations earlier have comnfirmed that the verdict issued was an illegal
one considering it as a political verdict and all evidences affirm the
innocence of this citizen regarding this case.

Following the opening of the session, the chief of the defense team of the
Libyan started to defend indicating all the evidences and facts which made
it clear that the verdict issued was out of any legal justifications.

The defense team pointed out that the verdict was unfair and facts
accompanied by evidences are to be presented and then the innocence of the
Libyan citizen the political hostage Abd Albasset al Maghrahi would be
acquitted in this case.

/Jamahiriya News Agency//
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National Democratic Front of South Korea, Jan 22 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-21 Thread sipila


From: ndfsk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Central Committee, National Democratic Front of South Korea Seoul,
January 22, 2002 

Our Web site URL is

Blessing of humankind and pride of the nation
   Greeting the New Year 2002, the world progressives' desire gets stronger
to commemorate the Day of the Sun and
February 16, birthdays of great President Kim Il Sung and the great leader
Kim Jong Il, as international holidays common to
   In the world there are a lot of international and national holidays.
   However, there are not such holidays of reverence for great men and
worship for the sun as the birthdays of great
President Kim Il Sung and Marshal Kim Jong Il, which the entire humankind
significantly commemorates as international
holidays century after century, disregarding the differences in nationality,
social system and custom.
   To commemorate the Day of the Sun and February 16 as grand international
political festivities is an earnest desire of all
the progressives of the world.
   Reflecting the unanimous desire of the world progressives, the
preparation to commemorate the Day of the Sun and
celebrate February 16 in 2002 has been steadily promoted throughout the
world since last year, the first year of the new
   On January 5 last year a meeting was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to
celebrate February 16, in which an appeal to
commemorate the birthdays of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as grand
international political festivities was adopted amid
warm applause of the participants.
   In February a seminar on the Juche idea for the independent development
of Africa in the 21st century held in Uganda
and an extraordinary meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional
Committee for Supporting the Reunification of
Korea held in Colombia adopted appeals respectively.
   Calling for greeting the Day of the Sun and February 16 in 2002 most
auspiciously, the appeals proposed to convene a
world conference of Juche idea study groups and believers across the world
and hold a grand gathering to celebrate the
sun of the 21st century on the occasion of the holidays.
   Responding to the proposal, the participants in the first Latin American
conference on the Juche idea in the 21st century
held in March appealed to all the Juche idea study groups and believers to
attend the world conference with tangible and
proud successes in their work and commemorate the 90th birthday of President
Kim Il Sung most significantly.
   In April last year the 8th meeting of the executive council of the board
of directors of the International Institute of the
Juche Idea discussed the agenda on commemorating the Day of the Sun and
celebrating the February holiday most
   It adopted a special resolution, calling on the Juche idea study
organizations of different countries to make tangible
contributions to the grand festivities and organize the visit to the supreme
temple of Juche and convene a world
conference on the Juche idea.
   The special resolution enjoyed absolute support and approval from the
Juche idea study organizations in different
   In support of the resolution meetings were held and declarations,
resolutions and programs were adopted by Juche idea
study groups in different countries including Bulgaria, Madagascar and Peru.
   Juche idea study groups, friendship organizations and prominent figures
of many countries including Russia, Uganda,
Switzerland, Portugal and Guyana issued statements, letters and press
releases to support the special resolution.
   In human history there was not such a precedent that the birthday of a
state leader was celebrated as a grand
international holiday throughout the world.
   In case of the birthdays of great persons who made contributions to human
history, state leaders of other countries
sent congratulatory messages, and small-scale commemorative meetings were
   The birthdays of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, however, are commemorated
every year as international holidays common
to humankind. 
   In particular, preparations are promoted throughout the world to
commemorate the Day of the Sun and February 16 this
year most significantly.
   The Asian regional preparatory committee for commemorating the Day of the
Sun in 2002 and greeting the sun of the
21st century was inaugurated in Katmandu, Nepal.
   A special resolution adopted at the inaugural ceremony stressed that the
birthdays of great President Kim Il Sung and
respected Marshal Kim Jong Il are not only the greatest national holidays of
the Korean people but also great auspicious
days for the world progressives who love independence, peace and justice.
   Noting that the friendship and solidarity organizations in different
countries of Asia would form preparatory committees,
the resolution set the period between June 30 last year and April 15 this
year as a period for commemorating the

Vietnam-US Society calls Washington Times' article a shamelessfabrication [WWW

2002-01-21 Thread sipila


Vietnam News Jan 21

Vietnam-US Society calls Washington Times' article a shameless fabrication

The Vietnam-US Society described a recent article entitled 'Terrifying
Abuses in Vietnam,' carried by the Washington Times on January 13, as a
shameless fabrication.

In a letter dated January 19 to the Washington Times' editorial board, the
Vietnam-US Society pointed out that the paper's January 13 article written
by Michael Benge, a senior adviser to the Montagnard Human Rights
Organisation, distorted the situation in the Central Highland region of Tay
Nguyen, and slandered Vietnam's policies toward ethnic minority people.

The letter read: "The US war in Vietnam killed more than three million
people and left behind it extremely severe consequences. For nearly 30 years
now, the Vietnamese people have been living in peace, exercising their
policy of national unity, giving mutual assistance to one another, including
help to the Tay Nguyen people to build a better life".

"We have learnt that the article's author - Michael Benge - has been serving
as a senior adviser to Human Rights Watch. He had directly engaged in the US
war in Vietnam for many years. Since then he has kept carrying out sabotage
acts against Vietnam, helping hostile forces to hinder the normalisation of
Vietnam-US relations. He plotted to use human rights, religion and ethnic
issues to cause instability in and act against Vietnam. The Vietnamese
people and people with conscience and goodwill in the US strongly condemn
the slanderous allegations against Vietnam, considering it an act running
counter to the progress of the normalisation process of Vietnam-US ties."

"The Vietnamese people have put aside the past and are looking toward the
future. We call on the US Congress and people not to be deceived by people
like Michael Benge, as well as not to allow them to undermine the existing
relations between the two countries," the letter said.

The Vietnam-US Society is a mass organisation whose aim is to boost mutual
understanding, friendship and co-operation between the peoples of Vietnam
and the US. (VNA) 

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Korean Central News Agency Jan 19-20 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-20 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency Jan 19-20


Implementation of joint declaration called for in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- The third rally for "day of all-people
action for the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration" was
reportedly held in Seoul on Tuesday under the sponsorship of the
reunification solidarity for the implementation of the June 15 South-North
Joint Declaration and peace in the Korean peninsula. Addressing the rally,
the permanent representative of the solidarity called upon the citizens of
different circles to come out in the solidarity action, recalling that the
united states is now pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to a
grave phase after declaring this year as a "year of war".
    A resolution was read out at the rally.
    The resolution noted that 2001 was a fruitful year in which the south
and the north gained more shining results in achieving the great unity of
the nation than ever before.
    The joint declaration provided the nation with a key and guideline for
reunification, it said, adding:
    We will make 2002 an important year for the implementation of the June
15 joint declaration, a year of epochal significance in achieving national
reunification by pooling the wisdom and efforts of the 70 million fellow
countrymen to shatter the U.S. and the separatist forces' persistent policy
of division. 

Anti-U.S. solidarity rally held in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- The 28th anti-U.S. solidarity rally was
held in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul on Tuesday, according to South
Korea's Thongil News. Attending the rally were members of citizens
organizations, including the people's action for the revision of the South
Korea-U.S. "status of forces agreement", the preparatory committee for the
headquarters of the movement for the return of the U.S. military base in
Ryongsan, the joint measure committee for retaking our land, U.S. military
bases, and the all-people measure committee for the closure of the U.S.
bombing ground in Maehyang-ri, and workers affiliated to the Daewoo Motor
trade union. 
    At the rally speakers angrily stated that it is shameful that foreign
troops are present in South Korea, vowing to fight on until the U.S. forces
have been withdrawn from south korea.
    The ralliers also heard a report from the joint measure committee for
probe into the case of Jon Tong Rok, a victim of the U.S. military
high-tension line accident, and speeches denouncing the U.S. construction of
apartment houses in Ryongsan military base and war moves.
    When policemen tried to block the rally, the ralliers clashed with them,
strongly demanding the right to a peaceful rally.

U.S. urged to apologize for Rogun-ri massacre
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- A former GI testified to the fact that
the mass killings of inhabitants during the Korean War were committed by a
U.S. military order to fire machine-guns, according to news reports from
Seoul. This soldier was involved in the killing of civilians in Rogun-ri,
Yongdong county, North Chungchong Province of South Korea in July 1950.
    The headquarters of the people's movement for the withdrawal of U.S.
forces from South Korea, in a commentary dated Jan. 14, urged the United
States not to make a mockery of the Korean nation but to admit the massacres
in Rogun-ri and all other areas and make a thousand-fold apology and
compensation for them.
    The Taegu and North Kyongsang Provincial Federation of University
Student Councils released a statement on Jan. 16 demanding that the U.S.
make a thousand-fold apology and compensation to the Korean people at once.
The U.S. forces should immediately get out of South Korea, the statement

Removal of danger of war from Korean peninsula called for
     Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- It is necessary to foil the moves for
aggression and war and remove the danger of war from the Korean peninsula if
peace and the independent reunification of the nation are to be achieved,
says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The danger of war is increasing on the Korean peninsula due to the U.S.
hardline policy to stifle the DPRK by force of arms.
    This danger of war will mount unless a struggle is waged against the
    The U.S. troops in South Korea are a main factor of harassing peace and
stability on the Korean peninsula.
    They are playing a major role in carrying out the U.S. anti-DPRK
hardline policy by force of arms.
    The U.S. claim that its forces in South Korea are a "war deterrent
force" is nothing but sophism intended to justify its military presence in
South Korea and its moves to ignite another Korean war.
    They have no 

Korea. U.S. hegemony opposed. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-19 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency

U.S. hegemony opposed
     Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Rolf Hagel, chairman of the Communist
Party of Sweden, said, when meeting with DPRK ambassador to his country Son
Mu Sin on Jan. 11, that the U.S., displeased with the independent policy of
the Workers' Party of Korea, is increasing the danger of war on the Korean
peninsula. The Communist Party of Sweden is opposed to the U.S. hegemony and
always extends solidarity to the WPK and the Korean people in their
struggle, he noted.

fect in artistic refinement.
    "Arirang" is often sung by the people at home and abroad, demonstrating
its great artistic vitality.
    A mass gymnastic and artistic performance on the theme of "Arirang" is
being created in the DPRK as a masterpiece.
    The mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" will open in

KCNA on U.S. argument about possible "crisis" in Korea
     Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The director of the Institute for Asian
Studies of the U.S. Heritage Foundation pulled up the DPRK, asserting that
there may be a "crisis" on the Korean peninsula anytime. The foundation is a
"think-tank" exercising an influence on the policy-making of the u.s.
republican party. So, it is by no means fortuitous that the director
negatively predicted any development of the DPRK-U.S. relations for this
year and even caviled at the humanitarian assistance of the world community
to pyongyang. 
    This evidently betrays the U.S. insidious intention to isolate the DPRK
from the international community and stifle it and fully reveals its design
to sacrifice anybody for meeting its own interests.
    As already known, any "crisis" on the Korean peninsula was entirely due
to the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK.
    By peddling the story about the possible "crisis" on the Korean
peninsula the U.S. seeks to invent a pretext for the implementation of its
new world strategy based on "priority to Asia" and establish its
unchallenged domination over the A1ia-Pacific region.
    The Korean peninsula is the main target of the Bush administration's new
military strategy in the new century.
    The tense situation is prevailing on the Korean peninsula, a strategic
stronghold in the Asia-Pacific region, owing to the U.S. interest in world
    The U.S. is now escalating its hardline policy to stifle the DPRK,
shifting the blame for the worsened DPRK-U.S. ties and inter-Korean
relations on to the DPRK and frequently clamouring about transparence and
    It is foolish enough of the U.S. to dream up the fiction of the "crisis"
on the Korean peninsula as part of its campaign to isolate the DPRK from the
world community. 
    If those experts of the heritage foundation are far-sighted, they should
know better who is their opponent, away from their wicked intention to build
up a public opinion about the possible crisis on the Korean peninsula.

S. Korean military's planned purchase of missiles assailed
     Pyongyang, January 18 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea released a statement on Jan. 14 denouncing
the South Korean military authorities for making desperate preparations for
a war against the north, announcing their plan to introduce missiles of new
type under the U.S. manipulation, Seoul-based radio Voice of National
Salvation reported. The South Korean military authorities announced that
they would purchase 111 ground-to-ground multiple launch tactical missiles
with a range of 300 kms from the United States by 2004.
    This new type of lethal weapon has not yet been introduced into any
other country except the U.S., the statement pointed out, and said:
    The projected purchase of missiles is a never-to-be-condoned heinous
crime to stifle the fellow countrymen, playing on the U.S. strategy for a
war of aggression on the DPRK.
    It is also a deliberate provocation designed to worsen the south-north
relations and wreck peace and stability in the Korean peninsula.
    The South Korean military authorities should stop such treacherous deed
as bringing dark clouds to the nation advancing toward the implementation of
the June 15 joint declaration.
    The statement called upon all the people to unite as one under the
banner of the joint declaration and vigorously turn out in the anti-war,
anti-U.S. struggle to decisively smash the anti-DPRK war moves of the U.S.
and the South Korean bellicose forces in league with it and defend peace and
security of the nation.

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General class struggle news:

USA Sept. 11th, 2001. Doubts. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-22 Thread sipila

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Texsts collected by KOMINFORM

Attack on World Trade Center and Pentagon have changed the world. The world
will never be like it was before. Now it is especially important to have a
true picture of the contemporary political and military processes going on
in the world. 

Stopping unjustice against of the third world were quite obviously the only
way to avoid further large violences.

The incidencts in USA reflect very likely   deadlock in  the contradictory
situation between industrialized countries and the third world, whoever is
responsible for the attack.

For the present the world has been constructed on the basis of capitalist
force in trade and in politics. Now this way has come to its end. Instead of
using intelligence the global capitalism resorts to its last means, war.

In this war fight against terrorism is only a cover story. It is a war
launched by industrialized countries against the third world. By this strike
the global capitalism intends to take all the world´s raw material and
market areas under its own centralized control.
We can assume that the future war escalates in Asia. There is basis to speak
of WW III. China and Korea are in danger, actually all the continent.

When beginning a war the first victim is usually truth. The power media has
been harnessed to do the dirty work on this sector.

Below please find some material for further handling at this stage. It may
be possible to prevent total destruction by disseminating doubts on the
"news" spreaded by the western propaganda agencies.



Who is the Beneficiary from all this?

by Monzer Zimmo
Regardless of disagreements on American foreign policies, most media outlets
seem to have accepted the theory that the horrible events of September 11,
2001 resulted from American foreign policies. The basic premise in this
theory is that victims, or enemies, of American foreign policies committed
the terrorist attacks on American targets. Let us see if that basic premise
withstands the test of reason.

Those horrifying acts were committed with a high level of sophistication, in
terms of planning, coordination, and accuracy of execution. Such
sophistication suggests that those who dreamed up the attacks must have also
considered the consequences of their plot. They must have also calculated
who would benefit from their actions. Consider the volume of resources,
level of training, intelligence gathering capabilities, and the pragmatic
cold calculating ruthless minds behind such operation. Then consider whether
it is reasonable to accept that the perpetrators did not think of
consequences and did not calculate who would benefit from their acts.
Something is missing from this picture.

The perpetrators of those unspeakable crimes must have intended to benefit
from them. They must have calculated the outcome and must have considered
the possible reactions of the American public. More importantly, those
criminals must have carefully put in place diversion tactics to focus public
attention on someone else other than them; and preferably their enemies.

All media outlets seem to be focusing their reporting on Arab or Muslim
"suspects". No one is examining the possible beneficiaries of those criminal
acts. No one is considering the possibility that those horrible crimes were
not reactions to American foreign policies, but deliberate acts to firmly
position such policies in a certain direction. No one is searching for a
party who has the sophistication, the means, the intelligence gathering
capabilities, the motivation, the opportunity to benefit, the media
manipulation skills, and the burning desire to divert world attention from
its own actions against innocent civilians under its occupation. No one is
suspecting a party that is eager to obtain a license to oppress the people
it occupies as it wishes and with impunity. No one is considering the
possible, direct or indirect, involvement of the state of Israel!

by courtesy & © 2001 Monzer Zimmo

BBC: Attack on Afghanistan was already in the works

A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning
military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last
week's attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by
senior American officials in mid-July that military action against
Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.

Mr Naik said US officials told him of the plan at a UN-sponsored
international contact group on Afghanistan which took place in Berlin.

Mr Naik told the BBC that at the meeting the US repres