[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread bluebishop82

Regarding your post below: Why must agreeing with someone, like 
Rush, mean we are sheep that don't think for ourselves?  In a post 
you said you agree with the writings of Edward Bellamy.  Does 
agreeing with him make you a sheep who can't think for himself?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  BTW:  Dittohead is a term of endearment among Rushians.  If 
you read it
  carefully, you'll see that I finessed the sentence with Only 
to avoid a
  direct hit, in case you were simply being sarcastic.
 The entire idea of ³Dittoheads² show how ridiculous that culture 
really is.
 Would you rather admit to being a sheep blindly agreeing with 
 someone says or prefer to have your own thoughts?  Dittoheads 
think Rush
 only tells the truth when a zillion facts will show otherwise.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread bluebishop82
Thanks for the correction, Frank!  

Now let's see if I can get this right:

Hurricane Andrew:  George H.W. Bush's fault.
Hurricane Katrina: George W. Bush's fault.
Hurricane = Bush genocide.

Yup.  Another clear case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  Your 
hatred of the Bush family has retarded your ability to think clearly.

Fortunately I'm qualified to give you a perscription to fight that. 
You need to be Hannitized.  Listen to 77 AM next Monday to Friday 
from 3:00 to 6:00 PM.  The truth is the antidote for Bush 
Derangement Syndrome. 

Feel better Frank.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, asburycheech 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
  Sure Sandy.  You can say it's all the President's fault.  I, of 
  refuse to blame President Clinton for Hurricane Andrew. 
  Has anyone corrected you yet on this, BB?  Hurricane Andrew 
 occured under the glorious reign of King Geo. Bush I.  He had a 
 political hack in charge of FEMA, and as a result proceeded to 
make a 
 horrible situation worse.  Bush, Sr.'s aloofness during that 
 hurricane's devastation has been considered to be one of the 
 in his inability to win a 2nd term.  President Clinton put a non-
 partisan professional in charge of FEMA.  His name was James Lee 
 Witt.  For eight years FEMA ran like a well-oiled machine, until 
 Sonny Boy, that n'er do well spoiled frat boy, put another hack in 
 charge of FEMA and then folded FEMA into the department of 
 security, which he in turn put in the hands of a LAWYER!  So it is 
 indee very generous of you not to blame Clinton for Hurricane 
 Andrew.  At least the people in New Orleans know the truth.  Many 
 referring to their city as Lake George in honor of the guy who 
 couldn't possibly have imagined that the levees could be breached 
 despite books, numerous articles, and programs predicting just 
  If Bush's failures in this area do not amount to active 
 genocide, they seem to me to be a case of passive genocide by 
   And please don't waste your prayers on me.  If I'm headed 
 the infernal regions, I'll be sure to say hello to George, Dick, 
 Karl, Condi (I hope the shoes she bought in Ferragamos in NYC 
 YESTERDAY are asbestos lined), and the rest of that gang for you.
  Frank D'Alessandro
 Frank D'Alessandro

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2005-09-03 Thread bluebishop82
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Singer Kaye West was just cut off the air because he said George 
 doesn't care about black people. 

Mike Myers looked like he was gonna hurl!

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Re: [AsburyPark] Refugees

2005-09-03 Thread Sharon G. Boone

Before I expound, let me say that I heard them on Fox News saying "they" resent being called "refugees" because they are CITIZENS, first! The whole way they've been treated is inhumane! Most are from the West bank, Algiers, La., homeowners and were "forced" to leave. That area is NOT flooded. They just don't have essential services like fresh water and electricity, phone service or police protection. Not going to belabor it because it is not essential to what's happening there. They were transported by bus and "dumped" there with no water, no food but the promise of service which NEVER arrived. If you are the Christian you claim to be why are'nt you there with the "people" like Jesse Jackson, who came to New Orleans with buses but nowhere to take these poor people! I saw one woman who said, "this is NOT the way we live"! I know becuse they are the "cleanest" people on the planet. In the summer they bathe at least twice a day due to the heat and humidity, so to say the conditions are savage is an understatement. I am trying to get home to help out in a parish I know well, St. Peter Claver's on St. Phillip St. The priest there is feeding the "residents" left, three meals a day, clean clothes and a dry place to sleep. Basic comfort. Are you there to "cash" in? Many will be exploited of basic human service. I have 2 good hands and faith. I can change diapers, wash faces, cook for, hug and comfort my people. When I say that I mean all colors, all persuasions and just "do"! Take my statement any way you choose. I don't care but they are NOT refugees, they are American Citizens, with a profound history in this country. The press is junping on Kanye West for telling the truth! When Florida has a storm, help is there the next day! Why not for the largest city in the South? Too Black, too strong, too democratic? God Bless and Keep you!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

A refugee is not a foreigner it is some one that flees from persecution. Usually they flee to another country because the country they are in is persecuting them.

The people in New Orleans are refugees because they are seeking refuge - they are lost everything..

sometimes it pays to look up a work before you EXPOUND...

Main Entry: ref·u·geePronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"Function: nounEtymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugiumDate: 1685: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution - ref·u·gee·ism /-"i-zm/ noun



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Re: [AsburyPark] Indefensible

2005-09-03 Thread Sharon G. Boone

OO! I want to comment but don't dare. Received an email saying to Get back To Asbury Park! When I logged in yesterday, after not posting for a week, I FOUND comments on Katrina here, already! Being a native of New Orleans, which I have NEVER kept a secret, I replied to several posts. So if someone would like to start another thread, I'll join you there. I celebrated my 61st birthday on Monday, but thel ast week was filled with events given by my family and friends, which kept me from posting! My two sisters, who still live in town called me last Friday, the 26th, to let me know they were headed for hotels in Houston. One niece was already in Dallas on business and saw no reason to return to N.O., knowing that the evacuation order had already gone out. Bush had a week to put troops, water and food into place, but didn't! The deaths and treatment of so many people predominantly Black, rests soley on his head! Now my family has no place to return to! My sister's home is under water. The other who lives on Burgundy St., right outside the French Quarter, won't be allowed back in for 2 months. They are employed and in business there. Everything is gone! I have about 15 first cousins, an ex-husband and his relatives missing! My brotherinlaw hasn't been seen since he was forced to evacuate the West Bank for the SuperDome, so Werner, this is it for me, okay? The rest will do what they want, without me. They've done it all week! I just returned to this group yesterday, so you want your group back? You have it!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Tom, your comment:

Yup. Another clear case of "Bush Derangement Syndrome." Your hatred of the Bush family has retarded your ability to think clearly.
seems to a clear case of what George Orwell called the "defense of the indefensible."

The list of Republicans and conservatives harshly criticizing the president this week speaks volumes: David Brooks,New Hampshire's Union Leader,the Washington Times,Tony Blankley, et al.Hardly "Bush haters."

Here's some clear thinking fromHowell Raines:

"Almost as unbelievable as Katrina itself is the fact that the leader of the free world has been outshone by the elected leaders of a region renowned for governmental ineptitude.Louisiana's anguished governor, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, climbed into a helicopter at the first possible moment to survey what may become the worst weather-related disaster in American history. Even Gov. Haley R. Barbour of Mississippi, a tiresome blowhard as chairman of the Republican National Committee, has shown a throat-catching public sorrow and sleepless diligence that put Bush to shame.This president who flew away Monday to fundraisers in the West while the hurricane blew away entire towns in coastal Mississippi is very much his father's son. George H.W. Bush couldn't quite connect to the victims of Hurricane Andrew, nor did he mind being photographed tooling his golf cart around Kennebunkport while American troops died in the first Iraq war. After preemptively declaring a state of emergency, the younger Bush seemed equally determined to show his successors how to vacation through an apocalypse.On Tuesday, he urged people to stay where they were, even if their evacuation residence might be the leaking-roof, clogged-toilet Superdome. On Wednesday, as he met by intercom with his emergency team and decided to return to Washington, as Pentagon and Homeland Security promised relief by the weekend, intensive-care patients were dying at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. They had languished for two full days because the overworked Coast Guard helicopter crews available in New Orleans did not have time to reach them.The populism of Huey Long was financially corrupt, but when it came to the welfare of people, it was caring. The churchgoing cultural populism of George Bush has given the United States an administration that worries about the House of Saud and the welfare of oil companies while the poor drown in their attics and their sons and daughters die in foreign deserts."

(Complete text here:The Crescent City blues - Los Angeles Times )


Original Message 

[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

9/3/2005 2:47:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time



Sent on:  Thanks for the correction, Frank! Now let's see if I can get this right:Hurricane Andrew: George H.W. Bush's fault.Hurricane Katrina: George W. Bush's fault.Hurricane = Bush genocide.Yup. Another clear case of "Bush Derangement Syndrome." Your hatred of the Bush family has retarded your ability to think clearly.Fortunately I'm qualified to give you a perscription to fight that. You need to be Hannitized. Listen to 77 AM next Monday to Friday from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. The truth is the antidote for Bush Derangement Syndrome. Feel better Frank.--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "asburycheech" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, 

[AsburyPark] say it loud

2005-09-03 Thread traderdube
Sharon Boone wrote...

Condi Rice is an Aunty Tomasita! What a B!  She does NOT speak for ANY 
Black Person here or in the South! All I can say is the Blacks will RE-TAKE 
their city! No Gays or Whites can overcome THEM!

Pardon me, but is that the most racist thing that I have ever read here 
or anywhere else?
Your damn right Condi Rice doesn't speak for any Black Person...Condi 
Rice speaks for all people of all races, all creeds and all religions. 
She speaks and does more for the freedom of Man than any other woman I 
know of on this Earth. Instead of villifying Condi Rice, you Sharon, of 
all people should be hoilding her up as an example of what a woman can 
become if they WORK hard  and TRY to better themselves. Shame on you.

And shame on the rest of you who take such a horrific tragedy and turn 
it into your political football. George Bush was no more or less to 
blame for the sufferings caused by Katrina than anyone reading this.
And George Bush is the President of The United States, he is not the 
person in charge of  New Orleans, or the Gulf  Coast. The elected 
leadership of the hurricane ravaged Gulf Coast have by and large proved 
to be a bunch  of whimpering incompetent idiots who could spell 
leadership  with a  spel checker. There had been no leadership down 
there until the President arrived and Bush had the balls to say so.

BlueBishop, thank you for taking on these idiots, as Skip said, your 
posts have been cogent and right on target.

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2005-09-03 Thread sandy
Tahat's his normal face.

-- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Singer Kaye West was just cut off the air because he said George 
  doesn't care about black people. 
 Mike Myers looked like he was gonna hurl!

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[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread asburycheech
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Thanks for the correction, Frank!  
 Now let's see if I can get this right:
 Hurricane Andrew:  George H.W. Bush's fault.
 Hurricane Katrina: George W. Bush's fault.
 Hurricane = Bush genocide.
 Yup.  Another clear case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  Your 
 hatred of the Bush family has retarded your ability to think 
 Fortunately I'm qualified to give you a perscription to fight that. 
 You need to be Hannitized.  Listen to 77 AM next Monday to Friday 
 from 3:00 to 6:00 PM.  The truth is the antidote for Bush 
 Derangement Syndrome. 
 Feel better Frank.

Not sure about your credentials to make the above diagnosis, but 
happy to see you finally accepted a correction from someone re one of 
your purported facts.  Glad to be of help.
 Frank D'Alessandro
PS  Never said that either hurricane was the fault of either Bush; 
nice try at diversion, though. It's the aftermath that concerns me.  
But don't want to overload you with too many corrections or confuse 
you with too many facts.  

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[AsburyPark] Re: say it loud

2005-09-03 Thread sandy
Connie Ricepattie is a puppet of sonny boy. Sonny boy fumbled the 
proverbial football big time.:~)

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, traderdube [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sharon Boone wrote...
 Condi Rice is an Aunty Tomasita! What a B!  She does NOT speak 
for ANY Black Person here or in the South! All I can say is the 
Blacks will RE-TAKE their city! No Gays or Whites can overcome THEM!
 Pardon me, but is that the most racist thing that I have ever read 
 or anywhere else?
 Your damn right Condi Rice doesn't speak for any Black 
 Rice speaks for all people of all races, all creeds and all 
 She speaks and does more for the freedom of Man than any other 
woman I 
 know of on this Earth. Instead of villifying Condi Rice, you 
Sharon, of 
 all people should be hoilding her up as an example of what a woman 
 become if they WORK hard  and TRY to better themselves. Shame on 
 And shame on the rest of you who take such a horrific tragedy and 
 it into your political football. George Bush was no more or less 
 blame for the sufferings caused by Katrina than anyone reading 
 And George Bush is the President of The United States, he is not 
 person in charge of  New Orleans, or the Gulf  Coast. The elected 
 leadership of the hurricane ravaged Gulf Coast have by and large 
 to be a bunch  of whimpering incompetent idiots who could spell 
 leadership  with a  spel checker. There had been no leadership 
 there until the President arrived and Bush had the balls to say so.
 BlueBishop, thank you for taking on these idiots, as Skip said, 
 posts have been cogent and right on target.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Indefensible -- where’s the love

2005-09-03 Thread Skip Bernstein
…so Werner, this is it for me, okay? I just returned to this group
yesterday, so you want your group back? You have it!

I like and respect Werner but due to the rarity and severity of this
disaster, think he's wrong to try and close this area of discussion. 
What's wrong in Asbury is in many ways symptomatic with dysfunctions
in much of the country; Katrina, the damage wrought by her and the
incompetence of this administrations response are instructive for what
we may face here.  

Notwithstanding the above I ask where's the love.  

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Sharon G. Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OO! I want to comment but don't dare. Received an
email saying to Get back To Asbury Park! When I logged in yesterday,
after not posting for a week, I FOUND comments on Katrina here,
already! Being a native of New Orleans, which I have NEVER kept a
secret, I replied to several posts. So if someone would like to start
another thread, I'll join you there. I celebrated my 61st birthday on
Monday, but thel ast week was filled with events given by my family
and friends, which kept me from posting! My two sisters, who still
live in town called me last Friday, the 26th, to let me know they were
headed for hotels in Houston. One niece was already in Dallas on
business and saw no reason to return to N.O., knowing that the
evacuation order had already gone out. Bush had a week to put troops,
water and food into place, but didn't! The deaths and treatment of so
many people predominantly Black, rests soley on his head! Now my
family has no place to return to! My sister's home is under water. The
other who lives on Burgundy St., right outside the French Quarter,
won't be allowed back in for 2 months. They are employed and in
business there. Everything is gone! I have about 15 first cousins, an
ex-husband and his relatives missing! My brotherinlaw hasn't been seen
since he was forced to evacuate the West Bank for the SuperDome, so
Werner, this is it for me, okay? The rest will do what they want,
without me. They've done it all week! I just returned to this group
yesterday, so you want your group back? You have it!
 Sharon Boone
 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tom,  your comment:
 Yup.  Another clear case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  Your 
 hatred of the Bush family has retarded your ability to think
clearly.seems to a clear case of what George Orwell called the
defense of the indefensible. The list of Republicans and
conservatives harshly criticizing the president this week speaks
volumes: David Brooks, New Hampshire's Union Leader, the Washington
Times, Tony Blankley, et al. Hardly Bush haters.  Here's some clear
thinking from Howell Raines: Almost as unbelievable as Katrina itself
is the fact that the leader of the free world has been outshone by the
elected leaders of a region renowned for governmental ineptitude.
 Louisiana's anguished governor, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, climbed
into a helicopter at the first possible moment to survey what may
become the worst weather-related disaster in American history. Even
Gov. Haley R. Barbour of Mississippi, a tiresome blowhard as chairman
of the Republican National Committee, has shown a throat-catching
public sorrow and sleepless diligence that put Bush to shame.
 This president who flew away Monday to fundraisers in the West while
the hurricane blew away entire towns in coastal Mississippi is very
much his father's son. George H.W. Bush couldn't quite connect to the
victims of Hurricane Andrew, nor did he mind being photographed
tooling his golf cart around Kennebunkport while American troops died
in the first Iraq war. After preemptively declaring a state of
emergency, the younger Bush seemed equally determined to show his
successors how to vacation through an apocalypse.
 On Tuesday, he urged people to stay where they were, even if their
evacuation residence might be the leaking-roof, clogged-toilet
Superdome. On Wednesday, as he met by intercom with his emergency team
and decided to return to Washington, as Pentagon and Homeland Security
promised relief by the weekend, intensive-care patients were dying at
Charity Hospital in New Orleans. They had languished for two full days
because the overworked Coast Guard helicopter crews available in New
Orleans did not have time to reach them.
 The populism of Huey Long was financially corrupt, but when it came
to the welfare of people, it was caring. The churchgoing cultural
populism of George Bush has given the United States an administration
that worries about the House of Saud and the welfare of oil companies
while the poor drown in their attics and their sons and daughters die
in foreign deserts. (Complete text here: The Crescent City blues -
Los Angeles Times ) mjd
 Original Message Subj:[AsburyPark] Re: Who to
blameDate:9/3/2005 2:47:45 AM Eastern Daylight
 Thanks for the correction, Frank! 

Re: [AsburyPark] say it loud

2005-09-03 Thread Sharon G. Boone

Racist? No true statement! I criticized her! I am Black, she is Black, I think, so there's no racism here! I didn't say she was unaccomplished. She is the White Man's tool! When I say that, she is being USED by whites, in such a way that she can't speak for HERSELF, less SHE be vilified by THEM! Bush says, "you're either with us, or a'gin us". The old "go along to get along", syndrome! did you hear what the Congressional Black Caucus said yesterday on C-Span? Come on! Condi Rice is NO Civil Rights Leader! She was too YOUNG! SHE did NOT participate in the Movement! She was 6 0r 7 at the time! Educated? Yes! Accomplished? Yes! You know and I know, that she is NOT for her people! She's not even for "progressive" whites!She is an OIL BARON, just like Cheney, Rove, Bush 1 and Bush 2! She is like Marie Antoinette! "Let em eat cake"! You and people like you, criticize Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others because, they HAVE the welfare of Black People at heart but no, you like a Condi Rice whose pockets are lined with money from the exploitation of others! HOW DARE YOU! I am critical to Blacks and Whites I consider racists and bigots! If everything were fair and equal, how come I can't get a job here? I have a degree in Business, yet everytime I DECIDE to work, (I'm retired from ATT), I can't get a job here, but I can go to work for IBM, The Univ. of Chicago, Ford, etc., as a contractor! Notice I didn't ask YOU for a job! So stay white and I wish you luck and success as a white person!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--traderdube[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:SharonBoonewrote..."CondiRiceisanAuntyTomasita!WhataB!ShedoesNOTspeakforANYBlackPersonhereorintheSouth!AllIcansayistheBlackswillRE-TAKEtheircity!NoGaysorWhitescanovercomeTHEM!"Pardonme,butisthatthemostracistthingthatIhaveeverreadhereoranywhereelse?YourdamnrightCondiRicedoesn'tspeakforanyBlackPerson...CondiRicespeaksforallpeopleofallraces,allcreedsandallreligions.ShespeaksanddoesmoreforthefreedomofManthananyotherwomanIknowofonthisEarth.InsteadofvillifyingCondiRice,youSharon,ofallpeopleshouldbehoildingherupasanexampleofwhatawomancanbecomeiftheyWORKhardandTRYtobetterthemselves.Shameonyou.Andshameontherestofyouwhotakesuchahorrifictragedyandturnitintoyourpoliticalfootball.GeorgeBushwasnomoreorlesstoblameforthesufferingscausedbyKatrinathananyonereadingthis.AndGeorgeBushisthePresidentofTheUnitedStates,heisnotthepersoninchargeofNewOrleans,ortheGulfCoast.TheelectedleadershipofthehurricaneravagedGulfCoasthavebyandlargeprovedtobeabunchofwhimperingincompetentidiotswhocouldspellleadershipwithaspelchecker.TherehadbeennoleadershipdownthereuntilthePresidentarrivedandBushhadtheballstosayso.BlueBishop,thankyoufortakingontheseidiots,asSkipsaid,yourpostshavebeencogentandrightontarget.Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepagehttp://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/Y2tolB/TM~-Yahoo!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: say it loud -- He who gaveth absolutely takes it away

2005-09-03 Thread Sharon G. Boone

If you're responding to me, let me just say that I responded to traderdube, not you. Don't know what you said. I did see your moniker at the bottom. Pardon me as I close the door, cause I'm outta here!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--"SkipBernstein"[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:"BlueBishop,thankyoufortakingontheseidiots,asSkipsaid,yourpostshavebeencogentandrightontarget."WhoaNellie;mygenerositytowardtheBlindBishop,intheunlikelyeventyoufailedtogetthegistofmyjest,was100%facetious.Hewhogavethabsolutelytakesitaway.---InAsburyPark@yahoogroups.com,traderdube[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:SharonBoonewrote..."CondiRiceisanAuntyTomasita!WhataB!ShedoesNOTspeakforANYBlackPersonhereorintheSouth!AllIcansayistheBlackswillRE-TAKEtheircity!NoGaysorWhitescanovercomeTHEM!"Pardonme,butisthatthemostracistthingthatIhaveeverreadhereoranywhereelse?YourdamnrightCondiRicedoesn'tspeakforanyBlackPerson...CondiRicespeaksforallpeopleofallraces,allcreedsandallreligions.ShespeaksanddoesmoreforthefreedomofManthananyotherwomanIknowofonthisEarth.InsteadofvillifyingCondiRice,youSharon,ofallpeopleshouldbehoildingherupasanexampleofwhatawomancanbecomeiftheyWORKhardandTRYtobetterthemselves.Shameonyou.Andshameontherestofyouwhotakesuchahorrifictragedyandturnitintoyourpoliticalfootball.GeorgeBushwasnomoreorlesstoblameforthesufferingscausedbyKatrinathananyonereadingthis.AndGeorgeBushisthePresidentofTheUnitedStates,heisnotthepersoninchargeofNewOrleans,ortheGulfCoast.TheelectedleadershipofthehurricaneravagedGulfCoasthavebyandlargeprovedtobeabunchofwhimperingincompetentidiotswhocouldspellleadershipwithaspelchecker.TherehadbeennoleadershipdownthereuntilthePresidentarrivedandBushhadtheballstosayso.BlueBishop,thankyoufortakingontheseidiots,asSkipsaid,yourpostshavebeencogentandrightontarget.Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepagehttp://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/Y2tolB/TM~-Yahoo!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/



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[AsburyPark] The Guiding Light

2005-09-03 Thread traderdube
I just got done reading the past 3 days of the AP Yahoo groups 
discussions and I'll tell you what, it saddened me.
Not only did the bigotry and racism that exists in so many here come to 
the front, but the whole idea of turning the tragedy that
hit the Gulf Coast into a political football is sickening.

Pretty soon I suspect some idiot is going to blame The Fish for the 
street thugs of Asbury Park.

And then I get accused of being a Ku Kluxer. That my house was once a 
meeting place for the Klan as recently as the 60's
is about as close as I have ever come to the KKK. To deny that the lost 
generations if welfare bred couch potatoes, cell phone on one hand,
game boy in the other, watching big screen TV's while waiting for their 
welfare check is akin to the small minds, or lack thereof, that produced
a demonic group like the KKK.

I took the liberty of removing the disgraceful flag from the Fast Lane 
this week. I work with a group of Mexicans and when the flag was brought 
up here a while
back, I mentioned it to them while we drove by the Fast Lane on our way 
to the job. One of the Mexicans who speaks a little English seemed to be 
saying that
it, the tattered flag, was still there and he said t was no good. It was 
this Mexican who insisted on getting the ladder, and this Mexican who 
climbed the ladder and removed the flag.

Yeah, I'm a real Ku Kluxer. A Klansman with a posse of Mexicans helping 
to rebuild Asbury Park so nice people can move in and the trash can be 
thrown out.

John Lennon said it best...How Do You Sleep at Night?

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[AsburyPark] Re: The Guiding Light

2005-09-03 Thread Sharon G. Boone
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, traderdube [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just got done reading the past 3 days of the AP Yahoo groups 
 discussions and I'll tell you what, it saddened me.
 Not only did the bigotry and racism that exists in so many here 
come to 
 the front, but the whole idea of turning the tragedy that
 hit the Gulf Coast into a political football is sickening.
 Pretty soon I suspect some idiot is going to blame The Fish for the 
 street thugs of Asbury Park.
 And then I get accused of being a Ku Kluxer. That my house was once 
 meeting place for the Klan as recently as the 60's
 is about as close as I have ever come to the KKK. To deny that the 
 generations if welfare bred couch potatoes, cell phone on one hand,
 game boy in the other, watching big screen TV's while waiting for 
 welfare check is akin to the small minds, or lack thereof, that 
 a demonic group like the KKK.
 I took the liberty of removing the disgraceful flag from the Fast 
 this week. I work with a group of Mexicans and when the flag was 
 up here a while
 back, I mentioned it to them while we drove by the Fast Lane on our 
 to the job. One of the Mexicans who speaks a little English seemed 
to be 
 saying that
 it, the tattered flag, was still there and he said t was no good. 
It was 
 this Mexican who insisted on getting the ladder, and this Mexican 
 climbed the ladder and removed the flag.
 Yeah, I'm a real Ku Kluxer. A Klansman with a posse of Mexicans 
 to rebuild Asbury Park so nice people can move in and the trash can 
 thrown out.
 John Lennon said it best...How Do You Sleep at Night?
So how much do you pay these unskilled laborers? These illegals? Do 
they have green cards? If unskilled Blacks were here, we'd be 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread eorslady


Who do we blame I really don't know who is the blame but we need to work 
together to help everyone that needs help. 



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[AsburyPark] U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements on them!

2005-09-03 Thread kbvoice
Heads up: my friend just turned me onto a website called 
www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets of U.S. postage stamps with 
Tillie from Palace Amusements on them.  I ordered three sheets for my 
Christmas cards already -- better early than out of stock, I say.  
Check it out, enjoy! Kristin

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[AsburyPark] Katrina Benefit

2005-09-03 Thread Skip Bernstein
 Katrina Benefit

September 2, 2005


ASBURY PARK- The city's merchants, restaurants, nightclubs and
area musicians will all combine their efforts next month to raise
money for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

The Merchants Guild of Asbury Park, in association with other
organizations and agencies, is planning a city-wide fundraiser to help
pay for hurricane relief efforts.

The event, to be called Jammin' For The Big Easy, will be
part of MGAP's annual Rocktoberfest and will take place throughout the
city on Saturday, October 8. Participating merchants and restaurants
will donate a percentage of their sales that day with nightclubs
hosting special entertainment events to raise money. MGAP will offer a
special laminate pass that allows entry into any participating
nightclub that night for a suggested donation. Local musicians will
also volunteer their talents for the event.

Asbury Park is a coastal community that could also be hit by
a catastrophic hurricane like Katrina. It also has a large minority
population, just like New Orleans, and I think many people can relate
to the desperate situation and destruction caused by the storm and its
impact on the people there. I think many area residents want to
contribute to the relief effort and this will be an opportunity to do
just that, said MGAP President Donna Juliano.

Juliano said fund-raising efforts are now being formulated and
she urges people, churches, schools, organizations and corporations to
get involved.

We all need to pitch in for this effort and we are hoping to
get a lot of city-wide support. We also hope to have organizations
like the Red Cross and Salvation Army involved, she said.

Downtown merchants will also host a rock  roll scavenger hunt
on Saturday with live musical performances and other activities- all
now being planned.

Donation jars are already appearing in local businesses,
Juliano said.

A special meeting to help plan events will be held at the
Wonder Bar, Fifth and Ocean avenues, on Tuesday, September 13 at 7:30

For more information telephone Antic Hay Books at 732-774-4590
or visit www.asburyguild.com for continuous updates on the local
relief effort. 

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[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread Sharon G. Boone
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The local and state officials completely failed in the pre-storm 
 evacuations etc. The federal gov. failed post-storm. :-(
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Who do we blame I really don't know who is the blame but we need
  together to help everyone that needs help.  

Not living there now, the Governor is in Baton Rouge, the State 
Capitol. I wouldn't expect her to be in New Orleans or any outlying 
Parish during the height of the storm. Remember, the storm by-passed 
New Orleans. It was the levee that burst, that inundated the City,
day AFTER the storm. The Mayor has a storm headquarters WITHIN the
but can't control a levee break, especially when the feds told him to 
kiss their ass, when they refused 2 YEARS IN A ROW, for needed funds. 
The Army Corp of Engineers, a Federal Flood Mamagement Team like the 
Tennessee Valley Authority, is in charge of the levees, NOT the City! 
It's a part of the Emergency Management. I haven't lived there in 35 
years, yet you want ME to be the expert for you, but because I LISTEN 
and I READ, you want ME to be EINSTEIN, when YOU PEOPLE who are
of NEW JERSEY, don't even know your OWN laws and regulations! Spare

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[AsburyPark] The Wise Guy Network

2005-09-03 Thread jerseykev

What a great 
idea. "The Wise Guy Network." well now that 
ASBURYPARK.COMhas been transferred to it's new owners the next name 
up for bids is WISEGUY.NET.

If you would like to purchase this domain name please contact Kevin Brown 

Please know that the proceeds of these domain names is used for the 
charitable programs of the Lighthouse Mission, which includes support and 
assistance to individuals facing eminent domain.



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[AsburyPark] Re: say it loud

2005-09-03 Thread bluebishop82
TDube keep your chin up.  When they are losing on the facts and 
reasonable inferences, they resort to calling you names.  Consider it 
a badge of honor to be called a name in one of these discussions.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-03 Thread sandy
First of all, and i heard this on TV and not sure if it is true, the 
resident were not told to evacuate in a timely manner. If all the 
residents had the ways and means to leave, the infrastructure would 
not have been able to handle it. It would have been one big parking 
Knowing it is the end of the month and also that most residents live 
paycheck to paycheck, You don't just tell them to evacuate, you have 
to aid them in the evacuation. Supply transportation to get the 
residents out.Transport them to a safe area to ride out the storm. 
They had concerns about the roof of the Superdome before they 
seltered the residents there.
Coming across the Gulf the hurricane was a catagory 5. The officials 
knew the levees were built to withstand a catagory 3. So they were 
aware that the levees could be compromised and unfortunately and 
sadly they were.
After that sonny boy vacationed in Crawford and went to a party in 
Ca. without giving any thought to the victims in the Gulf states.
Just a side note. Al Sharpton just took the press to task,as you 
have been doing, told them to stop calling the survivors refugees. 
I'm not to crazy about the guy all the time but at least he is never 
afraid to set anyone straight. I'm now glad that Kanye was cut off 
on the show last night. Because they did it has been all over the 
press  net.Now everyone knows what he said not just the ones 
viewing the show.MSNBC,NBC etc. should be ashamed of themselves for 
cutting he off but now I say thank you. :~)

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Sharon G. Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The local and state officials completely failed in the pre-storm 
  evacuations etc. The federal gov. failed post-storm. :-(
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Who do we blame I really don't know who is the blame but we 
   together to help everyone that needs help.  

 Not living there now, the Governor is in Baton Rouge, the State 
 Capitol. I wouldn't expect her to be in New Orleans or any 
 Parish during the height of the storm. Remember, the storm by-
 New Orleans. It was the levee that burst, that inundated the City,
 day AFTER the storm. The Mayor has a storm headquarters WITHIN the
 but can't control a levee break, especially when the feds told him 
 kiss their ass, when they refused 2 YEARS IN A ROW, for needed 
 The Army Corp of Engineers, a Federal Flood Mamagement Team like 
 Tennessee Valley Authority, is in charge of the levees, NOT the 
 It's a part of the Emergency Management. I haven't lived there in 
 years, yet you want ME to be the expert for you, but because I 
 and I READ, you want ME to be EINSTEIN, when YOU PEOPLE who are
 of NEW JERSEY, don't even know your OWN laws and regulations! Spare

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Re: [AsburyPark] U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements on th...

2005-09-03 Thread luvinasburypark

There was a site called tilliestamp.org whose purpose was to gather 
signatures for a tillie stamp petition. It no longer exists, but it is 
still cached by Google if you're curious..Original Message 

Re: [AsburyPark] U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace 
  Amusements on th...
9/3/2005 4:08:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  

In reference tothe 

Heads up: my friend just turned me onto 
  a website called www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets of U.S. 
  postage stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements on them. I ordered 
  three sheets for my Christmas cards already -- better early than out of 
  stock, I say. 
I went to that site, and there are several versions of the Tillie stamp; 
however, at the official USPS site ( The 
Postal Store ) they are nowhere to be found. Looks like another 


[AsburyPark] U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements 
  on them!
9/3/2005 12:02:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Heads up: my friend just turned me onto a website 
called www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets of U.S. postage stamps 
with Tillie from Palace Amusements on them. I ordered three sheets for 
my Christmas cards already -- better early than out of stock, I say. 
Check it out, enjoy! Kristin 
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[AsburyPark] our leaders; we shouldn’t expect them to be deaf and blind

2005-09-03 Thread Skip Bernstein
Amid the horror a bit of introspection. 

Yet, when the smoke of recrimination begins to clear, I strongly
suspect that fair-minded people will conclude that race had nothing to
do with what transpired, at least not in any explicit sense. It is a
simple fact that in the Deep South those who are poor are especially
likely to be black. It is also true--and America can take no pride in
this--that the poor almost inevitably get the worst of any deal.
Whether it is lack of access to health care, to a secure old age, to a
decent education, or to the means to flee a doomed city, the poor
routinely reap the harvest of official neglect. And that harvest is
inevitably bitter--albeit rarely as bitter as in New Orleans, where
possibly thousands died horrible deaths. So it is understandable that
many people, particularly those who see themselves as champions of the
dispossessed, are in a rage about the White House response...

It has become obvious in retrospect that it may not be the best idea
to attack a nation because we have a vague suspicion that at some
point in the future that nation may have the ability and the will to
do us harm. What is also becoming clear, however, is that unless we
can figure out a way to deal with predictable disasters, manmade or
natural, before they bite us in the neck, we will forever be figuring
out how to correct bad decisions that never should have been made in
the first place.

Many, no doubt, will seize the shortsightedness on Louisiana to talk
about everything from global warming to budgeting priorities. And that
is as it should be. For while no one expects our political leaders to
be prophets, we also shouldn't expect them to be deaf and blind. And
it may finally-tragically--be that we have a crisis large enough to
make us question why we have been so eager to reward those whose
primary skill has been their refusal to hear alarms sounding all around.

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[AsburyPark] Why Katrina is misused as a Race Card

2005-09-03 Thread bluebishop82
There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the 
troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the 
public.  Having learned that they are able to make a living out of 
their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising 
their wrongs – partly because the want sympathy and partly because it 
pays.  Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his 
grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. And, There is 
a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to 
get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only 
an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through 
which to make themselves prominent before the public.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Why Katrina is misused as a Race Card

2005-09-03 Thread blacktip62

now i have been lurking on the list and reading the posts for a few weeks now but this is the first time i have posted on here first i want to say Hello to everyone on the list and have a safe weekend

now to the subject of this postfirst the term colored went out in the early 70's i believe and it really makes me laugh to see someone write it

second... i like the way that "colored" people are singled out as to keeping the troubles and wrong doings of thier people alive and before the public... i believe that there are PEOPLE OF ALL RACES AND FAITHS that do thatthere is always someone talking about the the mistreatment of BLACKS, JEWS, MUSLIMS, GAYS, ARABS, and just about every other group on this planet... so before you single out one group of people make sure that it is just that group that is harping about what is happening to them.

bluebishop82 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because the want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. And, There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 


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[AsburyPark] New Orleans

2005-09-03 Thread jerseykev

Some people blamed the President for not responding to the needs of the 
people who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit. Subsequent to the 
storm the levees broke and the sea reclaimed much of its sea bed for New Orleans 

I now have heard reliable eye witness reports from the actual locations in 
NO and from People I know in Washington, DC.

First off:

The violence was so bad let me give you the eye witness report I got from 
someone I know and also hearing this on CABLE NEWS TONIGHT, as a 

At the Super Dome. A man raped and killed a SEVEN YEAR OLD 
GIRL. 10 other men beats him to death. This all happened within 30 
minutes when apparently the same man who raped the little girl struggled with a 
National Guardsman - taken his weapon and shooting him.

Now from the Washington friends: The White House was not about to go 
in and subject rescue workers to the violence without first securing the area 
with a sufficient amount of soldiers. The violence was so HIGH, it took 
10,000 plus Military to call the area stable.

No matter who you wish to blame - it's really doesn't matter.

It's starting to turn around. 

I for one pay no attention to ignorance. In this country as free as 
you are to spout off... other are as free to tune out!

Besides why is that only Liberals are complaining...???
The be happy - and no worries crowd are not good at NASTY!!!

May The Peace of The Lord Jesus Christ Be Upon All Mankind.

Rev. Kevin Brown
Long Branch, New Jersey


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[AsburyPark] Re: U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements on th...

2005-09-03 Thread jerseyjohn99

It's not a scam. Stamps.com will let you put any photo on a postage 


This guy just chose to put Tillie on a bunch of stamps, marked them 
up $5.00 a sheet, then posted on here how his friend discovered 
these stamps. Pretty brilliant marketing, but I think I'll order a 
set of Convention Hall directly for my Christmas Cards instead.

Incidentally, Stamps.com used to be more lax on what they would 
allow on a postage stamp. thesmokinggun.com tested their censors  
ordered a whole bunch, such as Monica's Blue Dress, the Unabomber, 
McGreevey  his lover, etc.


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There was a site called tilliestamp.org whose purpose was to 
 signatures for a tillie stamp petition.  It no longer exists, but 
it is  still cached 
 by Google if you're curious..
 Original Message Subj: Re: [AsburyPark] U.S. 
 Stamps with Tillie from Palace  Amusements on th...  Date: 
9/3/2005 4:08:15 PM 
 Eastern Daylight Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent on:
 In reference to the  comment: 
 Heads up: my friend just turned me onto  a website called 
 www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets of U.S.  postage stamps 
 Tillie from Palace Amusements on them.  I ordered  three sheets 
for my 
 Christmas cards already -- better early than out of  stock, I 
 I went to that site, and there are several versions of the Tillie 
 however, at the official USPS site ( _The  Postal Store_ 
bin/vsbv/postal_store_non_ssl/home.jsp)  ) they are nowhere to be 
 Looks like another  scam.
 Original  Message Subj: [AsburyPark] U.S. 
Postage Stamps 
 with Tillie from Palace Amusements  on them!  Date: 9/3/2005 
12:02:28 PM 
 Eastern Daylight Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   To: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   
Sent on:
 Heads up: my friend just turned me onto a website  called 
 www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets of U.S. postage stamps  
 Tillie from Palace Amusements on them.  I ordered three sheets 
for  my 
 Christmas cards already -- better early than out of stock, I 
 Check it out, enjoy! Kristin

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements o...

2005-09-03 Thread luvinasburypark

It's not a scam. Stamps.com will let you 
  put any photo on a postage stamp. 

Thanks, I learn something every day here. ;-)



[AsburyPark] Re: U.S. Postage Stamps with Tillie from Palace 
  Amusements on th...
9/3/2005 10:07:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Mario,It's not a scam. Stamps.com will let 
you put any photo on a postage stamp. 
http://photo.stamps.com/PhotoStamps/?source=si10958644This guy 
just chose to put Tillie on a bunch of stamps, marked them up $5.00 a sheet, 
then posted on here how his "friend" "discovered" these stamps. Pretty 
brilliant marketing, but I think I'll order a set of Convention Hall 
directly for my Christmas Cards instead.Incidentally, Stamps.com used to 
be more lax on what they would allow on a postage stamp. thesmokinggun.com 
tested their censors  ordered a whole bunch, such as Monica's Blue 
Dress, the Unabomber, McGreevey  his lover, 
In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There was a 
site called tilliestamp.org whose purpose was to gather  
signatures for a tillie stamp petition. It no longer exists, but it 
is still cached  by Google if you're curious..  
Original Message  Subj: Re: [AsburyPark] U.S. 
Postage  Stamps with Tillie from Palace Amusements on 
th... Date: 9/3/2005 4:08:15 PM  Eastern Daylight Time 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) 
 Sent on:In reference to the 
comment:Heads up: my friend just turned me 
onto a website called  www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets 
of U.S. postage stamps with  Tillie from Palace Amusements on 
them. I ordered three sheets for my  Christmas cards 
already -- better early than out of stock, I say.  
 I went to that site, and there are several versions of the Tillie 
stamp;  however, at the official USPS site ( _The Postal 
(http://shop.usps.com/cgi-bin/vsbv/postal_store_non_ssl/home.jsp) ) 
they are nowhere to be found.  Looks like another 
scam.  Mario   
Original Message  Subj: [AsburyPark] 
U.S. Postage Stamps  with Tillie from Palace Amusements on 
them! Date: 9/3/2005 12:02:28 PM  Eastern Daylight Time 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) 
Sent on:   Heads up: my friend just turned me onto a 
website called  www.tilliestamps.com that's selling sheets of U.S. 
postage stamps with  Tillie from Palace Amusements on 
them. I ordered three sheets for my  Christmas cards 
already -- better early than out of stock, I say.  Check 
it out, enjoy! Kristin   
 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
~-- Get fast access to your 
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[AsburyPark] Re: Why Katrina is misused as a Race Card

2005-09-03 Thread jerseyjohn99
Good job BB! I love how everyone pointed fingers and called you a 
racist. (knowing there's no possible way you could be, I googled 
your post and found the answer!)

I recommend everyone else do the same.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
 There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping 
 troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before 
 public.  Having learned that they are able to make a living out of 
 their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of 
 their wrongs – partly because the want sympathy and partly because 
 pays.  Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his 
 grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. And, 
There is 
 a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient 
 get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not 
 an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through 
 which to make themselves prominent before the public.

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[AsburyPark] Live Streaming

2005-09-03 Thread jerseykev

I set up a live feed from New Orleans.

located at http://www.electricnews.com/directnic.htm 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Why Katrina is misused as a Race Card

2005-09-03 Thread jerseyjohn99
I don't understand that point. The Dhali Lama is speaking at Rutgers 
Stadium in two weeks. He's taken a vow of poverty, yet he has the 
Presidential Suite at the Hyatt booked. Are you saying we should 
take his teachings with a grain of salt because he doesn't practice 
what he preaches?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This about Booker Washington from African-American 
Perspective:  The 
 Progress of a People:
 Although he advised African-Americans to  abide by 
 segregation codes, he often traveled in private railroad cars and  
stayed in good 
 Google it if you want the site.
 I guess where you stand depends on where you sit.

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[AsburyPark] Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies

2005-09-03 Thread jerseykev

Go In Peace and thank you for your service to our Nation.

Rev. Kevin Brown


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[AsburyPark] Re: Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies

2005-09-03 Thread sandy
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Go In Peace and thank you for your service to our Nation.
 Rev. Kevin Brown

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