Re: somethin else, again...

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: somethin else, again...

@17 can you make a step by step to get those games back? I want to play audio defense and soul trapper again


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FamilyMario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

Another favorite of mine is the Konami SCC, which is basically like Namco's early arcade sound chip on steroids. It has 5 wavetable channels that are 32 samples long, used in some Konami games for the MSX.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ryok via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

Hi.I'm also interested to know the accessibility of such services if its regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I will now post here what my mentor writes and these are not my words but his. I completely agree with them nd if you want to varify that I am not in any way implying that these words are my own, you can do so.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 136My dearest friends, most of the preceding communications from our loving Source were received by me prior to 1990.Subsequent to this, I have travelled far and knocked on many doors with not only this message, but by the means of thousands of epistles written to individuals and groups over the last five years.  This brings us up to date, the latter part of 1994.Prior to this time I had also written two books "The Visions of The Last Prophet," containing a few of the many visions seen by me during this life span, and "The Last Prophecy," that has now been incorporated within this book.From my forays into the modern world of "religious beliefs" of many many different orders, it is apparent that all revere their past leaders, some being God's messengers, and thus heed not the basic message from our loving God being: "Love one another."Also, it is apparent that all religious elders believe and teach falsely that IT, the "act" of killing another either in self defence or killing one who is evil, is within the parameters of their religion, and thus acceptable to their Creator in that they can avoid the Law of retribution and still reach the Promised Land.  (Heaven)This greatest perpetrated lie is the one to most likely result in your soul falling into the depths as you retaliate when confronted.I have found that my projection of being God's earthly messenger to have been received with scorn and ridicule by many professing to be Christians, and many others.However, it is through their utter disbelief and non-understanding of the truth, and in their very denial of me that God's angels have responded with some of the following communications in this book and other "Epistles" and have thus been able to shine their light of understanding onto the devious cunning ways of the "dark one," thus exposing how humanity is so easily deceived and erring.Of the utmost importance is the act of "doing" the meditation prayer on p.33 thrice daily, and also in "heeding" the Christ's Creed and God's WORD & TRUTH on p.  284/5.All humanity must come to the deep and bitter realisation of, and acquiescence to the requirement of God to "Go as a lamb to the slaughter" during any form of confrontation before attaining salvation.All humanity has been deceived, and my exposure of the ways of man as I "Judge" their misdeeds, is as God's voice on earth.Remember, our enemy is powerful and cunning and that the armour of God's "Wisdom and Truth" is needed as never before.  To pass your test you need to heed my message in full.test126 top Testament 137I am sure that you will soon see the difference between a person who "belongs" to a man made religion, and one who is TRUE TO the Light of GOD of any race, and thus a TRUE follower of Jesus by virtue of their heeding the WORD OF GOD which Jesus and others brought to earth.I reach out and touch your face, and your heart with mine, saying: “Read deep and heed, I love you.” It is truly the time for you the reader to forgive and forget the past and look ahead.No more recriminations about the actions of others towards you and yours.  Sit quietly and make your own personal decision to look now direct to God within and abide in God's good counsel of "love one another."Please now serve God not man.  The spiritual reward is a "Joy" of such depth that it is indescribable.  I am sure that the following communications from God will fortify your conscious minds with more wisdom.All the pages in this book contain wisdom and understanding imparted to me by God, and God's loving angels by the Grace of God.These pages contain understanding and the necessary information that is needed by all to fortify themselves against the escalating onslaught from "below," being another level of lower consciousness.We are “reached” either from within our own minds, or through the hands of others in the flesh who have succumbed to demonic thoughts.The following pages give us an understanding in some areas that have been forgotten for some ages, and could not be revealed again until this time of literacy and fast communication on this earth.Please send any donations to this cause to your nearest community welfare group, in the form of copies of this message, dried dehydrated tinned, or fresh food, medical supplies and blankets etc.  They may also need many willing extra hands.  To them and their helpers, this message from the Most High:“Bend your backs as never before, you are the only ones who know for sure what is needed by Christ of thee, and I send my love now to thee.”THE LORD IS THY SHEPHERD THY SHALL NOT WANT.The Welfare groups shall be my link to all the needy on the brink.  To assist in every way in feeding the poor and

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I will now post here what my mentor writes regarding religions and these are not my words but his. I completely agree with them and if you want to verify that I am not in any way implying that these words are my own, you can do so.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 136My dearest friends, most of the preceding communications from our loving Source were received by me prior to 1990.Subsequent to this, I have travelled far and knocked on many doors with not only this message, but by the means of thousands of epistles written to individuals and groups over the last five years.  This brings us up to date, the latter part of 1994.Prior to this time I had also written two books "The Visions of The Last Prophet," containing a few of the many visions seen by me during this life span, and "The Last Prophecy," that has now been incorporated within this book.From my forays into the modern world of "religious beliefs" of many many different orders, it is apparent that all revere their past leaders, some being God's messengers, and thus heed not the basic message from our loving God being: "Love one another."Also, it is apparent that all religious elders believe and teach falsely that IT, the "act" of killing another either in self defence or killing one who is evil, is within the parameters of their religion, and thus acceptable to their Creator in that they can avoid the Law of retribution and still reach the Promised Land.  (Heaven)This greatest perpetrated lie is the one to most likely result in your soul falling into the depths as you retaliate when confronted.I have found that my projection of being God's earthly messenger to have been received with scorn and ridicule by many professing to be Christians, and many others.However, it is through their utter disbelief and non-understanding of the truth, and in their very denial of me that God's angels have responded with some of the following communications in this book and other "Epistles" and have thus been able to shine their light of understanding onto the devious cunning ways of the "dark one," thus exposing how humanity is so easily deceived and erring.Of the utmost importance is the act of "doing" the meditation prayer on p.33 thrice daily, and also in "heeding" the Christ's Creed and God's WORD & TRUTH on p.  284/5.All humanity must come to the deep and bitter realisation of, and acquiescence to the requirement of God to "Go as a lamb to the slaughter" during any form of confrontation before attaining salvation.All humanity has been deceived, and my exposure of the ways of man as I "Judge" their misdeeds, is as God's voice on earth.Remember, our enemy is powerful and cunning and that the armour of God's "Wisdom and Truth" is needed as never before.  To pass your test you need to heed my message in full.test126 top Testament 137I am sure that you will soon see the difference between a person who "belongs" to a man made religion, and one who is TRUE TO the Light of GOD of any race, and thus a TRUE follower of Jesus by virtue of their heeding the WORD OF GOD which Jesus and others brought to earth.I reach out and touch your face, and your heart with mine, saying: “Read deep and heed, I love you.” It is truly the time for you the reader to forgive and forget the past and look ahead.No more recriminations about the actions of others towards you and yours.  Sit quietly and make your own personal decision to look now direct to God within and abide in God's good counsel of "love one another."Please now serve God not man.  The spiritual reward is a "Joy" of such depth that it is indescribable.  I am sure that the following communications from God will fortify your conscious minds with more wisdom.All the pages in this book contain wisdom and understanding imparted to me by God, and God's loving angels by the Grace of God.These pages contain understanding and the necessary information that is needed by all to fortify themselves against the escalating onslaught from "below," being another level of lower consciousness.We are “reached” either from within our own minds, or through the hands of others in the flesh who have succumbed to demonic thoughts.The following pages give us an understanding in some areas that have been forgotten for some ages, and could not be revealed again until this time of literacy and fast communication on this earth.Please send any donations to this cause to your nearest community welfare group, in the form of copies of this message, dried dehydrated tinned, or fresh food, medical supplies and blankets etc.  They may also need many willing extra hands.  To them and their helpers, this message from the Most High:“Bend your backs as never before, you are the only ones who know for sure what is needed by Christ of thee, and I send my love now to thee.”THE LORD IS THY SHEPHERD THY SHALL NOT WANT.The Welfare groups shall be my link to all the needy on the brink.  To assist in every way in

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Here is what Terence writes regarding rape.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 142~ Assault by Rape ~Rape is the 'abuse of' and 'enslavement of' another being, be it a spiritual "sister" or "brother." It is an "imposition" by the "will" of one over another as their emotions "overspill."Thus in a "moment" they justify the "improper" use of another and in some way make them "cry." They also cause fear and pain and always "something" take and this "something" freely gain.The "taker" does not see the fullness or "depth" of their impropriety for they somehow "believe" that they are entitled to make the other grieve.  Despondency and despair are also the "ware" suffered by the one whom the "offender" did snare.What none do see is that all "offenders" are callous "ignorants" who needs be educated by me the spirit of eternity.  For they have "taken on" the role of the "avenger," the reaper as on earth they stroll.The "assault" can be in many a "way." Be it sexual, or a "bashing" or but stealing another's pay.  All impose suffering and all carry the same "sting." All are an imposition by a "brute" force that is self-empowered to any past offender "rape."Yes, any assault upon any in any way is but the "due" being thrust upon a person whom in their past was callous and offensive and controlling in some way."I am innocent" all do cry, and"I have hurt no-one" is their "call" as they suffer or even die.How can I get "through" to you and you and "bless you" so that you are forgiving and merciful and kind on your "way." For you see not that your spirit soul has lived for an eternity and a day before it entered the flesh of this world, and all on earth have "punished & assaulted" others before.So it is time for all to see that the pervading iniquity will go on and on until you all "listen" to this one.  For all whom do taxes pay are responsible for the actions of their "servants" they pay.This "means" that armed forces "men" and others who "rape & pillage & destroy" are in your 'employ,' and as such whatever they do in their "spree" comes back in many a "way" to thee and thee.I can also you "assure" that none "get-away" for being less than "demure." For the Dark "energy" that abusers use knows "who" did IT "diffuse" and IT has a memory a "zillion" years long and retribution is IT'S "song." Can you understand me?So all "society" that does any "offender" incarcerate on your behalf does "attest" that in God's "face" IT does laugh as IT "rapes" you and you because you deserve it for "permitting" this darkness to flow through.It is the time to all teach "how" dark thoughts do minds "breach" and the ignorants use.  Only this way will you individually be set free from suffering as you heed me.On reaching the end of this document go to my "Restoration document" and as you its "contents" absorb will your minds of ignorance be set free.  Do not "complain" if you are "raped" or assaulted in any way.  It is "just" dues for your own folly on a past day.  Yes, be you a female or male aged but 3 or 33 or 93, your spirit within the flesh is an "adult" soul incarnated for me to set you free.What all must try and see is that all who support any "punitive" system incur a "further" karmic "pain" debt.  Thus does "man" and wo-man "wombed" man more and more "fret." All punitive control of "errants" is "offensive" in God's eyes carried out by ignorants unwise and is also the cause of you accruing more dark spiritual debt.Be you a 'hu-man' thus "humble" and inspired by the light above or 'in-human' and mentally "driven" from the subterranean world below, you all need to know that all are subjects of God and thus subject to God's ONE Law - As you do is done unto you - God does not "permit" innocents to be ab-used.  (Abominably)And thus it 'follows' that when you 'cry' out: "I am a victim of assault or assault by rape" you are actually telling the world: "Look at my folly for what you see is the "trauma" I did impose upon others during my past when I was vain and thus full of insanity." Wake up from your 'dreams' now and "follow me."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jaws: or nvda! which one is better?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jaws: or nvda! which one is better?

hinvda have more addons, which that let the user download whatever he wants: for voises, visit


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Oh Shit!

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Oh Shit!

oh shit is grate: but I didn't saw more then pit, cause I died


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I will now post here what my mentor writes regarding religions and these are not my words but his. I completely agree with them and if you want to verify that I am not in any way implying that these words are my own, you can do so.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 136My dearest friends, most of the preceding communications from our loving Source were received by me prior to 1990.Subsequent to this, I have travelled far and knocked on many doors with not only this message, but by the means of thousands of epistles written to individuals and groups over the last five years.  This brings us up to date, the latter part of 1994.Prior to this time I had also written two books "The Visions of The Last Prophet," containing a few of the many visions seen by me during this life span, and "The Last Prophecy," that has now been incorporated within this book.From my forays into the modern world of "religious beliefs" of many many different orders, it is apparent that all revere their past leaders, some being God's messengers, and thus heed not the basic message from our loving God being: "Love one another."Also, it is apparent that all religious elders believe and teach falsely that IT, the "act" of killing another either in self defence or killing one who is evil, is within the parameters of their religion, and thus acceptable to their Creator in that they can avoid the Law of retribution and still reach the Promised Land.  (Heaven)This greatest perpetrated lie is the one to most likely result in your soul falling into the depths as you retaliate when confronted.I have found that my projection of being God's earthly messenger to have been received with scorn and ridicule by many professing to be Christians, and many others.However, it is through their utter disbelief and non-understanding of the truth, and in their very denial of me that God's angels have responded with some of the following communications in this book and other "Epistles" and have thus been able to shine their light of understanding onto the devious cunning ways of the "dark one," thus exposing how humanity is so easily deceived and erring.Of the utmost importance is the act of "doing" the meditation prayer on p.33 thrice daily, and also in "heeding" the Christ's Creed and God's WORD & TRUTH on p.  284/5.All humanity must come to the deep and bitter realisation of, and acquiescence to the requirement of God to "Go as a lamb to the slaughter" during any form of confrontation before attaining salvation.All humanity has been deceived, and my exposure of the ways of man as I "Judge" their misdeeds, is as God's voice on earth.Remember, our enemy is powerful and cunning and that the armour of God's "Wisdom and Truth" is needed as never before.  To pass your test you need to heed my message in full.test126 top Testament 137I am sure that you will soon see the difference between a person who "belongs" to a man made religion, and one who is TRUE TO the Light of GOD of any race, and thus a TRUE follower of Jesus by virtue of their heeding the WORD OF GOD which Jesus and others brought to earth.I reach out and touch your face, and your heart with mine, saying: “Read deep and heed, I love you.” It is truly the time for you the reader to forgive and forget the past and look ahead.No more recriminations about the actions of others towards you and yours.  Sit quietly and make your own personal decision to look now direct to God within and abide in God's good counsel of "love one another."Please now serve God not man.  The spiritual reward is a "Joy" of such depth that it is indescribable.  I am sure that the following communications from God will fortify your conscious minds with more wisdom.All the pages in this book contain wisdom and understanding imparted to me by God, and God's loving angels by the Grace of God.These pages contain understanding and the necessary information that is needed by all to fortify themselves against the escalating onslaught from "below," being another level of lower consciousness.We are “reached” either from within our own minds, or through the hands of others in the flesh who have succumbed to demonic thoughts.The following pages give us an understanding in some areas that have been forgotten for some ages, and could not be revealed again until this time of literacy and fast communication on this earth.Please send any donations to this cause to your nearest community welfare group, in the form of copies of this message, dried dehydrated tinned, or fresh food, medical supplies and blankets etc.  They may also need many willing extra hands.  To them and their helpers, this message from the Most High:“Bend your backs as never before, you are the only ones who know for sure what is needed by Christ of thee, and I send my love now to thee.”THE LORD IS THY SHEPHERD THY SHALL NOT WANT.The Welfare groups shall be my link to all the needy on the brink.  To assist in every way in

Re: Let's play right or not right

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : katil2008 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's play right or not right

I heard the game's name new from you, not realy.The next poster will write his post from school.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Terence writes regarding children.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 151~ Children ~Children needs be spoken to: Ask children why sometimes they happy be and sometimes fear or anger flows free.Can they try and understand that these “feelings” are from another land, they “invisible” be, things we cannot see, things we cannot touch like boats or toys or dolls as such.Ask children to “think” about “thought,” is it some thing that can be “bought?” Is it something you can “hold” like toys of which we have been told? or, are thoughts “things” that come and go, things that seem to quickly flow? From moment to moment they “appear” and as quickly “disappear.”Children need to fully understand that their “spirit soul” comes from another land for a time and a time, and with a fleshly body it does entwine and then it does “depart,” and again in that “other land” makes a fresh start when the flesh becomes “old.” All this, children needs be told from the time they are “young” and their first songs are being sung.  This way they will “see” the “briefness” of materiality and try not to “all hold” through greed as they get old.  They will be happy to “give away” and thus heed God’s say.  They must be told the truth, as given by God’s proof, that the light says:“Only Love,” the eternal call from above, and, the darkness says; “Destroy those who take your toy.” So each will understand their “feelings,” those of the lower land, and the ones of “Love,” feelings from the land above.  And, all must be told what to DO to control negative thoughts flowing through so that they happier will be as of these “dark” feelings God sets them free.  Tell all about God’s Star and the love it exudes from afar.  Testament 152~ School Children ~School Children needs be told:“I wish to speak to your thoughts, and this to your thoughts I say:” Are you aware there is a Star above, are you aware there is a Star of love, are you aware this Star is true, are you aware this Star can do much for you.Are you unhappy and do you feel far away.  I just want to say I am your friend today, and my heart reaches out to you, yes to the thoughts now flowing through.If you feel lonely, if you feel blue, listen to me, I’ll tell you what to do.  Say this little prayer with me today and your mind will feel happier in every way.Let us together see the Star above,the Star of Bethlehem filled with Mother’s love.IT is shining for you and you and you, the thoughts flowing through.  I see the Star of Bethlehem high up above, brilliant and beautiful and filled with God’s love.I see a white light shining down from this star cleansing through my body with its power from afar.Wonderful Mother please now be with me, fill me with light and set my soul free.  And children please understand, there are others in another land.  They are lonely too.  Their thoughts reach up to you, so together, three times a day we with the thoughts will say the prayer of the Star above, the one filled with Mother’s love, and then we’ll feel happier too, as will the “thoughts” flowing to me and you.  So that is what I say today to all “thoughts” that come my way.  Testament 153 ~ All children - adolescents - adults ~All must be taught about “thoughts” that abide in their minds and “sit them astride.*” They must all fill their souls with “quink” being God’s wisdom recorded in ink, and thus they will understand the “ways and power” of the underhand.All must be told to “go slow” and the full reality get to know, the reality of the power of good, the reality of the power of the misunderstood.  All must now try and see what is now to be.  Within every "tribe" and culture there are people good and people bad.  And the other "fact" that is so sad is that within every race there are a multitude of religions superimposed upon all God's children who walk under this sun.Yes, and every religion does say "Come unto us for we are the only way." I say that all religions are false as they all condone "force" and its accompanying power play.  Thus we need no religion; we only need GOD and the truth being God's leaven.What is the truth? you might ask that is applicable to ALL who under this sun bask.  To aid you and you and all inhumanity too I have again come to earth at this soon time of NO mirth and truthfully and plainly give it "up in the air" so that every tribe may it share.Basically, every "parent" must tell their children to "Only love" and to walk in peace as asked by God's dove.  They must also be told of God's ONE Law, that says, "As you do returns to your door." So in this way all learn that if they others verbally or physically burn, then ahead they will suffer as a bigger bully jumps on their head.And they must now be given the "revealed" by me reason as to how and why their minds become "non-reason" to the point that they cannot avoid putting another's nose out of joint.Please tell all that for past folly they will now pay.  Thus they must heed the call 

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Here is what Terence writes regarding rape, celibacy and women of the street.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 142~ Assault by Rape ~Rape is the 'abuse of' and 'enslavement of' another being, be it a spiritual "sister" or "brother." It is an "imposition" by the "will" of one over another as their emotions "overspill."Thus in a "moment" they justify the "improper" use of another and in some way make them "cry." They also cause fear and pain and always "something" take and this "something" freely gain.The "taker" does not see the fullness or "depth" of their impropriety for they somehow "believe" that they are entitled to make the other grieve.  Despondency and despair are also the "ware" suffered by the one whom the "offender" did snare.What none do see is that all "offenders" are callous "ignorants" who needs be educated by me the spirit of eternity.  For they have "taken on" the role of the "avenger," the reaper as on earth they stroll.The "assault" can be in many a "way." Be it sexual, or a "bashing" or but stealing another's pay.  All impose suffering and all carry the same "sting." All are an imposition by a "brute" force that is self-empowered to any past offender "rape."Yes, any assault upon any in any way is but the "due" being thrust upon a person whom in their past was callous and offensive and controlling in some way."I am innocent" all do cry, and"I have hurt no-one" is their "call" as they suffer or even die.How can I get "through" to you and you and "bless you" so that you are forgiving and merciful and kind on your "way." For you see not that your spirit soul has lived for an eternity and a day before it entered the flesh of this world, and all on earth have "punished & assaulted" others before.So it is time for all to see that the pervading iniquity will go on and on until you all "listen" to this one.  For all whom do taxes pay are responsible for the actions of their "servants" they pay.This "means" that armed forces "men" and others who "rape & pillage & destroy" are in your 'employ,' and as such whatever they do in their "spree" comes back in many a "way" to thee and thee.I can also you "assure" that none "get-away" for being less than "demure." For the Dark "energy" that abusers use knows "who" did IT "diffuse" and IT has a memory a "zillion" years long and retribution is IT'S "song." Can you understand me?So all "society" that does any "offender" incarcerate on your behalf does "attest" that in God's "face" IT does laugh as IT "rapes" you and you because you deserve it for "permitting" this darkness to flow through.It is the time to all teach "how" dark thoughts do minds "breach" and the ignorants use.  Only this way will you individually be set free from suffering as you heed me.On reaching the end of this document go to my "Restoration document" and as you its "contents" absorb will your minds of ignorance be set free.  Do not "complain" if you are "raped" or assaulted in any way.  It is "just" dues for your own folly on a past day.  Yes, be you a female or male aged but 3 or 33 or 93, your spirit within the flesh is an "adult" soul incarnated for me to set you free.What all must try and see is that all who support any "punitive" system incur a "further" karmic "pain" debt.  Thus does "man" and wo-man "wombed" man more and more "fret." All punitive control of "errants" is "offensive" in God's eyes carried out by ignorants unwise and is also the cause of you accruing more dark spiritual debt.Be you a 'hu-man' thus "humble" and inspired by the light above or 'in-human' and mentally "driven" from the subterranean world below, you all need to know that all are subjects of God and thus subject to God's ONE Law - As you do is done unto you - God does not "permit" innocents to be ab-used.  (Abominably)And thus it 'follows' that when you 'cry' out: "I am a victim of assault or assault by rape" you are actually telling the world: "Look at my folly for what you see is the "trauma" I did impose upon others during my past when I was vain and thus full of insanity." Wake up from your 'dreams' now and "follow me."Testament 157~ Celibacy ~“Celibacy a gift from God” he says! What rubbish say I.  To what good earthly "end" would God a mind so "bend" to the extent it needs "sexless" be before it can set other souls "free" in the act of "Communion." That to me means a "UNION." And even the "communion" is distorted, by ministers minds is it thwarted, for the "Act of Communion” in God's eyes IS :The UNION between man and God's WORD.  The "communion" is the "Have you heard what God through Jesus did teach, that Jesus on earth did preach.” ? So "IF" you have "communed" with God you have "eaten" of God's WISDOM as you plod.You have heard that you needs peaceful be, BEFORE God sets you free.  Thus the "Celibate" bit onto the "ACT" you needs sit, meaning, be celibate to the WORD for those who "deviate" fall to the sword.  'Tis thus the “Act of Celibacy” means 

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Here is what Terence writes regarding physical abuse, rape, celibacy and women of the street.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 161~ Physical abuse ~Physical abuse of others usually takes place because the perpetrator believes that they can “carry out” the act with impunity.This “belief” is the result of “empowerment” by man, through legislated enacted mandates, as in Law enforcement, or Military forces.Other abuse is the negative antisocial “behaviour” carried out by a person who is temporarily “mentally unstable.” Mental instability is the cause of all “uncivil” acts performed by one against another, be it from verbal abuse, to killing.The instability is the direct result of negative emotions such as fear, greed, lust, jealousy, hatred, etc.  being “active.” Thus permitting “dark thoughts” to intrude into the consciousness of a person.Society has deemed it “necessary” to take retributionary action against perpetrators in order to “punish and control.” God says : “You must treat all my “erring” children as beings of “diminished responsibility.  They all pay their “dues” and Reap what they Sow.  You as an individual must somehow get to this know.  All are “responsible” to ME for their actions to others.You must personally remain “true” to your sisters and brothers.  The more you twist and weave and control and punish, the more you grieve.  You I have told, must just “forgive” the ignorant arrogant ones if in heaven you’d live.  So all now must quickly others just “educate” peacefully or forever will darkness you berate.You must personally forgive and only let love flow.  This is the only way that My realm you get to know.  So personally now make no other grieve.  For as you do, it is but Satan who did you deceive.” I now with love and wisdom you of ignorance release.  Walk in respect and leave others in peace, and I wish you all the best.  By my wisdom, God’s, you are all blest.Testament 142~ Assault by Rape ~Rape is the 'abuse of' and 'enslavement of' another being, be it a spiritual "sister" or "brother." It is an "imposition" by the "will" of one over another as their emotions "overspill."Thus in a "moment" they justify the "improper" use of another and in some way make them "cry." They also cause fear and pain and always "something" take and this "something" freely gain.The "taker" does not see the fullness or "depth" of their impropriety for they somehow "believe" that they are entitled to make the other grieve.  Despondency and despair are also the "ware" suffered by the one whom the "offender" did snare.What none do see is that all "offenders" are callous "ignorants" who needs be educated by me the spirit of eternity.  For they have "taken on" the role of the "avenger," the reaper as on earth they stroll.The "assault" can be in many a "way." Be it sexual, or a "bashing" or but stealing another's pay.  All impose suffering and all carry the same "sting." All are an imposition by a "brute" force that is self-empowered to any past offender "rape."Yes, any assault upon any in any way is but the "due" being thrust upon a person whom in their past was callous and offensive and controlling in some way."I am innocent" all do cry, and"I have hurt no-one" is their "call" as they suffer or even die.How can I get "through" to you and you and "bless you" so that you are forgiving and merciful and kind on your "way." For you see not that your spirit soul has lived for an eternity and a day before it entered the flesh of this world, and all on earth have "punished & assaulted" others before.So it is time for all to see that the pervading iniquity will go on and on until you all "listen" to this one.  For all whom do taxes pay are responsible for the actions of their "servants" they pay.This "means" that armed forces "men" and others who "rape & pillage & destroy" are in your 'employ,' and as such whatever they do in their "spree" comes back in many a "way" to thee and thee.I can also you "assure" that none "get-away" for being less than "demure." For the Dark "energy" that abusers use knows "who" did IT "diffuse" and IT has a memory a "zillion" years long and retribution is IT'S "song." Can you understand me?So all "society" that does any "offender" incarcerate on your behalf does "attest" that in God's "face" IT does laugh as IT "rapes" you and you because you deserve it for "permitting" this darkness to flow through.It is the time to all teach "how" dark thoughts do minds "breach" and the ignorants use.  Only this way will you individually be set free from suffering as you heed me.On reaching the end of this document go to my "Restoration document" and as you its "contents" absorb will your minds of ignorance be set free.  Do not "complain" if you are "raped" or assaulted in any way.  It is "just" dues for your own folly on a past day.  Yes, be you a female or male aged but 3 or 33 or 93, your spirit within the flesh is an "adult" soul incarnated for me to set you

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Is this individual emplying, through this text, that if a woman or man s sexually assaulted and skarred for life, that person actually deserved it, and the perpetrator meerly acted as an instrument of revenge? That is simply absurd and quite frankly the most outragious position on sexual violence I’ve ever seen. I challenge you, I dare you, find yourself a victim of rape, and say that to their face. I think I’m right when I say that you won’t exactly get far.


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Re: Going Linux

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Going Linux

@78:Congrats, the pie is great for experementation. Personally I don't have one, but I will hopefull get one at some point.


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Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

This I already did but only to myself, not to any other for I was sodomized. As for another who was raped multiple times, I simply pointed her to what Terence writes regarding that and only advised her to forgive her enemy.


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Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

I personally am fond of the Philips SAA1099, as is displayed in my signature . OK sure it's basically a PSG that could produce stereo sound, but I am a fan of how it was used, especially in Creative's CMS demos. I'm also a fan of the MA series of chips produced by Yamaha that were used in many mobile phones from the early 2000s. The MA7, the last in the series, actually supported 3d sound, though I'm not aware of any phones that made use of that capability.


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Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : taljazz24 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

Greetings to all,I have no idea what the game is about for I haven't played it but one thing I can say. I agree with SLJ in saying that there's no point on harping on ssomething being bad if you don't have the guts to put forth your ideas even help. I perhsonally am a sound designer at heart. I use programs like audacity and gold wave, and I am also a music composer as well. Going to try to get into reaper quite soon but for the most part my main audio editors are audacity and gold wave. As for voice acting, all I need is the lines and how to say them and I'm on board. I don't charge for it either for I feel that this is something I can give without the need for money in return. But point being to conclude with, don't let things discourage you from creating. Too much I have done that and can say that it only wears folks down. So keep with it, and if there is any help I can give as far as acting or sound design, please let me know.


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Re: New moon mud

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : taljazz24 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New moon mud

Hi there,I can say for sure that the whole experiense in playing new moon is unlike any mud I have played. In every room description you actually have to find things that are hidden plus there are certain mobs around that give out quests and the like. So far its a wonderful mud that has opertunities for rp, but its not required for anyone that cannot.


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Re: Bad trip, a mud more deserving of a larger player base

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bad trip, a mud more deserving of a larger player base

Well I've had a look at this one. I like the idea of straight off hack n slash, but the game does seem a bit lacking, for example I was trying to buy items in the newbie mud school and couldn't sue the name of each item since it seems the  are a little off (I couldn't buy the piece of toast at all). I like the theory in the game to just go and slay in a light hearted way and be very heavy on easy gains, but really I think I prefer something like erion for being a little more coherent with skills etc and not blinding you with numbers, but hay whatever people want. Access wise there are a few things which are problematic, the formualtion of the score table could be better imho, especially with the amount of stats in the game (a stat display might be nice), also as with a lot of rom and dicu based muds, combat is really quick, far quicker than most I've seen and there is lots of text, this means you don't always get  to notice what the  enemy is doing  and get chance to respond efficiently.There should be a lower spam combat mode ideally to make this a little more accessible, particularly wen in melee combat with a high hit class like warrior, though obviously if your doing ranged combat matters are somewhat different.


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Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings all. I will now post here what my mentor writes regarding religions and these are not my words but his. I completely agree with them and if you want to verify that I am not in any way implying that these words are my own, you can do so.Terence Malaher wrote:The forbidden fruit is not the "apple on the tree" and neither is it the "charms" of women that sometimes are denied thee.  No, the forbidden fruit is the invisible dark energy flow that flows ceaselessly, and when "of" it you sup your Sin within grows as it is "watered" energetically.Our God says that to remain free, we must abide in the Word and only peaceful be.  If on darkness we partake then our way becomes aggressive and a mess of our life we make.And if we "feed" on the forbidden fruit we die spiritually.  But before we die, we for an eternity do cry, for when bound by darkness and its karmic lode we all demand "an eye for an eye." As we thus defy and deny the Commandment to "Forgive and only love," we under the "As you sow you will reap" Law do suffer in perpetuity.And any who are so foolish and so bound have bound themselves on the "suffering wheel" that goes round and round.  For what they cannot see is that what we do comes back, and we never can get free until we put down the sword and heed the Holy "Only love" Word.So let us all from today now heed this fresh "say" that my sacred pen does bring from our God of light.  For all now will feel the vengeful wrath of the retributive God of the dark night.Blessed shall all be who heed now me.  Only they shall of their past dark "fruit" be set free, and given a fresh chance to in heaven dance.Testament 3The “Old” and the “New” Testaments are now obsolete, for “man” did words distort and them thus mistreat. All spiritual teachings have become distorted, and their original truth and direction thus thwarted.All these books must be destroyed.  For through their misunderstanding was much evil deployed.  All who read them have been led astray, only read this Testament of Truth today.The “old” books became “contaminated food” as man over “meaning” did brood, and all were vain, thus did the serpent power gain as man, with his “complicated” understanding, misunderstood the power of the “under handing,” the “shadow” under God’s hand that denies access to the promised land to all who did “distort” the original words prophets did “report.”So I again now “come” to thee with “fresh food” to set thee freeI deliver this fresh doctrine clear and bright, to shine forth as the morning light, and will declare it afar off.  I have penetrated to all lower parts of the earth and beheld all who sleep, and enlightened all who hope in the lord their God of love.  I pour out doctrine as prophecy and wisdom, and will not cease to instruct your off-spring even to the Holy Age. See ye that I have not laboured for myself only, but for all of you who seek truth and deliverance.Behold, I stand at the gate and knock.  If any shall hear my voice, and will open to me the door, I will come in to them, and will share with them this wisdom from our God on high.Terence, Son of Irene & DavidTestament 4 THE LIVING WORD OF GODTHIS Testament is a message from God to the world.  It is the fulfillment of prophecy and is the naked truth.It is the message which unfolds the beginning of the End.  The swift escalation of the sword and famine that was prophesied would take place as mankind reaps more quickly for past sinning Sown, after which, Peace will flow in and the meek will inherit the earth.This document is the Correction of the Truth, and reveals the mystery of God and Christ's return, the true nature of Sin and the spiritual reality of Justice and Judgment, the reality of the message that Jesus came to earth to give mankind, and, the truth as to why he was crucified.  And gives the full explanation of How, Why, and When, the inhabitants of planet earth will be “attacked” telepathically on a mental level from within, and be mentally subjugated by evil souls on a lower level of consciousness (hell).And how we will be used by them, to brutalise and destroy each other for a period of time in which insanity will prevail on earth.It contains the WISDOM from GOD which will mentally fortify believers so that they remain sane in the process, and survive spiritually.When you hear my call harden not your heartsThose who heed not this message through mewill be bound by darkness and never be freeThis Testament of Truth contains some of the thousands of epistles received telepathically between 1987 & 1997 by the Spirit of Truth, whose sinless “clarity of essence” vibrates at the infinite frequency of the God-head, thus enabling pure truth to link-in to his conscious mind from the Source.Thus I have corrected the untrue teachings sown by our forefathers who had wrested the scriptures for material gain through their sin, and perpetuated by our elders today unto their own destruction, and yours,

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Right, so god loves you so much he smites you for your past transgressions, and we're not talking about a spanking, or a time out or something, because having sexual violence perpetrated on you can mess you up for life. I think you should do as Connor suggests and tell this to the people who have had such things done to them. Your position is absurd and untenable.


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Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

hiI cant download the game, page dont loads


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Re: Accessible C++ IDE?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible C++ IDE?

Hi,Thanks very much for the helpful replies! I have heard a lot of good things about visual studio code lately, so will probably give that a try and see how it goes.


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 5), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 5), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi,@number 106 and 107. ok, that’ makes sense, sadly however Sable doesn’t have a feature like the auto draw you mentioned.@number 107. There is a key you can press to quickly jump from one coordinate to another, in case you don’t really know the coordinate of where you want to go to you can also bring up a list of objects  or panning sounds on your map and then with a click of a button be instantly moved to that object, which I find really helpful when building bigger maps. Regarding a key to save a map, there isn’t currently an option for this. Quick save function definitely adds convenience , but  comes at the cost of potentially allowing a creator to accidentally save a map after making a change they didn’t want to keep. It’s definitely something we’ve discussed, and may yet make it into the final release. As for  undoing you’re most recent action, there isn’t  a specific key for this, however we have built in various tools which allow you to delete or amend things you’ve created or placed. The Ebon Sky Studios Teamemail: i...@ebonskystudios.comFacebook: @ebonskystudios


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Re: (Xbox One) The Division 2 Private Beta Accessibility Discovery

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (Xbox One) The Division 2 Private Beta Accessibility Discovery

Hmm, Ian do you think that low vision people would be willing to use voice VS resized high contrast text? I mean most I've encountered wouldn't prefer it at all...I also don't think that this game proves (conclusively) that the industry is willing to move beyond the base CVAA requirements just because one big name did it, that seems like jumping the gun to me.What did you think of the XAC, was that a big turning point in your opinion or mostly just hype, I thought that even with the very expensive third party devices them selves (not really MS's fault) the effort to make the thing still look cool and the amount of time spent on the packaging in order to make it able to be set up independently was very thoughtful.The large amount of ports and the comparatively very low price of the unit it's self would definitely be huge selling points for me if I needed one as well.Anyway I agree with everything else you said basically, and I too am especially excited about how this will act as a tech demo for other studios. Carrying the weight of the Ubisoft name will surely get more attention.I too am happily surprised by how much money they are putting into this and the fact that they are going beyond the minimum. I did not expect that so soon.


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Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

I tend to not include sample-based chips in my favourite, but if I had to, it would be Paula from the Amiga, for the same reasons described in post 16.


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Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

Don't download those clones


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

I already did that on an audio platform called voraille. I came right out and said so. In any case, here is what Terence writes regarding sin.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 25 SINThe SIN: Are the seeds of darkness within the soul. Which are also referred to as the sin forces, for sin has a vibrating energy field of negative emotional feeling.  There are many different “sins” within the soul of an evolving spirit, e.g., Fear, Hatred, Anger, Greed, Jealousy, Vengeance, Criticism and many more.This “energy essence” is drawn from the negative side of the universal energy source (destructive), and surrounds the light at the core of the soul, which is the divine spark of God, being the positive emotional feeling of love.  (Creative).SINNING is:1 - The Act of 'eating' the fruit of the Tree of Evil, and this is forbidden by God as the 'fruit' is the dark forceful energy of God that contains within IT all the dark, deceptive, controlling, invasive, vengeful, jealous, vain, prideful, critical, punitive and destructive energy that contaminates the soul of the user and, - - - It leads their soul away from the Light of Heaven as they use it to control and punish others and, - - - the user places themself into the Dark punitive aspect of God's superior "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law, and they then suffer similarly on a later day as God fulfills His 'eye for an eye' Law.SINNING is:2 - The Act of mentally or emotionally or physically inflicting pain onto another.3 - The Act of taking by force or otherwise for gain.4 - The emotional _expression_ of any sin force by word or deed abusively at another.5 - Allowing negative energy to flow up from the dark side through us to another child of God.6 - The Dark (Satan or Devil) energy showing itself on earth (its face) in operating through people in the flesh or when in spirit.7 - The negative side of God exerting its control on earth and IT is the Reaper in action through the ignorant.8 - The act of supporting, condoning or funding any person, group or institution that uses force to impose, restrict, punish, regulate, invade, terrorise, kill. For this complicity invokes a negative response from God.9 - Anti-Christ, Anti-Love, deceptive, merciless, unforgiving, punitive and destructive.We COMMIT a sin as the direct result of succumbing to the negative thoughts that enter our minds through the vibration of the sin force, and we use the dark energy of God directly or indirectly via our servants.  The sin force is the “doorway” through which our mind is telepathically impregnated with a 'justification' to do what IT the dark inspires us to. A person may also be 'sinning' due to having been deceived through the false teachings of others.The negative thoughts activate the fleshly body and make it react negatively verbally or physically.  It is during this sinning that we are SOWING the darkness that we will later REAP, and as we use its energy its energy contaminates our soul.The sin force IS a part of the Source, being the 'dark' negative retributive aspect called by some 'the Devil.' During the ACT of sinning we are expressing negative energy at an intensity corresponding to the intensity of the energy flowing through the sin force, and we 'earn' an equal 'payback' due under God's one Law: "As you do is done unto you."Testament 26 The upper limit of the intensity of darkness that we can “outpour” will depend on the “size” or “volume” of this essence within us.  The different negative emotions within us have different volumes.  Our negative actions have the express purpose of causing pain and spreading deceit, and controlling others.The “forces” are the Original Sin* which have to be experienced by the evolving spirit on its evolutionary growth path and are implanted deeply into our souls in varying combinations.  At this “Time” they are of many different intensities, depths, combinations and varieties.  The flow of universal LOVE draws these forces up through, and eventually out of our souls on a continuing basis, until the soul is free of them all and finally purified (Christed soul).  Having only light within.As sin forces are drawn through and up towards the surface in the soul, they grow in volume as the result of our sinning in the past and present.  They also grow in intensity and become more difficult to control as they surface to one day clear out of the soul.The negative emotions being the sin, are activated by circumstances to varying degrees, resulting in a multiplicity of thought processes.  The soul gains vast reservoirs of knowledge from the situations experienced, both the positive and the negative ones.Any particular emotional sin force needs to be felt and experienced in order to teach the soul, for as such, the soul is gaining an understanding of the dark, however, it does NOT have to be expressed.  If expressed and thus sinning, the soul is supping on this evil flow and drinks of* this darkness.  Little by lit

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

I already did that on an audio platform called voraille. I came right out and said so. No you cannot disguise your voice, anyone listening knows who I am as I put my real name as my username and they know that I live in West Ealing, London. In any case, here is what Terence writes regarding sin.Terence Malaher wrote:Testament 25 SINThe SIN: Are the seeds of darkness within the soul. Which are also referred to as the sin forces, for sin has a vibrating energy field of negative emotional feeling.  There are many different “sins” within the soul of an evolving spirit, e.g., Fear, Hatred, Anger, Greed, Jealousy, Vengeance, Criticism and many more.This “energy essence” is drawn from the negative side of the universal energy source (destructive), and surrounds the light at the core of the soul, which is the divine spark of God, being the positive emotional feeling of love.  (Creative).SINNING is:1 - The Act of 'eating' the fruit of the Tree of Evil, and this is forbidden by God as the 'fruit' is the dark forceful energy of God that contains within IT all the dark, deceptive, controlling, invasive, vengeful, jealous, vain, prideful, critical, punitive and destructive energy that contaminates the soul of the user and, - - - It leads their soul away from the Light of Heaven as they use it to control and punish others and, - - - the user places themself into the Dark punitive aspect of God's superior "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law, and they then suffer similarly on a later day as God fulfills His 'eye for an eye' Law.SINNING is:2 - The Act of mentally or emotionally or physically inflicting pain onto another.3 - The Act of taking by force or otherwise for gain.4 - The emotional _expression_ of any sin force by word or deed abusively at another.5 - Allowing negative energy to flow up from the dark side through us to another child of God.6 - The Dark (Satan or Devil) energy showing itself on earth (its face) in operating through people in the flesh or when in spirit.7 - The negative side of God exerting its control on earth and IT is the Reaper in action through the ignorant.8 - The act of supporting, condoning or funding any person, group or institution that uses force to impose, restrict, punish, regulate, invade, terrorise, kill. For this complicity invokes a negative response from God.9 - Anti-Christ, Anti-Love, deceptive, merciless, unforgiving, punitive and destructive.We COMMIT a sin as the direct result of succumbing to the negative thoughts that enter our minds through the vibration of the sin force, and we use the dark energy of God directly or indirectly via our servants.  The sin force is the “doorway” through which our mind is telepathically impregnated with a 'justification' to do what IT the dark inspires us to. A person may also be 'sinning' due to having been deceived through the false teachings of others.The negative thoughts activate the fleshly body and make it react negatively verbally or physically.  It is during this sinning that we are SOWING the darkness that we will later REAP, and as we use its energy its energy contaminates our soul.The sin force IS a part of the Source, being the 'dark' negative retributive aspect called by some 'the Devil.' During the ACT of sinning we are expressing negative energy at an intensity corresponding to the intensity of the energy flowing through the sin force, and we 'earn' an equal 'payback' due under God's one Law: "As you do is done unto you."Testament 26 The upper limit of the intensity of darkness that we can “outpour” will depend on the “size” or “volume” of this essence within us.  The different negative emotions within us have different volumes.  Our negative actions have the express purpose of causing pain and spreading deceit, and controlling others.The “forces” are the Original Sin* which have to be experienced by the evolving spirit on its evolutionary growth path and are implanted deeply into our souls in varying combinations.  At this “Time” they are of many different intensities, depths, combinations and varieties.  The flow of universal LOVE draws these forces up through, and eventually out of our souls on a continuing basis, until the soul is free of them all and finally purified (Christed soul).  Having only light within.As sin forces are drawn through and up towards the surface in the soul, they grow in volume as the result of our sinning in the past and present.  They also grow in intensity and become more difficult to control as they surface to one day clear out of the soul.The negative emotions being the sin, are activated by circumstances to varying degrees, resulting in a multiplicity of thought processes.  The soul gains vast reservoirs of knowledge from the situations experienced, both the positive and the negative ones.Any particular emotional sin force needs to be felt and experienced in order to teach the soul, for as such, the soul is gaining an understanding of the dark, how

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Ironcross, one of these days you'll have to show me how gender theory is flawed, and you'll have to demonstrate that white privilege doesn't exist. I'm afraid that until you do this, you're not very credible. And that's okay. You don't have to be. But please don't expect me to take your words on the topic seriously until you can back them up with more than just opinions. At this point, I have the distinct impression that you would deny these concepts even if they were graven in stone and set before you as immutable truth, that your objection is one of stubbornness over reason. That is your prerogative, but I'm well and truly done discussing this point with you directly. Insofar as this very specific subject is concerned, I feel you to be a lost cause, through and through. You might be a nice person, a fair debater, a staunch ally for those who have been beaten down (depending on who they are and what they did, anyway), but a stolid advocate on the side of human rights you most definitely are not.Bashue, I really don't think anyone's buying what Terence is selling, and by extension what you're selling either. I'm also not a fan of being told that I lock people in padded cells and only seek to "zombiefy" them, even after I've made clear on multiple occasions by now that I think a multidisciplinary approach is best for virtually all forms of mental illness.But you didn't stop there. You got into the sexual violence/abuse thing, so at this point, here's where I go into mod mode.Moderation:This is a caution, not a punitive warning or anything greater.We very likely have other sexual abuse survivors on this forum, whether we know who they are or not. While I cannot and will not ask you to change what you believe regarding their own complicity, I'm going to ask that you stop ascribing fault to them. If you say that you think they got what was coming to them, and then provide bits of religious doctrine citing the same thing, this is tantamount to supporting the act of victim-blaming. There are abuse survivors who might stumble across this thread, all unknowing, and read your words, and take measurable ill from them, and as a member of this forum's staff team I feel it is incumbent upon me to limit the sort of harm this might do. Now, quite obviously I cannot protect everyone from everything, but given that I am not alone in this condemnation of your stance, and given the measurable harm such a stance can do, I'm going to ask that you lay off this particular angle. Put another way: you've made your point, and I don't see anyone else agreeing with you, and given the potential for far worse to happen if you continue, I'm respectfully asking you to let that part of it, in particular, go.


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Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

@41Just because something is true doesn't mean that highlighting it is the way forward. All I've really seen from the concept of white privilege is hatred directed at whites as a hole which then causes previously neutral whites to lash out because they feel targeted (at times they are) and this new wave of college aged kids belonging to the races most effected by it sliding into the trap of blaming whites for all their problems and using it as an excuse to be assholes to everyone, even members of their own race at times. It's unhealthy, unfriendly, and unproductive.I'd like to see how highlighting white privilege has benefited anyone, because to me it just sounds like a rebranding of white guilt.And though yes, the biggest divide in the world is still between whites and other races, their are all sorts of other groups who have advantages over others around the globe, and many points throughout history where whites were not at all the top dogs. So why have we boiled this down into whites vs everyone else instead of humans VS other humans? You'd think a term like racial imbalance or something would at least be less transparently hostile...And the thing is, most developed nations were already giving allot of aid to less developed nations even if it was usually for financial or PR motives, and the WHO and WFO and such, though part of the often ineffective UN, seem quite impactful them selves and are mostly funded by wealthy nations.I believe US citizens them selves are the second or third most charitable people on earth by average donation amount as well...Public racism hasn't really been acceptable for a couple decades now in much of the US, and white people have been scared of using the N word or enjoying comedy that makes fun of black people (even when done by other black people) for even longer.In several areas of the US, whites are just as likely to be impoverished, drug addicted, and victims of violence as blacks, even if in general that is still not the case. Meaning that if you talk to people from those places about it, your going to get a strong negative reaction because that's just not their reality.All of this was true before the white privilege buzzword hit the public consciousness, and I haven't personally seen any positive change come out of this, just more divisiveness from both sides, and any time race comes up, it seems like you get allot more useful conversation done when it never enters into the vocabulary, even in South Africa where it's actually still a fresh problem.Do I see the irony of people constantly saying that words only have the power that you (personally) give them and that your just getting triggered because your a snowflake but then not liking this word? Yes, yes I do, but I never really ascribed to that anyway my self.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

Thanks for the links guys, this is interesting. I wish it was easier to just get solid demos of the different sounds the chips could make and the number of channels they could use though, rather than relying on specific songs that would likely only use a few of those features.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

hello,@aryamansinghno, you can't make bullets you can find them in gifts / survival packs.also you can find the guides here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

I mean at a certain point it does become conformation bias... Because these kinds of technical problems happen all the time to other developers too and, most of it is still not a paid service.As much as it still sucks for players, I don't think their was ever any payment for playing SBYW online for instance, just a few item packs, so your not really paying for server uptime.I'm glad he stopped pretending he could be a web host though, that was just absurd.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Defender, I can rebut this. And for what it's worth, thank you for coming at this from an angle I can grasp. You have some decent points here, and let me start by saying that there is absolutely such a thing as class privilege, male privilege, etc. There is also, in some circles, female privilege as well, particularly in the legal system when it comes to custody of children (though we're working on this one). And in certain parts of the world, black privilege is probably a thing too.Privilege refers to unearned advantages and benefits due to an unrelated characteristic. If you're a white person and you've never been stopped or harassed due to your skin colour in, say, an airport or at a Starbucks or something, then you're experiencing white privilege, because this happens to black people sometimes and it needn't. There are examples I could ascribe to class and gender as well. For instance, people in stores often give more unsolicited advice to women when they appear lost or uncertain vs. men, and you are more likely to be questioned by security if you're loitering in an area wearing "shabby" clothing instead of more middle or high-class apparel. This doesn't mean there aren't glaring exceptions to the rule. There absolutely are. What it means is that these things happen enough that they form part of society's lens by which they view difference.The trick here, I think, is to recognize that white privilege is not an individual problem, it's a systemic one. I am not in the least angry with you because you've experienced white privilege. Hell, how could I be? I get it all the time! No...instead of being angry that others experience this phenomenon, I'd rather try and get at the root of why it's happening. Anyone who is using the existence of white privilege to fuel a hatred of white people in general does not represent what we're after. Anyone claiming all white people are innately evil and oppressive and awful is, again, missing the point. Some people do this, of course, but I daresay they do not represent the majority, and we actively try to repudiate such rhetoric.The reason we don't call it "racial imbalance" is a simple one. Racial imbalance would be a term that neatly lets the dominant group (in this case, whites) off the hook. It means we don't have to confront the big bad elephant in the living room anymore, and can pull the "racial imbalance" card any time a person of colour acts in a way that is more harmful than helpful in the struggle for equality, because god knows it does happen. It makes the problems faced by whites, on a racial level, look fundamentally equal to the problems faced by virtually everyone else, and this is simply not accurate and not tenable. So we're calling it what it is. Privilege.And we're working on it. We want no part of guilt, by the way. We want recognition, ownership and help above all else.As I said to Ironcross, the first and most important step is to recognize that white privilege exists and is a systemic problem. This doesn't mean taking on a burden of responsibility for awful acts committed by other white people. It doesn't mean thinking you're slime because of the colour of your skin. No one interested in equality actually wants that, not for a single second, so please don't let anyone tell you any different. What we're after is an acceptance that if you belong to certain groups, you've enjoyed some advantages others have not, and with this recognition, we hope that you will use the power you have accrued for good. Listen to those whose experiences don't match your own. Ask them if you can help somehow, and listen to their responses. Validate them insofar as it makes sense to do so. Own the privilege, and be a part of the movement which makes it go away. Because that's ultimately what we're seeking: a system where people truly are equal, where gender and race and all those things are no longer social determinants of success, respect or potential. It's going to take time, and the first and biggest step is the acceptance and abolition of white privilege.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: X3: Terran Conflict, like Smugglers on Steroids

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: X3: Terran Conflict, like Smugglers on Steroids

oh i see. so is that why you can't get the trade system extention working properly? is there any way at all that trading system extentions can be made to work?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

So sad to hear this. I heard Liam played it on YouTube, and it was pretty good. Sadly this won't work on my Android device.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bad trip, a mud more deserving of a larger player base

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dalen lewin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bad trip, a mud more deserving of a larger player base

I understand. To each their own as they say.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

The reason the sounds don’t have a key is because there is a agreme that we will not decrypt the sounds or get any part of the code.nt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

The reason the sounds don’t have a key is because there is a agreme that we will not decrypt the sounds or get any part of the code.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 5), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 5), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hmm good point on quick save, maybe an auto save feature then that saves the last 5 or ten map changes? Something user configurable if the map files are large, separate from the normal save. I think that's how some audio editors manage to let you undo previous mistakes even when reimporting the project...It's okay if auto draw isn't a thing, but maybe you could make it possible to hold down arrows and space at the same time and do it that way?Speaking of which, is their a way to move forward continuously by say, pressing control or shift while moving? a way to quickly move in large corridors or rooms without guessing coords is pretty nice and saves your hand the pain LOL.That's really awesome about the jump to object thing, it seems very useful indeed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

Yeah I'm still confused why this one gets a pass when others don't...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Requesting remnant recordings

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Requesting remnant recordings

Update! The recordings are done!I don't know if I can upload them to google drive at this time, however I can promis that they will be there in the next 12 hours or so.Later!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

Yeah I'm still confused why this one gets a pass when others don't... Allowing it through in the first place was a mistake but that doesn't mean it should continue.Though to call it a clone is unfair, unlicensed spinoff/derivative is more accurate for this particular title, as it does stand head and shoulders above most others.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

Yeah I'm still confused why this one gets a pass when others don't... Allowing it through in the first place was a mistake but that doesn't mean it should continue.Though to call it a clone is even more inaccurate than usual, unlicensed spinoff/derivative is far more true for this particular title, as it does stand head and shoulders above all the others.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

The reason the sounds don’t have a key is because there is  an official license that says we cannot unpack the sounds or get any part of the code.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Requesting remnant recordings

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Requesting remnant recordings

Update! The recordings are done!Here's the link … LfqDZmop2GLater!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings Jayde.I will comply with the caution; I cannot carry on with that particular argument, especially when you were simply being the light in action. I can far more easily argue with those who express darkness against me but it is impossible for me to do so unto you. If I am inspired to write more regarding any other angle, I will only put it here in this thread. I must also apologise to you for doing what I swore I'd never do unto anyone. I purposely dismissed what you said regarding you being in favour of a multiple disciplinary approach and I did lump you in with all those who have actually done that. I won't make any excuses except to say that instead of backing down, I own and admit to my error. I was wrong and I treated you as I was treated. By my very own ideology that I subscribe to, I will have to suffer what I put you through because by the very act of me accusing you, I also will be accused in the same or similar manor.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New moon mud

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New moon mud

this quest is really ticking me off i wna pull out my hair. lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Absolute truth, the testament of truth.

Greetings Jayde.I will comply with the caution; I cannot carry on with that particular argument, especially when you were simply being the light in action. I can far more easily argue with those who express darkness against me but it is impossible for me to do so unto you. If I am inspired to write more regarding any other angle, I will either put it here in this thread or create a new one minus this particular angle. I must also apologise to you for doing what I swore I'd never do unto anyone. I purposely dismissed what you said regarding you being in favour of a multiple disciplinary approach and I did lump you in with all those who have actually done that. I won't make any excuses except to say that instead of backing down, I own and admit to my error. I was wrong and I treated you as I was treated. By my very own ideology that I subscribe to, I will have to suffer what I put you through because by the very act of me accusing you, I also will be accused in the same or similar manor.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

Oh I don't know, tk was pretty good for it's time as well before the code got out, and from what i've seen that also seems to have a lot of unused up code. If I really cared or was board enough i would post proofe, all i'm saying right now is, sonar code?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

well it's still sort of bad no matter how you look at it. Yeah paying only really unlocked a few extra features and items, but if you pay for something and it suddenly becomes unavailable you'd probably be pissed. Oh and for the record, I haven't and probably will never buy anything of mason's, sorry, i'd rather just wait for toom hunter to become free or abandoneware or so drama infested that noone cares anymore like the rest of mason's games before I think about shelling out 15 bucks. Now sbp is deffinutly a game I would probably still pay for, but since i'm the only one who really likes that game for whatever reason...


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Eclipse NVDA Master

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : vojvoda via Audiogames-reflector


Eclipse NVDA Master

Hello peopleI downloaded EClipse for NVDA, but some things are not really clear for me.Actually the only one thing  I don't understand is the very first thing, I got the zip file but have no idea where to extract.I am wondering does someone have experience with this addon and EClipse in general, I would be thankful if I could get this little help, where to extractBest RegardsVojvoda


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Re: Liam's Official YouTube Streaming Thread

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Liam's Official YouTube Streaming Thread

I'm not sure of a start time yet, but Marathon will be on February 24th. Mark it on your calendars and such.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bk1 dungeon help

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bk1 dungeon help

@post7 I know about the swing direction being the last arrow pressed


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

There are lots of python game libraries here: to those use to BGT is Direct Python, which wraps Direct X, which is what BGT uses (Direct Sound, Direct Input, etc).Found by asking Google "what is the easiest way to get 3d audio in python". I did not get an answer, unless OpenAL is an answer, which I am disinclined  to believe.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

Yeah, writing to them is probably the best option. I would think they have teams who code the website and apps that are completely separate from the counseling staff, anyway, so maybe my concern wouldn't reach them at all before I signed up. I do have a couple of questions, though. Believe it or not, this is the first time I'll be writing to a company to inquire about the accessibility of their services. When you guys have done that in the past, do you include links to various screen readers in your message, or do you just summarize what a screen reader does? Do you include any other links, such as web accessibility guidelines/developer resources? I want to make sure to state my point in such a way that it will be more likely I'll get an answer, preferably from a real human and not one of those "thank you for your interest blah blah blah" bot-generated things. I don't want to come off as pushy, though, so any tips on balancing that would be appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

#60 It could have been my missunderstanding.I thought he wanted to know where to find the FMOD functions.


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Re: The vortex, complex game of robot control for Amazon Alexa

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The vortex, complex game of robot control for Amazon Alexa

I personaly use ultimate which really works great, at least for me.I should buy the thing though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help eliminating visual schizophrenia and synesthesia

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help eliminating visual schizophrenia and synesthesia

I apologize if I post too much in this topic. If I get a spam warn, I understand why. The reason I have been ignoring that fact that I haven’t accepted blindness is because I’ve been holding on to the less than 1% chance of getting it back. My optic nerve is damaged, and glaucoma detached my retinas, so there is no hope in getting my sight back. But I have held on to that less than 1%, and that is causing my whole life to spiral out of control. I need to abandon it.I have heard many stories of people who have lost their sight, and when the technology came available, they preferred not to have it. I always disagreed with them, because look at how many societal problems we face! BUt I never considered the personal damage they experienced. Maybe they held onto that 1%. Maybe they were afraid they would gain their vision and then lose it again, just to have the scale of damage double or triple. Maybe they could only get a tiny speck of sight back, which would probably be my case.The question in the end is: is it really worth it to damage my whole personal life with a 1% dream that might only recover the smallest bit of light, not enough to make a difference? Maybe I would heal alll the way, but that is not likely with detached retinas and damage to the optic nerve. I have been trying to ignore everyone’s warnings.But even after all of this, it feels wrong to give up the 1%. It has destroyed my life, but somehow it makes me feel like I gave up on getting sight back. How can I accept it, and live with that acceptance? Can I have everyone’s story please?


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Re: Squaresoft soundpack with working global world!

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Atlan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Squaresoft soundpack with working global world!

i should play it again


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: somethin else, again...

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: somethin else, again...

Hi, I would sure love to know, too. I have the ipa's of the audiodefence and the papasangre II games but erm, they are on my iphone 6 plus running ios10, but I'd love to seriously get them on my iphone XS MAX, if you know of a way that doesn't include itunes backups, you will have my undieing gratitude. As I said, I have the IPA on my phone, but can't get them on my computer because I forgot the password for Itunes backups and once you do that, the only way to get that to backk up is a reset and restore, which I don't think would be such a good idea lmao. I also have access to an mbp, if that helps any.Thanks!Grryf


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Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

One of the reasons I never took the time to find out what this game was about is because I had a gut feeling the project would be scrapped eventually. It seems like a lot of developers are throwing in the towel nowadays because people don't like what they put out. Back when the market was still young, you forged ahead no matter what people said, but I fear that over time developers have become more and more sensitive and are more customer-driven. For example, I've seen countless topics on this forum asking if people will like a certain game before the developer ventures out to create it. So, instead of the developers leading the market, they are asking for the broad customer base to lead the market.This type of attitude shows the unwillingness to take risks like what we used to do years ago. All of us, from me to Liam Erven to David Greenwood, were criticized heavily for our work. Yet our games still existed ( many of which still exist to this day.) But this type of "I'm leaving because you guys hurt my feelings and criticized me" attitude is making me more and more hesitant to try new games, because eventually the developers will get all hurt and things and abandon the project.Especially for a game like this where each chapter is paid, now I'm really, really glad I didn't get into it because I'd be left hanging along with everyone who played it and actually got involved in the story line.There was a really good game by a kid named Danny a while ago, and he left for the same reason: couldn't handle the criticism. I think folks are finally finding out that producing games is so much more than just hammering away at a keyboard: it requires thick skin and true, dedicated effort, which no one has today. So yay to another short-lived spark and may the trend continue for any new developer that comes along and gets butt-hurt by what people said.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

While I don't know anything about the accessibility of either of the 2 services you mentioned, in regards to better help a few months ago some somewhat concerning information surfaced about the quality of the service. This video sums it up pretty well. I've never heard talkspace being mentioned before, so maybe it's a more reputable site. But like I said at the beginning I haven't used either so I don't want to endorse one site over another but I felt this was worth bringing to your attention in case you haven't seen it before.Here's hoping you can find the help you need!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Making It Right

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making It Right

H, on a scale from 1 to 10, I won't tell that you are an 1, but definitely under 5, at least to me. You are always cool to me, even I am freaking anoying most of the time, from what others said.I actualy like when you look serious as hell and you are joking, mostly because I always take jokes as jokes, I mean I don't ged mad when someone makes them towards me, ask Alireza on that matter.And, the last thing, I like the way you make me spell better, I mean, you are dirrect, not trying to hide other's mistakes and you tell them the truth, that is a big plus for me.Ok, don't really know what to say next and I can't really say anything, since I am typing onto a small phone and my fingers are in pain. Thanks for beying you and thanks for always making me laugh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

One of the reasons I never took the time to find out what this game was about is because I had a gut feeling the project would be scrapped eventually. It seems like a lot of developers are throwing in the towel nowadays because people don't like what they put out. Back when the market was still young, you forged ahead no matter what people said, but I fear that over time developers have become more and more sensitive and are more customer-driven. For example, I've seen countless topics on this forum asking if people will like a certain game before the developer ventures out to create it. So, instead of the developers leading the market, they are asking for the broad customer base to lead the market.This type of attitude shows the unwillingness to take risks like what we used to do years ago. All of us, from me to Liam Erven to David Greenwood, were criticized heavily for our work. One of the first people to bring the blind community together online, Joker Dog, creator of Accessible Chat, was heavily criticized for the "simple nature" of his games. Yet he forged ahead. Despite all this,  our games still existed ( many of which still exist to this day.) But this type of "I'm leaving because you guys hurt my feelings and criticized me" attitude is making me more and more hesitant to try new games, because eventually the developers will get all hurt and things and abandon the project.Especially for a game like this where each chapter is paid, now I'm really, really glad I didn't get into it because I'd be left hanging along with everyone who played it and actually got involved in the story line.There was a really good game by a kid named Danny a while ago, and he left for the same reason: couldn't handle the criticism. You'd be surprised if I tell you what some people said about TDV when it was under development. I think folks are finally finding out that producing games is so much more than just hammering away at a keyboard: it requires thick skin and true, dedicated effort, which no one has today. So yay to another short-lived spark and may the trend continue for any new developer that comes along and gets butt-hurt by what people said.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A quick question about roryboxing and the development of roryboxing

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A quick question about roryboxing and the development of roryboxing

Hi!I kind of like rory boxing, i am not playing it so often any more but still some times. Making the ai harder is possible i think. It depents on how the ai works. I for an example also once made a boxing game, what i will not publish because a game like this already exists now, and with my ai it wouldn't have worked because this was just performing random moves. But it should work somewhere.@ the true swamp gamer: in my oppinion it's a bad idea to learn a language and then a month later suddenly go away from it. Also, as i know and tried my self, python can only work with commantline, versus bgt that can directly run a script. Also most wrappers for an example for nvda are for bgt. And also i am right now quite happy with bgt, and because i am not planing to code grafical interfaces for now it's also good for me. The virus thing is anoying i know, but come one every doode knows how to define exepcions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

Panda3d seems like the least ass-pain-inflicting way to do more complex games. Apparently I ate something that has me more mentally fragile than usual today, though, so find that the idea of some sort of Skype "class" on how to use it sounds unusually nice. Something that would focus on the stuff relevant to audio games, rather than a million pages on the subtleties of 3d graphics (3d audio gets a whole page in the manual. "Oh, yeah, we have this, too. Here are four or five useful function-method-magigs. Now, back to chapter 10 on shading texture lights in antialiased fog-ramps...").


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: somethin else, again...

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: somethin else, again...

I had figured as much, considering the 32bit kernel is still utilized. I have a feeling it was just to scare devs away, considering, well, people will buy anything from Apple, literally and figuratively. Lol!Ok, so now we're at a grayarea tantamount to Bavisoft. This time, though, it's almost worse, because even if you've purchased it, there is literally no way to obtain the game as it was pulled from all sources of the store (including the purchased section.) To that end, there are IPA's available of AudioDefense if you look. It's a matter of what's ethically correct at this point. If you were a paying customer when this game was out, then there is technically nothing wrong with this method of re-obtaining it, as this is just like a cd-only game breaking, only the copies are artificially all out of stock. If you have not bought the game, well, then who knows what's right or not at this point, since Somethin Else pretty much dropped their game division (shame, as those were some talented developers.) Would they consider this a compliment to see people not listening to what Apple said and playing the games on new devices anyway and still enjoying them? Who can tell. For obvious reasons of safety here and still respecting a no cracks policy I will not link to where to find some of these though. But now that this discussion has been brought up, maybe a moderator will chime in and let us know what they think about this whole thing.


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Re: firefight's unbalancing issues

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: firefight's unbalancing issues

Download fire fight here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

Were it me, Turtlepower, I would begin by mentioning that you are considering the company's services. I would then explain that you are a screenreader user and mention, in vague nontechnical strokes, what that means (what OS do you use, that sort of thing). Don't bombard them with links and stuff right away, but merely try to ascertain whether or not their site and services are screenreader-friendly. If you get a "dear customer" letter that is clearly a form letter, your own response wasn't lacking; it simply means they've set that up as a default first response and may yet get back to you, so don't be disheartened. If you get a positive response, then you're off to the races. If you get an uncertain response and question, that would be the time to link your responder to appropriate things as they apply to you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

Well, in fairness, the game actually had to fold also due to the financial burden )they said what they were hoping to create was getting expensive, and the high number of downloads seemed like the organization they got funding from was expecting way too much.) I think this was 1 downloads to prove there's a market. 1 downloads in the first few days of the project, I don't think that's very realistic personally. Even with several different online communities, you encounter many of the same people. You'd have to have some sort of mainstream coverage before you got close to 1000 downloads. It got over a thousand, which isn't bad for an initial debut, and I would say be proud of that despite what some bottom-line interested funding organization may think (AVEC is probably not that, but they seem pretty unreasonable when it comes to audiogames.)


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

A theory is to make some projectiles wider, so that they can't be dodged by moving one square.I've had a fun idea, and that is, every time an enemy spawns, there is a 5 or so % chance of it becoming a mega enemy, to make things feel like all enemies are not the same.A mega enemy has these differences from normal enemies. Twice as much hp, gains a few extra levels, it's attacks gain, like, a +1 multiplier, and it gains 30 % speed so it can walk faster.I know the gate generates things like that in infinite mode, and I'd have fun fighting those. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

FYI, I do think they said something about the fact they are going to carry on anyway, so let's say their funding was wildly successful anyway , I would think the project would've gone on no problem. I think they kept wanting to find local voice actor because they were hesitant to deal with people with different audio setups. But that, ironically, is exactly one of the things you should be looking for in an audition process. For example, don't even try if you have just an iPhone or your computer as a microphone, maybe list a recommend one (I personally use the Yeti with enough effort to get it on the right gain level for my voice given the situation.) But it is nevertheless possible to hire non-local voice actors for the project from all parts of the community, and just weed out the ones with less than stellar setups.


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Re: Let's play right or not right

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's play right or not right

Oddly, yes I am. I'm quite uninterested in studying the powers of the legislative branch, and thus, decided to waste my time here instead haha.Anyhow, the person who posts after me has written at least 20 lines of code within their lifespan


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Re: Getting started with VMware player

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with VMware player

@post5, why is it that you are unable to install vmware player version 12?


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Re: Eclipse NVDA Master

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eclipse NVDA Master

You may have downloaded an invalid file.NVDA extensions have got a .nvda_addon extension, but I've heard they can download as zip.Here are steps to maybe fix it.Open notepad.Open the eclipse add-on in notepad, don't ask why, just bear with me.Now, open save as, and in the file name edit box, type the following."eclipse..nvda-addon"Now hit save, this should change the file extension.Now, find where you saved the eclipse.nvda-addon file, the location shouldn't matter and press enter.If all goes well, NVDA will ask you if you want to install this add-on.Hit yes and wait and restart NVDA.HTH


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Eclipse NVDA Master

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eclipse NVDA Master

You may have downloaded an invalid file.NVDA extensions have got a .nvda_addon extension, but I've heard they can download as zip.Here are steps to maybe fix it.Open notepad.Open the eclipse add-on in notepad, don't ask why, just bear with me.Now, open save as, and in the file name edit box, type the following."eclipse.nvda-addon"The quotes are important, don't miss them.Now hit save, this should change the file extension.Now, find where you saved the eclipse.nvda-addon file, the location shouldn't matter and press enter.If all goes well, NVDA will ask you if you want to install this add-on.Hit yes and wait and restart NVDA.HTH


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's play right or not right

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's play right or not right

Haha, how did you know?I guess that the next person knows what PHP is but doesn't use it.


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Re: New moon mud

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New moon mud

just wondering is their a soundpack?


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Function to perform pitch bending on a sound in BGT

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gabriel-schuck via Audiogames-reflector


Function to perform pitch bending on a sound in BGT

Hello!I share with you a function in bgt and that I am using in my game to perform pitch bending on a sound.It's very simple, follow the code below:void pitch_bend(sound@ soundfile, double value, string mode, int time){double original_value=soundfile.pitch;while (soundfile.playing and value>1 or value>200){if(mode=="up") value=value+1;else if (mode=="down") value=value-1;soundfile.pitch=value;wait(time);}soundfile.pause();soundfile.pitch=original_value;soundfile.stop();}To test, you can do something like this:#include "pitchbend.bgt"sound test;void main(){show_game_window ("Pitch bend");test.load ("filename.wav");;wait (5000);pitch_bend(@test,80,"down",25);}Or else:#include "pitchbend.bgt"sound test;void main(){show_game_window ("Pitch bend");test.load ("filename");;wait (5000);pitch_bend(@test,test.pitch,"up",50);}I hope this is useful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Function to perform pitch bending on a sound in BGT

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gabriel-schuck via Audiogames-reflector


Function to perform pitch bending on a sound in BGT

Hello!I share with you a function in bgt and that I am using in my game to perform pitch bending on a sound.It's very simple, follow the code below:void pitch_bend(sound@ soundfile, double value, string mode, int time){double original_value=soundfile.pitch;while (soundfile.playing and value>1 or value>200){if(mode=="up") value=value+1;else if (mode=="down") value=value-1;soundfile.pitch=value;wait(time);}soundfile.pause();soundfile.pitch=original_value;soundfile.stop();}To test, you can do something like this:#include "pitchbend.bgt"sound test;void main(){show_game_window ("Pitch bend");test.load ("filename.wav");;wait (5000);pitch_bend(@test,80,"down",25);}Or else:#include "pitchbend.bgt"sound test;void main(){show_game_window ("Pitch bend");test.load ("filename.wav");;wait (5000);pitch_bend(@test,test.pitch,"up",50);}I hope this is useful.


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Re: your favorite sound chip?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your favorite sound chip?

I also like the chip used in the XaviX based plug and plays.


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Re: Shadowrun rp, gauging interest

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadowrun rp, gauging interest

all this complaint about tables? First of all, if you have a screen reader, they are vary easy to navigate, or are you reading it in braille? In witch case it  is still pretty easy to navigate.If you want, you can probably find these tables on the internet, look up like, shadowrun wiki classes, or something like that, and I guarantee it'll come up.Maybe I'm misunderstanding but it seems like your doing a lot of work for not much reward.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: firefight's unbalancing issues

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: firefight's unbalancing issues

Ah, a game mode finally in one of these things.  And a current popular one in the mainstream community.  For anyone not sure what a battle royale consists of, it generally involves usually everyone placed around a large (and usually maze-like) map, sometimes armed with nothing except a garbage melee weapon and base health.  Scattered across the map are randomly placed drops that can be weapons, ammo, healing items, defensive upgrades, and whatever the game decides would be fun to use.  The goal is to essentially survive until you're the last person or team (depending on the version) to liveto the end.  Generally, nothing respawns so people can't just camp a single area, and need to move to gather more resources.  As well, there's usually an area reduction in place during the match, shrinking the battlezone so people are forced into a smaller, and smaller battlefield as previously open areas will now damage or instantly kill you for loitering.  This is to encourage you to search new places, and be in constant danger of other players.      IN a way, this would sort of be like the normal way of playing the game at the start, but by the end of the match, everyone has a varying amount of equipment and items, and no drops are usually left.  If you want more health and ammo, killing the other players are the only way, and you have to be smart not to blow through most of your resources and hp.  SO fun all around, as the item gathering portion of the game doesn't take 3 hours, but 3 minutes while dealing with other players.


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Re: Eclipse NVDA Master

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eclipse NVDA Master

first of all, what is it?Some NVDA addons come in zip files because they need multiple files to be run, unzip it and see if there is a readme.txt file.


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Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

@26, no no no, he told me to stay the fuck out of it, even though I asked one question, and I was trying to help the situation by talking calmly to him


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Re: battle constant,

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: battle constant,

Only reason this had a pass was because we were unsure. As it stands, Sam Tupy got the rights to Ultra Power, said that Desafio Mortale wasn't aloud as a result, so now, we've got real merit. I don't have any real proof that the code is from Desafio Mortale, but I unfortunately am now going to have to say that the sounds are the same, the interface seems similar based on what everyone's saying here, and if everyone is thinking this is a clone, then it's time for it to go especially as the official wrightsholder for Ultrapower is no longer allowing it, and the topic returning is all we needed. As of now, this topic is closed.


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Re: (Xbox One) The Division 2 Private Beta Accessibility Discovery

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (Xbox One) The Division 2 Private Beta Accessibility Discovery

No, I'd say it does not prove conclusively, but I think it now gives things much more merit, a thing that advocates can send to developers as a valid example.


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Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My idea to encourage people to use Python and make more games with it

@64, lol. The problem with those python libraries is that 99 percent of them are python 2-specific. Yuck. 


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Re: New moon mud

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New moon mud

not that i'm aware


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Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

I have also gone and listened to that video. My conclusion: Felix, aka PewDiePie, is an idiot.1. He claims that BetterHelp doesn't verify its therapists. this is patently untrue according to virtually everything I found. it's possible that it was once true, but it appears now that this platform requires therapists to be fully accredited. There are multiple references to how a person can do their own due diligence upon their assigned counsellor.2. He claims that BetterHelp labels itself as a clear substitute for face-to-face therapy. Again, wrong. It flatly states that in some cases, there is simply no substitute for in-person meeting, and that the service cannot give diagnoses and whatnot. This is because of the legal complications which can arise, and the way diagnosis is reached in clinical settings. BetterHelp is setting itself up as a stopgap, as something you can use and which might yield huge dividends, but at no time does it ever claim to be a catch-all solution. Read the fine print. I did.3. Last but not least, he spends a lot of time hammering on youtubers making money, which I find fishy. This is also the guy, you'll remember, who got caught supporting anti-Semitic channels, and was slammed in the public eye for it. I'm not saying that destroys every shred of his credibility - it doesn't - but it's definitely not a mark in his favour. If BetterHelp really is about making a ton of money, then that's obviously not great. But to me, it looks like a tool to connect counsellors and therapists with clients. BetterHelp acts not as the employee of these counsellors or therapists, but as the intermediary link. And this is why, by the way, they get away with charging much less money; these counsellors and therapists are often doing the work in addition to whatever else they're doing. I suspect they are not working full-time and trying to make a living with this platform, since I doubt that would be viable.So yeah. Felix is kind of an idiot. If nothing else at all, Betterhelp appears to have undergone some changes, so if his video was once true, it appears to be outdated. I dislike scaremongering when someone needs help, and am a huge fan of checking one's facts first, so my gentle advice to all and sundry from here on out is to verify your sources first. This one just got torched.


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Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

he has these highs when he's on top of the world, then it down spirals into these lows when he just lashes out at people. I don't think the community treated him fairly by using his leaked code and stuff, and those with access leaking the code in the first place, but he makes that choice every day to keep doing this. I don't know if he thinks he can turn it into a career or something? I mean not with him as the PR person, that's for sure. Maybe if he was just the developer, and then he hired an admin team or something for each online game. He has the coding skills to do something professionally, but his emotional issues are going to be a road block for him until he can get them sorted out. Then, if he wants to act like nothing is going on and stuff all the time, he's basically denying that he has problems, which doesn't take him any closer to fixing them.If he's gonna go developer, I'd say get established in a company rather than strike it out on your own. For him that would be the best way to work as he's mostly be left to it. He would of course have to integrate with the team a bit, but what programmer really has any social skills lol.


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Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

Ok, here is the logs, jimmy gave me permission to use his name sooo:redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (audiogamer1456. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server Details page. Will be improved as needed! connection is sponsored by tunmi13EragonShadeslayer: don't anger im any more than he is right nowtechy: but you know whoThe Lord Holy Shittles: the fuckin 12-year-old actually just said I'm superior and you should be fucking nice to me you motherfucking devredfox: did jimmy69 just get banned?EragonShadeslayer: yes, he didMason: ha. Kiss my ass.EragonShadeslayer: do you have something against that? cuz, mason doesn't wanna hear itMason shows ass to kissThe Lord Holy Shittles: fox I wouldn't defend him or you'd be next. This is an instant snap zone at the momentredfox: i do! because that is completely unfoundedleader came to play.It's leader's SBYW birthday today! They turned 0 years old!redfox has been kicked by Mason (masonasons)!redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (audiogamer1456. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server Details page. Will be improved as needed! connection is sponsored by tunmi13EragonShadeslayer: don't anger im any more than he is right nowtechy: but you know whoThe Lord Holy Shittles: the fuckin 12-year-old actually just said I'm superior and you should be fucking nice to me you motherfucking devredfox: did jimmy69 just get banned?EragonShadeslayer: yes, he didMason: ha. Kiss my ass.EragonShadeslayer: do you have something against that? cuz, mason doesn't wanna hear itMason shows ass to kissThe Lord Holy Shittles: fox I wouldn't defend him or you'd be next. This is an instant snap zone at the momentredfox: i do! because that is completely unfoundedleader came to play.It's leader's SBYW birthday today! They turned 0 years old!redfox has been kicked by Mason (masonasons)!redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (audiogamer1456. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server Details page. Will be improved as needed! connection is sponsored by sarunEragonShadeslayer: mee. jk i didn't do anythingredfox: really?The Lord Holy Shittles: throw meredfox: reallytechy: oh yeah, I'm totally a naughty person lmaoMason: yes, really.Mason: really.techy: yeah, according to you I broke sbywEragonShadeslayer: red fox, you're lucky you were kicked first and not banned, jimmy got an instantThe Lord Holy Shittles: nah I think SpiderMan's the one who broke ital: hey. how 'bout yall take a chill pill?EragonShadeslayer: kk.Mason takes nothing, from noone.redfox: exactly? I'm trying to talk The Lord Holy Shittles: fox you chill tooEragonShadeslayer: okay let red fox talk for a second. Mason: nope.redfox: i'm completely chillEragonShadeslayer: mason you won't figure anything out if you just bring out the banning blade. lolMason: there's nothing to figure out.The Lord Holy Shittles: I thought it was a hammerEragonShadeslayer: that too...redfox: now mason, let's be civilized and talk?The Lord Holy Shittles: what was the cause anyways, mouthing off?Server-wide chatting disabled.redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (audiogamer1456. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server Details page. Will be improved as needed! connection is sponsored by KN4CRCredfox: hmmmredfox: i asked nicely to talkredfox has been kicked by Mason (masonasons)!redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (audiogamer1456. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server Details page. Will be improved as needed! connection is sponsored by KN4CRCredfox: hmmmredfox: i asked nicely to talkredfox has been kicked by Mason (masonasons)!redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (audiogamer1456. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server Details page. Will be improved as needed! connection is sponsored by slannontechy: hahahahahredfox: reallytechy: asdkdfsdlkjredfox: you think this is funny techy?redfox has been banned by Mason (masonasons)!redfox doesn't come online?.Version 4.7.0 (BitchOne. Type /changes for what's new. Currently there are 36 paid accounts, thanks so much for the support! Message of the day: Introducing the SBYW Server De

Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the masonasons forum is being spammed with spam bots

O sorry it duplicated a couple of times, that's really weird.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessibility of online therapy apps?

After watching the video, I tend to agree with Jade's assessment. My knee-jerk reaction is that this guy sounds like a douchebag, but beyond that, the thing that immediately grabbed my attention is that he seems to be saying that vetting a professional yourself is above and beyond the call of duty. No, it isn't, and anyone with half a working brain cell should know that, especially in this day and age when it's very easy to be whatever and whoever you want to be online. Even if I were looking for someone to work with in person, I would absolutely check their credentials, read reviews, etc. I'm not saying that I dismiss everything he's saying out of hand, but I'm definitely skeptical, both because of his cocky, sneering tone, which immediately puts me off no matter who's using it, and also because most people can find something they dislike in any terms of service. About the only thing I agree with him on is that you should exercise a certain amount of caution when handing over a lot of personal data, and that gives me pause. Not necessarily because it could be sold to advertising companies, you kind of have to accept that that's going to happen at some point in your lifetime in the 21st century, but because if those company's servers ever get hacked, we would be looking at an Ashley Madison-style breach. Now, I don't have anything that terrible to hide, but at the same time, I wouldn't want my therapy sessions being circulated on the dark web, either. Then again, any private practice's computers could be hacked as well, and that would be a more targeted attack most likely, so I don't know. I don't think it's something that will sway my decision too much on whether to go through with this, but it is something I hadn't considered.


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New fighting game, Jump Force discussion thread

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


New fighting game, Jump Force discussion thread

Hi all,This is a newly released fighting game for the ps4, xbox one and Steam.I don't have anything to report yet, but I have purchased this for xbox one, an anime-based fighting game with many different franchises included. It is ready to go, but I have not booted the game up yet in case anything complex or different comes up. I do know that the combat is in stereo, and another thing I also know that the story mode does not have an English dub, and I believe this is due to the way that all the franchises are set up here, there's so many. It's not like Cross Tag battle where it's one developer, and it's also not like Smash where every franchise is a gaming franchise. These are characters from comics/manga, tv shows and movies, and some of these don't even have English voices to begin with, so my theory is that they couldn't get an English dub this time because of the amount of trickiness that would be involved.The combat itself is team-based. However, each team has one health bar shared between all three characters, so it requires you to switch out a lot and manage what's going on, in a way.The music is also fairly orchestral in nature.I don't have any info such as menus or anything at all like that yet, because as I mentioned before, as of the time of writing this post, I have not actually booted up the game.I am quite excited about it though.


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Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Future of GoldGun: Production discontinued

Hi,I think you all Forget that there is a Major difference betweén mentioning blindness in a game (which would be no Problem for me) and outright stereotyping (which is not tolerable).What the People who gave harsh critics were probabbly offended by was not the mentioning of blindness, but the extreme stereotyping.I am not saying that the way some critics were made was the right way.And to the mytruesound Team: If the second Episode is written already, why don't you release it? (The fortune favors the bold or however that saying goes.)And to SLJ: Dude, after that logic, if someone cooked something that tasted awful, but I myself couldn't cook, I couldn't tell the Person who cooked the meal because I would have to make it better.What I hope is that we all can learn from this and that we won't scare off devs in the future.


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Re: Let's play right or not right

2019-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's play right or not right

Right, I prefer to do my back-end in C#.I guess the next poster watches One Piece.


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