Re: Writing a bgt script to get misc stats about another script?

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Writing a bgt script to get misc stats about another script?

The first part is not that hard. the second part about intigrating this with generate_profile would be extremely difficult to say the least. You don't get that much control over the BGT profiler, so you can't tell it to append rather than overwrite to a file. It also just doesn't make sense IMO, because a profile is something that is created over the course of a scripts execution. You'd have to run the script, and that script would have to already have code to generate a profile. Once ran for a bit you'd have to then kill it and rename the profile results, something no one would want in a stats application I think. You can't just run the profiler on a given script. Also, parsing it perfectly will be almost impossible because there are so many edge cases. It can be done of course, I mean just look at how cython parses code and of course how languages themselves do it, but for that kind of parsing you really need to know what your doing. Like you have to factor in quotes, different coding styles, different positions of the braces, etc etc. So unless you want to spend weeks and weeks writing this application to make it detect all the things you want it to detect, it's almost impossible to just throw something quickly together like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The mouse and BGT

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The mouse and BGT

Yeah, so if BGT uses low level hooks, it seems they are somewhat broken. Here, have a look at this link. … board-hook


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The mouse and BGT

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The mouse and BGT

So I just made a program that installs an ll hook to block mouse events, but it breaks all the time, as if something is undoing my hook. I think I will update that program to have a timer where the hook is uninstalled and reinstalled after 30 seconds or so. I think windows at least 10 is actually breaking low level hooks somehow, at least for the mouse. Not sure if BGT is using that though but it's a possibility


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I made a game but it won't run

2019-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I made a game but it won't run

OK dude. There are many reasons I'd recommend people switch away from BGT, and if people ask I will certainly give them. But how is piping up and telling someone to switch programming languages in random topics helping anyone? Your opinion of languages is very clear thanks very much, now you can stop polluting random people's topics asking for help with your opinion that at this point serves no other purpose than pointless clutter. @op, make sure you are showing a window, and make sure when you are checking for keys, you do it in a loop. Else your game will launch and then instantly exit. Look up "while loops" in the BGT documentation for more info.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cython, really secure?

2019-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cython, really secure?

Right, just a couple things. Protecting code was a huge reason I avoided python for years, what's the point when you can just quick run uncompyle6 on your code. It fell mostly on me, with some help, to figure out a way to protect NVG. These are my findings. So first, the python bytecode has nothing to do with cython, so you do not need to modify python when working with cython. It will not add any protection, and will make it so other C extensions will likely fail to load. I can't think of much you'd modify, maybe some function names or something like that, but it's pointless and will result in so much complications it's not even worth it, especially because someone could just copy your modded python DLL and import your module anyway. Scrambling opcodes is a way to protect code, but it can be broken if you are smart about it so I wouldn't. So if you want to use the python compiler and use .pyc files like pyinstaller does by default, by all means download python, scramble your opcodes and rebuild it, it'll work and will stop most people who don't know what they are doing from running uncompyle6, but if 1 person with the right knowledge comes around they will destroy your opcode scrambling protection in about 20 minutes. As far as I've learned, the correct thing to do is indeed use cython. If you cythonize code, it turns it into native C, then compiles it to machine instructions. This means that you can run something like ida on it and get assembly instructions, but because a lot of the gruntwork is handled by python, it will be very difficult to understand. Needless to say you won't have to worry about someone getting assembly instructions, modifying it and releasing there own game. I won't say it's impossible because saying that anything is impossible is just having a closed mindset, I'm sure there is someone out there who could somehow break stuff, and there is certainly hex editing that could be done to the already compiled package or other disassembly/modification methods, but cython is the very best protection I think you can possibly get. But I haven't really answered your question yet have I. You want to know if cython is a secure option because you can import modules compiled with it. The answer is that if you use purely cython? No it's not, anyone can import your module and call it's functions, but will not ever be able to attain runnable python source code from just having the pyd file, at least as far as I know. I mean it's turned into C then compiled into assembly instructions, so the original code doesn't exist in the pyd in any form, just the logic, which because of cython is really really hard to determine from assembly instructions. Basically what I'm saying is that to the best of my knowledge, the technology doesn't currently exist at this time to turn pyd files into runnable code, and likely won't for a very long time and if it does it will probably be using technology beyond what I can imagine lol. So anyway, no cython alone will not stop someone from importing your modules. However, cython + a bit of creativity can lead to the best code protection system you could ever hope to have. Remember, all code in your file being imported executes. This means that with a bit of creativity, you can cause the import to fail spectacularly if something doesn't meet your conditions. For example. Imagine you create a variable called token. By default it's set to 0. In all your important functions, you check to see if the token is equal to 927184. If it's not, you cause some sort of fatle crash that causes the app to stop working. There are many ways to do this, you can import wx, create a object, then destroy it and call one of it's functions, for example, and it'll cause py to die. I'll let you figure out that on your own. Or if you don't want a crash you can show an error message and exit, or even just make the function return. Don't make a function for token verification, recopy the code for each function so it can't be monkeypatched. Now if someone imports your module and tries to misuse it, they can't because the token isn't set to 927184. So unless they know that number to set it to, they can't do anything but dir and get a list of vars or something. In your game, when you import it, just set that token and your module will work fine. Maybe you can create a variable in the sys module before importing your module. At the top of that module, just have the line sys.varname. If it doesn't exist, it'll traceback and the import will fail. I have other ideas but some of them I'm using so I don't want to tell you them, but the idea is just find a way to be creative. For example you are making a game that is going to be compiled into an executable. You know exactly what you need. You think you'll need the dir function? Probably not. So in your protected modules, just monkeypatch the dir function to your own that returns an empty list. Why not, you won't need it. Th

Re: For beginners. Why is C# better than Python for audio game development

2019-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For beginners. Why is C# better than Python for audio game development

lol um, ok. We trust in 3rd party libs when we use python too much? I like, don't even know where to start. Better not use C++ on windows because you have to include windows.h unless you want to recode everything from scratch. Chances are the sockets implementation you code from scratch will not be nearly as efficient as the one microsoft set up, which has been tested by millions and millions of people. So you agree with the op? You realize that in C# anything that starts with System in a namespace you are using is most likely part of the standard lib? C# would be pretty useless without the .net framework and all of it's features. So if you agree with the op you are also contradicting your very own point. Everyone uses both 3rd party and standard libs. In C# if you want sound your probably not going to write your own sound library that interfaces with the OS's sound drivers to produce output. You'll use something that's already there, created by people who were solely focused on providing a sound library. As for python, are you saying that it's flawed because other people do the grunt work of coding tasks to work on multiple platforms that are commonly used rather than having the users do that all themselves? At least to me, your point is utterly nonsensical and confusing. I'm really curious to know what you mean when you say we use too many libraries in python. Do you have a phobia of the python import statement? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: For beginners. Why is C# better than Python for audio game development

2019-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For beginners. Why is C# better than Python for audio game development

Lol so I probably won't post after this in this topic so as to not start an argument, but I will still defend myself. This is all you can come up with? When I tell you your wrong all you can think to do is mention something I wrote in 6th grade? Lol bro. I don't think we have to worry about this topic being an influence anymore  #TrueColors or something lol. Think what you wish, but just FYI I didn't get a tip from anyone telling me to post my last post, or this one. Also, isn't #11 somewhat contradictory? You tell everyone to use C# instead of python and then tell me that I shouldn't take tips. Lol whatever I'm just amused at this point. The rotation pack thing was written many many years ago when I was trying to figure out just enough to piece something together that would at least somewhat work, and then I released it because I was just trying to help others. Actually it was pretty good for my age at the time. Anyway I'll go now, if you can't stick to your topic but instead need to jump to attack others when someone mentions something wrong with your post rather than fixing the problem or even continuing to discuss it, it's clearly not worth talking to you about it. As mentioned above, python looks simple, but because of it's dynamic typing it's really not. People don't just use python because it's simple. There are many other reasons to use python, and to use C#. Anyway I'm pretty much out of time, I eagerly await your next post where you attack some other thing I've done 4 years ago because you can't defend your own points.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: For beginners. Why is C# better than Python for audio game development

2019-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For beginners. Why is C# better than Python for audio game development

So as others have pointed out, this is... majorly flawed to say the least. I've seen several audio games that people really like that were coded in python. For example, great toy robbery, Oh Shit, etc. And others to come soon. Python also has good code protection if you use cython to convert your code to c first, which also makes it run much faster because that makes it semi compiled. And lets not forget about all those extensions written in C. As for most of python's stdlib, a lot of the core stuff is builtin. Most of the things you mentioned here you have done so with nothing to base your claims on. Your more or less claiming C# is better and tasking people to please believe you. Howabout this. They both work, they both have ups and downs, and they both can be used to develop audiogames. If you can personally get more done in C# than you can with python, more power to you and I wish you luck. But that doesn't mean you should try convincing others it is better because of what you personally prefer. There is no perfect programming language. You may personally be much more comfortable with C#, but I promise you there is someone in the world who can make a better audiogame in python than you could make in C#. And if you know what your doing and can code, I can also promise that there is someone in the world who's game in python would be nothing when compared to your game in C#. It's certainly fine to post your opinions, but please please don't mislead people with invalid facts that could cause them to make the wrong decision when choosing a language. What many people need to understand is that it's much more about the coder than it is the language they code with. The language plays a part certainly, but we don't want someone using C# and having a hard time with it when python would have been much easier for that particular person. And we also don't want someone to make the decision of using python and having a hard time because C# would have been easier for that particular person. But that will happen more and more with topics like this where we provide baseless facts about this or that language without proper evidence, thus misleading them. And I'm sorry, but the "You know I'm right" comment in particular just makes me cringe with the implied dickishness. If you think C# is what will work for you, that's awesome. And it's fine to post that in an opinionated form. As I said, more power to you if you've selected a language and can work with it. But others have different opinions, and you shouldn't try swaying potential devs to this or that with facts that I'm sorry, but are in some cases very wrong.


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Re: ?Bgt, A way to fade_all pools?

2019-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ?Bgt, A way to fade_all pools?

Note this is untested I just wrote it quickly in a notepad window and posted so you'll have to fix any errors.// to use, make a global array of sound_pools.
sound_pool@[] all_pools;
//Now lets make a couple pools;
sound_pool pool1;
sound_pool pool2;

//In the main function, add any pools you create to the all_pools array.
void main()

void fadepools(int fadespeed, int destvolume, bool destroy_when_done=true)
sound_pool_item@[] pool_items;
// So this sucks, none of the opAdd functions were wrapped so to add the items to the aray, we need to perform this ugglyness. If anyone knows a better way I'd actually love to hear about it.
for(uint i=0; i


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ?Bgt, A way to fade_all pools?

2019-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ?Bgt, A way to fade_all pools?

@2 it would work but it wouldn't fade them all at once. The proper way to do this is to create an array of sound_pool_items, then loop through all sound pools you want to fade and add it's items array to your global one. Then loop through that and fade it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: novel creator question for python?

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: novel creator question for python?

No but the server is compiling it. It's not about encryption here, the idea is to modify the code being sent to include some payload that is harmful when compiling, then it will be sent and though it's not directly executed, maybe some cleverly employed cython directive or some code that was purposefully designed to cause the compiler to hang for hours or create massive resulting files that took up loads of memory or other attacks could cause the server to die. I'm no expert in that field I've never tried breaking things during compilation and not sure if it is possible, but if it is it could pose massive security risks to allow server side compilation. I'd certainly never risk it. Even if the data is encrypted when sent, if this game is supposed to be open source I'll just mod the code to have it changed before encryption. I think the only safe option if you really want stories to not be readable is to have the stories hosted on a server, then the client can request certain parts of the story in text.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA Question

2019-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Question

Yeah I've only had that issue with broken key repeating once. Also yes installing a low level keyboard hook will work, and yes it gets removed, not sure how cleanly, if the process dies. I know because I made a program to lock my keyboard and mouse for my user. As soon as I ran it no keys worked what so ever. NVGA was unable to stop speech or do anything properly once I installed my hook, which just used a callback to always return 0 and thus block every keys. Had to switch to a recovery admin user and kill the process to fix that one lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA Question

2019-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Question

Oh wow I didn't know it was possible to disable repeat keys programatically. One time I had to kill the AHC process for 1 reason or another I don't remember, and my key repeats didn't work until I relaunched and closed the game again, I guess now I know why 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

I believe there is some sort of optimization that is performed where the faster things are loaded before the slower things. It follows the same python import order. First it checks for C extensions, because those would be the quickest. Then, it checks for pyc files both in pycache and out, because they would be the next quickest. Then, it checks for, or a folder called module, because those would be slowest as they would have to be compiled into pycs, or if not their code would at least have to be parsed, and string parsing is always the slowest. So in short, pyinstaller follows the same loading order in general as python's own import system, *.pyd/.so if not on windows, *.pyc, *.py


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

Hooks can be used for hidden imports, but they are able to be used for much much more, and the correct line sintax is in my post unless the forum broke it. Other than that though no you did not I believe


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: novel creator question for python?

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: novel creator question for python?

Hmmm yeah I hadn't considered the server idea. It sounds viable, but I'm not sure of the security implications of something like that. It could be dangerous to send code to a server and have it compile, I can't see a way to make something like that perfectly airtight without the ability for me to use some clever cython directives or something like that to somewhat pwn the compilation server


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA Question

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Question

Yeah, #5 is correct, this is your best bet if this is what your aiming for. If you have access to the windows API, I would look into the function SetWindowsHookEx. Just make sure to let the control keys through no matter what, and make absolutely sure you remove the hook and/or let all keys pass through it if the game's window isn't active. You'll need to create a callback to handle the hooked keys, I haven't had to do this so not sure if there is a way to detect key repeating events as thinking about it those are the only things you need to block. Basically what's happening here is that when a key is pressed, NVDA automatically stops speech to prepare for whatever is spoken next. But because of the way windows and key repeating works, NVDA thinks your pressing a key every time the windows key repeat triggers. I'm sure you know what I mean, it's the same windows function that lets you hold down the letter z for 10 seconds and print loads and loads of z's. Even if there is no separate event for these key repeats verses key presses, you can still likely block these. Windows only seems to repeat the last key pressed, so it shouldn't be overly difficult to write something to just make sure the same key doesn't get let through twice within a certain timeframe. With a bit of searching it seems you can get the currently set keyboard delay and repeat rate with the API function SystemParametersInfoA. Using this you should be able to both let double tapping a key go through while also blocking key repeats, assuming there is no direct way with the keyboard hook to do so. So I did some more searching as well as looked at some old code I'd written before. Basically, you create a callback that returns 0 to stop normal event handling, and returns 1 to let the handling through to windows. The hook you want to set with SetWindowsHookEx is the constant WH_KEYBOARD_LL, or 13. In the wparam argument of your callback you give it, you either receive the constant WM_KEYDOWN or 256 if a key is pressed, or WM_KEYUP (257) if a key was released. I'm not sure if you keep receiving events for the windows key repeat, I doubt it. Apparently you can send your own keyboard input with the SendInput function. So what you could do to avoid the windows key repeating is to send a key down event with the key if that's received, immediately followed by a key up event. You'll probably have to add a check so you don't end up causing a loop by making your hook get continually called with your sent keys. I haven't tried a lot of this, though I know from some old code more about the SetWindowsHookEx function. I learned of SetInput from: … s-unwanted Hopefully this helps somewhat. I *may, be able to throw together a DLL that has a couple functions to disable and enable windows keyboard repeating. I'm no C++ master of any sort, I just know enough to hardly get by, that and a lot of helpful stuff from stackoverflow lol. I should be able to get something like that to work though. I'll probably try as I could see something like that being useful for the future, and if when I'm done your still deeling with this issue I can certainly give it to you to use if you wish.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Another question about pythonic syntax, yea!

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Another question about pythonic syntax, yea!

So paul, I just gotta give ya a friendly little poke here. Your examples are a bit broken, I figured you'd find it pretty amusing if I pointed it out  So your first one, for item in x: if item>3: x.remove(item) will remove every other item that is greater than 3. x = [item for item in x if item>3] will keep every item in the list that is greater than 3 and remove everything that is less than or equal to 3. I'm guessing in your first example with the if statements you were trying to remove everything greater than 3 and not every other thing, and I'm assuming you wanted to do the same in your second example  so I believe you wanted this.x=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]#or, this ones for everybody x=list(range(1,14))#example 1for item in list(x):    if item>3: x.remove(item)#example 2x = [item for item in x if item<=3]Anyway this isn't me trying to be cocky or anything to anyone who would think so, I just know that if I did this Paul would also commence some friendly trolling in my direction 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

OK, hold on, lets clear up a bit of confusion here. Now that I have more than 5 minutes to write a post at the end of a class, here we go. So paul is somewhat wrong, if you use cython, you will likely want to use a pyinstaller hook to manage your hidden imports. So, you will probably need to use them. Hooks aren't just for hiddenimports, hooks are used when you have a package that needs special treatment when compiling. Maybe it's moving a dll file to the proper place or maybe it's just hiddenimports or maybe it's printing a warning to the user saying hey bro please upgrade me to compile. Using hooks for hiddenimports though is at least what I do and it works quite well. No, you don't need one for each module. Basically what you do is choose a module, any module. It needs to exist though. This may or may not work with the main script, I've never tested that, so I'd just use a module. So lets say our module is called Just encase you need other custom hooks, what I would do is create a folder in your games running directory called hooks. Now, create a file called "" in your hooks folder. This is actually a python script, allowing you to import stuff and do whatever pythonic thing you need to. In this case, all you need is hiddenimports. Basically pyinstaller will exec this python script once you tell it about the hooks folder, and access the hiddenimports global of it. So say in your cythonized file, you include the modules os, threading, enemy, json, and item. To tell pyinstaller about these imports, add this to your file of course excluding the start and end quotes. "hiddenimports=["os", "json", "threading", "game", "item"]". Now, to tell pyinstaller about your hook, pass the additional argument --additional-hooks-dir, like this. "--additional-hooks-dir=hooks". Now when you build with that argument, the file will be executed and the modules from the hiddenimports variable you declared in it will be included. I have not tested it and am not sure of the sintax, but you can also declare hiddenimports through the command line. I believe there is a --hiddenimports arg or something, but as I said I never tested for how to use it. You can also use spec files like you were doing before, but as I said in my previous post, you can't change command line arguments when using a spec file as far as I know. I don't use spec files at all so others may have a much more complete knowledge of this than me. But from my understanding, spec files are actually built using your command line arguments. So when you build a spec based on your py script, like pyinstaller --onefile --windowed, it will make a spec file based on those arguments. So now, to recompile, you can call pyinstaller script.spec and it will use the arguments you first used to create it. Thus, if you pass new arguments, they won't be used because the spec file overrides them. To change them, you have to modify the spec file in notepad, as visualstudio pointed out. As I said I'm not completely clear on it so take what I say about spec files with a grain of salt. However, there is a much, much less annoying approach you can take. Why bother with hiddenimports at all! Remember, all your trying to do here is to tell pyinstaller that a module you need must be imported. By default, pyinstaller scans all scripts it loads for import lines and uses that to figure out imports. So, all you need to do is in your main script that you are compiling, that launches your application, just add them all there. "import os, threading, json, game, item". Now compile, and it'll work perfectly. All you need pyinstaller to do is to import the modules. It doesn't matter what scripts use them, they just need to be in the pyinstaller package, and then any module that needs can use them. So what I'm trying to say here is that imports are separate from the modules that import them. Basically on compile, pyinstaller finds all the imports it can, and tosses them into your final package. When you run that package, it doesn't matter where they came from just that they are there. Your modules will import what's needed, and if it exists, your app will start. So knowing this, you can skip the step of hiddenimports entirely. Obviously you have to start from a python script when you compile with pyinstaller, so in that script, just make sure to keep updating it with new import lines whenever you add a new one to something that will be cythonized. So long as those imports are in a file pyinstaller can read, and of course it can read your main file, those imports will be included and your app will work just fine. Then, you don't need spec files at all. Ultimately what path you choose to take is up to you. Hope this makes things more clear, please don't hesitate to ask questions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

I'm slightly confused. Pyinstaller's job is to create an exe. Also, try adding the arguments such as --onefile to the start of the command before the filename, like pyinstaller --onefile Also, delete the spec and use a py file instead. A spec file contains all those commands, so if you run it with the spec file with new commands I'm not entirely sure the spec file will update. Just run pyinstaller instead. Another thing I found out is that windows has this extremely weird thing it does with certain filenames. If you build a file called update.exe and run it, it automatically elevates it's privilage to administrator and it's really hard to see tracebacks. It may do this with start.exe. It does it with update, setup, install, and maybe others. So yeah in short if you are passing a spec file, it makes sense that pyinstaler isn't listening to commandline args, I think the spec takes presidence. If that spec says onefile, it'll pack with onefile. If that spec says windowed, it'll pack with windowed. IT doesn't matter what your cmd args are. pyinstaller automatically creates spec files whenever you run based on the cmd args, then I always just delete them. I honestly don't get the idea behind the system, it may be a way to make a project that is always compiled the same way to have the same long list of hiddenimports and other such things so you don't need to pass a long list of args in every time you want to compile. But if you want to use the spec file and not the py file, then mod the spec file with the args you want such as windowed or onefile etc


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

2019-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pyinstaller not listening to me, help!

I'm slightly confused. Pyinstaller's job is to create an exe. Also, try adding the arguments such as --onefile to the start of the command before the filename. Also, delete the spec and use a py file instead. A spec file contains all those commands, so if you run it with the spec file with new commands I'm nto entirely sure the spac file will update. Just run pyinstaller instead. Another thing I found out is that windows has this extremely weird thing it does with certain filenames. If you build a file called update.exe and run it, it automatically elevates it's privilage to administrator and it's really hard to see tracebacks. It may do this with start.exe. It does it with update, setup, install, and maybe others. So yeah in short if you are passing a spec file, it makes sense that pyinstaler isn't listening to commandline args, I think the spec takes presidence. If that spec says onefile, it'll pack with onefile. If that spec says windowed, it'll pack with windowed. IT doesn't matter what your cmd args are. pyinstaller automatically creates spec files whenever you run based on the cmd args, then I always just delete them. I honestly don't get the idea behind the system, it may be a way to make a project that is always compiled the same way to ahve the same long list of hiddenimports and other such things. But if you want to use the spec file and not the py file, then mod the spec file with the args you want such as windowed or onefile etc


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: novel creator question for python?

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: novel creator question for python?

so @3 just letting you know if you have the game turn modules into python code and cythonize them, you are making it so only players with visual studio and a python environment as well as cython and all required modules could play the game


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: novel creator question for python?

2019-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: novel creator question for python?

Perfect protection is impossible, but you could encrypt and pack them so users could distribute encrypted files. If you release opensource, it's extra extra impossible. People would just call any decrypt or unload function you create


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling stuff via paypal?

2019-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling stuff via paypal?

Unfortunately no, pp automatically deducts amounts from any payment a buyer makes. I don't know off the top of my head what the fees are, but it's reasonable to assume that if you sell something for 10 dollars, your likely to get like $8.99 or something while PP gets the wrest


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Re: launch modification in html

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: launch modification in html

You can do this with _javascript_. Give your link an ID, then when you want to hide it, you should be able to call document.getElementById("link_id").hidden=true. If that doesn't work, put your link in a div. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A curiosity question

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A curiosity question

Technically it sets it, but I'd imagine that checking each time whether it's true vs resetting it to true even if it is already true would execute at roughly the same speed, so you can do either, at least for things like booleans and other simple variables. But once you get into more advanced objects that must be initialized, you'll want the first approach as it will run considerably faster. For example:bio=Nonefor i in range(10):    if i>5 and not bio: bio=io.BytesIO(someLongString)would execute much faster than if you had removed that second claws of the statement, because making a new BytesIO object with your string is internally harder work than assigning to a bool. I also tested this, it seems the first approach when comparing rather than always setting, even with bool, run 10 times is just a couple ms faster than the second approach, where you set it no matter what. The difference is so small in that case it probably doesn't matter though, however I'd still avoid it in longer loops, or programs where your goal is efficiency rather than simple code that just works. But you should really avoid it when actually making new objects, as that is much more intensive. and should only be done if your object doesn't already exist.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling stuff via paypal?

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling stuff via paypal? may be a good spot to start looking. Basically, it's just a form you make with HTML that sends the user via post request to paypal with the details given on the form. The user clicks the pay now button and is redirected to the URL you set redirections to in your paypal account settings. … -page-3082 For automatic purchases, such as what happens in stw, you'll want to look at paypal's PDT (Payment Data Transfer) or IPN (Instant Payment Notification) features. … tivetoIPN/ … ification/


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Re: How can I use bytes to make a sound in sound_lib?

2019-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How can I use bytes to make a sound in sound_lib?

Yes I believe so


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How can I use bytes to make a sound in sound_lib?

2019-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How can I use bytes to make a sound in sound_lib?

Yeah you'll want to keep the buffer around while the sound_lib handle exists. Remember, you are streaming, not loading. So this means you are reading small chunks of that data during playback, so if you destroy the string buffer, sometimes it will continue to play because destroying the buffer doesn't necessarily wipe the memory from that address space and make it blank, it just makes it available for use again. So if you destroy the buffer in python and you don't allocate any other memory, the sound *may, continue to play. But hen if you destroy the buffer and you read a 200mb file, likely you will overwrite that address space containing the memory from the buffer, and then sound_lib will receive invalid data and fail to continue playing when it attempts to load the next chunk of data and reads part of your 200mb file instead of the audio data. Reading invalid memory like that will usually cause all sorts of issues like access violations or even crashes if you are unlucky. One time I destroyed the buffer for fun while the sound was playing and a second later the sound stopped playing with a loud squawking sound before failing entirely lol. The only reason it was able to make that sound was because I had loaded a wav sound into memory, and you can almost directly play back bytes as wav without running them through some decoding algorithm first, so for a while there was still valid audio to play back audio before it stopped. Even if you don't allocate any other memory but you destroy the buffer, the truth is that likely something else will internally allocate memory and overwrite the address space containing your audio data, sometimes within a couple ms, sometimes a few seconds and maybe if your lucky that memory won't be overwritten. So anyway TLDR, save a reference to the buffer while the handle from sound_lib is open. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 0 vs. 1 with bgt arrays

2019-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 0 vs. 1 with bgt arrays

So @1, are you confused by the 0 based indexing in arrays? I have never in all my time using BGT seen the length method of an array fail to do what it is supposed to do. I'm almost certain it can not be confused with 0 and 1 items. If array.length returns 0, there are 0 items. If array.length returns 1, there is 1 item. If it returns 0 and you try accessing array[0], it will crash because that element doesn't exist. If it returns 1 and you try accessing array[1], it will also crash because it thinks you are trying to access the second element in the array. Arrays are indexed starting at 0, so if array.length returns 1, the proper way to access that element is by accessing array[0]. Hopefully this helps.


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Re: python, I'm being dumb... again!

2019-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: python, I'm being dumb... again!

@Ethin os.walk is indeed recursive. @1, basically when you loop through output from os.walk, you are getting a list with 3 items in it. This is usually represented by something like for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory). However you can also execute for i in os.walk(directory) to get the above mensioned list. The first item, or root, is the root of the directory currently being walked. The second element or dirs, is a list of directories in the folder being walked, and the 3rd element, or files, is a list of files in the current directory being walked. So for example if you walk through documents and you have a folder called music within your documents folder, as well as a file called school_report.txt, and in the music folder you have a file called track1.mp3, the first iteration of the loop will give you the list ["documents", ["music"], ["school_report.txt"]]. Then music being the only directory, the next iteration will give you the list ["documents\\music", [], ["track1.mp3"]]. So yes os.wwalk will automatically scan subfolders, just to clear up that confusion. If you wish to scan a directory non recursively, you can use the os.listdir function, which simply returns a list of the files and the directories of the folder you give it. To see whether something is a directory or a file, you will have to call os.path.isdir and os.path.isfile on each item indivisually. Usually os.walk is the way to go!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: python, I'm being dumb... again!

2019-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: python, I'm being dumb... again!

@Ethin os.walk is indeed recursive. @1, basically when you loop through output from os.walk, you are getting a list with 3 items in it. This is usually represented by something like for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory). However you can also execute for i in os.walk(directory) to get the above mensioned list. The first item, or root, is the root of the directory currently being walked. The second element or dirs, is a list of directories in the folder being awlked, and the 3rd element, or files, is a list of files in the current directory being walked. So for example if you walk through documents and you have a folder called music within your documents folder, as well as a file called school_report.txt, and in the music folder you have a file called track1.mp3, the first iteration of the loop will give you the list ["documents", ["music"], ["school_report.txt"]]. Then music being the only directory, the next iteration will give you the list ["documents\\music", [], ["track1.mp3"]]. So yes os.wwalk will automatically scan subfolders, just to clear up that confusion. If you wish to scan a directory non recursively, you can use the os.listdir function, which simply returns a list of the files and the directories of the folder you give it. To see whether something is a directory or a file, you will have to call os.path.isdir and os.path.isfile on each item indivisually. Usually os.walk is the way to go!


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Re: Three instances of NVDA at the same time causing problems!

2019-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Three instances of NVDA at the same time causing problems!

I don't think that's multiple at once, Basically if NVDA crashes, it doesn't take it's system tray icons with it, so you get a bunch of dead icons in the system tray. You can click on them and they will die. I have never seen 2 copies of NVDA running at the same time, I don't even know how it would be possible. That would just cause so many issues, for example keyboard hooking, both trying to write to the same logfiles and config files at the same time, etc.


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Re: How can I use bytes to make a sound in sound_lib?

2019-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How can I use bytes to make a sound in sound_lib?

Hi. What you need to do is use a ctypes string buffer. So import ctypes, then when loading:string_buffer=ctypes.create_string_buffer(the_bytes)string_buffer_address=ctypes.addressof(string_buffer)handle=sound_lib_stream.FileStream(file=string_buffer_address, mem=True, length=len(string_buffer))


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Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

2019-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

So I have never seen a union before this. However, when reading a struct, you would write it in the BGT DLL call as a char* and read the struct as a string of bytes. Thus, to read something from the same address twice, you just access the same bytes from the string. It can be somewhat tricky to deref pointers, but for example with strings, we have the string_create_from_pointer function to do it for us. So if there were 4 bytes that could be read as a string and an int, you would run code that uses bitwise operations to convert the 4 bytes into a true int. Then you can both pass it to string_create_from_pointer and show the raw int in an alert box. Remember, all structs are once they are packed are a series of bytes. We can read these bytes as a BGT string to turn addresses that are shown in the struct to ints, then access them or pass them to other DLL functions. I unfortunetally can't give you code as I've never seen a union before, so I'll have to see what the byte sequence for one looks like and learn exactly how they work, but I would imagine it would be duable. Furthermore, I have not written any kind of include to read structs, I just have a messy implementation at this time that reads 4 chars from a string, converts them in an int, reads a byte and converts it to a bool, reads 4 bytes and converts it to a string with string_create_from_pointer, etc. So there is currently no pretty code that does it. However at some point I may attempt to make a struct class where you can call an add_value function, or pass a string representation of the fields to the classes constructor similar to what you would do in python. From what you've described of unions though it looks possible, though I have not messed with them myself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

2019-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

@17, the only point you have is C callback functions, that would be extremely difficult to set up, so functions that use callbacks could hardly be wrapped I believe. Maybe there is a way, I just haven't sat down and attempted to figure it out. With BGT's library, you can pass an int of 4 bytes, or even a string of 8 bytes. It's typically pretty malleable with BGT, if the handle to something is a void*, you can save that in BGT as a 4 byte int. For structs, you can read them as char*.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

2019-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

lol you can't do much with just python37.dll. You could probably get it to work with a lot of hacking, but it's just so not worth it. The only reason you were able to import win32api is because you had it installed. It wouldn't work if you distributed python37.dll with your game. Though to clear something up, @Ethin making the windows API work in BGT is actually duable, and if you get the code working practicle, but it's just not worth writing the code. Despite what people want you to believe reading DLL structures in BGT is more than possible. Theoreticly you should be able to write them as well, I just have to figure out how to get the address of strings. I can already write structures with basic ints and stuff, and BGT has a function called string_create_from_pointer that can take a 4 byte pointer and convert it to a BGT string. If I wanted to do it I'm sure I could wrap sockets in BGT. And it would even be responsive. The only reason I wouldn't do it is because it's just a lot of code to write when I already have python. But if the code was written, it would run with almost 0 extra overhead. That can be said about most of the windows API as well, and that's excluding the functions that can be called with BGT without the need to read structs, which is quite a lot.


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Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

2019-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

Another smaller reason I thought of is that I don't think some people like indenting code. Again this shouldn't be a reason to stay, indenting can be quite useful especially when working with sighted collaborators, but if we are looking for reasons to stay, that's just something I could see somebody using as an argument.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

2019-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would you ever wanna use both BGT and Python?

Actually @8 I'm not sure that would be easier, I don't know if anyone has successfully recreated philip's enet settings in another language to communicate with the BGT's network object. Please feel free to correct me though. In any event, I see no reason why you'd want to do this. You could learn much of python in the time it would take you to get something like this working, and there are just so many issues you'd run into. You need a lot more than python37.dll to make this work unless all you want is python builtins and even that would be iffy. You wouldn't even have the os module. Now, if we could make python and enet work together, the 1 time I could see this actually being really cool is making a BGT game client, then making a multithreaded server application in python and hosting it on a cheap linux box. That could be cool. If it wasn't for the av thing, BGT has all you'd need for a client, and so if a game central server could be written in python that could open up many possibilities. But then again you could write a cross platform client in python that would be even better. In any case, you don't really gain much. Also, you couldn't read BGT properties or call BGT functions from python. If you could figure out a way to do this that's great you should show me, but I don't believe it is possible to the magnitude you want. You similarly can't call BGT functions as callbacks from C DLL's because the functions are only registered with angelscript. I may mess with finding the address of the angelscript call function in the BGT executable and try to see if I can trick it into calling my function, but I don't think I'm that smart  As for using pyinstaller? Dude every time you run an onefile pyinstaller executable, loads of files are extracted from temp. In order to read stdout and stderr output in BGT, you have to use cmd.exe as a proxy and use > output.txt or | clip and that's just impracticle. If you want something that downloads files faster, get BGT working with curl if you must though I'd avoid it, or find a C library that can do what you want and use BGT's dll functions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

2019-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

Lol sorry I wrote that last post in like 30 seconds at the end of class. For executable size, I meant to say that you just have the small advantage of what can be quicker downloads and sometimes more clean folders. Everyone loves to download things quickly and play them. For example if I wanted to write a text adventure, I would probably write it in cs just so it's more easily portable and launches quicker, etc. As I said only a slight advantage, but nice small apps like that do still look nicer. I'm not much into writing text adventures in python because then every time someone launches my command line application to play, a bunch of stuff either gets extracted to a temp directory or you have to distribute your app with like 70 odd files and a larger package. BGT has many problems, but one thing you must admit is that it's executibles are more times than not quite quick and nimble. Your app can launch in like 150MS and you can play faster, and while no one complains about slow loading times, everyone appreciates slightly faster loading from time to time so they can get playing faster. HOwever I am of the opinion that people should see this as just a small advantage. I ran into the same issue with adding lav into stw. With lav, you can't play anymore on xp. I knew there were still some players who used XP, but I think a lot of developers in this comunity do need to make the choice to move on so they can make bigger and better things. Eventually I added LAV which requires much more processing power and generally better hardware, and potentially breaks xp support and causes slower loading times, but it's over all a much better experience for the people with that hardware. People shouldn't be afraid of large executibles or massive game sizes or even slow loading times if needed, because they are perfectly normal and are sometimes required to make a bigger and better game. Of course the lower the loading time the better, but I do believe it should not be a reason to stick to a certain language and if there is no choice as mentioned, people get that things have to load, so it's ok.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

2019-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

for cs, to run on other platforms, you can use mono. Also yeah the executable size would just be an advantage.


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Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

2019-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

I have to go so didn't time each entry and calculate averages, but running that script took 96326 milliseconds. Devided by 3, that's 32108.6668 ms, or about 32 seconds. As you can see, this is indeed faster in BGT by about 4 seconds. Not a major improvement, but as I said, I'm just trying to answer the op's questions, and as you can see this is indeed slightly faster


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

2019-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

@darter, about speed, make a loop in BGT that executes 10 million times and assigns a couple vars and stuff, then attach a timer. You will see that this same loop will run considerably slower in python. For compilation, the theory is of course that you test your script, then you compile and all works. Unfortunately, things get a bit trickier than that, especially when you want to protect your code with cython which makes pyinstaller unable to read imports to include the right modules and a!  And another thing I never got to mension because I ran out of time, just randomly on the subject of python, with onefile, everything extracts to a temp dir when you run it, and then deletes itself when you close the app. This accounts for longer launch times in python than BGT and major disc overhead. With that said though I really do enjoy python. As for languages compiling to machine code, I think there was a misunderstanding. By machine code, I mean core machine code, like assembly instructions. Take CS, for example. It's a very widely used language, but you can run it through a decompiler and in some cases even get comments back, as well as variables and other stuff, and source code that you can actually recompile, on account of CS going through the middle phase of IL code which can be easily broken. The only way to make python compile into machine code is to use cython to first convert it to C. Otherwise, you compile to python bytecode. I do believe languages like pure basic and go, for example, do however compile directly into assembly instructions, which are very hard to propperly disassemble because of how little needed information they contain. I do agree though that if you want a challenge in python you can choose to make your own library rather than installing an existing one. Though in BGT, people literally will tell me no sam it is not possible to read DLL structures. It is not possible to make a fast scripting engine. It is not possible to get 3d audio working. As a person with very very low self confidence, it is extremely refreshing to be able to sit down and be like "oh... yeah?" With python or other mainstream languages you have virtually 0 chance of being the first to write something. However this last reason is more of a personal one for me and wouldn't really contribute all that much to public projects.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

2019-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about reasons... think before posting

For me, there are a couple things that allowed BGT to have a pull on me for a while. I am certainly glad with python now, but I will still use BGT occasionally. For quite a few reasons.1. The chalenge: With BGT, you won't find help on stackoverflow when you want to solve a problem. With BGT, there have been many things I have managed to do that I had been told would be impossible. Things such as writing a scripting engine that is actually somewhat advanced, reading DLL structures, etc. I like using BGT sometimes because it places me in a limited environment and with it's limited dll support and other things, I can try to break it and make it do new things despite everyone telling me how impossible it was. It's just for fun, and if it's stable sometimes I can use it in games like stw, but I feel that it helps me become more intelegent sometimes because in python, you install a lib, you import it and use it, and your done. with BGT, you make a lib, understand the internals, and get it working in a stable fassion and you experience the warm feeling if doing something that others constantly told you wasn't possible.2. Compilation. With python, you install pyinstaller, compile your script, and hope it works. Same with most other languages. With BGT, you click compile script. Some languages like pure basic have a cool compilation process, but with a lot of low level languages, you could write a small application that is 20 lines of code that took 10 minutes to write or less, then find yourself spending 2 hours trying to make pyinstaller work with a phinicky library.3. Executable size: With BGT, you get pretty small executables that you can send to people and they can just run and play. With pyinstaller, you get executables with a size of at least 4 MB. It's not a huge deel, and languages such as CS and CPP can make quite small exectables, but it's just something else to be considered.4. Code protection: With BGT, you compile and send, and you have rather little worry of someone decompiling your code and steeling it. With python or CS or nearly any other language that does not compile to machine code, which is a lot, code protection usually takes a vast amount of creativity.5. Existing tools: When making a small sidescroller, BGT just has everything you need to get working quick. With other languages, you need to implement your own sound, keyboard, networking, sound protection, etc etc.6. Speed: BGT is generally fast. In some cases, faster than some operations in languages like python. You can cythonize sure, but you just askd for potential reasons to stay with it, so I'm just trying to provide some ideas. In languages that are just as fast or faster, you usually need to learn a lot more to get them to work.7. Ease of use: With BGT, you make a main function, you make a sound object, call the load and play_wait methods, and there you go you got a sound player. This as well as other game tasks are much harder in other much larger languages.8. All together: When you combine the above reasons together, and I'm sure I could come up with more but I am out of time, you got a pretty quick language that compiles easily, is easy to learn and use, has tools and somewhat ok protection, etc. You can see how to someone who just wants to make a quick game, it does exude quite a pull.Like I said, I now use python and other languages and I am very happy. I am not trying to worship BGT or anything lol. I hope I dont's tart any arguments, I hope I have somewhat satisfactorily answered your question.


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Re: How to create a non-standalone Python executable?

2019-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to create a non-standalone Python executable?

Yeah building extensions with cython is 1 thing, building a standalone executable with it is quite another entirely because there is no existing cython build tool to do that. You need to write your own compile script. It's probably pretty easy once you get it working, I've done it before in fact, but all I'm saying is it's quite a bit more complicated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

2019-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

Here is an example.void handle_keys(){if(key_pressed(KEY_H)){speak(health);}if(key_pressed(KEY_C)){speak(x+", "+y);}}void main(){show_game_window("game");timer t;while(true){wait(5);handle_keys();if(t.elapsed>1){t.restart();play_wait("sound.ogg");}}}void play_wait(string filename){sound s;s.load(filename);;while(s.playing){wait(5);handle_keys();}}Just remember, everything you want to execute while the sound is playing you need to add to, in our example, the handle_keys function. This is because play_wait is a blocking call, meaning while the sound is playing, our code isn't executing. Also note that I did not test the code I sent it may contain errors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

2019-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

Here is an example.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

2019-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

Oh, yeah that's not freezing speech, that's because while the sound is playinga s wait, the loop obviously can't execute while it is playing. You can use the code snippet i gave above. Make a function that handles keypresses. Call it in your main loop, then make a function to play a sound that also calls that function while(sound.playing)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

2019-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: play_wait without freezing speech in bgt

What do you mean by freezing speech? Like you can't press control to stop it? Speech stops automatically, or what. Both of those functions will freeze your game loop so you can't walk to use keyboard commands, but they have no direct impact on speech. To continue calling your loop while a sound is playing, it would be something like this.sound s;s.load("some/sound.ogg");;while(s.playing){//Call your games loops here}


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How to create a non-standalone Python executable?

2019-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to create a non-standalone Python executable?

If you want to easily use cmd to execute scripts, you could just make a very small batch file that executes the code if you don't want to call python arg1 arg2 arg3 etc. For me I can just call py scripts like executables, but maybe not everyone can. I've gone through so many python re installations over time I couldn't tell you if it's just me lol. Anyway, if your file is called, you could probably just make a batch script like: @echo offpython %*That will execute with all args you pass it, and you should certainly be able to call batch scripts propperly. Cython is also an option, but a bit difficult to set up and probably way more advanced than you would want for your situation. Theoretically it wouldn't be that hard to write a small C application or hell even .net or anything else really that just saves your code as a string in the executable, loads python37.dll, and calls the eval function directly with your code


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Re: A function in BGT to sort an array of strings into alphabetic order?

2016-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A function in BGT to sort an array of strings into alphabetic order?

BGT has a built in function for this. array_of_strings.sort_ascending();


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The death of Kerry Rhys Day

2016-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The death of Kerry Rhys Day

No, it isn't I don't think.


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Re: sonnis gdc part 2, 15 GB of sounds for free!

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnis gdc part 2, 15 GB of sounds for free!

Hi. The link works for me...


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sonnis gdc part 2, 15 GB of sounds for free!

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


sonnis gdc part 2, 15 GB of sounds for free!

Hi all. Sense I never saw this posted anywhere, I figured I'd bring it to everyone's attention. Our old friend Sonnis is back with a new version of the Sonnis GDC game audio bundle 2016! They claim 16 gigs, but it's more like 14.8. Still pretty cool! For some reason the direct download links quit working, but the dropbox links, torrent files, etc etc are still perfectly fine. Enjoy!


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Re: Time to get rid of speed hacking in BGT games!

2016-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Time to get rid of speed hacking in BGT games!

Of course, there is no perfect fix for a thing like this. If your good enough with debugging, yeah you could probably mod the variable. BGT I believe grabs from a DLL so it could be difficult, but for sure duable. @ian, just search for "download cheat engine" on google.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Time to get rid of speed hacking in BGT games!

2016-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Time to get rid of speed hacking in BGT games!

Yes, aprone basicly said everything. This speed_stop function get's rid of editing the timers that are in memory, at least in BGT. I think the reason this works is because BGT doesn't keep it's unix_timestamp in memory, instead when ever you call the variable it grabbs it from another process/dll/C API. Anyway, with the cheat program at least I tested with, it was unable to modify the unix timestamp, so that always went up every second. So what this does is, if it sees that a game timer has gone up by 3 seconds and the unix timestamp only went up by 1 second or not at all, the game must be running really fast, aka a speedhack. Same for the reverse. If a game timer has elapsed 200 milliseconds but teh unix timestamp shot up by 5 seconds, we know theres something rong and someone is trying to make the game run slow.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 900 Tracks

2016-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 900 Tracks

Course it's not a very big deel, would just be convenient. BTW guys, if I have no objections from eric matyas I will upload a zip file of all the music so you don't have to download track by track. I'm still downloading direct from his server, just not the html section of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 900 Tracks

2016-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 900 Tracks

[[wow]] this is quite amazing! I am able to download all of the tracks by indexing the /wp-content/uploads directory. @eric, if i'm doing something rong by downloading files not directly from your actual webpage, I need to know. Also, your credits require me to list every song I use if I use more than your music. Would it not be ok to say music by this person, this person, and eric matyas at If I have to list all the names I will, but thought i'd at least ask sence I want to use some of these tracks in my game and possibly a lot of them, and that could make the credits page get really big. Again, just asking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Time to get rid of speed hacking in BGT games!

2016-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Time to get rid of speed hacking in BGT games!

Hi all! I am very excited to release speed_stop! It is very very simple to use, but very powerful! This is very good at stopping a lot lot of speed hacking in games. Based on your game you may have to tinker with it slightly, but it really does work. Over all, it catches the speedhacks and well, if one is captured, you get to choose what do do with it. Using it depends on the game. We are now using this code in redspot, and for me, I had to call the reset method after every period of non use. And in another game it just worked fine. So it all depends on the game, you have to mess with it and do some testing, but over all once you figure out how to use this script, it can really help kill some cheaters. More documentation etc is available in the package at hope you all enjoy and have a great day!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lets code

2016-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets code

Also i'm not sure if I should do this bug I could add some of the old partisipants back. I just don't know if you'd all be intrested anymore after what happened last time. Either way it's always open and if enough people agree i'll just add most from the other topic back and they can accept or decline. Just don't know if i'd be being annoying by doing that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's code!

2016-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's code!

So we can now just abandon this topic and move onto the new one, i'm atempting this folder once more! Please do not respond in this topic as chances are it won't be red, instead use the new topic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

lets code

2016-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


lets code

Hi all. I'll just let the last topic fall into oblivian somewhare and we can use this one. Basicly I decided I am going to try this again. A folder whare we can all join and code and learn from each others code and share libraries and code, etc etc etc. I am going to be much more strict this time. The rules document is as followed. Very fiew rules that should be easy to follow, btw. This folder is going to be very hard to maintain, and I hope between all the honest people who want to make something out of this folder we can make things happen. Keep in mind, if you vialate any of these conditions, I will be publicly putting your forum username out there so people know not to add you into folders. Of course things happen, but if you atempt deleting the entire folder etc, I will not hesitate for a second to figure out who you are and put your name out there publicly to warn people about you, so you can damage less folders. Please don't delete/modify anyones wor
 k with out there permission which must be given in chat.txt to conferm permission has indeed been given. When making a project, Please put your name after the project so we know who you are. You can do it here but the place whare this isn't required is in the includes section of any language. Feel free to add languages for projects if they are not there, btw. If you do not put a name at the end of a project/experiment etc, the name that shows up on dropbox will be apended to the end of the project's name. For example, survive the wild Sam Tupy, or redspot by Sam Tupy etc, just so we know who it is. Alternitivly, you can make a single folder with your name to catigorize all of your projects if you wish. Enjoy, and hopefully this folder actually lasts! As always, if you wish to join, email please. I will be saving your forum username, and I will not be accepting email addressed by people with 1 or 2 posts on the forum, encase of a cover up account. I kno
 w it sounds kind of mean, but I wanna help get these asses out of here so we cna have a fun and awesome folder with out getting deleted all the times though I will perform backups of the folder when ever I think of doing so. If there is an email address that starts deleting random crap, a topic will be created in the off topic room, and hopefully this way we can stop people from going around and ruining more fun for all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's code!

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's code!

Hi. Figured i'd say, just like always someone ruined the folder. Perhaps I can try again soon and maintain a bit better, but theres always gonna be some stupid jackass who just wants to ruin everything. Next we'll need t topic called, email addresses we know we shouldn't accept into our dropbox folders.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A new shared dropbox coding folder

2016-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A new shared dropbox coding folder

It is a great idea, but alas someone will end up ruining it. Theres many examples. All the let's plays folders, my folder didn't get spammed, someone started deleting everything in there. Sad, too. It was a nice folder. Unfortionatly these stupid people will always exist. If you want to add me though, it's I hope this folder lasts, but that this point i'm not holding up much hope.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BGT Voice Chat

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BGT Voice Chat

yes, it's been done recording with winmm. It's not very practicle though. search on google for winmm.dll MSI_SEND-STRING simple recording and you should probably find stuff. This function works with BGT. I've scene it not work though on ocasion, but it does most of the time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BGT Voice Chat

2016-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BGT Voice Chat

It's not in BGT. You have to use DLL's and the WinAPI and stuff. It's not a couple lines of code or anything. Then you need an ogg encoder such as oggenc2 or else transmitted data would be huge.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Oriol Gómez bgt contest: One day, one hit

2016-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Oriol Gómez bgt contest: One day, one hit

ah darn to bad this ain't on the weekend hehehe got school or would have joined.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bgt set map properties when creating map ( x, y )

2016-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bgt set map properties when creating map ( x, y )

ethin you are correct, there is no map object in bgt by default. Really, I wouldn't recommend arrays for this, as it scemes to make things a bit more clunky to set up. I'd recommend dictionaries.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

IP Locale, a mini ip geolocation class in bgt

2016-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


IP Locale, a mini ip geolocation class in bgt

So the first thing i'm going to say, is I did not, I repeat not! write this with any bad intent and/or to hack! I actually wrote this with a couple cool ideas and mostly for experimentation. Any bad use of this script shall not be my fault, as I did not write this with any bad purposes and if someone goes off and does something bad with it, that's not really my fault. Ok, mini disclaimer thinggy over. Anyway, this is a class that uses an accessable API to retrieve basic geolocation data from an IP address. I mostly wrote it for experimentation to see if it would work, but I had a few intresting ideas. If there was more than 1 multiplayer server in your game, you could use this to automaticly connect your player to the closest server. Also, something I thought of that might be fun, is showing a little map of whare players have been recently playing your game. I think that last one would be really wierd but kind of cool in a way. Take stw for example, if I had a map
  of just locations, anonymous locations, I could see that my game has like 65 percent Thai players, and I should really consider an admin there. It's just an example. Another extremely great use for this would be as an admin of an MP game, you could catch all of your impersonaters really really fast. If you knew whare the real person was from and someone comes on impersonating, it's pretty easy to get proof of an impersonation and rightfully ban the impersonater. It's just a fiew ways you could actually get use out of this, and plus it's just kind of cool. Of course it's not anything big or needed or anything, but why not share this little thinggy. It get's it's geolocation data from which isn't completely acurate but is free when it comes to a basic ip to location converter. So no, I don't provide the data, but I am providing a server for those of you who wanna use this but don'
 t have there own server with php support. It's really simple to use. You have to get an ApiKey from there, but that's not hard, only takes a fiew mins at most, and should be a 1 time thing. Anyway, if this scemes at all intresting to you, you can download it with a full readme and source and stuff at the following link. hope you enjoy and remember I did not write this script for any bad purpases what so ever, and with that being said, enjoy and have fun!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Autoit GUI latency

2016-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Autoit GUI latency

i've always wondered the same thing with autoit


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