Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

OK Stevo, it sounds good ^^And no, I am not asking to you for your languaje for start a programing war. Only for curiosity if you follow the programing path of danny, or you are building your own programming path choosing a different language and framework of your like :3


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

ah I see. Im using the same language as Danny. Also guys its official now, you can determine whatever car you want to use to edit a track. This is useful in determining what cars would work best on a track as you build it. This, unlike the game itself, will not be limited to cars you have unlocked; its meant for you to be able to design tracks exactly how youd like it, so you can determine the vehicles that should and should not race on it before putting it in the actual game.*note:* Im gonna bust out laughing at the clever little dude who decides to test a cop car on a track and make it have as much difficulty as possible on purpose. Im seriously gonna laugh! ))Every day, we are closer to the beta testing folder. I cant wait to share my work! Another thing guys, the opponent AI, Im afraid, will need to be stripped out for the time being, it desperately needs a rewrite. But dont worry, this will not hinder the production of an audio demo; in fact, it will force me to demonstrate both the track builder and the gears system in one recording, which should be good news!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

ah I see. Im using the same language as Danny. Also guys its official now, you can determine whatever car you want to use to edit a track. This is useful in determining what cars would work best on a track as you build it. This, unlike the game itself, will not be limited to cars you have unlocked; its meant for you to be able to design tracks exactly how youd like it, so you can determine the vehicles that should and should not race on it before putting it in the actual game.Every day, we are closer to the beta testing folder. I cant wait to share my work! Another thing guys, the opponent AI, Im afraid, will need to be stripped out for the time being, it desperately needs a rewrite. But dont worry, this will not hinder the production of an audio demo; in fact, it will force me to demonstrate both the trac
 k builder and the gears system in one recording, which should be good news!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Yeah Ive pretty much determined that p2p connections would be a bad idea, even before you guys said so. Not only would you not be able to race with other people, but not everyone is able to forward ports on a router, having a dedecated server would allow people to store their character data if they wanted to, as well as dlc... its just a much better option.@sanslash32 Shifting gears in my game is not entirely realistic, no. This is, after all, an arcade game, and only the bear minimum is going to be realistic; the parts that would make it a not enjoyable game if they werent realistic. As for the physics aspect, Ill dive more into that once I really start designing the vehicle builder.Back to how gear shifting works, here it is. If the player presses shift, they gear up. If they press left control, it gears down. Keep in mind, though, that if you gear down while the car is going too fast, you must step on the break to slow down or your car could
  blow up. I know this is 100% not, realistic; but having it so that youd just hear a grinding noise and maybe some transmission damage... that would just make the game boring. Remember Im making an arcade game here, not a simulator.  And Id rather not say what language Im using,  weve already seen what kind of fits people throw when they learn you dont use a language of their choice. Id rather not start that war.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Yes, if youre being realistic with acceleration and deceleration, if you had an uphill slope, you should decelerate much faster when you release the up arrow. and if you came to a complete stop on an uphill slope without holding the break you would roll backwards. But I have no idea if you want to go that way and put slopes in there, it was just a fun suggestion I thought Id throw out.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Here is the reason for Ive voted for a server instead of IP to IP connection:All people will connect to the same people, which means you can play with new people and not just your friends. A private race would be interesting for those who only wanna play with their friends.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, keep the slow deceleration, it would be more realistic.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi all,I have a serious question.Would it be better if I took out the system that caused your car to decelerate when up arrow was not being held down, and replace it in favor of a button that you must press and hold to break the car quickly?Option 2: I could keep the slow deceleration when up arrow is not held down and add a break button. What are your thoughts on this?Im also happy to announce, to those of you who dont view the s quad racing page of my website, that gears and vehicles have been implemented. That brings me to another question. How do you like the idea of instead of a value based vehicle builder, (thats quite unrealistic anyway), if I actually had players build cars from the garage, using actual material and parts they would have to buy, and I think I might make it so that people must earn building licenses for both tracks and vehicles.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi all,I have a serious question.Would it be better if I took out the system that caused your car to decelerate when up arrow was not being held down, and replace it in favor of a button that you must press and hold to break the car quickly?Option 2: I could keep the slow deceleration when up arrow is not held down and add a break button. What are your thoughts on this?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey stevoFirst, did you buy the pure basic?Next, do you planning to make this game online? lolI havent played this game now, but I will play it if online version is released.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

I think you should slowly decelerate if you release the up arrow but still have a break as well, that seems more realistic. Unless youre implementing slopes, if youre going down hill, then only a break could slow you down, not just releasing the throttle.Also, having to build your car from the ground up in a garage sounds way cool.Just throwing my 2 cents out there.Keep up the good work man, I cant wait to check out what you come up with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hello.I vote for the latter opcion.Good luck on your project.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hello there!I would find it more realistic if you leave in the slow deceleration of the car when you release the up arrow, and put in a break button too, so you can quickly break the car.To your second question, yeah, building your car from the ground up sounds quite cool.The thing is that if you have special parts that for example the waight is an important factor.If your car is heavy, it is harder to accelerate the car, but it would be a bit faster. Or if it is lighter, the same thing, just reversed. Cause if there is a huge number of parts for the car, and there is just no difference between them, that would take the fun and the strategic element out of the game.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

hiOk this is two of my ideas about racing game.1. Lightning jackpacks it will lift off your car and fly straight with nearly unlimited speed in short time, about 5 secondsYou can avoid everything, except for curves.And if you activited it, your car will fly only straight, This means you cant stair your car while flyingAnd this will use all of your fuel, but the speed is faster than light, I cant imagineNext, and my greatest idea is, add the crazy modeIn this mode, you can destroy other players cars, Causes lots of accidents, Throw stones, throw fire requids, Get a gun and fire it, put lots of traps on the load, Throw flashbangs, hammers, reverse other players key functions, Push other cars to par par par par backward from you, even still other cars.If the health of the car reaches to 0, The car will be destryoed and this will causes same happen like dmnb. You need to start again. lollollollollol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Thank you all for the ideas. Yes the game will be multiplayer when its released, but the release is still a bit far away, which is why Ill set up a testing folder soon once I finish sorting out the track editor and such. Also someone mentioned slopes? Thats a great idea. Since one would move faster going down a slope, would it also be a nice idea to slow the acceleration time when the car is going up the slope? But as for the different parts thing of course, there will be plenty of variety. In fact that was the initial idea was to have a lot of vehicles with widly ranging stats, and the player would have to pick whichever one they felt would help them the most.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Stevo, how are the functionally of the shifts in your game?Are you implementing the shift gear system as the reality? And how are your fisics for the game? ^^However the idea of a new racing game is very, very good.Respecting the idea of include a multiplayer mode, with p2p conection.. well stevo, it is very, very bad option.The game needs a dedicated server, for a random matchmacking system, ladder points, private races and mutch, mutch more. If you want, give the option to create private servers with the options that the people want, but use the old system of p2p connections is a bad option for games like that.Well. thanks for work on this great project...Witch language are you using? Pure basic?


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi.If you wanna make the game realistic, then the same should happen when you release the up arrow like when you release the speeder in a car.I also like the idea about the need to buy the different parts for the car, and fix it in the garage. I also like the idea about the licens for the building.Multiplayer sounds awesome. Time to vote. 


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hello.I did not read all messages, but I want another racing game.I even already voted in the poll above.greetings and luck.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi steve, where are the gears? Also, will we be able to develop vehicles in demo version?


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Burak, as for the gears, they will be added by the next audio demo. Since I managed to complete racing and make it bug free, I can move on to such things now. Yes you can build cars in demo version.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi all,This is a please read post.It seems that at least some people are under the impression that I will be releasing a comercial racing game that is... not multiplayer. I assure you all, however, that this is not! not! the case, and please dont be mistaken. While I do intend this to be comercial at some point, here are some things that you should know.1. when I do so, rest assured that you will, have, multiplayer, based on whatever you vote on in this topics pole.2. I will not, do, this, until the game is completely finished and functional.3. there will, be, a, free, version. it will not have multiplayer, of course, and track building and such will be far more limited than had you purchased the game. I am mainly posting this because even a contact over skype thought Id make this a shareware game with only single player... but I hope he, and you alike, know I wouldnt perform such a blasted rip off. In other news, guess what! I have an audio demo to share! And guess what is in the demo? A fully! working! race! Check this out! … week11.mp3Thats all for now. Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi all,This is a please read post.It seems that at least some people are under the impression that I will be releasing a comercial racing game that is... not multiplayer. I assure you all, however, that this is not! and I repeat not! to be the case, and please dont be mistaken. While I do intend this to be comercial at some point, here are some things that you should know.1. when I do so, rest assured that you will, have, multiplayer, based on whatever you vote on in this topics pole.2. I will not, do, this, until the game is completely finished and functional.3. there will, be, a, free, version. it will not have multiplayer, of course, and track building and such will be far more limited than had you purchased the game. I am mainly posting this because even a contact over skype thought Id make this a shareware game with only single player... but I hope he, and you alike, know I wouldnt perform such a blasted rip off. In other news, guess what! I have an audio demo to share! And guess what is in the demo? A fully! working! race! Check this out! … week11.mp3Thats all for now. Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Dont give up man. Im gonna listen to the demo right now. Keep it up bro.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Thanks for the support man. I refuse to give up because Im creating this for my experience, my intertainment... ETC. if others dont play it, I will be a bit disappointed, but Ill still enjoy the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Ive been quietly following your work and am excited for what you end up with. It definitely seems like you have the drive and intellect to create a masterpiece for audio gamers who love to race.Good luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Thank you so much Stevie! I am passionate about playing, programming, and heck, even blogging about games! I love them! And to create them--well thats even better. Oh and by the way this is off topic but there might be a small surprise in the works that is... lets just say... something to divert my code hungry brain away from the racing game because... lord knows I cant stop coding, even when I take a break from one project because Ive just seriously squashed a bug or something, Im onto another. haha.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Thank you so much Stevie! I am passionate about playing, programming, and heck, even blogging about games! I love them! And to create them--well thats even better. Oh and by the way this is off topic but there might be a small surprise in the works that is... lets just say... something to divert my code hungry brain away from the racing game because... lord knows I cant stop coding. haha.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : austingrace via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Im also interested in this game. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

glad to hear that.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Of course to the ambiance. And people can put there own custom ambiance in there tracks. So it wouldnt have to be hard coded preset ones like Top Speed did. Top Speed was ok, but two things that annoyed me about it.1. The computer players would not select custom cars.2. You could not put your own ambiance sound effects in your track. You had the use the 11 predefined ones.So if your looking to break those cycles, I a plod you for that.Now for car creation, are you planning to stick with one engine loop file like Top Speed did, or have multiple loop files for different gears and what not.Obviously, its your game and it is up to you. And I dont want to put too much on your plate with suggestions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Precisely. It will actually always be a car that computer players can select--if the player has unlocked it, anyway. It doesnt matter how good it is, it just matters if youd unlocked or bought it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

OK. So what you are saying is if people build custom cars, and it looks good, from time to time, you might make it a game car for the computer to select.Sorry if Im miss understanding here. But I think I see what you are saying so I just want to clarify.But once again, we need more racing games out there. So Im glad you are making one. Dont give up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

John, heres the thing with the suggestions--as a developer, one must aquire the hard-to-learn skill of... er... tossing the suggestions into a box to deal with later... all things you want to get to but cant now. So Ive actually devised a suggestions section of a href="" s quadd racing page/a, which, even without your suggestions, has nearly 20... lol... though many will be removed once the track building system is completed. As for using the same engine loop sounds as you gear up--most likely, yes, as this is usually the case on most racing games, (Even the mainstream racing games I listened to my older brothers play on the play station did that). Another note about computer players selecting custom cars. Unlike Top Speed where you had the 15 or so cars from the time you first opened the game to whenever you stopped, Id like whatever cars that come prepackaged with the game to be unloc
 ked, thus the range of different cars a computer player could select would be somewhat limited, to keep things fare. Nonetheless Id like to provide 15 or perhaps 16 cars, to give a good amount to unlock before one started building their own. And, given the system I plan to implement which calculates the minimum level one can play a car or track they built based on the features and stats they gave it, it should be quite easy to generate content for oneself that they need to unlock, thus inspiring them to race more, to get to the tracks and cars they desire.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hmm, very interesting points, and thanks for the good luck wish.Custom cars: yescar builder: yesOK Ill stop with that... just yes to everything. I dont feel like listing that all out. But I actually think especially that the announcer idea is quite neet, as well as the ambiance. However, if possible, Id like people to put in more ambiances than just one on the track, such as a different ambiance on each part of the track, user defined parts of course. and I also plan to add the ability to include thunderstorms moving around on your tracks, as I previously mentioned, so yeah. I currently have sounds for 8 different cars, but am still needing many more than that, because 8 cars just isnt enough for a game like this, in which cars will be unlocked in higher levels as you become more efficient at driving. I unfortunately think Im going to need to create a separate topic requesting sounds as it doesnt seem that many peop
 le look to this one given the fact that my website is where most of the updates and demos are posted. As for the track builder situation, I think Im going to actually do both of my ideas. The reason for this is that some people prefer precise value entering, however even Id kind of like a track builder like the one I have in mind, because its really never been done before and I think it would be very interesting to do.Stay tuned, this game is far from being finished! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Im listening to your weekly audio play through. And Im interested in this for sure. Some questions I have are as follows.1. Will there be a car creator?2. Will the computer players be able to select custom cars?3. Will there be multi player?4. I was noticing that the cars dont shift gears. Will this be changed? And will the players and computer opponents be able to choose manual or automatic?5. Will there be pits for fuel and repairs?6. Will the players be able to put there own music in the tracks?Thats all I have for now.Good luck on this game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Im listening to your weekly audio play through. And Im interested in this for sure. Some questions I have are as follows.1. Will there be a car creator?2. Will the computer players be able to select custom cars?3. I was noticing that the cars dont shift gears. Will this be changed? And will the players and computer opponents be able to choose manual or automatic?4. Will there be pits for fuel and repairs?5. Will the players be able to put there own music in the tracks?6. Will there be a race announcer for each track? Each track could have its own race announcer telling how many laps left to go.Thats all I have for now.Good luck on this game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey all,just a quick note.I think Ill be implementing both types of track builder. Some one suggested I make it like Mario Cart, which sounds cool however Ive never played that game so cannot base any ideas off of it. If the last poster gets back to me I can add that in as a possibility. From what it seems, the track builder is going to be a rather large menu, with a lot of things to choose from. . I dont think anyone will be disappointed with it in the least bit. And remember as always, you can check out the s quad racing page for updates, as Ive been working on quite a lot recently since I returned from my code break on April 12th.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Could you make it like Mario Cart? That be sweet!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Im beginning to work on a built in track builder, that can be accessed via the main menu. Im still, however, having some difficulty deciding how I want to do this. What I was thinking is as follows:1. There is a menu. In this menu, you have the basic options; Setting weather conditions, maximum obstacles, how fast obstacles would spawn, all of that.Also, in the main menu, I want there to be an option called layout customization. But unlike keying in values as is most common to track builders and such, Id like the builder to select one of the available vehicles. Then, they would start driving just like regular, with the ability to move backward and forward on the track. Now in order to place a turn, they would first have to pause movement by pressing p, of course. To place a left turn, hit the left arrow key one time. if you want it to be a moderate turn, press left again. and if you want an advanced left turn, press left again, and finally a deadly le
 ft would occur the 4th time you pressed left arrow. Heres an example in case it sounds confusing.1. Im a drivin down the track, just minding my own business. Ok, this seems far enough to iniate a surprise deadly left turn!Ill press p, OK, good, it said paused. Lets see what the screen reader said when I hit left.Current turn type is slight left turn. Press P to unpause and race the duration of the turnNo, I dont want that. Left arrow.Current turn type is moderate left. Press P to unpauseNo, still dont want that.Etc, until you hear the type is deadly. You will then press p, unpause the game and get back into movement mode. Just as a player on the track, you are driving the turn, fighting as it were. Now when you decide that this is enough already, press p, and youll be paused again. to end the turn and go back to a straight, just press enter. And if youre a full a
 nd want a turn immediately after the deadly left, dont unpause after entering; just start hitting the right arrow, it works the same as the left. Now when you want a finishh marking of the track, simply while youre driving, press the enter key. So how do you guys like this verses precise typing in values? I know youll end up with things being at random track squares, but this is good if you want to base your track on real-time intervals rather than values. So should I use this system? or should I use the more classic one. Or, since this is going to be shareware, should I add both?


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

whats that like, I perhaps could! Ive never played mario cart


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Track building parser is being implemented as I write this. The sintax for building tracks is literally so simple, it will make you want to laugh out loud. However, due to the overly repetitive nature of track building in a text file due to long tracks and their tendency to have a lot of turns and straights, Ill probably end up coding up a little track builder into the game.However, for those of you who are interested, heres the syntax. This was coppied from the beginner track, so there are numbers already in there. But basically, its just a property, and then a space, and then a number. For straights and turns, those have a start (what square of the track it will start turning) and end (the square that the turn ends on). And the spawn setting is how fast obstacles will spawn on the track. If you use the track builder, this should be irrelevant to you.track size 2000maximum obstacles 50spawn 1left start 281left end 300<br /
 >straight start 301straight end 370right start 371right end 400So thats all there is for now. However, as other features are added, more configurations will be as well. I just thought youd like a bit of a preview.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey guys,So yeah Im sure it seems like Im resurrecting a dead and gone topic. But heres the scoop. No matter how low this topic gets, It aint dead until s quad racing is, which is definitely not the truth. For those who keep up with my blog and forums, you know my time has been consumed with flamity flame, poem writing, death match, stw, podcasting, and no racing project development lol. I dont plan for that to last. In fact, Ive decided to revamp the vehicles system, to make it possible for users to build vehicles of their own. Also, unlike in top speed, all opponents will use the same car as the player does, so there will be a complete fairness to the game. Now is your time to help in development, however. I need as many race car sfx as you can give me. Id prefer you put each car in a separate zip or folder within a
  packaged zip. In that, youd include:1. a horn sound.2. Start up sound.3. shut off sound.4. of course, the loop that we can use to heighten and lower as the thing speeds up and slows down.Oh. yeah. I forgot to mention something. If you really do this for me, and I get a lot a lot of good sounds, three random submitters might just get a little key for a certain folder with the games beta in it... . Dont feel obligated, its not your responsibility by any means. So if no one submits even one car sound, Ill be OK with that. But they would be appreciated.Thanks,Steven.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Oh so now its not a complaint its a suggestion? *confused* well anyway. You cant get a credit card til you are 18 here either. But thankfully, we got parents. I presume you do as well, or else how do you support yourself without a credit card? Thing is, Burak, if you want to have about 97% of the stuff in the world before you turn 18, you would have to ask your parents to buy it for you. and if $20.00 is such a cumbersome amount of money for them, well Im very sorry about your finanical situation. Otherwise...well, get a small job, save up money, and ask for use of your parents credit card and pay back the money you spent in actual cash.Sound good?Hope so, else it just looks like youll be waiting til you are 18, lest you can find a way to ask nicely to be a beta tester, even then Id have to get to know you first.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

HiThe reason i didnt complain to aprone was because i didnt like zombie games as much as racing games. I am looking for a good one for agesSo you do care when we suggest something, but you dont care if we complain? [[wow]]. Very strange.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

HiThe reason i didnt complain to aprone was because i didnt like zombie games as much as racing games. I am looking for a good one for ages


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

You making the game freeware is not wining, its a suggestion, so that everybody can play. Its your own preference, nobodys putting a gun on your head. But of course, since ı was looking for that game for ages, you cant know my frustration.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

because, suggestions help the game. People sitting around wining at me does absolutely, nothing, to further the productivity. Thats why. Now burak, do you still find that strange?


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, not everybody has a credit card, you cant get credit cards if youre under 18 here. And there are 2 years until I get it.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi,Yeah, I think hes right.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

@last 2 posters: if you want to beg to someone, Im not the right choice. Get money, or dont get the game. so sorry.Besides, it wont be released for about a year. So yeah. Quit being so inconsiderit of my hard work! Anyway, if you quit yappity yapping at me for free crap, I might reconsile with you upon release about getting it for free if you cant, absolutely cant, get it. But keep on this road, sorry buddy. no.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Begging you? Hell no, I am not begging you at all. Though its true that I am frustrated. No, I am not trying to be inconsideret of your hard work. If I would do such a thing, I wouldnt even consider suggesting you anything. And free crap? So you saying that games made free are crap? [[wow]], such harsh words to people WHO spend effort and release it without charging for anything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

actually, burak, obviously no. and if what I was saying was harsh, there would therefore not be a thumbs up. I seriously dont care if youre frustrated. Are free games crap? no. but what I meant by free crap was free stuff. Sorry, didnt frikkin know I had to clarify.Anyway, did you pull this crap to aprone when he made swamp shareware? hmm no dont think so. Anyways, all I have to say is: if you dont like the absolute frikkin idea of a shareware game, dont play it.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Oh lord, the classic I cant pay for games argument again. Guys, we cant just make every game free, this subject came up on the dmnb topic, and I said the same thing. As fun as it is to produce games, we eventually at some point must charge for our hard work. I intend to do a subscription system for dmnb once im ready and once everyone things its stable and ready to be payed for, and that money doesnt just go to us. It goes for fixing valuable solutions. What happens if steves computer dies, he doesnt have another one? No updates to the game. Hents, bordem by you, hents his game dies. But with the money, he would be able to pay to fix said computer or buy a new one and hents, updates for you, hents his game will not die out.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Exactly Danny. You know, responding to this shouldnt have been my concern, as its not my problem that some one cant pay for my game. I hope burak tries to give that bull crap excuse to some big computer company. Who knows, they might give him a comp with a quad core Pentium 3.5 ghz processor running windows 10 and with 20 gigs of ram and 4 tb of disk space. Who knows.But anyways. with all bull crap excuses aside, anything better to talk about?


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

actually, vlad, heres the rundown.I am planning on making this game shareware by the time its ready for completion, which I estimate will be around my 17th birthday, around a year from now. This means that you will have to test with me for a long time, and since it is shareware, I will have some very, strict, beta testing rules.I will set up perhaps a little beta testing bt sinc folder or something for the game. Applying for it will be a bit hard; not super personal, such as the dmnbac form that we heard about recently, but nonetheless it will be hard. This, however, is not a priority of mine at this time. If I end up setting this up, it will not be for at least 2 weeks, because Im very unsure--how do I know my beta testers wont hand out the executables? How do I know they wont pass around their stat files to newbie players? how do I know, how do I know...? Yes, the trust issues. So yeah. Currently I have a relyable
 , willing beta tester. And I have it set up so that if he were to pass out my code, I could just as well take the updates out of the folder. So maybe.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Well if you ask me the http thing wouldnt nice at all, what hapens if I want to play and there is no internet? Sighs, another game being shareware.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

@burak:ok maybe http isnt the best thing for this, in fact that was a second option; Id rather just encrypt game files if you ask me.@the shareware comment yes. another game becoming shareware. but yes. another developer who is doing hard work as a hobby. so deal with it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey all,Bad and good news. The bad news isnt all that bad, and the good news will likely excite some of you!bad news:I didnt record the demo last night. That is because it wouldnt sound very different from last week, because I took a bit of an... er... hiatus from code for a little bit, because I dont want to push myself, Im sure you can understand though.good news:I began coding again last night, as my change log readers know. Im coding the end of the race, and after thats fixed, all I have to do is put the disorientator obstacle back in and configure it for opponents, which would take all of 15 minutes. The reason this is good news is because after that, I can begin to move on to the store and inventory, and eventually custom track building. All of this in 4 weeks, you say? Just imagine, how this racing game will look by the time school lets out and Ill have more time to code. PS, thanks for submitting your suggestions on my new form. They are very interesting suggestions! Keep it up!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey all,Bad and good news. The bad news isnt all that bad, and the good news will likely excite some of you!bad news:I didnt record the demo last night. That is because it wouldnt sound very different from last week, because I took a bit of an... er... hiatus from code for a little bit, because I dont want to push myself, Im sure you can understand though.good news:I began coding again last night, as my change log readers know. Im coding the end of the race, and after thats fixed, all I have to do is put the disorientator obstacle back in and configure it for opponents, which would take all of 15 minutes. The reason this is good news is because after that, I can begin to move on to the store and inventory, and eventually custom track building. All of this in 4 weeks, you say? Just imagine, how this racing game will look by the time school lets out and Ill have more time to code. 


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

hi severe. please add me to your beta testers. i can help you with reporting bugs and the code.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey guys,A question.Would it be logical, and/or possible, to store peoples game variable files on an http server, so that they couldnt modify them?I mean, where the game would load, ask for your name, and retrieve your stats off of the server, rather than having them at easy access.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey guys,A question.Would it be logical, and/or possible, to store peoples game variable files on an http server, so that they couldnt modify them?I mean, where the game would load, ask for your name, and retrieve your stats off of the server, rather than having them at easy access.Also, theres now a suggestions submitting form at the bottom of the page. I know there are a lot of headings before it, but to make it easier, navigate by heading level 2, or edit box, and soon Ill add a quick links section to the page.The form is easy to fill out; dont worry, I wont! ask for any of your personal information. Not even so much as a name or email! Just go to the form, jot down a couple ideas, and click submit. That simple!


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, if you have not done yet, to make driving backwards and forwards more realistic, if you are driving at a fast speed forward for example and you press left shift, the car should slow down still going forward, stop, and accelerate, going backwards this time. And vice versa.Oh and if you have not done so, you should add breaking as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Yeah Ill look into adding unlockable vehicles. It shouldnt be so hard...A breaking system would indeed be nice.As for turning backwards I was thinking it would be realistic if I added some sort of skidding sound and made the car slow down a little bit, but not all the way.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

@Burak, I agree, I was just trying to explain the logic behind topspeed, if you are player 8 and not in a custom vehicle, it can be ridiculous on some tracks to even have a chance to win. So yeah, it doesnt seem fair.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

yeah I believe topspeed does have you lined up bumper to bumper rather than side by side. I wouldnt have a problem with that if it wasnt random, if you had to do a qualifying race to determine your position in the single file line, that would be cool, I believe thats what NASCAR does.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi,Well, going back would be quite fun.Imagine you would drive and an oponent is behind you.I would rturn aaround and drive back until I am right ahead of him. Afterwords I would turn back so he is alined right behind me.He would than, bump me from behind and push me forwards, making me faster and slowing him down at the same time so that I can accelerate faster when I need it.BTw: when we make it like that, you should implement different engines which have different power strenghts so they can get faster or have better acceleration speeds.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, I still think racers should start side by side. Otherwise its being unfare.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

hmm yeah. although, Im not sure why youd need that, that is, until I implement unlockable missions and you have to turn around and shoot a cop or something, or perhaps you want a powerup to be yours before the enemy can get it. You know what? That actually sounds like a great idea! Ill be adding those to my coding suggestions directory.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

hmm yeah. although, Im not sure why youd need that, that is, until I implement unlockable missions and you have to turn around and shoot a cop or something, or perhaps you want a powerup to be yours before the enemy can get it. You know what? That actually sounds like a great idea! Ill be adding those to my coding suggestions directory. PS do you keep up to date with my development page? I only ask this because I think it would help you quite a bit, that way you would know all the features Im working on and the ones Ill be adding next.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Yes, I try to read the change log every day. Why would ı need going backwards? Its just for reality, and just for some fun. A race car doesnt go forward all the time, after all. Or for example, what if there is an aponent very behind of you, and you just want to have some fun by just going backwards and make him catch up to make the game more challenging. Id sure want that.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Urgent--input requested!I was wondering, instead of putting opponents to the left and right of the player, should they all be lined up (y1, y2, y3) etc for each opponent, and the further the opponent is from the 0 coordinate, the slower they will accelerate?@Burak I understand dude. Yes, I might as well add such functionality in there... you know... it would be quite humerous. I was thinking that if the player hits shift+down arrow one time, they will begin to move backwords. If they hit shift plus up arrow, they will move forward again.You know what would be funny? If some one used the backwords feature to go behind an opponent, turn back around, and bump it from behind to slow it down a little. Now, that, would be funny!


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Oh. So that is good: my positioning from left to right on track is good?Also Burak, Driving backwards and forwards is now implemented. While driving, Press left shift on keyboard to turn backwards, and press right shift at any time to drive normally again. Perhaps Ill add an item in the carrier that allows for players to make enemies do this for a small bit of time, but it would likely cost someware around 1 coins, simply because the player is already a tiny bit faster than their opponents in the first place.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Oh. So that is good: my positioning from left to right on track is good?Also Burak, Driving backwards and forwards is now implemented. While driving, Press left shift on keyboard to turn backwards, and press right shift at any time to drive normally again. Perhaps Ill add an item in the carrier that allows for players to make enemies do this for a small bit of time, but it would likely cost someware around 1 coins, simply because the player is already a tiny bit faster than their opponents in the first place, and the only time Id think this to be useful is when a player crashes, for example, and does not want to be so far behind their rivals.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Stevie-3 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

I also think they should all be side by side, it does seem more fair.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, no, it should not be like y1 y2 etc, or else everything would be dependant on luck. Its the point of the race for everyone to start fare, at the same place. Top speed does not obey that rule.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Yeah, I was thinking so as well. But the only racing games Ive ever played were Jim Kitchens Mach 1 and top speed3, and I dont remember much about the former, since I hadnt played that in 4 years. But as for Top Speed I thought the cars were ligned in a y coordinate row, rather than side by side, thats why I was confused.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi Please make it sir I like racing and has expected a racing game from USAGames but they have some other issues so dont hesitate sir! I love every game except text games.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, you should add going backwards, too.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi,[[wow]], the new audio demo sounds quite fun for me.Something I would put in to the game would be the shifting of gears.In my opinion, this would make the game a lot more reallistik.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Oh yeah, gears. Those completely slipped my mind... can you say lols?Anyway good idea.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey all,Just thought Id let you know. I switched testers, and the new one I have is very relyable and has helped me quite a bit today, fixing a few bugs I didnt even know existed despite my countless runs. Its always good to have a newbie at the game play for the first time and inform me of any troubles they encounter. But this might come as an excitement to you all, Ive added in player stats! Thats rights, you can now earn coins if you win races, and you can level up as well, once you achieve a certain number of wins. Im currently level 1, with 3 wins, and have 1150 coins at the moment! Amazing, right?Also, go here, because I will be posting the audio demo shortly, and this week its somewhat different. Word of caussion: next week, the audio demo might sound quite a bit different from the one this week. More about this will be found on my Blog on Fridays upcoming post


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, I have some more suggestions:You should add surfaces. Not like in top spped, I mean not like water, sand, etc. Add tunnels. When you enter a tunnel, you hear a wooshing sound, and the sounds of the car begin to echo. If other aponents are not in the tunnel, the sound of other aponents should be muffled, and echoed as well. Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, I have some more suggestions:1-You should add surfaces. Not like in top sppeed, I mean not like water, sand, etc. Add tunnels. When you enter a tunnel, you hear a wooshing sound, and the sounds of the car begin to echo. If other aponents are not in the tunnel, the sound of other aponents should be muffled, and echoed as well. 2-Add starting sounds for vehiclesThanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

I can try to that, but not sure whether or not I actually can. First of all, though, Im gonna try and implement the carier feature, and I also need to get together a game datafile that keeps track of varying variables that depend on your progress through the game. Once I do the datafiles, I think management of the various features will be far easier.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Yeh, its fine, though be sure to add echoing, too.


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Actually Burak, I was thinking about adding something similar to what youve suggested: walls, that a player must navigate between. Though all left to right squares will be available to pass, you must position yourself between the two walls in order to stay on the road and not die.Lets give an example: The builder of the track places a wall nav object. The left wall is located at 23, the right wall at 27. The length of the wall nav object is 50 squares. Thus, the player must turn left until theyre between 23 and 27. If they are not within these boundaries throughout all 50 squares of the wall nav object, they would die.Is this a good idea?Of course, Id make it impossible to spawn these while on track turns, at least for the less advanced tracks anyway, as that could cause the player to have to constantly fine turn lest theyd love to grind the wall and explode


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Alright! Sounds like the development of this game is moving fast. Cant wait for the audio demo.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

The audio demo was already released, and can be listened to here


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey all,So a few important changes here: the game is moving more toward the unlockable side now. Rather than automatically loading the beginner track on game start, you must select between that, or another track youve unlocked before hitting start game. Ill show you how in tonights audio demo.Also, the maximum number of opponents you can spawn on a track depends on how wide the track is; the beginner track is 60 wide, so only 5 opponents can spawn there. Also I played with headphones for the first time today, and the stereo spread sounds freaking awesome! I love how it sounds when the enemies are right next to you, and when you pass them; it sounds so real. Currently Im still working on variating maxspeeds for enemies, fine tuning and the like, but overall I think were ready for an awesome audio demo! Be anticipating that tonight, on that page of my website!


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi, I followed this topic for the last few days and I just wanted to throgh in my ideas.1: There could be speed or slowdown strips on the road so that, when you drive over them, get faster or slower, depending on the strip of the road.2: There could be objects lying on the road like extra fuel tanks or such stuff.Just some ideas.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Actually, I was thinking something like this:Coins, great idea. But you cant crash, and you cant hit obstacles either. If you hit a sticky mud obstacle, you lose 1 coins. if you hit the disorientator, thats 3 coins. If you crash, thats 7 out of 20 coins you would get from racing the race.Fuel will also be good, especially when I put a turbo powerup into the game. If you use a turbo, it will slice off 40% of your fuel supply! Combine that with unlockables planned for the game, I promise this to be addicting once I finish it. Oh and be looking for Wednesday nights audio demo, as Ive began working on enemies in the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

@simba1: those strips would likely be on more advanced tracks.2: what it sounds like youre describing is powerups, and yes those are being worked on: extra gas, turbo etc


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hmm. I wonder if Ill have to end up putting jumping into the game after all? But if I do that, you should expect that Ill be putting in-air powerups and things you can drive on, though. lol. May as well. but as I said in This blog post, I still havent yet coded opponents, and my goal is to get them fully functional with the items already present before I begin to advance further. This game is sure to take a long time, but I will release playable demos before the actual thing is complete. Ill be adding all of your suggestions to a directory of some sort so I always have access to them if or when this thread dies.And thanks, Vlad for the offer. Since Im not close to multiplayer just yet, I dont need that now, but thanks for offering your hosting. I checked out your site and it looks promising


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Thanks.As for testing, anyone can be a tester if they visit the games page of my website, when I release alphas and such. But I will not be doing one of those beta team dropbox folders, as I dont know and trust enough people to feel secure that:1. drama and fights wont break out in my folder.2. Files will be deleted, shared, or otherwise negatively motified.3. my source wont be stolen. I literally only know one person, whos name I will not say, who I know beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt I can trust with such a thing, and hes also the only one whos got to test the game on multiple occasions already.Vlad I wont add you on skype because I literally know nothing about you save that youre vlad and from Romania, and Im not 100% sure about the latter.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hi.Sounds like an interesting project.While reading the topic, I thought about how to make the game addicting, and how to get people to play thi over and over Again. Here is my idea:When you are driving without crashing, youll get coins. Those coins should be used to buy more fuel. The tracks should be longer than you have fuel or, so you need to play the track or tracks over and over Again to save up for more fuel.Just a small idea I got. What do you think about this?Keep up the good Work. I look forward to see where this goes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

okI will post a link on my site to your game page..and please share this game with me as a tester and feel free to add me on the will find my skype on the profile.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

okI will post a link to your site.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

okI will post a link on my site to your game page..and please share this game with me as a tester and feel free to add me on the will find my skype on the profile.or search in the skype directorythe following id.vlad.ciotescu


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

@dark I remember road rash, or at least the nentendo 64 version of it. Intrestingly ive baught a copy of an updated version for playstation 1, but only played it once. Ive had a chance to play at this game though and I can dephanatly tell you it already shows promiss.


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