Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

So About a month ago, after the launch of Manamon 2, I also decided to complete Manamon 1 first.Thanks alot for Jayde for writing the guide, I could follow it perfectly and complete my whole Manapedia and thus also defeat dr. Murettes without asking any question in the forum. The only time I considered it was when I tried to catch a myaneko. These bastards show up extremely rarely indeed and I was almost about to ask if they appear in a specific part of Brightwater trail.So, I guess I'll be off to Manamon 2, at least at some point.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Odd, I thought I wrote a reply to this topic earlier, but maybe I  chrome before hitting submit or did something else dumb .I did complete the cosmo, sienarus and sonica fights, though I confess to spamming healing items in a couple, still Tavalus shut down Sienarus rather well, and between pegasan and exponge most of Cosmo's team weren't too bad. I could grind a little to defeat   the upgraded master stadium, but at this stage I just want to go on to manamon 2, since I've finished my objective of capturing 158 Manamon. indeed, I have been playing manamon 2 for the last few hours now, though for the sake of thread consistency I'll move discussion to the appropriate topic.Sienarus was a little irritating I must admit, the game with the sad music etc seemed to want me to feel sorry for him, but honestly he was such an arse, apart from being a cardboard cutout christia,  , I mean ziognian . Still Manamon 2's story is looking better already. @Mitch, I usually keep the type effectiveness list open in another window so I can flick to it and check when I want.I actually really wish the info was available in game, indeed I don't really see why each manamon can't have it's strengths/weakness types listed in its info, since remembering or looking up matchups just seems like pointless extra  work to me, but hay.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Makes sense. Half the time I'm doing horribly because I don't know the typings of certain manamon (when are duel-typing), and still trying to keep track of all the types. It will come eventually.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Dark: my advice is to just go to manamon 2. Manamon 1 has basically nothing left for you at this point.Mitch, the reason boss fights are tougher is due to gimmicks. I don't find gym leaders/stadium fights very difficult, and this is one area where pokemon does it better a lot of the time due to the fact that many such pokemon have gimmicks they can use, special moves or strats that play well with their stats. Example, Bugsy using Fury Cutter, Whitney's Miltank using Defense Curl and Rollout to wreck whole teams, Norman and his infamous Slaking, Liza and Tate and the way their Lunatone and Solroc work together, etc. Manamon...doesn't do that quite as well, most of the time. Boss fights against actual tamers don't feel as epic, either, because frankly the AI derps around a lot when it should be destroying you.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

And  And it's done! 158 manamon seen, 158 court. Iroadium was sort of a pest second time around, since Aura master wasn't strong enough to do as much damage as necessary, so I finished up having to rely on power kick and deciced's frigid touch, as well as taggin  mortrex for confusion and unending curse, and only really using mondovol for stun valt. First time through I won, but only guererrol was left, and the first turn of the capture battle Iroadium hit him with toxic storm which seemed to do damage even though he's got the altered gas mask equipped.Second time through I made it with three party members still alive, but didn't mess around, just chucked the gamanet. Trying tavalus and pegasan with a level 73 party was probably a bit impatient on my part, but it worked out, actually Tavalus was more annoying for  low chances of getting hit by giganets, first try he killed himself with draco blits after I'd chucked about ten, second try he went down after 13. Pegasan was annoying, and I definitely should've had a higher level group. Ironically killing him would've been easy for exponge, but withstanding his attacks long enough to get him with a giganet was harder, (he could take out leonetar in one hit with frostbite), also he was immune to stun volt.In the end I just stuck Exponge at the front  alternated chucking giganets and giving exponge mighty herbs until I finally got lucky. still there it is! I did! catch them all, in this game anyway . I'm now not sure  whether to grind my party enough to take on the last few uba battles (legendary creatures in hand), or go straight on to the second game, though I suppose I should really show the various tamers who's bos before I move on just for the hell of it .Thanks again to Jayde's guide for the assistance, particularly with manamon stats and some of the more obscure item location uses (I don't know if it would've occurred to me to use items in random  places like at the zeogneus statue), though I do feel a trifle more confident in knowing the system now and how things work, especially if Manamon 2 is a little more balanced in terms of stat evolution, meaning that I hopefully won't end up with the problem I had in my first attempt at manamon 1, when I had a bunch of creatures who were all higher level than what they were fighting, and who were all getting the bejaggers kicked out of them due to pretty terrible stat development, Ratsel I'm looking at you)..


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

And  And it's done! 158 manamon seen, 158 court. Iroadium was sort of a pest second time around, since Aura master wasn't strong enough to do as much damage as necessary, so I finished up having to rely on power kick and deciced's frigid touch, as well as taggin  mortrex for confusion and unending curse, and only really using mondovol for stun valt. First time through I won, but only guererrol was left, and the first turn of the capture battle Iroadium hit him with toxic storm which seemed to do damage even though he's got the altered gas mask equipped.Second time through I made it with three party members still alive, but didn't mess around, just chucked the gamanet. Trying tavalus and pegasan with a level 73 party was probably a bit impatient on my part, but it worked out, actually Tavalus was more annoying for  low chances of getting hit by giganets, first try he killed himself with draco blits after I'd chucked about ten, second try he went down after 13. Pegasan was annoying, and I definitely should've had a higher level group. Ironically killing him would've been easy for exponge, but withstanding his attacks long enough to get him with a giganet was harder, (he could take out leonetar in one hit with frostbite), also he was immune to stun volt.In the end I just stuck Exponge at the front  alternated chucking giganets and giving exponge mighty herbs until I finally got lucky. still there it is! I did! catch them all, in this game anyway . I'm now not sure  whether to grind my party enough to take on the last few uba battles (legendary creatures in hand), or go straight on to the second game, though I suppose I should really show the various tamers who's bos before I move on just for the hell of it .Thanks again to Jayde's guide for the assistance, particularly with manamon stats and some of the more obscure item location uses (I don't know if it would've occurred to me to use items in random  places like at the zeogneus statue), though I do feel a trifle more confident in knowing the system now and how things work, especially if Manamon 2 is a little more balanced in terms of stat evolution.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Is it just me, or does it seem like these games tend to be much more difficult than the Pokémon games via levels that you need to train to? Jayde, since you have played Pokémon, you'd probably know the answer to this. Especially in Manamon 2, the boss battles themselves feel way more difficult than any Pokémon battles on let's plays that I have watched.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Ziognioss is more of a pain than a world-class threat. Titomaton shuts him down, and Mondevol shuts him down even harder.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well the grind has mostly paid off, and got my party from around level 62 to 70, I am now at 155 manamon seen and court including Zeognius, and am looking at the iroadium rematch next, which to be honest I've left off since I wanted to make sure to have a strong enough team, indeed I'm tempted to level up to 71 or so. Again, a shame there are no level 70 plus wild manamon areas, since looking at the levels on some of those upgraded gyms, it seems rather bonkers, I tried sonica and got roundly creamed, but we'll see.Zeogneus, to say he's a power house on my team was actually quite the wuss to take out, indeed the only hard part was sitting around and chucking giganets and waiting to get lucky. First time I used 13 giganets and he killed himself, second time I got him on the sixth try.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well the grind has mostly paid off, and got my party from around level 62 to 70, I am now at 155 manamon seen and court including Zeognius, and am looking at the iroadium rematch next, which to be honest I've left off since I wanted to make sure to have a strong enough team, indeed I'm tempted to level up to 71 or so. Again, a shame there are no level 70 plus wild manamon areas, since looking at the levels on some of those upgraded gyms, it seems rather bonkers, I tried sonica and got roundly creamed, but we'll see.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

It also seems a little odd in terms of manamon levels, given the highest level wild manamon I've seen seems to be 67, and even then there is a huge gap between ascendence path and crescent walk in terms of levels. It'd actually be nice if towards the end of the game you could open up an area with all wild manamon available scale to your party, both for the interest of seeing matchups with higher level and lower level manamon, and  to give you a more interesting and preductive time grinding.Speaking of grinding, At the moment it's just grind grind grind for me. Both to get my party high enough to face Iroadium again, since my party is currently around 65,, and to level up those manamon I still  need for the manapedia.I got a third xp pal from the arcade and grinding isn't too bad, or at least an hours grind goes a relatively long way in terms of manamon levels, I'm up to 129 manamon so far, including the three starters, though obviously that leaves work to do, though using exponge's limb thrust tactic and then swapping out to a lower level manamon helps, I've got 8 or 9 k a pop doing that with some lower levels.I haven't decided as yet  if I'm going to try fighting through the upgraded masters and so on, we'll see how I feel when I have a completed mmanapedia, or whether I want to go on to the second game at that point.I'm tempted to try and get two more xp pals, but I suspect that playing the 600 or so arcade games it'd take to get them would negate any speed training benefits I'd get from them. It actually seems a little silly to me that level up herbs can only be got from the arcade, since with the massive amounts of gold you end up with later in the game, I'd have assumed they would be more available to help you experiment with higher level manamon, EG sold for about 2 gold a peace or so.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Manamon 1's postgame is extremely short. It's definitely got the feeling of an afterthought to me. I mean, after the apparently wonderful space-launch cutscene, it's all "We have to go Sierra. Okay mom" and that's...pretty much it.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I was going to level my team up a bit higher, but i was completely sick of ascendence path by that point, I'll probably have to do it now though. Btw, Is it me, or does the hole space rocket thing feel a bit unfinished? particularly with how late in the game you got some manamon like Galvano. Ah well, there's always manamon 2, and I liked the sequel references with matthew and Rena going off elsewhere. Unfortunately now I will be having a very boring time since I've got about 20 different manamon who all need evolving, though at least I can level my main party up while I do  that using the xp pals.Btw, a shame that there aren't some more diverse lower level areas later in the game, since it'd be fun to get random battles around the same level as the manamon your trying to evolve rather than grinding the same areas again and again.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

When I fought Matthew, my guys are at 67 or 68. And for the Mortrex, I just use my deciced and be done with it.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well that is the game finished as far as credits go. I must admit after octorus and iroadium, the stadium was mostly an anticlimax. Heck my party was level 61 and 62, but I tried anyway, got to Matthew, then bought some extra healing items, checked up some weakness types  and  tried again more successfully. It was quite down to the wire with matthew, but it came down to a mortrex v mortrex fight, neither able to damage the other,  my unending curse finally got the better of his black bite .Obviously though now its grind time, Now however its grind time, as well as checking out post game stuff before I go and buy manamon 2, and goodness knows how long that will take me.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I'm quite looking forward to Manamon 2 at this point, but me being the anal person I am, I want to complete the first game first, though I'm currently up to 115 manamon court and just about to enter the final dungeon, with my party all at level 59, so shouldn't be going too badly, though there will be some grinding to get all of the evolved forms.The writing has generally improved with each of Vgstorm's titles, so it doesn't surprise me Manamon 2 has a better story. Manamon's story is at least vaguely coherent and doesn't feel like it's being made up as it goes along, paladin of the sky I found actively painful in parts, which is largely why I haven't mustered the interest to finish the game.BTw Jayde, in your guide you mention  the narrow channel of  you need to come across when you first get to master's rest, the one just north of validation road doesn't have anything. #Actually, it contains exponge and submono, which was a nice surprise, since I didn't have a submono.In general I'm noticing that this area contains a fair few evolved forms which is handy, though checking the manapedia entries, there are still a fair few  which can only be got through evolutions.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

slightspoilersThe logic is supposed to be that when your sister learns that you killed their father, she begs Octoross to kill her, and he obliges. It's kind of thin on the ground.Manamon 2 definitely has a story that's better than this. Glad you got through the Irroadium fight though.Thankfully (and don't worry, I won't spoil here) Manamon 2 doesn't have any fights like this, where if you don't have particular types, you're absolutely screwed in a boss battle. The worst boss battles, in fact, don't even take weaknesses into account. That's its own headache, but I can see why Aaron did it that way, too.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Okay well it's done, Octorus, Yavin and Iroadium's respective rears all well and truly wolloped!. I'll actually say I was pretty jazzed going in to this fight, and to say the story is rather trite, yavin's sudden heal face turn really seemed a bit off here, and goodness knows what was supposed to be happening with the hole "I want iroadium to kill me! no me! no me!" business. However, all that being said I was  much more invested in the action than I was expecting to be, which admittedly was likely a combination of  pretty cool music, the fact that the shadow kingdom was such a right royal pain with all those lasers and timed traps and what not, and the fact that basically I've been dreading Iroadium a little, since I gather he's sort of the scurge of manamon, (I remember the massive amount of discussion about him when the game first came out).Oddly enough, I actually liked the Iroadium  battle, albeit it was basically standard old entombed drake tactics, namely stop him from acting, and used a few revives, and I confess without the advice I got, he would've likedly been far harder to deal with, though that pretty much goes for a lot of the game and Manamon types as I said .I completely forgot about all those potions I'd been picking up, like power potions etc, and was surprised when I read about them in Jayde's guide after I'd finished the battle, since it never really occurs to me to use them when there are moves like battlecry around, and probably if I had I would've had a slightly easier time.Either way, I couldn't get unending curse up because Motrex got swatted with vulnerability oblivian, and i needed the extra revive slot for deciced who was main attacker. I then pretty much did most of the battle with deciced, mondoval and guererrol, with occasional switches to other manamon like exponge or leonetta when I needed to bung a revive, which I think I had to do three times in all. In general though frigid touch, ora  master and power kick served to put irroadium down, plus stun volt for paralysis.The only thing that mildly annoyed me is neither desoul nor implant worked on him, which meant wasted actions.It would've been nice if there was some sort of consistency about what status effects did and did not work. Also, I tried battlecry, but his restoration ability quickly kicked in, which was odd, unless I mised something else which took his defense down.But never mind, in the end I won! And even won first time around .Okay I'm going off for a break now before I go on to the master stadium, but in general that was pretty awesome! I've rarely had quite this much of an adrenaline rush playing an audiogame, which is just plane cool, and another reason I'll be looking forward to Manamon 2. Btw, So if you're a douchebag and kill your father for daring to break under torture, Octurus randomly kills your sister? I'm sort of curious about how the dialogue there works, since the logic of that one escapes me, but I doubt I'll be playing through the entirety of manamon 1 any time soon to find out.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Grate to hear you've sorted it out the Iroadium fight! 


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Okay well it's done, Octorus, Yavin and Iroadium's respective rears all well and truly wolloped!. I'll actually say I was pretty jazzed going in to this fight, and to say the story is rather trite, yavin's sudden heal face turn really seemed a bit off here, and goodness knows what was supposed to be happening with the hole "I want iroadium to kill me! no me! no me!" business. However, all that being said I was  invested in the action than I was expecting to be, which admitedly was likely a combination of the music, the fact that the shadow kingdom was such a right royal pain with all those lasers and timed traps and what not, and the fact that basically I've been dreading Iroadium a little throughout this one since I gather he's sort of the scurge of manamon. Oddly enough, I actually liked the Iroadium fight, albeit it was basically standard old entombed drake tactics, namely stop him from acting, and used a few revives, and I confess without the advice he probbly would've been much more a terror than he was. Oddly enough I completely forgot about all those potions I'd been picking up, like power potions etc, and was surprised when I read about them in Jayde's guide, since it never really occurs to me to use them when there are moves like battlecry around, and probably if I had I would've had a slightly easier time.Either way, I couldn't get unending curse up because Motrex got swatted with vulnerability oblivian, and i needed the extra revive slot for deciced who was main attacker. I then pretty much did most of the battle with deciced, mondoval and guererrol, with occasional switches to other manamon like exponge or leonetta when I needed to bung a revive, which I think I had to do three times in all. In general though frigid touch, ora  master and power kick served to put irroadium down, plus stun volt for paralysis.The only thing that mildly annoyed me is neither desoul nor implant worked on him, which meant wasted actions.It would've been nice if there was some sort of consistency about what status effects did and did not work.But never mind, in the end I won! And even won first time around . Okay I'm going off for a break now before I go on to the master stadium, but in general that was pretty awesome!


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Tip: If you want to take down iroadium regenerating health, use unending curse on him. You'll have easy time defeating this beast.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Tip: If you want take down iroadium regenerating health, use unending curse on him. You'll have easy time defeating this beast.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Beware! spoilage ahoy for manamon plot. Okay, one more stadium down, and what I have to admit is a plot twist I've been suspecting ever since the big evil villain appeared, I mean, with no love interest, what do you think adorable little sisters are for? I confess here Yavin slightly irritated me with his complaints about octurus threatening an innocent person, after all his old man has already destroyed two towns, plus caused significant damage to two more, also last I checked  the protagonist's father was an innocent person too wasn't he? Ah well, its big uba dungeon time I suppose though I'm going to have a break before I try that. I have dropped kinidal from the main party, which makes my team thus far composed of leonetta, Guererrol, Mortrex, Deciced, exponge, Mondovall, plus marsheagle as a backup, hopefully that will work out relatively well, though as I have some daedelus dusts I'll probably be nipping in and out a bit to stack up on healing items etc.Btw, I was also highly amused at the legend of paladin point and the bit about a spaceship that crashed there many years before .


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Beware! spoilage ahoy for manamon plot. Okay, one more stadium down, and what I have to admit is a plot twist I've been suspecting ever since the big evil villain appeared, I mean, with no love interest, what do you think adorable little sisters are for? I confess here Yavin slightly irritated me with his complaints about octurus threatening an innocent person, after all his old man has already destroyed two towns, plus caused significant damage to two more, also last I checked  the protagonist's father was an innocent person too wasn't he? Ah well, its big uba dungeon time I suppose though I'm going to have a break before I try that. I have dropped kinidal from the main party, which makes my team thus far composed of leonetta, Guererrol, Mortrex, Deciced, exponge, Mondovall, plus marsheagle as a backup, hopefully that will work out relatively well, though as I have some daedelus dusts I'll probably be nipping in and out a bit to stack up on healing items etc.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well it's been a few days due to cryses and me not really wanting to get embroiled in manamon, but hay. I've finished the mountain, swam across that sea and am currently going through the valley next to opal bay. I'm also up to 107 court manamon including grizlord (thanks to jayde for letting me know that Bearon needed breeding and trading), plus the ice mythical. One thing I am noticing, is that while you can use giganets at %50 health, your best off trying to get the target below %!0. I used 16 giganets on the ice  with him at %18 health, then reloaded the game and court him on the second try once he had %4 left. I must admit I'm getting a little unsure about Kinidal at this stage,  %70 effect point moves only go so far, though seeig him wreck lots of those water manamon in the sea with the aqua suit equipped was rather fun . I will say I really do rather like the catching aspect of manamon, and being able to look at my manapedia and see what is what, indeed I'll be looking forward to checking out the new species later. I just wish stat progression was a little more balanced or that you could get a better idea how different manamon types were going to evolve before pumping levels into them.I know that I will have to level up a few evolutions  for completion's sake just to get the hole set, particularly the three starters, though I'm hoping use of the xp pal on higher level areas or Jayde's previously mentioned suicide trick will help there.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I did not liked one thing of manamon1. we had manamon with that of outstanding stats, but had no good moves. just to take an example, my bellaards 3 stats are very perfect acording to the stat checker. but cannot use them much because of their limited moves.I hope, I can use those in manamon2 by the trading method I guess, others must have felt like this some or the other time while playing the game.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Got two god mythicals so far. One more to go.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Pro-tip: bring a Mondevol or Titomaton for capturing god-beasts. Mondevol especially. they can hardly hurt him at all, and Draco Blitz fails. Also, tons of giganets. Save the gammanet for Irroadium. You'll have to reload several times, no doubt, but that's the name of the game when it comes to capturing mythicals.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Just went ahead and captured Zeognioss. That god beast is damn hard.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Since I won't be getting the full version of this game until probably later when I can buy it, I've started playing Manamon 2, and it seems like the starters in this game do a lot more damage than in Manamon 2 and have better stats, although this may be because of a level gap.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Is it just my incompetence, or


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

~Both electric wall and the water barrier move that Exponge gets which reduces damage from fire attacks seem pretty crappy to me, I mean, why would a water type manamon need to reduce fire damage? I can't speak on Manamon 2 yet, though I take your point on Manamon getting unfortunate move or build choices, still, that is one reason I'm starting with the first game here and moving on, rather than with the second and moving backwards, plus of course I am a bit of a completist (the mention of Kaya by the chap in Oriander ruins was amusing). Okay well I confess Starwalk mountain was quite the slog dungeon wise, particularly since I forgot to buy enough giganets and need to go back there and grab some creatures I didn't get first time around. Kinidol is showing its problems move wise so far, though in fairness very few Manamon seem good at handling their real weaknesses, even MArsheagle's batter branche isn't doing much good against stone or earth types at this stage of the game, though in fairness it can usually wreck things pretty well with fly. Okay plot time so spoilers ahoy. I like the implication that Octoros is actually from Snowstar city, or  least someone there knows his name, but I must admit him randomly turning up and destroying things is getting a bit nuts. I know its the rpg trope of most of the world getting destroyed and you having to reclaim the very last bit, but Octoros motivations just aren't that clear, t this point he won't have anything to rulee since he'll have smashed the lot, which is okay if he's on one of those destructive, burn down the world and remake it  of rampages, but that's not the vibe I'm getting at least so far.On the other hand, wow that boom was pretty cool, I'll admit that one surprised me, and I like the idea of the game throwing a curve ball mid stadium battle, although it might have been nice to see some of the arogant tamers post destruction perhaps show a slightly less extreme side, EG the fat guy who belched complaining about his lost manamon or the like. Btw, the stadium was also a joke, though I made life slightly  for myself by taking those creatures that needed levelling, rather than my  water and earth types, but hay, Mortrex and even Marsheagle did a pretty good job between them.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

No. It lowers the damage taken from electric attacks. Most of the manamon who get it are electric type, so it's not really that useful. Frorgeril gets it though, and it's neutral to electric damage. Me, I tend toward damage; the "now you're x more resistant to y type moves" only really works in some very niche cases, and the original manamon doesn't use them hardly at all.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Jayde, that makes sense. For me, since I haven't completed the game yet, I might as well try to complete the Manapedia for the first time.I still love the fact that Lonar basically is a hard counter to Autoson.  Also, what does the electric shield do? I know that it makes a wall of electricity around the user, but does it amplify ground moves?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

The mythicals end up being manamon of the one-trick-pony variety, and we already have a lot of those. I mean sure, flame type damage is good against plants/insects/steel types. That's great and all. But if you come up against a water type, you have to switch instantly or basically die. If Jimitron finds a ground type, he's dead meat unless he switches. Stuff like that. It's why I like the mixed types, because sometimes their secondary typing has enough going for it that you can get around a weakness. For instance, Frorgeril is electric-water, so it's weak to ground but covers it with ground moves. It doesn't cover its grass and magic weakness very well, but then it can't cover everything.Now Grandlan, on the other hand...Especially now that Manamon 2 is out, I really, really can't stomach Manamon 1 anymore. The shortfalls when it comes to balance and move variety are just crushing when there's an alternative. Like, I have no intention whatsoever of trying to re-complete Manamon 1's manapedia because I cannot be bothered. Maybe one day I'll be able to, say, trade for someone's imported mythicals in my manamon 2 file, since I don't need to keep them after all. I have no intention of grinding to get the Pegasus, as one example, though I do have all three legendary dragons.So...yeah. After you've played the second one, I personally find it really, really difficult to go back except to rejigger my party just so I can add to Manamon 2 completion.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

The mythicals end up being manamon of the one-trick-pony variety, and we already have a lot of those. I mean sure, flame type damage is good against plants/insects/steel types. That's great and all. But if you come up against a water type, you have to switch instantly or basically die. If Jimitron finds a ground type, he's dead meat unless he switches. Stuff like that. It's why I like the mixed types, because sometimes their secondary typing has enough going for it that you can get around a weakness. For instance, Frorgeril is electric-water, so it's weak to ground but covers it with ground moves. It doesn't cover its grass and magic weakness very well, but then it can't cover everything.Now Grandlan, on the other hand...


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

It'd actually be rather cool to have a wiki of all the creatures with their moves and stats, since it seems part of the problem in the game is what stats manamon get at given levels, as rates of increase aren't always exactly clear, and what can look pretty awesome at the start is fairly terrible later and visa versa for that reason, this apart from the problem of some manamon just not getting as effective movesets, though I gather this might to an extent be fixed in manamon 2. As to Kinidul we'll see, he's not doing bad so far, but I'm willing to change things up later if needed, since a 70 effect point move isn't too shabby at this stage with Kinideul's stats,  whether that will continue to be the case we'll see.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Yeah, the guide has helped me as well. Getting the free Power Dagger is always nice. Is there a comprehensive list of moves that has been compiled for this game?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Kinidul doesn't really get good moves of other types, so it's sort of busted. All the mythicals are generally this way. Nice stats, meh moves. Maybe if they're brought to manamon 2, they will have better moves. I'm just not sure.Starwalk Mountain may or may not give you fits, as it's long and a bit mazelike in places. Good job so far though. I'm glad my guide is helping someone.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

beware spoilers ahoy! Well the factory was sort of fun, if a bit lengthy with all the backtracking, and again credit to Jayde's guide since I did get a wee bit stuck at one point as I got the south wall door to the basement and the south wall door to the beach mixed up and assumed I was locked in . I'm giving Kenidol a try, and it seems pretty tough. It has firestream which is a good all round flame attack, ash rain which does scorch, rev up with the massive speed increase and then smoke shield for good measure just to make sure things miss it. The only downside to flame is that there are lots of water and earth types out there, though I can always switch to Deciced or guererrol to pound on them. Okay, I'm now going to be discussing the plot so spoilage ahoy!The frozen time thing is something which turns up occasionally in Doctor who, there was a really nasty audio tenth doctor story last year, about a genuinely nice natured girl whose people made a device to prolong personal time since their planet was dying, and said  rather naively wanted to give this device to others so good moments could last forever (you can imagine where that ended up). So, Yavin finds out that someone has been in horrible perpetual agony and just sort of, , sits there? Okay, I could just about buy the Yavin is octurus stooge thing, but this basically makes Yavin an accessary to torture . And the main character actually considers "killing his father for his crimes?" I'm sorry, but being tortured into confessing information wasn't a crime last time I checked, the fact your even offered this choice makes the character seem like a right royal arse hole. Actually again, it really wouldn't have been so hard to make this a real decision, by making the main character not know his father betrayed him, then having the main character encounter perhaps a brainwashed or comatose version of his father and have to decide.Well maybe I'll follow the path of doucheary next time around, though for now of course I made the pretty obvious choice, and it's on to star walk mountain, where there's also a new manamon to grab. I'm obviously mostly missing manamon evolutions, but I think I'll wait to get those until I've unlocked at least as many training areas as I can, since obviously the higher level manamon I can fight the better for xp gathering, apart from training up my main party of course.Actually, that is one of the miner issues in the game, since obviously when you get new manamon, the higher level your main party, the less likely you are to change things up, which I'm guessing is why Kinidol started at level 40 so  it could catch up relatively quickly.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

beware spoilers ahoy! Well the factory was sort of fun, if a bit lengthy with all the backtracking, and again credit to Jayde's guide since I did get a wee bit stuck at one point as I got the south wall door to the basement and the south wall door to the beach mixed up and assumed I was locked in . I'm giving Kenidol a try, and it seems pretty tough. It has firestream which is a good all round flame attack, ash rain which does scorch, rev up with the massive speed increase and then smoke shield for good measure just to make sure things miss it. The only downside to flame is that there are lots of water and earth types out there, though I can always switch to Deciced or guererrol to pound on them. Okay, I'm now going to be discussing the plot so spoilage ahoy!The frozen time thing is something which turns up occasionally in Doctor who, there was a really nasty audio tenth doctor story last year, about a genuinely nice natured girl whose people made a device to prolong personal time since their planet was dying, and said  rather naively wanted to give this device to others so good moments could last forever (you can imagine where that ended up). So, Yavin finds out that someone has been in horrible perpetual agony and just sort of, , sits there? Okay, I could just about buy the Yavin is octurus stooge thing, but this basically makes Yavin an accessary to torture . And the main character actually considers "killing his father for his crimes?" I'm sorry, but being tortured into confessing information wasn't a crime last time I checked, the fact your even offered this choice makes the character seem like a right royal arse hole. Actually again, it really wouldn't have been so hard to make this a real decision, by making the main character not know his father betrayed him, then having the main character encounter perhaps a brainwashed or comatose version of his father and have to decide.Well maybe I'll follow the path of doucheary next time around, though for now of course I made the pretty obvious choice, and its on to star walk mountain, where there's also a new manamon to grab. Btw, speaking of new Manamon I completed the little task of showing the sick fellow all the Manamon he wanted to see, and got one called motmo or something for my trouble, which, according to Jayde's guide apparently has three different evolution paths. If I evolve it, can I get a new one from the breedr to get the other two evolutions? Or do I need to breed it twice to get three copies, then evolve each separately.I don't plan to actually use any of these, I'm happy with my party thus far, but obviously I'm going for manapedia completion here.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@Mitch, you will not get the EXP pal until you get to the Brightwater City, where the forth stadium is located.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Quick question: Where'the the closest place to the beginning of the game to get an EXP Pal?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Beware! spoilers ahoy!Okay I've got quite a bit further, though I must thank Jayde for the guide since I confess having to look around where to use the rope might have been rather annoying if I hadn't happened to scan that particular tree in the jungle. I probably would've checked mount cindar again but hay. I had to train up larvae until it evolved to show to the sick guy, though now I need to wait until I can either catch or buy a new autosan from the arcade to show him.On the plus side, a mythical court, as well as lots more manamon species, and another rather wussy stadium down .The mythical looks cool accept that flame seems to be a pretty useless type, or at least I run into loads of stuff with water or stone or something else flame can't do anything about. the slot machine is also wonderfully broken in terms of jackpot size . actually it was a bit irritating, I spent half an hour playing simon to get a good 2k credits and decided to get the next two later, then won 7k credits on the slot machine in a really short space of time. Oh well at least I can always save up for another xp  although this time through  only used the xp pal when trainign a manamon I have no intention of fighting with, like larvae.As to the plot, well, , so Yavin and Octurus are a really cute father and son team, accept for the fact that Octurus wants to take over the hole world and make everyone his slaves,  @D. Okay, I really, really really! want to meet Mrs. Octurus now. I wonder if she divorced him because he didn't have enough slaves, or maybe because he got the name of his evil villain organisation from Double dragon .Mmmm, and then the main character just happens to over hear two shadow warriors discussing the location of their secret base that he passes in the street? Well maybe that's it, maybe Mrs. Octurus left the guy because he couldn't imploy better minions, or perhaps someone let slip that they saw Octurus in Curo's office admiring her gronks . Okay, I confess the overhearing convenient villain conversation trope is one that does sort of mildly annoy me, though its one even good writers slip into occasionally, and as I said I don't  go to Manamon for complex plot, I just like the idea of beating an eeevil! mastermind who is eevil! whilst I train and capture monsters .


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Beware! spoilers ahoy!Okay I've got quite a bit further, though I must thank Jayde for the guide since I confess having to look around where to use the rope might have been rather annoying if I hadn't happened to scan that particular tree in the jungle. I probably would've checked mount cindar again but hay. I had to train up larvae until it evolved to show to the sick guy, though now I need to wait until I can either catch or buy a new autosan from the arcade to show him.On the plus side, a mythical court, as well as lots more manamon species, and another rather wussy stadium down .The mythical looks cool accept that flame seems to be a pretty useless type, or at least I run into loads of stuff with water or stone or something else flame can't do anything about. the slot machine is also wonderfully broken in terms of jackpot size . actually it was a bit irritating, I spent half an hour playing simon to get a good 2k credits and decided to get the next two later, then won 7k credits on the slot machine in a really short space of time. Oh well at least I can always save up for another xp  although this time through  only used the xp pal when trainign a manamon I have no intention of fighting with, like larvae.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Awesome. Now I've gotten to the end of the demo, so I'm gonna have to wait til Christmas to buy the game (I have a moritorium so I don't buy things that I could put on my Christmas list). Funny story: I was reading Jayde's guide on Manamon and got to the part where you fight an Autosson. Jayde stated that it was electric steel  and was tanky. But I have an Earth type, so I killed it and then some. 102 damage altogether. I was surprised.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@Mich, Leonra is absolutely brick, especially with an item you get later.'ve @derekedit, Yeah I'm liking exponge, actually my current team of Leonata, mondable, guererrol, Mortrex, marsheagle and exponge are doing rather well, I just sort of got the impression an ice type was needed  for the erroadium fight so trained up \deciced as a sort of bench replacement just in case .Then again since the pathway through the oliander ruins or whatever they're called is full of fighting and other types that take down ice in one poke, Deciced will probably have to cool its heeals for a while .


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

So I've been trying to find the Mineruff exit (still working on it), but after evolving Leonra, he is a  strength of 45 at level 21 or so with a Bone Dagger v2.0 equipped (although honestly I should switch with Owlaw since his magic stat is garbage anyways). I have a question: Are the only reason to give a Mamamon an item is to evolve them? Just curious. And if so, is it smart to wait to evolve someone like Larvae, or should I evolve them with the Smoke Element once I find it? And I'm curious as to when Owlaw evolves (he's pitifully behind Girmarine and my evolved Leonra (because they're evolved and have really good stats now). I seriously need to invest more in es erough...I need my defense wall back.Also, whenever I am actually good at this, I want to try and attempt a nuzlocke of this game. Although I am doing not so well right now.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

So I've been trying to find the Mineruff exit (still working on it), but after evolving Leonra, he is a  strength of 45 at level 21 or so with a Bone Dagger v2.0 equipped (although honestly I should switch with Owlaw since his magic stat is garbage anyways). i have a question: Are the only reason to give a xamamon an item is to evolve them? Just curious. And if so, is it smart to wait to evolve someone like Larvae, or should I evolve them with the Smoke Element once I find it? And I'm curious as to when Owlaw evolves (he's pitifully behind Girmarine and my evolved Leonra (because they're evolved and have really good stats now). I seriously need to invest more in es erough...I need my wall back.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Eksponge's waterbomb eventually gives way to something much, much better, at level 45 to be exact. That should close the deal for you I'd think. Dramegon gets drench at 31 or something, but it's slow. There aren't many things you'll fight with eksponge that it won't go first against. That and guerrerrol are among the fastest things out there.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I read that in your guide Jayde, but to be honest I don't agree about the sound, to me it was a nice dramatic bit of audio which actually did give the scene a little gravitas. My party in the  fourties are pretty destructive at the moment, when I did run into a feefeye I wanted to catch I had  switch to guererrol and use implant, then wait for Feefeye's health to drop low enough, since anything else pretty much Ko'd it in one hit . I haven't fully decided whether to go all the way with deciced and retire one of my team yet. Exponge is tempting since its most damaging attack is waterbomb, on the other hand it is such a tank it can take the backlash without trouble and it's already come in handy for training, so we'll have to see, then again having a few extra higher level options for Manamons probably won't be a bad thing.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

You'll hit a point where Ice Cutter or your other attacks just do too much damage. Holy attacks definitely suck for Deciced though. Ditto fighting attacks. This thing absolutely loathes the Palador line.Yeah. I had serious problems with the story at this point. And I dunno about you, but for me, the weird summoning sound put me in mind of something stuck in a box trying desperately to get out.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Hey, Socheat.I live in the eastern time zone in the U.S.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Okay deciced got ice cutter and improve a bit, though the ruins of tangeria tower aren't quite as handy since it keeps getting hit with holy attacks, still the strategy involving mutual destruction xp let me gain three levels in one fight thanks to exponge's waterbomb, so handy find there.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I confess I'm going off deciced a little, since its at level 22 and its only offensive move is pounce, if I could get it to an effective ice attack I might be seeing some improvement, but right now I'm not impressed, though I'll see if i can get it to 30 before making a decision. the battle with curo was almost a let down, her orotrics (or whatever the final zimbat form is called), kept using a move which damaged it against Exponge, who was regaining more hp than it was losing  thanks to its recover ability. Seeing the poor creature dive itself into oblivian against the invensible wall of sponge was almost depressing, then again she never struck me as exactly an intelligent person. I liked how  small plot elements like the statues in the tunnel came into prominence here, and while the hole trite villain destroying the world because he's eevil! is the biggest cliche in the book, at least the sounds are cool, the summoning of the god  quite an audio event. I will say though, its painfully obvious heree, just as it unfortunately was in Paladin of the skies, that Aaron is thinking heavily in terms of mainstream rpg scripts. No person is ever described, which makes it really hard to get a handle on people, quite aside from the fact that they just stand and wait for you to talk to them and the actual scenes have minimal descriptive text. If your going to have a text game, even if your using a fairly standard "evil villain with evil organisation wants to  summon an evil god to end the world because he's evil" plot, you can do a little more with your text, especially if text is what your working with, and really just telling us what a character like Dustin looks like, how he acts or maybe giving him an accent would've let us connect a little more with him. On the plus side, I'm now through that bloody sewer. The ruins of amica town actually did make me feel something, even if not quite the main character's emoness, mostly because my dog's currently unwell I was feeling sorry for the poor person who lost their Mirkit, and i definitely got a sense of devastation in the atmosphere walking on all those ruins.Then again I really don't like all this stupidity about the main character's father. The fact that we the player have already seen a scene of octurus torturing the main character's father for information makes all of this "did he betray me" stuff a bit unreasonable, quite aside from the fact the main character has no evidence of this other than the word of an evil villain, and as we all know, world distroying psychopaths with ridiculously dramatic names always tell the truth . it would've been so much better had Aaron simply mentioned the father disappeared, then had the revelation about the pendent and the supposed betrayal, perhaps from a character like Yavin, then left it up to the player to wonder what exactly was happening, was the father really evil? Was he in fact Octurus? what was going on? then again, I freely admit, I'm not fully expecting stellar storyline or complex characters at this stage, what I'm expecting is a fun rpg with enough  to keep me going and perhaps give a shcok or two and some villains to pound on whilst I catch monsters and do turn based battles, which is exactly what I'm getting, so I'm not going to be too hard on the plot here.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

There's also a trick where you can level another manamon fairly quickly depending on whether or not you can engineer it properly. Generally we just call it the exp trick, but here's how it works.slightspoilers1. Get a manamon that knows a recoil move (Oblivion Slash is the main one, but Waterbomb or even Takedown would work).2. Kill stuff until you're about to die. Alternatively, stand in a fireplace or something for long enough that you're nearly dead. The point is to get your manamon to low HP.3. Now, your recoil move has to be able to kill whatever you're attacking, as well as you. Hopefully, too, the manamon you're fighting is way higher level than the manamon you're trying to speed-level. Anyway, whack it. It dies, you die. Bring in the mon you want to give experience to. They'll get tons.I have routinely gotten like 17k experience from a single fight this way, running around with a high-level Dussocket with Oblivion Slash killing stuff in late game.Just bear it in mind for when, in trying to complete the manapedia, you need to grind levels for stuff.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Yep, Feefeye makes sense, blaime Daniel, I did actually wonder where the Fie went . I've just installed Manamon on my laptop so that I can shuttle between machines using One drive to transfer my save files, which I'll likely be needing to do a fair amount what with things as they are at the moment, since my lady's hospital appointments are near my parents, but obviously we still want to live at home. As to deciced we'll see, it will depend likely upon current party weakness I'm guessing as well as my own patience :d. @Socheat, thanks for the trading offer, but I'd prefer to try things out myself at this point as well as get the training points if I can, since some extra stats can't hurt, plus of course online trading was quite the pest when I tried it, my connection, as apparently the right ports aren't open and as I can't get at the router settings without changing the network password, which would in turn mean changing connection settings on two laptops, two Iphones, two victor streams  and an Amazon  echo, its waay more trouble than its worth at this stage . once I'm through the tower, I  take deciced for a spin and see how it shapes up, although as I said, I'm eager to get into exploring the new areas and such after that. Oh well, shadow puzzle here we go.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

In the Manalith Factory now. I won't be able to play the game from tomorrow on, because I am out from the city for two days.Dark, If you want to have a deciced with high level, maybe we can trade when I'm back. though I believe if you're in UK for now, I am available usually at this time. At the time while I'm writing this, it's 8:51 PM. I need to finish this game as soon as possible so that I can get started in my new, shiny Manamon 2.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

In the Manalith Factory now. I won't be able to play the game from tomorrow on, because I am out from the city for two days.Dark, If you want to have a deciced with high level, maybe we can trade when I'm back. though I believe if you're in UK for now, I am available usually at this time. At the time while I'm writing this, it's 8:51 PM.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

It's Feefeye, not Feefee. F-e-e-f-e-y-e. Given that its evolution is Foefum, it's meant to be a play on the whole giant thing.A lot of training spots in Manamon have ice weaknesses to hit. Almost everything outside Tangeria Tower is weak to ice, and almost everything outside Orianda (you're not there yet) is also weak to ice, but several levels higher. That said, it can be very easy to level a Deciced or whatever. I won't say you absolutely need an ice type, but it can't hurt.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@socheat, as I said I remember the tower as being very tough, I was quite pleased that this time it wasn't half bad, Guererrol was getting kicked around by those zimtrobats, then it learned alpha drane and suddenly could hold its own very well.Then again if I remember rightly last time my party was in the low thirties going in, where as now they're all hovering around level 40-41. Yeah, someone really needs to mention turning off battlecries whilst grinding, that and having a better idea of weaknesses so I can do more one or two shot kills. Oddly enough I didn't find the stone puzzles too bad, then again I've played games like Sokoban before, and I usually worked them out before looking at Jayde's guide for the practice. Likewise, I tend to prefer exploring on my own and tend to use Jayde's guide either when I get severely lost, or when I am really pissed with exploring the same area and want some directions . What I do value in jayde's guide is firstly the manamon explanations, and the lists of manamon per area so I can make sure to keep my stocks up. 'Jayde, Deciced (whose name for some reason Daniel pronounces like desist), is the one I was thinking of, though again as the only deciced I have is level 15 that would mean lots of grinding, plus I'm not unhappy with my current party at the moment anyway, again, we'll just have to see.I wasn't as interested in feefee for attacks, since firetypes seem to have lots of weaknesses, plus if I want earthquake my Leonata with the gravity magnet equipped is a walking natural disaster, however since I remember you can't go back to the tower's inside, I wanted to make sure I could catch Feefee later to complete the manapedia.Actually I rather enjoy the catching and collection aspect of the game, at least now that my party isn't getting constantly slaughtered, and it'll be nice to move on to Manamon ii knowing I've got all the stuff in the first game.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well, the problem is, timezone. I don't know what time between you and me.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

That would be great. When can we do this?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

No. they don't. If you like, I trade for you.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Do the starter manamon show up in the game later on?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

That tower is just a slog for me at this point. The only thing I ever struggled with was the very last rock puzzle, and even that's not that bad, really. Just watch out for fire, it hurts.Deciced is a particularly good ice type, as it gets good attack and is part shadow. Arctana isn't bad, but you'll be relying on Ice Tempest, which is inaccurate. I prefer Frigid Touch, which still has a tiny accuracy penalty but otherwise is pretty good. For now, you're probably fine.If you want to just cheese Irroadium, catch the ice mythical when you get there (I won't say more yet) and just pump levels into it.Eksponge is a wonderful tank with excellent defenses and modest HP. I've used one on a playthrough before and it was definitely worthwhile.Feefeye is worth using, too, but it's quite slow, albeit not necessarily as slow as I thought it would be at first. Fire-fighting gives it a lot of weaknesses and not a lot of resists, but man does it ever hit like a truck. Also gets Earthquake. Yum.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Oh Lord, I hate that damn tower. Hard as hell. A timing room, a room with fireballs, you name it!


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I'm nearly through the tower, and once again, not too bad, though I'm glad that according to Jayde's guide feefee turns up later since Dustin kept killing the feefee off before I  chuck giganets at them . My brain isn't up to the last rock puzzle though, since its now one AM, so  I'm going to call it a night for now. It's odd, I was going to train my party up a bit more since they were all around level 38, then I decided to explore the tower a bit, then a bit turned into a lot and before I realised I was doing the entire damn dungeon. I'm rather pleased, last time  multiple shadow apprentices brawl was something of a torment, this time  I gave them all a well deserved pounding . also, a nice completion percentage so far. I'm missing a few evolutions, though I'm going to wait to see how many of them I can catch wild before I go worrying about specifically evolving them, unless I want to use them of course. My only worry at the moment is not having an ice type on side, since I do recall  mentioning that Eroadium, the super hard dragon boss later on almost requires one, but we'll see, I might just find myself doing a bit of concerted grinding once I get there, which is what I imagine  people end up doing, that and a lot of tearing out of hair I believe.Still, that's a ways off yet as there are still three stadia to go.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I'm nearly through the tower, and once again, not too bad, though I'm glad that according to Jayde's guide feefee turns up later since Dustin kept killing the feefee off before I  chuck giganets at them . My brain isn't up to the last rock puzzle though, since its now one AM, so  I'm going to call it a night for now. It's odd, I was going to train my party up a bit more since they were all around level 38, then I decided to explore the tower a bit, then a bit turned into a lot and before I realised I was doing the entire damn dungeon. I'm rather pleased, last time  multiple shadow apprentices brawl was something of a torment, this time  I gave them all a well deserved pounding . also, a nice completion percentage. I'm missing a few evolutions, though I'm going to wait to see how many of them I can catch wild before I go worrying about specifically evolving them, unless I want to use them of course. My only worry at the moment is not having an ice type on side, since I do recall  mentioning that Eroadium, the super hard dragon boss later on almost requires one, but we'll see, I might just find myself doing a bit of concerted grinding once I get there, which is what I imagine  people end up doing, that and a lot of tearing out of hair I believe.Still, that's a ways off yet as there are still three stadia to go.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I'm nearly through the tower, and once again, not too bad, though I'm glad that according to Jayde's guide feefee turns up later since Dustin kept killing the feefee off before I  chuck giganets at them . My brain isn't up to the last rock puzzle though, since its now one AM, so  I'm going to call it a night for now. It's odd, I was going to train my party up a bit more since they were all around level 38, then I decided to explore the tower a bit, then a bit turned into a lot and before I realised I was doing the entire damn dungeon. I'm rather pleased, last time  multiple shadow apprentices brawl was something of a torment, this time  I gave them all a well deserved pounding . also, a nice completion percentage. I'm missing a few evolutions, though I'm going to wait to see how many of them I can catch wild before I go worrying about specifically evolving them, unless I want to use them of course. My only worry at the moment is not having an ice type on side, since I do recall  mentioning that Eroadium, the super hard dragon boss later on almost requires one, but we'll see, I might just find myself doing a bit of concerted grinding once I get there, which is what I imagine  people end up doing, that and a lot of tearing out of hair apparently .


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I'm nearly through the tower, and once again, not too bad, though I'm glad that according to Jayde's guide feefee turns up later since Dustin kept killing the feefee off before I  chuck giganets at them . My brain isn't up to the last rock puzzle though, so  going to call it a night for now. It's odd, I was going to train my party up a bit more since they were all around level 38, then I decided to explore the tower a bit, then a bit turned into a lot and before I realised I was doing the entire damn dungeon. I'm rather pleased, last time  multiple shadow apprentices brawl was something of a torment, this time  I gave them all a well deserved pounding .


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Darn. That would probably help with movelist issues, unless they're in the second game.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLuceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

No TMs, unfortunately.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

So are there something like TMs in this game? I know that there are abilities, but they seem to be few and far between. I haven't encountered any wild ones with an ability.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I got through that damn jungle, it was easier this time, though I  revives training up Guererrol, who really is not easy to train in that jungle, again, really wish you could find higher level versions of stronger creatures kicking around to train with.Guererrol seems good now he's got going, and I'm liking exponge as a good solid tank. I'm aware an ice type might be helpful, but at this point the only options are burgen evolutions, which are just so low level all the time getting them up to strength would be quite a stretch. I did however have a dustup with dustin and gave dustin a bustin, which was good . Actually I'm moderately excited, just the tower to go,  I'll be breaking new ground, plus of course I do remember some dramatic plot development at that point as well.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I trained both attack and special attack on Owlaw, as it also gets Cyclone Claw and Sonic Missile, as well as Suicide Dive much later. Because of the moves it gets, it's a little harder. I prefer the Eagala line for this, since they get a fun Batter Branch, plus Hone Blade and Fly and even Quicken. Set up a Martiagle properly and it gets awfully difficult to stop. Unless it randomly misses, of course, and then dies to something using Rock Barrage or something silly.Skirial is the best early-game mon for just ripping through teams. It stops being useful about the time you hit the jungle. But it decimates poor Hydrake.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I've actually found way more success with training Owlaw's physical attack up to just sweep through things, even though it starts with Sonic Boom as a special move. Also Jayde, I was actually referring to Leonra in regards to Standard Type, but BattleCry when I get my team back (still in the tunnel) is going to be seriously good support coupled with Peck and a Bone Dagger 2.0.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

I've actually found way more success with training Owlaw's physical attack up to just sweep through things, even though it starts with Sonic Boom as a special move.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@Psycho, have a look at David's self trading guide found here it lets you trade manamons between two save files on the same machine, though it would be a time consuming process to get the starters I think, since what you'd need to  is get one starter, then play until you got to the end of the first stadium to unlock online trading, then cut that save file somewhere else, start a new one, get another starter, complete the first stadium again, then load two separate copies of the game with each of the two save files and do the self trading between them. I found self trading really handy for getting Mortrex, and will likely use it again for the other Manamon that need to be traded to evolve, but for flamea and Aquaffe it was easier (at least by some measure of easier), to get assistance from someone else. @Mitch, the bed is on the west side of the tunnel fairly close to where you start. I did the same thing first time around, tried to level many different manamon and got a bit lost, that's why I'm finding jayde's guide helpful. I personally went with Skerial in the first stadium, who wrecked hydrake in seconds.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

If you're referring to Manamon 1, of course you can do self trading. But for Manamon 2, well, you're gonna need somebody to trade with you over the internet


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Do anyone know how to do this? I only have one computer in the home.I would like to put the other two manamon from the beginning of the game in my current game. How would I go about this?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Hey, Jayde.Will you be doing a text walkthrough of the new Manamon game?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Owlaw is a pretty good type. It's air-sound, by the way, not standard.Zimbat is air-magic, is frail but fast, and can hit decently hard from both sides.Granate's stats aren't bad, but it's cursed with not very good moves.Monja is really, really awful in the first manamon game. It's somewhat better in the second. It's very fast, and its attacking stats aren't bad, but again, not very many good attacks. I think for fighting attacks you're stuck between Rookie Kick or Blind Rush. There's no in between. And you get, uh, Shadow Claw for shadow type damage. No Oblivion Slash, even though it seems like that move was made for this manamon.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

So for me, I've been trying to not overstuff my team with mons. When I had my old computer that was loaned to me (still only have the demo), I just wanted to use everything on my team. Right now, I am using Girmarine (which is a serious tanky magic sweeper, Dissonant Chime literally saved my butt after losing to Hydrake three times), Owlaw (he seemed pretty good from when I caught him), and new addition (even though I'm kind of skeptical about getting a standard typear, Leonra, because I couldn't find the bed in the tunnel and I got lost and he seriously pushed through. Is this a good mon team for now, or are Monja, Granate any good, and are Zimbat and Eagala better flying types than Owlaw?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

So for me, (and I don't know how to spell these yet because I haven't actually looked up their names), I've been trying to not overstuff my team with mons. When I had my old computer that was loaned to me (still only have the demo), I just wanted to use everything on my team. Right now, I am using Termarind (which is a serious tanky magic sweeper, Dissonant Chime literally saved my butt after losing to Hydrate three times), Owlaw (he seemed pretty good from when I caught him), and new addition (even though I'm kind of skeptical about getting a standard typear, Leonra, because I couldn't find the bed in the tunnel and I got lost and he seriously pushed through. Is this a good mon team for now, or are Manja, Granate any good, and are Zimbat and Eagawk better flying types than Owlaw?


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Just kill the first Pandourbit that you first encountered. There is one more later that you can catch, in Dimbranch Jungle. that pandourbit has much more moves than the first one does.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

If you mean pandoubit, you need to get it below %50 hp and then chuck meganets, though it takes several to get it and  some of it's attacks can be quite annoying. I tried using it after that as it has some cool abilities, soul split isn't really a reliable damage move and it kept getting knocked out. I am thinking though of capturing the level 25 one in the jungle and seeing what that is like.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

How do you catch the manamon that is in the woods between the second and third towns? I am talking about the manamon that you can fight after you get the first stadium key.He is in a chest.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Well I've finished the arcade and met Yavin. Again much easier this time around given that my party were all level 34 or so when I went in, and with a better spread of weaknesses I could usually find something effective, though yee gods April's Artana was quite a nightmare!Bombusect is probably going to have to go at this point, not enough status or ways to protect itself, though I'm not sure what to replace it with as yet. I do remember that once I got through the jungle you get the XP pal in the next city, so that should help with levelling up  other Manamon to try. Oh and I take your point on fingon and the attack problem, I didnt' even learn herb blade. The free gift was an Exponge which I'm considering switching out for Fingon, since that would cover water, and it looked interestingly tanky, though for bombuset's replacement I'm not entirely sure at this stage.On the plus side, Mortrex, Leonata, and Mondable all seem pretty brick, and EaGawk is a strong hitter, though often depending upon evasion rather than attacks at this stage. Oh well, hopefully stadium four tomorrow. I've still not sadly got to any new content I didn't see back in 16 just after my wedding, though some of this does bring back good memories for that reason .I think the last thing plot wise I saw was Octurus summoning Eroadium and causing a tower to come crashing to the ground, after that I remember going to a sewer and the levels of the wild manamon there seeming unreasonably high . Btw, it's a shame there isn't an area where you can go and fight a variety of manamon at your party's level or there abouts, just like in trainer battles, so that your not having to constantly fight in an area with only five or six wild manamon who might be inconvenient type  for levelling up some of your party.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Be careful of random insect tamer on that route. Heh. He destroyed me on my first playthrough.Most of the first Manamon's issues come down to really, really limited move choices that just weren't all that well thought out. manamon 2 does not really have this issue, or at least, not nearly so much as the original.If you thought Seinarus was bad, just watch what happens with Octoross.Also, Manamon 2 has more puzzles and there are parts where it's definitely harder. Some of the postgame is straight-up mean. But otherwise it's not insanely difficult. A lot of gimicky wosses which I won't spoil here, the sort of thing where you might want to tear out your hair the first two times, then figure out the knack and don't have so much problem anymore. I will say no more than this for now. Good luck in your playthrough.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Lol socheat, I don't imagine a competition would work, since firstly you know the game much better than I do, and secondly I can't always guarantee how much time I'll have to play, between both my lady and my guide dog being ill at the moment.I will certainly be buying Manamon 2 eventually, though given the apparent increased difficulty and the fact that my previous try at Manamon wasn't exactly easy going I want to get used to things first, which is also why I dropped a payment onto Trajectory's gifting train, so that I can support VGSTorm's new release before I buy the game myself. @Jayde, I liked the idea behind Rena, but the execution was a little too black and white, good virtuous daughter, evil religious zealot father for me to take entirely seriously, but hay its nice to get some emotional content in what is essentially a game about battling monsters. As to Finort we'll see, I'm aware that I'll probably need to train up other Manamon at different points of the game as I capture different ones, for example right now I have no ice types on my team at all, , but at least the strategy of turning off battlecries and grinding lets me train up creatures relatively quickly. I believe this was my mistake  before, since I do enjoy hearing the different attacks and discovering the new creatures. Well bright water trail here we go.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@Dark, looks like we're in a competition right now. Just finished the third stadium as well. Even I've gotten myself a copy of Manamon 2, thanks to Trajectory and everyone who donated. I've started it up and play like 24 minutes. lol. when all things are settled in Manamon 1, I'm going to play Manamon 2 ASAP. Though I've heard people said it's getting harder than the manamon 1.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@Dark, looks like we're in a competition right now. Just finished the third stadium as well. Even I've gotten myself a copy of Manamon 2, I've started it up and play like 24 minutes. lol. when all things are settled in Manamon 1, I'm going to play Manamon 2 ASAP. Though I've heard people said it's getting harder than the manamon 1.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Yeah. Manamon's plot has some...questionable elements, and Seinarus is the first moment where I went "Uh, what am I getting myself into?". But I'm a sucker for games like this. I liked Rina. I manifestly loathed Seinarus for a whole host of reasons.Finaut having Divine Barrier and good special defense makes him a surprising wall. Most of his issue comes with his moveset, which you're probably going to see fairly soon is kind of bad. Tidal Wave, Waterbomb and Storm Rush. And a random Hone Blade which will boost the damage of Suffocate. Yup, Suffocate. That's it. So, so glad things are better balanced in the second game. I haven't tried Fingon's line yet in the new game, but if it gets some water attacks that are physical, it may be a winner.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

@Socheat, I did consider this, but I'd either need to borrow my lady's laptop or bring mine from my parents which could both be less inconvenient than self trading. Actually I just self traded and got motrex no trouble. I also just finished the third stadium as well. Okay! spoilers for plot ahoy!I admit I like the idea behind the plot with Rena, I mean how often does suicide come up in a computer game, but yee gods its heavy handed. Sienarus is the sort of card board ranting, eevil! zealot Christian,  well at least fantasy god worshipper (who isn't based on christianity honest gov),  who really gets up my lady's nose, since as very much a christian of the none bonkers variety herself, she gets rather tired of the stereotyping. Actually, I'm a little surprised that Rena's deafness and lack of sight is mentioned then never alluded to again, particularly with how she obviously has managed to go and find herself some wild Manamon. But hay, at least it gave a bit more context to the battles this time around which is always good. Ironically, I remember really struggling at this stage in the game last time, but now I'm finding things much easier, indeed I've only died twice now, once to administrator cage since my manamon weren't healed up enough and I forgot to use skill drinks on important skills, and once in the cave when ratsel got an unlucky poking from a zimbat. That might change of course, but obviously preparation is paying off which is nice, though I do slightly wish there was a better indication of how different manamon evolve stat wise.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Dark, if you have two computers, self trading thing won't required.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Yep, I gather that Manamon 2 improves things quite a  bit online trading wise, though obviously that doesn't help in manamon1. Again, good to know Lord Luceus, I assumed that those manamon who needed online trading would transform when they got high enough level, I'll try the self trading thing again and see what happens.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLuceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Dark, I think you misunderstood. Aperishian will transform into Mortrex when traded, so trading a Spirost will do nothing.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLuceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

Dark, I think you misunderstood. Aperishian will transform into Mortrex when traded, so self-trading a Spirost will do nothing.


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Re: Questions about Manamon 1

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about Manamon 1

The sheep Manamon you get later also has to be traded to transform if I remember correctly. Manamon 2 fixes the online issue by allowing players to create or join rooms just by typing a name. This is way less clunky than the peer-to-peer system.


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