Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

I see your point but these where really no-brainers that turned out as


chill;194493 Wrote: 
 So you really allowed yourself time to get to know the sound of your new
 toy then.  I'd hate to think you were rushing into an assessment of the
 sound of the stock item :-)  And of course that sound will still have
 been fresh in your mind by the time you had completed your mods.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread ModelCitizen

Welcome to SlimDevices audiophile forum. You'll feel at home here. 


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread chill

I'm curious about the mechanism for the sound improvement. Since you
aren't using the SB3's analogue outputs, your SB3 is simply passing
bits to your DAC, so the 2.4GHz interference must either be affecting
the ability of your SB3 to handle those bits, or it is affecting the
other equipment in your setup.  If it's the latter mechanism, then
perhaps we'd better switch off our wireless access points, and while
we're at it chuck out our cordless phones, and our bluetooth mobile


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread cliveb

CatBus;194466 Wrote: 
 Never thought I'd be a vinyl defender, but here goes ;)  Vinyl is a very
 unforgiving medium.
Very true.

 You have to master the audio extremely well or it will run into vinyl's
 limitations and sound like crap.
You mean in the sense that the bass has to be mono'd to prevent the out
of phase signal causing the cutter head to leave the lacquer? And in the
sense that the treble has to be boosted to counteract vinyl's natural
lack of top end capability (I'm not talking about the RIAA eq here)?

 CDs on the other hand are very forgiving.  You can compress and amplify
 the audio like crazy (and other stupid things) and it will sound much,
 much better than if you tried to master an LP in the same fashion
If you mastered an LP in the same way, you'd be lucky to get 5 minutes
of playing time on a side. And the record would be untrackable by 99%
of pickup cartridges. So yes, you have a point.

As a result, many modern pop and rock releases do sound better on vinyl
than CD, because the medium prevents the use of hypercompression. This
suggests that the colourations and distortions of vinyl are often
preferable to the effects of hypercompression.

 Because I like to fancy myself an objectivist, I'd like to believe that
 if the vinyl master was used on the CD, the CD would sound much better
 than the vinyl.
I respectfully disagree. If an LP master was used to cut a CD, it would
sound far too bright, because of the treble boost that is added. I've
heard some early CDs that I suspect were indeed made this way (example:
first British CD release of Going for the One by Yes). And I reiterate
- I'm not talking about the RIAA eq here.


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-04-13 Thread funkstar

komikada;194422 Wrote: 
 I've been trying to get a QNAP TS-101 for some time (unavailable) and
 I'm under the impression that the units that ship now do not have
 SlimServer pre-installed anymore (at least the specs don't mention it).
 Can anyone confirm this?
Only units supplied by Progressive AV or one of their re-sellers, come
with SlimServer installed. This is not a standard Qnap setup.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread Mr_Sukebe

cliveb;194546 Wrote: 
 As a result, many modern pop and rock releases do sound better on vinyl
 than CD, because the medium prevents the use of hypercompression. This
 suggests that the colourations and distortions of vinyl are often
 preferable to the effects of hypercompression.

I'm a little confused about your point on hypercompression.  I assume
the issue we're talking about is how so many recent pop CDs have
everything compressed into a 6-7db volume range.  
I thought that this would have been completed during mastering, and as
such would result in it being applied to both CD and LP in the same
way.  Is this not the case?


SB+, Behringer 2496DEQ, Bel Canto DAC2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us,
Coherent cables, Stillpoints

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread adamslim

Nostromo;194511 Wrote: 
 Check out the DSM-IV. You'll find the answer to your question under the
 entry audiophilia. ;-)

There's something very disturbing about psychiatry in-jokes, or is that
just me being paranoid? ;)

Nostromo;194511 Wrote: 
 I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about when you say:
 - Pace, rhythm and timing - epitomised by Naim equipment, I guess, and
 analogue over 'bits'

Most PRaT protagonists (Pratagonists?) would therefore gently nod their
head and chalk you down as someone who 'just doesn't get it'.

Maybe that's one of the camp 'issues' - you know you're right, and
can't understand how the others can't hear right.  Naturally, nothing
can be explained!



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cardboard listening room

2007-04-13 Thread adamslim

It has a 'profound duality'.  I want one (or do I need two for surround


SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Deaf Cat

chill;194543 Wrote: 
 I'm curious about the mechanism for the sound improvement. Since you
 aren't using the SB3's analogue outputs, your SB3 is simply passing
 bits to your DAC, so the 2.4GHz interference must either be affecting
 the ability of your SB3 to handle those bits, or it is affecting the
 other equipment in your setup.  If it's the latter mechanism, then
 perhaps we'd better switch off our wireless access points, and while
 we're at it chuck out our cordless phones, and our bluetooth mobile

Don't forget switching psu's :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

adamslim;194561 Wrote: 
 Most PRaT protagonists (Pratagonists?) would therefore gently nod their
 head and chalk you down as someone who 'just doesn't get it'.
 Maybe that's one of the camp 'issues' - you know you're right, and
 can't understand how the others can't hear right.  Naturally, nothing
 can be explained!

These are all ways to try to describe something very subjective, namely
the experience of listening to music on a particular system.  Being
subjective there's no one way to do it right, but I have to say that
PRaT has always struck me as particularly bad description.Responses
like the above don't help much ;-).

Stereo systems can not have bad timing or pace or rhythm in any musical
sense - they reproduce music, perhaps with some distortion and phase
delay, but such delays are on a time scale much, much below the time
scales of rhythm in music.  One way to see that that is true is simply
to listen off-axis and see what effect that has.  I'm not saying there
isn't something there that people mean when they refer to PRaT, just
that the term itself is very misleading, to the point that it's quite
possible everone using it may mean something different by it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] McIntosh MS300

2007-04-13 Thread gbruzzo

Thank you all for your kind and precise comments and directions. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-04-13 Thread Mark Scanlan

I am either going to get a Transporter or SB+ (
(£1000). From what I have picked up the SB+ sounds better than the
Transporter although I don’t see any brand value or volume with the SB+
and so long term backup is more doubtful with SB+. I’m keen to get
whatever info I can, including where to get them with slimserver
installed, which would aid me in coming to a decision, as I may not get
a chance to listen bore I buy since I am living in Brussels and will
move to Brisbane mid year.

Mark Scanlan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread cliveb

Mr_Sukebe;194555 Wrote: 
 I'm a little confused about your point on hypercompression.  I assume
 the issue we're talking about is how so many recent pop CDs have
 everything compressed into a 6-7db volume range.  
 I thought that this would have been completed during mastering, and as
 such would result in it being applied to both CD and LP in the same
 way.  Is this not the case?
The final mastering done for LP and CD releases is radically different.
(As I mentiond in my previous posting, LP mastering requires all sorts
of compromises due to the mechnical limitations of the medium. CD
mastering requires none of these compromises).

The hypercompression which plagues modern pop/rock CDs is completely
incompatible with delivery on vinyl. If such hypercompression were to
be used on a vinyl release, the only way to fit it onto the LP would be
to cut the album at such a low level that: (i) surface noise would be a
terrible problem; and (ii) the LP would be very quiet (which defeats
the purpose of hypercompression in the first place, which is to make
things sound as loud as possible). Therefore the mastering for LP uses
significantly less dynamic range compression than is used for CD.


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread darwinsmooth

Hi all, I want to setup my kitchen and am looking for recommendations
for a good, compact set of speakers.  My wife likes the small Bose ones
- so something similarly unintrusive without the cost that I can plug
the sqeezebox into would be welcome.

I am looking at Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 atm.

Any thoughts/experience appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread Skunk

crooner;194401 Wrote: 
 And thanks for your Super Regulator offer. I'd love to try one of those.
 What's the voltage output? 

It's positive. Vout = Vref * (1+R8/R9) [
... ALWSR  ALWSR manual.pdf ]

I have a feeling you're right about lead lengths, and if you use this
it should be really close to the circuit. I planned on using standoffs
somehow for about 1 inch of wire length...

You can PM me your address if you're still interested.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread chill


Ahem - worthy credentials indeed.

I'm probably more guilty of sarcasm than most, for which I apologise
because sometimes the sarcasm isn't clear and confuses the point.  Case
in point: are you suggesting that the digital jack replacement is
seriously the cause of the improvement, or are you being sarcastic as
well?  Does this jack somehow pass the 'ones' and 'noughts' better - ie
did a 'one' sometimes pass as a 'nought' with the old jack?  Did some of
the 'ones' get left behind, or arrive late?

In case I'm giving the wrong impression here, I'm really not being
sarcastic.  I've often wondered how improvements to the transmission of
the bits changes things, since it's my impression that the receiving end
simply has to decide whether it's received a 'one' or a 'nought'.  If
the waveform is so bad that bits are misinterpreted then I can see how
the sound would be affected, but how bad does it have to be, and in
what way, before the 'ones' and 'noughts' are not properly interpreted.
Does the jitter in the bit stream mean that bit boundaries are
misaligned by one whole bit for instance?  Does a mis-shapen leading
edge cause the receiving end to interpret a 'one' as a 'nought'?

It was this lack of knowledge on my part that prompted my sarcastic
question about whether the 2.4 GHz interference could affect the
transmission of the bits.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread SuperQ

darwinsmooth;194586 Wrote: 
 Hi all, I want to setup my kitchen and am looking for recommendations
 for a good, compact set of speakers.  My wife likes the small Bose ones
 - so something similarly unintrusive without the cost that I can plug
 the sqeezebox into would be welcome.
 I am looking at Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 atm.
 Any thoughts/experience appreciated.

The bose ones are all looks and no performance.  If you want
unintrusive, and you can install them, in-wall speakers are the best
option.  You can get full-size drivers, and use a hidden amplifier. 
The downside of course is you need to install them in the wall.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Skunk

chill;194599 Wrote: 
 Ahem - worthy credentials indeed.
 I'm probably more guilty of sarcasm than most, for which I apologise
 because sometimes the sarcasm isn't clear and confuses the point.

I'm confused as to whether 'ahem' clears the sarcasm from the air, or
highlights it...

   Case in point: are you suggesting that the digital jack replacement is
 seriously the cause of the improvement, or are you being sarcastic as

Yes, and no sarcasm intended. Whether it will be audible I don't know,
but how can a true 75 ohm interface *not* be an improvement over
something with unknown impedance? This is not like buying a $300
digital cable with RCA connectors. 'No-brainer' was a pretty good
choice of words by Jonte0, IMO.

I have a wired Sb, so don't worry about wireless issues. As for my
opinion, I trust Sean on this one. Why would he send a wireless Sb out
for review to Stereophile, or one with a switching PS for that matter,
if he didn't believe the performance wasn't hindered by their use? That
said, I'd probably disconnect the card if mine had one, because I've
never had a dropout (using Inguz EQ) and have grown used to the wire
coming out of hole in the floor.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

chill;194599 Wrote: 
 In case I'm giving the wrong impression here, I'm really not being
 sarcastic.  I've often wondered how improvements to the transmission of
 the bits changes things, since it's my impression that the receiving end
 simply has to decide whether it's received a 'one' or a 'nought'.  If
 the waveform is so bad that bits are misinterpreted then I can see how
 the sound would be affected, but how bad does it have to be, and in
 what way, before the 'ones' and 'noughts' are not properly interpreted.
 Does the jitter in the bit stream mean that bit boundaries are
 misaligned by one whole bit for instance?  Does a mis-shapen leading
 edge cause the receiving end to interpret a 'one' as a 'nought'?

You have to remember that in S/PDIF, the clock for the DAC is
reconstructed using the arrival time of the bits.  So if there are
variations (jitter) in the time the rising edges of the signal arrive,
the analogue output will be distorted even if there are zero actual bit

That said, even a very sharp feature at 2.4 GHz would alias down to an
extremely broad spectrum at audio frequencies, no?  So it's hard to see
how such high frequency noise could do anything other than contribute a
little bit to the noise floor.  Am I missing something there?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread chill

Skunk;194607 Wrote: 
 I'm confused as to whether 'ahem' clears the sarcasm from the air, or
 highlights it...

It was supposed to clear it.  It was an embarrassed cough!

opaqueice;194610 Wrote: S/PDIF, the clock for the DAC is reconstructed using the arrival
 time of the bits...

Ok, that explains a lot.  I can see how effects on the bit stream can
affect the sound.  But back to the connector issue then - for the sake
of my ignorance, how does the impedance affect the rate/shape/whatever
of the bits?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

chill;194614 Wrote: 
 Ok, that explains a lot.  I can see how effects on the bit stream can
 affect the sound.  But back to the connector issue then - for the sake
 of my ignorance, how does the impedance affect the rate/shape/whatever
 of the bits?

Not much, I suspect.  The received wisdom among audiophiles is that
impedance mismatches in interconnect cables can lead to reflections,
which in turn contribute to jitter.  However most people discussing
this seem to have transmission lines in mind (where this is in fact a
real concern).  S/PDIF along a 1 meter interconnect is very, very far
from that regime.  To a good approximation the voltage is the same
everywhere along the cable, and there are no standing waves or
reflections.  Still, even very small amounts of jitter can sometimes be
audible, so I suppose it's possible there is sometimes an audible effect
in extreme cases, like very long cable runs.

And yes Skunk, a properly designed DAC should be effectively immune to
the levels of jitter we're talking about here in any case.

 Ok, the S/PDIF standard apparently doesn't work that way, but isn't it
 feasible for a DAC to put the received bits in the right place, based
 on its own (better) oscillator, and thereby protect against a certain
 amount of jitter? Or is that a different standard?

Yes.  Think about how the SB functions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread chill

Skunk;194616 Wrote: 
 No need to be embarrassed. You could have argued that the DAC should be
 designed to reject the jitter anyway :-)

Yeah - that was a close one! :-)

Er, actually, isn't that feasible?  Ok, the S/PDIF standard apparently
doesn't work that way, but isn't it feasible for a DAC to put the
received bits in the right place, based on its own (better) oscillator,
and thereby protect against a certain amount of jitter?  Or is that a
different standard?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread chill

opaqueice;194622 Wrote: 
 S/PDIF along a 1 meter interconnect is very, very far from that regime.

Yes, it's much easier to see how an analogue signal, such as in an
analogue interconnect or speaker cable (or better still, an RF cable)
might be affected this way.

opaqueice;194622 Wrote: 
 Yes.  Think about how the SB functions.

Good point.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Deaf Cat

So, not knowing much about electrics and putting it simply, I take it
that the BNC connection is a much better designed connection for
maintaining constant electrical contact...? (rather than an RCA

I'm off to find one in the shed, hopefully to see why :)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread chill

Patrick Dixon;194629 Wrote: 
 Hmm, so to a good approximation, are all the bits 1s or 0s ... or
 somewhere in between?  Obviously they would all have to be the same as
 to a good approximation the voltage is the same.  Not really sure how
 you tell the 1s from the 0s in that case, but hell, no-one can hear the
 difference anyway.

Didn't opaqueice simply mean that a 'one' would have the same voltage
anywhere along the cable?  But since it is a binary decision (is this a
'one' or a 'nought' that I've received), there ought to be quite a
tolerance on the voltage level anyway, didn't there?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

Patrick Dixon;194629 Wrote: 
 Hmm, so to a good approximation, are all the bits 1s or 0s ... or
 somewhere in between?  Obviously they would all have to be the same as
 to a good approximation the voltage is the same.  Not really sure how
 you tell the 1s from the 0s in that case, but hell, no-one can hear the
 difference anyway.

Sorry, I thought my statement was suffciently clear, but apparently
not.  The good approximation is that the voltage is the same everywhere
along the wire *at a given time*.  Obviously it changes with time, but
it doesn't depend on position along the wire.

One way to see why that is to consider the time it takes an EM wave to
travel down the wire - a few picoseconds - versus the inverse frequency
of the signals being sent (typically 1000 ps).  Imagine looking down at
the ocean through a magnifying glass.  You only see a little bit of
water, so the height of the water doesn't vary across the part you can
see, but of course it varies with time as waves pass by.  So to a good
approximation the part of the water you can see is flat, but moving up
and down with time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Skunk

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
 So to a good approximation the part of the water you can see is flat,
 but moving up and down with time.

But like surfers, the waves in the ocean aren't square.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

Skunk;194641 Wrote: 
 But like surfers, the waves in the ocean aren't square.

Neither are voltage transitions in a digital cable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Skunk

opaqueice;194642 Wrote: 
 Neither are voltage transitions in a digital cable.  The relevant
 question is how square you can make them, and since the frequency here
 is far below the inverse transmission time, the answer is - pretty

Are you sure? In _intro to digital audio_ (p107 fig 4.14), john
watkinson graphs the effects of (random) sample clock jitter on various
wordlengths. He notes that even small amounts of jitter can degrade a
twenty bit converter to the performance of a good sixteen bit unit.
There is thus no point in upgrading to higher resolution converters if
the clock stability of the system is insufficient to allow their
performance to be realized. 

.1 ns was the pk to pk jitter figure that looked audible between
8-20kHz on the 20 bit noise floor...

Hopefully I'm not misinterpreting, because the math is over my head for
sure :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread shadowboxer

I agree -- the Bose's are all hype, poor sound.

The Aego's have gotten good reviews on this fourm.  The AudioEngine 5's
are another with built in amp, look great, are small, and sound great. 
I have one set and am getting a second.

(Also, they are available in white or black)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread Mark Scanlan

crooner;194401 Wrote: 
 Now that I've seen the innards of the SB2, I'm a little weary of the
 massive modifications done by the well known outfits. The replacement
 caps often have long leads that are hard to dress on the PCB. I would
 venture the benefits of these high-performance parts are somewhat
 negated by the long leads.
 Has anyone checked the relative sound quality of a heavily modified SB
 (e.g. Boulder; SB+) compared with an SB2/3 and high quality DAC stage?

Mark Scanlan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cardboard listening room

2007-04-13 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I wonder how it sounds.  They probably put garbage speakers in it.  

It might have promise as a way to create a custom-tailored listening
environment.  It's also probably a good way to isolate the sound from
the rest of the house.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread tomjtx

Mark Scanlan;194653 Wrote: 
  crooner;194401 Wrote: 
  Now that I've seen the innards of the SB2, I'm a little weary of the
  massive modifications done by the well known outfits. The replacement
  caps often have long leads that are hard to dress on the PCB. I would
  venture the benefits of these high-performance parts are somewhat
  negated by the long leads.
  Has anyone checked the relative sound quality of a heavily modified SB
  (e.g. Boulder; SB+) compared with an SB2/3 and high quality DAC stage?  
 IMO you get a better result with a good DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread seanadams

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
 One way to see why that is to consider the time it takes an EM wave to
 travel down the wire - a few picoseconds - versus the inverse frequency
 of the signals being sent (typically 1000 ps).  Imagine looking down at
 the ocean through a magnifying glass.  You only see a little bit of
 water, so the height of the water doesn't vary across the part you can
 see, but of course it varies with time as waves pass by.  So to a good
 approximation the part of the water you can see is flat, but moving up
 and down with time.

This is not true, unless by a few you mean a few thousand. A signal
moves down a wire at about 5 _nano_ seconds per meter, depending on the
dielectric and the construction of the cable, and the signaling rate of
the s/pdif is a transition per 177 ns, way more than 1000ps - we know
what these quantities are! I think the reason jitter is so poorly
understood is that we intuitively can not grasp quantities like
picoseconds (trillionths) of a second. We are inclined to believe that
a wire changes voltage instantaneously because unless we work with ghz
scopes all day long, we are not accustomed to seeing a transition
moving along a wire. Personally it has taken me many years of working
with these kinds of quantities to get any sort of feel for such tiny
units of time. 

The notion that s/pdif moves so glacially as to be unaffected by
reflections is just nonsense. What you are saying is equivalent to
claiming that wire has no resistance because a lamp glows just as
brightly with one foot of wire as with a hundred. Just because you
don't have an ohm meter, or you can't perceive the difference in
brightness, doesn't mean it is not there! With suitable equipment (like
what telecom engineers use, not hifi magazines) we can easily measure
jitter and we can see how an s/pdif signal is affected by these things.
It is just silly to speculate about these quantities when they are so
easily measured. We can see how slower rise times yield more jitter, or
how an impedance mismatch affects the waveform. And with a high
frequency test tone played through a DAC we can see how levels of
jitter as small as ~50ps can be observed in the output of the DAC. How
much of this is audible is up for debate, but it's all real and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread AndyC_772

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
 Sorry, I thought my statement was suffciently clear, but apparently not.
 The good approximation is that the voltage is the same everywhere along
 the wire *at a given time*.  Obviously it changes with time, but it
 doesn't depend on position along the wire.

This is one of those (rare) phenomena that can be easily quantified.
The formula for the wavelength of a signal propagating along a linear
conductor is v=fl, where v is the wave velocity, f is the frequency,
and l is the wavelength.

In a coaxial cable, v is about 80% the speed of light, or 240M m/s. The
raw data rate (fundamental) on an S/PDIF cable for 44.1kHz sample rate
is around 5.6 Mbit/s, which gives a wavelength of 43 metres. So, a 1
metre cable is short compared to the wavelength, but not totally

That's not the whole story, though, because it's not the data rate that
matters, but the edge speed. Fast edges are desirable in this case
because the faster the edge, the more accurately its position can be
determined - and the lower the jitter. Data edges can easily contain
harmonic components well over 100MHz, which have a wavelength
comparable with the length of the cable. Transmission line effects
aren't just significant - they completely describe the propagation of
the signal.

The Squeezebox does have a very clean digital output, with rise and
fall times in the order of 10ns or so. Depending on the length and
impedance of the cable, and how it is terminated, the receiver may see
a nice, clean, monotonic edge, or it may see a waveform which is quite
different. S-shaped edges which hover around the 10 threshold are
surprisingly common, as are 'edges' which cross the threshold one way,
then go back across it the other way, before finally crossing it again
on the way up to the final voltage. All these cause problems recovering
a low jitter clock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread Mark Scanlan

tomjtx;194657 Wrote: 
  Mark Scanlan;194653 Wrote: 
  IMO you get a better result with a good DAC.  
 Interesting: - how about vs the Transporter?

Mark Scanlan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread tomjtx

Mark Scanlan;194664 Wrote: 
  tomjtx;194657 Wrote: 
  Interesting: - how about vs the Transporter?  
 SB of any type Lavry was quite good, I still slightly prefered the
 TP. I sold the Lavry.
 I don't think I would pass a blind test on that comparison, they are
 quite close.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread rblnr

If you're willing to spend a bit more money, the Role Audio Sampan FTLs
are tiny and great.  And they don't require a sub.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread gbruzzo

shadowboxer;194648 Wrote: 
 I agree -- the Bose's are all hype, poor sound.
 The Aego's have gotten good reviews on this fourm.  The AudioEngine 5's
 are another with built in amp, look great, are small, and sound great. 
 I have one set and am getting a second.
 (Also, they are available in white or black)

Have to agree about the Bose. I used to like them a lot - and still use
them (in complete ignorance must be said). Then I was introduced to a
couple of comparatives...oh my they have no midrange and the point of
origin of the sound wanders around all the time. Oh Well. A couple of
small BW (minitheatre)?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
 Sorry, I thought my statement was suffciently clear, but apparently 
 not.Sufficiently clear, maybe.  Sufficiently right, no! 

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
 One way to see why that is to consider the time it takes an EM wave to
 travel down the wire - a few picoseconds ...I usually work on about a ns a 
 foot - nice and easy to remember and
close enough for most things.

opaqueice;194637 Wrote: 
 ... versus the inverse frequency of the signals being sent (typically
 1000 ps).1000ps = 1GHz

I think you may have your pico seconds (10 -12) and nano seconds (10
-9) confused.

The point is, that whether on not the whole of the length of the
interconnect is at the same potential for much of the time, some of the
time, some of the interconnect will be at one potential and the rest at
another - and that's the point that's interesting with respect to

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

Skunk;194616 Wrote: 
 No need to be embarrassed. You could have argued that the DAC should be
 designed to reject the jitter anyway :-)

Cant argue there ;-)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread Patrick Dixon

crooner;194401 Wrote: 
 And thanks for your Super Regulator offer. I'd love to try one of those.
 What's the voltage output? I was thinking of using it in place of the
 switching 3.3 V supply.
 3.3V is pretty marginal for an ALWSR - 5V is about the lowest
recommended output voltage using the AD817, and 8V using the AD825.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

This could prove beeing an advantage - and its free - infact, you will
save money and the nature :-D


chill;194543 Wrote: 
 I'm curious about the mechanism for the sound improvement. Since you
 aren't using the SB3's analogue outputs, your SB3 is simply passing
 bits to your DAC, so the 2.4GHz interference must either be affecting
 the ability of your SB3 to handle those bits, or it is affecting the
 other equipment in your setup.  If it's the latter mechanism, then
 perhaps we'd better switch off our wireless access points, and while
 we're at it chuck out our cordless phones, and our bluetooth mobile


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

Trying that as we speak !

Deaf Cat;194570 Wrote: 
 Don't forget switching psu's :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread seanadams

opaqueice;194610 Wrote: 
 That said, even a very sharp feature at 2.4 GHz would alias down to an
 extremely broad spectrum at audio frequencies, no? 

Broad yes, it sounds like white noise. Very loud white noise switched
on briefly every 100ms or so, as each packet is transmitted. So it
sounds like a fast click-click-click-click.

I actually ran into this problem with our headphone chip, where if the
right kind of headphone cable were connected, the cable would receive
the transmitted RF coming from our external antenna and send it back
into the unit, where the headphone amp would act as a radio,
demodulating the RF and outputting the _envelope_ of the signal as
clearly audible clicks to the headphones. A couple 22pf caps on the
output effectively shunted the high frequency RF to eliminate the
problem, but it was not easy to track down.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

I have one more I need to try - to galvanically separate the server (a
Mac mini) and the SB3 by a transformer-. I don't want the computer
ground polluting my music consumption :-D

I wil try something from here:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread slimkid

darwinsmooth;194586 Wrote: 
 Hi all, I want to setup my kitchen and am looking for recommendations
 for a good, compact set of speakers.  My wife likes the small Bose ones
 - so something similarly unintrusive without the cost that I can plug
 the sqeezebox into would be welcome.
 I am looking at Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 atm.
 Any thoughts/experience appreciated.


big picture here. Kitchen usually isn't a place where one really needs
audiophile grade sound. Neither you will ever do any critical listening
there - most likely elevator type, background music. And even then,
you'll be asked to tone it down, 'people would like to talk' :). So,
any of those will do. Go ahead and make your wife happy.



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

Or maybe there is a transformer on the ethernet input? 

seanadams, any info on that?

BR /


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Deaf Cat

Patrick Dixon;194632 Wrote: 
 A BNC connector is designed to have an impedance that matches the
 transmission line (which in this case should be 75 Ohms).  If you then
 design your driver and receiver circuits to be 75 Ohms, and use a 75
 Ohm cable in between, you minimise reflections.  By minimising
 reflections, you are better able to determine the precise point at
 which the digital signal goes from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1, which is what you
 use at the DAC to synchronise your clock.

Cheers :D

Another thought, when I purchased my Chord sig coax cable, I was
informed that it was designed in such a way as to trick the signal that
it was going down a 75ohm cable even though it has rca connections. 
This statement is clear, now that I understand why everything should be
75ohms, in the signals path.  How it gets tricked is probably another

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread tomjtx

Patrick Dixon;194679 Wrote: 
 But you haven't heard a SB+.

True , I am still waiting for you to send me one :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

AndyC_772;194698 Wrote: 
 There is always an isolating transformer on Ethernet ports.

OK - thanks!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread AndyC_772

There is always an isolating transformer on Ethernet ports.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

seanadams;194661 Wrote: 
 The notion that s/pdif moves so glacially as to be unaffected by
 reflections is just nonsense. What you are saying is equivalent to
 claiming that wire has no resistance because a lamp glows just as
 brightly with one foot of wire as with a hundred. Just because you
 don't have an ohm meter, or you can't perceive the difference in
 brightness, doesn't mean it is not there! With suitable equipment (like
 what telecom engineers use, not hifi magazines) we can easily measure
 jitter and we can see how an s/pdif signal is affected by these things.
 It is just silly to speculate about these quantities when they are so
 easily measured. We can see how slower rise times yield more jitter, or
 how an impedance mismatch affects the waveform. And with a high
 frequency test tone played through a DAC we can see how levels of
 jitter as small as ~50ps can be observed in the output of the DAC. How
 much of this is audible is up for debate, but it's all real and

Sorry - I typed that early in the morning and mixed pico with nano, as
several have pointed out.  

It's not at all equivalent to a lamp with a long wire...  What I said
was not that there are no reflections, just that the S/PDIF frequencies
are far below the transmission frequency and therefore reflections and
impedance matching should be far less important than they are for
transmission lines.  There may still be a effect, but it should be
quite small - and ps or even ns of jitter is a tiny effect in a 5 MHz

In any case, I really don't understand why it's so difficult to deal
with these levels of jitter (which shouldn't come anywhere near to
causing bit errors).  It's trivial to design a DAC that is completely
immune to input jitter - just record the bits in a buffer for however
long you need to in order to deal with slight differences in average
clock rates, and then play them out later, using a local clock.  That
might not be a convenient solution all the time, but it's a clear
proof-of-principle.  Why is it so hard to implement practically?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

Yes it strange that it seems so hard. The only one I know of was a Mark
Levinson DAC that did just that. Do some calculation and take the
maximum clock offset allowed on s/pdif and also take into consideration
that there migth be a single 75 minute track on a CD - in a bad combo of
DAC/Drive klock difference one get into akward delays pushing the Play
button (thats what I recall on top of my head anyway - it was 15 years
since i did that math). Add that one need a good oscilator in the DAC

opaqueice;194705 Wrote: 
 Sorry - I typed that early in the morning and mixed pico with nano, as
 several have pointed out.  
 It's not at all equivalent to a lamp with a long wire...  What I said
 was not that there are no reflections, just that the S/PDIF frequencies
 are far below the transmission frequency and therefore reflections and
 impedance matching should be far less important than they are for
 transmission lines.  There may still be a effect, but it should be
 quite small - and ps or even ns of jitter is a tiny effect in a 5 MHz
 In any case, I really don't understand why it's so difficult to deal
 with these levels of jitter (which shouldn't come anywhere near to
 causing bit errors).  It's trivial to design a DAC that is completely
 immune to input jitter - just record the bits in a buffer for however
 long you need to in order to deal with slight differences in average
 clock rates, and then play them out later, using a local clock.  That
 might not be a convenient solution all the time, but it's a clear
 proof-of-principle.  Why is it so hard to implement practically?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

opaqueice;194707 Wrote: 
 OK - that makes sense.  And as you say it should be easy to deal with
 using a low pass filter, once the problem is identified.

That may be OK on an audio output but how about a s/pdif output?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;194705 Wrote: 
 That might not be a convenient solution all the time, but it's a clear
 proof-of-principle.  Why is it so hard to implement practically?Because the 
 buffer is filling at nominally the same rate as it's
emptying.  If the buffer was capable of being filled much faster, and
filling could be stopped and started (a bit like streaming over tcp),
it's easy, but if you try to design a buffer for SPDIF you have to
overcome the overfilling and emptying issues, or 'adjust' the read
clock to compensate.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread jonte0

Exactly and thats why feeding the DAC klock backwards as someone has
done it in the DIY section is the way to go. Pity the s/pdif wasn't
specifyed like this to begin with.

Patrick Dixon;194712 Wrote: 
 Because the buffer is filling at nominally the same rate as it's
 emptying.  If the buffer was capable of being filled much faster, and
 filling could be stopped and started (a bit like streaming over tcp),
 it's easy, but if you try to design a buffer for SPDIF you have to
 overcome the overfilling and emptying issues, or 'adjust' the read
 clock to compensate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

jonte0;194711 Wrote: 
 That may be OK on an audio output but how about a s/pdif output?

Couldn't you still filter out the stuff above 1 GHz?  Or maybe you
would introduce just as much jitter by smoothing off the square wave as
you would avoid by getting rid of the noise...  what a pain.  There's a
reason why I'm not an engineer :-).

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
 Because the buffer is filling at nominally the same rate as it's
 emptying. If the buffer was capable of being filled much faster, and
 filling could be stopped and started (a bit like streaming over tcp),
 it's easy, but if you try to design a buffer for SPDIF you have to
 overcome the overfilling and emptying issues, or 'adjust' the read
 clock to compensate.

Right, well as jonte0 says you can easily check what's the worst
possible case.  But there are slightly more sophisticated ways that are
quite easy to think of - for example if you can change the clock speed
you can simply monitor the buffer and adjust when necessary.  That's
how the Lavry DA10 is supposed to function, although it appears not to.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Pat Farrell
jonte0 wrote:
 Pity the s/pdif wasn't specified like this to begin with.

It was, and is, designed as a cheap consumer level interface.
Theoretical jitter problems and worries of Audiophiles were not in the 
engineer's design space.

I'm not even convinced that it is as big an issue as some audiophiles 
claim it is. After all, CDs are perfect sound forever(tm)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread seanadams

opaqueice;194720 Wrote: 
 Couldn't you still filter out the stuff above 1 GHz?  Or maybe you would
 introduce just as much jitter by smoothing off the square wave as you
 would avoid by getting rid of the noise...  what a pain.  There's a
 reason why I'm not an engineer :-).

You've got it backwards! Filtering a s/pdif signal _increases_ jitter.
Less bandwidth == slower slew rate == more uncertainty as to where it
crosses the midpoint.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III VS Benchmark DAC1

2007-04-13 Thread fezco

Pardon me if this has been discussed before. I'm about ready to take the
plunge and buy a DAC for my SqB3. Both of these come highly recommended
and I was wondering how people like them.  The reviews on the PS audio
product point to it being the 'warmest sounding DAC ever.' Of course,
the Benchmark product has been highly regarded for some time and can
double as a headphone amp. I am completely on the fence with this one.

What say ye... o' Squeeze Box audiophiles?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

seanadams;194722 Wrote: 
 You've got it backwards! Filtering a s/pdif signal _increases_ jitter.
 Less bandwidth == slower slew rate == more uncertainty as to where it
 crosses the midpoint.

That's exactly what I said.  Filtering would remove the 2.4 GHz noise
we were discussing, but would also induce more jitter by smoothing off
the square wave, and therefore might not be a good idea:

opaqueice Wrote: 
 Couldn't you still filter out the stuff above 1 GHz? Or maybe you would
 introduce just as much jitter by smoothing off the square wave as you
 would avoid by getting rid of the noise... what a pain. There's a
 reason why I'm not an engineer :-).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cardboard listening room

2007-04-13 Thread fezco

I'd imagine it is highly absorbent... not to mention flammable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III VS Benchmark DAC1

2007-04-13 Thread Pat Farrell
fezco wrote:
 What say ye... o' Squeeze Box audiophiles?

I loved me Benchmark, and even am not sure that my Transporter is 
better. The TP is better looking, better WAF, so that tipped me.
If you want a slightly used and well loved DAC-1, let me know.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread CatBus

cliveb;194546 Wrote: 
 I respectfully disagree. If an LP master was used to cut a CD, it would
 sound far too bright, because of the treble boost that is added.

No need to be respectful, I was wrong.  Just say it ;)  Perhaps it
would be more accurate to that that if CDs were mastered like DVD-Audio
or SACDs, they may sound just as good (or at least we'd finally be able
to prove one way or the other!)

I think that regarding the general theme, however, we're in agreement. 
Someone who prefers vinyl may actually be preferring quality mastering. 
Nothing about vinyl is inherently better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;194720 Wrote: 
 for example if you can change the clock speed you can simply monitor the
 buffer and adjust when necessary.Yes - that's what I said.  But if you adjust 
 the DAC clock, you affect
the conversion - which is what jitter does and is what introduces

opaqueice;194720 Wrote: 
 That's how the Lavry DA10 is supposed to function, although it appears
 not to.As you say, apparently not.  I guess he just couldn't get to to work
properly ;-)

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My 2 mods for coax digi out...

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

opaqueice;194727 Wrote: 
 That's exactly what I said.  Filtering would remove the 2.4 GHz noise we
 were discussing, but would also induce more jitter by smoothing off the
 square wave, and therefore might not be a good idea:

I suppose one can estimate it like this:  square waves have an
amplitude of 1/n in the nth odd harmonic, so at 2GHz the amplitude from
a 5MHz square wave is down by a factor of 40 or so.  So at least very
roughly, if the 2.4 GHz noise amplitude is larger than a few percent of
the signal it might be worth it, otherwise not.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III VS Benchmark DAC1

2007-04-13 Thread jlmatrat

fezco;194726 Wrote: 
  What say ye... o' Squeeze Box audiophiles?

I'm afraid I'm not going to help you very much: I say Lavry DA10!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread jeffmeh

CatBus;194734 Wrote: 
 No need to be respectful, I was wrong.  Just say it ;)  Perhaps it would
 be more accurate to that that if CDs were mastered like DVD-Audio or
 SACDs, they may sound just as good (or at least we'd finally be able to
 prove one way or the other!)
 I think that regarding the general theme, however, we're in agreement. 
 Someone who prefers vinyl may actually be preferring quality mastering. 
 Nothing about vinyl is inherently better.

Well, I would think that one could argue that vinyl is inherently
better in that analog reproduction is not limited to 44,100 samples per
second.  At a high enough sampling rate though, the argument falls
apart, since there must be some sampling rate that is beyond human
auditory perception (even through golden ears).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

jeffmeh;194743 Wrote: 
 Well, I would think that one could argue that vinyl is inherently better
 in that analog reproduction is not limited to 44,100 samples per second.
 At a high enough sampling rate though, the argument falls apart, since
 there must be some sampling rate that is beyond human auditory
 perception (even through golden ears).

Analogue forms of data storage are also limited in how much information
they contain - it's just slightly harder to estimate.

I saw a nice calculation once of the information capacity of LPs.  It
worked out that for the very first few plays of a new record, where
apparently more high-frequency data is reproduced (much of it between
20 and 30 kHz, but never mind), the data capacity is comparable or even
slightly greater than CDs, but after that the record wears out a little,
loses the top end, and the data capacity is less (by a factor of a few,
maybe, not by a huge amount).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Vinyl better than CD?

2007-04-13 Thread Pat Farrell
jeffmeh wrote:
 I think that regarding the general theme, however, we're in agreement. 
 Someone who prefers vinyl may actually be preferring quality mastering. 
 Nothing about vinyl is inherently better.

Most vinyl was mastered before the damn loudness wars.
Or is mastered now, for the niche audiophile market.

 Well, I would think that one could argue that vinyl is inherently
 better in that analog reproduction is not limited to 44,100 samples per
 second.  At a high enough sampling rate though, the argument falls
 apart, since there must be some sampling rate that is beyond human
 auditory perception (even through golden ears).

It is generally admitted that 44.1kHz was a good but not great choice 
for a sampling rate. Serious pro audio guys (I think Bob Katz) say that 
20 bits and 60kHz would have made all the difference. But 44.1kHz
was picked for other reasons, just like 16 bits. No one believed that
Red Book audio would be alive this long.

RedBook would be gone if the idiots didn't start another format war.

There is some good reason to expect that vinyl could have slightly 
better top end, and that could help hold down intermodulation 
distortion. But, and this is something that most vinyl lovers forget, 
very few cartridges can track even 20kHz. And the next set of high end 
cartridges shear off the plus 20kHz signal as they attempt to play it. 
This is a case where heavier tracking forces actually save your vinyl, 
as mistracking trashes the record itself very quickly.

Vinyl mastering was and is an art. It is very interesting what they had 
to do. For example, songs with lots of bass had to have larger spacing 
between tracks, so you could not get as much music on a side. And if the 
levels were too aggressive, the cutter (let alone a playback cartridge) 
would jump out of the groove. The RIAA curve raises the gain of low 
frequency signals to compensate, but that increases the level of rumble, 
bearing noise, etc. Back then, the tradeoffs were well known to everyone 
  associated, now we have loudness wars and clearly audible compression 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

Someone with more of a background in signals than I have can verify
this, but I suppose the correct measure of the information capacity of
an LP is given by Shannon-Hartley:

If we (generously) take the bandwidth to be 30kHz, we just need to know
the signal/noise for an LP to compute the capacity.  Now we know that
for a CD, the capacity is 44,100*16*2 b/s = 1.4 Mb/s, so to match that
an LP would need a signal/noise ratio of about 10^14 (140 dB), which is
totally unrealistic.  If instead we take a S/N of a million (60 dB), we
get a capacity of .6 Mb/s, or a bit less than half of CD capacity.  

And that's the theoretical best possible capacity given a bandwidth of
30kHz and 60 dB of S/N, both of which are pretty generous assumptions.

So it seems that, at least at the level of theoretical information
capacity, vinyl is considerably worse than CD - which really shouldn't
be a surprise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread Skunk

Patrick Dixon;194682 Wrote: 
 3.3V is pretty marginal for an ALWSR - 5V is about the lowest
 recommended output voltage using the AD817, and 8V using the AD825.

Thanks Patrick. I must not have read the manual carefully enough.  

Crooner, which switching supply were you going to replace? It may be
more direct to add a small regulator to the caps at VDD and power them
with a 5V superreg, if that's what you were wanting to improve (though
I'm not positive it's even sound advice!)

Another convenient 3.3V supply is the headphone section..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread krochat

opaqueice;194753 Wrote: 
 If instead we take a S/N of a million (60 dB), we get a capacity of .6
 Mb/s, or a bit less than half of CD capacity.  
 And that's the theoretical best possible capacity given a bandwidth of
 30kHz and 60 dB of S/N, both of which are pretty generous assumptions.
 So it seems that, at least at the level of theoretical information
 capacity, vinyl is considerably worse than CD - which really shouldn't
 be a surprise.

A couple of caveats to your calculations.

1) IIRC, a new Sheffield direct-to-disk LP had a signal-to-noise ratio
of around 85dB.

2) LPs can have signal up to 30dB below the noise floor. There is no
signal below the noise in a CD, but there can be plenty of signal below
the noise on an LP, especially low level ambience cues.

Using this figures, you'd need 115 DB signal to noise ratio for a CD to
equal a new direct-cut LP.

To back this up with an anecdote, I spent a lot of time a few years ago
playing with digital recording of high-quality LPs. There was much more
difference in sound quality between using 16 bit sample depth and 24
bit sample depth than there was between sampling at 48kHz and 96kHz.

At the time, 96kHz sounded a tad better than 48kHz, but now my aging
ears can't tell the difference.

However, with a 24-bit sample depth, the digitized LP recording sounded
indistinquishable from the LP. With a 16-bit sample depth, it sounded
noticibly worse, you know, like a CD!

One cool thing is that with a 24x48kHz recording of an LP, you can use
digital noise reduction filters and get a result that is sonically
superior to either the orignal (worn) LP or the equivalent CD.

(I suppose that I should add that my turntable setup with phono preamp
cost about $8000, so your mileage might vary.)

And, might I say, thank goodness that the SB3 plays 24-bit material!



SB3 (+linear) - Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2xS2150 - Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread PhilNYC

disclaimer that I've become a dealer for these...but they've been talked
about elsewhere on the forum, and IMHO are a great value at $349 for a
powered pair of speakers to be used with a Squeezebox:


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So what are the 'audiophile camps' anyway?

2007-04-13 Thread opaqueice

krochat;194760 Wrote: 
 A couple of caveats to your calculations.
 1) IIRC, a new Sheffield direct-to-disk LP had a signal-to-noise ratio
 of around 85dB.
 2) LPs can have signal up to 30dB below the noise floor. There is no
 signal below the noise in a CD, but there can be plenty of signal below
 the noise on an LP, especially low level ambience cues.
 Using this figures, you'd need 115 DB signal to noise ratio for a CD to
 equal a new direct-cut LP.

I'm a bit skeptical about counting those extra 30 dB below the noise...
Shannon-Hartley is a theorem, full stop, end of story, right?

I made a mistake above - I forgot a factor of 2 (for stereo) in my
estimate of the capacity for LPs.  

So we can say it like this - if we assume the bandwidth of an LP is
30kHz * 2 channels, we would need 71 dB of S/N to match CD quality.

However we're still being pretty generous here, since presumably people
can only hear up to 20kHz or so.  If we restrict to the audible range,
it becomes very simple - the LP would simply need 96dB S/N to match CD.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cardboard listening room

2007-04-13 Thread tyler_durden

I've seen furniture made from that stuff years ago.  In the shop where
the furniture was being sold there was a chair people could sit on for
test/demo and in no time at all the corners were squashed and it looked
like hell.  If you'd spent the ridiculous price they were asking to
outfit your living room with the stuff you'd end up throwing it all
away in a week.  Maybe THAT is the point of the stuff.

It is someone's art project and that's all.  Totally impractical for
actual use.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread crooner

Well... I'm open to suggestions!
I just thought replacing the internal switcher inside the SB2 would
improve things a bit. Although in practice I can't hear any difference
between the SB3 and SB2 digital outs going to my DAC60. 

Perhaps Patrick would like to enlighten us on the best place in the SB
circuit to enable the Super Regulator.


SB2  SB3 with Custom Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC-60 Tube DAC
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread tyler_durden

crooner;194401 Wrote: 
 Also, enclosing the whole unit in a metal case will shield it against
 the magnetic fields surrounding it, such as those from the power supply
 itself or nearby components. 
 This should also work the other way around, minimizing RFI/EMI energy
 radiation from the SB2 to other components...

Unless you box it up in mu-metal, the metal case will not prevent
magnetic fields such as those from that big power supply transformer
from flying about.  Metal shields are good for shielding against
electric fields.  The difference is that electric fields induce
voltages (primarily) in high Z circuits through capacitive coupling
while magnetic fields induce currents (primarily) in low Z circuits
through, you guessed it- inductive coupling.

That is one reason why I suggested using a power supply more in line
with what the circuit actually requires.  That big supply transformer
has a much larger leakage field around it than a smaller one and the
only practical way to shield it is to keep it as far away from the
audio circuits as possible.  This is why many resort to putting power
supplies in boxes separate from the audio circuits.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-13 Thread crooner

Good point!
I'm definitely going for a two box approach as I stated in an earlier
post. I will use a couple of enclosures from The
power supply enclosure should arrive tomorrow. Should keep me busy this
weekend :-)

Yesterday, I was at my local dealer (Jeff's Sound Values) and the owner
showed me a sheet of special material that's supposed to filter EMI/RFI
emissions. This adhesive material can go inside the chassis or  wrapped
around certain parts such as analog and digital connections. It's non
conductive. I forgot to ask the exact name of the thing, but I'll
research it for my project.

tyler_durden;194776 Wrote: 
 Unless you box it up in mu-metal, the metal case will not prevent
 magnetic fields such as those from that big power supply transformer
 from flying about.  Metal shields are good for shielding against
 electric fields.  The difference is that electric fields induce
 voltages (primarily) in high Z circuits through capacitive coupling
 while magnetic fields induce currents (primarily) in low Z circuits
 through, you guessed it- inductive coupling.
 That is one reason why I suggested using a power supply more in line
 with what the circuit actually requires.  That big supply transformer
 has a much larger leakage field around it than a smaller one and the
 only practical way to shield it is to keep it as far away from the
 audio circuits as possible.  This is why many resort to putting power
 supplies in boxes separate from the audio circuits.


SB2  SB3 with Custom Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC-60 Tube DAC
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] PS Audio Digital Link III VS Benchmark DAC1

2007-04-13 Thread Ben Diss

Here's another vote for the Lavry.  I love mine.

Ben Diss

'SB3' ( - 'Lavry DA10'
( - 'BAT
VK-31SE' ( -
'Halo A21' ( - 'BW 803D'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations

2007-04-13 Thread 325xi

I second Audioengine 5. I'm not aware of better sounding alternative for
the price. They look nice either.


simaudio nova cdp  simaudio moon i-5  revel performa m20 via
acoustic zen matrix reference ii and acoustic zen satori (system is
currently in dormant state... in storage)

sb3  audioengine 5

-planned additions:...  deq2496  lavry da-10 ...-

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