Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter into poweramp?

2022-11-27 Thread Deaf Cat

Thank you for your reply :-)

sgmlaw wrote: 
> As to the reduced volume output on the TP, check the internal
> attenuation jumpers.  I know on our TP, I have to attenuate down quite a
> bit to accommodate a vintage preamp, and that would certainly cause some
> volume range issues with more modern gear.

Had a quick look and L & R are both on Zero attenuation, just realised
the Beringer is a piece of pro sound equipment so is used to the higher
voltage of balanced signals, not the 'low' 2Vrms of domestic gear, this
explains the max volume being low, I think!

sgmlaw wrote: 
> Also be aware that using digital volume attenuation in the SB will lose
> you some resolution compared to a 100% output with downstream analog
> attenuation.  If maximum resolution is your objective, you may be better
> served with a preamp.

Hmmm very good point thank you for mentioning this, I don't want to plug
the TP in again directly to the power amp, without having it
professionally tested, as I think the blast of electrical buss/humm has
aged my speaker by about 40 years or so as they now sound really quite
bad :-(   It is not going in my main system at all until its got the all
clear from a professional, or I'll send it back.
But yes thanks for the advice, once I have a correctly working TP I
shall try it with a pre and without, to see if I can hear the difference

sgmlaw wrote: 
> For the hum, I would check your cables for a ground loop.  If your
> cables are directional as to shield, try flipping them.  Also make sure
> that your input/output impedances for both instruments are within design
> limits.  Again, placing a preamp between the TP and the amp may also
> alleviate that situation.  I would also open up the TP to make sure it
> is still stock, and has not suffered any poor repairs or mods.

The cables are normal RCA single ended cables, so shielding should be
connected both ends as far as I know.  My SB Touch and my SB2 both work
fine straight into the power amp... This is why I am confused!?
The output impedance of the TP is 100 Ohm and the input impedance of the
amp is 100,000 Ohms, as I understand it 10* 100 Ohms is the minimum for
the two to work okay together, the higher the input impedance the
better, so we should be fine.  But obviously not :-o
All looks like new inside, nothing out of place, no iffy soldering, so
guessing all original.

sgmlaw wrote: 
> FWIW, I ran a TP direct to amp for about a week while awaiting some
> equipment to install.  It sounded ok, with none of your hum issues.  But
> the SB, even at the TP level, is really a front end device, and benefits
> greatly from further pre-amplification.  They simply don’t have the
> analog chomps to drive higher end amps all by themselves without some
> help.
> I don’t care what all the TP fanboys and scopeheads say, looking under
> the hood, the TP’s analog output stage is unimpressive.  And compared to
> higher strata DACs, sounds unimpressive.  I wound up using the TP as a
> digital head end into a separate DAC in the $3-5,000 range.  And that
> DAC makes the TP by itself sound like a 1979 Walkman by comparison,
> primarily due to a vastly superior analog output stage, very robust
> power supplies throughout, and extensive overbuild in the conversion
> stage.  You get what you pay for, and premium build analog stages are
> unavoidably expensive.  The TP was never more than a $1,000 instrument
> inside, and was somewhat overpriced when new due to its market position
> at that time.
> However, unless you are prepared to move up to that level, the TP is
> still reasonably competitive with todays sub-$1,500 DAC offerings, but
> with a good following preamp.

Thank you for these points, much appreciated :-)
I don't fancy testing the TP in different set ups until I know its not
going to harm anything else.   But yes I will at some point try it
directly into a power amp, then into the TAG as an analogue input, and
then as a digital input, just to see what I prefer the sound of :-)   I
bought the TAG about 12 years ago, boy time flys! bought from an audio
repair guy, I did not have it long and was soon on the phone to him,
asking if he could make it more musical, its attention to detail was
amazing IMO, that is why I bought it, but I missed the involving
musicality side of things, the guy said he could try a few things and it
came back sounding much nicer, about 4 years after that I pitted it
against 2 dacs around the 2 -2.5k range, I came back thinking the repair
guy did a fab job!  But yes I can imagine 4-5k dacs would improve once
again, but ummm yes cash needs to go else where ;-) 
I had not thought of analogue pre amp after the TP :-) good call :-) I
shall try it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I'm a LMS convert...

2022-11-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Nice to have a list of software and your thoughts, cheers :-) 

Just checking DSP is that similar to PEQ ?

I was never sold on room correction (dsp? peq?) as thought it was too
much giggerypokery with the signal, wanted things simple 'pure' and
straight forward, until I heard the difference :-o

I now have a couple of XTA DP200's as experimental room correction
thingies which I am impressed with! although I have had to learn stuff
to get the sound how I like it, which is cool.  So frequencies can be
boosted or reduced dependent on room and ones hearing, as far as I can
tell there is not much trade off in sound degradation with the XTA gear
in the chain, its a plus to cut frequencies I don't like and add a
little more of the ones I do, keeping the character of amps and speakers

Just a thought if your still looking for DSP adjustments...
Yeah I am a little out of date with gear so may be way off :-o


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter into poweramp?

2022-11-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Yes re-erecting a nice old thread :-)

Not long purchased what looks like a nice example of a Transporter :-)

However  -Plugged it in for a quick test,   Transporter unbalanced
outputs -> Behringer X-air (basically a pre amp with eq)  ->  Mackie
powered speakers
All sounds good, Transporter needs to be turned up max to get a normal
input signal to the X-air and works nicely.

BUT   -   I would like the transporter to replace my Squeezebox touch
and TAG pre amp / dac, so the Transporter will go straight in to my
Adcom power amp (unbalanced).

Even when the TP is not playing and muted I get a loud electrical
buz/hu and have to switch power amp off Fast!   Yeah it seems if
the TP volume is say half way the buzz is deafening!!
Only tried it twice with a re-plug in to the x-air in between...  x-air
/ mackie output musical and fine.
TP straight in to the AdcomNOISE...   ???

I have tried my touch and SB2 straight in to the Adcom and works as it
should, same leads but with the TP in place, bad buzzzhmmm ??

I am confused any thoughts / pointers much appreciated


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2014-03-05 Thread Deaf Cat

Hi Quad,

I have actually been experimenting with disabling different services
etc, on win8, the most recent was to disable the paging file  :-o   pc
is still going and sounding better than before :-)  fingers crossed it
keeps going as I rather like it.

From these experiments I can only assume that with all the work gone
into the optimizer it would work rather well, especially on server12 as
I understand server12 is minimal compared to win8, and minimal seems to
work rather well, from the small amount of experimentation I have done.

However, server12 is a bit out of my budget, not even going to try it on
trial as I'm guessing I will like and then have difficulty going back to
win8..  :-( 

Thanks for letting me know as I was unsure with all the previous
comments above it would affect things when using LMS, from my
experimentation I would guess it would work well!

Enjoy your music :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2014-03-05 Thread Deaf Cat

ralphpnj wrote: 
 And if you are using wi-fi to stream to your Squeezeboxes then don't
 forget to pick up some Audiophile Air in Can:
 You will thank me.

:cool:   :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2013-12-08 Thread Deaf Cat

SBGK wrote: 
 of course it makes a difference, does win 7 sound the same as win 8 ?
 You can try altering the priority of the logitech server program on your
 pc eg high to low, if you can't hear any difference then optimisations
 may not help, otherwise learn to think for yourself and try things out
 instead of looking for opinions from people with a bits are bits agenda.

My query was if an optimization program written for JPlay users, would
work for SB users?
Jplay and SB setups work in quite a different way I am guessing.

I upgraded from win7 to win8 as it was £25, and was not expecting the
change in sound!  Quite pleasantly surprised :-) 

I don't know, but XP is simple and stable, do you know if this has been
AB with win8?

(link at the bottom of your post noted, will have a read soon)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2013-11-28 Thread Deaf Cat

I guess from all the arguments against tweeking the source pc, all of
your answers are 'no you have not tried any tweeking'...
or if you have it had made no difference.
Many thanks for you time and explanations.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2013-11-27 Thread Deaf Cat

Mnyb wrote: 
 Do you still have your squeezebox ?

Yes SB2 kitchen and a Touch lounge.

I found Soundcheck's TT improved things, (reducing workload of the

I don't see why reducing the actual work load of the pc running SS,
shouldn't also make a difference in sound repro.

Just wondering if anyone had tried the above or in fact just tried
reducing services, disabling background programs, on board sound, even
usb bus etc, tried XP win7 win8 comparisons for example.

Thinking of experimenting with with my SS pc, somewhat under the budget
of server2012!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone used this... AudiophileOptimizer

2013-11-26 Thread Deaf Cat


Seems to get rather good results reading about it on various forums, but
not come across anyone using it with a slimdevices set up, just


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-06-06 Thread Deaf Cat

Okay you have swayed me to try a blind test, I will at some point use a
file from the back up copy on the nas, and run it on a 2 song play list
play list with the same file on the pc, ff and skip a few times so I
have no clue as to which is which.  But, I have not had a chance to
listen to a single track in the last 3 weeks, so don't hold your breath,
it may be a while.  You have me wondering now ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-06-05 Thread Deaf Cat

I  listened to an av processor 7.1 all the video inputs etc, and then
the same electronics but heavely reduced with only stereo dac and pre,
for only stereo!, to me there was a large difference, the only physical
difference being less powered up electronics in one box than the

My opinion was posted as the OP asked the question.

It is up to the individual to choose how they pick the equipment they
listen too, don't you think?  
I choose to listen, if the difference is small enough for me to not
decide what I like best, then I may blind test.
Sorry I don't see what difference it makes to others, if I like one
thing better than the other, or how I choose it?

Some people like to blind test and believe in it, other don't, some
people hear a difference some don't...

Thought the OP was asking any difference in sound repro from pc to nas,
I would say yes, guess you would say no, so up to the OP to test / hear
for him self.. blind testing or not, it makes no difference to me.

Cheers :-)

darrell wrote: 
 There really is no way, no mechanism, by which there can be the
 slightest difference.
 Of course, you are perfectly entitled to ignore all this and carry on in
 what many members will consider a state of delusion. But then why post
 your opinion here, if you are unwilling to take the discussion further
 by testing your perceptions? If the difference is as obvious as you
 claim, then blind testing should hold no fear for you, even if you feel
 you have some sort of emotional or other investment in your current
 In any case, we should all welcome being proved wrong, as it means we
 have learnt something.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-06-05 Thread Deaf Cat

Sorry to cause trouble, just thought someone asked, if there was a
difference listening to a pc or nas, I would answer as I noticed a
change, so said yes.

I have no clue as to why I heard a difference, same as I have no clue as
to why a copper wire or interconnect sounds different to another.

Yes I've learnt a bit about L C R etc, but factory internal software
settings of Linux, Win and network systems is way way above my head, so
I'm afraid I can't discuss as I have no clue why the nas and pc sound

Only suggesting to those who may be interested in trying / testing /
hearing if there is a difference in nas and pc, it may be worth a go.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-06-04 Thread Deaf Cat

If I was playing 2 new albums during the first week of ownership, and
half way through the week swaped over to the NAS as source (under the
impression it should sound better) and was instantly hit, as to how dead
the sound was, and never the less played them out...  swapped back to
the pc and was pleasently taken a back as to how alive the sound had
become, I quite clearly prefer the pc and see no need for blind

I do have a go at blind testing when I don't clearly hear an instant

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS versus PC - any sound quality difference?

2012-06-03 Thread Deaf Cat

LarsHP wrote: 
 I would like _those_who_have_experience_ with both types of setup to
 chime in on this - _especially_if_you_have_high_end_audio_gear_. 

Would not say I have hi end gear, but try different network cables, if
you hear a change in sound / presentation then, you may well hear a
change in the sound when the sound is sourced from a NAS or PC.

My PC has always been my source (music files stored on it).  Switched
LMS (on PC) to use my NAS as the source just to see / hear if there was
any difference.

PC as source, music sounded more alive, NAS sounded quite dead in
comparison, I have no clue as to why, but my PC is my source.  I would
have guessed the NAS would have been better as there is less electronic
activity going on in the NAS than in the PC...  ho hum  :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-04-06 Thread Deaf Cat

TheOctavist wrote: 
 using inguz eq boost 7, 8 , , 9 and 10 kHz by 42db/ Q of 1.0
 while using steep filter to cut everything below 500 hz
 also knock down your  walls and replace with glass.

I was thinking forward and aggressive sound, as in, sound stage brought
closer to me and not a gentle delicate sound, but more in ya face,  bass
too  :-)

So your thinking by turning up the treble, sound will get more agressive
and move the vocals closer to me? - same sort of thing as reducing the
resistor size to my tweeter..?

Won't I just get louder delicate treble still positioned where it is in
the soundstage?   If I turn up the volume vocals don't get closer too

Sorry if I'm missing the point, I can only think I will get more of what
I already have..

Only way to try I guess...   

Cheers for the reply!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-04-05 Thread Deaf Cat

Seem to be quite a few trying to soften the forward aggressive sound,
with pc tweeks any pointers on making it a little more forward and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-03-25 Thread Deaf Cat

SBGK;696986 Wrote: 
 you guys !! If you spent as much time applying the tweaks...

I'm starting to realise, may be a bit late, that my set up is a little
complex, standard pc on iso feet, router with linear psu, access point
with linear psu and sbt with linear psu, reasonable quality network
cable on the access point to the sbt, freebie on the pc to router. 
Still some pc hardware tweeks to do, and now all these software tweeks
too  :-O
What is your set up?   

First time I tried fidelizer I did not like the loss of clarity and
filling out of the sound, it seemed to give.  Filling out of the sound,
good, but not good enough to loose the clarity.  Now after a few other
tweeks the filling out of the sound and slight lack of clarity is now
favorite :-)

Just trying another network cable today, to see if I can get some
clarity back.  First impressions are more clarity but at the cost
of  not quite put my finger on it yet, need some more listening.

These software tweeks are they easy enough to implement?
Its an old pc so no dual core stuff..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-03-25 Thread Deaf Cat

SBGK;697409 Wrote: 
 ok, these settings were not perfect, they were very good. They were
 missing some top end which I thing was due to IRQ 33 being sched_other,
 I don't pretend to know why this makes a difference, but noticed it
 during the testing the other day (something to do with nand interrupt).
 I have changed the settings below, basically IRQ33 changed to priority

Hope you don't mind, a quick couple of questions, 

- what actually are the settings changing or doing? - for someone who
does not understand pc's much, is it just a case of re-setting how the
pc thinks / does things?

- might you be so kind as to point one in the direction as to, how to
implement the change in settings?

- sorry just the one more, last point, I tried buffer at 3600 and 2
and by far prefered 3600 so I guess your ears/system are different to
mine and would therefore guess the other settings may need to be
tweeked to my ears/system too...?

Many Thanks

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-03-22 Thread Deaf Cat

SBGK;696146 Wrote: 
 here are my ratings for mods out of 10, most of them relate to
 enhancements of the pc/windows which 99% of squeeze forums say makes no
 TT3.0  8 noise reduction, sound enhancement
 TT priorities  8 big difference if set correctly
 fidelity audio mods -- 8 sibilance removal and resolution enhancement
 max buffer mods -- 8 noise reduction
 linear supply  7 remove muddy sound of smps
 core parking   4 smoother sound
 irq priority setting - 5 enhanced dynamics
 core irq affinity  6 separation of instruments, better detail,
 meicord -- 4 noise reduction, clearer sound
 tcpip ethernet optimisation - 6 sound enhancement, dynamics
 background scheduling - 3 better bass
 process affinity -- 6 better clearer sound
 process priority -- 5 better clearer sound
 core frequency lowering - 4 removes hf digital hash
 system timer set to .5 ms - 3 not sure if this does anything or is
 relevant to Touch music playing, copied from fidelizer, jplay
 service disabling -- 4 slight sound improvement
 rf attenuator -- 6 icing on the cake, would not be without it.
 3d sound, dynamics, smoother sound.
 screen removal - 4 sound improvement
 toslink removal  3 clearer sound
 coax solder to Touch --- 5 enhanced detail
 ferrite choke on laptop smps - 4 reduces hf noise
 ferrite choke on usb smps  2 reduces hf noise
 linear supply for laptop and external disk - 5 surprising change in
 quality of sound, shows how much crap the smps were injecting.

Cool stuff !!  must say most is above my level of understanding, but
what is within I will try.  After trying iso feet on my old server it
is clear that server adjustments have some effect, why not software as
well as hardware, appreciate all the testing and reporting!!  :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SBT source.. or rather the pc with the data is the source..

2012-03-21 Thread Deaf Cat

Soulkeeper;696574 Wrote: 
 'This thread' (
 contains all you need to know about the subject. As an added bonus, it
 also contains all you -don't- need to know. Enjoy!

Cheers, a good few pages in, and lots to go, looks like software
tweeking, I was thinking hardware tweeking..  interesting stuff :-)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SBT source.. or rather the pc with the data is the source..

2012-03-19 Thread Deaf Cat

Changing the psu on the router and the access point seem to have made
rather a nice improvement :-)  Cheers Soundcheck for the tip!!!

Got me thinking, what about my old clapped out pc that is running as
the server, all that mechanical and electrical noise, vibrations and
smps etc...  This is where the tunes initiate from ;-)  if a new psu
for a router makes a difference would not a new psu for the pc.. anyone
played/tweeked the pc server ?

Just put some vib draining feet under the old pc and it seems to have
made a nice difference, rather supprised and pleased, placebo or not
they are staying :-)

Any more suggestions for tweeks appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Hope not too far off topic, just wondering a couple of things:

Does anyone know the actual route of the music file?

As in, LMC pc with internal D: music full hard drive, music file off
the drive, through LMC, to my router, over the air to my other router,
down the cable to my SBT.

If the music is stored on a NAS, would the file go straight from the
nas to the router over the air to the other router etc, or go through
the LMC pc too?

I'm guessing that XP differs quite a bit to W7.. in respect to server
and network tweeking possibilities?

Cheers for any thoughts,

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;688160 Wrote: 
 The data in the music file always passes through LMS

Thought it may have done, just wanted to check,  Thank you!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to improve the sound of your Squeezebox Touch

2012-01-21 Thread Deaf Cat

soundcheck;685430 Wrote: 
   ... you won't change anything on your source.

So thinking about the LMC pc as the source for a moment...  from
reading your interesting stuff, I know you have tried different
operating systems and found a difference in the sound output.  Have you
tried different power supplies for the LMC machine? - do you think it
would make much of a  difference, like when changing the smps on a
router, to a linear psu?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to improve the sound of your Squeezebox Touch

2012-01-18 Thread Deaf Cat

magiccarpetride;684619 Wrote: 
 I now have an additional problem -- I need to shell out another 100
 bucks for another Venom 3 for my pre-amp. No rest for the wicked...

Thought you were going to say you tried the power cable on your
squeezebox server pc...

Go on give it a bash, if it makes the screen look better it should
hopefully make the pc innards work nicer too.

Another tweek I had not thought of to add to my waiting list of things
to do :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to improve the sound of your Squeezebox Touch

2012-01-18 Thread Deaf Cat

magiccarpetride;684869 Wrote: 
 However, my primary concern is improving the sound quality of my stereo,
 so for now I'm exploring only that side of the equation.

Sorry, I shall try to ask again, Do you run LMS on a pc?  if you do, I
was wondering if using an after market power cable on the LMS pc would
make any difference to the sound quality of the touch output...

As, I have found different power cables give different results if they
are plugged in to say a linear psu, dac, pre amp, power amp etc.  I
never thought of using a decent power cable for my LMS pc for sound
reproduction improvement, untill now :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to improve the sound of your Squeezebox Touch

2012-01-18 Thread Deaf Cat

magiccarpetride;684889 Wrote: 
 Ah, gotcha now (sorry, I was a bit thick last time around;)
 Yes, that sounds like a reasonable idea. Intuitively, I'd think that
 using Shunyata on the SBT should yield me bigger improvements than
 using it on the music server side, but I can't know for real until I
 give it a try.
 The problem is that I'm using a headless Mac Mini for hosting the
 Squeeze media server, and I don't think you can fit Shunyata at the
 back of Mac Mini.
 Or can you?

Wow! I'm a bit behind on the pc side of things I could probably fit 20
of those lovely neat little mini mac things in my old pc case :-o

Yes, interesting thought, I use my pc for decoding flac, to pcm I think
it is, not sure what the SBT does apart from pass the signal on to the
dac.  Maybe the pc could benifit more as it is doing more work? - I
have no clue.

Maybe I will have to borrow the silver cable that the tv amp has at the
moment, and plug it in the pc, and see if the touch does anything
different.  Hope I get back from work early enough to have a play thur
or fri :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-13 Thread Deaf Cat

pandasharka;683549 Wrote: 
 Put the money on the front end - spending downstream will only highlight
 weakness. Do you get me?

Oh yes I get you ;-) I almost follow that plan...  well... thinking
about it, maybe I don't.

I have my third best power cable on the PSU for the SBT, the SBT is 
just laying on the floor, on its side as thats the best way for the
coax to fit, everything else is on some kind of coupling/de-doupling
vib absorbing/draining support...   h

Well I think a play is in order rather than thinking about a spend.

Just the little things like power cables, supports, buffer sizing,
linear psu, all tweek the sound a bit, I was wondering if after all
this tweeking would the basic Linn still be even twice as good as a
fully tweeked SBT?   

I get the general feel that the basic Linn may be a smidge better, and
no way worth all that extra cash...  Guess the only real way for me to
find out is for some poor dealer to put up with me taking all my gear
and comparing

I'll start on my linear psu for my router tonight :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-13 Thread Deaf Cat

SBGK;683559 Wrote: 
 don't forget to look for second hand bargains, Linn Klout power amp
 £1000 on ebay, one of Linn's best.

I've never heard Linn amps, heard one of their decent record players,
and a couple of pairs of their speakers, going by what I heard and the
money they cost, I was thinking along other lines, personal taste
naturally.  But now you have mentioned it maybe I should have a listen
to a Linn amp, as I was considering listening to a Linn streamer.

My short list to look out for are Rega Exons or Nakamichi PA7's...  But
amps is now way down the list.  Thought, speakers was first, then amp,
but now thinking more about tweeking on the most important bit, the
source ;-)

Thanks for the reminder!

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-13 Thread Deaf Cat

magiccarpetride;683713 Wrote: 
 you come to the realization that you're listening to your power.

Oh yes!! that is what is used to produce the sound you hear.

Hope to move within the next year or so, so dedicated consumer unit is
in the plan for the new gaff, so long as it goes in quick and is
un-noticed ;-)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread Deaf Cat

A neighbour seems to think a SBT is not as good as a dedicated well made
streamer by some of the well known hifi names..   Having not even heard
a SBT with TT3.0.

Price differs a great amount, maybe this is what he is basing his
thoughs upon, pay for what you get etc.

Just out of interest any one listened to any of the above, in to the
same dac?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread Deaf Cat

DaveWr;683429 Wrote: 
 Why would I listen into the same DAC.  I have a Linn DS and guess what I
 use it's DAC.  Compared to an SB3 into a Lavry DA10 significantly
 Touch not a clue, I have 3 SB3s and a Boom.  Never bought a Touch as
 Squeeze philosophy was changing, IMO not for the better.

Ah, sorry I may need to read a little more, I was thinking, the Linn
and Naim streamers were digital transports, so I was thinking, if one
feeds the coax digital out of any digital transport, into the same dac,
then one could evaluate the different transports.

I know it's comparing apples and pears, but was just interested in any
ones findings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread Deaf Cat

pandasharka;683439 Wrote: 
 I didn't hear it that way - I compared SB Touch extensively against a
 Linn DS. 

Just done some reading and learnt the Linn streamers are basically
intergrated amps, with dac and streamer built in..  I hope I read it
Makes sence as one can avoid the s/pdif interface streaming directly to
a dac.

So were you listening to the analogue outs of the SBT vs analogue outs
of the Linn?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone demo SBT TT3.0 against LINN / NAIM Streamers ?

2012-01-12 Thread Deaf Cat

Yes, good plan, 

If I were going to spend 2-3k I think it would first go on speakers..

But, will attempt to get a listen in at some point, just to be sure if
any money is spent it goes in the right area :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-10 Thread Deaf Cat

evdplancke;682902 Wrote: 
 An assumption could be that this rebuffering would cause a noise with
 specific frequency characteristics, around 250 Hz for 4k and 50 Hz for
 20k buffer. Depending from the frequency characteristics of each
 system, this noise could generate more or less interferences at cost of

Yes, I was thinking noise and interference differences,  so very system
and ear dependent.

What I 'm thinking:

tt -k off

3400 buffer, good but not quite so good as tt -k activated

20k buffer, much smoother and more relaxed, minimal foot tapping, no
head nodding

3400 buffer, more chrisp sounding, and more air about sound
sources-what ever that means, I'm liking it as foot tapping and head

tt -k activated, each voice / instrument seems to have a little more
smoothness to it, and more power! :-D  


Going to have a read again, of around page 65 I think it was. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-09 Thread Deaf Cat


One long thread to catch up on :-O  Interesting as well as confusing
(I'm needing to understand computing a little more) will need to re-cap
some bits me thinks.

Any way,

Thought I had installed all TT3... sounds quite different to TT2, 1st
impression thin and improved clarity, sound sources much more pin
pointed, had to put back my lower bass port plug, to get lower bass
tight again - so more lower freq :-)

Even though it's thin sounding I'm loving the clarity and more
accuratly placed instruments and singers :-)

After skimming over 100 pages or so realised I'd missed the tcp and
fidelizer programs, installed both last night, this morning things seem
fuller and clarity has dropped back a level.

Just wanted to clarify that a pc restart finishes fidelizer, and
setting tcp to windows default puts that back to normal..?

I did a while ago use ctrl alt del to set LMS to hi priority,  not sure
if the tcp prog will reset this to defaut.

Talk about a tuning exercise, the possibilities seem endless!! must be
something there for everyone.

Cheers for any thoughts! 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-09 Thread Deaf Cat

NoRoDa;682744 Wrote: 
 No problem. 
 Do a restart and listen. Is the sound is thinner and clearer? ;)

Oh yes Clarity is back :-)Simple a!

Thanks for clarifying that.

Will have a further play with above when I get the linear psu for the
router sorted out.

Cheers for now

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-09 Thread Deaf Cat

Wondered if you may be able to help me understand the lights on my
router, and the buffer size thing.

I have a wireless router wired to the LMS pc in the consevatory and it
talks over the air to another wirelss router in the lounge to which the
SBT is wired.

On TT2 think I had the buffer down to about 5.5k knowing I have drop
outs I was lowering the buffer size slowly bit at a time...  The arial
light and the socket 3 into which the SBT is wired used to flash in a
right panic for a short while and then take a breather for a while then
go in to hyper mad flash mode again for a short while then have another
rest.  I knew if the hyper flash panic was after a longer than usual
breather there would be a drop out...

Now with TT3 the buffer is set at default I think 3400, the lights
flash in not such a mad panic but seem to flash for a lot longer and
only have a split second or two rest before the stream of flashes

Would I be right in thinking with a smaller buffer information has to
flow more constantly to keep the music flowing, rather than with a big
buffer a heafty load of info is dropped music plays using the info up,
while lights pause, and then when it runs low, another heafty load is

Also if you don 't mind what is the difference :
Soundcheck Quote (from install instructions):
With this modification you will resize the Alsa buffer. It's the buffer
the Linux soundlayer to your device and NOT the streaming buffer on the
ethernet receiver.

Would some one be kind enough to explain in simple terms what the
difference is, and we are altering the Alsa buffer, are we not?

Many thanks for you time ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-01-09 Thread Deaf Cat

evdplancke;682823 Wrote: 
 As far as I understand the buffer mods, the ALSA buffer is the output
 buffer of the audiostream towards the internal/external DAC. The
 streaming buffer is the input buffer from the network. When you plug
 out the network, you'll still have for a few tens of seconds of music.
 ALSA buffer of 4k is for 4 ms (milliseconds) of music only. So I would
 not expect a big impact of the ALSA buffersize on the way the streaming
 traffic flows.

So smoothing the flow/load in the SBT in some systems sounds good and
in others at 20k, peeks of rebuffering sound best.

Hmmm interesting, I see what you mean as in ALSA should not effect the
network streeming/buffering, if I am back early enough tomorrow I will
try the 20k buffer just to see what the lights do and see what it
sounds like :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch DAC

2012-01-09 Thread Deaf Cat

andyjayh;675933 Wrote: 
 From other peoples experience of DAC upgrades with the Touch, are the
 improvements subtle or a big step up again? I guess this depends on the
 DAC in question and therefore the dollar involved. I'm looking for a
 step up that makes me pack my Teac away once and for all and I'm not
 sure if the Emotiva/Heed/Audio-gd price range DACs will do this? Do I
 need to be looking at £500-£1000 devices or am I looking at this all

From the little I've listened to with regards to dac's, well one rather
loud and fun afternoon, one needs to listen to a dac with your favorite
music as I found different dacs played different music better, IMO
anyway, how confusing is that!
Don't know if a little read here may be of interest:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-06-05 Thread Deaf Cat

Cool, Good to know!
Especially about the boks,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-06-03 Thread Deaf Cat

I'm really rather glad you guys have posted, initially I thought it was
a simple subject of twiddle with the DCX to get it sounding right by
ear :-o 

Just shows a little knowledge could be disastrous.

Now one feels enlightened, and incapable of setting up an active
crossover, so am rather pleased I did not attempted it with the little
knowledge I have :-)

The speakers up for the tweek are BW's not Linn's, I have no worries
that the most suitable boards would be obtained and modified if
required to suit the speakers...

One would guess Linn boards are suggested as I'm guessing the
components are of a decent quality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-06-02 Thread Deaf Cat

MediaCenter;634376 Wrote: 
 I also should warn you that it is addictive and fun but getting it right
 and settling down on a sound is very difficult..

Thank you for the warning, I noticed that when listening to dacs, each
style of tune that was played, I prefered a different dac.  So stayed
with my own to save getting lost in choice/confusion.

I also noticed that with each little tweek some tunes sound so much
better and others now have the skip button pressed.

I like the idea of tweeking but endless choice at ones finger tips
Maybe it's best if I do go the Linn card route, as I'm thinking they
can't be user tweeked :-o


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-06-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Mnyb;634410 Wrote: 
 Your friend with the Linn cards does he know what he is doing ? will he
 know what is the right settings for your speakers ? it is not that
 simple as just choosing a frequency ?

Yes he repairs quite high end hifi stuff, has built his own active
crossovers from scratch, and recommended the Linn cards for my set up,
but also suggested it may be a bit of a waste, on my current speakers
:-(  Good I guess, he says it how he see's it.

I think also it will be difficult getting hold of Ditton to get the
specs on the drivers and crossovers, so maybe some new second hand
speakers are due too :-0

Good I like the idea of soldered parts for the crossover so I can't
play, and will leave it up to the repair guy as to what boards, as he
should know best...

Out of interest why are there so many different Linn XO boards?  
If all they do is filter out bits, by soldering in the bits, you

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-06-01 Thread Deaf Cat

Ah well, I was thinking my speakers needed just a little lift of some
sort, slightly sweeter in the mids maybe.

I started to look into upgrading the passive crossover components,
changing the capacitors etc, or rebuilding the whole crossover.

As time is some what short for hobbies at the moment I thought if I'm
taking them apart I want to put in the best I can afford as they
probably won't come apart again for a good while.  When adding up the
cost and time, I thought I may as well investigate active!

From what I've been reading, active seems to result in more impressive
results than passive upgrades...  who knows though, untill one has
tested it ones self...  Not got the time or money for both.

It makes sence to use the amp to power everything rather than loosing
some power in the passive circuits..

So in answer to your question, no not new ones, playing with the old

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-06-01 Thread Deaf Cat

:-) my diy skills would probably streach to replacing like valued
components with upgraded like valued components, and was thinking a
passive crossover should be pretty simple...

Swaying towards the active, I mentioned it in passing to the guy who
fixed my pre/pro, he thinks he would be able to get some Linn active
cards in the space, in the case of my pre/pro as I am missing the 7.1
and bypass cards.  No extra boxes which is a big plus, and he would do
the solderig etc. and he would set it all up with me watching :-) more
likely to work if someone else does it!

Not the cheapest of options but sounds favorite to me at the moment...

Will more than likely have to save up for a year or two though :-(
As opposed to the cheep DCX, h may get impatient on the journey.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-05-31 Thread Deaf Cat

Mnyb;633874 Wrote: 
 I think it would work just fine, 

I think so too.

Just seems a bit unnecessary for me to convert to analogue then have
the new box convert AtoD and then DtoA once again... Or to avoid all
these conversions, just don't use my pre/pro...  hmmm

I shall read some more of the instruction book, and learn more around
the whole subject.

Many thanks for your help on me understanding more!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-05-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Ah ha, so it can be done that is wonderfull, but, splitting the 2
channels to 4, pcm will loose some sound quality? even if the same
amount of music information is there, just because it it split into 4
channels rather than 2 some quality will be lost, am I understanding
that right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-05-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Yes, DD, DTS, that is what I was thinking could be used, but was unsure
how, nice to know it can be done, but it did not occur to me that one
would loose some sound quality in doing so.

Yes, I was wondering if a digital crossover could be implemented in
slimserver some how.

I read that a nice digital crossover can be achieved with a pc and
sound card, outputting the highs mids and lows for stereo, but don't
want a pc in the lounge.  I'm quite happy with my processor/dac so
don't really want to pay out for any more DA converters either.

And, did not really want any more boxes, or additional stuff in the
ananlgue path.

Fussy, I know! ;-)

It just seemed the simplest solution to have software do the filtering
and SB transport it to my processor..

So maybe the best solution if quality would be lost using the SB with
pcm, is to have an analogue active crossover..

I don't quite get the lossy thing with DD/DTS, if the same amount of
information is there for stereo, 2 channels, why would information be
lost if it were just split in to 4 channels rather than 2?
Is it the processor/decoding that can't handle the information split 4
ways or the pcm signal?

Thanks for the feedback so far :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-05-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Ah, that is more than likely why it has not been done already, and why I
could not find any information on how to do it.

I guess Meridian found their own way around it.

HDMI, hmmm my processor is pre HDMI, good job really, as I can't
program and spare time... what is that?  ;-)

So it looks like my so called simple solution is a dead end, Oh well,
many thanks! for your input to help me understand the area a bit more.

HeHe active speakers, it does not seem quite so much fun buying
something that will work straight away :-)  Simple though which is
always good! 

Thanks again, I shall investigate analogue active crossovers and active
speakers next, 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-05-29 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers Phil for the confirmation of, no go with the SB, and the other
possible options :-)

Ah yes, the DCX2496 is rather reasonable, quite tempting to have a
punt, but in reading more noticed it's analogue inputs are converted to
digital and then back to analogue, I may guess, this could degrade the
signal from what it is already..??  Only trying at home would tell...I
guess.  So maybe I'll look down the analogue active crossover avenue
and start learning exactly what the options are there :-)

I understand from hear say that some linn crossover boards have been
used to make an active system with some BW's with rather impressive

Pleanty of reading to catch up on.

Many Thanks for your input in concluding my initial thoughts were not
possible, and directing me in other possible directions.

Cheers :-)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a way to get PCM out of a SB with 4 channels rather than just stereo

2011-05-28 Thread Deaf Cat


Just starting to try and understand all the different speaker crossover

It seems to make sence to me to have something like an inguz plugin
that can filter frequencies in the digital domain, split them to hi and
lo and left and right and run the pcm to, and out of, a SB, and into a
pre/processor on to power amps and drivers.

Not knowing much about the subject and what is involved, am I in cloud
cookoo land or would something like this be possible...?

Much appreciate any comments!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Shielded Mains Cables

2011-04-27 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;627854 Wrote: 
 I'm sure some of you will think I'm nuts. Maybe I am.

I'm looking forward to your next report!

My tv picture was rather iffy, so wound sticky tape silver foil around
the tv lead, and the ntl box lead, earthed it at the plug end, things
I was thinking it was interference affecting the lead, it had not
occured to me that the leads them selves may be causing some of the
interference... cool

All my stereo wires are shielded, from trying a Nordost Blue Heaven a
while back which generated a loud hum, that improved with tin foil
around it.  So all IC's power cables and speaker cables are all

All very interesting stuff I think.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-27 Thread Deaf Cat

Not long got my SBT sorted with the toolbox mods, wired straight to my
router, through the lounge, kitchen and conservatory.  

A new area for my ears to get in tune with I believe, a cymbal, with my
SB2 sounded good to me, with the touch factory settings, it was quite
easy to tell the SB2 was somewhat out of focus, maybe the cymbal source
sound came from about a 4 foot wide source of sound, with the touch in
play sounded far more like a pin point source of sound, untill the mods
were applied and they made the factory touch sound out of focus, by
about a foot wide sound source point, to what now seems like a pin
point sound source, in comparison...  :-D  

Cool Stuff!!

Put the long wire away, plugged in my SB2 as a wireless bridge, and
lost some focus :-(  -Going to try a linear psu for the SB2 soon one
hopes- fingers crossed it may get close to the wired sound.

Quite amazed at the effect of these mods, A HUGE THANK YOU, to you
Klaus for developing such a modification toolkit, very clever stuff!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-26 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers Dr Bob!!
Downloaded :-D

and errrmmm maybe I'll set the touch up wired straight to my router as
I seem to be having some strange things happening, I have the touch
wired to my SB2 which is acting as a wireless bridge, IP's/macs are set
on the router, but change, after each reboot so it's a little trickey
logging back in to the touch :-0 and the SB2 now thinks it is a touch

Play more tomorrow :-) 

Cheers for the firefox tip!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-25 Thread Deaf Cat

Thanks for your reply!
Ah may be me then :-(  as thats the link I've been trying...
just tried it again

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Hi soundcheck,

Is your famous tool box still available, not had a touch long and fancy
giving it a wirl :-)

I can't seem to download it, Internet Explorer was not able to open
this internet site.

A day or so before my Touch arrived, my router's psu gave up, replaced
it with a linear regulated supply and could not quite believe it, but
things seemed nicer to listen to, more concice, plugged in the touch
when it arrived, and things improved again :-)  So rather interested to
try out your mods.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Active Crossover as plugin or otherwise

2011-03-30 Thread Deaf Cat

Bit behind on the tech talk side of things, but, thinking to avoid the
sync problem of two SB's could the software not seperate the left lo
right lo left hi and right hi, put them on a DD signal and then out of
the SB digi out, in to a nice AV processor, using the front channels
for the left and rigt lo and the rear channels for the left and right
hi forwared into power amps?

One volume control on the av processor.

Just a thought,

I have an av processor acting as a stereo pre amp dac at the mo,
channels spare ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Active Crossover as plugin or otherwise

2011-03-28 Thread Deaf Cat

Sorry, just to check what you are talking about, or more like do I
understand what you are talking about ;-)

Left signal from amp goes to left speaker, passive crossover in speaker
blocks off low freq's to tweeter with capacitor.. and blocks high freq's
with a coil thing.. to the woofer.
Ditto with right side.

Active crossover filters out the unwanted high and low bits before the
signal gets to the amp(s), so one stereo amp for the tweeters and one
stereo amp for the woofers, no wasted amp power...

If I understand this crossover thing correctly, I'll reading any
further comments with interest -  Very Good Thinking, I like the idea.

No passive crossovers and No active crossover, just software?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Quality of digital outs from the Squeezebox

2011-02-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Interesting reading,
cheers John :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power cords

2011-02-13 Thread Deaf Cat

Like other cables I'd try before you buy, as I found different cables
have a different effect.

I prefered a £30 solid core copper power cable to a solid core twisted
silver cord of £140, personal choice.

The silver one was too smooth and lost clarity for my ears anyway. 
Ended up with a £90 solid core copper with vibration control of some
sort, which gives the clarity I'm after and a more balancd sound across
the board than the £30 copper one.

I also found power cords affect the sound differently, dependant upon
what they are plugged into.  I found plugged into the power amp had the
most noticable effect, my system my ears ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wired vs Wireless Thoughts and Q

2011-02-08 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers :-)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wired vs Wireless Thoughts and Q

2011-02-06 Thread Deaf Cat

Have been following soundchecks thread with interest, so thought I would
try an access point to take away the wireless card operation from my

Can't get the access point to let the SB talk to the server ;-( after
many hours of frustration over 3 weekends.

Any way, just wired it today through the conservatory across the
kitchen and lounge, no one else in ;-)

Interesting, the soundstage shrunk considerably in depth, but opened
out side to side amazingly, imaging/positioning in 2d, I guess, got far
better, but lost some clarity.

Just switched back to wireless, soundstage narrowed and deepened,
clarity is back, but I'm missing the width and clearer imaging.

Easy Q ;-)

How do I get best of both worlds ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wired vs Wireless Thoughts and Q

2011-02-06 Thread Deaf Cat

Ah, I'll give Cat6 a go, who knows my head may like that better :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hifi rack: wood or glass shelves?

2011-01-03 Thread Deaf Cat

twheatley;598693 Wrote: 
 bought the atacama rack. Not sure I'm that happy - the glass seems to
 vibrate a huge amount, though not audibly. What is audible is the
 increased sibilance which is very disappointing. Also somewhat
 surprising as I'm not using anything mechanical.

Looks like the racks have points to shift vibs down to ground, have you
got the rack base points nicely grounded?

Maybe if you still have too much sibilance, try some cork, balsa, oak,
or sorbothane under your components feet, have a play before shelling
out on another rack :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB2 vs Touch Digital out, does it....

2010-11-07 Thread Deaf Cat


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB2 vs Touch Digital out, does it....

2010-11-07 Thread Deaf Cat

Cool a little tip, I like little tips to try

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB2 vs Touch Digital out, does it....

2010-11-07 Thread Deaf Cat

earwaxer9;587807 Wrote: 
 That should cure some of the leanness.
When you say some..  I'm guessing the transporter does a much better
job of curing leanness?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB2 vs Touch Digital out, does it....

2010-11-07 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers ;-)

Just read the Touch screen text is smaller than SB2... h
Better sound but can't see what's going on, Ho Hum
More reading/investigation needed I think. 

Thanks for your comments,

Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB2 vs Touch Digital out, does it....

2010-11-05 Thread Deaf Cat


After listening to a number of systems last weekend just for fun, I'm
thinking my set up is a little delicate sounding, wonderful for slow
chill out tracks, but not quite so good for in your face get up and
dance tracks.

I understand from various posts that the Touch generally sounds better
than the SB classic, but would it add a little more bite / aggression? 
Maybe even a little more solid / thicker body to music?

Cheers for any thoughts,

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 with Beresford Caiman

2009-10-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Interesting, thank you :)

I don't suppose you've ever heard a Tag Mclaren AV32r?
There is a second hand one I'm pondering upon at the moment,which I
would only use as a pre/dac with a remote.  Your new little dac sounds
very interesting, I think if it had a remote, it would definatly be
worth demoing.  Thinking of that, I guess the SB remote volume wise
could be used...

Thanks again for your review.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 with Beresford Caiman

2009-10-02 Thread Deaf Cat

Cheers, basically only thinking of it as an old good quality pre/dac for
my SB.

You may have confused things a little for me now saying how pleased you
are with the Caiman and how well it performs ;)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] TAG AV32R any experiences with SB, SB+ or TP ?

2009-06-30 Thread Deaf Cat

Any thoughts / experiences shared appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Mods to SB3/receiver in the UK

2009-06-16 Thread Deaf Cat

Views from another angle:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optimal player settings and setup

2009-05-25 Thread Deaf Cat

ermm...may be worth a quick look?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Coaxial Digital btw Squeezebox -- PS Audio DLIII

2009-05-17 Thread Deaf Cat

If you can, demo a few, just incase you hear a difference between the
different cables and prefer one to another.

I found a Chord Signature Digi Coax rather nice... my ears and my kit

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter with aftermarket power cord

2009-04-30 Thread Deaf Cat

Nonreality;419305 Wrote: 
 I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not sure if the fix was a high
 priced power cord or maybe your old one was faulty.  It would be nice if
 you could get another original to see.  I don't know how old your system
 is but if it's still under warranty maybe you could get one for free
 just to see if it does the same.  It would be interesting at least to

Hm... it would be interesting, I'm pretty sure I have an old kettle
lead in the loft, thats like a standard issue cable.  If I have a chance
over the weekend I'll have a dig around.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3+ External DAC or Transporter...

2009-04-29 Thread Deaf Cat

My 1m is a tad too short, 2m min I think, 2m not so good as 1.5?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum and Hiss

2009-04-27 Thread Deaf Cat

musicexpression - Oh I'd love it to make no hiss near max! :)
I don't suppose there are any easy to swap out internal parts that may
cause less hiss?  -  or does it come down to circuit design :o ?

Yes, the humm and hiss gets louder with volume.  In saying this I'd not
noticed background noise untill I switched power cables (linear psu for
my SB) not a huge difference by any means but enough to make me think. 
Hence, the interest to understand where the noise comes from and
hopefully make things quiter still. 

The power cable I would say was a basic (after market one) at £60, so
one would be under the impression a high end cable would make even more
of a difference..
The previous flex was soldered in, and the £60 one is plugged in, I was
thinking soldered was better than push fit, hence, I'm thinking cable

The only other things switched on are the fridge and a light, oh and
pc.  I'll test daytime without the fridge just for a short while, never

Rca's have been in and out a good number of times recently so one would
hope they are quite clean, and hopefully not getting worn out ;)

Good couple of tips, Thank you.
I'll try the power amp with no rca's plugged in, fingers crossed no
and SB straight to power amp
Ta :)

Phil - Yes I've switched between inputs on the pre/pro the hiss stays
the same. (SB digi coax in, all other imputs have nothing plugged in)

Good point! all my signal cables are will shielded.  As for the power
cables, the SB power cable I think is shileded - I'll check, the
pre/pro is not, and the power amp is.

Ah unfortunatly, due to the limited space layout both speaker cables
and IC's run next to two metal cased (earthed) transformers  -  But,
the speaker and IC manufacturer says 'don't need to worry about
interference due to the number of dielectric layers and shielding on
the cables... :)

Oh how nice it would be to have no hiss or hum at max with nothing
playing, ho hum, at least I'm giving it a shot :) 

Did you try not quite so expensive psu's to start with?

Cheers Steve and TLegs for the halogen tip, we only have halogen in the

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hum and Hiss

2009-04-25 Thread Deaf Cat


I understand it is quite normal to have a slight noise from your
speakers when nothing is playing - please correct me if I'm wrong. 
When I have my ear next to the 6.5 drivers there is a slight humm,
next to the tweeters there is a hiss.

I have a pre amp processor that has the coax input from my squeezebox,
just run in stereo, and a Power amp.  

When the pre/pro is off, power amp on, there is a slight humm, when the
pre/pro comes on the hiss appears.

I'm interested to learn as to what causes the hiss and the humm, and is
there any way or any thing that can be done to lessen them.

Many thanks for any thoughts.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter with aftermarket power cord

2009-04-25 Thread Deaf Cat

Nonreality;416699 Wrote: 
 You sound like you have a killer system but you had noise in the silent
 parts?  I have to turn my average system up to the max to hear even the
 slightest noise and even then I'm not sure.  
 A power cord (no fancy names here) made a difference?  Over the ambient
 noise in your room?  Did you have your ear pressed against the speaker?
 I'm just curious.

Na, would not call it a killer system at all, but thank you for
thinking it :)

Sitting on the listening bean bag, at normal listening volume, I would
not have called it noise in the quiet parts, I would have called it
quiet, but now, after the changes it seems to be very quite... I hope
you can follow my written thoughts.

Ooo when I turn my system up with nothing playing it's quite easy to
hear hum and hiss, maybe thats why the changes made a difference ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter with aftermarket power cord

2009-04-13 Thread Deaf Cat

A smidge adrift, OT maybe, as in, SB rather than TP.

Tinkering around at the weekend, I put an IEC socket on my linear psu,
making it easy to try different mains leads, when ever I get round to
doing so.

So, the 1.5mm stranded 3 core flex soldered directly into my linear psu
is no more, and a 2.5mm solid core 'damped' mains lead has taken its

The difference was small, but especially noticable when no instruments
are playing, gap in the tune, between tracks etc, don't know how but
the gaps in the music seem absolutly silent now..??? 

May well try another design of lead, just to see if that has any
different effect.

A while ago I found that changing leads on my power amp made a small
difference compared to changing the lead on the pre amp/processor.   

Therefore coming to the conclusion that the psu in the power amp does a
far better job of utilizing the power it gets, than the psu in the pre

IME power leads can make a difference but you need to try them before
buying them, seeing if you hear a difference, and if you like that


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Improving quality of original Squeezebox

2009-02-02 Thread Deaf Cat


I'm just starting to try to understand the working of electronics in
amps etc. and reading all this bits and bobs all helps to start filling
in, the big big picture :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What custom feet are you using for your Squeezebox?

2009-02-02 Thread Deaf Cat

An old post:

At the moment my digi cable from my SB is not long enough to allow for
any SB feet.

Power amp and psu are on Oak discs with ball bearing inserts, next on
the list to try are good old Brass spikes :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Improving quality of original Squeezebox

2009-01-28 Thread Deaf Cat

dpuopolo - would you mind, posting a pic? so the ones of us that are
interested and not knowing much about electronics and have a soldering
iron, may be able to follow a picture while not understanding the
electronic words.

Many thanks :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2009-01-01 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;377937 Wrote: 
 I've noticed a recent trend of repeated claims for FLAC vs WAV
 streaming. I think it really is about time we nailed this once and for
 all. Streaming WAV is not an option for me since the high-res
 transcoding breaks (at least I think it does - not sure with the recent
 changes in this space).

All my cd's are flac, it was a good while ago I played with streaming
flac and wav, and settled on the one which does not allow fast forward
or rewind from the remote, pretty sure its wav, simply to my ears it
was worth loosing the ff frw functions compared with the better
sounding music coming out.

Happy New Year !


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] After a little help sorting a speaker inbalance problem.....

2008-12-23 Thread Deaf Cat

Ok, I have two speakers and that's it.

Processor is listened to in stereo mode, using only main fronts L  R
outputs. No balance adjustments applied rhs is louder than lhs by
roughly 4.5db (found by boosting lhs untill vocals are central)

No balance adjustments applied.
I tried using the rear suround outputs from the processor into the
power amp in DD Prologic, it sounded terrible drop outs maybe every
second or beat - is this right?

But, the balance left to right was spot on.

Back to the main front speaker outputs, drop outs as with the rears,
sounded dreadful, and, the right was once again louder than the left.

Leading me to believe something with the front two channels within the
processor is a bit out of balance, well, from what I can work out about
4.5dB out.

Thanks to everyone for helping!!

I found placing a board behind the lhs speaker, roughly giving the same
distance from rear ports as the rhs, seems to bring the lo freq's from
the lower driver pretty much in line with the rhs once the 4.5dB boost
is applied to the lhs channel  

Therefore very basic room and speaker adjustment with a bit of a boost
on balance seems to have brought things much more in line with how they
should be

Hope above is clear and your thinking same as me

Just a bit of a worry on the internals of the processor, do you know of
anyone that may beable to fix the balance thing in the processor, or at
least check out what I think is wrong?

Many thanks again 


PS will hopefully confirm listening is pretty near normal with some
more music tomorrow

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] After a little help sorting a speaker inbalance problem.....

2008-12-22 Thread Deaf Cat

alZmtbr;374116 Wrote: 
 swap speakers left for right (or just the cabling)... sub in another set
 of speakers... verify with a set of headphones as far up that chain as
 With no signal, gently move the cones - does any of them feel like they
 are 'dragging'?
 2.2meters apart? How far back is your listening position? It should be
 near perfect triangle?  
 Good luck!

Cheers, good idea, will hopefully swap them around today if I finish
work early enough - fingers crossed. 

Had not thought about the cabling yet, will swap speakers first and see
result and then cables if need be :-)

Where would I push on the cone, towards the center? I guess not the
dome in the middle as that may dent :o 

Listening position (once I have a chair) should be pretty much 2.2m
away from each speaker, at the moment its approx 2.4m from each, I'm on
the floor against the wall.

Thanks :-)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] After a little help sorting a speaker inbalance problem.....

2008-12-22 Thread Deaf Cat

mswlogo;374170 Wrote: 
 It could easily be the room and speaker placement.
 Is by any chance the louder one closer to the corner of a room?
 I agree with the prior post. Swap it to confirm.

Ah, I would have said the less noisy one (LHS) is more in the corner
130mm from the side wall and 290 from the back wall,
however, the louder one (RHS) is 
240mm form the side and 240 from the back wall, with the preamp
standing on its side flat against the wall :o with the source psu on
top of it :o giving a gap of 100mm to the two rear ports on the rhs

I know component positioning is far from ideal, but do you think this
closeness to the rear ports will give the extra oomph to the rhs

I'll swap em over and see, fingers crossed its postitioning of speakers
and components rather than an equipment fault.

cheers :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] After a little help sorting a speaker inbalance problem.....

2008-12-22 Thread Deaf Cat

An update, that I would appreciate comments on as to if I'm thinking
along the right lines:

Before I switching the speakers L to R to test for room/speaker
positioning causing the inbalance, I tried the following with the
pre/dac balance set as 0 on L and 0 on R:

lhs speaker quiet, rhs speaker loud
swap speaker cables at power amp
lhs speaker loud rhs speaker quiet

different from yesterdays test:confused:

but going by above
- not speakers at fault
- not speaker cable at fault
- not room/speaker position at fault


lhs quiet, rhs loud
swap rca L  R into power amp
lhs loud, rhs quiet
swap rca L  R out of pre/dac
lhs quiet, rhs loud

- not power amp at fault
- not IC rca's at fault


lhs quiet, rhs loud
change digi coax source input on pre/dac from CD input to DVD input
lhs quiet, rhs loud

- possibly internal dac/pre faulty
- possibly source faulty

Going by its the first time I've used the pre/dac, I'm somewhat
concerned its that which is buggered.

Other things I should try...?
Another digital source (is the source at fault)
Another digital coax? (could these cause a channel inbalance?)
An analogue source, to bypass the dac in the pre/dac.

:( it may be my new second hand pre/dac, do you think I'm on the right

Cheers for any further thoughts,


Deaf Cat

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] After a little help sorting a speaker inbalance problem.....

2008-12-21 Thread Deaf Cat


Just wondered if you may be able to help?

I've shifted the stereo gear to the opposite side of the room, and
think I may have discovered a fault... 

The speakers, before moving, were approx. 1.3m apart and I always
thought there may have been a slight inbalance one being slightly
louder than the other but nothing too much to worry about, singers were
just slightly off center.

Now the speakers are approx. 2.2m apart and the singers are pretty
close to the RH speaker and I've had to tweak up the LH balance about
4.5dB to bring the singers to center stage. 

While sat listening, things seem ok, but get up and move around and the
LH speaker does not seem to have the same low end, and therefore the RH
speaker seems to have more welly. 

I've swapped the speaker cables at the power amp output and the actual
LH speaker still seems the same - So I'm thinking the LH speaker it's
self is at fault?

The speakers are floorstanding and have two 6 drivers and a tweeter
each. From listening I'm thinking the lower freq's come from the bottom
6 cone which seem to blend to mids listening to the upper 6 cone, hi
freq's from the tweeter.

The LH speaker still has a lower volume coming out its lower cone (once
trimed with +4.5dB) as far as I can tell, when compared to the RH

I would love any pointers as to how I may test this further to find the
problem and hopefully rectify the inbalance.

(Oh, I have listened facing away from the speakers just to count out my
ears )

Very much look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Loss from Ethernet Cable?

2008-10-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Phil Leigh;352192 Wrote: 
 Mental Note to Self
 Never - ever - resurrect an old thread
 /Mental Note to Self

Wot old Thread ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Virtual Dynamics Power 3 2000% Profit Margin

2008-09-04 Thread Deaf Cat

nuhi;336109 Wrote: 
 Because it is immoral to sell cables for these prices knowing that all
 the sonic difference is based on a placebo effect.

I for one, in some people's eyes pay silly money for cables, and, I
don't care if its placebo or a technical reality, what ever it is, it's
been well worth the £5 pcm for the last 4 years (since last cable
purchase).  Simply down to the gain in pleasure and enjoyment of
listening to music.

These purchases are throughly researched and tested, untill, I'm happy
to part with the hard earnt cash.  If the gain is not worth all the
hard work and parting with the cash, the gain comes from else where,
food ;-)

Basically I'm saying if spending cash on something that's going to
bring you lasting enjoyment, does it matter what it is?

If as you say its placebo, why has someone not invented the holiday
feeling pill for normal work days :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Virtual Dynamics Power 3 2000% Profit Margin

2008-08-31 Thread Deaf Cat

Story so far:

I have a linear psu feeding a SB via coax to an AVR200 that I use as a
dac and pre, feeding a Maia, into a couple of Ditton floor standers.
Quite a basic system to some I’ve heard but I actually prefer it to
some far more expensive kit I’ve heard, eg a Naim set up was
wonderfully open but far too top endy for me, an FMJ Arcam system gave
a wonderful sound stage but far too smooth and soft for me, hence the
playing with tweeks to see if my system can be opened up and soundstage
improved, and to my pleasure it is working  

I have no iec socket on the SB psu as I hard wired the cable straight
in, so can’t try the VDP3 on that, as of yet anyway.

A while back tried a solid silver mains cable that came highly
recommended, from its supplier, and to my ears it did fab things,
opened things right up and things sounded much better, I had no idea a
mains cable could have such an effect, no need to look further I
thought. (I found it to have far more effect plugged into the AVR than
the Maia, so that is where it stays).

Then came along and offer to try a solid core copper cable with some
sort of vibration control, via a friend’s friend’s colleague, so
history is a bit of an unknown, it looks new…to my amazement the vocals
were so much clearer, the silver cable made things smooth, the copper
seemed to give a bit more bite and clarity improved. With some tracks
using the Cu cable on the AVR, you could quite easily picture the
singer’s lips with the sound coming directly from the singers mouth
just a few feet in front of me– Cool Stuff!

The silver one went to live in the cupboard after two days, and I
bought the Cu one.

Four weeks later my VDP3 turned up, thinking a cable ½ the price of the
silver one ain’t going to sound so good.

I plugged it in the AVR which is the position in which a power cable
seems to have most effect in my system. The sound changed totally, the
bite had gone and the sound was small and recessed, not at all in the
room, the only plus was that there was more detail. 

Clearly, I preferred my Cu power cable, with bite and clarity and the
in the room feel, however, I was missing the detail I had heard in the
VDP3, put it back for its burn in period which ain’t short. It worked
out quite well, for about a month only the tv was watched, so it burnt
in without me having to listen to the, not so good, music

I then had two days working at home so had music playing all day
reasonably loud and I was quite surprised I was comfortable listening,

A couple of weeks on:

Okay, I’m listening to the VDP3 at the moment, it should have had
plenty of time to burn in by now, soundstage is nice, instruments seem
to have their own locations in 3D space, bass controlled and deep,
vocals forward and center, PRaT are rather agreeable. Very pleasant,
only thing, I like the, forward in the room sound, and the sound stage
could be set slightly more forward towards me to get the total
surrounded immersion in music I like, and have not achieved with my set
up as of yet…... but one is getting closer 

Switch back to the old solid core Cu cable:

Ah, noticeable loss in clarity and detail 
Sound stage shrunk
Pace so so much better 
Bass actually deeper but not so controlled…
Vocals so much more in the room feel 
Lack of detail is starting to grate 

Back to the VDP3
Much smoother on the ears.
Old solid core to the cupboard.

To think I was really impressed with the initial solid silver one and
then impressed more with the solid Cu core one and now even more with
the VDP3. Just shows me I’m at the beginning of what could be a long
long investigation and listening adventure, and that things you don’t
think will affect the music, can, in varying ways. 

Cool stuff!

Any one know if the other VD power cables bring the soundstage more
towards ones listing position? 

One happy Bunny 
(I have not pulled it apart though ;) )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone played with a Linn AV5103 ?

2008-07-14 Thread Deaf Cat

2 years down the line :o 

Many thanks to everyone!! for there comments.

Err don't quite know where the 2 years have gone, still have pretty
much the same set up, apart form a new power cable and 6 iso
feet.time flys a!



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Re: Virtual Dynamics Power 3 � 2000% Profit Margin

2008-03-27 Thread Deaf Cat


I believe I have a Power 3, on a boat, on its way to me, me thinks it
could be a while getting here, but when it does, I'll pitch it against
a nice solid core silver cable I have.

Sound wise ;-)   not build quality wise ;-) 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mods

2008-02-15 Thread Deaf Cat

Hay Zanash, you have a SB don't you?
Have you done anything to the insides of it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mods

2008-02-14 Thread Deaf Cat

Ta Zanash,
this sort stuff, got mine in Wicks though:;jsessionid=SZJTZKTED0TTSCSTHZOSFFQ

My psu case when bashed with a handle of a screwdriver rang quite
nicely, after sticking on the tape, it gives a dull thud, dampens
something gubbins wise in side and sounds better to me ;-)

Have not had the balls to take apart my SB yet to see if a similar
effect would be achieved :o

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mods

2008-02-13 Thread Deaf Cat

Have you lined the case of your linear psu with flashing tape?
I was quite supprised to hear a noticable difference.

Oh and an unswitched MK power point helps too :D

I have not got round to trying different mains cables yet for the psu,
but that maybe another area to try.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A Photo of your Transporter setup, Please!

2007-12-30 Thread Deaf Cat

riffer, what are those little blocks made of under all your feet :)

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