Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter EAC vs. CD audio... Throwing Down the Gauntlet !!!

2011-07-03 Thread mswlogo

Toy Maker;638339 Wrote: 
 I will also do a little testing/listening of FLAC vs. wav files vs. CDs
 in the next week or so. 
 Again, i don't expect to be able to hear a difference. But I want to
 cover all my bases before showing up unprepared, and look stupid and
 have anyone tell me see we told you CDs were better
 Approximately what % of space is saved using FLAC files over the raw
 wav files?

For someone with so many toys you seem kinda green :)

The bitstreams will be identical. The jitter may vary between devices.
The difference will likely be inaudible. Good DACs will make the
difference in jitter non existent. It's been beaten to death years ago.
You're a little late to the party.

If you use a DAC that can use an external word clock with the
Transporter the jitter will be effectively 0. I assume some CD players
can drive or use input a word clock as well.

If you use an external DAC you basically want a single master clock
running both the player and the DAC. Rather than use SPDIF and recreate
the clock in the DAC. This is the best way to use an external, but you
likely won't hear a difference with out it. If it's reasonbly good CD
player or Transporter.

FYI DBpoweramp, is so much better than EAC. They own accurateRip
(assuming you know what that means). You seem a bit hung up on EAC. You
get a bunch other nice tools with dbPoweramp as well.

I think most folks on this forum are convinced going with Music
libraries even if it was slightly worse than CD. The luxury of your
whole library at your finger tips is great. Flac rules around here for
most folks. WAV was created with Windows 3.1, much better, does error
correcting, easier to store meta data and have the space with no loss.
It can also support 24/96 (officially) as well as multi channel. You
can also setup your server to send WAV to Transporter/SB3 even if your
library is in FLAC. Silly, but you can.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-24 Thread mswlogo

DaveWr;602190 Wrote: 
 Since the actual data won't be affected, it has to be timing - jitter
 effects.  This would also mean that your DAC has poor jitter rejection
 performance.  Data integrity on all Squeezeboxes has been proved by DTS
 cinema stream data, any changes and it doesn't decode.

I am a strong beleiver in this test for gross setup errors.

But if you drop bits now and then DTS will still Decode.

I don't know the details of how DTS/DD does error receovery but I
believe it has it. I think it does things like repeats etc. to fill in
gaps where things didn't decode correctly. Or errors can be so short
that they won't be obvious.

But I have done a lot of testing in this area and recorded the bit
stream out of SqueezeBox and Transporter and the diffed the results
with the source. It's not hard to get 100% bit-perfect Datastream and
most any differences you might hear are jitter.

And I don't think jitter changes on WIFI vs Hardwired. It's nonsense.

Most good DACs will do some jitter reduction as well.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bug in Transporter Firmware 84

2010-12-18 Thread mswlogo

Mnyb;595307 Wrote: 
 That I have seen on my SB3 or boom fixed by the mentioned xilink reset
 or restart.
 Note that I do like to beta test I might have used many fw versions and
 300-400 different server versions or soo..
 Its usually a very rare bug not seen by everyone.
 Wait untill you get the hellishly distorted sound at extremely high
 volume bug ;) all ip3k sbs can get to this state, sounds like a
 crackling white noise modulated by the music you try to play, also
 xilink reset time .
 Thats one reason to always use attenuation when going directly to power
 amps (besides the obvious sonic benefits).

I've been sticking to official releases for some time now. Running
nightly I always ended up chasing my tail.

But I really wanted the AC Power fix in firmware 84.

I have never had the extremely high volume bug or crackling white noise
problem either. Maybe the bug is in digital attenuation :) I also don't
use Transporter DACs.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] . . . and then a question!

2010-12-18 Thread mswlogo

You can also install the nightly build and get firmware 85.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bug in Transporter Firmware 84

2010-12-16 Thread mswlogo

I've been running 84 for a couple weeks now. No AC Failures yet.

I went to run the system this morning. Everything seems fine,
Transporter needles bouncing along but no sound.

Rebooted Transporter and I got sound.

This has never ever happened in the couple years I've had it.

Anyone else have this issue?

Should I report a bug?

Squeezebox Server StatusVersion: 7.5.1 - r30836 @ Tue Jun 1 06:02:45
PDT 2010
Hostname: thinkpad
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252 
Platform Architecture: 586
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Total Players Recognized: 2

ControllerPlayer Model: Controller
Firmware: 7.5.1-r9009
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:1a:12:eb

TransporterPlayer Model: Transporter
Firmware: 84
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:10:0c:33
Voltage: 120


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bug in Transporter Firmware 84

2010-12-16 Thread mswlogo

Wombat;595097 Wrote: 
 Just for your info, recent firmware is 85

Oh cool thanks.

For reference, my transporter nor squeezebox in 4 years has never shown
everything as PLAYING but nothing come out. It was not frozen, if it
did that I would be less concerned. But the needles (VU meters) and
time etc. were moving along. It acted as if outputs were muted.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

It's the speakers and room stupid.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bug in Transporter Firmware 84

2010-12-16 Thread mswlogo

Wombat;595097 Wrote: 
 Just for your info, recent firmware is 85

Where did you get it, I usually get it here which still shows 84


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bug in Transporter Firmware 84

2010-12-16 Thread mswlogo

mswlogo;595141 Wrote: 
 Where did you get it, I usually get it here which still shows 84

Never mind I got from nightly build.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-12-14 Thread mswlogo

michael123;594727 Wrote: 
 good for you..

+1 :)


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter making strange noises

2010-12-14 Thread mswlogo

I've never heard mine.

But I do use knob on occasion.

Try using it a little and see if that helps.

I know there was some buggy versions of firmware regarding it (pretty
long ago now though) and I think I got my unit just after those were


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile Review II: What conclusion can be drawn from the Measurements?

2010-09-21 Thread mswlogo

You guys seem to think the difference between 17 and 18 bits is
insignificant. It can be quite large.

I agree in 24bits music most systems and ears won't hear say the bottom
5 bits or so.

But when you are talking 16 vs 17 vs 18 vs 19 bits I think you are in
an area that on SOME systems with SOME rooms with SOME ears with SOME
music this can make a large practical difference.

17 bits seems rather poor these days. But it probably doesn't matter to
folks that would use the analog outputs anyways (as opposed to a better
DAC). The DACs in my 15 year old Meridian speakers can do 18bits and
the 9 year ones can do 20-21 bits.

I believe I can hear 18bits at normal listening levels on some passages
of some music in my system that resolves 20-21 bits.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best 24/96 demo tracks?

2010-08-31 Thread mswlogo

R Johnson;573425 Wrote: 
 Suppose the SAME recording is available for download at 16/44.1 and at
 24/88.2 -- that is, a new recording produced at 24/88.2 and
 down-sampled to 16/44.1 for a CD or a download. 
 Question 1: Can I hear a difference?  Nature of difference?
 Question 2: Assuming that the answer to #1 was Yes, is it worth extra
 money for the 'HD' download?  How much money?
 I'm simply looking for sample downloads to answer those questions.  I
 want to compare  apple-HD to apple-CD not apple-HD to orange-CD.

You can test it yourself with any 24/96 recording. Just use dbpoweramp
to mix it down to 16/44 and compare it.

I can't tell the difference with my system.

Because 0dB is 0dB in 16bit or 24bit the Mixing job isn't that
different between 24/96 and 16/44. Since the top 96db (top 16bits) is
what is most critical and pretty much all what you can hear.

There is a little more room for slop with 24bit in that if it's mixed a
little too low digitally you can bring it up. Where on 16bit it's gone.

Here is a web site with some free Hi-Res stuff to play with.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Excellent Touch Review

2010-08-12 Thread mswlogo

RonM;568624 Wrote: 
 This is on Home Theater and High Fidelity.  Originally posted in the
 general discussion area.
 I have recently ordered a Transporter, from eBay.  I was nuts to do so;
 it's not clear that the TP can do anything that I need or want that the
 Touch won't do.

That review was meaningless.

When someone does some side by side measurements with a Transporter and
Touch and touch possibly wins then, you can scratch your head about your

Until then my money is on Transporter. I don't think you'll regret it
once you hook it up.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Outstanding Transporter issues?

2010-08-08 Thread mswlogo

michael123;567558 Wrote: 
 #1 The bug was fixed quite recently..
 #2 Which issue?

I do run into the overvoltage bug about once every couple months or so.
I keep checking for the new firmware release and still nothing at

I think there was an issue with highly compressed FLACs at one point.
Not sure if something was fixed or it was a If it hurts, don't do
that type of solution. I never had a problem with 96Khz myself.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

It's the speakers and room stupid.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Outstanding Transporter issues?

2010-08-08 Thread mswlogo

michael123;567587 Wrote: 
 I have sometimes general performance issues with SBS, e.g. when I switch
 album the whole system (SBS/Transporter) freezes. I have quite powerful
 system (for SBS at least) - now it is Core i5 with 320GB 7200rpm hard
 drive, 4GB RAM running Windows7 and Lime unRaid NAS.. Looks like some
 kind of MySQL lock (don't really see any bottleneck with CPU or
 In this case, I do not really know if it comes from Transporter or
 Ahh, and sometimes Transporter just freezes (very rarely). I need to
 disconnect power cable and reconnect it back, since it does not react
 to buttons on its front panel..

This sounds unrelated to the Transporter itself. Mine has been running
very smooth.


Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What outboard DAC do you use with Squeezebox?

2010-07-25 Thread mswlogo

jbc;490836 Wrote: 
 I'm currently feeding my Linn Unidisk SC a steady stream of flac files
 via toslink, and it works fine.  The performance is - to my ears - on
 par with playing the original disks in the Unidisk.  As an aside, a
 second squeezebox feeds an analog signal to an older Rotel/BW set-up
 in the kitchen/dining room, and that works fine too.
 Seeing all the recent reviews of DAC's with asymmetric (apodizing)
 filters - like Ayre and Meridian - and hearing the new Linn DS units
 makes me think there's still potential room for improvement.
 So, as a poll, what kind of outboard DAC do you use with your
 Secondly, has anyone switched from 'my' setup to something else, and
 had an increase in performance?  If so, what did you try?

I ran the Transporter through Meridian's HD621 apodizing upsampler and
to be honest I didn't hear much difference at all. Now perhaps the
apodizing upsample in the 808.3 or 861V6 or if my music choice was
different I must have different results.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Touch provide a bit perfect output?

2010-07-24 Thread mswlogo

TiredLegs;563533 Wrote: 
 Windows XP maybe, but Windows Vista and Windows 7? Bit perfect output is
 easy with the newer OSs. And what more could the operating system
 possibly do?

I have no problem getting bit-perfect out of XP, Vista or Windows 7
over USB. It's more of driver issue than anything. You must use either
WASPI (Vista/Win7) or ASIO (XP/Win7/Vista). Don't see WASPI support
much yet from vendors. My favorite unit is the TASCAM US144 MKII.
$122.00 on amazon. I've tried many.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Touch provide a bit perfect output?

2010-07-24 Thread mswlogo

michael123;564107 Wrote: 
 or Kernel Streaming.
 BTW, ASIO is good for XP, but for Win7/Vista it is outdated

May be but it works fine. 64bit too.

Don't see many apps or cards supporting WASPI.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Yet another Touch vs. Transporter thread

2010-06-29 Thread mswlogo

A friend of mine built a modest size dedicated HT. His equipment was in
the back outside the room but he wanted his DVD player in front inside.
I don't know how many feet it was, but it was a lot. But with like 50 ft
of RCA he was getting drop outs all over the place. He converted to XLR
using a Meridian 518 and then another 518 to convert back and his
problems were solved. He also tried Coax between 518's and no go. So
much for it being crap.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sound quality between wav and flac

2010-06-29 Thread mswlogo

Themis;558238 Wrote: 
 My own listening tests come to the same conclusion as Phil's ones.
 Nevertheless, for various practical reasons (and also because my SB is
 wired) I do FLAC-PCM conversion on the server.

I used to that but doing Fast Forward, Rewind and Next Song etc. all
were kindy herky jerky. With Flac it's nice and smooth. It may be
improved now since I last tried it or with a beefier server. But I
don't see any value in doing so.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bit-perfect malarky?

2010-06-28 Thread mswlogo

wayne325;558637 Wrote: 
 The cross product between jitter and communications channel duplex type
 is exactly equal to 0. I can just as well make
 an extrememly low jitter simplex comms channel as I can make a highly
 jittered full duplex channel.
 Also, simplex channels need not be
 synchronized.  The world is chock full of chips called asynchronous
 source rate converters that perform exactly the function of destroying
 creating output data to adjust the input data rate.  There is nothing
 which compels the output of such devices to have high amounts of
 And... I know all about sending source clocks from a DAC to a
 in order to reduce jitter.  Much, much better than most.  In fact, I
 I'm still the only person on this board who has designed his own DAC to
 exactly this.  However, I reiterate that sending the clock in this
 to the transport does NOTHING to reduce jitter inherent in the system.
 All it does is get rid of the SRC.  The jitter is up to the DAC
 That is, I can just as well make a high jitter clock-looped system as I
 a low-jitter SRC-type system.

By feeding the clock back you eliminate clock drift between the two
components allowing a small reclocking buffer to eliminate jitter from
the source. If you have a reclocking buffer unless you have the clock
fed back or some sort of hand shake your buffer will underflow or

I can do this between my Meridian (DAC) and Transporter. Problem is
it's a chicken or egg problem as to what rate the Merdian DAC should
run at based on the source file I'm playing. Ugh.

I'm sure one could design a low jitter one-way and a poor jitter
two-way setup. But the best way is two-way with rebuffering. This
essentially just moves the jitter problem into a signal box that can be
better managed with one accurate master clock.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bit-perfect malarky?

2010-06-27 Thread mswlogo

Yes it is.

Two way systems allow buffering and reclockling. For example a
squeezebox has no added jitter from lan or wifi.

As soon as you switch to systems that are one way, they have to
synchronized. For example SPDIF. If you broadcast the clock from dac
back to the source. You solve a lot of jitter problems. But that is
basically twoway. Another way is to buffer incoming signal, but unless
it can communicate with source it has problems.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Yet another Touch vs. Transporter thread

2010-06-22 Thread mswlogo

20bit / 48khz is about the limit of your equipment, room and hearing.

32/384 you completely discredited your review (flush...woosh...girgle


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bit-perfect malarky?

2010-06-16 Thread mswlogo

cliveb;555171 Wrote: 
 I think you are being a little optimistic. Even the Benchmark DAC1 USB
 (a $1300 device) uses adaptive mode.

It appears you are correct. I stand corrected. I can't believe these
audio manufacturers are so stupid.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bit-perfect malarky?

2010-06-15 Thread mswlogo

cliveb;554859 Wrote: 
 That is not necessarily so. USB DACs *can* operate in asynchronous mode
 (where the master clock is in the DAC and controls the transfer from
 the computer host), but many USB DACs (especially the cheaper ones)
 operate in adaptive mode where the DAC has no control over the
 transfer. It's just as bad as SPDIF in that respect (typically worse,
 in fact, because the clocks in PCs are usually less stable than those
 in digital audio transports).

Perhaps $20.00 USB DACs. But anything over $100.00 will do it async.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bit-perfect malarky?

2010-06-15 Thread mswlogo

pski;554816 Wrote: 
 Thanks. All the music is already apple lossless (which I understand IS
 compressed.) I tried EAC before setting-out but it took FOREVER. I've
 been using dbpoweramp for conversions.
 As a summary: it sounds like USB might be better than spdif because
 it's synchronous. The DAC has all three inputs. This leads to questions
 about OS USB drivers. The host is Vista and the user is wondering if a
 sound card/drivers might provide different results from the stock
 output of the PS Audio driver. (Simple: control panel/sound/usb
 Previous experience with PS Audio has been good.

Both EAC and dBPoweramp can take forever if not setup correctly. Both
setup correctly can be quite fast and accurate. That said dppoweramp is
much more user friendly to setup and default behavior is better.

Apple lossless is just as fine as flac. It's just not as popular and
not native to the squeezebox, so it will have to transcode to wav or

USB is no BETTER than PCI, LAN, WIFI etc.

You really should not be comparing USB to SPDIF it's just two
completely different things. There may be some exceptions as clivb
mentioned where it buffers on the PC. But I believe that is total cheap
crap you would not even look at.

You don't connect the SQUEEZE box to the computer with SPDIF do you?

One thing that is being mixed up a little a DAC versus Transport. I
tend to think of SqueezeBoxes or USB SoundCards or PC's as Transports.
I personally would never use any of those as a DAC.

But if you are strictly talking DAC, then yeah a good USB one solves a
lot of jitter issues becuase it's buffered up into that BOX and they
can control clocking from the buffer to the DAC.

But if your talking say a USB SoundCard as a digital transport, you
need to convert to SPDIF anyway and USB doesn't really solve anything.

You can think of a SqueezeBox or Transporter as exactly the same thing
(as the USB SoundCard if you use it as a DAC or Transport. The Wifi/Lan
is buffered and so all clocking is controlled within one box. One box
(one master clock) is the best way to address jitter. But if you use
the SqueezeBox/Transporter as a Transport then problems with jitter
over SPDIF are back again.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB hardware hangs with surround/5.1 FLAC files... Needs hard reset.

2010-06-15 Thread mswlogo

Archimago;555114 Wrote: 
 Hi guys.  No, it's not an issue with DTS surround bit streams; rather an
 issue with multichannel lossless compressed FLAC files.  These are
 accepted by SqueezeCenter/Server and show up as music to play.
 Just attached a short 30-sec 6-channel FLAC-compliant file to the bug
 report above.  It's 6 channels of a sine wave.
 Import into SqueezeCenter and you'll see that it's accepted and will
 show up in the database.  Now play it...  No sound but hardware will
 show it playing.
 Now try playing something else that should play properly. Bet you have
 to unplug the Squeezebox to reset.

Try renaming a MIDI file to .WAV see if that makes it crash too.

The server only looks at the tag information as far as showing in the
library as playable. But if you give it an unsupported file what else
do expect. Sure it could handle the error more gracefully. But creating
a whole thread for just that rather than just filing a bug and moving on
seems quite over kill.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bit-perfect malarky?

2010-06-14 Thread mswlogo

pski;554803 Wrote: 
 So: connecting a SB receiver (or other boxen) via spdif (or USB for that
 Is there really a difference between winders and OSX?
 I understand codecs and drivers are different but can someone explain
 the seeming (local) bias against winders vs apple (with respect to bit
 What about these little (and $400) gizmos that are claimed to correct
 the clocking of winders/OSX USB and convert to coax optical out?
 Duh? I'm puzzled. Mostly I'm looking at a PS Audio Digital III.. USB
 output from the computer vs spdif from the SB receiver. Outputs will be
 balanced through the preamp to the power amps. Wouldn't this box also
 properly frame the digital input?

They can all be bit-perfect if setup correctly. Both OS's have had
issues over the years and ways to address them. Not all sound cards are
bit-perfect basically because of poor driver support.

The whole reclocking over USB is a joke. USB is TWO-WAY so any USB
device should not have jitter issues getting out to that device. Jitter
comes in when it's converted to SPDIF because it's ONE-WAY communciation
and therefore it's more complicated to buffer and synchromize clocks
because you can't control the dataflow rate. A USB device is no
different than WIFI, LAN, or PCI. They will all send the data to a
buffer to be clocked out over SPDIF.

One problem on Macs I recall though is it was not easy to get iTunes
to track the data rate of the source file your playing. You had to set
the output clock rate and if it matched the source you were all set.
But if it didn't it would resample. This may have changed since I last
looked at it.

Another area that I think Windows has a slight edge is the choice of
very good ripping software EAC and dbpoweramp with AccurateRip. I don't
think accurate rip is available on Macs yet but I read it was being
requested of the popular ripping tools.

On Macs don't use iTunes to Rip and Likewise don't use Windows Media
Player to Rip. There are better tools out there.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB hardware hangs with surround/5.1 FLAC files... Needs hard reset.

2010-06-14 Thread mswlogo

ralphpnj;554658 Wrote: 
 All of the Squeezebox devices will pass through the digital data stream
 of a DTS encoded 5.1 flac file. What they will not do is:
 1) Decode any type of multi-channel stream since all the Squeezebox
 devices are only two channel.
 2) Pass through a non-DTS encoded 5.1 flac stream.
 In other words, when you rip the 5.1 data from a DVD-Audio disc what
 you get are six separate channels of data (5 plus the subwoofer
 channel) and these channels need to be encoded into a DTS stream in
 order have your Squeezebox (or Transporter or Receiver or Touch)
 successfully pass the DTS data through a device which can decode the
 DTS stream, such as a home theater receiver. Basically there is an
 extra step involved which requires using DTS encoding software such as
 Surcode DTS. You may also be able to encode the 5.1 data into a Dolby
 Digital stream but I haven't tried doing this so I'm not sure if that
 will work.
 Just for the record, I have encountered the same problem you described
 and I was able to resolve it by using a DTS encoder.

You can extract the ENCODED DTS/AC3 bitstream that is already on 99%
of all DVD-A's. It's described in the WIKI how to do it. It's a bit of
work and works fine. I have a ton of them and they sound extremely
good. It's silly to reencode the lossless DVD-A channels into DTS
yourself. What's on the disk already is done by a pro and it will
likely sound better and a heck of lot easier.

If you throw an illegal file format at the SqueezeBox/Transporter (i.e.
a 5.1 FLAC) and hang don't expect it to get very high priority. But the
DTS/AC3 encode bitstream embedded in a 2 channel Flac has worked
perfectly for years.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Duet + dacmagic or squeezebox touch

2010-06-11 Thread mswlogo

depends on your decent stereo system and how it's hooked up to it,
analog or digital and if your decent stereo system has a true analog
path through it.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Duet + dacmagic or squeezebox touch

2010-06-11 Thread mswlogo

tomasito;554220 Wrote: 
 Hello Rhalpnj,
 Your advise is good. You are right I will go first with the touch.

If you are hooking up digitally to your decent stereo I doubt you'll
notice a difference.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: No more bug fixes in firmware

2010-06-03 Thread mswlogo

Bug shows it was fixed in version 80. How can it be in 80 if 80 has been
published for a while? Wouldn't it be 81 if it was just fixed? Is 80
part of nightly build?


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: No more bug fixes in firmware

2010-06-02 Thread mswlogo

michael123;552489 Wrote: 


Do you guys have experience plugging oil wells?


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter versions

2010-06-01 Thread mswlogo

RonM;552255 Wrote: 
 I am contemplating a transporter, and have access to a couple of models.
 The current part number is 930-12, according to the Logitech
 website;  I could also obtain one with p/n 930-53.  
 Anyone know what the difference is, if any?  Odd that the higher number
 is the older unit, maybe it's for a different geographic market. 
 Product info makes no reference to Win7, though.

There is two colors. That's all I'm aware of and there may be a part
number with that packages it with a Duet Controller.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-31 Thread mswlogo

cliveb;551849 Wrote: 
 Phil, I think you've misunderstood what Mr_Sukebe is saying. He is
 saying that he hears differences in output *from the same DAC* when
 using different SPDIF sources. So he's not comparing one DAC to
 That said, I remain unconvinced that jitter is the cause of these
 differences. Too many people say that there are only two things that
 can possibly distinguish digital sources: the bits they deliver, and
 the jitter. Not so - there are two another possible sources of
 difference that I can think of:
 a). The EMI radiated by the devices which can affect the operation of
 other nearby analogue circuitry.
 b). Grounding topology which may allow noise to transfer between the
 ground planes of devices. On unbalanced devices, the ground plane
 becomes part of the signal (in that the actual signal is in fact the
 difference between the signal and ground). Therefore if there is any
 noise on the ground plane it gets interpreted as signal. (*Perfect*
 shunting of the ground plane to earth is of course impossible).

You points on A and B are correct. But you'd have to have one really
F'd up setup for those to occur (and have cables significantly change
it). I have tons of Meridian boxes and never found a digital cable to
make any difference.

I've done similar experiments that I posted and recorded the signal
right at the digital tape output of 861 to assure data was perfect from
rip to processor.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-30 Thread mswlogo

Themis;551675 Wrote: 
 You are talking about the SPDIF receivers, not the dacs, surely ?
 Please allow me to respectfully disagree to your above assumption. As
 you are not talking about jitter anymore, what are you talking about,
 exactly ? ;)

I'm talking about how robust SPDIF communication is. And if you have a
Good DAC (that buffers/reclocks - many do) it doesn't matter what you
use for an SPDIF cable (TosLink or Coax).


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-30 Thread mswlogo

Themis;551675 Wrote: 
 You are talking about the SPDIF receivers, not the dacs, surely ?
 Please allow me to respectfully disagree to your above assumption. As
 you are not talking about jitter anymore, what are you talking about,
 exactly ? ;)

Better yet. Why don't you read the actualy thread I explained myself in
rather than read it here out of context.

I replied to this thread with a LINK to that because someone asked if I
had posted information about some testing further up in this thread.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Toslink vs Coax SB3 vs Reference [bits are bits (+ Jitter)]

2010-05-29 Thread mswlogo

See the test at the bottom.

The RMAA test is actaully less important than the work I did to
actually diff the results. The Recorded files and the files I hand
trimmed are included.

I used a non 75ohm cable (because I was too lazy to dig one up) and for
one test I used a CO2 converter to convert TosLink to Coax.

Note there are 2 types of jitter.

Peak to Peak and Clock Drift.

The Meridian FIFO (or similar buffering in good DACs) will get rid of
100% of peak to peak jitter.

A cable could change peak to peak jitter but it can't effect the clock
drift jitter.

So with a Meridian system (or a DAC with similar buffering) a digital
cable should make ZERO difference. As well as TosLink vs Coax will make
no difference. It also tells me SpeakerLink (a new Meridian connection)
should make no difference since the DSP Speakers have FIFO dejitter as
well and should eliminate cable differences.

I was a little concerned the DTS Test was not 100% reliable, in that
DTS does handle some errors. I had in the past recorded my own test
wave forms and compared them bit for bit using a wave form editor. But
this test is much more extensive and verifies it's not that hard to
transmit every bit over SPDIF. All that is left with a Good DAC is
effects of clock drift.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-29 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;551440 Wrote: 
 If you are recording and diffing s/pdif you will never see jitter.
 Jitter will only manifest post-DAC (assuming decent, working equipment 
 - which you do have!). For jitter to manifest pre-DAC it would have to
 be so severe as to change the bitstream - which we all know it doesn't
 in the SB2/3/TP/Touch devices.
 All the evidence available points to the conclusion that the Touch and
 TP are pretty much perfect deliverers of s/pdif to a DAC...

I know that, but some don't seem to believe it. SB3 is a perfect SPDIF
deliverer too (both toslink and SPDIF). CO2 converts perfectly and
TASCAM records perfectly. All that is left is jitter. And if your DAC
buffers/reclocks that gets rid of all peak to peak jitter.

So people must have really bad DACs if they can hear differences
between toslink vs coax and this cable or that.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to fight clipping due to high (recorded) volume?

2010-05-27 Thread mswlogo

TiredLegs;550952 Wrote: 
 That must sound like a jet engine or something. I don't see how it could
 sound like music.

There is no way to tell how bad it is from a birds eye view with
Audacity. Audacity will mark full scale peaks red. You really have to
zoom into a few areas to see how bad the clipping really is. It doesn't
look promising that hits full scale that often but you really need to
look closer to judge.

You need to read the redlines as possible clipping.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to mono L R balanced outputs

2010-05-26 Thread mswlogo

I suspect this thread applies.


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DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-25 Thread mswlogo

My guess is it will sound fine until you suddenly lose lock.


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DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-25 Thread mswlogo

Don't get me wrong I love my Transporter.

But it's had the over voltage problem since I bought it (couple years
now) and it's a simple firmware bug that has not been fixed.

I would not buy one today unless this bug was fixed.

It does not happen often, but would you buy a car that just quits on
you in the middle of highway once a month. Even though it runs fine the
rest of the time and starts right back up. What would your passengers

Absolute sin.

Just buy a touch. It will be supported for a while.

As far as digital differences I doubt you'll hear any difference. I
didn't hear ANY difference going from SqueezeBox 3 to Transporter using
an external DAC.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-25 Thread mswlogo

michael123;550404 Wrote: 
 I was asked this week for some comments via bugzilla for this specific
 bug, there is a hope it will be fixed (for 7.6?)
 btw, I did hear the difference between SB3 and Transporter... 
 Flat sound of SB3 was the reason it migrated to the bedroom and I got

They are both absolutely 100% bit perfect (TosLink and Coax, Wifi and
Wired). I've recorded the SPDIF on both and neither will miss a bit.
Only difference may be jitter. But as dicussed elsewhere a good DAC
will take care of that.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Touch vs. Transporter digital output (again)

2010-05-25 Thread mswlogo

michael123;550424 Wrote: 
 With my audiolab 8000AP it did not sound well.. anyway, there are huge
 differences in construction of SB3, Touch and Transporter.

Yes construction is different. most of Transporter's construction is
for beefing up it's analog section.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-25 Thread mswlogo

nicolas75;550428 Wrote: 
 Well, no need to get angry :-)
 I am not an hardware guy, and I am far more aware of the problem you
 have with old piece of software much less efficient than modern ones.
 I thought that taking advantage of modern hardware instruction set,
 over obsolete one, could be very useful for a hardware designer to make
 more efficient and reliable products.
 I know that it is true for some embedded systems much more critical
 than sound processing.
 I am not a DSP hardware designer, so if you are, and are positive it is
 useless in this case, I can easily accept it :-)
 Let's stop this off topic discussion :-)

Here Cirus Logic's Audio DSP's (no 64bit)

Here is TI's (no 64bit)

Here is Freescales (which now includes the Motorola line)
They even have quad core 16bit chips.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-24 Thread mswlogo

nicolas75;550220 Wrote: 
 Unusual advice, Igor Levin from Antelope is talking about the benefit of

Sounded pretty good until he mentioned a 64bit Processor. When ever I
hear that I know it's a B.S. sales pitch rather than a technical pitch.
The most significant attribute of a 64bit Processor is much memory it
can address. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-24 Thread mswlogo

nicolas75;550229 Wrote: 
 I don't fully agree.
 I do prefer a Windows 7 x64 over a x86, even if I use few memory.
 Modern OS are more stable and efficient in 64bit than in 32bit.
 If someone want to build a PC with a processor which is not a 64bit
 one, I wonder which OS you will install on it ...
 (nowadays all PC processors are 64bit, even if you stick with a 32bit
 OS, I doubt any 32bit processor is still supported).
 No idea if there can be some analogy when you develop a Dac.
 But I guess that available material which are not 64bit may well be
 obsolete ones ...

How windows behaves in 64bit vs 32bit is totally irrelevant.

All this means is you bought into the 64bit buzz word he used to
impress you. Because people associate new and more stable with it.
Which has nothing to do will a totally controlled embedded DSP
environment. It could be a 8-bit processor and be just as effective and
stable a solution.

It would be like my saying my 3.0L engine rides smoother than your 2.0L
engine. What does engine size have to do with how smooth the ride is.
Now for a particular car line a certain model with 3.0L may be
associated with a more luxury model (in your mind or the puclics mind)
than the 2.0L.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-24 Thread mswlogo

nicolas75;550294 Wrote: 
 I don't think so.
 It is because I have to use and develop applications for x64 et x86,
 both Windows and Linux.
 So I am quite aware that the amount of work for maintaining both
 versions results in the fact that the main version is more carefully
 tested, reliable, and efficient, than the obsolete one you have to
 maintain because of those who still use it.
 I think that for Windows, the process of replacing x86 by x64 really
 started with Windows Vista, and that now, with Windows 7, the massive
 adoption of x64 starts.
 (step already done with Mac OS by the way)
 Until now, when you were looking for a driver, x86 drivers were the
 main ones (Windows XP x64 was almost not used) and x64 version of the
 driver not always available.
 It is clear that now, drivers will be develop for x64, and x86 obsolete
 versions will be derived from the x64, and will not be the priority.
 I can easily imagine that the hardware process is the same.
 I don't think x86 processor is still correctly supported by a recent
 Who still use an Intel 486 in a computer today ?
 If someone tell me that in his new product, he replaced an Intel 486
 with a modern Intel x64 processor, I wouldn't say he is telling
 marketing bullshit, I would wonder why on earth that was not done
 If you just want to save small text files, a 3.5 floppy is enough.
 Anyway I am happy to use usb key instead, and have not used a floppy
 for years ...
 Is that only because of buzz and marketing bullshit ?

Stop comparing Desktop/Server OS's to Embedded DSP. Apples and oranges.
If someone was selling a Desktop or Server. Sure I'd want to hear 64bit.
But that's NOT what we are dealing with. We are dealed with embedded OS
or custom OS processing audio in real time. Who gives a crap of it's
64bit or 32bit or 16bit. As long as it does what it's supposed to do.
Does that mean it will have less jitter? Does that mean it will have
less errors? Does your 8bit, 16bit or 32bit embedded DSP systems crash
more than a 64bit? It means absolutely NOTHING in embedded DSP world.

They don't use Intel x86 or x64 desktop chips for embedded Audio DSP.
Sorry, hate to clue ya.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Volume controlS questions???

2010-05-22 Thread mswlogo

Mnyb;549774 Wrote: 
 OT :
 It's been interesting to see mswlogo measuring the G98 (as I have one)
 I strongly suspect that it is an connection between it's hybrid volume
 control, and the setup when you calibrate it with your RS spl meter .
 It's seems to use some course analog gain steps then using a digital
 volume control for the finer steps.
 I suspect that it chooses where to use it's big analog steps based on
 your calibration, thus giving every G68 owner an OK gain scaling even
 if you are unaware of the problems.
 But anyhow I,m still using the gain on my power amps so that I crank up
 the G68 at it's higher levels, this would still give slightly better
 But I'm still using passive speakers, so I have bigger fish to fry re
 ultimate performance ;)

G68 does not do anything special in calibration for analog setups(which
is good). I ran a specific test for that. See meridian wiki page. For
dsp speakers calibration does case issues.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Volume controlS questions???

2010-05-22 Thread mswlogo

Ikabob;549831 Wrote: 
 So, totally bypass the pre-amp.  That is an option I never thought
 about. I'll give that a thought. But I have an am/fm radio into pre-
 amp to amp...and a DVD player.

Use the preamp for daily adjustment. Leave touch on Max.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 2.0 vs 2.1

2010-05-22 Thread mswlogo

ghostrider;549854 Wrote: 
 Sorry I didn't post more detailed info. My speakers are floorstanders,
 Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1's. They are 4-way, with 2 carbon fiber
 midrange drivers that roll off at about 150hz. The woofer takes over
 there down to -3db at 34hz according to the specs. I'm driving the
 speakers with an NHT amp with Icepower modules that's rated at 200wpc.
 The 10 woofer also has a second voice coil which I drive with a 240wpc
 Gallo subamp, which allows me to adjust phase and boost by channel. A
 lowpass filter is also provided and I have it set at 40hz. This extends
 the low frequency performance to a theoretical 22hz. I live in a condo
 and my living room is 24x16.
 I've skimmed the referenced article and it's rather deep for me...Q
 factors, forth order slopes? I'll have to go over it again in more
 depth this evening.
 Also, my source is a Transporter and I run the analog outs to a Pioneer
 Elite receiver, which I'm using only as an analog direct preamp, no
 digital signal processing turned on.
 One of the issues I'm concerned with is stereo bass. Does the fact that
 most of the bass is coming through a dedicated subwoofer produce an
 altered soundstage?

I doubt a sub would help. But the main reason for subs is their
flexibility placing them where they will perform well in your room.
Quite often where your mains are may not be the best place for low
frequencies to be delivered from. It's more of a room issue than how
big your mains are in knowing if you could use a sub or not.

I personally tend not to like subs. I love having 5 (almost) full range
speakers. It's all about moving air and spreading that out within the

If you did add a sub I would consider 2.2 rather than 2.1


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to fight clipping due to high (recorded) volume?

2010-05-21 Thread mswlogo

Mnyb;549426 Wrote: 
 This Matrix stereo downmix is a feature of the DVD-A system it -should-
 work , hmm maybe time to drag out my copy was it Brothers in Arms ?
 Normally you only use this if there is no Stereo track on the DVD-A .
 technically these downmix works but artistically they could be
 It's a course method compared to a real engineer doing a real stereo
 mix from the 24 track or what it was.
 This of-course depends on how the 5.1 was done and what is in the other
 4.1 channels and how much of the other channel are used in the matrix.
 The matrix downmix of Brothers in Arms sounds ok to me, maybe there
 are smart ways to make the matrix downmix ok.
 I wonder what audacity reports a clipping most of these are when the
 sample actually hits full 24 bits not a flatline between several
 So I say it is points where you should suspect clipping. Is it really
 clipping if a single sample hits the full word length, to know this you
 must have knowledge of how it locked like before AD to see if in fact
 the transient should have been  a little bit louder the software can
 not have this knowledge.
 If it's a flat between several samples it is very likely that it is
 And also being the hit song of the album  Money for nothing sounds as
 it does the hit's is always a hotter mix brothers in arms looks much
 better for example . But Money for nothing is a very benign example of
 for the kids out there ;) in the beginning of the loudness war it was
 common practice that only the hit song(s) should sound like crap , not
 all songs like it is now.
 I like this album, it is better than you remembered I just skip Money
 for nothing 50% times i listen to it and walk of life 100% of the

There are multiple clip detectors in audacity. One allows you to set
how many consecutive full scale bits before flagging it. If there is
approx 3 or more consecutive bits full scale then you can be pretty
sure it clipped since real peaks are not flat.

That's why I say 95% of the clipped peaks in Brother In Arms are not to
worry about. As the just brush full scale. But some are clearly chopped

There may be some stuff built into DVDA for playing/extracting 2
channel. But the way he did it post processing a 6 Channel Rip won't be
assisted by anything to do with DVDA.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Added DUET Headphone Jack to RMAA Tests

2010-05-21 Thread mswlogo

Not bad except for a problem at a couple frequencies.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the Transporter anyway?

2010-05-21 Thread mswlogo

earwaxer;548797 Wrote: 
 Very good indeed! IMHO. I just replaced my fuse with a good German
 silver variety. The sound has improved on each iteration. Sure I could
 use more power. Probably the Wyred 4 sound integrated amp would give me
 that mid and base punch I am looking for from my maggies. Thats ok. The
 sound through the ethernet connection is VERY good! Much better than
 the wireless. I would be hesitant to go to ANY USB interface at this
 point. I would have to hear it first. Forget about 24bit 96khz. I have
 a fair amount of 24bit downloads. Not a big difference at all. 16bit
 sounds great through the Transporter. Isnt that what its all about? The
 CD's that we now have sounding great! I have a $15 25ft ethernet cable
 and it sounds fantastic. Could I go that long with a USB? Probably not.
 Call me a nut! I am not convinced that USB has an edge at this point.
 synch or non synch.

$15 on ethernet cable for audio !!

Try a Monster Ethernet cable and you'll really be in for a treat.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to fight clipping due to high (recorded) volume?

2010-05-20 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;549272 Wrote: 
 Michael - I'm not sure, you need advice from a Behringer owner.
 Are you boosting any frequencies or just cutting?
 For example, if you were boosting by 6dB at 500Hz, you need to lower
 the overall behringer level by -6dB (at least, this is how my TACT
 Replaygain will be applied before the Behringer, any gain changes in
 the Behringer are (obviously) applied... in the Behringer. In both
 cases they are pre-DAC, so you will have a very small decrease in SNR -
 but I bet you wont hear it.
 Actually, Replaygain will try and keep your replay levels at
 approximately 89dB... so in theory you should have plenty of headroom
 for EQ.

You would think the Behringer would automatically add headroom if it
thinks it needs it.

I would set Behringer flat and only attenuate a few hot peaks.
Sometimes less is more. Lot of experts say don't go for flat. It won't
sound that great and it's impossible to achieve anyway.

I'm a little confused though. If you are using Behringer in the
transporter processor loop then you are only dealing with 2 channels.
If you are only dealing with 2 channels then something had to mix the 6
channels down to 2 channels. If that's what you are doing I would look
there. Often when you mix multichannel down to 2 channel it won't sound
the best. It's very hard to do well. Are you letting a squeezebox plugin
do that?

I tried the mix down of Brother In Arms using DVD Audio extractor and
it looked quite good as far as clipping and compression goes. But I did
not try listening to the mix down.

If you are limited to 2 channel you might just try the CD side. It may
sound better than mixing down the Hi-Res MultiChannel. It's nice when
DVDA disc has a 2 channel 24/96 track but most don't.

If you are mixing down, I suspect that is what's making it not sound
the greatest and not the actual clipping or what every you have
beringer doing.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-20 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;549300 Wrote: 
 It is simply NOT possible to emulate Jitter in DSP, since jitter is a
 phenomena that occurs in time intervals that are less than one sample
 duration, and there is no way in DSP software to manipulate such
 things, since the basic unit of work for DSP is a sample

I was thinking that too. But the smallest unit of work in DSP is 1bit
not one sample :)

So you could emulate single bit misreads in DSP.

But I'm not sure if other audio aspects of poor jitter kick in long
before a bit misread.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to fight clipping due to high (recorded) volume?

2010-05-19 Thread mswlogo

michael123;548965 Wrote: 
 I opened Money For Nothing (FLAC) from Brothers In Arms (DVD-A), and
 using Audacity/Find Clipping found a lot of fragments..
 Running sox on the server is an option, but I do not want to do that
 for high-rez files, it will be very heavy
 BTW, some other DACs know to overcome this..

Don't confuse minor (I said MINOR) clipping. With an over compressed

Many DVDA's and CD's have minor clipping. And Audacity will flag
them. If you look close at them they are like 0.01dB (most of the
time). For just a few samples (small amount of clip for a small amount
of time). This will not cause harm.

What is a MUCH bigger problem is over compressed discs. Which Brother
in Arms DVD-A I don't belive is. I have not examined Brother in ARMS
MLP tracks in audacity but that album is very good (in my opinion). I
won't crank up over compressed discs because they just plain hurt to
listen too. But that DVD-A I do crank up.

Quite often over compressed discs also have lots of clipping. The more
important thing to look at is RMS levels.

You are confusing Peak Loudness vs Average loudness.

Here is an excellent article on it.

You can easily have a very overcompressed disk that sounds horrible and
have no clipping clipping at all.

If it has serious clipping that data is lost. If it's overcompressed
you can actually do some decompression to make something more

Check out the post from Dan W on the second page of this thread. I
never did get and answer of how he repaired it but he used Adobe
Audition. I suspect other tools out their like audacity can do dome
expansion as well.

I also show an excellent recording in that thread on the first page
where audacity flags it it with clipping.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to fight clipping due to high (recorded) volume?

2010-05-19 Thread mswlogo

I had a look at Money For Nothing DVDA and it probably does cross the
line a bit in clipping but not in overcompression. 95% of the clipping
is really nothing, the peaks are just brushing the limit and getting
flagged. But there are a few peaks that clearly cross the line. The
track is so loud and busy at those points though, you probably would
never hear it. When listening to it, it sounds quite good though.

I don't think reducing it 2dB will solve your problems. But I don't
know how digital equalizers work and if they add headroom for eq
adjustments or what. But depending on how they work a track that really
pushes the limit (and occasionally crosses it) may cause some issues.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-18 Thread mswlogo

SoftwireEngineer;548679 Wrote: 
 Folks, please dont say nobody knows better. I am a CS/EE major and a
 major skeptic. First off, please understand what jitter is. Here is my
 summary - a CD needs to be played exactly (will come to the recording
 later) at 44.1kHz. But we cannot control this frequency exactly. It
 varies and that too at very high frequency. Like for example - it is
 44.10001Khz now and 44.0Khz in another millisecond/picosecond. DO
 you get the picture ? Is that distortion ? I do not know but it is not
 an exact reproduction of the waveform. Now can you hear this ? I have
 been using a Panasonic Digital Amplifier Receiver biamping my
 silverline sonatina speakers. So in my case, there is no dac, no class
 A/B amplification and associated distortions. My sound quality is
 directly related to the digital input quality (I think). And now if I
 change digital cables, sources (like digital modded SB3, Duet, modded
 oppo, Philips 963sa, Behringer SRC2496) I hear a difference. What do
 you think is at play ? 
 (Same goes for the recording, you need to sample at exactly 1/44100
 second intervals. So you cannot get rid of the jitter in the recording.
 One of the reasons some people insist on LP as the best source, because
 they are not satisfied with the best digital playback).

Sounds like you need a better DAC. Most advanced DACs these days will
buffer up the data and reclock it out internally. I would not consider
Panasonic exactly an audiophile brand. Yes you do have a DAC.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SqueezeBox 3 Analog Out added to RMAA Tests

2010-05-17 Thread mswlogo

I'm not sure anyone with the same test equipment has tested Transporter
and SqueezeBox 3.

I did not do another digital attenuation test, but you can compare both
running at Max Volume using both 16bit and 24bit to get some idea the
difference in performance.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-14 Thread mswlogo

It's not easy to simulate with data because the jitter talked about is
typically much less than one sample width. One CD sample is 1/44100
seconds where people debate differences in 100's of pico seconds
1/10. It's totally ridiculous. You could simulate massive
jitter in the data.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The sound of jitter

2010-05-14 Thread mswlogo

Actually my numbers were off quite a bit. I was forgetting it was serial
and 2 channels. So my guess on sample clock rate compared to jitter
numbers was 2 orders of magnitude off. But still pretty far from 10s of
pico seconds.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;544662 Wrote: 
 Ah. I think we are at cross-purposes here.
 The test method I am using is:
 1) generate the test file in RMAA (you only need to do this once)
 2) play back on SB device using SBS and...
 3) record analogue output from SB device into soundcard (RMAA is not
 involved in this step)
 4) use RMAA to open and analyse recorded file 
 The calibration file is not required for any of this. It is used for
 speaker testing.

Ah !! I was wondering about doing it that way but didn't think it
should matter if RightMark analyzes Live or analyzes a recorded wav
(that I just recorded Live) should be the same. RightMark basically
records it and then analyzes what it recorded.

I'll try it that way.

However doing everything I've done does work Live. Except playing WAV.
It's also the only path that reports calibration levels are distorted.

If your not doing calibration file. How do you know you have the levels
set right? You eye balling clip lights during the Test?


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

See the new thread I created with test results for Transporter and

The Wav to Wav worked.

I just ignored the calibration thing (which works fine in most cases).

I adjusted gains each time until the recording was full scale. Lot's of
trial and error. I think if I did the same with Live it would have
work too. But my levels were wrong with the broken live calibration

Should be nothing wrong recording live vs to a wav file. It's the same
thing. RMAA just records to a file behind the scenes first and then
analyzes. This would work on squeezebox too. It's just pain in the butt
to get levels right with no calibration signal.

It's also odd when driving Meridian live spdif it was squeaky clean.
And I could never get that close playing a test wav through transporter
to Meridian. Should be the same.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil, they ALL have hybrid volume control.


With or without driving DSP speakers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

I did the test the way phil suggested. And resukts were worse. So bad
that the -24dB analyze could not find sync pulse.

I understand why you want to do it this way but I think It's not

You are stressing the ADC on sound card but not stressing the sound
card peeamp gain.

The way I did it I'm feeding similar levels to ADC but I'm stressing
the input gain preamp on sound card. I believe the analog circiuts are
more stable

What I'm looking for is regardless of how good your analog side is or
gain what does the DAC lose by shifting it's bits lower. Note that
folks that use it as volume have Full gain on analog side.

I figured out good test really see effects of digital attenuation that
removes effect of preamp input gain on sound card but still give same
levels to adc on sound card.

Test the test signal and attenuate it by say 12dB digitally. Record it
at full scale as best you possibly can. Fine tuning everything.

Now switch how you attenuated. Put digital back up to 0dB and attenuate
in analog by 12dB.

Preamp gain stays the same (may need a tiny tweak). Levels that reach
adc will also be the same.

The only difference is how we attenuated. This exactly what we want to

I ran the test but have not had a chance to post it yet.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
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XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

The generated Calibration file is junk it's way over clipped.

Here it is if I record it Digitally which looks correct

I think it may look at the capabilities of your sound card to generate
it and it's screwing up.

Could you email yours? Both CAL and Test

mswlogo AT hotmail


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;545190 Wrote: 
 Well you are Mr. Meridian, but that big knob on the front right hand
 side of the G68 is definitely a DSP Volume Control :-)

It is not all DSP and it is not all Analog. It's both. But it has
Analog in there.

Quote from any old Meridian data sheet. The output level of the system
can be controlled remotely or via the front-panel knob which controls a
proprietary hybrid digital/analogue volume control – a design similar
to that used in the 800 Series and DSP 8000.

I'm not starting a thread with that discussion here. Your welcome to
discuss it on Meridian forum if you wish.

The Meridian may be doing better than a typical analog Preamp because
of how it's Volume works.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Gotta read all the details.

Of course Volume is at Max.

TASCAM analog input is perfectly fine if I drive it through SPDIF it
The FLAC file is perfectly fine is I record it on SPDIF out of

I don't think you know what a TASCAM is. It's an external card and has
analog trims and clipping lights. I can set the levels exactly right.
I'm also using the Pro version of RightMark with ASIO.

Every end works fine (SPDIF, WAV, Analog) except just one combo just
Playing the WAV file vs driving SPDIF should be exactly the same. Only
difference is who derives clock. When SPDIF driven TASCAM derives clock
(who so happens to have the ADC to Record) for WAV TRansporter derives


Transporter SPDIF to Analog Works
Merdian SPDIF to Analog Works
Transporter SPDIF to SPDIF Works
Meridian SPDIF to SPDIF Works
Transporter FLAC to SPDIF Works
Transporter FLAC to Analog Fails
Transporter FLAC to SPDIF to Meridian to Analog Fails


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DSP5500HC, DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;545178 Wrote: 
 Yes - this why recording in 24-bit is important and changes my results
 (improves them).
 I am reducing the level into the ADC (no make-up gain) so the ADC LSB
 noise becomes more significant - and of course there is less of it at
 I'll do a test with fixed Touch output and changing gain on the card
 just to be certain.
 Does the G68 have an analogue volume control? -  I thought it was 100%
 DSP/no analogue?

There is analog components in the Meridian Volume in both their
speakers and preamps.

Testing just the Transporter and trying to keep levels up then moves
how good the input preamp is on the SoundCard into the test results.
But my guess is the Meridian Volume and TASCAM input Preamp both have
less issues than the ADC in the sound card.

I have to think carefully the implications of using 24bit (for
recording). But that may reduce effects of the soundcard ADC (allowing
it to run the best it can).


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;545153 Wrote: 
 So how exactly are you doing the analogue level reduction - which
 Meridian item are you using? ... you seem to have a lot of it :-)
 RMAA uses normalisation to address exactly what you are doing by
 re-recording - to get an accurate apples-to-apples comparison. Even if
 you get to within 0.1dB it will still normalise during the test.

G68 Volume control.

By the way it seems to make a significant difference on how close I get
to 0.1dB. Again the larger the dynamic range you record the better the
ADC can do. It's all the same argument again. Keep things as wide and
near full scale as you can for both DACs and ADCs to pefroam their


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: No more bug fixes in firmware

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Thank you thank you thank Andy :)

Happy Transporter owner.

Now can you fix that over voltage falses please !!


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

I stand corrected on the Actives.

I did not realize there are 3 flavors of crossovers. Passive, Active
and Digital.

Unlike others I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong on something.

Thanks for the correction.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;544644 Wrote: 
 I've sent you the 16/44.1 test file generated by RMAA...
 The calibration file (calibration.wav) is not used in the tests we are
 discussing here...

You use the calibration file to set the levels !!


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

I understand what you are saying.

I've used REW (all live) and it is extremely fussy of always
calibrating levels for everything.

When I use Live Testing with RMAA (which in many cases works fine) the
software requires you calibrate levels for each test.

But the results may be a little more stable doing what you suggested.

I'll give a go.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: No more bug fixes in firmware

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

andyg;545509 Wrote: 
 Is there a bug filed for that issue?

Here is the bug, including the suggested fix by Sean !!


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: No more bug fixes in firmware

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

funkstar;544673 Wrote: 
 I don't think they can. The firmware contains the drivers for the
 wireless which can't be opened, and then you have the SDK cost with is
 something like $10,000.
 Good idea, but not going to happen.

Who needs wireless.

Is that the Xilinx SDK?


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter: No more bug fixes in firmware

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

They should put firmware in the public domain for the old platform if
they are not going to maintain it and more.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

By the way one thing I'm really puzzled on with RMAA is I always get
better Dynamic range results (96dB) when it directly drives SPDIF from
TASCAM. Versus when playing a Flac/Wav and letting Transporter drive
SPDIF I get like 93dB. These, in theory, should be the same.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;545483 Wrote: 
 If that's true - and I can't/don't want to argue it either way as I
 don't have any Meridian gear and you do - I'd love to know exactly how
 it's implemented in the processors. The speakers I understand. All I
 have is the datasheets you pointed me at (I've read a lot of them!) -
 and they mostly don't explain HOW things are implemented. A block
 diagram would be really helpful. I'm now fascinated by this from an
 engineering perspective - you have piqued my curiousity to the extent
 that I am now pouring over datasheets for equipment I will never own
 Have you ever tested the G68 s/pdif outputs into your Tascam? Any level
 reduction there must be done in the digital domain.

Yes I have. SPDIF volume out of G68 to DSP speakers is fixed. One issue
though is Speaker Calibration is done digitally. If I reduce volume by
calibration then SPDIF goes down. If I reduce by Master Volume it's
fixed on SPDIF.

I agree a lot of us Meridian owners would love the gory details. A lot
is from some folks more knowledgable than I. Some is from older data
sheets. Some is from folks talking to folks at Meridian. Some on our
forum. The DSP Speaker doesn't change anything in this regard.
Meridian does not reinvent the wheel when they discover something. Like
their new Apodizing Filters are in speakers and preamps, their
upsampling is in speakers and preamps, their volume control is in
speakers and preamps. It's repackaging the same technologies. Think of
the G95 you looked at as just being inside the speaker. DAC, Preamp and
Amp all on one box. Like I said ealier biggest difference in DSP Speaker
are they do the crossovers digitally.

You can actually hear signature clicks at certain points of adjusting
volume on both Analog setups and DSP Setups. If it were pure digital
attenuation. You would see a similar reduction in dynamic range when
turning level down via G68 volume knob vs turning it down on
Transporter knob measuring the same DAC at the same levels on the same
sound card. Very different results. That's because transporter is JUST
digital attenution, which we know sucks.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

andynormancx;545238 Wrote: 
 Given that the DSP6000, DSP5500HC and DSP5000 appear to have purely
 digital inputs, how can the volume adjustments made by the G68 be
 anything else that done digitally ?

It sends commands to the DSP Speakers over a serial port to each
speaker to adjust it's own preamp. Twin cables run to each speaker, one
Serial/one SPDIF.

How do think you would control volume if you hooked a CD player direct
to a DSP Speaker?

Gosh, Meridian sure has confused the average audio enthusiast.

The biggest difference is really that Meridian keeps it digital longer,
which allows crossovers to be done digitally. So there are 3-4 Channels
of DACs, Preamps and Amps in each speaker. This allows for much smaller
amps because the crossovers don't eat power in heat dissipation as
passive ones do. And each amp can be tuned for their frequency range.
They also have DSP code to calibrate for driver behavior to get the
response they want. And a bunch of other cool tricks.

But they would never do 100% DSP Analog Volume (a.k.a. Digital
Attenuation), who would ever do that !! Oh never mind, forgot what
forum I'm on :)


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Here is a boat load of tests.

Not all perfect by any means, but gives a good picture of how the
TASCAM, Meridian and Transporter behave. I may do some over.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;545217 Wrote: 
 Yes that is weird - s/pdif should be s/pdif!
 Unfortunately I can't try this with the Touch as it lacks a digital

If you run a good external DAC you can.

Drive the external DAC with SoundCard (run by RMAA) SPDIF and Measure
external DAC output.
Drive the external DAC with Touch SPDIF and Measure external DAC

I need to triple check things though.

But looping both Transporter (which can operate as a DAC) and G68
(Basically my External DAC) I get 96dB-ish even on analog.

But when ever I play a FLAC/WAV I get 93dB-ish.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

By the way there is 4 ways to run.

1:Live Play - Live Analyze
2:Live Play - Record to Wav - Post Analyze
3:Pre generate Wav - Play Wav - Live Analyze
4:Pre generate Wav - Play Wav - Record to Wav - Post Analyze

Your suggesting #4 which I will try. I've done 1,2,3 on spdif to spdif.
I've done 1,2,3 spdif to analog. Except #3 fails to analog. Still


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;545214 Wrote: 
 Well as I said you're the Meridian expert, but if I wanted to buy one
 I'd be guided by their datasheets - which seem pretty clear:
 Rotary DSP Volume Control?
 All the manuals and reviews I can find online state the same thing.
 Also the G68 has no analogue pass through or direct mode so there
 are ADC's on all analogue inputs and DAC's on all analogue outputs...
 I can't find any mention of this hybrid mode.

Correct. Meridian has no analog pass through. Everything analog into it
goes through ADC (I'm not using any ADC here). That doesn't mean is has
no Analog components for Volume Control.

I just quoted one from the G95 datasheet (which is an inexpensive unit
compared to G68). Meridian has been doing the same hybrid volume for
15-20 years in just about everything.

Just to be clear. I'm not connecting analog outputs from Transporter to
G68 and treating that as Analog.

Here is the G95 data sheet that calls it hybrid. It's not a hybrid
mode. Don't read that as a Hybrid Digital/Analog Preamp. It's not.
It's the implementation of Volume control has digital and analog

Meridian marketing folks will give it a new name with every product.
But's the same thing in all of them.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

Don't read too much into absolute dynamic range differences between two
tests. I think if was more patient with levels. I could have brought
the Meridian up a tad. I got better at as I went along.

The Merdian has less effect than the Transporter. Both are pretty small
but they do exist.

My Conclusion. Personally I'd never use it on anything. But Replay Gain
would be pretty small (-12dB/+6dB). But as Volume control which typicaly
needs more range, never in million years would I personally us it.

The is the Meridian Test adding digital attenution with Transporter and
Bringing Levels back up with Analog knob on Merdian and remeasuring
leaving TASCAM fixed.

The is the Transporter Test adding digital attenution with Transporter
and Bringing Levels back up with Analog knob input Gain on TASCAM.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing Transporter for Digital Attenuation (Take II)

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

I keep rerecording wav until the max peak is exactly -.1dB

If rmaa is designed to renormalize then, I agree we are just factoring
in and out different pieces of hardware.

The two analog tests end up being the exact same test. Because 98 - 24
= 76dB on analog knob and 0 on digital. And 86 - 12 = 76dB on analog
knob and 0 on digital. Are the exat same conditions. So they perfectly

I never had to touch tascam for this set of tests once calibrated. And
all recordings peaked close to -.1dB. 

It's two different starting points though. One pair I'm at 98 and want
to get down to 76dB two ways. One by analog the other by digital by the
same amount (24dB). And just measure the difference. The other I'm at 86
and want get down to 76dB two ways. One by analog the other by digital
by the same amount (12dB). And measure that difference.

Your method of testing is equally factoring in the ADC performance of
the sound card into the results.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 0db distortion?

2010-05-12 Thread mswlogo

0dB should be squeaky clean.

All the tests I did are basically a full scale test signal in.

This one specifically shows it's pretty clean at 0dB.

Are you referring to SPDIF out or analog out, the tests above are
unblanced analog out (RCA). SPDIF out is bitperfect.

You can also play with my DAC resolution Tests. Which despite people
thinking they are useless. I found two problems with my WinAmp
configuration with. One was 24bit is explicity shut off. Another was
Replay Gain was on and without Replay Gain Tags it defaulted to -6dB.

Any decent system today should be able to hear 18-21bits.

If you can't hear at least the 17th bit, something is WRONG !!


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

darrenyeats;544251 Wrote: 
 Exactly, thanks Phil. I think even with analogue boosting each crossover
 band, which is best case, you're still left with DSP EQ in-band -
 shifting bits down (in some or perhaps much of the frequency range) -
 as you say.
 Edit: I have said all this already but I'm not complaining. In fact I'm
 pleased that someone else has looked at it and come to similar
 conclusions - it means that I'm not going crazy! LOL.

You guys are willing to grab at anything to explain this.

I guess you missed the transporter test that doesn't exactly trounce
the squeezebox, does it? Only slightly better.

But I'm sure that's f'ked up too for some reason.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

darrenyeats;544251 Wrote: 
 Exactly, thanks Phil. I think even with analogue boosting each crossover
 band, which is best case, you're still left with DSP EQ in-band -
 shifting bits down (in some or perhaps much of the frequency range) -
 as you say.
 Edit: I have said all this already but I'm not complaining. In fact I'm
 pleased that someone else has looked at it and come to similar
 conclusions - it means that I'm not going crazy! LOL.

You guys are willing to grab at anything to explain this.

I guess you missed the transporter test that doesn't exactly trounce
the squeezebox, does it? Only slightly better.

But I'm sure that's f'ked up too for some reason.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing of Transporter using Digital Attenuation

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;544219 Wrote: 
 Here is a similar test using RMAA on a Touch with a 16/44.1 RMAA
 generated test tone file...
 Note that whilst the Touch is slightly noisier than the TP (but not in
 a way you can actually hear!) it has less distortion. This is probably
 showing the difference of the TP PSU vs the Touch and the diference in
 DAC chips and output circuitry.
 I'm using a soundcard whose ADC outperforms (less noise/distortion) the
 one in the other test - so this isn't an apples to apples comparison and
 no conclusions on Touch vs TP can be drawn.

And it still shows for a 2-bit Shift you lose almost 1-bit of dynamic
range. In my book that's a huge loss for a modest change.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing of Transporter using Digital Attenuation

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

cliveb;544233 Wrote: 
 Interesting. The spikes are quite clearly a 60Hz fundamental plus
 harmonics. My initial assumption was that it is some kind of mains
 frequency breakthrough.
 But you say it's to do with the software, which confuses me. What
 possible software issue would create this effect?

Good catch. I'll try to locate it. I hate unbalanced analog it's so
susceptible that. I bet if I used balanced it would go away.

Doing a different test with the exact same rig (in unbalanced analog as
well) on the Meridian it's much cleaner. But there is 60hz bump.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;544274 Wrote: 
 erm - I'm not trying to explain anything...I'm trying to get to the
 bottom of why you feel it so important not to attenuate anything
 digitally at all in YOUR setup, whilst other people (including me) have
 no issue with the concept, because they can't hear anything very bad
 I'm pretty certain it isn't because you have golden ears or magic
 equipment or voodoo recordings!
 I'm doing some experiments with Omnia Sel Temperat from Carmina Burana
 - this is an incredibly quiet redbook recording, with a peak level of
 If I'm following you correctly, any attenuaton of this track would
 decimate it?

Thanks for trying.

Please stop saying nobody else hears it on their setup as well. There
is at least half a dozen folks that jumped in along the way and said,
Yup I hear too on my system, and always use Max.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

Phil Leigh;544274 Wrote: 
 erm - I'm not trying to explain anything...I'm trying to get to the
 bottom of why you feel it so important not to attenuate anything
 digitally at all in YOUR setup, whilst other people (including me) have
 no issue with the concept, because they can't hear anything very bad
 I'm pretty certain it isn't because you have golden ears or magic
 equipment or voodoo recordings!
 I'm doing some experiments with Omnia Sel Temperat from Carmina Burana
 - this is an incredibly quiet redbook recording, with a peak level of
 If I'm following you correctly, any attenuaton of this track would
 decimate it?

Thanks for trying.

Please stop saying nobody else hears it on their setup as well. There
is at least half a dozen folks that jumped in along the way and said,
Yup I hear too on my system, and always use Max.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] DAC Resolution Test and Don't EVER use Digital Volume Control

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

darrenyeats;544295 Wrote: 
 mswlogo, I was looking for that but I couldn't find it. Can you send a
 link please? Edit: found it in related thread.
 Too? Has someone claimed something else is f'ked up?

Actually it just may be. But willing to admit errors unlike some

I plan to run it with better unbalanced cables and making sure they are
no where near AC cables (which I have all shielded) and I'll try to run
it on balanced as well. I normally don't run analog on anything. Only
place is within my DSP speakers.

The Soundcard and Laptop were all on battery power. And other tests
using that setup were much cleaner. I should have noticed the 60hz. But
it was late.

I doubt it's the transporter. So I suspect the analog cable picked it


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing of Transporter using Digital Attenuation

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

darrenyeats;544311 Wrote: 
 Ah this is what you referred to on the other thread! Thanks.
 Again, assuming this is accurate, the degradation is non-linear like
 with the SB. 2.1db down on the first 12db of attenuation, then a
 further 8.1db down on the next 12db of attenuation. Of course much
 lower loss of dynamic range per db of attenuation and, as predicted,
 yet more non-linear. But I'm surprised the results don't show a much
 lower loss of dynamic range overall.
 I don't understand the -6db column. Is the dynamic range really worse
 at -6db than at -12db? That looks incorrect - or maybe I
 Was a 16 bit signal used for the test?

I agree. It behaved oddly. That 60hz noise may be causing issues.

I plan to run it on balanced. But I need to pickup a cable.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing of Transporter using Digital Attenuation

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

darrenyeats;544379 Wrote: 
 I'm interested in a 16/44 signal, personally.

It was 16/44. It's in the Report.

I will run 24/44 as well.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing of Transporter using Digital Attenuation

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo

darrenyeats;544386 Wrote: 
 Do you mean Sampling mode: 16-bit, 44 kHz? I assumed this was the ADC
 mode, not the digital signal that is input.

Live in and Live out. It's both. All testing was Live in and out.

There is only one data rate setting Per Action (Record/Play, Record,
Play). I used Record/Play.

I was also not sure if RightMark assumes it's always paired since it
behaved that way when they are tied together (i.e. live in and live

I think this is what they mean by loop back mode.


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Strange behavior testing with RightMark Audio Analyzer

2010-05-07 Thread mswlogo


TASCAM US144 MKII, MKI, and EMU 0404 (all similar devices) using ASIO
Meridian G68

What works.

If I Test My Meridian driving SPDIF from TASCAM and Recording Analog
out with TASCAM it looks pretty clean. One small bump at 60hz. Normal

More importantly Calibration Test passes.

If I Test Transporter driving SPDIF from TASCAM and Recording Analog
out with TASCAM is looks pretty clean. Max Volume. One small bump at
60Hz. Unbalanced. I did not do Volume test again with better cables and
carefully routing unbalanced away from any power cords. Because I want
to understand why a WAV won't work first.

More importantly Calibration Test passes.

What does not work:

Then I do the exact same test on Transporter but instead of Driving
with SPDIF. I play a .WAV file with test signal.

Calibration Test says signal is distorted.

I verified I can Play a WAV file on PC out on SPDIF and Analyze it from
another PC recording it SPDIF. Got perfect results as expected. So I
know the WAV procedure works.

My balanced inputs on TASCAM don't seem to be correct level sensitivity
to try balanced outputs on Transporter.

I think it has something to do with clocks. When I drive the TASCAM (or
EMU) the Clock from SPDIF output of TASCAM is used for the ADC of Analog
coming back.

I even tried using the internal clock of the TASCAM to drive clock on
Transporter. I know this was clocking it. Because no data was actually
going over it and if I pulled it everything stopped. Also if I changed
RightMark to 88.2 the 44.1Khz the song Transport was playing played
double speed.

So I can record the analog great if driven by SPDIF directly. But I
can't record it (and pass calibration tests) if it uses it's own
internal clock.

If I run the test anyway it's total junk.

The exact same thing happens if I record the Meridian Analog while
Transporter plays a file.

I can record the file digitally out of the Transporter and it works
perfect as expected.

Since one side is analog you would not think clocks would matter. But I
think they do.

I'm curious how folks tested SqueezeBox and Touch with Right Mark.

I tried 16/44, 24/44 and 24/88. All the same thing.

Oh, if I play a DTS file on Transporter Meridian will decode it.
Nothing is mucked with. To SqueezeServer and Transporter it looks just
like a FLAC with a WAV in it. If Volume is changed from 100 it will not

But just in case I wiped SqueezeServer install and reinstalled
(including all settings).


XP  Cat5  Transporter/DuetController  SPDIF  Meridian G68  DSP6000,
DSP5500HC, DSP5000
XP  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF  Meridian DSP5000
XP  Cat5  DuetReceiver  SPDIF  Meridian G91  DSP5000

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (

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